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Diary of adaptation of a new employee by day example. Special personnel adaptation program

Transferring to a new job is always associated with great anxiety and stress. This does not depend on the experience, skills and qualifications of the person.
How to correctly draw up an onboarding project for new employees and implement it, about the goals of the project and the features of the development, read the material below.

Example and features of a personnel adaptation program in an organization

The adaptation program is an induction plan. It is needed to establish a unified process for adapting to new conditions in all companies. Experts say that an employee finally “acclimatizes” only after a year of work in a new place.

The most difficult period for a beginner is the first three months. Often this period coincides with the probationary period. If the project is drawn up correctly, the period of “acclimatization” of personnel at the enterprise can be reduced to six months.

The implementation plan for a new position must have the following characteristics:

  • The roles of all those involved in the process are clearly defined;
  • The project is carefully planned;
  • Its content is very clear.

Structure of the onboarding program for new employees

Onboarding new employees consists of two parts. General and individual.

a common part - designed to formulate something general idea about the organization, features, working conditions, the team, etc. Includes familiarization with the workplace, personal acquaintance with all employees of the organization, and a conversation with management.

Individual part - as a rule, it is drawn up by the direct manager, then it must be agreed upon with the head of the department and the head of the personnel department. Includes an onboarding plan, an assessment plan for the position, and the appointment of a supervisor.

10 days before the end of the probationary period, the employee’s report on the work done for the entire period is sent to the HR department. Besides, individual plan with reviews and ratings from the curator and manager.

Purpose of the program

Mainly, a personnel adaptation project in an organization is necessary so that there is a clearly established procedure for hiring new employees. The most important goal is a simple and quick introduction to the business, familiarization with new responsibilities, the charter of the enterprise and the team. A properly drawn up plan minimizes errors, reduces initial discomfort, and increases the employee’s skill level already in the first week.

Features of developing an adaptation program

There is no specific algorithm for compiling a program. The document should be focused on the specifics of the company. What unites them is only the content of several stages and similar goals.

Who is responsible for preparing the program?

The onboarding plan for new employees is usually drawn up by the hiring manager together with management, however, in some companies, this is done by the managers themselves. Often they only draw up a plan for the onboarding of a new employee; this relates more to the individual part of the program.

The project involves:

  • Supervisor;
  • HR specialist;
  • Curator;
  • Applicant for a vacant post.

The adaptation plan at the enterprise should be applied by:

  • Head of departments;
  • Head of directions;
  • Human Resources Department;
  • CEO;
  • Curator.


If the plan is drawn up correctly, the result will not have to wait long.

  • Costs during the period of introducing a newcomer into the work process will be minimized;
  • Staff turnover will be reduced by 20%;
  • The new employee will develop a feeling of satisfaction with the work process;
  • Waste of time from management and other specialists will also be minimized.

Sample onboarding program for new employees

The adaptation process consists of 4 stages. Each of these stages involves solving certain tasks, each of which is assigned to a specific participant. A personnel adaptation project in an organization can be drawn up based on the example below.

It is worth noting that the procedure for adapting new personnel at a company is not regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Adaptation of personnel in an organization is the adaptation of the company and the employee to each other. The employee is faced with new tasks, working methods, he is surrounded by unfamiliar colleagues, and he needs to get used to new conditions. The process of personnel adaptation in an organization is not always regulated. Not all employers consider it necessary to develop a system, finance it and take experienced employees away from work in order to make it easier for a new employee to get into position. Nevertheless, the adaptation of personnel in the organization must be carefully worked out, which will avoid costs associated with dismissal, search, selection and hiring of personnel

Types of adaptation

The adaptation process can be of the following types:

Primary adaptation the period of introduction of a new employee who does not have work experience and communication experience in the work team. Most often these are young employees, graduates educational institutions different levels, young mothers who have just returned from maternity leave. It is more difficult for these candidates to adapt to the team and quickly start working effectively.
Secondary adaptation the process of introducing a new employee who already has work experience. He knows how communications take place in an organization, what a workforce is, and what stages need to be completed when starting activities in a new workplace. They tolerate this process more easily than beginners. Candidates who change positions in a company sometimes move to another city. This is also a specific type of adaptation.

In addition, there are also other forms of personnel adaptation, which are divided depending on the focus of training.

Basic forms of adaptation

The organization of work on personnel adaptation should cover not only the professional activities of the employee. It includes the following forms:

  1. Social adaptation – It assumes the adaptation of the individual in society. This type consists of the stages of introduction into a given environment, studying and accepting the behavioral norms of society, as well as the interaction of a particular individual with this society.
  2. Production adaptation– the process of including an employee in a new production sphere, his assimilation of production conditions, labor standards, establishing and expanding relationships between the employee and the production environment.
  3. Professional adaptation – mastering the work process and its nuances. Output professional qualities and skills.
  4. Organizational adaptation– Based on familiarizing the employee with the job description and understanding the place of his position in the organizational structure of the company and his role in the production process.
  5. Psychophysiological adaptation – In this case, we are talking about mental and physical stress, as well as working conditions at a particular enterprise.
  6. Socio-psychological adaptation – are characterized by the newly arrived specialist’s entry into the team and his rapid acceptance of the immediate social environment.
  7. Economic adaptation – Economic adaptation means the adaptation of a new employee to the level of salary and the procedure for calculating it, since each organization has an individual procedure and features of material remuneration.

Goals and objectives of personnel adaptation

The main goals of this procedure are the following:

  • Reducing initial material costs. The new employee has not yet learned his workplace and responsibilities, so in the initial stages he will not be productive enough, which will inevitably lead to costs.
  • Reducing staff turnover. In a new place, a newcomer will feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable, so appointment to a position may be followed by quick dismissal.
  • Reducing the time spent by management and other employees, since adaptation and work carried out according to a clearly defined plan saves time.
  • Formation positive attitude to work, feelings of satisfaction with their new position.

The tasks of adaptation to a new job are performed by a special unit or a separate specialist. In order for an employee to become a full member of the workforce as soon as possible, the following must be carried out:

  • Various courses and seminars are conducted. These events address complex and controversial issues of addiction new position and in the new team;
  • Conversation between the manager and mentor and the employee. It can be carried out individually with the employee, where all issues of concern will be considered.
  • Short courses are provided for management positions;
  • Increasing complexity of tasks due to the growth of professional skills;
  • For better adaptation, a new employee may be given various social tasks that are one-time in nature.

Basic methods of personnel adaptation

Let's look at the main methods in table form:

Mentoring Experienced workers advise a new employee and bring him up to date
Trainings and seminars Training a new employee in communication skills, oratory how to behave in stressful and unexpected situations. As a result, the employee will perform his duties more productively
Conversation A personal conversation between a new employee and the manager, the HR department in the process, through which he can get answers to questions that arise.
Special programs These programs may include various role-playing games, trainings that will help strengthen team spirit and cohesion.
Excursion When using this method, a new employee gets acquainted with the history of the company, structural divisions, territory, its employees and corporate culture.
Questionnaire After completing the adaptation period, the employee is asked to fill out a feedback questionnaire
Certification, testing, corporate events, etc. All these methods are aimed at making the new employee feel that the company needs him, he can do it, and at the same time his productivity increases.

All methods can be used both in combination and separately for the most productive results.

In order for a new employee to quickly and effectively become a full-fledged part of the team, it is necessary to carry out certain actions and activities. The optimal option is to create a personnel adaptation program in the organization. It includes the basic steps that are taken to involve the employee in the process. In this case, priority is placed not only on his work responsibilities and production standards, but also on the psychological and social aspect. This is due to the fact that integration into a team is an important, and sometimes decisive, part of development.

What could a personnel adaptation program be like at an enterprise?

The personnel adaptation program at the enterprise is usually drawn up on the basis of the relevant regulations. The latter prescribes general order actions and regulates the main aspects of this issue. The program is created for a separate case, that is, it becomes a practical embodiment of the situation.

It is possible that the company does not have provisions on personnel adaptation. However, this does not mean that an appropriate document cannot be drawn up. In this situation, it is more difficult to compose it than if there is a basic part. There are three main aspects to consider when drafting:

  • clear structuring and sequence of actions;
  • language that is clear to understand;
  • defining the roles and responsibilities of each participant.

That is, in order for the adaptation program for new employees at an enterprise to be effective and practically useful, an appropriate program should be drawn up. Experts indicate that such a document is drawn up in two parts.

The first contains general aspects and is similar to the stated provision. The second indicates certain plans that are carried out to achieve the objectives. In total, such an order is calculated for a period of several months.

Some argue that full integration of a new employee takes place within a year. It is indicated that well-designed planning helps reduce this period to six months. However, in practice, only the probationary period is usually taken into account.

Social program for personnel adaptation

A personnel adaptation program is being developed based on the job responsibilities of the new employee. In this case, its primary or secondary integration is taken into account. In the first case, it comes to involving the employee practically from scratch.

In relation to the work process, the main priority of integration becomes the achievement of the production rate of a full-fledged employee. To do this, a plan is drawn up that involves a gradual increase in current indicators, as well as methods for encouraging and motivating the employee.

A separate aspect is the social program for personnel adaptation at the enterprise. Establishing contacts and connections with the team plays an important role. The better an employee feels at work, the less likely he is to leave. To socialize an employee, the following steps can be taken:

  • a mentoring scheme in which an employee is introduced into the general system;
  • mutual assistance and support of the group or individual curators;
  • assignment of certain tasks that are associated with the team;
  • holding joint events, both inside and outside the work process.

These methods are intended to create conditions for maximum comfort for the newly arrived employee. Their achievement is no less a priority than the professional growth of the employee.

Special personnel adaptation program

A special personnel adaptation program at the enterprise covers individual employee training. That is, after the general plan has been carried out, a special one can be used. Most often it covers the following issues:

  • determining the functionality of the unit and the employee himself so that he understands his role in achieving common goals;
  • an indication of the standards and obligations, as well as the liability that follows for violation of certain regulations;
  • reporting according to current production;
  • social regulations and rules of behavior in a given group.

If the employee adaptation program is completed and the results are not fully achieved, special measures may become necessary. This usually concerns the need to improve the employee in certain issues - conduct additional training to improve professionalism or an interview to overcome social withdrawal.

Personnel adaptation program using the example of a company

The adaptive integration plan for a new employee at an enterprise is best considered using a step-by-step example:

  • the first stage is preparatory and precedes the employee’s going to work - the HR department calls him and clarifies the necessary questions, prepares a workplace and relevant documentation for review;
  • at the second stage, the employee enters his position for the first time - here he becomes familiar with the basic working conditions, with his immediate superior, the team, and complete information is provided on all issues;
  • during the first week, the third stage of integration occurs - during this time, an assessment of the newcomer’s competence is made, a personal plan for professional training is drawn up, and basic contacts are established within the framework of the work process;
  • the fourth stage can be considered final - the employee is surveyed, his professional abilities and socialization are assessed, and if necessary, additional measures are taken to achieve standards.

Such an integration process requires an appropriate attitude from all its participants. Therefore, a clear indication of responsibility is required; without it, it will be difficult to implement the plan in practice quickly and effectively.

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What employee adaptation programs will show excellent results in modern conditions, why traditional adaptation programs in organizations do not always work - more about this in the article.

From the article you will learn:

How to create an onboarding plan for a new employee

The employee labor adaptation program includes methods that allow a newcomer to acquire skills, knowledge, habits, and master stereotypes that will help perform work functions as efficiently as possible. Social adaptation implies rapid integration into the team, assimilation and acceptance of corporate culture. Find out how so that newcomers remain

Download documents on the topic:

The adaptation program for a new employee traditionally includes:

  • visit seminars and courses, designed to adapt newcomers, taking into account the specifics of the organization’s work;
  • conducting individual conversations between the manager, mentor and employee;
  • conducting specialized courses for quick training of mentors;
  • organizing intensive short-term courses for specialists who are taking up their positions for the first time;
  • the use of techniques for gradually complicating the tasks assigned to beginners;
  • carrying out various assignments aimed at interacting with all members of the work team;
  • trainings;
  • role-playing games using situations that arise every day in the workplace.

If a company widely uses mentoring, training, short-term intensive training methods, but does not provide an individual approach to the younger generation, staff turnover is observed during the adaptation period. Young professionals submit their resignations, citing the fact that reality did not live up to their expectations. Find out how to develop taking into account the specifics of the work and individual characteristics

What modern techniques should be included in the employee adaptation program?

What to include in a social adaptation program

Budding rationally include a plan social adaptation. Methods that allow a beginner to acquire skills, knowledge, habits, master stereotypes that will help perform labor functions as efficiently as possible, and rationally leave traditional ones.

Another important condition: the buddy and the newcomer must have something in common besides work. For example, graduate from one university or school. Then the buddy and his charge will immediately have a topic for conversation. Of course, it is important that the person assigned to the role of buddy belongs to the same generation as the newcomer, and is also sociable and responsive. An employee who is withdrawn and uncommunicative will not be suitable for such a role. Find out how on April 1

Include training for buddies in your employee adaptation program and make it clear that they should not teach newcomers how to work. Explain to future buddies that their task is not to ensure the growth of professionalism among newcomers, not to take care of their career, but to advise on current organizational issues:

  • where to apply for and receive a pass;
  • who to turn to for advice;
  • how to sign up for the section;
  • how to submit a request for office supplies;
  • where do IT specialists sit;
  • How to submit a request to troubleshoot problems with the printer.

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The onboarding program for new employees should include adaptation measures, time and persons responsible for carrying them out officials.

Adaptation measures include

getting to know the company

familiarization with the documents regulating the work,

training in working with specific software products and equipment,

passing tests to new employees based on the information received .

If an employee is assigned a probationary period, then it makes sense to include in the list of adaptation measures

agreeing on a work plan for the probationary period, and


Getting to know the company, perhaps the most well-known and understandable component of adaptation. It involves providing newcomers with information about the company's history, business, mission, vision and goals. Some enterprises have entire historical museums, many companies have websites where anyone can get acquainted with such information, manuals for newcomers are also distributed, and there are visual presentations of employing companies. If your company does not have any of these funds, it is enough to tell the person in a few words when the company was created, what the specifics of its business are, its main achievements and plans.

It is imperative to familiarize the new employee with the organizational structure of the company, at least with that part of it that he will need an understanding of in his work. The employee must receive information about the location of departments, the names and methods of contacting employees with whom he will need contact in the performance of his official duties.

It is very important to personally introduce the newcomer to those employees with whom he will interact directly. If remote collaboration is expected, it is also advisable to inform employees about the new colleague, and tell him about them.

There are also very simple, but very significant “everyday” information that an employee must certainly become aware of from the first day of work. These include the location of the dining room, kitchen, toilets, rules for using the refrigerator, access control, etc.

The second group of adaptation measures is familiarization newbie with documents regulating his work.

The Labor Code requires that the employee be familiarized with local regulations legal acts(hereinafter - LLA) of the organization before signing the employment contract. Mandatory legal regulations are the Internal Labor Regulations, the Regulations on Personal Data, and the Regulations on Remuneration. Employers also have the right to develop other legal regulations, for example, Regulations on Trade Secrets, job descriptions, etc. As a rule, familiarizing a new employee with documents that have the status of LNLA is the responsibility of the employee responsible for processing the hiring process. This procedure makes a significant contribution to the adaptation of employees to a new place of work, but it hardly makes sense to include it in the adaptation program, since it is clearly prescribed labor code and is part of the hiring process.

At the same time, in most organizations there are documents that do not have the status of legal regulations, but rather strictly regulate labor, for example, descriptions of business processes, work instructions, key performance indicators, etc., as well as unofficial documents providing additional benefits for employees , for example, Regulations on preferential purchase of goods, etc. Familiarization with such documents is included in the adaptation program. It also makes sense to include in the program a repeated and more detailed familiarization with official legal regulations that are directly related to job responsibilities employee, namely, with a job description, Regulations on remuneration (if it provides for a bonus scheme depending on key indicators), etc. The person responsible for familiarizing a new employee with such documents is, as a rule, his immediate supervisor, since it is he who is most familiar with the specifics and performance indicators of a particular position.

The list of documents that a newcomer must familiarize himself with will be different in each organization. But despite the specifics of companies, this list should include all provisions, regulations, instructions, and reference books that directly relate to the work of a new employee.

The third block of adaptation measures is training in working with corporate electronic software products: corporate information systems, electronic document management systems, specific versions of commonly used accounting programs (1C, etc.), systems for describing business processes. Spontaneous acquaintance with such tools in the process of work without prior preparation is fraught not only with stress for beginners, but also with mistakes in information systems that they can do. Considering the rather high complexity of such programs, you need to understand that even an experienced PC user needs some time to master them, and reserve a sufficient period of time in the adaptation program exclusively for this task.

Immediate managers, HR specialists, and information technology department specialists may be responsible for training in software products.

If your work uses special equipment (for example, scanners, headphones, etc.), it is advisable to include training in how to use it in the list of adaptation measures.

It is important not only to provide new employees with all the necessary information and train them, but also to get feedback from them, check how much they have absorbed the information provided and acquired the necessary skills. The fourth block of activities serves this purpose - passing tests. Of course, the word “test” sounds somewhat alarming and strict, and you can replace it with any other that suits the meaning. But the essence must remain: it is necessary to understand how successfully the newcomer has assimilated the information necessary for work. This can be done in a casual conversation, during the process of observing the work of a new employee, or in the form of a test with tickets and practical tasks. The form of verification depends on specific conditions; it is important to plan time in the adaptation program to monitor the newcomer’s mastery of the most important documents and skills.

If the employee has a probationary period, then the adaptation program can include such procedures as approval of a work plan for the probationary period And monitoring the implementation of the work plan for the probationary period. An employee’s physiological and social adaptation to a new place of work and professional adaptation, that is, inclusion directly in the work itself, occur simultaneously. Properly organized completion of the probationary period is the key to successful professional activity in a new place and adaptation in general. Therefore, we consider it advisable to include in the adaptation program activities related to planning and monitoring the results of the probationary period.