Abstracts Statements Story

What is holding back the development of professional and public accreditation? Professional and public accreditation of educational programs: secondary vocational education, higher education, further professional education Professional accreditation.

A turning point in the development of independent audit of education quality and independent accreditation educational programs It was 2013, when the law “On Education in the Russian Federation” came into force, many provisions of which consolidate the positive experience accumulated by the educational community in the field of independent assessment and public accreditation.

Although public assessment of the quality of education existed before, it was not adequately recognized by the state. For example, the Association of Engineering Education of Russia (AEER), created in 2002, has been engaged in public and professional accreditation of educational programs of technical universities since its founding. Independent assessment of the quality of education was not reflected in regulatory documents until the adoption of Federal Law No. 293 in 2010, which, among other things, established that a certificate of social and professional accreditation can be attached to an application for undergoing the state accreditation procedure. However, this did not produce any real effect - the fact of independent accreditation of educational programs was not taken into account during state accreditation.

The new federal law on education for the first time defines the state-public nature of management of the education system. For the first time, this system includes independent assessment of the quality of education, public and professional-public accreditation of educational programs (Article 89, Part 2). Thus, independent assessment and accreditation tools have received state recognition along with state system management and monitoring of the effectiveness of educational organizations.

The law clarifies the previously used terminology: the concept of “professional and public accreditation of educational programs” is proposed - in fact, a synonym for the widely used term “public and professional accreditation”. The option proposed in the document - for clarity of understanding - should be considered more preferable. Thus, the concepts of “public” and “professional-public accreditation” are separated. The difference between them is determined by Art. 96 law:

  • “public” accreditation can be carried out by public organizations - for example, Russian and foreign accreditation agencies - based on their own criteria;
  • “professional and public” accreditation can be carried out by employers, their associations and organizations authorized by them on the basis of professional standards and labor market requirements.

Institute of accreditation in the system Russian education has almost twenty years of history, and today several areas of accreditation can be distinguished.

State accreditation educational organizations (since 2013 - accreditation of educational activities according to educational programs), initially conceived as a voluntary procedure for recognition by the state of the level of compliance of the quality of the activities of an educational institution with established indicators and the compliance of the educational programs it implements with state ones educational standards, since 2005, has been mandatory for all educational organizations wishing to issue a state-issued education document. According to the current Regulations on state accreditation of educational activities, it is carried out regarding educational programs for compliance with educational standards. In other words, the state, through the mechanism of state accreditation, controls compliance with the minimum level of requirements for the implementation of the educational program set by the standard. There is no talk about measuring the quality of training of specialists (bachelors, masters); in the existing methodology it is presented nominally - in the form of assessments of current performance, residual knowledge, and final qualifying works.

Public accreditation educational organizations by public organizations in the light of the new law acts as recognition of the compliance of the conditions of an educational organization with the quality standards of a public or expert organization, professional community. Thus, the accrediting organization recognizes that the conditions defining the educational process are sufficient to ensure the consistency of achieving a given level of educational outcome. At the same time, improving the quality of processes can be regulated by the corresponding quality system in the organization.

Professional and public accreditation carried out in relation to specific educational programs by relevant professional organizations or their associations. The fundamental criterion is the requirements of the accrediting organization regarding the quality of graduate training and compliance with professional standards (if any).

Today, various associations of employers have already formed in the market, representing the interests of both large businesses (Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Union of Mechanical Engineers of Russia) and medium-sized ones (Opora Rossii), as well as individual professional communities (associations of managers, lawyers, Federation of restaurateurs and hoteliers and others).

These associations declare the need to consolidate Russian education and business, since today they are already experiencing a serious shortage of personnel. And such a tool as professional and public accreditation is the optimal approach to solving existing problems. At the same time, professional associations, without waiting for regulatory regulation of professional and public accreditation by the state, independently or jointly with educational institutions, develop lists of professional competencies, professional standards and turn to the educational community with a proposal to adjust educational programs. In this regard, the experience of cooperation between the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers of Russia and colleges is indicative.

It seems that with the proper development of professional standards with the mandatory inclusion of both educational organizations and employers in this process, in the near future professional communities will be able to come to a system of certification of specialists and assigning them the appropriate qualifications. AEER already has similar positive experience, which has been for several years recent years successfully carries out certification of engineers with the involvement of foreign accreditation agencies.

International accreditation educational programs by foreign expert communities (or with the involvement of foreign experts) is a relatively new phenomenon in the Russian educational environment, but is gaining momentum. The growing number of educational programs accredited by foreign organizations indicates, on the one hand, the desire of educational organizations to enter the international services market, and on the other hand, the desire to comply international standards. In the context of general globalization and integration of educational systems, it is difficult to overestimate the study and implementation of the best practices of the world's leading universities. Accreditation by foreign agencies or Russian, but with the involvement of foreign experts, is not only a statement of the fact of compliance with international standards, but also consulting of the expert community and immersion in the best world practices.

All areas of independent assessment of the quality of educational organizations and educational programs are sufficiently represented today in the educational services market, but nevertheless, the development of professional and public accreditation is hampered for several reasons.

The main factor, in our opinion, is the undeveloped regulatory framework in the field of independent assessment of the quality of education and, as a result, a misunderstanding of the need to undergo independent accreditation. It would seem that the law “On Education in the Russian Federation” recognizes the existence of independent assessment, but for many educational organizations the question of its necessity remains open, because no one has canceled the mandatory state accreditation. The procedure for carrying out the latter for each organization is a kind of test that must be passed every six years. They begin to prepare for it a year in advance, or even earlier, which requires the involvement of additional human, material, and financial resources - there are hardly any universities willing to repeat this procedure of their own free will.

The procedures for independent assessment of the quality of education largely overlap with state accreditation, but in the first case, greater emphasis is placed on the quality of training of specialists, which is analyzed through the quality of educational programs, educational technologies, surveying students and employers, studying the characteristics of the labor market, etc. In general, it can be noted that from an organizational point of view, professional and public accreditation is in many ways more labor-intensive for both the educational and the accrediting organization. The result of the examination (report) is more informative and has a wider target audience.

However, despite this, the results of independent accreditation are not taken into account either during the state accreditation procedure or when making a decision on it. Undoubtedly, state and independent accreditation pursue different goals, but recognition of the fact of public (professional and public) accreditation when going through the state procedure would serve as a serious motivating factor for many educational organizations and would save human and material resources.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has repeatedly stated that government bodies When making decisions, authorities cannot rely on the conclusions of public organizations. However, the state can create conditions for the development of an expert environment that can be trusted. In particular, the introduction of a unified state register of accrediting organizations that have the right to conduct an independent assessment of the quality of education will have a beneficial effect on the development of the institution of independent educational audit. On the one hand, the state announces criteria, compliance with which guarantees the quality of assessment procedures carried out by public organizations. On the other hand, the educational community will be presented with those organizations that conduct independent assessments. Moreover, the introduction of such a register will resolve many issues of pricing, standards, methods and algorithms for the work of public organizations, and will make their work more transparent.

The next factor hindering the development of professional and public accreditation is the weak involvement of the professional community in this process - employers still show little interest in the development of education and assessing its quality.

It is worth emphasizing once again that a number of large associations of employers representing the interests of large and medium-sized businesses are already concerned with the formation of mechanisms for influencing education through independent accreditation, the development of professional standards, and qualification systems. Profile associations of employers - such as the Association of Russian Banks, the Guild of Marketers, AEER and others - have already formulated their criteria for assessing educational organizations, requirements for the development of graduates’ competencies and are ready to get involved in the process of improving education.

But on at this stage development of independent assessment of the quality of education is difficult for educational organizations and employers to find mutual language, which can be explained by various reasons. Firstly, for educational organizations the main customer and employer is the state, which allocates targeted subsidies for the training of specialists and controls the implementation of government orders (licensing and accreditation of educational programs, monitoring of effectiveness), it also determines the quality of graduate training (FSES, competencies).

There is no place for an employer in the relationship between the state and an educational organization in this format. All statements about the practice-oriented nature of educational programs and the inclusion of employers in their design are declarative in nature and are carried out “accordingly.” Secondly, the employer is only interested in the final result educational process- formation of necessary professional competencies. At the same time, business representatives are not concerned about such “sacred” factors for each educational institution as the organization of the educational process, student research work, indicators and indicators of the development of science - to the point of misunderstanding the importance of general cultural competencies in a graduate.

Public accrediting organizations (National Accreditation Center, AKKORK, AEER and others) can help find a compromise between the requirements of employers and the proposals of educational organizations. Based on the requirements of the employer, having a good understanding of the specifics of the educational process and understanding what conditions are necessary for the formation of certain competencies in a graduate, they can conduct a high-quality independent examination of the educational organization (educational program) and provide the employer with a report on the compliance of its requirements with the capabilities of the educational institution to ensure proper quality of graduate training. Educational organizations and employers need these types of intermediaries. Various stakeholders - educational organizations, employers, applicants, society - have a need for an independent assessment of the activities of organizations in the field of education. In addition, the relevant public structures could take on the functions of analyzing labor markets and educational services and orienting educational organizations towards the development of promising areas of training, taking into account economic conditions and regional specifics.

It is necessary to take into account that recently the associations of educational organizations in Russia - classical and technical universities, legal education and others - take on the role of navigator in the development of modern education (thus replacing outdated educational educational institutions), determining the strategy for the development of education, including through independent accreditation of educational programs.

Thus, we can distinguish three main players who determine the vectors of education development:

  • the state represented by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
  • educational organizations (their associations),
  • employers and their associations.

Each side has its own idea of ​​how education should develop and what trends will be in demand in the future. In this regard, it is very important to maintain parity of interests in order to avoid obvious biases in one direction or another. Public organizations and expert communities (National Accreditation Center, AKKORK, AEER) could play a significant role in such regulation.

The third factor hindering the development of independent assessment of the quality of education is the poorly developed motivation of educational organizations to undergo the relevant procedures. It was already mentioned above about the lack of continuity between the procedures of state and public accreditation, and this could play a decisive role in making decisions about participation in an independent assessment of the quality of education.

Most regional universities are in a monopoly, dominant position in their region, and additional arguments “for the quality of education” are not obvious to them. For example, Altai State University, being the only classical university in the region, is rightly called the flagship of higher education in Altai.

Altai State University has experience in public accreditation of educational programs of secondary, higher and additional vocational education Since 2011, a number of implemented programs have been recognized as the best educational programs in innovative Russia. Upon closer examination, the factor of public accreditation does not provide pronounced advantages for the university: neither when recruiting students - applicants do not pay attention to this, nor when employing specialists - only Altai State University provides training in accredited areas. For employers, the fact of having public accreditation is secondary: what is more important is which educational organization issued the education document - there are universities that are listed on the labor market, and there are undesirable ones.

But Altai State University is developing, new areas are opening that were not previously represented on the educational services market (for example, medical physics, biotechnology), and international relations with border states are being strengthened.

And with medium-term planning, the positive influence of the factor of public evaluation of educational programs becomes obvious. Professional and public accreditation of newly opened programs will help convince employers of the quality of graduates’ training, and applicants of the relevance and demand of these areas. Today it has also become clear that international accreditation of certain educational programs is an integral attribute of working with foreign students. Considering the Asian orientation of Altai State University, such accreditation is the future.

Independent assessment of the quality of education, public and professional-public accreditation are becoming the most important mechanisms for the formation and maintenance of fair competition in the market of educational services, the development of a system for guaranteeing the quality of education both at the Russian and international levels.

In addition, every day the movement of employers themselves towards educational organizations is becoming more and more obvious. In order to participate in the training of specialists, they are increasingly asking to train specialists with certain competencies. Moreover, employers themselves are ready to participate in this process by providing their material and technical base. It is important that public organizations, realizing that independent assessment is a serious test for an educational organization, meet them halfway. In particular, the National Accreditation Center today offers cluster accreditation of educational programs, which is more attractive for universities due to the optimization of labor costs.

We can only hope that with proper regulation by the state and progressive movement towards each other by educational and expert organizations and employers, our society will come to civilized regulation of the quality of education through independent assessment and a system of certification of specialists.

1. Organizations carrying out educational activities, can receive public accreditation in various Russian, foreign and international organizations.

2. Public accreditation means recognition of the level of activity of an organization carrying out educational activities that meets the criteria and requirements of Russian, foreign and international organizations. The procedure for conducting public accreditation, forms and methods of assessment during its implementation, as well as the rights granted to an accredited organization carrying out educational activities are established public organization, which conducts public accreditation.

3. Employers, their associations, as well as organizations authorized by them have the right to carry out professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic programs vocational training and (or) additional professional programs implemented by an organization carrying out educational activities.

4. Professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic vocational training programs and (or) additional professional programs is recognition of the quality and level of training of graduates who have mastered such educational programs in a specific organization carrying out educational activities, meeting the requirements of professional standards and market requirements labor to specialists, workers and employees of the relevant profile.

(see text in the previous edition)

5. Based on the results of professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic vocational training programs and (or) additional professional programs by organizations that carried out such accreditation, ratings of educational programs accredited by them may be formed, indicating the organizations implementing them and carrying out educational activities.

(see text in the previous edition)

6. The procedure for conducting professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic vocational training programs and (or) additional professional programs, including forms and methods for assessing these educational programs during its implementation, rules for applying to organizations carrying out educational activities, carrying out the specified accreditation, in order to obtain it, the period for which such educational programs are accredited, the grounds for depriving organizations carrying out educational activities of professional and public accreditation of educational programs, as well as the rights granted to the organization carrying out educational activities implementing accredited educational programs, and ( or) for graduates who have completed such educational programs, are established by the organization that carries out the specified accreditation.

(see text in the previous edition)

7. Organizations that carry out public accreditation and professional-public accreditation ensure openness and accessibility of information about the conduct of the relevant accreditation and its results, including by posting this information on their official websites on the Internet.

SYSTEM OF INDEPENDENT ASSESSMENT OF THE QUALITY OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Provides assessment of students’ QA and PC, the effectiveness of educational activities based on uniform principles; quality of educational programs, taking into account the needs of the main consumers of educational services GOAL

TASKS OF EXTERNAL INDEPENDENT QUALITY ASSESSMENT Determining the degree of effectiveness of the PA Informing stakeholders about the quality of graduate training; guarantees of quality of education; compliance with PS; competitiveness of educational programs and public organizations in general; management of public organizations; consumers of educational services; employers; authorities and management; public and professional organizations; mass media

Professional and public accreditation of educational programs is recognition of the quality and level of training of graduates who have mastered an educational program in a specific organization carrying out educational activities, meeting the requirements of professional standards, labor market requirements for specialists, workers and employees of the relevant profile. Certification of qualifications is an external assessment of the applicant’s qualifications, carried out on the basis of professional standards, in the absence of them - other qualification requirements approved in the prescribed manner. TOOLS

FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF ACCREDITATION SUBJECTS industry and (or) regional agencies PROCEDURE Verification of documentation, direct assessment of the educational environment of public organizations REPEATING INDICATORS taking into account trends in the development of science and production, the needs of society and the individual; efficient use of public resources; satisfaction with the educational process of teachers and students; providing an educational environment that motivates high quality TIP public activities; professional

Requirements for programs of the UK Royal Society of Chemistry Accreditation and Validation Committee capacity to ensure breadth of understanding chemical laws; in-depth knowledge of chemistry, problem solving in high level complexity, the presence of a wide range of practical classes, the connection of the final work with the student’s specialization; real problems of the industry; time for its preparation - no less than a third of the total teaching time for the last academic year focus on testing qualifications in the process of assessing the final results; preparedness of students for subsequent certification by the professional community; orientation of the program to the processes occurring in the sector of the real economy THE PROGRAM MUST PROVIDE

INDICATORS AND CRITERIA OF QUALITY: AUSTRALIAN EXPERIENCE INPUT OUTPUT - personnel, MTB, efficiency of the management system, financial capabilities; - requirements for applicants; - mechanisms for studying and taking into account the requirements of the labor market, requests from employers; -ratio of student enrollment and planned assignments; - characteristics of student enrollment; - investments by suppliers in Professional Development, modernization of facilities, quality assurance systems - results of student activities and student assessments; - completion rates, satisfaction levels and destinations (employment) - use of skills within the workplace; (confirmed satisfaction with the graduate’s work results); - identification of the needs of vulnerable and/or other social groups.

Federal Law “On Education in Russian Federation» from the State Program for the Development of Education until 2020 Orders of the President of the Russian Federation from the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from “On the formation of an independent system for assessing the quality of work of organizations providing social services” Order of the Government of the Russian Federation from r on approval of the action plan for the formation of an independent system for assessing the quality of work of organizations providing social services social services, for years Regulatory framework for the development of a system of independent assessment of the quality of education


DRAFT CHANGES TYPE OF ACCREDITATION WAS EXPANSION OF SUBJECTS PROFESSIONAL AND PUBLIC ACCREDITATION Employers, their associations, organizations authorized by them + SRO SUBJECT SPECIFICATION Professional educational programs Basic professional educational programs, basic vocational training programs, additional professional programs

DRAFT CHANGES ORGANIZATIONS CONDUCTING PUBLIC AND PROFESSIONAL ACCREDITATION EXPANDING THE RANGE OF TASKS HAS BEEN Developing an accreditation procedure, forms and methods of assessment, criteria and requirements + Rules for applying for organizations interested in obtaining accreditation, validity period of accreditation, grounds for deprivation of accreditation, rules of appeal, rights provided by an accredited organization Form lists and ratings of accredited programs (indicating implementing organizations), accredited organizations Ensure openness and accessibility of information Posting on Internet sites: copies of the charter, location, accreditation procedure, lists and ratings of accredited organizations or programs , THE RESULTS ARE NOT CONSIDERED, BUT ARE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT WHEN CARRYING OUT THE STATE ACCREDITATION

MODEL OF THE RUIE AND SUPPORTS OF RUSSIA REGULATIONS on professional and public accreditation of educational programs implemented by organizations engaged in educational activities (approved by OCS) SET of normative and organizational and methodological documents


COMPOSITION OF THE WORKING GROUP National Agency for the Development of Qualifications RSPP, Federal Institute for Educational Development of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, Research Institute of Labor and Social Insurance of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, Accreditation Center of the Association of Engineering Education of Russia, Agency for Quality Control of Education and Career Development, Foundation for Infrastructure and Educational Programs of OJSC RUSNANO, Union heads of institutions and departments of additional professional education and employers, Center for Vocational Education Samara region, Interstate Association of Developers and Manufacturers of Educational Equipment. National Agency for the Development of Qualifications of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Federal Institute for Educational Development of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, Research Institute of Labor and Social Insurance of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, Accreditation Center of the Association of Engineering Education of Russia, Agency for Quality Control of Education and Career Development, Foundation for Infrastructure and Educational Programs of OJSC RUSNANO, Union of Heads of Institutions and units of additional vocational education and employers, Center for Vocational Education of the Samara Region, Interstate Association of Developers and Manufacturers of Educational Equipment.


Professional and public accreditation System of professional and public accreditation All-Russian associations of employers All-Russian industry (inter-industry) associations of employers Authorized organizations (associations of employers, employers, other organizations) Authorized organizations (associations of employers, employers, other organizations) COORDINATING BODY AND ITS BASIC ORGANIZATION Consideration of applications Decision on inclusion in registers ACCREDITING ORGANIZATIONS Act independently or delegate authority to experts Expert organizations

DOCUMENTATION OF THE SYSTEM OF PROFESSIONAL PUBLIC ACCREDITATION Rules of appeal Recommendations for conducting an accreditation examination Methodology for conducting an accreditation examination, including specified indicators and criteria for evaluating programs Methodology for conducting an accreditation examination, including specified indicators and criteria for evaluating programs Rules for applying for organizations wishing to obtain accreditation of educational programs Rights granted to an organization implementing accredited programs Requirements for accrediting organizations (list of documents for the application) Model training program for experts Sample requirements for experts and expert organizations DOCUMENTS OF THE COORDINATING BODY Procedure for professional and public accreditation DOCUMENTS OF THE ACCREDITING ORGANIZATION

REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ACCREDITING ORGANIZATION THE AVAILABILITY OF: the necessary human, methodological, material and information resources of expert organizations and (or) experts who can be involved in conducting an accreditation examination of experience in conducting professional and public accreditation of educational programs or other activities to assess the quality of educational programs and conclusions ( reviews) of other organizations characterizing the activities of professional and public accreditation of educational programs, other activities to assess the quality of educational programs (submitted at the discretion of the applicant)

Use of the results of professional and public accreditation Public register of educational programs that have passed professional and public accreditation on the Internet Indication of information about professional and public accreditation in educational documents Posting information about professional and public accreditation on the official website of the organization, on information stands, on educational publications Taking into account information about professional and public accreditation when carrying out state accreditation Taking into account the results of professional and public accreditation when distributing admission targets Using the results of professional and public accreditation in the formation of ratings

Compliance of graduates’ competencies with PS requirements and other qualification requirements Demand for graduates in the labor market Proportion of educational program graduates who successfully passed an independent qualification assessment, from total number graduates of the educational program, at least 25% AND (OR) Compliance of internal procedures for assessing the results of graduates of educational programs with the requirements of professional standards, other qualification requirements The share of graduates who are employed in accordance with the competencies mastered during the year, at least 70%; - those who studied on the basis of training agreements at the expense of legal entities, at least 20%; -The share of students who received an invitation to work based on the results of an internship or internship is at least 20%; - Availability of information on job placement in accordance with the qualifications obtained and career growth of graduates (over a specified period of time) ACCREDITATION EXAMINATION: KEY INDICATORS

Quality of material and technical, information and telecommunications, educational and methodological, human and other resources ACCREDITATION EXAMINATION: ADDITIONAL INDICATORS on the compliance of equipment and other MT and IT resources with the current level of development of a particular area prof. activities on the quality of educational and methodological conditions (libraries, including digital (electronic) libraries that provide access to professional databases, information reference and search systems) The share of teachers, industrial training masters: - who have completed internships in specialized organizations over the last 3 years, at least 30% - with experience in the industry in the profile of the educational program, at least 50%; - combining work in an organization carrying out educational activities with professional activities in the program profile, at least 20%; - Availability of part-time teachers from among current managers and employees of specialized organizations. Information:

Ensuring the integration of scientific and educational activities in accordance with the content of educational programs Involvement of the organization carrying out educational activities in international cooperation related to educational activities Recognition of the quality of the educational activities of the organization carrying out educational activities ACCREDITATION EXAMINATION: ADDITIONAL INDICATORS information on the organization’s participation in international cooperation on issues educational activities, on the existence of educational agreements and other agreements concluded between the organization and foreign organizations (individuals), on the organization’s participation in international projects, including the participation of students in the implementation of these projects Information confirming the recognition of the specified quality by Russian, foreign and international organizations information on the results of scientific (scientific and creative) activities of the organization carrying out educational activities, on participation teaching staff and students in the specified activities

Organization carrying out educational activities application Accrediting organization: formation of a commission, making a decision based on the results of the commission's work Accrediting organization: forming a commission, making a decision based on the results of the commission's work Desk inspection On-site examination Preparation of an expert opinion Desk inspection On-site examination Preparation of an expert opinion Experts, expert organizations certificate Information resource: lists, ratings Submission of information to the base organization Information resource: lists, ratings Submission of information to the base organization PROFESSIONAL PUBLIC ACCREDITATION PROCEDURE

Requirements for experts Education in accordance with the level and profile of the accredited program; Experience in performing the type professional activity corresponding to the level and profile of the accredited program; Advanced training in expert training programs, confirmation of expert qualifications Education and experience Requirements for expert organizations reputation in the field of professional activity corresponding to the profile of the accredited program independence of decision-making and preparation of expert opinions resources sufficient to conduct an accreditation examination

Decision on professional and public accreditation Issuing an organization carrying out educational activities a certificate of professional and public accreditation Providing an organization carrying out educational activities with an electronic image of the logo of professional and public accreditation ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE ACCREDITATION LOGO

BASIC ORGANIZATION ACCREDITING ORGANIZATION ACCREDITING ORGANIZATION ORDER OF LOGO USE Place the logo on your official website, information stands, educational publications of the organization for relevant educational programs; - on forms of documents on education and (or) qualifications and (or) other documents issued to graduates, include a logo in advertising messages about their activities, provide it to other persons for placement in information messages THE ORGANIZATION CARRYING OUT EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES RECEIVES THE RIGHT Transferred to electronic form in raster graphics format (Jpg, Jpeg)
Number and name of sections of the professional module Mandatory classroom teaching load Independent work of the student Credit for everything, incl. laboratory and practical classes Topic 1. Regulatory framework for professional and public accreditation of programs implemented by organizations engaged in educational activities Topic 2. Educational programs as a subject of professional and public accreditation. Requirements of professional standards as a basis for accreditation examination of educational programs 24 Topic 3. Methodology of accreditation examination of educational programs implemented by organizations engaged in educational activities -4 Total: 4844 THEMATIC PLAN OF A SAMPLE EXPERT TRAINING PROGRAM

By decision of the accrediting organization, a two-stage model for expert training can be used: training under a professional development program and internship. During the internship, the candidate expert takes part in a real project as an intern. At the end of the project, the trainee participates in writing the expert’s final report and only after that (with positive feedback from the main expert, etc.) is he considered to have completed the training. Based on an application, a candidate expert may be admitted to the final certification without undergoing advanced training courses. In case of successful completion of the final certification, he receives a certificate of advanced training. FEATURES OF MASTERING THE PC PROGRAM

Information system for professional and public accreditation of educational programs implemented by organizations engaged in educational activities General information module Data entry module Information and analytical module Associations of employers Enterprises and organizations Citizens planning their educational trajectories, Government departments

Data Composition information system professional and public accreditation of educational programs implemented by organizations engaged in educational activities* Register of accrediting organizations Register of accredited programs List of professional standards used in professional and public accreditation procedures Register of experts on professional and public accreditation Methodology of professional and public accreditation; An approximate list of indicators for assessing educational programs during professional and public accreditation * The composition of the fields of each of the listed registers can be clarified in the process of developing the regulatory legal framework regulating the professional and public accreditation of educational programs and public accreditation of organizations.

The results of mastering an additional professional program, the stated goals and planned learning outcomes; procedures (process) for organizing and implementing an additional professional program with established requirements for the structure, procedure and conditions for the implementation of programs; the organization’s ability to effectively and efficiently carry out activities to provide educational services. ASSESSMENT OF THE QUALITY OF DEVELOPMENT OF ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMS FOR COMPLIANCE

Indicators of professional and public accreditation of additional vocational training programs (AKKORK) 1. Invariant: program goals (relevance, significance and demand by the labor market, industry). formalized learning outcomes (compliance with PS), a system for assessing the quality of education, educational and (or) educational-thematic plan, types and forms of training 2. Variable: requirements for applicants to study for the program, educational and methodological materials, technologies and methods of educational activities, teaching staff, educational and material and technical resources of the program, participation of employers in the implementation of the program. CRITERIA ARE NECESSARY FOR EACH OF THE INDICATORS

Professional and public accreditation of educational programs is one of the new areas of independent assessment of the quality of education in the Russian Federation. Its legal basis is defined in the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”. Article 96 of this law for the first time regulates the issues of professional and public accreditation.

According to new legislative norms, professional and public accreditation of professional educational programs is recognition of the quality and level of training of graduates who have mastered such an educational program in a specific educational institution.

Professional and public accreditation can be carried out by employers and associations of employers in industries corresponding to the specifics of the educational program. When carrying out such accreditation, it is not the quality of the educational process as such that is assessed, but the quality of education, that is, the professional qualities of graduates of an educational institution.

The procedure for professional and public accreditation, its forms and methods of assessment are established by the employers conducting this procedure or an organization authorized by them. At the same time, professional and public accreditation must be open in nature, and information about the procedure for its implementation must be available.

Information on professional and public accreditation of an educational program is considered during state accreditation of educational organizations.

WHAT SHOULD BE ASSESSED during professional and public accreditation?

Firstly, how the components of the program - its content, design, technologies - influence the formation of certain professional competencies.

The following groups of indicators can also be assessed:

    recognition of the graduate’s competency model by the labor market;

    satisfaction with the training results of employers and graduates;

    the demand for graduates in the regional (and/or federal) labor market;

    program development strategy, compliance of the structure and content of the program with the needs of the labor market;

    compliance of documents regulating the organization and implementation of the educational program with the graduate’s competency model;

    educational and methodological materials, technologies and methods of educational activities, personnel, logistics, financial and informational resources programs.

GOALS AND OBJECTIVES of professional and public accreditation:

To provide an independent, objective assessment of the quality of graduates’ training in an accredited educational program based on indicators that are not taken into account during state accreditation, and based on an analysis of the demand for graduates on the labor market, compliance of their qualifications with the requirements of employers, professional standards, as well as identifying best practices and significant achievements of the educational institution.

FEATURES of professional and public accreditation:

Voluntariness of participation. Educational organization has the right to independently determine both the feasibility of undergoing professional and public accreditation and the list of programs applied for accreditation.

Multi-subjectivity of assessment. The accreditation commission and expert council for professional and public accreditation include representatives of employers, scientific circles, and public figures.

Focus on educational programs. Professional and public accreditation is aimed, first of all, at assessing the quality of individual programs by the professional community.

ADVANTAGES of professional and public accreditation:

An educational organization implementing educational programs that have passed professional and public accreditation will have the right to:

    post information about the availability of professional and public accreditation on the official website, on information stands when announcing information about ongoing educational programs, including admission to study in these educational programs, as well as on educational publications of the organization ( textbooks, methodological materials) according to relevant educational programs;

    use the results of professional and public accreditation as a competitive advantage;

    present the results of professional and public accreditation to state authorities and educational authorities when passing state accreditation procedures.

Employers get the opportunity to:

    save money on training and retraining of personnel;

  • to form a competency-based model of a graduate of an educational institution in accordance with business needs;
  • help eliminate personnel shortages;

    place an order for the training of specialists with the qualifications required by the business.

TIMELINES AND COSTS for accreditation

The procedure for professional and public accreditation is carried out within 8-9 weeks and includes:

familiarization of the organization carrying out educational activities with the documents regulating the procedure for accreditation (1-2 weeks) before the start of the procedure;

    self-examination of a professional educational program (up to 21 working days);

    face-to-face audit of a professional educational program by members of an expert commission on the site of an educational institution, a meeting of members of the expert commission with graduates, employers, teachers and students of an educational organization (up to 3 days);

    preparation of the expert commission's conclusion (3 weeks);

    consideration of the conclusion of the expert commission by the educational organization, if necessary, sending objections and clarifications (1 week);

    analysis of the expert commission’s conclusion and decision-making by the Accreditation Council (20 days).

The Association of Practical Psychologists and Coaches (APPK), in order to improve the quality of education and training of specialists in the field of practical psychology and coaching, conducts public accreditation of programs at universities, colleges, training and development centers, advanced training courses and other educational institutions.

Independent professional and public accreditation of educational organizations is carried out by leading experts, leaders of the vocational education market together with partners of the APK:

· Psychological Institute Russian Academy education

· MSUTU im. K.G. Razumovsky

· REU im. G.V. Plekhanov

The assessment of the quality of education is determined on the basis of examinations of learning outcomes for the declared educational program.

The assessment of guarantees of the quality of education complements the assessment of the quality of education, characterizing the ability of the educational institution, during the period of accreditation, to maintain and improve the quality of education provided within the framework of the program, which is certified during accreditation.

As a result expert assessment for indicators, values ​​are established that are determined by the degree of confidence of experts that the educational program is capable of maintaining and improving the quality and quality assurance of education during the accreditation period.

APK is guided by international standards and provides those who have passed professional and public accreditation:

· preferential competitiveness in the market of educational services,

· advantage when participating in competitions and tenders,

· increasing competitive educational potential,

·Additional opportunities for raised extra-budgetary funds.

APK conducts public accreditation based on criteria developed by recognized professionals who have made a significant contribution to the development of domestic psychological science and practice.

The Psychological Institute of the RAO (PI RAO), as a partner of the APK, cooperates in the examination of training programs in psychology.

To carry out public accreditation of educational programs, the Association has formedExpert commission and Accreditation Council .

The main objectives of public accreditation are:

·assessment of the quality of educational and scientific activity in educational organizations,

·informing citizens and employers about the quality of training of specialists in educational organizations,

·increasing the responsibility of subjects of educational activities,

·improving the quality of educational services,

· ensuring open competitive interaction of participants in the educational services market,

·creation of an information base for determining the rating of educational organizations.

Features of professional and public accreditation of educational programs:

1. Voluntary participation. An educational organization has the right to independently determine both the feasibility of undergoing professional and public accreditation and the list of programs applied for accreditation.

2.Multi-subjectivity of the assessment. The Accreditation Council and the Expert Commission for Professional and Public Accreditation include representatives of employers, academia, and public figures.

3.Focus on educational programs. Professional and public accreditation is aimed, first of all, at assessing the quality of individual programs by the professional community.

Advantages of professional and public accreditation of educational programs:

An educational organization implementing educational programs that have passed professional and public accreditation will have the right to:

1.Place information about the availability of professional and public accreditation on the official website, on information stands when announcing information about ongoing educational programs, including admission to study in the specified educational programs, as well as on educational publications of the organization (textbooks, teaching materials ) according to relevant educational programs.

2.Use the results of professional and public accreditation as a competitive advantage.

3. Present the results of professional and public accreditation to state authorities and educational authorities when passing state accreditation procedures.

Employers get the opportunity to:

1. To form a competency model of a graduate of an educational institution in accordance with business needs.

2.Save money on training and retraining of personnel.

3. Contribute to eliminating the personnel shortage.

4. Form an order for the training of specialists with the qualifications required by the business.


The procedure for professional and public accreditation of educational programs is carried out within 3-4 weeks and includes:

1. Submission to undergo the procedure of public and professional accreditation and conclusion .

2. Formation of a report on self-examination of the professional educational program.

3.Independent assessment of the quality of education by an Expert Commission.

4. Submission of the results of an independent assessment of the quality of education - expert reports on each educational program - to the Accreditation Council.

5.Adoption of an accreditation decision by members of the Accreditation Council.

6.Issue educational institution certificates of accreditation in the event that members of the Accreditation Council make positive decisions on accreditation.

When conducting professional and public accreditation of educational programs, the APK adheres toFederal Law dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (as amended on July 29, 2017) “On education in the Russian Federation”

Accreditation educational institutions carried out on the basis of Article 96 Federal Law ON EDUCATION IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, dated December 29, 2012

Article 96. Public accreditation of organizations carrying out educational activities. Professional and public accreditation of educational programs

1. Organizations carrying out educational activities can receive public accreditation in various Russian, foreign and international organizations.

2. Public accreditation means recognition of the level of activity of an organization carrying out educational activities that meets the criteria and requirements of Russian, foreign and international organizations. The procedure for conducting public accreditation, forms and methods of assessment during its implementation, as well as the rights granted to an accredited organization carrying out educational activities are established by the public organization that conducts public accreditation.

3. Employers, their associations, as well as organizations authorized by them have the right to carry out professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic vocational training programs and (or) additional professional programs implemented by an organization carrying out educational activities.

4. Professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic vocational training programs and (or) additional professional programs is recognition of the quality and level of training of graduates who have mastered such educational programs in a specific organization carrying out educational activities, meeting the requirementsprofessional standards , labor market requirements for specialists, workers and employees of the relevant profile.

5. Based on the results of professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic vocational training programs and (or) additional professional programs by organizations that carried out such accreditation, ratings of educational programs accredited by them may be formed, indicating the organizations implementing them and carrying out educational activities.

6. The procedure for conducting professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic vocational training programs and (or) additional professional programs, including forms and methods for assessing these educational programs during its implementation, rules for applying to organizations carrying out educational activities, carrying out the specified accreditation, in order to obtain it, the period for which such educational programs are accredited, the grounds for depriving organizations carrying out educational activities of professional and public accreditation of educational programs, as well as the rights granted to the organization carrying out educational activities implementing accredited educational programs, and ( or) for graduates who have completed such educational programs, are established by the organization that carries out the specified accreditation.

7. Organizations that carry out public accreditation and professional-public accreditation ensure openness and accessibility of information about the conduct of the relevant accreditation and its results, including by posting this information on their official websites on the Internet.

8. Information about the public accreditation or professional-public accreditation that an organization carrying out educational activities has is submitted to the accreditation body and is considered during state accreditation.

9. Public accreditation and professional-public accreditation are carried out on a voluntary basis and do not entail additional financial obligations of the state.

10. Formation and maintenance of a list of organizations conducting professional and public accreditation of basic professional educational programs, basic vocational training programs and (or) additional professional programs is carried out by the authorized federal executive body inok established by the Government of the Russian Federation.