Abstracts Statements Story

39 primary points in biology. Converting exam scores in mathematics

On this page you will find the conversion scale Unified State Exam points in grades in all subjects. There is also an opportunity to find out when the results of the Unified State Exam will be known. In addition, you may be interested in who checks exam forms and how.

Table for converting Unified State Exam points into grades using a five-point system

Subject/Grade 5 4 3 2
Russian language from 72 58-71 37-57 0-36
Mathematics from 65 47-64 25-46 0-24
Foreign languages ​​(English, German, French, Spanish) from 84 59-83 21-58 0-39
Social science from 67 55-66 40-54 0-32
Chemistry from 73 56-72 37-55 0-36
Geography from 67 51-66 38-50 0-37
Biology from 72 55-71 37-54 0-36
Literature from 67 55-66 33-54 0-32
Physics from 68 53-67 37-52 0-36
Story from 68 50-67 33-49 0-32
Computer science from 73 57-72 41-56 0-40

Unified State Examination score conversion scale 2014

Primary score Russian language Mathematics Social science Story Physics Biology 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 5 3 3 4 3 2 5 10 6 5 7 5 3 7 15 8 8 10 7 4 9 20 11 10 14 9 5 11 24 13 13 17 11 6 13 28 16 15 20 13 7 15 32 19 18 23 15 8 17 36 21 20 27 17 9 20 40 24 23 30 20 10 22 44 26 25 33 22 11 24 48 29 28 36 24 12 26 52 32 30 38 26 13 28 56 34 32 39 28 14 30 60 37 34 40 30 15 32 63 39 35 41 32 16 34 66 40 36 42 34 17 36 68 41 37 44 36 18 37 70 42 39 45 37 19 38 72 43 40 46 38 20 39 74 44 41 47 39 21 40 77 45 42 48 40 22 41 79 46 43 49 41 23 42 81 47 45 51 42 24 43 83 48 46 52 43 25 44 85 49 47 53 44 26 45 87 50 48 54 45 27 46 90 51 49 55 46 28 47 92 52 51 57 47 29 48 94 53 52 58 48 30 49 96 54 53 59 49 31 50 98 55 54 60 50 32 51 100 56 56 61 51 33 52 57 57 62 52 34 53 58 58 65 53 35 54 59 59 67 54 36 55 60 60 69 55 37 56 61 62 71 56 38 57 62 63 73 57 39 58 63 64 75 58 40 59 64 65 77 59 41 60 65 66 79 60 42 61 66 68 81 61 43 62 67 69 84 62 44 63 68 70 86 63 45 64 69 71 88 64 46 65 70 72 90 65 47 66 71 75 92 66 48 67 72 77 94 67 49 68 75 79 96 68 50 69 78 82 98 69 51 70 80 84 100 70 52 71 83 86 71 53 72 85 89 72 54 73 88 91 73 55 76 90 93 74 56 79 93 96 75 57 81 95 98 76 58 84 98 100 77 59 87 100 78 60 90 79 61 92 82 62 95 84 63 98 86 64 100 89 65 91 66 93 67 96 68 98 69 100

Formula for converting Unified State Exam points

Translation scale primary points The Unified State Exam test is shown in the table. YOU can also calculate your score using the formula below.

where t is the Unified State Exam test score according to a 100-point system, which goes into the Unified State Exam certificate, 0 is the primary score of the person taking the Unified State Exam, 0 min is the score corresponding to one primary score, 0max is the score corresponding to the primary score, one less than the maximum possible. Round the result to the nearest whole number. A zero primary score corresponds to 0 points for the Unified State Examination, and a maximum primary score corresponds to 100 points for the Unified State Examination.

The scale for converting USE 2014 points into grades is Russian.


federal Service

for supervision in the field of education and science



On the establishment of a scale for converting points from the Unified State Examination in the Russian language into a five-point assessment system used for marking the certificate of secondary (complete) education in 2008

In accordance with paragraphs 9 and 27 of the Regulations on the conduct of the unified state exam in 2008, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated February 5, No. 36 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 29, 2008, registration No. 11251), and based on the decision of the Commission on scaling the results of the unified state exam in 2008, created by order of Rosobrnadzor dated May 15, 2008 No. 1002 (protocol dated 06/05/2008 No. 5):

1. Establish a scale for converting points from the Unified State Exam (hereinafter referred to as the Unified State Examination) in the Russian language into a five-point grading system used for marking the secondary (complete) certificate. general education in 2008:

0 - 39 points - mark 2

40 - 57 points - mark 3

58 - 71 points - mark 4

72 -100 points - mark 5

2. Federal government agency The Federal Testing Center (S.S. Kravtsov) is guided by paragraph 1 of this order in preparing protocols on the results of the Unified State Examination.

3. Entrust control over the implementation of the order to the Department for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Quality of Education (V.N. Shaulina).


L.N. Glebova

Order of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor) No. 1271-08 of 06/05/2007 “On establishing a scale for converting points into grades when conducting a unified state exam in the Russian language in 2007”

After checking the Unified State Exam tasks in the Russian language, a primary score is assigned for their completion: from 0 to 57. Each task is assessed with a certain number of points: the more complex the task, the more points you can get for it. For correct completion of tasks in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, 1 to 5 points are given depending on the complexity of the task. In this case, you can get from 0 to 24 points for the essay.

After this, the primary score is converted into a test score, which is indicated in the Unified State Examination certificate. It is this score that is used for admission to higher education. educational establishments. Transfer of Unified State Examination points carried out using a special point scale.

Also, based on the Unified State Exam score, you can determine the approximate grade on a five-point scale that a student would receive for completing tasks in the Russian language in the exam.

Below is scale for converting Unified State Exam scores in the Russian language: raw scores, test scores and rough score.

Unified State Exam score conversion scale: Russian language

The minimum test score for admission to higher education institutions in the Russian language is 36.

Primary score Test score Grade
0 0 2
1 3
2 5
3 8
4 10
5 12
6 15
7 17
8 20
9 22
10 24 3
11 26
12 28
13 30
14 32
15 34
16 36
17 38
18 39
19 40
20 41
21 43
22 44
23 45
24 46
25 48
26 49
27 50
28 51
29 53
30 54
31 55
32 56
33 57 4
34 59
35 60
36 61
37 62
38 64
39 65
40 66
41 67
42 69
43 70
44 71
45 72 5
46 73
47 76
48 78
49 81
50 83
51 86
52 88
53 91
54 93
55 96
56 98
57 100

Every graduate understands perfectly well that in order to successfully enter the specialty of interest, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare for the Unified State Exam 2018 and score the maximum possible points. What does it mean to “pass the exam well” and how many points will be enough to compete for a budget place in a particular university? This will be discussed in this article.

We will cover the following important questions:

First of all, it is important to understand that there is:

  • the minimum score giving the right to receive a certificate;
  • the minimum score that allows you to apply to a university;
  • the minimum score sufficient for actual admission to the budget in a specific specialty at a certain university in Russia.

Naturally, these figures differ significantly.

Minimum certification score

Minimum qualification Unified State Examination points are set for compulsory subjects - Russian language and basic level mathematics and in 2018 are:

Having passed this threshold, but not reaching the minimum test score, the examinee will receive a certificate, but will not be able to submit documents to the university.

Minimum test score

The test minimum is a threshold value that gives the right to enter a university. In other words, persons who have passed the test threshold theoretically have the right to compete for budget places. Although, in practice, it is almost impossible to enter highly ranked universities with minimal indicators.

In 2018, in all subjects except Russian language and basic mathematics The test minimum Unified State Exam scores coincide with the certification scores and are:


Minimum test score

Russian language

Mathematics (basic level)

Mathematics (profile level)

Social science


Foreign language


Computer science


The principle of calculating success in passing the unified state exam assumes that the test taker must demonstrate a high, average or sufficient level of knowledge, corresponding to grades “5”, “4” and “3” on the school scale.

In case of an unsatisfactory result, as well as when passing with a score that the examinee considers insufficient for himself, graduates are given the right to retake the Unified State Exam.

Minimum score for admission to the budget

Most universities announce the threshold score required for applicants for a budget place. This allows each applicant to realistically assess the prospects for admission and choose universities and specialties taking into account the points scored on the Unified State Exam.

In 2018, we can be guided by the fact that last season the average passing scores for all Unified State Exam subjects among applicants admitted to MGIMO and other highly ranked universities in the capital, fluctuated between the threshold value of 80-90. But, for most regional universities in the Russian Federation, 65-75 points can be considered a competitive result.

Converting the primary score to the resulting score

By completing the tasks proposed in the Unified State Examination ticket, the examinee gains so-called primary points, the maximum value of which varies depending on the subject. When assessing the level of knowledge, such primary scores are converted into final scores, which are entered into the certificate and are the basis for admission.

By using online calculator, you will be able to compare primary and test scores in subjects of interest.

Just like last year, in 2018 recruited at passing the Unified State Exam points affect the certificate score and, although the official table for comparing test scores and traditional assessments has not been adopted, you can roughly compare your scores right now using a universal calculator.

Passing scores of the top 10 universities in Russia


Moscow State University them. M.V. Lomonosov
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"
St. Petersburg State University
Moscow state institute international relations
National research university « graduate School economics"
Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
Novosibirsk National Research State University
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

Please note that the average passing scores for different specialties at the same university may vary significantly. This figure reflects the minimum score of applicants admitted to the budget, and tends to change every year. The results of 2017 can only serve as a kind of guideline for applicants in 2018, motivating them to achieve the highest possible results.

The minimum passing score is influenced by many factors, including:

  1. the total number of graduates who applied and the scores shown on their certificates;
  2. the number of applicants who provided original documents;
  3. number of beneficiaries.

So, seeing your name in 20th place in the list of a specialty that provides 40 budget places, you can confidently consider yourself a student. But, even if you find yourself on this list of 45, there is no reason to be upset if among those standing in front of you there are 5-10 people who provided copies of documents, because most likely these people are set on another university and submitted documents for this specialty as a backup option .

2018-2019 academic year will be graduation for many Russian schoolchildren who are already concerned about successfully passing the Unified State Exam and successfully entering a good university.

We will tell you how exam papers are checked in different subjects, how the scale for converting Unified State Exam points into grades works, and what innovations you can expect in 2019.

Principles for assessing work on the Unified State Exam 2019

Over the course of several recent years The Unified State Examination system in a number of subjects has undergone significant changes and has been brought to an optimal (according to the organizers) format, which makes it possible to fully assess the volume of knowledge of a graduate in a particular subject.

In 2018-2019, no fundamental changes are expected and it is safe to say that the same principles as in 2017-2018 will be applied to evaluate the work of graduates:

  1. automated verification of forms;
  2. involving experts in checking tasks with detailed answers.

How does a computer evaluate?

First part exam paper involves a short answer to the questions posed, which the Unified State Examination participant must enter on a special answer form.

Important! Before starting work, be sure to read the rules for filling out the form, as incorrectly completed work will not pass the automated check.

It is quite difficult to challenge the result of a computer check. If the work was not counted due to the fault of a participant who filled out the form incorrectly, the result is considered unsatisfactory.

How do experts rate it?

In many subjects, in addition to the test part, there are tasks that require a full, detailed answer. Since it is impossible to automate the process of checking such answers, experts are involved in the verification - experienced teachers with extensive work experience.

Checking Unified State Exam teacher doesn't know (and even though great desire cannot find out whose work lies in front of him and in what city (region) it was written. Testing is carried out on the basis of uniform assessment criteria developed specifically for each subject. Each work is checked by two experts. If the experts’ opinions coincide, the assessment is put on the form, but if independent appraisers disagree, then a third expert is involved in the verification, whose opinion will be decisive.

That is why it is important to write legibly and accurately so that there is no ambiguous interpretation of words and phrases.

Primary and test scores

Based on the test results, the Unified State Exam participant is awarded a certain number of primary points, which are then converted into text points (points for the entire test). Different subjects have different maximum primary points, depending on the number of tasks. But after giving the result according to the appropriate table, the Unified State Examination participant receives a final test score, which is the official result of his final tests (maximum 100 points).

So, in order to pass the exam, it is enough to achieve the established minimum threshold of the primary score:

Minimum scores



Russian language

Mathematics (profile)

Computer science

Social science

Foreign languages




Based on these numbers, you can accurately understand that the exam has been passed. But what grade? The 2018 online scale will help you with this, designed specifically for converting primary Unified State Exam scores into test scores, which will also be relevant for the 2019 results. A convenient calculator can be found on the website 4ege.ru.

Announcement of official results

Graduates are always concerned with the question of how quickly they can find out what result was obtained during the test and what the scale for converting the points scored on the Unified State Exam into traditional grades will be in 2019.

Teachers often take it upon themselves to reassure students by working through the tasks of the Unified State Exam tickets immediately after the exam and assessing the quality of the students’ work and the amount of initial points scored. Official results you need to wait 8-14 days, according to the established regulations for the Unified State Exam 2019. On average, organizers approve the following inspection schedules:

  • 3 days to check the work;
  • 5-6 days for processing information at the federal level;
  • 1 working day for approval of the results of the State Examination;
  • 3 days to post results online and transfer data to educational institutions.

In the event of unforeseen situations and technical problems, these deadlines may be revised.

You can find out your owl score:

  • directly at your school;
  • on the portal check.ege.edu.ru;
  • on the website gosuslugi.ru.

Converting points to grades

Since 2009, Unified State Examination results are not included in the graduate certificate. Therefore, today there is no official state system converting the Unified State Examination result into a grade on a school 5-point scale. As part of the entrance campaign, the test score obtained in the exam is always summed up and taken into account. But many students are still interested in finding out how they passed the exam - 3 or 4, 4 or 5. For this, there is a special table that details the correspondence for each of the 100 points in each subject.

Russian language


Computer science

Social science

Foreign languages




Using such a table is quite inconvenient. It is much easier to find out how you passed the Russian language, mathematics or history by using the online calculator 4ege.ru, which also contains a scale for converting Unified State Exam scores, which is relevant for graduates of 2019.

Having received the Unified State Exam result, you should decide on a university as quickly as possible, comparing your capabilities with the real competition for the specialties you are interested in. Thus, the practice of past years shows that in some cases it is difficult to get into the most popular areas in the capital’s universities even with high scores, because not only holders of 100-point scores will compete for places Unified State Exam results, and also winners of the largest Olympiads of the 2018-2019 academic year.

Future applicants and graduates must know the USE-2017 score conversion scale high school. It will be useful to them in the process of self-preparation. In particular, you will need the scale to evaluate your answers when taking practice tests. In the review, we will look at what primary and test scores are, as well as their values ​​for compulsory and specialized subjects. You will also find out what these points look like in the familiar five-point system.

Primary and test glasses

For each answer in the KIM, the subject is awarded points. After completing the examination work, all these points are summed up. The final value is the primary score. They are also called preliminary. Then comes the turn of converting Unified State Exam points into a 100-point system. For these purposes there is a very complex mathematical formula. It takes into account various statistics. As a result of scaling, the final test score appears, which is included in the school certificate or considered by members of the university admissions committee.

« Wheret is the Unified State Exam test score (according to a 100-point system), θ is the primary score, θminis a value that is equal to one primary point, and θmax, – a score corresponding to the primary score, one less than the maximum possible.

Rounding is carried out to the nearest whole number. A zero primary score corresponds to 0 for the Unified State Examination, and the maximum possible score corresponds to 100. “

Converting Unified State Exam 2017 scores into grades on a five-point scale

However, many are accustomed to evaluating their work in “fives”, “twos”, “threes” and “fours”. Therefore, all these primary and test scores are seen by them as just a pile of incomprehensible numbers. To make it easier to evaluate your results, you can convert your points to a five-point system.

This is what USE scores look like in compulsory and core subjects. The list shows the primary and test glasses (they are in parentheses).

Scale for converting Unified State Exam scores in social studies

  • 0 – 18 (0 – 41) – “2”;
  • 19 – 30 (42 – 54) – “3”;
  • 31 – 42 (55 – 66) – “4”;
  • from 43 (from 67) – “5”.

Computer Science score conversion scale

  • 0 – 7 (0 – 41) – “2”;
  • 8 – 15 (42 – 57) – “3”;
  • 16 – 26 (58 – 78) – “4”;
  • from 27 (from 79) – “5”.

Scale for converting Unified State Examination 2017 scores in the Russian language

  • 0 – 14 (0 – 34) – “2”;
  • 15 – 32 (36 – 56) – “3”;
  • 33 – 44 (57 – 70) – “4”;
  • from 45 (from 71) – “5”.

Literature score conversion scale

  • 0 – 8 (0 – 31) – “2”;
  • 9 – 23 (32 – 54) – “3”;
  • 24 – 31 (55 – 66) – “4”;
  • from 32 (from 67) – “5”.

Scale for converting Unified State Exam scores in chemistry

  • below 14 (0 – 35) – “2”;
  • 14 – 31 (36 – 55) – “3”;
  • 32 – 49 (56 – 72) – “4”;
  • from 50 (73) – “5”.

Foreign language score conversion scale

  • 0 – 21 (0 – 21) – “2”;
  • 22 – 59 (22 – 59) – “3”;
  • 60 – 84 (60 – 84) – “4”;
  • from 85 (from 85) – “5”.

Primary scores correspond to test scores.

Scale for converting Unified State Exam scores in physics

  • 0 – 10 (0 – 35) – “2”;
  • 11 – 23 (36 – 52) – “3”;
  • 24 – 34 (53 – 67) – “4”;
  • from 35 (from 68) – “5”.

Geography point conversion scale

  • 0 – 12 (0 – 35) – “2”;
  • 13 – 22 (37 – 50) – “3”;
  • 23 – 37 (51 – 66) – “4”;
  • from 38 (from 67) – “5”.

Scale for converting Unified State Exam 2017 scores in basic level mathematics

  • 0 – 6 – “2”;
  • 7 – 11 – “3”;
  • 12 – 16 – “4”;
  • from 17 – “5”.

Raw Basic Level Math scores do not translate into test scores.

History score conversion scale

  • 0 – 12 (0 – 35) – “2”;
  • 13 – 27 (36 – 49) – “3”;
  • 28 – 42 (50 – 67) – “4”;
  • from 43 (from 68) – “5”.

Scale for converting Unified State Exam scores in mathematics at the profile level

  • 0 – 5 (0 – 26) – “2”;
  • 6 – 11 (26 – 46) – “3”;
  • 12 – 17 (47 – 64) – “4”;
  • from 18 (from 65) – “5”.

Biology Score Conversion Scale

  • 0 – 12 (0 – 34) – “2”;
  • 13 – 28 (36 – 53) – “3”;
  • 29 – 43 (54 – 70) – “4”;
  • from 44 (from 71) – “5”.


This is what the 2017 Unified State Exam score table looks like on a five-point scale. The values ​​are purely approximate. Therefore, the table may contain serious inaccuracies. But as a guideline that will help you evaluate your knowledge during practice tests, it may well be in demand.