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Foreign Asia: general characteristics. Detailed map of asia south asia political map

The rapidly developing region occupies 30% of the entire earth's land, which is 43 million km². Extends from Pacific Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea, from the tropics to North Pole. He has a very interesting story, rich past and unique traditions. More than half (60%) of the world's population lives here - 4 billion people! You can see what Asia looks like on the world map below.

All Asian countries on maps

Asia world map:

Political map of foreign Asia:

Physical card Asia:

Countries and capitals of Asia:

List of Asian countries and their capitals

A map of Asia with countries gives a clear idea of ​​their location. The list below is the capitals of Asian countries:

  1. Azerbaijan, Baku.
  2. Armenia – Yerevan.
  3. Afghanistan - Kabul.
  4. Bangladesh - Dhaka.
  5. Bahrain – Manama.
  6. Brunei - Bandar Seri Begawan.
  7. Bhutan – Thimphu.
  8. East Timor - Dili.
  9. Vietnam – .
  10. Hong Kong - Hong Kong.
  11. Georgia, Tbilisi.
  12. Israel – .
  13. - Jakarta.
  14. Jordan - Amman.
  15. Iraq - Baghdad.
  16. Iran - Tehran.
  17. Yemen - Sana'a.
  18. Kazakhstan, Astana.
  19. Cambodia – Phnom Penh.
  20. Qatar - Doha.
  21. - Nicosia.
  22. Kyrgyzstan – Bishkek.
  23. China - Beijing.
  24. DPRK - Pyongyang.
  25. Kuwait - Kuwait City.
  26. Laos - Vientiane.
  27. Lebanon - Beirut.
  28. Malaysia – .
  29. - Male.
  30. Mongolia - Ulaanbaatar.
  31. Myanmar - Yangon.
  32. Nepal - Kathmandu.
  33. United Arab Emirates - .
  34. Oman – Muscat.
  35. Pakistan – Islamabad.
  36. Saudi Arabia - Riyadh.
  37. - Singapore.
  38. Syria - Damascus.
  39. Tajikistan – Dushanbe.
  40. Thailand – .
  41. Turkmenistan – Ashgabat.
  42. Türkiye - Ankara.
  43. - Tashkent.
  44. Philippines - Manila.
  45. - Columbo.
  46. - Seoul.
  47. - Tokyo.

In addition, there are partially recognized countries, for example, Taiwan, which separated from China and its capital is Taipei.

Sights of the Asian region

The name is of Assyrian origin and means “sunrise” or “east”, which is not surprising. Part of the world is distinguished by rich relief, mountains and peaks, including the highest peak in the world - Everest (Chomolungma), which is part of the Himalaya mountain system. All are presented here natural areas and landscapes, on its territory there is the deepest lake in the world -. Foreign Asian countries in last years confidently lead in the number of tourists. Mysterious and incomprehensible to Europeans traditions, religious buildings, interweaving of ancient culture with the latest technologies attract curious travelers. It is impossible to list all the iconic sights of this region; we can only try to highlight the most famous ones.

Taj Mahal (India, Agra)

A romantic monument, a symbol of eternal love and a magnificent structure in front of which people stand in stupor, the Taj Mahal Palace, included in the list of the seven new wonders of the world. The mosque was erected by Tamerlane's descendant Shah Jahan in memory of his deceased wife, who died in childbirth while giving birth to their 14th child. The Taj Mahal is recognized as the best example of Mughal architecture, incorporating Arabic, Persian and Indian architectural styles. The walls of the structure are lined with translucent marble and inlaid with gems. Depending on the lighting, the stone changes color, becoming pink at dawn, silver at dusk, and dazzling white at noon.

Mount Fuji (Japan)

This is a significant place for Buddhists who profess Shintaism. The height of Fuji is 3776 m; in fact, it is a sleeping volcano that should not wake up in the coming decades. It is recognized as the most beautiful in the world. There are tourist routes up the mountain that operate only in summer, since most of Fuji is covered with eternal snow. The mountain itself and the Fuji 5 Lakes area around it are part of the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park.

The largest architectural ensemble in the world stretches across Northern China for 8860 km (including branches). Construction of the Wall took place in the 3rd century BC. and had the goal of protecting the country from the Xiongnu conquerors. The construction project dragged on for a decade, about a million Chinese worked on it and thousands died from exhausting labor in inhumane conditions. All this served as a reason for the uprising and overthrow of the Qin dynasty. The wall fits extremely organically into the landscape; it follows all the curves of the spurs and depressions, encircling the mountain range.

Borobodur Temple (Indonesia, Java)

Among the rice plantations of the island rises an ancient giant structure in the form of a pyramid - the largest and most revered Buddhist temple in the world, 34 m high. There are steps and terraces that encircle it leading up. From the point of view of Buddhism, Borobodur is nothing more than a model of the Universe. Its 8 tiers mark 8 steps to enlightenment: the first is the world of sensual pleasures, the next three are the world of yogic trance that has risen above base lust. Rising higher, the soul is cleansed of all vanity and gains immortality in celestial sphere. The top step personifies nirvana - a state of eternal bliss and peace.

Golden Buddha Stone (Myanmar)

The Buddhist shrine is located on Mount Chaittiyo (Mon State). You can loosen it with your hands, but no forces can throw it off its pedestal; in 2500 years the elements have not brought down the stone. In fact, it is a granite block covered with gold leaf, and its top is crowned by a Buddhist temple. The mystery has still not been solved - who dragged him up the mountain, how, for what purpose and how he has been balancing on the edge for centuries. Buddhists themselves claim that the stone is held on the rock by the hair of Buddha, walled up in the temple.

Asia is a fertile land for creating new routes, learning about yourself and your purpose. You need to come here meaningfully, tuning into thoughtful contemplation. Perhaps you will discover a new side of yourself and find answers to many questions. When visiting Asian countries, you can create a list of attractions and shrines yourself.

The list of countries in Central Asia is not very extensive, but the regions themselves occupy a sufficient portion of the landmass. These regions have their own economy, rich history, and unique cultural heritage. Before going on holiday to these regions, you should familiarize yourself with basic geographical information, superficially study the culture, economic nuances and many other useful aspects.

Asia is conventionally divided into the following regions: Southern part, Northern part, East Asia, Southeast part, Western part, middle Asia, Central part, Southwestern part.

South Asia composition: Bangladesh, Afghanistan, India, Iran, Nepal, Pakistan, Bhutan, Maldives and Sri Lanka.

The central part includes: Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and eastern Russian part.

Countries of Central-East Asia: the same as in the central part, but additionally all of Korea, China, Japan and Mongolia are added from the east.

Western part: Armenia, Palestine, Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia, Georgia, Turkey, Bahrain, Syria, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Oman, Kuwait, Cyprus, Lebanon and Iraq.

The southeastern part consists of: Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Singapore, Laos, Philippines, Cambodia, Laos.

The central part of Asia is the middle territory of the region, familiar to the majority of people who previously lived on the former borders of the USSR, into which Kazakhstan did not previously fit. Based on ethnic and cultural characteristics, the territorial composition of the Asian middle part may also include eastern Turkic peoples, such as Tibetans and Mongols. Central Asia is surrounded by land on all sides; there is no access to large bodies of water. The Caspian Sea does not flow anywhere, the reservoir has no outlet. The geographical center of Asia is the Republic of Tuva, located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The central part of Asia in any case will consist of the Central Asian republics of the previously known USSR and Kazakhstan. Also, this conditionally divided territorial delineation includes partially or fully other states. List of Central Asian countries:

  • – depending on various geographical sources, this country may be fully or partially included in other centers, for example, in the front or southern part of Asia;
  • Indian region Ladakh;
  • It is only partially included in the central part, but still most of it belongs to the western region;
  • - partially;
  • - fully;
  • is part of the territorial composition of Central Asia, but if we consider the political aspect, then this area belongs to the eastern side;
  • – closer to the eastern center than to the middle;
  • geographically - central, but the political aspect places it among eastern territories;
  • Part of the Russian Federation;

Historical and cultural heritage in the central countries

Today, the central part of Asia consists of five full-fledged states: Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. Previously, according to the Soviet state, Kazakhstan was not included in the list of the above Islamic states; it was equated closer to the Siberian region in Russia. However, the modern world believes otherwise, that Kazakhstan is the middle part of Asia, and not otherwise. The total territorial area of ​​the Central Asian region is 3 million 994 thousand 300 square kilometers.

This region also includes some of the countries with the smallest population in the world. In general, the population does not exceed 51 million inhabitants, and this number includes more than a hundred known to the world nationalities. Among them there are also Tibetans, Koreans, Germans and Austrians. The largest nation in the central region is the Uzbeks. The population of Uzbekistan today exceeds 30 million inhabitants, and in neighboring countries they are also found as national minorities, therefore this nation is recognized as the most numerous.

In 1992, more than 10 million Russians lived in the Central Asian region, but after the collapse of the USSR, large-scale migration began, as a result of which the number of Russians greatly decreased in the territories of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

In the most populous country - Uzbekistan - there are famous ancient historical cities that carry all the preservation of the country's culture. In the past, these were great states with a rich history - imperial nomadic civilizations and centers of the development of Islam in the Central Asian part.

For many centuries, students came from all corners of the continent to receive better education, as the region was famous for its good Islamic colleges. Also in the center of Asia, Sufism, a widespread Islamic movement of the 7-8 centuries AD, originated. In addition to all this, the central part was famous for its places of pilgrimage, and the development of the countries was prosperous compared to neighboring regions.

“Dervish Dance” is a ritual to achieve unity with God. This is the main goal of Sufism, the classical Muslim philosophy.

Asia is part of the Eurasian continent. The continent is located in the eastern and northern hemispheres. The border with North America runs along the Bering Strait, and Asia is separated from Africa by the Suez Canal. Also in Ancient Greece Attempts were made to establish a precise border between Asia and Europe. Until now, this border is considered conditional. In Russian sources, the border is established along the eastern foot of the Ural Mountains, the Emba River, the Caspian Sea, the Black and Marmara Seas, along the Bosporus and Dardanelles.

In the west, Asia is washed by inland seas: the Black, Azov, Marmara, Mediterranean and Aegean seas. The largest lakes on the continent are Baikal, Balkhash and the Aral Sea. Lake Baikal contains 20% of all fresh water on Earth. In addition, Baikal is the deepest lake in the world. Its maximum depth in the middle part of the basin is 1620 meters. One of the unique lakes in Asia is Lake Balkhash. Its uniqueness is that in its western part it is freshwater, and in its eastern part it is salty. The Dead Sea is considered the deepest sea in Asia and the world.

The continental part of Asia is mainly occupied by mountains and plateaus. The largest mountain ranges in the south are Tibet, Tien Shan, Pamir, and the Himalayas. In the north and northeast of the continent there are Altai, the Verkhoyansk Range, the Chersky Range, and the Central Siberian Plateau. In the west, Asia is surrounded by the Caucasus and Ural Mountains, and in the east by the Greater and Lesser Khingan and Sikhote-Alin. On a map of Asia with countries and capitals in Russian, the names of the major mountain ranges of the region are visible. All types of climates are found in Asia - from arctic to equatorial.

According to the UN classification, Asia is divided into the following regions: Central Asia, East Asia, Western Asia, Southeast Asia and South Asia. Currently, there are 54 states in Asia. The borders of all these countries and capitals are indicated on the political map of Asia with cities. In terms of population growth, Asia is second only to Africa. 60% of the entire world population lives in Asia. China and India make up 40% of the world's population.

Asia is the ancestor of ancient civilizations - Indian, Tibetan, Babylonian, Chinese. This is due to favorable agriculture in many areas of this part of the world. By ethnic composition Asia is very diverse. Representatives of the three main races of humanity live here - Negroid, Mongoloid, Caucasoid.

 Asia map

Detailed map Asia in Russian. Explore a map of Asia from a satellite. Zoom in and see streets, houses and landmarks on a map of Asia.

Asia- the largest part of the world on the planet. It extends from the Mediterranean coast of the Middle East to the far shores of the Pacific Ocean, including China, Korea, Japan, and India. The humid, hot regions of southern Asia are separated from the cooler regions by a giant mountain range - the Himalayas.

Together with Europe, Asia shapes the continent Eurasia. The dividing border between Asia and Europe passes through the Ural Mountains. Asia is washed by the waters of three oceans: the Pacific, Arctic and Indian. Also, many regions of Asia have access to the seas of the Atlantic Ocean. 54 states are located in this part of the world.

The highest mountain peak on Earth is Chomolungma (Everest). Its height above sea level is 8848 meters. This peak is part of the Himalaya system - a mountain range separating Nepal and China.

Asia is a very long part of the world, so the climate in Asian countries is different and differs depending on the landscape and relief. In Asia there are states with both subarctic and equatorial climate zones. In southern Asia, powerful winds blow from the sea - monsoons. Air masses saturated with moisture bring with them heavy rains.

Located in Central Asia Gobi Desert, which is called cold. Its lifeless, windswept expanses are covered with stone debris and sand. The tropical rainforests of Sumatra are home to orangutans - the only large monkeys living in Asia. This species is now endangered.

Asia– This is also the most densely populated part of the world, because more than 60% of the planet’s inhabitants live there. The largest population is in three Asian countries - India, Japan and China. However, there are also regions that are completely deserted.

Asia- This is the cradle of civilization of the entire planet, since the largest number of ethnic groups and peoples live in Asia. Each Asian country is unique in its own way, having its own traditions. Most of them live along the banks of rivers and oceans and engage in fishing and agriculture. Today, many peasants are moving from rural areas to cities, which are growing rapidly.

About 2/3 of the world's rice is grown in just two countries - China and India. The rice fields where the young shoots are planted are covered with water.

The Ganges River in India is the busiest place of trade with numerous "floating markets". Hindus consider this river sacred and make mass pilgrimages to its banks.

The streets of Chinese cities are filled with cyclists. Bicycles are the most popular mode of transport in China. Almost all the world's tea is grown in Asia. Tea plantations are processed by hand, only young leaves are picked and dried. Asia is the birthplace of religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam. There is a giant Buddha statue in Thailand.

Asia is the largest part of the world, forming Eurasia together with Europe. If you calculate the approximate area of ​​Asia, then together with all the islands it will be 43.4 million square kilometers. As for the population, as of 2009, its number was 4.117 billion people, which corresponds to more than 60% of the total population of the planet.

Mainland Asia is located in the northern and eastern hemispheres, with the exception of the Chukotka Peninsula. The Isthmus of Suez connects it with Africa, and North America is separated from Asia only by the narrow Bering Strait.

At the present time, the border between Europe and Asia is determined conditionally, taking into account, first of all, administrative units. It is traditionally believed that the eastern foot of the Ural Mountains is such a line, which further extends to the southern continuation of the Urals - Mugodzhary - mountains located in the western part of Kazakhstan. After which it continues along the Emba River, which originates on the western slope of Mugodzhar and is lost in the salt marshes just five kilometers from the Caspian Sea. Further, the border follows the Araks River, the upper reaches of which are located in Turkey, separating most of the Ararat Plain to Armenia, while the lower reaches already belong to Azerbaijan. In the same way, the Black and Marmara Seas are intermediate points between Asia Minor and Europe, in particular the Bosphorus Strait, as well as the Dardanelles Strait, connecting the Sea of ​​Marmara with the Aegean.

In addition to these seas, Asia in its western part is washed by other inland seas belonging to the Atlantic Ocean: the Azov and Mediterranean. However, this part of Eurasia is washed by all other oceans - both the Pacific and Indian, and the Arctic.

The coast of Asia is relatively weakly dissected - there are a number of large peninsulas: Asia Minor, which makes up the middle part of Turkey, and in the southwest of the mainland there is the Arabian Peninsula, with the southern part of Iraq and Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Qatar, UAE and Oman; Hindustan, most of which is occupied by the Deccan Plateau; Korean Peninsula - between the Japanese and Yellow Seas; and in Russia - Taimyr, Chukotka and Kamchatka.

More than two million square kilometers in Asia are occupied by large islands, mostly of continental origin, such as, for example, Sri Lanka; The Greater Sundas, which form the Malay Archipelago, which includes the islands of Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi; Japanese, the largest of which are Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu and Shikoku; Taiwan and the adjacent Pescadores Islands; archipelago of the Philippine Islands, consisting of more than seven thousand islands, the largest of which are Luzon, Mindanao, Mindoro, Leyte, Samar, Negros and Panay.

There are 54 states in Asia, four of which are only partially recognized: Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and Republic of China (Taiwan). A number of countries geographical location could belong to this continent, but for socio-cultural reasons Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkey and Cyprus are still often classified as Europe.