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Elena Rudnova coordinator of the regional branch of "Petersburg-Cosmopoisk" - an organization studying paranormal phenomena in the region.

In fact, it is very difficult to actually see and record a UFO. And they don't appear as often as people think. Much more objects that people mistake for UFOs are SABs (flash bombs that are used during military exercises - Ed.), Chinese lanterns, drones, airplanes, helicopters, etc. The latest case of sighting of unidentified objects over I visited St. Petersburg in early December. But we cannot say for sure that it was a UFO. It is unlikely to see a UFO in the city itself. There are many more cases of observation in the Leningrad region, where observation conditions are better. Overflights were repeatedly observed in Pavlovsk, Pushkin, Peterhof, in Yellow Bay on Gulf of Finland, on Lake Cheremenetskoye (near Luga), on other lakes near Luga in the area of ​​the village of Zaostrovye, in the area of ​​the village of Lake Ladoga Station and in a number of other places on Ladoga and on the Gulf of Finland.

For me, a UFO is an unidentified phenomenon and, depending on the situation, it can be either natural (ball lightning) or man-made, that is, its nature can be different.

I saw a UFO in 1996 on the Gulf of Finland as part of an expedition of the ufological commission of the Russian Geographical Society, when our group observed two huge disks over the bay. In 2006, in an anomalous zone on the Medveditskaya ridge in Volgograd region we saw a ball flying along a clear, defined trajectory. The ball approached quite close to us, and after hovering for some time, it made a U-turn and also flew away along the same clearly defined trajectory.

Face to face

One of the St. Petersburg residents observed on March 25 the passage of a UFO - two “red” objects - from the side of the Volodarsky Bridge, through the park of the Boulevard of the Red Dawns, in the direction of Kupchino (Pulkovo) at an altitude of about 150 meters. First one appeared from behind the houses, and 15 seconds later a second one appeared. The distance between them was about 100 meters. They flew completely silently, along a straight trajectory with further different turns. The observer paid attention to the direction of the wind - the clouds were moving towards them.

When the objects began to move away, from behind they looked like large black figures and without lights. Even though it was getting dark, it was clear to see. They flew with their front lights turned on like headlights. One of them flew to the right from its direct trajectory, the other to the left. The man did not have a camera with him, but there was a witness. As he assures, what he saw does not belong to the category of “Chinese lanterns”.

And here is a very recent message from a St. Petersburg woman: “I don’t know about April 1, but on March 27, between 22.00 and 23.00 in St. Petersburg, I observed a luminous object in the sky, in its southwestern part. We were driving along the embankment. The object moved either quickly, or slowly, or hovered. Observed for 15 minutes. Not a plane. I thought it was a star, but it kept moving when we stopped. The brightness of the object was constant. It didn’t look like a Chinese lantern - it was moving towards the south (it felt like it was moving from northeast to southwest, south). Then the object disappeared."

For the active and interested

"Cosmopoisk"- a social scientific organization that aims to study anomalous phenomena scientific methods, that is, using instruments. It includes both young people, starting from 18 years old, and older people - from 30 to 70 years old. “Cosmopoisk” is an international organization, it has branches in many countries, and was created in 1980 in Moscow. The initiators of its creation are Vadim Chernobro in, association coordinator, science fiction writer Alexander Kazantsev and astronaut Georgy Grechko. Many famous people, including cosmonauts, are members of Cosmopoisk and have taken part in expeditions many times.

Interesting expeditions are carried out every year, in particular, to the Krasnodar Territory near Novokubansk - the study of crop circles (pictograms) that appear there almost every year. There are a lot of interesting speleological expeditions to search for meteorites. “Piter-Kosmopoisk” has its own expeditions in the Leningrad region. It has its own mysterious places, its own anomalous zones. There are also long-term expeditions of 1.5-2 months - Translatitudinal and Trans-Russian expeditions, when participants hitchhike almost throughout Russia.

To join Kosmopoisk-Petersburg, all you need to do is express your desire and begin to take an active part in the organization’s expeditions. There are basic requirements for applicants: age from 16 years, desire to study and conduct Scientific research abnormal phenomena, having at least a little experience of multi-day camping trips, being sociable, active, having good physical shape and psychological stability, no addiction to alcohol and drugs.

Computer and Internet skills are also a plus. This is a list of the most minimal requirements for everyone who wishes to take part in the work of the Petersburg-Cosmopoisk group. According to these minimum criteria, a person is allowed to work in a group as an ordinary participant. To join Kosmopoisk, you need a year of active participation in expeditions of the regional group!

Interviewed by Natalia Kudryashova

This methodology determines the procedure for creating groups on the territory of administrative-territorial entities Russian Federation without their (groups) official registration with local authorities.

To create a regional Kosmopoisk group, it is desirable to have at least two people who are members (candidate members) of Kosmopoisk.

Members (candidate members) of ONIO Kosmopoisk must hold the first organizational meeting. At the organizational meeting, a decision is made on the creation of the group, its name, and the leader (commander) of the group is elected (if necessary, his deputy or deputies).

Internal group name (if necessary)

The group has the right to independently choose its own " internal"a name that cannot repeat existing names. The name of the group can be as original as desired (there are already groups “Stalker”, “Seeker”, “Team-X”, “Team-X”, “Skylened”, etc.... ) or “standard” (there are already groups, “Vologda-Kosmopoisk”, “Novokubansk-Kosmopoisk”, “Bratsk-Kosmopoisk”, etc....). Accordingly, each group has the same right to given name email address (for example: [email protected] ).

Special requirements for “external”, i.e. official names.

Groups joining Kosmopoisk do not have the right to use call signs, names and titles already occupied before them by other groups that joined Kosmopoisk earlier in time. If several more groups arise in one city, the direction of which coincides, then they either: 1) take a different first part, for example - “Spektr-Kosmopoisk”, this is a group also based in St. Petersburg, its direction is complex, coinciding with the general activities of "Cosmopoisk"; 2) take a different second part; this solution is only suitable if the group is specialized.

For groups specializing in one specific activity, it is advisable to choose a name that reflects their area of ​​activity (for example, “Petersburg-Cryptozoology”, since such names do not need comments, no one would think of contacting such a group with questions not related to their activity profile).

The decision to create a group is documented in a protocol that is sent to the Cosmopoisk Coordinator or his deputies and the head of the Department of Personnel Training and Education. It is advisable to attach to the protocol a list of the group, which includes persons who filled out the application form for joining Kosmopoisk and candidates for membership in the Kosmopoisk ONIO.

The group needs to develop “Group Regulations” or “Group Charter”. The regulations on the group (“Group Charter”) must not contradict the requirements of the Charter of ONIO Kosmopoisk, as well as other regulatory documents of the association. The regulations should reflect the goals and objectives of the group’s activities that correspond to the Charter goals and objectives of ONIOO Kosmopoisk.

Each group that is part of the ONIO "Kosmopoisk" retains autonomy and independence in choosing its activities, incl. scientific and financial, if this does not contradict the requirements of the Cosmopoisk Charter and other organizational documents. The group is obliged to coordinate its research and expeditionary activities with the Cosmopoisk bureau, the head of the expeditionary department, and other groups of the Association and, by April 15, annually submit a plan of expeditionary and other activities for the year.

After preparing the “Regulations on the group” or “Charter of the group” and the protocol on the creation of the group, the group leader sends these documents to the coordinator of ONIO Kosmopoisk, the Coordinator of his region and the head of the personnel training department. When new members join the group, their questionnaires must also be sent to the head of the Department of Training and Education.

Any group has the right to place its own advertisements, messages and articles on the Kosmopoisk websites and ask that the interests of the group be taken into account when publishing books published in Kosmopoisk. Each group can receive assistance to open their own page on the Internet

When preparing their own expedition, the group has the right to receive all confidential information available to Kosmopoisk about this place, including maps, addresses and travel tips, subject to the provision of a detailed research plan and scientific work program to the Cosmopoisk Bureau, the Coordinator of your region and the Expedition Department.


The commander (leader) of the group of the Cosmopoisk Association independently manages his group, taking into account the characteristics of the group (guided primarily by the Cosmopoisk Charter and other organizational documents). He has the right to independently decide on the collection or non-collection of membership fees, the purchase of instruments and equipment and other current affairs of the group. The group leader has the right to independently form the composition of his group and control research work group members. He has the right to decide on the degree of participation or non-participation of his own group in the general expeditions of the Association in accordance with the “Regulations on Expeditions” and “Regulations on the Leader of the Expedition”.

The commanders of the most experienced and active groups can be members of the Council of ONIO Kosmopoisk, where the most key and strategic research issues are resolved.

Related information.

Infertility- in biology - the loss of the ability of plants and animals to reproduce sexually. You might be interestedinfertility treatment at IvfClinic .

Infertility- in medicine - the inability of a couple of childbearing age to conceive a child with regular sexual activity.

A married couple is considered infertile if the woman does not become pregnant within a year of regular sexual activity (sexual intercourse at least 2 times a week) without the use of contraceptive means and methods. According to the World Health Organization, “...about 8% of married couples during the reproductive period of life are faced with the problem of infertility.” In humans, absolute infertility is distinguished, predetermined by incurable changes in the reproductive apparatus of a man or woman (developmental defects, surgical removal of the gonads, injuries, etc.) , and relative, the causes of which can be eliminated. Infertility is called primary if there has never been a pregnancy, and secondary if a woman has had at least one pregnancy before, no matter how it ended (childbirth, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, etc.).

Female infertility

The causes of female infertility can be:

1) Obstruction or absence of the fallopian or fallopian tubes, into which the egg enters after ovulation and where it meets sperm. In the distal parts of the fallopian tubes, the sperm meets and merges with the egg, that is, fertilization occurs, resulting in the formation of an embryo. The embryo moves through the tube into the uterine cavity due to contractions of the muscular wall of the tube (peristalsis) and cilia (epithelium lining the tube from the inside), which “drive” the embryo into the uterus. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes, as a rule, is the result of an adhesive (sticky) process, which leads to inflammation of the tubes (salpingitis). Sometimes this is the result of a woman's sterilization (tubal ligation or division). The absence of fallopian tubes is observed after surgical removal of the tube, for example, in connection with an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy or a purulent process in it (pyosalpinx).