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Quiz “Dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Kursk…. The quiz "70 years of the Great Victory" is dedicated to the anniversary of the Great Victory

Astrakhan 2015




The lesson was developed by first category teacher S.I. Klepchurova.

Intellectual and educational game "Brain Ring"

Topic #1:

"70th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War."


  • to cultivate respect for the historical past of one’s people through the example of feats accomplished during the Great Patriotic War;
  • form an active civil position, positive attitude towards knowledge;
  • develop children's ability to work in a team;
  • encourage children to search for new knowledge and expand their horizons.

Game round topics:

Round 1: “Cities are heroes”

Round 2: "Great Battles of World War II"

Round 3 (semi-final): “Everything for the front, everything for victory”

Round 4 (final): “Astrakhan residents are heroes of the Second World War.”

Areas of training

“Hero-cities of the Second World War: Moscow, Leningrad, Sevastopol, Brest, Stalingrad, Kyiv”

“Great battles of the Second World War: “Battle of Moscow”, “Battle of Stalingrad”, “Battle of Kursk”, “Tank Battle of Prokhorovka”, “Battle of the Dnieper”.

"Leningrad blockade"

"Military designers and inventors"

"Military equipment of the Second World War"

"Songs of the War Years"

“Astrakhan residents are heroes of the Second World War: Natalya Kochuevskaya, Viktor Nikolaevich Kulikov, Konovalov Pavel Vasilievich, Tulnikov Andrey Panteleevich, Zdorovtsev S.I.



  1. In the aggressive plans of Nazi Germany, the capture of this city was of paramount importance, since it was with its fall that the complete victory of German troops over the USSR was associated. To capture the city, a special operation codenamed “Typhoon” was developed. Name the city?

(Answer: hero city Moscow)

  1. Hitler ordered this city to be wiped off the face of the earth. Fierce fighting on the approaches to it began on July 10, 1941. Fascist troops, after long and stubborn battles, cut off the city from the entire country. Which city in Russia during the Great Patriotic War withstood a 900-day siege by German troops?

(Answer: hero city Leningrad, now St. Petersburg.)

  1. This city was called the “gates of Moscow”, itbravely defended himself both in troubled times and from Napoleon's troops, and in 1941.The German military machine slowed down for the first time here, encountering serious resistance. Name this city.

(Answer: hero city Smolensk)

  1. During the Great Patriotic War, 28 soldiers of I.V. Panfilov repelled several tank attacks of the Nazis (18 enemy tanks). Almost everyone died, but they did not let the enemy through. What city did Panfilov’s heroes defend?

(Answer: hero city Moscow)

  1. For 58 days, Sergeant Pavlov and his soldiers (24 wars of 6 nationalities) fought off attacks by enemy infantry, tanks and aircraft, defending one of the houses in the city. Here “a small group of defenders destroyed as many Nazis as they did not lose during the capture of Paris? In what city is this “House of Soldier’s Glory”, the famous Pavlov’s house, located?

(Answer: hero city Stalingrad, now Volgograd)

  1. Which territory on the western border was the first to take the blow in the Great Patriotic War and heroically defended itself in 1941 from June 22 to the 20th of July?becoming a symbol of the unbending courage, perseverance and heroism of Soviet soldiers in the first days of the war?

(Answer: Belarus, Brest Fortress, now Brest Fortress - hero)

  1. What was the name of the bridgehead with an area of ​​30 sq.m. near the hero city of Novorossiysk, where bloody battles continued for 225 days?

(Answer: “Small Land”)

  1. During the Second World War, this city became famous for its heroic defense that began on October 30, 1941, which lasted 250 days and went down in history as an example of long-term active defense of a coastal city and the main naval base of the Black Sea Fleet, which remained deep behind enemy lines.

(Answer: hero city Sevastopol).

  1. The unique underground catacombs of this city served as a shelter local residents from bombing and artillery shelling, the partisans organized an impenetrable fortress in them with headquarters, shelters, logistical institutions of all kinds, right down to their own bakery and printing house. Currently, the only underground museum of “Partisan Glory” in Ukraine is located here. Name the city.

(Answer: hero city Odessa).

  1. During the month and a half of occupation, the residents of this city suffered enormous human losses. Not far from the city there is a terrible place called “Bagerovsky Ditch”. The anti-tank ditch, 4 meters wide, 2 meters deep and 1.5 kilometers long, is the site of mass executions of civilians in November-December 1941. Here the Nazis shot and buried more than seven thousand people: children, old people and women.

(Answer: the hero city of Kerch, more than fifteen thousand civilians were killed during the occupation of Kerch by fascist troops, more than 14 thousand were deported to Germany).



(Battle of Moscow, defense of Leningrad, Battle of Stalingrad, battle of Kursk, crossing of the Dnieper, battle for Berlin)

  1. After what battle was the myth of invincibility dispelled? German soldier. Was the German army inflicted its first defeat in this war?

(Answer: After the Battle of Moscow (1941-1942)

  1. "In the fields military glory Russia" The Military Encyclopedia names Kulikovo, Poltava and this, where the largest oncoming tank battle in World War II took place. What is the name of this field?

(Answer: Prokhorovskoye, Belgorod region of the Russian Federation.)

  1. After the end of this battle, the strategic initiative in the war passed to the side of the Red Army, which until the end of the war carried out mainly offensive operations, while the Wehrmacht was on the defensive.During the 50-day battles, Soviet troops defeated 30 German divisions, including 7 tank divisions. Name the battle that ended on August 23, 1943 with the capture of Kharkov by Soviet troops?

(Answer: Battle of Kursk.)

  1. Which battle of the Great Patriotic War came first: Kursk or Stalingrad?

(Answer: Battle of Stalingrad)

  1. During what offensive operation did Marshal G.K. Zhukov use the famous “searchlight” attack against enemy troops - 140 searchlights, which blinded the enemy troops?

(Answer: Berlin offensive operation)

  1. During what battle in 1943, 330 thousand Nazi soldiers and officers, commanded by Field Marshal Paulus, found themselves surrounded and surrendered?

(Answer: Battle of Stalingrad).

  1. Name the highest point in the city of Stalingrad, where particularly bloody battles took place in the winter of 1943. So many shells and bombs were dropped on this point that after the liberation of the city, grass did not grow on it for 2 years.

(Answer: Stalingrad, Mamayev Kurgan).

  1. 2438 soldiers were awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union for the heroism shown during the crossing of the “Eastern Wall” fortification system, which was impregnable, according to the Germans. Such a massive award for one operation was the only one in the entire history of the war. What battle are we talking about?

(Answer: Crossing of the Dnieper).

  1. This commander, according to the American researcher Kayden, “inflicted more losses on the Germans than any other military leader or group of them in World War II. He commanded more than a million men in each battle. He brought a fantastic number of tanks into action. The Germans were more than familiar with the name and the crushing skill... for before them was a military genius.” Who are we talking about?

(Answer: Marshal, four times Hero of the Soviet Union- Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov).

  1. This commander was called the “Soviet Bagration.” Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk, Belarus - all the major victories of the war had his significant contribution. Strong, strong-willed and at the same time calm, he created an atmosphere of decency and mutual respect around himself. It was he who had the honor of commanding the Victory Parade in Moscow. Who is this commander?

(Answer: Marshal of the Soviet Union, Marshal of Poland, twice Hero of the Soviet Union Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky)



  1. During the Great Patriotic War, our front-line soldiers called the SU-152 (later ISU-152) self-propelled artillery mount “St. John’s wort.” For what?

(Answer: Because they pierced the armor German tanks"Tigers".)

  1. Not only people fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, but also “yaks,” “tigers,” “panthers,” and “leopards.” What was it?

(Answer: Military equipment: “Yaks” are a series of Soviet fighter aircraft developed by A.S. Yakovlev Design Bureau; “Tigers” are a series of German heavy tanks. “Panther” are German medium tanks; “Leopards” are German light tanks) .

  1. Which domestic medium tank was recognized as the best during the Great Patriotic War?

(Answer: medium tank with anti-ballistic armor T-34)

  1. During the Great Patriotic War, the BM-13 installation was called “Katyusha”, but what was the name of the “PPSh” assault rifle (try to guess)? (Answer: “Daddy”)
  1. Which rear Ural city was better known under the name “Tankograd” during the Great Patriotic War?

(Answer: Chelyabinsk, Southern Urals. The Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant produced the famous T-34 tanks.)

  1. What name was given to the Soviet multiple rocket launcher BM-13 during the Great Patriotic War?

(Answer: A unique weapon of the Great Patriotic War - the Katyusha rocket launcher)

  1. What is the name of the designer under whose leadership the best tank of World War II, the T-34, was designed?

(Answer: Mikhail Ilyich Koshkin)

  1. “Road of Life” - what is it?
    (Answer: The only military-strategic transport highway that passed along Lake Ladoga (during navigation - on water, in winter - on ice), connecting besieged Leningrad with the rear areas (from September 1941 to March 1943). The population was evacuated along this road, transported food, fuel, weapons to the besieged city).
  1. From June 26, 1941, the working day was extended. What was the length of the working day during the war?

(Answer: The working day was extended to 11 hours, vacations were canceled, and mandatory overtime was introduced).

  1. Which animal was awarded the medal “For Military Merit” during World War II? At the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945, he was carried in his arms on a Stalinist overcoat, because earlier he had been wounded and could not move independently.

(Answer: Dzhulbars is a mine-detecting dog, which, while clearing mines, discovered areas in European countries V Last year war 7468 mines and more than 150 shells).



  1. One of the streets of our city bears the name of Natalya Kachuevskaya, one of the minor planets is named in her honor solar system, and a monument was erected at the site of death in the village of Khulkhuta. By what feat did Natalya Kachuevskaya immortalize her name?

(Answer: a 20-year-old medical instructor of the 105th Guards Rifle Regiment as part of the 28th Army, took part in protecting the approaches to Astrakhan, saved 20 wounded soldiers, covering them with her body.).

  1. Name the front-line poet, whose words are engraved on a memorial plaque with a bas-relief of the poet at the entrance of the main building of his native institute, now Astrakhan State Technical University.
    “Knocked down - Fight on your knees!
    If you can’t get up, step on it while lying down!”

(Answer: Boris Mikhailovich Shakhovsky)

  1. Name an operational military formation, thanks to the unparalleled courage and perseverance of whose soldiers, during the most difficult defensive battles on the distant approaches to Astrakhan, Hitler’s troops were stopped 120 km from the city in the area of ​​​​the village of Khulkhuta.

(Answer: 28th Army).

  1. June 28 1941 in an air battle with three enemy bombers, having used up its ammunition, it shot down a German plane with a ramming attack"Junkers-88" , while maintaining yours. For a perfect featJuly 8 1941 received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Enlisted forever in the lists of the military unit, on the Volga a passenger ship was named after him, in Astrakhan and Volgograd - streets. What is the hero's name?

(Answer: Stepan Ivanovich Zdorovtsev - flight commander of the 158th Fighter Aviation Regiment, junior lieutenant).

  1. One of the streets of Astrakhan is named in honor of Viktor Nikolaevich Kulikov, a Hero of the Soviet Union, who went through the entire war and especially distinguished himself in the defense of Sevastopol. What technical means did he manage?

(Answer: attack pilot, flew 193 combat missions, destroyed 3 aircraft,

  1. tanks, 38 guns and mortars, 65 enemy vehicles.)
  1. What unusual animals were the draft force for the guns in the 28th reserve army. The shortage of cars and horses forced them to be caught in the surrounding area and tamed.

(Answer: Camels. Of the 350 tamed animals, one camel named Yashka even reached Berlin with the soldiers).

Oh, those turbulent 70s! The time of disco, hippies, feminism, it was then that the birth of the environmental movement began in Europe, the Vietnam War took place... In short, it was an era rich in changes in all areas of life. This means we have enough material at our disposal to organize a super party!


- Cut a circle out of paper and decorate it like a vinyl disc, or take a real, no longer needed disc and write the invitation text in the center on the label.
- Find on the Internet a photo of a popular artist or actor in the 70s (for example, John Travolta in the movie “Saturday Night Fever”) and use a computer program to replace his head with yours.
- Make a disco ball out of foil and stick the invitation on top or place it inside.
- Make a collage of bright images and events of that era on a regular sheet of paper.
- Glue together a paper cover for a CD, write your invitation on it, and insert a CD with 70s music inside to immerse your guests in the appropriate atmosphere.
At a 70s-themed party, a costume party naturally suggests itself! Ask guests to come in costumes. The choice is huge: disco, punk, hippie, Abba, manga... Almost everything fits!
Here are some ideas:
Disco: flared trousers, a shirt in bright colors or with sparkles.
Hippies: Indian tunic, printed T-shirt, Afghan vest, huge glasses, headscarf, bell-bottoms, very colorful clothing, often with floral motifs and embroidery, sandals, long beads (usually with peace sign).
Abba: all white, bell-bottoms, platform shoes.
Punk: very aggressive style, ripped jeans, leather jacket, spiked bracelet or necklace, huge boots, appearance slightly unkempt, mohawks of all colors, pins.

Relax! There is so much to do here! Get ideas from the following list:
- disco ball;
- emoticons;
- flashy colors: orange, green, purple, yellow, and always brown;
- posters with quotes from hits of the 70s;
- glitter, vinyl records and magazines from the 70s, which can be found at flea markets;
- a banner with the slogan “Welcome to the 70s!”;
- photographs of you and your friends in that era. You can even use them as place markers at the table;
- items popular in those days, for example, a rotary telephone;
- hallucinogenic, vulgar and floral motifs in patterns;
- wallpaper of that era;
- icons with slogans or emoticons.
Who knows the 70s better?
Here are some possible tasks:
- pair a singer (actor) from one list with the name of a song (film) from another list:
- from a quote from a song, say who performed it;
- from an excerpt from a song or a movie screensaver, guess what is being said.
Dance competition
There are several options for organizing the competition:
- “do as I do”: one person steps forward and begins to move in disco style, others must repeat after him. Those who fail gradually drop out;
- classic: a competent jury is selected, which chooses the best by voting and grading;
- the longest chain: one person stands forward and shows the first movement, everyone repeats after him, then he shows the second movement, the group’s task is to repeat the combination of the first and second movement, and so on. The one who gets confused is out;
- disco lessons: you invite a professional to the event who teaches everyone typical movements!

Despite the fact that this game originated in the mid-60s, it gained its greatest popularity in the 70s. In addition, watching her is no less interesting and funny than playing.

Roller skating racing
Roller skates were very popular in the 70s! If each of the guests has them, then you could move the holiday from home to the street and arrange a small race. Imagine how much fun it will be not only for you, but also for those around you who will see you in bright costumes!
What is this?

For this game you will need things typical of the 70s (or images of them) that are no longer found in modern life. The participants' task is to guess or remember what it is called and what it was needed for.

Find the equivalent
Make a list of items or activities that were popular in the 70s and ask guests to find their modern equivalents, or vice versa. For example, payment in cash - payment by bank card (purchase on credit, through a mortgage), postal letter - email, telegram - SMS.
In the 70s it was very fashionable to wear badges. Then there were a great many options: different colors, with slogans or images. Invite your guests to make a badge as fun and to complement their look.

In the 70s, there were many styles in fashion: disco, punk, rock, soul and reggae. Are your eyes running wild?
Then here is a small selection of artists and groups: Abba, Bee Gees, Bob Marley, Bonny M, Doors, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Pink Floyd, Queen, Sex Pistols...

The interpretation of the film can also become a theme for celebration. Why not ask guests to come dressed as the mob from The Godfather or in disco style like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever?
You can also watch a movie as part of the entertainment, use frames from it as decoration, or simply get some ideas for the holiday from it!
Here are some more of the most popular films of that era: “Rocky”, “A Clockwork Orange”, “Charlie’s Angels”... Among the cartoons, we can note such as “Dragon Ball”, “Grandizer”, “Candy-Candy”...
- fondue: then almost everyone had it! With homemade sauce or classic cheese or chocolate sauce.


dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945.

    Which cities have been awarded the title of hero city?

    Which hero city changed its name three times?

    By what principle are logical series formed:

a) S. Ilyushin, S. Lavochkin, N. Polikarpov, A. Tupolev, A. Yakovlev?

b) B.M. Shaposhnikov, G.I. Kulik, I.S. Konev, N.A. Bulgarin.

    Who was the chief of staff of the partisan movement during the war:

L.P. Beria, S.M. Budyonny, A.M. Vasilevsky, P.K. Ponamarenko?

    Which German general signed the surrender of Germany?

F. Halder, H.V. Guderian, W. Keitel, F. Paulus?

    Find out who it is?

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the senior sergeant took part in battles as a tank commander. In October 1941, in the wallpaper near Bryansk, he was seriously wounded and shell-shocked.

In 1944, he developed a sample of a self-loading carbine, the design of the main components of which served as the basis for the creation of an assault rifle in 1946. In 1947, the inventor improved his machine gun and won competitive tests.

The merits of this man were noted by two titles of Hero of Socialist Labor (1958 and 1976), the order of “St. Andrew the First-Called” (1999), “For Services to the Fatherland” and many other orders and medals. A bronze bust was erected to him in his homeland. The weapons created by this man are widely known throughout the world; the image of his machine gun is included in the state emblem of the African state of Mozambique.

b) (1924-1943), Hero of the Soviet Union (1943, posthumously), private in the Guards Rifle Regiment. On February 23, 1943, in the battle for the village of Chernushki (Pskov region), he covered with his body the embrasure of a Nazi machine-gun bunker, which was impeding the unit’s advance.

V) (1918-1941), pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union (1941), junior lieutenant (1938). During the Great Patriotic War in a fighter aviation regiment. 08/07/1941 was one of the first to use a night ram. Shot down 6 planes. Killed in battle near Moscow.

    Who repeated the feat of Nikolai GASTELLO in the North?

    When and where did the largest tank battle in history take place?

    What's happened?

a) What are “Fat Man” and “Baby Girl”?

b) What is the Ost plan?

c) What is Treblinka?

d) What is the eastern rampart?

    How many fireworks were fired in Moscow during the Great Patriotic War?

    How many military parades took place on Red Square in Moscow during the Great Patriotic War?

    Who did the Germans call the “Black Death” during the Great Patriotic War?

    How many countries participated in World War II?

    Match the letters and numbers. For what feats was this or that order or medal given?

a) Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky
b) Order of Kutuzov
c) Order of Glory
d) Order of the Patriotic War
d) Order of Suvorov
f) Nakhimov Medal and Ushakov Medal

1) Rewarding private and non-commissioned personnel of the Soviet Army, and in aviation - junior lieutenants, for displaying courage, courage and fearlessness in battles for the Motherland.

2) For a won offensive operation with fewer forces than the enemy.

3) Awarding military personnel of all branches of the military, as well as civilians who distinguished themselves in the fight against the Nazis.

4) This award, along with soldiers of regular units, could be received by partisans.

5) Awarding of privates, petty officers and sergeants of the Navy.

6) For skillfully withdrawing troops from attack and delivering a counterattack.

    Explain the meaning of the terms:

Attack, blockade, assault, evacuation, deportation, counterattack, guerrilla warfare.

Answers to Quiz questions,

dedicated to the 70th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War

    The title of hero city was awarded to: Leningrad, Sevastopol, Volgograd, Odessa, Kiev, Moscow, Kerch, Novorossiysk, Minsk, Tula, Murmansk, Smolensk; Brest Fortress is a hero fortress.

    Volgograd - until 1925 - Tsaritsyn, until 1961 - Stalingrad.

    a) these are the names of famous aircraft designers;

b) marshals of the Soviet Union

    PC. Ponamarenko

    V. Keitel

    a) Kalashnikov Mikhail Timofeevich

b) Alexander Matrosov

c) Viktor Talalikhin

    Fighter pilot Alexander Gorbachev

    The battle of Prokhorovka in the Kursk Bulge on July 12, 1943. About 1,200 tanks from both sides took part in the battle.

    a) Name of two atomic bombs, dropped by the United States on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki;

b) Plan for the physical extermination of the peoples of the USSR and Eastern Europe, declared racially inferior;

c) This is a concentration camp where various experiments were carried out on prisoners, the destruction of prisoners;

d) Defensive structures built in 1943, about which Hitler said: “The Dnieper would rather flow back than the Russians would overcome it.”

    354 fireworks in honor of the victories of the Armed Forces.

    The Germans called the fighter pilots who flew the Il-2 the “Black Death.”

    Of the 73 countries existing at that time, 62 fought. 11 countries remained neutral.

    A - 4, B - 6, C - 1, D - 3, D - 2, E - 5.

    Attack- rapid attack on the enemy;

Blockade- a system of measures aimed at cutting off the enemy from sea and land communications;

Storm– a decisive attack on the enemy’s fortified positions;

Evacuation– organized removal of people, enterprises, etc. from one area to another to protect against danger;

Counterstrike- counter attack;

Guerrilla warfare - war behind enemy lines.

70th anniversary Great Victory dedicated to

These days the glory will not be silent!


Heroes of the Second World War

Main events and battles

Pioneers - heroes

On April 4, in an air battle over the Demyansk bridgehead (Novgorod region), the pilot’s fighter was shot down. He attempted to land on the ice of a frozen lake, but released his landing gear early. The plane began to quickly lose altitude and fell into the forest.

the pilot crawled to reach his friends. His feet were frostbitten and they had to be amputated. However, the pilot decided not to give up. When he received prosthetics, he trained long and hard and got permission to return to duty. I learned to fly again in the 11th reserve air brigade in Ivanovo.

Maresyev Alexey Petrovich

On February 27, 1943, the 2nd battalion received the task of attacking a strong point in the area of ​​the village of Chernushki (Loknyansky district, Pskov region). As soon as our soldiers passed through the forest and reached the edge, they came under heavy enemy machine-gun fire - three enemy machine guns in bunkers covered the approaches to the village. One machine gun was suppressed by an assault group of machine gunners and armor-piercers. The second bunker was destroyed by another group of armor-piercing soldiers. But the machine gun from the third bunker continued to fire at the entire ravine in front of the village. Attempts to silence him were unsuccessful. Then private …………… crawled towards the bunker. He approached the embrasure from the flank and threw two grenades. The machine gun fell silent. But as soon as the fighters went on the attack, the machine gun came to life again. Then the soldier stood up, rushed to the bunker and closed the embrasure with his body. At the cost of his life, he contributed to the accomplishment of the unit’s combat mission.

Alexander Matrosov

In the battles near Volokolamsk, the 316th Infantry Division of General ………. Reflecting continuous enemy attacks for 6 days, they knocked out 80 tanks and killed several hundred soldiers and officers. Enemy attempts to capture the Volokolamsk area and open the way to Moscow from the west failed. For heroic actions, this unit was awarded the Order of the Red Banner and transformed into the 8th Guards, and its commander, General ………….was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. He was not lucky enough to witness the complete defeat of the enemy near Moscow: on November 18, near the village of Gusenevo, he died a brave death.

I.V. Panfilov

Her life was short, but bright, like a flashing star. The girl died in battle for the honor and freedom of her native country, when she was twenty-first years old and had just joined the party. The short military journey of the glorious daughter of the Kazakh people ended with an immortal feat she performed near the walls of the ancient Russian city of Nevel.

Manshuk Mametova

After a fierce battle, our fighters took possession of the heights. The daredevil lingered in the trench for some time. Traces of pain appeared on his pale face, and strands of black hair came out from under his earflap hat. It was …………... She destroyed 10 fascists in this battle. The wound turned out to be minor, and the girl remained in service.

In an effort to restore the situation, the enemy launched counterattacks. On January 14, 1944, a group of enemy soldiers managed to break into our trenches. Hand-to-hand combat ensued. She mowed down the fascists with well-aimed bursts from her machine gun. Suddenly she felt danger behind her. She turned around sharply, but it was too late: German officer shot first. Gathering her last strength, she raised her machine gun and the Nazi officer fell to the cold ground...

The wounded girl was carried out by her comrades from the battlefield. The fighters wanted to believe in a miracle, and vying with each other to save the girl, they offered blood. But the wound was fatal.

Aliya Moldagulova

At dawn on June 22, one of the most long days at 3:30 a.m., units of the Red Army were attacked by German troops along the entire border. It has begun...

The Great Patriotic War

When did the second world war start?

In order not to fight on two fronts, on August 23, 1939, Germany concluded a Non-Aggression Pact with the USSR, and on September 1, Germany attacked Poland, unleashing the Second World War.

This battle continued from 1941. to 1944 The Soviet Armed Forces defended this city from July 10, 1941 to August 10, 1944 from Nazi and Finnish troops and completely defeated them.

Battle of Leningrad

The battle of …….. includes two periods: defensive (September 30 – December 5, 1941) and offensive (December 5, 1941 – April 20, 1942). It is considered the main turning point battle in the Great Patriotic War.

Battle of Moscow

The fascist German command carried out major offensive operations in the south with the goal of capturing this city in order to subsequently, by cutting off Soviet communications on the Volga, seize the oil-bearing regions of the Caucasus. Hitler's command hoped that the successful completion of these operations would create conditions for a subsequent new attack on Moscow and the end of the war in 1942. In the summer and autumn of 1942, the …………… battle and battle for the Caucasus began.

Battle of Stalingrad

To the village where he lived……. The Nazis burst in with my mother, Anna Alexandrovna. In the fall…….. I no longer had to go to school in the fifth grade. school building The Nazis turned it into their barracks. The enemy was fierce. Anna Aleksandrovna was captured for her connection with the partisans, and soon ……… found out that my mother was hanged in Minsk. The boy's heart was filled with anger and hatred for the enemy. Together with his sister Ad oh…………went to join the partisans in the Stankovsky forest. He became a scout at the headquarters of a partisan brigade. He penetrated enemy garrisons and delivered valuable information to the command. Using this data, the partisans developed a daring operation and defeated the fascist garrison in the city of Dzerzhinsk. ………. participated in battles and invariably showed courage and fearlessness; together with experienced demolition men, he mined the railway. ………… died in battle. He fought to the last bullet, and when he had only one grenade left, he let his enemies get closer and blew them up... and himself. For courage and bravery, fifteen-year-old ………….was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. A monument to the young hero was erected in the city of Minsk.

Marat Kazei

The war found the Leningrader………..in the village of Zuya, where she came for the holidays, not far from the Obol station in the Vitebsk region. An underground Komsomol youth organization “Young Avengers” was created in Obol, and ……… was elected a member of its committee. She took part in daring operations against the enemy, distributed leaflets, and conducted reconnaissance on instructions from a partisan detachment. In December 1943, returning from a mission, in the village of Mostishche ……… was handed over by a traitor to the Nazis. The Nazis captured the young partisan and tortured her. The answer to the enemy was silence…….., her contempt and hatred, her determination to fight to the end. During one of the interrogations, choosing a moment, ………. She grabbed a pistol from the table and shot point-blank at the Gestapo man. The officer who ran in to hear the shot was also killed on the spot. ……… tried to escape, but the Nazis overtook her. The brave young partisan was brutally tortured, but until the last minute she remained persistent, courageous, and unbending. And the Motherland posthumously celebrated her feat with its highest title - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Zina Portnova

The boy was born on February 11, 1930 in the village of Khmelevka, Shepetovsky district, Khmelnitsky region. Studied at school No. 4. When the Nazis burst into Shepetivka, he and his friends decided to fight the enemy. The guys collected weapons at the battle site, which the partisans then transported to the detachment on a cart of hay. Having taken a closer look at the boy, the leaders of the partisan detachment entrusted him with being a liaison and intelligence officer in their underground organization. He learned the location of enemy posts and the order of changing the guard. The Nazis planned a punitive operation against the partisans, and he, having tracked down the Nazi officer who led the punitive forces, killed him. When arrests began in the city, the boy, along with his mother and brother Victor, went to join the partisans. An ordinary boy, who had just turned fourteen years old, fought shoulder to shoulder with adults, freeing native land. He is responsible for six enemy trains blown up on the way to the front. He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, and the medal “Partisan of the Patriotic War,” 2nd degree. A boy died

as a hero in one of the unequal battles with the Nazis.

Valya Kotik

In total, he destroyed 78 fascists, two railway and 12 highway bridges, two food and fodder warehouses and 10 vehicles with ammunition. He distinguished himself in battles near the villages of Aprosovo, Sosnitsa, and Sever. Accompanied a convoy with food (250 carts) to besieged Leningrad. For valor and courage he was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner of Battle and the medal "For Courage".

On August 13, 1942, returning from reconnaissance from the Luga-Pskov highway near the village of Varnitsa, he blew up a passenger car in which there was a German major general of the engineering troops, Richard von Wirtz. In a shootout, the boy shot and killed the general, the officer accompanying him, and the driver with a machine gun. The intelligence officer delivered a briefcase with documents to the brigade headquarters. These included drawings and descriptions of new models of German mines, inspection reports to higher command and other important military papers. Nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. On January 24, 1943, in an unequal battle in the village of Ostraya Luka, Pskov region……………died. By decree of April 2, 1944, the Presidium of the Supreme Council awarded him the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Lenya Golikov

Having obtained a rifle, the boy destroyed the fascist motorcyclist and took his first battle trophy - a real German machine gun. This was a good reason for admitting him to partisan detachment. Day after day he conducted reconnaissance. More than once he went on the most dangerous missions. He was responsible for many destroyed vehicles and soldiers. For carrying out dangerous tasks, for demonstrating courage, resourcefulness and courage, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner in the winter of 1941. Punishers tracked down the partisans. The detachment left them for three days. In the group of volunteers ...... remained to cover the retreat of the detachment. When all his comrades died, the brave hero, allowing the fascists to close a ring around him, grabbed a grenade and blew them up and himself.

Sasha Borodulin

Historical quiz with answers for the 70th anniversary of the great Victory “Dear bitterness and glory”

Author: teachers of the State Autonomous Professional educational institution Chuvash Republic "Sumerlinsky Polytechnic College":
Svishcheva Tatyana Aleksandrovna. Nikolaeva Olga Konstantinovna
Description of material: Designed for teachers in preparation for extracurricular activity on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Victory, subject week. It is designed for students in grades 10-11.
Without love for the Motherland, its past and present, without knowledge of its history, it is impossible to build a future.
Quiz objectives:
- Improving students’ historical knowledge about the Great Patriotic War through the development of search work skills Fostering patriotic feelings
- Cultivating feelings of patriotism, pride and respect, compassion and gratitude for military feats using examples of heroism, bravery and courage of the Soviet people.
Rules for conducting and summing up the results of the quiz:
- All students of the educational institution, two representatives from each educational group, participate in the quiz.
- Teams are formed in groups independently and in advance. Participants are offered areas of knowledge from the history of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 for preparation:
1. "Operations and battles"
2. “We will not forget their names. Marshals and heroes"
3. “Orders and medals”
4. "War and Art"
5. "Victory Day"
- Summarizing:
1. Each correct answer is worth one point.
2. The result of the quiz is the sum of the points scored for all five tasks.
3. The results of the teams’ work in the quiz are entered into the quiz score sheet.
4. The results of the quiz are announced no later than three days from the date of the quiz and are posted on the website of the educational institution.
- Providing quiz:
1. Quiz participant card
2. Quiz score sheet.

Participant card for the quiz “Dear Bitterness and Glory”

1) During what battle did the largest tank battle of the Great Patriotic War take place near the village of Prokhorovka, name its chronological framework:
A) Battle of Moscow;
B) Battle of Stalingrad;
IN) Battle of Kursk;
D) Battle of Berlin.
2) Name an event during the Great Patriotic War that lasted 871 days, the horrors of which were hunger, murder, and cannibalism. Enter the end date for this event.
3) Name the military operations and the date they began, which had the following code names:
A) “Bagration”;
B) “Kutuzov”;
B) “Concert”;
D) "Uranus";
D) "Ring".
4) Fascist troops spent 250 days capturing this city, and Soviet troops liberated it in 5 days. What is this city?
A) Moscow
B) Stalingrad
B) Sevastopol
D) Novorossiysk
D) Kyiv
5) The Berlin operation was commanded by:

A) G.K. Zhukov;
B) K.K. Rokossovsky;
B) I.S. Konev;
B) S.K. Tymoshenko.
Task No. 2 “We will not forget their names. Marshals and heroes"
1. Marshal of the Soviet Union, head of the Military Academy of the General Staff, author of a monograph on the Battle of Moscow. He did not live to see Victory 44 days. J.V. Stalin allowed him to smoke in his office.
2. Marshal of the Soviet Union, participated in the First World War and civil wars. With the outbreak of war in 1941. appointed member of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command. The most important battles of the war are associated with the name of this man: the defense of Leningrad and Moscow, the defeat of the Nazis near Moscow and Stalingrad, on the Kursk Bulge, the battle for Berlin. Accepted the unconditional surrender of Germany.
3. Marshal of the Soviet Union, officer of the tsarist army, head of the operational department of the General Staff, and since June 1942 - chief of the General Staff. Participated in the development of strategic operations - the encirclement of the Stalingrad group of Nazi troops. IN post-war years was both Minister of War and First Deputy Minister of Defense. Twice awarded the highest military order "Victory".
4. Name the Heroes of the Soviet Union three times (at least three names)
5. A fighter of a sabotage detachment thrown behind enemy lines, the first teenage woman awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War (posthumously). While carrying out the task, she was captured by the Nazis and, despite brutal torture and bullying, refused to give information about her comrades. She was publicly hanged. The following lines are dedicated to her: “The enemy is getting closer, the world is split in two. Hedgehogs were bristling at all the gates and a girl from school 201 was going to the scaffold for an exam”?

1. Since 1943, this award could be awarded not only to military personnel of units and formations, but also to particularly distinguished formations, armies and corps. The difference was that on the army banner the award was depicted in a wreath of oak branches, while on the corps banner it was depicted without a wreath.
2. For the first time in the history of the Soviet award system, when this order was established in 1942, specific feats were listed, for which awards were given to representatives of all major branches of the military and civilians for their contribution to the common victory over the enemy.
3. Order three degrees, which could be received by the front, army commander, his deputy or chief of staff for skillful defense, exhausting the enemy and then launching a decisive counter-offensive.
4. The order could be awarded to generals and officers of the Red Army for distinction in battles with the Nazis, for skillful leadership of military operations. To be awarded this order, victory had to be achieved by a smaller force over a numerically superior enemy, according to the rule: “The enemy is beaten not by numbers, but by skill.”
5. In total, during the years of the Great Patriotic War, 19 awards were made to the highest military order of persons of the highest command staff The Red Army for the successful conduct of such military operations, on the scale of several or one front, as a result of which the situation radically changes in favor of the Red Army. What is the order and the names of the commanders who received it twice?

1. A piece of music that has become an anthem besieged Leningrad, upon hearing which the Germans were amazed that the city was alive.
2. Thunder struck. The wind whistled through the clouds.
The earth began to cry in deaf anguish,
Oh, how many tears, hot and flammable!
My land, tell me, what's wrong with you?
Which poet are these lines for? Name the work?
3.Announcer of the USSR, who informed the Soviet people about the beginning of the war and throughout the four years of the war informed the country about the situation on the fronts. Marshal Rokossovsky once said that his voice was equivalent to an entire division. And Hitler considered him enemy of the Reich No. 1, announcing a reward of 250 thousand marks for his head.
4. In December 1966, a ceremonial burial of the remains of the Unknown Soldier took place near the Kremlin wall in Moscow, whose ashes were transferred to the Alexander Garden from a mass grave at the 41st kilometer of the Leningradskoye Highway. What words are written on the tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Alexander Garden and who is their author?
5. His poem became the most famous letter from all Soviet soldiers from the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. What kind of poem is this and who is its author?
Task No. 5 “Victory Day”
1.When did the first Victory Parade take place in Moscow?
2. The culmination of the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945 was the march of 200 standard bearers throwing fascist banners onto a special platform at the foot of the Mausoleum. What element of the standard bearers' uniform was burned along with this platform after the parade?
3.When and by whom was the Victory Banner hoisted over the Reichstag in Berlin?
4.How many military parades took place on Red Square in Moscow during the Great Patriotic War? Give their dates.
5. How many fireworks were fired in Moscow during the Great Patriotic War in honor of the victories of the Red Army?

Sample answers for the quiz “Dear Bitterness and Glory”

Task No. 1 “Operations and battles”
1.B, July 5 - August 24, 1943 – 2 points
2. Siege of Leningrad, January 27, 1944 – 2 points
3.A) Operation “Bagration” - the operation to liberate Belarus - began on June 23, 1944 - 2 points
B) Operation “Kutuzov” - the Oryol offensive operation during the Battle of Kursk, the beginning of a radical change in the Second World War - began on July 12, 1943 - 2 points
B) Operation of Soviet partisans “Concert” with the aim of mass disabling large areas railways started on September 19, 1943 – 2 points
D) Operation Uranus - counter-offensive Soviet troops near Stalingrad - began on November 19, 1942 - 2 points
D) On January 10, 1943, Operation Ring began during the Battle of Stalingrad to eliminate the encircled enemy group under the leadership of General Paulus - 2 points
4. B – 1 point
5. A – 1 point
TOTAL – 16 points

Task No. 2 “We will not forget their names. Marshals and heroes."
1. B.M. Shaposhnikov - 1 point
2. G.K.Zhukov - 1 point
3. A.M. Vasilevsky - 1 point
4. Name three Heroes of the Soviet Union (at least three names) - Voroshilov K.E., Budyonny S.M., Kozhedub I.N., Pokryshkin A.I. – 1 point x number of names
5. Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya - 1 point
TOTAL – 5 points or more

Task No. 3 “Orders and medals”
1. Chest sign"Guard" - 1 point
2. Order of the Patriotic War - 1 point
3. Order of Kutuzov - 1 point
4. Order of Suvorov - 1 point
5. Order of “Victory”, J.V. Stalin, G.K. Zhukov and A.M. Vasilevsky - 4 points
TOTAL – 8 points

Task No. 4 “War and Art”
1. 7th Symphony by D. Shostakovich – 1 point
2. Musa Jalil, Barbarity – 2 points
3. Yuri Levitan – 1 point
4. “Your name is unknown - your feat is immortal,” Sergei Mikhalkov – 2 points
5. “Wait for me, and I’ll come back...”, K. Simonova – 2 points
TOTAL – 8 points

Task No. 5 “Victory Day”
1. June 24, 1945 – 1 point
2. Gloves – 1 point
3. The Victory Banner was hoisted over the Reichstag on April 30, 1945 by Sergeant M. Minin - 2 points
The Victory Banner was hoisted over the Reichstag on May 1, 1945 by regimental scouts M. Egorov and M. Kantaria - 2 points
4. Three, November 7, 1941, May 1, 1945, June 24, 1945 – 4 points
5. 354 fireworks – 1 point
TOTAL – 9 points

TOTAL quiz participants can score 46 points or more.

"Dear Bitterness and Glory" Quiz Score Sheet
Group No. Section No. Number of points Team composition Place