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Variant of trial oge in history with medals. Oge in history

The manual that you are holding in your hands is a unique author's methodology for the full school course of national history, thanks to which thousands of students pass the Main State Exam (OGE) every year. The use of visual and graphic elements allows you to better understand and assimilate educational material, which is included in the OGE tests in history. The handbook is intended for both students and teachers. The material of the book is presented in accordance with the structure of the content of the KIM OGE in history.

Attention 9th grade graduates educational organizations offered tutorial to prepare for the main state exam (OGE), which contains 20 training options examination papers.
Each option includes tasks of different types and levels of complexity in all sections of the Russian history course: “Antiquity and the Middle Ages”, “Modern times”, “ recent history”, knowledge of which is checked within the framework of the OGE.
A significant bank of examination materials (600 tasks of part 1,100 - part 2) provides an excellent opportunity for intensive training and mastering the necessary for successful delivery OGE knowledge, skills and abilities.
At the end of the book, answers are given for self-examination to all tasks of part 1 and the main content of the answers to the task of part 2.

Download and read OGE 2019, History, 20 training options for examination papers, Artasov I.A., 2018

This manual is intended to prepare 9th grade students for the state final certification - the main state exam (OGE) in history. The publication includes typical tasks for all content lines examination work, as well as approximate options in the OGE 2019 format.
The manual will help schoolchildren to test their knowledge and skills in the subject, and teachers - to assess the degree of achievement of the requirements educational standards individual students and ensure their targeted preparation for the exam.

Download and read OGE, History, Preparing for the final certification, Artasov I.A., Melnikova O.N., Gavrilina Yu.G., Lozbenev I.N., 2019

The publication contains tasks of various types on all topics checked by the OGE in history, a list of key issues, concepts. Answers and evaluation criteria are provided at the end of the manual.
The publication will provide invaluable assistance to students in preparing for the OGE in history, and can also be used by teachers in organizing the educational process.

Download and read OGE 2019, History, Assignments, answers, comments, Gevurkova E.A., Solovyov Y.V., 2018

Graduates of the 9th grade of general education organizations are offered a textbook for preparing for the main state exam (OGE), which contains 10 options for examination papers.
Each option includes tasks of different types and levels of complexity in all sections of the Russian history course: "Antiquity and the Middle Ages", "Modern Time", "Recent History", knowledge of the content of which is checked within the framework of the OGE.
A significant bank of examination materials (300 tasks of part 1, 50 tasks of part 2) provides an excellent opportunity for intensive training and mastering the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the successful passing of the OGE.
At the end of the book, answers are given for self-examination to all tasks of part 1 and the main content of the answers to tasks of part 2.

Download and read OGE 2019, History, 10 training options, Artasov I.A., 2018

The authors of the assignments are leading scientists, teachers and methodologists who are directly involved in the development of control measuring materials OGE.
The manual contains 14 variants of standard test items for the Main State Exam 2019, answers to all tasks and detailed criteria for checking and evaluating tasks with a detailed answer.
The purpose of the manual is to develop the practical skills of students in preparing for the OGE in history.
The manual is intended for teachers and methodologists who use tests to prepare students for the Main State Exam, as well as for self-training and self-control of students in grade 9 of the basic school.

Download and read OGE 2019, History, grade 9, 14 options, Typical test tasks, Kurukin I.V., Lushpay V.B., Taratorkin F.G.

Showing page 1 of 9

History test Grade 9

Part 1

A1. In what year was Vladimir Monomakh invited to the throne of Kiev?

  1. in 1113 3) in 1132
  2. in 1125 4) in 1156

A2. What were the consequences of "standing on the Ugra"?

  1. the final elimination of the dependence of Rus' on the power of the Horde khans
  2. proclamation of Ivan III the great sovereign of All Rus'
  3. accession to the Moscow principality of Novgorod
  4. the ruin of Russian lands by the troops of Batu

A3. Where did the congress of Russian princes take place in 1097?

  1. in Kyiv 3) in Dolobsky lake
  2. in Vyshgorod 4) in Lyubech

A4. What were the organs called? government controlled created during the reforms of Peter I?

  1. departments 3) orders
  2. ministries 4) colleges

A5. Read an extract from a historical work and indicate the name of the commander about whom it speaks.

“Having captured his beloved Phanagoria Apsheron regiments, the general hurried to Ishmael. Preparations for the assault lasted six days. December 11, 1790 at 5:30 am, the assault began. It took only two and a half hours for the attackers to find themselves in impregnable Izmail. However, it was not yet a victory. Furious, deadly fights began in the city. Each house was a small fortress, the Turks did not hope for mercy, they fought to the last opportunity. But the courage of the Russian troops was extraordinary, reaching, as it were, a complete denial of the sense of self-preservation.

The impregnable Ishmael fell. The Turks were horrified, the whole of Europe was amazed and amazed. Russia glorified its victorious hero.

  1. M.I. Kutuzov 3) P.A. Rumyantsev
  2. A.V. Suvorov 4) I.F. Paskevich
  1. G.R. Derzhavin 3) S.M. Solovyov
  2. N.M. Karamzin 4) V.N. Tatishchev

A7. What position was typical for all program documents of the Decembrists?

  1. holding general parliamentary elections in Russia
  2. election of a new king
  3. the abolition of serfdom
  4. granting independence to Poland, Ukraine and Finland

A8. Which of the named persons were actors?

  1. A. Mitskevich, T.G. Shevchenko
  2. M.S. Shchepkin, P.S. Mochalov
  3. A.N. Ostrovsky, M.I. Glinka
  4. F.V. Bulgarin, M.P. Pogodin

A9. Where in 1885 did a large strike of hired workers take place?

  1. in St. Petersburg 3) in Odessa
  2. in Moscow 4) in Orekhovo-Zuevo

A10. Read an extract from a historical study and indicate which emperor it refers to.

“There was no complete abolition of previous reforms, but there was a clear retreat ... A decisive breakthrough into the past was planned: it was supposed not only to destroy university autonomy, but also to entrust state officials with taking exams. They were going to gradually eliminate the jury, the publicity and independence of the court, deprive the Zemstvos of executive bodies and turn them into powerless consultations with the governors. It was possible to do less, but what was realized is impressive ... Another beginning of the Great Reforms was also destroyed - the all-estate .... "

  1. Nicholas I 3) Alexander III
  2. Alexander II 4) Nicholas II

A11. What event happened in 1911?

  1. death of P.A. Stolypin
  2. accession to the throne of Emperor Nicholas I
  3. the beginning of the Stolypin reform
  4. the beginning of the Russian-Turkish war

A12. Name the leader of the Octobrist Party.

  1. A.I. Guchkov 3) P.N. Milyukov
  2. Yu.O. Martov 4) V.M. Chernov

A13. The practice of creating workers' organizations controlled by the authorities was called

  1. Zubatovshchina 3) cooperative socialism
  2. Bezrazovschina 4) popular socialism

A14. What were the consequences of the Bolsheviks coming to power?

  1. abolition of workers' control in enterprises
  2. nationalization of industry
  3. wide attraction of foreign investments in the economy
  4. increase in the number of private banks

A15. Read the text and indicate the name of the hero of the Second World War referred to in the text.

“In the midst of the offensive on February 23, 1943, an enemy firing point suddenly came to life, and our platoon lay down under heavy fire. The German bunker stood on a hill. It was difficult to approach him secretly. Several of our comrades tried to get ahead, but it was impossible to get to the bunker. Then a Komsomol member rushed to the enemy fortification .... Anyone who saw how he, no longer paying attention to machine-gun fire, rushed close to the embrasure and covered it with his body, he could not stay still. At that moment, even without a command, the entire platoon rushed forward to pick up the hero and smash to shreds the silenced enemy firing point.

  1. A.M. Matrosov 3) G.S. Shpagin
  2. Ya.F. Pavlov 4) M.S. Shumilov

A16. What event happened in 1980?

  1. Visit of L.I. Brezhnev in the USA
  2. Adoption of the Food Program
  3. XXII Olympic Games in Moscow
  4. US President R. Reagan's visit to the USSR

A17. Which of the directors was the creator of the Moscow Drama and Comedy Theater on Taganka?

  1. G.A. Tovstogonov 3) O.N. Efremov
  2. Yu.P. Lyubimov 4) G.B. Volchek

A18. What post did A.N. Kosygin?

  1. Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR
  2. defense minister
  3. Foreign Secretary
  4. Chairman of the Council of Ministers

A19. 1998,2008 characterized

  1. monetary reforms
  2. crisis phenomena in the economy
  3. sharp rise in world oil prices
  4. restoration of collective farms

A20. Who was the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1990-2008?

  1. Alexy II 3) Sergius
  2. Pimen 4) Tikhon

Part 2

IN 1. Arrange the following events in chronological order. Specify the answer in the form of a sequence of letter designations of the selected elements.

A) the first mention of Novgorod in the annals

B) the first mention of Moscow in the annals

C) foundation of the city of Vladimir

D) foundation of Sarai-Batu

AT 2. Establish a correspondence between the name of the Moscow prince and the land that was annexed to Moscow under him. For each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second and enter the selected numbers under the corresponding letters in the answer line.


A) Vasily I 1) Kyiv

B) Ivan III 2) Novgorod

C) Vasily III 3) Murom, Tarusa

4) Smolensk

Write down the selected numbers in the table.

AT 3. Which two of the following cities were founded in the 18th century? Circle the numbers corresponding to the correct answers and write them down in the indicated place without additional symbols.

  1. Ekaterinburg
  2. Vladivostok
  3. Sevastopol
  4. Vyatka
  5. Tomsk

AT 4. Read the description of a historical figure and write his name.

“In the court, among the aristocracy, although a descendant of the old nobility, he was always a stranger; even if it was not so widely and firmly known that the tsar could not stand him, then even then neither the Vorontsovs, nor the Sheremetevs, nor the Volkonskys, nor the Stroganovs would have ever completely recognized him as “their own”. He became a big general under Rumyantsev and Suvorov. Twice he was seriously wounded and in the full sense of the word was on the verge of death. His eye was knocked out by a Turkish bullet in the battle of Alushta, when he was still 29 years old, Suvorov was delighted with his behavior during the assault on Izmail and called him his right hand and then appointed him commandant of Ishmael. In 1805, he was considered the commander-in-chief of the Austrian and Russian armies, and with all his might and means opposed Alexander's desire to give a general battle to Napoleon. The battle of Austerlitz was given and lost. Since then, Alexander disliked him very much ... "

AT 5. What organizations belonged to the populist. Indicate two correct positions out of the five proposed.

  1. "Land and Freedom"
  2. Cyril and Methodius Society
  3. "Union of Salvation"
  4. "Union of the Russian people"
  5. "Black redistribution"

Answer: _________.

AT 6. Read the text and write the name of the film director whose films are mentioned in the text.

“In each of his films there is an episode with the obligatory presence of painting, through which the idea of ​​the entire film is expressed. In "Ivan's Childhood" this is Dürer's "Apocalypse", in "Andrei Rublev" - icons of the fresco of Rublev himself, the only episode in color. In "Solaris" - a painting by Brueghel, in "Nostalgia" - a painting by Piero della Francesco. In the last film, The Sacrifice, there is a painting by Leonardo and Russian icons.

Answer: ______________________.

AT 7. Set match:


  1. Yu.V. Andropov 1) Chairman of the Council of Ministers
  2. E. Shevardnadze 2) Minister of Internal Affairs
  3. G.M. Malenkov 3) Minister of Foreign Affairs

4) Chairman of the State Security Committee

Part 3

Read an excerpt from the historical work of B.A. Rybakov "The Birth of Rus'" and complete tasks C1-4. Use information from the source as well as knowledge from the history course in your answers.

“Rostov-Suzdal land separated from Kyiv simultaneously with other Russian lands in 1132-1135. Here reigned one of the younger sons of Monomakh - Yuri, who received the characteristic nickname Dolgoruky, apparently for his irrepressible craving for distant foreign possessions ... Yuri Dolgoruky was gradually drawn into his southern adventures. It began with the fact that, expelled from Kiev in 1146, Svyatoslav Olgovich, his feudal neighbor in the principalities, turned to Yuri for help ... to the border town of Suzdal, obviously, to celebrate the victories: "Come to me, brother, in Moscow." No one thought then that this town in the Vyatichi forests was destined to become one of the largest cities in the world.

In addition to Moscow, Yuri Dolgoruky built or fortified the cities of Yurye-Polskaya, Dmitrov, Kosnyatin, Kideksha, Zvenigorod, Pereyaslavl and others.

In his southern affairs, conquering Kiev from his nephew Izyaslav Mstislavovich or from his older brother Vyacheslav, Yuri either won battles and reached almost to the Carpathians, then quickly fled from Kiev in a boat, leaving his squad and even secret diplomatic correspondence. Yuri died in Kyiv in 1157.

C1. What are the years of the reign of Yuri Dolgoruky in the Rostov-Suzdal Principality?

C2. What other lands became independent from Kyiv in the 12th century? Name at least two countries.

C3 Why did Prince Yuri get the nickname Dolgoruky?

C4. What cities were founded by Yuri Dolgoruky? List at least four cities.

The accession to the throne of Empress Catherine II marked the beginning of the policy of "enlightened absolutism" in Russia. It is characterized by the proclamation of the “alliance of sovereigns with philosophers”, following the ideas of the Enlightenment, carrying out a number of reforms that destroyed some of the most outdated institutions, steps towards religious tolerance, mitigation of censorship, etc.

C5. Give three examples of the policy of "enlightened absolutism" during the reign of Catherine II.

C6. What are the names of the French enlighteners whose ideas Catherine used in her policy. Give at least three names.

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Option 1.docx


Option 1

Part A

A1. Participated in the battle on the Kalka River:

A) Birger, Alexander Yaroslavich, Gavrilo Oleksich, Sbyslav Yakunovich

B) Mstislav Udaloy, Daniil Romanovich, Subedey, Kotyan

C) Dmitry Ivanovich Moskovsky, Vladimir Andreevich Serpukhovsky,

Mamai, Dmitry Mikhailovich Bobrok-Volynsky

D) Vitovt, Jagiello, Temir-Kutlug, Edigey

A2. What event is referred to in the passage?

“... When the sun rose, at least five hundred thousand people occupied a relatively small space, and pushing forward, pressed on a hundred confused Cossacks ... In one second, the Cossacks were swept away and the crowd rushed forward ... They all fell into the pits, each other, women, pressing to the chest of children, men, fighting back and cursing ... "

A) strike of Ivanovo-Voznesensk workers B) fighting on Krasnaya Presnya

C) the disaster on the Khodynka field D) "Bloody Sunday"

A3. The concept of "Eastern question" in Russia XIX V. was related:

A) with the desire of Russia to annex territories on Far East

B) with the establishment of peace in the Middle East

C) with the struggle for freedom of navigation through the Black Sea straits

D) with attempts to achieve the collapse of the Turkish Empire

A4 . The main source of funds for the industrialization of Russia in XIX V. The government elected (specify the odd one):

A) external loans, attraction of foreign capital

B) reliance on domestic capital

C) selling bread abroad and acquiring new equipment

D) redemption payments of peasants

A5. Who led the work on the codification of laws Russian Empire?

A) I.V. Vasilchikov B) M.M. Speransky C) A.Kh. Benkendorf

D) K.V. Nesselrode

A6 . Finland became part of Russia as a result of the war:

A) with Turkey B) with Sweden C) with Iran D) with France

A7. What event brings these people together:

V. Kornilov, P. Nakhimov, V. Istomin, E. Totlebin?

A8. Which of the named received nobles for service?

      1. elderly




A9. Which of the indicated events refers to the years - 1700, 1709, 1721?

      1. urban uprisings

        northern war

        Seven Years' War

        palace coups

A10. Which of the named persons belonged to the contemporaries of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich?

A) Ivan Bolotnikov

B) Mikhail Skopin-Shuisky

B) Patriarch Nikon
D) Archpriest Avvakum
D) Bogdan Khmelnitsky
E) Emelyan Pugachev

Specify the correct answer.

1) ABG 2) AVG 3) IOP 4) BDE

A11. Read an excerpt from the writings of the historian SM. Solovyov and name the war with which the described events are connected.

“In September, Karl turned to Ukraine; On September 28, the tsar himself intercepted Levengaupt, who was hurrying towards him, at the village of Lesnoy, not far from Propoisk, and struck him down, took all the artillery and the convoy, which Charles hoped so much for.

“This victory we have,” according to Peter, “may be the first to be called, since it has never happened over a regular army, and besides, there is a much smaller number before the enemy: here the first sample of a soldier was.” Karl entered Ukraine.

The Little Russian hetman Mazepa went over to his side, the Zaporozhye Cossacks went over to his side; but the mass of the people in Little Russia remained faithful to the Russian tsar.

      1. Livonian



        Seven year old

A12. What was the purpose of the convocation in 1814-1815? Congress of Vienna?

      1. Protection of ruling dynasties and their thrones

        revise the terms of the Paris Treaty

        make peace with Napoleon

        solve the eastern question


A) I.N. Kramskoy

B) A. M. Opekushin

B) A.K. Savrasov,

D) K.P. Bryullov

E) V.M. Vasnetsov

E) O.A. Kiprensky

Specify the correct answer.

1) AED 2) BGE 3) ABG 4) WHERE

A14. Russian advance into Siberia in the 17th century. associated with the name -
1) Ermak Timofeevich

2) Semyon Dezhnev

3) Stepan Razin

4) Vitus Bering

A15. Manifesto February 19, 1861 signed:
1) Alexander I; 2) Nicholas I; 3) Alexander II; 4) Nicholas II.


A17. The dates 1801, 1825, 1855, 1881 refer to :


A19. What is the name of the leader of the peasant war that took place in the second half of the 17th century?
1) Ivan Bolotnikov 2) Emelyan Pugachev 3) Kondraty Bulavin 4) Stepan Razin

A20. When did Russia gain access to the Black Sea?
1) as a result of the war with the Crimean Khanate in 1661
2) as a result of the annexation of Ukrainian lands in 1654
3) as a result of the war with Turkey in
1768-1774 years
4) as a result of the war with Turkey in

Part B

IN 1. Specify the statements with which s Do you agree.

    After the death of Svyatoslav in Rus', civil strife began between the sons.

    During the reign of Yaroslav the Wise, St. Sophia Cathedral was built in Kyiv.

    Under St. Vladimir, a code of laws "Russian Truth" is being created

    In the war with the crusaders, the Neva battle was decisive.

    The beginning of the rise of Moscow is associated with Dmitry Donskoy.

    IN XII - XIII centuries there are different schools of architecture.

    Slaves were not free people in Rus'.

AT 2. Read an excerpt from the annalistic story and indicate what event is in question, when did it happen?

“The prince crossed the Don into an open field, into Mamaev land, at the mouth of the Nepryadva.

And both great forces came together for a long time and covered the regiments for ten miles from a multitude of soldiers, and there was a fierce and great slaughter and a stubborn battle, a very great shaking: from the beginning of the world such a slaughter had not happened to the great Russian princes ...

And God exalted our prince for the victory over foreigners. And Mamai, trembling in fear and groaning heavily, said: “Great is the Christian God and his strength is great, brothers ... run along unbeaten roads.”

And, having taken flight himself, he quickly ran back to the Horde ... Seeing this, the others ... from young to old rushed to flight ... "

AT 3. Which three

      1. strengthening the role of the guard

        dynastic crises

        strengthening of serfdom

AT 4. Read an excerpt from N.M. Karamzin and indicate which church figure in question.

Explain on what basis you determined this.

“This holy elder ... predicted terrible bloodshed for Dmitry, but victory ... sprinkled with holy water all the military leaders who were with him and gave him two monks as associates, in the name of Alexander Peresvet and Oslyabya ... "

AT 5. Read the passage from the chronicle and indicate what event it tells about. When it happened.

Explain on what basis you determined this.

“... The same winter, on the 3rd day, the tsar and Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich, with his queen and his children, went from Moscow to the village of Kolomenskoye: and from the Trinity from the Sergius Monastery he went to Sloboda; On the 3rd day, the tsar sent a list from Sloboda to the Metropolitan of All Rus', it contains the betrayals of the boyar and voivodship and all the clerks who committed treason and losses to the state. And the king, the great prince, laid his wrath on them. ... The king ordered that a special court be created for him in his state ... "

AT 6. Read an extract from a historical source and indicate in which year the events described took place.

Explain on what basis you determined this.

“From now on, Ryleev’s house has become a gathering place for our meetings, and he is the soul of them. In the evening we communicated to each other the collected information: it was unfavorable.

The army swore allegiance to Constantine coldly, but without expressing displeasure.

The city did not yet know whether Constantine would abdicate; the secret of his former renunciation in favor of Nicholas has not yet spread. Couriers galloped to Warsaw, and everyone was sure that things would remain the same.

AT 7. Read an excerpt from the work of the historian V.O. Klyuchevsky and indicate to whom this characteristic refers.
“With the kindness and gentleness of character, this respect for human dignity in a subject produced a charming effect on his own and others and earned him the nickname “the quietest king.” Foreigners could not be surprised that this king, with his unlimited power over a people accustomed to complete slavery, did not encroach on anyone's property, nor anyone's life, nor anyone's honor.
1) Alexei Mikhailovich 2) Peter Alekseevich
3) Mikhail Fedorovich 4) Peter Fedorovich

AT 8 .



1. Localism

2. Purchasing

3. Feeding

4. Feudalism

5. Posad people

6. Reform

7. Oprichnina

AT 9. Based on an excerpt from a poem by A. Odoevsky, determine what historical event is in question?

You know my sons! For you,

For the silence of all Orthodox Rus',

There was a congress of princes, where, putting out the discord

We swore an oath...

We made a vow on the cross:

May Rus' be our common homeland.

    Mongol-Tatar invasion of Rus'. 2. Lyubech congress

    Battle of Kulikovo 4. Standing on the Ugra

AT 10 . Read an excerpt from the notes of a contemporary and write the name of the 19th century war that it refers to and its dates.
“It’s sad… I’m sick of Sevastopol… Martyr – Sevastopol!…

What happened to our seas?...

Who are we hurting? Who listens to us? Our ships are sunk, burned or locked up in our harbors.

Enemy fleets devastate our shores with impunity ... We have no friends and allies "

Part C

Write down only the answers.


« The peculiarity of the Commission ... was that the deputies were not only elected, but also gathered in Moscow by the specified date ...

The solemn ceremony of opening the meeting of the commission in the Faceted Chamber of the Kremlin, with a magnificent ceremony of the arrival of the empress, with a long reading of the “Instruction” of the commission, it would seem, symbolized the close unity of society and power that had finally come.

The supreme ruler surprised the representatives of the people with bold phrases from the “Nakaz” such as: “Contrary to flatterers who daily tell the sovereigns that the peoples were created for them, We think and impute ourselves to say that we are created for our people ... -

Characteristically, the "Nakaz", published in Russia eight times in 30 years, became a banned book in France...

The problem of universal freedom and liberties, posed ... in the Nakaz, seemed to be of little interest to the deputies. It seemed much more important for them to defend the privileges of the estates: the merchants wanted exclusive rights to trade, asked “not to trade in Cossacks and philistines”, the nobility stood for exclusive rights and privileges ...

The clash of opinions about serfdom was also reflected at the very top of the Russian state ... [In the "Instruction"] serfdom was condemned ... "it is contrary to the Christian faith and justice to make people slaves (after all, they are born free)", but close associates and associates turned out to be pro-slavery...

This is how dreams withered... about the great and beneficial unity of power and society. Even the most philanthropic ideas did not find support in the majority ... The deputies were arguing with might and main about the court and the "reprisal", and the empress was already waiting for an opportunity to complete the grandiose, but not justified her hopes, enterprise. The most plausible pretext was found after the start of the war with Turkey - many deputies were ordered to go to the places they occupied in the service (this primarily concerned the military).

    Write the name of the Empress who convened the Legislative Commission. Indicate the years of her reign. When did the Legislative Commission begin its work?

    On the basis of the text and knowledge of history, indicate at least three provisions of the “Instruction” of Catherine II of the Legislative Commission.

    Indicate at least three reasons for curtailing the work of the Legislative Commission.

C2 . :

IN ___________(month name)


1) 2)

3) 4)

C4. Read an excerpt from historical document and answer questions.

« ruling elite failed to make a "breakthrough into the past". The monarchy could not limit its domestic policy onlyto measures in line with conservative reformism and purely protective functions ...

The policy of Bunge and his successors (customs protectionism, attraction of foreign capital with streamlining the state debt and money circulation contributed to the completion of the industrial revolution in Russia, the establishment of large-scale machine production, according to the main indicators of which the average world level of development of capitalism was achieved.

This refutes the traditional idea of ​​kingship [...] as... "a period of regression". But, as Bunge predicted, the course towards industrialization, which was not accompanied by transformations in the countryside and did not involve any changes in the system of communal land tenure and the patriarchal way of peasant life, gave rise to global disproportions, inevitably leading to a socio-political crisis in the future.

1. Determine the reign of which emperor in question. What term do historians use to define his reign? What is the author's attitude to the policy of the monarch?

2. Based on the text and knowledge of history, indicate at least three provisions of its domestic policy that stimulate the development of industry.

3. Indicate at least three provisions that testify to attempts to preserve the communal-serf system in the countryside.



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Option 2

Part A

Choose the correct answer, in each case one, write in the form of numbers and letters ...

A1. The most important historical merit of Prince Ivan Kalita was :
1) the adoption of the first code of laws "Russian Truth"
2) the liberation of Rus' from the Horde dependence
3) the creation of the first all-Russian Sudebnik
4) strengthening the role of Moscow as a center for the unification of Russian lands

A2. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of the publicist Yu.F. Samarin and indicate the name of the emperor, the beginning of whose reign is in question.
“The last reign began with the fact that on one frosty day, on Palace Square, the best color of an entire generation flew around. A violent hiatus ensued in the development of our society.”
1) Pavel Petrovich 2) Alexander Pavlovich 3) Konstantin Pavlovich

4) Nikolai Pavlovich

A3 . Indicate the year with which the beginning of the Romanov dynasty is associated:
1) 1649; 2) 1645; 3) 1654; 4) 1613.

A4. The Berlin Congress, which ended the Russian-Turkish war, at which Russia managed to defend the independence of Montenegro and achieve autonomy for Northern Bulgaria, took place in:
1) 1815; 2) 1856; 3) 1878; 4) 1905

A5. Which of the following happened in the 19th century?
1) the abolition of the patriarchate 2) the establishment of colleges
3) the proclamation of Russia as an empire; 4) the abolition of serfdom.

A6 . Who owns the words: "Come to me, brother, in Moscow"?

    Vladimir Monomakh 2. Yuri Dolgoruky

3. Andrey Bogolyubsky

A7. otkhodniks in XVIII V. in Russia called:

1) peasants who left their native villages to work 3) immigrants to Siberia

2) runaway peasants 4) recruited peasants

A8. A tax levied on all men of the taxable classes, in XVIII V. was called:

1) household 2) poll 3) posad

4) direct

A9. The reason for the Northern War was the desire of Russia:

1) annex Finland

3) get access to the Baltic Sea

2) get access to the North Sea

4) restore the trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks"

A10. Which of the cultural figures listed below belonged to the Wanderers?

A) I.N. Kramskoy

B)A. M. Opekushin

B) A.K. Savrasov,

D) K.P. Bryullov

E) V.M. Vasnetsov

E) O.A. Kiprensky

Specify the correct answer.

1) AED 2) BGE 3) ABG 4) WHERE

A11. The dates 1801, 1825, 1855, 1881 refer to:
1) the process of emancipation of the peasants;
2) the beginning of the reigns of Russian emperors;
3) public administration reforms;
4) the stages of the industrial revolution in Russia.

A12. The title of "sovereign of all Rus'" was accepted by:
1) Ivan Kalita 2) Vasily II 3) Vasily the Dark 4) Ivan III

A13. Who were called "guests" in Medieval Russia?

    Foreigners who were in the public service

    Merchants leading foreign trade


A14. Which of the figures XVIII V. Petra I passed the way from Peter's batman I to the most illustrious prince, the generalissimo?

1) B.P. Sheremetev 2) G.A. Potemkin 3) A.D. Menshikov

4) P.A. Rumyantsev

A15. What was the name in Rus' of a landed property that belonged to the owner on the rights of full hereditary property?






A16. The history of the Crimean War includes:
1) Sinop battle, defense of Sevastopol;
2) Battle of Borodino, Tarutinsky march maneuver;
3) the battle of Austerlitz, the defense of Sevastopol;
4) the battle of Narva, the Battle of Leipzig.

A17. Which of the following events occurred later than all the others:

A) the battle on Kalka

B) Standing on the Ugra

C) Battle of Kulikovo

D) the ruin of Moscow by Tokhtamysh

A18. What was the name of the first Russian chronicle?
1) "The Tale of Igor's Host" 2) "The Tale of Bygone Years" by Nestor
3) “Instruction for children” by Vladimir Monomakh 4) “Word about law and grace

A19. Rus' adopted Christianity:

A) from Rome

B) from Lithuania

B) from Byzantium

D) from Poland

A20. Specify the chronological framework of the Northern War:

A. 1707-1708 B. 1700-1721 C. 1718-1720

Part B

IN 1. Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns. One element of the left column corresponds to one element of the right column.



1. Localism

A. People who received a "kupa" - a loan and are obliged to work for the master who provided the "kupa" for this

2. Purchasing

B. Appointment to a public office depending on the nobility of origin.

3. Feeding

B. The procedure for maintaining officials at the expense of the local population

4. Feudalism

G. transformations in the administration of the state, the life of society.

5. Posad people

D. a system of social organization based on the relationship of master and subject, the land dependence of some people on others.

6. Reform

E. Craftsmen, merchants and other segments of the population who lived in the suburbs; constituted a special class.

7. Oprichnina

I. the policy of Ivan the Terrible, aimed at strengthening his autocratic power.

Write your answer as a combination of numbers and letters, separated by commas.

AT 2. Which three Did any of the traits listed below characterize the period of palace coups?

      1. strengthening the role of the guard

        dynastic crises

        strengthening of serfdom

        struggle for the strengthening of Russia in Europe

        expansion of the rights of the townspeople

        drafting the Russian Constitution

Write in the answer sheet in ascending order (no spaces or any symbols, no more than three digits).

AT 3 Arrange the events in chronological order

A. Signing of the Treaty of Nystadt

B. The defeat of Russian troops near Narva

B. Naval victory Russian fleet off Grengam Island

D. Battle near the village of Lesnoy

AT 4. Working with a historical source.

Read the legend of the Tale of Bygone Years, about the first religious reform of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich:

“In the summer of 6488 (980) ... And Vladimir began to reign in Kiev alone and set up idols on a hill outside the terem courtyard: a wooden Perun with a silver head and a golden mustache, then Khors, Dazhbog, Stribog, Simargl and Mokosh.

And they offered sacrifices to them, calling them gods, and brought their sons and daughters to them, and these sacrifices went to demons, and defiled the earth with their sacrifices. And the Russian land and that hill were defiled with blood. "..."

Vladimir planted Dobrynya, his uncle, in Novgorod. And, having come to Novgorod, Dobrynya set an idol over the Volkhov River, and the Novgorodians offered sacrifices to him as to a god ... "

    Why did Prince Vladimir need to create a single pantheon of pagan deities in Kyiv?

    How was this connected with the tasks of strengthening the state unity of Kievan Rus?

AT 5. Read excerpts from the works of historians and name the ruler to whom these characteristics apply:
N.M. Karamzin: “Europe is surprised to read her correspondence with philosophers, and not to them, but to her is surprised. What a wealth of thoughts and knowledge, what insight, what subtlety of reason, feelings and expressions.
P.A. Vyazemsky: “The European press was her humble and obedient servant. All the prominent political and literary figures of her era were devoted to her. Voltaire, D-Alembert and many others wrote as if under her dictation and were heralds of her political views, her victories and her conquests.

AT 6. Read an excerpt from a historical source and indicate the name of the period in the history of Russia in question. Explain on what basis you determined this.

“After that, they galloped at full speed from one city to another to Putivl itself, leaving behind this news in all the inns, namely, that Dmitry was not killed, but escaped, as a result of which the whole country from Moscow to the Polish border believed that Tsar Dmitry really escaped and is still alive.

The rumor about this reached Moscow, in connection with this, wild and absurd thoughts arose among the common people.

AT 7. Read an extract from a historian's work and indicate which emperor is being referred to. Explain on what basis you determined this.

“The reign of the emperor began with the suppression of the uprising in the Senate Square. As the emperor himself claimed, he received the throne "at the cost of the blood of his subjects."

Personally participating in interrogations and investigations, he tried to understand the reasons for this movement. Like the Decembrists, the emperor realized all the perniciousness for the country of serfdom, arbitrariness, lack of enlightenment.

However, he believed that the necessary reforms should come from the government. Having made a conclusion about the unfavorable mood of the nobility, he sought to rely on the bureaucracy.

AT 8 . Arrange the following events in chronological order:
1) Battle of Borodino 2) the beginning of the Patriotic War
3) Decembrist uprising 4) Establishment of ministries

AT 9. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich and write the name of the emperor, whose death is told and the year when this event occurred.
“Sunday, March 1, my father went, as usual, to the parade at half past two. We, the boys, decided to go ... to skate.
Exactly at three o'clock there was a sound of the strongest explosion.
- This is a bomb! my brother George said.
At the same moment, an even stronger explosion shook the glass of the windows in our room...

A minute later a panting footman ran into the room.
- The sovereign is dead! he shouted.

AT 10 . Read an excerpt from the diary entries of an eyewitness to the events and write the name of the war referred to in the given document and the year it occurred.
“Confidence in all those in command has been severely undermined. However, everyone unanimously praises Skobelev ... There is no doubt that the attack on Plevna was carried out remarkably unskillfully ... Skobelev with his small detachment acted ... separately and independently. There were no reserves. Thirty-six squadrons of cavalry stood idle on the flanks instead of capturing the lines of communication between Plevna and Vidin and Sofia.

Part C

Answer the questions briefly or fill in the missing words.

Write down only the answers.

C1. Read an extract from a historical document and answer the questions.

On the 24th day of November 7106, the Tsar and Grand Duke Fyodor Ivanovich of all Russia indicated. Which peasants because of the boyars, and because of the nobles, and because of the clerks, and because of the children of the boyars, and because of all kinds of people, from estates and from estates, from patriarchs, and from metropolitans, and from sovereigns (the highest hierarchs of the church), and they ran out of the monastery estates before the current 106th year in five years, and on those runaway peasants in their escape and on those landlords and estates, for whom they, having run out, live, that landowner, because where they ran out, and the patriarch, and the metropolitan, and the sovereign, and the children of the boyars, and the monastic villages as clerks and servants to give court and look for all sorts of detectives weakly.

And according to the court and the investigation of those runaway peasants with wives and children and with all their bellies, take them back to where they lived.

1. What is the name of the document from which the passage is taken?

2. During the reign of which king was it created?

3. What social process is the document talking about?

4. What are the main reasons for this social process.

C2. Sign the name of the monuments shown in the illustrations and indicate the cities where they are located.

1) 2)

3) 4)

C3 . Complete the passage with the missing words :

IN ____________(month name) the French left Moscow, but the Russian army, strengthened and increased in numbers, stood in their way. The defeats inflicted on the French under _____________________ and ________________________ forced the emperor _______________ to turn his troops to the _________________________ road.

The enemy retreating to the western borders was pursued by the Russian army and _______________________ detachments. When crossing the river ______________-- the French lost 30 thousand soldiers. The emperor himself, leaving his troops, fled to Paris. When asked where the army was, he was forced to answer "_______________________________________".

C4. Put the words below in the gaps. Words are given in alphabetical order in the nominative case.

The answer must be a combination of the corresponding letters in the order in which the words are missing in the text. For example, GZVBAZHED.

Please note that one of the concepts is redundant.

A). Veche D). Russian united state

B). Rus' E). Feudal fragmentation

IN). Prince J). feudal republic

G). Primitive communal Z). Feudal

INIXin Rus', (1) ______ system began to take shape. Rich people were no longer satisfied with the order of governance that had developed in the tribes, since it could not ensure the protection of their property and create conditions for its increase. The first state of the Eastern Slavs was named (2) _______. The supreme power in it belonged to (3) _______.

At the endXIV. sounded, andXIIV. the slogan triumphed: "Everyone keeps his fatherland." This marked the beginning of (4) _____. The forms of political structure in the Russian lands during this period were very diverse: from the feudal monarchy to the existence in Novgorod and Pskov (5) ______. The supreme power in these two cities belonged to (6) _______.

Later, Moscow took the leading place among the cities of Rus'. She led the struggle to overthrow the Golden Horde yoke and unite the Russian lands. As a result of the active policy of the Moscow princes toXVIV. completed the process of education (7) ______.

C5. Read the text, answer the questions to it.

“The first victims of the new policy were the press and the school. The new censorship charter pursued the goal of strangling the opposition press... all radical and many liberal periodicals ceased to exist: M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, “The Case” by N.V. Shchelgunova, "Voice", "Zemstvo" ... university autonomy was liquidated, uniforms were reintroduced for students as a "means of supervision" over them, upon entering the university it was necessary to submit a characteristic "about reliability", tuition fees at universities increased by five times ... a circular was issued, known as "the cook's children", according to which it was forbidden to admit the children of coachmen, lackeys, laundresses, small shopkeepers to the gymnasium.

All primary schools were transferred to the church department - the Synod ...

Tolstoy started the transformation of zemstvo institutions. The socio-economic development of Russia naturally led to a weakening of the position of the nobility in the zemstvos and an increase in the role of the commercial and industrial bourgeoisie, new landowners from merchants, and wealthy peasants. Most of all, the government was worried about the growth of opposition sentiments and the constitutional claims of the zemstvos.

Therefore, the purpose of the planned reforms was to strengthen the representation of the nobility, i.e. "nobility" of zemstvo institutions, according to Witte's exact remark. With this goal, the qualification for the nobility decreased and the number of noble vowels increased. The peasantry was deprived of elective representation. Vowels from the peasants were appointed by the governor himself. Not a single decision of the Zemstvo was taken without the approval of the governor or the Minister of the Interior.

One of the most reactionary reforms was the introduction of the institution of zemstvo chiefs... Zemstvo chiefs were appointed by the Minister of the Interior from local hereditary nobles on the recommendation of the governors.

Having combined in their hands the functions of an administrator and a judge, they received essentially unlimited power. The world court in the village was destroyed. All the activities of the peasant self-government were under their control... By this act, the autocracy essentially restored the power of the landowners over the peasants, which had been lost under the reform of 1861.”

1. Write the name of the emperor during whose reign the reforms described in the text were carried out. Indicate the year of publication of the decree "on cook's children" and on zemstvo chiefs.

OGE answers 11 NOVEMBER 2015

Part A

Crimean War, defense of Sevastopol

Part B

1b, 2a, 3c, 4d, 5-odd, 6d, 7i

1380, Battle of Kulikovo

Sergius of Radonezh

One god, one people, one country


Catherine 2, the Great

Decembrists, 1825

The death of Tsarevich Dmitry, the appearance of False Dmitry, turmoil

1b, 2a, 3c, 4d, 5-odd, 6d, 7i

Assassination of Alexander 2, 1881

Crimean, 1853-1856

Russian-Turkish 1877-1878

Part C

Catherine 2, laid commission

Indefinite search for runaway peasants

INOctober (month name) Tarutin And Maloyaroslavets forced the emperorNapoleon turn troops onSmolensk road.

partisan Berezen « The army is no more » .

) Monument to Minin and Pozharsky in Moscow

Iin St. Petersburg)

3) Monument to Minin and Pozharsky in Moscow

4) The Bronze Horseman (Monument to PeterI) in St. Petersburg

5) Monument to Alexander Nevsky in Pskov

INOctober (month name) the French left Moscow, but the Russian army, strengthened and increased in numbers, stood in their way. The defeats inflicted on the FrenchTarutin And Maloyaroslavets forced the emperorNapoleon turn troops onSmolensk road.

The enemy retreating to the western borders was pursued by the Russian army andpartisan squads. While crossing the riverBerezen the French lost 30 thousand soldiers. The emperor himself, leaving his troops, fled to Paris. When asked where the army was, he was forced to answer« The army is no more » .

Alexandra 3

The following provisions may be specified:

- Establishment of the Peasants' Bank to assist peasants in acquiring land (1882)

    protectionist customs tariff (1891)

- benefits to breeders and manufacturers

- attraction of foreign investments

- stimulation of railway construction

- strengthening the monetary system (carrying out the monetary reform of 1895-1899)

serfdom in the countryside.

The following provisions may be mentioned:

    strengthening the community (limitation of family divisions, 1886)

    introduction of the "Regulations on Zemstvo Chiefs" (1889)

    restriction of resettlement of peasants from the central provinces to the outskirts of the state

    after the completion of the redemption transaction, the peasant could not demand to leave the community with an allotment, the owner of which remained the community (1893)

d, b, c, f, g, a, e

d, b, c, f, g, a, e

Alexander III

- 1887

- 1889

The following reasons may be given:

- assassination of Alexander II

- the need to suppress a radical social movement

- the desire to strengthen the position of the "old" nobility in the field

- conservative views of Emperor Alexander III

- the need to strengthen autocratic power

Can be specified:

- the decline of the zemstvo direction of social movement

- strengthening the dependence of peasant self-government on zemstvo chiefs

- Strengthening ideological control in rural schools

- strengthening the power of the governor on the ground

Find material for any lesson,

Tests (versions 1 and 2) on the history of Russia for students in grade 9

Note: I use tests to assess the level of educational achievements. Monitoring the starting results allows me to determine the trajectory of further education of students, to identify the existing difficulties in studying the subject and applying practical skills. In accordance with the results obtained, I make adjustments to the organization educational process. USE tests are the best option for testing the knowledge of students, I offer a number of tasks, through which I also develop patriotic competence. I offer the presented tests to students of grade 9 as an incoming diagnostic. Analysis of the work shows the number of mistakes made by schoolchildren.

From this table it can be seen that in part "A", which assumes the choice of an answer, at the beginning of the year 10 people made mistakes - this is 40% of the class, by the end of the year the number of students who made a mistake decreased to 5 people - 20%. In part "B" we We also see improvements. Part "C", which provides an open answer, consisting of 2 components, must be paid attention to the teacher who will work in the third stage of education.

Appendix 9

Russian history test grade 9



A1. Which of the named names is associated with the period of the Mongol invasion of Rus'?

1) Yuri Vsevolodovich

2) Vladimir Monomakh

3) Ivan Danilovich Kalita

4) Yuri Shemyaka

A2. What year did the Decembrist uprising take place?

1) 1822

2) 1825

3) 1855

4) 1861

A3. In what year did World War I start?

1) 1907

2) 1913

3) 1914

4) 1917

A4. Read the passage from the chronicle and indicate in what year the described event took place.

“When he came, he commanded to overthrow the idols, to chop some, and put others on fire. And Perun ordered to tie a horse to the tail and drag him off the mountain along the Borichev entrance to the Ruchey and ordered 12 men to push Perun with poles ... After that, Vladimir sent a messenger throughout the city with the words: “Who will not be on the river tomorrow, whether rich, poor, poor or a slave, he goes against me.”

1) 945

2) 988

3) 1054

4) 1113

A5. Read the passage from the speech and indicate to whom these words belong.

“The small proprietor will undoubtedly be the core of the future small zemstvo unit; he, industrious, possessing a sense of his own dignity, will bring culture, enlightenment, and prosperity to the village. Only then will written freedom turn into real freedom, which is made up of civil liberties and a sense of statehood and patriotism.

1) V.I. Lenin

2) P.A. Stolypin

3) V.M. Chernov

4) K.P. Pobedonostsev

A6. In what year was the Peace of Paris signed, marking the end of the Crimean War?

1) 1849

2) 1856

3) 1858

4) 1864


IN 1. Arrange the following events in chronological order:

A) the reunification of Ukraine with Russia

B) annexation of Crimea to Russia

C) annexation of the territory of the Siberian Khanate

D) the inclusion of the lands of the Vyatichi in the composition of the Old Russian state

AT 2. Which of the following refers to the period of state fragmentation? Indicate two correct positions out of the four proposed.

A) the creation of Russian Pravda

B) Neva battle

C) the creation of the Cathedral Code

D) the formation of the Moscow principality

AT 3. Which of these names are contemporaries? Indicate two correct positions out of the four proposed.

A) M.V. Lomonosov

B) V.V. Golitsyn

C) B.F. Godunov

D) P.A. Rumyantsev


Read the passage from the historical text and briefly answer questions C1 and C2. Use information from the source in your answers, as well as knowledge from the history course.

From the work of A.O. Ishimova

“(...) declared nineteen cities with different volosts to be his property; chose 6,000 people from princes, nobles and boyar children and gave them estates in these cities, and transferred the local owners to other places ... New horrors began along with the new order in the government ... young people were chosen, not distinguished by dignity, but by daring and daring readiness for All. The tsar took an oath from them to serve him faithfully, to inform on traitors, not to be friends with the zemstvo, not to bring bread and salt with them, not to know father and mother, to know one sovereign ... (...) sometimes exterminating entire generations of princes and boyars, not he also spared those of them who distinguished themselves by their great merits in military or civil affairs: he executed them on an equal footing with ordinary criminals, and therefore the number of smart and famous tsarist advisers was constantly decreasing ... The enemies who surrounded Russia and looked with envy at her power were delighted at such change and hurried to take advantage of it ... Enemies attacked our poor fatherland from all sides. The first of them was the Crimean Khan Devlet - Girey ... ".

From 1 . Name the king referred to in the passage and indicate the name of the policy he pursued.

From 2 . Using the text and knowledge from the history course, name the year the new policy of the tsar was introduced and its consequences for Russia.



A1. What century in Russian state Time of Troubles has come?

1) 13th c.

2) 15th c.

3) 17th c.

4) 18th century

A2 . Read the passage from the chronicle and indicate the name of the prince in question.

“In 1480, news came to the Grand Duke that Tsar Akhmat was indeed walking with his horde - with princes, ulans and princes, as well as with King Casimir in a common thought; the king led the king against the grand duke, wanting to ruin the Christians... The guides led the king to the river Ugra, to the fords. Then the Grand Duke sent his son, brother and his governors to the Ugra with all his might. Arriving, they stood on the Ugra and occupied fords and ferries.

1) Dmitry Donskoy

2) Ivan Kalita

3) Ivan 3

4) Ivan 4

A3. Which of the named names is associated with the events of the Crimean War?

1) M. Skobelev

2) V. Kornilov

3) M. Kutuzov

4) S. Witte

A4. Read an excerpt from the memoirs of Marshal A.M. Vasilevsky and indicate the name of the battle in question.

“Soviet troops snatched the strategic initiative from the hands of the enemy, preventing him from achieving any of the strategic goals envisaged by the“ Barbarossa plan ”. Under the influence of crushing blows, the "Barbarossa plan" collapsed, and its basis - the theory of lightning war - suffered a complete collapse, forcing the fascist leadership to switch to a charged war strategy. During the winter offensive, Soviet troops defeated up to 50 enemy divisions, inflicting a particularly serious defeat on the main grouping of enemy troops - Army Group Center?

1) the battle of Yelnya

2) Moscow battle

3) Stalingrad bat

4) the battle on the Kursk Bulge

A5. In what century did the Mongol invasion of Rus' take place?

1) 10th century

2) 11th c.

3) 13th c.

4) 14th c.

A6. In what year did the first meeting between I. Stalin, F. Roosevelt and W. Churchill take place?

1) 1941

2) 1942

3) 1943

4) 1944

Part 2

IN 1. Arrange the names of historical persons in the chronological order of their activities.

A) Nestor

B) Aristotle Fioravanti

B) Bartholomew Rastrelli

D) Simon Ushakov

AT 2. Arrange the following events in chronological order.

A) the expulsion of the Poles from Moscow

B) Poltava battle

C) Battle of Kulikovo

D) Gangut battle

AT 3. Which of the following applies to domestic politics Yaroslav the Wise? Indicate two correct positions out of the four suggested.

A) the defeat of the Pechenegs

B) the introduction of St. George's Day

C) the creation of a written code of laws

D) suppression of the uprising of the Drevlyans

Part 3

Read the passage from the historical text and briefly answer questions C1 and C2. Use information from the source in your answers, as well as knowledge from the history course.

From the work of S. F. Platonov

“Firstly, on the issue of the Grand Duchy, the Moscow prince directly and decisively took such a point of view that the grand ducal dignity and the city of Vladimir constitute a “patrimony”, that is, the hereditary property of the Moscow princes ... Secondly, in relation to other princes Vladimiro - Suzdal Rus, as well as in relation to Ryazan and Novgorod […] held domineeringly and imperiously ... Thirdly, Russia for the first time reflected in an open struggle with the Tatars ... left behind several sons ... At the same time, in his will, he expressed himself as follows: “but by sin God will take away my son Prince Vasily, and whoever will be under that my son, otherwise that son of my prince Vasilyev will be the lot. Based on these words, the second son […], Yuri, considered himself the heir of his brother both in the Moscow lands and in the great reign.

C1. Indicate the name of the prince and the name of the metropolitan, who led the affairs of the principality "in childhood" of the prince.

C2. Using the text and knowledge from the history course, indicate where and when the major battle of the united Russian army under the leadership of this prince took place against the Mongol army.

OGE for any graduate high school- one of the first serious examination tests, which can rightfully be compared with the exam for eleventh graders. The results of the OGE, expressed in points, will allow the children to enter a specialized college or class, contribute to obtaining a good certificate, and will also become the first step towards entering the coveted university. History, as before, in 2018 can be taken at the request of the student.

It is usually taken by students who want to go to law colleges or educational institutions specializing in art history, design and architecture. Pass history and those who want to choose these specialties after grade 11, because the OGE allows you to check the current level of knowledge and prepare for the exam. Of course, a huge array of data in the form of names, dates and events makes history not the easiest OGE, but understanding the structure and content of KIMs will allow you to prepare well for the test!

  • Demo version of the OGE in history
  • Requirements codifier

OGE dates in history

To create a personal schedule for preparing for the OGE, it is worthwhile to find out in advance what dates Rosobrnadzor has allocated for passing exams. According to the published project, in 2018, schoolchildren will write history on such days:

  • early examination is scheduled for April 23 (Monday). In case of unforeseen circumstances, the organizers have allocated a reserve day - May 3 (Thursday);
  • The main examination is scheduled for May 31, 2018 (Thursday). In case of force majeure, the OGE may be rescheduled for June 18 (Monday);
  • an additional exam will be held on September 10, 2018 (Monday), and September 18 (Tuesday) is named as an additional exam.

Answers to the OGE in the history of 2018, all options, answers to tests in the history of the OGE 2018

Facts and myths about answers to the OGE in history 2018

OGE in history is rapidly approaching. This year, testing will take place on June 7th. This exam is chosen mainly by those students who plan to study in the humanities classes and, perhaps, already now know that they will need history for the exam in two years.

But there are also those who chose to surrender history rather by the method of exclusion. But they didn't bother to prepare. If you are one of those unlucky graduates, you are probably wondering where to get ready-made answers.

What answers are we looking for?

The OGE in history, like many other exams, consists of two parts. In the first one, it is necessary to give a short answer to 30 questions, in the second - a detailed answer to 5 more.

Unlike the USE, which includes questions on foreign history, the USE includes only national history. The exam contains the following blocks:

  • antiquity and the Middle Ages (VII - late XVII century);
  • new history (late 17th - early 20th centuries);
  • recent history (beginning of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century).

Knowledge will be required very different: historical dates, facts, figures, according to Therussiantimes. The ability to identify cause and effect is also useful. historical events and analyze information from written sources. In addition to history itself, knowledge of the history of Russian culture is also tested.

Where can ready-made answers help? First of all, in test tasks. Memorizing or copying ready-made answers is not so difficult - as a rule, they include a number, a word, or a sequence of numbers. It will be a little more difficult with detailed answers, although in the OGE they should not be large, a few sentences are enough. However, writing off word for word is still dangerous. It will be much better if you can understand the main essence of the answer and formulate it in your own words.

The main question: where to download the answers

If you have already tried to find ready-made answers to the OGE in history, you probably noticed that many sources do not give any result. Somewhere there are offers to install useless virus software, supposedly to download answers, somewhere you need to send SMS, register or do something else. And very often all these actions lead to nothing - in the end you get either nothing, or just old models of CIMs.

Why is this happening? Because scammers are trying to scam you. They are well aware of the excitement students are in on the eve of the exam, and they are trying to take advantage of this in order to receive money. Of course, there have been times when someone did get real answers, but that's the exception rather than the rule.

The conclusion is simple: it is better not to hope for luck, but to try to refresh your knowledge of history. You probably know most of the names and dates very well, you just haven’t remembered for a long time. A little effort - and you can easily score a score sufficient for passing the OGE.

The structure and content of KIM in history

The profile commission came to the conclusion that last year's version of the ticket is optimal in terms of structure and content. When compiling tickets for history, special attention was paid to tasks that test knowledge in the field of Russian history and are a priority in the study of this discipline. In addition, KIMs feature the history of the development of the world from ancient times to the present day. The commission has a number of tasks:

  • check how well schoolchildren are oriented in key historical dates, stages and events from Russian and world history;
  • reveal knowledge about the life and work of prominent historical figures;
  • determine the understanding of cultural and value achievements that have been formed in the process of evolutionary and historical development RF and the world;
  • check the understanding of the causes and consequences of the most important events in the history of Russia and the world;
  • find out if 9th grade students are able to use and interpret data presented in the form of tables, texts, schematic drawings and illustrations, choosing the necessary information to answer the questions posed, conduct a comparative analysis and solve problems;
  • assess skills in working with historical maps;
  • determine whether the student is able to apply his knowledge to write historical essays;
  • to test the ability to systematize information of a historical nature, to understand the terminology and conceptual apparatus of the discipline.

Only thorough preparation will help you complete all 35 tasks.

In history tickets, students will need to complete 35 tasks. The work is presented in two parts:

  • the first part - 30 tasks that require you to write down the answer in the form of a number, several numbers, one or several words. In the first part, students need to solve tasks on the history of the VIII-XVII centuries, XVIII - early XX centuries, events from 1914 to 1945, as well as the period from post-war years and up to our days. The main focus is on the events that unfolded during the Second World War. In addition, considerable attention is paid to the life and work of key figures in the history of Russia, as well as to the peculiarities of the country's cultural development in these periods. In most of the tasks, students will need to extract information from the presented maps, diagrams or illustrations. Tasks from the first part are estimated in total at 32 points (72.7% of all points for a ticket);
  • the second part - 5 tasks in which you need to write down a reasoned answer on the form with conclusions and cause-and-effect relationships. In this part of the ticket, the skills and practical skills of schoolchildren are tested. Tasks can relate to any of the historical periods, consider a variety of cultural, social and economic aspects. The sum of points for all tasks from the second part is 12 (or 27.3% of all points for the ticket).

Successful completion of all tasks will bring you 44 maximum points.

OGE regulations on history in 2018

High school graduates will have to cope with the ticket in 180 minutes. The regulation says that at the OGE you should not have any additional items, except for a pen and knowledge. Before entering the auditorium, get rid of anything that might attract the attention of onlookers. Don't think you can bring a smartphone or a paper cheat sheet! However, even if you manage to hide these things at the entrance, they will be found in the examination class, and this is a direct road to the annulment of the OGE results and the risk of being left without a certificate.

How are points for the OGE recalculated for a certificate?

  • mark "2" is set if the student managed to score from 0 to 12 points;
  • grade "3" is given if the student scored from 13 to 23 points;
  • grade "4" is assigned to students who were able to score from 24 to 34 points for the exam;
  • mark "5" - the result of a student who scored from 35 to 44 points.

in specialized classes and educational establishments guys who scored more than 32 points for the story can be recommended.

Start your work in September so as not to get into a mess on the exam!

How to prepare for the OGE in history?

Practice shows that when passing the OGE The following tips and tricks help with history:

  • focus on the school curriculum and make sure that you have a set of good textbooks and manuals. Subject teachers advise using the books of A.A. Danilova and L.G. Kosulina, R.V. Pazina, P.A. Baranov. A textbook on Russian history published at Moscow State University by the authors A.S. Orlov and V.A. Georgiev;
  • be sure to solve the KIMs recommended for the trial OGE (you can download the demo version at the beginning of the article). This type of preparation will help you understand the structure of the ticket and the features of filling out the form, as well as test your knowledge in history and determine your weaknesses and strengths;
  • start learning history already in September - you won’t be able to remember all the dates and events in a month or two;
  • see documentaries about great historical figures. An interesting presentation of the material will allow you to remember additional information;
  • regularly take online tests - this will help you "fill your hand";
  • work out the history requirements codifier (see the link at the beginning of the article) - it spells out how to approach the completion of each task;
  • use richly illustrated encyclopedias and reference books. There are many tasks with illustrative material in the tickets, so you will have to identify historical figures from photographs or reproductions of paintings;
  • take the time to study the culture of different historical milestones. Examinees most often "cut off" on such tasks. The work may contain tasks that affect the life and work of Feofan the Greek, Andrei Rublev, Feofan Prokopovich. You may have to identify famous architectural structures, icons, paintings, and even TV shows from the 20th century;
  • try to express your thoughts in a neutral way. Do not criticize any historical figure, but simply describe his contribution to the development of history - examiners may have an opinion different from yours, so excessive emotional coloring will only harm you;
  • make tables with chronicles of historical events, as well as a list of personalities who took part in them. Place them in the most prominent places so that the memory constantly absorbs this information.