Abstracts Statements Story

Poems about soap bubbles. Bubble

Soap Bubbles The Magic Story of Evgeny Permyak

Soap bubbles are called everything imperfect, quickly bursting and unreliable. Meanwhile, soap bubbles have some merit, and you will see this if you want to listen to the fairy tale named after them.
It was a long time ago if you measure time in years, and quite recently if you measure it in centuries.
It was in a magnificent kingdom, judging by the royal lace on the sleeves and pantaloons of the courtiers. This was in a poor country, if you judge it by the holes in the clothes of His Majesty’s subjects and the hollows in the cheeks of weavers and lacemakers.
It was in the royal square, where an extraordinary spectacle was about to take place. The first large balloon in this kingdom, together with an aeronaut, was about to rise into the transcendental blue of the sky.
The king himself and his court came to the royal square. Nobles, dignitaries and ministers arrived at the royal square. Shopkeepers, apprentices and roughnecks rushed to the royal square. Craftsmen, farmers and shepherds came to the royal square. An old man and an old woman from a distant village trudged onto the royal square.
The balloon, tightly inflated with light gas, was ready to rush into a long flight. He was held in place by strong slings tied to stakes driven into the ground.
But now everything is ready.
The happy balloonist will soon sit in a basket tied to a balloon. In it he will glorify himself and perpetuate his name for generations.
The people applaud. The court and retinue wave their hats and fans in a friendly manner. The king smiles graciously with his royal smile, on which so much depends, which is so dearly valued by the nobility.
The balloonist's servants and assistants had already drawn their knives to cut off the auxiliary lines holding the balloon, but at that time a boy blew and blew a rainbow soap bubble, then a second, third and fourth.
How funny and unexpected it was! How small and insignificant the soap bubbles seemed, bursting one after another amid general laughter!
Everyone laughed. King and queen. Ministers and sausage makers. Court ladies and chestnut traders. Jesters and monks. Old women and children. Only three did not laugh. An old man and an old woman from a distant village. The aeronaut did not laugh either.
- Why don’t you, old man, laugh with us? – the rosy-cheeked roasted almond seller asked him.
“I would answer you,” said the old man, “but you are too fat, and my answer will hardly reach your heart.”
The merchant boiled and shouted throughout the entire square:
- Knit him! He doesn't want to laugh with the king.
The old man was captured and brought to the king.
“Your Majesty,” reported the Minister of the Court, “this impudent old man does not deign to laugh at soap bubbles.” He, you see, has a special point of view on soap bubbles.
“Yes,” answered the proud old man, “I never laugh at what seems worthy of respect to me.”
- How! Are soap bubbles worthy of respect?
There was friendly laughter from the court and retinue. When the noise died down, the flattering dignitary asked the old man:
– Maybe it’s hard for you to laugh at yourself? After all, you are also a soap bubble, preparing to burst from fear and turn into nothing.
“You’re right, gentleman in a golden camisole,” said the old man’s wife, who arrived in time, quietly but clearly. - There is a soap bubble in front of you. But I assure you, gentlemen,” she said, addressing everyone and the king, “you will be uneasy when you find out how much is contained in this soap bubble.
The people fell silent, and the king gave a sign for her to speak. And so the old village woman began to talk so colorfully and with inspiration, as if the fairy of eloquence had put lofty words into her mouth, and the fairy of wisdom had put simplicity and clarity of speech.
“When my husband was young and plowed the marquise’s land, when my cheeks were the envy of the roses in the marquise’s garden, where I worked as a day laborer, my son was born. He grew up to be a very good and inquisitive boy. My husband and I doted on him. We taught him in a good school, and everything we earned went towards him becoming a literate person.
During leisure hours, the father, amusing his son, built small windmills, glued paper kites and blew soap bubbles with him. Soap bubbles sometimes rose quite high. Because they were inflated with warm air from my husband’s hot chest.
My husband was an illiterate dreamer. And he often said to his son:
“Baby! If a soap bubble had a strong shell, it would rise high, high and fly for a long, long time.”
Our boy's eyes lit up. His father taught him to dream about flying into the sky. He inspired him with the idea of ​​a bubble that would be larger than a haystack and could lift a person. He believed that an educated son would find a strong and light shell for a big bubble and fulfill his father’s dreams.
- And he carried them out? - the courtiers asked the old woman.
“Yes, he accomplished them,” said the old woman from the village, pointing to the noble aeronaut standing next to her father.
They embraced, not noticing anyone - neither the court nor the king - and admired the flight of rainbow soap bubbles, which were blown through a thin straw by the blond son of an aeronaut and the grandson of old people from a distant village.
Now no one laughed when one after another the soap bubbles rose and burst...

Big, beautiful and pearly
A bubble floated
He was floating through the air
So careful
It's so impossible
So float

Huge shimmering ball
Our gaze beckoned
People watched smiling
And the ball kept floating
And the ball kept floating

And only in a dream, remembering
One child caught a ball
His soul was freed
And the ball kept floating
And the ball kept floating

According to Yu. Stepanov

"And he was so arrogant,
So arrogant!
He boasted that he was made of foam
He was born a seaman."
S. Marshak

The bubble swelled with soap.
And it became twice as big.
Bears his family coat of arms
To a new pedestal.

Let the soapbox be for the ancestors.
Radiant, him,
Leave yours to the children.
(Parents will understand)

All the colors of the rainbow
It sparkled in the sun.
With extraordinary joy
Flew, flew, flew,

Ashamed that I was the carrier
Their native roots.
Though soapy parents,
But he doesn't look like them...

The world is a soap bubble
shimmers with pearly light
so is Thought
good thought
tickles the heart with warmth

White message balloon
rises into the sky quickly
and will return
golden ray of knowledge
just don't sleep in your thoughts

(To write correctly:
Not a bottle
and not a bottle
and the bubble!!!"

The bubble will burst
It will burst quickly, silently.
He is only a lie, not reality,
Oh, how boring it all is.

I touched the bubble with my finger
It gave moisture and disappeared.
There wasn't even a trace
The finger just became wet.

Film of rainbow lies
There is no consistency in it.
Mirages beckon into the distance,
Unsteady, fabulous light.

We are thirsty and tired,
In the heat, deprived of strength, he will deceive.
And mental weakness
It will beckon you into the distance like a mirage.

And the soap bubble burst,
He didn't fly for long.
And the dusty one fell to the floor,
The one who wanted to live in it...

“Singing heals a sick spirit.”
- Or not? and benefits, reconciliation and sacrament,
both power and fate cannot be changed? (not in this
confusion, and delusions, and passions?)
- No? and in verse? bad weather all around, skills and
there is no rebellion, and righteousness, dashing, and covenant...?
- Everything is a junta, and the poet is a parable that has filled
there's kitsch here, (hackwork), hellish class),
cheap taste, free for you, serial
reflection, bubbles, from soap, from air
foam, your poems, they are perishable, without sacred
toast and without fasting...

Rainbows of colors glow on them.
Delicate shiny balls.
Girl! Give it to me too.
Here one flew up to the palm of my hand.
The wind blew. The ball did not have time to sit down.
Burst, touching on the fly
To a tiny speck of dust. And a dream -
Play with a sparkling ball -
Sprayed instantly. Where to look now
Balloons? That girl left.
How awkward I am. I could not
Catch your own ball from the rainbow.
Maybe I...


Andrey Ertyshenkov

Hundreds of thousands of bubbles sit in a beautiful jar
green... blue... red...
I'm always ready to blow...
some grow huge
others are so so...
and in every fragile one there is a rainbow
smile on your face
and the wind is a prankster
I'm ready to play for the rest of my life...
how great... how great...
bubbles - let them out.

Soap bubble

Arina Zabavina

Beautiful rainbow bubble
Accustomed to momentary fame.
And yet, bursting like a blister,
It will only leave a wet spot.


Victor Pakhomov

How beautiful! Look!
We're blowing bubbles
Soapy, colored,
Nami inflatable.
There is no funnier game
For cheerful kids:
Blowing bubbles
Cheeks puff out.

Beads. Soap bubble

Vladimir Borodkin

Pouting with importance
Soap bubble.
In a word in courage
Rainbow's breadth:
Light, promise,
The candidate gave it.
A farewell spritz:
He is a deputy...


Vladimir Vostrikov 2

Bubbles fly, iridescent
Made of soapy film, confusing the eyes.
We watch them intently
And it’s like we’re expecting a miracle.

But for some reason there is no miracle -
The age of bubbles is so fleeting.
And instead of rainbow victories
Only drops of their careless flesh.

We blow again and again
In spite of sustainable nature,
As if we vaguely hear a call,
Attracting us, or something like that.

As if we even want to be here
Build your own castle in the air
And together we fly into illusoryness,
Infinitely indifferent to us.


Galina Dyadina

A bottle of soap bubbles -
Great miracles jug!
It contains the foam of the rainbow seas
And a good soap genie.

blow it and release it
Free from the ring,
So that, performing magic,
He brought joy to hearts.

Let it fly, let it soar
Magician, enchanter,
And thanks from the bottom of my heart
You for this moment!


Galina Tomashevskaya 2

Don't take it into your hands
If you don't catch it, you won't take it away, -
You can't save a moment of beauty.

Life is short like dawn
many who were, are not.
Time passes faster
And the timer is counting down...

Minutes, weeks, years
are leaving us forever.
For good or bad:
the road to his father's house;

Betrayal and separation
joy or pain.
Happiness from fragile particles
there are no boundaries in time.

World of beauty and love
revive with your breath,
After all, with everyone who does this,
the planet will be happier.


Evgenia Urusova

Simple children's fun
Gives me a smile again:
Emerging from soap foam,
Bubbles try to fly.
I like this picture.
I don't take my eyes off them,
Admiring the play of color,
I can watch for at least an hour.
And the bubbles float carelessly,
Pleases with your radiance.
It's a pity, this beauty is not eternal,
What, however, they do not know.
Shimmering and sparkling,
They float... and suddenly burst.
This is the fate of bubbles.
Such a short circle of life.
It's hard for me to look at them.
There is simply no more fun than this.
They bring greetings from childhood,
From those distant, glorious years.

Soap bubble

Elena Dolgikh

He was beautiful, colorful,
Shimmered in the light
And suddenly... it exploded on a summer morning,
And ended my dream.
But I'll fool him again
And on the balcony, in silence
I'll conjure a spell from soap foam
Big bubble. Can I? Quite!


Elena Nikolaevna Egorova

How beautiful - look! -
They fly in the wind in a flock
And they sparkle in the sun.
We took the colors from the dawn
These wonderful bubbles!


Irina Gurina

The bubble can be different:
It happens unnoticed
Ordinary and beautiful
Simple and colorful.

But if suddenly it’s windy
It will blow harder
It will be a bubble -
King of all bubbles.

It's long like a road
Huge, like an elephant.
But in general - touchless:
Touch it and it will burst!

We blew bubbles

Irina Senchukova

We blew bubbles:
One, two, three and one, two, three!

Eight, nine, ten, stop!
We clap and clap our palms!

No more bubbles.
Let's inflate quickly.

We blow, we blow, look,
There are so many of them: one, two, three...

One two three four five,
Impossible to count!


Zinaida Silkina

We blew bubbles
Round and different
Who is faster? One two Three!
I have wonderful ones!

They flew up together,
Splashed with a rainbow,
It's like stars lit up
Making the kids happy.

Everything is reflected in them:
Garden, green grass,
Doll in a new kimono
And a bench under the maples.

How we want it
Inflate them carefully
Have some fun and then
Definitely clap.


Ksenia Valakhanovich Golub

Mom, mom, look:
I'm blowing bubbles!

On the carpet and ceiling
And on a soft corner,

On the run and on the fly,
On the iron and on the stove...

You can safely blow
Even grandma's bed!

From the wall to the table...
I could do this my whole life!


Lyudmila Firsova-Sapronova

Blowing bubbles
there are so many of them - look!
How they sparkle in the sun,
weightless ones fly,
like colorful rainbows,
There are gold sparkles in the ball.

How many bright colors are there:
yellow, white, blue...
Red poppies and roses,
lush birch greens,
blue bell, river,
colorful hearts...

I'm blowing bubbles, I'm trying.
They are my colorful joy.

Soap bubble

Marina Evening

On a tiny child's palm
A soap bubble has settled in
Behind the rainbow thin window -
A tempting, affectionate world.

And in this transparent globe,
You reflect funny
Your doubts and good luck,
Your painted dreams.

The mirror ball is calling you
Where it's always good
For a tasty fairytale secret...
But soon you will become big

And time is sadly colorblind -
Will undermine your colorful world:
It will collapse like a house of cards
It will burst like a soap bubble.

Soap bubble

Nadezhda Radchenko

Soap bubble
Wanted to please us:
Grew huge
Bloomed like a bright rainbow.

The wind caught him on the wing
And whirled
Spun it
Spun it

To deliver to a fairy tale quickly
The most beautiful of all bubbles.

I'll wave the bubble:
Good luck!


Natalia Ushenina

A fragment from childhood...Bubbles!
Light and weightless!
We all let them in a long time ago
And everyone knows...

Such a scattering flies upward
And quickly slips away...
Do you want to follow with your eyes...
But no... you don’t have time!

Such a rainbow of colors
Such overflows...
Big, smaller,
Two in one...Flying...And so beautiful!

I don’t want to catch it in my palm...,
After all, the joy will instantly melt...
Let them fly and only upward...
I look and smile!


Nonna Rybalko

Short-lived and hollow inside
soap bubbles shine in the sun.
For one moment everyone hangs in the air -
admires himself: “Well, how beautiful I am!”

Good things are not born within desires -
They want to outshine others with their radiance.
The fate of these bubbles is short-lived -
After all, they have one goal - to swell as quickly as possible.

But if the first one bursts and gets into the mud,
Someone will blow into the tube again, frolicking.

I'm blowing a bubble

Olga Alyonkina

I'm blowing a bubble.
He soars to the skies.
He takes off
melts, melts.
Melts, melts, melts, melts...
Oh! Now he has completely disappeared.


Olga Borisova 5

I'm blowing bubbles!
There are so many of them, look
They fly above me
The sun shines in them.
Bubbles scattered
Don't hold them in your palms

Don't try to catch them
It's so easy to scare them!
Just touch it with your hand,
Clap! ... And it’s empty above you!


Regina Novikova

Gave me a toy
Not a typewriter, not a firecracker.
Just a tube. And inside
Bubbles lurked.

I am a spatula with a window
I'll dip it into the solution a little.
I'll blow once, and twice, and three times,
Bubbles will fly away.

Bubbles fly up easily
The colors of the rainbow sparkle.
-Mom, mom, look
How the bubbles shine!”

I tried to catch with my hand,
I approached carefully.
Just touch the palm -
Clap! And no! Like, don't touch it!

I caught them, they flew
And they didn’t want to sit down
I spent the whole day like this.
The entire solution has already been drained.

I would still play
It's a pity that the tube is very small.


Savelyeva Olga35

In a small bottle, inside,
Miracle bubbles settled in:
Bright, beautiful, airy,
Obedient to the wind - the prankster.

I'll take two or three straws,
I'll quietly blow inside... And look -
A rainbow suddenly burst into flames,

Lots and lots of soap bubbles!
The world becomes kinder with them.
And it doesn't matter that they are fragile,
They bring joy to everyone - I know for sure!


Svetlana Berdskaya

We blew bubbles
We played all day.
How suddenly!.. Well, what kind of miracles?
We're in a bubble.

The brisk wind caught us,
Took me under the clouds...
Only the grandmother screams after
- Grandchildren! Where are you going!

Magic soap bubbles

Svetlana Pozhigan

Oh! Colored balls,
With a rainbow "Smeshariki"
I blow them with my mouth -
They dance merrily!

They fly like a butterfly,
Playing with the sun
Scary? Are there clouds in the sky?
Hide in my arms

Bend your palms!
Where are your legs?
Oh! Where did they go?
Did you run towards the sun?

The balls fell -
They hit my nose
The drops flew
Timid rain!

Sorry, the balls are missing
With a rainbow "Smeshariki"
A little dewdrop
Hid in a blade of grass


Tatyana Turbina

Today, in the store, I
we bought a wonderful thing.
Look, look, look
how bubbles fly -
light, airy,
obedient to the breeze,
will light up with a rainbow,
spinning in the blue sky.

I blew and they were spinning,
just sat down in a puddle,
that there is not enough room for you in the sky?
You shouldn't have fallen into a puddle!
I'll move away from the puddle
soap bubbles in it are worse.
I'll climb the ladder
wonderful ladder.

I start blowing again.
Higher, it's fun to fly,
the winds blow quietly,
bubbles fly away.


Tatiana Tsyrkunova

Yes, it's child's play -
Making soap bubbles.
No one can take away your right
Adults can also participate in it.

It's so important to take your time here,
Forget the whole world for a while,
To give a tube of soap a drink,
Yes, find balance.

To get more air,
Start the birth of beauty,
The desired ball - more and more,
Like a dream come true.

Finished ball shape,
It has cheerful colors...
Circling internal norm -
Creation of a soap link.

Brief moments of joy -
The fruits of naivety are simple...
Balls with their gentle beauty
Akin to the innocence of a saint...


Chusovitina Olga

One two Three
One two Three -
I'm blowing bubbles.
Soapy, airy,
Obedient to the wind.
One two three four five,
The bubbles are flying again
Above the houses, above the forests.
Above green gardens.
I'm blowing bubbles
Mom, mom, look.