Abstracts Statements Story

A fairy tale about pirates for children and adults. A tale about pirates: The brave captain Fairy tales for girls 5 years old about pirates

(fairy tale-joke)

Unwashed, bearded
Pirates sail the seas.
Suddenly a shark is on the way,
Don't joke with her.
Tells them: "Hey, pirates,
Unwashed bearded men!
I'm hungry as hell.
Come on, jump overboard!
Otherwise I'll bite you
The brig is yours along with the sails!
The captain answers:
“I won’t give the command!
The mouth is not a cannon barrel.
I'm not afraid of you, shark!
And if you go on board -
So you’ll end up on your own!”
The shark got angry
She lashed the water with her tail,
The mouth opened and into battle -
Anyone would be scared.
I'm not the least bit scared!
Get it right,” -
And hit him in the forehead with an oar.
"Bool!" – toothy shark
Drowned in the blue sea.
He will know how to bite everyone,
Scratch your teeth on the sides!
And the funny pirates
Unwashed Beards
We swam again... Suddenly it surfaced
A fish with a nose like a saw.
Tells them: "Hey, pirates,
Unwashed bearded men!
I'll cut your ship apart!
I'll drown you all in the sea!
Your souls after death
The sea devils will take it!”
The captain answered her:
“I won’t give up the brig without a fight!
I'm not afraid of you at all!
Just try sawing! –
If you go on board
So you’ll end up on your own!”
The fish got very angry
And let's cut as hard as we can.
It’s no wonder to be afraid here,
Anyone would be scared, but:
“No,” said the brave pirate, “
I'm not the least bit scared!
Get it right,” -
And hit him in the forehead with an oar
“So it is,” the pirates shout, “
After all, you can’t cut frigates!”
A fish with a nose like a saw -
"Bool!" - and instantly went to the bottom.
And the funny pirates
Unwashed Beards
Then they sail on the sea.
Suddenly an octopus swam out to meet -
The octopus is big and fat,
About the height of their ship,
In the middle of huge waves
He waves his tentacles,
Tells them: "Hey, pirates,
Unwashed bearded men!
I haven't eaten for a long time
I'll drag you all down!
For sailors and sailors
I have a lot of suckers!”
The captain answers:
“I won’t let the ship sink!
I'm not afraid of you! Hey, bitch
Put away your Velcro!
And if you go on board -
You’ll end up dead right there!”
The octopus became terribly angry,
He grabbed the side with a death grip,
He began to pull the ship to the bottom...
Anyone would be scared, but:
“No,” said the brave pirate, “
I'm not the least bit scared!
Get it right,” -
And hit him in the forehead with an oar.
"Bool!" - and the octopus is huge
Instantly disappeared into the dark abyss.
This horror will no longer happen
Pull the ships to the bottom!
The pirates sailed like this for a long time
Unwashed bearded ones.
Finally, the pirate brig
Reached the Island of Dreams!
The pirates came ashore
Each with a map and a shovel,
They started digging here and there -
Look for treasure on the island.
The first one dug up the snag,
And the second flask for rum,
The third dug up a chest.
A knock came from it.
The pirates got scared
Unwashed bearded men -
Everything in life is not like in the movies,
Anyone would chicken out here, but
The brave captain said:
“I’m not the least bit scared!
Get it right!”
And he broke the chest with an oar.
A cloud of dust blew up
The smell is terrible, like a grave,
There are no treasures
A skeleton stands in their place.
He says: “Hey you pirates,
Unwashed bearded men!
Who is a stranger here looking for treasure,
He won’t come back alive!” –
And let's chatter our teeth,
Rattling rusty chains...
Waving his saber, eager to fight -
Anyone would have run away.
“No,” said the brave pirate, “
I'm not scared at all!
Get it right,” -
And hit him in the forehead with an oar.
"Boom! Crunch! Bang! - and no more
Evil greedy skeleton.
The captain is happy about the victory
But where is the treasure hidden?
Suddenly from the waves and seagulls
The parrot's voice rang out:
“You won’t find a treasure anywhere -
Neither on land nor in water!
It has been lying there for two hundred years
In a safer place!
The pirate raised his head
And I found where the treasure was hidden -
He is not in the sky on a cloud,
And among the dense foliage -
A huge hook is driven into a palm tree,
And on it hangs a chest.
Pirates found it in the chest
And piastres and ducats,
Gems, pearls
And crystal horns!
The spoils were instantly divided
And they sailed away on the ship -
There are many treasures here and there,
Adventure doesn't wait.

Natalya Rysaeva gives the little readers of Dino-Afisha her a new fairy tale"Vovka and the Pirates." Once again, life proves that going to school is useful. The boy Vovka was able to escape from the bloodthirsty villains only thanks to... Read - you will find out everything for yourself!


Once upon a time there lived a boy, Vovka, eleven years old. He loved to go fishing. One day Vovka went to the river to dig up worms. He took a shovel and a bucket. He came to the river bank, began to dig and began to daydream: “I wish I could find some pirate treasure with real treasures,” he thinks. It’s a pity that I don’t live by the sea, eh... I won’t find a treasure...”

And then suddenly Vovka’s shoulder blade hit something hard. Vovka began to dig faster and saw that it was a chest. Such an old chest, all rusty. Apparently, it has been lying in the ground for many years. Vovka’s eyes lit up: “Wow, that’s great!” I opened the chest, and there was everything there - gold coins, precious stones, strings of pearls. And there was also a bottle. Dusty, with a wooden stopper. Vovka immediately pulled out the plug, there was a slight hiss, and...

Vovka found himself on a desert island. There are palm trees all around and no one. The sea is splashing, the seagulls are circling, it’s hot, the sun is shining. “Is this really true?” — thinks Vovka, “that’s lucky, you don’t have to go to school!”


Vovka looks at the sea, and there he can see a dark dot. She's getting closer and closer. Vovka took a closer look, and it was a ship. With black, black sails, one even has a skull and crossbones painted on it. So the ship sailed to the shore, moored, and three real pirates descended onto the shore: huge pirates, with sabers and daggers, in leather jackets and pants and with bandages on their heads.

- Where is our treasure! - the first one roared, apparently the most important one.

- Where did you put him, boy! - the second one shouted, rolling his eyes ferociously.

“Give it back immediately,” the third whispered quietly. But this rustling made Vovka’s heart skip a beat; the pirate took out a dagger.


The pirates saw a treasure chest, ran up to it, looked at the precious stones and talked among themselves:

- So, we’ll take the boy prisoner, he’ll scrub the deck for us and cook food.

“Or maybe it’s not necessary,” asked the pirate who spoke quietly, “maybe we’ll kill him, and that’s all?” What if his parents come looking for him and they will only become a burden to us.

“Well, let’s see,” said the leader. For now, let's share the wealth.

The pirates began to divide the treasure. Vovka stood there, neither alive nor dead from fear, and where can he go: he doesn’t know how to steer a ship, there’s no escape from the island. He stands and listens to what else the pirates have to say. And the pirates were illiterate, they could not count how much gold, how many pearls, and how many precious stones. Vovka sees that for some reason the pirates don’t give numbers; they show on their fingers how much there is, and how he shouts:

Two multiplied by two!

The pirates looked at each other, the main one shouted in rage:

“Shut up right now, or I’ll feed you to the sharks right now!” Ugly boy, we...

Vovka realized that the pirates were afraid of numbers. And let's go full Ivanovo:

- Five times five! Six times six! Seven by eight!


Then the pirates began to shrink, turn pale, became as small as peas, and - bam - they ended up in a bottle. Vovka quickly sealed it with a lid... and found himself on the bank of his river, with a spatula in his hands.

“Well, I’ll see something like this,” he thought, wiping sweat from his forehead. Come on, I don’t need any treasures, no pirates, I’m happy at home. But still, going to school is useful.”

Dear readers! Do you tell your children “special” fairy tales in order to correct behavior, instill certain moral values, or teach something? If you have your own fairy tales for important and necessary topics, we will be glad to see them in our Dino library for children. Send materials to [email protected]. We will gladly publish the best ones!

The pirate ship flew across the waves with full sails. It was a very fast ship, either a brig, or a corvette, or a barque. He was chasing some merchant vessel and quickly overtook it.
The pirates gathered near the high side of their ship, preparing to board, and brandished their weapons. On the forecastle, that is, on the bow of the ship, stood the captain in knee-length canvas pants and a crimson velvet vest worn over his naked body. He snorted menacingly and waved his sword. His evil face was crowned with a huge blue nose. Usually he was the first to jump onto the deck of the attacked ship and begin the battle. At the beginning of the battle, the resistance of the opponents was weak: they were amazed to calculate how many mugs of Hawaiian rum they needed to drink to bring the color of their nose to such a condition. While they were counting the number of mugs, the pirates surrounded them and took them prisoner.
This happened this time too. Captain John, nicknamed Crooked Thigh, went to board. His vest developed, revealing a tattoo on his chest: “I will not forget, either at sea or at home, about a full mug of Hawaiian rum.” Crooked Thigh was lame and had a deep scar on his leg. He claimed that in his youth he was bitten on the leg by a shark, keeping silent about the details of this event. As usual, when Crooked Thigh jumped onto the deck of the attacked ship, the defending crew, seeing the ataman’s nose, began to count the number of mugs he had drunk, forgetting to organize a fight back.
On the deck of the pirate ship towered the colorful, huge figure of the chieftain’s assistant, Don Pedro di Turkey. He, with his legs spread wide in high boots, moving his fluffy mustache and puffing out his cheeks, tried to catch his heavy saber, which dangled freely between his legs on a silver sling. Once again, Don Pedro took aim and sharply threw out his hand, trying to grab the saber by the hilt. But the movement was very sharp, and the saber slipped out of his hand, hit the boot, bounced off and spun around his feet. Don Pedro took aim again, but to no avail. While he was fighting with the saber, the battle was over. The pirates, as always, captured the crew of the merchant ship almost without resistance.
Don Pedro di Turkey usually tamed his saber during boardings and did not participate in battles, but the pirates respected him for his menacing appearance, huge mustache and energy. And now he proudly stood at the mast, arms akimbo, fanning his face, sweaty from effort, with his huge hat with an ostrich feather and accepting the congratulations of the pirates.
The pirates surrounded the crew of the captured ship in the center of the deck.
“Throw everyone overboard and let the ship sink,” ordered John Crooked Thigh.
-No! The Lord gave man freedom of choice, let them decide their own fate: they are free to get into boats and freely sail in any direction of their choice, but we can drown them if they really ask us about it,” Don Pedro objected to him.
-That's right, that's the mind! - the pirates started shouting.
“I agree with this wise decision,” John Crooked Thigh agreed thoughtfully after a long period of thought.
-Where are we going, we are in the center of the Atlantic Ocean! - the team shouted.
-Wherever you want, go there, it’s your own business. The main thing is that we graciously grant you freedom,” Don Pedro answered judiciously.
The pirates launched boats and forced the crew into them. When the boats sailed in different directions, John Crooked Thigh ordered that weapons, valuables, barrels of alcohol, as well as ship sails be collected and taken aboard the pirate ship, and the captured vessel be sunk...
The pirates sat in picturesque poses on the deck of their ship and celebrated their good fortune. They drank cane vodka, sang songs and teased the goat, nicknamed Allegro Moderato.
When pirates once arrived on a desert island, they bought a goat from the natives to drink goat milk: they had heard somewhere that it was healthy. But when they bought the goat, they were very drunk. The goat turned out to be a goat, and the milk idea failed. However, everyone liked the goat. He was cheerful, butted the ship's mast and sides with his horns, shook his beard funny, twirled his little tail, and pestered the pirates. He was left in the galley.
John Crookedleg lay relaxed on the bed, scratching his bare belly and drinking Hawaiian rum from a huge mug. IN open door captain's cabin, he watched the pirates having fun.
- What do you have for lunch today? “Bring me some food,” John said to the cook (that’s what the cook is called on all ships) to the Lithuanian Tajikas, who was standing nearby. Tajikas ran to the galley and brought a plate of food.
“Labas Rytas,” he cheerfully greeted the captain.
“Globus-Bus,” John greeted cheerfully. He believed that he had communicated with Tajikas for a long time and had already learned the Lithuanian language well.
-What will you feed? What's on your plate? - asked John.
“Heck!” answered Tajikas.
-Where did you catch a cold? We need treatment! So what's on your plate?
- Stop sneezing and coughing, I’m asking what’s in your plate, you leaky boat! - John Crooked Thigh yelled.
-Heck, heck, heck! – Tadzhikas chattered in fear.
“I’ll cure your cough and runny nose at once, you sick bastard, strike me like thunder!” - John Crooked Thigh roared. He grabbed his huge mug of rum and threw it at the cook with all his might. He deftly dodged it; apparently, this was not the first time he had such a conversation with the captain, and the Lithuanian had practiced it. The mug crashed into the mast and broke it. The mast with all the sails fell overboard.
“Nothing,” said John, immediately calming down, “there are still masts on the ship, and we have a large supply of sails.” In addition, he remembered that hake is not only a cough, but also a kind of fish.
Suddenly one of the pirates, standing with a spyglass on the captain's bridge, shouted that he saw the ships of the royal squadron that were pursuing them.
“Three thousand devils, these sea turtles will never catch up with us,” said Don Pedro di Turkey.
- Raise additional sails! – he commanded the pirates.
The pirates rushed to the hold, where the spare sails they had captured on the merchant ship were stored. The stubby tail of the Allegro Moderato goat stuck out triumphantly from the hold hatch. He, shaking his tail with pleasure, finished the last sail.
The squadron quickly caught up with the pirates.
-That’s it... Let all the flounders die of bewilderment at the bottom of this rotten puddle, only Satan himself could play such a vile joke on us! - Don Pedro shouted in a thunderous voice and pulled his saber out of its sheath in advance. The pirates also began to prepare their weapons for battle, unsuccessfully trying to sober up. John Crooked Thigh drank one mug of rum after another, trying to bring the color of his nose to the desired shade.
Only the main culprits of the catastrophic situation - Tajikas and the goat Allegro Moderato remained unperturbed...
Life went on as usual.

This story happened so long ago that, probably, no one will dare to say whether it really happened, or was just a dream of an old port reveler nicknamed the One-Eyed Hedgehog.

You, boys and girls, of course, can easily argue that you won’t find pirates today in the wild. And they were in ancient times. But imagine that in the hot Indian Ocean, full of bloodthirsty sharks, not far from the island of Socotra, there are still pirate ships.

Modern pirates... They are not much like those depicted on the pages of children's books. They have big boats with powerful whirring engines; clothes bought, or rather stolen, from ordinary stores; phones, computers... No, perhaps, there is still one similarity - like pirates from past eras, their modern followers are very fond of everything bright, shiny and expensive. Usually, pirates wear a lot of large jewelry, wanting to show off in front of each other. “The more gold, the more pirate prowess,” this is what these guys usually say among themselves.

On the very day when the story we mentioned happened, a pirate named Gray Joe was sitting in the spacious cabin of a luxurious speedboat, wondering where to go with his faithful crew the following evening. On his hand, which supported his chin with a thick gray beard (which, by the way, is why the pirate got his nickname), glittered with fire a bloody ruby, taken from some traveler who had come to these parts with misfortune.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, three quick knocks and after a while another one. Gray Joe turned around displeasedly and barked, “ Sign in!" A small bald sailor appeared on the threshold of the cabin, who had just joined the pirates.
What do you want?– Gray Joe asked, already anticipating how he could teach the newcomer a lesson for ignorance.
Captain“,” the sailor began timidly, “ You just received mail.
What other mail?– the captain was surprised. – We're ten miles offshore.
So, it was the sparrow who brought the letter.
Sparrow?- Gray Joe grinned, - Have you read a lot of children's books, guy? I remember in the old days carrier pigeons delivered letters. Or parrots... My great-grandfather had such a parrot named... But, however, it doesn’t matter! Stop your nonsense and close the door with reverse side. You'll be scrubbing this trough alone for a week.
But, captain!- the sailor babbled worriedly, - T So what should I do with the letter? Is your name here?
With what letter?– Gray Joe didn’t understand again.
Well, I’m telling you, the sparrow brought a letter in its beak. Here it is“The sailor handed the captain an envelope made of yellowed papyrus paper.
The captain snatched the letter from his hands and motioned for the annoying newcomer to leave.

When the door closed, Gray Joe looked closely at the envelope. And in fact, besides him own name, or rather the nicknames “ " There were no other marks on the envelope. The captain pulled out a folding Spanish Navaja knife from his pocket and carefully ripped open the wrapper. A piece of paper folded in half fell onto the table. Just like the envelope, the paper used for its contents was so old that it almost fell apart.

Gray Joe slowly unfolded the paper. It showed a map of a familiar area. Here is a group of his native tiny islands, each of which could go under water in the next hundred years. This is the place called here " Shark mouth" These ferocious creatures last years They have multiplied so much that even on a boat a person can no longer feel safe. “What else is this?” The captain brought the paper to his eyes as close as possible, inhaling through his wide nostrils the spicy-burnt aroma emanating from the letter.

A few nautical miles from the Shark's Mouth, a small island was marked on the map, and on it was a chest, which without a doubt could only mean one thing. But Gray Joe knew well that there was no island in these waters. Of course, he hadn't swam through the Shark's Jaw in years. But could anything have changed in the ocean during this time? After all, land doesn’t just grow out of water!

Grinning into his fist and deciding that he would still have to teach the newbie sailor a lesson, Gray Joe put the paper aside. At this very time, behind him, something tinkled against the small window of the cabin. The captain turned around. Outside, behind the frosted glass, a sparrow hung in the air, spreading its grey-brown wings.
Gray Joe got up from his chair and walked around an antique sofa, stolen from the storage of a local museum, and went to the window. Sparrow did not move. Or... probably he was still moving his wings, because no one can just hang in the air. But either he did it too quickly, or someone from above was holding him up by the strings... In a word, the most mysterious impression was created.

The captain opened the window. A fresh sea breeze immediately filled the musty cabin. Along with a gust of wind, a sparrow flew into the cabin. Having made several smooth, not at all sparrow-like circles around the room, he sat down importantly in the very center of the desk and rolled his small eyes at the captain.
Gray Joe watched this strange picture for several seconds, and then, as if wiping the obsessive vision from his eyes, he waved his hands at the sparrow:
Get away, you stupid bird! You haven't been enough yet! Well, I’ll get to this sailor with his jokes! I'll skin it!
Sparrow still did not move, seeming to listen carefully to the captain. And when he raised his huge hand, which looked more like a bear’s paw, to drive the bird off the table, the sparrow suddenly said:
It is not very kind to you to meet someone who is ready to show you the greatest treasure in the world.

The captain's hand froze in the air. At this moment, the ship swayed slightly, and the captain, as he was, without changing his position, collapsed onto a conveniently located sofa.

The sparrow did not speak anymore. Silently they looked at each other for a long time, until finally Gray Joe found the power of speech:
I will never mix green ale with that coconut crap again! Then God knows what.
Sparrow sighed. If you have never heard birds sigh, then believe me, it is no different from the way you and I sigh. And then he spoke again:
- What stupid people have gone to. Three hundred years ago, your great-great-great-great-great-grandfather didn’t know how to thank me for such a gift. He made him the main ship bird - his assistant. I took it with me everywhere. Oh, what a time it was.
Did you know my great, great...? And... No, what can you say? – Gray Joe finally decided that ale and coconut had nothing to do with it.

Sparrow sighed again, - Fine. Let's go in order. But honestly, how long does it take to hammer an idea into a person’s head? Meanwhile, they could already be racing in full sail to the island. Yes, I knew all your grandfathers, starting with the very first, who plied these waters a very, very long time ago.

Who are you?– asked the captain, examining the bird more with interest than with fear.
Just call me Sparrow, - answered the sparrow. – Many questions, little action. Answer now and don’t waste my time, do you agree to go to the Nameless Island and get your rightful untold riches?
Certainly, - answered Gray Joe, and a greedy light immediately lit up in his eyes. – You said these are my rightful riches?
Yes, Sparrow nodded. – For many years now I have been keeping them and passing them on from generation to generation. That's when your grandfather...

Gray Joe no longer listened to the bird. As fast as he could, he flew out of the cabin like an arrow, and, going upstairs, began to give instructions to his sailors. Calculating the coordinates of the island on the map was not difficult, especially considering that it was almost in our time, stuffed with various gadgets and ship gadgets. Only the Shark's mouth was embarrassing, but Gray Joe, obsessed with thirst for the profit that had so miraculously fallen on his head, did not even think of being afraid.

A few hours later, at sunset, the ship entered the waters of the Shark's Mouth. Every now and then the backs of bloodthirsty creatures, dark as the abyss of the sea, flashed above the surface. Some of them were so large that, touching the boat with their tails, they tilted it, threatening to turn it over and throw passengers into the water.

Gray Joe ordered the sailors to keep their weapons ready and, if anything happened, to shoot at the fish without hesitation. After several bullets whistled through the water, the sharks seemed to calm down. Soon the dangerous area was left behind.

The captain returned to the cabin only when the ocean and sky merged into a single black ball. Not a single star was visible on this moonless night. Sparrow was still sitting motionless on the captain's table.
Shark mouth behind, - said Gray Joe. His voice sounded so serious that if someone had happened to witness the scene, they would probably have thought that the captain had lost his mind talking to the bird.
Sparrow slowly turned his tiny head towards the captain:
And now you're probably wondering how to get to an island that you didn't even know existed?
The captain nodded.
The secret is that the island reveals itself only to those who agree to accept its treasures.
I agree! Agree!- the captain yelled.
Yes, but you have to be sure. Just like your grandfather and great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather and...
Gray Joe didn’t listen to the end again, - Tell me how I can get to the island! There has never been a time in the world when I didn’t know how to handle diamonds!
- That's right... Diamonds...— the bird fell silent, as if thinking about something. - OK then. If you're sure. After all, no one forced you. And this is a deliberate decision... Tell your sailors to turn off the engine.
The captain ran upstairs, and soon the roar of the powerful engine died down.

He went back to the cabin and asked impatiently, Well, what next?
Nothing further, - answered the bird. - Order the sailors to go to bed. And lie down yourself. The ocean will take the boat out. Just make sure you don’t cheat, otherwise nothing will work out.

Gray Joe did not really want to leave the ship on the open ocean without supervision. Storms occurred quite often in these waters. But he so wanted to get untold riches that he could no longer think about caution. As Sparrow said, he ordered the team to go and rest, citing the fact that he himself would be at the helm.

A moment later, the silence of the sea burst into snoring of all kinds of tones. Soon the captain fell into a doze. He dreamed of chests full of gold and diamonds, a new boat, which was four times larger than the current one, equipped with the most advanced navigation system, allowing him to easily recognize a tourist ship within a radius of many nautical miles, and also... The captain had dreamed about this for many years. He also dreamed of a device that allowed him to turn off the engines of other people’s boats. This greatly facilitated the usual pirate chase, although it made it less exciting.

...A strong push forced Gray Joe to open his eyes. It seemed as if the boat had crashed into something solid. The captain ran to the deck and was immediately convinced of his assumption. In front of them stood a rocky ridge, like the backbone of a sea reptile, rising above the water. In the distance, the outline of an island could be seen on the horizon.

The hole in the stern turned out to be quite serious. This had never happened to a captain before. He walked these waters for as long as he could remember, and could boast that a better navigator than him could not be found in all the southern seas. But now the boat was rapidly sinking to the bottom. And nothing could be done about it.

Gray Joe woke up the team with his loud roar and ordered them to prepare inflatable boats and the most valuable things for evacuation. When the last sailor, the same one who brought the captain a mysterious letter yesterday, got into the boat, the boat began to boil and the waters of the Indian Ocean swallowed him up.
In the process of all these gatherings, the captain completely forgot about Sparrow and remembered only now, when anger and rage filled him to the brim. How could he trust some kind of bird?! He is the terror of all the southern seas. The one whose name is not even uttered by respectable residents of coastal cities! But now it was necessary to get to land, and only then think about how to find and deal with this impudent bird. For starters, you can beat the sailor.

The captain looked in his direction. He sailed on the second boat and worked hard with the oar.

Three quarters of an hour later the team reached the shore. A blood-red sun rose in the east, gilding the coastal sand and palm trees that framed the rocks of the island with its rays.

Leaving the boats, the team, led by the captain, headed inland. The road went steeply uphill all the time until it finally brought them to a table-flat top. Here, surrounded by magnificent greenery, a huge hole yawned like the black mouth of a petrified creature - the entrance to a cave. For a moment, Gray Joe's conversation with Sparrow flashed back to him. " What if the bird did not deceive, and here I really find the greatest treasure in the world?».

Without fear or doubt, he stepped into the cave, ordering the pirates to wait for him outside. As always, his innate greed was greater than his precautions. The captain really didn’t want to share with his sailors the gold and diamonds that might end up in the cave.

The vault and walls of the grotto along which Gray Joe walked were smooth, like the stomach of a young lamb. Only the dim light of his torch, hastily constructed from a stick and the shirt of one of the sailors, doused in kerosene, illuminated the road. It is not known how long the captain walked, but only when it began to seem to him that this cave was going right through the entire earth, the passage narrowed sharply, to the size of a ship’s hatch, and then turned into a gigantic stone hall.

Squeezing his huge body through the narrow passage, Gray Joe froze in place. He was so amazed by the splendor that appeared before his eyes. In the middle of the hall stood chests of gold and diamonds, casting multi-colored shadows on the ceiling and walls, under the light of his torch. When the captain finally managed to believe his eyes, he rushed to the chests and, like a madman, put his hands into the treasures, all the time muttering something incoherent.

A lot of time passed before he was able to come to his senses. The torch left at the entrance to the grotto had almost burned out, and its heat might not have been enough even for the return journey. Only now, Gray Joe realized that he would not be able to take all this out of the cave alone. There was so much wealth here that he could share it with his crew and, until the end of his life, each of the pirates would be the richest among all living people.

When the last ember of the shirt burned out on the torch, Gray Joe left the cave. It was dark all around. On both sides of the road, leaning against large boulders, his sailors slept. The captain pushed them aside:
How much time did I spend inside?- he roared.
We have been waiting for you here since the morning. And we've almost lost hope- answered the eldest pirate from the crew.
I found great treasures inside!– Gray Joe said reluctantly. “As soon as it gets light, we’ll shoot some game to restore our strength, and then we’ll go to the cave and take everything out of there without a trace.”

The next morning, while several pirates, led by the captain, remained to guard the entrance to the cave, the rest went in search of food. They soon returned, having shot a large animal that looked like a marten and a puma at the same time. Having cooked the animal over a fire, the pirates refreshed themselves, and then, like the captain, obsessed with the thirst for profit, they rushed into the cave for treasure.
It took the team several days to drag the chests with their contents to the shore of the island. Only when the last coin taken out of the cave began to sparkle in the rays of the bright midday sun did the pirates collapse on the hot sand in exhaustion. But now, having such treasures, each of them was afraid to fall asleep deeply, lest his comrades decide to secretly steal his share.

Days passed. And the pirates were all sitting on the shore, waiting for a ship that could pick them up from the blessed skeleton. But not once did even a distant point that resembled a ship appear on the horizon. Some sailors became so attached to their jewelry that they refused to leave it even to get food.

Less than a year had passed before dried up human figures appeared on the shore, next to chests filled with all the most expensive gems in the world, vainly clutching their treasures with petrified hands. No one was left alive except the captain himself, who every day, without fear, continued to go in search of food and fresh water.

Much, much time has passed since then. The hair on Gray Joe's head had turned grey, and his beard had turned into a long, matted heap of fur that was just right for covering himself at night.

And then one day, realizing his powerlessness, he finally decided to return the treasures to the cave. Even if some ship enters the harbor of this cursed island, the sailors will probably take away the treasures from the weak old man, into whom the once formidable and powerful captain has now turned.
For ten whole years he slowly, stone by stone, handful by handful, returned the jewels to the cave, and then, when the last ruby ​​rested in the depths of a deep mountain, leaning on a homemade stick, Gray Joe climbed out. He's changed his mind a lot over the years. Bitterness and remorse for his terrible deeds pressed in his chest. No, he didn't want to become rich anymore.

But now another, even more desperate thought arose in his head. The last time, going out to sea on his boat, Gray Joe left on the shore the girl who carried his son under her heart. Will he, when the time comes, become a pirate, and just like his father, will he attack passing ships with tourists, mercilessly killing old and young?

Large tears of bitterness rolled down the cheeks of the decrepit captain. And at that second the incredible happened. Sparrow appeared in front of him. The same one who many years ago brought him the ill-fated letter and escorted him to this fateful island. But the captain was no longer angry with him. On the contrary, he rejoiced at the bird, like an old long-lost friend:
Why have you appeared now?– Gray Joe asked tiredly.
Your time is coming“,” Sparrow said slowly. – The last grains of sand in life fill the scales, which will soon overflow. One unfinished business remains for you.
What's the matter?- Gray Joe asked and coughed dully.
“Your son, abandoned many years ago, has already turned into a strong, handsome man. Do you want to bequeath to him these treasures that rightfully belong to your family?

The captain looked sadly at the bird:
- I have never seen my son. But this is what I would like to bequeath to him... If the time comes and he turns into the same evil and bloodthirsty pirate as I was in my youth, then let him accept this treasure as a gift of mercy.
The sparrow flapped its wings, “I didn’t expect anything else.” Your father bequeathed the same thing to you, and his father bequeathed to him, and him, and him... May the formidable captain of the Indian Ocean pirates rest in peace. I will fulfill your request.

With these words, Sparrow soared into the sky and disappeared, like a vision, in the rays of the bright southern sun.

Yunga Sklyanka decided to practice attacking enemy ships. She took the magic posing tube, went ashore, pointed the eyepiece at the ship and shouted menacingly: “To the vernissage!”
There was a bang, the ship sparkled from the stern to the bowsprit and, shaking, turned into a huge picture in a gilded frame!

“Oh,” thought the Flask, “I said something wrong, I should have shouted “To the entourage!”
The picture, gurgling, turned into a huge furniture store, full of cabinets, sideboards, chairs, curtains. The store tilted and slowly began to sink.
“She said the wrong thing again, what kind of word is that! Ah! I remembered! On to the report!”
The furniture store immediately turned into a huge bus filled with strange, noisy people, hung from head to toe with cameras, television cameras, and voice recorders. People, noticing the cabin boy on the shore, began to hand her microphones and demand some kind of “interview”.
- Leave me alone! I don't have any interview! To the mess!
The bus, together with its inhabitants, has generally turned into something motley, chaotic, cheerful and absurd...
Yunga was so scared that she remembered the right word out of fear!
- Aboard! Aboard! - Sklyanka shouted twice.
The motley, chaotic, ethereal thing turned into a ship again and, raising its sails, disappeared at breakneck speed behind the nearest island.
And late in the evening, Captain Cocos, who woke up, led the ship back to the bay and, going ashore, asked: “Boy boy, do you know why while I was sleeping, our schooner ended up thirty miles north of our base?”
- I don’t know... Probably carried away by the current...
- Oh well. Put the poser pipe in place. To the wardroom. And don't take her again without my knowledge, okay?
- Fine...
- Yes, but I had amazing dreams today. Very!

How the cabin boy baked a cake

One day, on the occasion of the birthday of the moray eel Murka, cabin boy Sklyanka decided to bake a cake. I took an old one cookbook, went to the galley and began creating the confection.
And everything worked out great for her until the time came to make the cream for the cake.
“Take a glass of embarrassed milk,” Sklyanka read a half-erased sentence in an old book and was very puzzled. She took a can of milk out of the hold and tried to confuse him. She opened the lid and stuck her tongue out at the milk, but the milk was not embarrassed. Then the cabin boy made the most offensive face and showed it to the milk, but the milk was still imperturbable!
“What outrageously imperturbable milk! Or maybe there’s not enough light here and it’s hard for the milk to see how I’m teasing it?” - the cabin boy thought and took the milk can out onto the deck, where the hot tropical sun was shining and everything, everything, everything was visible. There she made faces for an hour, jumped around the milk, showed him her horns, stomped her feet and even shook her fist! But the milk didn’t even think of being embarrassed! Then the annoyed cabin boy grabbed the pistol and fired into the air!
But for some reason the milk did not become confused, but curdled...
“This is the wrong milk, it’s shy. It curled up like some kind of hedgehog, you need to put it in water and let it unfold!” - the cabin boy decided, overturned the can into the sea and grabbed the net to catch the milk as soon as it turned around. But it was not there! The moray eel Murka, who was guarding the ship, immediately surfaced on the left side and happily swallowed the curdled milk!
“Well, now there will be no cream for the cake, and where do people get embarrassed milk?” - the cabin boy thought and went to complain to Captain Coconut about her failure in the confectionery business.
But for some reason Captain Coconut was not upset at all, but on the contrary, he laughed, and laughed for a long, long time. And after laughing, he cheerfully said: “Nothing, cabin boy, let there be a festive pie! A festive pie does not need cream from embarrassed milk!”
"Not supposed to!" - Murka the moray eel confirmed from behind the starboard side, and without any cream she was already very pleased with her birthday.

How did the posing trumpet appear?

Captain Coconut was a cheerful pirate, but sometimes he was very worried about his appearance. It seemed to him that he didn’t look very similar in the photographs. His appearance in the photographs was not brave enough. It looked kind of stupid. There was little nautical or heroic in the captain's bearing. From time to time, Captain Coconut locked himself in his cabin and was sad about it. On such days, cabin boy Sklyanka had to take control of the ship, and she really didn’t like doing anything alone. When Captain Coconut became sad again, cabin boy Sklyanka decided: “That’s it! We need to do something about this!” She took a telescope from the captain's bridge, took out a magic felt-tip pen from the wardroom and began to improve the optical device. To begin with, she wrote on the telescope - “posing telescope”, from the word “pose”. “It sounds so-so, of course, but it should work, now you need to put divisions on the pipe, division number one - “brave pose”, division number two - “heroic pose”, division number three - “formidable pose”, division number four - “ "The pose is funny." "A funny pose would be very useful for pirate parties for children," the cabin boy thought, diligently drawing, "What magical mode of operation for the trumpet could I come up with?" Let there be another “important” pose, done!”
The cabin boy took the former spyglass to Captain Coconut. Captain Kokos was delighted, took the poser's pipe in his hand and, going up to the mirror, was amazed - he looked so brave, such a cheerful pose that you could call the photographer right now! But where can you find it in the ocean?
“Raise the sails!” Coconut commanded in a thunderous voice, so much so that the ship’s sparrow named Jack almost fell off the mainmast, “We’re going to a children’s birthday party, we’ll have a fun pirate party for the kids! Oh, how can I take a photo there now?” !

An epic about a sparrow

Somewhere near the equator, when the ship's thermometer showed 55 degrees in the shade and the cabin boy Sklyanka dreamed of seeing some iceberg on the horizon so she could get ice and make a whole barrel of lemonade, something old, feathered, small, and almost lifeless. Upon closer examination, “it” turned out to be an ordinary old sparrow, which for some reason flew across the ocean and, without calculating its strength, fell onto the ship from sunstroke.
“He’s overheated, poor fellow,” thought the Flask, “we need to put him in the refrigerator for a couple of minutes, let him cool down, maybe he’ll come back to life.”
No sooner said than done. The cabin boy took the old sparrow to the refrigerator, noted the time, and when she opened the door to release the feathered old man into the wild, she did not find him! In its place sat a tiny yellow-throated chick and loudly and brazenly demanded something edible!
“He’s doing well,” thought the Flask, “he hasn’t cooled down, but he’s gotten younger, maybe the refrigerator is broken?” Having carefully examined the white door and the inscription on it, the cabin boy noticed something strange: not all of the aluminum letters that made up the word “refrigerator” were preserved; in place of the letter “x,” someone had written the letter “m” with a felt-tip pen.
“What’s happening, now it’s not a refrigerator, but a “rejuvenator”? It doesn’t keep you cold, but makes you look younger? Yes... I’ll go ask Coconut who’s drawing the letters here...
- Captain Coconut, have you seen the magic felt-tip pen that Caramel sent me for my birthday?
“No, I didn’t see it,” answered Captain Coconut, looking suspiciously at his locker.
- You didn’t see it, then? What should we do with this bird now? - asked the cabin boy Sklyanka, taking out a yellow-throated squeaking chick from her bosom.
- And who is this?
- You will not believe! Three minutes ago it was an experienced elderly sparrow with sunstroke! And after he was in cold... now in the "rejuvenation facility" - he is completely impossible to recognize and, apparently, we will have to feed and educate him!
- Well, let's educate...
- Then look after him here, and I’ll go catch mosquitoes for his lunch, we just sailed to the island.
“Okay, cabin boy,” the captain muttered embarrassedly, and when the Flask retired to the shore, he turned to the chick, “What should I call you, feathered one?” What original name would you choose... I came up with it! I'll call you Jack! Why, Jack Sparrow - it’s so fresh, so original, completely unlike anyone else!

A tale about an octopus

One day, during a particularly long voyage, Captain Coconut was attacked by Inspiration. And this way and that Coconut fought off Inspiration, but it still took him prisoner. And it prescribed a poem about an octopus as a ransom from captivity. Coconut begged, saying that he was not a poet, but a pirate, and did not know how to write poetry. But Inspiration was adamant. And the captain began to rhyme: “The octopus has many legs, the lamprey has none at all, and the lamprey is touchy, the octopus is pleasant to everyone.” Inspiration looked at this work and said: “You stupid Captain Coconut! You swim on the seas and oceans, but you don’t know that octopuses don’t have legs, but tentacles... I’ll let you go, I’ll attack someone else.” And when it disappeared over the horizon, Captain Coconut grinned and said: “Otherwise I don’t know that an octopus has tentacles. After all, if the poem turned out good, Inspiration would attack us constantly, right, cabin boy Sklyanka?”
- That's right, captain!
- That’s why, but we still have to children's party need to swim. Calm, fun, and no one bothers you on the way!

The story of the saber

Having dropped anchor in a quiet harbor, the pirates Captain Coconut and cabin boy Sklyanka decided to restore order on the ship. Wash, patch, repair. And the captain decided to start with the saber, it was dull, it needed sharpening, he sharpened and sharpened, sharpened, sharpened, but did not notice how he shortened it by half! Eh, he thinks, okay, there will be a dagger, just need to sharpen it, he sharpened and sharpened, sharpened and sharpened, but again he didn’t notice that he had overdone it. Well... let it be a pocket knife. Only it’s a bit dull, it needs to be sharpened, sharpened and sharpened, sharpened and sharpened, and then shortened again, so much so that you can barely see it...
- That's where she is! Needle! And I searched her! - the cabin boy Sklyanka shouted, seeing the shiny remnant of the saber in the captain’s palm.
- Hm...
- I just need to hem the sails! Thank you, Coconut!
- No problem, cabin boy, please contact me...
- Just captain... please don’t clean the cannon today, okay?
- Fine...
And Coconut decided not to do anything else that day. You never know...

An epic about UFOs

Deep, deep at night, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, Captain Coconut noticed flying saucers in the sky. They flew against the background of the Milky Way in a slender triangle, tinkled cheerfully, and sent out rays of reflection from the Moon in all directions. The plates were the most ordinary: small, deep, saucers, there was nothing alien in them.
- Hey, plates! What galaxy are you from? - asked Captain Coconut.
- We are local, from Earth! - answered the plates.
- Why and where are you flying in the sky?
- We're flying to a children's party! From south to north! On a children's birthday, everything should be magical and unusual, even the dishes! Here we are flying from fairyland Veseylandia to Moscow!
The pirate Coconut wanted to ask some more question, but he woke up and forgot this dream. Only for some reason he smiled strangely the whole next day, without knowing why.

An epic story about a terrible ocean

On the first of September, cabin boy Sklyanka went to a geography lesson.
She returned to the ship scared, upset, saddened.
- What's the matter, cabin boy? - asked Captain Coconut
- Captain, will we sail north in the summer?
- Perhaps we’ll swim, you know - we love new experiences, and we haven’t surfed the waves in that direction yet. The Northern Ocean has not been explored.
- Oh! How scary! How will we survive there? We were told in geography class that the Northern Ocean is poisonous!
-Which one? Poisonous? - asked Captain Coconut, and as he began to laugh,
laughed for three hours, and when the cabin boy was about to get offended, he said: “Remember the bottle once and for all - the Arctic Ocean! Ice-do-vi-ty, from the word “ice”, not “poison”. You should have said “ prolific,” and that peaches, apples and other fruits grow at the pole!
- Oh....
- Here's an "oops" for you! And from now on, listen to the teacher more carefully, don’t get distracted, agreed?
- Agreed...