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Runhigs official name. Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation

Russian Academy of National Economy and civil service under the President of the Russian Federation
International name

The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Former names
Year of foundation


Legal address

119571, Moscow,
Vernadsky Ave., 82


Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation(RANH or RANEPA) - Russian federal state budgetary educational institution of higher vocational education(FSBEI HPE). The Academy was created by decree of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev dated September 20, 2010 by joining the Civil Registry of State Civil Service and a number of regional universities to the Academy of National Economy.

Creation of the Academy

The Academy was founded in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 20, 2010 N 1140 “On the formation of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation” and on the basis of Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 2010 N 1562-r.

According to the Kommersant newspaper, the idea of ​​merging several government-related educational structures into a single state academy was discussed by President Dmitry Medvedev and, on his instructions, by the government for several months. The key meeting on the merger took place in September 2010 with First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov. The initial size of the planned mega-university was larger: according to Kommersant’s interlocutor, the rector of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (formerly the Financial Academy) Mikhail Eskindarov managed to convince the president that his department was future academy no need to turn it on yet. We are talking about uniting two opposite poles of the ideological spectrum. RAGS, especially in last years, actively developed as a center for the development of “statist” ideology and promoted the ideas of optimal organization of the state civil service as the basis for all institutional reforms. The Academy of National Economy, led by the liberal economist Vladimir Mau, on the contrary, to some extent competed with the Higher School of Economics for the status of the main scientific educational institution, promoting institutional reforms in the Kremlin and the White House through reforms of economic mechanisms.

Formally, the unified academy will bear the title “under the President of the Russian Federation,” but its founder will be the Russian government. At the same time, according to the decree, all the most important personnel appointments to the future unified academy will be coordinated with the presidential administration. The Academy was the first among Russian universities to receive state MBA accreditation and implement the DBA program.

Chairman of the Academy's Board of Trustees - Naryshkin, Sergei Evgenievich.

Among the teachers are academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences Abel Aganbegyan (from 1989 to 2002 - Rector of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation) and Tatyana Zaslavskaya.

The newly formed Academy under the President of the Russian Federation - RANEPA - is the largest socio-economic and humanitarian university in Russia and Europe, rightfully occupying the top lines in all national rankings. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 7, 2011 No. 902, the Academy has the right to independently establish educational standards and requirements for educational programs of higher professional education implemented by it.

The Academy is often used as a venue for Government events. On November 1-2, the RANEPA hosted the forum “Public Service. Human Capital Management” with the participation of representatives of public authorities from Europe and the CIS countries. On December 9-10, the Academy hosted the Forum of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation “Forum of Vladimir Putin’s Trustees” with the participation of all heads of the Presidential Administration, the Government of the Russian Federation, federal ministers, the deputy corps, and leading Federal media. And on December 10, 2012, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, where he held a meeting with his supporters.

The Academy was formed by joining the following universities to the Academy of National Economy :

  • Volga-Vyatka Academy of Public Administration
  • Volgograd Academy of Public Administration
  • Oryol Regional Academy of Public Service
  • Volga Region Academy of Public Administration named after. P.A. Stolypin
  • Northwestern Academy of Public Service
  • North Caucasus Academy of Public Administration
  • Siberian Academy of Public Administration
  • Ural Academy of Public Service
  • Moscow Academy of State and Municipal Administration
  • Institute for Advanced Training of Civil Servants
  • Primorsky Institute of State and Municipal Administration

Currently, the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation is the largest educational institution in Russia, 68 branches of the Academy are represented in 53 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

As of January 1, 2012 total number students enrolled in higher professional education programs at the Academy and its branches amount to more than 207 thousand people, including full-time students higher education– over 35 thousand people.

The Academy implements the main professional educational programs - 22 bachelor's programs, 26 specialist training programs, 14 master's programs. 31 secondary vocational education programs are being implemented.

The Academy has developed and implements more than 700 programs of additional professional education. About 30 percent of these programs are updated annually.

There are postgraduate studies (65 scientific specialties) and doctoral studies (25 scientific specialties) within the framework of the activities of 33 dissertation councils.

The Academy has developed unique training programs for civil servants for federal authorities and authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

RANEPA is currently one of the leaders in training top-level managers for Russian enterprises and organizations. Over a third of students in MBA (Master of Business Administration) programs in the Russian Federation are students of the Academy.

Most MBA and EMBA (Executive Master of Business Administration) programs are accredited by the most prestigious accrediting associations in the world.

The Academy became one of the initiators of introducing the system Russian education MPA (Master of Public Administration) programs. The purpose of these programs is to meet the personnel needs of government agencies.

The Academy has extensive international connections with leading foreign universities, including Stanford and Harvard universities, Duke University (USA), Kingston University (UK), and other universities in Germany, France, and the UK. The Academy not only sends Russian students abroad, implements joint programs with leading universities, but also trains foreign students.

The scientific potential of the Academy consists of over 700 doctors of science and professors, over 2,300 candidates of science and associate professors.

The results of the scientific and expert activities of the Academy as the largest consultant on projects and development programs developed by federal authorities and authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, corporations and public organizations, allow you to constantly improve and update educational process.

The RANEPA library collection consists of more than 7,000,000 books, and it also includes the State Duma Library (established in 1906) and the famous Demidov Library. The Moscow campus has over 315 thousand square meters. meters of area. The total area of ​​the branch network exceeds 451 thousand square meters. meters.

The Academy is currently the ideologist and developer of projects for the continuous education system in Russia. We have developed a concept for the formation of a modern system of continuous education of state civil servants, on the basis of which it is possible to modernize the system of advanced training and retraining of state civil servants of the Russian Federation.

By order of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2009 No. Pr-3484 and in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 22, 2010 No. 636-r, the Academy was determined to be the sole contractor for the training and retraining program for the highest level of the management personnel reserve. By Order of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 2, 2012 No. 202-rp, the Academy was determined to be the sole executor of the state order placed in 2012 by federal government bodies for advanced training of up to 1000 federal civil servants, in job responsibilities which includes participation in anti-corruption activities, educational program"Functions of personnel services departments of federal government agencies on the prevention of corruption and other crimes."

The Academy actively cooperates with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation both in terms of training and joint work aimed at innovative development their economies.

Academy mission

The mission of the Academy “is to form the managerial elite of Russia, the community of economists and professional leaders.” The Unified Academy will probably be a full-fledged monopolist in training personnel for the civil service at both the federal and regional levels. According to Kommersant, the White House sees the French National School of Administration - ENA - as a model for the academy.

Training of globally competitive and adaptive management personnel for the state, public and private sectors in order to solve the problem of innovative development of society;

Implementation of fundamental and applied scientific research and developments in the socio-economic and humanitarian spheres;

Scientific and expert-analytical support of government bodies of the Russian Federation.

Famous Professors of the Academy



  • Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
  • Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation"
  • Department of Urban Management and Construction, Faculty of the Ministry of Foreign Education of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation

Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
Year of foundation
Legal address

119571, Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue, 82


Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation- a state educational institution of higher professional education, a large educational and research center.

Education at the academy is conducted in bachelor's, master's, MBA and DBA programs; The academy operates postgraduate and doctoral studies. The main structural divisions of the academy: 16 faculties (including economics; finance and banking; economic and social sciences; having the status of faculties: Higher School of Corporate Management, Higher School international business; Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences; Higher School "Institute of Management and Marketing"; Russian-German Higher School of Management) and 3 research institutes: ; Department of Business Informatics, Faculty of Economics; and Institute of Electronic State Architecture.

Preparation for postgraduate and doctoral studies is carried out in the following specialties: 08.00.05 - “Economics and management of the national economy”. Specializations: industry, macroeconomics, services, entrepreneurship. 08.00.10 - “Finance, money circulation and credit.”

The structure includes 16 faculties, 3 research institutes. Taught by 3 academicians, more than 100 doctors of science, about 200 candidates of science.

The Academy of National Economy was created in 1977 as a government educational institution of the USSR for the training of senior management personnel - general directors and chief economists, heads of ministries, departments and others higher authorities management - which received the unofficial name “forge of ministers”. The former name was the Academy of National Economy under the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

Since the beginning of the 90s, the Academy has become actively involved in the development of a modern business education system in Russia, training highly professional specialists - entrepreneurs, managers, financiers, bankers, and lawyers. The Academy became one of the first Russian universities to begin implementing MBA programs. Among the Academy's graduates are heads of federal and regional authorities, including the Government of the Russian Federation, well-known politicians, and top managers of Russian and foreign companies.

1977 Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers on the organization of the Academy of National Economy of the USSR

1988 Creation of the first commercial faculty “Graduate School of International Business”

1990 Creation of the publishing house “Delo” within the structure of the Academy for the publication of business and economic literature corresponding to the modern level of education

1991 Creation of the Faculty of Academic Study Programs. The construction of the building on Vernadsky Avenue, known as the "Crystal", was subsequently never completed.

1992 The Academy initiates the development of Russian MBA standards

Creation of the faculty “Russian-German School of Management”

1994 Creation of the faculty “Institute of Business and Business Administration”

1995 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on assigning the Academy the official status of a leading educational, methodological and scientific center in the system of retraining and advanced training of civil servants of federal and regional authorities, as well as a leading educational institution training specialists in the field of higher professional, postgraduate and additional education and the creation of a faculty senior officials of state authorities and local self-government

Creation of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences

Creation of the faculty "Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences"

1996 Creation of the Law Faculty named after. M. M. Speransky

Creation of the Faculty of Higher School of Financial Management

1997 Creation of the faculty of executives of state authorities and local self-government

Creation of the Faculty of Computer Technologies in Business

1998 Creation of the faculty “Institute of Management and Marketing”

Beginning of the implementation of the State Program for the Training of Managerial Personnel (Presidential Program). One of the teachers of this department is A. L. Besedin.

1999 Beginning of the state experiment to introduce an MBA in Russia, initiated by the Academy

2001 Creation of the Faculty of Finance and Banking

Creation of the Faculty of National Economics

Launch of the first DBA program in Russia

2002 Creation of the Faculty of Higher School of Corporate Management

2003 Creation of the School of Land Markets faculty

2004 Creation of the Faculty of Innovative and Technological Business

2007 The Academy celebrates its 30th anniversary

Holding the International Conference “Socio-economic development of Russia: new frontiers”

2008 20th anniversary of the Faculty of Graduate School of International Business

2010 On May 27, the official opening of the InCube Business Incubator of the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation took place in Moscow. The initiator of the creation of the Business Incubator is the rector of the Academy of Economy, Vladimir Aleksandrovich Mau. The head of the Business Incubator of the Academy of National Economy of the Russian Federation is a famous businessman and Kingston MBA teacher at the Academy of National Economy Alexey Komissarov. The business incubator at the Academy of National Economy of the Russian Federation will begin implementing its first projects in September 2010.


  • Faculty of Academic Study Programs
  • Faculty of Higher School of Corporate Management
  • Faculty of “International Institute of Public Service and Management”
  • Faculty of Graduate School of International Business
  • Faculty of Higher School of Financial Management
  • Faculty of Public Administration
  • Faculty of Innovation and Technology Business
  • Faculty
  • Faculty "Institute of Management and Marketing"
  • Faculty "Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences"
  • Faculty of Economics
    • Department of Business Informatics
  • Faculty of Russian-German Higher School of Management
  • Faculty of executives of state authorities and local government
  • Faculty of Finance and Banking
  • Faculty "School of Economics of Land Markets"
  • Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences
  • Center for International Projects
  • Faculty of Law named after. M. M. Speransky
  • NOU "Institute of Business and Economics"

see also



  • Universities by alphabet
  • Appeared in 1977
  • Economic educational institutions
  • Subordinate bodies of the USSR Government
  • Moscow Academy

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what the “Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation” is in other dictionaries:

    Academy of National Economy (under the Government of the Russian Federation)- Moscow, prosp. Vernadsky, 82. Social work. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 2002. P. 471) See also Universities Ch488.84(2)7 ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    ACADEMY OF NATIONAL ECONOMY UNDER THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, ANKh- state higher educational and scientific institution of federal jurisdiction. Founded in 1977 as the Academy of National Economy under the Council of Ministers of the USSR for the retraining and training of management personnel for sectors of the national economy. WITH… … Financial and credit encyclopedic dictionary

    - (Financial University) ... Wikipedia

    - (ANH) was founded in 1978 in Moscow (since 1992 under the government of the Russian Federation). Training of managerial economic personnel. The Academy of National Economy operates (1993) the Higher School of International Business and other educational units... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

    Under the Government of the Russian Federation (ANH). Founded in 1978 in Moscow. Current status since 1992. Training of senior management specialists, etc. At the Academy of National Economy, the Higher School of International Business and other educational divisions. * * *… … encyclopedic Dictionary

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    By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 8, 2001 No. 1301, the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Science and High Technologies was established, and the Regulations on the Council and its composition were approved. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 30 ... Wikipedia

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7.9 /10
2195 ratings

Student at this university:
May 18, 2018

So, the time has come when I can give feedback about studying at this university. As someone who has studied here for almost a year, I have already formed an opinion about the university and many of the Ranha institutes.
Studying: Studying at Ranhigs has two dimensions. I want to warn you that I am a law student, so I will mostly talk about him. If you want to study mediocre, at 3-4 or just not fail, then it will be quite simple, mediocre doing nothing and skipping classes. Claiming for a higher level of performance, you will have to strain your brain quite a bit.
The teaching staff is at a high level, about half of them are doctors of science. Of course, there are also problems. The subjective attitude of the teacher determines your grade on the exam, although I think that this is rather a disadvantage of university studies in general. (I’ll make it clear right away that I’m a state employee and entered based on Unified State Exam scores)
For a long time when I came here, I read about the weak and strong Ranhigs institutes and faculties. So, the ION, a number of faculties of the IOM, the State Medical University of the IGSU are generally recognized as the easiest, there are probably more, but I can’t say for sure about them.
Reception company: at the reception, as elsewhere, they will pour sweet speeches into your ears: “on our ...
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the faculty teaches three languages”, “internships”, “exchange programs”.
I’ll say right away about internships and programs: they are all paid and will cost you a pretty penny. We have an international club at IPINB that sends students to Europe twice a year: spring, autumn for a week to study international law. To do this you need to show good level language, but the idea itself is amazing. The university bears most of the costs and this is the only adequate program that I know of.
The faculties that may be given to you in the admissions office could easily turn out to be complete crap. So don't look for the truth there.
I will only say what I know from the students themselves.
Faculty of Law: a good faculty with strong preparation (other faculties of IPINB are weaker).
Foreign regional studies / reg of Russia (IGSU): good preparation, but a completely incomprehensible specialty. They teach two and sometimes three languages, but this is not a classical education at all. Many students in their 3rd year begin to wonder where to go next and often don’t find an answer. If you want an interesting and multidisciplinary education and are not afraid of not finding a job in your profession (and the profession of regional scientist does not exist), then this is for you.
All directions of ION: a complete set of incomprehensible porridge “broadening your horizons”. Suitable for those for whom the tower does not rest anywhere at all. For example, you know that your profession does not require higher education, but applied skills, and you want to work from your first or second year, learn a profession and devote some time to study.
GMU (state administration): very poor education, but this is the case at all GMUs, it’s just a crappy specialty.
Economics (separate faculty): very strong preparation. Get ready for endless barbs and an unreal amount of computer science and mathematics. The direction is not for weak students.
Imm: a relatively small institute with several faculties. They have a very good administration system (dean's office) that helps their students. Average (more likely to weak) level of training, the entire direction rests on two or three teachers (Zaretsky).
Ibda: as far as I know, everyone except orientalists (China abroad) is a weak-medium level. Sinologists don't sleep for days because they study Chinese.
Ffb: good faculty with a great student council. Their training is rather applied (business). The level of training is average. The faculty is very small in size, so the atmosphere there should be friendly.
Other faculties/institutes: nothing good and nothing bad. If they are not talked about, most likely they have weak to average training.
There is also the mystical ggl or ggi: teaching an incomprehensibly vague specialty in English. It seems to be prestigious, there are even foreigners there. But I don’t know how to get there or even what they teach there.
Dorms: There are three main dorms. Building 8 is a paradise, with Soviet renovation in some places, huge queues for the elevator, 5 kitchens on 15 floors. But what the hell difference does it make when you live right on the property?! Another advantage is living in a pseudo-room (two people in a room; it used to be a hotel).
Of the minuses, I can also say about the huge number of foreigners (and these are not pumped-up Spaniards as in the TV series, but balding Uzbeks) and a generally unfriendly atmosphere.
Dorm in textiles: good renovation, very good atmosphere, kitchens on every floor. Of the minuses: a terrible area, almost industrial, a college dorm. From the fact that this is a college dorm it follows: an incessant teacher, with moralizing and calling your parents for your mistakes, annoying security guards who don’t let you in after 11, control over minors. Although this can be considered a plus, as you wish. Despite the fact that they can eat your brain, they don’t come to the academy in the form of reprimands or warnings; everyone is trying to resolve issues at the local level and cover for you. 5 people per block.
General information in Biryulyovo: the bachelor's degree has nothing to do with it, only the master's degree, so I don't know anything about it, other than the fact that it's an apartment type and a good area.
There is also a hostel in building 4: it is paid (12 kopecks per month), it can be provided to anyone, foreigners and payers live there. Accommodation is at a tolerable level, almost like in 8.
Atmosphere: There are a lot of events going on at the university. Anyone can take part in them (either just come, or be a volunteer). She herself only participated in a couple. But events require enormous time. Studying at my faculty does not imply this, so I abandoned it almost before I started.
In addition, there are many clubs for every taste: politics, oratory, sports, etc. There are a lot of Caucasians, Armenians, and Azerbaijanis at the university, so it’s better not for militant nationalists to come here. Rather, national color has a positive effect. For example, the Armenians host a mafia event, anyone can come, and in the kaleidoscope of cultures, the numbers of Azerbaijan and Armenians are always the most spectacular. There are also a lot of show-offs and bigots, but I don’t really care about that.
In general, I would rate my studies positively. When I have time, I happily attend Ranhigs events, which are organized on a grand scale (Medvedev comes to the Gaidar Forum, Tequila and Nerves performed on Freshers’ Day, Tina Kandelaki came with an open lecture, the prize for the best vocal performance (AMA) was presented by the Bachelor Vic star, and this only what I can name for the current year). I also like studying, I remember that during the first semester I spent 6-7 hours preparing for seminars.
I tried to compile the most complete review and wish good luck to the applicants

Student at this university:
March 17, 2016

When applying, pay attention to the faculty! Any student of the academy will tell you that RANEPA has both frankly “bottom-line” faculties and “top” ones. Since students mainly go for the crust, and not for knowledge, they do not delve deeply into this feature and happily fill the budget places in these faculties so that passing score It’s impossible to understand which faculty is better and which is worse. Communicating with people from the “new” faculties, I came to only one conclusion: they came to the university stupidly because the name of the university contains the phrase “civil service” and “President of the Russian Federation.” In fact, this is what many faculties use. They decided that they could ride on the fame of other faculties, the name and give such a load to the students that any student could cope. They are partly right, these faculties are filled with students every year, and the demand for them does not fall. The most interesting thing is that the vast majority of students from these faculties understand the situation perfectly and still “sit on their butts” all 4 years. Some pretend to study, others pretend to teach. Fortunately, there is something to do at the academy. Endless holidays: Miss RANEPA, Mr. RANEPA, skit, kaleidoscopes of cultures, ...
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KVN, football, etc. I don’t want to say that student life is bad, but when this student life is too active, it makes you wonder where people have so much free time. The funny thing is that ANYONE can apply to many faculties for a fee. Without exaggeration ANYONE. It is enough to have a positive USE score (minimum), come to the admissions committee, and they will draw up an agreement for you on the spot even before the admissions campaign ends. Another amazing fact. Paid places are not limited in any way. 100 paying students will come, they will take 100, 246 will come, they will take 246. Considering that the price of training is quite reasonable, you can understand why this whole scheme works.
I really wanted to write an exceptionally good review about my university, since I study at a faculty where it is extremely difficult to study, it is very interesting, there is no time for Miss RANEPA, and graduates achieve heights.
But to be honest, I am very upset that I will graduate from the university with the same diploma as the guys from the neighboring faculty who simply create the appearance of studying, because I will get it through sweat and blood.
I won’t even list which faculties are considered good and which are not. This isn't even my opinion. If I write, it will look like other faculties simply offended me in some way. Talk to students, read information on the Internet. I think most students will confirm all of the above. Choose a faculty very carefully if you need knowledge, and not just a crust!

I study at RANEPA. Now I’ve read a bunch of reviews about RANH, now I want to leave my own. Perhaps it will be useful to someone. To be honest, when I came to this university for the first time, I didn’t like it. I didn’t like this Soviet atmosphere: red carpets, huge chandeliers, wooden paneling... In general, in the 10th grade I decided that I would not enter the Russian Academy of National Economy. But fate worked out in such a way that I am still here. And I will say that it is stupid to judge a university by its appearance. And all these reviews are basically useless. Because only after experiencing it in your own skin will you understand whether you like it or not, whether it suits you or not. All people are different, preferences are also different. If you are interested in a specialty - come!
I was lucky to get into one of the strongest, in the opinion of society (and in my opinion too), faculties of this university - IBDA. I came here by accident, it was fate. But I'm happy with it. To be honest, I like it. There are pros and cons, of course.
The advantages (for me) include a strong emphasis on foreign languages. Six pairs of English in the first year. Six. Steam. When I entered, I had no idea how this was possible. In the second year, a second language begins, you can choose from four: Spanish, Italian, French, German ...
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Tsky. In parallel there is English: business and general. I am delighted with my second language, and I adore English. I want more and more. I would like there to be as many of these couples as possible. Teachers. Our teachers are great people. The kind you want to learn from. The kind that inspires (let me remind you personally). Let me add that learning is very interesting. On many subjects. And yes, not once did anyone from my group buy a single exam or test. Moreover, it is even scary to do this, because heavenly punishments are promised. And in general there are no such rumors that you can buy something from someone. In addition, there is the possibility of obtaining a second diploma. Foreign. Everyone can take advantage. And there is also the opportunity to go on an exchange. All conditions for studying have been created. The classrooms are modern and comfortable. Everything is as it should be. A! I forgot to mention that the university is located right next to the metro, all the main buildings are located on the same territory, and the dormitory is right there. One of the best, by the way.
The downside is that there are a couple of strange teachers. The kind that makes you want to twirl your finger against your temple. It seems that they were specially selected for us to develop stress resistance :) . In addition, the pay is quite high, and there are not many budget places. Also, as a minus, there are some confusion with the schedule. Thanks to the renovation, we have two shifts, which is not very convenient for senior students.
To sum it up, I will say that I like studying. And that’s what they come to university for, right?
P.S. Our student life is also very developed, but I am not the most active participant in it, so there is not a word about it in this text.
P.P.S. And again I repeat that all this is very subjective.

Thank you for attention. I hope this was helpful.

Student at this university:
March 24, 2018

One name. These two words best characterize this university. Perhaps there are faculties where they teach quality, but not IGSU (master's degree)
I'll start with the university's deception:
1) Upon admission, they swore and swore 3 school days a week. This is exactly what was written on the website in bright colors.
2) Training from 19.00. This is exactly what was written on the website in bright colors.

1st semester: half of the classes from 17.20, busy for 3-4-5 days.
3rd semester: classes every day, “THANK YOU” even from 19.00.

Lure? And no more.
My choice was made - a career. And thank God, since absolutely no knowledge was gained AT ALL. I was especially pleased with the subject in the last semester “Information Technologies in *************” by the teacher (oh, how I want to write my full name, but so be it, I’ll write it somewhere else), who knows nothing at all V information technology, I wonder what knowledge such a person can give to students? Absolutely NO, or even worse, misleading.

For two years of training there were 2-3 teachers who gave good knowledge, but not above the bachelor’s level, everything else was nowhere below.

The purpose of all this action is knowledge.
The university didn’t give them to me at all.
Decide for yourself whether to go here or not, BUT IN THE NORMAL WORLD A DIPLOMA WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE IS WORTH NOTHING!

P.S.: before enrolling, one person said that the most best university that the knowledge is of high quality, everyone stands in line. Thank you, dear, I will also omit your full name.

In addition to the previous leak “about the forge of ministers and officials” called IPNB RANEPA.
1. Let's start right off the bat. Does the presidential status of the Academy correspond to reality?
From the literal interpretation of the name of the Academy, it is clear that there is some kind of connection between the Academy and the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Is it so? On the website of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, we can see organizations and institutions that are part of the structure or are financed by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. We won’t find RANEPA there. However, until not long ago, there was the Higher School of Economics, the late Civil Registry of Civil Registry, and currently the Alekseev Institute of Emergency Management (RSChP). However, the Academy was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. But let's remember how many times the President visited this Academy. Let us remember, four years ago, but not for a meeting with students, but as a platform for the ONF forum. Speeches by prominent statesmen not for students, but for people who are undergoing additional education. Students are not allowed. The process of retraining civil servants is the result of a competition held, along with other universities. The bulk of famous graduates are mainly those who participated in advanced training programs.
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Relationship with the administration.
Yesterday's schoolchild, crossing the threshold of RANEPA, submitting documents to the admissions committee, does not yet suspect that public opinion and ratings of notorious agencies have little in common with reality.
Firstly, the relationship with the administration is built on the porcupine’s dilemma, in other words: you, the person who came there for the minimum services due to you that are rightfully due to you (request for a certificate, references, the opportunity to find out about some event, post-graduation holidays, etc.) you run into “porcupine needles” in the person of representatives of the Administration, that is, with excuses, breakfasts, despite the fact that the management says that they are trying to help you, but cannot do anything.
Secondly, remember: “No one here owes you anything. If we do something, we do it with good intentions.” In practice, the situation looks like this: you must definitely pay for your studies, at a price that grows every year, which is not set based on the real state of affairs (on the issue of quality of services). Forget that you are obliged to inform you on time about planned events, organize meetings, public lectures and support you in every possible way. The dean's office does not provide students with information about student competitions, scholarships, and olympiads. If the dean’s office does not do this at all, then at the Academy level, information appears (if it appears) after the fact, or in a couple of hours. In other words, the administration is not at all interested in promoting its own students or the fame of the faculty itself.
Thirdly, we advise you, if you do get admitted, try not to start your studies with conflicts, because an additional option for you will be an explanation of your real state of affairs, since the Academy operates on the “tit for tat” principle, in relation to those who demand “too much” (see earlier). Once you have “misbehaved”, don’t expect a normal relationship with individual representatives of the Administration, booking classrooms, you will fall into the category of “problems”, with constant reminders of your “successes”.
Fourthly, any actions of the administration (organizational, structural) that affect the rights of students, interests are carried out either independently of the opinions of students, or with “unanimous” support. For example, people entered the “branded” faculty, but graduated from the Institute of National Security.
P.S. For corruption anon. do not know.

3. Student life.
Firstly, student self-government bodies are pro-administrative, and there is no talk of any representation of students’ interests. There is no reporting from self-government bodies, only formal reporting to the Administration. Obvious problems are not resolved, the organization of events is at a low level (information, logistics and quantity). Consideration of issues that are important for an ordinary student is highly discouraged (food at reasonable prices, problems with providing the Academy’s territories with the Internet, accommodation in a dormitory).
Secondly, there are very few events for students, except for the skit party, the much-hyped New Year's ball and random festivals where you can get a free can of Red Bull.
Thirdly, if any initiatives are carried out through the Student Council, they usually implement benefits that students of other universities have been enjoying for a long time (on the issue of competitiveness).

4. Education.
Firstly, “practice-oriented education” has two sides. The first side completely splits the whole meaning of the practice. As noted in the previous post, teachers really share their cases: personal, everyday and economic content. Where household matters are cleaning the garden and weeding vegetables, household matters are fascinating stories about life, and personal matters are the accumulated experience of their social activity.
Second side. There are some practicing teachers who really share their professional experience and help you decide on a profession. There aren't many of them.
Secondly, scientific schools. The only meaning of “school,” in this case, is the school of life, where you will really understand that life is not so rosy, and no one will convince you with illusions about a wonderful future. Science is in a sad situation here. Representatives of scientific schools are either simply registered, or they themselves are taking advantage of the level at which this school is located. We say hello to: the youngest doctor in Russia, a specialist in public law with teacher education, a master of public speaking and an expert in the basic principles of Roman law.
The stronghold of science - two dissertation councils, rays of sunshine in the dark kingdom, were recently closed.
Thirdly, a little about typical Academy teachers. As noted earlier, the educational process is the solution of unnecessary tasks and indifference to the results or lack thereof. Inability to interest students in the subject and motivate them to learn. The teaching of each discipline is expressed in the study and discussion of: history, subject and object of the branch, bare theory. The knowledge of some of the teachers is especially amazing. This is evident in the complete ignorance of judicial practice, approximate information on the subject, and all educational activities consists of retelling topics from the textbook. Most of the teachers are invited (but not Moscow State University and Higher School of Economics), so draw your own conclusions.
P.S. Single teachers are the absolute opposite of what has been said (MSU and HSE and several from RANEPA).
Thus, the assumption of a good attitude towards RANEPA, from submitting documents to receiving a diploma, is overcome. In fact, each point can be reasonably expanded into a full-fledged post. As a result, without calling for anything or discouraging anything, draw your own conclusions. All coincidences are random.

Student at this university:
December 07, 2017
Institute of Social Sciences

the most hellish thing that can happen to you in life is this faculty (now it is IPINB). The dean's office is simply disgusting. all the useful and necessary information arrives at the last moment, and all sorts of goodies like olympiads and so on are not announced to everyone, but for the academy’s reporting on any testing that you don’t need, it is done in full and forcibly.
it seems that the teaching staff is formed exclusively from comrades who escaped from a mental hospital with at least two diseases. If you want to listen to stories from the lives of teachers or solve completely useless problems, this is the place for you.
if you have extra money to solve any difficulty during the session, this is also the place for you.
I will not deny that there are outstanding students at the faculty, but this is specifically their merit, because they will give you 10% of the material, and do the rest themselves. and this is at the most expensive law school..)
The students in the dean's office are treated like shit, sorry, as if you are indebted to them for several generations to come.
All meetings with the dean’s office are held in the style: “pay for your studies, and don’t forget the penalties.”
in general, you will not find a worse faculty in terms of content. so much pathos, but in reality it’s a charade. That's all I wanted to say.

Student at this university:
08 November 2015

I study at the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, RANEPA. First, a few words about the entire university: there are a lot of faculties, many of which are divided into departments. At the same time, similar specialties, even within the same faculty, but in different departments can differ significantly. I know for sure that at the Faculty of Law, College of Law (Moscow), Economics (precisely the Department of Economics of the Faculty of Economics) and, perhaps, also at Migsu, students study a lot and receive really excellent knowledge. IF YOU ARE APPLYING TO RANEPA, THEN CHOOSE YOUR FACULTY VERY CAREFULLY, because they vary greatly in level.
Well, now specifically about the economy)
1) Again, the level of teaching depends on the group: there are groups where it is quite difficult to study, and there are others where
it’s just mega-hard, and from the latter students often want
move to easier groups. The group you fall into depends on your scores throughout the year.
2) a lot of math subjects. Really a lot. In the first 3 courses there are exactly 10 of them. And after that, everyone teaches them
professor from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University. So, if you love mathematics, then welcome!)
3) the economy is also at the same level. There are a lot of teachers from higher education. It is the economic issues that take up the most time. ...
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items, although at first glance there seem to be few of them, this is a huge misconception: the loads on each of them are enormous
4) in general, the economist of RANEPA is the union of a mathematician from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University and economics from the Higher School of Economics
5) mandatory scientific works, for which you can get the most bonuses: large scholarships, various payments, the opportunity to work as a junior researcher at the Gaidar Institute, etc.
6) the hostels are gorgeous. Now students live in a former hotel (which is more like a 4-5 star hotel), and the hostel itself is being renovated and promises to be even better than the hotel
7) there are a lot of events, but there is little time for them)
That's probably all. I apologize for such a long post, I wanted to explain everything in more detail.

I am a third year student at RANEPA. I can’t say that I’m absolutely satisfied with everything, but it was the best option. When I entered, I took into account such things as the presence of exactly the direction and subjects that I want to study, since I already understood exactly who I wanted to work in terms of not only the field, but also a specific direction, which was still quite new at the time of admission. The price for training - as far as I understand, there are several types of contracts: in some the price does not change throughout the entire training, while in others the institute has the right to increase it. The location of the institute was also important since I live in New Moscow. Providing a place for internship, which not all institutes do, and without connections it is difficult to find one directly related to the profession. Well, and the prestige of the resulting crust, where without it.
And so, what I get now: the availability of the subjects I need (at the time of admission, not all institutes provided such an opportunity, but now I don’t know); fixed price for the entire period of study; In the 3rd year we had an internship; they provided me with a place; I spend a maximum of 4 hours on the road (2 one way), which is very good considering where I live; RANEPA is currently 3 ...
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in the top.
What else can be added as a plus? Almost all teachers are practitioners, not theorists, which in my opinion is much better, since they are always aware of all events and innovations, and focus their training not on the so-called “memorization” of theory, but on the application of theory in practice, which more useful if you are still going to work. They also often invite heads of organizations and specialists who work in the relevant field. Another plus is professional software with databases, in my case this is a necessary thing.
About items:
If you are a humanities major, guys, don’t flatter yourself with the hope that if you enter a humanities profession, there will be no mathematics – this is nonsense. Mathematics must be in one way or another, since you are receiving higher education, it will be in any university, ANYWHERE! The only question is how much there will be and in what forms. In my case, it was enough (1st semester-linal, 2nd-matan) in addition to subjects that are directly related to mathematics, there are subjects that will force you to count, for example, economics, business economics, accounting. accounting, statistics and so on. In addition, RANEPA (attention) IS AN ECONOMIC UNIVERSITY!!! One way or another, you will plunge into economics and numbers and puzzles. And yes guys, get ready to count with your hands, not all teachers allow you to use phones, buy calculators, you will never regret it, take ones that can calculate formulas, etc.
Also, be prepared for the fact that in the first two years there will be subjects that are not particularly related to the profession; these subjects simply have to be there, take them and forget them.
Starting from the 3rd year, there are noticeably fewer subjects, almost all of them by profession.
About attendance:
I advise you to have a good time in the first two years; a scheme with an established reputation works almost flawlessly. Sit in the first three rows and pretend to listen. It’s better to write down EVERYTHING that the teachers say, it will really help during the exam.
The 15-minute rule (if the teacher does not come within 15 minutes, then you can leave), which older generations talk about with such excitement in their eyes, does not work in modern realities!
Let's start with the disadvantages, these disadvantages exist in one way or another in all universities: there are problems with classrooms and several people book one classroom at once, but as a rule everything is resolved within 15 minutes; sometimes I had to go to other buildings, etc.

Dear applicants or perhaps the RANEPA administration, first of all, this letter is addressed to you. The first to warn, the second in the hope of saving the Academy. I am a student at PONB and the question that I want to raise did not arise yesterday. The wave of indignation among students reached its limit. Firstly, as I think and many people notice, the PONB in ​​the Russian Academy of Arts is really a collector for everyone who has not entered and is weak in law school, but it’s not even a matter of knowledge, all “criminals” and other criminals are sent here: a sensational story in the media with beating a student from the Academy, national minorities, carrying knives in pairs, endless swearing, etc., with complete inaction of the dean’s office, by the way, I never saw my director, deputies or dean. From time to time, the curator of the group who came and tried to do something at first, but she apparently reconciled herself, then they began to work with us in general, whoever passed by. It’s not even clear who to contact. If any issue was promptly resolved by the dean’s office, it would be to collect money from the students. Of the stated four promised directions, only two are actually open.
As for the teachers and evening events, this is at the level, but general position This doesn't help matters. If everything could be returned back, I would not have entered the RANH. It's a pity for wasted years of life.....

Graduate of this university:
November 05, 2019
Institute of Social Sciences

I’ll immediately agree that I will talk about a specific faculty - ION and the Liberal Arts program, class of 2019.
The information presented below applies to all areas of the aircraft, since, in fact, they are closely related to each other.

1. Knowledge.
First course + half of the second course.
The first-year subjects are absolutely irrelevant to the profession, a kind of science-pop course that turns first-year students into pseudo-intellectuals, but it is worth noting that it turned out to be the most powerful and interesting during the entire study. It was interesting to study, your head was literally swelling from the volume of information that they tried to cram into you. However, at the beginning of the second year, questions began to arise among students, like, when will we start learning what we were promised and why are we even doing this?

Second year + third year + half of the fourth year
When students hungry for knowledge (and there were many of them) were finally admitted to specialized education, bewilderment arose - almost everything that teachers teach can be read independently on Wikipedia, thematic sites and YouTube. The basic principles and terms of the profession, the material is neither about what and at the same time about everything, in the end we have “experts” who I know ...
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They have a lot of “interesting” things, but they actually don’t know how to do anything and there is no deep, high-quality understanding of the subject.

Second half of the fourth year.
Studying has actually stopped (2 classes per week in one subject).

2. Teachers.
As in any university, there are good ones (they understand the subject, have a good portfolio, are happy to answer and help), there are bad ones (biased, they work "for the hell of it", ignoramuses). They don’t ask for bribes, there are not even rumors about bribery. During my studies, I met wonderful teachers with whom it was very interesting to study, learn new things, become better, but, unfortunately, such people are in the minority. Most of them are either not very interested in the learning process/feedback, or they very pretentiously show off their incredible merits and professional qualities, instead of teaching. Separately, I will add the fact that due to conflicts with the dean’s office, many teachers (excellent, by the way) in. language departments either planned to leave or left at the time of 2019. The conflict itself consisted of complaints from students about inadequate changes in the curriculum and exams (since the criteria changed several times a year, teachers simply did not have time not only to prepare students, but even to understand what they wanted from them) and complaints from teachers for wages disproportionate to labor. After massive complaints from students to the dean’s office, the administration made a move of genius and blamed the teachers for everything, saying that you persuaded the students, started this whole mess, etc.

3. Dean's office.
Mystical guys who do their job only when it’s time to take money from payers, they will get it even from underground, for all other questions/complaints/suggestions, please wait by the sea for weather. The schedule arriving the day before at 23:00 has become the norm.

4. Extracurricular activities.
There is a lot of extracurricular activities, rich, interesting, for every taste and color, just have time to sign up for a new club.

5. Practice/internships.
Internships are paid, I know little about them. We were given internships from the middle of the 2nd year and simply did it constantly (every six months), and either the department or look for the place of completion yourself, otherwise you have a schedule for the second shift, with which no one takes practice, because your working day is spent at the university, no one cares. As a way out: to butter up a teacher who can take you under the wing of himself or his friends. The skill of pouring water into a report has been increased to 3 pages per minute.

6. Absenteeism and study.
Most teachers are loyal to absenteeism; the main thing is to be ready to answer a class if something happens; it is better to be late no more than 10-15 minutes, although, often, the teachers themselves may be late, because breaks of 10 minutes are tough, it’s only enough to get to the next audience, and someone else needs to smoke, eat, go to the toilet, chat, etc.
As for homework, each teacher has an individual order. In general, studying is extremely easy, not counting the session period when you have to pull up your pants and do a lot of cramming, because it is enough to get 70+ points (a four starts from 61 points). I learned what lectures are from friends from other universities, because... we only had seminars.

7. Canteen and cafes.
It’s worth coming here for them, they feed a lot, the food is delicious, but for some it can be a little expensive. It’s not a shame to give half a kingdom for Rancho coffee and Caesar salad.

+ Cozy atmosphere
+ Strong foreign languages
+ Lots of extracurricular activities
+ Everything related to sports is top notch (gyms, equipment, clubs)
+ Good equipment and decoration of classrooms
+ Delicious dining
+ Coffee. He's very good.
+- Easy to learn
- You will not get practical skills
- Knowledge is VERY superficial
- Many teachers with inflated HRV
- Idiot schedule and short breaks
- The dean's office is not your help
- Couples on textiles and on Kolomenskaya))))))))

Student at this university:
06 November 2015

I’m a second year student at IBDA, majoring in management - I like everything :)

Initially, I came here with an alternative in the form of Moscow State University. I preferred the Academy as a more conceptual, open educational institution with a practical focus on learning. And indeed, most of the teachers are from HSE, MGIMO, Moscow State University, so, in fact, both the program and the essence of the presentation of the material do not vary much, but we have collected the very juice - the best from each university. A lot of practice, from the 1st year, from the 1st day of training - constant events, extracurricular activities, activity. Various forums and conferences, great attention to languages ​​(and not only English!) - provide the opportunity for conversational practice.

But as was written above in the description of the university, the difference between the faculties at the Academy is colossal. In my personal opinion and feedback from classmates, IBDA and FESN are in the top in my field. Although students of some IOM, of course, will say that only majors study with us. And they will be right, but only partly. Indeed, tuition fees from this year may be too high. But as a state employee, this doesn’t particularly bother me. Yes, in the parking lot there are only Helicas and Panameras, but this in no way prevents you from learning if you have the right desire. N ...
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On the contrary, this is a great chance to get useful connections for the future, if you know what I mean.

This year there may be some problems with the dormitory, because the main building of the dormitory on the territory of the Academy (it is incredibly cool!) is currently undergoing major renovations, so first-time students are given a dormitory somewhere in other places.

But as for studying and communication - everything is top class))

I do not advise.
Teachers grovel before students with rich parents (who are the majority), these students sit in the back desks with their feet on the table and this is the norm. With this scheme, teachers don’t teach, they just lick the ass of rich students, give them a 3 for this, so long as they don’t leave and pay extra in the future. study abroad programs. Also, this approach to learning creates an intolerable environment and culture at the university. If you are not rich and are passionate/want to study/smart, they don’t let you study; teachers take it out on you for this humiliation in front of the rich, humiliating you! At the same time, the cleaning ladies, on the contrary, vilify everyone and everything.
No respect for students! Treat like children. You won’t believe it - they call their parents back about absenteeism!
Run from there!
There is no knowledge control system!
From experience I can say that the best specialists I have met graduated from HSE. This is where they really teach and allow you to learn and develop!

Good afternoon, dear applicants and students!
I’m writing a review about the master’s program of the RANEPA FFB, direction - “Banking, Finance, Investments”.
I entered this field on a commercial basis (I completed my bachelor’s degree at another university) because I liked the program, and at the bottom open doors The dean said many words of praise about the teaching staff and prospects.
What are the benefits?
1. Really good teachers: many of them are published in leading publications, they teach pairs in an interesting way; can help with advice professional field and are simply good people.
2. Convenient class times, you can combine study with work. Classes are held on weekday evenings from 19 to 22 and on Saturdays.
3. Financially secure university: they provide access to a well-stocked library and remote access to a number of electronic publications, which greatly simplifies learning.
And, unfortunately, that's all.
There are incomparably more disadvantages of training.
1. The main disadvantage is the absolutely inadequate director of the master's programs. M***** Irina Igorevna (director of master's programs) is a very unpleasant, unfriendly and rude lady with a janitor complex. Constantly shouts at students, is rude, calls ...
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She calls my classmates stupid, untalented, constantly threatens to expel them for some trifles, etc. You won’t get any help from her. As a result, there is a nervous atmosphere in the dean’s office; it’s simply uncomfortable to go there. Studying becomes uncomfortable; many of those who have completed their master’s degree remember this time as a bad dream. The leader of another group, I. I. M*****, was brought to tears several times simply because someone did not respond to the survey data on time. All this is very disgusting, but for some reason she is not fired.
2. A shortened program in many subjects. In my opinion, individual disciplines cannot be mastered in 12-15 hours of classroom lessons, despite the fact that teachers do not provide materials for independent work.
3. Not all supervisors help students write their dissertation. Many people simply write reviews without reading them. And during the defense they ask in full. The defense is also unique. Members of the commission give “their” diploma graduates an “A”, while they may not even listen to others.
4. Blat. They say that in another group there was a guy with a Georgian surname on the list of students. Moreover, he never showed up to class at all. Nobody saw him. We saw him only on defense. How he could get a diploma without ever appearing in class is still a mystery (although everyone understands...).
To summarize, I can say that it is a pity to spend money on education. The university is good, but I definitely wouldn’t want to experience the frankly bad attitude towards students and rudeness for that kind of money again.

Hi all!
Today I decided to talk about my Academy and my faculty. I periodically read leaks about RANEPA, and every time I notice that we are talking about large institutes, and for some reason smaller faculties remain in the shadows. This does not make it possible to objectively evaluate and compare the pros and cons of faculties and areas. Most opinions are based on some indirect descriptions and guesses, so today I decided to “lift the veil of secrecy” and talk about one of these faculties.
Currently I am studying at the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences (FESN). I entered the academy on a budget for the Olympiad, but at the admissions committee I submitted documents to the management field and was very worried that I would be accepted into the wrong field. But everything ended well and now I have been studying at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences for the second year. Upon admission, there was a huge choice, since the Olympiad was listed in many universities, but I was attracted by FESN, since in the spring of 2018 I visited the dean’s office “on an excursion.” I just called and made an appointment. All! Easy and very convenient.
Probably, it is precisely this kind of friendliness and openness that attracts many applicants, because each undergraduate course consists of 130 people, and everyone supports each other ...
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they live and help, despite the harsh struggle for a place in the ranking, but it’s worth it, believe me.
Another huge discovery for me was that the dean’s office knows everyone by name! Where can you find this! The door of the dean's office is never closed. In the teaching room you can easily take laptops for studying, print something, and even heat up food and drink coffee. It's really convenient. That's why selection committee The faculty very carefully selects new students so that this family atmosphere at FESN is always preserved.
Another decisive factor for me was foreign languages, and they are taught very well at the faculty. It is thanks to our faculty that RANEPA received the status of an Authorized Center of the University of Cambridge for English language. In the program of each of us: a mandatory Cambridge certificate at the end of the 2nd year, another certificate (CAE, IELTS, TOEFL, GMAT) or a Russian translator diploma at the end of the 3rd and 4th courses. And all our students can receive two international certificates and a Russian diploma in English. Of course, in practice, a decent portion are content with only two certificates, or even one, but those who want to get all three have all the conditions, and that’s cool. Additionally, you can receive a certificate in a second foreign language and, as an elective, learn a third language. Since foreign languages ​​are my passion, I simply could not resist such opportunities.
Among other things, the faculty truly TEACHES Management. Teachers are practice-oriented and work in business. And students are prepared specifically for real life situations. FESN managed to do something that cannot be done anywhere else: connect training with large companies - their own educational courses The faculty is led by Coca-Cola, Pfizer, BMW, Bosch, Delonghi, PepsiCo, Sberbank, etc., and at the same time the faculty takes assignments from them to develop business projects. I haven’t found such information anywhere, and it’s really amazing. Representatives of large companies teach their courses for you, a 1st-2nd year student. It's just WOW!
By the way, speaking about projects, I can note that there are quite a lot of them, about 30-35 per year; About 150 3rd and 4th year students participate. And the 2nd year doesn’t stand aside either: for example, I recently went to Pfizer to receive data on the project. For me, this offer was simply a shock, because I never expected it, and, naturally, I agreed, because I would not get such an experience anywhere. Many projects are being developed with universities in Germany, Belgium, Italy and France in English; in the process, teams come to each other with an intermediate or final defense of the project in front of the management of the customer company. This is an excellent professional experience: in fact, in 5-6 months of working on projects, students rise to the level of real consulting, and the companies themselves take part in the project as a six-month experience practical work. And it is through projects like this that I hope to get into these companies for year-long paid internships, because some FESN students have already been able to do this.
In general, our training is very intensive and sometimes stressful, but the methods are the most modern, we study on the lms portal, WhatsApp, VKontakte, Telegram and even Instagram, and every teacher really cares about the results of their students. Very convenient to make and send homework from your phone, on the way to the subway, or where there is simply no computer or textbook. And I also like that we have a clear evaluation system in the form of a rating, for a place in the top there is a tough fight. The ranking encourages students to study, as there are good bonuses for top places, ranging from tuition discounts to trips to other cities and countries. Thanks to my place in the top, I was able to get a six-month training in Italy. I studied at the University of Pisa for a whole trimester (yes, we have 3 sessions), and this was a tremendous experience for me.
In addition to student ratings, there are also ratings of teachers: we anonymously evaluate everyone’s work and, for example, recently one teacher (already old) was replaced by another in the middle of the year. This approach to working with students is very pleasing and warms the soul)).
The only thing I would like to add is free student exchanges, or rather the number of them. I wish at least half of the students could have the same experience I had in Italy. I see that the faculty is working on this, and I hope that over time it will work out.
P.S. I hope that my review was really useful and that it will help someone make the right choice when applying.

I have been a student of this sharaga for the second year now. I study on a paid basis, at the journalism department. They don't teach there for free. What can I say about the university and teachers? Not much good. Be prepared for the fact that you will be sent to study not only at the main address of the academy. You will have exciting trips to the Kotelniki metro station and other branches. Don't be fooled by the bright cover of the Gaidar forum. It will have no practical value for you. If you want to truly learn journalistic skills, then Moscow State University or Higher School of Economics is better. The level of the students themselves here is below par, the Unified State Exam threshold is only 186 points (as of 2018). My stream attracted more than 90 people, despite the fact that the site announced 70 places. Selection and competition are only an appearance. They are accepted even with threshold scores in the Russian language. The Academy is very money-hungry. The dean's office is also not the best. At the first meeting, it will seem to you that every teacher is personally interested in your success. Don't be fooled. By personal experience I will say that the dean is very vindictive, but he is afraid of everyone who is higher in position. It is useless to complain and sort things out with him. The organization of training here is simply disgusting. In the first semester ...
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Most of the time we had classes in the corridors. The constant shortage of classrooms was due to renovations. The program is very weak, there are few subjects in the specialty. A lot of stuff that you should know from the school curriculum. Only literature is taught here with dignity. The fullness of the schedule is also poor: there can be only one pair per day. The Faculty of Journalism at IGSU is very proud of its system of mentors, but there are pitfalls here too. It all depends on the course master, with whom our set was not very lucky. I still don’t understand how a TV host of women’s talk shows can teach political journalism. The BRS system deserves special attention. It takes into account all your absences and affects your grades. Some teachers will only evaluate you on this. In short: if you didn’t pass the Unified State Exam very successfully / don’t want to strain yourself for 4 years / consider yourself a mass entertainer, then the IGSU journalism department is your choice. It’s just that you won’t be able to find a job in your specialty. The Faculty of Journalism at IGSU is a huge soap bubble.

Student at this university:
03 September 2016

I decided to write this review so that applicants know what they are in for. This year I moved to the 2nd year of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences (FESN) at RANEPA. When I was choosing a university to enroll in a year ago, I submitted documents to REU. Plekhanov, Financial University under the Government and RANEPA (I admit, I was somewhat skeptical about it). After a conversation with the dean of the faculty, I handed in the originals that same day, I was so fascinated by everything. And, I must say, during the year of study I was never disappointed. For those who are waiting for freebies and carefree student days, it is better to look for another university or faculty. It is very difficult to study at the faculty, you will have to work hard. They will tell you this directly upon admission, and this is true. Learning is difficult, but interesting. The specificity of the faculty is such that in addition to English you will MUST learn 2 more foreign languages. There are some subjects taught by foreign teachers, of course, in English, so if your level of English is below Upper Intermediate, it will be more difficult. All subjects are interesting and useful (business planning, for example), there are teachers who taught at Yale or are current businessmen. In addition to the ...
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educational process, the academy regularly holds forums/conferences/etc. in which students take part. During the defense of business plans, already in the 1st year, 5-10 existing businessmen come to the exam and evaluate your business plan. And the most important thing, in my opinion, specifically for FESN is the atmosphere. The faculty positions itself as big family, where all 4 courses communicate with each other. The incredible atmosphere extends not only to the students, but also to the teachers. At any time you can go to the dean’s office, drink tea and cookies and exchange a few jokes with the dean. If you have difficulties with a subject, the teachers will help you after class. It is also possible to obtain certificates in English: WE (in the 2nd year), GMAT, IELTS and CAE (in the 3rd year) and in a second/third language. Microsoft certification is completed in the 3rd year. All of the above is just part of what is available at the faculty. If you have any questions, write to me by email, I’ll tell you in more detail :) The only negative is that it’s difficult to learn. Those who are not up to the task are transferred to weak faculties, such as IOM or ION.

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 10:00 to 17:00

Latest reviews from RANEPA

Lina Prosto 19:11 02/28/2020

I can’t express in words how glad I am to study at RANEPA, because it was here that I felt part of something bigger, here I finally found good friends, gained enough knowledge from our teachers and now I’m writing a diploma. There have been so many events and master classes at the university during all this time, I am extremely grateful to RANEPA for giving me the opportunity to participate in all this!

I can’t even believe that 5 years have already passed, but I am extremely grateful to the university for everything!


Anonymous review 05:10 11/01/2019

RANEPA Gallery

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation"

Branches of RANEPA

RANEPA Colleges

  • College Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
  • College of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation - in Nizhny Novgorod
  • College Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation - in Meleuz
  • College Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation - in Unecha
  • College Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation - in Smolensk
  • College of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation - in Penza
  • College of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation - in Volokolamsk
  • College of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation - in Tver
  • College of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation - in Omsk
  • College of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation - in Saratov
  • College of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation - in St. Petersburg
  • College Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation - in Cheboksary
  • College of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation - in Rostov-on-Don
  • College of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation - in Dimitrovgrad
  • College Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation - in Dzerzhinsk
  • College of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation - in Kaliningrad


No. 02787 valid indefinitely from 12/07/2018


No. 02728 valid from 12/13/2017

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for RANEPA

Index2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Performance indicator (out of 5 points)4 5 6 6 6 4
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study70.77 68.84 68.23 71.46 66.45 71.94
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget91.36 91.4 89.43 88.30 88.04 90.05
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis67.58 65.26 65.14 68.38 62.35 69.07
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled43 42.35 41.62 52.52 49.21 51.79
Number of students18889 18364 18211 17412 15400 14864
Full-time department14525 14005 13799 12243 11393 8887
Part-time department1847 2086 2206 2097 1687 2088
Extramural2517 2273 2206 3072 2320 3889
All data Report Report Report Report Report Report

University Reviews

The best law universities in Russia according to the international information group "Interfax" and the radio station "Echo of Moscow"

The best financial universities in Russia according to the magazine "FINANCE". The rating is based on data on the education of financial directors of large enterprises.

TOP 5 universities in Moscow with the highest and lowest USE passing scores for the field of study "Jurisprudence" in 2013. Cost of paid training.

Results of the 2013 admissions campaign to specialized economic universities in Moscow. Budget places, USE passing score, tuition fees. Profiles of training of economists.


Structure of RANEPA

The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration is the largest university in Russia, graduating young specialists for all management fields. RANEPA is one of the youngest and most promising educational institutions; the decree on its creation was signed in 2010. The Academy included:

  • 12 regional institutes of federal significance;
  • Academy of National Economy;
  • Russian Academy of Public Administration.

Branches of RANEPA were opened in cities such as Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk, Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don and others; in total, 68 branches operate in the country under the auspices of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration on the territory of 58 subjects of the Federation. The total number of students throughout the country is more than 200 thousand people, with 35 thousand of them studying full-time.

RANEPA is not only the largest higher education institution in Russia, specializing in humanities, but also a significant competitor for leading European institutions in the field of economics and sociology. The popularity of the academy is emphasized by its top places in national rankings and various statistics.

Teachers, students and the education system at RANEPA

Today, more than 4,500 thousand students study 82 specialties in the Moscow branch of RANEPA. A dormitory is provided for students. The structure of training at the academy is characterized by significant diversity. Thus, students are offered:

  • 26 specialist training programs;
  • 22 bachelor's degree programs;
  • 14 master's degree programs;
  • 31 programs for students wishing to receive secondary specialized education.

The creation and updating of training courses occurs annually; today the university has developed and implemented about 700 additional training programs. For those who want to continue the process of comprehending new truths, postgraduate and doctoral studies are available. In the first case, students can choose from 65 scientific specialties, and in the second - among 25.

RANEPA has an impressive teaching staff. Students are taught by more than 3,000 highly qualified teachers, 700 of whom have doctoral degrees and professors.

Training at RANEPA is truly unique. This university provides not only classical basic skills for young students, but also a large-scale development of a project on the continuous education of civil servants. The innovative idea was first embodied within the walls of the academy. Its main meaning boils down to continuous training and support for workers in this management sector, retraining, advanced training and various consulting activities.

RANEPA integrates global experience

RANEPA specializes in training managers of the highest class; graduates of the university are not inferior in their knowledge to students of leading foreign institutes. Training is conducted according to the prestigious international MBA (Master of Business Administration) and EMBA (Executive Master of Business Administration) programs, which are relevant in global business. RANEPA also became the first university to teach the MPA (Master of Public Administration) system. This innovative approach makes it possible to provide the Russian government with highly qualified personnel.

A business incubator was implemented on the basis of the academy, which was rated by the world community, namely, in the ratings of Forbes magazine, as the most advanced and successful in Russia.

RANEPA pays great attention to interaction with foreign colleagues. Thus, experience is exchanged with famous world universities, including Harvard and Stanford. Cooperation is based on mutually beneficial conditions, the academy sends its students on internships, accepts students from abroad for training, and develops common projects.

Goals, objectives and operating principles of the university

Today, RANEPA faces the following most important tasks:

  • training of highly qualified personnel for government and public structures;
  • conducting research in the social and economic spheres;
  • development scientific works;
  • providing scientific and expert assistance to authorities;
  • establishing educational standards, monitoring and demanding their implementation.

The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration adheres to the following training principles:

  • continuity (initial training, advanced training, retraining);
  • individual approach (students can create their own program from a specific set of module courses);
  • use of international experience in training (exchange student programs, internships);
  • innovative teaching methods (business games, simulators, practical exercises);
  • The basis of training is obtaining practical skills.

Address: 119571, Moscow, ave. Vernadskogo, 82

Type of university: academy

Organizational and legal form: state

Phone: +7 495 933-80-30

License No. 1138.0000 dated 04/12/2011 00:00, valid indefinitely.

Accreditation No. 0.0000 dated 06/25/2012 00:00, valid until.

Rector: Mau Vladimir Alexandrovich

Availability of a military department: not specified

Availability of hostel: Yes

The Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA) trains according to the educational programs indicated in the table.
Total educational programs: 22.

Federal State Educational Standard-2013OKSO codeNameThe level of educationQualification
030501.65 Jurisprudence higher professional Specialist
080801.65 Applied computer science (by area) higher professional Computer scientist - economist
080105.65 Finance and credit higher professional Economist
080507.65 Organisation management higher professional Manager
190604.51 secondary vocational Technician
38.03.01 080100.62 Economy higher professional Bachelor
151001.51 Mechanical Engineering Technology secondary vocational Technician
080501.51 Management (by industry) secondary vocational Manager
38.04.05 080500.68 Business Informatics higher professional master
080111.65 Marketing higher professional Marketer
080107.52 Taxes and taxation secondary vocational Advanced Tax Specialist
080700.62 Business Informatics higher professional Bachelor of Business Informatics
080103.65 National economy higher professional Economist
140206.51 Electrical stations, networks and systems secondary vocational Technician
150203.51 Welding production secondary vocational Technician
190201.51 Automobile and tractor manufacturing secondary vocational Technician
190604.52 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles secondary vocational Senior technician
200502.51 Metrology secondary vocational Technician
230101.51 Computers, complexes, systems and networks secondary vocational Technician
261301.51 Examination of the quality of consumer goods secondary vocational Expert
280201.51 Environmental protection and rational use of natural resources secondary vocational Technician
080700.68 Business Informatics higher professional Master of Business Informatics

Description of the educational institution Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA)

The Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA) was created by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 20, 2010 No. 1140 by joining the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation (ANH, year of creation - 1977) of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RAGS, year of creation - 1991), as well as 12 other federal state educational institutions.

The merged academies have earned a reputation as leaders in training the country's top management personnel, both for business and government agencies. Since its creation in 1977, the Academy of National Economy has firmly established itself as the “forge of ministers.” With the beginning economic transformation In Russia, in the 90s of the twentieth century, there was a change in the strategic model of the Academy: from the training of nomenklatura personnel, we moved to business education, becoming an educational institution offering all types of educational services for areas of management. RAGS, founded in 1991, has taken the leading position educational institution, preparing managers for the state and municipal service system.

The newly formed Academy under the President of the Russian Federation - RANEPA - is the largest socio-economic and humanitarian university in Russia and Europe, rightfully occupying the top lines in all national rankings. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 7, 2011 No. 902, the Academy has the right to independently establish educational standards and requirements for the educational programs of higher professional education it implements.

The mission of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation is:

training globally competitive and adaptive management personnel for the state, public and private sectors in order to solve the problem of innovative development of society;

implementation of fundamental and applied scientific research and development in the socio-economic and humanitarian spheres;

scientific and expert-analytical support of government bodies of the Russian Federation.

Basic principles of the Academy:

continuity of education. Modern education accompanies managers and specialists throughout their professional activities;

individualization of education. Students and listeners are given the opportunity to form their own educational trajectory from a set of provided modules for the purpose of implementing individual training and development programs;

internationalization of educational programs. Any professional activity involves the use of modern approaches, including advanced international experience. This necessitates the need to take into account the experience of leading foreign countries when developing educational programs. educational organizations, inviting foreign teachers, increasing the share of foreign students in the total contingent of such students, students and trainees undergoing foreign internships, as well as the development of student and teaching academic exchanges;

new educational technologies. The practice of leading Russian and foreign educational organizations convincingly demonstrates the effectiveness of active teaching methods in comparison with the passivity of the classical lecture-seminar teaching model. In this regard, the basis of the Academy's training programs are active teaching methods (situational cases, simulators, computer simulators, business games) and a project approach to training (projects aimed at students achieving practically significant results during and at the end of the educational program) ;

competence approach. Educational programs are focused not on a standard set of lectures and number of hours of classes, but on students mastering certain practical competencies. Programs must clearly record what set of new qualifications and competencies students will receive upon completion of the training program;

identifying centers of excellence that provide competitive educational services, and creating on their basis a methodological and organizational core of a modern system of continuous education of management personnel.

Academy today

Currently, the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation is the largest educational institution in Russia, 68 branches of the Academy are represented in 53 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

As of January 1, 2012, the total number of students enrolled in higher professional education programs at the Academy and its branches is more than 207 thousand people, including full-time higher education students - more than 35 thousand people.

The Academy implements the main professional educational programs - 22 bachelor's programs, 26 specialist training programs, 14 master's programs. 31 secondary vocational education programs are being implemented.

The Academy has developed and implements more than 700 programs of additional professional education. About 30 percent of these programs are updated annually.

There are postgraduate studies (65 scientific specialties) and doctoral studies (25 scientific specialties) within the framework of the activities of 33 dissertation councils.

The Academy has developed unique training programs for civil servants for federal authorities and authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

RANEPA is currently one of the leaders in training top-level managers for Russian enterprises and organizations. Over a third of students in MBA (Master of Business Administration) programs in the Russian Federation are students of the Academy.

Most MBA and EMBA (Executive Master of Business Administration) programs are accredited by the most prestigious accrediting associations in the world.

The Academy became one of the initiators of the introduction of MPA (Master of Public Administration) programs into the Russian education system. The purpose of these programs is to meet the personnel needs of government agencies.

The Academy has extensive international connections with leading foreign universities, including Stanford and Harvard universities, Duke University (USA), Kingston University (UK), and other universities in Germany, France, and the UK. The Academy not only sends Russian students abroad, implements joint programs with leading universities, but also trains foreign students.

The scientific potential of the Academy consists of over 700 doctors of science and professors, over 2,300 candidates of science and associate professors.

The results of the scientific and expert activities of the Academy as the largest consultant on development projects and programs developed by federal authorities and authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, corporations and public organizations, allow us to constantly improve and update the educational process.

The RANEPA library collection consists of more than 7,000,000 books, and it also includes the State Duma Library (established in 1906) and the famous Demidov Library. The Moscow campus has over 315 thousand square meters. meters of area. The total area of ​​the branch network exceeds 451 thousand square meters. meters.

The Academy is currently the ideologist and developer of projects for the continuous education system in Russia. We have developed a concept for the formation of a modern system of continuous education of state civil servants, on the basis of which it is possible to modernize the system of advanced training and retraining of state civil servants of the Russian Federation.

By order of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2009 No. Pr-3484 and in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 22, 2010 No. 636-r, the Academy was determined to be the sole contractor for the training and retraining program for the highest level of the management personnel reserve. By Order of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 2, 2012 No. 202-rp, the Academy was determined to be the sole executor of the state order placed in 2012 by federal government bodies for advanced training of up to 1,000 federal civil servants, whose job responsibilities include participation in anti-corruption, under the educational program “ Functions of human resources departments of federal government bodies for the prevention of corruption and other offenses.”

The Academy actively cooperates with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, both in terms of training and joint work aimed at the innovative development of their economies.

The Academy is the only educational institution in Russia under the President of the Russian Federation!

Conditions for admission to the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA)

Full-time, full-time and part-time forms of education.

Higher education

Postgraduate studies

Additional education

Branches of the educational institution

  • Adyghe branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation in Maykop
  • Altai branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
  • Astrakhan branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
  • Balakovo branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
  • Balashov branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
  • Bryansk branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
  • Vladimir branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation" (RANEPA)
  • Volgograd branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
  • Vologda branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation"
  • Voronezh branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
  • Second Tambov Branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
  • Vyborg branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
  • Dzerzhinsky branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (Dzerzhinsky branch of RANEPA)
  • Ivanovo branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation"
  • Izhevsk branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation"
  • Kaliningrad Trade and Economic College - branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
  • Kaliningrad branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation"
  • Kaluga branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA)
  • Karelian branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA)
  • Krasnoarmeysk Automotive College - branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
  • Krasnogorsk branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation"
  • Kurgan branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA)
  • Langepass branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation"
  • Lipetsk branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
  • Magnitogorsk branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation"
  • Makhachkala branch of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation"