Abstracts Statements Story

Psychological correction of social maladaptation of persons with disabilities. Social adaptation of children with disabilities

Priority modern research problems in the functioning of persons with disabilities health (HHI) and opportunities for their inclusion is to develop the foundations of their positive socialization, based on the intersection of three processes: rehabilitation, compensation, social adaptation. According to A.R. Luria, “a person cannot “close” for repairs,” therefore all three processes are fused together, and they should be considered as an open dynamic system, the result of the successful action of which is the positive socialization of the personality of a person with disabilities.

Compensation - this is the process of compensation for missing or impaired functions based on the restructuring of intact or partially impaired ones. According to L.S. Vygotsky, the defect creates incentives for the development of compensatory processes in development and behavior (replacing, building on, leveling). The assessment of the degree of defectiveness or normality of the individual as a whole depends on the outcome of social compensation. In the modern understanding, the essence and processes of compensation for impaired or delayed development are complex interaction social and biological factors, system-forming among which are human activities and social relationships. Taking into account the systemic nature of the structure of the psyche, compensation is realized at the following levels:

1) biological/bodily: predominantly automatic and unconscious compensatory processes;

2) psychological: the ability to adequately assess one’s capabilities and set realistic goals and objectives, form and maintain positive attitude to yourself;

3) socio-psychological: interpersonal relationships of persons with disabilities with environment, built on the principles of social partnership, tolerance, emotional support and understanding. These are the main conditions for unlocking their resource capabilities, strengthening self-confidence, restoring a positive attitude towards oneself, awareness of need, understanding one’s own independence and autonomy;

4) social: state policy towards persons with disabilities, legislative provision of certain guarantees, stereotypical attitudes towards persons with disabilities and their consequences.

In humans, compensation processes consist, first of all, in the formation of methods of action and assimilation of social experience in conditions of conscious, purposeful activity; The leading role here is played by consciousness, conditioned by social relations. Thus, compensation in a person is associated with the development of all aspects of the personality, that is, with psychological level- a central way for a person to restore impaired functions.

Psychological compensation is a process aimed at achieving or restoring a sense of internal stability and self-acceptance in connection with the experience of failure in various aspects of life.

L.S. Vygotsky identified several lines of compensatory character development: real compensation - a reaction to more or less realistically taken into account difficulties; fictitious- installation of alertness, suspicion, suspiciousness - as a protection against difficulties that arise; flight into illness- turning weakness into strength by cultivating a disease in oneself, which gives the right to demand increased attention to oneself. IN modern interpretations compensation is the opposition of failure in one area to success in another (“but”, “instead”); overcompensation - increasing efforts in the area of ​​insolvency (“overcoming”); The optimal form of compensation is the complementarity of the above methods. The highest form of compensation is behavior aimed at achieving a goal: balancing life’s ambitions and level of aspirations with the level of one’s abilities in unfavorable conditions of limited health and life opportunities.

Socio-psychological level compensation is carried out in the sphere of interpersonal relations of persons with disabilities with their immediate environment. The most important environmental factor of this compensation is social support in the form of information that leads a person to believe that he is loved, valued, cared for, and that he is a member social network and has mutual obligations with it. The feeling of socio-psychological well-being is associated with three main pillars of life: family, profession and immediate environment outside the family: here a person realizes the awareness of his involvement and independence.

By interacting with the social environment, a person becomes socialized: he assimilates social experience and transforms it into his values, orientations, and attitudes. In the context of personal health, a number of significant socialization parameters can be identified (Table 1).

Table 1

Conditions and personal prerequisites for positive socialization

Conditions/criteria for assessing a person’s mental and personal health

Personality Characteristics Necessary for Positive Socialization

Reacting to another as an equal

The ability to change one's value orientations

A reaction to the fact of the existence of norms in relations between people, that is, the identification of these norms and the desire to follow them

Focus not on specific requirements, but on understanding universal moral norms

The nature of experiencing one's relative dependence on other people

The ability to find a balance between your values ​​and external demands

The process and result of socialization are consequences of the internal contradiction between a person’s identification with society and his isolation. A person who has adapted to society and is unable to resist it is a victim of socialization; an unadapted person is the same victim, a deviant. Let us also note that the variability of the social environment can turn previously formed socialization and social adaptation into failure, and its success is largely ensured by the extent to which a person has learned to navigate unforeseen social situations.

Social level compensation is associated with the macro-social scale of human existence: this is the state policy towards persons with disabilities, including educational and professional; legislation; the nature of the attitude towards people with disabilities in the sphere of everyday life mass consciousness, depending on the religious, ethnocultural and historical traditions of society, on the education system and the media.

The attitude of society towards persons with disabilities, mainly their immediate environment, is determined by specific interactions mediated by the presence of one or another developmental disorder. Such a person depends much more than an ordinary person on emotional and social relations environment. According to L.S. Vygotsky, every biological defect primarily affects relationships with people and is realized as a social abnormality of behavior that rebuilds the individual’s relationships.

Rehabilitation - this is a complex multi-level education, a system of state, socio-economic, medical, professional, pedagogical, psychological and other activities aimed at preventing the development of pathological processes leading to temporary or permanent loss of ability to work, at the effective and early return of sick and disabled people (children and adults) into society. The result of the rehabilitation effect is the formation of an active attitude towards health problems and the restoration of a positive attitude towards life, towards family, society and towards oneself.

The effectiveness of the rehabilitation process depends largely on the degree of its involvement in the needs and interests, ideals and values, essence and existence of the person in need of rehabilitation. We can say that if a person’s personality is the object of rehabilitation influence, then its active creativity turns it into a subject of rehabilitation. The most important task of a psychologist in working with people with disabilities is to create the preconditions personal growth, formation of the ability to positively perceive oneself and life.

Within the framework of the sociological concept of vital forces, it is argued that their implementation depends not only on the opportunities provided by society, but also on individual personal characteristics, based primarily on the spiritual values ​​and attitudes of a person. The level of development of vital forces, the degree of self-realization of the individual in various fields life activity is expressed in the form of satisfaction (dissatisfaction) with one’s capacity, health, psychological state, surrounding micro- and macro-environment, income received, inclusion in social infrastructure, etc. . All this causes differences in the level of education, lifestyle, professional base, and the possibility of choosing life strategies between social groups.

Psychological rehabilitation is focused on the reorganization and optimization of the socio-psychological existence of the individual, bringing a person’s capabilities into line with his needs and values. Rehabilitation is aimed not at the disorder itself, but at the personality of a person with one or another disorder, at restoring its full existence in society, at overcoming social consequences illness or developmental deficiency.

From a psychological point of view, the drama of disability is in the conflict of full-fledged human needs with limited possibilities for their implementation. Rehabilitation is aimed at maximally overcoming and resolving this conflict state; otherwise, a gradual deformation of the personality of a person with disabilities is possible. Main target psychological rehabilitation - prevent the transformation of a disabled person’s personality into a disabled person.

Versatile functional deficiency, arising as a consequence of a primary health disorder, leads, first of all, to dissociability, deviations in the “social field”:

  • · to violations of social perception - adequate perception of other people with their advantages, disadvantages, problems. At the same time, one’s own personality, including the internal picture of an illness or defect, is presented distortedly, and the inadequacy of one’s own attitudes is not felt;
  • · to contradictions between the value relations of a person with disabilities and the requirements of the environment, leading to a narrowing of opportunities due to subjectively inflated expectations and requirements;
  • · to the absence or suppression of socially significant motivations, distortion of values, the reasons for which are a lack of individual experience associated with illness or dysontogenesis, a lack of skills and knowledge, as well as negative experiences of activity and communication.

Rehabilitation is the restoration of lost abilities and fitness. Congenital or early acquired disorders of health, physical or mental development determine the absence of a period normal development, as well as the original maladjustment. In relation to disabled people, the term has been used since childhood habilitation. Literally translated from Latin habilitation- the acquisition of the ability to do something, that is, we are not talking about the return of the ability, but about its initial formation. The essence of socio-psychological habilitation of children and adolescents is the formation of a personality with such qualities and properties that would allow not only integration into work, but also the establishment of productive relationships with other people. This can be achieved only on the basis of socio-psychological adaptation and harmonization of the child’s personality. Systematization of the functions of socio-psychological adaptation and criteria for personality harmonization (Table 2) allows us to see their internal connections and mutual influence.

table 2

Criteria for personality harmonization in the processsocio-psychological adaptation

Functions of socio-psychological adaptation

Harmonization criteria


Achieving optimal balance in the dynamic system “personality - social environment”

Achieving an acceptable level of internal integrity

Manifestation and development of creative potential and abilities of the individual

High level of self-esteem of self-strength

Increasing the social activity of the individual, regulating communication and relationships

Self-leadership ability

Formation of emotionally comfortable positions

Developing the ability to emotionally accept oneself


Positive assessment of one’s self according to the criteria of spirituality and internal wealth of the individual

Self-knowledge and self-correction

Harmonious relationship between the real self and the ideal self

Personal protection

Adequate action of self-support and self-protection mechanisms

Improving operational efficiency

Reducing the frequency of occurrence of negative emotions towards one’s own self

and no need for self-justification

Increasing stability and cohesion of the social environment

Reducing the level of emotional tension and anxiety

Maintaining Mental Health

The basis of the victimological concept of sociocultural rehabilitation of disabled people is the concept of adaptation barriers that arise as a result of a deficit of social, emotional and cognitive competence, blocking the social adaptation of persons with disabilities and the possibility of their full social functioning. Analysis of the literature has shown: victimization of persons with disabilities is a complex systemic phenomenon in which there is a fixed, inflexible construction of relationships with oneself and others based on the action of the alienation mechanism, attempts to resolve a difficult life situation in inadequate ways, that is, unproductive (defensive) adaptation to life. Therefore, the content of psychological assistance to persons with disabilities does not involve the correction of deficiencies, but the search for hidden resources for personal development: reliance on one’s own capabilities and the creation on this basis of psychological, social and pedagogical conditions for reconstructing the image of the world, the image of the Self and building productive connections with yourself, other people, and the world as a whole.

Positive socialization of persons with disabilities involves the formation of such a quality as adaptability, understood as the ability to independently achieve relative balance in relationships with oneself and others in both favorable and difficult life situations.

Here it is important to differentiate the mechanisms of compensation and adaptation that provide the body with a reserve of “strength” in case of sudden adverse changes in the external and internal environment. The presence of the adaptation effect makes these mechanisms similar to each other, but the differences are as follows:

  • · adaptation begins to function when the balance between a person and the environment is disrupted by changes in the environment, and to restore it, a person needs to change something in himself, to abandon his previous state;
  • · compensatory processes begin in a situation of imbalance due to changes in the person himself, and to restore balance the person must partially or completely return to the original state.

Let us formulate conclusions. The basis for the positive socialization of persons with disabilities is the interaction and interpenetration of the processes of psychological compensation, rehabilitation and socio-psychological adaptation. The trinity of these processes makes it possible to make maximum use of external (inclusive infrastructure and culture) and internal (vitality, socio-psychological competence, psychological sovereignty, communicative attitudes, etc.) resources of persons with disabilities to achieve their independence, independence, and effective social functioning.

Adaptation of children with disabilities at school from Speech at the pedagogical council by primary school teacher E. M. Kanavina. The first year of a child’s education at school is a very difficult period in the life of a small schoolchild. These are new conditions of life and activity of the child, and new contacts, new relationships, new responsibilities. This is a very stressful period, primarily because the school, from the very first days, sets students whole line tasks. The daily routine changes, requiring the mobilization of all the child’s strength. Therefore, adaptation to school does not occur immediately; it is a rather long process associated with significant stress on all body systems. In the socio-pedagogical aspect, adaptation means the development of the most adequate forms of behavior in the conditions of a changing microsocial environment. Adaptation at school is a rather difficult process for any child, and even more so for a child with disabilities. A significant role in the successful adaptation of schoolchildren at the stage of growing up is played by the personal characteristics of children, formed at previous stages of development. Therefore, work on the successful adaptation of a child begins in preschool educational institutions. Most children with disabilities did not attend school before kindergarten, which means they do not have communication skills in a group of children. Such children are most often not accustomed to basic self-care skills. They are constantly adults. help is needed Often children do not understand basic regime requirements because they did not attend preschool institutions. After a monotonous stay at home, where children were most often unattended and unattended and left to their own devices. At school, everything is different for them: new requirements, an intensive regime, the need to keep up with everything. How to adapt to them? This requires time and effort, and most importantly, the support of parents and the hard work of primary school teachers. Due to the developmental characteristics of children with disabilities, interaction with the social environment is difficult, the ability to adequately respond to changes is reduced,

increasingly complex requirements. These children have particular difficulty achieving their goals within existing norms. All these features predetermine the difficulties that a child with disabilities may encounter when communicating with peers. Younger schoolchildren often focus on the features appearance and the behavior of a classmate, they may avoid him or even enter into open conflict. An indicator of the difficulty of the process of adaptation to school is changes in the behavior of children. This may be the following manifestations: lethargy; depression; feeling of fear; reluctance to go to school. All changes in the child’s behavior reflect the characteristics of psychological adaptation to school. One of the main tasks of schools where inclusive practices are implemented is the inclusion of children with disabilities in the social space, their social adaptation in the general education classroom. This process should be managed by teachers, educational support specialists, and an inclusive education coordinator and should be carried out in such a way as to cause a minimum of discomfort for both the child with disabilities and his classmates. Adaptation in school conditions through implementation special programs(“Accessible environment”, “Barrier-free environment”, “ Special child"). Here, the creation of a special material and technical base to ensure comfortable access for a child with disabilities to education comes to the fore. One of the general rules of an adapted educational environment is the criterion of its accessibility for a child with disabilities. Educational institutions providing support for such children must take into account both general pedagogical and special requirements for equipment and personal space for a child with disabilities. This is especially true for the technical equipment of all spheres of a child’s life: fulfilling everyday needs, developing social competence, and the child’s social activity. The next direction is working with families. The family introduces the child into society, instills in him the first skills of self-service, mastering various forms of communication that satisfy the need of the child with disabilities to communicate. Therefore, within the framework of this area, it is important to organize advisory support for families, as well as the mandatory inclusion of parents in educational

rehabilitation environment of training and education as a condition for real interaction. The third direction of inclusive education, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard of Education, involves psychological and pedagogical support for the socialization of a child with disabilities in the school community. This direction presupposes the presence of a medical worker, psychologist, tutor, etc. on the school’s staff. The main burden and responsibility for the results of adaptation falls on primary school teachers. It is inappropriate to try to change the behavior of a hyperactive child by instilling in him norms and rules of behavior. It is necessary to work with this child in this direction by involving the child in group activities with classmates, assigning him a simple task. To create favorable conditions for the inclusion of a child with disabilities in the social space, it is necessary, first of all, to work with the team in which he is located. If the child’s behavior is very different from the rest of the group, then it is advisable to have a preliminary conversation with the students. You need to tell them something like this: “Guys, a new student will study with you, his name is.... When he comes to class, you will see that it is difficult for him... (sit still, remember the material, communicate easily with others , answer questions, etc.). But he will try and over time he will learn to do it better. Treat him with patience and understanding. You can help him. It will be very good." If the child is very different in appearance (for example, moves in a stroller), then children should be told why he cannot walk. You need to tell the story in a calm voice, without unnecessary details. If the child’s behavior (and appearance) is not very different from the others, then there is no need to conduct special conversations. Problems that arise can be resolved as usual. It is quite possible that children will ask why another adult is sitting with one student. To this you can answer: “He helps Tanya write, it’s still difficult for her to write on her own.” Over time, as children get to know each other better, questions about their classmate's differences usually subside. Children simply get used to it and, with appropriate

under adult control, they try to help their friend who is experiencing difficulties. A story about a child with special needs should be more like an instruction than an dive into the essence of their classmate’s problems. For elementary school children, clear information about how to behave correctly is important. Answers to “tricky questions” “Why is he like that?” First, you can ask the person who asks “is he like this?”: “What kind?” Based on what the child answers, build your answer. – About the child’s physical problems (cerebral palsy and other movement disorders) we can say: “It so happened that when... (child’s name) was very small, he got sick and his muscles stopped obeying him. His muscles can't flex and straighten the way he'd like." – About behavioral problems (autism, hyperactivity) you can say: “...(child’s name) it’s difficult to communicate, to sit still, but he’s trying to learn, he really wants it, that’s why he came to study with you.” – About his unusual appearance (Down syndrome, scars on the face, hemangiomas) one can say: “It so happened that when... (child’s name) was very small, the functioning of his body was disrupted. And then, when the body began to develop further, this violation remained. But otherwise.... (child’s name) is an ordinary child, just like you” (says to the one asking the question). – About other problems (slowness, decreased hearing, decreased vision, delayed mental development, etc.) it is said: “... (child’s name) it is difficult to see small pictures, hear quiet sounds, quickly understand tasks, but if you help him, he will definitely cope." At the end of each answer, be sure to say: “But otherwise... (child’s name) is the same as everyone else. He loves.... He is interested.... He wants...”, etc. Conducting various trainings, games, group activities, you need to show the team that all people are different, that features of appearance are not an obstacle to communication, and also that it is much more productive to cooperate with each other rather than conflict.

It is possible to implement projects and events where children can get acquainted with different aspects of the lives of people with disabilities. While creating necessary conditions for the socialization of a child with disabilities by all specialists educational institution, as well as with the correct organization of the process of including a given child in a general education class, joint education with special children contributes to the development of such necessary skills and personal qualities of all students as: social competence, tolerance, skills for solving interpersonal problems, self-confidence, self-esteem. In the process of joint activities, children learn to discuss a problem, listen and hear another opinion, defend their point of view, resolve conflicts through negotiations, listening to the opponent’s opinion. As a result, they understand that every person has the right to be “different.” Children realize that “we are different, but not strangers.” On the other hand, the child himself needs to be taught the rules of communication with classmates. Explain how important it is to be polite and attentive to your peers - and communication at school will only be a joy. Adaptation of a child to school is a rather long process. It doesn’t take a day or a week for a little student to get comfortable at school. Undoubtedly, the main role in creating a favorable psychological climate in the classroom belongs to the teacher. He needs to constantly work on improving his level educational motivation In order for a child to want to go to school, there is a desire to gain knowledge. The teacher must create situations for success for the child in class, during recess, in extracurricular activities, and in communicating with classmates. It is necessary to remember that such qualities of individual children as inattention, restlessness, quick distractibility, inability to control their behavior are associated with the characteristics of their psyche, so it is important not to make harsh comments to children, not to pull them back, and try to focus on the positive manifestations of the child. During the learning process, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the student. Preliminary acquaintance of the child with the school and classroom when meeting in August, together with the parents.

The whole family can walk around the school, see where the canteen, gym, and toilet are located. It will be good if the child and his parents get to know in advance not only the teacher and tutor, but also other adults - support specialists, subject teachers, security guards, etc. While visiting the class, the future student can choose in advance the place he likes and sit at desk. In this case, from the first days of training, his anxiety caused by the unknown and a large number of new unfamiliar people around will decrease. At the first stages of attending school, children with developmental disorders, and especially with intellectual development disorders and autism spectrum disorders, find it difficult to learn the school routine, schedule, lesson duration and breaks. To facilitate adaptation, you can offer your child a daily plan in pictures. A teacher, tutor or psychologist can review this plan with the child at the beginning of the school day. It is very important to warn the child about possible changes - in the schedule, classrooms, etc. In addition, the teacher and support specialists should work to formulate an algorithm for children’s activities in various situations: what to do: - when they want to go to the toilet; - when you need to go to the dining room; - when is the next lesson - physical education; - when the class goes for a walk; - when it is necessary to prepare for the next lesson; - when the bell rings, etc. It is very important to organize the space inside and outside the classroom so that children can retire for a while and take a break from the noise. In the classroom, this could be a screen, a “tent,” etc. As a rule, after being alone at recess or even in class, the child is ready to get back into work and interaction. If the child cannot stand in a stationary position for all 35-40 minutes of the lesson - gets up, talks, moves around the class, the tutor or teacher allows him to rest - go to the play area from behind the desk, sit in the “house”, but at the same time

It is important to regulate rest time - for example, using an hourglass, approving the situation when the child returns to work with the class after a limited time period. The result of the activities of the teacher and tutor will be a situation where a student with disabilities begins and finishes work in the lesson together with all the children. The adaptation period in 1st grade does not end, because the child constantly adapts to different conditions throughout the entire period of schooling. And our task is to help him with this.

Sociocultural adaptation of children

with disabilities

Sociocultural adaptation is one of the most relevant and popular areas of social practice. A high humanitarian orientation, social spiritual support for vulnerable segments of the population, concern for the social and cultural development of children with disabilities, their introduction to the riches of universal human culture, to amateur crafts and creativity have always been characteristic of the advanced strata of Russian society.

Of all the problems that prevent the full inclusion of people with disabilities in the life of society, the problem of sociocultural adaptation is the most acute. Sociocultural adaptation is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon characterized by constant transformations. The sociocultural adaptation of a child with disabilities occurs in three links: personality, society, culture, where the requirements and expectations of the social environment for the personality of an “atypical” child are constantly coordinated. Children with disabilities will use the knowledge and skills acquired as a result of sociocultural adaptation to meet the needs of life, which will help them become full-fledged members of society.

For children with disabilities, sociocultural adaptation is important in further integration into society and life in general.

The implementation of the main types and forms of entry of a child with disabilities into society is carried out within the framework of five adaptation centers (the first - sociocultural interaction within the parental family; the second - with the immediate family environment; the third - within the framework of a preschool educational institution, in the courtyard of the house; the fourth - within the walls of the secondary school). general education institutions, as well as in cultural and sports institutions; fifth - in the post-school period).

The success of adaptation practices is directly related to the characteristics of the sociocultural macro- and microenvironment, and to the specifics of state sociocultural policy. Thanks to the functioning of the institutions of family and education, it is possible for a child to achieve an adaptation standard, the level of which can be determined according to the developed criterion system of an individual’s readiness for adaptation and his social integration.

The essence of sociocultural adaptation of persons with disabilities is associated, first of all, with their “inclusion” into society, into ordinary interpersonal relationships, due to the expansion of rights and opportunities to participate in all types and forms of sociocultural life.

The main object of sociocultural adaptation and support are socially weakened and socially unprotected groups of the population, primarily children with disabilities. A significant proportion of these children are united by the concept of social disability, adopted at the initiative of the International Health Organization (WHO), associated with impairments or limitations in life activity. The term “social failure” or “maladaptation” means a violation or significant limitation in a person of his usual life activities due to old age, congenital or acquired disability, illness, injury or disorder, as a result of which the usual contacts with the environment are lost, corresponding age, life functions and roles. A derived concept from it is socio-cultural deficiency, which is associated with a partial or complete inability to perform socio-cultural functions considered normal for persons of a given age, gender and a number of other socio-demographic characteristics.

As practice shows, a decent lifestyle for children with problems of physical and mental development cannot be guaranteed by taking only adequate measures of medical or psychological intervention. To reach a level of socio-cultural competence that would allow this part of the population to enter into ordinary social contacts and interactions without much difficulty is a goal that unites both civil institutions and children with disabilities themselves.

In a narrower sense, sociocultural adaptation of a child with disabilities means targeted, personal assistance, joint identification with him of his own spiritual goals, interests and needs, ways and means of overcoming obstacles. The search and mobilization of all the reserves and capabilities available to the child himself will ultimately help him adapt and function normally in the surrounding socio-cultural environment, learning, communication, and creativity.

The problem of adaptation is closely related to the problem of health – illness. This continuum is integral to the life path of the individual. Multifunctionality and multidirectionality of the life path determine the interrelation of somatic processes (attitude to one’s physicality, one’s health), personal (attitude to oneself as an individual, attitude to one’s behavior, mood, thoughts, defense mechanisms), and social (communication, attitude to situations and social institutions, activities) functioning.

Sociocultural adaptation involves optimizing the interaction of a child with disabilities and his family with the sociocultural environment, which is one of the most important factors and conditions for development.

The sociocultural environment acts as a determining factor in the realization of his needs and requests, and is the most important condition for revealing the essence of the child. However, a child masters sociocultural norms and values ​​only through his own experience, communication, direct contact, and thanks to his activity.

The process of sociocultural adaptation is ensured by a system of social protection measures aimed at creating the individual conditions for his full or partial legal, political, economic, social, cultural independence and equal opportunities with other citizens to participate in public life and the development of society.

However, social structures are faced with the task of increasing activity among families raising children with disabilities, because often children are isolated from society by the parents themselves. Here it is necessary to improve the culture towards disabled people not only of society as a whole, but also of disabled people themselves and their families.

The system of sociocultural adaptation should contribute to the formation of an active life position in families with disabilities in general.

Thus, the sociocultural adaptation of children with disabilities should be considered in two aspects. On the one hand, it can be represented as a specific means of culture and art, recommended for a child with disabilities in an individual rehabilitation program to restore or compensate for impaired or lost functions. On the other hand, it should be borne in mind that familiarization with cultural values, participation in general cultural and leisure activities along with all members of society contribute to an increase in emotional tone, social communications, and social inclusion of persons with disabilities, which is of a general rehabilitation nature.


1. Ilyichev D. Rehabilitation of children with disabilities // Social work. - 2003. - No. 2.- P. 46

2. Comprehensive rehabilitation of disabled people. Ed. T.V. Zozuli. – M., 2005.

3. Smirnova E.R. Family of an atypical child: Sociocultural aspects. – Saratov, 1996.

4. Shpak L.L. Sociocultural adaptation: essence, direction, mechanisms of implementation. - Kemerovo, 1992.

“ADAPTATION OF PERSONS WITH LIMITED HEALTH CAPABILITIES IN THE COLLEGE GAVRILOV N.V. Substantial role in the process of education of persons with disabilities..."





A significant role in the process of education of persons with disabilities is played by their adaptation to the new co- ing of persons with disabilities adaptation of them

tsiume. This process is quite complex. plays in new society. This process is difficult The author suggests using it for optimization. An author suggests to use objective and subjective adaptation criteria for optimization of the adaptation process of persons with disabilities. with the limited possibilities of health the ob A special role, according to the author, is played by positive and subjective tests of adaptation. The fun of volunteering in college. special role, in opinion of author, the corporate volunteering plays in a college.

The effectiveness of the learning process is largely determined by the adaptation and integration of the individual into a new society. This is especially problematic for students with certain health limitations.

Social communication is the leading mechanism of human social adaptation, the functions of which are to guide and expand the circle of assimilation of social values ​​through active interaction with other individuals and social groups. In other words, the adaptation process is a process of optimal interaction between the individual and the environment.

General tasks for the adaptation of persons with disabilities in college are:

Assisting students with disabilities in solving pressing problems in obtaining a certain profession, socialization, problems with choosing an educational and further professional trajectory, relationships with peers, teachers;

Personal self-affirmation.

The most powerful factor in the adaptation process, according to I.Yu. Vetrova, is the relationship between the disabled and the healthy. Many of them lack social skills, the ability to express themselves in communication with their peers, teachers, and administration.

We consider the adaptation of persons with disabilities in college as the process and result of adaptation to a new integrated society in which a student with disabilities undergoes professional education in the most comfortable physiological and psychological conditions for him.

Social and psychological adaptation can be assessed by the disabled person’s satisfaction with relationships with teachers and peers.

The adaptation process involves the interaction of various combinations of activity, behavioral, information-psychological, and private adaptive strategies, the entirety of which is aimed at realizing the goals and objectives that make up the content of a comprehensive adaptation strategy. From the complex adaptation strategy of the individual, which determines the direction, priorities and methods of adaptation, it makes sense to highlight those particular adaptive strategies, thanks to and through which the individual carries out adaptation at all levels: individual, group and social and in all spheres of human activity: social activity, psychological communication etc. .

Adaptation is First stage the process of inclusion and integration of a disabled person into the social, educational, professional environment, based on real, everyday, regular interaction with him. Adaptation characterizes, on the one hand, the process of interaction of an object with the social environment, and on the other hand, it is a reflection of a certain result of work, which can serve as a criterion for its effectiveness.


We chose the level of learning motivation, satisfaction, and educational activities, emotional condition persons with disabilities and relationships with peers.

As objective criteria for adaptation, we chose the state of the adapting environment, the organization of the adaptation process and the adaptive capabilities of a student with disabilities (Figure 1).

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Persons with disabilities of type 7-8 experience great difficulties when communicating with others, primarily due to insufficiently developed initiative in communication, especially when contacting strangers. In many cases, they experience embarrassment, fear, and find it difficult to make contact. The psychophysical characteristics of mentally retarded students negatively affect their communication, both among themselves and with the people around them. Fragmentation and incompleteness of knowledge, inability to analyze the situation, little communication experience and originality personal manifestations inhibit the development of communicative function. Limited verbal contacts impede the acquisition of knowledge and ideas about the world around us and complicate the social adaptation of mentally retarded adolescents.

In many educational institutions Today, tutors are introduced to work with persons with disabilities, unfortunately, often from untrained people, since today our country has not developed a system for training specialists in this area. Tutors, as a rule, are adults with whom people with disabilities do not always build trusting relationships. In this situation, corporate volunteering has a number of advantages, since communication with peers - volunteers who are ready to support them - can play a certain role in adapting them to a new society.

Volunteering is a wide range of activities, including traditional forms of mutual aid, official provision of services and other forms of civic participation, which is carried out voluntarily for the benefit of the general public without relying on monetary reward, the implementation of those personal qualities that often remain undisclosed in Everyday life, involves making an independent decision to help others.

Volunteers at the college are recruited on a voluntary basis. Anyone who voluntarily accepts the ideas of the volunteer movement and agrees to implement them can become participants in corporate volunteering.

The main tasks of Volunteers are: studying international and domestic experience on the issues of the volunteer movement of providing assistance and support to the disabled and orphans; assistance in developing events for people with disabilities, actions and participation in them; accompanying persons with disabilities in preparation for events, providing them with moral support.

The selection of volunteers and their retention begins with a survey of volunteer candidates and persons with disabilities using a developed questionnaire. The coincidence of more than 50% of the answers on interests is the basis for choosing a mentee, after which volunteers are asked to look at the profile of the person with disabilities and communicate with him in order to make a final decision (Fig. 2).

An analysis of the work carried out showed that such interaction gives positive results in the adaptation of persons with disabilities to new learning conditions and society, shortens the adaptation period, and influences the motivational basis of students with certain health limitations.


1. http://www.coolreferat.com/ Youth_and_society_problems_of_social_adaptation_in_the_modern_world.

2. Vetrova I.Yu. Problems of social adaptation. http://www.yspu.yar.ru.

3. Berezin F. B. Psychological and psychophysiological adaptation of a person. – L., 1988.

4. Kaluzhenina T.A. Subjective criteria for adaptation of first-year students to the conditions of study at a university / psychology in economics and management. – 2009. - No. 2. – P.95-98.

5. http://wap.fictionbook.ru/author/margarita_igorevna_shishkova/razvitie_rechi_na_urokah_li teraturnogo_c/read_online.html?page=1.

6. http://ru.wikipedia.org Keywords: persons with disabilities, objective and subjective adaptation criteria, corporate volunteering.

Keywords: persons with the limited possibilities of health, objective and subjective criteria of adaptation, corporate volunteering.

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The article provides statistics on the number of disabled people in Russia. Grouping was carried out by gender, age, disability group. The features of adaptation of disabled people to conditions are given modern society, and adaptations therein. The problems are presented due to which persons with disabilities cannot feel comfortable among healthy people, be in society and live in it. The features of social adaptation of persons with disabilities in Russia are revealed. The opportunities for persons with disabilities in modern developed countries and in Russia are analyzed. An assessment is made of the problems faced by people with disabilities in our country, and ways to solve them are indicated, which will ultimately allow them to better adapt to the current difficult socio-economic situation.

Keywords Keywords: disabled people, adaptation, adaptation problems, society, support.

Bashaev S.V. 1, Gorelik V.V. 2

1 Undergraduate, 2 Associate professor, PhD in Biology, Togliatti State University



The article presents statistics on the number of disabled people in Russia. Grouping by gender, age, disability group. The features of adaptation of persons with disabilities to the conditions of modern society, and adapting to it. Given the problems that people with disabilities may not feel comfortable among healthy people, to be social and live in it. The features of social adaptation of persons with disabilities in Russia. Analyzed opportunities for persons with disabilities in the developed countries and in Russia. The estimation problems of the disability in our country, the ways of their solution, in which the number of beds to allow better adaptation in the current difficult socio-economic situation.

Keywords: disability, adaptation, adaptation problems, society, support.

Working with people with disabilities is one of the most pressing issues in social work.

In Russia, the word “disabled” was banned for a long time. The presence of such people was kept silent all the time and was never highlighted for everyone to see. Such people could very rarely be seen on the streets or in shops. They could be seen either in hospitals or at home.

At the same time, in European countries ah, the equality of people, their views, their desires was proclaimed, and disabled people were considered full members of society, and being in it, they felt like full-fledged people.

The proclamation of equality allowed persons with disabilities to fully enjoy all the rights enjoyed by healthy people. They now have the right to everything: training, employment, medical care, psychological assistance, etc.

Thanks to the comprehensive support of the state, such people very quickly “acclimatized” to society and began to live fully, limited only by the specific characteristics of their health and the consequences of the disease.

The collapse of the “Iron Curtain” revealed to Russia the whole life of people with disabilities there in Europe, and revealed the sadness of the whole situation here in their own country. After this, steps began to adopt the experience of European countries and reproduce in our country the model of relationships between healthy people and disabled people that has developed in European countries.

The urgency of the research topic has several reasons:

  1. The problem of disability has become widespread. In Russia there are more than 12 million people with various diseases.
  2. The amount of financial and social support for people with disabilities today remains quite low, despite the fact that, since 2008, after the launch of the “Accessible Environment” program for persons with disabilities, the state has done a great job, thanks to which, gradually, social and financial provision for people with disabilities began to improve.

An important factor in the social adaptation of disabled people in society is their adaptability to life in a society of healthy people. This problem is of particular importance, based on the fact that every year, the views of healthy people on those who were born or became disabled during their lives began to change significantly (Table No. 1, No. 2).

In Russia, about 10% of the population are recognized as disabled.

Table No.1 "ABOUTtotal number of disabled people by disability group"

Table No.2 “Distribution of disabled people by gender and age”

The complexity of adaptation work with disabled people is manifested for the following reasons:

  1. Due to health problems, a disabled person experiences obstacles that lead to a decrease in the quality of his life and deprive him of full coexistence in society,
  2. There are no fairly intense social contacts, which lead to inhibition of their intellectual abilities
  3. There is a lack of accessible psychological, legal and informational assistance, which leads to the loss or non-use by people with disabilities of the potential for integration into society that they have.

In our country, healthy people treat disabled people based on medical terms, for which, a disabled person is a person who has limitations, such as: walking, hearing, seeing, speaking independently.

The unfavorable socio-economic condition of such people often comes down to the fact that they are deprived of professional help; the degree of their socialization is getting used to forced living conditions and the formation of new skills and abilities for their self-realization in the circumstances of the current society. The socio-economic status of disabled people (family relationships, education, financial situation, degree of improvement of the area where the disabled person lives, etc.) plays an important role in the acclimatization of the disabled person and his socialization.

In this current situation, there is a great need for the state to develop a strategy on the issue of social adaptation of people with disabilities, as well as processes of interaction between government authorities to support people with disabilities.

One of the important conditions for socialization is the introduction into the minds of healthy people of the idea of ​​equal opportunities for persons with disabilities. The process of adaptation of disabled people to society has its own characteristics, which depend on the gender and age of the disabled person, the type of pathology, and the characteristics of his social status.

In Russia, people with disabilities are perceived by the society of healthy people as people who are significantly different from them in some ways. better side who do not have great opportunities, and this gives rise to among healthy people either rejection of disabled people as full members of society, or pity for them.

European and domestic experience demonstrates that often, people with disabilities, even having great potential for active participation in the life of society and even the opportunity to work, cannot realize them.

Along with this, there arises such a concept as the “unpreparedness” of the majority of healthy people for close contact with disabled people in living conditions, which leads to a situation where the disabled person does not have the opportunity to realize himself on an equal basis with them.

An essential indicator of the socio-psychological adaptation of disabled people is the attitude of disabled people to their own lives after suffering from a disease, or having already been born with it. More than half of these people assess the quality of their life as unsatisfactory and consider their condition hopeless and without prospects. Moreover, the concept of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with life in most cases comes down to the unstable or insufficient financial condition of a disabled person, the inability to realize his plans, his abilities, which he can develop in himself, despite his illness, but, unfortunately, not having material security for all this. The lower the income of a disabled person, the more hopeless his attitude towards his life and the lower his self-esteem.

People with disabilities often have much lower financial security than healthy people. Many disabled people do not have higher education. Of the disabled people who are employed, not all are satisfied with their wages, and those who are not employed are forced to live on only one pension, which is not enough for a more comfortable life and to meet their needs.

Few people with disabilities start a family. Most people with disabilities lack full interest in life and often become depressed.

Satisfying the above needs – an indispensable condition successful integration of people with disabilities.

Until society takes measured steps towards rapprochement, the socialization of disabled people to live in the society of healthy people cannot take place.

The key to the success of social adaptation of persons with disabilities to a full life in modern society is the close relationship of disabled people with healthy people.


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