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Preparing for the Unified State Exam: essay on politics. Examples of essays on social studies (USE) Essays on social studies politics demands from people

This statement by a famous Russian public figure of the early 20th century, “the father of Russian Marxism,” relates to the topic of political participation. All citizens participate in the political life of the country in one way or another, some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent. Political participation is human activity with the goal of somehow influencing the policies pursued by the state. It is divided into casual, part-time and professional. The statement refers to people who are involved in politics professionally.

The meaning of the quote I chose is that government is a difficult task, because... The state has as its goal to ensure the well-being of every citizen, and there are millions of them. Therefore, a politician must be able to think in the interests of the state as a whole and each individual. In politics, indeed, there are no clear and regulated rules of action; every action of the state is a response to processes occurring in society. Even a well-thought-out policy will be modified under the influence of society, because society is a dynamic, self-developing system. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato believed that only philosophers, the wisest people who could analyze the situation and find a solution, could be politicians. A policy that is not aimed at the needs of the people, and is limited only to flirting with the masses, is called politicking. It undoubtedly leads to the degradation of the political life of society. An example of a well-thought-out policy is the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, signed before the Great Patriotic War and which allowed the USSR to at least slightly prepare for the upcoming meeting with the enemy, although Germany had not previously been an ally of the Soviet Union. Likewise, now relations between Russia and the United States are either at their peak or at a dead end due to various misunderstandings (take, for example, the Magnitsky Act). All this is decided by the political elites of countries, acting in the interests of their state.

Thus, people in political power, ideally, should be educated, erudite and clearly understand what the citizens of the country need, then the state policy will become truly effective, leading to the prosperity of the nation.

Historian V. Klyuchevsky in his statement raises the problem of the need for professional qualities for representatives of political power. This problem is indeed relevant, since the internal and external position of the state, and therefore the well-being of the citizens of this state, depends on the activities of politicians.

I agree with the opinion of the famous historian. Building political relationships requires certain qualities, the willingness of a politician to make complex, important political decisions. Doing politics is an incredibly unpredictable activity, especially in modern times. Every day events happen that either bring states closer together or alienate them from each other, or something happens within the state and politicians are obliged to make decisions immediately.

Let's look at the statement from different aspects.

On the one hand, political relations are in constant dynamics and it is quite difficult to develop some kind of universal solution. It's not even possible. On the other hand, there are plenty of examples in history when the experience of solving one political problem helped resolve another political situation.

Let us turn to the theoretical meaning of the statement. Political power is the right, ability and opportunity to defend and implement certain political views, guidelines and goals. Political power has certain characteristics. Firstly, it has the ability to use a wide variety of means of influencing people and political situations.

Secondly, only she has the right to use force within the country. According to its purpose, power is classified into legislative, executive and judicial. To solve various political complexities, a politician needs to determine which branch of government needs to be addressed in a given situation, and, possibly, use them together. Political power performs certain functions. Managing the affairs of the state and society at different levels, managing government bodies, organizing political life, political relations, creating certain characteristic forms of government and type of political system.

Let's look at examples from history. In the history of Russia in the second half of the 18th century, there were two wars with the Ottoman Empire; they both ended in victory, but they received this victory in completely different ways. Catherine II, Pyotr Rumyantsev, commander A.V. Suvorov and other politicians of that time had a flexible mind, capable of flawlessly navigating situations. It was this quality that helped to win a number of victories in the Balkan issue.

Another example is the Caribbean crisis of 1962. Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev and J. Kennedy were the first to find themselves in a situation where the world was on the brink of nuclear war. To a greater extent, the analytical ability of politicians influenced the peaceful resolution of the Cuban missile crisis.

In conclusion, it must be said that the effectiveness, quality, and literacy of political actions and decisions depend on the ability of representatives of political power to think multifacetedly, diplomatically, turning over all possible solutions in their heads. Whenever the need arises.

Updated: 2018-03-26

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What is politics? How are political relations carried out in the country? What is the importance of politics in the life of society? These and other questions are reflected by the French military leader Pierre Cohort in his statement. I see the meaning of the statement in the fact that politics exists and lives with us.

In my opinion, the author is talking about the problem of the importance of politics in human life. The problem raised by the author is relevant because it affects all spheres of society and without the implementation of policies the country will not be able to develop adequately. It is the correctly chosen political tactics that can improve not only the well-being of people, but also the state of the military potential of the country’s army, so the author is certainly right.

So what is politics and what does it mean in a country? To understand this, let us turn to the theoretical basis of this problem. Politics is the art of governing society through power. Power is the ability and ability to influence, manage and influence people by imposing one's will.

Politics influences people through political organizations, parties, and the bureaucracy. Political ideologies and political parties are aimed at organizing life. Political relations are the connections and interactions of people regarding the exercise of political power, management and regulation of people's political interests. As a result of political relations, knowledge, ideas, and experience accumulate. I believe that in modern times, life without politics is not possible, because power helps to satisfy a person’s needs, protects him and provides him with the opportunity to develop his abilities.

While looking through news reports, I came across a message from the President of the Russian Federation, where V.V.

Putin announced the budget policy that will be carried out in the country in the near future. The main task of budget policy is to support economic growth, in which the share of spending on education, science, infrastructure increases, improves the work of social sectors, and stimulation of entrepreneurial activity and private investment will also be ensured.

I would like to give an example from geography. I learned about this case from my teacher. China had a birth control policy for more than 30 years, which created many serious social problems. However, when officials relaxed these policies, there were no changes to ensure the country's birth rate. The Chinese justified this fact by the fact that it is not affordable to raise a second child in the country. The country has a poorly implemented centralized pension system policy; young parents do not receive income or compensation to support two or more children.

In conclusion, I come to the conclusion that the state of affairs in a country depends on the policies pursued in it.

Examples of essays on social studies for the Unified State Exam

Essay samples

“A child at the moment of birth is not a person, but only a candidate for a person” (A. Pieron).

It is necessary to understand what meaning A. Pieron put into the concept of man. At the moment of birth, the child is already a person. He is a representative of a special biological species, Homo Sapiens, who has the inherent specific features of this biological species: a large brain, upright posture, prehensile hands, etc. At the moment of birth, a child can be called an individual - a specific representative of the human race. From birth, he is endowed with individual traits and properties unique to him: eye color, body shape and structure, the design of his palm. This can already be defined as individuality. Why then does the author of the statement call the child only a candidate for a person? Apparently, the author had in mind the concept of “personality”. After all, man is a biosocial being. If a person is given biological traits from birth, then he acquires social ones only in a society of his own kind. And this happens in the process of socialization, when the child learns, through education and self-education, the values ​​of a particular society. Gradually he turns into a personality, i.e. becomes a subject of conscious activity and has a set of socially significant traits that are in demand and useful in society. It is then that he can fully be called a human being. How can this assumption be confirmed? For example, on March 20, 1809, in Sorochintsy, a son was born into the family of the landowner Vasily Gogol - Yanovsky, baptized with the name Nikolai. This was one of the landowner's sons born on this day, named Nicholas, i.e. individual. If he had died on his birthday, he would have remained in the memory of his loved ones as an individual. The newborn was distinguished by characteristics characteristic only of him (height, hair color, eyes, body structure, etc.). According to the testimony of people who knew Gogol from birth, he was thin and weak. Later, he developed traits associated with growing up and an individual lifestyle - he began to read early, wrote poetry from the age of 5, studied diligently at the gymnasium, and became a writer whose work was followed by all of Russia. He showed a bright personality, i.e. those features and properties, signs that distinguished Gogol. Apparently, this is precisely the meaning that A. Pieron intended in his statement, and I completely agree with him. When a person is born, he must go through a long, thorny path in order to leave a mark on society, so that descendants will proudly say: “Yes, this man can be called great: our people can be proud of him.”

“The idea of ​​freedom is connected with the true essence of man” (K. Jaspers)

What is freedom? Independence from the powers that be that money and fame can give? Lack of bars or overseer's whip? Freedom to think, write, create without regard to generally accepted canons and public tastes? This question can only be answered by trying to figure out what a person is. But here's the problem! Every culture, every era, every philosophical school gives its own answer to this question. Behind each answer is not only the level of a scientist who has comprehended the laws of the universe, the wisdom of a thinker who has penetrated the secrets of existence, the self-interest of a politician or the imagination of an artist, but there is also always hidden a certain position in life, a completely practical attitude towards the world. And yet. From all the various, contradictory ideas about man, one general conclusion follows: man is not free. He depends on anything: on the will of God or gods, on the laws of the Cosmos, the arrangement of stars and luminaries, on nature, society, but not on himself. But the meaning of Jaspers’s expression, in my opinion, is that a person cannot imagine freedom and happiness without preserving his personality, his unique, inimitable “I”. He does not want to “become everything,” but “wants to be himself in spite of the universe,” as the author of the famous “Mowgli” R. Kipling wrote. A person cannot be happy and free at the cost of trampling on his personality, renouncing his individuality. Truly ineradicable in man is the desire to create the world and himself, to discover something new, unknown to anyone, even if this is achieved at the cost of his own life. Becoming free is not an easy task. It requires from a person the maximum effort of all spiritual forces, deep thoughts about the fate of the world, people, about his own life; a critical attitude towards what is happening around and towards oneself; search for the ideal. The search for the meaning of freedom sometimes continues throughout life and is accompanied by internal struggle and conflicts with others. This is precisely where a person’s free will manifests itself, since from various life circumstances and options, he himself has to choose what to prefer and what to reject, what to do in this or that case. And the more complex the world around us, the more dramatic life is, the more effort is required from a person to determine his position and make this or that choice. This means that K. Jaspers was right in considering the idea of ​​freedom to be the true essence of man. Freedom is a necessary condition for his activity. Freedom cannot be “gifted,” because unsought freedom turns out to be a heavy burden or turns into arbitrariness. Freedom, won in the fight against evil, vices and injustice in the name of affirming goodness, light, truth and beauty, can make every person free

“Science is merciless. She shamelessly refutes favorite and habitual misconceptions” (N.V. Karlov)

We can completely agree with this statement. After all, the main goal of scientific knowledge is the desire for objectivity, i.e. to study the world as it exists outside and independently of man. The result obtained should not depend on private opinions, preferences, or authorities. On the path to searching for objective truth, a person passes through relative truths and errors. There are many examples of this. Once upon a time, people were absolutely sure that the Earth was disk-shaped. But centuries passed, and the journey of Fernando Magellan refuted this misconception. People learned that the Earth is spherical. The geocentric system that existed for millennia was also a fallacy. The discovery of Copernicus debunked this myth. The heliocentric system he created explained to people that all the planets in our system revolve around the Sun. The Catholic Church forbade the recognition of this truth for more than two hundred years, but in this case, science really turned out to be merciless to people’s misconceptions. Thus, on the way to absolute truth, which is final and will not change over time, science passes through the stage of relative truths. At first, these relative truths seem final to people, but time passes and with the emergence of new opportunities for a person to study a particular area, absolute truth appears. It refutes previously acquired knowledge, forcing people to reconsider their previous views and discoveries.

“Progress only indicates the direction of movement, and it is indifferent to what awaits at the end of this path - good or evil” (J. Huizinga).

It is known that progress is the movement of the development of society from simple to complex, from lower to higher. But the long history of mankind proves that moving forward in one area leads to a rollback in another. For example, replacing an arrow with a firearm or a flintlock with an automatic rifle indicates the development of technology and related knowledge and science. The ability to kill a mass of people at once with deadly nuclear weapons is also unconditional evidence of the development of science and technology of the highest level. But can all this be called progress? And therefore, everything that has appeared in history as something positive can always be contrasted as something negative, and very much that is positive in one aspect can be said to be negative in another. So what is the point of the story? What is the direction of its movement? What is progress? Answering these questions is far from easy. The very abstract concept of progress, when trying to apply it to the assessment of certain events specifically - historically, will certainly contain an insoluble contradiction. This inconsistency is the drama of history. Is it inevitable? But the fact is that the main character of this historical drama is the man himself. Evil is, as it were, inevitable, because a person sometimes receives as a result something for which he did not strive at all, which was not his goal. And the objective fact is that practice is always richer, always exceeds the level of knowledge achieved, which gives rise to a person’s ability to use what has been achieved differently in other conditions. Evil, therefore, like a shadow, pursues good. Apparently this is what the author of this statement meant. But I would like to continue the discussion and encourage people, especially scientists, to think about their future discoveries. After all, to define what is truly progressive there is a concept developed throughout the history of mankind. Expressed by the word “humanism,” it denotes both the specific properties of human nature and the assessment of these properties as the highest principle of social life. What is progressive is what is combined with humanism, and not just combined, but contributes to its elevation.

“Revolution is the transition from untruth to truth, from lies to truth, from oppression to justice, from deception and suffering to straightforward honesty and happiness.”

(Robert Owen)

A revolution is often called a social explosion, which is why, in my opinion, a revolution does not completely solve the problems that have arisen in life.

In Russia's historical past, the most significant revolution was the October 1917 revolution. Its most important result was the beginning of the construction of communism, which meant a radical change in the life of the entire country. And if this is the same truth, justice and honesty that Owen speaks of, then why is Russia now trying with all its might to join the Western model of development and doing everything to become a capitalist country in the full sense of the word? And this despite the fact that in Soviet times Russia achieved a lot: it became a superpower, was the first to carry out a human flight into space, and won the Second World War. It turns out that the revolution did not lead our country to the truth. Moreover, by the end of 1991, Russia found itself on the brink of economic disaster and famine.

Is it necessary to talk about social revolutions, if even during the scientific and technological revolution in the modern world many questions arise. Among them are environmental problems, rising unemployment, and terrorism.

On the one hand, during the scientific and technological revolution, healthcare is improved, the most hopeless patients are saved from death by the efforts of doctors, and on the other hand, weapons of mass destruction, including bacteriological ones, are produced. The media daily cover millions of events taking place in all corners of the planet, informing and educating people, but at the same time, the media act as a manipulator of human consciousness, will, and reason.

Many more examples of revolutions can be cited, but the conclusion remains clear: a revolution is a multilateral and contradictory process, during which the problems being solved are replaced by others, often even more complex and confusing.

Religion is wisdom justified by reason

I completely agree with this statement and want to prove the truth of this saying using the example of famous BOOKS that contain such wisdom that humanity will always turn to.

New Testament. It is already 2 thousand years old. With his birth, he created an unprecedented, unprecedented excitement in hearts and minds, which has not calmed down to this day. And all this because it contains wisdom that teaches humanity kindness, humanism, and morality. This book, written simply and without any embellishment, captures the greatest mystery - the mystery of human salvation. People can only fulfill these Great Wisdoms: do not kill, do not steal, do not offend your neighbor, honor your parents. Is this bad wisdom? And when people forget to implement these wisdoms, misfortune awaits them. In our country, during the years of Soviet power, people were excommunicated from this book. All this led to the destruction of the spirituality of society, and therefore to lack of will. And even the communists, when drawing up their law - the Moral Code of the Communist, took as a basis the moral principles contained in the Bible. They just exposed them in a different form. This proves that the wisdom of this book is eternal.

Koran. This is the main book of Muslims. What is she calling for? Particular attention is paid to nobility, which, in turn, implies respect for parents. The Koran teaches Muslims to be firm in word and obligatory in deeds and actions. It condemns such base human qualities as lies, hypocrisy, cruelty, and pride. Is this bad wisdom? They are reasonable.

The given examples prove the correctness of the above statement. All world religions contain such wisdom that instructs people only to do good deeds. Showing people the way at the end of the tunnel.

Science reduces our experiences of fast-flowing life.

One cannot but agree with this statement. Indeed, with the advent of science, the progress of mankind began to accelerate, and the pace of life of human society is accelerating every day. All this happens thanks to science. Before its appearance, humanity moved rather slowly along the path of progress. It took millions of years for the wheel to appear, but it was only thanks to scientists who invented engines that this wheel could be driven at a higher speed. Human life has accelerated dramatically.

For thousands of years, humanity has had to look for answers to many seemingly unsolvable questions. Science did this: the discovery of new types of energy, the treatment of complex diseases, the conquest of outer space... With the beginning of the scientific and technological revolution in the 50-60s of the 20th century, the development of science became the main condition for the existence of human society. Time requires a person to quickly solve global problems on which the preservation of life on Earth will depend.

Science has now come to every home. It serves people by truly reducing the experiences of fast-paced life: instead of washing by hand - an automatic washing machine, instead of a floor rag - a washing vacuum cleaner, instead of a typewriter - a computer. And what can we say about the means of communication that have made our globe so small: in one minute you can receive a message from places located on different ends of the world. The plane takes us in a few hours to the most remote corners of our planet. But just a hundred years ago it took many days and even months. This is the meaning of this statement.

Political strength is strong if and only if it is based on moral strength.

Of course, this statement is correct. Indeed, a politician must act based on moral laws. But for some reason, many people associate the word “power” with the opposite opinion. There are many supporting examples of this in history, ranging from ancient Roman tyrants (for example, Nero) to Hitler and Stalin. And modern rulers do not shine with examples of morality.

What's the matter? Why do deeply moral norms such as honesty, conscience, commitment, truthfulness in no way fit into political power?

Apparently, a lot has to do with the nature of power itself. When a person strives for power, he promises people to improve their lives, restore order, and establish fair laws. But as soon as he finds himself at the helm of power, the situation changes dramatically. Many promises are gradually forgotten. And the politician himself becomes different. He already lives by different standards, he has new views. Those to whom he promised are increasingly moving away from him. And others appear nearby who are always ready to be at the right moment: to advise, to suggest. But they no longer act in the interests of society, but in their own selfish interests. As people say, power spoils a person. Perhaps this is true. Or maybe there are other reasons? Coming to power, a politician understands that he is unable to cope with the burden of problems that the state faces: corruption, the shadow economy, organized crime. In such difficult conditions, there is a retreat from moral principles. We have to act tough. It seems to me that it is better to rephrase this statement as follows: “A political fortress is strong if and only if it is based on the force of law.” For politics, this makes the most sense. Only the laws must also be moral...

Master class on the topic “Politics”.

Target: identify the main difficulties of working on an essay; develop an algorithm for preparing to write a mini-essay.

1) Theoretical part. Task: remind the requirements for the essay (for quality preparation, it is necessary to explain the assessment criteria to students)

Alternative task 29 directs the examinee to write a mini-essay on one of the five suggested topics. Topics are set in the form of brief statements by representatives of social thought, political figures, scientists and cultural figures. In some cases, statements have an aphoristic character. Each topic-statement is conditionally correlated with one of the basic sciences of the social science course (topics in sociology and social psychology are combined into a common block), however, graduates have the right to disclose it in the context of any social science or several sciences.

This task tests a wide range of skills, in particular the ability to: reveal the meaning of the author’s judgment, draw on the studied theoretical principles of the social sciences, independently formulate and specify examples of your reasoning, draw conclusions, evaluate actions of subjects of social life, including individuals, groups, organizations, from the point of view of social norms and economic rationality.

    Remember that this assignment is graded according to the following criteria:

    disclosure of the meaning of the statement (criterion K1);

    quality of factual argumentation (criterion K3).

    1. Analyze the graduate’s answer and establish:

      whether the graduate revealed the meaning of the statement/whether the graduate’s answer indicates an understanding of the meaning of the statement or not;

    The meaning of a statement can be revealed by graduates in different ways: as a statement of the problem at the beginning of the answer to a task, in the text of the answer, through the general context of the answer. The expert should pay attention only to the content: the meaning is revealed or not, the graduate’s answer indicates an understanding of the meaning of the statement or does not indicate.

    2) Practical part. Task: show options for working with statements on the topic “Politics”.

    When formulating the problem and the meaning of the author’s statement:

    1) On the one hand, misunderstanding and inability to isolate the problem of the statement is associated with a lack of knowledge of the basic science to which the quotation relates, and on the other hand, with an attempt to fit into known problems discussed in lessons in previously written, read, that is, ready-made essay.

    2) The inability to formulate a problem is often associated with a lack of developed vocabulary and terminology in basic social sciences.

    3) The inability to formulate the meaning of the author’s statement is associated with a misunderstanding or incorrect understanding of its content, and a lack of necessary social science knowledge.

    4) Substitution of the problem with the author's position - due to the fact that the student does not see the difference between them. The problem is the topic of the author's discussion. It is always broad and includes several opinions and positions, often completely opposite to each other. The essence or meaning of the author's statement is his personal answer to the question posed, one of several existing in science or social thought.

    1. Ranking statements by topic. Task This task allows students to determine the meaning of the statement themselves. The training allows you to work on the first criterion (K1)

    Option one: students are asked to distribute statements by topic (without indicating topics), students themselves must determine the meaning of the statement and the topic.

    Option two(for weak students) compare the topic and the statement and explain your choice. When explaining, students determine the problem (meaning) of the statement.

    Slide 2.3 Working with teachers.

    Topic 2: Democracy


    D) "Divide and conquer"

    A) “For power to become stronger, it should be limited.” (L. Berne)

    B) “A citizen who has a share of power should act not for personal gain, but for the common good.” (B.N. Chicherin)

    IN) The state is the territory of power” (A. Kruglov).

    D) “The law determines the power of each official.” (V.I. Dal)

    D) "Divide and conquer" a wise rule, but “unite and direct” is even better.” (I.V. Goethe)

    Topic 2: Democracy

    E) “Democracy is a mechanism for ensuring that we are governed no better than we deserve” (J.B. Shaw)

    G) In democracy, a person not only enjoys the utmost possible power, but also bears the utmost responsibility” (N. Cousins).

    Option three.

    A) “Divide and conquer is a wise rule, but unite and direct is even better.” (I.V. Goethe)

    B) “A person who rules over others loses his own freedom” (B. Shaw)

    C) “The state is that without which it is impossible to achieve either order, justice, or external security” (Plato)

    D) “If small republics perish from an external enemy, then large ones from an internal ulcer” (C. Montesquieu)

    D) “Politics is like a sphinx from a fairy tale: it devours everyone who cannot solve its riddles” (A. Rivarol)

    1.Functions for regulating public relations , protecting public order and maintaining the country's defense capability are specific functions of the state.

    2. The most effective management of society is based on the unity of goals and interests.

    3. Most often, it is internal reasons associated with the aggravation of socio-economic contradictions that cause the collapse of large states.

    4. In a political struggle, the winner is the one who sees the interests of his people better than others, can predict the actions of his competitors and destroy them.

    5. The ruler must act in the interests of the people; his status imposes additional restrictions and responsibilities on him.

    2. Definition of argumentation.Task For this task, work with students on argumentation on topics. This assignment will provide an opportunity to continue working on K1 and preparing arguments.

    Main mistakes and shortcomings in graduates’ works

    When expressing and arguing your own position:

    1. The lack of arguments is due to the student’s ignorance or ignorance of the requirements for an essay in social studies and its structure.

    2. The graduate’s argument only repeats the statement.

    3. Errors in operations with concepts: unjustified expansion or narrowing of the meaning of the concept in question, substitution of concepts.

    4. Errors in working with information caused by the inability to analyze social experience. Often, the examples given by graduates are weakly related to the position under consideration (the connection is either not traceable or is superficial and does not reflect essential points).

    5. Uncritical perception of social information from media reports and the Internet. As a result, unverified facts, unfounded or provocative statements, and biased assessments are often used by graduates as evidence in essays.

    6. The predominance of a one-sided view of social phenomena, the inability to identify and build cause-and-effect relationships.

    Option one: in class or at home, choose the definitions necessary to cover the topic (you can use the textbook).

    Option two: Select ready-made (proposed by the teacher) arguments for the aphorism. You can offer a set of definitions and invite students to choose the ones they need (and give a larger set than necessary).

    3.Search for evidence. The trainings are similar to the previous paragraphs.

    Finding errors in finished essays will serve as good training. This will enable students to analyze the essay from an expert's point of view and understand common mistakes.

    The analysis can be carried out using the following algorithm:

    I. Is the meaning of the statement revealed?

    II Is the meaning revealed based on relevant concepts, theoretical principles and conclusions?

    III The given facts and examples are drawn from various sources: media reports, materials from educational subjects (history, literature, geography, etc.), facts of personal social experience and own observations are used (at least two examples are given from different sources?


    “Democracy is the right to make bad choices” (J. Patrick)

    American journalist and politician J. Patrick, author of the book “The Death of the West,” characterizes democracy as the right to free choice, even if sometimes erroneous. I probably agree with the position of the person quoted, although he does not point to

    advantages of democracy, and one of its disadvantages. Indeed, democracy, like any other political system, is not without its shortcomings. The English poet Oscar Wilde remarked: “Democracy is the fooling of the people, with the help of the people, for the good of the people.” But people have not yet come up with a better political regime than democracy.

    Democracy, as a political regime, that is, a system of relations between the state and civil society, is characterized primarily by the fact that the people are considered the source of power in it. And he has the right to make mistakes. People for various reasons (under the influence of the media, under the influence of the charisma of a political leader) can make a mistake in their choice. But they themselves are paying for their delusion.

    In my opinion, the Americans made a mistake in electing George W. Bush as president. He dragged the United States into the war in Iraq, and under him a financial crisis began in the country. In November

    In 2008, Americans elected a young and ambitious candidate from the Democratic Party, Barack Obama. For the first time in US history, a black citizen became president. Americans pin their hopes on him to correct the mistakes made by his predecessor.

    Voters in Russia, using the right of direct, equal, secret voting in democratic elections, elected a young but already experienced politician, Dmitry Medvedev, as president. He, like Vladimir Putin, represents a new generation of Russian politicians. United into a team of like-minded people, they intend to make our country prosperous and comfortable for ordinary citizens.

    I believe that democracy is a genuine form of manifestation of political democracy. It assumes that every citizen is responsible for his choice, and therefore everyone must navigate politics and be an active participant in the public life of the country.


    Additional material.

    Basic problems of political science.

    The political system of society and its role in the life of society.

    The place and role of the state in the political system of society.

    Parties and social movements in the political system of society.

    Features of modern political relations.

    Subjects of politics.

    World politics and international relations.

    Types of human attitudes towards politics.

    Regulation of political behavior and political activity.

    The relationship between goals and means in politics.

    Political progress and its criteria.

    The relationship between economics, politics and law.

    The essence and features of political power.

    The nature and functions of political power. Legitimacy of political power and its types.

    Political regime: concept and characteristics.

    The essence of a democratic regime.

    Totalitarian regime.

    Political system of society: concept, functions and structure.

    Origin of the state.

    The essence and characteristics of the state.

    State sovereignty.

    State power as a special type of social power.

    Form of state and its elements.

    The relationship between society and the state.

    Civil society: concept, structure, characteristics.

    Correlation and relationship between state and law.

    Rule of law: concept and principles.

    Separation of powers as a principle of the rule of law.

    State and individual: mutual responsibility.

    Concept, functions, types and structure of political parties.

    Party systems.

    Socio-political movements, pressure groups.

    Political relations.

    Political pluralism.

    The essence and structure of the political process.

    Revolution and reform as types of political transformations.

    Political modernization.

    Uprising, riot, mutiny, putsch as types of political process.

    Political campaigns: their strategy and tactics.

    Populism: concept and signs.

    Direct and representative democracy.

    Political decision.

    The essence and functions of political leadership.

    Political consciousness: concept, structure, functions.

    The role of ideology in politics.

    Political culture: concept and structure, types.

    Interaction of the individual, society and state.

    The functioning of political norms, values, expectations, orientations and aspirations characteristic of different social groups.

    Interaction of the institution of law with other social institutions.

    Statements from the open Unified State Exam task bank (FIPI website)

    “For power to become stronger, it must be limited.” (L. Berne)

    The authorities must find support in the thoughts and feelings of the people.” (B.N. Chicherin)

    “Public freedom is nothing more than the punctual observance of public laws, fair and equal for all.” (K.D. Botha)

    “Justice without force is helpless, and force without justice is despotic.” (B. Pascal)

    “Freedom consists in being dependent only on laws.” (Voltaire)

    “A citizen who has a share of power should act not for personal gain, but for the common good.” (B.N. Chicherin)

    “For a citizen, political freedom is peace of mind based on the conviction of one’s safety.” (C. Montesquieu)

    “Democracy cannot rise above the level of the human material from which its voters are composed.” (J.B. Shaw)

    "Democracyit is a government of the people, by the people and for the people.” (A. Lincoln)

    “The law determines the power of each official.” (V.I. Dal)

    “If you don’t engage in politics, politics will engage in you.” (C. Montalembert)

    “Totalitarianism is a form of government in which morality falls within the purview of power.” (A.N. Kruglov)
    “Political culture is a manifestation of how people perceive politics and how they interpret what they see.” (S. Verba)

    "Legislatureheart of the state; executive powerhis brain." (J.-J. Rousseau)

    “The growing amount of information about politics must translate into the quality of political participation, civil self-government and control.”
    (V.V. Putin)

    “Democracy means the possible complete freedom of the individual, freedom of his searches, freedom of competition of opinions and systems.” (P.I. Novgorodtsev)

    “Information is perceived as a tool for political influence.” (Yu. Kantor)

    “Divide and conquer is a wise rule, but unite and direct is even better.” (I.V. Goethe)

    “In mechanics one often has to deal with the force of friction, which changes or overturns the conclusions of an incorrect theory; a similar frictional force operates in politics” (C. de Montesquieu).

    “One person plus the law is already a majority” (K. Coolidge).

    “The majority has power, but not right; the minority always has the right" (Henryk Ibsen ).

    “The art of politics is the art of doing so that it is beneficial for everyone to be virtuous” (C. Helvetius).

    “If government is directed not towards the common good of many, but towards the ruler’s own good, the government will be unjust and perverted” (Thomas Aquinas).

    “The best government will be the one that will rule less, closely enclosed in its legal privileges, and which will provide a free field for everyone’s initiative” (E. Abu).

    “The party is organized public opinion” (B. Disraeli).

    “Democracy is a mechanism for ensuring that we are governed no better than we deserve to be governed” (J.B. Shaw)

    The best cure for the ills of democracy is more democracy” (A. Smith)

    “It is not the lack of money, but the lack of people and talents that makes a state weak” (Voltaire).

    “The greatness and holiness of the state consists, first of all, in the steady implementation of justice” (A. Stahl).

    The state is the territory of power” (A. Kruglov).

    “The principle of democracy decomposes not only when the spirit of equality is lost, but also when the spirit of equality is taken to the extreme and everyone wants to be equal to those whom he has elected as his rulers” (C.-L. Montesquieu).

    In a democracy, a person not only enjoys the utmost possible power, but also bears the utmost responsibility” (N. Cousins).