Abstracts Statements Story

Pleshcheev the snow is already melting and the streams are running. Alexey Pleshcheev - Spring (Snow is melting, streams are flowing): Verse

Aleksei Nikolaevich Pleshcheev’s poems about spring have been familiar to us since early childhood. Fathers and mothers, grandmothers and grandfathers read kind, magical lines about the wonderful time of year to us.

The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing,
There was a breath of spring through the window...
The nightingales will soon whistle,
And the forest will be dressed in leaves!

Pure heavenly azure,
The sun became warmer and brighter,
It's time for evil blizzards and storms
It's gone for a long time again.

And my heart is so strong in my chest
He knocks as if he's waiting for something
As if happiness is ahead
And winter took away your worries!

All faces look cheerful.
"Spring!" - you read in every glance;
And he, like a holiday, is happy about her,
Whose life is only toil and sorrow.

But the playful children have loud laughter
And carefree birds singing
They tell me who is the most
Nature loves renewal!

Not a single event dedicated to spring is complete without stories told out loud. amazing poems Pleshcheeva. " The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing..." - these are simply classics of the genre, favorite, beautiful lines.

Again the smell of spring came through my window,
And you can breathe more comfortably and freely...
The oppressive melancholy has fallen asleep in my chest,
A swarm of bright thoughts is replacing her.

The snow has melted... Ice shackles
They are not burdened by the sparkling wave...
And the distant, dumb ones await the plow
The fields of my native side.

Oh, how could I get out of these stuffy rooms
I wanted to go there quickly - to the open space,
Where there are no crackling and soulless phrases,
Where the venal choir does not thunder.

To the fields! to the fields! familiar nature
It attracts you with its bashful beauty...
To the fields! there is the song of the resurrected people
Sounds free and powerful.

Pleshcheev was a man of amazing sincerity and spiritual purity. Glorifying his native nature, he experienced true pleasure.

“And here is your blue tent...”
And here is your blue tent
Spring has spread again;
The meadows are sprinkled with dew,
And a silver stripe
The moon casts light on them.

The river is as bright as a child's eye,
And the branches of the willows bowed towards her
Under the yoke of a light breeze;
And flew from afar
With the ringing trill of a nightingale...

You are beautiful, gifts of spring;
And woe to the poor and sick,
Whose eyes are full of bitter tears...
Nights like these are made
For those who are happy and loved!

Spring is created for those who love the upcoming joyful changes and love to capture moments of happiness.


Songs of the larks again
They rang in the heights.
“Dear guest, hello O in!" —
They say spring.

The sun is getting warmer,
The skies have become more beautiful...
Soon everything will turn green -
Steppes, groves and forests.

The poor man will forget his grief,
The old man's soul will blossom...
In every heart, in every look
Joy will flare up at least for a moment.

The plowman will come out onto the road,
Looks around cheerfully;
Having prayed earnestly to God,
Will cheerfully take to the plow.

With a meek heart and strong faith
He will devote himself entirely to labor -
And the Lord will send abundant
Harvest his fields!

Pleshcheyevo’s lyrical landscapes bear a special, mysterious stamp. His comparisons and images are often unexpected and interesting.

“The snow is melting quickly, streams are running…”

The snow is melting quickly, the streams are running,
And the skies turned warmer...
It won't be long until the nightingales arrive,
Their loving trills will sound.

That's it, everyone can't wait for you, it's spring!
I too am waiting with an aching soul,
So that the forest can rustle, awakened from sleep,
Decorated with bright foliage.

How many times have I listened to this noise,
It brought reconciliation to me;
I loved more, I forgave more fully,
The bitterness in my chest subsided,

Although it may be a pity to part with the land,
When everything around you blossoms;
But blessed is he who, having gone through his joyless path,
It fades away with reconciliation in the chest.”


I go out into the old garden, dewdrops
Like diamonds on leaves burn;
And the flowers nod their heads to me,
Spreading the aroma all around.

Everything attracts and amuses my eyes:
Golden bee on a flower
Multicolored butterfly wings
And the jumping of a sparrow on the sand.

How bright is the greenery of the trees!
The dome of the sky is so clear and deep!
And I wander, overwhelmed with delight,
And a tear obscures the pupil.

Behind the garden fence it turns black
A strip of harrowed land,
And pine-covered mountains
Rising to the sky in the distance.

How it breathes with love and joy
All nature under the spring ray,
And the grateful soul feels
Here the presence of God is in everything!

The dormant forces are growing stronger again;
It's time for a new life
And everything becomes so possible,
What seemed like a dream yesterday!

How beautiful spring is! Millions
Voices are heard coming towards her,
And in my resurrecting heart
Hello to her, inspired, ready!

"Spring Night"
Over dewy meadows
The night breeze is blowing,
Conversation with flowers
The grass is quietly swaying.

Over the sleeping valley
The bright stars lit up;
Sounds of a nightingale's song
It started pouring from behind the forest.

Can't sit down tonight
In a stuffy room. Job
There's no arguing
And drowsiness escapes from the eyes.

This night he asks harder
Happiness is the young heart;
The old man's dream takes away
To the irrevocable past.

Even the one whose gaze is filled with tears
Evil grief obscures
Who has fallen down in the fight against need,
Resting for a moment

And, consoled by greetings
Blooming nature
Forgets that with the dawn
Adversity must come again.

"Warm spring day..."
Warm spring day
The sun is shining
The bird, gushing,
The field attracts everyone.

Streets, boulevards
The people are dammed up
Motley crowds
He's going out of town.

Holiday faces
They look joyfully;
Rarely, rarely seen
A sad look.

Everyone is having a great time,
So easy it's not
The crowd is dressed up
No worries, no troubles.

Only for me with sadness
Unable to cope
How can I drive her away?
I don't try to get away.

Wherever I am - everywhere
She whispers to me:
"And yours forever
Spring has bloomed!”

Will there be any noise in the grove?
Bright foliage,
Me and in this noise
The words are heard:

"Nothing from life
Wait for you. Your path
Passed, isn't it time?
Sleep forever?

And when you get off
To the ground - above you
We will turn green
Every spring!

Hello guys

Who can tell me what section we started studying in the last lessons?

Right. Today we continue to talk about spring, about natural phenomena associated with the onset of this time of year and will get acquainted with the poem “Spring” by A. N. Pleshcheev.

Pleshcheev Alexey Nikolaevich (1825-1893) - poet, prose writer, playwright and literary critic. The poet spent his childhood in Nizhny Novgorod. His mother, Elena Alexandrovna, was in charge of raising her, and she managed to give her son a good education. Alexey Nikolaevich wrote quite a lot of works not only for children, but also for adults)

I will now read you a poem by this poet - “Spring”. Think about what sounds you heard when listening to this poem (reading by heart)

What is this poem about?

What sounds did you hear?

Well done, how attentive you are!

Think about who is the lyrical hero of this poem?

What helps reveal the image of spring?

Now, let's open the textbooks on page 125.

Read the poem to yourself and mark any words you don't know.

There was a whiff - to blow

Azure - light Blue colour, blue

passed - passed

Yes, indeed, in order to convey the mood of the poem, the authors use a special poetic language

Tell me, what is the mood in this poem?

Well done

Pay attention, with the help of which part of speech was the poet able to show the reader movement?

What month do you think the poet depicts? What helped you with this?

How do you understand the line: “And the forest will be clothed with leaves!”?

Right. And the phrase: “nature’s renewal”? What happens in nature at this time of year?


Who, according to the poet, loves nature's renewal more than others?

What does spring bring to people? Find the answer in the poem

After reading this poem, we can say what mood the author was in when he wrote this poem? Does the poet love spring?

Let's pause and highlight the main words

Now read to yourself, and your homework will be to learn this poem by heart. Let's write this down in our diaries

Let's summarize today's lesson:

What new did you learn?

What did you like about the lesson?

What caused the difficulty?

How did you do in the lesson?

Thank you all for the lesson, we did a good job! Lesson is over

“Spring” Alexey Pleshcheev

The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing,
There was a breath of spring through the window...
The nightingales will soon whistle,
And the forest will be dressed in leaves!

Pure heavenly azure,
The sun became warmer and brighter,
It's time for evil blizzards and storms
It's gone for a long time again.

And my heart is so strong in my chest
He knocks as if he's waiting for something
As if happiness is ahead
And winter took away your worries!

All faces look cheerful.
“Spring!” - you read in every glance;
And he, like a holiday, is happy about her,
Whose life is only toil and sorrow.

But the playful children have loud laughter
And carefree birds singing
They tell me who is the most
Nature loves renewal!

Analysis of Pleshcheev’s poem “Spring”

The image of spring in Russian literature is closely connected with the renewal of nature and its amazing transformation. This topic worried many poets, who never ceased to be amazed at how wisely our world is structured, and how many joyful discoveries it can give to those who know how to see and feel beauty. Poems dedicated to the first sun rays, melting snow and lush young grass, many poets have. However, the most famous of them is rightfully considered to be the work of Alexei Pleshcheev “Spring”, written in 1872.

In the first stanza of this poem, one can feel subtle, but irreversible changes in nature. The compacted and blackened snow turns into cheerful streams, and the author expresses the hope that “the nightingales will soon whistle and the forest will be covered with leaves.” The poet associates clear blue skies and bright sun not only with the coming spring, but also indicate that “the time of evil blizzards and storms has long passed again.” And this evokes in the author’s soul a feeling of genuine happiness, his heart beats harder “as if waiting for something.” Along with winter, according to Pleshcheev, worries and sorrows go away. Even though there is a rather difficult period of field work ahead, “all faces look cheerful.” After all, spring brings with it not only new sensations, but also hopes for the best for those “whose life is only hard work and grief.” By such people, Pleshcheev means peasants to whom spring gives the opportunity to lay the foundations of personal well-being and provide themselves with a good harvest. That is why people are looking forward to the start of the sowing season with impatience and joy.

Contrasting gloomy winter and warm spring, Pleshcheev notes that life according to the laws of nature is natural and reasonable. Therefore, you should not neglect them, so as not to deprive yourself of the opportunity to be in harmony with the world around you. It is this harmony that, according to the author’s observations, is felt especially acutely by children and birds, who react with delight to how everything around is transformed, and this feeling of novelty gives strength to live, dream, believe and strive for the best.

Each line of the poem “Spring” is filled with warmth, sincere happiness and peace. Alexey Pleshcheev masterfully managed to convey these sensations and create a holistic picture of a transforming world, in which every little thing is important, be it “the singing of carefree birds” or “the ringing laughter of playful children.” And it is these details that many of us are interested in Everyday life do not pay attention, they give the opportunity to fully experience how attractive life can be if you are able to appreciate what it gives to each person.

Zinaida Mikhailovna Tolstopyatova
Summary of educational activities for speech development “Memorizing the poem by A. Pleshcheev “The snow is already melting...” using a mnemonic table

Abstract direct educational activities

Subject: Memorizing poem A. Pleshcheeva“Already snow is melting» .

Age: senior group

Direction: cognitive - speech

Basic educational region: communication

Integration of educational regions: "Cognition", "Reading fiction", "Safety", "Health", "Socialization".


Educational: Formation of the ability to memorize short poem, read it with natural intonation, based on mnemonic map.

Continue to teach children to listen carefully to a poetic work, understand it, and read expressively.

Strengthen the signs of spring.

Developmental: Development of observation skills, attention, memory.

Educational: Cultivating interest in fiction about nature.

Planned result: Achieve good memorization poems, using modeling techniques.

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual, practical, gaming, musical accompaniment.

Visual learning aids: easel, mnemonic table, pictures with images early spring, audio recording of P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons"

Organization of children: 1, 2 parts – free, 3 – in a circle, 4.5 – on chairs in front of the easel.

Individual work: Individually differentiated approach to students when memorizing a poem.

Vocabulary work: long-awaited, azure, passed, protalnik, snow blower, pollen

Preliminary work. Conversations about spring, observing signs of spring while walking. Unlearning poems about spring, signs about spring, conversations on the topic.

Structure:1 – Organizing time(riddle, 2-d/i , 3- physical minute "Vesnyanka", 4 - memorizing a poem, 5 – the result of the lesson.

Progress of the lesson

1. Educator: Guys, I want you to guess riddle:

The snowball is melting,

The meadow came to life

The day is coming

When does this happen? (Spring).

That's right, in the spring. Spring is a wonderful and wonderful time of year, when nature wakes up and comes to life after a long sleep. No wonder poets call spring "morning of the year". Are you excited for spring? We have been waiting for spring for a long time, so what kind of spring is it? (Long awaited).

And now, I ask you to prove that spring has really come. From the proposed pictures, you need "find" signs of spring.

2. Didactic game “Find signs of spring from pictures”

(Children find pictures with signs of spring, the teacher hangs them on the board, and then each of the children talks about them).

Educator: What signs of spring are depicted in the paintings?

(Snow is melting, the sun shines brighter, icicles appear, birds fly in, streams flow, animals have babies, the first flowers bloom).

What other signs of early spring have you observed?

(The days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter, the first migratory birds are arriving, a warm wind is blowing, it has become warmer.)

Educator: Name the spring months (March April May)

Educator: People call the month of March protalnik. Do you know why they call it that? (Children's answers). Thawed patches are where it melted snow and the first islands of earth appeared. On thawed patches from under snow the first flowers appear. What is the name of the first spring flower? (Children's answers). Why is it called that? (Children's answers). And people have long called April icebreaker, snow blower. Why? (Children's answers). And May is called pollen. Why do you think? (Children's answers).

3. Physical exercise "Vesnyanka"

Sunshine, sunshine, golden bottom!

Burn, burn clearly so that it doesn’t go out! (They walk in a circle.)

A stream ran in the garden, (They run in a circle.)

A hundred rooks have arrived, (Waving their hands.)

And the snowdrifts are melting, melting, (They squat.)

And the flowers are growing. (Raise hands up)

4. Memorizing poem A. Pleshcheeva“Already snow is melting» .

Listen poem A. Pleshcheeva“Already snow is melting» .

Already snow is melting, streams run,

There was a breath of spring through the window.

The nightingales will soon whistle

And the forest will be clothed with leaves.

Pure heavenly azure,

The sun became warmer and brighter,

It's time for evil blizzards and storms

It's gone for a long time again.

- Educator: Did you like it poem? What is it called and who is the author? This poem we will learn by heart and will help you remember faster the poem is like this(mnemonic table) .

Educator: How do you understand the word azure? (light blue color). And the word - passed? (passed)

What happens in spring? (Already snow is melting, streams are running)

What will the nightingales do? (The nightingales will soon whistle)

And the forest (dressed in foliage).

What is the sun like in spring? (warmer and brighter)

Is it time for evil blizzards and storms? (long passed again)

Educator: I'll read it again poem based on a mnemonic table, listen and remember.

Reading poems by children based on a mnemonic table.

5. Summary of the lesson.

What did you remember and like most about the lesson? Name the author and title poems.