Abstracts Statements Story

The best young head of the capital's school, Olesya Lukashuk, relies on experimentation. Make way for the young

Teachers' salaries are growing: from 39.2 thousand rubles in 2010 to 76.5 thousand in 2016. For all changes in educational organization The director's job is worth it. This is not always success and gratitude from parents; there are problems, mistakes, and risks. Three capital directors told us how they overcome difficulties.

Alekseev Anton Grigorievich, director of school No. 1241

Task: project activity

Our school participates in many city projects, for example, “Moscow Schoolchildren's Saturdays”, the Olympiad “Museums. Parks. Estates." We are working on opening a cadet class. Parents of not the best students often contact me with a request to help transfer their child to a cadet school. They stereotypically perceive cadetship as a penal battalion. I'm trying to explain that cadetship is a high honor that gives the right to wear a uniform.

We're going to open medical grade. Once upon a time, replacing a life safety teacher, I took on my own risk to teach children intramuscular injections. Know the damaging factors nuclear explosion important, but I thought that being able to give an injection was more necessary. I bought chilled chicken, disposable syringes and saline: that’s how we learned to give injections. Today we receive enormous financial resources from the city, and it is important to recognize the responsibility for their use. Working with expensive equipment must bring good results, otherwise chilled chickens will suffice.

The right person

A good lesson from a professional energy teacher is like a rock concert. Not every lesson takes place in this mode, but such moments are worth a lot. A teacher who knows how to work like this is unlikely to recognize the problem of moral burnout. I was lucky to work side by side with such professionals.

Teacher education today is a promising direction. There are many young people working at our school. The guys are open to everything new and close to those they teach.

We are parting forever

Sometimes you have to part ways with your colleagues. A teacher who spends a lesson dictating or rewriting a presentation is unlikely to achieve good results. A teacher who does not respect his student will most likely not receive respect in return.

We motivate and increase

I can’t go up to every teacher and say, “We need to teach this way.” Any teacher knows how to make a lesson interesting; everyone has their own way. You can come to your colleagues and learn from their example, the main thing is to want to. Then the teacher asks the questions: “How can I make the lesson as effective?” or “What am I doing here?”

Many justifications can be found for the fact that our school is in the fourth hundred of the quality rating of metropolitan schools. But this will not change the situation. We look for and analyze the reasons for our failures and work to eliminate them.

Be a support for colleagues;

Don't be afraid to delegate authority;

Don't be afraid to work with professionals;

Be honest, first of all, with yourself;

Do what you must, and come what may;

Do not be afraid to make responsible decisions;

Listen and hear.

Lukashuk Olesya Nikolaevna, director of school No. 2107, winner of the competition for the best management projects “Looking to the Future 2017”

Difficult school - complex approach

I am a director who entered the organization at a turning point. The educational complex was formed from four schools and nine preschool organizations. Unfortunately, no one understood how to implement new opportunities and where to move next. In addition, before the unification, the schools were competitors.

One of the solutions was the creation of a Governing Council. It included representatives of all the merged institutions. The vice-rector of one of the country's leading universities, an external specialist, was elected chairman. Such an expert looks at the school in a new way - this is a significant advantage.

A stranger among his own

One of the problems was the creation of a unified team and the formation of common values. It was very difficult. I am a young leader, my image is atypical. Teachers expected to meet a person “over fifty” with a certain backbone. And they didn’t think at all that they would see a young director who didn’t have an authoritarian management style.

The main thing for me was to emphasize the importance of new reforms and overcome my colleagues’ fear of losing traditions. To do this, the director needs to go into the classroom with the children and show by example the effectiveness of the changes. This path allows me to cope with the resistance and mistrust of the team.

Direct line with the director

In schools, there is also the problem of disagreement between parents and teachers. We should not eliminate conflicts, we need to prevent them. But if misunderstandings arise, everyone should see that there is a solution to the problem. Our school has road map popular questions from parents. Everyone knows where to turn. My mobile phone also known to parents. Many people are surprised: “Can I really call you at any time and ask a question?” I answer: “Yes, you can.”

Attention, children!

It seems to me that Moscow children are a little disliked. It doesn’t matter how successful the parents are or how well-being the family is. We are all absorbed in our problems and work. Therefore, the school should pay a lot of attention to children: organize leisure time, offer interesting activities in the afternoon, provide psychological support.

Casteism in schools

In high school there is a problem of dividing children into successful and unsuccessful. If we put this “failure” in one class, we will not get anything good. Previously, they were also assigned a letter, for example, “B”. And they lived and studied with this letter all the years.

One of the mistakes when forming the teaching load of a team is the emphasis on specialized classes. Often, all the best teachers are sent to classes with in-depth study of subjects, leaving the universal profile without attention. At our school we avoid such mistakes: we distribute the work evenly. Thanks to this approach, I achieved recognition from senior colleagues and parents.

For advice, turn to professionals

To be an effective leader, it is important to have an effective management team. When I took office, the school had 40 administrative units! Team building has become one of the priorities. For a solution, I turned to experts from the Moscow Institute of Open Education. We examined the school staff according to two parameters: that the person follow the leader and be able to carry out administrative work. Then we organized trainings at the on-site session. So we formed a new line-up.

The first year is the most difficult

The first year of participation in the “Engineering Class at a Moscow School” project was not very successful for us; we almost dropped out of the project. This became a powerful incentive, an impetus for change. We reconsidered approaches to forming a class and a team of teachers, began to cooperate with a large number of enterprises, and together with partners developed programs in specialized subjects.

To be a capital director, you need:

— to be not only an effective manager, but also a teacher-leader;

- demonstrate the ability to solve problems by example;

— be open to children, parents and teachers;

— form an autonomous management team;

Pavlyuchenko Lyudmila Vasilievna, director of school No. 627

It is not easy to be the head of such a large educational complex - 3612 students. This work can be compared to the game “What? Where? When?”, just add “How?”. The director has to solve global issues, primarily regarding development strategy. A strong leader is a strong personality plus a team.

Work on mistakes

A leader cannot afford to learn from his own mistakes; he must learn from others. The Department of Education does a lot for the successful work of directors: they conduct trainings, meetings with interesting people, advanced training courses, seminars, interest clubs. Expenditures on training teachers and educators should be considered a priority. Yes, it's hard work. But at the same time it is very interesting.

How you motivate a teacher is how he works.

It seems to us that material motivation is the main thing, but it is not so. The financial side can influence the quality of work. But if you are motivated today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, this does not mean at all that things will improve as much. A teacher gets used to a high salary: the quality of work first increases and then decreases. Monetary motivation is not the only incentive.

Teachers must be confident in the future. Any overtime work will be encouraged, but how is up to each manager. Maybe it will be time off during the holidays or additional vacation days. The main thing for a teacher is not financial motivation, but the situation in the organization and working conditions. We receive a lot of equipment, delegations constantly come to us. If a teacher’s eyes sparkle, if he wants to return to the team, if he loves children, then people will be drawn to him.


We need to study the needs of the teacher, understand what he wants from his work, and create conditions for him. Do you want to attract young professionals? They need to be trained, they need methodological assistance, respect from colleagues. Where to find a talented teacher? Grow.

If you want there to be more men in the team, you need to understand the following: the man in the family is the most important, so he must earn money. This means, provide a good salary, do not concentrate on the little things in sorting out the relationship.

If you need highly qualified specialists, carefully look at their proprietary developments and methods, and work individually. The main thing is respect for the teacher. You forgive a lot to a knowledgeable, qualified specialist, because there are no ideal people. We have a wonderful teacher who has been showing the highest results for many years. For example, she always has an average Unified State Exam score in English of 90. How should we deal with her rare mistakes? Tolerable.

In our primary school There is Naumova Marina Vladimirovna - a wonderful teacher. I want to tell you a detail, you won’t believe it: parents calculate and give birth to children in such a way as to send the child to this teacher. When she takes her first classes, everyone wants to go only to her.

Life before MES

Fortunately and surprisingly, there were no particular difficulties with MES. Most of our teachers are constantly engaged in research and projects. Once it was the “School of Informatization”, then the “School of New Technologies”, then others. Now we are involved in all the projects there are. At first there were dissatisfaction on the part of older teachers: we impose information Technology. But the training took place, and they saw the simplicity in creating electronic scripts.

I was always afraid of breaks, pauses. This is scary for me. There are teachers who are just as bored without project activities. Before I even had time to ask the question, there was already a list on my table of who would be the first to go to study at MES. They gave up everything, sacrificing personal time, because the courses were held in the evenings of June and August. Thanks to our teachers, within 4 months the school became a leader.

There were technical difficulties: malfunctions in the electronic journal, problems with authorization. There are teachers who need help mastering the program. We pull them up and celebrate the results at a weekly meeting. Our task is to involve all teachers in MES, because the project helps teachers, students, and parents.

We are a team

Authority must be transferred and trusted to people. But employees know that if a person lets the manager down even once, he drops out of the team. It's a difficult moment to say goodbye.

We want to be competitive, parents trust us and their children trust us. We have no right to let them down. This position produces results: last year we accepted 11 first grades. This means they want to go to our school No. 627.

To be a capital director, you need:

Be a creative, energetic, “super-responsible”, qualified specialist;

Find an approach to people;

Remain a person with a capital letter;

To know that behind him are not only students, but also teachers;

Be able to calculate strategically correct steps;

Study all the time;

Transfer some powers to deputies;

Be able to adapt to modern conditions.

Good afternoon, colleagues. Today the Information Center of the Moscow Government is holding a press conference by the Minister of the Moscow Government, Head of the Moscow Department of Education, Kalina Isaak Iosifovich. Topic of the press conference: “Moscow school. Shared opportunities mean success for everyone.”

The event will also be attended by the Director of the Center pedagogical excellence Ivan Yashchenko, Chairman of the Expert Advisory Council of the Parent Community at the Moscow Department of Education Lyudmila Myasnikova, Director of School No. 1194 Anatoly Vashilin, Director of Lyceum No. 1564 named after Hero Soviet Union A.P. Beloborodova Tatyana Smirnova, director of school No. 2107 Olesya Lukashuk.


I don’t hide the fact that today’s press conference is being held with a feeling of sadness. In 12 years of press conferences in Moscow, this is the first press conference without V.N. Molodtsova. I am grateful to her for her very competent, demanding questions that I had to answer. I hope that my colleagues will fill in with their questions what Victoria Nikolaevna, unfortunately, cannot do now.

The Department’s work system is as open as possible and the Department’s leaders do not have sacred knowledge that other participants in the system do not have. Therefore, today my colleagues and I will be able to answer all questions.


Dear colleagues, I would like to note that all the information about the successes of our children, schools, and Olympiads is available on the Internet. This allows you to feel that every Moscow student in every school is talented and can achieve success. The main thing that we managed to achieve this year is not the number of victories, winners and prize-winners (699 people), not the number of schools (214 at the final stage), not the fact that almost all schools have victories at the regional stage, but , which increasingly reinforces in the public consciousness the idea that you can achieve success. The main thing is to find these opportunities and meet a teacher, a circle leader who will help you open up. There are a huge number of such opportunities in Moscow schools. Based on the results of surveys among the guys, we see that they write a huge number of factors that influenced their success. This is not only your teacher, your own school, but practically the entire city: museums, universities through “University Saturdays”, interaction between schools. Now we see that many children from these 2014 schools are leading clubs from other schools. The Olympics are not a competition between children and schools. This is the work of the entire system for every Moscow child. One season is over and the next season begins. Starting in September, Moscow schools will host the first most important stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren. So far, unfortunately, it has not attracted as much media attention as The final stage, but this is the main stage. I ask you to write more about this and invite children to participate in the Olympiad.

At the end of September, one of the most massive multi-subject competitions will take place - the tournament named after. Lomonosov. There will be more than 50 points in Moscow on the basis of schools and universities. All information is on the Internet. Assignments from previous years are also available on our website “Olympiada.ru”. Returning from a summer vacation, someone may discover an interest in a certain subject and then achieve success in it. It’s great to feel the joy of choosing, perhaps, a further path in life.


We were just talking about what our children get a good education, participate in the Olympiads. This is cool. We, the parents, thought about the fact that we still really want them to grow up to be good, sensitive, understanding people who know how to help and empathize.

I.S. is often present on our selector. Marchak, who came and told us about what competitions the school of new technologies regularly holds for children. And we told our parents about this so that they could encourage them to take some action. Our parents said, let us also do some kind of competition for the children. When we started thinking about what we want to see in our children, the “Children for Children” competition was born. And no one regretted for a second that we did not step aside, but decided to make this competition for our children and parents. Different children come to our large schools. Children must understand that children with special needs may come to them and may need help and support. As a result, what the children did as part of the competition. They did it for their peers. If we talk about Lyceum No. 1799, it is a multidisciplinary lyceum where there are visually impaired children. They made biology textbooks for their classmates, for the children who study with them at school. The guys calculated the cost, i.e. Even before the end of the competition, these textbooks were already working. By September, textbooks will be published for children who study at this school. This relationship is more than friendship. I talked to the parents of these children. All this was brought home and spoken out. Both parents and children worked together on these manuals. Education is not a school, but a home, parents. If parents do this together with parents and the school, we will get different children - smart, compassionate. They are still good, but it seems to me that their approach to life should be diverse.

School No. 1349 did a great job interesting project for blind and visually impaired children. This is a 3D navigator with the help of which a visually impaired person can enter a particular class. children learned that there are others, about how they live. The children themselves said that they learned the life of these children from a different side, so they got excellent aids.

This competition turned out to be so correct and important for children and parents, and most importantly - with a continuation. It’s great that they not only study with us, but also receive such an education.


Good afternoon, dear colleagues. Our lyceum is an active participant in all competitions announced by the Department of Education, the Moscow Government and other events that take place throughout the calendar year. The list that will be announced to you today is the “engineering class” project, “medical class” and others - each of these projects provides a unique opportunity for the development of our students. There is no student from grades 1 to 11 who would not take part in one of these projects. “Engineering class” allows our children to work on high-tech equipment of STANKIN University and MSTU. Bauman. The “Medical Class” project allows you to understand what the medical profession is. Parents and doctors who organize events help a lot. We participated in the wonderful project “Children to Children”. Our guys created a manual with Krylov's fables, and we also presented it at this competition.

In Moscow, colossal opportunities are provided for education, representing a holistic, well-thought-out system of events. For example, the project “Children teach adults.” This is a project that was included in the School of New Technologies. The same project became a motivational impetus for participation in all-Russian project, where we took 2nd place according to the results of citizens' voting. In Moscow we took 1st place. In addition, we presented our work at the inter-district festival. Our project brought together teaching staff, parents and children. Residents of the Northwestern Administrative District stood in line to watch how 9th graders taught their grandparents how to use smartphones. The queue is already lined up for the whole of next year.

As they said, every lyceum student can take part in a competition that suits his interests. This works for our academic achievements. The lyceum has created an educational environment that allows any student to receive a decent education. We are implementing a program in 6 profiles. In addition, everyone can express themselves in any interesting field. This year, children from physics, mathematics, engineering classes and information technology majors chose computer science. It was taken by 118 9th grade graduates out of 224. The result was 90% of B’s and A’s. This is the result of our work, the work of our children and teachers. We received over 500 points for conducting master classes and open events at the School of New Technologies due to such interesting events. In physics, mathematics and engineering classes this year they chose specialized mathematics all 100% of students. 40% of the guys received a score from 70 to 94. This is a very good result.

We are talking about the achievements of our children and educational organizations. But I would like to talk about the projects that the Department is implementing for directors this year. The Effective Leader project is a unique project. I thought that only Sberbank invests so much in its employees. This is a colossal injection of resources so that managers of educational institutions become managers of the highest class. One of the elements of this project is a meeting of directors at the Directors Club with ministers of the Moscow Government. Many thanks to the Department for this. A huge systematic work is being done now and the results are making themselves felt. Thanks a lot.


Today the state budget educational institution Moscow No. 1194 is a multidisciplinary complex. This is a reputable educational organization with a single educational space for all participants educational process, located at 9 addresses. Our school has 2,736 students. A large school has more opportunities to use financial, personnel, and methodological resources. Students can choose a study profile, curriculum, talented teachers, many general education programs. In 2013, the population of the then separate schools was 1,350 students. At each school, training was carried out in 1-2 profiles, in addition to general education. Then some of the children were forced to leave the school to find an educational organization where they could receive training in areas that interested them. Often this meant going to another part of the city. Today in September 2016 we will have 1800 students. Each parallel has 6010 classes. We have a unique opportunity to open various training profiles - technical, medical, cadet, etc. Today, children who once left the area in search of a suitable educational organization return to us and continue their education. Additional education is actively integrated into the basic education program. Training in specialized training takes place at a qualitatively new level. Today, our school has over 150 associations of additional education, which cover over 90% of the students in our school.

I would especially like to focus on children with special needs. In large schools it is much easier to create conditions for successful learning, open special classes, teach in subgroups, organize classes with specialists, create a program extracurricular activities. For the second year in a row, children with disabilities health, disabled children with musculoskeletal disorders, including those in wheelchairs. They successfully socialize and learn together with their peers in mass classes.

In a large school, if for some reason a teacher, a narrowly focused subject specialist, cannot go to work, there is absolutely no difficulty in providing a qualified replacement for him in the classroom. Thus, we do not disrupt the educational process.

A single educational space, a single approach, a single goal make it possible to make a transition from one level of education to another almost unnoticeably for parents. In our school methodological association teachers primary classes actively interacts with teachers preparatory groups preschoolers. More than 85% of preschoolers enter the 1st grade of our educational organization. Already at the preschool level of education, children can constantly be within the walls of the school and then move there.

By participating in various projects of the Department of Education, in particular the “medical class”, in which we collaborate with many organizations such as medical colleges, Academy named after Sechenov, hospitals, clinics, a unified educational space is being created in the field of study. Gradually, both students and teachers understand that the educational environment is not only the walls of their own school, but the entire educational space, including social partners, and children need to be included in this space. Hence the volunteer movement.

Today, every gifted student in our school will find his talented teacher within the walls of our school.


Good afternoon, colleagues. I have been the director of a large educational complex for 5 months. This kind of work is an extremely difficult, but incredibly interesting task. The Moscow Department of Education not only implements an interesting approach to the preparation and certification of capital school leaders, but also to the preparation of management teams. Recently there was a conference on education issues, in which directors from different regions participated. We then worked on Round table with directors of St. Petersburg. We exchanged opinions and experiences. One of the directors said how interesting it would be to exchange management teams for a month. He turned to me and asked if I would accept 8 of his deputies. I was surprised - 8? Well, our school is large - 18 buildings: 4 schools, 9 preschool departments, and some schools have several buildings. There is 1 school and 8 deputy directors in St. Petersburg. I say, I don’t have that many offices for deputies. I only have two offices. I have two deputies and two acting ones. This interested everyone, but did not surprise them, because the whole of Russia is following the work of the Department in terms of training management teams. This is an open work and all meetings of the certification commissions are posted on the Department’s website. Colleagues, all directors from different regions are watching them. Managing a large educational complex has a different professional meaning. My deputies and acting responsibilities are now undergoing certification for the position of “manager”. Most recently, we took part in the Department’s project to build management teams. 40 school employees who were potentially ready to manage schools in the capital were not randomly selected. The work was most interesting. As a result of this work, 50% of employees, and this is a large percentage, have already been sent for certification for the position of “manager”. Today, the capital's schools have 4 important areas in the management team, which are managed by deputies. These are the Deputy Director for Educational Content, Deputy for Quality Control, Deputy for Resource Management and Deputy for educational work and additional education. These are professionals who know how to work end-to-end from kindergarten to university. It is important that we have moved from a system of local management of specific units. Today, Moscow is nurturing specialists who are engaged in meaningful work, meaningful work of quality control of the entire educational process, from the preschool stage to graduation. This is a great merit of the capital system, which is monitored by all regions.

But it would be interesting to exchange management teams, Isaac Iosifovich.


If they pass our certification.

M.. LIMUTKINA – “Moskovsky Komsomolets”

How are Muscovites doing this year? Which subject pleased you the most, and which made you think that you need to improve this area?

Today I received a letter from a group of Moscow teachers who express concern about the so-called formation currently accepted at school. Fund of saved funds. They fear that the very existence of such a fund could encourage the school to force these savings in order to receive bonuses for them. How justified are such fears? There is a mechanism in the education authorities that would keep the situation under control.


I didn’t understand the first question at all, because the summing up of the Unified State Examination results has not been completed. In fact, appeals will be going on somewhere until July 15, the 13th is still the last day of submission, reserve. So far, what is being rented is at the level of last year, somewhere a little better. I think the result will be at the level of last year, but we will be able to say the exact results in early August.

Regarding the second question, I don’t understand what the question is about at all. You know perfectly well. What are the schools in Moscow last years are absolutely independent within the framework of the law in the disposal of the subsidy they receive, which is strictly calculated according to the number of students, therefore, the Department has no right to exert any influence on the distribution of the school budget. Another thing is that in Moscow there is a cloud accounting system, and we see the money of every institution every day, the salary of every teacher. But this is not to interfere with the school’s decision, but to carry out timely advisory work if necessary. Therefore, there is no such thing as a Fund of Saved Funds, I do not understand what this term means. For 5 years now, no one has taken a single penny from the school. The department can neither take money away from the school nor add anything above regulatory funding.

D. STRIZHEVSKAYA – “Moscow Educational TV Channel”

This year, schoolchildren broke their own record in the All-Russian Olympiad, which is very pleasant. I attended the awards ceremony for the guys at City Hall. This is a huge army of smart guys with sparkling eyes. What helps the guys achieve such serious results in the Olympics? How does Moscow, in principle, help children achieve high results at the Olympics and is there any limit to this? Thank you.


It seems to me that I have already partially answered this question. We had a wonderful meeting at City Hall, where, according to tradition, the Mayor and Vice-Mayor congratulated our winners. Selection for international Olympiads is now underway and Muscovites are performing very well there. The results of the chemistry selection camps have been summed up and 2 out of 4 members of the chemistry team are Muscovites. Before this, we have 3 out of 6 mathematicians, 3 out of 4 biologists, in general, we really hope that the guys will perform very well at the international level. Statistics show that bright successes at a high level always follow slightly behind the growth of mass successes by 1-2 years. There have been massive successes in chemistry and now we are seeing results at the international Olympiad. This is also due to the fact that children and parents know that knowledge is in demand. I remember when I held the Olympics in the 90s, our number of participants in the city stage was less than the number of prize-winners now. No one was interested in this. Now the guys see that the city needs them, that universities are developing and are waiting for children, new, updated, with good teachers and new equipment, that our enterprises, scientific institutes waiting for the guys. They don't see it in the abstract, they go there and get motivated, passing it on to everyone else. Now in Moscow an Association of Winners and Prize-winners of School Olympiads has been created, which is very actively working with the city’s children. The children, winners and medalists of the Olympiads, actively went to Moscow schools, for example, they participate in the “Moscow shift”. Yesterday there was an action of children, winners and prize-winners of history olympiads. They gave lectures and launched balloons on the day the Great Patriotic War began. Patriotic War. This is one of the new factors when older guys, students, motivate schoolchildren.


There are a lot of factors for achieving results. But one of the factors is that in recent years both the Mayor of Moscow and the Vice-Mayor in charge of the social block regularly meet annually, publicly, with the winners of the All-Russian Olympiad. I think such attention at the level of the city’s top officials is a certain signal to the system and society.

Today there was a meeting with the winners of another competition. You know that the All-Russian Championship under the Worldskills program took place, where Moscow guys took first place as a team. Today, some of these winners, who won gold medals, met with the Mayor of Moscow.

Colleagues, the more you write about such guys, the more of them there will be in the city.

P PIKALOV – “North of the Capital”

The press release says that in total there are 630 schools in the capital that implement general and additional education programs. A year ago, I met with the head of the branch of school No. 1159 and I was told that there is now less additional education and there is a policy aimed at reducing this area. Is this really true?


I already mentioned in my report that there are over 150 associations for additional education in our school. Funds are allocated for this by the Department of Education and the Moscow Government. There have been no layoffs over the past 4 years. Moreover, significant funds are being invested to increase the material and technical base for the development of strategically important areas, such as robotics, etc. Expensive equipment is purchased and, as part of additional education, more and more quality services and new associations of additional education are opening. In addition, children from other educational organizations can study on the basis of additional education at our school.


In North-Western Administrative Okrug, not a single institution of additional education that functioned as an independent institution ceased its activities. All directions are saved. Most recently, we held a conference in preparation for the interdistrict festival, where colleagues from additional education in our district told us what other additional directions they have and what additional offers they can make for us as part of network interaction.

I talked about the “effective leader” project. I am a mentor and I have 5 project developers, of which 4 are directors of educational organizations and 1 is the head of the additional education system. She has a wonderful project to develop network interaction with schools in Strogino. It will be possible to talk about the results of this project in a year at a meeting similar to today. This confirms that additional education is developing no less actively than the system of general basic education.


Our school, where my children go, has been observing for 2 years that nothing has decreased yet, but is only increasing. We ask parents what is interesting. If there is a large group of parents, then we will implement it. All additional education, which was and remains free, but there are also paid groups where there are not very many willing children. At the moment we have a lot of parents who gather in large groups and nothing has changed yet.


As a leader appointed 5 months ago, I came with such information that, on the contrary, to increase the percentage of students enrolled in additional education. 85% of our students are enrolled in additional education. Moreover, we participate in a network implementation of educational programs with some institutions of additional education, for example, in specialized classes, engineering, medicine, physics and mathematics, we devote the second half of the day to organizing additional education. This is a required part curriculum in children.


This year and last year we have noticeably, and will continue to develop, a completely new form. You know that about 30 years ago there were so-called stations young technicians. Then, in the 90s, they, unfortunately, disappeared due to the need for an expensive technical base. This happened all over the country. But since last year, we began to essentially revive stations for young technicians on the basis of our Moscow colleges. They have an excellent material and technical base, skilled industrial training specialists and teachers. What has emerged today for schoolchildren on the basis of colleges is clubs technical creativity, - today there are already about 24,000 children there. This phenomenon went further. Children who go to a club in grades 6-8 then have the opportunity to switch to the program vocational training at this college. That is, while remaining a schoolchild, during extracurricular hours, they master a vocational training program, and upon completion of this program they receive a certificate stating that they have been trained in a particular profession. This is a very promising direction. Unfortunately, we are accustomed to viewing additional education as entertainment. But it’s a fact that our guys lack skills in life. But thanks to such clubs, our schoolchildren acquire very serious skills. I think this will expand.

Which of the projects initiated by the Department of Education last year or this year was the most popular among parents and students this year?


I think everyone is popular. If it was unpopular, we would close it. Not a single one has been closed yet. There are a lot of them now. But the most popular are “Museums and Parks”, “University Saturdays” and “Professional Wednesdays”.


I wanted to remind you that if you look on the Internet, we have a dynamic rating, and as soon as some events take place, a rating is organized based on them. I heard that people almost began to organize bets on the rating. There were ratings for regional stage the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren with all indicators. There will be a final ranking at the end of August.

M. PLATONOVA – “Moskovskaya Pravda”

Will there be any new criteria, or will last year’s indicators remain the same?


The main principle of the Moscow rating is stability and predictability of indicators. The rating is, first of all, a development guide. The rating measures how a school is moving towards fulfilling the tasks set for it by Moscow and Muscovites. Absolutely all indicators a year before the rating are approved by the expert council. When a school enters the school year, it knows by what indicators it will be assessed. All our indicators are independent, external to schools. Talent development is the Olympics. An important indicator is the success of disabled children, and they are already performing well at Olympiads, even at the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren. Suffice it to say that 13th in the chemistry ranking in Moscow is a blind child. “Worldskills” is also taken into account in the ranking, as is mass amateur sports.


In your schools, much attention is paid to the physical development of students. In winter, children traditionally go skiing during physical education classes. Who provides the skis, the school or the parents at their own expense?

It's time for graduation ceremonies. In the north of Moscow tomorrow night, Operation Sober Graduation will be held, when activists will monitor the sale of alcohol and casually communicate with graduates, sharing their impressions of the graduation. Will such an operation be carried out throughout Moscow, or only in the north?


Reputable educational organizations, any school, have the resources to provide skis and boots to any student. Another question is, if parents have a need for individual sports equipment, then please, there are places to store individual equipment. At my school there are over 150 pairs of skis in the gym.

This is the first time I've heard about the promotion. What did you say, "Sober Graduate"? Something new, interesting, we’ll probably take part ourselves.

We will be at the graduation ceremony together with our graduates, as well as teachers and parents. Control will be at the highest level, and there will definitely not be any situations allowing the consumption of alcoholic beverages on school grounds.


Regarding skis, there are now enough resources to provide the guys with equipment. Next to our lyceum there is a landscape park in Mitino. A skating rink is being built on the territory of the face and in the park, so we have the opportunity, having a sufficient number of physical education teachers, the children can choose to skate or ski. We allow the kids to use sleds that they can bring with them. Some kids don’t train outside, preferring to train in the pool all year round. The Aquamarine pool gives us the opportunity to exercise there.


Colleagues, I highly recommend watching our selector today at 16:30. The first question regarding graduation, for the next and last time this year, will be raised by our colleagues about ensuring the safety of the children that evening. This will be the Department of Culture, Department of Health, Scientific and Practical Center for Emergency Medical Care, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rospotrebnadzor. In the graduation venues determined by decree of the Moscow Government, the city, represented by these structures, ensures security.

A. KISLITSYNA – “Moscow Teacher” newsletter

The printout contains information about how students take the Unified State Exam. How do teachers pass it?


There are only officials working in my Department, they pass everything that is required and undergo certification. Let the teachers talk about teachers.


This year the team was not organized en masse passing the Unified State Exam. This is optional. Almost 20% of the teaching staff passed no less difficult tests this year in order to obtain the status of level 1 and 2 experts for independent verification of work on the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam.


It turns out that 10,000 teachers have already been diagnosed. Moreover, there are no free places for July, registration is closed. Some teachers take more than one subject. There is an opportunity. The main thing is that none of the fellow directors should turn this into a liability.


Just as children have diagnostics in the form of the OGE, Unified State Exam and Olympiads, teachers also have the Moscow Teacher Olympiad. Her idea has been brewing for a long time on the initiative of mathematics teachers. For 10 years now, a competition for mathematics teachers has been held, organized by teachers for teachers. They create problems for each other. Since last year, this initiative has grown into a city Olympiad in all subjects for teachers. The qualifying round will be held online. Her next cycle starts at the end of August. there are interesting problems, pedagogical situations and searches for schoolchildren’s mistakes. Moreover, the teacher participates in this Olympiad not only in his subject. He must choose problems from other subjects. In the past academic year, the Moscow competition “Teacher of the Year” included only teachers who won the “Moscow Teacher” Olympiad.


More than 9,000 teachers took part in the meta-subject teaching Olympiad. This year there were 9 laureate places.

A. BURE "TV Channel AS"

I will have a question addressed to Mr. Yashchenko. Alexander Valerievich, after all, the Olympiad is a very difficult event in its own way, although one that can help you find yourself in the profession in the future. But the guys still have to worry and be nervous. How often should children participate in order to feel like professionals and not get tired, because they also have a school.


The concepts of “complex” and “non-standard” are different concepts. Let's not scare parents and children. The Olympics are not necessarily difficult. They are non-standard. It's nice and interesting. Tasks come at different levels.

If a child is bright and everything works out for him, sometimes he needs to be stopped so that he does not become scattered. It is very important here that both the school and classroom teacher did not pursue formal results. The purpose of the Olympiad is to help people find themselves. Each Olympiad participant is an individual work of the school, individual plan in most subjects, which allow you to receive a high-quality general education without overload, and successfully perform at the Olympiad. We have a winner of the History Olympiad this year - a guy from MEPhI pre-university, a physicist.


5 years ago, when we developed the ranking of schools, and the winners of the Olympiad brought points to the school, we provided that one student could bring the school points from no more than 2 Olympiads. He can win 7 Olympiads - please, but the school will only get points for two. So that schools do not exploit such enthusiasts.

We agreed with the Chamber of Chairmen of the Interdistrict Boards of Directors that the new school year On our Moscow Educational TV channel, there will be a weekly lecture by the director of a Moscow school for parents. The lecture lasts no more than 18 minutes on issues of interest to parents. One of the first lectures, Alexander Valerievich, could be a lecture on the issue of Olympiads, how often one should participate in them.

D. SHOYKHET - Moscow Teacher newsletter

We have already talked about the Olympiad and the Unified State Exam in passing. But not all schoolchildren take part in the Olympiad. But all schoolchildren receive grades and take the Unified State Exam. To what extent do these assessments correspond to the real knowledge of schoolchildren? Is the Unified State Exam an impartial measure for schoolchildren?


In Moscow in school stage Almost half of Moscow schoolchildren from grades 5 to 11 took part in the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren. At the second stage, the spirit is already Olympiad, and the technology is “EGESH”, i.e. You can view your work on the State Services portal and file an appeal. There are tasks there, criteria are published. This year, the number of human olympiads in the city exceeded the number of human exams for the Unified State Examination. The guys wrote more Olympiad papers than on the Unified State Exam. These are complementary things. At the OGE and Unified State Exams you show basic knowledge, but at the Olympiad you show how you can think outside the box. It is already noticeable that just 6 years ago, 100-point students in mathematics and olympiads were completely different people. This year we have an overwhelming number of 100-point students who won Olympiads this year, including the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren and not only in mathematics.

The Unified State Exam measures only what is included in the specifications of this exam. The tasks there correspond to the school curriculum. There are no multiple choice tests for most subjects. There are tasks in open jar and any teacher, parent or student can not only see the tasks, but also suggest removing or adding something. Most The best way preparing for the Unified State Exam means studying well. The worst way is to decide on options.

L. ZOEVA – “Teacher’s Newspaper”

At the minister’s conversation with the finalists of the “Teacher of the Year” competition, there was an idea - each characterizes in a word Moscow education Today. If possible, that would be a great ending.











Not one word, but several. It seems to me that the most difficult human ability to develop is the ability to make decisions independently and bear responsibility for them. To help students develop this ability, the school itself must have this ability. I am sure that there are more and more schools in Moscow every year that have this ability. This means that there will be more and more Moscow residents with this ability. I would call this ability responsible, free for one’s words and actions. I think that I would characterize the Moscow school in two words: responsible freedom.


Thank you very much for this press conference. Thank you, colleagues. We wish everyone the best.

The teaching community has chosen the best young head of a Moscow school. This was the director of the multidisciplinary complex No. 2107, Olesya Lukashuk. At first glance, she can be mistaken for a senior student who came to school for an internship. Slender, with impeccably even bangs and a perky smile, Olesya Nikolaevna does not at all look like the imagined head of a large multidisciplinary complex, which includes four schools and nine kindergartens. As the director herself jokes, she runs a small educational town.

Olesya Lukashuk has been heading complex No. 2107 for exactly one year. Before that, she worked as a physics teacher for two years, then as a deputy director. When she was asked to take part in a competition for young leaders educational institutions with no more than five years of experience, she agreed without hesitation.

The competition consisted of three stages, she says. - At one of them we held master classes. I chose the topic “Community of Adults” - about conflicts between teachers and parents, which have become more frequent recently. It's no secret that today the main complaint of mothers and fathers is that, in their opinion, we, teachers, pay little attention to the child.

In my opinion, the reason for the conflicts is different - we do not know how to negotiate. When we choose a life partner whom we love and value, we try to change and adapt. But if we take marriage so seriously, then for some reason it’s different when it comes to school, where a child spends 11 years—a considerable period of time.

Olesya Nikolaevna is sure that conflicts can be avoided.

At parent-teacher meetings, I asked moms and dads: what kind of person do you want me to be? - she shares. - Fifty percent answered that the teacher’s knowledge of the subject is important to them, thirty said charisma, and the rest spoke out against me being an innovator.

Most parents, says Olesya Nikolaevna, are distrustful and even wary of new educational projects.

“Moms and dads don’t want to accept something new,” the director shakes his head with regret. - For example, we are now developing an arts class. In the afternoon, children will be taught painting, choreography and foreign languages. Imagine, but even this was not to the taste of all parents. Because it's unusual.

According to Lukashuk, such educational programs help children grow up inquisitive.

At the same time, we understand that each child has his own characteristics. Some people can study on their own, while others need help,” adds the director.

Another ambitious goal of the school is an experimental class, where children themselves determine what they would like to learn.

The teacher will only push the children to acquire new knowledge,” explains Olesya Nikolaevna. - So next year Let's start an experiment in one of our first classes. Wish us luck!


Ilya Bronstein, Chairman of the Youth Association of Heads of Educational Organizations, Director of School No. 1468 under the Department of Education:

The Moscow Department of Education initiated the creation at the Moscow Institute of Open Education of two advanced training programs aimed at the professional development of young managers: “Modern deputy head of an educational organization” and “Effective head of the capital’s education system.”

As part of the programs, young managers receive assessment of their management decisions and participate in classes by leading business trainers and leaders of the capital’s education. If a teacher is involved in the processes taking place in the Moscow education system and understands them, he can easily pass certification for the position of head of an educational organization. It is likely that such a teacher will be asked to head an educational institution.

Olesya Lukashuk (foreground) believes that during her year as a school director she was able to implement many successful programs. Now she and her colleagues are working on creating an art class. In the background are students of complex No. 2107 Vladimir Moskvichev (left) and Mikhail Terentyev (right)

PHOTO: Natalia Nechaeva, “Evening Moscow”

Olesya Nikolaevna manages an educational complex where about 3,100 children study and over 400 staff work. In fact, Olesya Nikolaevna runs a small educational town. As we sit around the desk in the school principal's spacious, bright office, her phone starts ringing.

This is a phone number for parents, you must answer! - She apologizes and picks up the phone.

The conversation lasts several minutes. The mother of a future first-grader is worried about choosing a primary school teacher. Will her son get a good teacher? Olesya Nikolaevna patiently explains that the complex employs only competent specialists, so both her child and mother will be satisfied.

As you can see, I have two phones,” she smiles. - One of them is especially for the fathers and mothers of our students. They can call me on a variety of issues at any time of the day or night. Moreover, many turn specifically for advice. It's nice that my opinion is listened to.

Olesya Lukashuk has been heading complex No. 2107 for exactly one year. Before that, she served as deputy director for ten years, and began working at the school as a physics teacher. When she was asked to take part in a competition for heads of educational institutions and their deputies with no more than five years of experience, she agreed without hesitation.

There was very little time to prepare,” she recalls. - The competition consisted of three stages. For example, one of them is writing an essay on any topic. My essay was called "A small adult child, or forced learning."

This problem, according to Olesya Nikolaevna, did not arise by chance. Most parents are distrustful and even wary of new educational projects. Often, resistance on their part results in acute conflict situations.

Moms and dads are anxiously accepting something new,” the young woman shakes her head disapprovingly. - But what we offer allows the child to develop initiative. It is important to convey to parents that there is no need to be afraid of innovations. At the same time, they must understand that each child has his own characteristics. And if some of the children can study independently, then others need help.

It was this concept that formed the basis of the innovative educational program that began to be implemented in complex No. 2107.

The teacher should not force, but exclusively initiate the activities of children, explains Olesya Nikolaevna. - Parents of future first-graders fully approved of this form of education.


Ilya Bronstein, Chairman of the Youth Association of Heads of Educational Organizations, Director of School No. 1468 under the Department of Education:

The Moscow Department of Education initiated the creation at the Moscow Institute of Open Education of two advanced training programs aimed at the professional development of young managers: “Modern deputy head of an educational organization” and “Effective head of the capital’s education system.”

As part of the programs, young managers receive assessment of their management decisions and participate in classes by leading business trainers and leaders of the capital’s education. If a teacher is involved in the processes taking place in the Moscow education system and understands them, he can easily pass certification for the position of head of an educational organization. It is likely that such a teacher will be asked to head an educational institution.