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An easy fairy tale in English. Fairy tales in English with translation

It is no secret that today learning English is a necessity. Modern parents try to instill in their children a love of a foreign language from childhood, sending them to extra classes or hiring a private tutor. However, mothers and fathers can also participate in the learning process for their children. Children's stories on English languageThe best way mastering the material. Through reading, a child will not only immerse himself in the world of his favorite magical characters, but also learn to perceive familiar stories in a foreign language and learn new words. Thus, you will instill in your child an interest not only in learning the language, but also in literature.

English through a fairy tale

Childhood is the best time not only because of carelessness, but also because of the effectiveness of learning new information. That is why scientists advise starting the educational process at 2-4 years old, when the child’s brain is able to easily perceive educational material.

Learning a foreign language at an early age has its own characteristics. The gaming technique and the perception of most of the material by ear are just some of them. There are now many videos, audio recordings and books available in the public domain to help parents and teachers.

An activity for a young student should be built in the form of an exciting game, and what, if not a fairy tale, best meets this requirement? English fairy tales for children take into account all aspects of the language - vocabulary, basic grammar, reading and listening skills. Whatever presentation method you choose - show the fairy tale on video, read it yourself or together with the children - you can always be sure that the little listener will be satisfied!

Fairy tales in English contribute to the development of imagination and broadening the horizons of children's audiences. In addition to traditional skills - text perception, its interpretation - the child will learn to concentrate and draw analogies with his native language.

You have finally decided which fairy tale you will study today with your son or daughter. What points should be taken into account during the lesson?

First of all, do not engage in the propagation of knowledge. Let the process of getting to know the characters and the text be entertainment for the child, not torture. Use your imagination to turn this into an exciting action: change your voice when voicing, learn character songs, come up with associations, or act it out as a skit!

The traditional explanation of grammatical wisdom should be avoided. If you take on this task, then do everything in portions and in simple language. Perhaps in this matter you will need the help of a professional who will suggest the most convenient option.

Let the fairy tale turn into a wonderful journey through the world of the language you are learning!

Fairy tales for kids in English

So, we found out that a fairy tale is one of the best options for immersion in a language environment. What fairy tales in English for children should you choose?

In this matter, everything depends on the level of language proficiency. Usually, modern books with educational fairy tales in English always indicate the required knowledge and number of words. Sometimes fairy tales are accompanied by tasks and questions. The text can also be accompanied by an audio and video application. In principle, all these materials are not so difficult to find on the Internet.

You should start with the stories that the child has already heard in Russian. Recognizable characters and situations will facilitate the process of perceiving foreign speech. In the future, you can introduce your child to new characters, for example the famous

Use the adapted edition, which is aimed at age and level of English proficiency. At first, it is desirable that the original text be accompanied by a translation. Don't forget to use your own imagination to motivate your child to continue learning.

On our website you will find a lot of useful materials, including children's fairy tales in English. With them, the process of teaching a child English will become much more productive and fun.

Once upon a time there was a boy whose name was Jack. He lived with a dog, a cat, a donkey and a cockerel. Jack liked to watch cartoons on TV very much and very often he forgot to feed his pets. So they were sad.

When the dog was hungry he came up to Jack and said: "Bow-wow, I`m hungry, I want some meat." Jack answered: "Go away. I want to watch cartoons."

When the cat was hungry he came up to Jack and said: "Meow, I'm hungry, I want some milk." Jack answered: "Go away. I want to watch cartoons."

When the cock was hungry he came up to Jack and said: "Cock-a-doodle-doo, I`m hungry, I want some corn." Jack answered: "Go away. I want to watch cartoons."

When the donkey was hungry he came up to Jack and said: "Hee-haw, I`m hungry, I want some grass." Jack answered: "Go away. I want to watch cartoons."

One day there was a great storm at night. There roof was on fire. The dog, the cat, the cock and the donkey got up and ran to Jack's room. The dog began to bark, the cat began to mew, the donkey began to bray and the cockerel sat on Jack`s head and said: "Cock-a-doodle-doo! Get up quickly, get up quickly!"

Jack got up, opened the door and they ran out. The heavy rain stopped the fire. Everybody was happy and Jack was happy too.

He never forgets to feed his pets now. They don`t have a TV-set any more but live friendly and happily together.


Once upon a time there lived a boy named Jack. A dog, a cat, a donkey and a cockerel lived with him. Jack loved watching cartoons on TV and often forgot to feed his pets. That's why they were sad.

When the dog was hungry, she came up to Jack and said: "Woof, woof. I'm hungry, I want meat." Jack replied: "Go away. I want to watch cartoons."

When the cat was hungry, she came up to Jack and said: “Meow, meow. I’m hungry, I want milk.” Jack replied: "Go away. I want to watch cartoons."

When the cockerel was hungry, he came up to Jack and said: "Ku-ka-re-ku. I'm hungry, I want grains." Jack replied: "Go away. I want to watch cartoons."

When the donkey was hungry, he came up to Jack and said: “Eh-ah. I’m hungry, I want some grass.” Jack replied: "Go away. I want to watch cartoons."

One night there was a strong thunderstorm. The roof of the house caught fire. The dog, cat, cockerel and donkey ran into Jack's room. The dog began to bark, the cat began to meow, the donkey began to bray, and the cockerel sat on Jack’s head and said: “Ku-ka-re-ku! Wake up quickly, wake up quickly!”

Jack woke up, opened the door, and they all ran out into the street. Heavy rain put out the fire. Everyone was happy and Jack was happy too.

Now he never forgets to feed his pets. They no longer have a TV, but they live together and happily.

Konovalova Ksenia

Learning English, like any other foreign language, is a long and laborious process.

In order to achieve certain results in the shortest possible time and at the same time not lose the desire to move on, you should pay attention to numerous recommendations, tips and methods for studying and teaching English.

One such technique is the use of fairy tales in the learning process. This technique is especially popular and productive when working with children, but it can also be used by adults at various stages of learning English.

Fairy tales that are used to learn a foreign language can be divided into 4 large groups:

  1. Adapted texts
  2. Beginner difficulty level
  3. Medium difficulty level
  4. Fairy tales of advanced difficulty level

Such a variety of texts allows you to choose exactly the material that will be useful and relevant for a particular student. Learning a language is always progressive, so it’s worth moving from simple to complex.

Even if a spontaneously chosen fairy tale turned out to be suitable, then for progress in learning English to occur, it is not enough just to read it fluently.

It would be much better to work through this fairy tale as much as possible, to sort out all the subtleties, but it is worth remembering that children’s patience is not limitless and this process should not tire the child and introduce discomfort into the learning process.

To do this, you need to correctly build a work scheme:

  • Do not rush! It is very important for children that everything is clear; if necessary, then you need to make bright accents on the main thing.
  • Prepare your child for work so that he is not distracted and can concentrate as much as possible.
  • Removing barriers: linguistic and linguocultural studies.
  • Perception of a fairy tale at the stage of initial reading. It is very important that children can highlight the main thing and learn more than half of the total volume.
  • Monitoring understanding of the main content. You should make sure that the children really understood what was stated in the fairy tale, and did not just listen or read mindlessly.
  • Re-reading(if necessary).
  • Learning or improving language and speaking skills. Details should be discussed with children, e.g. appearance the main character, or try to reproduce the dialogue between the characters.

Working in this way with English fairy tales for children, positive dynamics will very soon be visible. The child will receive positive emotions from such activities and will be happy to learn everything new and unknown to him.

Russian fairy tales with translation into English

There is nothing better than listening/reading a fairy tale in English that you know and understand well in Russian. A high-quality translation of fairy tales is available on the website http://mir-skazok.net/category/russkie-skazki or http://nota.triwe.net/children/tales/tales.htm.

In the world of fairy tales, there are fairy tales with identical plots in two languages, and there are texts of original Russian fairy tales specially translated and processed by specialists. Both are ideal for learning English.

Advantages of this type of fairy tale:

  • Intuition works well. Children know the plot well, so it is easier for them to understand what is currently being said in a fairy tale, even if they do not know some words, expressions or phrases.
  • It is always possible to compare the English version of a word or expression and its Russian equivalent. Children should not spend a lot of time looking for translations in dictionaries, but just remember this moment in a Russian fairy tale.
  • Knowledge of Russian folklore, traditions and customs, which are undoubtedly woven into the text.

English fairy tales with translation into Russian

The idea and meaning that is put into fairy tales, in fact, is the same all over the world; as a rule, it is the struggle between good and evil, cultivating kindness and compassion for one’s neighbor, ridiculing laziness, etc.

This is why children easily perceive fairy tales different countries and English fairy tales are no exception. If you try and remember various Russian fairy tales, you will probably be able to find something with a similar storyline.

English fairy tales translated into Russian have their advantages:

  • The initial level of knowledge of the English language does not allow one to master complex English text, Therefore, it is necessary to repeatedly resort to translation into Russian.
  • A good way to top up your lexicon English idioms, phraseological units and stable phrases, which are usually present in fairy tales in large quantities. At the same time, you immediately have the opportunity to get acquainted with the Russian equivalent.
  • Getting to know English traditions and rules of life.

Interesting English fairy tales for children are presented on the website http://en-land.ru/skazki, children get great pleasure from reading them.

Animated fairy tales in English

Unfortunately, animated fairy tales are not very popular, and for good reason. To better assimilate the material, it is necessary to use as many human abilities and feelings as possible.

This works very well when working with animated fairy tales.

The child sees a book in front of him, he can look at the pictures that tell him the plot of the fairy tale.


  • Different organs work at the same time responsible for the perception of information.
  • Child practicing reading skills with the correct intonation.
  • Listening skills are trained and perception of English speech.
  • Enjoys looking at bright colorful pages, which evenly replace one another.

A good collection of animated fairy tales is presented here http://englishon-line.ru/audirovanie-skaski.html, each child will be able to choose what he likes.

Audio fairy tales for children in English online

Audio fairy tales in English are most often intended for more high level knowledge of the language and is suitable for those who already know something, and not just getting acquainted with the language.

Listening to fairy tales is very useful, because it is through the organs of hearing that a person is able to receive the lion's share of information about the world. It is listening comprehension that causes the biggest problem for many when learning English, and fairy tales can lower this barrier.

Probably the main advantage of this kind of fairy tales is that there are a huge number of them on the Internet, for example, http://detkam.e-papa.ru/mp/22/ or http://audiobaby.net/audioskazki-na-anglijskom- jazyke.

In the modern world, even children spend a lot of time online, so why not captivate them by listening to fairy tales, and thus combine business with pleasure. After all, it is scientifically proven that even in the background, speaking English has a beneficial effect on learning this complex language.

Video tales in English online

Which child doesn't like watching cartoons? Absolutely everyone loves them! On the Internet you can find a huge number of different cartoons in the public domain, but not all of them are useful for children to watch.

Children receive no less positive charge and pleasure from this, but at the same time, sometimes without knowing it, they are immersed in a learning environment.

This ease and non-standard approach to learning brings excellent results:

  • Children are interested and are looking forward to the continuation, the motivation is enormous.
  • A huge amount is remembered lexical material.
  • Speech perception improves aurally.
  • Children learn to concentrate for long periods of time become diligent.

Kids will be happy to know the world, absorbing everything that happens in it. Take advantage of this sincere curiosity and add your baby to the environment English speech, reading stories with him in English for children. Short English fairy tales will give the child the opportunity to become familiar with the sound of the language, learn new words and phrases, and learn to read and understand English. In today's material you will find light and interesting children's stories in English with translation of the text into Russian, as well as useful recommendations for conducting such activities.

Before inviting your child to read in English, you need to carefully consider your lesson plan and select suitable materials.

For kids just starting to get acquainted with foreign language, it is recommended to take adapted literature in English for children. These tales have been revised and simplified to a minimum: the text is written in short sentences, with frequently repeated words and bright supporting pictures.

Don’t forget that a fairy tale for children in English must have a translation. This way, both you and your baby will feel more confident, knowing that you can always check the correct meaning of words.

To attract fidgets to read or listen to fairy tales, use gaming methods and your unlimited imagination. The main thing is to constantly interact with your child and not let him get bored. Look through beautiful pictures with your baby and play questions and answers ( who/what is this?), read the characters’ lines in different voices, learn new vocabulary together and try to build small dialogues.

It is not necessary to study stories for children and stories in English only in text format. Combine all possible methods of learning a language: listen to audio versions of fairy tales recorded by native speakers, or get distracted by watching colorful and dynamic videos with the text of a fairy tale.

Having mastered all the above tips, let’s move on to putting them into practice. Below are short stories in English with parallel Russian translation.

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Details Category: Children's stories

read children's fairy tales in English online

Essay-tale about winter in English

Winter came. Puddle of cold and snow. Snowdrifts appeared on the streets. Snow covered trees. It was cold.

Boy Grisha went to sculpt snowman. He invited a friend Christine. Together they rolled snow globes. Christina made two small snow globe. Grisha made one big snow globe. Together they have snowman. But snowman had no eyes, nose and hands. Then Christine found on the street two branches. The snowman appeared hands. Grisha brought from home carrots and two coals. The snowman appeared eyes and nose.

Suddenly revived snowman. He started to sing a beautiful Christmas song. The children started to sing along to it. They began to dance near the snowman.


Winter came. The puddles are frozen. Snowdrifts appeared on the streets. The trees were covered with snow. It was cold.

The boy Grisha went to build a snowman. He invited his friend Christina. Together they began to roll snow globes. Christina made two small snow globes. Grisha made one big snow globe. Together they made a snowman. But the snowman had no eyes, nose or hands. Then Christina found two branches on the street. The snowman has arms. Grisha brought carrots and two coals from home. The snowman has eyes and a nose.

Suddenly the snowman came to life. He started singing beautiful Christmas songs. The children began to sing along with him. They started dancing near the snowman.

Essay-tale about spring in English

The snow had melted. Trees blossomed. Green grass appeared on the laws. Ran sonorous streams in the streets. Blew fresh wind.
The boys went for a walk in the Park. We saw on the fresh earth first flowers - snowdrops. Snowdrops were yellow. Next to flowers fluttered magical fairies. They waved to us.

We have collected some flowers and went back home.


The snow has melted. The trees have blossomed. Green grass appeared on the lawns. Sounding streams ran in the streets. A fresh wind blew.

The boys and I went for a walk in the park. We saw the first flowers on the fresh soil - snowdrops. The snowdrops were yellow. Magic fairies fluttered next to the flowers. They waved at us.

We picked some flowers and headed back home.

Essay-tale about summer in English

Come the warm and hot summer. In meadows blossomed beautiful flowers. My friends went to the river to catch fish. When we came, we saw clear water of the river. In the river splashed big fish.

We got a fishing rod and began to fish. Suddenly, Petya got a real goldfish. Goldfish don't talk. It shone in the sun with Golden scales.

My friends looked at the fish and released it back into the river.


Warm hot summer has arrived. Beautiful flowers bloomed in the meadows. My friends and I went to the river to fish. When we arrived, we saw the clear clean water of the river. A big fish was splashing in the river.

We took out our fishing rods and started fishing. Suddenly Petya came across a real goldfish. The goldfish didn't speak. She glowed in the sun with golden scales.

My friends and I looked at the fish and released it back into the river.

Essay-tale about autumn in English

Now is the Golden autumn. From the trees began to fall leaves. The leaves were red and yellow colors. The grass turned yellow.

Me and Masha went to the city to walk. A cold wind blew. We put on warm clothes. Mary put on her coat, and I put on my jacket.

When we walked down the street, we saw a flock of birds. The birds were going to fly away to the South. They talked among themselves and were ready to start. Suddenly the birds fell from the trees, and took off. We waved to them by hand.


Golden autumn has arrived. Leaves began to fall from the trees. The leaves were red and yellow flowers. The grass has turned yellow.

Masha and I went into the city for a walk. A cold wind was blowing. We put on warm clothes. Masha put on her coat, and I put on my jacket.

As we walked along the street, we saw a flock of birds. The birds were about to fly south. They talked among themselves and got ready to go. Suddenly the birds broke out of the trees and flew away. We waved our hands after them.