Biology Story Abstracts

What year was it invented. Who Invented the Internet

Do you know at what speed I went online for the first time? 32 kilobits per second. Those who are younger probably will not even be able to imagine this. I downloaded one song in MP3 for an hour; to go online, I waited a minute until the computer through the phone with a creak (in the literal sense there was a creak) would reach the World Wide Web; popular search engines were not Yandex or Google. In general, we plunge into history.

World Wide Web: common or draw?

The Internet is a world space, an association of a system of computer networks. There are countless computers connected to it all over the world. Communication in social networks and online games have become commonplace. So familiar that we consider them not worthy of attention.

Meanwhile, the history of the Internet is an amazing thing. And immediately the discovery: the age of the first website is twenty-five years! (for 2016), look at it The Internet is a global network, this is understandable: everyone uses it, from teenagers in Washington to shamans in Alaska.

The second amazing fact: the Internet does not belong to anyone! Separate local networks are connected by a worldwide network, and network providers maintain networks in working condition. The bandwidth of the World Wide Web is limited, and the constant increase in the growth of media traffic, according to experts, can lead to its collapse.

It is “no one's” that has become a problem for many states: it is not possible to introduce censorship in the global network. True, the Internet has recently been equated with the media, but ... With the help of the Internet, information is transmitted. It turns out that the World Wide Web is something similar to paper or a telephone.

And how to apply censorship to paper? Sanctions can only be applied to individual sites. And no leader in the world is capable of limiting the Internet. So, the worldwide network is global freedom!


And the history of the Internet began in 1957 with the launch of an artificial satellite by the Soviet Union. In response, America decided to develop a computer network as a reliable data transmission system: in the event of a war, the United States decided to secure itself.

Leading universities of the country took up the development. The network they created was given the name ARPANET, short for Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. The computers of that time were too far from perfect, and the development progressed with great difficulty. The project was financed by the Ministry of Defense of the country. Scientific institutions-developers united in a network in 1969.

The first communication session took place between the Stanford Research Center and the University of Los Angeles, separated by a distance of 640 kilometers. True, only the second attempt was successful, but on this day, October 29, 1969, the Internet was born. The time of the first attempt is 21 hours, the second one is an hour and a half later.

Only in 1971 did the Pentagon manage to launch the exchange of information with scientists from the country's universities using e-mail. By 1973, ARPANET became international, and in 1983 the name given to the project became the prototype of the modern Internet. 1984 is known as the year of the introduction of domain names, and with the introduction of IRC, Internet Relay Chat or "irki", from 1988 real-time chatting became possible.

This file transfer protocol was developed in the 80s of the last century. Then the notorious Usenet was born. There was a semblance of a modern forum.

It took another ten years for the World Wide Web to cross the oceans. The idea of ​​creating a global network appeared in Europe in 1989. The ARPANET project spread across industries. 1991 - creation of the first program for transmission over the e-mail network.

Tim John Berners-Lee: creator of web tools

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And then came the time of the abbreviation www, World Wide Web. It is impossible to imagine the modern Internet without these letters. The world owes the appearance of the super-popular abbreviation to Tim Berners-Lee. The brilliant Englishman took hypertext with countless hyperlinks as the basis for organizing the storage and placement of information. After the transfer of developments to the global network, the success was tremendous: the first five years of work - the registration of more than fifty million users!

The invention led to the creation of the HTTP data transfer protocol and HTML hypertext markup. It became possible to store, transfer information and create websites. And again the problem: how to refer to documentary data? The solution was to develop URIs and URLs, Uniform Identifiers and Resource Identifiers.

Finally, a program was born for displaying network requests on a computer, that is, a browser: the old familiar Internet Explorer, the proven Mozilla Firefox, the reliable Google Chrome, the beloved, albeit aging Opera - there are not so many well-known and well-deserved "names". But the main assistants meet all our requirements. But there are more and more programs with which we access the worldwide network.

Timothy John Berners-Lee is the author of the grandiose creation, the main tools of the modern World Wide Web. The NCSA Mosaic browser for transmitting graphic information appeared later, in 1993. Thanks to the openness of the Internet standard, the browser has retained independence from commerce. And the global network with photos, videos and pictures immediately became a favorite delicacy of mankind. By 1997, approximately ten million computers were connected to the Internet!

Berners-Lee didn't make millions from his creation. Finances literally poured into this area much later. Billions are in the hands of the creators of Google and Yandex. About their history of creation, I wrote here.

I wonder if it occurred to the creators of the World Wide Web when they started working on the project that it would be possible to connect to the network through communication satellites, mobile phones and electrical wires, and even TVs, that the term Runet would appear as part of the Internet?

Now there are national domains su, ru and rf. The birth of Russian networks occurred in 1990 thanks to domestic programmers and physicists. April 7, 1994 - registration of the first Russian domain ru. On May 12, 2010, the rf domain appeared. So Cyrillic entered the modern web.

The modern network cannot even be compared with what it used to be. And many of us are grateful to the creators of the Internet from the bottom of our hearts.

Pavel Yamb was with you, subscribe to updates, write comments. Until we meet again, and a fair wind in sailing through the expanses of the Internet!

It is difficult to answer the question in what year the first wooden bicycle was invented. And who exactly can be considered the father of the “miracle machine”. After all, the history of the creation of a bicycle is quite diverse. It took more than a dozen years for it to become what we know it now. But it all started back in 1817.

When and by whom was it created

The year preceding this momentous event was considered “the year without summer”. Abnormal cold, due to a volcanic eruption, was recorded in the Western Hemisphere in 1816. Almost the entire crop was destroyed. The number of livestock, including horses, has declined significantly. Therefore, people tried to find an alternative way to travel.

Perhaps this is what prompted Carl von Dres to resume work on the bike. His first attempt to demonstrate a vehicle in 1814 was unsuccessful. And in 1817, this German baron created the first semblance of a bicycle. The design was two-wheeled, had a handlebar-holder over the front wheel and consisted entirely of wood.

They called the wooden bike a "running machine". Since they moved on it with the help of their legs, pushing them off the ground. In this case, it was necessary to balance on the front wheel. It looked more like a scooter than a bicycle. On it it was possible to accelerate the speed to 12 km / h.

A year later, Drez patented his invention. It became so popular by the end of 1918 that it began to be produced in French and English carriage factories. But the "bicycle boom" did not last long, and did not bring much money to Carl Dres. In 1851, the professor died without a penny to his name. Only 20 years later, work on bicycles resumed.

Interesting to know! The creation of the bicycle played an important role in the development of cars and aircraft in the future.

The way to a real bike

In 1840, Scottish blacksmith Kirkpatrick Macmillan attached the first pedals and a saddle to a "running machine". The transmission of this design was a system of connecting rods that transmitted force from a person to the front wheel. Like a classic sewing machine.

In 1863, a young engineer, Pierre Lalman, who designed baby carriages, attached pedals to a long-forgotten handcar. The whole structure was attached to the front axle. Lilman demonstrated his invention in Paris and attracted the attention of very many people. Including the three wealthy Olivier brothers. They highly appreciated the new bike, and offered Lalman cooperation.

Pierre Michaud, a famous French engineer who also worked with the Olivier brothers, improved Lalman's model: he replaced the wooden frame with an iron one. However, the wheels were still wooden, with metal tires. Michaud also suggested naming the new vehicle " vélocipède (bicycle).

Interesting to know! Only in 1866, Pierre Lalman managed to obtain a patent for his invention. This year is considered the beginning of the mass production of bicycles.

Legends about the invention

There are several more theories about where and by whom the first bicycle was invented. But they are more likely to be classified as patriotic legends that have not received enough evidence.

According to some sources, Leonardo da Vinci is considered the creator of the bicycle. Sketches of a primitive bicycle were found, subsidized in 1493. They were supposed to be his. But subsequent examination showed that this was not the case. Perhaps the sketch was made by his student when the original was lost, but this data is also considered false.

Others say that in 1801 the Russian serf Yefim Artamanov designed an iron bicycle. On it, he made his way from the city of Verkhoturye to Moscow. This is evidenced by only one entry in the Dictionary of the Verkhotursky district of the Perm province. The design itself was transferred to the royal collection, and was soon lost.

Today, paper is made all over the world. Every day we use it when we read newspapers, magazines and books, children study at school using paper textbooks, write in notebooks made of the same material.

The list is endless, but to whom do we owe its appearance? Who invented paper and when?

When was paper invented?

According to the generally accepted version, paper was invented in 105 AD. However, the material for writing itself arose long before that. One of the earliest writing instruments in human history was the papyrus, which the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt made from a plant of the sedge family.

Today, in museums dedicated to Egyptology, one can see ancient papyrus iconographies dating back to the 3rd millennium BC. Subsequently, silk fabrics made from defective silkworm cocoons were used for writing, and then hemp, which was made from hemp fibers.

In 105 there was a real breakthrough in the paper industry, thanks to which the whole world got the opportunity to write on paper.

Who Invented Paper?

The creator of the paper was the Chinese eunuch Cai Lun, who served under the emperor from the Han Dynasty. The future inventor was born in the city of Guiyang (now Leiyang), in 75 he entered the imperial palace, and in 89 he received a position in an institution that dealt with reloading weapons.

By that time documents in China were written on bamboo or animal bones. They were heavy and inconvenient to transport, so the country needed to come up with something lighter. True, there was still silk, but it was expensive and, by definition, could not be widely used. For this reason, the invention of Cai Lun came in handy.

There is a legend that the eunuch found inspiration for creating paper while observing paper wasps. These insects are capable of making their own paper-like material by chewing on wood fibers and wetting them with their sticky saliva.

Historians do not exclude that, in fact, paper was invented by someone from the lower strata of society, and Cai Lun only appropriated the results of his work. Be that as it may, but in 105 the eunuch presented his invention to Emperor He-di, for which he received the highest praise.

How was paper invented?

According to Chinese chronicles, Cai Lun used wood ash, hemp, mulberry fibers and old rags to get paper. He carefully crushed all the ingredients and mixed with water.

In addition, the inventor created a special device in the form of a wooden frame with a bamboo sieve inside, on which he laid out the resulting mixture and exposed it to dry in the sun. The dried material was then smoothed out with stones. As a result, thin, dense sheets were obtained, on which it was convenient to make notes.

Over time, the process was put into mass production. Paper was made in water mills, but before being dried in the sun, it was placed under a press and subjected to strong compression. In some cases, glue was added to the raw paper vats, so that when writing on such sheets, the ink did not spread.

Ancient paper was not of very high quality and included whole wood fibers and even pieces of rags, but over time, Chinese manufacturing technology has been improved and gained recognition around the world.

When did paper get to other countries?

The distribution of paper outside of China was rather difficult. For a long time, the technique of its manufacture was kept secret, but by the 7th century the first paper sheets appeared in Japan and Korea, and in the 9th century in the Arab countries.

Europeans were able to use real paper only in the 11th-12th centuries. In the Renaissance, paper wallpapers came into fashion, and by the 15th century, in connection with the advent of printing, numerous paper factories already existed in most European countries.

A computer without the Internet today seems to be a useless thing. Of course, this is the most convenient means for communication, searching for any information and even making money. But this was not always the case - initially the network was invented for a completely different purpose.

Where did it all begin?

So, why was the Internet created, in what year did it appear and who were its first users? The “parents” of the world wide web are, of course, the United States of America, whose Ministry of Defense as early as 1957 visited the idea of ​​the need to have in service (in the event of a war) a reliable exchange system. The mission to create the first was entrusted to several leading American scientific institutions .

Thanks to generous investment from the Department of Defense, already in 1969 a project called ARPANET was launched, which united its founders: the California Research Center, the Universities of Utah and California with an information network. Soon, this system, due to its efficiency and versatility, began to actively develop and became especially popular among scientists of that time.

"A turning point" in the history of the creation of the network

In what year the Internet was invented, we already know. But what date is considered his birthday? It's October 29, 1969. It is this day that today is considered the beginning of its entire history. Let's remember the events of this significant day, or rather night. It all started at 9:00 pm, when the first full-fledged communication session was held between California and Stanford. The transmission of information was carried out by an employee of the University of California, Charlie Kline, and Bill Duvall received it at Stanford, confirming the receipt of each character by telephone. But, as they say, the first pancake is always lumpy, so after the introduction of three characters (LOG) into the system, a failure occurred. American science established communication for an hour and a half, and already at 22:30 work resumed: Bill Duvall confirmed receipt of the full command to enter the network (LOGON).

So if you are asked in what year the Internet was created, albeit the most primitive one, answer with confidence: October 29, 1969.

E-mail - a push to the masses

Well, then it went like clockwork. Already after three years, on October 2, 1971, the means of communication so popular today was invented - e-mail. The code for the first messaging program created on the ARPANET,
consisted of 200 lines. This resource is the work of Ray Tomlinson, a senior engineer at BBN Technologies, who invented the character that still serves as a separator between a username and a domain address to this day. Today we proudly call this symbol “dog”.

The introduction of e-mail to the masses was a decisive event in the history of the development of the Internet. In what year the first e-mail address appeared is no longer important. The main thing is that thanks to him, the then still imperfect network became global, attracting millions of interested users.

World debut

1973 is considered the beginning of the international popularity of cyberspace, because through the transatlantic telephone cable, Great Britain and Norway were connected to the American information system. And 10 years later, ARPANET received a new name - the Internet. In what year did the term that we proudly call the World Wide Web appear today? In 1983.

At this time, the Internet has become not only a means of sending e-mail, but also a platform for posting news and announcements. In 1984, they invented which was supposed to provide a convenient robot with Internet addresses. In the same year, another large inter-university network NSFNET was created, which competed with ARPANET.

The birth of modern communications

Online communication today would be impossible if the IRC protocol had not been developed, which, translated into ordinary speech, means nothing more than “chat”. The Internet without it would not be the Internet. In what year did the real-time communication service appear? In 1988

1989 marked the advent of the true World Wide Web. This idea came to Tim Barnes-Lee, who proposed linking the information networks available at that time into one single network, the so-called World Wide Web. This was supposed to be done through hyperlinks. At the same time, the HTTP protocol was born, the HTML language was developed.

ARPANET ceased to exist relatively recently - in 1990, and all because of NSFNET, which surpassed it in many ways. Literally a year after that, the new NCSA Mosaic browser was released, as a result of which it became a public communication tool. As of 1997, approximately 10 million computers were accessing the Internet, and more than a million domains were registered in the system.

Now you know in what year the Internet was created, who did it and why. Be that as it may, this is the greatest achievement of the science of technology, which has been an integral part of the modern world for many years.

In what year was the famous lie detector invented and tested?

The problem of lie detection exists as long as the person himself exists. Even in ancient times, the rulers of peoples and their courts resorted to various ways to catch a liar and, thereby, establish the truth. Historical chronicles and literary monuments testify that complex rituals were developed for these purposes, based on the fact that already in ancient times it was noticed that during the interrogation of a person who has committed a crime, the fear he experiences of possible exposure is accompanied by certain changes in his physiological functions.

The know-how in the invention of the polygraph belongs to the Italian Cesare Lambroso, who already in 1895 showed pictures from the crime scene to suspects for the first time. Then it was determined that changes in blood pressure and pulse may well indicate the involvement or non-involvement of a person in the commission of any action. And draw appropriate conclusions. The results of the then research were published and made public.

The first mechanical lie detector, applied in practice, was created in 1921 by a professor at the University of California at Berkeley, Dr. John Larson. He called it "cardio-pneumo-psychograph". The device noted involuntary changes in several body functions: increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, interruptions in breathing. Colleagues of Larson were delighted and tried to use the device to catch the thief who was operating in the hostel.

In the book A History of the American Obsession with Lie Detectors, its author, the Chicago historian Adler, tells how all of America was delighted with this invention:
It was the time of the worship of science, the time of the introduction of scientific management of everything: industry, medicine, the army, the police, education, the time of the introduction of the IQ test. Therefore, at the first mention in the press of the new device, it was dubbed the “tool of the future”. What a great idea to separate the truth from the lies using pressure and pulse measurements! According to the then enthusiasts, the main scope of the device was to be the work of the police, where the device could replace all other methods of interrogation. And the lie detector, in its infancy, made a dizzying tour of America, making stops at universities and prisons, research labs and Chicago police stations, where it was observed by writer Chester Gould, and later used these observations in the popular comic strip about Detective Dick Tracy. …

The polygraph detector does not detect lies, as such, because lie is an abstract concept. The polygraph detector only captures the body's reaction to external stimuli - in the case of a polygraph, external stimuli are the questions asked. However, such fixation is sufficient to reveal untruthful answers to the questions asked. Almost any person experiences natural excitement when undergoing an examination (only those persons for whom the result of the examination cannot have any effect on their subsequent life or work, i.e. conduct an examination and try to identify false answers from the owners of the enterprise, customers of the survey, or just curious is absolutely pointless). The degree of excitement is individual and cannot distort the final result, because the end result is obtained by comparing the intensity and type of response to different types of questions. The polygraph cannot be deceived. a living organism always reacts to external stimuli, and the fixed parameters are chosen in such a way as to make conscious control as difficult as possible