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How to love yourself and lay a solid foundation for a conscious life. How to love yourself once and for all Self-love is like friendship with your body

Once you've had your heart broken, loving someone again can be very difficult. Some people never recover from such a bad breakup. However, you can learn to love again, even if someone previously left you with a huge emotional wound inside because of a broken relationship or lost love. To protect yourself from love is to miss out on the opportunity to experience what many consider to be the only blessing in life. Here's what you can try to start loving again.

Difficulty: moderate.

1. Grieve from the heart over who/who, what/whom you have lost. Before you are ready to love again, you need to heal the pain that your last love caused you. No matter how you've lost your other half before, through a failed relationship or the death of a loved one, lost love leaves behind an emotional wound. Grieving the loss will free you to be able to love again.

2. If the desire for love arises within you, be able to recognize it. Loving someone is one of the most basic needs of human existence. Without love, life is meaningless and gray. While you may need some time to lick your inner wound, closing your heart to love will leave your life empty.

3. Become aware of the fact that new love worth the risk. Still in the process of grieving your loss, you may decide that your heart is too fragile to take on another blow and is not worth the risk. However, by allowing your grief to run its course, thus releasing the extra burden on your heart, and becoming healthier emotionally, you will begin to move towards the opportunity to open your heart again.

4. Love yourself. The more you respect and love yourself, the more likely you are to attract an emotionally healthy person to you. If you go out looking for love to fill the hole in your heart, then you are more likely to attract someone who wants to have advantage/power over you, or is looking for short-term fun. However, if you start from the perspective of having love that you want to give to another, you will most likely attract the same person to you.

5. At least just hypothetically think about what you would like to get from a new relationship. Set a standard against which you can begin your search. Make them a point from which you will start on the path to a new relationship, and do not fall into the old, once dear to your heart template, simply because it is more comfortable for you. In addition to the positive aspects, most relationships have a lot of disadvantages, so be sure to take them into account.

6. Allow love to come to you. There is no need to run away from home in search of “Mr./Miss. That One” to places where singles traditionally gather.

Instead, get involved in some activity/activity/club, etc. that you have always enjoyed doing/taking part in - one where you will have contact with people of both sexes with similar interests. Whatever you choose to do: a photo club, a bowling or paintball team, a tennis club, or a charitable organization, be involved in a positive way in the lives of a group of people.

7. Move into new relationships slowly. Don't try to replace lost love. Don't try to recover from your suffering with a new partner. Instead, allow the new relationship to grow and blossom in its own way, naturally and calmly.

Additions and warnings:

— Even if all of the above tips don’t make you run out and look for a new couple, their use will allow you to get out of your cocoon at least a little bit and become more open to real possibilities;

— If the loss of your last love has truly become too much of a burden for you, consider finding a good mental health therapist who has experience counseling people with similar problems. An experienced and knowledgeable therapist will guide you through the process of mourning what has been lost so that you can get back to life again;

— Don’t rush into a relationship just because you’re lonely. Let true love chart its course.

You deserve the love you give to others.

You deserve the love you give to others.

Throughout our lives, we constantly protect our feelings. Every time we have a negative self-image, we temporarily lose sight of our true nature. Even great masters of spiritual practices had moments in which they did not love themselves. This is a double feeling of love and hate, light and darkness. This is a very persistent illusion in which we are constantly trying to see the past. In fact, we all arise from Love, regardless of its location.

Because you come from a place abounding in love, that means it is within you. So how can we discover our true nature if we haven't touched it for so long?
Try these six simple exercises if you really want to experience self-love.

Before you 6 simple ways love yourself again

1. Thank yourself now

When you wake up every morning, thank yourself for everything that represents you. Thank your eyes for allowing you to see your smile while making others smile. Thank your hair for protecting your head from the sun, your body for allowing you to move, your mind for allowing you to think, your heart for the way you feel, etc.

You are literally a miracle, so never forget that.

You incarnated on this Earth at a special time when many of us were called to return the planet to its original state. Try to pamper yourself because there were no other life forms like this on this planet before you came. No one else has the same genetic makeup and abilities, so rejoice in your unique brilliance.

2. Release the child within you to embrace this life anew.

The child inside us knows nothing of the pain that we have wrapped so tightly within ourselves for most of our lives. He knows only love and compassion. He or she wants us to be our full potential, like children. The child inside of us is looking forward to when you get tired of living in a conventional world and want to enjoy life again. He or she can't wait for you to let go and dance to the music of your soul.
Ignite the spark within you and give up the desire to conform to any standard set by society. Instead, follow your own standards. One of the best ways Loving yourself is simply being yourself.

3. Forgive yourself

Any mistakes are part of your life's journey, you don't need to feel ashamed or blame yourself for anything you said or did in the past. Try to embrace all the ups and downs of your existence and accept them. Know that your imperfections make you perfect. In your past, you did not know what was to be learned, so you had to pass certain tests. The fullness of creation resides within you, so remember this the next time you go down the path of suicidal thoughts.

You are a direct reflection of the Universe and you need to collect all your experiences so that the Universe knows itself better. Everything you go through in your life only brings you closer to heights.

4. Practical loving-kindness meditation

Before you can show love and kindness to anyone else, you need to give them a place to live inside of you. You must allow it to permeate every cell of your being and become the qualities you seek outside of yourself. One of the best ways to cultivate love and kindness within yourself is to reflect on your state of being. Imagine that you are a being of light that radiates compassion and love to yourself and everyone on this Earth.

Take this energy from the Universe and allow it to exist in your spiritual existence. Do this for at least thirty minutes a day and try not to think about anything other than love and kindness. By introducing new thoughts into your mind, you can retrain your mind to think in a more positive way.

5. You already have everything

You don't need anything outside of yourself to become one. You represent the whole Universe and you have everything you need. You have love, compassion, strength, happiness and everything you seek outside of yourself that you may have forgotten but already have. You embody the consciousness that everything that inhabits this planet comes to life thanks to you. Without you, the entire chemistry of the collective consciousness would change because you are an internal part of it. You are the whole and part of this whole at the same time.

Never doubt your completeness and feel it with every particle of your body. Tell yourself: “I am one” and this will become the most important aspect of your existence.

6. Do what your heart desires

Never deny what your soul longs for. After all, this call is the reason you are here. Whatever you do, move on. If you want to travel the world, do it. If you want to get into organic gardening, just start doing it. Don't wait for tomorrow or next month or next year. Do what you want while you have the opportunity. To love yourself, you must feed your soul and listen to your deepest desires. You can't love yourself if you deny the fact that you came here. We all have different likes and dislikes, but these characteristics help us get in touch with our highest selves.

How to love yourself? 8 Steps to Increase Self-Esteem

Increasing self-esteem

Self-love is the secret to a happy and meaningful life

The secret to a happy and meaningful life is knowing how to love yourself. Once you discover this secret, nothing can stop you. Join us on our journey to happiness, going through each step of which, each time we will be closer to solving this secret.

Does it mean he loves? Don't offend yourself, but love!

The day you realize that the meaning of life is love, and that it is hidden within you, will be the day you truly understand what love is and what it means to be loved. Love is amazing, pure and magical. We always underestimate ourselves and believe that we are unworthy of it. Unworthy of something amazing, pure and magical, which is love.

But we perceive pain as something special that makes us feel alive and real. We allow negativity to control our lives because positivity seems too good to be true.

We are so caught up in the bad memories of the past that we don't allow our present to surprise us with anything good in life. In the article, we have already discussed how memories of the past can negatively affect your future and discussed tips on how to forget the bad past.

We blame ourselves endlessly for all the bad things that have happened, and we regret decisions that didn't work out as they should. We get so used to resenting ourselves that we completely forget to love ourselves at least occasionally. Self-love is the most underrated love, but it is also the most powerful weapon in our lives. Self-love is the seed from which a tree will grow with the amazing fruit of love for others.

You are here because you hurt yourself for mistakes that cannot be corrected, or for lies that ruined your life, or for something that you blame yourself for constantly. You are here because you are ready to move on and start forgiving yourself. You are here because you are ready to start loving yourself.

Steps to your own self and self-love

Loving yourself is not easy, but it is not impossible either. Our tips will help you and show you in a different light. Take some time for yourself, don't give up. Only you will be your own closest friend, who should not betray you until the very end. You must believe in yourself so that he does not leave you in the middle of the journey alone. You need yourself. Take yourself as your ally and begin the journey towards your dreams.

Get started with the steps we have prepared for you. If you believe, everything will work out! Read on to see how simple the steps are.

Step 1: Accept yourself as you are

Each person has his own characteristics: his own strengths and weaknesses. Our advantages make us proud of ourselves, and our shortcomings make us despondent. This is the wrong approach to life. It would be correct to admit that no one is perfect in this life. There is not one on Earth ideal person. Truth is in balance. Balance your disadvantages with your advantages, and then you will always be happy.

Step 2: Stop criticizing yourself

Some people develop the habit of blaming themselves for every mistake they make, no matter how big or small. This is an obstacle to self-improvement. And this obstacle will keep you from loving yourself. And it can have a detrimental effect on your self-esteem. It may seem difficult at first to stop blaming yourself, but that's normal. But at that moment When you start to push yourself into a corner with accusations, try to think about positive things. Accept your mistakes and learn from them, even if you come out of it with nothing.

Step 3: Stop Worrying

Constant worry adds stress to an already stressed mind, suppresses positivity, and prevents you from thinking objectively. Moreover, constant worrying will not lead you to solving the problem. Essentially, it will move you further away from the outcome you want to achieve. That's why don't let anxiety trap you. Meet challenges head-on!

Step 4: Be Confident

Make an effort to increase your self-confidence. Define your strengths and the qualities that make you who you are. Try to improve them. This will be a constant reminder that you have made a difference, and you will be able to believe in yourself even more!

Step 5: Strive for a Healthy Lifestyle

A sick and unhealthy body is bad and can make you hate yourself. And thoughts of self-hatred will directly affect your lifestyle. Therefore, it is important to take care of your health. Eat fresh and nutritious food, sleep well, and exercise regularly that you enjoy. Enjoy the transformation of your body. And your mind will follow your body.

Step 6: Enjoy life

You only have one life, and there will only be one life. Giving up small pleasures and taking life too seriously is the biggest mistake we can make in life. Enjoy life! Do what you like, develop a hobby! It could be anything: singing, drawing, dancing, sports, cooking or anything else that makes you happy. Dedicate yourself to this at least once a week. By doing something you love, you love yourself, and by loving yourself, you love everything in this life.

Step 7: Help others

Start helping others who really need it. Accept gratitude from them for your deeds. The fact that you can make a difference in the lives of others who are not as fortunate as you will make you realize that you matter in this world.

Step 8: Understand Yourself

By looking within yourself, you will become one. Dedicate time exclusively for yourself. If you need to, meditate alone. Take a break from all your problems and worries. Find yours inner world, full of beauty, harmony and self-love.

To a new “me” that loves itself

Only the strongest desire will take you where you want. Take time to get to know the new person in you. Loving person. Loving yourself. This is the only way we can fully live this complex thing called “life.”

Write in the comments, Do you have your own personal secrets on how to love yourself?, and how do you achieve this?

The greatest courage that each of us can afford is to love ourselves as we are, with all our imperfections and shortcomings. Accept yourself 100%. Become honest with yourself about what you need. Stop beating yourself up for the fact that “I’m not what others want me to be” and start living your own way.

We must learn to be our own best friends, because very often the opposite happens and we act as our own worst enemies. We want to be loved, but for some reason we forget to love ourselves.

What we must understand is that our main task is not to discover self-love; it's about breaking down the walls we've built against it. When we have the courage to break through those walls—to know and accept ourselves, despite all our shortcomings and actions—we not only make ourselves freer and happier, but we also connect more sensitively, more deeply with others, with those we love. worth truly loving.

So it's time to love yourself again...

1. Start telling yourself what you love about yourself. In your own life, it is important to admire yourself. You really have to look in the mirror and see yourself as prosperous. Because what we see in the mirror is often what we see in the world. Our disappointment in others often reflects our disappointment in ourselves. Our acceptance of other people often reflects our acceptance of ourselves. Our ability to see potential in others often reflects our ability to see potential in ourselves. Our patience with others often mirrors our patience with ourselves. You get the idea - you should give yourself some love first.

2. Be who you are. Perhaps the main problem is our desire to hide from our true self behind social masks. Trust your deepest feelings, listen to yourself, perceive the world and life as it exists outside of social filters. To make it better for you, take the course to meet your real Self during one session.

3. Stop focusing on the approval of others. Remind yourself that you don't have to do what everyone else is doing. And you don't have to wait for permission from anyone to do something your way. Perhaps this is the stupidest thing you can think of - waiting for someone to give you permission to live. Be a free person - do things your own way.

4. Distance yourself from those who drag you down. We are social creatures and cannot live alone. But surrounding yourself with just anyone, communicating with people who do not value or respect us is a crime against oneself. Your friends are those who motivate, inspire and respect you. Your “inner circle” should include those from whom you receive support. Choose it correctly. Quality is always more important than quantity.

5. Forgive yourself for your past. Sometimes it happens that good people people like you make bad choices in life. It doesn't mean you're bad, it means you're right. He was right when he did what he considered necessary. Now this is in the past that you just need to let go of. Forgive yourself for what you thought, for what you did or didn't do, and focus on what you will do from now on.

6. Start making changes in your life. Just because something or who made you happy in the past, you shouldn't hold on to it for the rest of your life. If you want to see changes in your life today, you might want to start doing things you've never done before. Different input - different output. Move away from the things that keep you stuck in the past and move towards new ideas and new activities.

7. Accept mistakes you haven't even made yet. To be successful in the long term, you will have to fail sometimes. So don't let the fear of making a mistake or making the wrong decision stop you from making any decision at all.

8. Express gratitude for who you are and what you have right now. No, you don't always get what you want. And no, you can't always be exactly where you want to be. But remember: there are many people who will never have what you have now. So use pain, disappointment and inconvenience to motivate yourself to move forward. You and only you control how you look at life.

9. Do something every day that makes you happy. Life is too short to put it off until later. There is no future, there is only the moment “here-and-now” and it is in this moment that you must live if you want to be happy. A good life is a good decision to do something every single day that will bring you joy, to do things that you care about. There is nothing selfish about helping yourself this way. You must live life on your own terms - only then can you be a quality source of anything for others.

10. Give yourself a chance to explore new ideas and possibilities. Don't let the fear of "I don't know how this will end" hold you back from trying something new. When we act, uncertainty goes away, but opportunities and ideas for their implementation, on the contrary, come.

11. Listen to your intuition and be honest with yourself about everything. We cannot talk about the integrity of our way of life if, instead of a true picture of reality, we believe in illusions and mirages. Listen to what your inner voice tells you. Confidence comes from knowing that you are doing the right thing and that you are doing what is right for you.

12. Believe in yourself. Everything is possible! The key is to identify what you want, acknowledge it as part of you, and believe with all your heart that you are worthy of having it.

13. Focus on writing your story rather than reading, watching, or hearing about everyone else.. Whenever you find yourself comparing your life to someone else's, remember that people often only show their desires, hopes, dreams and illusions - especially on the Internet - but not their own reality.

14. Pay close attention to every moment of your life that you live. Your life does not pass between the moment of birth and the moment of death. No, it passes between what is here and now and the breath you take. Every moment matters. You must be present in every moment of your own life, feel this moment and enjoy what you have.

15. Relax and be a little less serious. Our sense of a miserable life has its roots in our self-pity, and all self-pity has its roots in taking life too seriously. If you take everything too seriously, especially yourself, you become afraid to take any new step. Relax and have fun when you can - especially when things don't go as planned. People with a good sense of humor have a better sense of the rhythm of life. Learn to laugh at yourself and your circumstances.

16. Be loving and kind to others. Everything we send out into the world sooner or later comes back to us. The world always pays its debts. A person who loves himself and loves those around him constantly comes across caring, generous and good people. And if you meet rude, angry and ungrateful people, it’s only as a reminder of what you shouldn’t be.

Final Thoughts

So there you have it, 16 ways to love yourself again, even if you think you have nothing to love.

The bottom line is: people will come and go. Events come and go. Day and night come and go. But true self-love will always remain with you if you feed it.