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Innovative technologies in English lessons. Innovative technologies for teaching English Innovations in learning English

Article "Innovative technologies in English lessons"

Explanatory note. The educational process is based on a blended learning model, which helps to effectively combine traditional forms of education and new technologies. The development of education in the 21st century encourages the introduction of innovative technologies and the formation of key competencies in students. The use of modern technologies, which are based on a comprehensive psychological study of the personality of all participants in the educational process, makes it possible to positively develop their intellectual, social, spiritual spheres, and contributes to cultural self-affirmation.
This article describes communication methods, techniques, and the use of innovative technologies in an English lesson.
“The teacher is preparing for good lesson all their lives...And in order to give students a spark of knowledge, the teacher needs to absorb a whole sea of ​​light.” V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Modern pedagogical technologies involve changing the educational situation in such a way that the teacher from “indisputable authority” becomes an attentive and interested interlocutor and participant in the learning process.
Communicative methodology as one of the modern teaching methods English language, contributes to the teacher being not only a carrier of information, but an observer and consultant. The formation and development of communicative competence in English lessons is one of the main tasks. I try to pay great attention to the technology of interactive learning in English lessons, which leads to mutual understanding, interaction, and joint solution of common but significant tasks for each participant. During dialogue learning, students learn to think critically, solve complex problems based on analysis of circumstances and relevant information, weigh alternative opinions, make thoughtful decisions, and participate in discussions.
Main methods interactive learning The ones used in my English lessons are: “Aquarium”, “Incomplete Sentence”, “Associations”, “Microphone”, “Carousel”.
For example, in high school, while studying the topic “Youth Problems,” students in groups propose their associative rows: “generation gap,” crisis of cultural and moral values, bad habits, increasing youth crime rate, growing housing problems. During the discussion, each associative series is discussed, and solutions are proposed. Students discuss and select the best ideas from their groups: frank speaking with parents, a healthy way of life, going in for sports; out-of-class, out-of-school activity, reading books, self-correction, self-education, prohibition of selling cigarettes and alcohol drinks to the persons under 18; visiting museums, theaters, cinemas; communication with interesting persons; formation of moral values.

In primary school the focus is on gaming technologies, which help overcome the “language barrier”. Lexical, grammatical, phonetic, spelling, creative games, the use of songs, poems help make the process of learning a foreign language interesting and productive.
For example, while reinforcing the topic “Animal World” in 3rd grade, the game “Find the animal” is offered. Students in groups write micromonologues, describing their favorite domestic or wild animal. Groups must understand and find the correct picture based on the description of the animal. When playing this game, speaking and listening skills are formed.

T: The class is divided into two groups. The first group describes wild animals. The second group depicts domestic animals. The task of groups is to guess them.
GROUP 1: This animal likes honey and fish. It is brown. It sleeps in winter.This wild animal can swim and climb.
GROUP 2: Is it a bear?
GROUP 1: Yes, it is.
GROUP 2: This animal lives in the farm. It gives us milk and butter too. It's very kind.
GROUP 2: Is it a cow?
GROUP 1: Yes, it is (etc).

During the consolidation of grammatical material (Present Continuous), the grammatical game “Pantomime” is used. Students from different teams show actions with gestures in accordance with the cards. The rest must guess.

P1: Are you cleaning the room?
P2: No, I am not.
P1: Are you washing up?
P2: Yes, I am.

The place of the game in the lesson and the time allocated to the game depend on a number of factors: the preparation of students, the material being studied, the specific goals and conditions of the lesson. Using game techniques, you can consolidate new language material and repeat what you have learned. For example, when studying the verb “to have”, to develop logical thinking, activate previously learned vocabulary and grammatical structure, an exercise is used with the task: “Explain the content of the key phrase.”
The student must repeat it and add his own phrase, expanding the statement:

T: I have a favorite toy.
P1: I have a favorite toy. It's my ball. I like to play with a ball every day.
P2: I have a favorite toy. It's my doll. Its name is Marry.
P3: I have a favorite toy. It's my toy-car. It's little and red.

At the advanced stage, the teacher offers students creative tasks, for example, composing riddles: the student describes the appearance of a fairy-tale character, the class must guess him.

P1: His face is round. His eyes are blue.He has a long nose. He has a father but
he has no mother. He is a nice wooden boy (Buratino).
P2: She has a round face, a small nose and small ears. She has blue eyes and
long blue hair. She is a very pretty girl (Malvina).
I use techniques of the author's method G. A. Kitaigorodskaya, I combine them with other techniques for enhancing speech activity. This method Kitaigorodskaya is also called the method of “Activating the reserve capabilities of the individual and the team.” It cannot be called new, since it was developed over 35 years ago, but it is considered extremely innovative and has already become a classic in the field of intensive training. The way a person masters a foreign language, according to the Kitaygorodskaya system, is very similar to the path along which a child masters his native language. Role-playing is the leading game here during the activation of students’ speech activity. You can be a “tourist”, “guide”, “president of a company” from any country. During training, students can communicate with each other in certain situations that are as close as possible to situations in real life. Role distribution is quite important in this teaching method. In my lessons I use role cards, for example:

1) You’ve lost your sister in the supermarket. She is only 5 years old. Explain the situation and ask the police to help you.
2) You are a stranger in London. Suddenly you've lost your way. Ask the residents of London to show you the way to the station.
3) In a Tourist’s Agency you ask an advice and recommendations about visiting the sights of London.
4) You are a doctor. You examine a patient and give him some recommendations. What will you recommend him to do in order to recover as quickly as possible?
5) You are a school leaver. You have a doubt about your future profession. Ask your friends to advise you some modern professions.

I select the necessary illustration situations and problem situations based on specific material, prepare didactic material: (task cards for each; I select groups of students who distribute roles, set a task on which students must express their point of view, think through expected answers and remarks .During the role playing game I do not interrupt students’ speech or correct mistakes. After the game, I analyze its progress, note the most successful and unsuccessful moments, and work on typical mistakes.
Repeatedly encountering difficulties in constructing a statement in a foreign language, a student often loses interest in the subject. Therefore, in my lessons I also pay a lot of attention to the communicative orientation of teaching grammar and vocabulary. A student who has a good command of lexical and grammatical material is quicker than others in composing dialogues.
During the formation of lexical and grammatical speaking skills, I use conditional speech imitative, substitution, transformation, and reproductive exercises. The student goes from conscious imitation to independent reproduction grammatical form. These conditional speech exercises are also used in lessons when composing microdialogues and dialogues.
When composing dialogues, substitution tables are also used. For example, in 5th grade while studying the topic “Clothing. Purchases” the following substitution table is proposed:

Good morning. Can I help you?
- I’m looking for…
- The...(is \ are) over there, near the fitting room.
- What color?
- …
- What size are you?
- …
- I think that it\they…(suits\suit) you perfectly.
- How much (is it \ are they) ?
- It\they (costs\cost) … pounds.
- Here you are.
- Thank you. Have a nice day!
- …
At the next stage, students play the role of buyer and seller without relying on the table. The use of role-playing, situational play in my lessons provides ample opportunities for activating the educational process.
Use of poems and songs It also allows students to memorize certain grammatical structures and vocabulary necessary for speech development. For example, during the formation of lexical speaking skills and studying the days of the week in grade 3, the following poem is used:

My week
- Dick, let's play hide-and-seek.
- Oh, no, I’m very busy every week.
- I go to the cinema on Sunday,
- I go to the theater on Monday,
- I go to the park on Tuesday,
- I go to the stadium on Wednesday,
- I go to the concert on Thursday,
- I go to the circus on Friday,
- I go to the country on Saturday.

I also develop students’ skills to independently acquire knowledge and apply it in practice. Project method In middle and high school, I consider one of the leaders in the formation of students’ speech competencies and the ability to use English as a tool for intercultural communication and interaction. Therefore, I also consider one of the main tasks to be the development of project skills in students. Working in a project group, students use knowledge and skills in English in new non-standard situations. Project-based learning methodology I use it mainly to summarize knowledge and skills on the topic covered, that is, the defense of projects, as a rule, takes place in the last lessons of the topic being studied. For example, in the 8th grade, students compiled projects “Our favorite writers”, “A healthy way of life”, “Popular music”, “English-speaking countries”.

The project method also allows me to create a creative atmosphere in my lessons, where each student is involved in an active cognitive process based on the methodology of cooperation. A feature of the project implemented in English lessons is communication as a necessary basis for collective creative activity. As part of the project, in an atmosphere of partnership, friendly communication, children master lexical units, strange realities and their activation.
Design technologies and technology for the development of critical thinking help in my lessons to prepare students for research activities at the Small Academy of Sciences. By defending their project, students gain valuable experience in motivated “non-artificial” foreign language communication, develop their oratory abilities, logical thinking, and the ability to argue their position.
From my point of view, one of the promising technologies of an advanced “self-learning” nature, based on person-oriented, system-activity and competency-oriented approaches, is coaching. According to Timothy Gallwey, coaching is about unlocking a person's potential in order to maximize their effectiveness; coaching does not teach, but helps to learn.
This technology also helps me develop students’ creative abilities for research work. The basis of the coaching methodology and tools is interactive communication, discussion: question and answer, independent view from the outside, partnership between teacher-consultant and student.
Project 10-U class “Art”

Innovative pedagogical technologies in teaching

English in the system additional education

The essence of innovative teaching in teaching English is that the educational process is organized in such a way that almost all students are involved in the process of cognition, they have the opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and think.

Innovative technologies involve:

    Dialogue communication

    Acquisition of independently acquired experienced knowledge and skills

    Development of critical thinking

    Developing problem solving skills

    Complex interaction of memory at the level of thinking, reproduction, perception

    Formation of personal qualities of students

Innovative learning simultaneously solves several problems: develops communication skills, helps establish emotional contacts between participants in the learning process, solves the information problem, since it provides students with the necessary information, without which it is impossible to implement joint activities; develops general educational skills and provides an educational task, as it teaches students to work in a team. So, here are several technologies for this training that I use quite widely in my classes.

Carousel technology.

Like many innovative technologies, the carousel is borrowed from psychological training. Children usually really like this type of work. Two rings are formed: internal and external. The inner circle has students standing still facing the outer circle, and the outer circle has students moving around the circle every 30 seconds. Thus, they manage to talk through several topics in a few minutes and try to convince their interlocutor that they are right. Etiquette dialogues, the topic of acquaintance, nationalities, conversation in a public place, etc. are perfectly practiced. The guys are talking enthusiastically, the lesson is dynamic and productive.

Theater technology something akin to a performance where the audience acts as observers, experts, critics and analysts. Several students act out the situation in a circle, while the rest observe and analyze. The actors’ task is to convey the appropriate mood, emotion, character trait, and the audience’s task is to notice, explain their conclusions, say what they were based on, what they were guided by.

Sociological survey technology involves the movement of children throughout the room in order to collect information on the proposed topic. Each participant receives a sheet with a list of questions and tasks. The teacher helps formulate questions and answers and ensures that interaction is conducted in English.

Technology "Unfinished sentence". Children are invited to read the unfinished sentence and quickly continue it with any words, the first thought that comes to mind. Sentences begin very vaguely, so the guys have almost unlimited opportunities to finish it. They relate to various areas of life and can cover any topic.

Technology "Group story" implemented in two ways. During the first method, each student adds one sentence to an already started story. At a certain signal (after a minute), the sheet with the unfinished story is passed further around the circle. The second method is well suited for practicing the topic “Question words”. The teacher asks questions in a certain order, each participant in the process writes an answer, folds a piece of paper so that no one can see it and passes it to a neighbor. The movement occurs in a circle. Thus, in the end we get several unexpected stories at once.

Technology "Do you believe that..." This type of language practice can be used on any topic. Moreover, students are first asked to “believe” the teacher, and then come up with their own statements within the framework of a given topic.

Brain-ring technology very well suited for classes - summarizing the material studied. The content of the rounds can be completely varied and cover such sections as vocabulary, grammar, reading, listening and writing. This technology requires serious preparatory work, which includes: choosing a topic, drawing up an assignment, creating a presentation, thinking through questions for attention, preparing answer forms, diplomas. At the beginning of the game, a jury is selected and students are divided into teams. Each round lasts 3 minutes, after which the answers are submitted to the jury in writing. The correct answers are checked and discussed after each round, and then a series of attention questions are asked, which also brings additional points to the teams.

Role-playing technology. Role-playing is a speech, gaming and educational activity at the same time. From the point of view of students, role-playing is a gaming activity during which they act in different roles. They often do not realize the educational nature of the game. For the teacher, the goal of the game is the formation and development of students’ speech skills and abilities. The role-playing game is controlled, its educational nature is clearly recognized by the teacher. Since role-playing game is based on interpersonal relationships, it creates a need for communication and stimulates interest in participating in it in a foreign language, i.e. performs a motivational and incentive function. Role-playing play largely determines the choice of language means, promotes the development of speech skills and abilities, and allows students to model communication in various speech situations. In other words, it is an exercise for mastering skills and abilities in interpersonal communication. In this regard, role-playing game provides a learning function. Role-playing develops in schoolchildren the ability to play the role of another. There are a huge number of forms of role-playing games in English lessons: presentations, interest clubs, interviews, correspondence travel, round tables, press conferences, excursions, fairy tales, reports, etc. As the training results show, the use of role-playing games in English classes contributes to positive changes in students’ speech both qualitatively (diversity of dialogical units, initiative of speech partners, emotionality of statements) and quantitatively (correctness of speech, volume of statements, rate of speech).

Mongush Alena Sengievna
Job title: English teacher
Educational institution: MBOU Sheminskaya Secondary School
Locality: Shemi village, Dzun-Khemchik district, Republic of Tyva
Name of material: article
Subject:"Innovative pedagogical technologies in teaching English
Publication date: 18.05.2016
Chapter: complete education

Innovative pedagogical technologies in teaching English

language: project method.
Modernization of the content of education in Russia at the present stage of social development is not least associated with innovative processes in the organization of teaching foreign languages. Priority direction of development modern school The humanistic orientation of education has become, in which the leading place is occupied by personal potential (principle). It involves taking into account the needs and interests of the student and implementing a differentiated approach to learning. Today the focus is on the student, his personality, and his unique inner world. Therefore, the main goal of a modern teacher is to choose methods and forms of organization educational activities students who optimally correspond to the set goal of personal development. In recent years, the issue of using new information technologies in school has been increasingly raised. It's not just new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, new approach to the learning process. The main goal of teaching foreign languages ​​is the formation and development of the communicative culture of schoolchildren, training in practical mastery of a foreign language. The teacher’s task is to create conditions for practical language acquisition for each student, to choose teaching methods that would allow each student to show their activity and creativity. The teacher’s task is to intensify the student’s cognitive activity in the process of teaching foreign languages. Modern pedagogical technologies such as
training in








Internet resources,




help to implement a person-centered approach to learning, ensure individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account the abilities of children and their level of training. 1
Forms of working with computer training programs in foreign language lessons include: learning vocabulary; pronunciation practice; training in dialogical and monologue speech; teaching writing; practicing grammatical phenomena. The possibilities for using Internet resources are enormous. The global Internet creates conditions for obtaining any information students and teachers need, located anywhere in the world: regional studies material, news from the lives of young people, articles from newspapers and magazines, etc. In English lessons, using the Internet, you can solve a whole range of problems. didactic tasks: to develop reading skills using materials from the global network; improve the writing skills of schoolchildren; replenish students' vocabulary; to create motivation among schoolchildren to learn English. In addition, the work is aimed at studying the possibilities of Internet technologies for broadening the horizons of schoolchildren, establishing and maintaining business connections and contacts with their peers in English-speaking countries. The substantive basis of mass computerization is related to the fact that a modern computer is an effective means of optimizing the conditions of mental work, in general, in any of its manifestations. There is one feature of the computer that is revealed when used as a device for teaching others, and as an assistant in the acquisition of knowledge, this is its inanimateness. The machine can communicate “friendly” with the user and at some moments “support” him, but she will never show signs of irritability or let her feel that she is bored. In this sense, the use of computers is perhaps most useful in individualizing certain aspects of teaching. The main goal of studying a foreign language at school is the formation of communicative competence; all other goals (educational, educational, developmental) are realized in the process of achieving this main goal. The communicative approach involves learning to communicate and developing the ability for intercultural interaction, which is the new functioning of the Internet. Outside of communication, the Internet has no meaning - it is an international multinational, cross-cultural society, whose livelihoods are based on the electronic communication of millions of people around the world speaking 2
at the same time - the most gigantic conversation in size and number of participants that has ever taken place. By getting involved in a foreign language lesson, we create a model of real communication. Currently, priority is given to communication, interactivity, authenticity of communication, language learning in a cultural context, autonomy and m learning. These principles make it possible to develop intercultural competence as a component of communicative ability. The communicative approach is a strategy that models communication, aimed at creating psychological and linguistic readiness for communication, at conscious comprehension of the material and ways of acting with it. For the user, implementing a communicative approach on the Internet is not particularly difficult. A communicative task should offer students a problem or question for discussion, and students not only share information, but also evaluate it. The main criterion that allows us to distinguish this approach from other types of educational activities is that students independently choose language units to formulate their thoughts. The use of the Internet in a communicative approach could not be better motivated: its goal is to interest students in learning a foreign language by accumulating and expanding their knowledge and experience. One of the main requirements for teaching foreign languages ​​using Internet resources is the creation of interaction in the lesson, which is usually called interactivity in the methodology. Interactivity is “the unification, coordination and complementarity of efforts of a communicative goal and result by speech means.” By teaching authentic language, the Internet helps develop speaking skills and abilities, as well as teaching vocabulary and grammar, ensuring genuine engagement and therefore effectiveness. Interactivity not only creates real life situations, but also forces students to adequately respond to them through a foreign language. One of the technologies that provides student-centered learning is
project method
as a way to develop creativity, cognitive activity, independence. The typology of projects is varied. According to M. E. Breigina, projects can be divided into mono-projects, collective, oral-speech, specific, written and Internet projects. Although in real practice it is often necessary to have 3
dealing with mixed projects in which there are signs of research, creative, practice-oriented and informational. Project work is a multi-level approach to language learning, covering reading, listening, speaking and grammar. The project method promotes the development of active independent thinking of students and guides them towards joint research work. In my opinion, project-based learning is relevant because it teaches children cooperation, and learning cooperation fosters moral values ​​such as mutual assistance and the ability to empathize, develops creative abilities and activates students. In general, in the process of project-based learning, the inseparability of training and education can be traced. The project method develops in students communication skills, a culture of communication, the ability to formulate thoughts briefly and clearly, be tolerant of the opinions of communication partners, develop the ability to obtain information from different sources, process it using modern computer technologies, creates a language environment that promotes the emergence of natural needs in communication in a foreign language. The project form of work is one of the current technologies that allows schoolchildren to apply their accumulated knowledge in the subject. Students expand their horizons, the boundaries of language proficiency, gaining experience from its practical use, learn to listen to foreign language speech and hear and understand each other when defending projects. Children work with reference books, dictionaries, and a computer, thereby creating the opportunity for direct contact with an authentic language, which is not possible when learning a language only with the help of a textbook in a classroom lesson. Working on a project is a creative process. A student, independently or under the guidance of a teacher, searches for a solution to a problem; this requires not only knowledge of the language, but also possession of a large amount of subject knowledge, creative, communication and intellectual skills. In a foreign language course, the project method can be used within program material on almost any topic. Working on projects develops imagination, fantasy, creative thinking, independence and others. personal qualities. 4

Innovative technologies
Innovative technologies in teaching English
In recent years, the issue of using innovative technologies in schools has been increasingly raised. These are not only new technical means, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to the learning process. The introduction of innovative technologies into the educational process is interconnected with the improvement of the content and methods of education in the process of teaching foreign languages ​​in relation to the needs of modern life.
The main goal of teaching foreign languages ​​is the formation and development of the communicative culture of schoolchildren, training in practical mastery of a foreign language. The teacher’s task is to create conditions for practical language acquisition for each student, to choose teaching methods that would allow each student to show their activity and creativity. Modern pedagogical technologies such as collaborative learning, project-based methods, the use of new information technologies, and Internet resources help to implement a person-centered approach to learning, ensure individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account the abilities of children and their level of learning. The communicative approach is a strategy that models communication, aimed at creating psychological and linguistic readiness for communication, at conscious comprehension of the material and ways of acting with it. For the user, implementing a communicative approach on the Internet is not particularly difficult. A communicative task should present students with a problem or issue for discussion, and students not only share information, but also evaluate it. The main criterion that allows us to distinguish this approach from other types of educational activities is that students independently choose language units to formulate their thoughts. The use of the Internet in a communicative approach could not be better motivated: its goal is to interest students in learning a foreign language by accumulating and expanding their knowledge and experience.
One of the main requirements for teaching foreign languages ​​using Internet resources is the creation of interaction in the lesson, which is usually called interactivity in the methodology. Interactivity is “the unification, coordination and complementarity of efforts of a communicative goal and result by speech means.” By teaching authentic language, the Internet helps develop speaking skills and abilities, as well as teaching vocabulary and grammar, ensuring genuine engagement and therefore effectiveness. Interactivity not only creates real life situations, but also forces students to adequately respond to them through a foreign language.
One of the technologies that provides student-centered learning is the project method as a way to develop creativity, cognitive activity, and independence. The typology of projects is varied. According to M. E. Breigina, projects can be divided into mono-projects, collective, oral-speech, specific, written and Internet projects. Although in real practice one often has to deal with mixed projects, in which there are signs of research, creative, practice-oriented and informational. Project work is a multi-level approach to language learning, covering reading, listening, speaking and grammar. The project method promotes the development of active independent thinking of students and guides them towards joint research work. In my opinion, project-based learning is relevant because it teaches children cooperation, and learning cooperation fosters moral values ​​such as mutual assistance and the ability to empathize, develops creative abilities and activates students. In general, in the process of project-based learning, the inseparability of training and education can be traced.
The project method develops in students communication skills, a culture of communication, the ability to briefly and clearly formulate thoughts, be tolerant of the opinions of communication partners, develop the ability to obtain information from various sources, process it using modern computer technologies, creates a language environment that promotes the emergence of natural needs in communication in a foreign language.
The project form of work is one of the current technologies that allows students to apply their accumulated knowledge in the subject. Students expand their horizons, the boundaries of language proficiency, gaining experience from its practical use, learn to listen to foreign language speech and hear and understand each other when defending projects. Children work with reference books, dictionaries, and a computer, thereby creating the opportunity for direct contact with an authentic language, which is not possible when learning a language only with the help of a textbook in a classroom lesson.
Working on a project is a creative process. A student, independently or under the guidance of a teacher, searches for a solution to a problem; this requires not only knowledge of the language, but also possession of a large amount of subject knowledge, creative, communication and intellectual skills. I know foreign languages The project method can be used within program material on almost any topic. Working on projects develops imagination, fantasy, creative thinking, independence and other personal qualities.
Modern technologies also include collaboration technology. The main idea is to create conditions for students to actively collaborate in different learning situations. Children are united in groups of 3-4 people, they are given one task, and the role of each is specified. Each student is responsible not only for the result of his own work, but also for the result of the entire group. Therefore, weak students try to find out from strong students what they do not understand, and strong students strive for weak students to thoroughly understand the task. And the whole class benefits from this, because gaps are closed together.
The introduction of information technology into training will significantly diversify the process of perceiving and processing information. Thanks to the computer, the Internet and multimedia, students are given a unique opportunity to master a large amount of information with its subsequent analysis and sorting. The motivational basis of educational activities is also expanding significantly. When using multimedia, students receive information from newspapers, television, conduct interviews themselves, and conduct teleconferences.
Problem-based learning is more effective these days. The technology of problem-based learning is not new: it became widespread in the 20s and 30s in Soviet and foreign schools.
Today, problem-based learning is understood as such an organization of educational activities that involves the creation, under the guidance of a teacher, of problem situations and the active independent activity of students to resolve them, as a result of which the creative mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities and the development of thinking abilities occur.
Problem-based learning is based on the creation of a special type of motivation - problem-based, and therefore requires adequate construction of the didactic content of the material, which should be presented as a chain of problem situations.
The teacher creates a problem situation, guides students to solve it, and organizes the search for a solution. Thus, the student becomes the subject of his own learning and, as a result, he acquires new knowledge and new ways of acting.
Thus, innovative technologies significantly enrich and diversify the teaching of foreign languages. Monotonous work is replaced by intellectual creative search, during which a new type of personality is formed, active and purposeful, focused on constant self-education and development.