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The Sly Fox and the Smart Duck - Bianki V.V. Non-fairy tales: The Sly Fox and the Smart Duck Read the fairy tale The Sly Fox and the Smart Duck

Autumn. The Sly Fox thinks:

“The ducks are ready to fly away. Let me go to the river and I’ll get some ducklings.”

He crept up from behind a bush and saw: indeed, a whole flock of ducks near the shore. One Duck is standing right under the bush, fingering the feathers in her wing with her paw.

Fox grab her by the wing!

The Ducky rushed with all her might. She left feathers in the Fox's teeth,

"Oh you! - The fox is thinking. – It came out like...

The flock became alarmed, took to the wing and flew away.

But this Duck remained: her wing was broken, her feathers were torn out.

Lis left with nothing.

* * *

Winter. The Sly Fox thinks:

“The lake is frozen. Now my Duck will not get away from me: wherever she goes in the snow, she will follow her, and I will follow her trail.”

I came to the river - that’s right: webbed paws were left in the snow near the bank. And the Duck herself sits under the same bush, all fluffed up.

Here a spring comes out from under the ground, preventing the ice from freezing—a warm hole, and steam comes from it.

The Fox rushed at the Ducky, and the Ducky dived away from him! - And went under the ice.

“Oh you!.. - The fox thinks. “I drowned myself…”

Left with nothing.

* * *

Spring. The Sly Fox thinks:

“The ice on the river is melting. I’ll go and eat some frozen duckling.”

I came, and the Ducky was swimming under the bush - alive and healthy!

She then dove under the ice and jumped out into the ice hole - under the other bank: there was also a key there.

I lived like that all winter.

“Oh you!.. - The fox thinks. - Stop, now I’ll throw myself into the water after you...”

- In vain, in vain, in vain! - the Duck quacked.

She fluttered from the water and flew away.

Over the winter, her wing healed and new feathers grew.

Dear friend, we want to believe that reading the fairy tale “The Sly Fox and the Smart Duck” by Vitaly Bianchi will be interesting and exciting for you. Folk legend cannot lose its vitality, due to the inviolability of such concepts as friendship, compassion, courage, bravery, love and sacrifice. How clearly the superiority of the positive heroes over the negative ones is depicted, how lively and bright we see the former and the petty ones - the latter. Every time you read this or that epic, you feel the incredible love with which the images are described. environment. Often in children's works, the central focus is personal qualities the hero, his resistance to evil, constantly trying to lead the good fellow astray from the right path. Simple and accessible, about nothing and everything, instructive and edifying - everything is included in the basis and plot of this creation. Reading such creations in the evening, the pictures of what is happening become more vivid and rich, filled with a new range of colors and sounds. The fairy tale “The Cunning Fox and the Smart Duck” by Vitaly Bianchi needs to be read for free online thoughtfully, explaining to young readers or listeners details and words that are incomprehensible and new to them.

Autumn. The Sly Fox thinks:

“The ducks are ready to fly away. Let me go to the river and I’ll get some ducklings.”

He crept up from behind a bush and saw: indeed, a whole flock of ducks near the shore. One Duck is standing right under the bush, fingering the feathers in her wing with her paw.

Fox grab her by the wing!

The Ducky rushed with all her might. She left feathers in the Fox's teeth.

“Oh you!.. - The fox thinks. - It came out like...

The flock became alarmed, took to the wing and flew away.

But this Duck couldn’t help her: her wing was broken, her feathers were torn out. She hid in the reeds, away from the shore.

Lis left with nothing.

Winter. The Sly Fox thinks:

“The lake is frozen. Now my Duck will not get away from me: wherever she goes in the snow, she will follow her, and I will follow her trail.”

I came to the river - that’s right: webbed paws were left in the snow near the shore. And the Duck herself sits under the same bush, all fluffed up.

Here a spring comes out from under the ground, preventing the ice from freezing - a warm hole, and steam comes from it.

The Fox rushed at the Ducky, and the Ducky dived away from him! - and went under the ice.

“Oh you!.. - The fox thinks. “I drowned myself…”

Left with nothing.

Spring. The Sly Fox thinks: “The ice on the river is melting. I’ll go and eat some frozen duckling.”

I came, and the Ducky was swimming under the bush - alive and healthy!

She then dove under the ice and jumped out into the ice hole - under the other shore: there was also a key there.

I lived like that all winter.

“Oh you!.. - The fox thinks. - Stop, now I’ll throw myself into the water after you...”

In vain, in vain, in vain! - the Duck quacked.

She fluttered from the water and flew away.

Over the winter, her wing healed and new feathers grew.


» » » Sly Fox and Smart Duck

Autumn. The Sly Fox thinks:

“The ducks are ready to fly away. Let me go to the river and I’ll get some ducklings.”

He crept up from behind a bush and saw: indeed, a whole flock of ducks near the shore. One Duck is standing right under the bush, fingering the feathers in her wing with her paw.

Fox grab her by the wing!

The Ducky rushed with all her might. She left feathers in the Fox's teeth.

"Oh you! - The fox is thinking. - It came out like that. ."

The flock became alarmed, took to the wing and flew away.

But this Duck remained: her wing was broken, her feathers were torn out.

Lis left with nothing.

Winter. The Sly Fox thinks:

“The lake is frozen. Now my Duck will not get away from me: wherever she goes in the snow, she will follow her, and I will follow her trail.”

I came to the river - that’s right: webbed paws were left in the snow near the shore. And the Duck herself sits under the same bush, all fluffed up.

Here a spring comes out from under the ground, preventing the ice from freezing - a warm hole, and steam comes from it.

The Fox rushed at the Ducky, and the Ducky dived away from him! - And went under the ice.

"Oh you!. - The fox is thinking. “I drowned myself...”

Left with nothing.

Spring. The Sly Fox thinks:

“The ice on the river is melting. I’ll go and eat some frozen duckling.”

I came, and the Ducky was swimming under the bush - alive and healthy!

She then dove under the ice and jumped out into the ice hole - under the other shore: there was also a key there.

I lived like that all winter.

“Oh you!.. - The fox thinks. - Stop, now I’ll throw myself into the water after you...”

In vain, in vain, in vain! - the Duck quacked.

She fluttered from the water and flew away.

Over the winter, her wing healed and new feathers grew.

Information for parents: The Sly Fox and the Smart Duck is an instructive tale by Vitaly Valentinovich Bianki about forest dwellers. The fox, who wanted to eat the duckling, was left with nothing. The smart duck deceived him and remained alive. This short tale Suitable for bedtime reading. It is useful to read for children aged 2 to 5 years. Six year olds can read it on their own.

Read the fairy tale The Sly Fox and the Smart Duck

Autumn. The Sly Fox thinks:

“The ducks are ready to fly away. Let me go to the river and I’ll get some ducklings.”

He crept up from behind a bush and saw: indeed, a whole flock of ducks near the shore. One Duck is standing right under the bush, fingering the feathers in her wing with her paw.

Fox grab her by the wing!

The Ducky rushed with all her might. She left feathers in the Fox's teeth.

“Oh you!.. - The fox thinks. - It came out like...

The flock became alarmed, took to the wing and flew away.

But this Duck couldn’t help her: her wing was broken, her feathers were torn out. She hid in the reeds, away from the shore.

Lis left with nothing.

Winter. The Sly Fox thinks:

“The lake is frozen. Now my Duck will not get away from me: wherever she goes in the snow, she will follow her, and I will follow her trail.”

I came to the river - that’s right: webbed paws were left in the snow near the shore. And the Duck herself sits under the same bush, all fluffed up.

Here a spring comes out from under the ground, preventing the ice from freezing - a warm hole, and steam comes from it.

The Fox rushed at the Ducky, and the Ducky dived away from him! - and went under the ice.

“Oh you!.. - The fox thinks. “I drowned myself…”

Left with nothing.

Spring. The Sly Fox thinks: “The ice on the river is melting. I’ll go and eat some frozen duckling.”

I came, and the Ducky was swimming under the bush - alive and healthy!

She then dove under the ice and jumped out into the ice hole - under the other shore: there was also a key there.

I lived like that all winter.

“Oh you!.. - The fox thinks. - Stop, now I’ll throw myself into the water after you...”

In vain, in vain, in vain! - the Duck quacked.

She fluttered from the water and flew away.

Over the winter, her wing healed and new feathers grew.