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It has been proven that creative people think and act differently. Myths about creativity that turned out to be untrue, but still poison our lives. Are you a creative person?

There are those who believe that creative people have special secret powers and innate talents. But that's not true. There is creativity in everyone. We have made a selection of 30 commandments, following which you can awaken your creative power and make your life brighter.

1. Creativity begins in the heart

By listening to our deepest desires, and carefully, we get the opportunity not only to engage in the creativity that we dream of, but also to dream that this creativity will reach significant proportions.

2. Creativity needs to be fed constantly.

Talent or interest is a living part of you, like a hand, or an ear, or an eye. All this needs to be used, it needs to be nourished, otherwise it will atrophy and you will not be who you should be.

A way to train your creativity every day is the “1 Page a Day” creative notebook. Source - creative Instagram of MYTH @miftvorchestvo

3. Vision has magical properties

Magic is the ability to see results without seeing the process leading to them. It is vision, inner vision, that allows you to notice what is missing in a work, and also helps you see what no one has seen before. This is an incredible human gift - to see beyond the present and the past and from that distant, unknown, to extract something that did not exist until now.

The great 20th century composer Karlheinz Stockhausen wrote: “We just need to close our eyes and listen for a while. Around us, in the air, there is always something never heard before.”

4. The best place to start the creative process is at the end.

Let each new creation appear in your mind as if out of nothing. The form, structure of a creation, the impressions and sensations it leaves, its very life - all this immediately appears, even in the simplest picture. Imagine the result. Add elements. Take the risk of removing some of the old ones. Examine the imaginary creature from the inside, the outside. You will learn a lot about your concept.

The ability to visualize your creation in a complete form makes it possible to work with knowledge, rather than build work on assumptions. This knowledge is the reason why many professional creators are so confident in themselves.

5. Creativity is not a problem, problem solving is not creativity.

Some people make the same decisions all their lives, others acquire new ones. The main motivating force for them is the severity of the problem. Once the worst is smoothed out, the motivation to act weakens. Fighting problems as a lifestyle is obviously a losing option, because it leads to the attenuation of activity, moreover, aimed at solving problems!

When you get a big and tasty problem in your hands, you no longer need to think - you already have an obsession. What if you suddenly had no problems? What would you be thinking about then? What did you do?

6. The stubbornness of artists makes the world a better place.

Luckily for us, artists are stubborn people. The bestselling author was advised by her therapist to aim for a career as a secretary, but she continued writing (that's me). The famous director was removed from the documentary project, but he continued to make films (Martin Scorsese). The talented actress was expelled from the Boston University acting program (Oscar winner Geena Davis). The lawyer who “should” have spent time on “business” has proven that he should have been writing too (John Grisham). These artists listened to their inner voice, and several external voices whispered - or shouted that they also know who we really are. These people strengthened our confidence and changed our destinies.

7. There is a place for creativity always and everywhere

The text doesn't care where you create it. Important, that . You do it. The same is true for drawing. One artist lost a whole year because he “couldn’t work without a studio.” When the studio appeared and he returned to work, he created several rather large paintings, but much more - beautiful miniatures in charcoal and pencil, which he could even paint on a TV stand if he so desired. But he didn’t work - and not because there was no workshop, but because he simply didn’t work. There is a place for creativity in any life, no matter how eventful and people-filled or, conversely, boring and empty.

8. The art of small steps

If you are a beginner musician and want to learn how to play the piano, then sit down and touch the keys. Great. Tomorrow you can sit down at the piano again and touch the keys. Five minutes a day is better than zero. Five minutes can turn into ten, just like a light hug can turn into something more passionate.


I can’t write a whole book today, but I can write one page. I won’t be able to immediately become an accomplished pianist, but I can devote 15 minutes to music lessons. You may not be able to count on a solo exhibition in Soho today, but you are quite capable of drawing your cocker spaniel, imposingly sitting in an old leather chair, or sketching the hand of a loved one. You can begin.

9. Magic in action

Goethe said, “Whenever you think or believe that you can do something, do it, because there is magic, grace and power in action.”

10. There is always an opportunity to do something positive.

The inconvenient truth is that there is always an opportunity to do something positive - yes, hell, always, even if we are not in the mood for it. Optimism towards yourself and your capabilities is already a conscious choice. We can make this choice, believe in the best and not the worst, but to do this we need to hear the negative soundtrack playing in our heads and decide to replace it.

11. Use constructive and practical thinking

Constructive thinking is the generation of raw ideas, without any evaluations or judgments. The strategy is to come up with as many obvious ideas as possible, as well as the craziest ones, and criticism at this time is inappropriate. Once you've come up with more ideas, change your approach to include practical thinking. It is necessary to identify which ones have the greatest value. Edison once claimed that he came up with 3,000 different theories. electric lighting. Each of them looked reasonable, but he settled on the most practical and profitable. His first goal was to create as many opportunities as possible, and then he began to evaluate - identifying the healthiest and most viable idea.

Constructive thinking and practical thinking are two separate mental operations, and there is no compromise, middle position between them. - Illustration from the book “Hacking Creativity”

12. Nonjudgmental thinking is dynamic and flexible.

A creative person is able to think freely and flexibly. It allows for the unlimited deployment of ideas, their organization in ranks, a kind of hitchhiking of options, any combination of them for the invention of new ones, until it comes to the final breakthrough result that makes you exclaim “Eureka!” Ideas replace each other, giving rise to additional ideas and their combinations, which multiplies possibilities.

13. Test creativity with emotions

Measuring your success is very important. A great way to measure success is to determine how you want to feel. Take some time and jot down a list of the emotions you want to experience from your business. Perhaps it will be something similar to this one.

  • Liberty
  • Happiness
  • Completeness
  • Cheerfulness
  • Self confidence
  • Security
  • Creation
  • Completeness

Check your feelings against this list regularly. Does business give you the feelings you dream of? For example, do you feel protected? If yes, then you have succeeded in your definition. Congratulations! And if not, try to understand why. What can you do to change how you feel?

14. Headphones help muffle the noise in the world around you.

Headphones, with or without music, create a kind of buffer around you. This is especially useful if you are a woman and trying to work on a novel in a cafe. For a certain type of sociable people (meaning men), the sight of a lady with furrowed eyebrows furiously typing something on a laptop in a public place evokes the only association: you need to come up and meet someone. Headphones are a great way to keep these well-meaning but very annoying citizens at bay.

“I always write novels with headphones on. Sometimes I even remember that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to connect them to something. Headphones help muffle the noise from the outside world. And when they are connected to the player, they drive music at terrible speed directly into my brain, clearly outlining the shapes of my thoughts and giving power to the sentences appearing on the page.”

15. You are your job

You change and your work becomes different. When you develop, so does your creativity. Your work lives and breathes because you live and breathe. By living life to the fullest, you enhance the collective human experience. As William Blake wrote, “Everything that lives lives not alone, not for itself.” There is no longer any difference between you and others, between what you give and what you receive. It is all the same, an ever-changing dance, a constant conversation in which it is impossible to say more where one thing begins and another ends.

16. Each artist - an art book

Your art book is a ticket to free creative sailing. This is your “sandbox” in which you can try new things artistic media and techniques, new colors and their effects, try your hand at different formats without limiting yourself. If you have inspiration, write poetry. Let thoughts find verbal expression the same as graphic.

Ecology of life. People: Neuroscience has proven that those with a creative mind have brains that work differently than other types of people.

Neuroscience has proven that those with a creative mind have brains that work differently than other types of people.

Science cannot yet explain exactly how all these processes occur, but creativity is believed to involve several cognitive processes. It is difficult to say that certain behavior is associated specifically with creativity.

However, there are some different traits, behaviors and social influences that are influenced by creativity.

Here are fourteen traits that characterize creative people.

1. They are attentive

Creative people carefully observe everything around them. They also love to watch people. Many creative people often carry a laptop, notepad or camera with them to capture what they see. In many famous works, it is the details that fascinate us most.

For example, we see many nuances of human behavior in Jane Austen's novels. These small but captivating details breathe life into her works.

2. They're dreamy

When we were kids, most of us were told to stop dreaming. However, psychologists now claim that dreaming and wasting time are not the same thing.

Daydreaming is actually a complex brain process during which connections are made, insights occur, and new ideas are generated. When we dream, we can look at life differently, imagining what it would be like to be someone else or live in a different world. It can improve creative thought processes and lead us to new ideas.

3. They challenge the status quo

Creative people often don't want to accept things as they are. They want to change the world and feel important. They ask questions like “What if?” and “Why not?” This helps them reconsider the possibilities.

Take, for example, the First World War poet Wilfred Owen. He decided to challenge the belief that dying for one's country was a great thing and depicted the horrors of war.

4. They get into a creative flow regularly.

Creative people, when they are engaged at work, slip into “the zone.” Also known as "flow", this state is described in the book by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. The author explains how a state of flow is achieved when we are working on something we enjoy, as well as in moments when a situation challenges us. In a state of flow, creative work works out much better.

Creativity does not entail multitasking. Often you just need a distraction to get into the flow.

5. They have trouble finishing a project.

One of the downsides of having a creative mind is that finishing things can be a real challenge. The initial stages of a creative project seem exciting and new, but that excitement can fade over time, as with most romance novels!

They can easily give up on projects when they become more difficult and complex. Creative people may also get distracted by another brilliant idea.

6. They see structures and connections.

What sets creative people apart from others is the ability to make connections. Creativity is often about connecting things that others might view as completely unrelated.

By discovering structures and connections that others miss, creative people can create something new from what has been overlooked and underappreciated. They see opportunities where others don't and use it to create something original.

7. They feed their souls

We cannot continually create new things if we do not take the time to nourish our souls. Julia Cameron described it as "good filling". She says, “We must be mindful enough to consciously replenish our creative resources as we use them.”

Each person has different requirements for this filling. Often this concerns time spent alone. No matter how we spend our time or what we do about it, nourishing the soul is important for continued creative expression.

8. They are open

Openness is a key factor in creativity. Creative people are very curious and love new experiences.

Being open to new emotions, creative people are fascinated new information, sensations and feelings. They constantly explore the external world and their internal one and remain open to new opportunities throughout their lives.

9. They are real

In a society that values external signs success more than a rich inner life, creative individuals can fail. However, they are moving on a different course. The creative process is part of what makes them who they are.

As a result, creative individuals remain true to their vision of the world around them and follow their dreams, rather than strive for success and popularity.

10. They create in cycles

Creativity has its own natural rhythms that cannot be changed, just like the seasons. In the life of any creative person, rapid changes occur: periods of productivity are replaced by a desire to remain completely calm - and vice versa.

Creative projects begin with an incubation period, and only after a while are they ready to see the light of day. Creative people give in to these cycles instead of being obsessed with constant productivity.

11. They don't believe in themselves

Creative people suffer from the same doubts and self-confidence issues as everyone else. When an artist is struggling to find his place in life and win the affection of his audience, the lack of self-confidence can be felt more acutely. Even highly successful creatives often find it difficult to recognize the brilliance of their own work.

12. They are cheerful

Fortunately, despite the fact that creative people often doubt themselves, they remain cheerful. They should be like this. IN creative work There are many projects that do not follow the rules and often fail. This is where cheerfulness is needed.

Creative people cannot afford to take failure personally. The best way reconsider your point of view on this - admit that this is not a mistake, but a useful experience.

13. They follow their passions

Creative people are rarely motivated by material rewards. They find motivation in intrinsic rewards such as personal satisfaction, drive, and passion.

Artists create because something inside them demands it, and not out of a thirst for fame or wealth or a desire to please someone. Understanding that such intrinsic motivation leads to success can increase overall creativity.

14. They see life as an opportunity to express themselves.

Creativity is part of our self-expression. Everything we do comes from our own need for self-expression. Thus, our whole life can become creative project .

While some people may be more creative than others, I think that creativity is a quality we all have. If you look at your own life, you will see that it is full of creativity. When we cook a meal, redecorate a room, choose equipment, or plant a garden, we are creating. The things we choose say a lot about us and are part of how we build our own lives. published

This article will help you understand creative people a little better and look into a world that only they can understand.

Creative people create problems. They are drug addicts. They are a little crazy and they usually dress very funny... or at least most of us think it is funny.

Creative people are very different. Of course, everyone is different, although many of us try to fit into a certain framework.

For many creative people, the very phrase “fitting into a box” contradicts the idea of ​​what a creative person should be. Most creative people are not crazy. They are simply misunderstood.

Of course, some of them literally go crazy, but this is only a small part. The vast majority of creative people simply do not like to lie about what a person really is.

1. Creative people see the world differently than others

At the same time, creative people want to share their vision and interpretation with the rest of the world. For them, the world is full of many meanings, shades of meaning and complexity, and it is also filled with opportunities that an ordinary person does not have.

Creative people know that the impossible is possible, because they understand that nothing in the world can be sure.

Seeing that the world is filled with endless possibilities, they want to leave their mark here. They want to add their touch to the most beautiful of works of art - life itself.

When you see the world differently than others, you stand out. Many people don't like people who stand out. For some reason they are afraid of “white crows”.

Others simply prefer inertia and constancy. They are afraid of what they do not know, they do not like the unknown and the misunderstandings associated with it.

2. They are often introverted and tend to be alone

This is not to say that creative individuals do not love all the people around them. They simply spend more time alone because it allows them to focus on what interests them. They can think, dream, plan and create things.

Creative individuals must constantly be in the creative process. Otherwise, their creative itch will be simply unbearable. Yes, they can be sincerely devoted to their friends, but in the same way they rush around with their ideas and creative products - sometimes this even develops into obsession

Who can blame them, on the other hand? When you have a job, you have to do it, be productive and meet deadlines. There will always be time for socialization.

The reason creative people often do well in competition is not because they are smarter than their competitors. The thing is that they have a higher level of work ethics.

Creative individuals are used to being able to navigate a project perfectly, they are used to the fact that it literally absorbs them. It's hard to compete with this.

3. They don't measure their abilities the way others do.

They cannot always boast of success at school or at work (at work that most people consider normal). It would be better for them to create than to study and work. On the other hand, for whom not?

The whole difference is that creative people are literally obsessed with their creativity. Their passion cannot be hidden.

If you are a creative person, you almost certainly find it difficult to do monotonous work. When you are a creator by nature, you live in joyful anticipation, constantly trying to discover and create something new, trying yourself in different areas.

Creative people go to school and then to work just like everyone else, but only because they have to. They tend to settle for imperfect jobs until they find something more interesting for themselves in terms of self-development.

4. They are more emotional

For them, life is louder and brighter than for most people. But this is not because creative people receive more information about the world, they just pay more attention to it.

Creative people may be introverted, but they spend just as much time “wandering within” as they do in the outside world.

They pay great attention to detail and allow these small details to have a much stronger impact on them than on the average (not so creative) person.

For them, the world is filled with meaning. For many of us surrounding reality has blurry outlines. For creative people, peace is everything.

Of course, sometimes such individuals get lost in their “travels.” In general, being a creative person sometimes means having problems with the surrounding reality.

5. They are dreamers

People don't understand dreamers because they always dream of change. About a better world, about a better reality, about a better future. They can imagine the unimaginable and often believe that they can make the impossible possible.

If you like everything to be in its place, you will be scared by the chaos that always accompanies a creative person. The life of a creator is defined by change. Especially the changes that he himself creates.

People have always been and will always be afraid of dreamers. We prefer to stop there and be “average”. We do not like “white crows” and thinkers. We are a nation that is doing everything we can to build an established middle class.

It will be quite fun to fail this mission.

Any creative person looks at the world from his own point of view. And at the same time, his vision of life is sometimes radically different from generally accepted views. Creativity can be a gift or it can be a curse, but either way, creative people share many of the same personality traits. And the most important similarity is that such people value themselves not for who they are, but for who they could become in the future. Creative people always have big plans.

History knows many creative minds capable of creating entire worlds and even universes. Kurt Vonnegut, Leo Tolstoy, Isaac Asimov... This list can be continued indefinitely. How did they manage to make their fantasies come true? What is needed for this? All you need to do is think differently. Think and do your job differently, not as is customary. Here are 11 things creative people do differently.

They work on their own schedule

A creative person, of course, knows that creating in a surge of inspiration is easy and pleasant. But sitting and waiting for the departed muse to return again is extremely unproductive. Therefore, creative people prefer to work according to their own schedule. Every creator has their own workflow habits. Some people think well in the morning, others reach their peak activity in the late afternoon. But in any case, this schedule has nothing to do with the routine work from nine to six. A creative person finds time for both rest and work.

They are looking for new opportunities and experiences

Another common feature of creative people is the need for new experiences and impressions. They are never satisfied with one thing, as this significantly limits their creative potential. Many people are multi-talented and it is painful for them to give up their mind-boggling ideas in favor of one thing. Creative people are always in search of new experiences because impressions are food for their inquisitive minds.

They accept that their work may be unsuccessful.

Creative people can work very well at the peak of inspiration, but they all recognize that this is not enough to create anything worthwhile. Very often inspiration is deceptive and the work turns out to be too banal or uninteresting. It's not easy to admit this. But creative people are precisely distinguished by the fact that they know how to admit that they have created the most completely cheap thing. They are good at distinguishing where they were able to implement a unique idea, and where they used cliches and clichés.

They are not afraid of failure

Successful creative people are not afraid of failure. They are absolutely sure that any failure is the key to success. The ability to learn from your mistakes and benefit from bad experiences is a trait that unites all creatives, no matter what they do. Failure for a creative person is only an annoying obstacle, it is a small obstacle that is so insignificant that it can be neglected on the way to a shining goal. And if impressions are food for the mind for such people, then failures are the energy supply of the whole organism.

They find ideas wherever they can

Personal experience is of great importance for any creative person. And you can gain this experience by exploring the world around you. Gifted people are constantly looking for new ideas and new incentives. Impatient and curious, they look into different areas of life, trying to understand how the acquired knowledge can be used in their work. They are looking for inspiration, but a special inspiration that can only be given by new experience. A creative person who does not have an idea that he would like to implement experiences severe discomfort and this unpleasant feeling forces him to continue his search.

They believe in their dream
They live in a fantasy world

IN modern society daydreaming is considered something frivolous, but it is a common trait of all creative people. They think a lot because their brain is constantly creating new images. Life in a fantasy world can be so wonderful that very often creative people completely surrender to their inspiration. They say about such people “not of this world” and to some extent this is true. A person immersed in his thoughts appears detached and self-focused. But there is no other way; this is the only way, living in a fantasy world, to create a great work.

They are confident

Self-confidence is often distinctive feature creative person. But this is a special kind of confidence. It is also a desire to take risks. Every creative person is so confident in himself and his abilities that he is not afraid to carry out bold experiments, refute popular opinions and smash established theories to smithereens. His creativity and ability to look at the world with different eyes haunt him and the creative artist will not stop until he proves to the world that everything can be done differently. Even if he is overcome by doubts, a creative person knows that what he is confident in can be created. Even things that will never exist.

They don't recognize any boundaries

Creative people never follow generally accepted rules and regulations if they come their way. Any restrictions for a gifted person only prevent him from creating. Therefore, such people try to circumvent prohibitions or instructions in any way. They are looking for something new, they are trying to create something new, and rules, especially stupid ones, can make them really angry. The desire to create freely can be so strong that an artist or, for example, a writer can leave their homeland if the laws of the state conflict with their creativity. History knows many examples when a great mind left his homeland only because he was not allowed to create.

They ask a lot of questions

Many people believe that asking a lot of questions is a sign of stupidity and try to remain silent, even if they do not understand something. But creative people who do things differently will disagree with this. They are so curious that they are ready to ask hundreds of questions until they understand the essence of a phenomenon. Even if they look like funny things. Blind spots are a strong irritant for a creative person, especially when working on an important work. A lack of information can harm creativity and the thing will turn out one-sided and uninteresting. To prevent this, the lack of knowledge should be filled. This means you need to ask questions, including yourself.

They create a creative space

The desire for solitude distinguishes many creative people. Singles, of course, are not outcasts in modern society, but they are often looked at askance, especially if a person lives in a fantasy world. But to create something truly worthwhile, many people need solitude. And then the gifted person begins to look for a place where he could stay alone and think calmly. Workshops, offices, just a quiet place in the park - any option is suitable for a creative person, as long as no one bothers him to think or bring his ideas to life.

To be a creative person, you don’t have to carry a guitar with you everywhere, wear bright, breathtaking scarves and constantly be “in character”, feigning thoughtful and meaningful arrogance. Truly talented people are alien to any kind of acting - pretentious attempts to create in order to “look creative” contradict the idea of ​​​​real creativity, which cannot be separated from life itself.

1. You are impetuous and irrational.

Sometimes you tend to take risky and rash actions, not paying attention to the rational advice of others. Your own whims are enough for you great importance, therefore, instead of the “reasonable” conformist “Everything needs to be like people do,” you more often say to yourself: “I will do exactly this because I want it that way!” This can manifest itself in anything - in the purchase of a bright pink car (“You’re the CEO, you need to be more serious! I’d rather take a black one”), the desire to do what you love (“You have a law degree, and you play in a rock band, you have to think about the future!

2. You see the difference between fantasy and reality.

Edgar Allan Poe once said, “Those who dream by day understand many things that elude those who dream only at night.” You probably often imagine the "ideal life" you strive for - unlike dreams, your daytime fantasies are much easier to realize. You can think about your dreams, evaluate your capabilities, and understand what steps you need to take to make them come true. The main thing is to realize where the flight of your unbridled imagination ends and what can really be accomplished begins.

3. You don't hide your feelings.

Creative individuals, as a rule, are emotionally open and impressionable people. When your beloved child “delights” you with his antics, or you are denied publication of your masterpiece manuscript for the fifteenth time, your thoughts on this matter can be seen with the naked eye - they are literally written on your face. Creators are not afraid of their emotions, whatever they may be - negative or positive. When you get caught up in a storm of emotions, remember what Martin Luther King said:

“Each person must decide for himself whether he will move in the light of creative philanthropy or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.”

4. You value your creativity.

Even when the result of your creative efforts is far from what you imagined in your imagination, you will never say to yourself: “I did all this in vain.” You are firmly convinced that there is nothing in the world like your creation, which means you can at least be proud of the fact that you created something new.

Of course, every discerning creator strives for perfection, but if it has not been achieved in any particular case, you should not, in despair, cut into pieces a not-so-successful painting or burn a manuscript that you yourself do not like. Eleanor Roosevelt spoke well on this topic:

“No one will make you feel inferior without your consent.”

5. You see more than others

For you, the world is one big festive dinner with many guests: a swirl of eccentric faces, a roar of expressive voices, a parade of bright, prominent characters. You are able to notice the subtlest nuances of life around you and describe them, passing them through the prism of your own thoughts and feelings.

Some creative individuals carry a notebook or notebook with them everywhere they go, where they write down their observations and impressions, but by and large, there is no need for this. Your brain is your madhouse, your straitjacket and your psychiatrist. All the most important things happen in your head and even an unspoken and unwritten thought changes the world around you.

6. You create your own opportunities.

You hate routine, the measured flow of life and philistine stability. At the slightest sign of stagnation, you strive to unbalance yourself, creating opportunities for creativity. Your life is constant communication, searching for new sensations and gaining experience. If you don't know which direction to move, you go at random and sooner or later you find a road that will lead you to your goal.

7. You learn from your mistakes

Failures can't stop you. You know that a negative experience is also an experience; any fiasco is only a reason to reflect on your mistakes and learn from them. Your credo: “It is not the one who never falls who is good, but the one who always rises.”

8. You are not afraid of risks

The act of creation, creating something new requires a certain courage and you are truly a brave person! For the sake of what you believe in, you are ready to conquer any peak, and even the possibility that your efforts will not yield results will not deter you from trying to reach new heights. Seeing an obstacle in front of you, you do not turn back, but resolutely rush to attack. Steven Kotler, a contributor to Forbes magazine, writes:

“Creativity is not for the timid. Wasted time, tarnished reputation, wasted money - all these are side effects of unsuccessful creative activity.”

If you think that there are too many annoying mistakes, remember another of his sayings:

“All talented individuals often fail, but geniuses fail even more often.”

9. You surround yourself with beauty.

As you know, talented people are talented in everything and you are no exception. You try to find your unique style in everything, from decorating your home to cooking dinner. For you, life consists of a means of self-expression and you remain true to yourself, regardless of the opinions of others about your activities. Moreover, criticism only motivates you, forcing you to stick to your line even more confidently. As John Wooden, the famous basketball player and successful basketball coach, said:

“Whatever you do, surround yourself with smart people who will argue with you.”

10. You follow your dreams.

Truly creative individuals are happy only when they do what they love. It doesn’t matter how much money creativity brings and whether friends and relatives understand this obsession - as in love, in creation there are only two: the Creator and the product of his genius. You can write imperishable novels on scraps of paper, create stunning sculptures from plastic bottles, and use the walls of your own entrance as a canvas for your painting masterpieces.

If you are one of the creators, you do not need fans, recognition, awards, and conditions for creativity, the main reason for realizing your fantasies is life itself.