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3 14 complete. What does pi hide?

What does Pi hide?

Pi is one of the most popular mathematical concepts. Pictures are written about him, films are made, he is played on musical instruments, poems and holidays are dedicated to him, he is sought and found in sacred texts.

Who discovered pi?
Who and when first discovered the number π still remains a mystery. It is known that the builders of ancient Babylon already made full use of it in their design. Cuneiform tablets that are thousands of years old even preserve problems that were proposed to be solved using π. True, then it was believed that π was equal to three. This is evidenced by a tablet found in the city of Susa, two hundred kilometers from Babylon, where the number π was indicated as 3 1/8.

In the process of calculating π, the Babylonians discovered that the radius of a circle as a chord enters it six times, and divided the circle into 360 degrees. And at the same time they did the same with the orbit of the sun. Thus, they decided to consider that there are 360 ​​days in a year.

In Ancient Egypt, π was equal to 3.16.
In ancient India - 3,088.
In Italy at the turn of the era, it was believed that π was equal to 3.125.

In Antiquity, the earliest mention of π refers to the famous problem of squaring the circle, that is, the impossibility of using a compass and ruler to construct a square whose area is equal to the area of ​​a certain circle. Archimedes equated π to the fraction 22/7.

The closest people to the exact value of π came in China. It was calculated in the 5th century AD. e. famous Chinese astronomer Tzu Chun Zhi. π was calculated quite simply. It was necessary to write odd numbers twice: 11 33 55, and then, dividing them in half, place the first in the denominator of the fraction, and the second in the numerator: 355/113. The result agrees with modern calculations of π up to the seventh digit.

Why π - π?
Now even schoolchildren know that the number π is a mathematical constant equal to the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the length of its diameter and is equal to π 3.1415926535 ... and then after the decimal point - to infinity.

The number acquired its designation π in a complex way: first, in 1647, the mathematician Outrade used this Greek letter to describe the length of a circle. He took the first letter of the Greek word περιφέρεια - “periphery”. In 1706, the English teacher William Jones in his work “Review of the Achievements of Mathematics” already called the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter by the letter π. And the name was cemented by the 18th century mathematician Leonard Euler, before whose authority the rest bowed their heads. So π became π.

Uniqueness of the number
Pi is a truly unique number.

1. Scientists believe that the number of digits in the number π is infinite. Their sequence is not repeated. Moreover, no one will ever be able to find repetitions. Since the number is infinite, it can contain absolutely everything, even a Rachmaninoff symphony, the Old Testament, your phone number and the year in which the Apocalypse will occur.

2. π is associated with chaos theory. Scientists came to this conclusion after creating Bailey's computer program, which showed that the sequence of numbers in π is absolutely random, which is consistent with the theory.

3. It is almost impossible to calculate the number completely - it would take too much time.

4. π is an irrational number, that is, its value cannot be expressed as a fraction.

5. π is a transcendental number. It cannot be obtained by performing any algebraic operations on integers.

6. Thirty-nine decimal places in the number π are enough to calculate the length of the circle encircling known cosmic objects in the Universe, with an error of the radius of a hydrogen atom.

7. The number π is associated with the concept of the “golden ratio”. In the process of measuring the Great Pyramid of Giza, archaeologists discovered that its height is related to the length of its base, just as the radius of a circle is related to its length.

Records related to π

In 2010, Yahoo mathematician Nicholas Zhe was able to calculate two quadrillion decimal places (2x10) in the number π. It took 23 days, and the mathematician needed many assistants who worked on thousands of computers, united using distributed computing technology. The method made it possible to perform calculations at such a phenomenal speed. To calculate the same thing on a single computer would take more than 500 years.

In order to simply write all this down on paper, you would need a paper tape more than two billion kilometers long. If you expand such a record, its end will go beyond the solar system.

Chinese Liu Chao set a record for memorizing the sequence of digits of the number π. Within 24 hours and 4 minutes, Liu Chao said 67,890 decimal places without making a single mistake.

Club π

π has many fans. It is played on musical instruments, and it turns out that it “sounds” excellent. They remember it and come up with various techniques for this. For fun, they download it to their computer and brag to each other about who has downloaded the most. Monuments are erected to him. For example, there is such a monument in Seattle. It is located on the steps in front of the Museum of Art.

π is used in decorations and interior design. Poems are dedicated to him, he is looked for in holy books and at excavations. There is even a “Club π”.
In the best traditions of π, not one, but two whole days a year are dedicated to the number! The first time π Day is celebrated is March 14th. You need to congratulate each other at exactly 1 hour, 59 minutes, 26 seconds. Thus, the date and time correspond to the first digits of the number - 3.1415926.

For the second time, the π holiday is celebrated on July 22. This day is associated with the so-called “approximate π”, which Archimedes wrote down as a fraction.
Usually on this day, students, schoolchildren and scientists organize funny flash mobs and actions. Mathematicians, having fun, use π to calculate the laws of a falling sandwich and give each other comic rewards.
And by the way, π can actually be found in the holy books. For example, in the Bible. And there the number π is equal to... three.

One of the most mysterious numbers known to mankind is, of course, the number Π (read pi). In algebra, this number reflects the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Previously, this quantity was called the Ludolph number. How and where the number Pi came from is not known for certain, but mathematicians divide the entire history of the number Π into 3 stages: ancient, classical and the era of digital computers.

The number P is irrational, that is, it cannot be represented as a simple fraction, where the numerator and denominator are integers. Therefore, such a number has no ending and is periodic. The irrationality of P was first proven by I. Lambert in 1761.

In addition to this property, the number P cannot also be the root of any polynomial, and therefore the number property, when proven in 1882, put an end to the almost sacred dispute among mathematicians “about the squaring of the circle,” which lasted for 2,500 years.

It is known that the Briton Jones was the first to introduce the designation of this number in 1706. After Euler's works appeared, the use of this notation became generally accepted.

To understand in detail what the number Pi is, it should be said that its use is so widespread that it is difficult to even name an area of ​​science that would do without it. One of the simplest and most familiar meanings from the school curriculum is the designation of the geometric period. The ratio of the length of a circle to the length of its diameter is constant and equal to 3.14. This value was known to the most ancient mathematicians in India, Greece, Babylon, and Egypt. The earliest version of the calculation of the ratio dates back to 1900 BC. e. The Chinese scientist Liu Hui calculated a value of P that is closer to the modern value; in addition, he invented a quick method for such calculation. Its value remained generally accepted for almost 900 years.

The classical period in the development of mathematics was marked by the fact that in order to establish exactly what the number Pi is, scientists began to use methods of mathematical analysis. In the 1400s, Indian mathematician Madhava used series theory to calculate and determined the period of P to within 11 decimal places. The first European, after Archimedes, who studied the number P and made a significant contribution to its substantiation, was the Dutchman Ludolf van Zeilen, who already determined 15 decimal places, and in his will wrote very entertaining words: “... whoever is interested, let him move on.” It was in honor of this scientist that the number P received its first and only name in history.

The era of computer computing has brought new details to the understanding of the essence of the number P. So, in order to find out what the number Pi is, in 1949 the ENIAC computer was first used, one of the developers of which was the future “father” of the theory of modern computers, J. The first measurement was carried out on over 70 hours and gave 2037 digits after the decimal point in the period of the number P. The million digit mark was reached in 1973. In addition, during this period, other formulas were established that reflected the number P. Thus, the Chudnovsky brothers were able to find one that made it possible to calculate 1,011,196,691 digits of the period.

In general, it should be noted that in order to answer the question: “What is Pi?”, many studies began to resemble competitions. Today, supercomputers are already working on the question of what the real number Pi is. interesting facts related to these studies permeate almost the entire history of mathematics.

Today, for example, world championships in memorizing the number P are being held and world records are being recorded, the last one belongs to the Chinese Liu Chao, who named 67,890 characters in just over a day. There is even a holiday of the number P in the world, which is celebrated as “Pi Day”.

As of 2011, 10 trillion digits of the number period have already been established.

For calculating any large number of signs of pi, the previous method is no longer suitable. But there are a large number of sequences that converge to Pi much faster. Let us use, for example, the Gauss formula:

p = 12arctan 1 + 8arctan 1 - 5arctan 1
4 18 57 239

The proof of this formula is not difficult, so we will omit it.

Source code of the program, including "long arithmetic"

The program calculates NbDigits of the first digits of Pi. The function for calculating arctan is called arccot, since arctan(1/p) = arccot(p), but the calculation is carried out according to the Taylor formula specifically for the arctangent, namely arctan(x) = x - x 3 /3 + x 5 /5 - . .. x=1/p, which means arccot(x) = 1/p - 1 / p 3 / 3 + ... Calculations occur recursively: the previous element of the sum is divided and gives the next one.

/* ** Pascal Sebah: September 1999 ** ** Subject: ** ** A very easy program to compute Pi with many digits. ** No optimisations, no tricks, just a basic program to learn how ** to compute in multiprecision. ** ** Formulae: ** ** Pi/4 = arctan(1/2)+arctan(1/3) (Hutton 1) ** Pi/4 = 2*arctan(1/3)+arctan(1/ 7) (Hutton 2) ** Pi/4 = 4*arctan(1/5)-arctan(1/239) (Machin) ** Pi/4 = 12*arctan(1/18)+8*arctan(1 /57)-5*arctan(1/239) (Gauss) ** ** with arctan(x) = x - x^3/3 + x^5/5 - ... ** ** The Lehmer"s measure is the sum of the inverse of the decimal ** logarithm of the pk in the arctan(1/pk). The more the measure ** is small, the more the formula is efficient. ** For example, with Machin"s formula: ** ** E = 1/log10(5)+1/log10(239) = 1.852 ** ** Data: ** ** A big real (or multiprecision real) is defined in base B as: ** X = x(0) + x(1)/B^1 + ... + x(n-1)/B^(n-1) ** where 0<=x(i)Work with double instead of long and the base B can ** be chosen as 10^8 ** => During the iterations the numbers you add are smaller ** and smaller, take this in account in the +, *, / ** => In the division of y=x/d, you may precompute 1/d and ** avoid multiplications in the loop (only with doubles) ** => MaxDiv may be increased to more than 3000 with doubles ** => . .. */#include #include #include #include long B=10000; /* Working base */ long LB=4; /* Log10(base) */ long MaxDiv=450; /* about sqrt(2^31/B) */ /* ** Set the big real x to the small integer Integer */ void SetToInteger (long n, long *x, long Integer) ( long i; for (i=1; i /* ** Is the big real x equal to zero ? */ long IsZero (long n, long *x) ( long i; for (i=0; i /* ** Addition of big reals: x += y ** Like school addition with carry management */ void Add (long n, long *x, long *y) ( long carry=0, i; for (i=n-1; i>=0; i--) ( x[i] += y[i] +carry; if (x[i] /* ** Substraction of big reals: x -= y ** Like school substraction with carry management ** x must be greater than y */ void Sub (long n, long *x, long *y) ( long i; for (i=n-1; i>=0; i--) ( x[i] -= y[i]; if (x [i]<0) { if (i) { x[i] += B; x--; } } } } /* ** Multiplication of the big real x by the integer q ** x = x*q. ** Like school multiplication with carry management */ void Mul (long n, long *x, long q) ( long carry=0, xi, i; for (i=n-1; i>=0; i--) ( xi = x[i]*q; xi += carry; if (xi>=B) ( carry = xi/B; xi -= (carry*B); ) else carry = 0; x[i] = xi; ) ) /* ** Division of the big real x by the integer d ** The result is y=x/d. ** Like school division with carry management ** d is limited to MaxDiv*MaxDiv. */ void Div (long n, long *x, long d, long *y) ( long carry=0, xi, q, i; for (i=0; i /* ** Find the arc cotangent of the integer p (that is arctan (1/p)) ** Result in the big real x (size n) ** buf1 and buf2 are two buffers of size n */ void arccot ​​(long p, long n, long *x, long *buf1, long *buf2) ( long p2=p*p, k=3, sign=0; long *uk=buf1, *vk=buf2; SetToInteger ( n, x, 0); SetToInteger (n, uk, 1); /* uk = 1/p */ Div (n, uk, p, uk); Add (n, x, uk); /* x = uk */ while (!IsZero(n, uk)) ( if (p /* Two steps for large p (see division) */ Div (n, uk, p, uk); ) /* uk = u(k-1)/(p^2) */ Div (n, uk, k, vk); /* vk = uk/k */ if (sign) Add (n, x, vk); /* x = x+vk */ else Sub (n, x, vk); /* x = x-vk */ k+=2; sign = 1-sign; ) ) /* ** Print the big real x */ void Print (long n, long *x) ( long i; printf ("%d.", x); for (i=1; i /* ** Computation of the constant Pi with arctan relations */ void main () ( clock_t endclock, startclock; long NbDigits=10000, NbArctan; long p, m; long size=1+NbDigits/LB, i; long *Pi = (long *)malloc(size*sizeof(long)) ; long *arctan = (long *)malloc(size*sizeof(long)); long *buffer1 = (long *)malloc(size*sizeof(long)); long *buffer2 = (long *)malloc(size*sizeof (long)); startclock = clock(); /* ** Formula used: ** ** Pi/4 = 12*arctan(1/18)+8*arctan(1/57)-5*arctan(1/239) (Gauss) */ NbArctan = 3; m = 12; m = 8; m = -5; p = 18; p = 57; p = 239; SetToInteger(size, Pi, 0); /* ** Computation of Pi/4 = Sum(i) *arctan(1/p[i])] */ for (i=0; i 0) Add (size, Pi, arctan); else Sub(size, Pi, arctan); ) Mul (size, Pi, 4); endclock = clock(); Print(size, Pi); /* Print out of Pi */ printf ("Computation time is: %9.2f seconds\n", (float)(endclock-startclock)/(float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); free(Pi); free(arctan); free(buffer1); free(buffer2); )

Of course, these are not the most efficient ways to calculate pi. There are still a huge number of formulas. For example, the Chudnovsky formula, variations of which are used in Maple. However, in normal programming practice, the Gaussian formula is quite sufficient, so these methods will not be described in the article. It is unlikely that anyone wants to calculate billions of digits of pi, for which a complex formula gives a large increase in speed.

There are a lot of mysteries among the PIs. Or rather, these are not even riddles, but a kind of Truth that no one has yet solved in the entire history of mankind...

What is Pi? The PI number is a mathematical “constant” that expresses the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. At first, out of ignorance, it (this ratio) was considered equal to three, which was a rough approximation, but it was enough for them. But when prehistoric times gave way to ancient times (i.e., already historical), the surprise of inquisitive minds knew no bounds: it turned out that the number three very inaccurately expresses this ratio. With the passage of time and the development of science, this number began to be considered equal to twenty-two sevenths.

The English mathematician Augustus de Morgan once called the number PI “... the mysterious number 3.14159... that crawls through the door, through the window and through the roof.” Tireless scientists continued and continued to calculate the decimal places of the number Pi, which is actually a wildly non-trivial task, because you can’t just calculate it in a column: the number is not only irrational, but also transcendental (these are just such numbers that cannot be calculated by simple equations).

In the process of calculating these same signs, many different scientific methods and entire sciences were discovered. But the most important thing is that there are no repetitions in the decimal part of pi, as in an ordinary periodic fraction, and the number of decimal places is infinite. Today it has been verified that there are indeed no repetitions in 500 billion digits of pi. There is reason to believe that there are none at all.

Since there are no repetitions in the sequence of pi signs, this means that the sequence of pi signs obeys the theory of chaos, or more precisely, the number pi is chaos written in numbers. Moreover, if desired, this chaos can be represented graphically, and there is an assumption that this Chaos is intelligent.

In 1965, the American mathematician M. Ulam, sitting at one boring meeting, with nothing to do, began to write the numbers included in pi on checkered paper. Putting 3 in the center and moving counterclockwise in a spiral, he wrote out 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5 and other numbers after the decimal point. Along the way, he circled all the prime numbers. Imagine his surprise and horror when the circles began to line up along straight lines!

In the decimal tail of pi you can find any desired sequence of digits. Any sequence of digits in the decimal places of pi will be found sooner or later. Any!

So what? - you ask. Otherwise... Think about it: if your phone is there (and it is), then there is also the phone number of the girl who didn’t want to give you her number. Moreover, there are credit card numbers, and even all the values ​​of the winning numbers for tomorrow's lottery draw. What is there, in general, all lotteries for many millennia to come. The question is how to find them there...

If you encrypt all the letters with numbers, then in the decimal expansion of the number pi you can find all the world literature and science, and the recipe for making bechamel sauce, and all the holy books of all religions. This is a strict scientific fact. After all, the sequence is INFINITE and the combinations in the number PI are not repeated, therefore it contains ALL combinations of numbers, and this has already been proven. And if everything, then ALL. Including those that correspond to the book you have chosen.

And this again means that it contains not only all the world literature that has already been written (in particular, those books that burned, etc.), but also all the books that WILL yet be written. Including your articles on websites. It turns out that this number (the only reasonable number in the Universe!) governs our world. You just need to look at more signs, find the right area and decipher it. This is somewhat akin to the paradox of a herd of chimpanzees hammering away at a keyboard. Given a long enough experiment (you can even estimate the time) they will print all of Shakespeare's plays.

This immediately suggests an analogy with periodically appearing messages that the Old Testament supposedly contains encoded messages to descendants that can be read using clever programs. It is not entirely wise to immediately dismiss such an exotic feature of the Bible; cabalists have been searching for such prophecies for centuries, but I would like to cite the message of one researcher who, using a computer, found words in the Old Testament that there are no prophecies in the Old Testament. Most likely, in a very large text, as well as in the infinite digits of the PI number, it is possible not only to encode any information, but also to “find” phrases that were not originally included there.

For practice, 11 characters after the dot are enough within the Earth. Then, knowing that the radius of the Earth is 6400 km or 6.4 * 1012 millimeters, it turns out that if we discard the twelfth digit in the PI number after the point when calculating the length of the meridian, we will be mistaken by several millimeters. And when calculating the length of the Earth’s orbit when rotating around the Sun (as is known, R = 150 * 106 km = 1.5 * 1014 mm), for the same accuracy it is enough to use the number PI with fourteen digits after the dot, and what’s there to waste - the diameter of our Galaxies are about 100,000 light years away (1 light year is approximately equal to 1013 km) or 1018 km or 1030 mm, and back in the 17th century, 34 digits of the PI number were obtained, excessive for such distances, and they are currently calculated to 12411 trillionth sign!!!

The absence of periodically repeating numbers, namely, based on their formula Circumference = Pi * D, the circle does not close, since there is no finite number. This fact can also be closely related to the spiral manifestation in our lives...

There is also a hypothesis that all (or some) universal constants (Planck’s constant, Euler’s number, universal gravitational constant, electron charge, etc.) change their values ​​over time, as the curvature of space changes due to the redistribution of matter or for other reasons unknown to us.

At the risk of incurring the wrath of the enlightened community, we can assume that the PI number considered today, reflecting the properties of the Universe, may change over time. In any case, no one can forbid us to re-find the value of the number PI, confirming (or not confirming) the existing values.

10 interesting facts about PI number

1. The history of numbers goes back more than one thousand years, almost as long as the science of mathematics has existed. Of course, the exact value of the number was not immediately calculated. At first, the ratio of circumference to diameter was considered equal to 3. But over time, when architecture began to develop, a more accurate measurement was required. By the way, the number existed, but it received a letter designation only at the beginning of the 18th century (1706) and comes from the initial letters of two Greek words meaning “circle” and “perimeter”. The letter “π” was given to the number by the mathematician Jones, and it became firmly established in mathematics already in 1737.

2. In different eras and among different peoples, the number Pi had different meanings. For example, in Ancient Egypt it was equal to 3.1604, among the Hindus it acquired a value of 3.162, and the Chinese used a number equal to 3.1459. Over time, π was calculated more and more accurately, and when computing technology, that is, a computer, appeared, it began to number more than 4 billion characters.

3. There is a legend, or rather experts believe, that the number Pi was used in the construction of the Tower of Babel. However, it was not the wrath of God that caused its collapse, but incorrect calculations during construction. Like, the ancient masters were wrong. A similar version exists regarding the Temple of Solomon.

4. It is noteworthy that they tried to introduce the value of Pi even at the state level, that is, through law. In 1897, the state of Indiana prepared a bill. According to the document, Pi was 3.2. However, scientists intervened in time and thus prevented the mistake. In particular, Professor Perdue, who was present at the legislative meeting, spoke out against the bill.

5. Interestingly, several numbers in the infinite sequence Pi have their own name. So, six nines of Pi are named after the American physicist. Richard Feynman once gave a lecture and stunned the audience with a remark. He said he wanted to memorize the digits of Pi up to six nines, only to say "nine" six times at the end of the story, implying that its meaning was rational. When in fact it is irrational.

6. Mathematicians around the world do not stop conducting research related to the number Pi. It is literally shrouded in some mystery. Some theorists even believe that it contains universal truth. To exchange knowledge and new information about Pi, a Pi Club was organized. It’s not easy to join; you need to have an extraordinary memory. Thus, those wishing to become a member of the club are examined: a person must recite from memory as many signs of the number Pi as possible.

7. They even came up with various techniques for remembering the number Pi after the decimal point. For example, they come up with entire texts. In them, words have the same number of letters as the corresponding number after the decimal point. To make it even easier to remember such a long number, they compose poems according to the same principle. Members of the Pi Club often have fun in this way, and at the same time train their memory and intelligence. For example, Mike Keith had such a hobby, who eighteen years ago came up with a story in which each word was equal to almost four thousand (3834) of the first digits of Pi.

8. There are even people who have set records for memorizing Pi signs. So, in Japan, Akira Haraguchi memorized more than eighty-three thousand characters. But the domestic record is not so outstanding. A resident of Chelyabinsk managed to recite by heart only two and a half thousand numbers after the decimal point of Pi.

9. Pi Day has been celebrated for more than a quarter of a century, since 1988. One day, a physicist from the popular science museum in San Francisco, Larry Shaw, noticed that March 14, when written, coincides with the number Pi. In the date, the month and day form 3.14.

10. There is an interesting coincidence. On March 14, the great scientist Albert Einstein, who, as we know, created the theory of relativity, was born.

Ever since humans were able to count and began exploring the properties of abstract objects called numbers, generations of inquisitive minds have made fascinating discoveries. As our knowledge of numbers has increased, some of them have attracted special attention, and some have even been given mystical meanings. Was, which stands for nothing, and which when multiplied by any number gives itself. There was, the beginning of everything, also possessing rare properties, prime numbers. Then they discovered that there are numbers that are not integers, but are sometimes obtained by dividing two integers - rational numbers. Irrational numbers that cannot be obtained as a ratio of whole numbers, etc. But if there is a number that has fascinated and caused a lot of writing to be written, it is (pi). A number that, despite a long history, was not called what we call it today until the eighteenth century.


The number pi is obtained by dividing the circumference of a circle by its diameter. In this case, the size of the circle is not important. Big or small, the ratio of length to diameter is the same. Although it is likely that this property was known earlier, the earliest evidence of this knowledge is the Moscow Mathematical Papyrus of 1850 BC. and the Ahmes papyrus 1650 BC. (although this is a copy of an older document). It contains a large number of mathematical problems, some of which come close to , which is slightly more than 0.6\% different from the exact value. Around this time, the Babylonians considered equals. In the Old Testament, written more than ten centuries later, Yahweh keeps things simple and establishes by divine decree what exactly equals .

However, the great explorers of this number were the ancient Greeks such as Anaxagoras, Hippocrates of Chios and Antiphon of Athens. Previously, the value was determined almost certainly by experimental measurements. Archimedes was the first to understand how to theoretically evaluate its significance. The use of circumscribed and inscribed polygons (the larger one is circumscribed around the circle in which the smaller one is inscribed) made it possible to determine what is greater and less. Using Archimedes' method, other mathematicians obtained better approximations, and already in 480 Zu Chongzhi determined that the values ​​were between and . However, the polygon method requires a lot of calculations (remember that everything was done by hand and not in a modern number system), so it had no future.


It was necessary to wait until the 17th century, when a revolution in calculation took place with the discovery of the infinite series, although the first result was not close, it was a product. Infinite series are the sums of an infinite number of terms that form a certain sequence (for example, all numbers of the form , where takes values ​​from to infinity). In many cases the sum is finite and can be found by various methods. It turns out that some of these series converge to or some quantity related to . In order for a series to converge, it is necessary (but not sufficient) that the summed quantities tend to zero as they grow. Thus, the more numbers we add, the more accurate we get the value. Now we have two options for getting a more accurate value. Either add more numbers, or find another series that converges faster, so that you can add fewer numbers.

Thanks to this new approach, the accuracy of the calculation increased dramatically, and in 1873, William Shanks published the result of many years of work, giving a value with 707 decimal places. Fortunately, he did not live until 1945, when it was discovered that he had made a mistake and all the numbers, starting with , were incorrect. However, his approach was most accurate before the advent of computers. This was the penultimate revolution in computing. Mathematical operations that would take several minutes to perform manually are now completed in fractions of a second, with virtually no errors. John Wrench and L. R. Smith managed to calculate 2,000 digits in 70 hours on the first electronic computer. The million-digit barrier was reached in 1973.

The latest (currently) advance in computing is the discovery of iterative algorithms that converge to faster than infinite series, so that much higher accuracy can be achieved with the same computing power. The current record is just over 10 trillion correct digits. Why calculate so accurately? Considering that, knowing the 39 digits of this number, you can calculate the volume of the known Universe to the nearest atom, there is no reason... yet.

Some interesting facts

However, calculating the value is only a small part of its story. This number has properties that make this constant so interesting.

Perhaps the biggest problem associated with , is the famous squaring of the circle problem, the problem of constructing, using a compass and ruler, a square whose area is equal to the area of ​​a given circle. The squaring of the circle tormented generations of mathematicians for twenty-four centuries until von Lindemann proved that it is a transcendental number (it is not a solution to any polynomial equation with rational coefficients) and, therefore, impossible to grasp the immensity. Until 1761, it was not proven that the number is irrational, that is, that there are no two natural numbers such that . Transcendence was not proven until 1882, but it is not yet known whether the numbers or ( is another irrational transcendental number) are irrational. Many relationships appear that are not related to circles. This is part of the normalization factor of the normal function, apparently the most widely used in statistics. As mentioned earlier, a number appears as the sum of many series and is equal to infinite products, it is also important in the study of complex numbers. In physics, it can be found (depending on the system of units used) in the cosmological constant (Albert Einstein's biggest mistake) or the constant magnetic field constant. In a number system with any base (decimal, binary...), the numbers pass all tests of randomness, there is no order or sequence. The Riemann zeta function closely relates number to prime numbers. This number has a long history and probably still holds many surprises.