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Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University (VGSPU). Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University (VGSPU) VSGPU: the Great Patriotic War and its consequences

A delegation of students and creative groups from VGSPU took part in the student “Festival of Friendship” dedicated to the millennium of the city of Brest. Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University was represented at the anniversary events by soloists of folk groups - the folklore and ethnographic ensemble "Pokrov" and the youth enterprise "ART-Chance". Talented students from various faculties and institutes of VGSPU successfully presented their creative performances in the concert program. Our artists were greeted with thunderous applause on the main stage of the festival. Their professionalism and bright performances evoked positive emotions among the audience and many pleasant reviews. It should be noted that the student “Friendship Festival” was organized by Brest State University named after A.S. Pushkin. More than 200 students from friendly universities in the Republic of Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan took part in it. Excellent accommodation conditions and a rich excursion program were organized for festival participants.

From September 16 to October 31, the Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University will host a sports competition “VGSPU Freshmen Cups” among faculties and institutes of the university. Teams of first-year students will compete with each other in competitions in 10 sports: women's volleyball and men's volleyball, women's streetball and men's streetball, mini-football, table tennis, chess, athletics, badminton and darts. Each participant has the right to compete in an unlimited number of sports. Based on the results of the competition, the best representatives in various sports will receive a place in the university team and will go to defend the honor of our university at interuniversity competitions among first-year students. Teams of faculties and institutes of VGSPU, made up of full-time first-year students (not including undergraduates and graduate students), admitted by a doctor and submitting an application to participate in the competition, are allowed to participate in the competition. Competitions are held with the aim of popularizing physical education and sports among first-year students of VGSPU, attracting them to systematic physical education and sports, improving sportsmanship, identifying the strongest teams and individual athletes in types of competitions, promoting a healthy lifestyle, as well as organizing leisure time for VGSPU students. .

The head of the educational department, Elena Orlova, made a report on the topic “The main results of the state final certification of VGSPU graduates in 2019.” Elena Viktorovna noted that the main goal of the GIA is to determine the compliance of the results of students’ mastery of basic educational programs with the corresponding requirements of federal state educational standards of higher education. In the 2018-2019 academic year, the GIA procedure for university graduates was provided by 264 state examination commissions, which consisted of state examination commissions for various certification tests, including 15 areas of bachelor’s training (54 bachelor’s programs), 4 areas of master’s training (38 master’s programs ) and 1 specialty program. In general, at the university, 54.2% of graduates passed state exams with “excellent” marks, 33.3% passed “excellent” and “good” and only “good”, and 12.5% ​​completed the State Examination with a satisfactory grade. In full-time education, 55.4% of graduates passed all state exams with “excellent” marks, 31.6% with “excellent” and “good” and “good” grades, and 12% with a “satisfactory” grade. In correspondence courses: 50% of graduates scored “excellent”, 36% scored “excellent” and “good”, and 14% scored “satisfactory”. In full-time and part-time education, 79.6% of graduates passed all state exams with “excellent” marks, 14.8% with “good” scores, and 5.6% with “satisfactory” scores. Among full-time university graduates, 77.6% defended their final qualification papers with “excellent” marks, 18.9% with “good” grades, and 3.5% with “satisfactory” grades. In the correspondence department, 69.5% of students defended their final qualifying theses with “excellent” grades, 24.5% with “good” grades, and 6% with “satisfactory” grades. In full-time and part-time education, 80.8% of students defended their thesis as “excellent”, 17% as “good” and 2.2% as “satisfactory”. An analysis of the quality of knowledge and academic performance of VGSPU graduates over the past 4 years shows that they have fairly high indicators: the quality of knowledge has increased from 79% to 86.8%, academic performance remains consistently high. In addition, in 2019 the percentage of diplomas with honors increased significantly: 516 graduates (more than 30%) received so-called “honours” diplomas.

An advanced training course and training seminar for teachers, head teachers and employees of regional education committees took place at VGSPU. Specialists were able to learn first-hand the normative and methodological foundations of teaching new school subjects. More than 200 teachers from more than 20 districts of the Volgograd region gathered in the conference hall of the VGSPU to learn more about new academic disciplines. “Native language (Russian)” and “Literary reading in the native language” are two new subjects that are being introduced into the curriculum of Russian schoolchildren. Today this issue is especially relevant in elementary schools. The advanced training course offers full-time and distance learning forms. Conducting a seminar, talking about the normative and methodological foundations of teaching new disciplines - methodologist of the information and methodological center of the publishing house “Russkoe Slovo”, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Alevtina Fedorova; the course moderator is Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Primary Education at VGSPU Marina Nikolaeva; Olga Sukhorukova, deputy director for educational work of the Municipal Educational Institution “Lyceum No. 10” in Volgograd, shares her experience in drawing up curricula and work programs. Based on the results of the advanced training course, participants will be issued certificates of the established form and certificates of participation in the regional scientific and practical seminar.

As part of the 3rd session of the summer school for children and youth from among foreign citizens, “Non-stop Eco-marathon”, history days were held. They were organized by the Department of National History and Local History Education of the Faculty of Historical and Legal Education of the VGSPU. The second week of the third session of the summer school for children and youth from among foreign citizens “Non-stop Eco-Marathon” was devoted to the study of history. Leading teachers of the Faculty of Historical and Legal Education of VGSPU held a series of open lectures, discussion platforms, games and quests for students of Lugansk National Taras Shevchenko University. FIPO students told summer school participants about the work of the faculty search team “Guardsman,” and the guys shared memories of their relatives who participated in the war. Acquaintance with the history of our region, with the history of the Battle of Stalingrad, continued at Mamayev Kurgan. The excursion was conducted by students of the faculty, telling the children in detail about the significance of each monument of the monument-ensemble.

The delegation of VGSPU, led by rector Alexander Korotkov, congratulated the partner university on the 70th anniversary of its founding. At the ceremony, Alexander Mikhailovich spoke on behalf of all partner universities on the Russian side. “Changchun University has a long tradition and today is a recognized center for training highly qualified specialists, as well as one of the leaders in introducing innovations in the field of higher professional education. Today, your university is a modern multidisciplinary university, distinguished by a wide range of natural sciences and humanities, modern educational technologies, the rapid development of fundamental science, and deep integration into the international educational and scientific community,” the rector of VGSPU addressed the conference participants at Changchun University. – I would like to note with satisfaction that out of the 70 glorious years of the existence of Changchun University, 30 were marked by strong and mutually beneficial cooperation with the Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University. The subject of our pride is the joint educational program “2+2”. This program for studying Russian as a foreign language became possible thanks to the efforts of the leadership of Changchun University and the director of the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of Changchun University, Professor Wang Jinling. The joint project of VGSPU and Changchun University received approval from the Ministry of Education of China and the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. More than 100 people have already received education under this program.” Let us recall that according to the “2+2” program, Chinese students study for two years at a university in their homeland, and then continue their studies at a Russian university. At the moment, students from China are receiving education in the field of preparation “Pedagogical education”, profile “Foreign language (Russian language)”. In the 2015-2016 academic year, Changchun University organized enrollment for a new joint educational program in the direction of “Linguistics”, profile “Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages ​​and Cultures”. This program allows students to learn not only Russian, but also a second foreign language.

The next group of counselors - six students of the Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University are successfully working in the Ozerny camp of the Artek Children's Center. During the summer, a group of counselors was trained under an agreement between VGSPU and the Artek MDC. At the end of August, VGSPU counselors successfully began work in the Ozerny camp. This time, students from institutes of Russian language and literature, as well as natural science education, physical education and life safety, were trained to be sent to the Artek MDC. The participation of students of the Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University in the implementation of educational programs of the Artek International Children's Center will last until November 2019. Let us remind you that VGSPU and MDC “Artek” entered into an agreement on cooperation, the purpose of which is to develop educational cooperation between organizations. It should be noted that this is the first experience of contractual relations between VGSPU and Artek MDC. The Department of Pedagogy of the Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University has been entrusted with the implementation of these relations. Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University successfully operates an effective system for training students to work as counselors in health camps. Trainees from VGSPU are welcome employees in children's recreation and health organizations both in the Volgograd region and beyond.

A team of VGSPU students and teachers will represent the university at the Volgograd Youth Forum “Fifth Semester”. Participants will enjoy educational, sports and leisure programs. The forum is taking place at the Orlyonok health center in the Krasnoarmeysky district of Volgograd. The two-day program is very rich: discussion platforms, speeches and master classes by experts on the topics: “Urban environment”, “Media environment”, “Art environment”, as well as various quests and sports games. The forum will include a presentation of social and business projects of Volgograd students. The organizer of the “5th semester” forum is the committee of youth policy and tourism of the Volgograd administration.

Based on the results of the competition of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research for the best fundamental scientific research projects carried out by young scientists studying in graduate school (“Postgraduate Students”), 2 applications from the Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University were supported. Postgraduate student of the Department of Pedagogy Elena Baykina (supervisor Professor Elena Sakharchuk) will implement the project “Design of a competency-oriented system of assessment tools in the conditions of modular construction of basic educational programs at a university.” The RFBR also supported the application of a graduate student of the Department of Pedagogy Ekaterina Kurysheva (scientific advisor Professor Inna Bessarabova) “The formation and development of inclusive education in a modern US secondary school in the context of the policy of multicultural education.” Let us add that the objective of the competition is to create conditions for young postgraduate scientists to prepare a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Sciences, to assist in finding employment and to secure young scientists in Russian scientific organizations. The size of one grant is 1,200,000 rubles.

38 university employees spoke at meetings with the teaching community of municipalities of the Volgograd region: they held sections and master classes in 23 municipal districts and 3 urban districts of the region. These are the results of the participation of VGSPU employees in the traditional August teachers’ councils. The pedagogical community was presented with areas of interaction between VGSPU and municipal education systems: the activities of pedagogical classes in the regions of the region, training of professional personnel for the system of recreation and health improvement of children in the region, examination of specialized shift programs, trips to municipal districts of the Volgograd region, admission to targeted training, online pedagogical classes, online preparation classes for the Unified State Exam, methodological conferences, seminars, forums, additional professional education, additional education for children, organization of career guidance excursions to VGSPU, scientific management of regional innovation platforms and other effective forms of work. Let us recall that by order of the rector of the Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University Alexander Korotkov, each faculty and institute of the university is assigned to the municipalities of the Volgograd region, with which work on methodological support, career guidance activities with schoolchildren is carried out throughout the entire academic year, and close interaction is built with local teachers. School teachers and university teachers actively cooperate with each other in terms of implementing joint network projects on the Miroznay platform and participating in scientific events that take place at the Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University.

On June 20, VGSPU began accepting documents for all forms of education, and today the admissions campaign is gaining momentum.

As of July 6, 539 documents were submitted for bachelor’s and specialty programs for distance learning (admission plan 386), of which 183 were original education documents.
In the correspondence course, the leaders were identified: for the “Speech Therapy” profile, with an admission plan of 20 people, 53 applications were submitted, the average competition was 2.65 people per place; profile “Primary Education” with an admission plan of 25 people, 49 applications were submitted, the average competition was 1.96; profile “Pre-school education” with an admission plan of 20 people, 32 applications were submitted, the average competition was 1.6; profile "Preschool education" with an admission plan of 25 people, 38 applications were submitted, the average competition was 1.52. The average competition was 1,396 people per place.
As of July 6, 72 documents were submitted for bachelor’s and specialty programs for full-time and part-time study, of which 7 were original educational documents.
For the profile “Russian Language, Literature”, with a plan of admission of 10 people, 22 applications were submitted, the average competition was 2.2 people per place; profile "Economics" with a plan to admit 10 people, 17 applications were submitted, the average competition was 1.7. On average, the competition was 1.2 people per place.
As of July 6, 1963 documents were submitted for bachelor's and specialty programs for full-time study, of which 381 were original education documents.
For the profile “Russian Language, Literature”, with a plan of admission of 50 people, 134 applications were submitted, the average competition was 2.68; “Mathematics, Computer Science”, with an admission plan of 45 people, 113 applications were submitted, the average competition was 2.5; “Primary education” with a plan of admission of 12 people, 103 applications were submitted, the average competition was 8,583; profile "Economics" with a plan to admit 12 people, 83 applications were submitted, the average competition was 6.9; profile "Economics, Technology" with a plan to admit 8 people, 56 applications were submitted, the average competition was 7.0. On average, the competition was 3,462 people per place.
As of July 6, 2017, 142 documents were submitted for master’s programs for distance learning, of which 55 were original education documents.
In the correspondence course, the leaders were identified: the master's program "Quality Management in Primary Education" with an admission plan of 8 people, 15 applications were submitted, the average competition was 1,875 people per place. The average competition was 0.789 people per seat.
As of July 6, 2017, 31 documents were submitted for master’s programs for full-time and part-time study, of which 13 were original education documents.
At the moment, the leaders are the master's program "Economic Education" with an admission plan of 7 people, 8 applications were submitted, the average competition was 1,143 people per place. The average competition was 0.620 people per seat.
As of July 6, 92 documents were submitted for full-time master's programs, of which 48 were original education documents.
At the moment, the leaders are the master's program "Economic Education" with an admission plan of 8 people, 10 applications were submitted, the average competition was 1.25 people per place. The average competition was 0.613 people per place.

Raising children requires special attention not only from parents, but also from teachers. is a “training ground” for everyone who wants to devote themselves to this difficult but very interesting profession. Every year, about a thousand young professionals graduate from this higher education institution and go to work in schools, colleges and universities.

Founded in 1931, the pedagogical institution repeatedly took part in various experiments of the Ministry of Education of the USSR and the Russian Federation aimed at improving the quality of education. As of September 2017, the university has two institutes and a branch; the institution itself has more than ten faculties, where masters of pedagogy educate the younger generation.

VGSPU: history of creation and formation

The 1930s were remembered for fundamental changes that affected absolutely all residents of the Soviet Union. It was then that a program was launched aimed at providing residents of the country with primary education, which required the presence of a huge number of specialists in the relevant field. Thanks to her, in 1931 the Volgograd Social Pedagogical University appeared, which at that time was called the Stalingrad Industrial Pedagogical Institute.

Initially, it was planned that this educational institution would train engineer-teachers, who would then go to work in technical colleges, schools and colleges and carry out polytechnic training there. However, already in 1932, humanities faculties appeared in it, and five years later, a Teachers' Institute appeared at the establishment, where the duration of training was only two years, and its graduates could only work in grades 5-7. By 1941, the Stalingrad Pedagogical Institute was one of the largest educational institutions in the south of the USSR, about 500 teachers graduated from it annually.

VSPU: The Great Patriotic War and its consequences

The war, which went down in the history of mankind as the most terrible and destructive, claimed the lives of many teachers and students of the institute, which is now called the Volgograd Social Pedagogical University. Between September 1942 and November 1943, the institute suspended its work due to a shortage of teaching staff and students. As a result of the war, Stalingrad was almost completely destroyed, so it was possible to restore all previously used buildings only by 1949. Around the same time, the university stopped experiencing a shortage of teaching staff.

In 1953, the Teachers' Institute ceased its work, its facilities were transferred to an industrial and pedagogical institution. Particular emphasis in the work of the institute was placed on teaching foreign languages, as well as on equipping existing faculties with all the necessary facilities. Around the same time, additional enrollments were opened for graduate studies in the faculties of pedagogy and history. In 1961, the university was renamed Volgograd State Pedagogical Institute.

VSPU: current state of the university

It successfully coped with the crisis years of the 1990s, practically without losing all of its valuable teaching staff. In 2011, the university received its modern name - Volgograd. A year later, the Ministry of Education and Science recognized the university as ineffective and recommended its closure, but in 2013 the situation changed, and the university was allowed to continue operating.

In 2015, they tried to merge the university with Volgograd State University, but this did not happen. Currently, the socio-pedagogical university includes several lyceums, schools and kindergartens. Since 1992, university specialists have been developing projects related to lifelong education. Also, the university has more than 40 laboratories and research centers; students master bachelor's degrees and have the right to take part in candidate and master's programs, and then enroll in doctoral studies.

faculties and institutes

As of 2017, the university has 11 faculties, the most popular are those related to management and technological and economic education, as well as physics, computer science, mathematics and primary education. The university also has faculties of history, philology, socio-pedagogical and natural sciences. The Faculty of Social and Psychological-Pedagogical Education deserves special attention; specialists who most often occupy the positions of social educators in schools graduate from there every year.

The university also has faculties of professional retraining and additional education, where both current students and graduates can study. Not long ago, a faculty was opened where foreign students study - this is a key difference between the university and many others, where such students have to either study science with Russian-speaking students or study individually. The institutes of art education and foreign languages ​​stand apart, which function almost autonomously.

What is needed for admission?

Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University, admission to which is carried out according to standard procedures, annually accepts thousands of applications from applicants. According to existing rules, a prospective student can apply for admission to only three majors at one university. Along with it, you must submit a passport, as well as documents on previous education (secondary or higher), a medical certificate in form 086, Unified State Examination certificates, as well as two photographs measuring 3 by 4 centimeters. If necessary, you will need to submit documents confirming that the future student has disabilities.

Prize-winners and winners of All-Russian Olympiads, members of Russian national teams, as well as children without parental care also have special rights to admission. In all these cases, it is necessary to submit documents confirming the special status to the university admissions committee. The applicant also has the right to present to the admissions committee his portfolio, consisting of various awards, certificates, and certificates of participation in competitions and competitions.

Where should I send the documents?

If you decide to enroll at the Volgograd Social and Pedagogical University, the admissions committee, recently renamed the Center for Formation of Contingents, is waiting for you from Monday to Thursday from 8:30 to 17:15, lunch - from 12:30 to 13:00. On Fridays, the center operates a shortened schedule - from 8:30 to 16:00, Saturday and Sunday are days off. Commission address: Lenin Avenue, building 27, room 0126.

If the applicant does not have the opportunity to personally come to the Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University and submit documents on his own, he has the right to send them by mail with a declared value. A potential university student can clarify all the necessary information by contacting the contact numbers.

Where can I stay?

FSBEI “Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University” offers its nonresident students accommodation in one of its three dormitories. To obtain a place, you must submit a corresponding personal application to the admissions committee; accommodation is paid, the cost can be clarified there. To check in, you must provide a referral from the admissions office, a passport, a copy of certificate 086, fluorography results, a military ID/registration certificate (for young men) and a couple of photographs 3 by 4 centimeters.

Each of the dormitories has small gyms and offices with Internet access where you can prepare for classes. Upon check-in, the commandant is obliged to give the new resident instructions on safety precautions, fire safety, as well as how to handle electrical and gas equipment on the territory of the hostel. A student may receive additional equipment for personal use on a paid basis against an appropriate receipt.

Passing scores

To enter the Volgograd State Social Pedagogical University (VGSPU), you must score at least the minimum passing scores in the specialty of interest. The easiest way is to enroll in the specialty “Pedagogical Education”; every year the university recruits about 90 students for budget places in this area. To obtain a budget place, you must pass the Unified State Exam in Russian and foreign languages ​​and social studies; the passing score, based on the test results, must be 236 (based on the results of admission in 2017).

The most difficult thing is to enroll in the specialty “Design”, where about 5 budget places are provided annually. There are entrance exams in Russian language and literature, as well as one additional exam that must be taken at the university. The minimum score to qualify for this specialty must be at least 184 (based on the results of admission in 2017). Detailed information about passing scores should be clarified with the university admissions office, as they change periodically.

Extra-budgetary form of training

Volgograd Social and Pedagogical University also gives everyone the opportunity to enroll on an extra-budgetary basis. The cost of annual training ranges from 70 to 125 thousand rubles, depending on the chosen specialty. The most expensive of them is “Design” (bachelor’s degree), as of 2017, you need to pay 121 thousand rubles for annual full-time study in this specialty.

The cheapest way to study is through the correspondence department of a bachelor's degree; the average cost of annual training here ranges from 27 to 35 thousand rubles. The most expensive specialty to study is “Pedagogical Education,” where a part-time student will have to pay 34 thousand rubles a year (as of 2017). Tuition prices change annually; more accurate information can be obtained from the Enrollment Center.


Volgograd, which annually admits up to 2.5 thousand students, continues to actively develop. We are actively working on the formation of comprehensive education - from school to university. The university cooperates with a number of schools that prepare new students in advance by adding additional information to the school curriculum.

VGSPU students are in great demand on the labor market, since the educational system of Volgograd is constantly experiencing a shortage of personnel. Many of the university graduates also work in the regional Ministry of Education and have the opportunity to directly influence this area, which has a positive impact on the life of the educational institution.

MIA "Russia Today" based on previously published studies: "The quality of paid admission to state universities of the Russian Federation - 2016", as well as data from the Social Navigator's own research on non-state universities, has prepared an information interactive resource for high school students and applicants.

The navigator included 425 state and 30 non-state universities*.

The main source of information were orders for the enrollment of students in the first year of a bachelor's or specialist's degree, indicating the Unified State Exam scores (full-time study, full-time study), posted on the websites of universities. Universities for which creative tests are important for admission (conservatories, art and choreographic academies, etc.), and universities of law enforcement agencies, which accept mainly graduates of specialized military or naval schools, were not included in the study.

The navigator provides information to future first-year students and their parents about under what conditions and with what scores last year’s applicants entered various universities for certain specialties.

Twenty-eight Russian universities were included in the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) ranking published on Tuesday, which presents the best universities in the world in 46 areas of specialist training.

Using this resource, the applicant will be able to compare data on various conditions for admission to Russian universities and choose exactly the higher educational institution that suits him in terms of the quality of education and cost of training. And also receive information about the results of the university’s participation in international research (ratings and monitoring).

The navigator now has the ability to make selections based on , using the “In-demand universities in the Russian Federation” filter. If you select "Yes", only the leading universities in this rating will remain in the table. This will allow the applicant to see universities where they can obtain a profession in demand by enterprises. An opportunity has been added to the university information board to see whether the university has programs that have passed state and public accreditation. From the board you can also get real feedback from students already studying at the university, which will allow you to compare your expectations with the real assessment from the inside. Some universities have links to infographic materials that more widely reveal to the applicant the potential opportunities for study and admission.

*The navigator includes only those universities that, following the results of the 2016 admissions campaign, published on their websites lists of admitted students based on the Unified State Exam results.