Abstracts Statements Story

The meaning of the text. Haste is no better than delay

Movement is everything, goal is nothing
Words of Eduard Bernstein (1850-1932), leader of the Second International and the right wing of German Social Democracy, who is often referred to in Lenin's articles as a "revisionist", "opportunist" and "reformist".
E. Bernstein revised (“revision”) the theory of K. Marx and began to oppose the ideas of “class struggle,” “dictatorship of the proletariat” and “the inevitability of the socialist revolution” led by the working class. E. Bernstein saw the main task of the labor movement in the struggle for social reforms and improvement of financial conditions
wage workers, protection of their rights (“the movement is everything”), but without any attempts to implement the ideas of K. Marx about “ proletarian revolution” into life (“the goal is nothing”).
Used: ironically in relation to a person who attaches more importance to the process itself than to its result.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what “Movement is everything, goal is nothing” in other dictionaries:

    In a broad sense, any change, in a narrow sense, a change in the position of a body in space. D. became a universal principle in the philosophy of Heraclitus (“everything flows”). The possibility of D. was denied by Parmenides and Zeno of Elea. Aristotle divided D. into... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    It's easier to go forward than in the right direction. Mikhail Genin Those who lack insight are not those who do not achieve their goal, but those who pass by it. François La Rochefoucauld For a man who does not know to which harbor he is heading, not a single wind... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    The struggle of the working class in the international scale for the destruction of capitalism and the creation of communism. society, for everyday economic, political. and cultural interests of workers, for general democracy. rights and demands of workers of all continents. M. r. d... Soviet historical encyclopedia

    Fr:L Être et le Néant

    WILL- [Greek θέλημα, θέλησις; lat. voluntas, velle], a force inherent in the nature of a rational being, thanks to which it strives to achieve what it wants. In St. In Scripture, the concept of V. had the following basic meanings: V. of God, expressed in ... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

    I Medicine Medicine is a system of scientific knowledge and practical activities, the goals of which are to strengthen and preserve health, prolong the lives of people, prevent and treat human diseases. To accomplish these tasks, M. studies the structure and... ... Medical encyclopedia

    Philosophy a concept denoting the presence of phenomena and objects in themselves or as a given in consciousness, and not their meaningful aspect. It can be understood as a synonym for the concepts of “existence” and “existence” or differ from them in certain semantic ways... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    Bernstein Eduard (6.1.1850, Berlin, ‒ 18.2.1932, ibid.), one of the leaders of the opportunist wing of German social democracy and the 2nd International, ideologist of revisionism. In 1872 he joined the Social Democracy. Was a follower of E.... ...

    I Bernstein Nikolai Aleksandrovich, Soviet psychophysiologist and physiologist, creator of a new direction in research into the physiology of activity. Graduated Faculty of Medicine(1919), and then listened to... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    DEBORD Guy- (1931 1994) French social thinker, art theorist, film director and artist; author of the concept of the society of spectacle (1967) and founder of the Situationist International (1957), an artistic and political association of artists,... ... Sociology: Encyclopedia

I walked with leaps and bounds
And cut huge circles,
In the snow, puddles, flopping in a hole,
And the Target laughed: “You couldn’t think!”

I strove for her, jumped and reached out,
I beat forty pairs of boots on the road,
I tripped five hundred times and fell over,
But he couldn’t grab the scoundrel.

But I didn’t slow down, because I’m stubborn!
I chose the road - I stomp forward.
“He’s been like this since childhood,” my mother said, “
What is the Goal? Who's going to figure it out?"


Yes, the pursuit of a goal is an eternal theme.

But it happened - I reached the goal,
To where it seemed to me a bright paradise,
But heaven again turned out to be just a crossroads,
Where a tram ran over my leg.

The first thing that comes to mind is that you can fuss like that...
But both your parody and my modest impromptu, it seems to me, are not aimed at this.
But to show the pettiness of the goals that people often set for themselves.

Well, yes, I mean the same thing.
Sometimes it seems to me that this is easier for women - well, you didn’t grow up to be Tereshkova or Curie-Skladovskaya, but if you raised children, it seems like it’s not in vain that the thread stretches, but that’s not all - and what then grew out of these children? This, it turns out, is the main thing in the end...

I really don’t know what to say. And men, in terms of children, just lay next to each other, or what?
Just a joke, of course! But seriously - the question is eternal! Again, perhaps, I agree with my beloved Khayyam.
“If you have a nook to live in,
In our vile times - and a piece of bread,
If you are not a servant to anyone, not a master -
You are happy and truly high in spirit.”

Seems like a good goal to me.

Yes, I didn’t intend to belittle men at all))) it’s just that the topic is closer to them about the goals of the “great” :))) And I also respect Khayyam very much, I agree with him.))

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The world is sliding towards a state of Big Zero (G-zero), in which there will be no individual leaders, any country will be able to resist the pressure of another country, and the belief that the world order is determined by unregulated global capital is wrong, writes The Guardian. However, in Russia the idea of ​​an active role of the state in the economy, which matured during the global financial crisis, is unpopular. Because behind the talk about a “smart” post-industrial economy lies the outdated asocial view of an administrative official, and not a socially oriented innovative manager interested in effective mutually beneficial cooperation with both the state and society.

Both in general and in particular...

The authors of the article in the English edition believe that the new world order is inherently close to a new world disorder or chaos (InoPressa, November 6, 2012). At the same time, the emerging chaos does not at all mean the approach of some kind of apocalypse: we are talking about the inevitability of an era of qualitatively different relationships between states and communities, each of which will not be able to ignore the opinions of others for a long time and with impunity.

The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 showed that even the most powerful country in the world can be subjected to a hypersensitive surgical strike. In the modern global world, it is no longer possible to successfully survive alone, fencing off from others (something like the notorious “Iron Curtain”), or to develop without any obstacles and consequences at the expense of close and distant neighbors.

We live in an era of systemic transition (ambiguous, with inevitable deviations) from class-ideological confrontation (including in the form of revolutionary struggle) to complex, long-term and contradictory global interaction, in the long term (more distant than close) implying the formation of principles and mechanisms international equal, mutually beneficial cooperation. This process, by no means always constructive, in the twentieth century was characterized by periods of long-term bipolar peace between the warring parties (based on strategic military parity and the fear of mutually assured destruction). The unipolar world that emerged after the collapse of the USSR, as it seemed for a long time, based on “American power”, was subjected to unprecedented tests and attacks (including September 11, 2001), and clearly existed only for a short period at the turn of the century.

The authority of force still prevails over the strength of authority, but international recognition is increasingly determined not by won trophies, but by achievements in improving the standard of living of citizens, their education, and health care as an important basis for the effective development of human capital.

Outstanding achievements in the field of science and technology, in the field of economic and social relations open up qualitatively new opportunities for the development of civilization and constructive overcoming of emerging difficulties. All this requires a change in the worldview paradigm, clarification of the objectively historical boundaries of the laws that govern natural and social processes.

Emerging new social forms do not oppose the original forms - in the process of systemic, evolutionary transformations, the latter do not disappear, are not destroyed, but in one form or another “manifest” in emerging societies. Likewise, modern physics does not abolish Newton's laws, but considers them as special cases of the theory of relativity. Modern philosophy has every reason, without discarding the classical laws of dialectics, to classify them as particular, boundary cases of deeper laws of existence.

Economic development is also governed by similar fundamental principles and has long overcome the idea of ​​the “invisible hand of the market.” The financial crisis that has struck the world economic system has urgently put on the agenda the issue of global regulation of capital as a primary condition for preventing injustice in socio-economic relations, which is increasingly shaking the civilizational foundations of society. Neither government leaders, nor reputable scientists, nor representatives of the global business elite question the relevance of this.

We in no way idealize the situation that has developed in economically developed countries with established democratic traditions. But the solution to the problem of a more equitable distribution of the national product produced there will largely be carried out in the justification and subsequent agreed legislative support of the interests of society and the owners of capital (with strict and proven methods for controlling its acquisition and proven mechanisms for confirming legitimacy).

In relation to Russian reality, this apparently should mean a consistent transformation of issues of the late Soviet period (such as “plan or market”?) and the present time (“how much state is needed in the economy”?) into a practical search for the same balance of interests between society and business through achieving social justice through the objective influence and comprehensive influence of the state on social processes. True, this will inevitably require overcoming several well-known “buts”...

Firstly, persistent non-recognition by the majority of the legitimacy acquired in the 1990s. capital and the authorities’ virtual ignorance of this sensitive topic (after Vladimir Putin’s well-known characterization of “dishonest privatization,” no “organizational conclusions” followed, and conversations do not count). Today, 55% of Russians believe that it is impossible to get rich in an honest way (Russia 1 TV channel, November 15, 2012). The corruption scandals rocking the country confirm this point of view. Hence the social disunity and pessimism that constrains society regarding the announced programs and projects, current and for the long term.

Secondly, the inadequate social utility of private capital compared to the satisfaction of personal and corporate interests and the sure enrichment of a minority. An inefficient, weakly competitive, monopolized, “oil-dependent” economy has been formed, which to a greater extent uncontrollably sucks out non-renewable resources rather than producing a sought-after product. The dangerous lag behind world economic leaders is evidence of technological degradation and more, a largely disappointing result of the management of its current owners, undermining the very essence of the idea of ​​​​denationalization.

Third, open corruption fusion of government and business (ministers who became capitalists and billionaires who entered government structures), periodically accompanied by high-profile scandals and criminal cases, which later often collapsed.

Fourthly, deepening social differentiation, which emasculates the constructive essence of necessary social transformations, “kills” the motivation of the majority of workers for effective, productive work. As a result, it undermines the public need for comprehensive modernization, in particular economic modernization - the minority is already doing well, but the majority, preoccupied with everyday routine, has nothing to do with it.

Fifthly, a growing contribution to the development of the industrial economy is made by intangible assets that dominate the post-industrial economy. Accordingly, human capital and the creative mission of a self-aware free individual play an increasingly significant role. In this sense, the situation in Russia is not even contradictory - it is diametrically opposed. Indeed, unlike a material product, an intellectual product, created not with interest, but actually under coercion (private property, which replaced the administrative-state one), can be effective and competitive as an exception rather than a rule, as a consequence of subjective decisions, and not an objective need for systematic economic development.

At sixth, the driving force of long-overdue, but hopelessly “stalling” comprehensive Russian reforms is incorrectly defined (due to thoughtlessness?). The creative middle class, business elite, competent politicians, recognized financiers and other contenders for the title of social avant-garde, even with the full strain of their capabilities and a patriotic mood by definition cannot replace the creative, all-encompassing (systemic!) actions of the masses.

World history convincingly confirms that an idea that has captured the masses becomes a material force. But the truth suffered by humanity is actually ignored in our country at all levels - how else to explain the ongoing alienation of the majority of citizens from the national wealth that they themselves create, and its unfair redistribution, the concentration of capital, the suffocating economy, and against this background the increasingly formal meaning of calls for change.

Memo for decision makers

The impression is that problems awaiting their solution, regularly “reinventing themselves” and changing places, in most cases seem to be reproduced anew - something like running in place. For example, the obvious inefficiency of many domestic state-owned enterprises is emphasized year after year and is seen solely as a reason for their speedy privatization. But until recently, large state-owned companies continued to vigorously acquire private assets, returning them, one way or another, under state control.

On the one hand, it is symbolic that experts say that the main problem for Gazprom in Russia is growing competition from independent gas producers, whose production is last years is growing steadily. Since 2002, Gazprom's share in all-Russian production has fallen from 88 to 76% (NEWSru.com/Economy, May 14, 2012). What is more in the policy of a monopolist - efforts to increase its own competitiveness or various methods of combating competitors - the question remains open...

On the other hand, the recent landmark purchase by the state-owned Rosneft of the private company TNK-BP is simply some kind of aerobatics in the ability to say one thing and do another.

Such inconsistency and inconsistency are clear evidence of the lack of a unified position among competing political forces in the highest echelons of power. History shows that private companies have made and are making a decisive contribution to the successful economic development world leaders. However, state-owned companies or companies with state participation are more disciplined in terms of tax payments, which is important for filling the state budget, the funds of which are controlled by the government.

Let us emphasize: gray schemes that allow large private companies to “optimize” taxes have long been known to regulatory authorities, and it is not so much that these schemes are tenacious, but rather that the state remains complacent for an unacceptably long time (not by chance?).

It is curious that during the 2000s, when the share of the public sector in the primary industries was growing, Russia received almost $1.6 trillion from the sale of oil and gas resources, which is five times more than a decade earlier. This gigantic amount was distributed mainly in three directions: to the budget, to various funds, including for the construction of facilities for the 2014 Olympics, and abroad, where a significant part of the excess income was transferred. At the same time, fundamental economic problems (modernization, development of competitiveness, institutional changes) were not resolved (“Nezavisimaya Gazeta”, November 9, 2012). Figuratively speaking, zero result for zero years

The statement of Stanford University professor Mikhail Bernshtam is noteworthy: “ The business of oil companies is a business. It doesn’t matter to them whether they are private individuals or the government in Russia, in Saudi Arabia or in Iran is the owner of oil companies, as long as production grows, as long as business expands, and as long as profits can be made"(highlighted - V.T., www.lentacom.ru, December 20, 2006).

So, who owns the property is secondary to profit. By the way, confirmation of this is the effective, not without difficulties and problems, but confidently and dynamically developing economy of China, one of the characteristic features of which is flexible, mobile balance of different forms of ownership and promotion of their objective, competitive development .

Instead of thoughtlessly copying other people's (and often alien) experience, blind faith in outdated dogmas (rejected by others), the Chinese leadership chose to thoughtfully overcome a kind of ideological narrow-mindedness, a consistent (dosed!) modification of traditional ideological postulates. Eventually - mutually beneficial effective economic practices attract foreign investors with their profitability much more than the repulsive ideology of the Chinese Communist Party.

The ambitious goals of the newly elected fifth generation of Chinese leaders are attractive and specific - to build a moderately prosperous society, make the Chinese economy the first in the world by 2020, resolutely fight corruption as the most serious national threat, transform China into a rich, powerful, democratic, civilized and harmonious socialist state by 2049 - by the centenary of the existence of the PRC (NEWSru.com / In the world, November 14, 2012).

Alas, from the point of view of economic achievements, the Russian “things are still there.” Back in early 2010, President Dmitry Medvedev decided on the upcoming abolition or transformation of state-owned companies and state corporations. Then the Ministry of Economic Development said that the government was working on measures that would limit their ability to create subsidiaries operating in the competitive sector, with “incomprehensible leadership and vague responsibilities.”

In the spring of the same year, the analytical center of the newspaper “Economy and Life” conducted a survey of readers. The decision to liquidate or transform state-owned companies was supported by about 56% of respondents, 26% were against it, and about 18% found it difficult to answer. Readers' opinions regarding the motives for the takeover of private companies by government agencies (table) turned out to be predictably clear. Over half of the respondents (more than 60%) confidently indicated the reasons that are well-known: withdrawal of assets to controlled structures and “alternate airfields”. Only less than 10% saw in this the readiness of state-owned companies and state-owned corporations to fulfill the responsible role of leading modernizers and innovators in areas (“Why do state-owned companies need subsidiaries and granddaughters?” - see here).

Possible reasons for the activity of state-owned companies and state corporations in creating “subsidiaries” and “granddaughters”,%, several options can be noted)

2.5 years have passed. The public sector has grown into half of the Russian economy: the share of state-controlled companies is 40-45% in oil production (10% in 1998-1999), 49% in banking structures and 73% in the transport sector. Experts who updated Russia’s socio-economic development strategy until 2020 again proposed limiting the public sector in the economy. President Vladimir Putin also demanded that appropriate measures be taken (NEWSru.com/Economy/November 6, 2012).

The starting stage of privatization does not so much clarify the essence of the matter as it indicates the next movement of the pendulum - now in the opposite direction. Former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin said that increasing the huge reserves and resources of state-owned companies does not bring happiness to the country. Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich confirmed that the government is convinced that it is inappropriate to increase the volume of the public sector in the economy. However, analysts believe that, despite talk of privatization, the state's share is more likely to increase than decrease (ibid.).

The following expert opinion is very eloquent: “The logic of the Ministry of Economic Development is clear: taking into account all the realities, they believe that the private sector will not be the driver of the economy, this role will be assigned to the state "(Highlighted - V.T., RBKdaily.ru, November 12, 2012).

It is appropriate to ask: “Is there a correlation between the approved privatization plan and the achievement of the target parameters of the Socio-Economic Development Strategy until 2020?” There is no doubt that instead of a specific answer, at best, they will name the declared amounts from the sale of state assets, which will replenish the Russian budget one-time. And after 2015, will the government develop and implement a new plan for the next privatization wave? With the same wording? Isn’t it clear that the less attractive state property remains, the stricter and more specific the conditions and consequences should be?

As you know, changing the places of the terms does not change the sum. So in our case, today the efficiency of the economy as a whole has not increased from the formal redistribution of property between the state and private owners. Except that the welfare of the new owners has definitely increased: exactly 15 years ago, American Forbes included Russian businessmen in the list of the richest people on the planet for the first time.

On the face imitation nature of the economy , manifested in the lack of coordination between goals and means, in obvious (and not hidden) attempts to statistically embellish the modest results of management, replacing the necessary qualitative (in particular, institutional) changes with a “gross” increase in quantitative indicators instead of a critical understanding of the situation and long-overdue course correction, carried out by the country's leadership.

The role of the working person is unacceptably diminished as a direct consequence of the alienation of the majority of workers from the income and management they produce. Hence - social injustice, the emergence of a mass layer of “working poor” against the backdrop of unbridled enrichment of the minority in a weakly growing economy (no matter how Rosstat claims the opposite), lack of labor motivation, etc.

So, maybe it's time to think about program for the mass formation of new owners, promoting the formation of labor workers as capital workers? So that it doesn't happen again" a get-together, more like a division among one’s own». In order not to aggravate the already indecent social differentiation in Russian society by world standards? And so that the majority of those employed in the economy finally believe that it is on the results of their work that both a decent today and a confident tomorrow, the fate of each of them and the fate of the country depend.

The ancient Chinese sage and philosopher Lao Tzu, proclaiming the priority of the Path over the Goal, argued that “ a true traveler has no specific plans or ultimate goals" Improvement is more beautiful than perfection. The desire for completion is brighter than the achieved completion. The variability of the world in the diversity of movement is eternal. Absolute completeness is unattainable.

At the end of the nineteenth century. one of the prominent figures of the Second International (an international association of socialist and workers' parties), Eduard Bernstein, formulated a thesis that for a long time became an aphorism “Movement is everything, the final goal is nothing.”

Twenty years of reforms are behind us, clearly confirming: what are the actions are the consequences. Are we really going to see a movement of decisions instead of a decisive movement again? Will the time come when we, to paraphrase the famous, will be able to say: “ Bernstein, you're wrong!

Speaking at a meeting of the People's Headquarters and the Federal Coordination Council of the All-Russian Popular Front, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said that in any country there are people, " for whom it is not the development perspective that is important, but the Brownian movement". "Remember the famous Trotskyist slogan: “The movement is everything, the final goal is nothing,” the prime minister said. - I repeat once again, such people exist, they have the right to exist and they must be treated with respect"However, according to the head of government, the problem is that these people do not have a specific program of action." They do not have a single program / there are many different programs, but there is no single one /, there are no clear, understandable ways to achieve goals that are not clear to them, and there are no people who could do something specific", Putin said.

Personally, I believe that even if these people had a single program and clear ways to achieve certain goals, then the very principle “Movement is everything, the final goal is nothing” is so absurd and irresponsible that their program would have no meaning. This slogan is very similar to everyone who does not see reality, but demands any movement for the sake of movement, no matter where it is directed - “left” or “right”.

However, in this speech, our prime minister made one serious mistake, which I would not have noticed if he had not already made it many years ago.

The thesis “The movement is everything, the final goal is nothing” was put forward not by Trotsky at all, but by the relatively moderate social democrat Eduard Bernstein, known in the Marxist tradition as the founder of “bourgeois revisionism.” The meaning of this thesis for Bernstein was that Marxist doctrine should constantly evolve in accordance with the tasks of progress, and not freeze in doctrinal dogmatism, since historical reality does not justify Marxist axioms. As for such an ultra-radical as Trotsky, he in his article about Kautsky 1919 wrote directly about Bernstein’s slogan: “ How the philosophy of the workers' party is nonsense and vulgarity”and in Trotskyist ideology this thesis was associated specifically with Bernstein.

Why is this not the first time Putin has made this mistake?

Probably because he confused this thesis with the well-known Marxist principle of “permanent revolution”, which was assigned to Trotsky, although he was the ideologist of only one version of this revolution. And although the idea of ​​“permanent revolution” according to Trotsky and Bernstein’s thesis appear to be one and the same, in reality they were motivated by almost opposite considerations. In other words, don’t confuse Bronstein and Bernstein;)

But most likely, “I have long been tormented by vague doubts” that the political science education of our political elite leaves much to be desired and the ideas about “Trotskyism” and “revisionism” remained at the level of some Soviet history teacher of the 70s, who listed these concepts through a comma as something bad, but why it’s bad doesn’t matter. Some of my right-wing colleagues may say that the prime minister does not need to understand the intricacies of the internal Marxist debate and distinguish one shade of red from another, but firstly, it is the leading politicians of the country who, more than anyone else, should be familiar with these differences, and secondly, the same gross indistinctions of meanings and terms equally well apply to all “right-wing” ideas. Isn’t it obvious that for the same reason that any modern politician does not distinguish between Trotskyism and Bernsteinism, then for the same reason he will not distinguish between any “right-wing” ideas, lumping together civilized conservatism and outright extremism? And this superficial attitude towards political ideas is one of the main reasons why our government is so indifferent to them and why it is enough to come to this government with some idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe “Orthodox mission of Russia” in order to immediately be recorded in the ranks of those crazy “oprichniki” ”, with which you yourself have struggled all your life.

Indeed, the worlds of theoretical political science and practical politics do not even intersect in our country.

The historical insanity of the Kremlin and the “Swamp” [Russia is ruled by poor students!] Nersesov Yuri Arkadievich

“The movement is everything, the final goal is nothing” - Trotskyist slogan

This is not an answer. “We will try” is a process: movement is everything, the final goal is nothing. This is Trotskyism, as you know. I want to hear from you, as the head of a corporation, a direct, clear and unambiguously understood answer.

(Remark at a meeting in Sochi on July 3, 2008, dedicated to the construction of Olympic facilities, at which the president of the state corporation “Olympstroy” Viktor Kolodyazhny, in response to a question about the timing of completion of the construction of the bobsleigh track, replied: “We will try.”)

Of course, in our country, and, in fact, in any other country, there are always, always have been and always will be forces for which it is not the prospect of development that is important, but the constant Brownian movement that is important. Remember the famous Trotskyist slogan “The movement is everything, the final goal is nothing”?

(Speech at a meeting with activists of the United Popular Front December 27, 2011.)

Knowing very little about the history of Russia, its president nevertheless constantly uses historical examples in his speeches and, of course, regularly gets into trouble. Either he will confuse Lenin with Stalin, or he will posthumously send Peter I to the Seven Years' War. (Yu. Nersesov. “Sellout history.” “Scorched myths about Russia.” pp. 13-17.) And now, over and over again, Putin attributes to the radical Russian communist Leon Trotsky the words of the moderate German social democrat Eduard Bernstein.

In the article “The Struggle of Social Democracy and the Revolution of Society,” published in the newspaper “Die Neue Zeit” (1), Bernstein wrote: “I admit openly that what is usually understood by the “ultimate goal of socialism” is of extremely little meaning and interest to me: this goal, whatever it means, is nothing for me, movement is everything. And by movement I mean the general movement of society, i.e. social progress, and political and economic agitation and organization to influence this progress.”

The ardent revolutionary Trotsky could not agree with this and constantly denounced the reformism of the German Social Democrats, and the slogan “The movement is everything, the final goal is nothing” in the work “Before the Historical Frontier. Political silhouettes" described as "meaninglessness and vulgarity." Even in his wildest dreams, he could not have imagined that a minor politician of the era of the late Alla Pugacheva would confuse him with Bernstein.

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NOTHING IS FORGOTTEN Good news. Holy memory. Radio film “900 days”. Pulse of the city. "Voices of the Dead and the Living." In V. Sayanov’s diary entries dating back to February 1944, it is said: “Today I was walking down the street, and suddenly the radio went silent, as always before they announce a shelling.

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The slogan of the Marxists is the slogan of revolutionary social democracy. The war undoubtedly gave rise to the sharpest crisis and aggravated the misfortunes of the masses beyond belief. The reactionary nature of this war, the shameless lie of the bourgeoisie of all countries, covering up their predatory goals

From the book In the Shadow of the Sword. The emergence of Islam and the struggle for the Arab Empire by Holland Tom