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Roberts Jane - Seth speaking. The eternal reality of the soul

In 1972, the first independent book by a non-physical entity calling itself Seth was published: “Seth Speaks. The eternal reality of the soul." Two years earlier, she released a collection of Seth's sessions with her own explanations, "". In it, she introduced readers to a phenomenon that radically changed her life. In short, while writing a tutorial on extrasensory perception, Jane discovered unusual abilities. In just a few months, she transformed from an ordinary writer into a medium receiving messages from a more evolved entity. Together with her husband, Robert Butts, she conducted numerous sessions in which Seth answered questions, provided assistance, and even wrote books!

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“The eternal reality of the soul” became the first sign of his teaching. In it he reveals the foundations of true reality. First of all, he says that each of us creates ourselves, physical objects, events and relationships through thoughts. Based on this, Seth explains:

  • what are thoughts and emotions,
  • how matter and events are formed,
  • that dreams and reality are equally real,
  • what is the nature and purpose of time,
  • that everyone lives many reincarnation and probable lives,
  • what is god
  • who was Christ,
  • How does birth and death happen?
  • why are creatures born and die this way and not otherwise,
  • what can you expect after death,
  • how we are connected to each other before, during and after physical life,
  • what is the meaning of existence,
  • who each of us is.

I first read Seth Speaks several years ago. Since then I have read it again and again. I don’t get bored; on the contrary, every time I find previously unnoticed information. I can compare this book to a polyhedron: in one glance you can see a limited number of faces; to notice the rest you need to go from the other side. Physically this becomes possible after some time, maybe six months or even a year. Consciousness changes, so it perceives information in a new way, from a different perspective.

I read all of Seth's works, which were translated into Russian and some through an automatic translator. Subsequent books delve deeper into what Seth begins to talk about. Sometimes they expand knowledge so much that the information from this book seems childish, but at the first stage of getting to know the teaching, this book is necessary. Here everything is presented as concentratedly and simply as possible for a consciousness that is just beginning to open up and learn.

My rating is 5

This book is not like any tutorial that tells you how to change your life with the power of thought. Here, Seth strengthens his self-confidence through the story of the true state of affairs. Thanks to his information, you can feel like a powerful entity that, of its own free will, together with others, creates physical reality. And if you maintain this confidence in yourself, then your thoughts begin to flow in a favorable direction, and then they come true naturally, and life changes for the better.

The set does not provide ready-made recipes or templates, it helps:

  • gain knowledge about yourself,
  • understand and recognize your own power to create,
  • and then take responsibility for your own creation.

This is the value of his books. I am writing my review so that more people will know about Seth. I highly recommend reading it if you truly want to feel better, live a healthy, successful life, love and be loved mutually.

Reviews of the book

Seth was one of my first teachers in metaphysics. For me he is a constant source of knowledge and inspiration.

The books of Seth reveal an alternative map of reality and a new diagram of the soul... will be useful to all researchers of consciousness.

I believe that the books of Seth should be included in the compulsory library of every person walking the earth. spiritual path. The amazingly comprehensive information contained in Seth's books is as relevant today as it was when Jane Robert channeled it in the early 70's.

Reading Seth's words doesn't just give you new ideas. The energy of Seth emanates from every page, pushing the boundaries of your consciousness and changing your ideas about the nature of reality.

This is simply one of the best books I've ever read.

Seth's books helped me in my spiritual quest and allowed me to look at the world differently.

To my great surprise—and some chagrin—I found Seth eloquently and clearly describing a concept of reality that I myself had only arrived at through great effort after extensive study of the paranormal and quantum physics.

If you firmly believe that your consciousness is locked in the skull and cannot go beyond it; if you believe that your consciousness is limited by the boundaries of the body, then you value yourself cheaply, and you will consider me a hallucination. I am no more a hallucination than you.

I will be right in telling each of the readers the following: I am older than you, at least according to your ideas about age.

Thus, if the author can claim knowledge due to age, then I - more than anyone else. I am the energetic essence of personality, no longer focused in physical matter. Therefore, I know those truths that many of you have forgotten.

I hope to remind you of them.


This book was written by a person named Seth. He calls himself an "energetic personality essence" that is no longer focused in physical form. He has now been speaking through me for over seven years, in twice-weekly sessions.

My transformation into a psychic began one evening in September 1963 while I was sitting and writing poetry. Suddenly my consciousness left my body, and my mind was filled with ideas that were then new and surprising to me. Returning to my body, I saw that an automatically written letter came out from under my hands, explaining the concepts I had received. These records even had a name - "The physical universe as the embodiment of ideas".

This incident prompted me to start researching extrasensory activity. I even planned to write a book about it. For this purpose, in particular, my husband Rob and I conducted experiments with the Ouya board at the end of 1963. In one of the first sessions, the pointer began transmitting messages to an individual who called himself “Seth.”

Neither Rob nor I had any psychic training, so when I started anticipating the board's answers, I assumed they were coming from my subconscious. Soon I was literally forced to say the words out loud and within a month I was already speaking for Seth while in a trance.

The messages began approximately where they ended "Implementation of ideas". Seth later said that this experience of consciousness expansion was his first attempt to contact me. Since then, Seth has continuously transmitted information, which currently amounts to more than six thousand printed pages. We call it Seth Materials. They cover topics such as physical matter, time and reality, the concept of God, possible universes, health, and reincarnation. Undoubtedly, the high quality of the information interested us from the very beginning and encouraged us to continue experimenting with the board.

After the publication of my first book on this topic, letters began to arrive from strangers asking Seth for help. We conducted sessions for those most in need. In most cases, people lived very far away and could not attend the sessions. But Seth's advice helped them, and the information sent by mail about the people themselves turned out to be correct.

Rob always records verbatim what happens in his sessions with Seth using his own shorthand system. Then he types out his notes and adds them to our selection of materials. Rob's excellent recordings accurately capture the live atmosphere of our sessions. His support and help are priceless to me.

It seems to us that we have had more than six hundred arranged meetings with the universe - although Rob himself does not use such words. These meetings take place in our well-lit large living room, but in a deeper sense they take place outside of any space, in the human person.

I do not mean to suggest that we pretend to know the truth, or to give the impression that we have been waiting with bated breath for initiation into the mysteries of the ages. I know that every person has intuitive knowledge and can see elements of inner reality. In this sense, the universe speaks to each of us. In our case, this conversation takes place in the form of sessions with Seth.

In the book "Seth's Materials", published in 1970, I go into detail about this and describe Seth's views on certain topics, citing excerpts from the sessions. I also talk about meetings with psychologists and parapsychologists during the period when we were trying to understand what was happening and how these events fit into ordinary life. We even conducted tests that were supposed to prove that Seth had clairvoyant abilities. In our opinion, he passed them with the highest marks.

I found it very difficult to select individual quotes on any topic from the ever-increasing volume of information. That's why "Seth's Materials" leave many questions unanswered, and many topics not addressed at all. Two weeks after completing the first book, Seth dictated summary this one, in which I was going to express my ideas in my own way.

I present this plan that we received at session No. 510 of January 19, 1970. Seth calls me Ruburt, and Rob calls him Joseph. These names signify our entire personalities, as opposed to our current physically oriented selves.

Right now I'm working on information that you will receive a little later, so please wait a little. I would like, for example, to give you some insight into my own book. It will cover many topics, including the manner in which it is written and the techniques necessary to enable my ideas to be expressed by Ruburt or translated at all.

I don't have a physical body, but I'm going to write a book. In the first chapter I will explain how and why.

(By this point [as recorded by Rob] Jane's speech had slowed down and she was frequently closing her eyes. She then spoke with pauses, sometimes quite long.)

The next chapter will talk about what can be called my current environment, current “qualities,” familiar ones. I mean those with whom I communicate.

Another chapter will describe my work and the dimensions of reality it takes me to, because I travel not only to your reality, but to others as well - to fulfill my purpose.

In another chapter I will talk about my past in your understanding of the word, about some of the personalities I have been and known. At the same time, I will clearly explain that the past, present and future do not exist - and that there is no contradiction in the fact that I can talk about a certain past. It might even take two chapters.

Chapter 16

Probability systems. People and gods

(21:24.) Now let's start the next chapter: “Probability systems. People and gods."

In your daily life, at any moment you have multiple choices of actions, sometimes minor, sometimes extremely important. For example, you can sneeze or not sneeze, cough or not cough, go to a window or door, scratch your elbow, save a drowning child, learn a lesson, commit suicide, harm someone else, or turn the other cheek.

It seems to you that reality consists of the actions you choose. You ignore those that you choose to deny. The road you have not taken seems to you to be a non-action, but every thought is realized, every possibility is explored. Physical reality consists of what appears to be a sequence of physical actions. Since this is usually your criterion of reality, non-physical actions escape your attention, consideration and evaluation.

(21:30.) Let's look at an example. You are reading this book, and then the phone rings. A friend wants to meet you at five o'clock in the evening. You are lost in thought and mentally imagine (1) saying no and staying home; (2) say no and go somewhere else; (3) agree and go to the meeting. At this point, all three possibilities are equally real. They are all capable of being embodied in physical understanding. Until you have made a decision, all of these potential actions are equally possible. You choose one of them and with this decision you make one event out of three physical. This event is naturally accepted as part of the sequence of events that make up your ordinary existence.

However, other possible actions are as real as ever, even though you have chosen not to physically embody them. They are carried out exactly the same as the one you chose. If one of the possible rejected actions carries a strong emotional charge, it may have more reality than the one you chose.

All actions are initially mental. That's the nature of reality. The importance of this phrase cannot be exaggerated. Therefore, all mental actions are real. They exist and it is impossible to deny it.

Because you don't accept them all as physical events, you don't perceive their power and durability. But lack of perception cannot destroy their reality. If you wanted to be a doctor, and now you have a different profession, then in some other probable reality you are a doctor. If you have abilities that you don't use here, they are used somewhere else.

These ideas may also seem too complex for your psyche due to your sequential thinking and three-dimensional views.

(With humor.) You can take a 3D break.

(“Thank you.” 21:43–21:55.)

All these facts do not deny the reality of the soul, but, on the contrary, repeatedly confirm it.

For that matter, the soul can be described as a multidimensional infinite action, every slightest probability of which is realized somewhere; as an endless act of creation, which creates for itself endless dimensions where self-realization is possible.

The tapestry of your existence is such that the 3D mind cannot comprehend it. However, these probable selves are part of your essence, or soul, and if you do not contact them, it is only because you focus on physical events and consider them the criterion of reality.

(22:01.) However, from any point in existence, you can see other probable realities and feel the echoes of probable actions behind the physical decisions you make. Some people do this by accident, often while asleep. Then the rigid boundaries of ordinary waking consciousness often weaken, and you can perform rejected physical actions, but with the awareness that you have looked into your own probable existence.

If there are separate possible selves, then there are also possible Earths walking along the paths you have abandoned. Beginning with the act of imagination in the waking state, you can sometimes follow the “road less taken” for a while.

Let's return to the considered example with the telephone. Let's say a person tells a friend that he won't go. If at the same time he imagines that he made a different choice and agreed to the meeting, he may experience a sudden shift in dimensions. If he is lucky and the circumstances are right, he may suddenly feel the full reality of his consent with such force as if he had chosen it physically. Even before he realizes what is happening, he may feel himself leaving home and taking on possible actions that he has decided not to take.

(22:12.) For a moment the full experience will come upon him. Imagination opened the door and gave him a freedom of perception that had nothing to do with hallucinations. This is a simple exercise that can be done in almost any situation, although it requires solitude.

However, such an experiment cannot take you too far. The probable self that chose actions that you refused are very important characteristics different from the "I" you know. Each mental action opens up a new dimension of reality. We can say that your slightest thought gives birth to worlds.

This is not just metaphysics. These words should give you a lasting feeling of creation and reflection. No being can be sterile, no idea dies, no ability remains unrealized.

(22:19.) Of course, each probable system of reality in turn creates others, giving rise to countless “unrealized” actions that also find embodiment. So, all systems of reality are open. The boundaries between them are random, they are set for convenience, but everything exists simultaneously, each of them supports and strengthens the others. Therefore, what you do affects to a certain extent the experience of your probable selves, and vice versa.

To the extent that you are open and receptive, you can benefit greatly from your probable selves' different experiences, knowledge and abilities. Again, you can do this spontaneously in the sleep state. Often what seems like inspiration to you is a thought felt, but Not realized by another "I". Instead, you tune into it and use it.

Ideas you've considered but haven't used can find their way to your other probable selves in the same way. Each of these probable selves naturally believes itself to be real, and for any of them the probable self will be you. However, you are all aware of your role in the gestalt through your inner senses.

You can take a break.


So the soul is not the end result.

In fact, this is not a result at all, but a development process. Everything That Exists is also not a result, final or not. There are probable men and there are probable gods, but all these probable gods are part of what you may call the soul, or essence, of All That Is. In the same way, all of your possible selves are part of your soul, or essence.

The dimensions of reality possible for All That Is, of course, far exceed those available to you. In a sense, you create many possible gods with your thoughts and desires. They become fairly independent energy entities at other levels of existence. The One All That Is is not only aware of its own nature and nature Total your consciousness, but also your infinite probable selves. But we have reached a topic where words have no meaning.

The nature of All That Is can only be sensed directly through the inner senses or, in lesser communication, through inspiration or intuition. The wonderful complexity of such a reality cannot be expressed in words.

One more minute, please. End of dictation.

(Pause at 22:49. After the break, Jane spoke more slowly. Seth then relayed information regarding her writing.

(“Okay. Goodnight, Seth.” Session ended at 11:02 p.m.)

(For two weeks we were busy with matters related to the recent death of my father.)

Good evening.

(“Good evening, Seth.”)

So, for a change, let's get on with the book, although I might say a few words to both of you at the end of the session.

Let's get started. Probabilities are an immutable part of your invisible psychological environment. You exist among probable systems of reality. They are not distant from you. In a sense, they are like the sea in which your current existence takes place. You are in it, and it is in you. Sometimes, on the surface level of consciousness, you may wonder what would have happened if you had made a different decision - for example, chosen different partners or settled in a different city. You may be thinking about what would happen if you sent an important email that you decided not to send. And only in such trivial matters do you even think about the nature of probabilities. But between you and all the individuals with whom you have a relationship and acceptance significant decisions, there are deep connections.

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Introduction. Jane Roberts

I am proud to publish this book under my own name, although I do not fully understand how it came about or the nature of the identity I assume in transmitting the text. I didn't consciously work on this book at all. I simply went into a trance twice a week and served as Seth's medium, speaking for Seth, dictating the words to my husband, Robert Butts, who wrote everything down.
I consider this book “mine” because I don’t believe that it could have been written without me and some of my abilities. On the other hand, I understand that this is not all. For example, I had to read the manuscript later to find out its contents, and in that sense this book does not seem to be mine. But what does it mean?
My point, in a nutshell, is that we are usually almost entirely focused on what we think of as the “real” world, but in reality there are many realities. By changing consciousness, we are able to look at these other realities. All of them are the appearance that Reality (with a capital R) takes under certain conditions. I don't believe we could describe one form of it in terms of another.
For many years I was confused, trying to perceive Seth through the concepts of the ordinary world of facts, “truth or falsehood.” In this world, the scientific community recognizes him as an independent spirit - in the language of metaphysics, a spiritual guide - or as some separate part of my own personality. I don't agree with any of these ideas, at least not completely.
If I say, “You see, I don't think that Seth is a spirit in the sense that you understand it,” this will be interpreted as saying that Seth is just a part of my own personality. Some people thought that I was trying to "turn off" Seth or deny them the help of a superbeing at the moment when they finally found him.
In fact, I believe that the personalities we know in ordinary life are just three-dimensional actualizations of other sources - souls, from which we receive energy and life. Their reality cannot be limited to the framework of our universe, although they constantly manifest themselves in our current personalities.
The term "spiritual guide" is a useful symbol for this idea, but I am not saying that spiritual guides do not exist. I argue that this idea deserves further exploration because a spiritual guide may not be what we imagine. This idea can be limiting because it places the knowledge being revealed outside of ourselves and attempts to give a simple interpretation to some extraordinary phenomena that go far beyond the scope of such interpretation.
While I tried to define Seth in this way and wondered whether he was a spiritual guide or not, I was somewhat closed to his greater reality, which exists in terms of limitless creative and creative power. It is larger than the world of facts and cannot fit into it. For example, during our sessions the personality of Seth is clearly visible, but not the source of that personality. True, if we talk about this, the origin of any personality is mysterious and does not appear in the objective world. My task is to expand the dimensions of this world and human ideas about it.
The books of Seth may be the product of another dimension of my own consciousness, not centered in this reality, plus something else for which we have no words. And Seth is a great supernatural creature, more real than any “fact.” Its existence may simply lie in a different sequence of events than the one to which we are accustomed.
I'm not saying that we shouldn't apply what we learn to the everyday world. I try to do this myself, and Seth wrote this book to help people manage their daily lives more effectively. I insist that we be very careful with literal interpretations, so as not to limit multidimensional phenomena by trying to fit them into a three-dimensional system of facts.
We often understand more intuitively and emotionally than we realize intellectually. Trying to define revealed knowledge or Set in terms of our limited ideas about human personality is like, say, trying to translate a rose into the number three, or explain one in terms of the other.
It's funny, but a personality that is not focused on our reality can help people live more effectively and pleasantly in this world by showing them that there are other realities. In this book, Seth says that you can change your life; changing your ideas about yourself and your physical existence.
I stopped considering Seth's Materials to be constantly updated records of interesting theories that need to be strictly tested by reality. Somehow they came to life. These concepts are indeed viable. I experience them on myself, and therefore my personal reality expands. I began to see the vast inner dimensions from which our daily lives are born, and became familiar with alternative methods of perception that can be used not only to see other “worlds”, but also to interact more effectively with this world.
My life was immeasurably enriched in unexpected ways while Seth was working on this book. Seth's materials were reinforced by parallel psychedelic experiences, and my creative and spiritual abilities grew in entirely new directions.
For example, just before Seth took on “The Nature of Personal Reality,” I started a new project that I called “the development of Sumari.” Sumari is a “family” of consciousnesses that share certain common qualities. Their language is not a language in the usual sense. I think it acts as a psychological and physical structure that frees me from normal verbal communication and allows me to express and communicate inner feelings and information that cannot be contained in formal verbal structures.
Sumari's development continued while Seth was working on this book. Various alternative states of consciousness are associated with this. In one of them I write Sumari's poems, and in the other I translate them. On another level, I sing Sumari songs, demonstrating musical knowledge and ability that far exceeds my normal skills and training. Songs can also be translated, but they convey emotions regardless of whether their words are understandable or not. In yet another state of consciousness, I receive materials that supposedly refer to the ancient manuscripts of the Speakers (which I then also translate). Seth defines Speakers as teachers as; physical and non-physical, which over the centuries process and communicate internal knowledge. My husband also wrote in Sumari, but I translate for him.
While Seth was dictating The Nature of Personal Reality, I wrote a poetry collection, Dialogues of the Soul and the Mortal Self in Time, in which I outlined my own beliefs, taking into account the advice Seth gave in this book. This led to the creation of the next cycle of poems, "Speaking". To me, this means that a rich source of creativity and knowledge lies just below the surface of ordinary consciousness and is open to everyone to the best of their ability. I believe that this is part of our human heritage, accessible to a certain extent to those who explore the inner dimensions of the mind.
“Dialogues of the Soul and the Mortal Self in Time,” “Speakers,” and several of Sumari’s poems are collected in a book soon to be published by Prentice-Hall. I consider it a complement to this book. It shows what was happening in my personal reality while Seth was writing his book on the subject, and demonstrates how creative impulses affect all areas of the personality. Seth often talks about poems and the experiences that inspire them. Much of this happened as I tried to understand the relationship between his world and mine and the connection between internal and external experience.
Also, while Seth was dictating this book, I suddenly began writing a novel, The Training of Oversole Seven, which basically came into existence on its own. Oversole Seven, main character this book has acquired an independent reality. I would say in my mind, “Great, Seven, let's do the next chapter,” and it would come as fast as I could write. Parts of the text appeared to me in a dream.
I know that Seven and his teacher Cyprus exist in a certain sense, although their reality also cannot be explained in the ordinary world of facts. For example, the novel includes many poems by Sumari and excerpts from the Speakers' manuscripts. When I sing Su-mari, I identify with Cyprus, a supposedly fictional character. I have found that when I am faced with personal problems, I can tune in to Seven
I love to rush forward at full speed, freely using my abilities. And yet, I am often shocked by events that interest me on an intuitive level, or by their interpretations. There is no use pretending otherwise, and I think this complex mixture of intellectual and intuitive reactions has its reasons.
I'm increasingly realizing that both of these elements are equally important in the work for both me and Seth. Maybe,
It was this refusal to accept ready-made answers that led me to serious research and, to a certain extent, explains why I am pursuing Seth and not the Mad Hatter
Sumari's development and experiences with Oversoul Seven's Training and The Nature of Personal Reality raised so many questions that I had to look for a larger framework to understand what was happening. As a result, I am now working on a book called Aspect Psychology, in which I hope to present a theory of personality that is broad enough to encompass the nature and functioning of the human psyche. In this book, Seth sometimes refers to "Aspects." (the name is still provisional), which will be published in 1975.
For now, what I can say is this: We live in a world of physical facts, but they come from a deeper level of creation. Facts are fiction that comes to life in our perception. Any facts. Therefore, Seth is as much a fact as you or I, and appears strangely in both worlds. I hope that Aspects will also help connect the world of facts and the rich inner realities from which they come, because our experience includes all of these.
"The Nature of Personal Reality" not only enriched my creative life, but also became a test of my ideas and beliefs. I fully agree with the concepts that Seth presents here, although I understand that they contradict many generally accepted religious, social and scientific dogmas. Without a doubt, this book is the answer to all those who have asked in letters how to apply Seth's ideas in everyday life. I am sure that the book will help many people deal with various events and problems of everyday life. Seth's main idea is that we create our personal reality through conscious beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world at large. From this follows the concept that the "point of power" exists in the present, and not in the past of this or any other life. Seth emphasizes the human capacity for conscious action and offers excellent exercises that will show how to apply these theories to any life situation
The meaning is obvious: we are not dependent on the subconscious and are not helpless in the face of forces we do not understand. The conscious mind controls the subconscious activities and all the powers of the inner Self. They are driven by our ideas about reality. “We are gods who are taught to create,” says Seth, referring to the ability to shape our lives so that our thoughts and feelings come true
Seth first mentioned "The Nature of Personal Reality" briefly in session 608, April 5, 1972, after Rob and I had finished proofreading the previous book (Seth Speaks: The Eternal Reality of the Soul). He began dictating on April 10, 1972, but our personal reality was disrupted by flooding during Tropical Storm Agnes. As a result, as Rob's notes indicate, further work on the book was delayed for some time.
Seth often uses episodes from our lives to illustrate global problems. The flood incident started a conversation about personal beliefs and disasters. In some other examples, he also used situations from our lives as source material. In this book he follows the same method.
From the very first sessions, which began in late 1963, Seth constantly called me Ruburt,
Rob - Joseph, arguing that these names refer to those greater selves from which our present personalities are born. He continues to do this in this book.
As usual, Rob methodically records each session in his own shorthand and then types it out. This is much easier and faster than recording each session on tape, then playing the recording and printing from it. Periodically, Rob marks the time to indicate how long Seth has been working on a particular paragraph. Seth himself tells you which words need to be underlined and which words should be placed in quotation marks or parentheses. He often indicated where to place the colon, as well as other punctuation marks.
This book should help every reader understand the nature of personal experience and use this knowledge to make daily life more creative and enjoyable.
Jane Roberts Elmira
November 6, 1973

Foreword by Seth,
Fabricating Personal Reality

Session 609, Monday, April 10, 1972, 9:29 p.m.
(A couple of weeks ago, Jane first mentioned that Seth, her trance personality, would soon be starting his next book of his own. The idea just "came" to her one evening. We didn't take it too seriously, having just finished proofreading Seth's first book last month , "Seth Speaks: The Eternal Reality of the Soul"? We certainly weren't prepared for his ability to move on to his next project so quickly. Jane didn't have a single conscious thought about the theme or title of any of Seth's books.
However, last Wednesday at the scheduled session, Seth confirmed her premonitions - verbosely, but without giving a specific date:
“So, Ruburt [as Seth calls Jane] is absolutely right. We're really gearing up for the next book, but we're giving you a break in between.
Books automatically combine material and feed it into in a certain order. As you already know, preparing records takes quite a long time, so I'll wait for now.
Ruburt senses this very clearly and, as usual, begins to worry, wondering what I am going to write about and what kind of book the book will turn out to be. A book like this can be given quite normally in regular sessions, increasing your knowledge and thereby helping others as well. I propose the simplest structure; I always go for the least complicated one. Do you understand me?
“Yes,” I replied, and then Seth spent the rest of the evening discussing other topics.
As we prepared for today's session, Jane said, “Well, Seth is all ready and I feel like getting started. Maybe he'll start his own book...” She didn't think much about it - at least I don't remember her talking about it much. So, good evening. (“Good evening, Seth.”)
We'll call today's article "Crafting Personal Reality."
Experience is a product of the mind, spirit, conscious thoughts and feelings, as well as unconscious thoughts and feelings. Together they form the reality known to you. Therefore, you are hardly at the mercy of a reality that exists separately from you or is imposed on you. You are so closely tied to the physical events that make up your life experience that you are often unable to distinguish between events that appear to be material and the thoughts, expectations, and desires that give rise to them.
If your deep thoughts have strong negative characteristics, if they become a barrier between you and a fuller life, you often look past these barriers without noticing them. Until you see them, they will bother you. Even obstacles have a reason for existing. If they are yours, then you yourself must recognize them and understand how they arise.
Your conscious thoughts can be quite important in detecting such obstacles. You are not as familiar with your own thoughts as you think. They flow away from you like water through your fingers, taking with them the necessary nutrients scattered throughout the landscape of your soul - and often bring mud and dirt, clogging the channels of knowledge and creation.
Studying your own conscious thoughts will tell you a lot about the state of your inner mind, your intentions and expectations. It can bring you into direct confrontation with problems and obstacles. Knowing your own thoughts
will show you where you are going. They clearly indicate the nature of physical events. Everything that exists physically first arises in thoughts and feelings. It simply cannot be otherwise.
(21:40.) The conscious mind was given to you for a reason. You are not at the mercy of unconscious urges unless you consciously give in to them. You can use your current feelings and desires to check your development at any time. IF you don't like your own feelings, then you should change the nature of your conscious thoughts and expectations. You must change the color of the messages your thoughts convey to your body, friends and acquaintances
In your words, every thought produces a result. If you constantly repeat the same thought, it will have a more or less constant effect. If you like the result, then you rarely study the idea itself. However, if material, tangible problems come upon you, you begin to figure out what’s wrong.
Sometimes you blame others, your upbringing, or your past life (if you agree with the theory of reincarnation). You may believe that the devil or God is responsible for everything, or you may simply say, “That’s life,” and accept negative experiences as inevitable.
Finally, you may partially understand the nature of reality and complain; “I am sure that I create problems for myself, but I am completely unable to change it.”
If this is the case, then - no matter what you tell yourself - you have never been able to believe that you yourself are the creator of your own existence. Once you accept this fact, you can immediately begin
Jane's energy continues to impress me, especially since she weighs about forty-three kilograms. With her permission, Seth can come in full. Now she spoke as usual. This means that when she speaks for Seth, her voice becomes lower, louder, and takes on Seth's unique accent and rhythm. Jane took off her glasses and placed them on the coffee table between us. The next moment her eyes darkened and she went into a complete trance.)
change what makes you unhappy or irritated.
(21:49, minute pause.) No one is forcing a certain way of thinking on you. You might be used to thinking pessimistically. You may think that pessimism is more realistic than optimism. You, like most people, may believe that sadness ennobles, speaks of deep spirituality, of individuality, is distinctive feature saints and poets. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Deep within every consciousness is an unshakable desire to fully use one's abilities, to joyfully go beyond the illusory boundaries of one's own experience. Even consciousness the smallest molecules vehemently opposes any idea of ​​limitation. They strive for new forms and sensations. That is, even atoms constantly strive to organize themselves into new structures with new meaning. They do this “instinctively.”
Human beings are endowed - and have endowed themselves - with a conscious mind that governs the nature, form and essence of their creations. All deep aspirations, unconscious motivations, unspoken desires receive the approval (or disapproval) of the conscious mind and are obedient to its decisions
Only by abandoning its functions does consciousness surrender itself to the power of “negative” experience. Only by refusing responsibility does it surrender itself to the mercy of events over which it supposedly has no control.
You can take a break.
("Thank you".
22:00. Jane snapped out of her trance easily. “I have a feeling,” she said, “that this is the beginning of the first chapter.” This feeling arose because
that at the beginning of the evening he mentioned “the article.” He had never done ticking before. Then it turned out that Jane was partly right. The session resumed at 22:07.)
So, books are only about positive thinking, although sometimes useful, usually do not take into account the habit of negative feelings, aggression and suppression. Often they are simply bashfully forgotten to mention.
The authors say that you should be positive, compassionate, strong, optimistic, full of joy and enthusiasm. However, they do not say anything about how you can get out of a difficult situation you may be in. They don't understand the vicious circle you might be in. Such books - I repeat - although sometimes they help, they do not explain to you how thoughts and emotions form reality. They do not take into account the multidimensional aspects of the Self or the fact that each individual, while following certain general laws, must, however, find his own way to adapt them to specific situations and follow this path.
If you are in poor health, you can fix it. If you have problems in your personal life, you can change it for the better. If you are poor, you can become wealthy.
Whether you realized it or not, you determinedly forged your own path, using all available resources, for the sake of goals and needs that might once have been important to you. You will say, “I never set out to be in poor health,” or, “I probably didn’t want to ruin my relationship with my partner,” or, “I certainly didn’t set out to be poor, and I worked hard.”
If you were born poor or sick, then it will seem even more likely to you that this situation was imposed on you from the outside. But this is not true, and to one degree or another you can change everything for the better.
This does not mean that no effort and determination will be required from you. But this means that you are not powerless, you can change circumstances. Each of you, regardless of your position, status, life situation and physical condition, controls his own personal experience.
You see and feel what you expect to see and feel. The world you know is a picture of your expectations. The world as the human race knows it is the embodiment of your general ideas about it. Just as children are born from your physical tissues, so the world is also your joint creation.
(22:26. Pause. Then quietly, with a smile.) I am writing this book to help each person solve their own personal problems. I hope to do this by showing you exactly how you shape your own reality and explaining the ways in which you can change it in your favor.
The existence of so-called negative thoughts and feelings - and your ability to cope with them - will not be ignored here. Dot. Because you have complete control over them. There are methods for using them as creative stimuli. You will never be asked to suppress or ignore them. Instead, you will learn how to recognize them in your life; determine which of them were allowed to subjugate you; and how to manage those that you supposedly cannot control.
The methods I'll discuss require concentration and effort. They will challenge you and change your life and consciousness in the most favorable way
I am not a physical person. But, in fact, so do you. You are now living a physical life. You -
creators who translate their expectations into physical form. The world serves as a model for you. External
the view is a copy of the internal idea. You can
change your personal world. You are changing it without knowing it. You just need to consciously use this ability, examine the nature of your own thoughts and feelings and project those with which you yourself agree.
These thoughts and feelings create events that are well known to you. I hope to teach you a technique that will help you understand the nature of your own reality, and show you how you can change that reality in the way that suits you best.
(Louder.) End of dictation.
(“Okay. But in general, you’re cunning - you took it and started the book like that.”)
(In a satisfied voice.) This is my method. In the next session I will give you the title and other such information. And, if you want, the intended content.
(“I think Jane would find this interesting.”)
Let's do it like; It can be simpler... Just a minute...
(While in trance, Jane did long pause at 22:37. Her eyes were closed and she was rocking back and forth with one foot on the coffee table.)
This book will talk about how personal reality is formed. Ways to change unpleasant aspects of one's existence are especially emphasized.
I hope that we can avoid the excessive optimism of “self-help” books and create in the reader an urgent desire to understand the properties of reality, if only in order to solve their own problems. You will be offered very practical, effective methods, accessible to any individual, directly related to the basic problems of human existence.
I will emphasize that all healings are the result of accepting the following basic fact. Matter is formed by those internal properties that give it vital energy. The structure follows expectations. Matter can be completely changed at any moment if the creative abilities inherent in any consciousness are activated.
Please mark everything we said tonight as a preface. That is, what I dictated. I wish you a good evening
(“Thank you very much, Seth. Good night.”
The session ended at 22:47. Jane spoke for Seth quietly, but rather quickly, given the slow speed of my voice recordings using homegrown shorthand. “I think I know half the name,” she said, breaking out of her trance. - The nature of personal reality - a hyphen or a colon - then something else, but I didn’t catch that anymore. “I suddenly felt very tired,” Jane admitted with a smile, “but don’t write that down.”
A few notes added later. We fully learned the name of Seth's book only six months later. On October 25, 1972, as Jane was relaxing before dinner, the sequel to the title appeared in her mind: The Nature of Personal Reality: The Book of Seth. That evening, Session 623 took place, where Chapters 4 and 5 were discussed.
By the way, we didn't ask Seth to give a summary. As soon as he started dictating the book, we realized that this was not necessary. In addition, this decision left Jane maximum freedom.)

Where the world and man meet

Part 1

Living picture of the world

(After Seth dictated the introduction to us on April 10, many events took place. Most importantly, Jane’s mother died after a long illness, so we postponed the sessions for several months. During this time, Jane tried to “continue her studies in psychic and writing classes; she worked over the novel "The Training of Oversoul Seven", which was mentioned in the introduction.
All this time we kept in mind that Seth was about to start a new book. When he wrote Seth Speaks, Jane did not touch the manuscript herself for a long time, so as not to consciously participate in the work on the book. But now she said with a smile that she plans to read the book after each session and use it in practice. Now she's practically
I wasn't worried about the book. I supported her new mood as best I could.
As usual when recording sessions, I will note Jane's various states. But these notes are just external observations of the person concerned. The true variety and depth of the different realities and personalities she achieves is hers and hers alone. Words are often powerless here.)
Good evening.
(“Good evening, Seth.”)
Let's get on with the book. The first chapter is called “A Living Picture of the World.”
A living picture of the world grows in the mind. The world as you see it is like a three-dimensional picture that each of us participates in creating. Every color, every line on it was first drawn in the mind, and only then materialized outside.
However, in this case, the artists themselves are part of the picture and are in it. Absolutely all influences on the outside world are born from an internal source. There is no movement that does not first occur in consciousness.
The enormous creative abilities of consciousness are your heritage. However, it does not belong only to humanity. Every living creature has such abilities. The living world consists of a natural interaction between the smallest and the greatest, the highest and the lowest, between atoms and molecules and the conscious, reasoning mind.
All kinds of insects, birds and animals come together in this endeavor, creating a natural environment. This is as natural and inevitable as the fact that fog forms on glass if you breathe on it. Everything that has consciousness creates the world from an emotional background. This is a natural outgrowth of what your consciousness is. Feelings and emotions become reality in certain ways. Thoughts arise that grow on already prepared soil. The seasons change, shaped by an ancient emotional background with a deep, pervasive rhythm. I repeat that all this is the result of creative aspects, an integral part of any life.
Now these ancient aspects are buried deep in the souls of all beings of all kinds. From them individual structures emerge, individual patterns of new differences.
(21:29. With feeling.) We can say that the body of the Earth has its own soul, or mind (as you prefer). If we use this analogy, then mountains and oceans, valleys and rivers, everything natural phenomena are born in the soul of the Earth, just as all events and artificial objects are born in the inner mind, or soul, of humanity.
The inner world of every man and every woman is connected with inner world Earth. The spirit becomes flesh. Consequently, a part of the soul of every person is closely connected with what can be called the soul of the world, the soul of the Earth.
The smallest blade of grass or flower is aware of this connection and, without thinking, understands its position, its uniqueness, the source of its vitality. The atoms and molecules that make up all objects, be it a human body, a table, a stone or a frog, are aware of the enormous passive impulse of creation that lies behind our existence. Their identity rests on it, clear, unambiguous and undeniable.
So man rises from the ancient and at the same time eternally new source of his soul in the triumph of individuality. The “I” moves from ignorance to knowledge, constantly surprising itself. For example, now, as you read these lines, some of the knowledge is conscious and immediately available to you. And part of this knowledge is unconscious, but even unconscious knowledge, with all its ignorance, is still knowledge.
You always know what you are doing, even if you don't realize it. Your eye knows that it can see, although it cannot see itself, except in a reflection. In the same sense, the world you see is a reflection of what you are; but the reflection is not in glass, but in three-dimensional reality. You project your thoughts, feelings and expectations outward, and then perceive them as external reality. When you feel like others are looking at you, you are observing yourself from the perspective of your projections.
You can take a break.
So, you are essentially a living picture of yourself. You project what you think you are into the flesh. Your feelings, your conscious and unconscious thoughts shape and change your physical image. It's easy enough to understand.
However, it is no longer so easy for you to accept that your feelings and thoughts shape your external experience to the same extent, and that the events that happen to you are actually created by you yourself, in your own mental or spiritual inner world.
It is no coincidence that your body looks thin or fat, tall or short, healthy or sick. These are psychological characteristics that you yourself imprint on your appearance. I don't want to joke, but I have to say that you were not born yesterday. Your soul was not born yesterday, if we talk about it, it arose before the countdown of time, as you understand it.
The qualities you are born with are given to you for a reason. They were chosen by your inner self. And now it can change them to a significant extent. The moment you were born, you already had a story. Your individuality is always present in a latent state in your soul. The “history” that is part of you is recorded in the unconscious memory, which is not only stored in your soul, but also precisely encoded in genes and chromosomes, embodied in the blood that flows in your veins.
You are aware of, perceive, and operate in many more realities than you think. Your soul expresses itself through you. Your ordinary daytime consciousness, the ego, rises like a flower from the soil “beneath”, from the unconscious basis of your personal reality. Although you are not aware of it, the ego appears on its own, then goes back into the unconscious, and then another ego arises from it, blooming like a new flower on the spring earth.
(22:27.) You have a different ego now than you had five years ago, but you are not aware of it. In other words, the ego arises from what you are. It is part of the actions of your essence and consciousness, but just as the eye cannot see changes in its own color and expression, so the ego does not realize that it constantly lives and dies when its atomic structure changes. That's why you don't notice that the ego is constantly changing, dying and being reborn.
physically, the structure of a cell retains its individuality, although the matter of which it is composed is constantly changing. The cell recreates itself according to the pattern of its own individuality, but it will always be part of the ongoing action, alive and responsive, even in the process of its multiple deaths.
So, psychological structures form something to which names are given. The names themselves are meaningless, but the structures behind them are not. Such psychological structures also retain their own individuality, a unique pattern, although they also constantly change, die and are reborn.
The eye is part of the physical structure. The ego is part of the structure of the soul. It cannot see itself, just as the eye cannot. They both look outward: in one case - from the physical body, in the other - from the inner soul into the world.
The creative consciousness of the body creates the eye. The creative inner being creates the ego. The body forms the eye in the greatness of the wisdom of its vast unconscious knowledge. The soul gives rise to the ego, which has psychological perception, just as the eye has physical perception. Both the eye and the ego are structures aimed at perceiving external reality.
You can take a break.
So; What follows is not part of the book. Ruburt was right in the assumption he made a few seconds ago (during the break). In this book we will take a closer look at the nature of the unconscious and the soul, and consider some of the most important concepts.
Ruburt, unconsciously and at the same time to some extent consciously, became more interested in issues of consciousness and personality - for example, the role of the conscious ego - since he began writing his novel Oversole Seven (at the end of March 1972).
Much is still unknown. Your psychologists are unable to think in terms of the soul, and your religious leaders are either unable or unwilling to evaluate it psychologically in the least degree. In other words, metaphysics and psychology have not yet met.
So, as I often tell you, I am independent of Ruburt. But, as you know, there are connections between us*. He himself does not yet understand the true nature of his own creativity. Few people understand. All such phenomena always have a psychological background - in general, any phenomena. Of course, in a sense, Ruburt's books are his children. He has an incredibly creative soul. Part of what I sound like when I speak through him is a phenomenon as deep and unconscious as the birth of a child. In a way, Oversole Seven, as he thinks of it, is the same thing.
These are not physical children, subject to the elements and time, but eternal children, more knowledgeable than their parents; gods born in the human soul are half* Note added later: The Seth Materials and Seth's Speeches make several references to the reincarnation connections that unite Seth, myself, and Jane. This subjective information was not included in this book, but in Chapter 19 Seth discusses his ideas about reincarnation, time, etc. in a more objective manner.
gods, half-humans. At this level, the parent experiences surprise and admiration at the highest achievements of his children, at the superiority of his offspring, although to a certain extent he envies them.
If books are symbolic children, then from the same point of view Ruburt's rendering of my reality is a more living, three-dimensional aspect. For example, he occasionally worried about schizophrenia. He does not understand that at this level, now, regardless of my independence and other similar issues, he creates time-free personalities, organizes them under the control of the conscious mind and assigns them valuable and important tasks, which they perform.
This is a very special creation. It allows Ruburt, if he chooses, to peer into the nature of consciousness, the soul, and creation itself in a way that few others can. Now he himself is creating the conditions that made such a result possible. Some part of my reality is an element of some part of his reality. It is there that what I appear to be is formed.
Behind this is my own independent reality.
I will talk about this in more detail later and add to these notes so that they will expand. ("It is very interesting".)
If Ruburt views his problems as challenges, he will achieve better results. That's all for now. I wish you a good evening.
(“Same to you, Seth. Thank you.”)
Come to our class sometime
(“Okay.” Session ended at 11:10 p.m. Jane teaches psychic classes every Tuesday. I’m more introverted by nature, so this is usually the time when I’m typing up notes from my Monday sessions or working on paperwork and email.
I am often asked this, so I will now explain why I prefer to record sessions on paper rather than on tape. When Seth first started speaking through Jane, in late 1963, we tried using a tape recorder, but I quickly realized that I was transcribing the session much faster from paper than from film.
This is very important because we do psychic work at night, and the whole day is spent writing, drawing and all other activities that are necessary for an organized life. [However, I had to rearrange my schedule to allow time for the preparation of this manuscript. I draw in the morning and do this work in the afternoon.]
When Jane speaks to me as Seth, her speech is slower than, say, in a classroom session. This simplifies punctuation, as does Seth's own instructions. This is a complete copy, and after some minor corrections it is ready for publication. Moreover, I think the fact that such high quality work is done in this way says a lot about our sessions.)

Session 613, September 11, 1972, Monday, 21:10
(After the first session for this chapter, Jane was actively working on Oversole Seven and was engaged in a long-term project, which for now is tentatively called Aspect Psychology. Then,
Just as we were getting ready to get back to work on Seth's book, there was a major flood on July 23, 1972.
The flooding was the worst recorded in this part of the country. It was brought by Tropical Storm Agnes. What's funny is that it lost hurricane status by the time it began to rise from Florida along the east coast. Before Agnes arrived, there were several days of heavy rain for hundreds of kilometers around. The storm suddenly moved inland, gaining new strength near Cape Virginia, and lingered over New York and Pennsylvania. Flooding became inevitable. learn about the situation using psychic abilities. “It’s hard to calm down when you’re scared,” she replied, but she tried to concentrate. Gradually she managed to relax. She said the water would peak later this afternoon; almost unbelievably - in the yard it will rise above three meters. In the neighboring house it will reach the middle of the second floor windows. If we stay where we are, we won't be in any danger. However, Jane said in a frightened voice that the Welnut Street Bridge would “disappear.” I was also terrified, because this old steel bridge over the Chemang River was very close to our house. It would have been visible if not for the house opposite.
Once Jane received this information, we felt more at ease. We ate and sat down to play cards, checking the water level from time to time. Several hours passed. The flood reached its maximum within fifteen minutes of Jane's specified time and ten centimeters short of the height she specified. In the evening we went to bed, knowing that the water would quickly subside. The next morning I walked to the Walnut Street Bridge. It was destroyed, several spans were washed away by water.

Compared to most of the city's residents, we are lucky. We lost our car, but we still had our home, all our paintings, manuscripts and films, including fifty-three volumes of Seth's materials. We lived in two apartments so that there was enough space for both work and living, so we were able to take in a couple who were left without a home. It was cold and rainy. Although our lives had become a series of monotonous survival activities, Jane was able to finish
“Oversoul Seven” and resumed classes. The book of Seth had to be put aside for a long time.
In August, Jane taught one session about the flood. On it, Seth slightly touched on the reasons for our attitude towards him. Later that month, and again in September, we had several guests come for psychic readings. One of them, by the way, was Richard Bach, author of the well-known book Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
When Jane felt like she COULD get back to work on Seth's book, she was surprised to find that she began to worry. And yet, speaking for Seth, she continued dictating so smoothly, as if this three-month break had never happened at all...)
Good evening.
(“Good evening, Seth.”)
So, just a minute (quietly) and we'll get on with the book.
Your experience of the world of physical matter arises from the center of your inner Self. Then you perceive it. External events, situations and states are a kind of live feedback. Changing the internal state automatically changes the external physical conditions.
There is no other reliable way to influence physical events. Perhaps it will become clearer if you imagine within yourself a living inner dimension in which, in energetic form, you yourself create all the external conditions that are known to you. In general, this is exactly what happens. Your thoughts, feelings and mental images can be called the germ of external events, because, one way or another, each of them materializes in physical reality.
At the last minute, at dawn, there was a proposal to evacuate our Elmira area. Jane and I decided to stay. Of course, this decision had a deep symbolic meaning for us, which we ourselves do not yet fully understand. The Chemang River flows less than a block from our house, through the center of the city, but since we live on the third floor, we decided that nothing would threaten us.. The house is quite reliable, we decided. Everyone except us left. It became very quiet.
In the yard, the water, cloudy with dust, emitting an almost choking smell of gasoline, rose half a meter, a meter, one and a half... Jane and I found ourselves in a completely different world, and although Seth has not yet confirmed this, I believe that, in particular, this is why we stayed. We drank wine and relieved tension with light self-hypnosis. But as we watched the water rise against the wall of the brick house opposite, we realized that this new reality was quickly becoming threatening. Did we do the right thing?
Now, most likely, it was no longer possible to escape. I suggested that Jane try something. You constantly change even the most constant, at first glance, conditions of your life by your different attitude towards them. There is nothing in your outer experience that does not originate within you.
Of course, you interact with others, but you also push or pull them all away with thoughts, looks, or emotions. And this is true in all areas of life. To put it in your words, both before birth and after death too. In the most miraculous way, you receive the gift of creating your own life.
In this existence you learn to handle the inexhaustible energy available to you. The general state of the world and each person in it is the materialization of the development of a person who forms his own world.
(21:24.) The joy of creation flows through you as naturally as breathing. From it the smallest elements of your external experience are born. Your feelings have an electromagnetic reality that goes out and affects even the atmosphere. They are grouped due to attraction, constituting areas of events and circumstances, which as a result merge, so to speak, either into matter (as objects) or into “time” (as events).
Some feelings and thoughts are translated into structures that you call objects. They exist, in your words, in an environment called space. Others are translated into psychological structures, events that seem to exist in the environment that you call “time.”
Both space and time are basic assumptions, which means that a person accepts them and accepts that his reality is based on the sequence of moments and spatial dimensions. Therefore, your inner experience is also translated into these concepts.
Even the duration of an object in space or time is determined by the intensity of the thoughts or emotions that gave rise to it. However, duration in space and duration in time are different things, although sometimes it may seem to us that this is not the case. I'm using your concepts now. An event or object that occupies little space can have a much greater extent in time. They can have great importance and concentration, for example, existing in your memory long after they have disappeared into space. Such an event or object exists in your memory or mind not only symbolically, but in your understanding its actual reality continues as an event in time.
But while this event or object exists in your mind, its reality in space does not disappear. Let's look at a simple example. The child was forbidden to play with the doll. He didn't listen. Then - accidentally or on purpose - he broke the doll and it was thrown away. But in time, the doll really exists as long as the grown-up child remembers it.
(21:40.) If, say, a doll was sitting in a closet, and this is also part of the memory, then the space that the doll occupied continues to retain its imprint, even if it is now occupied by other objects. Therefore, you react not only to what is visible to the physical eye in space or what is directly in front of you in time, but also to those objects or events whose reality is still within you, although they may seem to have disappeared.
Essentially, you create your life through your own beliefs about yourself and the nature of reality. You can also try to understand this by imagining that you are creating reality with your expectations. The tone of your feelings is your emotional attitude towards yourself and life in general. Usually huge layers of your experience depend on it.
(Pause.) They make up the general emotional coloring that characterizes everything that happens to you. Period, you are happening to yourself. Your emotional sensations are often fleeting, but behind them there are certain qualities of feelings that are characteristic of you personally. They are like the main chords of music. Your everyday feelings may come and go, but these characteristic tones are the essential basis
Sometimes they rise to the surface in huge, extended waves. They cannot be called negative or positive. These are simply the tones of your being. They constitute the deepest part of your existence. This does not mean that they are hidden from you, at least not intentionally. They form the core from which your entire life is formed.
If you have become afraid of emotions or showing feelings; or if you have been told that the inner self is merely a repository of uncivilized impulses, you may have become accustomed to denying these deep rhythms. You may try to act as if they don't exist, or you may start denying them altogether. However, these are your deepest, most creative impulses. Fighting them is like swimming against a strong current.
You can take a break.
Consequently, these tones of feeling permeate your being.
This is the form that your spirit takes when combined with your flesh. From them, from their essence, flesh arises.
Everything you experience has consciousness. Any consciousness is endowed with its own tone of feelings. The Earth, as you understand it, is formed in close cooperation, so that the individual living structures of the planet arise from the feeling tone of each atom and molecule.
Your flesh arises in response to the inner sound of your essence. Trees, stones, seas and mountains form the body of the Earth from the deep internal sound of atoms and molecules, which are also alive. Because creative cooperation is constant, the miracle of physical materialization occurs automatically and unhindered. You do not consciously perceive your own participation in it
(22:16.) Therefore, the tone of feeling is movement and the fabric, the building material, is the part of your energy that goes into physical experience. It flows into who you are as a physical being and materializes you into the world of seasons, space, flesh and time. However, its source is absolutely independent of the world that you know.
When you learn to feel your own inner tones, you will understand their strength, energy and immutability. And then you can, to a certain extent, follow them into the deep realities of existence.
Incredible emotional strength, variety and grandeur of physical life are the material embodiment of the inner tone of feelings. It permeates everything that happens in your life; this is the general internal direction, the quality of perception. It fills and illuminates certain aspects of your life and largely determines the basic subjective environment in which you live.
The tone of feelings is your essence. However, it operates on a global scale. For example, it does not affect specific events. (Pause.) It modifies the entire “relief” of your existence as a whole. This is an inexhaustible sense of self.
In other words, the tone of feeling is your expression of yourself in the form of pure energy that forms your individuality, makes you "you", gives you an unmistakable personality that is absolutely unique
This energy comes from the center of BEING (in capital letters), from All That Is (every word is capitalized, as usual), and represents the source of infinite life force. This is Being, Being in you. Therefore, all the energy and force of Being is directed into you and reflected through you towards your three-dimensional existence.
You can take a break.
Your tone of feeling is unique, but the way you express it is the same for any consciousness centered in physical reality. Therefore, from this point of view, you come from the Earth, like all other beings and natural living structures. You are a physical being, part of nature, and not separate from it.
Trees and stones have their own consciousness, and in addition, they enter into the consciousness of the gestalt, just like the living parts of your body. Cells and organs have consciousness and have a gestalt. The human race also has individual consciousness and gestalt, or mass consciousness, which you individually are practically unaware of.
In a certain sense, the mass consciousness of a race has a personality. You are part of this personality and yet you are a unique, separate and independent being. You are only limited by what you choose
physical reality and thereby placed themselves in the context of its sensations. As a physical being, you are subject to physical laws, or assumptions. They become the boundaries of material manifestations.
Within these boundaries, you have complete freedom to create your own experience, your own life in all aspects, a living picture of the world. Your personal life and, to a certain extent, your individual life experiences help create the world as you know it now.
(23:00.) In this book we will talk about your subjective world, about your role in creating both personal and general events. Before we get to that, you should understand that everything physical phenomena have consciousness. You need to know your place in nature. Nature is created from within. The personal life you know comes from within yourself, but it is given to you. Point Because you are part of Being, in a certain sense you give yourself life, which is lived through you.
(Pause.) New paragraph. You create your own reality. There is no other rule. This is the secret of creation.
I am talking about “you”, but do not confuse this with the “you” that you usually think of yourself as, that is, the ego alone. The ego is only a part of you; a specialized component that deals directly with the contents of the conscious mind and is directly related to the material spheres of your existence.
Also, the ego is a separate part of your larger essence; that part of you whose task is to deal directly with the life you live as a whole. However, if the conscious mind allows the ego to be distracted from the task, it begins to feel abandoned, lonely and afraid. The ego and the conscious mind are not the same thing. The ego is going out various parts personality, it is a constantly changing combination of properties acting uniformly. This part of the personality directly deals with the world.
(23:18, slow.) The conscious mind is a magnificent instrument of perception; a function belonging to the internal consciousness, but in this case directed outward, to the world of events. The soul views the world through the conscious mind. If you leave her alone, she sees everything clearly.
Under certain conditions, the ego is the eyes through which the conscious mind looks, the focal point through which it perceives physical reality. But throughout life, the conscious mind automatically changes focus. The ego changes all the time, but continues to seem unchanged to itself. Problems begin to arise when the conscious mind becomes inflexible or allows the ego to take over some of its own functions. The ego then allows the conscious mind to operate in certain areas, while closing others from it.
Therefore, you form the reality you know from your whole essence. It depends on you whether this process will be joyful and energetic. You can clear your conscious mind so that the deeper knowledge of your essence can joyfully manifest into the world of matter.
(23:25.) End of chapter. End of dictation. So. This book will allow people to help themselves. It will be useful to a huge number of readers, and there will be more of them than Ruburt could meet himself, or than I could help in individual sessions.
Those who asked for help should be added to the list in order to be sure to notify them about the release of the book.
(“Good idea.” Jane was receiving so many requests for help by mail and telephone that she could not even respond to them all.)
Therefore, Ruburt should not feel obligated to give individual sessions to people who must figure things out for themselves. And now I wish you good evening
(“Thank you, Seth, and good evening. It was great to have the session again.”)
If you have questions, you can ask them.
(I paused, wondering if it was too late, then asked Seth what he thought of our recent visitor - a scientist from a western state. Jane - both herself and Seth - was beginning to become quite attuned to certain technical information. However, I thought that It will take a lot of time and effort, probably regular training over several years, for Jane to fully develop her abilities in such specialized matters.)
This visit was fruitful, especially for Ruburt. We will come to his [scientific] questions later. I wanted to start the book again for the sake of Ruburt’s peace of mind. In our sessions we will not only deal with the book, but this is our main task
Later in the book we will look at a flood situation as an example in the chapter on natural disasters. So you will get this information and others will be able to understand and use it.
Now good evening to you.
(“Thanks again, Seth.”
The session ended at 23:32. Jane quickly came out of her very deep trance. “I'm glad Seth is picking up the book again,” she said. - I know it's stupid, but now I feel calmer. I was worried that I was holding everything back with my own attitude, after all these interruptions. transfer of material, and Jane's thoughts on this matter.
I was excited to learn that Seth was going to address the topic of flooding in the book. I was afraid that, due to all the other events, this issue would be postponed and then forgotten.)

Reality and personal beliefs

Session 614, Wednesday, September 13, 1972, 9:36 p.m.
(Jane was pleased that Seth's book was finally back on track after many delays. She felt energized. After a long session on Monday, she had an even longer session in her psychic class on Tuesday, which also included Sumari? Today was supposed to be third session in a row.
But Jane insisted that she was not tired. She only complained about the humidity because she is very sensitive to the weather. Today it was hot and after dinner it started to rain. Before the session started, we walked around the area.)
Good evening.
(“Good evening, Seth.”)
Let's get back to the book. Chapter 2: “Reality and Personal Beliefs.”
With your beliefs and expectations you shape the fabric of your being. Your beliefs about yourself and the nature of reality influence your thoughts and emotions. You consider your ideas about reality to be correct and often do not evaluate them. They seem self-evident. They appear in your mind as immutable facts, understandable without explanation.
So you too often accept them without asking any questions. You consider them not your own views of reality, but properties of reality as such. (Pause.) Very often such ideas seem undeniable, so natural that it does not occur to you to question their truth. They become unspoken assumptions, but they also shape and color your personal experience.
For example, some people do not question their religious beliefs, accepting them as fact. Others are easily aware of such assumptions in a religious context, but are virtually blind to this in other areas.
(21:45.) Understanding your beliefs in religion, politics, or similar topics is much easier than identifying deep-seated beliefs about yourself, about who and what you are, especially in relation to your own life.
Many people are completely blind to their own ideas about themselves and the nature of reality. Your conscious thoughts can help you. You may often find yourself refusing to accept certain thoughts that come into your head because they conflict with other ideas that are acceptable to you.
The conscious mind is always trying to present you with a clear picture, but you often allow your prejudices to block the knowledge that comes through. It was once fashionable to blame the subconscious for personal problems and difficulties - it was believed that early events, mysterious and incomprehensible, were stored there. In your country, several generations have grown up believing that the subconscious parts of the personality are unreliable, full of negative energy and contain only unpleasant episodes that are better not remembered.
(21:54.) They grew up believing that the conscious mind was in some sense powerless, that adult life was formed during infancy. These concepts themselves created artificial boundaries. People were taught that they should not take in “subliminal” information.
The doors to the inner “I” had to be tightly closed. They could (and should) only be discovered by thoughtful psychoanalysis. Ordinary people believed that these areas were best left alone. But by cutting off these parts of the personality, they deprived themselves of the pleasure of the inner unpredictable “I”. People felt disconnected from the center of their own reality
The concept of original sin was very primitive, limited and distorted, but at least it came with fairly simple procedures. You could be saved through baptism or be redeemed through certain words and/or rituals. (See, for example, Mark 1:1-11.)
But the concept of a tainted subconscious does not leave people with such a relatively simple way out. There are few rituals, and they all require many years of psychoanalysis, and only very rich people can afford this.
Around the same time that the idea of ​​a harmful subconscious mind gained popularity, the concept of the soul was forgotten. Thus, millions of people came to believe in a reality devoid of the idea of ​​a soul and, at the same time, with ideas about a very unreliable, and even definitely evil, subconscious. They considered themselves fragile, lonely egos, open to all the dangers of turbulent involuntary processes.
(Pause at 22:05. These sessions can hardly be called “spiritualistic” in the full sense of the word. Jane, without leaving her trance, lit a cigarette. She ran out of beer, but I had some left in my glass, so Jane reached for it?.)
Around this time, intelligent people began to realize that organized religions' ideas about God, heaven, and hell were distorted, unfair, and more like children's fairy tales. But these people had nowhere to turn for help.
In such circumstances, looking inside yourself seems ridiculous, because people have been taught that the source of problems lies within. Those who could not afford to see psychotherapists tried even harder to suppress any messages from the inner self, for fear of being consumed by cruel infantile emotions.
So, first of all, I will say that personality has no limitations and divisions, although in our discussion designations like “ego” may be used, because you understand what it means in your opinion. You may well rely on supposedly unconscious parts of your personality. Later you will learn that you can consciously perceive more and more, thereby bringing more of yourself into consciousness.
(22:12.) You are constantly breathing, growing and performing many subtle and precise actions without consciously noticing how you do it all. You live without consciously knowing how exactly you preserve the miracle of physical perception in the world of flesh and time
The supposedly unconscious parts of your personality attract atoms and molecules from the air that form your appearance. Your lips move, your tongue pronounces the name of the wine. Does it belong to the atoms and molecules of the tubes and tongue? (Pause.) Atoms and molecules are constantly moving, forming cells, tissues and organs. But can the name that the tongue speaks belong to them?
They cannot read or write, but they speak difficult language, which conveys anything from simple feelings to the most complex information to other beings like you. How do they do it?
The atoms and molecules of language do not know the grammar of the language they speak. You often start a sentence with no idea how you will finish it, but you trust that the words will make sense and you will be able to express your thoughts without interference.
This happens because the inner parts of your being act spontaneously, freely and joyfully. This happens because your inner self believes in you - often even when you don't believe in it. The unconscious parts of yourself work surprisingly well, even when you are completely unaware of their nature and purpose, and despite the interference of your beliefs.
Each person perceives his own reality, which is not similar to anyone else’s. This reality arises from the inner landscape of thoughts, feelings, expectations and beliefs. If you believe that the inner self is working not for you, but against you, then you are interfering with its work - or rather, forcing it to behave in a certain way in accordance with your beliefs .
The conscious mind's job is to make clear judgments about your position in physical reality. Often false beliefs interfere with this because the ego's ideas cloud the clarity of its perception.
I suggest you take a break.
(22:31. Jane's trance was deep. She said that she was feeling better now because the weather had become somewhat lighter. I told her that today's material represented her and Seth in the best possible way and was also deceptively simple. Jane was pleased and responded , which now feels quite calm, thinking about working on the book.)
You are ready?
(“Yes,” I was finishing my notes when Jane took off her glasses and began speaking for Seth. 10:53 p.m.)
Your beliefs can become like barriers surrounding you.
First of all, you must acknowledge the existence of such barriers. You need to see them, otherwise you will not understand at all that you are not free, simply because you cannot see anything beyond these barriers. (In a confident tone.) They will become the boundaries of your existence.
However, there is a belief that destroys artificial barriers of perception; constantly
an expanding belief that automatically destroys false and limiting ideas. So, from a new line...
Personality has no boundaries. This is a statement of fact. It is true whether you believe it or not. This concept is followed by another:
There are no boundaries or divisions of the Self. If you feel something like this, it is the result of false ideas. And behind this comes the concept I already mentioned:
You create your own reality. To understand yourself and what you are, you can learn to perceive yourself separately from your own ideas about yourself. I would like to ask the reader to sit quietly. Close your eyes. Try to feel the deep tones of feelings that I talked about earlier (session 613, chapter 1). It's not that difficult.
Knowing they exist will help you notice their deep rhythms within you. Everyone feels them differently, so don't think about what you should feel. Just tell yourself that they exist and are formed from the enormous energy of your being embodied in the body.
Then allow yourself to feel. If you are used to using the term “meditation” and the like, forget about it for the duration of the exercise. Don't use titles. Free yourself from any concepts; feel what it is like to be yourself, feel your own life energy. Don't ask yourself, “Is this right? Am I doing the right amount of weight? Do I feel the way I should? This is the first exercise in this book. You should not use other people's criteria. There are no standards except yours own feelings. The time for performing the exercise is arbitrary. You should enjoy it. Accept everything that happens as your own, unique. This exercise will help you feel yourself, bring you back to yourself. When you feel nervous or upset, take a few seconds to become aware of the tone of your feelings. You will be able to concentrate on yourself and feel more confident.
When you have done this exercise several times, try to feel how these deep rhythms emanate from you in all directions - in fact, they do. They represent electromagnetic radiation from your physical being. And - I'll explain this later - they shape not only your physical appearance, but also your environment.
(23:14.) I told you that the Self has no boundaries, but you probably believe that your Self ends where the skin meets the air; that “you” are contained within your skin. Dot. However, your environment is an extension of yourself. It is the essence of your experience, compressed into physical form. The inner Self shapes the things you know to the same extent and as automatically as it shapes your eye or your finger.
Your environment is a visible physical picture of your thoughts, emotions and beliefs. As your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs move through time, you affect physical conditions separate from you.
Look at the magnificent structure of your body from a purely physiological point of view. It appears to you as dense as other physical matter. But the more you learn about matter, the more obvious it becomes that energy in it takes on certain forms (in the form of organs, cells,
molecules, atoms and electrons), each of which is less material than the previous one; each constitutes a mysterious gestalt to form matter.
(23:25.) The atoms of your body rotate. There is constant movement and activity. Flesh that appears solid is actually made up of fast-moving particles that spin around each other. It continuously exchanges large amounts of energy.
Matter, the space outside your body, consists of the same elements, but in different proportions. There is a constant physical exchange between the structure that you call your body and the space outside it, chemical reaction, without which life as you know it would be impossible.
To stop breathing means to die. Breathing is the deepest and most necessary of physical actions. It comes out of what you are, moving into a world that no longer seems to be you. Physically, parts of you are constantly leaving your body and mixing with the elements. You know what happens when adrenaline is released into the blood. It excites you and motivates you to take action. But adrenaline is not just in your body, it is released into the air and affects the atmosphere, changing itself.
Every emotion you have releases hormones, but they also come out of you, just like your breathing. You could say you're throwing into the air chemical substances that affect him.
That is, physical storms are caused precisely by interactions of this kind. I repeat once again - you yourself shape your own reality, including the physical weather, which in general is the result of individual reactions.
I'll talk more about this later in the book (note added later: Seth talks about this in chapter 18). Physical life you have in order to learn and understand that your energy, translated into feelings, thoughts and emotions, causes absolutely everything. There are no exceptions.
Once you understand this, all you have to do is learn to understand the nature of your beliefs, because they automatically make you think and feel a certain way. Your emotions follow your beliefs, not the other way around.
I would like you to examine your beliefs in several areas. You must understand that any idea that you believe to be true is your belief. So take the next step, tell yourself: “This is not necessarily true, even if I believe it.” I hope you learn to let go of the beliefs that place your core limitations.
You can take a break.
(23:40. Jane was surprised to learn that about fifty minutes had passed. She spoke with determination and energy. This session seemed to be one of those when she - and Seth - seemed able to go on until late into the night. This surge of energy was transmitted and me. Since I did not object, Jane decided not to end the session now. The session resumed in the same manner at 23:56.)
So, later we will discuss some of the reasons for your beliefs, but for now I just want you to be aware of them.
I will now name some false beliefs that limit a person. If you find yourself agreeing with any of them, this is an indication that you personally need to work on this area.
1. Life is a valley of sorrow.
2. The body is secondary. It is the seat of the soul, and therefore automatically imperfect and tainted.
It may seem to you that the flesh is inherently bad, evil; her desires are wrong. Christians may consider the body "contemptible" because the soul has descended into it. And “descent” by default means a change from a higher, better state to a worse one.
Followers of Eastern religions also often consider it their duty to deny the flesh, so to speak, to rise above it - to a state in which there are no desires. (Like, for example, “Emptiness” in Taoism.) In other words, they also believe that earthly existence in itself is undesirable.
3. I am helpless in the face of circumstances that I cannot control.
4. I am helpless, my personality and character were formed in childhood, so I am at the mercy of the past.
5. I am helpless because I am at the mercy of events from past lives and other incarnations that I cannot control. I need to be punished or I am punishing myself for treating people poorly in past lives. Should I accept the negative aspects of this life because of my karma?.
6. People are inherently bad and hostile towards me.
7. I know the truth that no one else knows. Or: my group knows the truth, and no one else.
8. When I get old, I will become fragile, sick and lose strength.
9. My existence depends on life in the flesh. When the body dies, the consciousness dies with it.
Note: This was a general list of false beliefs. What follows is a list of more specific, personal beliefs about yourself that you can hold.
1. I am sickly and always have been.
2. Money is not such a good thing. People who have them are greedy, less spiritual than the poor. They are snobs and generally less happy.
3. I have no creativity or imagination.
Next point. I'll never be able to do what I want.
Next: People don't like me. Next: I'm fat. (“This turns out to be number 6.”) Then 7. I’m always unlucky.
(00:15.) These beliefs are common to many people. Those who have them will face this in life. Thus, physical facts always seem to confirm beliefs, but in fact it is beliefs that shape reality. We will try to get rid of such beliefs that limit you.
First of all, you must understand that no one can change your beliefs for you. They cannot be imposed on you from the outside. And you can actually change them yourself if you have the knowledge and technique.
Take a look around. Your entire physical environment is an embodiment of your beliefs. Feelings of joy, sadness, health or illness are all caused by your beliefs. If you believe that a certain situation will make you unhappy, then it will; and adversity will only increase your confidence.
You have the ability to change your ideas about reality and yourself, to create your own life that will satisfy both you and others. I would like you to write down your ideas about yourself as you discover them. Now you can't imagine how this list will be useful to you later.
Break or end of session, as you wish.
(“I think we better finish.”
The session ended at 00:25. We both felt better than before the session.)

Session 615, September 18, 1972
Monday, 21:32
(Jane has already had one short session today. We received some good news in a letter this afternoon and celebrated with a drink. Then Seth came.
While we were having dinner, Jane received a call from one of our guests who was visiting us in August. She regretfully informed him that she had almost no time to work on scientific projects, which were discussed then, but they are interesting to her. While she was washing the dishes, she kept thinking about it and got a funny thought from Seth: stop worrying about it, we need to “take an attitude of divine indifference.” Jane was fully prepared for the scheduled session at 21:00, although due to the call we did not know what it would be about. However, the session did not start until 21:30, and she began to worry. But when Jane took off her glasses and began to speak for Seth, her voice was quiet and her speech was slow. The eyes were closed all the time.)
So: a book.
(“Good evening, Seth.”)
Your conscious beliefs control the activities of your body. Not the other way around.
Your inner self uses the physically conscious, physically focused mind as a means to operate in the world as you know it. The conscious mind is specifically designed to direct external activities, control waking life, and oversee physical work.
Then his ideas about the nature of reality are transmitted to the internal parts of the personality. They rely heavily on the conscious mind's interpretation of temporal reality. The conscious mind sets goals, and the inner “I” achieves them using all its abilities and inexhaustible energy.
The great value of the conscious mind lies precisely in its ability to make decisions and set direction. However, he has a dual role: his task is to evaluate both internal and external conditions, to understand information coming from physical world and from the internal parts of the personality. Therefore, it is not a closed system.
To be human means to be able to finely differentiate the use of consciousness. Many people are afraid of their own thoughts. They don't explore them. They accept other people's beliefs. Such actions distort both internal and external information.
The intuitive “I” and the conscious mind are not at odds with each other. It only seems so when a person refuses to consider all the information available to his conscious mind. (Pause.) Sometimes it seems easier to avoid the constant rewiring of behavior that follows self-analysis. In such cases, a person adopts beliefs from someone else's hands. Some of them may contradict each other, then the signals to the body and inner “I” cannot go smoothly and clearly. They become a tangled ball of contradictions.
This immediately sets off various alarm signals. The body refuses to work. In fact, these reactions are a wonderful warning that means something needs to change.
At the same time, the inner self will transmit insights and intuitions to the conscious mind that will help clarify its vision. But if you believe that the inner self is dangerous and cannot be trusted, if you are afraid of dreams and other psychic data, you will deny this help and refuse it.
(21:50.) Moreover, if you believe that you should accept your difficulties, this alone may prevent you from dealing with them.
I repeat: your ideas and beliefs form the structure of your life. Your beliefs and what they are based on are located in your conscious mind. If you accept the idea that the reasons for your behavior are firmly rooted in the past of this life or any other, you will not be able to change your life until you change these beliefs. I'm talking about a more or less normal life now. Later we will discuss more specific cases - for example, when the disease comes from birth.
Realizing that you shape your own reality will free you. You are responsible for your own successes and joys. You can change those areas of your life that you are not very happy with, but at the same time you must be responsible for your existence.
Your spirit has connected with the flesh, entered the flesh to experience an incredibly rich world to help create a dimension of reality in color and form. Your spirit was born in the flesh to expand the wondrous realm sensory perception, feel the energy that has taken on material form. You are here to have fun, use your body and express yourself through it. You are here to assist in the great expansion of consciousness. You are not here to suffer from the shortcomings of the human condition, but to change what is wrong with it with your own joy, strength and energy. To create spirit as truly and beautifully as you can while in the flesh.
The conscious mind allows you to look outward into the physical universe and see the reflection of your spiritual activity there, perceive and evaluate your personal and corporate creations.
You could say that the conscious mind is the window through which you look outward, and at the same time you see the fruits of your inner mind. You often allow false beliefs to obscure this great vision from you. Your joy, vitality and accomplishments do not come to you from the outside as a result of events “happening to you.” They are born from internal events that stem from your beliefs.
(22:06. Seth-Jane thought and paused.) Much has been written about the nature and meaning of suggestion.

One of the fashionable ideas now is that you are constantly at the mercy of suggestions. Your own conscious beliefs are the most significant suggestions you receive. You accept or reject all other ideas based on whether you believe them to be true, according to the constant stream of conscious thoughts that flow through your mind all day long - these are the suggestions you give yourself.
You will accept a suggestion given by someone else only if it coincides with your ideas about the nature of reality in general and about yourself in particular.
Therefore, if you use your conscious mind correctly, you will examine all beliefs that you encounter. You do not accept them unconditionally. Also, if you use your conscious mind correctly, you will become aware of the intuitions that come to you from within. If you do not examine the information that comes from outside, or if you ignore what arises from within, you are only half conscious.
(22:13.) You accept many false beliefs because you do not analyze them. You are giving your inner self false ideas about reality. Since evaluating physical experience is the job of the conscious mind, it [the inner self] cannot do its job properly. If this responsibility lay with the inner parts of the personality, you would not need a conscious mind.
(Categorically.) If the inner self is concerned about this, it will immediately try to correct the situation by engaging in self-correction. Sometimes, if a situation gets out of control, it can bypass the boundaries of the conscious mind and solve the problem by directing energy to other levels of activity. For example, it can bypass the blind spots of the reasoning mind. It, for example, selects the most viable complex from a pile of contradictory beliefs and pushes it forward, as if in a tide of revelation. Such revelations create new structures that change behavior
You must be aware of the contents of your own reasoning mind. Look for uncertainties. Regardless of their meaning, they truly become flesh and matter. The miracle of being cannot escape itself. Your thoughts blossom into events. If you think the world is bad, you will encounter events that supposedly confirm this. In cosmic understanding - as in understanding the world as you know it - there are no coincidences. Your beliefs grow through time and space as steadily as flowers. When you understand this, you can even feel it.
You can take a break.
So, back to the book.
At its core, the conscious mind is curious and open. It is capable of studying its own content. Psychological theories The 19th century convinced many Westerners that the primary job of the conscious mind was to suppress “unconscious” information.
In fact, everything is not like that. As already stated (in this session), one of its tasks is to receive and interpret important information coming from the inner Self. If you leave him to his own devices, he does a great job. It receives sensations and processes them. What happened, however, was that man was taught to accept [only] information coming from outside and to erect barriers against internal knowledge.
Such a situation deprives a person of strength and - already deliberately - fences him off from important sources of existence. This state especially affects creative self-expression, depriving the conscious “I” of the continuous stream of insights and intuitions that would be available to it.
As a result, it appears that feelings and thoughts are not connected with each other. Creation and intellect do not appear as brothers, as they really are, but as strangers. The conscious mind loses its edge. A huge layer of internal knowledge open to him is excluded from his experience. Illusory divisions appear in the personality.
When left to its own devices, the Self naturally acts as a unified yet ever-changing whole. By listening to voices from without and within, the conscious mind is able to form beliefs that are consistent with knowledge gained from tangible and intangible sources. Then the exploration of beliefs occurs along with other actions - naturally, simply, without effort. But when the conscious mind accepts a collection of contradictory beliefs, conscious attempts to understand them are required.
Remember, even false beliefs will appear to be supported by physical evidence because your experience in the outer world is the embodiment of those beliefs. Therefore, you must work directly with the material of your ideas, even if the sensory information proves that a certain belief is true. To change your life or any part of it, you must change your ideas. Since you are shaping your own reality from the very beginning, it will produce natural results.
(Pause.) You must be confident that you can change your beliefs. You have to want to do it. Imagine the idea that ends you as something of a dirty color, and your life as a dirty multi-dimensional picture. You change ideas like an artist changes colors.
The artist does not identify himself with the colors he uses. He knows that he selects them and puts them on the picture with a brush. This is how you color your own reality with your ideas. You are not your ideas or even your thoughts. You are the person who experiences them. If an artist finds himself getting paint on his hands at the end of the day, he can easily wash it off if he knows how. If you believe that thoughts that limit you are a part of you and are therefore permanently attached to you, then it will not occur to you to wash them away. Instead, you behave like a mad artist who declares: “My colors are part of me. I got my hands dirty with them and I can’t do anything about it.”
There is no contradiction - although you may think there is not - between being spontaneously aware of your thoughts and exploring them. Showing spontaneity does not mean being blind. And, by the way, there is nothing spontaneous in accepting without judgment as a fact, as your own, every statement that comes your way.
(23:10.) Many beliefs will fall apart on their own without much consequence if you behave naturally. You often feed them yourself.
Limiting ideas, if accepted, figuratively form a closed fence, attracting other similar material to itself, so that your mind becomes cluttered. When you act naturally and at ease, you embrace your innate freedom.
his mind, which easily makes decisions about the truth or falsity of the information it receives. When you block this function of it, it becomes cluttered.
Not a single apple tree is trying to grow violets. The tree automatically knows what it is, knows the structure of its personality and existence. (Pause.) You have a conscious mind, but it is only the “upper” part of the mind. There's a lot more available to you. That is, a much larger part of your knowledge can become conscious. But a false, limiting belief is as contrary to your nature as the idea that it is a violet is to an apple tree.
Violets will not be born on it. Moreover, while she is trying to grow them, she will not be able to be a good apple tree. An erroneous belief is one that does not correspond to the core of your inner being. Therefore, for example, believing that you are at the mercy of physical events is a false belief. If you feel that your current life is determined by circumstances over which you have no control, this is also a false belief.
You influenced the creation of your environment as a child. You chose the conditions. This does not mean that you are at their mercy. This means that you have given yourself problems that need to be solved; goals to be achieved; structures of experience that will facilitate the development, understanding and implementation of specific abilities.
(23:29.) The power to create your own life still resides within you - from birth and even before. You may have given this existence a certain theme, a set of conditions, but within these you have the freedom to experiment, create and change conditions and events.
Each person chooses for himself individual structures within which he will create his own personal reality. But within these boundaries, countless options and unlimited resources are possible.
The inner “I” solves amazing problems. It learns to translate its own reality into physical concepts. Consequently, the conscious mind is very precisely attuned to physical reality and is so often blinded by what it perceives that it is tempted to believe that physical phenomena are cause and not effect. The deeper parts of his personality constantly remind him that this is not so. If the conscious mind accepts too many false beliefs, it closes itself off from these reminders, especially if it feels threatened by the inner self. In such a situation, the conscious mind feels threatened by a reality that is larger than itself and over which it has no control. He loses the deep sense of stability on which he should have relied.
False beliefs must be weeded out. The conscious mind will then begin to perceive its origins again and open to the inner channels of greatness and power.
(23:40.) The ego can be called an outgrowth of the conscious mind. The conscious mind is like a huge camera, and the ego chooses the direction and focus. If the process is left to itself, the various parts of the personality themselves form an ego, regroup, change shape, while maintaining independence and at the same time unity. (See both sessions in Chapter 1.)
The ego is your ideas about the physical image associated with the world. That is, your ideas
about themselves are not unconscious. You are well aware of it, although you often reject some thoughts on this topic in favor of others. False beliefs create a rigid ego that persistently uses the conscious mind in only one direction, further distorting its perception.
Often you will quite consciously decide to distort a thought or idea that might cause you to change your behavior because it does not fit into the limiting concepts that you already have. Listen to your own thoughts that arise in your life. What ideas are you putting into your head? Understand: they are the ones who will materialize in your life.
Many limiting ideas will withstand even close scrutiny while pretending to be useful. For example, you can feel virtuous if you hate evil - or what you think is evil. But if you find yourself focusing on hatred or evil, keep in mind that by doing so you are creating it. If you are poor, you can be proud of your financial situation, look with contempt at the rich, and tell yourself that money is bad. By doing so, you increase your own poverty. If you are sick, you may constantly return to the shortcomings of your condition, bitterly envying the healthy, and expressing dissatisfaction. Thus, you support the disease with your thoughts.
If you think about obstacles for a long time, you will come across them. You must mentally create a new picture. It will be different from the one that your physical senses convey to you at any given time, and precisely in those areas where changes are needed.
One more example. Hatred of war will not bring peace. Only love of peace can lead to it.
You can take a break or end the session as you wish.
(“Then we finish.”
23:56. Jane came out of her deep trance before I finished writing. She didn't remember anything. “Oh my God, Rob, it’s almost midnight!” - she exclaimed. In principle, Jane could continue the session; lately she had maintained high psychic activity, but I was afraid that the next day she would be tired. Tomorrow evening she has a psychic class, a séance on Wednesday, and a creative writing class on Thursday.)