Abstracts Statements Story

Work program for additional education in preschool. Planning and organization of additional education in preschool

Diversity of educational needs of children and their parents leads to the need to ensure variability in the content of preschool education, including development of additional programs. Including club work programs.

Kindergarten teacher independently develops a program of its activities taking into account the needs of children, the needs of the family, educational institution, the characteristics of national and cultural traditions, as well as in accordance with their professional interests and creative abilities.
Program development algorithm:
— analysis of the educational situation and educational needs;
— determination of value and target guidelines for educational activities;
— study of regulatory documents;
— development of software and methodological kit;
— formation of the program structure;
— planning and control of the educational process;
— development of criteria for mastering the program.

Analysis of the educational situation and educational needs
This is an important and necessary stage in program development. It is necessary to conduct a survey of parents in the form of interviews or questionnaires. The questionnaire includes questions that will help determine the demand for services, when they will be carried out, etc.

Determination of value and target guidelines
When formulating a goal, it should be remembered that this is the main generalized expected result of the educational process that must be strived for. The goal should be related to the name of the program and reflect the main direction of educational activities for it.

Study of regulatory documents
Before starting to develop a program of additional education, it is necessary to study legislative acts, normative documents regulating issues of preschool education, pedagogical and methodological literature.

Development of software and methodological kit
In this section, pay attention to the following point: determine the features of the software and methodological complex, that is, indicate on the basis of what program it was developed, used without changes or with changes, combined program, author’s, etc.
Next, you need to justify the choice of software and methodological kit:
a) compliance with the goals and objectives of the program;
b) compliance with the requirements for psychological and pedagogical conditions for ensuring the educational process.
It is advisable to present the software and methodological kit in the form of a table:
1. Direction of child development.
2. Age group.
3. Type of program (comprehensive, partial).
4. Methodological aids used.
5. Educational and visual materials.

Program structure:
1. Title page.
2. Explanatory note.
3. Educational and thematic plan.
4. Contents of the course being studied.
5. Methodological support of the program.
6. List of references.

Title page includes:
— name of the educational institution;
- where, when and by whom the program of additional education for preschool children was approved;
— name of the additional education program;
— the age of the children for whom the program is designed;
- duration of the program;
— Full name, position of the author (authors) of the program;
— name of the city or locality;
— year of development of the additional education program.

The explanatory note reveals:
— focus of the continuing education program;
— novelty, relevance, pedagogical expediency;
— the purpose and objectives of the program;
— age of children participating in the implementation of this program;
— timing of the program (duration of the educational process, stages);
— forms and mode of direct educational activities;
— methods, techniques, means of education, training and development of children;
— expected results and methods for checking them;
— forms for summing up the results of the implementation of the additional education program (exhibitions, festivals, competitions, concerts, competitions, etc.).

The curriculum includes:
— list of sections, topics;
— the number of hours on each topic, broken down by type of activity.

Methodological support The program includes didactic material for the program (for example, a catalog of games, methodological developments for games, conversations, handouts, models, layouts, etc.). All teaching materials must be available to the teacher. It is advisable to specify the material and technical equipment of classes (music center, computer, attributes, etc.)

References indicating all imprint data (author, book title, place of publication, name of publisher, year of publication, number of pages). The bibliography is compiled either for the entire program or separately for sections. If necessary, literature lists for parents are provided.

Planning can be presented in different versions:
Option 1: Thematic block – Topic – Lesson, type of activity – Number of classes – Dates.
Option 2: Thematic block – Topic – Program content (tasks) – Lesson, type of activity – Number of classes – Deadlines.

Development of criteria for children to master the program
The procedure for assessing the results of mastering the program is psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, which should provide information about the level of development of the child’s qualities and contain a general conclusion about the level of his development in this program. Forms of assessment - monitoring, criterion-based testing, characteristic cards, etc.

The result Teaching children according to the program is a certain level of personal qualities of a preschooler, as well as the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities. Monitoring the knowledge, skills and abilities of pupils performs teaching, testing, educational and corrective functions. In the structure of the program, testing tools must be in a logical connection with the content of the educational material.

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Elena Timchenko
Planning and organization of additional education in preschool educational institutions

In our kingdom - state

All wizards live

Everyone draws, everyone dances,

Everyone plays and sings.

You just cross the threshold -

It's like you're in heaven

A hundred roads will be opened for you,

You choose any one.

Kindergarten is the first stage of the general system education, the main goal of which is the comprehensive development of the child.

Of great importance for the development of a preschooler is organization of a system of additional education in preschool educational institutions, which can ensure a transition from children’s interests to the development of their abilities. The development of the creative activity of every child seems to be the main task of modern additional education in preschool educational institutions and the quality of education in general.

Additional education

- is an “independent, self-valued, personality-oriented type education capable of satisfying the individual and creative needs of the individual, of actively participating in solving sociocultural problems of the region” (Builova L.N., Klenova N.V. How organize additional education for children in preschool educational institutions)

Target additional education- introduction of new variable forms of preschool education in order to improve quality educational process and meeting the demands of society.

Quality additional educational process in the preschool educational institution will be determined by the following criteria:

the level of health conservation of students and teaching staff;

subjective satisfaction of all participants educational process, its effectiveness and conditions;

correspondence educational process to state standards, its conditions organization and management;

technological effectiveness and continuity, focused on the characteristics of the age development of pupils and at the level of advancement educational program(modules, projects, forms of working with information);

compliance with the content education consolidated order for the provision educational services.

Additional education may be sent on:

creating conditions for the development of the child’s personality;

development of the child’s personality motivation for knowledge and creativity;

ensuring the emotional well-being of the child;

strengthening the mental and physical health of children;

interaction between teachers additional education with family.

Additional educational services can be divided into paid and free. In kindergarten, children, both those attending and those not attending, can receive them. The peculiarity is that additional educational services are integrated with the main one sold by the kindergarten educational program to expand the content of the basic component education and reducing the educational load on the child.

To paid educational services include those services that are not included in the basic preschool educational institution plan, services that are not funded by the city or federal budget. Such services are provided only upon request, at the request of the parents.

Value additional education is, that it enhances the variable component of the general education, promotes the practical application of knowledge and skills acquired in preschool educational institution, stimulates cognitive motivation of students. And most importantly - in conditions additional education children can develop their creative potential, adaptation skills to modern society and get the opportunity to fully organizing free time

Forms additional education at preschool educational institutions:

Organization of additional educational services in kindergarten are carried out in the form of circles, sections, studios, clubs.

Job planned by thematic sections of the main general education program.

So way, knowledge, skills and abilities acquired within the framework of compulsory classes are consolidated and expanded.

TO additional include educational programs of various focus:

artistic and aesthetic cycle,



intellectually developmental,



sports and recreation,

various correctional directions, etc.

In some cases, as additional partial preschool programs may be used education.

One of the forms additional education in our institution there are circles in preschool educational institutions that can open with different goals:

Deepening and expanding basic knowledge, advanced child development or compensatory activities (for children with developmental delays).

2. Familiarization with areas of knowledge that go beyond the scope of the state Program (working with gifted children).

3. Familiarization with areas of knowledge and skills, including the development of self-knowledge, self-regulation, self-development, and the formation of interpersonal communication skills.

Circles in kindergarten perform several functions:

educational– each student has the opportunity to satisfy (or develop) your cognitive needs, get additional skill development, skills in the type of activity that interests him;

socially adaptive - classes in clubs allow students to gain socially significant experience of activity and interaction, to experience "situation of success", learn to assert yourself;

correctional and developmental – educational educational process, implemented in the circle classes, allows you to develop the intellectual, creative, physical abilities of each child;

educational - the content and methodology of work in circles has a significant impact on the development of socially significant personality qualities, the formation of communication skills, the education of social responsibility, collectivism, and patriotism.

The activities of any circle are regulated by regulatory and legal documents:

Charter of the preschool educational institution;

Educational program of the preschool educational institution;

Regulations on the circle;

Mug program (goal and objectives, expected end result);

Plan work circle for a year;

List of children;

Children's visiting report card

Statements from legal representatives

Schedule of activities;

Quality control materials (effectiveness) work mug (diagnostic cards).

Algorithm for a teacher’s activities to create a circle (sections, studios):

1. Study of the regulatory framework.

2. Identifying the needs of parents and children additional educational services.

3. Analysis of the effectiveness of work on children’s assimilation of the state preschool program education.

4. Development (selection) circle programs.

5. Development plan mug for the school year.

6. Approval of the program, plan work of the circle of the head of the preschool educational institution.

7. Implementation plan work of the circle in practice.

8. Analysis of the effectiveness of the circle’s work.

9. Protection of work results to the parent and teaching community. (circle work corners, exhibitions, participation in competitions, shows, etc.)

Scheme for developing a circle work program

Front page.

Explanatory note (relevance, goals and objectives).

Expected results (expected result).

Educational and thematic planning

Diagnostic cards, diagnostic methods.


In our institution there are 5 circles in artistic and aesthetic areas and 1 circle in cognitive development. children:

1. Mischievous palms - 1st junior group

2. Naughty heel - preparatory group

3. Tili-tili dough - preparatory group

4. Blot - middle group

5. Actors workshop - middle group

6. Young ecologist - preparatory group

Currently, not only basic education, but also additional education plays a big role in the development of a child. Additional education in preschool institutions provides an opportunity to identify and develop the creative abilities of children. In additional education classes, there is a deepening, expansion and practical application of acquired knowledge in basic educational activities.

Additional education for children gives each child the opportunity to satisfy their individual cognitive, aesthetic, and creative needs. When organizing the activities of additional
Children's education kindergarten takes into account:
- the interests of children and the voluntary nature of their choice of clubs, sections, studios;

- understanding the game as a leading type of activity and building the content of additional education for children precisely on its basis;

- child load standards.
Additional education for children in kindergarten is one of the areas of creative, physical, social
- personal and intellectual development of pupils in addition to the main general educational program of preschool education implemented in preschool institutions.
Additional education for children is most in demand artistic and aesthetic directions: teaching children various techniques of visual arts activity-modeling made of plasticine, unconventional methods of drawing, as well as the physical development of preschool children.
Additional education is carried out in extracurricular activities, and is carried out throughout the entire academic year by teaching staff and specialists. Children study once a week in the afternoon. The results of children's activities are expressed in the organization of collective exhibitions, in the publication of albums, the design of wall newspapers, and in the holding of reporting concerts.
Clubs as a form of additional education in preschool educational institutions
A circle is an informal, free association of children in a group for activities, based on their common interest, based on additional material for the tasks of the Program under the guidance of an adult (teacher).
The purpose of the additional education-implementation new variable forms of preschool education in order to improve the quality of the educational process and meet the demands of society.
Clubs in kindergarten perform several functions:
-educational-every The OU student has the opportunity to satisfy (or develop) his cognitive needs, receive additional development of skills in the type of activity that interests him;
-socially-adaptive-activities clubs allow students to gain socially significant experience in activities and interactions, experience a “success situation,” and learn to assert themselves;
-correctional- developmental-educational-educational the process implemented in the circle classes allows for the development of the intellectual, creative, and physical abilities of each child;
-educational-content and the methodology of work in circles has a significant impact on the development of socially significant personality qualities, the formation of communication skills, the education of social responsibility, collectivism, and patriotism.
Clubs as a form of additional education in preschool educational institutions can be opened for various purposes:
1. Deepening and expanding basic knowledge, advanced development of the child or compensatory activities (for children with developmental delays).
2. Familiarization with areas of knowledge that go beyond the scope of the state Program (work with gifted children).
3. Familiarization with areas of knowledge and skills, including the development of self-knowledge, self-regulation, self-development, and the formation of interpersonal communication skills.
The activities of any circle are regulated regulatory documents:
-The charter of the preschool educational institution;
-Educational program of preschool educational institution;
-The position of the encirclement;
-The program of the circle (goal and objectives, expected end result);
-The work plan of the year circle;
-List of children;
-Schedule of activities;
-Materials for quality control (effectiveness) of the circle’s work (diagnostic cards).
Algorithm for a teacher’s activities in creating a circle (section, studio):
1. Study regulatory bases.
2. Identifying the needs of educational institutions, parents, and children for additional educational services.
3. Analysis of the effectiveness of work on children’s assimilation of the state preschool education program.
4. Development (selection) of the circle program.
5. Development of a plan for the circle for the academic year.
6. Approval of the program and work plan of the circle of the head of the preschool educational institution.
7. Implementation of the circle’s work plan in practice.
8. Analysis of the effectiveness of the circle’s work.
9. Protection of work results to the parent and pedagogical community. (circle work corners, exhibitions, participation in competitions, shows, etc.)
It is important to take into account that the organization of clubs involves the voluntary (without psychological coercion) participation of children in activities, therefore, in addition to the selection of interesting content, there are a number of specific
-organization of work space;
- the opportunity for children to pursue their own interests and strengths;
- the playful nature of the presentation of any material.
Club leaders organize their activities through the following forms:
With children:
-Frontal classes (group)
-Themed walks
-Entertainment, leisure
-Participation in various level competitions
-Consultations, master classes, seminars for preschool teachers
-Consultations, master classes, speeches at public meetings, information on the website.
Circles can be of different directions:
1) Physical development
2)Social and personal development
3)Cognitive-speech development
4)Artistic and aesthetic development
The topics of the circles can be varied.
When organizing the activities of clubs, teachers should take into account:
- the interests of children and the voluntariness of their choice of a circle;
- age characteristics of children, their experience of participating in this type of activity;
-the need to solve educational problems as part of the main kindergarten program;
- understanding the game as a leading type of activity and building the content of additional education for children precisely on its basis;
- the need to create a comfortable environment in which a creative personality will develop;
- child load standards.
Scheme for developing a circle work program
1. Title page
2. Explanatory note (relevance, goals and objectives)
3. Expected results (intended result)
4. Educational and thematic planning
5. Diagnostic cards, diagnostic methods
6. References

Children are a system of education and creative development that goes beyond the state standard. It is carried out on the basis of specialized organizations. Institutions of additional education for children implement programs in the area of ​​personal and creative interest of students, which contributes to the formation of not only the foundations of professional development of an individual, but also the opportunity to reveal their talents and abilities as a socially oriented activity, the purpose of which is to benefit society.

Club activities are a form of free creativity in the sense that the child chooses them voluntarily. It strictly corresponds to the educational system represented by the program of the additional education circle, which determines the volume, content and forms of educational services for children. The presence of a program is a prerequisite for organizing the work of the circle.

Structure of the program of the additional education club

With all the variety of forms and methods, there is an unchanging basis that meets the purpose of additional education. It is reflected in the program according to which the activities of teachers in institutions are carried out. The additional education club at school must achieve the goal set out in it. The content has the following sections:

  • Purpose. Answers the question about the purpose of the classes and who they are intended for.
  • The purpose and objectives of the program. Determine the direction and stages of training implementation.
  • Content. A brief description of the cycles, depending on the topic, level of difficulty, duration of training and age of the children.
  • Evaluation criteria. How is the level of knowledge acquisition determined?
  • Thematic planning. A list of all topics for all classes, the number of hours required to master the program.

Any training system contains three main aspects for which it is created: purpose, objectives, methods of achieving results. The additional education program has a very important social purpose: it satisfies a person’s request for personal development and, depending on the nature of the request, has a different focus.

Development programs by area of ​​activity

Their ways of understanding the world and the sphere of self-realization are very different. Therefore, the need for additional services is quite multifaceted. Since additional education responds to the needs of children and their parents, development and learning goals should be reflected in programs at different levels and areas of child development:

  • Artistic.
  • Technical.
  • Natural science.
  • Sports.
  • Musical.
  • Social and pedagogical.

If there are additional requests and the specifics of the local socio-cultural environment, other forms of services may be provided to meet the needs of the population, which are satisfied by additional education for children.

Services for additional education for children not only expand the boundaries of knowledge of their wards. On their basis, large-scale projects are being implemented to organize festivals, competitions, and competitions. All this allows students to increase self-esteem and express themselves at the city, regional, and international levels.

Where are continuing education programs implemented?

Creative and additional education of children and adolescents according to development programs is carried out in special creative associations. The additional education club provides an opportunity to organize children according to their interests. It is the possibility of forming a close creative environment, based on a narrow subject area or on a passion for any area of ​​knowledge, that makes clubs an indispensable form of positive socialization for children.

Children's interest in a certain area of ​​knowledge or creative activity is the basis for the creation and implementation of a circle program. It is developed and implemented by additional education teachers, who create the subject environment and implement the tasks set in the programs developed by them and approved by the administration of the institution.


In order for a circle in a preschool educational institution or school to start working, it is important to provide a program of activities, the introductory part of which describes its purpose.

To organize classes in clubs, the program must contain an indication of:

  • the area of ​​interest in which it is implemented;
  • age of children;
  • training cycles;
  • duration of training;
  • the problems it solves.

The provision of such services takes place on the basis of institutions of additional education for children, in the form of creative associations, sections for different ages.

The purpose of the program determines the content of the training. The introductory part of the program limits the volume, focus, and level of provision of additional educational services. It reveals the social orientation of learning. The importance of the educational component for the revival of ethnic, cultural and historical traditions for the local socio-cultural environment is indicated. It is also important to determine the educational goals that are achieved during the implementation of the program.

Goal and objectives of the program

Program is a consistent set of activities to achieve a developmental goal.

Target. Corresponds to a person’s request, aimed at what he wants to receive. The purpose of the continuing education program is to provide that level of knowledge and skills in the area of ​​interest to a person in order to satisfy his request.

Tasks. Any additional education program forms three groups of tasks:

  • Knowledge about the area of ​​subject interest.
  • Ability to apply knowledge in practice.
  • Skills in using knowledge in the subject area.

Methodology. Answers the question of how to achieve a goal and directly leads to a plan for achieving it, broken down hourly into topics and activities for step-by-step problem solving.

Brief content of the continuing education program

Its importance lies in the fact that it guarantees the student the volume and quantity of knowledge that he requests, or that which is offered in the circle for visiting children. Training programs can be single- or multi-level; they must take into account the psychophysiological age characteristics of the children for whom they are designed. Therefore, the content is divided into blocks or learning cycles, each stage of which should lead to the solution of a separate educational task and the formation of certain skills in a child who has mastered this block of knowledge.

Training blocks must be interconnected, correspond to the objectives of the stage and lead to achieving the goal of the program.

The program of the additional education club includes a list of skills, knowledge and abilities that are formed in a child who has received a set of knowledge in his chosen field. Voluntary attendance at classes is a fundamental principle of children’s development, which ensures their personality-oriented development.

Criteria for assessing program mastery

In accordance with the set objectives, the club program must indicate criteria on the basis of which it is possible to assess the degree of assimilation of the knowledge acquired by the child and the ability to implement it in practice.

The criteria are:

1. Knowledge acquired by the child on topics. They can be assessed in the form of a competition for the manifestation of knowledge, participation in an Olympiad. Or in other forms of assessment in a form that is exciting for the student.

2. Skills acquired by the student. This is the ability to apply knowledge in practice. For example, sewing a soft toy demonstrates not only knowledge of the technique and ability to sew, but also the practical result - making a craft.

Additional education of children in circles is a socially significant form of satisfying the cognitive needs of children and adolescents, since it provides personal freedom to choose the area of ​​cognition, the area of ​​self-realization. The form of criteria for assessing acquired skills should also correspond to their interests (games, contests and competitions, which corresponds to the age characteristics of children who learn about the world in playful forms).

Thematic planning of work groups

Additional education for children always acts as a system of knowledge and practice. Therefore, an important element is thematic planning of lessons, which forms part of the additional education program.

In accordance with the training cycle, it presents a breakdown into an hourly schedule of classes. The set of classes, during the implementation of which knowledge is acquired and skills are developed, is determined by the number of hours of training.

Practicing the number of hours necessary to acquire a skill provided for by the program leads to a certain quality of knowledge and the solution of the next educational problem by the program. In this way, the learning cycle is completed, which is used to build additional education for children.

For example, if a child is taught in a drawing circle, then the block “Techniques of working with a pencil” may include four hours of practical lessons on studying and applying this method of drawing and should have the result - the child’s ability to draw correctly with a pencil.

Additional education at school. Mugs

For the creative and cognitive development of children, and for them to acquire basic knowledge in a narrowly focused field, it is necessary to create a professional environment. The additional education club at school serves the interests of the children studying. Often it performs a function that is important for working parents, since the child is under the social patronage of teachers during the day.

The purpose of additional education programs in schools is as follows:

  • They provide in-depth knowledge on individual subjects. For example, the literary club program, in addition to in-depth knowledge of the subject, provides the opportunity to create your own works and publish them in school publications. In the young chemist's circle, the goal of the program is to prepare for participation in Olympiads and creative competitions.
  • They provide an opportunity for the creative development of schoolchildren. For many children, it serves as a form of self-realization. The goal of creative circle programs is also to provide children with the opportunity to participate in festivals, performances, concerts of various levels to demonstrate their talents and gain professional foundations.
  • Provide knowledge in the field of professions and crafts. Applied circles in schools provide insight into professional knowledge, skills and abilities. They are determined by character. For example, a circle of aircraft modeling, design, cutting and sewing, knitting. In this area of ​​realizing the capabilities of children, they are invited to make a product with their own hands and demonstrate it at exhibitions. In the process of producing products, the student receives initial knowledge that can be useful to him in the future as a practical life skill or in

Additional education at school performs an important social function. Humanitarian and artistic circles have great resources for revealing the abilities of gifted students. They form the composition of subjects of in-depth study, which creates a sustainable professional interest for the student. This may later be the basis for choosing a profession.

An educational institution of additional education, for example a music or art school, provides graduates with a level of professional training that guarantees successful completion of creative entrance tests to a higher educational institution.

Programs at preschool educational institutions

In kindergartens, programs for additional education clubs are created taking into account developmental psychology. They have a structure that meets the age capabilities of children and takes into account play activity as the leading form of cognition for this age.

The additional education club in kindergarten organizes training for children in visual arts, dancing, music, and other forms of creative activity. At the same time, children better acquire knowledge about the world around them, which is what the program provides.

  • Continuing education program The goal is to get acquainted with classical and folklore in the playful form of theatrical production.
  • Fine arts club program. Visual arts training blocks are built taking into account the season. The child must correlate knowledge with the phenomena of the surrounding world. The program of the additional education circle in fine arts in kindergarten provides for the mastery of special drawing techniques - finger, butt, which children of this age like.
  • Family creative development circle program. Teaching children together with their parents means not missing a very important stage in pedagogy and not preventing the child from realizing his or her uniqueness. In this case, the program of the additional education club in kindergarten provides for the following social aspects:
  • training parents to competently interact with children, taking into account the age characteristics of the child;
  • training parents in the field of preschool pedagogy.

Thus, in the process of joint learning, not only educational goals are achieved. Larger problems are being solved: harmonization of family relationships and the formation of a culture of raising children.

Work programs teachers - materials in this section. contain original and modified programs based on theoretical research and practical experience. These publications will serve as a good help for beginning educators and pre-school specialists, for teachers improving their professional level.

In this section you can find the following materials:

  • Programs for patriotic and spiritual-moral education
  • Programs for familiarization with the surrounding world and ecology
  • Programs on life safety and the formation of safe behavior
  • Programs to promote a healthy lifestyle
  • Artistic and aesthetic cycle programs
  • Programs for the intellectual development of preschool children
  • Programs for working with families
  • Additional education programs
  • Programs for pre-school specialists

Work programs

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Circle work. Club programs, work programs for additional education for children

Showing publications 1-10 of 5550.
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Educational programs A preschool educational institution is considered to be a management document that establishes certain norms, goals, content, technologies and methods, forms and means that are used in each specific preschool institution when organizing the educational process. Methodological scientists are developing approximate basic educational programs, which preschool institutions take as the basis for developing their own program, taking into account the regional component and local conditions.

Based on the educational program, the teacher develops work program, which serves as a model of pedagogical activity in a specific area of ​​education and training of preschool children and includes comprehensive planning of the educational process. The structure and content of the work program is developed taking into account the requirements and standards approved at the federal level.

In the work program, the teacher prescribes goals and objectives, sections and their content, a list of classes by topic, indicates the conditions for implementing the program and expected results, as well as other necessary information that allows preschoolers to imagine the level of mastery of educational material and its practical application. The work program is a normative document and is approved by the head of the preschool institution.