Abstracts Statements Story

Education of children with disabilities in non-profit settings. Problems of organizing vocational training for people with disabilities Vocational training for people with disabilities

Is to expand learning opportunities for persons with disabilities health. IN Federal law“On the education of persons with disabilities (special education)” it is said that special education is preschool, general and vocational education, for which a person needs special, individualized methods of teaching and education related to his physical and/or ) mental deficiency.

Thirdly, how the techniques, methods and operations of professional actions are applied in practice and how the student behaves in society. Proficiency in techniques, operations, and methods of professional action is assessed; rationality of choice of methods and means of implementation professional activity; outcome forecast; possession of basic tools and production equipment. It also examines how well developed the skills of self-organization and self-government are, the understanding of the rules of communication and interaction, and the level of responsibility for one’s own behavior.

Fourthly, the level professional identity and professional independence. To what extent does the student realize the need for further growth of professional skills, demonstrate independence in professional activities, exercise self-control, and take responsibility for the work performed.

Organizing vocational training for adolescents with disabilities certainly requires material costs associated not only with the material base, but also with the training of teachers and the provision of medical and social support. Today, the problem of employing graduates, and, consequently, the process of their social and labor adaptation is becoming significantly more complicated. Training in a profession can only be considered complete if every teenager with disabilities is guaranteed the right to work.


1. Akatov rehabilitation of children with disabilities. Psychological foundations: textbook. allowance. M.: Vlados, 20 p.

2. Gin pedagogical technology: a manual for teachers. M.: Vita-Press, 2004. 87 p.

3. Selevko educational technologies: textbook allowance. M.: Public education, 19 p.

4. Starobin training of persons with mental retardation: method. allowance. M.: NC ENAS, 20 p.

5. Unt and differentiation of teaching: M.: Pedagogy, 19 p.

UDK 377.01 BBK 444.8/9

Cheshko Svetlana Leonidovna

applicant, Ekaterinburg Cheshko Svetlana Leonidovna

Applicant for a Degree Yekaterinburg

Vocational training for persons with disabilities


Professional Training of the Disabled People

The article discusses the relevance of vocational education for persons with disabilities, as one of the conditions for their successful socialization, the experience of implementing educational programs for the vocational training of persons with intellectual disabilities in an educational institution of primary vocational education in conditions of integration, comprehensive support and interaction with special (correctional) schools, businesses.

This article discusses the urgency of professional education of disabled people as one of the conditions for the success of their socialization, the experience of mentally disabled people S professional training in educational institutions of primary professional education in the context of integration, complex support and cooperation with special schools and enterprises.

Keywords: integration, vocational training,

comprehensive support, persons with disabilities.

Key words: integration, professional training, complex support, disabled people.

Receiving vocational education for persons with disabilities is one of the main and essential conditions for their successful socialization in society. However, success will also depend on the factor of the further life of this category of students. The opportunity to realize oneself through a profession, the effectiveness of self-realization will depend on the extent to which the readiness for work and adequate professional self-determination, skills of behavior in society and social and professional adaptation at all stages of education and upbringing, from school to practical training in an enterprise.

The relevance of improving the conditions of vocational education is determined by the need to find and implement effective

solutions to the problems of living conditions for people with disabilities in the presence of a tendency to increase the share of this category of the population in the world and in Russia. According to the World Health Organization, there are about 500 million people with disabilities in the world. In Russia, this category of citizens represents a significant and, at the same time, ever-increasing part of the country’s population □ 13 million people. (almost 10% of the population).

As of January 1, 2011, 344,581 people with disabilities live in the Sverdlovsk region, which is 7.9% of the total population of the region. 32% of the total number of disabled people are disabled people of working age. The number of disabled children under the age of 18 is □ 17,340 people. Theoretically, about 66,900 disabled people need employment and vocational rehabilitation services. It is also necessary to take into account the situation that not all persons with disabilities (among students of type VIII special (correctional) schools) have the status of a disabled person. In 2002, 14.2 thousand people with disabilities studied in all forms of education in state higher educational institutions of the country; by 2009, their number increased by 75% and reached 24.9 thousand people.

In 2009, 14.8 thousand people with disabilities studied in secondary specialized educational institutions, which is 45% more than in 2002 (10.1 thousand people). In institutions of primary vocational education □ there are more than 26 thousand (this is 36% more than in 2002). In the Sverdlovsk region there are 61 state special (correctional) educational institutions for children with disabilities, 12

institutions of primary vocational education provide professional training for graduates of correctional schools.

The adopted targeted federal programs provide for measures to develop the education of persons with disabilities and people with disabilities: Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2011-2015, Federal Target Program “Accessible Environment” for 2011-2015, Federal Target Program “Children of Russia □ for 2011-2015, in a number Similar programs are also being implemented in regions. Between 2008 and 2010, a number of

scientific and practical conferences at which the problems of education of persons with disabilities were considered.

The organization of integrated training and education is considered as a priority direction for the development of the education system for people with disabilities.

The development of integrated forms of education for people with disabilities should be carried out gradually, based on the planning and implementation of a set of measures to ensure compliance with the requirements for the organization of this activity (including the availability of appropriate material resources, special educational programs, training of teaching staff, carrying out explanatory work with students and their parents), □ notes A. A. Levitskaya.

Integrated forms of education make it possible to solve the problems of full participation of this category of people in the life of society, the effectiveness of self-realization, the success of independent

living arrangements. In a number of regions Russian Federation Integrated forms of vocational education for persons with disabilities are being successfully implemented. However, a number of problems remain unresolved, which are also drawn attention to by conference participants at meetings of the boards of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The development of integrated forms of education for people with disabilities in the regions is not always planned, consistent, and is often not accompanied by the creation of the necessary conditions. Most vocational education institutions are not ready to accept and train people with disabilities, both in terms of the availability of material and technical conditions for training and psychological, medical and pedagogical support for such students, and in terms of staffing for this activity. There are also no normatively established sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizing the activities of vocational education institutions in terms of creating

conditions for obtaining education by people with disabilities, the existing models of organizing the educational process for people with disabilities require improvement, ensuring that all persons in this category receive a quality education. In particular, the issue of the possibility of increasing the time required for such citizens to complete vocational training programs requires additional regulation.

It is necessary to create an effective employment system for people with disabilities who have received vocational education, to coordinate the activities in this direction of educational institutions, employment services, and employers' associations.

The solution to these problems lies not only in the area of ​​organizing the process of vocational education in conditions of integration, but also in in-depth research, scientific substantiation of the content, process and result of vocational training of persons with intellectual disabilities in educational institutions together with normally developing peers.

Problems of integration in pedagogy are discussed in different aspects in the works of many researchers. In special (correctional) pedagogy, the approach to integration is deeply unique. In the work of N.M. Nazarov's term integration means the process, result and state in which disabled people and other members of society with limited health capabilities are not socially isolated or isolated, participating in all types and forms of social life along with others. In the education system, at all its levels, integration means the real, and not the declared possibility of a minimally restrictive alternative for children, adolescents, and youth with developmental problems □ education either in a special educational institution, or, with equal opportunities, in an educational institution general view. N.M. Nazarova notes that the term integration has multiple meanings and variable interpretations. An integral part of the integration of children with developmental disabilities into society is their integration into educational institutions where they get

the opportunity to study together with normally developing peers.

A similar definition is given in the work of M.I. Nikitina, who understands the process of integration of persons with developmental disabilities in correctional pedagogy as the process of including these persons in all spheres of society’s life as equal members of society, their mastery of the achievements of science, culture, economics, and education. In the works of N.N. Malofeeva and N.D. Shmatko considers the integration process as the integration of children with special needs educational needs to regular educational institutions. The term integrated learning is used in the works of leading scientists in the field of special education: L.S. Volkova, A.A. Dmitrieva, N.N. Malofeeva, N.M. Nazarova, M.I. Nikitina, L.P. Ufimtseva, N.D. Shmatko et al. Along with this term, the following concepts are used: integrated training and education, integrated

education. However, aspects of integrated training in vocational education institutions of the NVE system have not been sufficiently studied. "Absent systems approach in consistency and continuity in educational programs of general and vocational education, distance learning opportunities are poorly used, employment infrastructure is not developed” □ noted by the participants of the interregional scientific-practical conference in Krasnoyarsk.

An integrated approach, which involves the inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities in educational structures, in various types of activities, joint with healthy peers, contributes to the successful solution of didactic and educational tasks at the level of both general and vocational education (Yu.N. Bausov, V.A. Malysheva, I.A. Panshina, M.I. Nikitina, B.P. Puzanov, V.I. Seliverstov, A.G. Stanevsky, etc.). However, the studies conducted are mainly devoted to certain aspects of the implementation of an integrated approach in social rehabilitation and vocational training of children and adolescents with disabilities, including intellectual disabilities.

N.N. Malofeev and N.D. Shmatko consider integrated (together with normally developing peers) education as a child with developmental disabilities mastering the general educational standard in the same (or similar) time frame as healthy children. Analyzing the available research, they believe that integrated education can be effective only for a part of children with developmental disabilities, whose level of psychophysical development corresponds to the age norm or is close to it. In their opinion, it turns out to be inappropriate for children with intellectual disabilities. In relation to these children, we should first of all talk about staying together in an institution, about spending leisure time together and various extracurricular activities. In his work “Domestic models of integrated education for children with developmental disabilities and the danger of mechanical transfer Western models integration" they identify four models of integration: full, combined,

partial and temporary, while clarifying the different levels of effectiveness.

Full and combined integration models, according to the authors, can be effective only for some children with a high level of psychophysical and speech development, partial and especially temporary forms of integration are appropriate for the majority of disabled children and children with developmental disabilities, including children with intellectual disabilities. Integration of children with developmental disabilities promotes socialization, and for normally developing children creates an environment in which they understand the world as a single community of people, including people with problems. Highlighting domestic models of integration, N.N. Malofeev and N.D. Shmatko reveals them using the example of preschool and school education, without touching the stages of pre-professional and professional training of persons with disabilities. The issue of an integrated approach in vocational education becomes even more relevant, since there is no network of special institutions for obtaining a profession by persons with disabilities in intellectual development. Integration processes occur spontaneously, with formal inclusion

groups of people with disabilities to professional educational institutions, which is associated with the social demand of society for their further education.

Since 2000, the Social and Professional Lyceum Stroitel □ in Ekaterinburg has been providing vocational training for people with disabilities. The share of special education graduates

(correctional) schools of the VIII type has grown over ten years from 13 to 43% of the total number of students in NGO professions on the basis of basic general and secondary (complete) general education. Persons with disabilities in intellectual development study in an institution for normally developing peers in a single extracurricular educational environment, actively participating in the social life of the lyceum. Traditionally, students were offered the professions “Construction painter” “Plaster” “Construction joiner” “Carpenter □

A systematic analysis of the qualitative composition of S(K)OU graduates, a survey of parents, and conversations with students revealed the need for disabled children to obtain a profession who had not previously continued their studies after school for health reasons.

The teaching staff analyzed the list of professions and specialties recommended for professional training and employment of persons with mental retardation, which disabled people can master. Marketing research of the labor market was also carried out, which showed the demand for the professions "Vegetable grower □" Florist □ In 2008, licensing conditions were prepared for the implementation of a new program and recruitment was carried out for these professions □

The qualitative composition of S(K)OU graduates who entered to acquire a profession has changed □ from 1% of disabled children in 2005 to 36% of disabled children, disabled people of groups I-III in 2010 from the number of students □ graduates of special (correctional) schools VIII species, in groups under the EP “Vegetable grower, florist”, disabled people make up 74%. The range of offered professions is expanding, the conditions for the implementation of educational programs for professional training of graduates are being improved.

special (correctional) schools of the VIII type: in 2009, recruitment was carried out for the professions “Tile maker □ “Tile maker with synthetic

materials □

EAT. Starobina notes a favorable labor prognosis for people with mild mental retardation and with the main type of mental defect. “They are distinguished by emotional stability, balance and the absence of concomitant diseases. They exhibit high perception capabilities, high concentration, and good performance. They easily develop socially valuable needs and interests, skills of adequate behavior and attitudes towards life circumstances.”

Obtaining a profession for students in this category is impossible without technologically thoughtful, comprehensive support during the learning process. In 2007, the project “Center for psychological, pedagogical, social, legal and medical support for children who find themselves in difficult life situations” was developed and implemented. □ The center is a structural unit of the lyceum, includes a staff to implement the goals of its activities: educational psychologists, social

teachers, medical workers, methodologists. The center has created psychological, methodological, socio-legal services that provide comprehensive support for children who find themselves in difficult life situations, including persons with intellectual disabilities. The creation of this Center is the result of the activities of the lyceum’s teaching staff to develop the educational process.

Currently, we can talk about an established system of organizational and pedagogical conditions that make it possible to meet the needs of children with intellectual disabilities and their parents. The goal of the project: to ensure such an organization and such content of the process in which each student, in accordance with his level of education, level of intellectual and physical development, state of somatic and mental health, social status and level of integration in society, has access to high-quality individual

oriented educational services, high-quality psychological and pedagogical, socio-legal, and medical care. Expected result: through a system of comprehensive support, every student from admission to the lyceum to successful integration into society has access and receives the necessary help in all aspects of his life, is oriented and adequately assesses his health, his capabilities, and makes real plans for his future life.

Practical value of the project:

Professional timely assistance to all subjects of the educational process;

Adaptation of educational programs to the individual characteristics of students;

Mastering by teachers new competencies in activity technologies;

Introduction into the educational process of new technologies for comprehensive support of students (health conservation, rehabilitation and correction);

Development of research and experimental activities with subsequent presentation of significant results to the external teaching community.

Creating conditions for the successful integration of persons with intellectual disabilities into society is the most important task of educational institutions and begins at the stage of training in special (correctional) schools.

While still studying in the 8th and 9th grades of the school, students and their parents get acquainted with the lyceum and the professions they can obtain. Vocational guidance takes place in various forms. First, this is a correspondence acquaintance with the lyceum through presentations and conversations at school with the invitation of the teacher-organizer, masters of industrial training at cool watch, parent meetings. Then □ excursions to the Lyceum for the day open doors, profession day, educational and practical conference, lyceum student day. Active forms of student participation are also used in vocational guidance

S(K)OU in professional skills competitions, master classes held at the lyceum. These days, children meet graduates of their school and get acquainted with their professional and personal achievements. Preliminary acquaintance with the institution where the student will receive a profession reduces the level of anxiety, on the one hand, and allows you to make a choice of a future profession.

Vocational training at the lyceum begins in specially created classrooms for theoretical training and practical training in production workshops in the first year and includes practical training at the enterprise in the second year. Theoretical training is 1138 hours, practical training is 1554 hours. Groups are made up of 12-15 students and are divided into subgroups for practical training. The educational process is carried out using pedagogical technologies, taking into account the individual characteristics of students based on the recommendations of educational psychologists and medical workers. Implementation educational program professional training is designed for two years in accordance with the curriculum and the requirements of state educational standards. Upon completion of the lyceum, graduates receive a certificate of qualification level 2-3 categories based on the results of the state final certification.

To obtain a qualification of the appropriate level, it is necessary to develop a system for developing professional competencies of students, ensuring the ability to constructively

professional activities and social adaptation.

The main methods used in the process of professional training of persons with mental retardation are visual and practical, including repeated repetition and practical reinforcement of the same material from different angles using different methods and techniques.

The educational program of professional training is modular in its structure, which allows, in our opinion, to take into account the specifics of training students □ graduates of S(K)OU. Limiting the academic load of this category of students does not allow expanding the time frame for mastering the content of the academic discipline, and a module introduced along with the main content will save time and update the content, and will clearly determine the place of this material in relation to a particular specialization. For better mastery of professional subjects, a general educational course “Mathematics in the Profession” has been developed and is being implemented with a specialized focus in accordance with the main professional program.

In order to develop communication skills, independence in professional activities, mastering technologies of self-control and self-development by students in syllabus included such academic disciplines such as “Effective behavior in the labor market (speech workshop)”, optional classes “Training personal growth" for first-year students and " Fundamentals of Conflict Management □ General competencies developed in the process of mastering the programs of these disciplines contribute to more successful social adaptation and integration of graduates into society.

The organization of practical training in production conditions also has its own characteristics. Well-established cooperation with all structures of enterprises □ social partners □ allows for the full implementation of the educational program, taking into account educational and professional opportunities students □ graduates of special (correctional) schools of the VIII type. At the stage of selecting enterprises from the existing data bank and concluding a cooperation agreement, approaches are determined and positions of interaction at various levels of management and implementation of the industrial practice program are agreed upon.

“The most optimal for students is a group form of labor organization in production (unit, team) with the participation of healthy

workers. In these cases positive influence provides working group“, creating conditions for mutual understanding, developing adequate work skills, stimulating interest in work,” which is necessarily taken into account when organizing practice. HR department specialists help select such places for internship when choosing an object and on site □ foreman when selecting the initial workforce.

Thus, the pedagogical and psychological support provided within the walls of the lyceum continues in production. The forms are changing, as the circle of subjects of interaction among students is expanding (HR specialists, foreman, mentor, personnel workers). The industrial training master, together with the student, develops a route for the student’s entry into professional society, an algorithm for getting to know the enterprise, and interaction with HR specialists and a mentor (foreman) at the site. In the future, the support of the industrial training master occurs not only directly, but also indirectly, through a mentor at the enterprise, in order not to limit, but to develop the independence of students.

During the period of practical training, along with the master of industrial training, the student’s self-assessment, an external assessment is carried out by representatives of the employer.

At the first (adaptation) stage, the degree of readiness for work in production conditions is assessed, and the level of mastery of general competencies is assessed.

At the second stage, the level of mastery of professional competencies is assessed.

At the third stage, □ assessment of the level of students’ involvement in the labor process as part of the practical training program.

Constant contact teaching staff with local mentors allows you to see the problem in time and jointly find ways to resolve it.

During the implementation of educational professional programs The Lyceum has developed a tradition of collectively summing up the results of students' practical training. Understanding the importance of developing such general competencies as communication skills, the ability to solve problems, self-development, students demonstrating independence in professional activities and their mastery of self-learning technologies and self-control has made it possible to achieve more high level quality of assessment of the results of industrial practice.

The emerging pedagogical experience in supporting students in the educational process in production conditions determined in 2007 a model for the public presentation of students’ professional achievements.

Along with the external assessment, which is formed during visits to students during practical training at the site, meetings and conversations between the industrial training master and the mentor at the production site, conditions have been created for the formation of self-assessment of the level of development of students’ competencies. In this situation, the student becomes an active subject of the educational process through self-control and self-assessment, which are requested both during the practice period and at the state final certification in the procedure of self-presentation of one’s own achievements.

The use of various forms of support for students at all stages of mastering the educational program promotes interaction between the teaching staff of the lyceum and the employer to solve the problem of improving the quality of professional training of graduates, taking into account the requirements of modern production and their further employment.

Over the course of ten years, 689 people received a profession at the lyceum, the average employment rate by profession is 56%, 10% of graduates work outside their profession. “Dropout” of students for various reasons, including health status and poor academic performance, in the period from 2000 to 2006

amounted to 19%, in the period from 2007 to 2010 this figure decreased to 7%, which is a positive trend not only for the safety of the contingent, but also for the successful socialization of students with intellectual disabilities.

However, despite the existing positive experience, problems of employment and adaptation in the workforce remain, which require improvement of professional training taking into account the demands of modern production, inclusion in the process of various services that facilitate the employment and retention of people with disabilities in the workplace. Activity analysis

teaching staff shows the need:

Development and implementation of software and methodological support for the processes of professional training of students based on federal state standards new generation;

Development and implementation of software and methodological support for pre-profile training processes in special (correctional) schools;

Development and implementation of a program for further employment of graduates together with enterprises, employment services, and social services;

Development of integration processes based on scientifically based approaches.

The goal of maximally satisfying the needs for high-quality vocational education and further work as the basis for the successful socialization of persons with disabilities can be achieved on a modern methodological basis at a new level of interaction between specialists at all stages of the development of a professional from school to enterprise.


1. Current problems of integrated learning [Text] // Materials

international scientific and practical conference on the problems of integrated education of persons with disabilities (with special educational needs), 01.29-31.2001. □ M.: Human Rights, 2001. □ 152 p.

2. Almanac of the Institute Correctional Pedagogy RAO No. 11/2007 [Electronic resource]. □ Access mode: http://www.ikprao.ru/almanah/ 11/st4.7.htm/

3. Concept of rehabilitation of disabled people in the Sverdlovsk region for the period 2011-2015 (project) [Electronic resource] // Official server of the Government of the Sverdlovsk region: [site]. Access mode: http://www.old.midural.ru/

4. Malofeev, N.P. Domestic models of integrated education for children with developmental disabilities and the danger of mechanical transfer of Western models of integration [Text] / N.P. Malofeev, P.D. Shmatko // Current problems of integrated education: materials of the international. scientific-practical conf. on the problems of integrated education of persons with disabilities (special educational needs), January 29-31. 2001 □ M.: Human Rights, 2001. □ P.47-56, 187.

5. Materials of the board of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation May 19, 2010 “On measures to create conditions for obtaining vocational education by persons with disabilities and people with disabilities □ [Electronic resource] // Official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation: [site] . Access mode: http://mon.gov.ru/

6. Materials of the board of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation,

December 9, 2009 “On measures to create conditions for obtaining education by persons with disabilities and disabled people” [Electronic resource]

//Official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation: [website]. Access mode: http://mon.gov.ru/

7. Nazarova, N.M. Integrated (inclusive) education: genesis and problems of implementation [Electronic resource] // Website of the Moscow City pedagogical university: [website]. Access mode: http://www.mgpu.ru/

8. Nikitina, M.I. The problem of integration of children with special needs [Text] / M.I. Nikitina // Innovative processes in education. Integration of Russian and Western European experience: Sat. articles. □ St. Petersburg, 1997. □ Part 2. □ P. 152.

9. Starobina, E.M. Vocational training of persons with mental retardation: methodological manual [Text] / E.M. Starobina. □ M.: Publishing house NTs ENAS, 2003. □ 120 p. □ (Correctional school).

10. Formation of an effective model of inclusive vocational education // Materials of the first interregion. scientific-practical Conf., Krasnoyarsk, 2008 [Electronic resource]. □ Access mode: http://www.liceum11.krsk.ru/

1. Almanac of the Institute of Special Pedagogy RAE No. 11 / 2007. □ Access Mode: http://www.ikprao.ru/almanah/11/st4.7.htm/

2. Concept of Rehabilitation in Sverdlovsk Region for the period 2011-2015 // Official site of the Government of Sverdlovsk Region. - Access Mode: http: //www. ol d. mi dur al. ru/

3. Malofeev, N.P. Domestic Model of Integrated Education for Children with Developmental Disorders and the Risk of Mechanical Transfer of Western Integration Models / N.P. Malofeev, P.D. Shmatko // Topical Problems of Integrated Education: International Scientific-and-Practical Conference on Disabled Peoples Integrated Education (With Special Educational Needs), 01.29-31.2001. □ Moscow: Human Rights, 2001. □ P. 47-56, 187.

4. Materials of the Collegium of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, May 19, 2010 “On Measures To Create Conditions for Professional Education of Disabled People” // Official Website of the Ministry of Education and Science. - Access Mode: http://mon.gov.ru/

5. Materials of Collegium of the Ministry of Education and Science, December 9, 2009 “On Measures To Create Conditions for Education of Disabled People” // Official Website of the Ministry of Education and Science. - Access Mode: http://mon.gov.ru/

6. Nazarova, N.M. Integrated (Inclusive) Education: Genesis and Implementation Issues // Site of the Moscow City Pedagogical University. - Access Mode: http://www.mgpu.ru/

7. Nikitina, M.I. The Problem of Disabled Childrens Integration / M.I. Nikitina // Innovative Processes in Education. Integration of Russian and West European Experience: Coll. Articles. □ SPb., 1997. □ Part 2. □ P. 152.

8. Professional training: Establishing an Effective Model of Inclusive Professional Education // Materials of the First Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference, Krasnoyarsk, 2008. □ Access Mode: http://www.liceum11.krsk.ru/

9. Starobina, E.M. Training People With Mental Retardation: Teacher Edition / E.M. Starobina. □ Moscow: Publishing House of SC ENAS, 2003. D120 p. □ (Special School).

Topic: Features of professional labor training children with disabilities.


    Features of vocational training for children with disabilities.

    Components of pedagogical technology of correctional and developmental education in vocational training of mentally retarded schoolchildren.

3. Features of adaptation to work activities of students with disabilities.




One of the priority areas of special (correctional) education for children with developmental disabilities, along with general education, is to provide them with a real opportunity to receive job training. This is due to the fact that for most graduates, only labor training in special (correctional) general education schools, aimed at vocational training, correction and compensation for their mental and physical development, provides employment opportunities.

The differences in the labor training of children with disabilities compared to their normally developing peers are caused by the need to strengthen it in order to correct deviant development and prepare graduates for full participation in working life in modern conditions economic development society. The tasks of labor training for students with developmental disabilities are: nurturing a motivated, life-interested attitude towards work and the formation of appropriate personality qualities (the ability to work in a team, a sense of independence, self-affirmation, responsibility); correction and compensation by means of labor training for deficiencies in physical and mental development; vocational training for productive work, which allows school graduates to work in production.

These tasks are of particular importance in relation to mentally retarded students, who, due to their intellectual and psychophysical characteristics and capabilities, are the most disadvantaged in terms of providing them with general education, labor training and especially employment.

The further fate of graduates of special (correctional) schools is problematic, since in the labor market they cannot compete with their normally developing peers. The problem of employment is especially acute, since in addition to a decrease in intelligence, students, as a rule, have concomitant psychoneurological, physical and somatic complications that interfere with the development of professional skills leading to qualifications. Peculiarities of memory and thinking in mentally retarded students lead to difficulties in the formation of technical and technological knowledge, which in turn affects the awareness and mobility of skills.

1. Features of vocational training for children with disabilities.

A person with problems in intellectual and physical development, as a citizen, is no different in the right to work from other members of society. But he needs special help in developing his abilities to work and realizing his rights to it with mutual benefit for himself and others (G.M. Dulnev, S.L. Mirsky, B.I. Pinsky).

Most fully to the tasks of the most open for labor training and provision employment for persons with special needs, the educational, adaptation and rehabilitation environment of Type VIII schools is provided.

As practice shows, correctly created conditions, forms and content of vocational training can provide the student with the development, in accordance with his capabilities, of labor skills and abilities, professional programs, the formation general culture personality, its socialization and solving related problems of social, everyday, leisure, moral and ethical. This environment should, if possible, compensate for the limitations in the life of a mentally retarded child, allowing him, after graduating from school, to enter the labor market in areas accessible to him.

The educational process of labor training in special (correctional) schools of the VIII type allows solving a number of problems:

    formation of intellectual skills in work;

    correction and development of targeted motor skills, taking into account the synthetic period for their formation (12-15 years);

    conscious regulation of labor actions of technological operations;

    training in self-service and self-sufficiency skills in everyday life;

5) development of the student’s personality in the process of vocational training and career guidance based on general labor skills;

    socialization of students.

A modern school is focused on accessibility, variability, and individualization of educational services that maximally ensure the interests of the developing individual. These areas in the activities of a special school are meaningful and priority in organizing an educational environment for children with intellectual disabilities.

In contrast to the developed system of professional training for workers with normal intellectual development, the problem of training people with disabilities has not been sufficiently developed either theoretically or practically; there is essentially no effective solution to it. As a result, graduates of special (correctional) general education schools of the VIII type, having a certain potential for labor opportunities, are not able to realize them in production conditions.

For a long time, graduates of our school have the opportunity to study at two vocational schools in the city - PU No. 14, PU No. 49. Orphans continue their education at the Spassky Agro-Industrial College, PU No. 12 in the Memory of the Paris Commune of the Borsky District, and the Agro-Industrial College in the village of Voskresenskoye . Also, upon graduation, children are registered with the city Employment Center, where, as necessary, short-term vocational courses are opened for children with disabilities in specialties that they are able to master. After graduating from a vocational school, many of them quite successfully work in various industries as seamstresses, carpenters, tilers, plasterers, painters, etc. Some are engaged in service work (nurses, cleaners).

At the same time, there are still many issues on the solution of which the improvement of social and labor adaptation of graduates will depend. In summary, these questions address the following issues:

Improving labor training, taking into account further training of students in the vocational education system or on a base together with a school of small manufacturing enterprises;

Strengthening work on social and everyday orientation of persons with developmental disabilities;

Organization of assistance to the family of a disabled child.

Vocational and labor training, as an important and socially significant subject, is aimed at the social and labor adaptation of mentally retarded schoolchildren. This involves improving the organization of the educational process, scientific substantiation of the content of training, and the level of its methodological support.

The presence of mental development disorders means that the choice of profession for mentally retarded students, as well as for other children with developmental disabilities, is narrowed to employment in a limited number of professions available to them. Therefore, the main direction of career guidance work in a special (correctional) general education school, boarding schoolVIIItype is to cultivate in students interests and inclinations towards recommended types of work, taking into account their potential capabilities, the implementation of which is ensured by the corrective nature of training. Solving this problem is complicatedthe originality of work activity itself, its special specificity in educational process.

Severe mental retardation retarded children psychophysiology of labor processes and formationtechnical and technological knowledge, speech and thinking activity,identified the need to develop specific requirements fororganization of their labor training, its practical and correctionalorientation (G.M. Dulnev, S.L. Mirsky, B.N. Pinsky, etc.). In this regard, one of the main conditions in professional laborpreparing adolescents with developmental problems, it is necessary to connectgeneral correctional education focus, taking into account individual and typological characteristicstrainees based on the target, energy and executive side of themlabor activity with the basics of psychophysiology of labor. Thus, in the system of correctional education for mentally retarded schoolchildren, contradictions have clearly emerged between:

The existing system of their professional and labor training and modern socio-economic conditions that make it difficult for them to find employment;

Increased qualification requirements for the training of specialists and the characteristics of the mental and psychophysical development of students, which complicate their mastery of even professions accessible to their capabilities;

There is a limited number of professions in which persons with mental retardation can be employed, and an even smaller number in which vocational training for students in Type VIII correctional schools can be carried out.

All of the indicated contradictions make it difficult for mentally retarded graduates to be competitive in the labor market, especially since most of them are not disabled, and therefore do not have any benefits during employment. They are subject to the same requirements as their normally developing peers, graduates of secondary schools.

2. Components of pedagogical technology of correctional and developmental education in vocational training of mentally retarded schoolchildren.

Pedagogical technology– this is a set of means and methods for reproducing theoretically based processes of training and education that make it possible to successfully achieve the set educational goals. Pedagogical technology presupposes appropriate scientific design, in which these goals are set quite unambiguously, and the possibility of objective step-by-step measurements and final assessment of the achieved results is preserved. The components of the pedagogical technology we have developed for teaching mentally retarded schoolchildren to work are: knowledge of the student’s ontogenesis and the characteristics of psychophysiology in labor training, as well as dysontogenesis (diffuse perception surrounding reality). Implementation of the didactic principle “teach - learn”; typology of students in labor training for a differentiated and individual approach; creating an arsenal of correctional tools that promote learning and development of the emotional-volitional sphere and sensorimotor processes; selection effective methods taking into account the typology of the lesson and the stage of training; selection of TSO funds and the effectiveness of their use.

The main task of the technology of correctional and developmental education in the labor training of mentally retarded students is to work on the relationship between the formed cognitive and operational images of labor actions of various technological operations, as a result of which a product or semi-finished product is created.

When solving the main problem of social and labor adaptation of mentally retarded schoolchildren, it is necessary to take into account four main factors of the technology of correctional and developmental education (Scheme 1).

Factors in the technology of correctional and developmental education

Social environment Social environment

Social environment.

Based on the concept of special education:

Correctional pedagogical work should occupy a central position in the system, since it determines the defectological orientation of the educational process in a special school

Correction should be at the crossroads of the components of general education and at the same time have its own specific shades (direction) when carrying out the training, education and development of abnormal schoolchildren;

In terms of the volume and significance of the correctional pedagogical process in the special education system, it should be given a prominent place at the crossroads of the components of education;

Correction, as a social system, must have independent access to the environment, since any system does not function in isolation, but in specific social conditions.

3. Features of adaptation to work
activities of students with disabilities.

From the point of view of labor psychology, the content of the concept of labor
activity includes, first of all, the psychophysiological features of this process, which in mentally retarded schoolchildren differ significantly from the course of these processes in their normally developing peers. Without taking into account the specific characteristics, an effective process of vocational training for mentally retarded schoolchildren is impossible.
Their lack of formation of higher forms of cognitive activity, primarily analytical-synthetic, concreteness and superficiality of thinking, violation of verbal regulation of work activity negatively affects the formation of cognitive and operational images when processing technological operations, which in turn leads to difficulty in developing the mobility of professional skills and skills.

A systemic-structural approach to analyzing the characteristics of labor
activities and learning opportunities for mentally retarded students educational material allows, based on identifying their individual and typological characteristics that manifest themselves in work activity, to create pedagogical technologies that have a correctional focus in order to ensure the development of students, i.e. mastering not only simple labor skills, but also general labor skills.

Pronounced deviations in professional and labor
activities of mentally retarded children are directly manifested in insufficient success in practicing purposeful work actions and movements in the process of forming normatively approved methods of professional work, leading to dexterity in work in general and in difficulties in mastering terminological concepts at the first stage of education in grades 5-7 (product, parts, tools, materials and technological operations). Mastery of initial skills, knowledge and abilities based on developed methods creates positive preconditions both for further professional training of mentally retarded adolescents in high school or in the PU system, and in the development of a socially significant personality in general.

The effectiveness of the initial stage of professional laborlearning is largely related to correction and developmentspeech and thinking activity and positive motivation to work atthe basis of the formation of emotional-volitional activity of students withproblems of psychophysical development.

4. The problem of vocational training of children with developmental disabilities.

The problem of vocational and labor training for mentally retarded schoolchildren is closely related to their psychophysiological readiness to master professional and labor activities. The origins of this problem are the studies of many foreign and domestic defectologists, who introduced the defining classifiers of the mental and psychophysiological characteristics of mentally retarded students in mastering educational material.

The studies of G.E. Sukhareva and M.S. Pevzner indicate differences in motor impairments in different types of intellectual underdevelopment. G.E. Sukhareva notes violations of tempo, rhythm and smoothness of movements. The author pays special attention to the disruption of their precise movements and underdevelopment of the ability to “develop motor formulas for coordinated movements, to quickly change motor settings” (1965), which affects the mastery of work skills. Investigating persistent mental disorders due to organic brain lesions, the author creates a clear clinical classification that lays the foundation for training and correction of the development of mentally retarded schoolchildren.

Fundamental and practical significant research for teaching mentally retarded students were carried out by L.V. Zankov, who largely studied the psychology of a mentally retarded child from a practical point of view. The author draws attention to certain difficulties mentally retarded children experience when they need to observe several objects at the same time, and accordingly control and regulate their actions. Particular attention is paid to disorders of abstract thinking when mastering educational material. The author devotes a special place to the role of development and correction of the emotional-volitional sphere of children and adolescents with psychophysiological disorders through, among other things, labor education. In-depth and serious research and the conclusions drawn from them contribute to the formation and development of special education didactics to this day.

V.M. Mastyukova, I.M. Solovyov, Zh.I. Shif also dealt with the problems of psychophysiological readiness of mentally retarded schoolchildren to master educational activities. When they examined children, they often discovered certain manifestations of gross underdevelopment of static and locomotive functions. Signs of motor impairment are detected primarily when performing fine and precise movements. The studied students' ability to develop motor systems suffered. There was also a lack of muscle strength, pace, and voluntary movements, which in turn affected work activity.

Most students in special (correctional) schools can develop highly automated skills in performing simple labor operations, but the formation of generalized skills is difficult, i.e. the ability to perform work tasks, both in a certain situation and when conditions change. Only in such work, which is specially organized to solve this pedagogical problem, is the effective development of mentally retarded schoolchildren possible.

Fundamental in the system of labor training for mentally retarded schoolchildren were the studies of G.M. Dulnev, which provided a “psychological and didactic analysis of those conditions under which the effectiveness of the influence of the process of labor training on the development and streamlining of the mental activity of students in auxiliary schools increases and at the same time the preparedness improves.” these students to independent work.”

It was G.M. Dulnev who made the first attempt “to present the system of labor training for mentally retarded children in the aspect of correctional and educational tasks of the auxiliary school.”

In subsequent years, under his leadership, a large research to give labor training at school a professional orientation in order to more successfully socialize mentally retarded schoolchildren.

In new socio-economic living conditions modern society a new problem arose that determined priority areas. The economic collapse and decline in the growth rate of domestic industry in the early 90s disrupted the connection between schools and basic enterprises. Reorganization of production in conditions market economy demanded a qualitatively new approach to the workforce of enterprises, the mobility of acquired professional knowledge, skills and qualifications.

5. The concept of improving the system of organization and methods of vocational training for schoolchildren with problems of psychophysical development.

The materials of the ascertaining experiment allowed us to determine the main priority directions in the development of the system of vocational training for mentally retarded schoolchildren.

Vocational and labor training in type VIII correctional schools is a broader concept than acquiring new professional technological and practical skills. The effectiveness of vocational training should ensure the overall development of the individual. The development of social skills and a positive attitude towards work should be a significant part of vocational training. Individually oriented vocational training increases the chances of people with disabilities finding work and promotes their integration into society. This task can be achieved through theoretical and practical training with a strong focus on the profession and the workplace. Individual motivation is an important component of vocational training for people with disabilities. Vocational education, in addition to fulfilling the important task of student development, must be consistent with the changing needs of the labor market and represent a dynamic process, and not a system connected by clumsy and sometimes outdated technologies. The correlation of vocational training with the individual capabilities of schoolchildren is an important condition for learning at all levels. Taking individual capabilities into account assumes that vocational training for people with developmental disabilities is no different from general vocational training.

The development of the personality of mentally retarded schoolchildren largely occurs in the process of their professional and labor training. It is important to encourage individuals with intellectual disabilities to take an active role in their vocational training early in their education. High school students with intellectual disabilities should take an active role in their vocational training and professional careers. An active role should be manifested in the following aspects: choosing one’s own professional route, participating in the acquisition of relevant professional and labor knowledge, skills, and most importantly, the ability to solve various professional and labor tasks. Thus, the practice-oriented approach is the basic aspect of the activity-based approach to any education. The main way to improve the teaching of any subject is the broad reliance of teaching on the practice, life and experience of schoolchildren, which is especially important in the context of special (correctional) education. It is subject-related practical activity that lies in the sphere of cognitive interests of mentally retarded schoolchildren and is the main condition for the effectiveness of their learning. The intellectual passivity of schoolchildren can be overcome, first of all, through the organization of their activities. Interest in practical consciousness, material and practical activities of schoolchildren has noticeably increased at the present time, when, under the influence of profound transformations in society, the importance of practical application knowledge.

The implementation of the concept of a practice-oriented approach to the vocational education of persons with intellectual disabilities cannot be achieved without certain principles special education and the organization of professional training itself, aimed at the effectiveness of social and labor adaptation of mentally retarded graduates in society.

By observing the unity of the known principles of special (correctional) education: pedagogical optimism, correctional-compensatory orientation and an active approach to training and education, as well as the implementation of a differentiated and individual approach while observing the need for special pedagogical guidance, it is possible to achieve certain desired results of social and labor adaptation mentally backward schoolchildren. The developmental characteristics of students force us to make specific changes in the content and methods of presenting educational material. Violations of perceptual operations cause the need for recoding or special structuring educational information in accordance with the cognitive capabilities of adolescents; disorders of mental activity require such an organization of learning that ensures the formation of a specific (sensual and effective) basis for mental actions. The need for compensatory paths and mechanisms of development requires a special teacher to select possible directions of correctional and pedagogical influence and select adequate content and specific teaching aids. Knowing the patterns and characteristics of the development and cognitive capabilities of each student, the ways and means of providing corrective compensatory assistance, it is possible to organize and manage the process of educational and cognitive activity.

An urgent problem is the correction of the emotional-volitional sphere in the process of vocational training of mentally retarded adolescents. Labor activity contributes to its stabilization in the fulfillment of assigned labor tasks, which in turn is dominant in their production activities. The effectiveness of organizing professional training for mentally retarded students also depends on the selection of the content of the educational process in relation to the development of the individual as a future specialist in a certain professional activity. Based on the research concept put forward, we also determined the conditions for its implementation.

Organizational and pedagogical conditions. A holistic approach to the personality of students, taking into account all their problems, way of thinking and behavior, social background, individual needs, hopes and interests, is important. By ensuring a balance of individual problems, rehabilitation ultimately serves the ideas of harmonizing social relations. The main principles of rehabilitation and adaptation are: partnership, diversity of efforts, complexity of impact and gradation - creating transitions from one stage to another. An important aspect remains the process and system of restoring the competitiveness of graduates of type VIII correctional schools in the labor market.

Organization of systematic career guidance work. As the main parameters and criteria for successful social and labor training, mental retarded high school students, you can take as a basis the approximate forms, methods and content of their professional training. (T.V. Bezyuleva, V.A. Malysheva, I.A. Panina). The authors note that career guidance is carried out in two ways: from profession: studying a person’s abilities, skills, abilities and correlating them with the requirements of a specific profession, depending on or taking into account his “want”. Vocational selection is the most developed and widely used in practical work; from person: studying a person’s potential - his abilities, inclinations, motivations and selecting an appropriate profession. Practice shows that in the process of career guidance for mentally retarded people it is necessary to combine both approaches. An integral part of career guidance is the availability of data characterizing professional activities, which are contained in profession descriptions. Career guidance research and professional counseling involves: familiarization with the results of a clinical examination, functional and psychophysiological diagnostics; conducting psychological diagnostics in three areas: determining the degree of preservation of psychophysiological functions necessary for the formation of general professional important qualities. Determination of the zone of proximal development; strategy further development or compensation.

Professional and psychological competence of teachers and vocational training specialists. Providing teachers with the necessary software, methodological and educational and methodological literature in order to optimally use it in the educational process for the implementation of the didactic and methodological goals of the classes, this is the main condition for their professional and psychological competence. Special requirements must be placed on verbal pedagogical activity teachers.

To achieve effective organization of educational work of teachers providing labor training, an important condition is the creation of a personal and motivational need for self-education. Teachers and vocational training specialists, teachers who improve their qualifications, are much more successful in training and developing their students.

Contents of the educational process during vocational training. The content of vocational training for mentally retarded students on the basis of production and educational institutions should include: obtaining skills and abilities in the profession; realization of the professional and labor potential of the individual through the mobilization of resources and hidden capabilities; formation of social consciousness, understanding of the role of a person’s place in the life of society, participation in social processes; formation of physical health and moral values.

The educational process must be organized in accordance with modern didactic principles, special methods training, pedagogical technologies for monitoring the quality of training. The effectiveness of the process of professional training for mentally retarded students depends on the optimal structure of individual and group work, taking into account their target, energy and executive aspects educational activities. Training should be based on tracking the development of students, taking into account their differentiated typology in vocational training.

Rational employment and professional and industrial adaptation of graduates.Rational employment is a system and process of organizing and legal regulation of the labor activity of disabled people or persons with limited vital functions, aimed at providing conditions for the effective implementation of their professional abilities. Various options for employment and professional and industrial adaptation are possible depending on the degree of intellectual disability, type of mental defect, level of mastering the profession, social adaptability.

The tasks of educational institutions engaged in vocational training of persons with intellectual development problems should be: organizing interaction with employers in the selection of jobs for employing students; organizing interaction with employment services for student employment; work with students and their parents (consulting and information). Professional and industrial adaptation should solve the system and process of determining the optimal level of production loads associated with fulfilling the requirements of recommended professional activities in the conditions of a specific production, with the adaptation of persons with disabilities to them. The solution to these problems is to some extent helped by the development of uniform requirements for children with disabilities by vocational schools, where they continue their education, and by special (correctional) schools. Also important are the accompanying documents with which the graduate is sent to the school: a detailed psychological and pedagogical description, observation diaries that track the dynamics of the child’s development throughout the entire period of schooling, recommendations social teacher about working with the graduate's family.

Thus, from all of the above we can draw conclusions:

By creating appropriate conditions for the material and technical base of workshop equipment and methodological approaches to the system of correctional and developmental training in vocational training for mentally retarded students, it is possible to prepare them as much as possible for professional and labor activity;

Based on an individual and differentiated approach, develop effective technologies for correctional and developmental education based on methods and forms of training known in special pedagogy and psychology;

Carry out development of typology of students in labor training and forms of criteria for assessing their development in professional and labor activity;

Carry out and constantly improve career guidance work based on close connections with basic enterprises and services in the labor market;

To prepare personnel specialists who are able to provide psychological and pedagogical support to students during the learning process during their professional and labor activities and on the basis of innovative approaches to correctional and developmental education.

The educational process for vocational training should provide for the solution of the following tasks:

Professional orientation of students to their specialty (cultivating a positive attitude towards the profession being studied);

Formation of professional knowledge, which is an important condition for students’ independence when performing practical work;

Formation of professional skills and general labor skills to perform operations manually and by machine;

Cultivating hard work and what is necessary in work moral qualities personalities;

Correction (correction) of psychophysical deficiencies.

In the process of vocational training, correctional work should be closely connected with the basics of labor psychology and aimed at developing the most important professional qualities of an individual: developing conscious regulation of work activity, the pace and rhythm of work, organizing the workplace and increasing the level of student activity in learning.

6. Organizational forms and methods of vocational training based on pedagogical technologies of correctional and developmental education.

The existing system of special education should ensure the preparation of children for independent adult life in such radically changed conditions of modern production.

A practice-oriented approach to the education of schoolchildren presupposes the opportunity for the active development of their work skills. Some active learning methods are effective in perceiving, comprehending, consolidating and reproducing educational information and contribute to the formation of theoretical skills in high school students, others are aimed at developing practical skills in professional work. In the learning process, a wide range of active didactic methods are used: illustrative and explanatory (using generalizing support-logical and classification schemes of the material being studied), problem-based, simulation, activity-developmental.

Education of children in labor training lessons should be based on an optimal combination of techniques common to the development of mental activity academic work(comparisons, comparisons, contrasts, analogies, analysis, synthesis, generalization, establishment of cause-and-effect relationships) with subject-specific didactic techniques (reading simple sketches and drawings), real facts, current technological information and its application in practical work.

The use of the method of educational demonstration to reveal the structure of basic technical and technological concepts has its own specifics, due to the fact that many processes are characterized by a hidden essence that cannot be observed directly, visually. This circumstance determines the widespread use of graphic visualization in labor lessons, especially support-logical and classification schemes that allow them to generalize and systematize the material being studied, which greatly facilitates the process of perception, elaboration and assimilation of new educational information.

The structuring of educational information should be carried out depending on the inductive or deductive approach to its presentation.

In the learning process, active learning methods are widely used, aimed at developing practical skills (exercises, creating problem situations, analyzing product manufacturing technology, drawing up technological maps aimed at successfully completed practical work, etc.) Independent work students is one of the main features of this teaching method.

The main disadvantages that prevent a correctional school graduate from gaining labor independence, first of all, include underdevelopment of orientation activities. Its main components are attention, speech development and understanding of speech information, as well as the formation of subject images. This is the root cause of the weakness in mastering technical and technological knowledge. The more complex the material, the more pronounced this deficiency is.

In the book by G.V. Vasenkova “Forms and methods of vocational training for mentally retarded students in new economic conditions” presents an experiment that made it possible to identify a number of methods, the use of which increases the efficiency of the educational process in labor training.

Methods for the gradual formation of knowledge in the process of vocational labor training for students in correctional schoolsVIII kind. The developers of the experiment based this method of teaching 9th grade students on the step-by-step formation of knowledge in mentally retarded students in the process of vocational training, developed by S.L. Mirsky.

The presentation of new educational material was carried out in the form of a story, conversation or explanation, depending on the characteristics of the material. It was taken into account that verbal methods contribute to the development of abstract thinking, but are not sufficient to develop the skills of mentally retarded students; visual methods increase the effectiveness of teaching, but their excessive use hinders the development of abstract thinking and coherent speech; practical methods form skills and abilities, but do not provide a systematic and in-depth assimilation of theoretical knowledge. The effectiveness of a combination of visual, verbal and practical teaching methods in working with mentally retarded schoolchildren in the educational process was confirmed in the study.

In the process of gradual knowledge formation, scientists used:

- natural models direct object of labor (tools, machines and machines, product samples) or their models;

U like-graphic images(schemes, posters and drawings) reflecting the properties of the studied production object (process, phenomenon) hidden from direct perception and its essential features and connections;

Z rock models(diagrams, tables for generalization, symbols of code-graphic images of the design of machine tools and machines, as well as technological operations), which made it possible to effectively form technical and technological knowledge among high school students.

In the process of developing students’ knowledge in the lessons, the main emphasis was on their mobility, that is, the ability to apply in practice, according to the principle of qualification requirements - “must know and be able to.” This approach, used during the experiment, in the formation of technical and technological knowledge, contributed to the development of independent and skillful work of a graduate of a special (correctional) secondary school of the VIII type, who must have the ability to assimilate new knowledge and work techniques, navigate the work situation, and plan upcoming actions , control not only the object of labor, but also their activities as a whole. The acquisition of such qualities allows the worker to timely rearrange his activities in accordance with changing working conditions, i.e. form his labor mobility.

During the learning process, criteria were also developed for students to develop them in four stages - from lack of knowledge to the fourth stage of completeness of their understanding and the ability to apply it in practice. The mechanism of student understanding was investigated theoretical material from various sources (explanation, demonstration, work with a textbook, dictionary and on a computer simulator). The results of the study showed that the use of the above methods in a systematically complex manner and enclosed in a supporting diagram or table made it possible to very successfully solve the development and correction of students in the classroom.

The results of the training experiment showed that the majority of students increased the level of their cognitive abilities, which in turn affected the level of perception of educational material and their development in the learning process.

Thus, in the process of forming knowledge among mentally retarded students in vocational training lessons, it is possible to use the entire gamut of didactic methods of active learning: illustrative and explanatory (using supporting logical diagrams of the material being studied and other symbolic clarity), problem-based, project-based, simulation, activity-based -developing. A practice-oriented approach to the selection of subject content and its teaching creates optimal conditions for the formation of functional professional and labor literacy of schoolchildren and the mastery of the types of work activities available to them.

Methods of correctional and developmental training in professional motor skills for mentally retarded schoolchildren. The experimentally studied mechanism for the formation of professional motor skills in mentally retarded schoolchildren made it possible to develop a number of effective methods and techniques for the correction and development of their sensorimotor processes, purposeful actions and movements in the formation of skills, as well as a disrupted relationship between the presentation of work techniques (cognitive image) and its implementation (operative image).

Labor professional skills in mentally retarded children are formed in close connection with acquired knowledge and skills. It is important to establish the difference between concepts and the interaction between them in the context of vocational training from the point of view of labor psychology. The acquired knowledge forms a cognitive image of work actions, which contributes to the successful acquisition of practical skills, and the knowledge and skills acquired in the set indicate certain skills.

When organizing the process of developing professional skills, scientists took into account the well-known provisions about the influence of learning conditions on their mastery. External and internal conditions for the formation of skills were taken as a basis. External conditions include: the effectiveness of the teacher’s explanation of work techniques; organization of an exercise system; teacher's assessment of students' actions; differentiated approach to students; availability of devices for urgent information about the results of labor actions.

The internal conditions for the formation of skills include: the intellectual level of students (the ability to form an image of a labor standard and to understand labor actions); level of sensory sensitivity; availability of work experience; self-assessment of work activity; development of self-control of labor actions; ability to transfer skills; state of the motor sphere; energy potential of the child’s personality (emotions, performance); differentiation of students in experimental groups according to their ability to master work skills.

Experimental training was carried out during school year. The process of learning motor work skills progressed unevenly among different groups of students. This is due to the heterogeneity of the composition of students, their different potential capabilities and is associated with the characteristics of their inherent defects, which were overcome in the process of an individual and differentiated approach to learning. At each stage of formation, various exercises and training actions were used to develop and correct sensorimotor processes in work.

At the stage of trial actions, a developed cycle of exercises was used to practice the techniques of technological operations. In the process of developing the correct techniques for performing labor actions, students were given tasks to attach them to a specific part of the product.

During the learning experiment, methodological techniques were also used to stimulate student activity in learning, based on the successful results obtained in the work.

Thus, in the process of developing skills, to control their formation, the following were distinguished: a preliminary stage, when students became familiar with the purpose of the technological operation, the purpose and design of the tool, the properties of the material, as well as the rules for handling them, i.e. received knowledge about the upcoming action; the analytical stage, during which students practically mastered individual elements of the action, analyzed the features of each working movement included in the skill; synthetic stage, aimed at combining a number of movements into a single action; the stage of consolidation and automation of action to create the possibility of arbitrary regulation of the pace of work, switching attention from action to result and restructuring the student’s perception. Variability was used in the formulation of both the exercises themselves and the organization of tasks in the lessons. The conducted experimental training in professional motor skills significantly increased the level of purposeful actions and movements in the process of performing practical work by students, which in turn testified to their formation in accordance with standard work practices. If at the beginning of the training experiment the sum of the relevant skills in the control and experimental groups was only 30-35%, then after the training experiment 75-80% of the students in the experimental group worked with correct, conscious techniques, and the results of the control group improved slightly and amounted to only 40%.


As research by scientists shows, improving the system and methods of vocational training for mentally retarded schoolchildren depends not only on the effectiveness of the technology used to teach them, but also on the self-organization of the educational system itself. educational institution with professional and labor training. The development of a system of vocational and labor training for students with psychophysiological disabilities should ensure the successful introduction into the labor market of students from type VIII correctional schools in the new socio-economic conditions of our society and its attitude towards mentally disabled citizens.


1. Vasenkov G.V. Forms and methods of vocational training of mentally retarded students in new economic conditions // In collection. Innovation in Russian education(correctional pedagogy).- M.; 1999.

2. Vasenkov G.V. Dictionary psychological and pedagogical terms of vocational training in auxiliary schools. - M.; 1995

3. Vlasova T.A., Pevzner M.S. To the teacher about children with developmental disabilities. – Moscow, Enlightenment, 1967.

4. Defectology: Dictionary-reference book. Edited by B.P. Puzanov - Moscow, New School, 1996.

5. The corrective role of education in a auxiliary school. Edited by G.M. Dulnev. – Moscow, Pedagogy, 1971.

6. Correctional and developmental orientation of training and education of mentally retarded children. Collection scientific works. – Moscow, Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after V.I. Lenin. – 1983.

7. Lapshin V.A., Puzanov B.P. Fundamentals of defectology - Moscow, Education, 1990.

8. Pinsky B.I. Corrective and educational significance of labor for mental development. – Moscow, Pedagogy, 1985.

9. Plakhova N.S. School is an enterprise: new approaches to correctional work with mentally retarded schoolchildren. // Defectology. – 1995 - No. 5 – p.39.

10. Psychological issues correctional work in a auxiliary school. Edited by Zh.I. Shif - Moscow, Pedagogy, 1972.

11. Rubinshtein S.Ya. Psychology of mentally retarded schoolchildren - Moscow, Education, 1979.

Teacher of the State Educational Institution Dzerzhinsk Special Correctional Boarding School

Gradov V. Yu.

According to statistics, in the modern world the number of people of working age with certain health conditions is increasing by 2% per year. As the number of disabled people of working age grows, employers need, instead of a policy of avoiding employees with disabilities, to develop new standards for selecting applicants for vacancies. And psychologists should prepare for the fact that at any moment they may be tasked with career guidance for this category of people. There are 10 million people with disabilities in Russia. And only a small part of them are socially adapted and employed, so the problem is widespread.

When providing career guidance to disabled children, a pedagogical focus on rehabilitation measures is recommended. Work with this group begins as early as possible and is carried out during the training process. It is important to work not only with the child, but with the family of the disabled person. The main principle of vocational guidance for children with disabilities of the second and third groups is occupational therapy in workshops of various profiles, which helps to instill practical skills in simple types of work. Career guidance for citizens with mental retardation has its own specifics. The learning process is accompanied by psychotherapeutic and psychocorrectional work. The main issue for disabled people since childhood is the primary choice of profession.

A fundamentally different situation arises for persons with acquired disabilities. They previously received vocational education and mastered certain skills, but due to illness they cannot continue to work in their existing specialty. In this case, we are talking about rational employment (the recommended job must be adequate to the capabilities of the sick person, consistent with his personal motives and professional training). Often, training in skilled professions takes place directly on the job – in the form of retraining workers. When choosing a new profession, it is necessary to take into account the capabilities, inclinations and previous activities, as well as pay attention to issues of psychological support, since the trauma that has occurred and the acquired disability change the usual way of life of the sick person, complex rehabilitation is required.

When providing assistance to disabled people, the severity of disability is taken into account. Thus, persons with the first disability group are in the most severe condition in terms of physical health status, dysfunction of higher nervous activity and, as a consequence, from the standpoint of social adaptation and labor rehabilitation. At the same time, persons with the second and third groups of disability have impairments of moderate and mild severity, respectively, and may well succeed professionally. In 2011, the Center for Testing and Development “Humanitarian Technologies”, commissioned by the Moscow Department of Labor and Employment, developed modern Lists of recommended professions for citizens with different types restrictions on life activity (see appendix EP-14-8). This list contains quite a few professions that require higher professional education, and not just primary and secondary vocational education, as was previously customary.

When organizing assistance to the professional self-determination of persons with disabilities (PWD), it is necessary to take into account that the course of the disease, as a rule, differs in that a certain personal deformation of the PWD occurs.

Such deformation creates additional difficulties when conducting professional counseling, since people with disabilities often have inadequate methods of professional self-determination.

First of all, we can talk about the following problems affecting the process of professional counseling for persons with disabilities:

they do not know their capabilities and limitations, they evaluate themselves inadequately;

do not realize their strengths and weaknesses;

do not have sufficient information about real production, professions and their requirements for workers;

do not have information about professional training opportunities, the procedure and employment opportunities, and the most in-demand professions;

Afraid of discovering the true extent of their disability;

socially poorly adapted, the necessary social skills have not been formed;

readiness for work and work attitude are not formed, they are infantile.

The presence of these features should be taken into account when conducting a professional consultation conversation. If necessary, the conversation should be aimed at correcting the inadequate ideas of the PWD and his parents.

During the consultation process, the results of the diagnosis and the possibility of training PWDs in primary or secondary vocational education institutions should be discussed.

When discussing options for professional choice, the consultant finds out how well the consulted PWD understands the content of professional activity and the conditions for its implementation in specific workplaces. If the person being consulted does not have such ideas or they do not correspond to reality, the consultant provides the necessary information. Professional counseling should help develop the life perspective of the person being counseled. To do this, you should help the person being consulted in forming realistic plans regarding the professional sphere of his life.

On secondary and higher vocational education for persons with disabilities

The capital's system of secondary vocational education is multi-level, continuous, open and accessible to different segments of the Moscow population. The training of qualified workers and specialists for the main sectors of the urban economy is carried out by 75 specialized and 13 pedagogical colleges subordinate to the Moscow Department of Education.

Education in colleges is conducted on:

  • 100 professions of primary vocational education;
  • 133 specialties of secondary vocational education;
  • 157 vocational training professions;
  • more than 200 programs of additional professional education for adults (advanced training, retraining) for all key areas of the economy and social sphere of Moscow.

Professional education

A large number of colleges included in the system of the Moscow Department of Education create special educational conditions for the education of persons with disabilities.

Obtaining higher professional education for persons with disabilities is possible in various forms, including distance learning. A list of institutions, recommendations and Internet resources for the implementation of distance learning is presented in the Distance Learning directory.

Faculties are developing programs to help students quickly adapt to new conditions, allowing them to cope with the most common problems. Read more about the training program for students with disabilities at the Faculty of Distance Learning of the State educational institution Higher professional education "Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University" can be found.

Higher education institutions

  • Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University (MGPPU)