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Traffic rules clubs in elementary school. Traffic rules club program

Club program “Road without danger” for 2nd grade

Explanatory note
In the modern world, traffic safety problems have become of paramount importance, as the number of road accidents increases every year. Therefore, the task of wider study by schoolchildren of the rules has become especially acute. traffic. Relevance of children's education school age the basics of road literacy are beyond doubt. The teacher’s task is to systematize children’s knowledge about traffic rules, to develop specific skills and behavior patterns on the street and road. The program is implemented through a combination of different types of content and form educational activities: conducting quizzes, excursions to city streets, conversations, analysis of specific traffic situations, tests for knowledge of traffic rules, design work, thematic classes.
The program includes activities that help children successfully learn the rules of the road, learn their history, navigate traffic situations and apply their acquired knowledge in practice. The ongoing activities allow for propaganda to prevent road traffic injuries.
Traffic rules training should be considered as an integral part extracurricular activities schoolchildren. This program is designed to work with children starting in first grade. The knowledge and skills acquired by students in the first grade expand and deepen in subsequent years of study. The program is built on the principles of developmental education and is aimed at developing the child’s personality as a whole: the ability to compare and generalize, draw conclusions; to improve schoolchildren’s speech, their thinking and creative abilities.
Purpose of the program:
1. Instilling in children a culture of behavior on the roads.
2. Formation of sustainable skills safe behavior on the streets and roads.
1. Introduction to the history of traffic rules.
2. Development of children's road literacy.
3.Bring students to the idea of ​​the need to follow traffic rules.
4. Improve the level of accumulated practical skills.

5. Instilling responsibility in children for their behavior.
By the end of grade 2, children should know:
1. Road signs.
2. Traffic signals.
3. Types of transport.
4. How to cross the street safely.
5. Causes of road accidents (where you can play, sled and skate; rules for crossing the street when disembarking from a vehicle).
6. Responsibilities of passengers.
Be able to:
1. Navigate in traffic situations.
2. Evaluate your behavior on the roads.
3. Know how to use public transport (rules for waiting for transport at a bus stop, rules for boarding and disembarking, etc.).
Number of hours: 10 hours (1 hour per week).

Calendar - thematic planning
1. Why do children get into road accidents?
2. The history of the appearance of the car and the Rules of the Road
3. What is the traffic police and who is the traffic police inspector
4. New information about traffic lights
5. Rules for safe crossing of streets and roads
6. New information about streets, roads and road signs
7. Rules for crossing an intersection
8. We are passengers
9. I am a pedestrian and a passenger
10. Quiz

Download Club program “Road without danger” for 2nd grade

Fedotova Irina Vladimirovna
Long-term plan work of the circle on traffic rules "Road ABC" in middle group

Explanatory note.

Every day our children, while still with us, participate in traffic. But a little time will pass and they will become independent participants: pedestrians, passengers, drivers.

The traffic intensity is increasing; it is not easy to navigate in such conditions. Every year, dozens of people die on the roads, and more than a thousand are seriously injured. That is why it is very important to familiarize yourself with the Rules of Traffic and Safe Behavior on the Road directly from preschool age.

In order to improve road literacy among young children, a program for the prevention of children's road traffic injuries called "Road ABC" was created.

Goals group work are:

Teaching children safe behavior on city roads through reading educational articles, fiction and visual arts;

Develop in children the ability to think logically, develop competent monologue speech;

Upbringing personal qualities- caution, observation, discipline, which will help children adapt to the road environment.


1 Week. "We're getting to know the street."

Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the rules of behavior in the yard and on the street”; to teach them to see the source of danger to life and health.

Week 2. "Crossing the road." Purpose: To familiarize children with the rules of crossing the road: cross a green traffic light, look both ways, cross a zebra crossing. Understand the rule: if you do not follow these rules, you can get hit by a car.

Week 3. "Reading of N. Pikuleva's poem "Sorokin's Lessons"

Goal: Learn to analyze what you read, find examples of incorrect behavior of animals in the text, and correct them.

Week 4. “Reading the poem by I. Gurina “Road Rules.” Drawing a traffic light.

Goal: Continue to develop interest in fiction and visual arts. Learn to draw a traffic light from an idea, consolidating knowledge of traffic signals.


1 Week. "Roads on which traffic is prohibited." Reading and memorizing the poem "Highway" by N. Pikuleva

Goal: To familiarize children with the rules of behavior on sections of the road being repaired; give the concept of “motorway” and its features.

Week 2. "Rules for crossing the road at an intersection."

Reading the poem "Crossroads" by T Davydova.

Purpose: To clarify children's understanding of the concept of "crossroads". Introduce the rules for crossing the road at an intersection.

3rd week. "Movement in a group"

Purpose: To introduce children to the rules of crossing the road in a group, to reinforce the rules of traffic rules.

Week 4. Looking at an illustration on the topic "Do animals behave correctly on the street"

Goal: Reinforce the rules of behavior in the yard, street, on the road;

develop the ability to avoid traumatic situations.


1 Week. "Rules for waiting for public transport"

Purpose: To clarify children’s understanding of the concept of stopping. Introduce children to the rules of waiting, boarding and exiting public transport.

Week 2. "Be careful, tram and bus! Reading and memorizing a poem by O. Emelyanova. "Go around the bus from behind, and the tram in front."

Goal: To familiarize children with the rules of behavior on the road when there are buses and trams on the roadway. Learn to anticipate the situation if these rules are not followed.

Week 3. Reading the poem "My Street" by S. Mikhalkov.

Goal: Continue to familiarize children with traffic rules, formulate a verbal “Pedestrian Reminder”; develop an interest in fiction.

Week 4. Application "My friend is a traffic light"

Goal: Reinforce the concept of “traffic light”, traffic signals.


1 Week. Reading a poem by V. Lebedev-Kumach

"About smart little animals"

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about safe behavior on the street, in transport, and in the yard.

Week 2. "Rules of conduct for car passengers"

Purpose: To familiarize children with the rules of getting into a vehicle on the roadway and getting out of it safely.

Week 3. "Responsibilities of a Cyclist"

Goal: To introduce children to the rules of safe cycling. Formulate a verbal “Cyclist’s Memo.”

Week 4. Reading the story by V. Dragunsky "Motor racing along a vertical wall"

Goal: continue to familiarize children with traffic rules, reinforce the rules of safe cycling, and develop interest in fiction.


1 Week. "Staff Police and Traffic Police Inspector"

Goal: To introduce children to the State Road Safety Inspectorate, its employee-inspector of the road patrol service, and his role on the road.

Week 2. Reading the work of S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa the Policeman”.

Goal: to strengthen children’s knowledge of traffic rules, safe behavior in the yard and on the street.

Week 3. Outdoor game "Inspector and drivers"

Goal: To consolidate knowledge of the rules of behavior on the street, about the work of traffic police officers, to develop the ability to quickly respond to an unexpected new situation.

Week 4. "Cars that rush to help."

Purpose: To clarify children’s ideas about ground transport. Introduce children to the rules of behavior on the road when encountering vehicles with special signals (fire, police, ambulance).


1 Week. Reading P. Sinyavsky's poem "Brave Engine". Coloring the stencil "Fire Engine".

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of the rules of behavior on the road when meeting a fire truck, to remember the telephone number of the fire service, and to develop an interest in fiction.

Week 2. Reading the poem by P. Sinyavsky "With a flashing light on the top of the head." Coloring the stencil "Police car."

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of the rules of behavior on the road when encountering a police car, remember the police telephone number, and develop an interest in fiction.

Week 3. Reading P. Sinyavsky’s poem “Hospital on Wheels.” Coloring the “Ambulance” stencil.

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of the rules of behavior on the road when encountering an ambulance, remember the telephone number of the ambulance service, and develop interest in fiction.

Week 4. Outdoor game "Sparrows and a car."

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of traffic rules, develop and improve motor skills.


1 Week. "Why are road signs needed?"

Goal: to introduce children to the types of road signs: warning signs, priority signs. prohibitory signs, mandatory signs, special instructions signs, information signs, service signs, additional information signs, vehicle identification signs. Their role on the road.

Week 2. "What do the signs warn about?"

Goal: expand children's knowledge about road signs. Introduce warning signs, their symbolism and meaning.

Week 3. "What do the signs prohibit?"

Goal: expand children's knowledge about road signs. Introduce prohibition signs, their symbolism, and meaning on the road.

Week 4. "What do the service signs say?"

Goal: expand children's knowledge about road signs. Introduce service signs, their symbolism and meaning.


Week 1: "Competition for an expert on road signs."

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of road signs, to teach them to distinguish between warning signs, prohibition signs and service signs.

Week 2: Reading the poem by I. Gurina “A Tale about Road Signs.”

Goal: Continue to familiarize children with traffic rules; develop an interest in fiction.

Week 3. Role-playing game "Bus on the road".

Goal: To clarify and expand children’s knowledge about the elements of the road, road signs, traffic and rules of conduct on the road, traffic police inspectors.

Week 4. Creation of a collective "Album of road signs".

Goal: Continue to develop interest in visual arts. Learn to draw road signs based on a model, consolidating the acquired knowledge.

1 Week. Excursion along the street.

Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about the street and the rules of behavior on it.

Week 2. Entertainment "Journey to the land of road signs."

Goal: consolidation of knowledge about traffic rules, road signs; develop the skill of safe behavior on the streets and roads of the city.

Week 3. Collective work "City Street".

Goal: Continue to develop interest in artistic creativity. Learn to paint a highway in watercolors. Together with the children, determine the locations of future objects (houses, public transport, traffic lights, road signs). Develop children's creativity. Cultivate accuracy in work.

Week 4. Collective work "City Street" (continued).

Goal: Continue to develop interest in artistic creativity. Learn to complete the work by applying (pasting houses, public transport, traffic lights, road signs.) Develop attention and perseverance. Cultivate independence and accuracy.

Publications on the topic:

Relevance of the problem. Every year the number of cars, buses, trolleybuses, and motorcycles on the streets of cities and towns increases.

Goal: - consolidate children’s knowledge and ideas about road safety; - continue to familiarize children with the rules of the road;

Lesson summary on traffic rules “The ABCs of traffic, or Journey to the Sunny City” Purpose of the lesson: Continue to introduce the rules of the road, learn to practically apply them in various situations. Develop thinking.

OD in the middle group on traffic rules “Travel to fairytale city" Goal: to make children want to always follow the rules.

Perspective plan on traffic rules for preschool children. Long-term plan for traffic rules in BDOU No. 63 Goal: To develop knowledge about traffic rules in preschool children.

A long-term plan for the work of the “Friendly Guys” circle on the formation of etiquette among children of the middle group Children's assimilation of rules of behavior and basic etiquette begins in early preschool age and is formed in senior preschool age.

Long-term plan for the work of the circle for the spiritual and moral education of children in the “Ladushki” secondary group September 1 week. Subject. “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden.” Content. 1. Didactic game “What grows in the garden and vegetable garden.” 2. Making riddles.

Project on traffic rules for children of senior preschool age “The ABC of Pedestrian Sciences” Project on traffic rules for children of senior preschool age on the topic “The ABC of Pedestrian Sciences” Introduction: The situation with children.

Project on traffic rules for middle school children “Why do we need traffic rules?” Project goal: to develop children's ideas about road signs. Objectives: PO "Cognitive Development": Expand and consolidate children's knowledge.

Entertainment according to traffic rules in the middle group “Let's help Smeshariki” Goal: to improve ideas about safe behavior on the street and roads. Objectives: consolidate knowledge about the meaning of traffic lights;.

Image library:

Sections: Extracurricular activities

Educational objectives:

  • give children basic knowledge about road signs, teach them to distinguish and understand road signs intended for drivers and pedestrians;
  • consolidate knowledge of traffic lights and their meaning;
  • teach children the rules of behavior in various dangerous situations.

Educational materials: Toropyshka doll, images of an intersection, types of transport, cars and two types of surfaces, two cut-out pictures, letters to spell the word traffic light, a set of road signs and various road situations.

Progress of the lesson

Teacher. I want to start our lessons with a riddle.

On the ABC book page
Thirty-three heroes.
Sages - heroes
Every literate person knows. (Letters)

What is the name of the book from which we learn to read and write?

Today in class we will meet a completely different alphabet.

(Image of an intersection.)

What do you think can be learned from it?

The teacher shows a toy.

Teacher. Look who came to us!

Toropyshka is in front of you,
A tomboy and a naughty girl!
He is cheerful, mischievous,
Restless, funny.
It's good for everyone, but here's the problem -
He's always in a hurry!

Teacher. What harm can haste bring to a person?

The children answer.

This is what happened to one such Toropyshka.

(Showing an excerpt from a cartoon.)

U. Our Toropyshka was invited to visit.

Jump out onto the street
Toropyshka runs out.

U. Let's go after Toropyshka. He wouldn't do anything bad.

Tires rustling on the asphalt -
Different cars are driving.

U. What cars did he see? (There are pictures of transport on the board).

This is a strong machine
Rides on huge tires!
Removed half a mountain at once
Seven-ton... (dump truck)

A car with a red cross passes by
He runs to help the patient.
This car has a special color;
It’s as if he’s wearing a snow-white robe. (Emergency)

Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz,
A beetle is running down the street.
And they burn in the beetle's eyes
Two shiny lights. (A car)

What kind of miracle is the blue house?
The windows are bright all around,
Wears rubber shoes
And it runs on gasoline. (Bus)

U. Group the transport. (You should have four groups.)

U. Give each group a name.

U. What time of year is it now?

U. What does the road look like after a thaw, if frost hits?

D. The road will become slippery.

U. Let's conduct an experiment. (To conduct the experiment, two machines and two different surfaces are used.)

Imagine that one car is moving on an icy road, the other on a normal one.

Which one slows down longer? Explain why.

What kind of trouble threatens someone who runs across the road at this time?

The children answer.

Near the edge of the sidewalk
Our little hasty is standing...
How to get across the road
In a hurry to the store?
Very, very, very much
There are cars in his path!

U. Shall we help Toropyshka?

The group is divided into three teams. Each team receives a task.

1st and 2nd teams.

Collect two pictures from the cut pieces and get ready to tell the rules for crossing the road.

Team 3

And we will play with you.

Everyone receives a card with a letter. You start moving to the music. When it ends, I will say the word: “Traffic light.” You must make it up from letters.

U. Check the completion of tasks by the children of the first and second groups.

Tell me how Toropyshka should cross the street.

U. Let's rest. I will show you cards with traffic light colors, and you follow the movements. Green - stomp, yellow - clap, red - stand.

U. It is very important to be careful on the road. Let's check your attention.

Clap your hands when you hear a word related to a traffic light.

Three eyes, standing on the street, red light, blue light, one leg, yellow light, crossing the street, pedestrian assistant, green light, standing at home.

U. Think about how else Toropyshka can cross the road?

D. You can cross the street in a place where there is a “Pedestrian crossing” road sign.

U. On the board you see images of road signs. You have cards with their names on your tables. Match the names and the sign.

U. Here are cards with various road situations. Consider them. I will show you the sign and read its name, and you must match it with the card and explain why this sign is placed here.

U. To prevent our hero Toropyshka from getting into difficult situations, we’ll play “Do’s” and “Don’ts.” Some of you will receive green “Yes” cards, and some of you will receive red “No” cards. Study the situation.

(Children line up in two lines, opposite each other.)

Show each other the cards. Find your match and tell them what you can’t do and what you can do.

You did a good job!

Yes, today is Toropyshka
Learned a lot of new things
About roads, intersections,
Motorcycle and dump truck.
And then visiting a friend
Toropyshka was not silent,
It's about traffic rules
Told everyone in detail!

U. May each of you always remember and observe them.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution compensatory kindergarten No. 16 “Golden Key”

The program of the circle “Cheerful Traffic Light”

Explanatory note

Using material from the program of Danilova T.I. "Traffic light"Use of speech material according to Nishcheva

The relevance and simply vital necessity of teaching children the rules of the road is undeniable. Statistics show that very often children are the cause of road accidents.

This is caused by basic ignorance of the basic rules of the road and the indifferent attitude of adults to the behavior of children on the roadway. Children do not yet know how to properly control their behavior. They are unable to correctly determine the distance to an approaching car, its speed and overestimate their own capabilities, considering themselves the fastest and most agile. They have not yet developed the ability to anticipate possible danger in a rapidly changing traffic environment. Therefore, they serenely run out onto the road in front of a stopped car and suddenly appear in the path of another. They consider it quite natural to ride out onto the road on a children's bicycle or start a fun game.

In many ways, the safety of a pedestrian depends on his compliance with the rules of behavior on the street. In a difficult situation, when danger arises, an adult’s instincts of self-preservation, dexterity, and quick reaction sometimes come to the rescue. Unfortunately, children do not fully possess these qualities and, if they find themselves in a critical situation, they cannot immediately make the right decision.

You can avoid danger only by teaching children the rules of the road from a very early age.

The purpose of this work is to develop safe behavior skills inroads, and the ability to react to approaching danger

To achieve it, it is necessary to solve several problems:

    Create conditions for children to consciously study traffic rules;

    Develop in children the ability to navigate in different environments;

    To develop in schoolchildren the habit of behaving correctly on the roads;

    Raise children to be competent pedestrians.

    Clarify children's ideas about traffic rules. Studying the existing ones in children
    knowledge of traffic rules is carried out at the beginning of the school year (diagnosis). On
    based on the received data, group and
    individual sessions.

    Expand initial and accumulation of new knowledge about traffic rules (with
    taking into account age characteristics)

    Form a conscious attitude towards compliance with traffic rules.
    (Careful and in-depth analysis combined with classes,
    conversations and observations should lead children to the idea of ​​the importance
    and responsibility for compliance with traffic rules)

    Create a sense of responsibility. (Task of the teacher:
    develop in children a willingness to take responsibility for their actions)

    Improve the culture of behavior on the street and in transport.

    Development of control and self-control in children. (When teaching traffic rules, these
    quality on time and correctly navigate the created
    transport situation).

    Foster a sense of responsibility.

To bring children to an understanding of how to behave on the street, thoughtful educational work is needed, which requires an integrated approach and taking into account general didactic principles:



    Systematicity, consistency



    Connections between theory and practice

    Strength of assimilation of knowledge, abilities, skills

    Individual approach

To take all these principles into account in your work you need to:

    Before starting teaching preschoolers, teachers themselves
    it is necessary to know and follow traffic rules.

    Create a room in the preschool educational institution for classes on teaching traffic rules
    movements. For the same purpose in each group kindergarten must
    be equipped with a traffic police corner.

3. Make a selection of various information data:

    Development of activities, targeted walks, evenings of entertainment,
    holidays, theatrical performances...

    Forms of work with parents.

    Demonstration and handout material.

    Organize work with parents (consultations, meetings,
    distribution of booklets, visual information)

    Organize interaction with traffic police officers.

    Constant design of the information stand.

    Systematically monitor knowledge of safe behavior
    on the roadway, in transport and in the yard (at the beginning and at the end
    school year)

Previously acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in traffic rules must be replenished, consolidated and expanded by adding new concepts:

Long-term plan for traffic rules in preparatory group


a week




Program content



Know and follow traffic rules

Expand children’s understanding of safe behavior on city streets; consolidate knowledge about traffic rules and the purpose of road signs

Road signs, traffic lights, cars.


We are building a street

To consolidate and expand children's knowledge about the construction profession. Strengthen knowledge about traffic rules. Cultivate curiosity and interest in the world around you.

Construction material, machinery.

Child and the world

My travel certificate

Expand children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior on the roadway and sidewalk, consolidate children’s knowledge of the concepts of “pedestrian”, “road signs”, “clean passing”, “sidewalk”.

Pictures depicting situations on the road, cards with road signs, d/i “Collect a sign”


Didactic game

To develop children's thinking, consolidate knowledge of the Rules of the Road, the titles and purposes of cars.

Subject pictures depicting cars, road signs


My home is my street

To consolidate children’s ideas about the street, develop the ability to display what they see during walks, and teach them to convey their impressions in a drawing.

Sheets of paper, colored pencils or paints and brushes.

Target walk

Getting to know the crossroads

Give children an idea of ​​a crossroads. Develop thinking and visual attention. Foster a sense of responsibility.

2 red flags

Outdoor game


Introduce children to the rules of the game. Strengthen children's knowledge about intersections. Cultivate attention and honesty.

Traffic light model, whistle, toy steering wheel


Board game

Learning road signs

To consolidate children's knowledge about road signs and their purpose. Develop the ability to correctly select a road sign for a situation. Cultivate observation skills.

Board game "Road Signs"


Car N. Nosov

Continue to introduce children to the works of N. Nosov, teach them to evaluate the actions of the heroes of the work. Cultivate a desire to comply with traffic rules,

Book by N. Nosov “Car”

Role-playing game

To consolidate children's knowledge of traffic rules, teach them to use substitute objects in the game, and cultivate interest in role-playing games.

Road signs, steering wheels (rings), suits...



Teach how to use scissors, consolidate children’s knowledge about transport, and cultivate a desire to comply with traffic rules.

Sheets of paper, glue, brushes, scissors, colored paper.



Give children an idea of ​​the area. Develop visual and auditory perception. Foster patriotic feelings. Strengthen your knowledge of traffic rules.

2 red flags.

Practical work

Do it right

To consolidate children's knowledge about various types of transport and road signs. Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper. Cultivate perseverance.

Punch cards: “Do it right”, “Road signs”, a simple pencil.

Your friend is a traffic light!

Introduce children to the history of the invention of street traffic lights. Reinforce knowledge about four-way traffic lights. Develop the ability to apply acquired knowledge on traffic rules in practice.

Layout of a four-way traffic light

Board game

Nimble Pedestrian

Strengthen knowledge of traffic rules, counting within six, and the ability to follow the rules of the game. Cultivate honesty.

Board game "Road Rules", chips, cube.



Pure talk

Introduce children to pure sayings (zha-zha-zha we are going from the garage, zhi-zha-zha we are passing garages...) to clarify children’s knowledge about the garage. Develop the ability to clearly pronounce the sound [zh]

Subject (plot) pictures


Car light signals

Give children an idea of ​​special light signals: flashing lights, headlights. To develop the skill of safe behavior on the roads.

Didactic game

What to feed the car

To consolidate children's knowledge of what helps a car engine work. Develop memory and thinking.

Pictures depicting transport.


Competition game

Cross the road

To develop children's attention and ability to act on the teacher's signal. Foster a culture of behavior on the road.

Three circles (red, yellow, green)


Shine a green light at the crossroads of all roads

To develop in children the basic skills of safe behavior on the road, to consolidate knowledge about traffic rules, and to cultivate a culture of behavior on the street.

Road signs, traffic lights.

About traffic rules

Learn to listen carefully to the work, develop the ability to answer the question posed in a complete sentence. Fasten traffic rules.

Book by S. Vokrva “Road Rules”

Outdoor game

To develop accuracy, dexterity, and eye in children. Strengthen your knowledge of traffic rules. Cultivate a sporting spirit.

Three baskets (red, yellow, green), balls.


Excursion to the traffic police classroom

Conversation about traffic rules with a traffic police officer

Introduce the work of a traffic police officer. Develop the ability to listen carefully and answer questions. Develop curiosity



Create an emotionally positive attitude in children. Develop the ability to compare movements with words.

Moskvich car icon, toy steering wheel.

What is the street talking about?

To deepen children's knowledge about road signs: warning, prohibition, directional and service signs. Develop thinking. Cultivate sensitivity and the ability to help each other.

Layouts of road signs.


Road signs

To consolidate children's knowledge about road signs and their purpose. Continue learning to paint. Cultivate neatness.

Paper, paints; simple pencil, samples of road signs

Quiz “What, where, when?”

Everyone should definitely know this with a high five.

Strengthen your knowledge of traffic rules and the ability to follow them in life. Develop

Tape recorder, pictures, cars.

Construction from waste material

So different

To consolidate children's knowledge about transport and rules of behavior on the street and in public transport. Develop creative and constructive abilities. Cultivate an interest in design.

Matchboxes, juice boxes, toilet rolls: papers, scissors, glue.

Games in the traffic police hall


Reinforce your knowledge of the correct way to cross the road. Develop attentiveness and the ability to navigate in space.

Bicycles, scooters, road sign layouts.

What kind of transport is this bicycle?

Introduce children to the history of the bicycle. Expand knowledge about means of transportation. Clarify safety rules for cycling, develop auditory attention and perception.

Illustrations of the invention and gradual improvement of the bicycle.

Guessing riddles and puzzles

Listen, think, guess

Develop children's thinking, memory, attention. Expand knowledge on PPD. Strengthen the ability to find violators.

Riddles, puzzles, plot pictures.

Family Art Competition

"Three traffic lights"

Involve parents in introducing children to PPD. To foster a responsible attitude towards observance of traffic rules by parents and children. Promote joint creativity between children and parents.


Know and follow the traffic rules!

To consolidate children's knowledge of PPD and the ability to observe them in the world around them. Improve your ability to navigate the current situation. Create an emotionally positive attitude.

Attributes for the holiday.


Clarify the amount of knowledge and skills acquired by children during the school year.

A long-term work plan to teach children traffic rules and safe behavior onon the road senior group


Teach children to freely navigate around the kindergarten: know all public buildings, be able to navigate V variety of vehicles in your neighborhood.

Instill rules for using route transport: passenger behavior at a stop, during boarding, while driving, when getting off.

Continue to introduce the rules of the road: basic terms and concepts, all elements of roads, responsibilities of pedestrians and passengers, rules for crossing railway crossings, warning signals given by the driver, traffic control devices.

Teach children to recognize signs: informational signs - “Pedestrian crossing”, “Underground pedestrian crossing”, “Bus and (or) trolleybus stop”; warning signs - "Children"; prohibitory signs - “Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”, “Bicycle traffic is prohibited”; mandatory signs - “Pedestrian path”, “Bicycle path”; priority signs - “ the main road", "Give Way"; service signs - “Hospital”, “Telephone”, “Food station”.

Learn to explain traffic conditions after a walk; observe the correct or incorrect actions of the driver, pedestrian, passenger, and the actions of the traffic controller.

Development indicators:

Children know that before crossing the roadway, stop at the edge of the roadway, look left, then right, and then left again and, if there is no danger, cross the roadway.

They know that they need to walk on the road and cross the roadway only in permitted places.

Follow the rules of safe behavior in public transport.

Program content


Preliminary work

Vocabulary work

DOW component

Related Forms of Work


Orientation of children in the kindergarten area. Preliminary diagnosis.

Familiarization with the layout of part of the village. To develop the ability to navigate the layout.

Model of part of the village, figures of pedestrians, models of vehicles, road signs, paper, marker

Review of equipment.


sidewalk, pedestrian, pedestrian crossing, roadway,

Drawing up a plan for part of the village.

Reinforcing the concept of “terrain plan”


Rules of conduct on the streets of the village, in public transport “Are we ready to become passengers?”

Formation of knowledge of behavior at public transport stops and in public transport.

Model of part of the village, figures of pedestrians, models of vehicles, road signs, attributes for the s/r game

Reading the book “Lessons in Politeness”

Sidewalk, pedestrian crossing, roadway, conductor, driver, passenger, public transport stop.

Game "Skillful Pedestrian"

C\r game "Bus"


Road signs “Pedestrian crossing the street”

General familiarization of children with road signs (warning, instructional signs)

Model of part of the village, figures of pedestrians, models of vehicles, road signs.

Walk to the road signs.

Sidewalk, pedestrian, pedestrian crossing, roadway, traffic police officer

Game "Signs Got Lost"

Labyrinth “Get to your destination according to the scheme”


Road signs

Familiarize children with prohibition signs.

Layout of part of the village, models of vehicles, prohibiting signs.

Examination of prohibition signs.

Sidewalk, pedestrian, pedestrian crossing, roadway, prohibitory signs: “danger”, “traffic prohibited”, etc.

Game “Why did Dunno have an accident?”

Drawing road signs.


Road signs

Familiarizing children with information and directional signs.

Model of part of the village, figures of pedestrians, models of vehicles, information and directional signs-dolls.

Review of information and directional signs.

Game "Journey of Lelik and Bolik"

Application “Information and directional signs”


Road signs

Familiarizing children with service signs.

Consideration of service signs.

Sidewalk, pedestrian, pedestrian crossing, roadway.

Game "Collect a sign"

Consolidation geometric shapes


Road signs. PPD

Generalization and systematization of ideas about actions to implement safety measures.

Model of part of the village, figures of pedestrians, models of vehicles, service signs.

Formation of skills and habits of safe behavior, vehicle models, road signs.

Sidewalk, pedestrian, pedestrian crossing, roadway.

Game “Evaluate the action”

Drawing “On an excursion”


Consolidation and systematization of PPD.

Reading literature, conversations, looking at illustrations.

Game "Smart Guys"

Watching the cartoon “Smeshariki, Traffic Rules”


Using the layout diagram, teach how to determine a safe route to kindergarten. To form in children a holistic perception of the surrounding road environment. Cultivate observation and discipline.

Model of part of the village, figures of pedestrians, puppet characters, models of vehicles, road signs.

Consolidation of PPD, addresses of children.

Sidewalk, pedestrian, pedestrian crossing, roadway, traffic police officer.

Developing a safe route from home to school.

The program is designed for children 7-8 years old and is designed for 1 year of implementation. Classes are held once a week for 35 minutes. This program is focused on studying the basics of safety aimed at ensuring personal safety on the road from all sources of threats, knowledge and skills in using the rules road traffic in life, which are one of the fragments of the culture of personal safety.



Municipal educational budgetary institution

secondary school No. 8 Beloretsk

Republic of Bashkortostan

"I affirm"

Director of MOBU Secondary School No. 8

Khaliullina A.I.

"___" ____________ 2010

Club program

"The ABCs of Road Safety"

for 1st grade

(for 1 year of implementation)

Tereshina L.G. - teacher

Primary classes

Beloretsk - 2010

Explanatory note

The development of the road network and the sharp increase in the number of vehicles gave rise to whole line problems. Road injuries are a problem that worries people all over the world. The fee is very expensive and not justified in any way.

The Government of the Russian Federation appeals to all road users to “concentrate their attention on strict adherence to traffic rules, on respect for each other, while remembering that our own life, as well as the life and health of any person, depends on our behavior on the roads and streets.” Being in society, each person, in one way or another, influences the level of safety of the people around him, and the safety of everyone largely depends on the level of formation of the culture of personal safety of a particular person. We face the urgent task of fostering a culture of personal safety, which is a component of universal human culture.

This program is focused on studying the basics of safety aimed at ensuring personal safety on the road from all sources of threats, knowledge and skills in using traffic rules in life, which are one of the fragments of a culture of personal safety.

The “ABC of Road Safety” program has the goal not of rote memorization of traffic rules, but of the formation and development cognitive activity oriented towards understanding danger and safety.

Classes are conducted in an accessible and interest-stimulating manner. Every lesson has an element of play.

The gaming technologies used in the program make it possible for the child to become involved in practical activities, in situations aimed at recreating and mastering the experience of safe behavior on roads and streets, in which self-management of behavior develops and improves.

The program is structured around three main activities:

  • Children are taught on the basis of modern pedagogical technologies theoretical knowledge: traffic rules and safe behavior on the street;
  • creative work of students (studying thematic illustrations, posters, slides and performing creative tasks that develop their cognitive abilities necessary for them to correctly and safely navigate the road environment);
  • practical training of coordination of movements, motor skills and skills of safe behavior on the streets, roads and in transport using a set of games (story-based, role-playing, games according to the rules, etc.) and special exercises (introductory, group, individual).

Relevance : when switching to federal state standards second generation modern requirements Education includes the need to focus on compliance with traffic rules and a culture of personal safety.

Novelty: 1) the number of hours has been increased by 3 times, which allows you to study the Traffic Rules more thoroughly.

2) education of a person who is well acquainted with modern problems life safety, aware of their exceptional importance, striving to solve these problems and at the same time wisely combine personal interests with the interests of society occurs through ICT, role playing games, creative tasks.

Basic goals: Protecting the life and health of young citizens, protecting their rights and legitimate interests by preventing road accidents


1. Develop motivation for safe behavior.

2.Teach the basic rules of the road.

3.Form a stable observation skill in various traffic situations.

4. To form personal and socially significant experience of safe behavior on the roads and streets

5. Develop skills of self-esteem, self-analysis of one’s behavior on the street

and in transport.

Methodology : thematic classes, conversations, game lessons, practical exercises, contests, competitions, quizzes for better knowledge of traffic rules, board games, role-playing, didactic games.

Contingent of trainees:children of primary school age 7-8 years old.

Implementation deadlines:the program lasts 1 year

Forms and mode of classes:The work of the “ABC of Road Safety” circle is designed for 33 hours, once a week, lasting 35 minutes. Classes are held in the classroom using a multimedia installation, board games, visual handouts and demonstration materials, watching films on traffic rules, and the invitation of a traffic police inspector.

Results: be able to apply knowledge of traffic rules in practice, highlight the necessary information; read information on road signs; assess the traffic situation.

have skills discipline, caution, anticipation of danger on the road without turning into a feeling of fear and fear.

know: history of traffic rules; safe route from home to school, road signs; traffic lights;

types of transport; causes of road accidents; rules of behavior in transport.

Summing up form:testing, celebration on the theme: “We know the rules of the road.”

Educational and thematic plan









The street is full of surprises.

Our city and its transport

Where and how to cross the road

Road to school

Our street, our area.

How they are born dangerous situations on the roads


Our faithful friends on the streets and roads.

Traffic signals

Game "Traffic Controller"

Road signs.

Prohibition signs

Warning signs

Special instructions and service marks


Dangerous situations on the roads

Know the rules of the road like a multiplication table

Where you can and cannot play. The pavement is not for play.

Features of driving on wet and slippery roads.


We are passengers

KVN “Transport and rules of behavior in it”

Be attentive and careful

Club of attentive pedestrians.

About markings on the road.


Little secrets of transport.


Travel etiquette.

A traffic police inspector visiting the guys.

Traffic rules test

Celebration “We know the rules of the road”


1. The street is full of surprises.Conversation, presentation, riddles, poems.

2. Our city and its transport. Puzzles, historical material, presentation “Special cars”, division of cars by purpose (work in pairs).

3.Where and how to cross the road.Poem by Y. Pishumov “The city in which...”, historical material, presentation (road markings, one-way and two-way streets), role-playing game.

4.Where and how to cross the road.A dramatized fairy tale based on traffic rules,game "find the mistake"group work.

5. The road to school. Working with a site plan,poem by S. Mikhalkov “The city is full of movement”, conversation (pedestrian rules), practical work (near school),parsing and analysis specific situations.

6.Our street, our area. Conversation, working with a neighborhood plan (find your street, house), individual work (mark your path on the map and dangerous places on it), analysis and analysis of work.

7. How dangerous situations arise on the roads.Conversation, historical material,traffic situations, practical work.

8. Quiz "Lucky case". Division into 3 teams (in rows), warm-up, troubles from a barrel, musical break (physical education), you to me - I to you, video questions from elders).

9. Our faithful friends on the streets and roads.Poem by G. Titov “I am above a noisy intersection”, historical material, conversation , poem by Y. Pishumov “Two brothers are on duty...”, independent work (draw 2 traffic lights: for cars and for pedestrians)

10.Traffic control signals. Crossword, blitz survey, conversation, presentation “Traffic Controller Signals”, game “Say the Word”, game "At the Crossroads".

11. Game "Traffic Controller".Riddles, role-playing game, presentation.

12.Road signs.Historical material, conversation, presentation, independent work (drawing a “Beware of children” sign)

13. Prohibition signs. Blitz survey, conversation, presentation, work in pairs (draw a sign, tell what you remember about it).

14.Warning signs. Blitz survey, conversation, poems by V. Golovko “Road Signs”, presentation ,

15.Special regulations and service marks. Blitz survey, conversation, poems by V. Golovko “Road Signs”, presentation , work in pairs (draw a sign of your choice, tell what you remember about it)

16.Dangerous situations on the roads. Conversation, analysis of situations (presentation “Dangerous situations”), game "Find out the road sign", role-playing game.

17.Dangerous situations on the roads. Conversation, role-playing game, work in groups (make up traffic rules based on what has been passed).

18. Game “Know the rules of the road like the multiplication table.”Warm-up, “Green Sign” quiz, “Three traffic lights” game,game “Allowed - prohibited”, competition – captains “Drivers Relay”,game “Crossroads of Mysteries”, game “Collect signs”, game “Funny traffic light”, game “Cyclist”, summing up, rewarding.

19.Where you can and cannot play. The pavement is not for play.Poems by G. Titov “A stupid duckling plays football”, conversation, presentation, role-playing game.

20. Features of driving on wet and slippery roads.Conversation, poetry, case study, presentation, dramatization.

21. We are passengers. Conversation, presentation, poetry, situation analysis, group work.

22.We are passengers. Conversation, blitz survey, excursion.

23.KVN “Transport and rules of conduct in it.”Warm-up, dramatization of situations, presentation, puzzles, game “who knows the most traffic rules?”

24.Be attentive and careful.Say the word, quiz, riddles, presentation, Domino game.

25. Club of attentive pedestrians.Conversation, game “insert the right word”, poetry, puzzles, game “Dominoes” (road signs), dramatization, presentation.

26.About the markings on the road.Blitz - survey, presentation, conversation, dramatization, role-playing game.

27.Crossroads. Conversation, presentation, film “Toropyzhka”, role-playing game.

28.Little secrets of transport.Role play, situation analysis, presentation, group work (come up with a rule)

29. Travel etiquette.Conversation, presentation, situation analysis, dramatization, role-playing game.

30. Travel etiquette.Role-playing game, work in groups (draw up rules of behavior), presentation.

31. A traffic police inspector visiting the guys.Conversation, quiz.

32. Traffic rules test. Test, presentation, riddles.

33. Celebration “We know the rules of the road.”Poems, dramatization, quiz, riddles, charades.


1. Three traffic lights. Didactic games, quizzes. M: Enlightenment, 1998

2. Filenko M.N. Schoolchildren about traffic rules. M: Enlightenment, 1985.

3. Knyazeva R.A. 100 tasks on traffic rules. M: Pedagogy, 1997

4. G.N. Shevchenko. Fundamentals of life safety. Volglgrad, 2003

5. S.N. Podgornaya. Thematic weeks in primary school. Moscow-Rostov-on-Don. IC "MarT" 2004

6. Materials from the newspaper “Good Road of Childhood”.

7.Encyclopedia “Everything about everything.”

8.Encyclopedia “What? Where? When?".

9. Encyclopedia “Pochemuchka”. - M.: Pedagogy, 1987.