Abstracts Statements Story

Diagnostics of meta-subject results. Monitoring of subject and meta-subject achievements of students Monitoring of meta-subject results in physics


subject and meta-subject achievements of students

In the field of education, a monitoring system is being developed that is aimed at obtaining independent, objective, comparable information about students’ educational achievements and activities teaching staff and educational institutions . Processing, analysis and interpretation of the information received will help develop policies and make management decisions aimed at improving the quality of education in different levels.

Monitoring is a system that allows you to track changes in learning outcomes over a certain time, compare them with conditions, resources and other factors that influence the education process, in order to identify the reasons that affect its quality.

Main monitoring functions:

Informational (obtaining information about the progress of each student;

Diagnostic (determining the student’s level of mastery of educational material);
-analytical (comparison of learning results with the requirements);

Corrective-regulatory (development of optimal ways to improve a student’s educational preparation).

Achievement of subject results is ensured through core academic subjects

When assessing subject results, it should be borne in mind that not only the student’s ability to reproduce specific knowledge and skills in standard situations (knowledge of algorithms for solving certain problems) should be assessed, but also the ability to use this knowledge when solving educational, cognitive and educational and practical problems , built on subject material using meta-subject actions; the ability to provide the necessary explanations and build a chain of logical justifications; the ability to compare, analyze, draw conclusions, sometimes in a non-standard situation; the ability to critically comprehend the results obtained; the ability to accurately and completely answer the question posed.

Assessment of the achievement of subject results is carried out during the following procedures using assessment tools:

Assessment procedures


Starting diagnostics

Starting (“input”) testing work

Current assessment

Independent work, test work, educational and cognitive tasks

Diagnostic work

Practical work

Laboratory work, etc.

final grade

Final test papers by subject

The main object of assessment of meta-subject results is the formation of students' regulatory, communicative and cognitive universal skills. educational activities.

Assessment of the achievement of meta-subject results is carried out during the following procedures using assessment tools:

Assessment procedures


Starting diagnostics

Starting complex work

Current assessment of meta-subject training

Intermediate and final complex work on an interdisciplinary basis, aimed at assessing the formation of cognitive, regulatory and communicative actions when solving educational, cognitive and educational and practical tasks based on working with text

Monitoring the implementation of educational and practical tasks

Educational and practical tasks aimed at the formation and assessment of communicative, cognitive, regulatory UUD

Ongoing assessment of the implementation of educational research and educational

Evaluation criteria for educational research and educational project

Final assessment of meta-subject training

Final comprehensive work on an interdisciplinary basis

Protection of the final individual project

Criteria for evaluating the final individual project

In chemistry lessons, monitoring is possible through a system of tasks:

UUD generation tools

Types of tasks


Use of special training programs in the course that have a didactic load related to the textbook material

A system of tasks illustrating the place of chemistry as a science in modern society

Tasks that allow you to:

To cultivate feelings of patriotism, pride for one’s Motherland, for Russian science

Refer to the history of science

To foster dedication, hard work, independence in acquiring new knowledge and skills, developing self-control and self-esteem skills

Be able to manage your cognitive activity

To develop aesthetic consciousness through the development of the artistic heritage of the peoples of Russia and the world, the connection of chemistry with literature and art

To develop respect for the achievements of chemistry (the significance and practical application of chemical knowledge and achievements of chemical science in everyday life, technology, medicine)

Form the foundations ecological culture, the values ​​of a healthy and safe lifestyle, awareness of the need for competent handling of substances in Everyday life, mastering the rules of individual and collective safe behavior in emergency situations, recognition of the high value of life in all its manifestations

Recognize the need for competent handling of substances in everyday life, correct behavior in extreme situations


Laboratory works

Experimental tasks

Practical work

Calculation problems

Tasks that allow you to:

Develop goal-setting skills and planning your activities

Find a solution algorithm, put forward hypotheses

Design, check and evaluate the final result, adjust

Work independently with information to complete a specific task


A system of tasks for which it is necessary to find and select the necessary information from various sources;

system of tasks for drawing up symbolic models, structural support diagrams

Tasks that allow you to:

Search and isolate the necessary information to explain phenomena

Select the most effective ways to solve problems

Structuring knowledge

The key to successful, effective education is the skill of semantic reading.

Tasks that form the skill of semantic reading through:

Method of compiling a pivot table

Technique for titling text

Technique for drawing up graph diagrams

Interpretation of information


Complex practical work


Didactic games

System of tasks for the development of oral scientific speech

A system of tasks for the development of a set of skills on which competent effective interaction is based

Tasks performed by groups of students, working pairs, and allowing:

Make up a story

Give a reasoned, reasoned answer, including in writing

Tasks that form personal universal learning actions.

Personal UUDs provide:

Value and semantic orientation of students

The ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles

Knowledge of moral standards and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior

Self-determination and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships

For example: Task. For the New Year holidays, Christmas trees were cut down from an area of ​​20 hectares.

Option 1: How much oxygen could these trees produce during the year?

(On average, 1 hectare of coniferous forest releases 7000 liters of oxygen per day.)

Option 2: How long (days) would this oxygen be enough for a person to breathe? (A person’s need for oxygen is 350 ml/min; during physical activity it reaches 5000 ml/min.).

Express your opinion about the problem of cutting down fir trees on the eve of the New Year holidays and suggest your ways to solve this problem.

Tasks that form regulatory universal educational actions

Regulatory universal educational activities provide:

Organization educational activities: goal setting, planning, forecasting, control, correction, assessment, elements of volitional self-regulation;

Performing laboratory experiments and practical work.

Task 1: What substance will precipitate if you mix solutions of silver nitrate and of hydrochloric acid? Write the reaction equations. Can we expect precipitation to form if we take sulfuric acid instead of hydrochloric acid? phosphorus? Test your assumptions experimentally.

Task 2: Independent work with information to complete a specific task based on the use of the textbook content. What factors determine the speed of the reaction? Continue filling out the table. Try to give examples in it that are different from those described in the text of the paragraph. Fill the table

Tasks that form cognitive universal educational actions

Cognitive universal educational activities provide:

Students' proficiency in logical and symbolic UUD;

Independent creation of activity algorithms when solving problems of a creative and search nature;

Formation of information and cognitive competence;

Establishing connections in any field of knowledge;

Ability to perform simple logical actions, compound logical operations;

Specific ways transform educational material and represent modeling actions.

Exercise 1. Convert schema

The combustion of hydrogen sulfide H 2 S is described by the reaction scheme:

Н 2 S +?O 2 → ? SO 2 + ?H 2 O.

Arrange the coefficients by converting this diagram into a reaction equation.

The formation of universal logical actions can be facilitated by performing laboratory experiments, practical work and educational tasks in which it is necessary to define concepts, make generalizations, establish cause-and-effect relationships, formulate conclusions, complete missing components, select grounds and criteria for comparing and classifying objects.

Task2. Logical chain. Write reaction equations corresponding to the following schemes and determine the type of each reaction:

a) HBr → H 2 → ͢Ca

Tasks that form communicative universal educational actions.

Communicative universal educational activities provide:

Social competence and conscious orientation of students to the positions of other people

Ability to listen and engage in dialogue, participate in collective discussion of problems

Ability to build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults

Exercise 1:

Prepare a story about the use of non-metals. Offer several sources of information on this topic and exchange lists with classmates.

Task 2: Determining the acidity of some foods. Examine for indicators the effect of acids included in food products: apple juice, lemon juice, acetic acid solution, Pepsi-Cola, Fanta. Record the results of the study in a table.

Goal: the formation of communicative actions associated with the ability to carry out joint activities, with the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor, to understand the possibility of different bases for evaluating the same subject, to take into account different opinions and to be able to justify one’s own.

Of course, such tasks form not only communicative learning activities, but also regulatory, cognitive and personal ones.

The formation of regulatory, communicative and cognitive UUD in its entirety is considered as the main content of the meta-subject educational results designated by the Federal State Educational Standard.

Achieving meta-subject results through the use of ICT in physics lessons in the 7th grade.

I. Currently, pedagogical theory and practice is undergoing major changes taking place in the education system, which are reflected in regulatory documents at the federal level: Federal Law Russian Federation“On Education” of December 29, 2012, Order No. 273-FZ; Strategy innovative development Russian Federation for the period until 2020 dated December 8, 2011, Order No. 227.

According to the new generation state standard, the study of physics in primary school is aimed at achieving the following main goals:
development of interests and abilities of students based on the transfer of knowledge and experience of cognitive and creative activities;
students’ understanding of the meaning of basic scientific concepts and laws of physics, the relationship between them;
formation of students’ ideas about the physical picture of the world.
Achieving these goals is ensured by solving the following tasks:
introducing students to the method scientific knowledge and methods of studying objects and natural phenomena;
developing students' observation skills natural phenomena and perform experiments, laboratory work and experimental studies using measuring instruments, widely used in practical life;
students’ understanding of the differences between scientific data and unverified information, the value of science for satisfying everyday, industrial and cultural human needs.
Also in the law on education, universal educational activities are distinguished:

a) cognitive UUD:

Independent identification and formation of a cognitive goal;

Search and selection of necessary information, application of information retrieval methods, including using computer tools, formulation and formulation of the problem;


Universal logical actions.

b) regulatory UUD:

Ability to learn and ability to organize one’s activities;

Ability to act according to plan;

Formation of determination and perseverance in achieving goals.

Ability to interact with adults and peers in educational activities.

c) communicative:

Ability to listen and engage in dialogue;

Participate in a collective discussion of the problem;

Initiative cooperation in collecting information, etc.

The project method develops the student’s thinking and such extra-subject skills as:

To plan;

Take measurements;

Present results in various sign systems;

Make a logically structured message;

Work in a team

The peculiarity of the new generation state standard lies in the formation of the student’s worldview adequate to the modern level of development of science, which at the moment is very difficult, since modern physics is constantly in development and today we need to talk about the latest trends in science (high energy physics, nanotechnology).

As a result, a contradiction arises between the requirements of the state standard of the new generation and the existing reality: on the one hand, the teacher must form a worldview aimed at modern science, develop cognitive interests in the study of physics, on the other hand, existing textbooks that do not meet the requirements of the new standard are outdated in content and traditional in form (devoid of interactivity) (authors of the textbook from grades 7-9 Peryshkin A.V., from 10-11 class G.Ya. Myakishev). Such textbooks are not able to fully form a view of modern science and do not provide the opportunity for the maximum development of cognitive interests; required from the teacher high level self-organization and self-development to ensure the possibility of full and advanced development of students.

II. I have allocated for myself professional problem: the teacher’s readiness and ability to identify, systematize, and generalize natural science knowledge that is ahead of the content of programs in natural science direction and form this knowledge in students in the form of meta-subject results.

    IN Federal law The Russian Federation “On Education” dated September 1, 2013 provides the main methodological principles:

Compliance with the educational standard in physics, taking into account federal and regional components;

Strengthening intra-subject and inter-subject integration;

Interaction of natural science and humanities knowledge;

Active methodology aimed at stimulating independent activity of students;

Strengthening the practical orientation of the course, allowing you to use the acquired knowledge and skills in everyday life.

Meta-subject results of teaching physics in basic school are:

        Mastering the skills of independently acquiring new knowledge, organizing educational activities, setting goals, planning, self-control and evaluation of the results of one’s activities, the ability to foresee the possible results of one’s actions;

    Formation of skills to perceive, process and present information in verbal, figurative, symbolic forms, analyze and process the information received in accordance with the assigned tasks, highlight the main content of the text read, find answers to the questions posed in it and present it;

    Understanding the differences between basic facts and hypotheses to explain them, theoretical models and real objects, mastery of universal educational activities using examples of hypotheses to explain known facts and experimental verification of put forward hypotheses, development of theoretical models of processes or phenomena;

With the introduction of new educational standards at the school, the material and technical base also changed. We now have access to laptops, multimedia projectors, an interactive whiteboard, and every classroom now has access to the Internet.

Then I began to actively use IR technologies in my lessons.

In order to maintain the principle of consistency and test the effectiveness of new technologies, grade 7 was chosen.

The use of ICT in physics lessons for 3 years (grades 7-9) will reveal changes in the level of proficiency in the skills of independent acquisition of new knowledge, organization of educational activities, formation of skills to perceive, process and present information in verbal, figurative, symbolic forms, analyze and process the received information in accordance with the assigned tasks, understanding the differences between initial facts and hypotheses to explain them, theoretical models and real objects, mastering universal educational activities using examples of hypotheses to explain known facts and experimental testing of put forward hypotheses, developing theoretical models of processes or phenomena.

Table 1. Results of using ICT in achieving meta-subject results (%)

Meta-subject result




Levels of formation

2010-2011 academic year

(ICT was not used)

2011-2012 academic year

2012-2013 academic year

2013-2014 academic year

The results have not been summed up

IV. What changes need to be made to educational process to solve the identified problem?

First of all, when using ICT, the structure of the lesson will change. The lesson will consist of six stages (let's look at them using the example of a lesson on the topic: “Reflection of light”:

Repetition of covered material

Updating existing knowledge

1. Computer test “Light sources. Rectilinear propagation of light" - own resource (4 people)

2. Explanation of observed phenomena during oral questioning. Video "Formation of shadow and penumbra", animation "Solar and lunar eclipses" - (ready-made electronic educational resources from the sites "Classroom Physics", "Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources" http://class-fizika.narod.ru, http://school-collection.edu.ru)

3. Messages from students “Shadow Theater”, “Sundial” (use of EER by students in preparation for the lesson)

Goal setting

Formation of cognitive motives for educational activities: desire to discover knowledge, acquire skills

Main activity with ICT tools

The teacher’s formulation of the problem and the students’ awareness of the purpose of cognitive activity: Animation “Flat Mirror” (ready-made electronic educational resources from the site “Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources” http://school-collection.edu.ru)

Discovery of new knowledge

Formation of the foundations of theoretical thinking, the ability to determine the content and sequence of actions to solve a given problem

Main activity with ICT tools

Formation of knowledge of the definitions of basic concepts: “incident ray”, “reflected ray”, “angle of incidence”, “angle of reflection”, “mirror reflection”, “diffuse reflection”, “reversibility of a light beam”; law of light reflection - animation "Law of light reflection" (ready-made EOR from the site "Unified collection of TsOR" http://school-collection.edu.ru)

Practicing training actions

Formation of skills to apply new knowledge in practice

Main activity with ICT tools

Checking the correct execution of tasks - own resource ( computer presentation)


Forming the ability to objectively assess the extent of one’s progress towards the lesson goal

Main activity with ICT tools

Projecting a Score Sheet


Planning educational and cognitive activities of students in preparation for the next lesson

Main activity with ICT tools

Messages by topic:

"The history of the creation and principle of operation of the periscope", "The history of the creation and principle of operation of the kaleidoscope", "Tricks with mirrors", "Palace of Illusions", "Torture with mirrors"

b) Means of training and education:

Educational books, textbooks, manuals, reference books, dictionaries in electronic form;

Teaching aids for working in remote access mode

Training, testing systems;

Audio, video, media libraries;

Electronic libraries with remote access;

Learning tools based on teaching systems;

Training tools based on virtual reality.

c) Controls:

Observation (not always an objective assessment);

Test (Test form is one of the currently relevant forms of knowledge quality control, since it allows for objective, effective and quick diagnosis and obtaining a clear picture of academic performance, as well as systematizing control)

A system for assessing the achievement of the planned results of mastering the Main Program is under development.

At the first stage, you can take the collections of programs of the educational complex “Perspective” as a basis.

1. The collection of programs of the educational complex “Perspective” describes the requirements for the level of preparation by the end of each year of study: “The student will learn” and “The student will have the opportunity to learn” in the process of independent, pair, group and collective work.

V. In my work, I described for myself the changes in the conditions that ensure the achievement of new educational results

In personnel:

Advanced training courses for teachers at CIPCRO;

Pedagogical councils, reports from teachers for the exchange of experience and recommendations;

Methodological associations physics and mathematics teachers

In scientific and methodological:

Toolkit for parents;

Scientific and methodological library

In logistics:

Scientific films and clips,


Electronic catalog of periodicals on the subject

Access to educational sites

Acquisition educational literature.

In organizational:

Usage various types activities of students;

Joint activity of the teacher and student through an imitation game, role-playing game

Subject events

In legal and regulatory matters:

Calendar and thematic planning, technological maps.

List of sources and literature:

    Federal State educational standard main general education dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897

    Second generation standards. Sample programs in physics for grades 7-9.-M: Enlightenment. – 2010

    Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 (Approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2008, order No. 1662)

    Strategy for innovative development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 (by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 8, 2011, order No. 2927-r).

    Modernization concept Russian education for the period until 2010 // Bulletin of Education of Russia. – 2002. - No. 6. – P. 11-40.

    Physics 7th grade. Physics textbook UMK School 2013

Diagnostics of meta-subject results. Achieving meta-subject results - mastering interdisciplinary concepts and mastering the ECU (cognitive, communicative and regulatory). Types of diagnostics. ASSESSMENT BASED ON THE RESULTS OF COMPLETING THE TASK Reading literacy (Prosveshcheniye publishing house). Example 1 Cognitive educational skills: reading, working with information, general logical skills, methodological skills. Example 2 EVALUATION IN THE PROCESS OF COMPLETING THE TASK Communicative and regulatory ECM - project activities. Example 3.

Picture 13 from the presentation “Grades in Physics” for physics lessons on the topic “Teaching physics”

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Physics training

“Forms and methods of teaching physics” - Novelty of the material. Creative tasks. The need for training sessions. Techniques for increasing interest in studying a subject. Didactic games. Using various techniques to increase interest in studying physics. Three seasons. Dear mother. Information Technology. Differentiated approach. Statement of the problem before studying a new topic.

“Methods of teaching physics” - Heuristic conversation. Contents of educational material. Working with crossword puzzles in physics. Two sides of fun. Formation of cognitive interests. Lessons-seminars. A scheme for instilling students' passion for the subject. Situational interest. Organization of educational activities. The main purpose of training.

“Thinking in physics lessons” - Techniques and methods for developing spatial thinking. Formation of multidimensionality. Pedagogical idea. Productivity. Monitoring the quality of knowledge. Creative thinking in physics lessons. The structure of spatial thinking. Theoretical basis of experience. Conditions of occurrence. Business card. Labor intensity.

“Physics Test” - To correct the current situation, I propose a practice-tested method of achieving solid knowledge of all the basic material. Various forms of conducting a frontal survey in physics. The topic is "Ohm's Law for a Section of a Circuit." Calculation tasks. Conducting the survey at a fast pace. After a short period of time ( academic quarter, half a year) students do not remember the previously learned material well.

““Physics” by Tikhomirov and Yavorsky” - Physics and national defense. Workbook. Understanding is more important than knowing. Minimizing the textbook. UMK in Physics edited by Tikhomirova S.A. and Yavorsky B.M.. The train is rushing, the road dust has not gotten wet. What attracted the attention of the UMK, edited by S.A. Tikhomirova? and B.M Yavorsky. Two caterpillars rise up the tree with the same absolute speed.

“Physics grades” - Grading system. Assessment of achievement of subject results. Examples of tasks for final control. Basic indicators. Final grade. Diagnostics of meta-subject results. Three systems of requirements. Federal State Educational Standard. Approaches to diagnosing educational achievements in physics. Range of tasks. Planned results. Physics.

There are a total of 24 presentations in the topic

The new requirements for student results established by the standard necessitate changing the content of education based on the principles of meta-subjectivity as a condition for achieving high quality education. Today, the meta-subject approach and meta-subject learning outcomes are considered in connection with the formation of universal learning activities (ULA) as a psychological component fundamental core education.

“Metasubject technologies – pedagogical ways of working with students’ thinking, communication, action, understanding and reflection.

The use of meta-subject technologies in the teaching of traditional academic subjects allows students to demonstrate the processes of development of scientific and practical knowledge, to reorganize training courses, including contemporary issues, challenges and problems that are significant to young people. Meta-subject training is a technology that allows you to really improve quality educational process through working with abilities student.

The main ideas of the meta-subject approach:

  1. Knowledge, in the structure of cognition they play the role of signs of the psyche for orientation in the world around them, being a unit of metaknowledge;
  2. Metaknowledge, acting as a holistic picture of the world from a scientific point of view, they form the basis of development, integrating the figurative and theoretical;
  3. Metasubjectivity allows you to form a holistic imaginative vision of the world, avoiding the fragmentation of knowledge and “didactic training”;
  4. Monitoring designed to track the individual level of development of theoretical thinking.”

What may be the methods, techniques and options for implementing conditions that ensure the formation and development of meta-subject new formations in students to the appropriate levels. Let's consider some areas of teacher activity:

– Personality development and social adaptation (students’ performance in various social roles) when performing educational and cognitive activities in physics in a pair, group, class team, multi-age educational team. For example, conducting modeling and design lessons when learning new material:

  1. Mental (ideal ) intuitive – This is a modeling based on an intuitive understanding of the object of study. Iconic – this is modeling that uses symbolic transformations of some kind as models: diagrams, graphs, drawings, formulas
  2. Construction Lesson: This can be considered as a separate type of lesson, or as an integral part of a modeling lesson. The main task of this type of lesson is to construct a new concept (method) based on the construction of “meaningful abstraction and meaningful generalization.” Here there is a group form of communication, and then the whole class discusses the solution options and, based on them, the method (concept) is recorded in a notebook. The lesson, as always, ends with reflection, as a result of which the children formulate the “discoveries” that they made during the lesson

Humanitarianization of the content of physics training courses through the inclusion of materials reflecting the relationship between physics and art, elements of the history of physics and biographies of scientists, elements of biophysics (including humans), natural and environmental nature. Great opportunities for the implementation of this component are provided by elective courses of pre-professional training and specialized schools, which are introduced into the curriculum in accordance with the Concept of Profile Education at the senior level of school. For several years I have been conducting an elective course “Young Researcher”. This elective course is intended for 9th grade students, it is interdisciplinary and lasts 8 hours. I use the following forms of work with students: lectures and seminars, work with literature with further presentation of results, students preparing messages using the latest information (from the Internet, scientific and popular science periodicals), students completing projects. Student reporting forms for this course can be: notes with a solution to the problem, project work, creative work.

Humanization relations between the subjects of the learning process, which presupposes treating each subject as the highest value through the use of an integrative-differentiated approach to learning, focused on the implementation of two main educational tasks - the formation of an integral idea of ​​the world (a single scientific picture world) and creating conditions for each student to demonstrate their individuality and uniqueness as a property of the Personality. For example, the annual holding of the “Physics-Worldview-Technology” conference in the 11th grade makes it possible to attract all students in the class and everyone chooses the form and content of participation.

Issues for discussion:

  1. Is the 21st century a century in which the world is ruled by physics?
  2. Was Prometheus right when he gave people fire?
  3. What is most important on Earth?

Thus, physics, as a core representative of the system of natural scientific knowledge, has enormous social and humanitarian potential, and the current state of the educational sphere requires focusing methodological attention and efforts on the disclosure and implementation of this potential.

My fairly extensive practice has made it possible to determine the following structure for the implementation of “Metasubjectivity” in physics lessons and during extracurricular hours:

1) lessons involving some knowledge learned from other academic subjects (physics, chemistry, astronomy, geography, history, etc.):

  • Searching for the necessary information in various sources and the Internet (children make messages, find drawings and make them themselves, photographs for classes).
  • Using Job Types : Read a short text about Baikal.

“Lake Baikal is a huge reservoir of fresh water. The temperature of the surface layers of water in Baikal in summer is +8…+9 °C, and in some bays - +15 °C. The temperature of the deep layers is about +4 °C at any time of the year. The water mass of Lake Baikal influences the climate of the coastal area. The onset of spring on Lake Baikal is delayed by 10–15 days compared to adjacent areas, and autumn is often quite long.” Explain: A) why the temperature of the deep layers of the lake is +4 °C. B) why near Lake Baikal both spring and winter come later than in surrounding areas.

To answer, use reference materials on the properties of water.

2) We carry out observations and experiments during independent activities, and not according to instructions. Students are asked to: perform an experiment demonstrating that when the direction of current in a conductor changes, the direction also changes magnetic field around a conductor carrying current. I give the algorithm:

– Select the required equipment
– Assemble the installation.
– Demonstrate the experience and comment on it according to the following plan:
– What assumption was tested in the experiment?
– What equipment was chosen for the experiment and why?
– What was observed during the experiment?
– What conclusion can be drawn from the results of the experiment?

3) Students successfully complete homework throughout the year. For example: I tested and used tasks for 7th grade students, which were proposed by V.G. Razumovsky, V.A. Orlov, Yu. I. Dick:

“Study 1

  • Consider the device of a medical thermometer (thermometer) to measure a person’s body temperature. After analyzing it, write down the information obtained in the table: Thermometer scale division price. The upper limit of the thermometer scale. The lower limit of the thermometer scale. Thermometer error.
  • Give your guess about what physical phenomenon underlies the action (work) of a thermometer.
  • Take your temperature. Record the measurement result in the table
  • .

Study 2

  • Consider the design of a medical syringe and characterize it as a device for measuring volume (in the absence of a syringe, this can be done with a beaker or measuring cup).
  • After examining and analyzing the device, write down the results in the table: Syringe scale division value. Upper limit of the scale.
  • Using a syringe, determine the volume of the utensil you are using - a tablespoon, a teaspoon, a cup.
  • Write the results of the experiments, taking into account the absolute measurement error, into the table.

4) For the practical application of universal educational actions, I propose systematic exercises. For example:

  1. Using a measuring tape, measure the length and width of your room and calculate its area.
  2. There are 24 hours in a day. Express this time in minutes and seconds. Write these numbers in standard form.
  3. The length of the demonstration table in the physics classroom is 2.4 m. Express this length in kilometers, decimeters, centimeters and millimeters.

5) Great importance have general lessons. In order to consciously construct a speech utterance in oral and written form, I suggest that students use flowcharts like:

  • Device, instrument, mechanism –

1) purpose; 2) device; 3) operating principle; 4) application; 5) conditions of use;

  • physical quantity -

1) definition; 2) designation; 3) formula for calculation; 4) unit of measurement; 5) a device for measuring.

Students in grades 9-11 actively participate in preparing and conducting business games on physics course topics. These are: 1. “We are building a power plant.” 2. Meeting of the design bureau (Heat engines). 3. Electrification trial. 4. Meeting of the government apparatus “Ecological problems of the region” and others.

6) I use the solution of non-traditional systematizing problems in specialized training. These are tasks that do not go beyond the scope of the school curriculum, but require a non-standard approach to solve. Let's consider problems on the topic “Molecular physics and fundamentals of thermodynamics.” A special place is occupied by problems of translating the graph of a certain gas process from one coordinate to another. In this case, it is necessary to correctly write down the functional relationship between the parameters of the thermodynamic system according to the conditions of the problem and obtain the desired function of the parameters in the required coordinates.

Task. How did the gas pressure change during the process shown in Fig. 2?

Solution. Let's draw a series of isobars in coordinates (V, T)(Fig. 3), which are straight lines passing through the origin of coordinates. It is obvious that in section 1-2 the pressure drops), and in sections 2-3 and 3-1 it increases.

7) Monitoring meta-subject results. “The meta-subject results of teaching physics in primary school are:

  • mastering the skills of independently acquiring new knowledge, organizing educational activities, setting goals, planning, self-control and evaluation of the results of one’s activities, the ability to foresee the possible results of one’s actions;
  • understanding the differences between initial facts and hypotheses to explain them, theoretical models and real objects, mastering universal educational activities using examples of hypotheses to explain known facts and experimental testing of put forward hypotheses, developing theoretical models of processes or phenomena;
  • formation of skills to perceive, process and present information in verbal, figurative, symbolic forms, analyze and process the information received in accordance with the assigned tasks, highlight the main content of the text read, find answers to questions posed in it and present it;
  • acquiring experience in independent search, analysis and selection of information using various sources and new information technologies to solve cognitive problems;
  • development of monologue and dialogic speech, the ability to express one’s thoughts and the ability to listen to the interlocutor, understand his point of view, recognize the right of another person to have a different opinion;
  • mastering methods of action in non-standard situations, mastering heuristic and problem solving methods;
  • developing the skills to work in a group while performing various social roles, to present and defend one’s views and beliefs, and to lead a discussion.”

Reflection on performance results (takes place in a different form at each lesson). For diagnostics and formation of cognitive universal educational actions, the following types of tasks are appropriate: “find the differences” (you can set their number); search for the superfluous; “labyrinths”; ordering; “chains”; ingenious solutions; drawing up support diagrams; working with different types of tables; diagramming and recognition; working with dictionaries; find errors; conduct an experiment; story based on a drawing; complete the sentence; selection of terms from the text, etc. In order to check the level of development of students’ experimental skills, I conduct control laboratory work. At the same time, in accordance with the structure of the experiment, it was based on the assumption that students, first of all, must perform the following actions: formulate the purpose of the experiment; formulate and justify a hypothesis; find out the experimental conditions; design an experiment; select the necessary devices, materials, tools; assemble the installation; carry out the designed experiments; carry out calculations; draw conclusions based on the analysis. The results of observations, analysis of test papers, and student surveys are reflected in the table.

Summary table of the results of the effectiveness of mastery by 7th grade students of the main types of educational and cognitive activities in the 2011-2012 academic year

We assign a certain value of the corresponding coefficient to each level of formation of a particular criterion: Level of mastery: low, non-generalized T = 0.00 – 0.30; medium, narrow generalization T = 0.31 – 0.60; high, broad generalization T = 0.61 – 1.00.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the teacher today must become a designer of new pedagogical situations, new tasks aimed at using generalized methods of activity and creating students’ own products in mastering knowledge. Therefore, today it is important not so much to give the child as much knowledge as possible, but to ensure his general cultural, personal and cognitive development, to equip him with such important skills as ability to learn. This is the main task of the new educational standards, which are designed to realize the developmental potential of general secondary education and one of the main areas of teacher activity.


  1. Methodological recommendations to help course participants in the “Best Teacher” nomination at the regional stage All-Russian competition“Teacher of the Year in Russia 2011” in physics Kovalenko L.G., senior Lecturer at the Department of Mathematics and Physics SKIPKRO.
  2. V.G.Razumovsky, V.A.Orlov, Yu.I.Dik “Methods of teaching physics. 7th grade".
  3. Second generation standards. Sample syllabus for physics. (Basic school).
  4. A.V. Fedotova. “The role of universal educational activities in the system of modern general education.”

“Achieving meta-subject results

in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

in physics lessons"

“It is necessary to teach not the content of science, but the activity of mastering it”

V.G. Belinsky

Today, the concepts of “meta-subject” and “meta-subject learning” are gaining particular popularity. This is understandable, since the meta-subject approach is the basis of the new standards.

The new requirements for student results established by the standard necessitate changing the content of education based on the principles of meta-subjectivity as a condition for achieving high quality education. Today, the meta-subject approach and meta-subject learning outcomes are considered in connection with the formation of universal learning activities (ULAs) as a psychological component of the fundamental core of education.

The new generation of Federal State Educational Standards is based on a system-activity approach, the main goal of which is the development of the student’s personality and his educational and cognitive activity. Within the framework of the system-activity approach, the student masters universal actions in order to be able to solve any problems. The existing flow of information sometimes poses an impossible task for students: how to find not only the necessary, but also reliable information? How to distinguish it? What source of information can be considered reliable? The ability to work with sources of information, and, above all, with the Internet, is necessary for further successful activities students. Consequently, the teacher himself must fully master this technology.

The new standards outline the requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program, and the notorious “metasubject” results were added to the subject results.

Society is changing, requirements for individuals and employees are changing. The world has become more dynamic and rapidly changing. The development of communications, the Internet, and the increase in the amount of information require a person to go out into adult life skills: quickly find the necessary information, self-develop and self-educate, keep up with the times, distinguish lies from truth in a huge flow of contradictory information, and therefore be able to compare a large number of sources of information, be a widely educated person.

In addition to subject KNOWLEDGE and SKILLS, META-subject skills are needed.

Metaitems is a new educational form that is built on top of traditional academic subjects. This - academic subject a new type, which is based on the mental-activity type of integration of educational material and the principle of a reflexive attitude towards the basic organization of thinking - “knowledge”, “sign”, “problem”, “task”.

Meta-subject results of teaching physics in basic school are:

Mastering the skills of independently acquiring new knowledge, organizing educational activities, setting goals, planning, self-control and evaluation of the results of one’s activities, the ability to foresee the possible results of one’s actions;

Formation of skills to perceive, process and present information in verbal, figurative, symbolic forms, analyze and process the information received in accordance with the assigned tasks, highlight the main content of the text read, find answers to the questions posed in it and present it;

Gaining experience in independent search, analysis and selection of information;

Mastering methods of action in non-standard situations, mastering heuristic methods of problem solving.

Metasubject methods- a special type of cognitive teaching methods, which are meta-methods corresponding to the meta-content of heuristic education. (A.V. Khutorskoy):

· Method of semantic vision;

· Implantation method;

· Method of figurative vision;

· Method of graphic associations;

· Method of phonetic associations, combined;

· Method of symbolic vision;

· Method of hypotheses (working, real);

· Observation method;

· Method of comparisons;

· Method of heuristic conversations;

· Error method;

· Regression method.

Meta-subject training

Involves new forms of working with children:

  • Anthropological expeditions,
  • Ability Tournaments,
  • Organizational and activity games,

Now the emphasis is shifting to mastering “methods of mastery” (forgive the tautology), I think the meaning of meta-subjectivity is now clear.

For example, mathematics is a meta-subject. It allows you to master analytical methods that are later used in the study of other disciplines (physics, economics, etc.).

What tasks do we set?

The first task is motivation. As we become more interested in the subject, we move on to the second task - the scientific nature of knowledge, that is, to move from simple to complex. Well, the third task is creativity. And experimental activities will help with all this.

Entertaining experiments in physics, simple and easy, are suitable for motivation.

The transition to “scientific” is carried out by complicating the tasks for the experiment; in addition to observation, there are tasks of calculating the error of the experimental results, the objectivity of the conclusions, taking into account the chosen model, as well as the reverse process: constructing a hypothesis, choosing a model, predicting the results and their experimental verification. This can be achieved either in laboratory work or in physical practice. You can also use interactive learning tools.

The third stage is a consequence of the previous two, since creativity without motivation and science is impossible. Here you can use creative tasks, experimental problems in physics can be taken from regional and Russian Olympiads, on the Internet.

After all that has been said, it would be reasonable to ask the question WHEN will I be able to do all this in class?

If you look at the purpose and objectives of each type of experimental activity, you will see that they completely coincide with the requirements of the new standards.

It is necessary to move away from “teaching at the blackboard”, when the teacher explains, when several students are responsible for the entire lesson, monologues and dialogues are outdated. ACTIVE forms of conducting lessons and a transition to activity-based learning are needed. It's more interesting for children.

“A bad teacher presents the truth, a good teacher teaches you to find it” A. Disterweg

“The independence of the student’s head is the only solid foundation of any fruitful teaching.” K. Ushinsky

“The only path leading to knowledge is action.”

“The purpose of education is to teach children to do without us.”

Ernst Legouwe

“The purpose of educating a child is to enable him to develop without the help of a teacher.” E. Hubbard

When studying school subject In Physics, three main tasks can be identified for the student:

  • master physical concepts and terms,
  • learn to work with formulas,
  • be able to predict using concepts, terms and formulas physical properties, phenomena, processes, that is, to predict what the result will be under certain conditions.

At the same time, by classifying, drawing diagrams, highlighting the categories that stand behind these diagrams, the student receives a universal way of working and sees how the subject is structured. This is necessary for him in mastering this subject, and is also applicable in other areas. Thus, he masters meta-subject technology. From a passive consumer of knowledge, the student must become an active subject educational activities. The student must learn the ability to independently obtain new knowledge, collect the necessary information, put forward hypotheses, draw conclusions and conclusions, that is, he must become a living participant in the educational process.

To achieve this goal, I use a variety of problem-based and game-based tasks, during which students creatively apply their knowledge and determine what skills they lack. The didactic game allows you to implement all the leading functions of learning: educational, educational and developmental.

The game forms a positive attitude of schoolchildren towards learning, allows them to activate cognitive activity students, develops imagination and memory, creates a special emotional background for the assimilation of knowledge. I use games both to process new material (as exercises) and to monitor students’ knowledge.

At the beginning of the lesson, I pose a problem to the students so that, as a result of their independent search for a solution to the problem, they make a discovery for themselves. For example, in 8th grade, when studying various types of heat transfer - problematic issue is “Is the fur coat warm?” We also find out whether ice cream will melt faster if it is covered with a fur coat or placed under a fan? Whatever the topic for students primary school when conducting research work!? During the lesson, I see the need to guide students to independently obtain and assimilate knowledge, I plan individual, group and paired forms of organizing students’ activities. I provide schoolchildren with the opportunity to perform a task in a variable manner, while students freely express their thoughts in front of an audience, prove their point of view, are not afraid to express their opinions, identify controversial issues and discuss them in groups. As a result, during the lesson I only guide the students and give them recommendations. Even control lessons when organizing group work provide an opportunity to form universal learning activities.

In order to shape thinking, I use various forms of cognitive tasks:

1) questions (for example, “How do mosquitoes find us in the dark?”, “Why do many animals sleep curled up in a ball in cold weather?”);

2) exercises;

3) computational and experimental physical problems (determine the thickness of a sheet in a common notebook);

4) didactic games (“Physical puzzles”, “Physical dominoes”);

5) riddles (Logogriff, Metagram, Anagram, Charade);

6) proverbs (about friction, for example);

7) physical dictations;

8) tests different types, up to those compiled by the students themselves;

9) quizzes;

10) essays using physical terms;

11) fairy tales;

12) solving problems with the plot of literary masterpieces (the concept of the resultant using the example of Krylov’s fable “The Swan, the Crayfish and the Pike”), etc.

Studying physics cannot be reduced to rote memorization alone theoretical material and problem solving algorithm. The use of a problem-heuristic method of cognition makes it possible to develop the student’s personal interest in the subject being studied, to activate his associative thinking, which undoubtedly improves the quality of students’ knowledge.

It doesn’t matter which method we choose, but everyone should work in the lesson and the experiment should go through everyone, the study of the subject should be based on independent work with both sources of information (books, the Internet), group and individual interaction with classmates, experimental homework, etc. . To realize all this, the teacher himself needs to change. It is necessary to master a huge amount of information on physical experiments, forms and methods of group work, methods of problem-based and partially search-based learning.

T.K. We use personalized learning, then regarding teaching for students who have not chosen physics as a profile, I propose, based on the meta-subject and subject requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for other profiles, to structure a lesson so that students study physics through these ways of knowing. This way you achieve all your goals. And you teach your subject and at the same time form meta-subject skills in your students. For example, philologists should be offered more work on analyzing texts, interpreting textual information, highlighting meaning, as well as forming short reviews. For the social and humanitarian profile, you can build lessons according to the scheme of the influence of this discovery on the development of mankind, the course of history, as well as by analyzing various sources of information, which is required of them in the Federal State Educational Standard for History. For chem-bio, it would be possible to construct a lesson from the question of how to treat or diagnose with the help of a given medical device, or how the chemical reaction in the body and so on and so forth. In short, build lessons so that children see the role of physics in their core subjects and learn physics through them and them through physics.

In the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard, the teacher must be able to organize the activities of students in such a way that conditions are created for the formation of both the educational attainment and the subject and meta-subject competencies of the students themselves. I am confident that the use of the methods listed above by teachers should develop in students independence, free communication, the ability to express their point of view, interest in the subject, and the ability to consciously perceive information. Modern teacher must understand that the best assimilation of knowledge by students occurs only in the process of their own mental activity and independence.

Based on the above, we can conclude that training sessions in physics, the formation of universal educational actions for schoolchildren is taking place. Consequently, we can judge the implementation of a meta-subject approach in teaching, which contributes to the creation of a worldview and creative thinking of students, not only in the field of natural science, but also brings it closer to real life and everyday practice.