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Successfully prepare for the exam. How to prepare for the Unified State Exam from scratch? Where to start preparing for the exam

A graduates' nightmare or Unified State Examinations: useful tips for effective preparation

The Unified State Exam is the final point in all school education, the last and most important piece of knowledge, the final certification of children who have become adults. And this is also their “pass ticket” to higher education. educational establishments, therefore, the importance of the Unified State Exam is difficult to overestimate. Unfortunately, the knowledge that a teacher gives during school hours is not enough - teaching hours for studying each subject are limited. Therefore, in order to fully prepare for the Unified State Exam, schoolchildren need additional classes and their own dedication. Otherwise, you will not be able to achieve high scores.

  • Effective preparation is possible only in a comfortable environment for this: there should be nothing unnecessary on the table, the necessary accessories, textbooks and manuals must be placed at the workplace conveniently for you.
  • Additional advantages will be yellow and purple colors that stimulate intellectual activity in the interior of the room where preparation for exams takes place.
  • Classes should be planned. For those who wake up early, it is more effective to study in the morning, and for guys who go to bed late, it is recommended to prepare for exams in the afternoon. When drawing up a plan, you should clearly define what subject will be studied today, what topics and sections will be covered in preparation.
  • It’s worth starting with “weak” topics that are worse than others. However, students who find it difficult to “swing” should leave the most difficult sections for the second part of the lesson. Instead, it is recommended to start with something easier and more enjoyable.
  • It is necessary to take breaks between classes. After working out for about 40 minutes, you should give yourself a ten-minute rest. It is important to change the type of activity during the break - wash the dishes, wipe the dust, stretch, take a shower.
  • Don't try to memorize the entire textbook. Any material needs to be designed by drawing up plans and diagrams. Subsequently, they will help you quickly recall the completed sections in your memory.
  • When studying a certain subject, you should pay attention to passing a variety of tests on it. Such training will help you better understand how test tasks are structured.
  • During classes, a stopwatch will be useful - it will allow you to determine how much time it takes a student to complete a certain test.
  • When preparing for the Unified State Exam, you should not paint sad pictures in your imagination about possible failure. On the contrary, you only need to set yourself up for success.
  • The day before the exam, it is worth reviewing all the material, using the diagrams and plans drawn up, and once again focusing on the most difficult questions.

Last day before the exam

  • Many students rely too much on the last night before the exam, believing that during these hours they will have time to repeat everything and fill in existing gaps. Of course, this is not reasonable. Fatigue is already taking its toll, and there is no need for unnecessary overwork. On the contrary, you should stop preparing in the evening; instead, it is better to take a walk, take a shower, and relax. Before an important and responsible day, you need to get a good night's sleep, gain strength and energy. A “fighting” attitude is also important. After all, an exam is akin to a battle in which you need to prove yourself, show your abilities and knowledge.
  • It is recommended to arrive at the Unified State Exam site in advance, 30 minutes before testing. You need to take with you a pass, passport and several pens (capillary or gel) with black ink.
  • If the day turns out to be cold, you should dress warmly, because the exam lasts three hours.

And then the exams began...

  • Immediately before testing, students are informed of all the necessary information - about the rules for filling out the form, coding the school number, what letters to write, etc.). The correctness of the answers largely depends on how well the test taker remembers these rules!
  • The form with answers (place of registration, answers to test questions, etc.) must be filled out exclusively in block letters! It is worth paying attention to the spelling of individual letters, for example, the letter “a” - some information is written in coded form, which students are told about at the very beginning.
  • It's time to concentrate! When the forms are already filled out and the most important part of the exam comes, you need to try to forget about everything that exists around. Now it’s important to think only about the text of the tasks and the rapidly passing time. It's worth hurrying, but there's no need to rush. The obsessive thought about time running out should not affect the quality of the task. Each question should be read twice to clearly understand its meaning.
  • It is recommended to start simple. It is best to first answer questions whose answers are beyond doubt. It’s better to leave tasks that make you think for later. Such tactics will also help you get into the rhythm of work, calm down and direct your energy in the right direction.
  • It is best to simply skip questions that are difficult or unclear. There will definitely be tasks in the exam texts that will not cause much difficulty. It would be stupid to miss out on points just because you don’t have time to get to “your” tasks, instead thinking about those that drive you into a stupor.
  • Each task must be read to the end! Many test takers rush to understand the meaning of the question after only reading the first couple of lines. Such tactics can cause annoying mistakes even in simple questions.
  • The student should focus on the current task - with the transition to each new task, it is better to forget about the previous one, especially since they are in no way connected with each other. The question you just answered and the knowledge you used to answer it can prevent you from concentrating on a new task. In addition, you should not be upset about the previous task if it turned out to be “too tough” - instead, it is recommended to shift your concentration to the next question. Each new answer can bring additional points.
  • When solving problems, you can use the elimination method - it is most convenient to discard those answers that are clearly not suitable, in order to end up thinking about 1-2 options, instead of 5-7.
  • It is convenient to complete exam tasks in two rounds - the first round (two-thirds of the total allotted time) should be devoted to simple tasks, the second - to tasks that caused difficulties. This increases your chances of scoring more points.
  • It is important to leave a little time to check your work - this is an opportunity to notice and correct obvious shortcomings in a timely manner.
  • If you are not sure of the exact answer to a particular question, you need to trust your intuition. You should choose the option that seems most correct.
  • Don't be upset if you can't complete all the tasks - in fact, almost no one can do it. It should be remembered that the test questions are designed for the most high level difficulties. Perhaps the number of correct answers that was achieved will be enough for a good grade.

Common myths about the Unified State Exam

Myth 1

Calculations of the results of the Unified State Exam constantly reveal that only one out of 10 thousand students can get 100 points in all subjects. It follows from this that Russia will not get rid of at least one of the two main troubles soon.

In fact, these same 0.01% are geniuses and prodigies, who are quite rare. Research data suggests something different: analyzing the number of “A’s” and “B’s” received (the former are achieved in 10%, the latter in 40%), we can conclude that half of the schoolchildren who passed the Unified State Exam have a good opportunity to enter higher education institutions.

Myth 2
Replacing an essay with a series of dubious tasks means depriving test takers of the opportunity to demonstrate their creative abilities.

Only two initial groups of questions are designed to “measure” the depth of students’ knowledge. The third part allows schoolchildren to reveal their talent and show creativity. The guys have already become accustomed to essays, the topics of which have long since become cliches and were covered in detail in most cheat sheets. The tasks of the third level require a detailed answer, requiring knowledge and reflection. So, for example, a student will be asked to explain how he understands the meaning of a certain statement of a particular literary character.

Myth 3

Failure at the Unified State Exam means the collapse of hopes of entering the desired university.
Since September 1, many schools in our country have switched to a system of specialized education. Now, three years before graduation, students will devote most of their energy to studying those sciences that will be especially useful to them in universities. The future situation will look something like this: for universities, the Unified State Examination result will not become the only indicator of a student’s suitability for further education; a competitive selection will be held between students who have reached a certain score. They may have to take the core subject again, but within the framework of the rules adopted at this university.

Myth 4

Students will try to avoid difficult assignments by answering the questions that are easiest for them, since this way they will guarantee themselves a normal grade.
The first results of the Unified State Exam revealed that 90% of schoolchildren do not try to avoid difficult questions. Moreover, half of them give correct answers, which in itself is a good indicator.

Myth 5

This myth is probably the most common - the test is more difficult to pass than a written exam.
As in other countries, after the introduction of the Unified State Exam in Russia, underperforming schoolchildren “suddenly appeared.” However, until 2001, their counting was simply not carried out - teachers, having “two” in mind, simply drew a “three” rating in magazines. Now the picture of overall performance Russian schoolchildren became more believable. Unified state exams showed that 40% of students being examined are able to clearly express their thoughts; thoughtful analysis of the text is given to only 33% of students.
In addition, the first unified state examination in literature revealed serious shortcomings in the system of presentation of this subject within the framework of school education. For example, children simply do not have time to read many of the works included in the school curriculum. In addition, some of them are too difficult for teenagers. Simply put, the Unified State Exam contributes to a more thorough analysis of modern secondary education, allows us to identify its disadvantages and find suitable ways to eliminate them.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that when preparing for the Unified State Exam, you should not rely on “maybe”, count on being able to pass the required material in a couple of weeks. Miracles, alas, do not happen. Only careful preparation and a responsible attitude towards passing the state exam can bring the desired results and become the first serious contribution to a successful and prosperous future.

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam on your own? How long do you need to study to pass the exam? Is it worth attending preparation courses for the Unified State Exam? Are there effective techniques that can help with this process? Today's schoolchildren and their parents are concerned about all these issues. Former graduates know how to independently prepare for the Unified State Exam. The article provides advice based on their experience.

When to start?

Before you draw up a preparation plan for the Unified State Exam, it is worth understanding that there are points that are relevant in studying mathematics, the Russian language, and history. There are also specific features. How to independently prepare for the Unified State Exam in each of the subjects will be discussed below.

So, how much time will it take to study to ensure you pass the exam? One year is enough. You can start preparing in tenth grade. Or even during summer holidays. But few schoolchildren have such willpower. Those who like to put things off for later should know that preparation for the Unified State Exam in chemistry, mathematics, Russian language and other subjects should begin at the beginning of the senior year. And not later. The spring months can be devoted to reviewing the material covered during last years.

Attending courses

This is the best option for preparing for the Unified State Exam. Most graduates choose it. Preparation for the state exam can be carried out both within the walls of the school and in training center, where experienced teachers and university professors work. Classes are usually held in mini-groups. According to methodologists, this is the most effective way to master the knowledge necessary to pass exams.

There are specialized courses in each city. In addition, it will not be difficult to find a good tutor. But even if you attend the best preparation courses for the Unified State Exam, you will not achieve the desired result if you do not devote enough time to independent and systematic study.

School lessons

Preparation for the Unified State Exam must have a solid base. Grade 10 is an important step on the path to obtaining the coveted certificate. TO school lessons you should be extremely careful even if you start preparing for the exam at the last academic year. The better the tenth grade program is mastered, the easier it will be in graduation.

Many people resort to the services of tutors. The individual training format is quite effective. During the first lesson, a private tutor determines the student’s level of knowledge, then draws up a preparation plan for the upcoming exam. The student can only complete the tutor’s assignments. If the teacher is a good, experienced specialist, he knows what he should work on thoroughly and what he should not focus the student’s attention on. But how can you prepare for the Unified State Exam on your own? How to determine your own level of knowledge and create a lesson plan?

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam on your own?

First of all, you need to find tests for the previous year. Record the time (at least three hours are allocated for completing tasks during the Unified State Exam), complete them, then check the results, marking the points that you could not cope with. Topics in which you made mistakes should be given special attention in the future.

Books for preparing for the Unified State Exam are not difficult to find. Similar materials occupy entire shelves in stores. First of all, you should acquire a number of manuals and textbooks. While you can do without the services of a tutor or attending special courses, you won’t be able to prepare without materials for preparing for the Unified State Exam. Compulsory literature includes collections of assignments, educational and methodological recommendations, as well as books that list typical mistakes that the examinees perform.

Once knowledge gaps have been identified, a clear plan for the week should be drawn up. For example, set aside Monday for math classes. Dedicate Tuesday to reviewing the rules of the Russian language. Classes should be allocated at least an hour a day. Systematicity - required condition in achieving any goal.

Preparing for the Unified State Exam from scratch

One of the foreign psychologists once said that if you devote two hours every day to any activity, in a year you can achieve brilliant results. This is regardless of how unattainable the goal seems at the beginning of the journey. Therefore, even if there are significant gaps in your knowledge, do not despair. But preparations should begin as early as possible.

New way of life

So, preparation for the Unified State Exam in chemistry, physics, biology and other subjects should take the form of systematic, regular classes. Regular changes in the education system cause public criticism. But even if these transformations have negative consequences, the positive aspects should not be discounted. After all, preparing for the exam disciplines and develops a sense of responsibility.

Schoolchildren have always taken final tests, but every year changes are made to most effectively assess the level of knowledge of future applicants. This is also a good preparation for the upcoming student life.

Russian language

When preparing for an exam in a particular subject, you should take into account some features. For Russian language classes, teachers recommend using textbooks by I. P. Tsybulko and N. A. Senina. The names of these authors are well known to schoolchildren. Using the manuals of Senina and Tsybulko, preparation for the OGE is also carried out. The Unified State Examination in the Russian language includes the following topics:

  • Phonetics.
  • Vocabulary.
  • Morphology.
  • Word formation.
  • Spelling.
  • Syntax.
  • Punctuation.

Many people believe that in order to pass the Unified State Exam in Russian, it is enough just to be able to more or less competently express thoughts orally and on paper. This point of view is not entirely correct. Theoretical part you need to know too. In order to successfully pass the Unified State Exam in this subject, you should learn and regularly repeat the rules, and test your knowledge by self-testing.


And you can also prepare for the exam in this subject yourself. However, at the same time, the future graduate will need to search for the necessary information himself and motivate himself to study. In other words, be your own tutor. However, in the process of preparing for a mathematics exam, difficulties may arise that are not easy to overcome on your own. It is to prevent such situations that you should start classes at least a year before the Unified State Exam. In this case, it will be possible to clarify any points during the learning process with the school teacher. The authors of the manuals recommended by teachers are F. F. Lysenko, Kulabukhova S. Yu.


Studying a subject and preparing for an exam on it is absolutely different types educational activities. In order to understand the history of your own country, you should read a lot, watch certain documentaries. When preparing for the exam, it is enough to learn the main dates and events. But still, you should not make one of the common mistakes of schoolchildren. Namely, memorize dates. You need to have some idea about the causes and nature of the main historical events. Thus, for successful completion exam in this subject, you should devote a lot of time to testing and, if possible, read the relevant literature. The authors of textbooks, without which it is difficult - I. A. Artasov, O. N. Malnikova.

Other items

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in chemistry, biology, foreign languages, and physics is carried out according to the same scheme. There shouldn't be any difficulties with these items. If a student chooses them, it means he has certain knowledge and will not have to start preparation from scratch. A few months before the chemistry exam, it is worth purchasing textbooks by V. N. Doronkina. To successfully pass the Unified State Exam in physics, you will have to solve a lot of problems. And here, buying a large number of solution books and collections certainly cannot be avoided.

It is quite difficult to prepare for a foreign language exam on your own. After all, part of the test is to test the level of language skills. It is not easy to develop them completely alone. There is another way to prepare for the exam without visiting a tutor: conduct joint classes. Helping each other will increase the level of knowledge and help avoid many difficulties. After all, it often happens that someone who is strong in grammar has little lexicon. And the one who speaks confidently foreign language, makes gross mistakes in conjugating verbs and using one or another syntactic structure.

Joint classes should be conducted not only when preparing for the Unified State Exam in English, German or French, but also in other cases. Especially if there is an oral exam coming up. Often a student who has sufficient knowledge gets lost at a crucial moment. Speaking skills should be developed in order not to get confused in front of the examiner.

Many high school students are interested in the question of how to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Biology from scratch on their own? It is especially of concern to those who want to connect their lives in the future with medicine, animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, agrotechnical specialties, psychology, physical education, or seriously engage in the same science. According to statistics, in recent years, approximately 17-18% of graduates pass biology and it ranks 5th among elective exams.

Is it possible to learn the entire volume? biological knowledge yourself, and even in a short period of time (six months, a year, or even a couple of months)? Of course, yes, if you know what the Unified State Exam is and understand how to properly prepare for it?

Before moving on to the structure of the exam itself, I would like to remind you what is included in the school biology course. These are topics such as:

  1. Kingdoms of bacteria, Fungi, Lichens, Plants.
  2. Animal Kingdom.
  3. Anatomy and physiology.
  4. General biology is the largest and most complex section. Includes cytology, molecular biology, genetics, theory of evolution and ecology, and also complements and structures the knowledge from previous sections.

The exam itself includes 28 tasks different levels Difficulty: basic, advanced and high. The tasks are no longer divided into A, B, C, and the first 21 of them correspond to the former parts A and B, the answer to them will be the number of the correct (or several correct) option or a sequence of numbers, and tasks from 22 to 28 correspond to the questions of part C and require a full detailed explanation. 210 minutes are given to complete all tasks.

For each correct decision you can get from 1 to 3 so-called primary points, which are subsequently converted into test scores, where the maximum possible number of primary points corresponds to 100 test scores. However, the chance of getting all 100 points, especially when preparing from scratch, is very low: in all recent years, not even 1% of examinees get them. But passing the Unified State Exam with a high score, and even more so with a passing grade, is quite possible.

What to do?

Where to start preparing for the exam? In our opinion, from self-discipline. The most important thing is that when you start preparing for the exam, you should do it regularly. It is desirable that there be a constant frequency and classes are not missed. After all, by doing even 15 minutes 5 days a week, you will achieve much more than if you torture yourself all day, but absolutely irregularly. It is also undesirable to be distracted; it is necessary to completely immerse yourself in studying the subject.

Preparation should include both solving trial versions of the test and its individual parts, as well as familiarization with the theory. Learning biology is not so difficult if you first take a couple of tests and determine which topics you know well enough and which ones “sag” and require additional attention. It is the latter that need to be studied more carefully.

You can use both the Internet and books for preparation, or better yet, both. There are many places on the Internet where you can try to solve tasks from the exam as completely as possible. structure of the Unified State Exam, and for individual sections. The same can be found in the literature on the Unified State Exam. Information for studying individual topics can be found in your school textbooks, books, and on the Internet.

It is recommended to first take the practice test, then work on individual sections, with a limited time, starting with the weakest ones, and then move on to passing the tests again. This is the structure that most tutors adhere to, which means that those who prepare themselves should adopt it.

When solving tests, as well as during the exam itself, you must follow one more very important rule - read the question carefully! Many examinees make stupid mistakes not from ignorance, but from inattention. The latter, in turn, can appear due to anxiety, so the next important rule is to try not to worry. It can be difficult, so it's worth remembering as you prepare that there's nothing scary about the exam, and even failing the test isn't the end of your life! The ability to relax and calm down can be a good help when passing the exam.

What should you not do?

Now that we've looked at what to do, I'd like to briefly touch on the topic of what not to do. Unfortunately, there are many students who take exams too lightly or, on the contrary, stress themselves beyond measure.

What not to do:

  1. Hoping for chance. The Unified State Exam becomes more complicated every year so that the percentage of those who “guess correctly” is less and less. Therefore, to think that preparation for the exam is not necessary at all is, to say the least, stupid.
  2. Write "spurs". The surveillance of each exam participant is quite serious. You can be removed during testing, and the right to rewrite it will only be a year later. Therefore, of course, you can write spurs. But you shouldn’t bring them to the exam.
  3. Drive yourself to a nervous breakdown. Sometimes a person starting to prepare for a biology exam believes that the more time spent studying the subject, the better. On the contrary, by ignoring the body's needs for rest, you risk either leading yourself to a nervous breakdown, or at least forgetting everything you need at the time of the exam due to overload. Everything is good in moderation!
  4. Study the material on the last night. Firstly, you simply won’t be able to pack all the knowledge in biology into your head overnight. Secondly, if you come to the exam sleep-deprived and tired, you will have little chance of doing well on the test. Therefore, regardless of what you have done, you need to go to bed early and get enough sleep before the exam!

It is possible to prepare for a biology exam even from scratch if you understand what you want, know how to discipline yourself, but at the same time give yourself the opportunity to rest and are ready to learn. We wish you success in passing the Unified State Examination in Biology!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I would like to talk about how to quickly prepare for the Unified State Exam. You already need to understand that they are unlikely to be effective, since their use requires quite a lot of time. But you also shouldn’t be scared; not everyone and doesn’t always need to change the method of preparing for the Unified State Exam.

Your school has already conducted trial Unified State Examinations and, most likely, more than once. It is their results that you should focus on, and not how you studied at school. If you are such a great guy and at school you always had 4 or 5, but here at trial Unified State Exam received 20 points (this is conditional, even 40 is no better), then there is no need to say that you were worried, but everything will be fine in the exam. This is a lie, it is impossible to get so excited that you forget everything and write a paper with a 2, not a 4, as was usually the case on school tests.

If you failed the test Unified State Exam, then this article is for you, but if you received 70 points, but want, for example, 85, then just continue studying as you did before and may you get a good grade on the Unified State Exam, just pay attention to those tasks where you make mistakes or cannot solve them at all. If you fail the test exams, then you need to do something, otherwise the same thing will happen in the real exam.

How to quickly prepare for the Unified State Exam

So, we seem to have sorted out who needs to strengthen their preparation for the Unified State Exam, but we will still start with the fact that you need to honestly assess the level of your readiness for the exam. Well, you need to pay a lot of attention to grades in the quarter, in the year, etc. You have the results of the test Unified State Exam, look at them.

If at school you were always an excellent student, but here you got a 2, then this is not because the assignments are so bad, this is an objective assessment of your knowledge. So get your act together and think about what you can realistically qualify for in 4 months at the real exam; in the end, set a goal for yourself and achieve it.

First, look at which tasks you were unable to complete and which ones you were able to complete. If you are sure that the tasks that you were able to do are clear to you, and you can do them in the real exam, then you can spend less time on them, but you should not leave them completely. Count how many tasks you cannot do, say, you cannot do 15 tasks in mathematics. Moreover, some of these tasks have subparagraphs - a), b), c), in general, you cannot do a bunch of tasks in just one Unified State Examination, but there are other exams that you also need to prepare for, and it’s good if you are ready , but don’t think about how to quickly prepare for the Unified State Exam in several subjects.

In order to assess the reality of entering a university, read the news about. Thus, if you have 4 months left to prepare, and your Unified State Exam results are slightly above 0, then try to follow the following method:

To begin with, tell yourself honestly which ones. exam tasks You can learn on your own and for which you need an assistant. The school teacher may or may not act as an assistant; that is his business. We will return to the assistants a little later, while we continue to analyze those tasks that you, in principle, can solve.

Open demo version of the Unified State Exam or last year's Unified State Exam assignments and try to complete these tasks. Did you learn? Okay, do 5 similar tasks from other versions of the Unified State Exam again. Did it work again? What happened on the test exam? But that’s okay, it’s actually good that you are able to complete the tasks. Now complete all the tasks that you can definitely do. It turns out? And how many such tasks? 8 simplest tasks from the Unified State Exam in mathematics? Congratulations, you urgently need to study to reach at least 60 points.

A short digression. Why am I not saying that you need to buy a book with the Unified State Exam, but you need to use trial or last year’s Unified State Examinations. There may be errors in the books, they may be old, etc. But this does not mean that I am saying that textbooks are useless, you just need to solve the Unified State Exam, not at all, the textbook is your main assistant.

Be careful with books like this

Okay, let's get back to the question of how to quickly prepare for the Unified State Exam, and who can help with this. If the teacher refuses you, and there are no relatives willing to help you, then those who will do it for a fee remain. Of course, I'm talking about tutors. If you have been going to a tutor for a long time, then you should think about why you paid money if you got such results? It looks like it’s time to urgently look for another tutor, you can, for example, ask your classmates where or with whom they study; of course, it’s better to focus on those who have written well the test Unified State Exams.

If your classmates haven’t helped you in any way, then you can start looking for a tutor on your own, but you don’t have much time and the question in your head is how to quickly prepare for the Unified State Exam? Why not try online tutors? Look at the website following the link, the choice of tutors is quite good, there is a free test lesson, and simple activities cheaper than a tutor in your city. You also save time, because you don’t have to travel across town to a tutor, but you can sit quietly at home and study.

All the best Unified State Exam results, if tenth graders are reading the article, then start preparing slowly so that there is no question of how to quickly prepare for the Unified State Exam in a year. See you on the pages of the blog site

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If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will try to answer as detailed and clear as possible.

And at the end there is a bonus:

It would be a good idea to start preparing for the exam a year in advance. You can, of course, earlier, in two or three years, but only if you do it systematically, that is, constantly repeat what you have learned. When you learn something new and immediately forget it, time is simply wasted. In this case, it is better to leave preparation for the senior year. The only exception is English language- It is advised to start preparing for it two years before the exam.

2. Time allocation

In addition to school and homework, on self-training you need to allocate 1-2 hours a day. Make a schedule for the week: one day - one subject. There is no need to burden yourself with all the items at once, it will tire you. You may have to allocate a little more time to the discipline whose material is most difficult to comprehend. And be sure to take a day to rest - it is necessary, especially in adolescence.

3. Tutors

You can pass the Unified State Exam without a tutor by preparing yourself. But at the same time you need to know the structure of tasks and theoretical material. If every score is important to you, and there is a lot of competition for admission to a university, a tutor is necessary. It is better if this is a practicing teacher who graduates from the 11th grade and knows what the Unified State Exam tasks look like, what pitfalls are expected, what needs to be repeated from theory and worked out in practice. The tutor will also help with self-control if you need to be constantly urged to do something.

It is better to start looking for a tutor as early as possible, since there is a great demand for good tutors. You can find one by talking with graduates who have successfully passed the Unified State Exam with the help of a tutor. Ask them for contact information and run to sign up.

4. Benefits for passing the Unified State Exam

Unified State Examination tasks change every year. Therefore, I strongly do not recommend using textbooks for the Unified State Exam that were left over from your sister or brother. Even if the benefit is from last year, it is no longer relevant. Buy manuals only after trial versions of the Unified State Exam for this year are posted on the official FIPI website. Not all manuals that say “pass the Unified State Exam with 100 points” correspond to their name.

To choose the best, you need to turn to the Internet - for example, the popular website Ucheba.ru provides the top best textbooks for preparing for the Unified State Exam in various subjects.

5. Trial versions of the Unified State Exam

As you know, in the Unified State Exam almost half of the tasks are tests. They are the easiest to prepare for. In fact, test part of the Unified State Exam- this is grace, you can learn to solve it automatically, and besides, it does not need to be checked by a specialist.

To complete the test part as quickly as possible, you just need to solve them in large quantities, every day 2-3 tests. By the end of the year, the test part will take you 10-15 minutes. Assignments can be found in open jar FIPI assignments, on sites like I will solve the Unified State Exam, Oucheba ru, as well as in textbooks on the Unified State Exam.

Let's not forget about the practical part of the Unified State Exam. It is the most difficult and requires more time and effort to complete.

This is where ready-made essays or essays written as examples come to the rescue (this applies to humanitarian subjects). Topics for essays and essays are given in trial options Unified State Exam. You can see that every year the topics of essays and essays are approximately the same, so for each topic, choose two good works that are designed according to all the criteria, and use them when writing your own. The main thing is don’t write it off! Written-off work is cancelled.

For those subjects where you need to show the solution and find the answer, everything works simpler: here you don’t have to be afraid of plagiarism, the solutions to the tasks can be the same. All this can be found on the Internet, on the same sites. Either your school teacher or a tutor can help you with checking the second part of the Unified State Exam.

6. The more difficult the better

Unified State Exam tasks are divided into three levels of difficulty: simple, medium and complex. If you intend to score more than 70 points, you need to focus on the most difficult ones, which give the most points.

Also, the Unified State Exam may include problems that are not from the school course, so the more difficult the problems you solve before the exam, the easier it will be for you in the exam itself. Most often, Olympiad problems are solved for this purpose. And, of course, it doesn’t hurt to go to the Olympiads in the subjects you are taking.

7. Mindfulness training

Inattention is the worst enemy of schoolchildren. Check the wrong box, write the answer on the wrong line, fail to put a comma in the right box, and so on. How often do these mistakes prevent you from scoring the coveted points on the Unified State Exam!

Mindfulness can be trained. In addition, this quality will be seriously useful later in life. There are many methods for training attention; just type into a search engine: “Attention training”, and you can find the method that suits you best.

8. Charts and tables

After you have completed a topic, try to write it down briefly in tabular or diagrammatic form. This will help you quickly remember the material you have covered and systematize your knowledge. In addition, it is remembered much faster and more reliably.

9. Memory Palace

There is a way by which you can remember several times more than usual. Surely you remember the way to school (entrance, porch, stop, bus, etc.).

If you attach things that you need to remember to these images in your mind, the chance and probability of getting them out of your memory at the right moment increases significantly. This method of memorization is quite ancient; it was described by Cicero and other Roman authors.

10. Speed ​​training

We are, of course, not talking about physical training, although that won’t hurt either. Each exam is given a certain amount of time, and sometimes it is sorely lacking.

In order to succeed in the exam, you will have to practice meeting the given time, so that the quality does not suffer. Divide your time into two parts.

As a rule, the practical part requires more time. If you are given, say, 210 minutes (that is, 3 hours 30 minutes), leave 35-45 minutes for the test part, 10-15 minutes for a break, and spend the rest of the time on the second part. When you sit down to write your next sample, note the time and try to fit it in. During the exam itself, these 10-15 minutes will be needed to transfer the answers to the form, calm down and mentally prepare for the exam.

I would like to wish good luck to those taking the Unified State Exam. If you have purposefully prepared for a year, you will succeed.