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Essay “My favorite teacher. A story about your favorite teacher Write about your favorite teacher

Efremova Elena Vladimirovna,

Municipal educational institution "Greater Poland Secondary School" of the Orsha region of the Republic of Mari El

10th grade student


"My favorite teacher"

Teacher... We often say this word, but we don’t think about the huge role the Teacher plays in our lives.

It’s hard to imagine how much effort, work, soul, and patience teachers put into each of their students so that they grow from little girls and boys into successful, happy people! Day after day, year after year, the teacher gives himself to the children, completely, without a trace... Spends sleepless nights over notebooks, new notes, worrying about how to make the lesson interesting, and the material easily accessible to every student, worries about the failures of his students... The teacher rejoices the smallest success of the student and tries to create a situation of success for everyone...

It is not without reason that they say that school is a second home, and a teacher is a second mother. Just as a writer lives in his works, as an artist lives in his paintings, so a teacher lives in the thoughts, actions and deeds of his students. And it depends on the teacher what will sprout and ripen from that small seed that he once sowed.

It is not an easy task to teach children. And a huge responsibility lies, first of all, on the shoulders of the first teacher, the person who leaves the deepest mark on the souls and destinies of his students. With him, children bravely open the way to the world of knowledge, which begins with the alphabet and primer.

Any of us remembers our first call, first lesson, first answer, first school holidays, our first prom... And all this is connected with a wonderful name The first teacher.

I am grateful to fate for what fate gave me as my first teacher wonderful person, Teacher with a capital T - Zinaida Sergeevna Bogdanova. Unfortunately, the school where we spent 4 wonderful years of study in the primary grades, the most interesting, bright years, where we felt like students, got the first A's, and formed as a class team, no longer exists. It was closed. She sees us off with her sad eyes-windows every morning to another, neighboring school, when we are in a hurry to catch the school bus, with a friendly light shining through the windows, welcoming us after classes. And it seems that she remembers each of us... My beloved first teacher does not work at school either. But I know that she remembers and loves us, worries about us, rejoices at our successes. She is retired, but meetings with her turn into emotional holidays.

The memory of the very first, most beloved teacher will forever remain in our hearts. Sensitive, responsive, at the same time strict and fair, who took care of us as if we were his own children. Zinaida Sergeevna taught us how to hold a pen correctly, write the first hooks and sticks, write letters and numbers... With her we read the first words, counted the first examples, learned the multiplication table... What did we not learn!!! Every lesson was a real discovery! It turned out that we were very capable... The teacher believed in us and found special words of encouragement for everyone. Her lessons gave us an idea of eternal values, good and evil, about the world and people, about your homeland and your people. Together with her, we sympathized with the heroes, laughed, cried and mastered the power of words and language... She taught us to live correctly, to understand the world correctly, to be kind and wise, tolerant and successful, she dreamed that real people would emerge from us. Zinaida Sergeevna connected her life with ours so that we could learn to make our dreams and desires come true. She was always with us mutual language, told us a lot about wisdom, about mercy, about kindness, about friendship. She told me what she should be like real friendship, because friendships play an important role at all stages of our lives. Zinaida Sergeevna did not scold us, did not punish us, in her even, calm voice she simply talked about what we had not thought about. For example, we played with a ball under the school window and almost broke it. The teacher said that the school principal would be more concerned, that the wind would blow into the classroom from the open window, and rain would come in... And we felt so ashamed that we began to go to the small stadium to play with the ball.

Zinaida Sergeevna managed to unite us into a single friendly team based on mutual assistance and mutual assistance. And we always won various school competitions thanks to our unity and friendship. I remember the great hikes and excursions. Here our beloved teacher revealed herself to us from a new side - a caring, loving mother. She tried very hard to feed us delicious food, to reveal unknown pages of nature to us. We got acquainted with medicinal plants, folk signs, studied the features native land.

I am sure that none of my classmates will forget the farewell evening with Zinaida Sergeevna. The trembling voice of a classmate, reading the lines he composed for the first time, was etched in my memory. The teacher, like all of us, had tears in her eyes. And we surrounded the woman who had become our family and cried together, afraid to part with her for a long time. We said goodbye to our first teacher, our home school and our school childhood...

And today, as a ninth-grader, I say with confidence: “Being a Teacher is a calling, a talent given from above! I am grateful to God that my first teacher turned out to be a talented teacher.”

Dear Zinaida Sergeevna, thank you for your eyes, for your smile, for your kind heart - for everything, for everything, thank you! Good luck to you, success, health, mutual understanding and great student gratitude! We love you!!!

Elena Efremova , 10th grade student

Municipal educational institution "Great Poland Secondary General Educational

School" Orsha district of the Republic of Mari El

I am in the sixth grade at school No. 30. There are many excellent teachers at our school. And an essay could be written about each of them.

But I want to highlight one teacher in particular. This is my first teacher - Galkina Maria Viktorovna. She taught us for four years, was our class teacher, teacher and just a mother who cared, worried and loved each of us. We always believed her, every word she said, all the best was at school. Our classes were interesting and exciting. Every new topic She explained it clearly, interestingly, everything just fit into her head. And her handwriting was beautiful and even. Everything she depicted on the board was clear, visible and understandable. Maria Viktorovna taught us not only to read and write, but also to respect each other, take serious matters seriously, hard work, and friendship. The girls trusted her with their secrets and dreams and ran to her for advice. And the boys always hung around her. During breaks and after classes, she lived the lives of students: our worries, sorrows, our children's problems. She could understand everyone. And she tried to help everyone. Class hours became a real holiday for us, no matter what the conversation was about. It was a time of communication with my favorite teacher - sometimes strict, but always fair.

In my opinion, a teacher should be a person who brings knowledge, joy and inspiration to other people. A teacher should be such that students try their best to be like him. Then only he can win love and recognition. My first teacher is exactly like that, she has the best qualities. She taught me not only to read and write, to count, but also to dream. And I will remember her with great love. And many of her wise advice will help us more than once in life.

Bagapov Vyacheslav

6a grade student

AMOU secondary school No. 30


“My favorite teacher is Natalya Viktorovna Bushueva”
The first teacher, like the first love, is never forgotten. The man who discovered the first knowledge, taught to read, write, count, and most importantly, instilled a love of knowledge. Every person had such a teacher, in my life my first teacher was Bushueva Natalya Viktorovna. If you remember all the moments, all the joys of those four years primary school which Natalya Viktorovna taught us, your soul immediately becomes warmer, and a smile appears on your face at that very second.

We called her our second mother, because we received the same love and kindness only from our closest relatives. We were happy to see the smile on her face because we wrote the paper well, other teachers praised us for our exemplary behavior in class or simply because of the joy of communicating with us. I can’t even remember a time when Natalya Viktorovna raised her voice at us unfairly, simply out of lack of mood; her comments were always “to the point.” She could always turn a boring task into some kind of educational and at the same time fun game. Every child from our class went to Natalya Viktorovna’s lessons with a smile, with a presentiment. good lesson, even if he didn’t get enough sleep or wasn’t in the mood at all. Because of failures in our studies, she never yelled at us, but rather supported us and instilled confidence that we could do better if we prepared a little better, and that’s how it always worked out, we came home from class, sat down to prepare on a topic that didn’t work out and then retaken for 5.

I am very grateful to Natalya Viktorovna for these years. She really supported me in everything, regardless of whether it happened at home or at school. I am also grateful for the warm smile that never left her face. They say that there are teachers from God, I think that Natalya Viktorovna is one of them.

Circe Jana

9th grade student

AMOU secondary school No. 30

Essay “My Favorite Teacher”

Teacher... School... First lesson... Immediately such memories arise that are stored in the memory of every person - the first acquaintance with the teacher and school, the first lesson in his life. School is some kind of magical and amazing place. School is friendship, mutual understanding and respect. School is the most faithful and reliable friends. School is the kindest, most open, most understanding, most beloved teachers.

Our school, in my opinion, one of the best in the city, employs more than 30 teachers. All of them, each in their own way, are wonderful teachers and each is worthy of love and respect.

I am already in sixth grade. But there was not a single day when I did not remember my beloved first teacher - Zubova Rimma Alexandrovna. She simultaneously combines such qualities as beauty, kindness, politeness, fairness, and the ability to find an approach to any student. She taught me to read, write, count. I got acquainted with the natural world around me, which surprised me with its diversity. And most importantly, Rimma Alexandrovna taught me to study and gain knowledge on my own. Thanks to her efforts, I also study at “4” and “5” in basic school and it is not difficult for me to prepare homework. And for all this, I am grateful to my first teacher.

Rimma Alexandrovna is a very kind, sympathetic, and most importantly calm teacher. He never shouts, explains everything in an accessible and understandable way. He loves his students very much and treats them like his own children. And the students answer her in the same way. Her lessons are never boring. Work is in full swing for the entire forty-five minutes; there is not even enough time to listen to everything that the teacher says.

Rimma Alexandrovna and I always participated in all school holidays, competitions and competitions, and always achieved success. Together with her we went on excursions, hikes, visited museums, and participated in events.

Rimma Alexandrovna knows everything in the world and can answer any question. I am sure that all the students who have ever studied with her love, remember and respect this wonderful and sincere person. It's impossible not to love this man! You can't help but admire them! This is an amazing person!

Sannikova Ksenia

6th grade student

AMOU secondary school No. 30


"My Favorite School Teacher"
Many of us remember our school years as a carefree time and immediately remember the school teachers who were nearby, from whom we learned not only the subject, but also received life lessons.

I remember how we went to the assembly line on September 1 and entered the school with joy and delight. We had a teacher Kulichkova Olga Pavlovna. At the end of the festive line, we run to our first teacher, hand over our simple bouquets of flowers, talk about our love for her and our desire to study in her class. But Olga Pavlovna, with a kind smile, escorting us to first grade, says that there will be new teachers in our lives, interesting ones. school items. We sat down at our desks and began to listen to the teacher, she told us about the rules of conduct in educational institutions. The very next day lessons began. Writing materials, a brand new textbook and neat notebooks are laid out on the desk, we stand at the desks and wait. She greeted us and allowed us to sit at our desks.

I don’t remember the topic of our first lesson, but the feeling of celebration from the lesson remained for a long time. Olga Pavlovna taught basic subjects, but most of all I liked mathematics. She loved her subject so much that she passed that love on to us. Even the lagging students who didn’t do their homework tried to complete all the math assignments, and if they didn’t succeed, they copied from their classmates with all their might, because they didn’t want to upset the teacher, who had become everyone’s favorite.

Quiet, smooth speech, a well-trained voice, respect for any student, she called us all “you” - all this only added to the number of fans of our beloved Olga Pavlovna every day.

She told new topics as if they were the most interesting poems, and if someone did not understand a tricky problem the first time, she would start over, but using examples from our lives, citing facts and figures that were familiar to everyone from childhood. And, playing like this, we learned mathematics and life. She praised us for our attentiveness, while saying that mathematics is about accuracy and attentiveness.

The tests, which everyone was afraid of, took place without fuss and fear that you won’t have time and won’t do something. She managed to explain all the tasks, set them in a working mood, constantly paying attention to the fact that test- this is the same work in class, only without speaking.

Since Olga Pavlovna was our class teacher, she found an individual approach to each family and parents. We organized and held many holidays, participated in many city events, thanks to Olga Pavlovna, we took honorary and prize-winning places. For parents, she was a responsive and understanding teacher; she treated every problem with understanding, using her life experience.

At our 4th grade graduation, our hearts were devoted to her, we all took an oath that we would not upset her for any reason. It turned out childishly naive, but Olga Pavlovna felt our attention to her and in return gave us time to communicate with her.

Guzov Vladimir

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Remember your teachers.

Teacher, how much this word means to us: for those who studied and for those who are studying now. Every person has a favorite teacher and everyone talks about him at home and among friends. Many alumni meet and interact with their teachers after graduation. I'll tell you about my favorite teacher. Her name is Olga Nikolaevna. She taught me for many years at another school. She was not only a teacher for me, but also a good friend. Olga Nikolaevna supported me in difficult times and was always ready to help me. Now I study at another school, in another city and rarely communicate with her. I am very sorry that I cannot meet with her often as before, but I try to keep in touch with my favorite teacher. Guys, remember your teachers, because they mean a lot to us! Then in life there is such a lack of their kind glance, wise advice and approving smile. Don't forget your favorite teachers!

Chuiko Anton, 9th grade

Favorite school principal.

Each school has its own director. Our director's name is Sergeeva Nadezhda Mikhailovna. Nadezhda Mikhailovna is a wonderful leader, a good teacher and a person with a capital “P”. Any student can go to the director’s office for advice and report their achievements. Nadezhda Mikhailovna wholeheartedly rejoices at our successes and praises us if we deserve it. It happens that disobedient students are sent to her office. Nadezhda Mikhailovna does not scold, but talks to the offending student, finds out the reasons for his wrong actions, and helps the offender find the right way out of an unpleasant situation. She always gives wise advice, teaches us to be responsible and hardworking. The character of one cartoon said, “Whatever you call the boat, that’s how it will float.” Our boat school life easily floats along the rivers of knowledge. Thank you, Nadezhda Mikhailovna, you are our captain and helmsman!

Ivanova Anna, 8th grade

Wood painting teacher.

I'm in the 6th grade. Our classes are taught by wonderful teachers. What I like most is the painting. It is taught by my favorite teacher Svetlana Valentinovna.

She is very beautiful, kind, attentive. Svetlana Valentinovna teaches us how to paint and paint wooden boards. In her lessons we learn not only how to paint on wood, but also learn how to make gifts for dear and close people with our own hands. Recently we were preparing for the holiday on February 14, drawing valentines that we gave to our teachers.

Everything that Svetlana Valentinovna teaches us will be very useful to us in life. I am grateful to her for everything.

Sokolov Sergey, 6th grade

My favorite teacher is Svetlana Valentinovna. She teaches painting and floriculture classes.

Svetlana Valentinovna has blue eyes, long blond hair, and a slender figure.

She has golden hands. She draws very beautifully and loves flowers. Svetlana Valentinovna teaches us how to paint boards with beautiful patterns and how to take care of indoor plants. She is very kind, she will always help in difficult times and have a heart-to-heart talk.

Svetlana Valentinovna is a reliable friend, comrade and teacher.

Purtov Vlad, 9th grade

I really, really like the painting teacher Svetlana Valentinovna. She is beautiful and caring. She has golden hands. She teaches great! I learned how to paint boards from her.

Lisenkov Valentin, 5th grade

My first teacher.

Here we are again with first graders at school! Each of us remembers well the first time we crossed the threshold of school. Many years have passed, but the teacher who first led us along the difficult path of learning will always be dear. My first teacher’s name is Yulia Mikhailovna Kharitonova. Kind, sympathetic, fair. She taught us to count, read and write. Not everything was given to us at once. The hands did not obey, writing out the first sticks and hooks, letters, numbers. But we tried, and Yulia Mikhailovna helped us so that everything worked out for us. How she wants us to be hardworking, inquisitive, and independent. I want to say a big thank you to Yulia Mikhailovna for everything she taught us. I will always remember my first teacher.

Veselov Vlad, 6th grade

Teacher of Russian language.

My favorite teacher is Tatyana Viktorovna Molovskaya, because she teaches the best lessons in our class. Thanks to her, we study such a complex subject as the Russian language with enthusiasm and desire. Her lessons put me in a good mood. We study the rules, play, write dictations, essays, and learn business writing. All this will be useful to us in life, because we must be literate and be able to communicate. I like to do homework in the Russian language, because I know that the next day Tatyana Viktorovna will definitely check and be happy if I did everything correctly and accurately. I love it when she praises me. Tatyana Viktorovna is a kind, cheerful, polite, smart and beautiful teacher. Every day I look forward to meeting her in my favorite lesson.

Koreshkova Yana 6th grade

I really love reading and Russian language lessons, because Tatyana Viktorovna teaches them. Her lessons are very informative and interesting. Tatyana Viktorovna always comes to lessons beautiful, with a good mood and a kind smile. She always has so many interesting things prepared for us: crosswords, tests, games! I love when her lessons include competitions and quizzes. By playing, we learn to be literate, love books, and communicate. But Tatyana Viktorovna is always demanding and fair. She teaches us to write carefully in notebooks, do homework conscientiously, and read books and magazines every day. I am always happy to receive lessons from my favorite teacher!

Borisov Nikolay 6th grade

Teacher of Russian language.

My favorite teacher is Tatyana Viktorovna Molovskaya. She teaches Russian language and reading lessons in our class. We love her lessons because they are very interesting and educational. We discuss the books we read and learn poems, write dictations and essays. We recently learned how to write notes for a wall newspaper. Everyone really enjoyed writing about their class. We came up with a wonderful, cool newspaper, “Through Life with a Smile.” Tatyana Viktorovna loves and respects us, she is very happy about our successes and is upset when we didn’t try. I want all teachers to be like my favorite teacher.

Nefedova Ekaterina, 6th grade

There are excellent teachers at our school. I especially like the Russian language and reading teacher Tatyana Viktorovna. She is always beautiful, kind, fair. Tatyana Viktorovna's lessons are interesting, exciting, and informative. Tatyana Viktorovna will always help you when it’s difficult, praise you if you try, but also scold you for laziness. She wants to get good grades. Tatyana Viktorovna is a real teacher!

Lera Omolotkova, 6th grade

Music teacher.

My favorite music teacher is Kuzina Valentina Aleksandrovna. She has worked at the school for many years and is respected by the entire school. She is very smart and beautiful. It is interesting to communicate with her because she is kind and cheerful. I especially love it when she speaks foreign languages and teaches us to understand individual phrases. Valentina Aleksandrovna can be strict, but she scolds us fairly. You can always turn to her for advice in difficult times; she will never refuse help. Guys, love and respect your teachers, because they love us and are always ready to help us.

Vorobyov Nikolay, 9th grade

Teacher visual arts.

I have a favorite teacher at school. Her name is Natalya Sergeevna Magalova. She teaches art classes in our class. She is beautiful, kind, but strict. She doesn’t like it when we are poorly prepared for the lesson and gets very upset. But when she teaches us to draw, I admire how beautifully she does it. I want to learn how to draw just as beautifully. Natalya Sergeevna's lesson is once a week, only on Fridays, and I am looking forward to meeting my favorite teacher.

Solovyova Kristina, 6th grade

A history teacher.

I really like the history teacher at our school, Galina Mikhailovna Sokolova.

Her lessons are very interesting. We learn a lot of new things about the history of our Motherland and native land, about interesting and great people. Galina Mikhailovna and I went to local history museum, where many exhibits are collected. The guide spoke interestingly about our ancestors. But our Galina Mikhailovna knows even more; we always listen with interest to the pages of history in lessons.

I really love Galina Mikhailovna and her lessons.

Samoilenko Maxim, 6th grade

I like the history teacher Galina Mikhailovna! During her lessons, she talks very interestingly about the history of our region, our Motherland. We love to go with her on excursions around the city, to museums, and listen to funny and sad stories that our teacher tirelessly tells us. Galina Mikhailovna is kind, cheerful, and demanding. She helps everyone, no one is left without her attention.

With such a teacher, I really fell in love with history!

Anatoly Shokoladov, 6th grade

Carpentry teacher

My favorite teacher is Sergeev Viktor Pavlovich. He teaches carpentry classes. This is a very important subject for boys. Viktor Pavlovich teaches us to plan, saw, and drill. In his lessons we learn to work with tools and machines. We make wood products that are necessary on the farm. Viktor Pavlovich demands from us that we carry out the work carefully and efficiently. I really like this teacher. I wish there were more male teachers at school who teach real men's work.

Baronov Andrey, 6th grade

Geography and science teacher.

I want to talk about the strict teacher Tatyana Kimovna Sirotina. She teaches geography and science classes at school. Tatyana Kimovna is a very demanding teacher. Everyone should come to her lessons with completed homework and a desire to gain new knowledge. If I am distracted in class or interfere with my friends, Tatyana Kimovna gets angry. I know this, but I can’t always cope with myself. But, you know, how great the lessons are if we all want to please our loved ones and Tatyana Kimovna with solid knowledge and good behavior. We manage to do so much in a lesson, learn so much! I understand that we need to be kept strict, this is for our benefit. We learn discipline and order from strict teachers. Tatyana Kimovna, thank you for being so strict with us and giving us good knowledge.

Natalya Nikulina, 8th grade

My favorite teacher.

My favorite teacher Olga Vladimirovna. She teaches lessons in home economics, ethics and decorative work at school. Only a real woman and a wonderful housewife can manage such items. Olga Vladimirovna is very beautiful. She has blue eyes, short blond hair, and a slender figure. Olga Vladimirovna dresses tastefully and is always very neat and elegant. Olga Vladimirovna not only has a wonderful appearance, but also golden hands and a kind heart. She herself knows a lot and teaches us handicrafts. In her lessons we learn to cross-stitch, knit, and make beadwork. Olga Vladimirovna is very kind and sympathetic, she helps the guys with personal matters. She has an open soul, so you can talk about everything in confidence with her. Olga Vladimirovna is not just a teacher for me, but also a faithful friend, a “second mother.” I love her so much!

Metelkova Olga, 9th grade

My favorite teacher

The most wonderful teacher at the school is Elena Yurievna Kuleva. I love her so much. Elena Yuryevna taught us a lot.

She knows how to play with us, knows how to calm us down when we get noisy. She takes us on walks, to exhibitions, on excursions. It's very interesting to be with her. Elena Yurievna takes care of us like a mother

Natalya Sukhotskaya, 5th grade

Mathematic teacher.

I immediately liked this teacher when I entered 5th grade. She teaches math for us. Her name is Tatyana Afanasyevna.

She is beautiful, kind, cheerful, smart and sociable. Many children at our school love her. I like it when she explains solutions to problems and examples to us. She very calmly and intelligibly tries to make sure everyone understands and can then decide for themselves.

I want Tatyana Afanasyevna to teach mathematics in our class until the tenth grade.

Yulia Sterlyadkina, 6th grade

My favorite teacher is Tatyana Afanasyevna. She teaches mathematics in our class. Tatyana Afanasyevna is a strict but fair teacher, so I love and respect her.

Kochnev Alexander, 6th grade

Favorite teacher.

Every child has a favorite teacher when he is in school. My favorite teacher is Tatyana Afanasyevna. She teaches mathematics in our class. She is not only a wonderful teacher, but also a kind-hearted person. You can easily approach her and ask for advice or help. Sometimes, when you encounter difficulties, when something doesn’t work out, Tatyana Afanasyevna herself rushes to help and support. You can be frank with her, you can keep secrets with her, and I’m sure that no one will ever know my secrets. She combines such qualities as kindness and exactingness, cheerfulness and severity, nobility and sincerity. I always go to Tatyana Afanasyevna’s lesson with great pleasure. I am grateful to her that she taught me to be demanding of myself and to be conscientious. I would like to say a big thank you to Tatyana Afanasyevna for her patience, for her understanding of us teenagers, who are sometimes not grateful. But I am sure that when we grow up, we will remember her with warmth in our souls and be proud that we met such a wonderful teacher in our lives.

Polyakova Tatyana, 9th grade

My favorite teacher.

I want to tell you about my favorite teacher. Her name is Tatyana Afanasyevna. I really like her math lessons. She clearly explains examples and tasks to us. We listen to her very carefully. I like Tatyana Afanasyevna’s approving smile, thanks to which it’s not scary to make a mistake. You know, if the answer doesn’t work out, Tatyana Afanasyevna will explain it to you again. Tatyana Afanasyevna and I have many common interests. After lessons I like to talk to her about football and sports. It’s always interesting with Tatyana Afanasyevna. When I finish school, I will really miss my favorite teacher.

Alyabin Alexander, 10th grade.

The best friend is a teacher.

The bell rang at school -

This is the beginning of the lesson.

Our teacher will help everyone

Understand the task without any problems.

A hundred ways and a hundred roads

We will walk around the world with him.

Tatyana Afanasyevna

The best friend.

And there is no better one.

Veselova Alexandra, 10th grade


"A teacher is a person who can make difficult things easy"

R. Emerson

It so happened that each class has its own mentor. I will tell you about my class teacher Olga Vladimirovna Salikova. Olga Vladimirovna became our class teacher when we were in fifth grade, in the middle of the year. The whole class was very happy about this event. We immediately felt her care and attention. Every morning Olga Vladimirovna meets us, greets us, asks us about everything, gives advice. At any free moment she looks into our class. You may ask why? Ask how the lesson went, what grades you got. If we were praised, Olga Vladimirovna rejoices and claps her hands with happiness, and even kisses some of the guys on the top of their heads. It happens that we upset her: we receive comments, bad grades. This upsets her very much, although she does not scold us, but when Olga Vladimirovna gets upset, we feel ashamed. Our class teacher is our “second mother,” so she is the one who is invited to class when we don’t want to study or behave badly in class. It’s a pity to look at Olga Vladimirovna at this moment, as if it was she who disrupted the lesson. At these moments I feel very ashamed of our class, that she has to blush for us. I try to work so that I am praised and Olga Vladimirovna smiles. Our class is the most restless at school. Oh, and our Olga Vladimirovna suffered a lot because of us. You're amazed at her patience! Every misdeed of the children in our class does not go unnoticed. class teacher. We take them apart classroom hours, in conversations after school. Olga Vladimirovna does not give us ready-made recipes for life situations, but teaches us to find the right solutions on our own and draw conclusions. If suddenly someone feels bad or is called to the administration, Olga Vladimirovna runs after. She is our main defender. He will always defend himself in front of everyone as best he can, and then arrange a “debriefing”. You can entrust any secret to our cool mom and get an answer to any question. I always feel at ease with Olga Vladimirovna; when I don’t see her, I miss her very much. And during the holidays I worry: is she healthy, has she decided to give up on us? Olga Vladimirovna, patience for your hard work! We will try to give you more joyful moments, our beloved “cool mom.”

Victoria Suslova, 8th grade

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My first teacher"

I want to talk about my teacher - Elena Mikhailovna Reketchuk.
I study in 4 "A" class. Elena Mikhailovna has been teaching me since 1st grade. She is a strict teacher and does not like it when homework is not done. And if they are done incorrectly, then Elena Mikhailovna does not immediately put the grade in the magazine, but allows you to rewrite it. She gets sad and worried when her students get bad grades. But Elena Mikhailovna can also be cheerful! She is especially happy about our A's and B's. Our teacher is a jack of all trades! She teaches us not only the Russian language and mathematics, but also drawing and labor. I really like labor lessons! I learned how to sew buttons, make crafts from cardboard and paper, and most recently I sewed a doll and clothes for her. And I’m interested in drawing, because the lessons are so exciting. And lately I like mathematics. Although this is a difficult subject, Elena Mikhailovna explains it clearly. With our teacher we not only study, but also relax. She and I went to theaters, museums, went to the zoo, and went on excursions.
In the next academic year Elena Mikhailovna will no longer teach us, but will take first-graders, but I will never forget my first teacher! She taught me and my classmates a lot. Not only mathematics and other subjects, but also the fact that one must be honest, kind, well-mannered people.
I wish Elena Mikhailovna happiness, health, good students and smile more often!

Koshelev Oleg, 4 “A” class

"My first teacher"

She was very beautiful and kind. She had an attentive look. Nina Sergeevna loved everyone and did not scold them. She taught us mathematics and Russian. My favorite lesson was the environment.
I will remember this teacher for the rest of my life.

Kritsky Danila, 2 A class

"My first teacher"

In 1st grade I was taught by Nina Sergeevna.
She was kind, good, we all loved her. Nina Sergeevna has blue eyes and a kind look. She taught us everything: read, write, count.
This is my favorite teacher.

Yakovleva Albina, 2 A class

"My first teacher"

I started first grade on September 1st. The teacher met me. I really liked her. Her name was Nina Sergeevna.
She was kind, she loved us. Nina Sergeevna taught us well.
But, unfortunately, Nina Sergeevna left. I will never forget her.

Logvina Alina, 2 A class

"My first teacher"

In second grade we got a new teacher. Her name is Victoria Viktorovna.
Victoria Viktorovna is very beautiful and kind. She teaches lessons and clubs well. This teacher explains everything clearly in class.
I think she will stay with us until 11th grade because she always smiles.

Protsko Natalya, 2 A class

"My first teacher"

In 1st grade I was taught by Nina Sergeevna.
Nina Sergeevna is very kind, beautiful, good. She has blue eyes, a gentle look and a cheerful smile.
In 1st grade, Nina Sergeevna and I studied reading, Russian, and mathematics. She explained everything clearly. What I liked most about the lessons was reading, solving examples and writing.
I will never forget my first teacher!

Grau Vesna, 2 A class

"My first teacher"

My first teacher Victoria Viktorovna.
She is very smart and good. She has blonde hair, blue eyes and a beautiful smile.
She makes her lessons interesting. In mathematics we solve examples and problems. We study the rules in Russian and take dictation.
I will always remember my first teacher.

Meshkeleev Alexander, 2 A class

"My first teacher"

Victoria Viktorovna teaches me in the second grade.
Victoria Viktorovna teaches lessons very well. I like the way she explains new material. I am especially interested in the lessons of the surrounding world.
Victoria Viktorovna has blue eyes and is very beautiful. I like my teacher!

Vinnikova Diana, 2 A class

"My first teacher"

In the first grade I was taught by Nina Sergeevna.
She was kind and good. I immediately liked Nina Sergeevna. I was interested in Russian language lessons, reading, and mathematics.
The first teacher will always remain in my memory.

Rychkin Sergey, 2 A class

Updated 02.11.2012 07:20

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