Abstracts Statements Story

"The Story of A.P.

"Unknown Flower" is a work by Andrei Platonov. Even though it is intended for children, it has deep meaning.

Features of the work "Unknown Flower"

Platonov's special narrative style is well known to literary scholars. The author is distinguished by his seriousness; in his works he always touches on important topics, both social and philosophical. At the same time, the writer created fairly well-known examples of children's literature. Among his most famous works for children are:

  • Fairy tale "The Magic Ring".
  • Fairy tale "The Unknown Flower".
  • Story "Cow".
  • The story "Still Mom."

All of these works have one thing in common: underneath the simple and naive style lies a deep idea.

The fairy tale “The Unknown Flower” is originally designed. On the one hand, this is a true and realistic story about how pioneers improved an abandoned wasteland next to the camp. On the other hand, there are many fairy-tale elements in the work (for example, a flower talks to Dasha).

As always with Platonov, the language of the work is a little ponderous. The author uses extensive descriptions, as well as many means of artistic expression, the most common of which is changing the order of words in a sentence.

Review of the work "Unknown Flower"

The fairy tale "The Unknown Flower" seemed to me a very instructive work. It shows that the best creatures in the world are those who love to work.

I think that the unknown flower that grew on the stone is like a person who overcomes difficulties all the time to achieve a lot. And although the girl Dasha and other pioneers helped him when they improved the land in the wasteland, the flower did the most difficult part of the work himself.

The ending of the work seemed a little sad to me, because the flower died before the next summer and never met Dasha again, but his work continues to live on. The fact that the descendants of the flower did not move to the fertilized soil, but continued to grow between the stones, shows that a hardworking creature (be it a plant or a person) never looks for the easy way, but always achieves what it wants.

About Andrei Platonov’s story “The Unknown Flower”.

Once upon a time there lived a little flower. This is how Andrei Platonov’s story begins.
This is the story of a little flower who did not want to live sadly. Life was very difficult for him, but the flower did everything to survive in this harsh place - a wasteland. The wasteland was indeed empty at first, not a single blade of grass grew, butterflies did not fly, and even birds were not visible. There was only dead clay and cold stones. But the flower appeared, survived and worked day and night. He did not complain about anything, but rejoiced in the wind and sun rays.
I also liked the girl Dasha, who accidentally found him. Maybe another girl would have picked this flower. But Dasha understood him, saw how stubborn he was, how difficult it was for him to survive. The girl kissed the flower. She became friends with him and decided to help.
Friends from the pioneer camp came to her aid. They worked all day to help the flower, to make his life easier.
And the next summer, Dasha saw that the vacant lot had turned into a green lawn. New flowers and grass have grown. Butterflies flew and birds sang happily.
I felt very sad when I read that an unknown flower died.
But his son appeared. He was stronger than his father because he grew up right on the rocks.
This is how the story ends. He teaches us not to be afraid of difficulties, but to do everything so as not to “live sadly.” I also realized that it is necessary to turn a dead wasteland into a living clearing.

Permyakov Senya, 6a grade.

Review of A. Platonov’s story “The Unknown Flower”

In class we read the fairy tale by Andrei Platonov “The Unknown Flower”. The writer dedicated this work to his daughter.
This tale is about a little flower who lived very hard, but did not give up. The main characters were the girl Dasha and the flower. Dasha is a very kind, sympathetic, responsible girl, she helped the flower. I told the guys from the pioneer camp, they fertilized the soil so that the flower would not be lonely, so that it would be easier for it to live. And the flower is patient and strong. “He worked day and night to live and not die.” It was difficult for him, but he did not give up. Having friends like this who don't give up helps the world around us very well. I liked both characters because help and desire are important character traits.
I especially liked the episode when Dasha walked past the vacant lot and felt the fragrance. She remembered a fairy tale about a flower who was sad for its mother rose. Dasha thought: “Maybe this flower also misses its mother, just like me.” I also really liked the pages that tell how the flower worked day and night, steadfastly enduring all adversity. And also the place in the fairy tale where the author wrote that “all through the long winter she remembered a small flower unknown by name.”
This fairy tale taught me to believe that you can do a lot if you work hard and don’t give up.

The main characters of A. Platonov’s fairy tale “The Unknown Flower” are a lonely flower and a girl named Dasha. The flower grew on a clay wasteland, among stones. There were no other plants in this wasteland; they could not take root in the clay soil.

But the flower really wanted to live, and it desperately fought for its existence. He obtained moisture from dew, and food for the roots from dust particles brought by the wind. The flower never despaired and patiently endured all the hardships of life on a clay wasteland.

The flower always lacked food, and because of this, the veins on its leaves were not green, but multi-colored: blue, red, light blue and gold. In the summer the flower bloomed, and the wind carried its scent far away.

One morning a girl Dasha walked past a vacant lot. She walked from the station to the pioneer camp, where she rested with other children. Dasha felt the aroma that came from the flower and went to the wasteland to find out what plant had such a wonderful smell.

Dasha found a flower and decided to talk to it. She asked why it was not like other flowers, and the flower replied that it was difficult for it to grow in a barren wasteland. Then the girl returned to the camp and the next day brought other children to the wasteland. She showed them an unknown flower that had difficulty growing on clay, and the guys decided to help the flower.

For several days they carried soil and fertilizers in wheelbarrows so that the flower could live better. And then the children had other things to do and they no longer came to the vacant lot. Only Dasha appeared once at the end of summer to say goodbye to the flower.

The next year, when Dasha came to the camp again, she did not recognize the wasteland. In its place, grass and flowers grew, birds flew around, butterflies fluttered. Life in the former wasteland was in full swing.

The girl could not find her friend from last year; most likely, the flower could not survive the winter. But she found a young flower that was very similar to last year's. The girl realized that the stubborn flower that grew on the clay wasteland last year managed to leave a memory of itself.

This is the summary of the fairy tale.

The main idea of ​​Platonov’s fairy tale “The Unknown Flower” is that nothing can stop the spread of life. An unknown flower found the strength to gain a foothold in a poor clay wasteland. He fought steadfastly for his life. The girl Dasha liked his tenacity and perseverance so much that she persuaded the children from the pioneer camp to help the flower survive.

The story teaches us to never lose heart and never give in to life’s adversities. It is worth learning love of life and patience from an unknown flower.

In the story, I liked the girl Dasha and her comrades from the pioneer camp, who turned a lifeless wasteland into a flowering meadow.

What proverbs are suitable for Platonov’s fairy tale “The Unknown Flower”?

Living alone is a cold heart.
Helping a good person is not a loss.
Life is more valuable than all treasures.
The most important thing in life is life itself.

The fairy tale is about a flower. He teaches that you need to be persistent, achieve your goals and be meticulous in your work.

I learned good qualities from this work and will apply them in the future. .

Ildar Baimukhametov 12 years old

Now I know that if you find yourself in a difficult situation, then you need to be persistent, hardworking, patient, and approach everything with confidence that everything will be fine. If necessary, then help a loved one, love nature and people close to you! Polina Karpova 12 years old

The flower taught me to achieve my goals. In life you need to be hardworking and patient. I realized that if I started doing something, I shouldn’t give it up. We must try, persist, achieve results.

Valera Kosyakov 12 years old

The flower taught me to fight for life, to survive at any cost. Image flower brings to us eternal values ​​that enable a person in the complex modern world not to lose himself and his soul . Lena Killwolf 12 years old

Azat Baimukhametov 12 years old

Platonov's story "The Unknown Flower" makes the reader seriously think about the difficulties of human life, although, at first glance, we are talking about an ordinary flower. This story makes you think about perseverance and the desire to overcome all difficulties along the way. Often a person, like this flower, is subjected to the most difficult trials. And in order not to break down and go through all the trials with your head held high, it takes a lot of strength and courage. The story of an unprecedented flower gives hope to the reader. The hope that all difficulties will definitely be overcome. You just need to believe in yourself and fight until the end for your happiness. The flower taught me to be persistent and strive for my goal, to overcome everything difficulties are not on your way. He also taught me to be strong and courageous.

An unknown flower is a symbol of dissimilarity, defenselessness and strength at the same time, a symbol of a “beautiful and furious world”, a symbol of a dream of harmony. Pavlenko Denis 13 years old

The life of a flower is very difficult: there was nothing around except clay and stones. He ate dust particles brought by the wind, and in the morning he guarded the dew. The flower worked to survive! The author shows us his hero as brave, courageous, hardworking, patient. I would like all these qualities to be in me. I will also try to achieve my goals, even if it’s not easy at times. .

Angelina Kruglova 12 years old

I believe that the flower taught me to be hardworking, purposeful, diligent, persistent, patient, sensitive and to always strive to live longer.

Anara Sataeva 12 years oldShemanaeva Nina 12 years old

A small plant on a huge land. I had a nagging feeling of pity for a lonely living creature .