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Poet Nikolai Shilov. Children's poets of Chelyabinsk

“Shilov Nikolai Petrovich is a rather large poet. His height is one meter eighty-five centimeters, and his weight is ninety kilograms, like ten huge watermelons. But he writes poetry for little ones...”
This is how Nikolai Petrovich introduced himself to children in the magazine “Tropinka” (1997.- No. 7.-P.29). Indeed, he is a tall man, also handsome and smiling. But children and adults should know that he is not only a poet, but also an associate professor at the Academy of Culture and Art, an Honored Worker of Culture of Russia...
Nikolai Petrovich published several children's books in small editions. His poems have appeared and appear in periodicals. They are hard to miss.
So who is he, a poet and scientist?
Nikolai Petrovich was born on April 12, 1947 in the city of Shchuchye, Kurgan Region, into a working-class family. While still at school, he began writing poetry, some of which were published in the local newspaper. After graduating from the eighth grade, he went to Chelyabinsk to enter a technical school. He was not accepted due to his eyesight, and he entered a cultural and educational school. Nikolai Shilov graduated with honors in 1966 and was sent to the Leningrad Institute of Culture at the theater department.
He visited Leningrad (more than once), probably in all the theaters and museums. He received such a stock of aesthetic and theatrical education that one can envy him. And he was also lucky: in 1968, as part of a small student group, he visited Germany. There he was even awarded for his good work. But the main reward is the opportunity to see the famous German cities of Dresden, Leipzig, Berlin, their theaters, and learn the culture of the people.
Shilov graduated from the institute, returned to Chelyabinsk, and began teaching at the same school where he himself studied. True, at first he served in the army for one year. In addition to teaching, he and his students wrote scripts, staged plays and concerts.
Since 1970, Nikolai Petrovich began to study in the literary association "Express", which is located at the Palace of Railwaymen. He became friends with the head of the literary association and children's poet Lev Rakhlis.
In 1982, he went to work at the Institute of Culture and began working with Rakhlis. And at Chelyabinsk University Nikolai Petrovich creates a very interesting student theater "Sofit". Over the 10 years of its existence, Sofit has won various competitions more than once.
Nikolai Petrovich, together with L. Rakhlis, wrote the first book for kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers (this was 1992) “Flower of Seven Flowers”, then “Hello, Grandma’s Chest”, “Winnie the Pooh School” and others appeared ( a list of recent works is attached). Everyone who works with young children immediately appreciated the merits of game scripts, competitions, and shows invented by fictional authors, dreamers, and experts on the characters of boys and girls.
Lev Rakhlis by that time was already a famous children's poet (readers remember his books “Is it true or not?”, “Shishel-Myshel...”). Friendship with the children's poet and joint work on scripts were not in vain for Nikolai Shilov. Leaving for America, Rakhlis handed over the baton of the children's poet and the department at the institute to Nikolai Shilov. Now Nikolai Petrovich is the head of the department of directing theatrical performances and celebrations. It is no coincidence that the article about Shilov was called “Professor of the Department of Holidays.” When some big holiday takes place in our city, few people know that the script for this holiday was written by Nikolai Shilov.
Despite being extremely busy at the institute, Nikolai Petrovich manages to write poetry for children.
The first poems appeared in the newspaper "Chronicle", where there was a special children's "Newspaper". From the very first poems of Nikolai Shilov, it became clear that a real children's poet had appeared in Chelyabinsk with a special vision, knowledge of children, and his own words: cheerful, ironic, imaginative, mischievous.
For example:

I want to meet you
With the girl LUDA,
Preferably a crybaby
And a terrible bore.
Number such and such
Call at lunchtime

Shilov's poems are interesting to both young kindergarteners and elementary school students, and their parents and grandparents. These poems could be called a good remedy against boredom and tediousness. They are good to read aloud...

Little mice
They were gnawing books in the closet,
Baby mice
Big letters.

Nikolai Petrovich’s poems force children to think outside the box, to fantasize, to enjoy unexpected turns, the richness of language, and humor. One example:

I told the Bee:
You were here
Exactly at the same time
-So what,
What was
Maybe that
I left it.
I beg your pardon
Zha pronunciation -
I have sheychash
Mouth full.

In 1996, the magazine “Tropinka” appeared in Chelyabinsk, where S.B. was the editor-in-chief. Shkolnikov, and Nikolai Petrovich became her deputy and presenter of the section for the little ones - “Kindergarten”. “The Path” contains poems by Shilov himself and many good poems by other poets with whom Nikolai Petrovich introduced our little readers. Unfortunately, "Tropinka" ceased publication due to the departure of the editor-in-chief and organizer of this magazine.
Shilov's poems were published in the Minsk magazine "Kvazhdy-Kva" and in the American newspaper "Russian House", which is now published in Atlanta by Lev Rakhlis.
Shilov's first collection of poems was published in 1997, "Doctor FLY-THROAT-NOSE". Moreover, the first editor of this collection was the talented Chelyabinsk children's poetess Nina Pikuleva.
This is Shilov’s poem that gives the collection its title:

Who needs who
If a fly after a cold
Gets seriously ill
This means that Mucha urgently needs
Well, what if he gets sick?
Cheerful Barbos,
That will help the unfortunate

In 1999 - another collection - "Samsusam". The most complete - 50 poems. “Samsusam” makes it clear to readers big and small how much the poet can do, how interesting his riddle poems, game poems, counting rhymes, horror stories, and dreams are.
But it would be wrong to note only humor and mischief in his poems. There are poems that make both children and adults think about serious things: “Thoughts”, “Summer”, “Cares”

If the river
Don't take care
Will stop
The river is flowing
Will be overgrown with tall trees
Sharp sedge...

Many of Nikolai Petrovich’s poems are dedicated to nature: the wind, flowers, trees, insects. Maybe because he himself is a good gardener, his poems contain such subtle and accurate observations of everything that grows and lives on the earth: “Old People”, “Ladybug”, “Insects”. A very typical poem:

On the crown
Got up
With parachutes
Only the wind
They are waiting -
This is the best weather
To capture
Vegetable garden.

The latest collection was published in 2000 - “Terrible Beast”.
Bright, cheerful poems by Nikolai Shilov “ask” to be set to music. Composer Elena Poplyanova composed a whole musical and poetic cheerful performance based on the poet’s poems - “The Merry Pam-Param Holiday,” so now Shilov’s poems are “sung.”
Nikolai Shilov's books were lucky with their artists: Dima Prokopyev, M. Bubentsova, V. Goryachko, A. Razboinikov understand the poet very well, and their drawings correspond to what the poet is talking about.
Someone will be lucky and attend a meeting with Nikolai Petrovich. Each such meeting is a holiday.
Nina Vasilievna Pikuleva wrote poetry for one such meeting:

On this merry day of May
I hurried to you from afar,
touching my head
Cumulus clouds,
A hundred miracles-performed along the way,
Mischievous like Santa Claus
Nikolai Petrovich Shilov,
Tamer of storms and thunderstorms!
Everyone is allowed to laugh
Nikolai Petrovich Shilov,
Doctor fly-nose-throat.
Built like Karandashilov,
Cheerful and fresh as an Eskimo,
Nikolai Petrovich Shilov,
Dryer of children's tears.
He is a poet, I know for sure!
Why come to you from afar?
Was he in a hurry for the May Day?
He's glad to see you! Sure enough!
Nikolai Petrovich Shilov
A line will make you laugh until you cry!
He's not just K-you-in-a-hurry,
He brought his POEMS!
For him the LIVING WORD is
Both work and play.
Have you ever seen something like this?
So meet me, it's time!

On the poet’s birthday, April 12, 2000, he was accepted into the Russian Writers’ Union.
Nikolai Petrovich’s two sons grew up. One became a physicist, the other a historian. The historian already has his own large and interesting book. On Nikolai Petrovich’s desk are poems for the new collection “Hugging a Giraffe” (with his height, you can hug a giraffe). The poetic path of Nikolai Shilov is just beginning. There is every reason to hope that there will be more and more new books, that they will be published in large editions so that everyone who loves children's poems can buy them.
It remains to wish Nikolai Petrovich health, new poems, new scripts for the joy of children and adults.

Poems by N.P. Shilova for children
(according to the funds of the regional children's library)


Shilov N.P. Doctor Fly-Throat-Nose.- Chelyabinsk, 1997.- 31 p.
Shilov N.P. Samsusam.- Chelyabinsk: T. Lurie Publishing House, 1999.- 56 p.
Shilov N.P. Terrible beast.- Chelyabinsk: T. Lurie Publishing House, 2000.-28 p.

Works by N.P. Shilov in periodicals

Shilov N.P. A selection of poems// Hello.-1996.-No. 34-35.-P.10-11.
Shilov N.P. Poems. About him. Photo// Chronicle.-1995.-No. 36.-P.12.
Shilov N.P. Poems// Chronicle. - 1996.-No. 33,47.-P.12.
Shiorv N.P. Poems// Path.= 1996.- No. 1.-S.8,19,23; No. 2.-S.2-3.
Shilov N.P. Poems// Path.= 1997.-No.4.-P.7,11; No. 6.-S.20-3.9; No. 7.-P.29-31 (About myself - P.29).
Shilov N.P. Poems// Path.- 1998.-No.2-S.2,6.
Rakhlis L., Shilov N. Pimpamponchik is visiting: Complete the book// Path.-1998.-No.2.-P.32-33; No. 4.-2nd village region

List of works by N.P. Shilova for kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers

Shilov N.P. There is money, money, money everywhere; Chin up!; Kolobok: Competitive game programs.- Chelyabinsk: ONMC, 1993.-15 p.
Rakhlis L.Ya., Shilov N.P. Whom the stork brought in its beak: Festive igoscope show for birthday people.- Chelyabinsk, 1992.-56 p.
Rakhlis L.Ya., Shilov N.P. World of Wonders: Three scripted and directed series.- Chelyabinsk: ChGIK, 1992.-131 p.
Rakhlis L.Ya., Shilov N.P. Hostess - guests; Four rounds of carousel games; Shilov N.P. Turnip: A new game based on the plot of an old fairy tale.- Chelyabinsk: ONMC, 1994.-32p.
Rakhlis L., Shilov N. Winnie the Pooh School: Lessons on word creation and fun writing.- Chelyabinsk: ChGIK, 1992.-48 p.

For music workers

Poplyanova E.M. Merry holiday Pam-Param: Musical and poetic performance for a very cheerful choir and mischievous soloists / Poems by N. Shilov; Rice. A. Razboinikova. - Chelyabinsk: Autograph, 1999.- 56 p.

About N.P. Shilov

Zemlyanskaya N. Professor of the Department of Holidays// Komsomolskaya Pravda.-1998.-February 27. - P.12.

  • Well who?
  • Scamps, that's who! Then the corners will be alive.
  • Well done, Rita! Good idea. Let's invite all sorts of animals to our kindergarten. And it will turn out to be a living corner. That will be fun. And let the naughty ones be naughty. Otherwise life will be boring.

And we took the phone book and our big phone. And they called all Chelyabinsk poets. They asked us to help. And that's what happened!

You are welcome to our living corner!

From the editor: what poets brought their animals to the Living Corner? You can read poems about them on our website:

Irina Ezhova - Dog announcement, Asya Gorskaya - Dragonfly and ducks that confused mother with a steamboat, Efim Khoviv - a kid with a beard, Nina Pikuleva - bear cubs, Lydia Preobrazhenskaya - a hedgehog and Oleg Yuldashev - penguins!

And Nikolai Petrovich himself also wrote a lot about animals, especially dogs - here are some of his poems.


Along the alley

In a quilted jacket,

Doesn't bite

Doesn't rush.

It's indecent to bark

In a sleeveless vest

In no pants

On the morning

Warm up.


Up and down


After that

Five ton

Dump truck

All wheels

And then I caught it

From the poplars

Flying fluff

It passed then

Started racing

Behind the tail


True, unsuccessfully...

Bobik's day -

Total aerobics.


It's good to skip

For his master,

Taking a break together

And frolic with him.

Catching up, overtaking,

Finally, distillation

And then grabbing a stick

With tearing out of your hand.

I'm going crazy with joy:

Not life - but beauty!

And I feel sorry for the owner

For lack of a tail. :


Near the trash

She walks gloomily

Thinks his own:


You are a tramp





Without friends

And without a family,

Need to think

Not about bread

And about the stars

And about the stars

And about the sky
Even in the morning
On an empty stomach.
Well, what if

Live differently



Life becomes


And even more so -




In the dark

Winter and summer

Keep your tail


So that they have

Pale look

And the robber

And a bandit.

And in the tram


Be carefull

Before stopping

Don't hold


Among the trams

Half are hares.

Along the pavement

To the orchestra

Having fun


That's when

By itself

Tail up

She barked at me yesterday

These rules are a mongrel.

We read the poems, nowlet's play


It’s not for nothing that our cuckoo Rita got bored. One is always bored. Therefore, animals, birds, fish, and

insects love to cluster together. Jackdaws, for example, fly in flocks. And if there are many, many cows coming, what is it? That's right, the herd.

And if horses are racing, it's...

And if herrings swim, it’s...

And if cranes fly, it's...

And if sheep are grazing, this is...

And if the bees are flying, it's...


  • Rita, I said, New Year is coming soon. - Let's buy some ice cream. When the clock strikes twelve times, we will eat it.
  • Who will they beat? - Rita asked suspiciously.
  • Don't worry, hitting means slamming. Bom-bom-bom! So that everyone knows that the New Year has already arrived.
  • On whom?
  • What to whom?
  • Stepped on whom?
  • Rita, you need to clear your head. Open the window more often.

“I open it twenty-four times a day,” Rita grumbled, “and it won’t take long for me to get a sore throat.”

Cuckoo Rita is my best friend. She lives in the clock and loves to talk.

  • And if you have a sore throat, or rather, if I have a sore throat, then you will have to celebrate the New Year in the workshop.
  • Why?

Because the clock will always show thirty-nine and six. And no bom-bom.

Terrible! - I was scared. - Everyone’s New Year will come, but I’ll live in the old one and without gifts. How can I save you from a sore throat?

“It’s very simple,” Rita perked up, “you need Eskimo treatment.” It is specially carried out so as not to get sick.

  • Like this?
  • Listen carefully. I jump out of the clock, and you are already holding the medicine in the form of a popsicle. As soon as I crow, you slam it down my throat - that’s all.
  • And so every day? - I got worried.
  • Nope! - Rita drawled dreamily. - The full course of treatment is twenty-four times a day.

These are the worries I have before the holiday. Every day I run to the Lakomka store, buy ice cream and feed Rita so that on New Year’s Day the clock, God forbid, doesn’t show thirty-nine and six. And during the breaks I read Masha Melnik’s fairy tales. Aloud. For myself and for Rita.

In the same issue of “Paths” Nikolai Petrovich Shilov published for the first time a large bag of his poems. We present them all in the order they appeared in the magazine in the collection “A Little About Me”


Down the street without haste

The Sweet Tooths were walking,

The Sweet Tooths laughed,

They chatted among themselves,

Suddenly they see Sweet Tooth - ^

The penny is tails up,
Unfortunately, heads up

Lying on the pavement.


Kopek Sweet Tooth

Picked up without delay

Without any delay

And immediately to the buffet.

Bought Sweet tooth

A carriage and two trolleys,

(Or maybe three carts!)

Cookies and candies

And now along the path,

Sighing, Sweetlegs

Sh attacking, Sweet hands

They barely go

And Sweet Cheeks are nearby

In a torn bag,

An empty, empty bag

They only carry candy wrappers.


He rides himself -

It flies itself—

The dump truck crashes on its own,

The samovar cooks itself.

And the mustacheless SAMSUS

He can do everything himself.

This smart man -

Self-jump and self-run,

Samobryak and self-propelled gun,

Self-whistle and self-clap,

Self-resetting and self-clutching,

Airplane and scooter.


We met somehow

Two fighters

The foreheads are wide,

Like two heads of cabbage.

Both froze at first

Like pillars

And then they persuaded

Strong foreheads,

Got a good run

Sparks just flew

People walking around:

- This, citizens,

Probably fireworks!


On black


On the white island



His lidocorcom

It's called for a reason,


From the tail.


- I am today

I don't like

Woohoo! i

He's undercooked

He's peppered

And besides

These are the pies

If you got up on the wrong foot.


Crying, crying

Papa Rain,

Lost somewhere

Droplet-Droplet -

Silver belly.

days ago

About five

How did she go


In the shade

On plum


And by noon



Crying, crying

Papa Rain:

- Where,

Where is the daughter?


Dear Editor!

I am a simple iron tractor[

aspiring poet,

ten years old.

This is what I write in verse:



Place these lines

With a photograph in the newspaper,

So that next week

All the guys were chattering.



Kemarit sits.

And I dreamed

Green meadow

On chamomile

He, the mosquito,

From chamomile

Drinks nectar.

Oh, what a good dream!

Oh, how good he is!

And he will wake up

Will drink

Human blood.


There's a river in the field -


Ruffs are swimming,



And for the eyes

And for the soul.

Want -

Swim and bathe

Want -

Just sunbathe

Dig in the sand

Or into pebbles

Want -

Listen to the reeds

All eyes

Like in the cool

On a water lily

The dragonfly is resting.

If you don't want to -

Come back

Lie down again

Sleep all day

Or lie down

Only more

Don't fidget.


Grew up in a clearing

Four daisies

We walked under them

Four bugs.

The insects were walking

The daisies grew

The daisies have faded

The bugs are gone.


It's raining


We are family

Let's crawl for a walk.

Near mint


Stretched out

On the grass,

Take a nap

About two minutes

And measure ourselves

Half asleep


In a scary place

Two skeletons

They are building a university.

In the center of the university

It will be scary


Ghost lore.

For your information:

To this university

They will take

From the elderly

Grandfathers, great-grandfathers,

Grandmothers and great-grandmothers.

They will take

All sorts of horror stories

To shake



Tag shirt,

Head and legs -

I am ladybug

I hold it in my palm.

She's going around in circles

He runs in a hurry

It's from your finger

He wants to get on his finger.

Then he looks to the north,

Then he looks to the south,

It will raise its wings,

Then he will put them together suddenly.

May be,

She lost her child

Same orange

God's calf?

Or maybe somewhere

Fell on his side

And asks for help

God's bull?

Or maybe she

Surprised by the summer

good weather

And God's light.


Mr. Husak,


Why are you at all

It's no good

After all

You're much better

Why be angry

And hiss!

(Since this meeting in the editorial office of Nikolai Petrovich with the cuckoo Rita took place before the New Year, we decided to place here several poems related to winter. Ed. site)


Mittens are out

Took Mittens:





Take a nap

Yes, warm it up


Tractor driver

Ivan Petrov

A car of firewood,

Split them

Dried it out

And into the woodpile

The whole zoo:

Cat with litter

Yes, two Goldfinches -

And everyone wants


Doors in the evening


Hot oven

This speech:

- So that the soul

Was clean

And to the tail,

And out of the closet


Sit closer

With a litter of kittens,

Together with Hamster

Under the ceiling.

Wood burns well

With good words.


We've read the poems, it's time to play. And animals, birds, fish and insects will help us. So many different words have been made up about them, as if everyone only dreams of being an elephant or a frog. We will play like this. I name what a person can be, and you add which of the animals he is like
similar. For example:
Me: hungry... You: like a wolf.
Me: toothy... You: like a pike.

Now try it yourself.

Chatty_______________ _______

Clubfoot_____________ .__










There is such a country in the world - Austria. And in this country - the city of Linz. So, a long time ago, more than a hundred years ago, there lived a professor in this city. His name was Gottfried Immanuel Wenzel. He loved dogs very much and listened to them very carefully. And then I compiled a dictionary of dog words.

Pow - please treat me to something tasty - sausage or sausage.

Pif _ indignation, say, that some boy is waving a stick.

Buff - hello! This is for friends and comrades.

Bau is important news. For example: “Look, a cat has appeared on the porch!” These are dog words.

Very interesting story! - said the cuckoo Rita. - Let's ask the guys - let them listen to their tailed friends: calves, parrots, cats and compile a vocabulary.

Cuckoo Rita lives in the clock that was given to us by sponsors, and loves to make suggestions.

  • Well done, Rita! - I was happy. - They will compile dictionaries and send them to us.
  • And we will create a library in our living corner.
  • Exactly! Imagine, a whole shelf of beautiful books:

Baby-cat dictionary. Dictionary of calf expressions. Dictionary of equine language difficulties. Childish goose phrase book.

  • Sorry! Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo!
  • What are you up to?
  • An hour has passed. I almost missed it, or rather, I missed it. It's time to introduce the kids to the new inhabitants of the Living Corner.
  • Cat

    - I have, -

  • The cat said,

    Yes now

    Your own matting

    And legal

  • Who will offend

    Will be himself

    To catch mice.


    Sits on the balcony


    And barks from above

    Angry and loud.

    And those below -

    No attention.

    The old ladies fell asleep

    Tired of knitting,

    The boys are playing

    In a tin can,—

    Nobody wants

    Get into an argument.


    How tr-ore

    Star-swarm bird

    Pr-give birth

    And pr-rockor-rmit.

    You will find, say,

    They don't give it that way

    Eat up.

    That's a thief,

    R-will be taken away

    Everything to the smallest detail,

    And I again -

    Vorona -

    Without a bun,

    Without a loaf.

    And it's such a shame

    It's just creepy...

    Someone send some cheese!


    Along the avenue

    With the wind

    They're riding a raincoat

    With a sweater

    Two shirts


    On hangers.

    Books are coming

    The wardrobe is moving

    Cacti are coming

    In pots,


    In general, a whole cartload

    We are moving

    Together with a parrot.

    I'm sitting in the booth

    He sits in a basket

    And it creaks like an old chair:
    - Housewarming party!



Petit-Petushka doesn't have it

Not a girlfriend

Not a friend


At least someone

Will overthrow

It's rowdy

Then the passage

But in childhood

Was like everyone else

In the world,

And fluffy

And not cocky.

    Have you read poetry? Let's play.

  • GAME 3

  • TO every

    ABOUT hunter

    AND wants

    Z nah,

    WITH goes

    F adhan


    • This rhyme was invented by artists to remember the order of colors in the rainbow. Which letter the word begins with, the name of the paint begins with the same letter:
    • Red,
    • orange,
    • yellow,
    • green,
    • blue,
    • blue,
    • violet.

    Our game is called "Rainbow-Arc". Come up with your own rhyme so that you can use it to remember the order of colors in the rainbow.

Nikolai Petrovich Shilov

Children's poet

Without the wise and cheerful poems of Nikolai Petrovich, it is difficult to imagine children's literature in the Southern Urals. He can be called the most famous modern children's poet in our region. Many of his poems became songs.

Nikolai Petrovich Shilov was a professor at the Academy of Culture and Art, a famous screenwriter and a born children's poet.

This is how he once said about himself: “Shilov Nikolai Petrovich is a rather major poet. His height is one meter eighty-five centimeters, and his weight is ninety kilograms, like ten huge watermelons. But he writes poems for little ones...” He really was a tall man, and also a very handsome, kind, cheerful person, just like a children's poet should be. The guys really loved meeting Nikolai Petrovich in schools, libraries, orphanages, and kindergartens. Such people in Rus' were called “Children's holidays”.

Nikolai Petrovich was born in the city of Shchuchye, Kurgan region. “...My Ural homeland is known all over the world. She became famous quite recently. When everyone found out about my famous fellow countryman and almost the same age named Chemical Weapons Warehouse. To spite this mentality, I grew up and began writing poetry for children...” (“I’ll sit for a while”). The Shilov family was a working-class family. Father Peter Mikhailovich is a driver. He went through the entire war, drove a formidable Katyusha car, and was bombed more than once. He returned from the war and until the end of his days he carried 12 fragments from enemy shells in his body. Despite this, he never lost heart and was a great inventor. The son probably learned this from his father.

While still at school, Nikolai began writing poetry. When he was in 8th grade, his poems were first published in a local newspaper. But he didn't intend to be a poet. After graduating from the eighth grade, he came to Chelyabinsk to enter a technical school to study to become a mechanic. He was not accepted due to poor eyesight. Then Nikolai entered the cultural school. He probably didn’t even think then that he had chosen his path, his destiny. He graduated from college with honors and went to study at the Leningrad (St. Petersburg) Institute of Culture (theater department). There he learned and saw a lot: museums, theaters, libraries. And Shilov was also lucky: together with other students he visited Germany, got acquainted with beautiful, old German cities, and learned the culture of the German people.

And Nikolai Petrovich graduated from the institute with honors and returned to Chelyabinsk. He taught at the same school from which he graduated, served in the army, and worked in the army library. After the army he returned to teaching. He began to study in the literary association “Express” (Palace of Railway Workers), which was led by Lev Yakovlevich Rakhlis. Readers already knew Rakhlis from children's books: “Is it true or not?”, “Shishel - Myshel”. Nikolai Shilov and Lev Rakhlis became friends. Rakhlis then headed the department at the Institute of Culture (now the Academy of Culture and Art). He invited Nikolai Shilov to work at the institute (1982). Friends taught students how to organize holidays and festive performances. Then they together began to write script books for kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers, came up with various interesting games, competitions, shows: “Flower - Seven-colored Flower”, “Hello, Grandma’s Chest!”, “School of Winnie the Pooh”, etc. These books helped adults a lot in working with children. Later, these scripts were included in the collection “A Whale Named “N”. A whale named "B". A whale named "F" Behind the mysterious letters are the words: Observation, Imagination and Fantasy.

It so happened that Shilov’s friend, Lev Rakhlis, left for America forever in 1993. Nikolai Petrovich continued the common cause. He became a professor, lectured to students, and wrote serious scientific papers. Wrote scripts for major holidays. Not everyone knows that “City Day”, “Bazhov Festival”, children’s festival “Crystal Drops”, and the presentation of the People’s Prize “Bright Past” were held according to his scripts.

But, despite being very busy, Nikolai Petrovich always found time for children's poems. His first poems appeared on the children's page of the Chronicle newspaper (1992 - 1996). And it immediately became clear that a real children's poet had appeared. In 1997, the first collection of poems “Doctor Fly – Throat – Nose” was published. Shilov wrote about the book: “This book is for educators, and for teachers, and for mothers, fathers, grandparents, and, of course, for children. That's how I came up with it. So that no one gets bored..." His poems, like any real children's poems, are interesting to both big and small. Shilov's poems are very good for family reading. They are easy to read and easy to remember.

His poems contain a lot of invention, fantasy, and mischief. There are poems - riddles, poems - games, counting rhymes. But they not only entertain, but also make you think, fantasize, rejoice and be surprised by the Russian language and words. The poet knew children very well, retained a lot from his childhood, and knew how to be amazed, like a child, at everything living and growing on earth. He was also a good gardener, which is why his poems contain so many interesting observations of animals, birds, insects, and plants. It is no coincidence that the book “Initiation into Frogs” opens with the words: “This book contains the author’s own works, as well as translations from fly, frog, magpie, cat, dog, horse and other languages...”. Indeed, it may seem to the reader that Nikolai Petrovich understands the language of animals, birds, and insects.

Nikolai Petrovich has published a dozen and a half books. And each has an unusual title: “Doctor Fly – Throat – Nose”, “Three Rains Ago”, “Summer in Jars”, “The Pig Who Was a Dog”... And the poems themselves are just as interesting. His books “Initiation into Frogs” and “Summer in Jars” (Autograph Publishing House) are the most fully and well published. Hard covers, bright design. Such books deserve to be exhibited at international book exhibitions. A number of Nikolai Petrovich’s collections were published by the Academy of Culture and Art. The 2004 edition of “The Pig Who Was a Dog” is important, where for the first time a prose work by the poet was published for the children, which gave the name to the collection. For the first time, the collection contains a large, serious article by T. Bobina about Shilov’s work.

Nikolai Petrovich’s poems were published in Chelyabinsk magazines: “Napoleon”, “Luch”, “Tropinka”. In “Tropinka” (1996 – 2000), Nikolai Shilov was not only the author of poetry, but also the deputy editor-in-chief and presenter of the “Kindergarten” column. Shilov’s works were also published in other cities of the country: in the Minsk magazine “Kvazhdy-kva”, in the Yekaterinburg newspapers “Quiet Minute”, “Airship” (for reading on airplanes), in the computer magazine “Lap-Top”, in the Kurgan magazine “ How to entertain guests."

Lately, Nikolai Petrovich has been publishing not only books. In the city of Kurgan, a CD “The ABC that can be sung” was released, with poems by Shilov and music by the famous Chelyabinsk composer Elena Mikhailovna Poplyanova. This is not the first work of the poet and composer. Their common book “Merry holiday of Pam - Param: A musical and poetic performance for a very cheerful choir and mischievous soloists”, “Daisy Day” - a collection of songs for children was published. Elena Poplyanova wrote music for 61 poems by Nikolai Shilov. Nikolai Petrovich also worked with composer Anatoly Krivoshey. They created musicals based on the works of M. Maeterlinck “The Blue Bird” and D. Rolling “Harry Potter”. Musicals were staged at the Chelyabinsk Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren.

Nikolai Shilov’s books were illustrated by good artists: Yuri Popov, Dmitry Prokopyev, Alexander Razboinikov...

Despite the fact that Lev Rakhlis has been living and working in America for a long time, the friendship of the two poets continued. Nikolai Shilov's poems were published in the Russian House newspaper, published by Rakhlis in Atlanta. And in Chelyabinsk, with the help of Nikolai Petrovich, collections of Rakhlis’s poems were published: “They gave the fish an umbrella”, “On the green island of Borneo”.

Nikolai Petrovich was always friends with children's libraries, with the regional children's library, gave them books, met with readers within their walls. And in libraries the poems of Nikolai Shilov were and are valued. Together with employees of the regional children's library, he worked on a collection of children's works, “War in the Fate of My Family.”

Nikolai Shilov’s work was highly appreciated; since 1995 he has been an Honored Worker of Culture of Russia, a diploma winner at the Russian Leo Tolstoy Competition (2002) for the book “Dedication to Frogs.” Shilov is a laureate of the Chelyabinsk Maxim Kline Prize (2001), the city Golden Lyre Prize (2007). Four of his books won places of honor in regional competitions for the best publishing and printing products in the “Best Edition for Children” category. At the end of January 2010, on the birthday of the famous Ural storyteller, Nikolai Petrovich received the Pavel Bazhov National Prize in Yekaterinburg (for the book “Flight over the Cornflowers”).

Nikolai Petrovich had many creative plans. He collected his best poems for a complete collection. Together with Elena Poplyanova, they prepared “The ABC that can be sung” for publication. We decided to create a musical fairy tale for little ones, “Journey to Dragonfly Station.” Poems for the fairy tale have already been written. The poet and composer had plans to write a musical work based on Andersen’s fairy tale “The Little Mermaid”.

Nikolai Petrovich was a wonderful family man. His wife Valentina Vasilievna was always his assistant and the first editor of his works. They raised two talented sons - a physicist and a historian. Historian Denis is the author of a rare and large book about statesmen of the Russian Empire, works in St. Petersburg at the Russian National Library. In the Shilovs' house there are notebooks with fairy tales that the father composed for his children, homemade newspapers and magazines made in childhood by the poet's sons.

Due to a serious illness, Nikolai Petrovich died early. But everyone who knew him will always remember him. All the best human traits converged in Nikolai Petrovich: wisdom, talent, dignity, kindness, modesty, sense of humor. He attracted people, big and small.

The Academy of Culture and Art has established a special scholarship for students named after Nikolai Shilov. The Academy is preparing for publication a collection of materials about Nikolai Petrovich. The regional universal scientific library and the regional children's library are taking part in the preparation. The collection will contain a complete bibliography of Nikolai Shilov’s works and materials about him.

There are and will be his books in libraries. There is confidence that Nikolai Shilov’s books will be published more than once. And not only in Chelyabinsk.

ON THE. Kapitonova

Works by N. Shilov:

Doctor Fly - Throat - Nose: poems. – Chelyabinsk, 1997. – 32 p.

Samsusam: poems for children. – Chelyabinsk: Published by Tatyana Lurie, 1999. – 50 p.

Terrible beast: poems for children. – Chelyabinsk: Published by Tatyana Lurie, 2000. – 28 p.

Mustacheless Samsusam: poems for children. – Chelyabinsk: Tatyana Lurie Publishing House, 2001. – 56 p.

Initiation into frogs: poems for children and adults. – Chelyabinsk: AutoGraph, 2001. – 45 p.

Initiation into frogs: poems for children and adults. – Chelyabinsk: AutoGraph, 2004. – 45 p.

The Pig Who Was a Dog: Poems and Fairy Tales for Children. – Chelyabinsk: ChGAKI, 2004. – 105 p. – (Academic muse).

Three rains ago: poems for children. – Chelyabinsk: Published by Tatyana Lurie, 2006. – 36 p.

Summer in jars: poems for children. Chelyabinsk: AutoGraph, 2006. – 104 p.

Petrov's dialogues: poems for children. – Chelyabinsk: Published by Tatyana Lurie, 2007. – 24 p.

Marusya studies the days of the week. – Chelyabinsk: Arkaim, 2007. - 12 p.

If You Fall from the Moon: For Family Reading. – Chelyabinsk: Alim LLC, Marina Volkova Publishing House, 2008. – 48 p. – (Series “From 7 to 12”).

Flight over the cornflowers: poems for children. – Chelyabinsk: ChGAKI, 2009. – 44 p. – (Academic muse).

Works by N.P.Shilov

for kindergarten teachers,

primary school teachers and music workers:

Poplyanova E.M.. Merry holiday Pam - Param: musical and poetic performance for a very cheerful choir and mischievous soloists / E.M. Poplyanova, poems by N.P. Shilova. – Chelyabinsk: AutoGraph, 1999. – 56 p.

Rakhlis L.Ya. A whale named "N". A whale named "B". A whale named “F”: scenarios for entertaining and educational activities for older groups of kindergarten / L.Ya. Rakhlis, N.P. Shilov. - Chelyabinsk: ChGAKI, 2005. – 255 p.

Works by N.P. Shilova in collections:

[Poems] // Southern Urals: an almanac of writers of the Urals. No. 1 (32).- Chelyabinsk: South. - Ural. book publishing house, 2001. – P.264 – 271. – (Ural chest).

[Poems] //Southern Urals: almanac of writers of the Urals. No. 2 (33). – Chelyabinsk: Yuzh. - Ural. book publishing house, 2002. – P. 315 – 317.

[Poems] //Anthology on the literature of our native land. 1st – 4th grade. /comp. A.B. Gorskaya, N.A. Kapitonova and others - Chelyabinsk: LLC Publishing Center "Vzglyad", 2002. - P. 26 -28, 85 -86, 152.

All-knowing All-knowing: Poem // Modern literary and bibliographic reference book/ comp. K. Makarov, N. Pikuleva. – Chelyabinsk: Publishing House “Svetunets”, 2005. – P.281.

[Poems] //Literature of the Urals: children's literature of Chelyabinsk: originality and tradition. Book 2: Poems, stories. – Chelyabinsk: Rekpol, 2006. – P.91 - 109.

[Poems] //Southern Urals: literary almanac. No. 5 (36). – Chelyabinsk: Yuzh. -Ural. book publishing house, 2007. – P.305 – 309.

[Poems] // From 7 to 12: writers of the Southern Urals for children. – Chelyabinsk: Marina Volkova Publishing House, 2007. – P.4 – 17.

Dream: A selection of poems // I’ll sit for a while!: a collection of poems and prose for young children. – Chelyabinsk: Internet – magazine Detki-74. ru; Haifa: Publishing house. house Gutenberg, 2008. – P. 179 – 194.

The adult life of a children's poet // Man. – Chelyabinsk, 1999. - No. 5. – P.1,7.

Sinetskaya T. Shilov Nikolai Petrovich / T. Sinetskaya // Chelyabinsk: encyclopedia.- Ed. corr. and additional - Chelyabinsk: Stone Belt, 2001. – P. 1028.

Rubinsky K. Exam for a tadpole / K. Rubinsky // Ural Courier. – Chelyabinsk, 2001. - No. 200. – P.3: portrait. - (Contacts).

Yagodintseva N. Terrible, chocolate-eating beast /N. Yagodintseva //Business Ural. – Chelyabinsk, 2001. – March 7. – P.7.

Shilov Nikolai Petrovich // Reader on the literature of his native land. 1-4 grade / comp. A.B. Gorskaya, N.A. Kapitonova and others - Chelyabinsk: Publishing Center "Vzglyad" LLC, 2002. - P 340 -342.

Valeev A. Translations from fly: good children's books are made in Chelyabinsk / A. Valeev // Chelyabinsk worker. – 2002. – No. 44. – P.3.

Morgules I. Fresh pages of new books published in Chelyabinsk / I. Morgules. //South Ural panorama. – Chelyabinsk, 2002. - No. 22. – P.4.

Sedov Yu. “It’s easier than semolina porridge...” / Yu. Sedov // Chelyabinsk worker. – 2003. - No. 61. – P.7.

Shilov N. Why look at the sky? //South Ural panorama. – Chelyabinsk, 2003. - No. 27. – P.12.

Shilov N. Who invented the pancake attack and drove the scarecrow into a corner?: with the light hand of Komsomolskaya Pravda, N. Shilov became a professor / N. Shilov, N. Zemlyanskaya // Komsomolskaya Pravda. – 2003. - No. 207. – P.3. (KP – Chelyabinsk).

Bobina T. “And look with all your eyes...” / T. Bobina // Shilov N. The Piglet Who Was a Dog: Poems and Fairy Tales for Children. - Chelyabinsk: ChGAKI, 2004. – P.8 – 14.

Shilov Nikolay Petrovich //Modern literary and bio-bibliographic reference book /comp. K. Makarov, N. Pikuleva. – Chelyabinsk: Publishing House “Svetunets”, 2005. – P.141 – 143.

Shilov N. Ten-arbuzovy Nikolay Shilov: conversation / hosted by E. Gizatullin // Arguments and facts. – 2006. - No. 23. – P.3 – (AiF – Chelyabinsk).

Kapitonova N. Shilov Nikolai Petrovich, writer: 60 years since the birth / N. Kapitonova // Calendar of significant and memorable dates, Chelyabinsk region, 2007. - Chelyabinsk, 2006. – P. 142 – 148.

Sinetskaya T. Shilov Nikolay Petrovich / T. Sinetskaya // Chelyabinsk region: encyclopedia in 7 volumes - Chelyabinsk: Stone Belt, 2007. – T.7. – P.401.

Radchenko E. Rain on call: Chelyab. poet N. Shilov is a real “childish person” / E. Radchenko, N. Shilov // Chelyabinsk worker. – 2007. - No. 39. – P.7.

Shilov N. Not a serious person: a conversation with a professor from ChGAKI, laureate of the municipal award “Golden Lyre” in the category “Literature” / hosted by A. Skripov // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. – 2007. - No. 239. – P.18.

“Professor of Holidays”: [To the 60th anniversary of N. Shilov] / without author. //Big Ural: Chelyabinsk region: world of events, 2007: yearbook. - Chelyabinsk: Real - Media, 2008.- P.218.

Kapitonova N. Worthy of the Order of Smile: children's poet Nikolai Shilov received the award named after. Bazhova / N. Kapitonova // Chelyabinsk worker. – 2010. - No. 18. - P.3

Nikolai Petrovich Shilov: [obituaries] // Chelyabinsk worker. – 2010. - No. 48.- P.4.

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Slide captions:

The first graduation of N.P. Shilov at the Institute of Culture

Lev Yakovlevich Rakhlis

Joint creative ideas and works Behind the mysterious letters are hidden the words: Observation, Imagination and Fantasy.

In 1992, Nikolai Petrovich and Lev Yakovlevich wrote their first joint book for kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers, “Tsvetik-seventsvetik.” Then “Hello, Grandma’s Chest!”, “Winnie the Pooh School” and others appeared.

This is how he once said about himself: “Shilov Nikolai Petrovich is a rather large poet. His height is one meter eighty-five centimeters, and his weight is ninety kilograms, like ten huge watermelons. But he writes poetry for little ones...”.

From the very first poems of Nikolai Shilov, it became clear that a real children's poet had appeared in Chelyabinsk with a special vision, knowledge of children, and his own words: cheerful, ironic, imaginative, mischievous. Here, for example: Advertisement I want to meet a PEOPLE girl, preferably a crybaby and a terrible bore. Number such and such, Call at lunchtime, Ogre

Shilov’s first collection of poems, “Doctor FLY – THROAT – Nose,” was published in 1997. This is Shilov’s poem that gave the title to the collection: Who needs someone? If a Fly gets seriously ill after a cold, That means the Fly urgently needs Doctor FLY-THROAT-NOSE. Well, if the Cheerful Barbos gets sick, then Doctor EAR-THROAT-DOG will help the unfortunate one.

It would be wrong to note only humor and mischief in his poems. There are poems that make both children and adults think about serious things: “Thoughts”, “Summer”, “Worries”. If the river is not taken care of, the river will stop flowing and will become overgrown with tall, sharp sedge... (In 1999 “Samsus”)

Many poems are dedicated to nature: the wind, flowers, insects: “Old Men”, “Ladybug”, “Insects” “Dandelion” On his crown Militant seeds stood up with parachutes, They are only waiting for the wind - This is the best weather To capture the vegetable garden

Busy bee Busy bee is so passionate about her work that it sticks out like a cork, only her butt sticks out of the flower. Well, what’s funny, being funny is all right. He who is not passionate is completely worthless.

Lonely Magpie A Magpie sits on a pine tree, She is lonely today. For some reason there are no girlfriends, only snow and snow around. It doesn’t fly, doesn’t chirp, I don’t even want to live in the world. Sit alone, not in the city, but in the forest, among the branches, in the cold.

In 2000, “A Terrible Beast” was released. In 2001, “Initiation into Frogs” A TERRIBLE BEAST Mom opens the door, And in the apartment there is a Terrible Beast! Grandfather's hat, Grandma's slipper, Dad's, Chocolate-eating.

In 2002, another book, “Bearless Samsusam,” she makes it clear to readers, big and small, how much the poet can do, how interesting his poems are riddles, poems are games, counting rhymes, horror stories, dreams. He rolls himself - the Scooter, he flies himself - the Airplane, the Dump Truck - he knocks himself, the Samovar - he cooks himself. And the mustacheless SAMSUS can do everything himself. This nimble man is a self-jump and a self-run, a self-jump and a self-propelled gun, a self-whistle and a self-clap, a self-reset and a self-grab, an airplane and a scooter!

Good weather It stayed for two months, Good weather I decided to rest. And then one morning from the central station, without saying goodbye to anyone, she set off on her way. Now she's at sea, Now she's on the beach. Her health is probably improving. Let's write to her, Let's tell her, How cold and boring we feel without her.

Small Motherland If Kashka ran away, It means there is not enough room for Kashka. Porridge wants to be free, to take a walk in an open field, where her mother and father lived, where she was an oat.

If you fall from the moon, And there are elephants below, It is better to land on the left or on the right side. But you don’t need to get into the center of the herd. Elephants do not greet those who fall from the moon."

Bright, cheerful poems by Nikolai Shilov “ask” to be set to music. Composer Elena Poplyanova composed a whole musical and poetic cheerful performance based on the poet’s poems - “The Merry Pam-Param Holiday,” so now Shilov’s poems are “sung.” Nikolai Shilov's books were lucky with their artists: Dima Prokopyev, M. Bubentsova, V. Goryachko, A. Razboinikov understand the poet very well, and their drawings correspond to what the poet is talking about. Someone will be lucky and attend a meeting with Nikolai Petrovich. Each such meeting is a holiday.

Children listen to poems by Nikolai Petrovich Shilov

Nikolai Petrovich Shilov signs books for admirers

Nina Vasilievna Pikuleva wrote poetry for one such meeting: MEET! On this cheerful day of May, Nikolai Petrovich Shilov, the Tamer of storms and thunderstorms, hurried to you from afar, touching the cumulus clouds with his head, having accomplished a hundred miracles-on-the-way, mischievous as Santa Claus! Everyone was allowed to laugh and ask any question, Nikolai Petrovich Shilov, Doctor fly-throat-nose. Built like Karandashilov, Vigorous and fresh like an Eskimo, Nikolai Petrovich Shilov, Dryer of children's tears. He is a poet, I know for sure! Why did He hurry to you from afar for the May Day? He's glad to see you! Sure enough! Nikolai Petrovich Shilov Will make you laugh until you cry! He’s not just K-you-in-a-hurry, He brought his POEMS! For him the LIVING WORD is both work and play. Have you ever seen something like this? So meet me, it's time!

Since 1995, he has been an Honored Worker of Culture of Russia Diploma winner of the Russian Leo Tolstoy competition (2002) for the book “Dedication to Frogs” Laureate of the Chelyabinsk Maxim Kline Prize (2001) Laureate of the city Golden Lyre award (2007) Four of his books have won places of honor in regional competitions for the best publishing and printing products in the category "Best Edition for Children". At the end of January 2010, on the birthday of the famous Ural storyteller, Nikolai Petrovich received the Pavel Bazhov National Prize in Yekaterinburg (for the book “Flight over the Cornflowers”). Merits of N. P. Shilov

An author who brings poems to a child that makes it easier to breathe and makes you want to do something very good is WORTHY to stand on a par with professional poets whose names are familiar to children and adults: Marshak, Chukovsky, Kharms... Nina PIKULEVA, children's poet

Thank you for your attention!

Children's poets of our Chelyabinsk. Nikolai Petrovich Shilov (unabbreviated)

“Boys are friends with boys. Girls - with girls. Less often – boys and girls. Even less often are boys and girls with poems... You may ask: “Why do you love them?... What can poetry do?”... It turns out that there are many, many things. Let's count on our fingers.

They talk about things that you yourself have never experienced - be the first to fold. Enrich your memory with the best words - second. They teach you to think, guess, reflect - the third. Develop taste and sense of humor - fourth. And, most importantly, they improve our mood...that’s how much good poetry does for us.

So, after that, figure out whether or not you should be friends with them. In any case, I wish this for you with all my heart.” (N.P. Shilov)

In the last issue, dear readers, we talked about Nina Vasilievna Pikuleva, and now I invite you to think about the work of Nikolai Petrovich Shilov (1947–2010).

It’s a shame to live in Chelyabinsk and not know that Poets live next to us... I quote Andrei Shchupov, because I myself am with the poems of N.P. Shilova met less than a year ago:

“The poems... of Chelyabinsk resident Nikolai Shilov... should be in the home of every literature lover and connoisseur. Because this is a true Russian classic! The same classics that no one reads or knows. I can’t resist citing my favorite of Shilov’s poems. The author himself called this a recipe for those who want to become famous:

"How to become famous"
Nikolai Petrovich Shilov

If you cry for ten days,
A stream is formed
If it's very long -
Kama or Volga.
A bridge will be built on the river,
There will be a post on the bridge
And they will nail the plank:
"To the Crying River"

"Shilov Nikolay Petrovich- quite a major poet. His height is one meter eighty-five centimeters, and his weight is ninety kilograms, like ten huge watermelons. But he writes poems for little ones...” This is how Nikolai Petrovich introduced himself to children in the magazine “Tropinka” (1997.- No. 7.-P.29). Indeed, he is a tall man, also handsome, smiling. But children and adults should to know that he is not only a poet, but also an associate professor at the Academy of Culture and Art, an Honored Worker of Culture of Russia” (poet’s personal website, author not specified).

N.P. Shilov is a professor at the department of directing theatrical performances and celebrations at the Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and Arts, a member of the Writers' Union of Russia since 1999, a children's poet, and Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation (1995). In collaboration with L. Ya. Rakhlis, he developed original methods and creativity lessons to help kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers: “Seven-flowered flower - a trip around the world”, play fairy tale “Hello, Grandma’s Chest”, word creation lessons “Winnie the Pooh School” ", birthday celebration "Who did the stork bring in its beak?" and etc.

“Your poems are clear, easy to read and very kind in essence (L.Ya. Rakhlis, poet):

A thousand years will pass


Everything will be

As it was in the old days:

Over the bridge

The dog is running

Under the bridge

A gudgeon is swimming.

A magpie is chattering in the distance,


Somlevshee village,

And, the charter

From the sunshine


It wandered into the river.

Toddlers near the river

They build towers of sand,

And above them, like sheep,

Clouds roam quietly.

“Now it’s hard to imagine children's literature of our region without his poetry, his library of smart, kind and funny books,” says N.A. Kapitonova (chief librarian of the Chelyabinsk Regional Children's Library).

I completely agree with every word, and you? Read Shilov’s books and poems with your children: “Doctor Fly-Nose-Throat", "Samsusam", "Terrible Beast"! And then ask, as Nikolai Petrovich himself asked: “Why love them? What can poetry do?”

Marina Komarova for the newspaper “We Are Close”

Friends, I bring to your attention information from the poet’s personal website. Access mode:

Nikolai Petrovich Shilov

“Shilov Nikolai Petrovich is a rather large poet. His height is one meter eighty-five centimeters, and his weight is ninety kilograms, like ten huge watermelons. But he writes poetry for little ones...”

This is how Nikolai Petrovich introduced himself to children in the magazine “Tropinka” (1997.- No. 7.-P.29). Indeed, he is a tall man, also handsome and smiling. But children and adults should know that he is not only a poet, but also an associate professor at the Academy of Culture and Art, an Honored Worker of Culture of Russia...

Nikolai Petrovich published several children's books in small editions. His poems have appeared and appear in periodicals. They are hard to miss.

So who is he, a poet and scientist?

Nikolai Petrovich was born on April 12, 1947 in the city of Shchuchye, Kurgan Region, into a working-class family. While still at school, he began writing poetry, some of which were published in the local newspaper. After graduating from the eighth grade, he went to Chelyabinsk to enter a technical school. He was not accepted due to his eyesight, and he entered a cultural and educational school. Nikolai Shilov graduated with honors in 1966 and was sent to the Leningrad Institute of Culture at the theater department.

He visited Leningrad (more than once), probably in all the theaters and museums. He received such a stock of aesthetic and theatrical education that one can envy him. And he was also lucky: in 1968, as part of a small student group, he visited Germany. There he was even awarded for his good work. But the main reward is the opportunity to see the famous German cities of Dresden, Leipzig, Berlin, their theaters, and learn the culture of the people.
Shilov graduated from the institute, returned to Chelyabinsk, and began teaching at the same school where he himself studied. True, at first he served in the army for one year. In addition to teaching, he and his students wrote scripts, staged plays and concerts.
Since 1970, Nikolai Petrovich began to study in the literary association "Express", which is located at the Palace of Railwaymen. He became friends with the head of the literary association and children's poet Lev Rakhlis.
In 1982, he went to work at the Institute of Culture and began working with Rakhlis. And at Chelyabinsk University Nikolai Petrovich creates a very interesting student theater "Sofit". Over the 10 years of its existence, Sofit has won various competitions more than once.

Nikolai Petrovich, together with L. Rakhlis, wrote the first book for kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers (this was 1992) “Flower of Seven Flowers”, then “Hello, Grandma’s Chest”, “Winnie the Pooh School” and others appeared ( a list of recent works is attached). Everyone who works with young children immediately appreciated the merits of game scripts, competitions, and shows invented by fictional authors, dreamers, and experts on the characters of boys and girls.

Lev Rakhlis by that time was already a famous children's poet (readers remember his books “Is it true or not?”, “Shishel-Myshel...”). Friendship with the children's poet and joint work on scripts were not in vain for Nikolai Shilov. Leaving for America, Rakhlis handed over the baton of the children's poet and the department at the institute to Nikolai Shilov. Now Nikolai Petrovich is the head of the department of directing theatrical performances and celebrations. It is no coincidence that the article about Shilov was called “Professor of the Department of Holidays.” When some big holiday takes place in our city, few people know that the script for this holiday was written by Nikolai Shilov.
Despite being extremely busy at the institute, Nikolai Petrovich manages to write poetry for children.
The first poems appeared in the newspaper "Chronicle", where there was a special children's "Newspaper". From the very first poems of Nikolai Shilov, it became clear that a real children's poet had appeared in Chelyabinsk with a special vision, knowledge of children, and his own words: cheerful, ironic, imaginative, mischievous.
For example:

I want to meet you
With the girl LUDA,
Preferably a crybaby
And a terrible bore.
Number such and such
Call at lunchtime

Shilov's poems are interesting to both young kindergarteners and elementary school students, and their parents and grandparents. These poems could be called a good remedy against boredom and tediousness. They are good to read aloud...

Little mice
They were gnawing books in the closet,
Baby mice
Big letters.

Nikolai Petrovich’s poems force children to think outside the box, to fantasize, to enjoy unexpected turns, the richness of language, and humor. One example:

In 1996, the magazine “Tropinka” appeared in Chelyabinsk, where S.B. was the editor-in-chief. Shkolnikov, and Nikolai Petrovich became her deputy and presenter of the section for the little ones - “Kindergarten”. “The Path” contains poems by Shilov himself and many good poems by other poets with whom Nikolai Petrovich introduced our little readers. Unfortunately, "Tropinka" ceased publication due to the departure of the editor-in-chief and organizer of this magazine.
Shilov's poems were published in the Minsk magazine "Kvazhdy-Kva" and in the American newspaper "Russian House", which is now published in Atlanta by Lev Rakhlis.
Shilov's first collection of poems was published in 1997, "Doctor FLY-THROAT-NOSE". Moreover, the first editor of this collection was the talented Chelyabinsk children's poetess Nina Pikuleva.
This is Shilov’s poem that gives the collection its title:

Who needs who
If a fly after a cold
Gets seriously ill
This means that Mucha urgently needs
Well, what if he gets sick?
Cheerful Barbos,
That will help the unfortunate

In 1999 - another collection - "Samsusam". The most complete - 50 poems. “Samsusam” makes it clear to readers big and small how much the poet can do, how interesting his riddle poems, game poems, counting rhymes, horror stories, and dreams are.
But it would be wrong to note only humor and mischief in his poems. There are poems that make both children and adults think about serious things: “Thoughts”, “Summer”, “Cares”

If the river
Don't take care
Will stop
The river is flowing
Will be overgrown with tall trees
Sharp sedge...

Many of Nikolai Petrovich’s poems are dedicated to nature: the wind, flowers, trees, insects. Maybe because he himself is a good gardener, his poems contain such subtle and accurate observations of everything that grows and lives on the earth: “Old People”, “Ladybug”, “Insects”. A very typical poem:

On the crown
Got up
With parachutes
Only the wind
They are waiting -
This is the best weather
To capture
Vegetable garden.

The latest collection was published in 2000 - “Terrible Beast”.
Bright, cheerful poems by Nikolai Shilov “ask” to be set to music. Composer Elena Poplyanova composed a whole musical and poetic cheerful performance based on the poet’s poems - “The Merry Pam-Param Holiday,” so now Shilov’s poems are “sung.”
Nikolai Shilov's books were lucky with their artists: Dima Prokopyev, M. Bubentsova, V. Goryachko, A. Razboinikov understand the poet very well, and their drawings correspond to what the poet is talking about.
Someone will be lucky and attend a meeting with Nikolai Petrovich. Each such meeting is a holiday.
Nina Vasilievna Pikuleva wrote poetry for one such meeting:

On this merry day of May
I hurried to you from afar,
touching my head
Cumulus clouds,
A hundred miracles-performed along the way,
Mischievous like Santa Claus
Nikolai Petrovich Shilov,
Tamer of storms and thunderstorms!
Everyone is allowed to laugh
Nikolai Petrovich Shilov,
Doctor fly-nose-throat.
Built like Karandashilov,
Cheerful and fresh as an Eskimo,
Nikolai Petrovich Shilov,
Dryer of children's tears.
He is a poet, I know for sure!
Why come to you from afar?
Was he in a hurry for the May Day?
He's glad to see you! Sure enough!
Nikolai Petrovich Shilov
A line will make you laugh until you cry!
He's not just K-you-in-a-hurry,
He brought his POEMS!
For him the LIVING WORD is
Both work and play.
Have you ever seen something like this?
So meet me, it's time!

On the poet’s birthday, April 12, 2000, he was accepted into the Russian Writers’ Union.
Nikolai Petrovich’s two sons grew up. One became a physicist, the other a historian. The historian already has his own large and interesting book. On Nikolai Petrovich’s desk are poems for the new collection “Hugging a Giraffe” (with his height, you can hug a giraffe). The poetic path of Nikolai Shilov is just beginning. There is every reason to hope that there will be more and more new books, that they will be published in large editions so that everyone who loves children's poems can buy them.
It remains to wish Nikolai Petrovich health, new poems, new scripts for the joy of children and adults.

Shilov N.P. Poems// Path.= 1997.-No.4.-P.7,11; No. 6.-S.20-3.9; No. 7.-P.29-31 (About myself - P.29).
Shilov N.P. Poems// Path.- 1998.-No.2-S.2,6.
Rakhlis L., Shilov N. Pimpamponchik is visiting: Complete the book// Path.-1998.-No.2.-P.32-33; No. 4.-2nd village region

List of works by N.P. Shilova for kindergarten teachers and primary school teachers

Shilov N.P. There is money, money, money everywhere; Chin up!; Kolobok: Competitive game programs.- Chelyabinsk: ONMC, 1993.-15 p.
Rakhlis L.Ya., Shilov N.P. Whom the stork brought in its beak: Festive igoscope show for birthday people.- Chelyabinsk, 1992.-56 p.
Rakhlis L.Ya., Shilov N.P. World of Wonders: Three scripted and directed series.- Chelyabinsk: ChGIK, 1992.-131 p.
Rakhlis L.Ya., Shilov N.P. Hostess - guests; Four rounds of carousel games; Shilov N.P. Turnip: A new game based on the plot of an old fairy tale.- Chelyabinsk: ONMC, 1994.-32p.