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Iranian submarine fleet. Iranian Navy - real force or skillful propaganda? Organization, strength, ship composition of the Iranian Navy

The US Navy needs to develop two tactics to combat the Iranian Navy. The reason for this is largely due to the fact that Iran has two navies that are significantly different from each other. The "classical" Navy coexists with less modern, but more fanatical forces, representing a "branch" of the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps - the personal army of clerics who hold supreme power in Iran). The two fleets are equipped, trained and managed very differently.

Over the past thirty years, the Iranian Navy has largely consisted of foreign-built ships and vessels, and has only recently become capable of building its own ships. These ships are unfinished, but they float and their weapons are generally functional. Surface ships are small (1,400-ton corvettes and 2,200-ton frigates), and miniature submarines are very diverse. Only a few examples of each type exist, and their construction is proceeding slowly, so it is likely that errors made in previous ships can be discovered and corrected. Currently, the only large surface ships at Iran's disposal are three new corvettes and frigates, three old British-built frigates (1,540 tons each) and two American-built corvettes (1,100 tons each). There are also about fifty small patrol boats, ten of which are armed with Chinese anti-ship missiles. In addition, there are several dozen more minesweepers, landing ships and support vessels. The most powerful force in the fleet are three Russian Kilo-class submarines. There are about fifty mini-submarines, most of them Iranian-built. The fleet has several thousand marines and about 20 aircraft and helicopters.

The "IRGC Navy" includes approximately the same number of people as the Navy (23,000, including marines and naval aviation) and about 40 large missile and torpedo boats (each with a displacement of 100-200 tons), as well as almost a thousand small craft, many of which are simply speedboats with two outboard motors and machine gun mounts. The crews of these ships consist of about a dozen “revolutionary guards” armed with machine guns, machine guns and RPGs. Some boats are equipped like kamikazes and carry only a crew of two or three suicide bombers, plus half a ton or more of explosives. Anti-tank missile systems were seen on some of these boats. The Guards Fleet also possesses several helicopters and several thousand marines.

Information obtained from refugees and radio intercepts shows that the Revolutionary Guards' naval forces are mainly suited for intimidation (their boats often approach foreign ships and commercial vessels) and suicide attacks. This worries Western naval commanders, as fanatics can be unpredictable and prone to extreme bravery. We are talking not just about boats with suicide bombers, but also sea mines and combat swimmers (scuba divers who operate small mines attached to ships and make holes in the hull). On the other hand, the chances of fanatics winning in a decisive sea battle are very low, but these maniacs are very determined, and they can sometimes get lucky.

The Iranian Navy command is made up of officers with a more traditional outlook. Western ship commanders tend to have good professional relationships with their Iranian counterparts, even when the Iranian Navy is under orders to "ruin the lives of" Western ships. When the Iranian commander “receives an order”, he will carry it out, no matter how strange this order may be, but he will be apologetic (feeling guilty) to his foreign colleagues.

The Iranian Navy has fewer capabilities than the Revolutionary Guards simply because it has fewer ships and the ships it does have are larger (easier to detect and sink). In the last decade, the Navy has primarily operated in the Indian Ocean and Caspian Sea, and the Revolutionary Guards have been given responsibility for the Persian Gulf and the protection of all Iranian oil facilities along the coast. In fact, the Revolutionary Guards pose a greater threat to Arab oil fields and tankers because the Arabs and their Western allies have air superiority and are thus capable of destroying Iranian oil fields and tankers.

The Iranians hope to create as significant a threat at sea as possible, even if that threat (in the form of kamikaze boats and missile boats covered by shore-based anti-ship missiles) is short-lived. In a long war, any Iranian naval forces would quickly be defeated.

plutong> Something from the past (food for thought):
plutong> Millennium Challenge 2002
plutong> Despite the fictitious names of both sides, it was clear that the game scenario was a veiled exercise to invade Iran...
plutong> One of the scenario descriptions
plutong> http://alternathistory.org.ua/...
plutong> Well, from modern comments on this teaching:
plutong> ...in a real war with Iran in the Persian Gulf, without the use of nuclear weapons, the United States would be defeated...
plutong> ...if it comes to a war in the Persian Gulf, or even in the Gulf of Oman, the impressive naval power of the United States will be countered and hampered by both Iran's military potential and geographical factors. Without the ability to operate in open waters like the Indian or Pacific Oceans, the United States would have much less time to respond and, more importantly, would not be able to fight from a safe military distance. Thus, the entire arsenal of US defensive naval systems designed to fight in open waters from a safe distance would not be applicable in the Persian Gulf.
plutong> __404__ | sh404SEF custom content

The AUG does not have to swim into the bay; at the beginning, the Iranian Navy and the southeastern part of Iran can bomb from a safe distance (the Arabian Sea) for the AUG. And the western part will be taken over by Israel and US air units stationed in Iraq, plus Turkey and various Arab countries friendly with the US (which Iran threatens to sink tankers in the Gulf of Hormuz).

I took 1000 km, the maximum range of AUG aviation.

And since the United States decided to launch an AUG into the Gulf, it means a decision has been made to resolve the issue diplomatically.

So in any case, the main threat to the AUG comes from our Halibut diesel-electric submarines.

By the way, in the simulator I tried to approach the AUG on a Halibut (of course, under favorable conditions like I ended up on their course, since the AUG has a speed of 17 knots, the Halibut simply couldn’t keep up with them and I had to set the maximum speed at which you unmask yourself for the buoys scattered by security helicopters). In general, it was possible to approach them at a distance of 3-5 miles, then the guards of the destroyers discovered me and easily sank me. It is practically impossible to torpedo an AUG. Only in 10% of attacks was it possible to cause minor damage to the AUG or guards; of course, the submarine was then sunk in 100% of cases.
On the same simulator, anti-ship missiles with a speed of 0.7-0.8M perform very poorly. The destroyers OrlikBerke and Ticonderoga, which are guarding the aircraft carrier, easily shoot down these missiles.

The creation of powerful naval forces, equipped with modern ships and weapons, is one of the priorities of military development in Iran, “an integral part of the regional strategy” of Iran. At the same time, the Iranians are in every possible way developing both asymmetric methods of waging naval warfare in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz, and are trying to create naval forces capable of actively operating outside the coastal sea zone. The presence of a large, versatile and combat-ready navy is seen by Tehran as “leverage” in the Gulf area, which, in particular, allows Iran to “threaten the US presence without the need to use force.” The build-up of the naval force in the Caspian Sea cannot be ruled out.

Iran's naval forces consist of two components - the Army Navy (18 thousand people) and the Navy of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC, 20 thousand people). Moreover, the IRGC Navy focuses on preparing to wage an asymmetrical naval war, while the Army Navy focuses on a possible confrontation with the fleets of the Arabian monarchies and actions outside the Persian Gulf zone.

The predominant orientation of the Iranian Navy towards asymmetric methods of naval warfare is due to both the quantitative and qualitative superiority of the United States and financial considerations, namely the relatively low cost of such forms of warfare. The development of asymmetric methods of warfare at sea is considered in Tehran as an “ideal means of deterrence.” Realizing that winning a confrontation with the US Navy is unrealistic, the Iranians are betting that the price of possible American military success will become unacceptable to Washington, which would deter it from carrying out a naval operation.

Iranian views on the combat use of the Navy involve the large-scale use of mine weapons, numerous and varied attacks by small combat boats equipped with relatively simple but effective anti-ship missiles (ASM), as well as small-caliber artillery, machine guns, MANPADS, anti-aircraft guns, RPGs, ATGMs, 106 mm recoilless rifles, 107 mm MLRS. It is believed that potentially small boats are capable of successfully attacking large ships of the US Navy due to their speed, maneuverability and numbers. It is also taken into account that small watercraft are difficult to detect by radar, and to carry out quick strikes from ambushes, the Iranians intend to place them near numerous islands and oil platforms in the Persian Gulf. Much attention is paid to the actions of naval commandos, including combat swimmers, and development of tactics for the use of small submarines (12 units). At the same time, the waters of the Gulf, due to their natural features, are for the most part unsuitable for the use of submarines. Increased attention is paid to the issues of covert mine laying. They are also armed with guided “kamikaze boats” filled with explosives. It should be noted that in recent years, Iranian combat boats have repeatedly provocatively approached dangerously close distances to ships of the US Navy and other Western countries operating in the Persian Gulf.

Another feature of the combat use of the IRGC Navy was the decentralization of control of fleet forces for the period of hostilities, giving local commanders greater independence and the right to make decisions on the use of the forces and means at their disposal.

One of the main tasks of the IRGC Navy is the protection of its own shipping and oil platforms in the Persian Gulf. At the same time, Iran has repeatedly stated its intention to block the Strait of Hormuz, which is vital for the world economy in the event of a military threat to Iran.

In recent years, the area of ​​operations of the Army Navy has been expanding. Iranian ships regularly make voyages to the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea and take part in the fight against piracy in the Arabian Sea and Gulf of Aden. Increasingly, Iranian Navy ships make visits and business calls to the ports of other countries, including those not bordering Iran. Thus, in 2011, Iranian ships made their first voyage through the Suez Canal to the Mediterranean Sea, calling at Syria. The Army Navy has been given a long-term task by 2025 to ensure a “strategic presence” in international waters in the far sea zone, to become a force capable of operating effectively in the “strategic triangle”: the Strait of Hormuz - the Strait of Bab el-Mandeb - the Strait of Malacca.

Iran independently, albeit using foreign technologies and weapons, or copying them, builds small submarines, frigates, hovercraft, and a wide range of combat boats. It is planned to begin construction of submarines with a displacement of up to 1000 tons. The production of various types of naval weapons, including anti-ship missiles, has been launched. However, in general, Iran’s capabilities to update the fleet’s naval personnel and equip the Navy with modern high-tech weapons and equipment are limited. The number of large ships entering the fleet is small, and its basis is still made up of ships purchased abroad during the Shah’s regime, which are morally obsolete and physically worn out, do not have modern weapons, weapon guidance systems, control systems and electronic warfare equipment. As for the new models of naval missile weapons demonstrated by the Iranians during exercises, they are, in all likelihood, predominantly experimental products, the declared performance characteristics of which are greatly inflated for propaganda purposes.

It is estimated that Iran has from 3 to 5 thousand sea mines, most of which are old contact mines. There are only about 300 modern mines. The most effective of them are Chinese missile mines. Warships, including submarines, boats, airplanes and helicopters, as well as civilian vessels, can be used to lay mines. Experts believe that first of all, the Iranians will install minefields in the Strait of Hormuz.

The Navy is armed with anti-ship missiles, mainly of Chinese and national origin, with a firing range of 25 to 120 km. They can be launched from ships, boats, airplanes and helicopters. There are up to 30 missile batteries in the coastal defense. The Iranian command is counting on the massive use of various types of anti-ship missiles.

Surface and underwater forces, aviation, including unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are involved in reconnaissance. In addition, they are armed with UAVs filled with explosives, which are designed to strike enemy ships.

Intensive combat training has been established in the IRGC Navy and the Army. Exercises are regularly held, including large ones, with the participation of the Air Force and Ground Forces. During combat training activities, issues of combating large enemy ships, actions to protect the country's coast and blockade of shipping in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz are worked out, new types of weapons are tested and practical shooting is carried out.

The fleet's coastal infrastructure is being improved and its air defense is being strengthened. Much attention is paid to the construction of shelters for weapons and control posts, and their camouflage. Currently, the Iranian Navy has an extensive system of naval bases and deployment points, which provides the ability to both disperse forces and maneuver them to conduct a particular operation.

American naval experts believe that "creative thinking" is required from the United States and its Arabian allies to successfully counter Iran's maritime strategy. The U.S. Navy's Fifth Operational Fleet in the Persian Gulf will soon be bolstered by four minesweepers and four CH-53 helicopters that can detect mines, as well as underwater mine-clearing robots. In addition, high-speed patrol boats of the Mark 38 type will be sent to the Persian Gulf, which, according to American sailors, can effectively repel attacks from small enemy fast boats. To counter Iranian boats, large-caliber machine guns may also be installed on large ships, in particular on aircraft carriers.

In general, according to American military experts, an analysis of Iran’s asymmetric capabilities at sea shows that the Iranian Navy “can play an important role in intimidating other states and posing a threat to oil exports in the Gulf.” At the same time, the Iranian fleet is vulnerable to “strikes and counterstrikes” by the US Navy and its Arabian allies.” However, it is recognized that “destroying Iranian capabilities in a large-scale maritime conflict” would be very costly.

The military-political leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI), assessing threats to the country's national security, pays special attention to increasing the combat power of the naval component of its armed forces. The efforts undertaken by Tehran are a preventive measure to neutralize attempts by the United States and a number of NATO countries to prevent the strengthening of Iranian influence in the Near and Middle East region and in the world as a whole.

According to the national military doctrine, the main tasks Iranian Navy are:

  • conducting combat operations against enemy naval groups and aircraft with the aim of gaining dominance in the waters of the Persian and Oman Gulfs and the Caspian Sea;
  • defense of the territorial waters and sea coast of Iran, including important administrative and political centers in the south of the country, economic regions, oil fields, naval bases, ports and islands;
  • disruption of enemy sea movements and communications in the Caspian Sea, Persian and Oman Gulfs;
  • control of the Strait of Hormuz;
  • providing direct support to ground forces and air forces in conducting operations in coastal areas;
  • conducting amphibious operations and fighting enemy amphibious assaults;
  • conducting continuous reconnaissance at sea.


The Iranian Navy includes formations of the Army and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

The number of personnel in the Army Navy is more than 20 thousand people (of which about 9 thousand are marines), the IRGC Navy is over 20 thousand (5 thousand marines).

Organizationally, the Army Navy includes: headquarters, five commands, four naval areas (BMP), combat formations and units, support and service units and training centers.

The Headquarters of the Army Navy (GVMB Bandar Abbas), which includes directorates and departments, is the main body for the administrative and operational management of formations and units of the Army Navy. He is entrusted with the functions of planning combat use, daily and combat activities of troops and their logistical support, as well as direct leadership of subordinate command headquarters: in the Strait of Hormuz zone, in the Gulf of Oman zone, in the Caspian Sea zone, naval aviation and the naval training command Army. The commands manage the day-to-day activities of the naval forces of the country's Army.

The Naval Command in the Strait of Hormuz (GVMB Bandar Abbas) ensures the solution of the main tasks assigned to the naval forces in this region. It includes an operational-tactical formation - the 1st Naval Region (BMP, GVMB Bandar Abbas). The units included in the BMP are designed to provide defense and maintain the necessary operational regime in their areas of responsibility, protect water areas, and organize control of the surface and underwater situation. The naval region is led by a commander, to whom, in addition to the main units, the chief of the naval base is administratively subordinate, as well as coastal units and services that provide basic maintenance of ships.

The 1st BMP, in addition to the headquarters, includes:

  • 3rd brigade of ships and boats (divisions of submarines, destroyers, frigates, landing ships, landing hovercraft, patrol and artillery boats);
  • 1st MP brigade (about 4.5 thousand people) consisting of three battalions.

Naval aviation units are assigned to this area: a base patrol aviation squadron, the 3rd anti-submarine helicopter squadron and a transport aviation squadron. The 1st BMP's area of ​​responsibility also includes a Navy training center.

The Army Naval Forces Command in the Gulf of Oman (Jask Naval Base) manages the fleet's operational formation and is designed to accomplish the tasks assigned to the Navy in its area of ​​responsibility.

It consists of two operational-tactical formations - the 2nd (Jask naval base) and 3rd (Chakhbahar naval base) naval regions. The 2nd BMP, along with the headquarters, includes:

  • 8th brigade of ships and boats (divisions of frigates, minesweepers, large anti-submarine patrol boats);
  • 7th brigade of ships (71st and 72nd divisions of missile boats, division of landing hovercraft;
  • 2nd MP Brigade.

Naval aviation units are assigned to the 2nd BMP: the 7th squadron of minesweeper helicopters, aircraft of the transport aviation squadron and the squadron of control and communications aircraft.

The 3rd BMP includes a headquarters, a division of ships and boats.

The Army Navy Command in the Caspian Sea zone (Bender-Anzeli naval base), which is a tactical formation, is intended primarily to conduct patrol service and maritime reconnaissance in the southern part of the Caspian Sea. It includes the 4th BMP (Bender-Anzeli naval base), which includes a headquarters, a division of ships and boats, a patrol boat division, and a training center for technical specialists.

The Naval Aviation Command (GVMB Bandar Abbas) consists of a headquarters and eight squadrons: one each of patrol aircraft, control and communications, minesweeper helicopters and transport helicopters, as well as two of anti-submarine transport helicopters.

The Training Command manages the training of personnel for the Iranian naval forces. It operates a training vessel, a Navy training center, and a 4th BMP technician training center.

The naval forces of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards are an independent structure of the country's armed forces. The personnel in 2013 numbered about 20 thousand people. The IRGC Navy is designed to protect coastal territories and conduct combat operations both independently and jointly with other types of Armed Forces of the Corps and Army. Organizationally, they include headquarters, three separate commands, four naval regions, combat formations and units, support and service units, training centers and institutions.

The leadership and control of troops in peacetime is carried out by the commander of the IRGC Navy through his apparatus, which includes deputies, the secretariat, headquarters, relevant commands and BMP headquarters.

The headquarters is the main body for administrative and operational management of formations and units of the Naval Forces of the corps. It is entrusted with the functions of planning combat use, daily and combat activities of troops and their logistical support. He directly manages the command headquarters under his control: in the Persian and Oman Gulf zones, the missile and training commands of the IRGC Navy.

The commands manage the day-to-day activities of formations, units and divisions of the corps' naval forces.

Part Naval Command in the Persian and Oman Gulfs includes four naval regions:

  • 1st BMP (GVMB Bandar Abbas), which includes a headquarters, a brigade of ships and boats (divisions of landing ships, fast missile boats (RKA), patrol boats (PKA), landing boats, a brigade of boats, a division of small and midget submarines, as well as a marine brigade.
  • 2nd BMP (Bushir naval base), which includes a headquarters, a brigade of ships and boats (divisions of landing ships, high-speed rocket launchers and anti-ship missiles), a marine brigade and a coastal security battalion.
  • 3rd BMP (Bender-Khomeini naval base), which includes a headquarters, a brigade of boats (divisions of anti-ship missiles and small patrol boats), as well as a coastal security battalion.
  • 4th BMP (Assa-luye naval base), including headquarters, a division of fast missile boats, a division of patrol boats and a coastal security battalion.

Missile Command e (Bender Abbas) has three missile brigades. The 26th (Bandar Abbas) and 36th (Bushir) consist of three missile divisions, and the 16th (Minab) includes four divisions.

Training Command supervises the IRGC Naval Officer School (Chalus), the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Missile Training Centers, as well as the training centers in Bandar Abbas and Qom.

Part naval surface forces includes: three frigates of the Alvand type (former English frigates Vosper Mk 5) and two Bayandor corvettes of the PF103 type, American-built, as well as the Jamaran FR (Movji project) of national production; 23 boats (missile and patrol boats of the “Caman” type, ten units each, French-built and “Tondor”, Chinese-built, three small patrol boats “Parvin” type PGM 71, American-built) and about 170 anti-ship missiles of various types.

Mine sweeping forces include the American-built Cape-type raid sea minesweeper "Riazi" (the second one has been removed from service), equipped with contact, acoustic and magnetic trawls, as well as two base minesweepers MSC 292/268 with a displacement of 384 tons.

Auxiliary fleet has the following ships: four British-built Hengan tank landing ships (51 Hengan - 1973, 52 Larak - 1974, 53 Lavan - 1985, 54 Tonb - 1985), three Iran Hormuz-24 landing ships; three small landing craft "Iran Hormuz-21", two small landing craft "Fouk" (MIG-S-3700), as well as six landing hovercraft "Wellington" (VN-7) and "Yunis-6" (all allocated in naval reserve).

In addition, it includes: one tanker (supply vessel) “Kharg” of the “Svoi Hunter” type (1993) built in England (1980); two tankers (supply vessels) “Bender Abbas” of the “Laring Yard” type, built in Germany (1973-1974); four Indian-built Kangan tankers (1979); six Pakistani-built Delwar supply vessels (1978-1982); 12 auxiliary vessels "Bakhtaran" ("Khondiyan", MIG-S-4700), as well as one training vessel "Hamzakh".

As of early 2013 Iranian Navy submarine force consisted of three Russian-built Project 877EKM (“Kilo” according to NATO classification) submarines.

Boats of this class are designed to combat enemy submarines and surface ships, protect naval bases, the sea coast and sea communications. They are low noise and in their hydroacoustic characteristics are comparable to Israeli Dolphin-class submarines. Currently, two of the three boats are in need of repair.

The submarine with tail number 901 (“Tarek”) was built in 1991, with number 902 (“Nor”) in 1992 and 903 (“Yanez”) in 1994. Their base is the Bandar Abbas naval base.

The Iranian Army Navy also has nationally developed ultra-small submarines (SMPL) of the Qadir type. They are used by navies primarily in the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf, in particular for the transport of special forces, mining and reconnaissance. Due to their small size, these SmPLs are difficult to detect, but at the same time, in terms of their combat capabilities, they are inferior to the Project 877EKM submarines. In the summer of 2011, the Iranian Navy had 11 Qadir-class submarines in service, and in 2013 their number increased to 20.

In addition, the Iranian Navy has three nationally developed Al-Sabehat-15 underwater combat swimmer delivery vehicles (length 9.2 m). They are intended for Navy special operations forces. The last weapon entered service in 2000.

Coastal defense units included two brigades of HY-2 Silkworm anti-ship missile launchers (CSSL-3 Siriker) - four launchers (from 100 to 300 missiles) and YJ-2 (S-802) anti-ship missile launchers - four launchers (from 60 to 100 missiles).

Part Marine Corps includes two brigades each of the Army Navy and the IRGC.

Included naval aviation there are: 19 aircraft (Do-228 - five units, P-3F "Orion" - three, "Falcon" 20E - three, "Rockwell Turbo Commander" - four, F-27 "Friendship" - four); 30 helicopters (RH-53D "Sea Steel" - three units, SH-3D "Sea King" - 10, AV-212 - 10, AV-205A - five, AV-206B "Jet Ranger" - two).


The Iranian naval forces have a fairly developed infrastructure. The main naval base is Bandar Abbas, the naval bases are Bushehr, Kermanshah, Fr. Kharg, o. Farsi, Bandar-Khomeini, Bandar-Mashar, Bandar-Lenge, Jask, Chakhbahar and Bandar-Anzeli.

IRGC Navy bases: Sir Abu Noair, Abadan oil terminal, oil fields and platforms of Abu Musa, al-Fasiyah, Kurus, Halal, Larak, Qeshm, Rostam and Siri.

The repair and shipbuilding bases are represented by the MAN Nordhaman floating dock with a displacement of 28,000 tons, where the production of small submarines, patrol and landing boats, as well as auxiliary vessels has been established.


Currently, the naval personnel of the Navy are capable of solving problems mainly in territorial waters.

Iran's naval forces are developing in accordance with the views of the country's military-political leadership on the prospects for creating favorable conditions to ensure national interests in the region. It is planned to implement the concept of reforming and rearmament of the Navy until 2025. The main provisions of target programs and directions for the development of this type of armed forces, taking into account the tasks it solves, were formulated based on the strategic plan of state leaders to maintain and expand a dominant role in the Near and Middle East and specifically in the Persian Gulf zone.

The results of events in northern Africa during the so-called Arab Spring, during which the United States and NATO initiated the removal of the leaders of a number of Arab states from power, had a certain impact on rethinking the country’s significance in the region. In addition, the persistent desire of Washington and its allies to establish control over the Iranian nuclear program was taken into account, using various forms of pressure in diplomatic, economic and other areas.

The main geostrategic goal of the Iranian leadership is the desire to expand its zone of influence in the region with access to the waters of the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. According to Iranian experts, this is possible by changing the organizational structure of the country's naval component, as well as by improving the coordination of the actions of formations and units to solve problems in their areas of responsibility.

Since 2012, the Iranian leadership has allocated about 5% of GDP for military needs. A significant part of these funds goes to the implementation of targeted programs for reforming the Navy. This made it possible by the beginning of 2013 to create in the region a naval grouping quite powerful in its potential, which is significantly superior to the groupings of the countries of the Cooperation Council of the Arab States of the Persian Gulf (GCC).

Since 2012, there has been a trend toward gradual integration of the combat structures of the Army and the IRGC. The reform plan plans to create a unified military structure based on these independent components by 2015. The main attention will be paid to implementing a set of measures to form an optimal combat force and equip it with modern weapons and military equipment.

In the interests of ensuring interaction between the components of the Navy, as well as in order to test the effectiveness of the measures taken to create a new operational structure as part of operational and combat training, a number of tactical and special exercises of the Iranian Navy were conducted in 2010-2013. One of the main tasks during these events was to rethink plans for attracting naval forces of the Army and the IRGC to eliminate duplicative actions in their operational areas, as well as the choice of forms and methods of their use outside the traditional areas of responsibility. According to Iranian military experts, this will free up some of the forces and resources to solve problems not only in the country’s territorial waters, but also in the waters of the Red Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean. In addition, the ability to implement the command’s views on conducting asymmetrical military operations at the operational-strategic level is increasing.

During this period, the Iranian Navy also took part in joint exercises with the navies of Saudi Arabia, Oman, Turkey, Qatar, Syria, and Djibouti, in which the main task was to master the maritime theater of operations, joint actions with the navies of the participating countries in addressing defense issues maritime communications, search and rescue, and mine warfare. In addition, the effectiveness of the new command and control system of the Army Navy and the IRGC was tested.

Iranian Navy takes part in the fight against Somali pirates

Measures to reorganize the naval forces of the Army and the IRGC provide for joining efforts to solve identical problems with smaller forces and means within the geographical boundaries from the Bab el-Mandeb Strait to the Arabian Sea and the Strait of Malacca. As a result of this, the Army Navy will be able to effectively control water areas in the Caspian Sea, the Gulf of Oman and the Indian Ocean to the coast of Pakistan, and the mobility and combat capabilities of coastal artillery systems will increase. This will require the construction of new naval bases in the region, the disposal of old equipment and the supply of modern weapons and military equipment. In addition, it is expected to approve large-scale programs for the modernization of existing and construction of new warships.

To increase the combat capabilities of the national Navy, it is planned to adopt the latest high-speed missile and torpedo boats, as well as anti-ship missiles (ASM). Thus, in 2012, 12 modern Peykaap rocket launchers entered service with the IRGC Navy. High tactical and technical characteristics, in particular, low visibility for enemy radars, ensure their effective use in shallow waters of the northern part of the Persian Gulf.

In addition, this component is expected to receive high-speed warships of national design, which will be equipped with anti-ship missiles with a firing range of up to 300 km, as well as radar for detecting targets at a distance of up to 500 km.

The modernization program provides for the signing of a contract for the purchase of three Amur-class submarines from the Russian Federation by 2015. According to Iranian military experts, existing technologies also make it possible to build a new type of submarine at national enterprises.

Thus, the Iranian Navy today and in the foreseeable future is the most powerful in the region. Practical steps in the field of reforming and improving the naval component of the armed forces, taken by the Iranian leadership, will optimize the structure of operational formations and increase the combat capabilities of the Navy to solve the problems of ensuring the country’s national interests not only in traditional areas of responsibility, but also beyond them. The implementation of the stated target programs until 2025 may create the preconditions for changing the geopolitical and geostrategic situation in the Persian Gulf area and the Middle East, consisting in increasing the role of Iran in the region and its capabilities to ensure national security.

(Material prepared for the portal “Modern Army” © http://www.site based on an article by S. Stazherov. When copying an article, please do not forget to put a link to the source page of the “Modern Army” portal).

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I would like to thank the representatives of your company for the opportunity to purchase a second higher education diploma. I started studying at the university, but the birth of my second child forced me to leave it. Now I have a much-coveted diploma, when the baby grows up, I will be able to get a job in my favorite specialty. Thanks a lot!


The ease of purchasing a certificate simply captivated me. I thought that I would have to fill out documents for a long time and tediously, but it turned out that everything needed literally five minutes. This is a well-designed and well-thought-out site, and it is very easy to use. Now I'm looking forward to my testimony.

How to quickly order a diploma in Moscow

Selling government documents is our specialty. Ordering a diploma with delivery is not difficult. To do this you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Carefully fill out the form on the main page of the site.
  2. Answer the manager's questions over the phone.
  3. Check the layout of the documentation (will be sent to the specified email address).
  4. Make adjustments or send confirmation that the data is filled out correctly.
  5. Check the order upon receipt and pay for the services.

Buying an institute diploma has never been so easy, and most importantly, safe. Our company has extensive experience in producing documentation of the highest quality. In the “Reviews” section you can read the comments of people who used our services and were able to arrange their lives. Delivery of documentation is carried out by courier in Moscow on the day the document is printed. To other regions, the order is sent by convenient postal service with cash on delivery. Within a few days you will receive the desired document on an original form, which will be impossible to distinguish from the original. The diploma will have all the important levels of security, seal and signature. It can also be tested under ultraviolet light. No one will ever doubt the originality of your document.

What our employees do

Not everyone has the desire to serve in the armed forces, and if they have already reached 40 years of age, then there is simply no time for this. In this case, our company comes to the rescue. We sell government documents. You can buy a diploma and get a coveted job with a high-paying position. Previously, it was difficult to imagine such a simple solution to the problem. And today you will receive documents from the military registration and enlistment office, registry office, university or any other institution in a short time. We will help you with this.

The new document will give you the opportunity to:

  • avoid paperwork and wasting time in queues;
  • if your diploma is lost, its quick restoration is guaranteed;
  • replacing grades with higher ones;
  • obtaining a decent job;
  • confirmation of relevant qualifications;
  • change your specialization; get a study visa to another country without any problems;
  • receive a deferment or exemption from military conscription.

In Moscow there are enough educational institutions with military training. You have a unique opportunity to obtain both a military specialty and a civilian one, and all this without leaving your place of work. For our clients, we offer documents on completion of secondary education, all kinds of certificates for work or at the place of study. If you have entered a university, but have absolutely no time to study, we will issue a certificate of attendance at the sessions or immediately buy a diploma from your university from us and go about your business. We also issue marriage, birth or death certificates. By contacting us, you will be satisfied with the result!

Latest questions


Tell me, if I do not live in Russia or the CIS, can I order a higher education diploma from you? I need a pedagogical university, teaching Russian language and literature. I come from Ukraine, I need a local diploma. Can you help me with my situation?

Yes, we can make you the required document. Leave a request with the managers and do not forget to leave contact details - phone number or email. We will contact you to clarify your order.

What should I do if I find errors or typos in the document?

Before accepting and paying for the finished document, you need to check it carefully. If you find any shortcomings in it, do not take it and do not pay, just give it to the courier or return it back to us for rework. Naturally, we bear all expenses ourselves. To ensure that such situations never arise, we make a mock-up of the future document for our clients and send it to them for approval. When the customer checks all the details and confirms consent, we will send the layout for execution. You can also take a photo or video of a document under the rays of an ultraviolet lamp. This will confirm the high quality of the finished product.

Can you make an academic transcript for me?

Yes, we do different types of certificates, including academic ones. You can find the types of documents and prices for our work on our website, in the “Prices” section.

We want you to have a diploma

Our company will give you the following advantages:

you will save 5 years of training;

we have budget documents that are done on plain paper;

you can purchase an expensive version of the diploma that you need, but with all the protections. Then no one will distinguish the certificate from the original;

delivery by courier or Russian post;

our clients are included in the federal register immediately after a transaction with us;

all information about you is confidential;

We pay only after the corresponding “crust” is in your hands.

We have the widest selection of diplomas. You can contact us in any way acceptable to you. For example, call by phone, send an email. On the site you can fill out a form, indicating all the necessary parameters. Our consultants will help you choose the crust that you need to get out into the world. We will definitely contact you and discuss all the details that interest you.

Obtaining any certificate these days is not a waste of money. This is a climb up the career ladder. Not only ordinary colleagues, but also bosses will listen to your opinion. Change your future now. Delivery of documents to your home is free!