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Questionnaire for accentuation of shmishek personality traits. Shmishek questionnaire adult version

The Shmishek questionnaire is designed to determine character accentuations (features). The presence of character accentuation is not a flaw, but, on the contrary, a distinctive feature, the “highlight” of a person. Under favorable conditions, “hidden accentuations” do not appear; they negative traits turn out to be compensated and the person can work quite successfully. Each type of accentuation has positive traits, on which a person can rely when performing a certain activity.
The K. Leonhard-N. Shmishek test is a questionnaire containing 88 statements that are grouped into 10 scales, each of which corresponds to one direction of accentuation

1 - high vital activity
2 - excitability
3 - depth of emotional reactions
4 - pedantry
5 - increased anxiety
6 - mood swings
7 - demonstrativeness
8 - imbalance
9 - fatigue
10 - strength and expressiveness of emotions

The number of accentuation is indicated in parentheses, which is assigned a point for the answer “yes” or “no” depending on the key.

1. Is your mood generally cheerful and carefree?
2. Are you sensitive to insults?
3. Have you ever cried quickly?
4. Do you always consider yourself to be right in what you do, and will you not rest until you are convinced of this?
5. Do you consider yourself more courageous than in childhood?
6. Can your mood change from deep joy to deep sadness?
7. Are you the center of attention in the company?
8. Do you have days when you are in a sullen and irritable mood for no good reason and don’t want to talk to anyone?
9. Are you a serious person?
10. Can you get very excited?
11. Are you entrepreneurial?
12. Do you quickly forget if someone offends you?
13. Are you a kind-hearted person?
14. After you put a letter in the mailbox, do you try to check whether it is still hanging in the slot?
15. Do you always try to be conscientious at work?
16. Did you experience fear of thunderstorms or dogs as a child?
17. Do you think other people are not demanding enough of each other?
18. Does your mood depend greatly on life events and experiences?
19. Are you always straightforward with your friends?
20. Is your mood often depressed?
21. Have you ever had a tantrum or exhaustion before? nervous system?
22. Are you prone to states of intense inner restlessness or passionate desire?
23. Is it difficult for you to sit on a chair for a long time?
24. Do you fight for your interests if someone treats you unfairly?
25. Could you kill a person?
26. Does a curtain hanging askew or an uneven tablecloth really bother you, so much so that you want to immediately eliminate these shortcomings?
27. As a child, did you experience fear when you were alone in the apartment?
28. Do you often change your mood for no reason?
29. Are you always diligent in your activities?
30. Can you get angry quickly?
31. Can you be recklessly cheerful?
32. Can you sometimes be completely imbued with a feeling of joy?
33. Are you suitable for entertaining?
34. Do you usually express your frank opinion to people on a particular issue?
35. Does the type of blood affect you?
36. Are you willing to engage in activities associated with great responsibility?
37. Are you inclined to stand up for a person who has been treated unfairly?
38. Is it difficult for you to enter a dark basement?
39. Do you do painstaking menial work as slowly and carefully as you do what you love?
40. Are you a sociable person?
41. Did you willingly recite poetry at school?
42. Did you run away from home as a child?
43. Do you find life difficult?
44. Have you ever had conflicts and troubles that got on your nerves so much that you didn’t go to work?
45. Can we say that when you fail, you don’t lose your sense of humor?
46. ​​Will you take the first step towards reconciliation if someone insults you?
47. Do you love animals?
48. Will you leave work or home if something is wrong with you?
49. Are you tormented by vague thoughts that some misfortune will happen to you or your relatives?
50. Do you think that your mood depends on the weather?
51. Would it be difficult for you to perform on stage in front of a large crowd?
52. Can you lose your temper and give free rein if someone deliberately rudely angers you?
53. Do you communicate a lot?
54. If you are disappointed with something, will you despair?
55. Do you like organizational work?
56. Do you persistently strive for your goal, even if there are many obstacles along the way?
57. Can you be so captivated by a movie that tears come to your eyes?
58. Will it be difficult for you to fall asleep if you have been thinking about your future or some problem all day?
59. During your school years, did you have to use fairy tales or copy from your friends? homework?
60. Is it difficult for you to go to the cemetery at night?
61. Do you take great care to ensure that every thing in the house is in its place?
62. Have you ever gone to bed in a good mood, but woke up in a dejected mood and remained in that mood for several hours?
63. Can you easily adapt to a new situation?
64. Are you prone to headaches?
65. Do you laugh often?
66. Can you be friendly with people without revealing your true attitude towards them?
67. Can you be called a lively and lively person?
68. Do you suffer greatly due to injustice?
69. Can you be called a passionate nature lover?
70. Do you have a habit of checking before going to bed or before leaving whether the gas and lights are turned off, and whether the door is closed?
71. Are you timid?
72. Does it happen that you feel in seventh heaven, although there are no objective reasons for this?
73. In your youth, were you willing to participate in amateur art groups and a theater group?
74. Do you sometimes feel drawn to look into the distance?
75. Do you look pessimistically at the future?
76. Can your mood change from extreme joy to deep sadness in a short period of time?
77. Is it easy for you to lift your spirits in a friendly company?
78. Do you endure anger for a long time?
79. Do you worry a lot if grief happens to another person?
80. At school, did you have the habit of rewriting a piece of paper in your notebook if you put a blot on it?
81. Can we say that you are more distrustful and cautious than trusting?
82. Do you often have scary dreams?
83. Have you ever had the idea of ​​throwing yourself out of a window against your will, under an approaching train?
84. Do you become joyful in a cheerful environment?
85. Can you easily distract yourself from burdensome issues and not think about them?
86. Do you find it difficult to control yourself if you get angry?
87. Do you prefer to be silent (yes), or are you talkative (no)?
88. If you had to participate in a theatrical performance, could you, with complete penetration and transformation, enter into the role and forget about yourself?


If the answer to a question matches the key, the answer is assigned one point. Then the sum of points on each scale must be multiplied by a coefficient.

Character traits



No. of questions


No. of questions


1, 12, 25, 36, 50, 61, 75, 85


10, 23, 48, 83, 96

34, 58, 73


6, 20, 31, 44, 55, 70, 80, 93


3, 14, 52, 64, 77, 87

28, 39


7, 21, 24, 32, 45, 49, 71, 74, 81, 94, 97


2, 16, 26, 38, 41, 62, 76, 86, 90

13, 51


4, 15, 19, 29, 43, 53, 65, 69, 78, 89, 92


17, 30, 42, 54, 79, 91

5, 67


8, 22, 33, 46, 57, 72, 82, 95


11, 35, 60, 84


9, 47, 59, 68, 83

18, 27, 37, 63

The maximum sum of points after multiplication is 24. According to some sources, a value exceeding 12 points is considered a sign of accentuation. Others based on practical application The questionnaire believes that the sum of points in the range from 15 to 19 indicates only a tendency towards one or another type of accentuation. And only if 19 points are exceeded, the character trait is accentuated. The obtained data can be presented in the form of a “personal accentuation profile”.

The 10 types of accentuated personalities identified by Leonhard are divided into two groups: character accentuations (demonstrative, pedantic, stuck, excitable) and temperament accentuations (hyperthymic, dysthymic, anxious-fearful, cyclothymic, affective, emotive).
Character accents.

1. Demonstrative type.
Characterized by an increased ability to repress, demonstrative behavior, liveliness, mobility, and ease of establishing contacts. He is prone to fantasy, deceit and pretense, aimed at embellishing his person, adventurism, artistry, and posing. He is driven by the desire for leadership, the need for recognition, the thirst for constant attention to his person, the thirst for power, praise; the prospect of being undetected weighs him down. He demonstrates high adaptability to people, emotional lability (easy mood swings) in the absence of truly deep feelings, and a tendency to intrigue (with an externally soft manner of communication). There is boundless egocentrism, a thirst for admiration, sympathy, veneration, and surprise. Usually the praise of others in his presence causes him a particularly unpleasant feeling; he cannot stand it. The desire for a company is usually associated with the need to feel like a leader, to occupy an exceptional position. Self-esteem is very far from objectivity. He can irritate with his self-confidence and high claims; he systematically provokes conflicts, but at the same time actively defends himself. Possessing a pathological ability to repress, he can completely forget what he does not want to know about. This unchains him in his lies. Usually he lies with an innocent face, because what he is talking about, at the moment, is true for him; Apparently, he is not internally aware of his lie, or he is aware of it very shallowly, without noticeable remorse. Able to captivate others with his originality of thinking and actions.

2. Stuck type.
He is characterized by moderate sociability, boringness, a penchant for moralizing, and taciturnity. Often suffers from imaginary injustice towards him. In this regard, he shows wariness and distrust towards people, is sensitive to insults and grief, is vulnerable, suspicious, vindictive, worries about what happened for a long time, and is not able to “easily move on” from insults. He is characterized by arrogance and often initiates conflicts. Arrogance, rigidity of attitudes and views, and highly developed ambition often lead to persistent assertion of his interests, which he defends with particular vigor. He strives to achieve high results in any business he undertakes and shows great persistence in achieving his goals. The main feature is a tendency to affect (love of truth, resentment, jealousy, suspicion), inertia in the manifestation of affects, in thinking, in motor skills.

3. Pedantic type.
It is characterized by rigidity, inertia of mental processes, heaviness to rise, and long experience of traumatic events. He rarely enters into conflicts, acting as a passive rather than an active party. At the same time, he reacts very strongly to any manifestation of disorder. At work he behaves like a bureaucrat, making many formal demands on others. Punctual, neat, pays special attention to cleanliness and order, scrupulous, conscientious, inclined to strictly follow the plan, unhurried in carrying out actions, diligent, focused on high quality work and special accuracy, prone to frequent self-examinations, doubts about the correctness of the work performed, grumbling, formalism . Willingly cedes leadership to other people.

4. Excitable type.
Insufficient controllability, weakening of control over drives and impulses are combined in people of this type with the power of physiological drives. He is characterized by increased impulsiveness, instinctiveness, rudeness, tediousness, gloominess, anger, a tendency to rudeness and abuse, to friction and conflicts, in which he himself is an active, provoking party. Irritable, quick-tempered, often changes jobs, and is difficult to get along with in a team. There is low contact in communication, slowness of verbal and non-verbal reactions, heaviness of actions. For him, no work becomes attractive, he works only when necessary, and shows the same reluctance to learn. Indifferent to the future, he lives entirely in the present, wanting to extract a lot of entertainment from it. Increased impulsiveness or the resulting arousal reaction is difficult to suppress and can be dangerous to others. He can be domineering, choosing the weakest for communication.

Accentuations of temperament.
5. Hyperthymic type.
People of this type are distinguished by great mobility, sociability, talkativeness, expressiveness of gestures, facial expressions, pantomimes, excessive independence, a tendency to mischief, and a lack of a sense of distance in relationships with others. They often spontaneously deviate from the original topic of conversation. They make a lot of noise everywhere, love the company of their peers, and strive to boss them around. They almost always have a very good mood, good health, high vitality, often a flourishing appearance, good appetite, healthy sleep, a tendency towards gluttony and other joys of life. These are people with high self-esteem, cheerful, frivolous, superficial and, at the same time, businesslike, inventive, brilliant interlocutors; people who know how to entertain others, are energetic, active, and proactive. A great desire for independence can be a source of conflict. They are characterized by outbursts of anger and irritation, especially when they encounter strong opposition and fail. They are prone to immoral acts, increased irritability, and projectism. They do not take their responsibilities seriously enough. They find it difficult to endure conditions of strict discipline, monotonous activity, and forced loneliness.

6. Dysthymic type.
People of this type are distinguished by seriousness, even depressed mood, slowness, and weak willpower. They are characterized by a pessimistic attitude towards the future, low self-esteem, as well as low contact, reticence in conversation, even silence. Such people are homebodies, individualists; They usually avoid society and noisy company and lead a secluded lifestyle. They are often gloomy, inhibited, and tend to fixate on the shadow sides of life. They are conscientious, value those who are friends with them and are ready to obey them, have a heightened sense of justice, as well as slow thinking.

7. Anxious type.
People of this type are characterized by low communication, minor mood, timidity, timidity, and lack of self-confidence. Children of the anxious type are often afraid of the dark, animals, and are afraid to be alone. They avoid noisy and lively peers, do not like excessively noisy games, experience a feeling of timidity and shyness, and have a hard time with tests, exams, and inspections. They are often embarrassed to answer in front of the class. They willingly submit to the tutelage of their elders; adult lectures can cause them remorse, guilt, tears, and despair. They early develop a sense of duty, responsibility, and high moral and ethical requirements. They try to disguise the feeling of their own inferiority in self-affirmation through those types of activities where they can reveal their abilities to a greater extent. The touchiness, sensitivity, and shyness characteristic of them since childhood prevent them from getting close to those with whom they want; a particularly weak link is the reaction to the attitude of others towards them. Intolerance to ridicule and suspicion are accompanied by an inability to stand up for oneself, to defend the truth in unfair accusations. They rarely enter into conflicts with others, playing a mostly passive role in them, in conflict situations they are looking for support and support. They are friendly, self-critical, and diligent. Due to their defenselessness, they often serve as “scapegoats” and targets for jokes.

8. Exalted type.
A striking feature of this type is the ability to admire, admire, as well as smiling, a feeling of happiness, joy, pleasure. These feelings can often arise in them for a reason that does not cause much excitement in others; they are easily delighted by joyful events and in complete despair by sad ones. They are characterized by high contact, talkativeness, and amorousness. Such people often argue, but do not lead to open conflicts. In conflict situations, they are both active and passive parties. They are attached to friends and loved ones, altruistic, have a sense of compassion, good taste, and show brightness and sincerity of feelings. They can be alarmists, subject to momentary moods, impulsive, easily move from a state of delight to a state of sadness, and have mental lability.

9. Emotive type.
This type is related to the exalted one, but its manifestations are not so violent. They are characterized by emotionality, sensitivity, anxiety, talkativeness, timidity, and deep reactions in the area of ​​subtle feelings. The most strongly expressed trait is humanity, empathy for other people or animals, responsiveness, kindness, and rejoicing at the successes of others. They are impressionable, tearful, and take any life events more seriously than other people. Teenagers react sharply to scenes from films where someone is in danger; scenes of violence can cause them a strong shock that will not be forgotten for a long time and can disturb their sleep. They rarely enter into conflicts, they carry grievances within themselves and do not “spill out” outside. They are characterized by a heightened sense of duty and diligence. They take care of nature, love to grow plants and care for animals.

10. Cyclothymic type.
Characterized by alternating hyperthymic and dysthymic states. They are characterized by frequent periodic mood swings, as well as dependence on external events. Joyful events cause pictures of hyperthymia in them: thirst for activity, increased talkativeness, racing ideas; sad ones - depression, slowness of reactions and thinking, their manner of communication with people around them also often changes. IN adolescence two variants of cyclothymic accentuation can be found: typical and labile cycloids. Typical cycloids in childhood usually give the impression of being hyperthymic, but then lethargy and loss of strength appear; what was previously easy now requires exorbitant effort. Previously noisy and lively, they become lethargic homebodies, there is a decrease in appetite, insomnia, or, conversely, drowsiness. They react to comments with irritation, even rudeness and anger, in the depths of their souls, however, at the same time falling into despondency, deep depression, suicidal attempts are not excluded. They study unevenly, make up for any omissions with difficulty, and create in themselves an aversion to studying. In labile cycloids, the phases of mood changes are usually shorter than in typical cycloids. “Bad” days are marked by more bad mood than lethargy. During the period of recovery, the desire to have friends and be in company is expressed. Mood affects self-esteem.

You are offered the Leonhard-Smishek questionnaire to identify character accentuation. You must answer 88 questions regarding various aspects of your character, affirmatively or negatively (yes/no). It’s better to answer quickly, without thinking for a long time.

  1. Is your mood generally cheerful and carefree?
  2. Are you susceptible to insults?
  3. Have you ever cried quickly?
  4. Do you always consider yourself to be right in what you do, and will you not rest until you are convinced of this?
  5. Do you consider yourself more courageous than when you were a child?
  6. Can your mood change from deep joy to deep sadness?
  7. Are you the center of attention in the company?
  8. Do you have days when you are in a sullen and irritable mood for no good reason and don’t want to talk to anyone?
  9. Are you a serious person?
  10. Can you get very excited?
  11. Are you entrepreneurial?
  12. Do you quickly forget if someone offends you?
  13. Are you a kind-hearted person?
  14. Do you try to check after putting a letter in the mailbox to see if it is still hanging in the slot?
  15. Do you always try to be conscientious at work?
  16. Were you afraid of thunderstorms or dogs as a child?
  17. Do you think other people are not demanding enough of each other?
  18. Does your mood depend greatly on life events and experiences?
  19. Are you always straightforward with your friends?
  20. Is your mood often depressed?
  21. Have you had a hysterical attack or nervous system exhaustion before?
  22. Are you prone to states of intense inner restlessness or craving?
  23. Do you find it difficult to sit in a chair for a long time?
  24. Do you fight for your interests if someone treats you unfairly?
  25. Could you kill a person?
  26. Does a curtain hanging askew or an uneven tablecloth really bother you, so much so that you want to immediately eliminate these shortcomings?
  27. Did you experience fear as a child when you were alone in the apartment?
  28. Do you often change your mood for no reason?
  29. Are you always diligent in your activities?
  30. Are you quick to get angry?
  31. Can you be recklessly cheerful?
  32. Can you sometimes be completely imbued with a feeling of joy?
  33. Are you suitable for hosting entertainment events?
  34. Do you usually express your frank opinion to people on a particular issue?
  35. Does the type of blood affect you?
  36. Are you willing to engage in activities that involve great responsibility?
  37. Are you inclined to stand up for a person who has been treated unfairly?
  38. Do you find it difficult to enter a dark basement?
  39. Do you do painstaking menial work, as slowly and carefully as you do the work you love?
  40. Are you a sociable person?
  41. Were you willing to recite poetry at school?
  42. Did you run away from home as a child?
  43. Do you find life difficult?
  44. Have you ever had conflicts and troubles that got on your nerves so much that you didn’t go to work?
  45. Can you say that you don’t lose your sense of humor when you fail?
  46. Will you take the first step towards reconciliation if someone insults you?
  47. Do you love animals?
  48. Will you leave work or home if something is wrong with you?
  49. Are you tormented by vague thoughts that some misfortune will happen to you or your relatives?
  50. Do you think that your mood depends on the weather?
  51. Will performing on stage in front of a large crowd make it difficult for you?
  52. Can you lose your temper and let loose if someone deliberately angers you?
  53. Do you communicate a lot?
  54. If you are disappointed with something, will you despair?
  55. Do you like organizational work?
  56. Do you persistently strive for your goal, even if there are many obstacles along the way?
  57. Can you be so captivated by a movie that tears come to your eyes?
  58. Will it be difficult for you to fall asleep if you have been thinking about your future or some problem all day?
  59. During your school years, did you have to use hints or copy homework from your friends?
  60. Is it difficult for you to go to a cemetery at night?
  61. Do you take great care to ensure that every thing in the house is in its place?
  62. Have you ever gone to bed in a good mood, but woke up in a dejected mood and remained in that mood for several hours?
  63. Can you easily adapt to a new situation?
  64. Are you prone to headaches?
  65. Do you laugh often?
  66. Can you be friendly to people without revealing your true feelings towards them?
  67. Can you be called a lively and lively person?
  68. Do you suffer greatly due to injustice?
  69. Can you be called a passionate nature lover?
  70. Do you have a habit before going to bed or before leaving, is the light and gas turned off, is the door closed?
  71. Are you fearful?
  72. Does it happen that you feel in seventh heaven, although there are no objective reasons for this?
  73. In your youth, were you willing to participate in amateur art groups and a theater group?
  74. Do you sometimes feel drawn to look into the distance?
  75. Are you pessimistic about the future?
  76. Can your mood change from extreme joy to deep sadness in a short period of time?
  77. Is it easy for you to lift your spirits in a friendly company?
  78. Do you carry anger for a long time?
  79. Do you worry a lot about another person if they have a grief?
  80. Did you have the habit at school of rewriting a piece of paper in your notebook if you put a blot on it?
  81. Would it be fair to say that you are more distrustful and cautious than trusting?
  82. Do you often have scary dreams?
  83. Have you ever thought about jumping out of a window against your will, throwing yourself under an approaching train?
  84. Do you become joyful in a cheerful environment?
  85. Can you easily distract yourself from burdensome issues and not think about them?
  86. Do you find it difficult to control yourself when you get angry?
  87. Do you prefer to be silent (yes) or are you talkative (no)?
  88. Could you, if you had to participate in a theatrical performance, enter into the role with complete penetration and transformation and forget about yourself?

Key to the questionnaire

If the answer to a question matches the key, the answer is assigned one point.

Scale 1. Demonstrativeness / demonstrative type:

Answers “Yes”: 7, 19, 22, 29, 41, 44, 63, 66, 73, 85, 88.

“No” answers: 51.

Multiply the sum of the answers by 2.

Scale 2. Jam/Stuck Type:

Answers “Yes”: 2, 15, 24, 34, 37, 56, 68, 78, 81.

“No” answers: 12, 46, 59.

Multiply the sum of the answers by 2.

Scale 3. Pedantic / pedantic type:

Answers “Yes”: 4, 14, 17, 26, 39, 48, 58, 61, 70, 80, 83.

“No” answers: 36.

Multiply the sum of the answers by 2.

Scale 4. Excitability / excitable type:

“Yes” answers: 8, 20, 30, 42, 52, 64, 74, 86.

Multiply the sum of the answers by 3.

Scale 5. Hyperthymic / hyperthymic type:

Answers “Yes”: 1, 11, 23, 33, 45, 55, 67, 77.

Multiply the sum of the answers by 3.

Scale 6. Dysthymic/dysthymic type:

Answers “Yes”: 9, 21, 43, 75, 87.

Multiply the sum of the answers by 3.

Scale 7. Anxiety/anxious-fearful type:

Answers “Yes”: 16, 27, 38, 49, 60, 71, 82.

“No” answers: 5.

Multiply the sum of the answers by 3.

Scale 8. Exaltation / affectively-exalted type:

Answers “Yes”: 10, 32, 54, 76.

Multiply the sum of the answers by 6.

Scale 9. Emotivity/emotive type:

Answers “Yes”: 3, 13, 35, 47, 57, 69, 79.

“No” answers: 25.

Multiply the sum of the answers by 3.

Scale 10. Cyclothymic / cyclothymic type:

“Yes” answers: 6, 18, 28, 40, 50, 62, 72, 84.

Multiply the sum of the answers by 3.

Interpretation of the results of the Leonhard-Smishek characterological questionnaire:

The maximum score after multiplication is 24.

0-5 points: we can talk about the absence of properties and manifestations of this characterological accentuation. You have no inclination to do and act in this way; rather, on the contrary, you gravitate towards the opposite pole of this character accentuation, towards a diametrically opposite direction in your behavior and manifestations.

6-10 points: moderate severity of this character accentuation, sometimes you can show traits characteristic of this accentuation, but they are never dominant, defining your personality. These are just small waves on the surface of the sea that do not make a difference in your life, do not determine your behavior and mood, but allow you to be different in certain life circumstances, resort to different behavioral strategies, sometimes giving you piquancy and charm.

11 -13 points: we can assume that there are tendencies towards the manifestation of this accentuation of character in your personality, traits characteristic of this accentuation are manifested in your character, you have a tendency to such self-manifestations, but these manifestations are controlled by you, without causing concern to either you or your environment. These features are not manifested so brightly and prominently that they catch the eye of the observer; rather, they appear in a very soft, smoothed and moderate form.

14-18 points: a strong tendency towards this accentuation of character. You are characterized by qualities of behavior, self-expression and perception that are characteristic of this accentuation. These features are a manifestation of your inner uniqueness. It may be difficult for you to control yourself when you are overwhelmed by some life situations related to the actualization of this accentuation. Your interests and inclinations are largely directed by these characterological characteristics.

19-24 points: You have character accentuation on this scale. The features specific to this accentuation are expressed to the maximum extent, and leave an imprint on all behavior. It is possible that you are a bright individual, you are distinguished by your difference from other people, in some ways you are an outstanding person. In all life situations, you manifest yourself in exactly this way, following this behavior scenario. This can be a major source of problems for you (and those around you), but it can also be a powerful motivating factor. Basically, life choices for you are determined by this characterological feature and the corresponding focus of your sphere of interests. You have a huge source of power that you need to learn to manage.

If, as a result of the survey, none of the accentuations is dominant in you (all scales have results up to 14 points), then we can say that you are an unaccented person, i.e. The various manifestations in your character are smoothed out and balanced; in general, you are characterized by a moderate and balanced tone of self-manifestation. There may be a desire to smooth out rough edges, conformity, social adaptation, the desire to be like everyone else.

If, as a result of the survey, you have a predominance of several accentuations (this is quite possible), then we can assume that you are a rather bright, complex personality, with a rich inner world, with ambiguous manifestations and approaches to solving life problems. It is possible that you are pulled in different directions, and it is difficult for you to understand yourself. There may be internal conflicts, a struggle with oneself or with the outside world (this depends on the type of dominant accentuation). It may be difficult for you to adapt to the environment; you do not want to be like everyone else, because you feel that you cannot fit into a strictly defined framework for everyone. It is important to work with your accentuated traits, directing yourself to the positive manifestation of these accentuations, trying to moderate their negative manifestations, directing your inner fire not towards destruction, but towards achieving goals that elevate you.

Scales: hyperthymicity, rigidity, emotiveness, pedantry, anxiety, cyclothymicity, demonstrativeness, excitability, dysthymicity, exaltation

Purpose of the test

The original method of Determining personal and characterological accentuations (K. Leongard) differs from this modification by S. Shmishek only in the formulation of questions on the stimulus material. The keys, scales, processing and principles for interpreting the results are essentially the same.

Purpose of the test

The questionnaire is designed to diagnose the type of personality accentuation. The theoretical basis of the questionnaire is the concept of “accentuated personalities” by K. Leonhard, who believes that the inherent personality traits can be divided into basic and additional. The main features make up the core, the core of the personality. In the case of pronounced expression (emphasis), the main features become accentuations of character. Accordingly, individuals whose main features are clearly expressed are called “accentuated” by Leonhard.

The term “accented personality” has taken a place between psychopathy and the norm. Accentuated personalities should not be considered pathological, but if exposed to unfavorable factors, accentuations can acquire a pathological character, destroying the structure of the personality.

The questionnaire contains 10 scales, in accordance with the ten types of accentuated personalities identified by Leonhard, and consists of 88 questions that require a “yes” or “no” answer.

Test instructions

“You are asked to answer 88 questions relating to various aspects of your personality. Next to the question number, put a + (yes) sign if you agree, or - (no) if you disagree. Answer quickly, don’t hesitate.”


1. Is your mood generally cheerful and carefree?
2. Are you sensitive to insults?
3. Have you ever cried quickly?
4. Do you always consider yourself to be right in what you do, and will you not rest until you are convinced of this?
5. Do you consider yourself more courageous than in childhood?
6. Can your mood change from deep joy to deep sadness?
7. Are you the center of attention in the company?
8. Do you have days when you are in a sullen and irritable mood for no good reason and don’t want to talk to anyone?
9. Are you a serious person?
10. Can you get very excited?
11. Are you entrepreneurial?
12. Do you quickly forget if someone offends you?
13. Are you a kind-hearted person?
14. After you put a letter in the mailbox, do you try to check whether it is still hanging in the slot?
15. Do you always try to be conscientious at work?
16. Did you experience fear of thunderstorms or dogs as a child?
17. Do you think other people are not demanding enough of each other?
18. Does your mood depend greatly on life events and experiences?
19. Are you always straightforward with your friends?
20. Is your mood often depressed?
21. Have you ever had a hysterical attack or exhaustion of the nervous system?
22. Are you prone to states of intense inner restlessness or passionate desire?
23. Is it difficult for you to sit on a chair for a long time?
24. Do you fight for your interests if someone treats you unfairly?
25. Could you kill a person?
26. Does a curtain hanging askew or an uneven tablecloth really bother you, so much so that you want to immediately eliminate these shortcomings?
27. As a child, did you experience fear when you were alone in the apartment?
28. Do you often change your mood for no reason?
29. Are you always diligent in your activities?
30. Can you get angry quickly?
31. Can you be recklessly cheerful?
32. Can you sometimes be completely imbued with a feeling of joy?
33. Are you suitable for entertaining?
34. Do you usually express your frank opinion to people on a particular issue?
35. Does the type of blood affect you?
36. Are you willing to engage in activities associated with great responsibility?
37. Are you inclined to stand up for a person who has been treated unfairly?
38. Is it difficult for you to enter a dark basement?
39. Do you do painstaking menial work as slowly and carefully as you do what you love?
40. Are you a sociable person?
41. Did you willingly recite poetry at school?
42. Did you run away from home as a child?
43. Do you find life difficult?
44. Have you ever had conflicts and troubles that got on your nerves so much that you didn’t go to work?
45. Can we say that when you fail, you don’t lose your sense of humor?
46. ​​Will you take the first step towards reconciliation if someone insults you?
47. Do you love animals?
48. Will you leave work or home if something is wrong with you?
49. Are you tormented by vague thoughts that some misfortune will happen to you or your relatives?
50. Do you think that your mood depends on the weather?
51. Would it be difficult for you to perform on stage in front of a large crowd?
52. Can you lose your temper and give free rein if someone deliberately rudely angers you?
53. Do you communicate a lot?
54. If you are disappointed with something, will you despair?
55. Do you like organizational work?
56. Do you persistently strive for your goal, even if there are many obstacles along the way?
57. Can you be so captivated by a movie that tears come to your eyes?
58. Will it be difficult for you to fall asleep if you have been thinking about your future or some problem all day?
59. During your school years, did you have to use hints or copy homework from your friends?
60. Is it difficult for you to go to the cemetery at night?
61. Do you take great care to ensure that every thing in the house is in its place?
62. Have you ever gone to bed in a good mood, but woke up in a dejected mood and remained in that mood for several hours?
63. Can you easily adapt to a new situation?
64. Are you prone to headaches?
65. Do you laugh often?
66. Can you be friendly with people without revealing your true attitude towards them?
67. Can you be called a lively and lively person?
68. Do you suffer greatly due to injustice?
69. Can you be called a passionate nature lover?
70. Do you have a habit of checking before going to bed or before leaving whether the gas and lights are turned off, and whether the door is closed?
71. Are you timid?
72. Does it happen that you feel in seventh heaven, although there are no objective reasons for this?
73. In your youth, were you willing to participate in amateur art groups and a theater group?
74. Do you sometimes feel drawn to look into the distance?
75. Do you look pessimistically at the future?
76. Can your mood change from extreme joy to deep sadness in a short period of time?
77. Is it easy for you to lift your spirits in a friendly company?
78. Do you endure anger for a long time?
79. Do you worry a lot if grief happens to another person?
80. At school, did you have the habit of rewriting a piece of paper in your notebook if you put a blot on it?
81. Can we say that you are more distrustful and cautious than trusting?
82. Do you often have scary dreams?
83. Have you ever had the idea of ​​throwing yourself out of a window against your will, under an approaching train?
84. Do you become joyful in a cheerful environment?
85. Can you easily distract yourself from burdensome issues and not think about them?
86. Do you find it difficult to control yourself if you get angry?
87. Do you prefer to be silent (yes), or are you talkative (no)?
88. If you had to participate in a theatrical performance, could you, with complete penetration and transformation, enter into the role and forget about yourself?

Processing and interpretation of test results

Key to the test

Conventional name of the scale
Scale name / Personality type Key sign No. of questions Leveling factor
Demonstrativeness / demonstrative type + 7, 19, 22, 29, 41, 44, 63, 66, 73, 85, 88 x 2
Z Jam/Stuck Type +
2,15, 24, 34, 37, 56, 68, 78, 81 x 2
- 12, 46, 59
Pedantic / pedantic type +
4, 14, 17, 26, 39, 48, 58, 61, 70, 80, 83 x 2
IN Excitability / excitable type + 8, 20, 30, 42, 52, 64, 74, 86
x 3
Hyperthymic / hyperthymic type + 1, 11, 23, 33, 45, 55, 67, 77
x 3
Dis Dysthymic/dysthymic type +
9, 21,43, 75, 87 x 3
31, 53, 65
Anxiety/anxious-fearful type + 16, 27, 38, 49, 60, 71, 82 x 3
- 5
EC Exaltation / affectively exalted type +
10, 32, 54, 76 x 6
Em Emotivity/emotive type +
3,13, 35, 47, 57, 69, 79 x 3
C Cyclothymic / cyclothymic type + 6, 18, 28, 40, 50, 62, 72, 84 x 3

Processing test results

The results are assessed on 10 characterological scales.

Count the number of “yes” answers and the number of “no” answers on each scale using the key provided. Each match with the key is worth 1 point. The maximum sum of points is 24. Taking into account the ambiguous quantitative representation of the scales under study, an equalization coefficient is introduced, as a result of which the sum of the obtained “raw” points is multiplied by a differentiated coefficient. So, with 8 statements on the scale, the result obtained is multiplied by 3, with 12 - by 2, with 4 - by 6.

The maximum sum of points after multiplication is 24. According to some sources, a value exceeding 12 points is considered a sign of accentuation. Others, based on the practical application of the questionnaire, believe that the sum of points in the range from 15 to 19 only indicates a tendency towards one or another type of accentuation. And only if 19 points are exceeded, the character trait is accentuated. The obtained data can be presented in the form of a “personal accentuation profile”.

The 10 types of accentuated personalities identified by Leonhard are divided into two groups: character accentuations (demonstrative, pedantic, stuck, excitable) and temperament accentuations (hyperthymic, dysthymic, anxious-fearful, cyclothymic, affective, emotive).

Interpretation of test results

1. Demonstrative type. Characterized by an increased ability to repress, demonstrative behavior, liveliness, mobility, and ease of establishing contacts. He is prone to fantasy, deceit and pretense, aimed at embellishing his person, to adventurism, artistry, and posturing. He is driven by the desire for leadership, the need for recognition, the thirst for constant attention to his person, the thirst for power, praise; the prospect of being undetected weighs him down. He demonstrates high adaptability to people, emotional lability (easy mood swings) in the absence of truly deep feelings, and a tendency to intrigue (with an externally soft manner of communication). There is boundless egocentrism, a thirst for admiration, sympathy, veneration, and surprise. Usually the praise of others in his presence causes him a particularly unpleasant feeling; he cannot stand it.

The desire for a company is usually associated with the need to feel like a leader, to occupy an exceptional position. Self-esteem is very far from objectivity. He can irritate with his self-confidence and high claims; he systematically provokes conflicts, but at the same time actively defends himself. Possessing a pathological ability to repress, he can completely forget what he does not want to know about. This unchains him in his lies. Usually he lies with an innocent face, because what he says is true for him at the moment; Apparently, he is not internally aware of his lie, or he is aware of it very shallowly, without noticeable remorse. Able to captivate others with his originality of thinking and actions.

2. Stuck type. He is characterized by moderate sociability, tediousness, a penchant for moralizing, and taciturnity. Often suffers from imaginary injustice towards him. In this regard, he shows wariness and distrust towards people, is sensitive to insults and grief, is vulnerable, suspicious, vindictive, worries about what happened for a long time, and is not able to easily move on from insults. He is characterized by arrogance and often initiates conflicts. Arrogance, rigidity of attitudes and views, and highly developed ambition often lead to persistent assertion of his interests, which he defends with particular vigor. He strives to achieve high results in any business he undertakes and shows great persistence in achieving his goals. The main feature is a tendency to affect (love of truth, resentment, jealousy, suspicion), inertia in the manifestation of affects, in thinking, in motor skills.

3. Pedantic type. It is characterized by rigidity, inertia of mental processes, difficulty in getting up, and long experience of traumatic events. He rarely enters into conflicts, acting as a passive rather than an active party. At the same time, he reacts very strongly to any manifestation of disorder. At work he behaves like a bureaucrat, making many formal demands on others. Punctual, neat, pays special attention to cleanliness and order, scrupulous, conscientious, inclined to strictly follow the plan, unhurried in carrying out actions, diligent, focused on high quality work and special accuracy, prone to frequent self-examinations, doubts about the correctness of the work performed, grumbling, formalism . Willingly cedes leadership to other people.

4. Excitable type. Insufficient controllability, weakening of control over drives and impulses are combined in people of this type with the power of physiological drives. He is characterized by increased impulsiveness, instinctiveness, rudeness, tediousness, gloominess, anger, a tendency to rudeness and abuse, to friction and conflicts, in which he himself is an active, provoking party. Irritable, quick-tempered, often changes jobs, and is difficult to get along with in a team. There is low contact in communication, slowness of verbal and non-verbal reactions, heaviness of actions. For him, no work becomes attractive, he works only when necessary, and shows the same reluctance to learn. Indifferent to the future, he lives entirely in the present, wanting to extract a lot of entertainment from it. Increased impulsiveness or the resulting arousal reaction is difficult to suppress and can be dangerous to others. He can be domineering, choosing the weakest for communication.

5. Hyperthymic type People of this type are distinguished by great mobility, sociability, talkativeness, expressiveness of gestures, facial expressions, pantomimes, excessive independence, a tendency to mischief, and a lack of a sense of distance in relationships with others. They often spontaneously deviate from the original topic of conversation. They make a lot of noise everywhere, love the company of their peers, and strive to boss them around. They almost always have a very good mood, good health, high vitality, often a flourishing appearance, good appetite, healthy sleep, a tendency towards gluttony and other joys of life. These are people with high self-esteem, cheerful, frivolous, superficial and at the same time businesslike, inventive, brilliant interlocutors; people who know how to entertain others, are energetic, active, and proactive.

A great desire for independence can be a source of conflict. They are characterized by outbursts of anger and irritation, especially when they encounter strong opposition and fail. They are prone to immoral acts, increased irritability, and projectism. They do not take their responsibilities seriously enough. They find it difficult to endure conditions of strict discipline, monotonous activity, and forced loneliness.

6. Dysthymic type. People of this type are distinguished by seriousness, even depressed mood, slowness, and weak willpower. They are characterized by a pessimistic attitude towards the future, low self-esteem, as well as low contact, reticence in conversation, even silence. Such people are homebodies, individualists; They usually avoid society and noisy company and lead a secluded lifestyle. They are often gloomy, inhibited, and tend to fixate on the shadow sides of life. They are conscientious, value those who are friends with them and are ready to obey them, have a heightened sense of justice, as well as slow thinking.

7. Anxious type. People of this type are characterized by low communication, minor mood, timidity, timidity, and lack of self-confidence. Children of the anxious type are often afraid of the dark, animals, and are afraid to be alone. They avoid noisy and lively peers, do not like excessively noisy games, experience a feeling of timidity and shyness, and have a hard time with tests, exams, and inspections. They are often embarrassed to answer in front of the class. They willingly submit to the tutelage of their elders; adult lectures can cause them remorse, guilt, tears, and despair. They early develop a sense of duty, responsibility, and high moral and ethical requirements. They try to disguise the feeling of their own inferiority in self-affirmation through those types of activities where they can reveal their abilities to a greater extent.

The touchiness, sensitivity, and shyness characteristic of them since childhood prevent them from getting close to those with whom they want; a particularly weak link is the reaction to the attitude of others towards them. Intolerance to ridicule and suspicion are accompanied by the inability to stand up for oneself, to defend the truth in the face of unfair accusations. They rarely enter into conflicts with others, playing a mainly passive role in them; in conflict situations, they seek support and support. They are friendly, self-critical, and diligent. Due to their defenselessness, they often serve as scapegoats and targets for jokes.

8. Exalted type. A striking feature of this type is the ability to admire, admire, as well as smiling, a feeling of happiness, joy, and pleasure. These feelings can often arise in them for a reason that does not cause much excitement in others; they are easily delighted by joyful events and in complete despair by sad ones. They are characterized by high contact, talkativeness, and amorousness. Such people often argue, but do not lead to open conflicts. In conflict situations, they are both active and passive parties. They are attached to friends and loved ones, altruistic, have a sense of compassion, good taste, and show brightness and sincerity of feelings. They can be alarmists, subject to momentary moods, impulsive, easily move from a state of delight to a state of sadness, and have mental lability.

9. Emotive type. This type is related to the exalted one, but its manifestations are not so violent. They are characterized by emotionality, sensitivity, anxiety, talkativeness, timidity, and deep reactions in the area of ​​subtle feelings. Their most strongly expressed feature is humanity, empathy for other people or animals, responsiveness, kindness, they rejoice at the successes of others. They are impressionable, tearful, and take any life events more seriously than other people. Teenagers react sharply to scenes from films where someone is in danger; scenes of violence can cause them a strong shock that will not be forgotten for a long time and can disturb their sleep. They rarely enter into conflicts; they carry grievances within themselves without spilling them out. They are characterized by a heightened sense of duty and diligence. They take care of nature, love to grow plants and care for animals.

10. Cyclothymic type. Characterized by alternating hyperthymic and dysthymic states. They are characterized by frequent periodic changes in mood, as well as dependence on external events; joyful events give them pictures of hyperthymia: a thirst for activity, increased talkativeness, a race of ideas; sad ones - depression, slowness of reactions and thinking, their manner of communication with people around them also often changes.

In adolescence, two variants of cyclothymic accentuation can be found: typical and labile cycloids. Typical cycloids in childhood usually give the impression of being hyperthymic, but then lethargy and loss of strength appear; what was previously easy now requires exorbitant effort. Previously noisy and lively, they become lethargic homebodies, there is a decrease in appetite, insomnia or, conversely, drowsiness. They react to comments with irritation, even rudeness and anger, in the depths of their souls, however, at the same time falling into despondency, deep depression, suicidal attempts are not excluded. They study unevenly, make up for any omissions with difficulty, and create in themselves an aversion to studying. In labile cycloids, the phases of mood changes are usually shorter than in typical cycloids. Bad days are marked by more bad mood than lethargy. During the period of recovery, the desire to have friends and be in company is expressed. Mood affects self-esteem.


Methodology for studying personality accentuations by K. Leonhard (modification by S. Shmishek) / Workshop on personality psychodiagnostics. Ed. N.K.Rakovich. – Minsk, 2002.

According to the theory of accentuated personalities, there are personality traits that in themselves are not yet pathological, but can, under certain conditions, develop in a positive or negative direction.

These traits are, as it were, a sharpening of some individual properties inherent in each person. Accentuation is not a pathology, it is an extreme degree of the norm, beyond which psychopathy begins - a personality pathology leading to a violation of a person’s adaptation and interaction with the environment.

According to Leonhard's classification, there are ten main types of accentuations. All these groups of accentuated personalities are united according to the principle of character accentuation or temperament accentuation. Character accentuations include: stuckness, pedantry, demonstrativeness, excitability. Accentuations of temperament include: hyperthymicity, emotiveness, anxiety, cycloidism, dysthymicity, exaltation.

Test instructions:

You are asked to answer 97 questions relating to various aspects of your personality. Next to the question number, put a “+” (yes) sign if you agree, or “-” (no) if you disagree. Answer quickly, don’t hesitate.

1. Is your mood, as a rule, clear and unclouded?

2. Are you susceptible to insults and insults?

3. Do you cry easily?

4. After completing any work, do you have doubts about the quality of its execution and do you resort to checking whether everything was done correctly?

5. Were you as brave as your peers as a child?

6. Do you often have sudden mood swings (you were just floating in the clouds with happiness, and suddenly you become very sad)?

7. Are you usually the center of attention when having fun?

8. Do you have days when you are grumpy and irritable for no particular reason and everyone thinks that it is better not to touch you?

9. Do you always answer letters immediately after reading them?

10. Are you a serious person?

11. Are you able to become so passionate about something for a while that everything else ceases to be significant to you?

12. Are you entrepreneurial?

13. Do you quickly forget insults and insults?

14. Are you kind-hearted?

15. When you drop a letter into the mailbox, do you check whether it has gone there or not?

16. Does your ambition require that you be one of the first in your work (study)?

17. Were you afraid of thunderstorms and dogs in your childhood?

18. Do you sometimes laugh at indecent jokes?

19. Are there people among your friends who consider you pedantic?

20. Does your mood depend very much on external circumstances and events?

21. Do your friends like you?

22. Are you often at the mercy of strong internal impulses and impulses?

23. Are you usually somewhat depressed?

24. Have you ever cried while experiencing a severe nervous shock?

25. Is it difficult for you to sit in one place for a long time?

26. Do you defend your interests when injustice is done to you?

27. Do you sometimes brag?

28. Were you able to kill a pet or bird if necessary?

29. Does it irritate you if a curtain or tablecloth hangs unevenly? Do you try to fix it?

30. Were you afraid to stay home alone as a child?

31. Does your mood often deteriorate for no apparent reason?

32. Have you ever been one of the best in your professional or educational activities?

33. Do you get angry easily?

34. Are you capable of being playful and cheerful?

35. Do you ever experience states when you are overwhelmed with happiness?

36. Could you play the role of an entertainer in funny performances?

37. Have you ever lied in your life?

38. Do you tell people your opinion about them directly to their faces?

39. Can you calmly look at blood?

40. Do you like work when you are the only one responsible for it?

41. Do you stand up for people who have been wronged?

42. Does the need to go down into a dark cellar or enter an empty, dark room bother you?

43. Do you prefer activities that need to be completed for a long time and accurately, to those that do not require much painstaking work and are done quickly?

44. Are you a very sociable person?

45. Did you willingly recite poetry at school?

46. ​​Did you run away from home as a child?

47. Do you usually give up your seat on a bus to elderly passengers without hesitation?

48. Does life often seem difficult to you?

49. Have you ever gotten so upset about a conflict that you felt unable to go to work?

50. Would it be possible to say that in the face of failure you retain a sense of humor?

51. Do you try to make peace if you have offended someone? Are you the first to take steps towards reconciliation?

52. Do you really love animals?

53. Has it ever happened to you, when leaving home, to return to check whether something had happened?

54. Have you ever been bothered by thoughts that something was going to happen to you or your relatives?

55. Does your mood depend significantly on the weather?

56. Is it difficult for you to speak in front of a large audience?

57. Can you use your hands when angry with someone?

58. Do you like to have fun?

59. Do you always say what you think?

60. Can you fall into despair under the influence of disappointment?

61. Does the role of an organizer in any business attract you?

62. Do you persist in achieving your goal if you encounter any obstacle?

63. Have you ever felt satisfaction when people you dislike fail?

64. Can a tragic film move you so much that tears come to your eyes?

65. Do thoughts about the problems of the past or about the future often prevent you from falling asleep?

66. During your school years, was it common for you to give hints or let your comrades copy?

67. Could you walk alone through the cemetery in the dark?

68. Would you, without hesitation, return the extra money to the cashier if you discovered that you received too much?

69. Do you attach great importance to the fact that every thing in your home should be in its place?

70. Does it happen to you that when you go to bed in a great mood, the next morning you get up in a bad mood that lasts for several hours?

71. Do you easily adapt to a new situation?

72. Do you often experience dizziness?

73. Do you laugh often?

74. Will you be able to treat a person about whom you have a bad opinion so kindly that no one will guess about your real attitude towards him?

75. Are you a lively and active person?

76. Do you suffer greatly when injustice is committed?

77. Are you a passionate nature lover?

78. When leaving home or going to bed, do you check whether the taps are closed, whether the lights are turned off everywhere, and whether the doors are locked?

79. Are you timid?

80. Can drinking alcohol change your mood?

81. Are you willing to take part in amateur art groups?

82. Do you sometimes feel the urge to go far from home?

83. Are you a little pessimistic about the future?

84. Do you experience transitions from a cheerful mood to a sad one?

85. Can you entertain society and be the life of the party?

86. How long do you retain feelings of anger and frustration?

87. Do you experience the sorrows of other people for a long time?

88. Do you always agree with comments addressed to you, the correctness of which you recognize?

89. During your school years, could you rewrite a page in your notebook because of scribbles?

90. Are you more cautious and distrustful of people than trusting?

91. Do you often have scary dreams?

92. Do you sometimes have such obsessive thoughts that if you are standing on the platform, you can throw yourself in front of an approaching train against your will, or you can throw yourself out of the window of the top floor of a large house?

93. Do you become more cheerful in the company of cheerful people?

94. Are you a person who doesn’t think about complex problems, and if you do, it’s not for long?

95. Do you commit sudden impulsive actions under the influence of alcohol?

96. In conversations, are you silent more than you speak?

97. Could you, while pretending to be someone, get so carried away that you temporarily forget who you really are?

Keys to the test:

The number of answers matching the key in the test is estimated at 1 point and multiplied by the value of the coefficient of the corresponding type of accentuation; if the resulting value exceeds 18, then this indicates the severity of this type of accentuation.

Character traits
Kit Yes questions "No" questions
Hyperthymia 3 1, 12, 25, 36, 50, 61, 75, 85
Jam 2 2, 16, 26, 38, 41, 62, 76, 86, 90 13, 51, 66
Emotivity 3 3, 14, 52, 64, 77, 87 28, 39
Pedantry 2 4, 15, 19, 29, 43, 53, 65, 69, 78, 89, 92 40
Anxiety 3 17, 30, 42, 54, 79, 91 5, 67
Cycloidity 3 6, 20, 31, 44, 55, 70, 80, 93
Demonstrativeness 2 7, 21, 24, 32, 45, 49, 71, 74, 81, 94, 97 56
Excitability 3 8, 22, 33, 46, 57, 72, 82, 95
Distinctiveness 3 10, 23, 48, 83, 96 34, 58, 73
Exaltation 6 11, 35, 60, 84
Lie 1 9, 47, 59, 68, 88 18, 27, 37, 63

Test analysis and interpretation of results:

Hyperthymia. People who are prone to high moods, optimists, quickly switch from one thing to another, do not finish what they start, are undisciplined, and easily fall under the influence of dysfunctional companies. Teenagers are prone to adventure and romance. They do not tolerate power over themselves, they do not like being taken care of. Tendency to dominate, lead. Excessively elevated mood can lead to inappropriate behavior.

Jam. Tendency to “stuck affect”, to delusional reactions. People are pedantic, vindictive, remember insults for a long time, get angry, and take offense. Obsessive ideas can often appear on this basis. Strongly obsessed with one idea. Too driven, “stuck in one thing”, “off scale”. Emotionally rigid. Sometimes they can have affective outbursts and show aggression.

Emotivity. People who exhibit exaggerated emotional sensitivity change their mood dramatically due to something insignificant to those around them. Everything depends on your mood: performance and well-being. The emotional sphere is finely organized: they are able to deeply feel and experience. They tend to have good relationships with others. In love they are vulnerable like no other. They perceive rudeness and rudeness extremely painfully, and become desperate and depressed if there is a breakup or deterioration in relationships with loved ones.

Pedantry. People who have difficulty switching from one emotion to another. They like everything to be in its place, so that people can clearly formulate their thoughts. The idea of ​​order and neatness becomes the main meaning of life. During periods of angry and melancholy mood, everything irritates them. They can show aggression.

Anxiety. People of a melancholic (or choleric) disposition with a very high level constitutional anxiety, lack of self-confidence. They underestimate and downplay their abilities. They are afraid of responsibility, they are afraid of all sorts of troubles for themselves and their relatives, they cannot calm down their fears and anxiety, “attracting” to themselves and their loved ones the realization of their fears and concerns.

Cycloidity. Sudden mood swings. A good mood lasts a short time, a bad mood lasts a long time. When depressed, they behave as if they are anxious, quickly get tired, and become desperate from troubles, even attempting suicide. When in a good mood, they behave as if they are hyperthymic.

Demonstrativeness. People who have a strong egocentrism, a desire to be constantly in the center of attention. There are many such people among artists. If they don't have the ability to stand out, then they attract attention by acting antisocially. They are characterized by pathological deceit in order to embellish their personality. They tend to wear bright, extravagant clothes and can be identified purely externally.

Excitability. Tendency to increased impulsive reactivity in the sphere of attraction. He is characterized by increased impulsiveness, instinctiveness, rudeness, tediousness, gloominess, anger, a tendency to rudeness and abuse, to friction and conflicts, in which he himself is an active, provoking party.

Distimacy. Tendency to mood disorders. The opposite of hyperthymic. Low mood, pessimism, gloomy outlook on things, fatigue. He quickly becomes depleted of contacts and prefers loneliness.

Exaltation. The absence of halftones in emotions and feelings, and a quick transition from “worldly sorrow” to “cloudless happiness.” From the outside, such behavior is perceived as posing, but the passion for art, music, nature, and passion for sports can captivate such people to the depths of their souls and exclude assumptions about their pretense.

Children's version

According to the theory of “accented personalities”, there are personality traits that in themselves are not yet pathological, but can, under certain conditions, develop in a positive or negative direction. These traits are, as it were, a sharpening of some individual properties inherent in each person. In psychopaths, these traits are especially pronounced.

Target: determination of personality accentuations.

Description of the technique:

Contains 10 scales in accordance with the ten types of accentuated personalities identified by Leonhard.

There are ten main types of accentuation (Leonhard's classification).

  1. Demonstrative type. Characterized by increased capacity for displacement.
  2. Pedantic type . Persons of this type are characterized by increased rigidity, inertia of mental processes, and inability to repress traumatic experiences.
  3. "Stuck" type. Characterized by excessive persistence of affect.
  4. Excitable type. Increased impulsiveness, weakening control over drives and impulses.
  5. Hyperthymic type. Increased mood level combined with optimism and high activity.
  6. Dysthymic type. Decreased mood, pessimism, fixation on the shadow sides of life, lethargy.
  7. Anxious-fearful type. Tendency to fear, timidity and timidity.
  8. Cyclothymic type. Change of hyperthymic and dysthymic phases.
  9. Affectively exalted type. Ease of transition from a state of delight to a state of sadness.
  10. Emotive type . It is related to the affectively exalted, but the manifestations are not so violent. Persons of this type are particularly impressionable and sensitive.

All these groups of “accentuated personalities” are united according to the principle of accentuation of character traits or temperament.Accentuation of character traits includes:

demonstrativeness(in pathology: psychopathy of the hysterical circle);

pedantry (in pathology: anankastic psychopathy);

excitability (in pathology: epileptoid psychopaths);

getting stuck (in pathology: paranoid psychopaths).

Other types of accentuation relate to characteristics of temperament and reflect the pace and depth of effective reactions.

A sign of accentuation is a score over 18 points.


1. Demonstrative type. Characterized by an increased ability to repress, demonstrative behavior, liveliness, mobility, and ease of establishing contacts. He is prone to fantasy, deceit and pretense, aimed at embellishing his person, adventurism, artistry, and posing. He is driven by the desire for leadership, the need for recognition, the thirst for constant attention to his person, the thirst for power, praise; The prospect of being unnoticed depresses him. He demonstrates high adaptability to people, emotional lability (easy mood swings) in the absence of truly deep feelings, and a tendency to intrigue (with external softness in communication). There is boundless egocentrism, a thirst for admiration, sympathy, veneration, and surprise. Usually the praise of others in his presence causes him a particularly unpleasant feeling; he cannot stand it. The desire for a company is usually associated with the need to feel like a leader, to occupy an exceptional position. Self-esteem is very far from objective. He can irritate with his self-confidence and high claims; he systematically provokes conflicts, but at the same time actively defends himself. Possessing a pathological ability to repress, he can completely forget about what he does not want to know about. This unchains him in his lies. Usually he lies with an innocent face, because what he says is true for him at the moment; Apparently, he is not internally aware of his lie, or he is aware of it very shallowly, without noticeable remorse. Able to captivate others with his originality of thinking and actions.

2. Stuck type. He is characterized by moderate sociability, boringness, a penchant for moralizing, and taciturnity. Often suffers from imaginary injustice towards him. In this regard, he shows wariness and distrust of people, is sensitive to grievances and grief, is vindictive, worries about what happened for a long time, and is not able to easily forget grievances. He is characterized by arrogance and often initiates conflicts. Arrogance, rigidity of attitudes and views, and highly developed ambition often lead to persistent assertion of one’s interests. He strives to achieve high results in any business he undertakes and shows great persistence in achieving his goals. The main feature is a tendency to affect (truthfulness, resentment, jealousy, suspicion), inertia in the manifestation of affects, 1 in thinking, motor skills.

3.Pedantic type. It is characterized by rigidity, inertia of mental processes, and prolonged experience of traumatic events. He rarely enters into conflicts, acting as a passive rather than an active party. At the same time, he reacts very strongly to any violation of order. At work he behaves like a bureaucrat, making a lot of formal demands on others. Punctual, neat, pays special attention to cleanliness and order; scrupulous, conscientious, inclined to strictly follow the plan, unhurried in carrying out actions, diligent, careful, focused on high quality work and special accuracy, prone to frequent self-examinations, doubts about the correctness of the work performed, grumbling, formalism. Willingly cedes leadership to other people.

4. Excitable type. Insufficient controllability, weakening of control over drives and impulses are combined in people of this type with the power of physiological drives. They are characterized by increased impulsiveness, instinctiveness, rudeness, tediousness, gloominess, anger, a tendency to rudeness and abuse, friction and conflicts, in which they themselves are an active, provoking party. Irritable, quick-tempered, often changes jobs, and is difficult to get along with in a team. There is low contact in communication, slowness of verbal and non-verbal reactions, and heaviness of actions. For him, no work becomes attractive, he works only as needed, and shows the same reluctance to learn. He is indifferent to the future, lives entirely in the present, wanting to extract a lot of pleasure from it. Increased impulsiveness or the resulting arousal reaction is difficult to suppress and can be dangerous to others. He can be domineering, choosing the weakest for communication.

5. Hyperthymic type. People of this type are distinguished by great mobility, sociability, talkativeness, expressiveness of gestures, facial expressions, pantomimes, excessive independence, a tendency to mischief, and a lack of a sense of distance in relationships with others. They often spontaneously deviate from the original topic of conversation. They make a lot of noise, love the company of their peers, and strive to boss them around. They almost always have a very good mood, good health, often a flourishing appearance, good appetite, healthy sleep, a tendency towards gluttony and other joys of life. These are people with high self-esteem, cheerful, frivolous, superficial and at the same time businesslike, inventive, brilliant interlocutors; people who know how to entertain others, are energetic, active, and proactive. A great desire for independence can be a source of conflict. They are characterized by outbursts of anger and irritation, especially when they encounter strong opposition and fail. They are prone to immoral acts, increased irritability, and projectism. They do not take their responsibilities seriously enough; they find it difficult to tolerate strict discipline, monotonous activities, and forced loneliness.

6. Dysthymic type. People of this type are distinguished by seriousness, even depressed mood, slowness, weakness of volitional efforts. They are characterized by a pessimistic attitude towards the future, low self-esteem, low contact, taciturnity in conversation, even silence. Such people are homebodies/individualists; They usually avoid society and noisy company, lead a secluded lifestyle. They are often gloomy, inhibited, and tend to fixate on the dark sides of life. They are conscientious, value those who are friends with them, and are ready to obey them, are distinguished by a heightened sense of justice, as well as slow thinking .

7. Anxious type. People of this type are characterized by low communication, minor mood, timidity, timidity, and lack of self-confidence. Children of the anxious type are often afraid of the dark, animals, and are afraid to be alone. They avoid noisy and lively peers, do not like excessively noisy games, experience a feeling of timidity and shyness, and have a hard time with tests, exams, and inspections. They are often embarrassed to answer in front of the class. They willingly submit to the tutelage of their elders; adult lectures can cause them remorse, guilt, tears, and despair. They early develop a sense of duty, responsibility, and high moral and ethical requirements. They try to disguise the feeling of their own inferiority in self-affirmation through those types of activities where they can reveal their abilities to a greater extent.

The touchiness, sensitivity, and shyness characteristic of them since childhood prevent them from getting close to those with whom they want. A particularly weak link is the reaction to the attitude of others towards them. Intolerance of ridicule and suspicion is accompanied by the inability to stand up for oneself, to defend the truth in the face of unfair accusations. They rarely enter into conflicts with others, playing a mostly passive role in them; in conflict situations, looking for support and support. They are friendly, self-critical, and efficient. Due to their defenselessness, they often serve as “scapegoats” and targets for jokes.

8. Exalted type. A striking feature of this type is the ability to admire, admire, as well as smiling, a feeling of happiness, joy, and pleasure. These feelings may arise in them for a reason that does not cause much excitement in others; they easily become delighted with joyful events and in complete despair - with sad ones. They are characterized by high contact, talkativeness, and amorousness. Such people often argue, but do not lead to open conflicts. In conflict situations, they are both active and passive parties. They are attached to friends and loved ones, altruistic, have a sense of compassion, good taste, and show brightness and sincerity of feelings. They can be alarmists, subject to momentary moods, impetuous, and have mental lability.

9. Emotive type people is akin to the exalted, but its manifestations are not so violent. They are characterized by emotionality, sensitivity, anxiety, talkativeness, timidity, deep reactions in the area of ​​subtle feelings. The most strongly expressed trait is humanity, empathy for other people or animals, responsiveness, kindness, the ability to rejoice in the successes of others. They are impressionable, tearful, and take any life events more seriously than other people. Teenagers react sharply to scenes from films where someone is in danger; scenes of violence can cause them a strong shock that will not be forgotten for a long time and can disturb their sleep. They rarely enter into conflicts and carry grievances within themselves. They are characterized by a heightened sense of duty and diligence. They take care of nature, love to grow plants and care for animals.

10. Cyclothymic type. Characterized by a change in hyperthymic and dysthymic states: They are characterized by frequent mood changes, as well as dependence on external events. Joyful events cause hyperthymia in them: a thirst for activity, increased talkativeness, a rush of ideas; sad ones - depression, slowness of reactions and thinking, their manner of communication with people around them also often changes. In adolescence, two variants of cyclothymic accentuation can be found: typical and labile cycloids. Typical cycloids in childhood usually give the impression of being hyperthymic, but then lethargy and loss of strength appear; what was previously easy now requires exorbitant effort. Previously noisy and lively, they become lethargic homebodies, there is a decrease in appetite, insomnia, or, conversely, drowsiness. They react to comments with irritation, even rudeness and anger, in the depths of their souls, however, at the same time falling into despondency, deep depression, suicidal attempts are not excluded. They study unevenly, make up for any omissions with difficulty, and create in themselves an aversion to studying. In labile cycloids, the phases of mood changes are usually shorter than in typical cycloids. “Bad” days are marked by being filled with bad mood rather than lethargy. During the period of recovery, the desire to have friends and be in company is expressed. Mood affects self-esteem.

Processing the results.

The number of answers matching the key is multiplied by the value of the coefficient of the corresponding type of accentuation; if the resulting value exceeds 18, then this indicates the severity of this type of accentuation.


Answer 88 questions relating to various aspects of your personality. Next to the question number, put a “+” sign if you agree, or “-” if you disagree. Answer quickly, don’t hesitate.


  1. Are you usually calm and cheerful?
  2. Are you easily offended or upset?
  3. Do you cry easily?
  4. How many times do you check for errors in your work?
  5. Are you as strong as your classmates?
  6. Do you easily move from joy to sadness and vice versa?
  7. Do you like to be in charge of the game?
  8. Are there days when you get angry at everyone for no reason?
  9. Are you a serious person?
  10. Do you always try to conscientiously complete your teachers’ assignments?
  11. Can you invent new games?
  12. Do you quickly forget if you have offended someone?
  13. Do you consider yourself kind, do you know how to sympathize?
  14. After throwing a letter into the mailbox, do you check with your hand to see if it is stuck in the slot?
  15. Are you trying to be the best in school, in the sports section, in the circle?
  16. When you were little, were you afraid of thunderstorms or dogs?
  17. Do guys think you are too diligent and careful?
  18. Does your mood depend on home and school activities?
  19. Can you say that most of your friends love you?
  20. Do you ever feel restless in your soul?
  21. Are you usually a little sad?
  22. When experiencing grief, have you ever cried?
  23. Do you find it difficult to stay in one place?
  24. Do you fight for your rights when you are treated unfairly?
  25. Have you ever shot cats with a slingshot?
  26. Does it irritate you when the curtain or tablecloth hangs unevenly?
  27. When you were little, were you afraid to be alone at home?
  28. Does it ever happen that you feel happy or sad for no reason?
  29. Are you one of the best students in your class?
  30. Do you often have fun and fool around?
  31. Do you get angry easily?
  32. Do you sometimes feel very happy?
  33. Do you know how to make guys laugh?
  34. Can you directly tell someone what you think about them?
  35. Are you afraid of blood?
  36. Are you willing to do school assignments?
  37. Will you stand up for those who have been treated unfairly?
  38. Do you feel uncomfortable entering a dark, empty room?
  39. Do you prefer slow and precise work rather than fast and less precise work?
  40. Is it easy for you to meet people?
  41. Are you willing to perform at matinees and evenings?
  42. Have you ever run away from home?
  43. Have you ever been so upset because of a quarrel with kids or teachers that you couldn’t go to school?
  44. Does life seem hard to you?
  45. Can you laugh at yourself when you fail?
  46. Do you try to make peace if the quarrel was not your fault?
  47. Do you love animals?
  48. When you left home, did you have to come back to check if anything had happened?
  49. Do you sometimes feel like something is going to happen to you or your family?
  50. Does your mood depend on the weather?
  51. Do you find it difficult to answer in class even if you know the answer to the question?
  52. If you are angry with someone, can you start fighting?
  53. Do you like being among the guys?
  54. If you fail at something, can you despair?
  55. Can you organize a game, work?
  56. Do you persistently strive for your goal, even if there are difficulties along the way?
  57. Have you ever cried while watching a movie or reading a sad book?
  58. Do you find it difficult to sleep because of some worries?
  59. Do you give me hints or let me copy?
  60. Are you afraid to walk alone along a dark street in the evening?
  61. Do you make sure that every item is in its place?
  62. Does it ever happen to you that you go to bed in a good mood and wake up in a bad mood?
  63. Do you feel free with strangers (in a new class, camp)?
  64. Do you ever have a headache?
  65. Do you laugh often?
  66. If you don't respect a person, can you behave with him in such a way that he doesn't notice it (not show your disrespect)?
  67. Can you do many different things in one day?
  68. Are you often treated unfairly?
  69. Do you love nature?
  70. When you leave home and go to bed, do you check to see if the door is locked and the lights are turned off?
  71. Are you as fearful as you think?
  72. Does your mood change at the holiday table?
  73. Do you participate in a drama club, do you like to read poetry from the stage?
  74. Do you ever get into a gloomy mood for no particular reason, in which you don't want to talk to anyone?
  75. Do you sometimes think about the future with sadness?
  76. Do you experience unexpected transitions from joy to sadness?
  77. Can you entertain guests?
  78. Do you stay angry and offended for a long time?
  79. Do you worry a lot if grief happens to your friends?
  80. Will you start rewriting a sheet of paper in your notebook because of a mistake or a blot?
  81. Do you consider yourself distrustful?
  82. Do you often have scary dreams?
  83. Do you have the urge to jump out of a window or throw yourself in front of a car?
  84. Do you feel happy if everyone around you is having fun?
  85. If you are in trouble, can you forget about it for a while and not think about it all the time?
  86. Do you do things that are unexpected for yourself?
  87. Are you usually laconic and silent?
  88. Could you, while participating in a dramatic performance, get so into the role that you forget that you are not the same as on stage?

№ ?


№ ?


№ ?


Answer form

Šmishek questionnaire. Character accentuations

Full name________________________________________________


Date of__________

Educational psychologist

Šmishek questionnaire. Character accents.

Full name_________________________________________________

Age____________ Group___________

Date of examination___________________________

Character traits



№ ??


№ ??



7, 19, 22, 29, 41, 44, 63, 66, 73, 85, 88.


2, 15, 24, 34, 37, 56, 68, 78, 81.

12, 46, 59.


4, 14, 17, 26, 39, 48, 58, 61, 70, 80, 83.


8, 20, 30, 42, 52, 64, 74, 86.


1, 11, 23, 33, 45, 55, 67, 77.


9, 21, 43, 75, 87.

31, 53, 65.


16, 27, 38, 49, 60, 71, 82.


10, 32, 54, 76.


3, 13, 35, 47, 57, 69, 79.


6, 18,28,40,50,62,72,84.


Educational psychologist

Test "Devil's Dozen"

The test examines character traits within the framework of the usual personality pattern and identifies 13 types of accentuation, i.e. pronounced characters - psychotypes.

Testing can be carried out either individually or with a whole group of children (or with the whole class) at the same time. When conducting individual testing, the child is given a test text containing 104 statements, which he must read carefully, evaluate based on his agreement or disagreement, and then write down the corresponding score on the answer form.

During group testing, you can also distribute test texts (if there are enough of them). In this case, the children should be asked not to make any notes in the text of the test.

Oral testing is also allowed: the teacher reads all 104 statements out loud (necessarily each of them twice), and the children immediately evaluate their attitude with the corresponding score on the answer form.

It is advisable to write the answers and scores on the board. If test takers have questions about the content of a test statement, the teacher must explain unclear words or the meaning of the entire statement.

Time to administer the test along with explanation of instructionsapproximately 35 – 40 min.

If the curve does not go beyond the dotted lines drawn from points +10 and -10, this means that P the psychotype is within the framework of the usual personality pattern (these points are accepted by specialists as standards).

If the curve goes beyond the limits limited by the dotted line drawn from point +10, this means that some psychotype is most clearly manifested in the test taker.

If one or more points are located outside the dotted line drawn from point -10, this means that the person being tested exhibits an antitype, that is, traits characteristic of a person with the opposite character.

We should not forget that many people are unaccented individuals, that is, they do not have noticeable “protrusions” in their personality picture.

Typically, children exhibit traits of two or three psychotypes.


Write your answers on the table - from left to right, row by row. When answering test statements, rate your degree of agreement or disagreement using the following points:

2 – absolutely right, that’s what I usually do;

1 – true, but there are still notable exceptions;

Hard to say;

1 – not true, but sometimes such situations occur;

2 – completely false, this is unusual for my ordinary life.

Try not to answer “It’s hard to say”; give preference to one of the other four answers, correlating it with your habits, desires, and actions. Moreover, any of the statements given in the test must be assessed based on the “as a rule” principle and from your usual lifestyle. After all, we are all either cheerful or irritable from time to time.


  1. I never trust strangers and I have been convinced more than once that I am right about this.
  2. More than once I have had to be convinced that they are friends for profit.
  3. I always feel cheerful and full of energy. As a rule, I am in a good mood.
  4. My well-being greatly depends on how others treat me.
  5. My mood improves when I am left alone.
  6. I cannot sleep peacefully if I have to get up at a certain hour in the morning; I am too suspicious, endlessly worried and worried about everything.
  7. The slightest troubles greatly upset me; after grief and anxiety, poor health occurs.
  8. I have poor and restless sleep, often have painfully melancholy dreams; morning for me is the hardest time of the day.
  9. My mood is usually the same as that of the people around me.
  10. I don’t miss the friends I had to part with for a long time and quickly find new ones.
  11. I don't sleep well at night and feel drowsy during the day, and I'm often irritable.
  12. My mood changes easily due to minor reasons.
  13. I alternate weeks of feeling good with weeks when I feel bad.
  14. I believe that a person should have a big and serious goal for which to live.
  15. I have attacks of poor health with irritability and feelings of melancholy.
  16. I sleep little, but in the morning I get up cheerful and energetic.
  17. My mood depends very much on the society in which I am.
  18. I never follow general fashion, but wear what I myself liked.
  19. I feel bad from worry and anticipation of troubles.
  20. I am often embarrassed to eat in front of strangers; I am overly sensitive.
  21. I'm always afraid that I won't have enough money, and I really don't like borrowing.
  22. I believe that you yourself should not stand out among others.
  23. I easily make new acquaintances.
  24. I don't think much about my clothes.
  25. On some days I get up cheerful and cheerful, on others I am depressed and sad in the morning for no reason.
  26. At times I have a ravenous appetite; at times I don’t feel like eating anything.
  27. Life has taught me not to be too frank, even with friends.
  28. My sleep is very sound, but sometimes I have terrible, nightmare dreams.
  29. I love treats and delicacies and hate having to figure out all the expenses in advance.
  30. My sleep is rich in vivid dreams.
  31. I can’t find a friend I like and I suffer from not being understood; I try to stay away from those around me.
  32. My mood deteriorates from the anticipation of possible troubles, from self-doubt, from concern for loved ones.
  33. If they borrowed money from me, I am embarrassed to remind you about it.
  34. I feel like people around me despise me and look down on me.
  35. Before meeting someone, I always want to find out what kind of person he is, what people say about him.
  36. I strive to be with people; it is difficult to bear loneliness.
  37. My main concern in the future is my health; I blame my parents for not paying enough attention to my health as a child.
  38. I like to dress in a way that suits my face.
  39. At times I prefer friendly companies, at times I avoid them and seek solitude.
  40. I don’t experience despondency and sadness, but I can experience bitterness and anger.
  41. I would never forgive betrayal.
  42. .I easily get along with people in any environment, I willingly make new acquaintances, I like to have many friends and treat them warmly.
  43. I love bright, catchy suits and clothes.
  44. I love solitude; I experience my failures myself.
  45. I weigh the pros and cons many times and still don’t dare take a risk; I can be ahead of others in reasoning, but not in action.
  46. .My shyness prevents me from making friends with those I would like.
  47. I avoid new acquaintances, I lack determination in everything.
  48. I try to live in such a way that others cannot say anything bad about me.
  49. I don’t like to think a lot about my future, much less calculate all my expenses in advance.
  50. I feel so sick that I have no time for friends.
  51. At times I treat money lightly and spend it without thinking; At times I’m still afraid of being left without money.
  52. In some periods I feel good with people, in others they burden me.
  53. I am attracted only to new things that correspond to my principles and interests.
  54. For me, the main thing is that clothes are comfortable, neat and clean.
  55. I am convinced that my wishes and plans will come true in the future.
  56. I prefer those friends who are very attentive to me.
  57. I like to come up with new things, change everything and do it in my own way, not like everyone else.
  58. I often worry that my suit is not in order.
  59. I am afraid of loneliness, and yet it turns out that I often find myself alone.
  60. I feel calmer when I'm alone.
  61. I believe that every person should not be separated from the team.
  62. I love variety and change in life.
  63. Human society quickly tires and irritates me.
  64. Periods when I am not very careful about following all the rules alternate with periods when I reproach myself for my lack of discipline.
  65. At times I am pleased with myself, at times I scold myself for being indecisive and lethargic.
  66. I am not afraid of loneliness, I experience my failures myself and do not look for sympathy or help from anyone.
  67. I am very careful in money matters, I get upset and upset when there is not enough money.
  68. I love changes in life - new experiences, new people, new surroundings.
  69. I cannot stand loneliness, I always strive to be among people; What I value most from others is attention to me.
  70. I accept guardianship over myself Everyday life, but not over my spiritual world.
  71. I often spend a long time thinking about whether I said or did something right or wrong towards others.
  72. I often fear that I will be mistaken for a lawbreaker.
  73. The future seems dark and unpromising to me, failures depress me, and, above all, I blame myself.
  74. I try to live so that the future is good.
  75. When I fail, I want to run away somewhere far away and not return.
  76. Strangers irritate me, but I’ve somehow gotten used to familiar ones.
  77. I quarrel easily, but I make peace quickly.
  78. At times I like to “set the tone”, to be the first, but at times I get tired of it.
  79. I am sure that in the future I will prove to everyone that I am right.
  80. I prefer established order once and for all; I like to teach people rules and order.
  81. I love all sorts of adventures, even dangerous ones, and I willingly take risks.
  82. Adventure and risk attract me if I get the first role in them.
  83. I like to take care of one person who I like.
  84. When alone, I think or talk with an imaginary interlocutor, involuntarily thinking about possible troubles and misfortunes that may happen in the future.
  85. New things attract me, but at the same time they worry and worry me; failures lead me to despair.
  86. I am afraid of changes in life, the new environment scares me.
  87. I willingly follow people in authority.
  88. I obey some people, I command others myself.
  89. I willingly listen to advice that concerns my health.
  90. It happens that a complete stranger immediately inspires trust and sympathy in me.
  91. At times my future seems bright to me, at times it seems gloomy.
  92. There are always people who listen to me and recognize my authority.
  93. If someone is to blame for my failures, I do not leave him unpunished.
  94. I believe that for an interesting and tempting business, all sorts of rules and laws can be circumvented.
  95. I like to be the first, to be imitated, to be followed by others.
  96. I don’t listen to objections and criticism, I always think and do things my own way.
  97. When failure occurs, I always look for what I did wrong.
  98. As a child, I was a touchy and sensitive child.
  99. I don't like bossing people around; responsibility scares me.
  100. I believe that I am no different from most people.
  101. I lack perseverance and patience.
  102. New things attract me, but often quickly tire me and get boring; I'm not in the mood for adventure.-
  103. In good moments I am quite pleased with myself; in moments of bad mood it seems to me that I lack positive qualities.
  104. At times I easily tolerate changes in my life and even love them, but at times I begin to fear them and avoid them.

Test "Devil's Dozen"

Full name__________________________________________ Age_____Group_____Date__________



















































"Personality Drawing"

Educational psychologist

The degree of expression of each type is determined by constructing a “Personality Drawing” graph, where the type number is plotted along the horizontal axis, and the sum of points in the column is plotted along the vertical axis.

If the curve does not go beyond the limits limited by the numbers + 10, then this means that the psychotype is within the framework of the usual personality pattern (these points are accepted by specialists as standards).

If the curve goes beyond +10, this means that the corresponding psychotype in the test person is most clearly manifested.

If one or more points are -10, then it follows that the person being tested exhibits an antitype, i.e. traits characteristic of a person with the opposite character.

I. (1,14,27,40,53,66,79,92) – paranoid type.

II. (2,15,28,41,54,57,80,93) – epileptoid type.

III. (3,19,29,42,55,68,81,94) – hyperthymic type.

IV. (4,17,30,43,56,69,82,95) – hysteroid type.

V. (5,18,31,44,57,70,83,96) – schizoid type.

VI. (6,19,32,45,58,71,84,97) – psychasthenic type.

VII. (7,20,33,46,59,72,85,98) – sensitive type.

VIII. (8,21,34,47,60,73,86,99) – hypothymic type.

IX. (9,22,35,48,61,74,87,100) - conformal type.

X. (10,23,36,49,62,75,88,101) - unstable type.

XI. (11,24,37,50,63,76,89,102) – asthenic type.

XII. (12,25,38,51,64,77,90,103) - labile type.

XIII. (13,26,39,52,65,78,91,104) – cycloid type.

Types of accentuation

Scale 1. Paranoid

The traits of this psychotype rarely appear in childhood, but usually such children are focused on one thing, serious, preoccupied, thinking about something, striving to achieve what they want at all costs.

Dominant traitcharacter:high degree of determination.

Such a teenager subordinates his life to the achievement of a certain goal (and a fairly large scale), while he is sometimes able to neglect the interests of the people around him. In order to achieve his goal, he is ready to sacrifice his well-being, give up entertainment, comfort and other joys common to children.

Attractive Featurescharacter: high energy, independence, independence, reliability in cooperation, if his goals coincide with the goals of those people with whom he works together.

Repulsive featurescharacter: irritability, anger, which manifest themselves when something or someone gets in the way of achieving a set goal; weak sensitivity to other people's grief, authoritarianism.

: He is extremely ambitious, but in the grand scheme of things, not in small things.

Features of communication and friendship: if he has to come into contact with people, he often suppresses the interlocutor, is overly categorical in his judgments, and can hurt others with his words. Doesn't notice his conflict.

Completely unsentimental, he views friendship as a continuation of a common great cause. Friends for him are only comrades.

Attitude to study and work. They usually study carefully only those academic subjects that are needed now or will be needed in the future to successfully achieve their goals. To do this, they can go to the library, take extra classes, buy a lot of books, and read during breaks. And everything else in school is of no value to them.

The greatest success is achieved in individual creative work. They are unsurpassed suppliers, generators of big ideas, innovative approaches to solving complex problems.

Scale 2. Epileptoid

WITH preschool age Children predisposed to this type of accentuation notice childish thriftiness in their clothes, their toys, everything “of their own”, a sharp reaction to those who try to take possession of their property, and from the first school years increased accuracy is evident.

Dominant traitscharacter: love of order, desire to maintain an already established order, conservatism; high energy (students are full of vital energy, they willingly engage in physical education, run, speak loudly, organize everyone around them; their activity often disturbs those around them); teenagers in extreme situations they become brave and even reckless, and in everyday life they manifest anger, explosiveness, and pickiness.

Attractive Featurescharacter: thoroughness, accuracy, diligence, frugality (often turning into excessive pedantry), reliability (always keeps his promises), punctuality (in order not to be late, he will set two alarm clocks and ask his parents to wake him up), attentiveness to his health.

Repulsive featurescharacter: insensitivity to the grief of others, excessive demands, leading to irritability due to noticed disorder, carelessness of others or their violation of certain rules.

The “weak link” of this psychotype: practically cannot tolerate disobedience to himself and violently rebels against infringement of his interests.

Features of communication and friendship. As in everything else, he loves established order in friendship and communication with people. He does not make casual acquaintances, but prefers to communicate with childhood friends and schoolmates. But if a teenager considers someone his friend, then he fulfills all the obligations that friendship imposes on him. He will never forgive betrayal in friendship (as in love).

Attitude to study and work. They are distinguished by their determination, complete all their homework, and never skip classes: they are usually excellent students.

In the future, such students show themselves best in work related to maintaining order, rules and norms adopted by someone else. For example, financier, lawyer, teacher, military man, etc.

Scale 3. Hyperthymia

Teenagers belonging to this psychotype, from childhood, are distinguished by great noisiness, sociability, even courage, and are prone to mischief. They have neither shyness nor timidity in front of strangers, but they lack a sense of distance in relationships with adults.

Dominant traitscharacter: constantly elevated mood, extroversion, openness to communicate with people, joy from this communication, which is combined with good health and a flourishing appearance.

Attractive Featurescharacter: energy, optimism, generosity, desire to help people, initiative, talkativeness, cheerfulness, and his mood is almost independent of what is happening around him. But high vitality, bursting energy, uncontrollable activity, a thirst for activity are combined with a tendency to get scattered and not finish the job.

Repulsive featurescharacter: superficiality, inability to concentrate for a long time on any specific task or thought, constant haste (trying to do something more interesting at the moment), jumping from one thing to another (can enroll in several circles or sections at once, but not in one of them has not walked for more than 1-2 months), disorganization, familiarity, frivolity, readiness to take unrestrained risks.

"Weak Link"this psychotype: does not tolerate a monotonous environment, monotonous work that requires careful, painstaking work, or a sharp restriction of communication; he is oppressed by loneliness or forced idleness.

Features of communication and friendship. He always acts as a merry fellow and joker. He loves to gather guests, his home is a meeting place for friends and acquaintances, where anyone can easily come and stay as long as he likes. Always drawn to the company, strives for leadership among peers. He can easily find himself in an unfavorable environment and is prone to adventure.

I am ready to be friends with the whole world, but I am not capable of deep affection. He is characterized by altruism, love for his neighbor (and not for all of humanity), he can rush to help a person without hesitation. In friendship he is kind and unforgiving. Having offended someone, he quickly forgets about it and at the next meeting he can be sincerely happy; if necessary, he can wholeheartedly apologize for the offense caused and immediately do something pleasant for the offended person.

Attitude to study and work. Schoolchildren of this psychotype could achieve significant success, but they are frivolous and cannot concentrate on one subject, especially if mastering it requires certain long-term efforts. In principle, all academic subjects are easy for them, but the knowledge acquired at school is superficial and often unsystematic.

They are constantly late for classes and skip classes (especially those classes in which they are bored and have no opportunity to express themselves). But they can easily catch up, for example, before test work or an exam, you can stay awake for one night and learn almost all the necessary material.

He can achieve success in almost any business. And indeed, at first everything works out in his hands, certain achievements appear, but as soon as the usual routine work begins, he becomes uninterested, the business ceases to be new, and he is ready to give it up and switch to something else.

Often noisy and overactive, he creates only the appearance of productive activity (he gets down to business willingly and with great zeal, plans a lot of events, holds meetings, etc.), and this helps him make a career.

Scale 4. Hysteroid

This psychotype is visible from early childhood. Cute baby in the center of the room in the presence large quantity Without any embarrassment, adult strangers recite poetry, sing simple songs, demonstrating both their talents and their outfits. The main thing for him at this moment is the admiration of others. If all the guests sat down at the festive table and forgot about him, he will certainly try again and again to attract everyone’s attention. If unsuccessful, he will simply knock over a glass on the tablecloth or break a saucer.

Dominant traitscharacter: demonstrativeness, the desire to be constantly in the center of attention, sometimes at any cost, a thirst for constant attention to oneself, admiration, surprise, veneration, worship.

Attractive Featurescharacter: perseverance and initiative, sociability and determination, resourcefulness and activity, pronounced organizational skills, independence and willingness to take leadership, energy, although he quickly runs out of energy after a burst of energy.

Repulsive featurescharacter: the ability to intrigue and demagoguery, hypocrisy, cockiness and recklessness, thoughtless risks (but only in the presence of spectators), boasting of non-existent successes, taking into account only one’s own desires, inflated self-esteem, touchiness when one is personally offended.

"Weak Link"of this psychotype: inability to withstand blows to egocentrism, exposure of its fabrications.

Features of communication and friendship. Due to the peculiarities of his character, he constantly needs numerous spectators. In principle, this is the main form of his life (life in public and for people). But he communicates, as a rule, only with those who explicitly or implicitly express their admiration for him and idolize his abilities and talent. They are very selective, strive to be friends with very famous people, so that part of their glory goes to them, or with people who are inferior to them in some way, in order to further highlight their abilities.

Attitude to study and work.Studying for him is often just a reason for communication, an opportunity to express himself among people. He goes to school not to study, but to socialize, and this is where he gets his main pleasure. To attract attention, he has to not only study well, but study better than anyone else, surprising teachers with his abilities in various subjects.

In principle, he is a gifted, talented person, so professions related to artistic creativity are easy for him. It is best for him to work independently, outside the team, outside the mandatory framework.

Scale 5. Schizoid

From the first school years, such children love to play alone, are little attracted to their classmates, avoid noisy children's play, preferring the company of older children.

In adolescence, what is most striking is their isolation and isolation, combined with the inability to empathize with others.

Dominant character traits: introversion.

This is a pronounced mental type, constantly comprehending the surrounding reality.

Attractive Featurescharacter: seriousness, restlessness, taciturnity, stability of interests and constancy of activities.

These are, as a rule, talented, smart and unpretentious schoolchildren. He is very productive, he can work on his ideas for a long time, but does not push through them, does not implement them.

Repulsive featurescharacter: isolation, coldness, rationality. He has low energy and is inactive during intensive work, both physical and intellectual. Emotionally cold, hardly expresses any emotions. His egoism is not conscious. At the same time, he himself may be easily vulnerable, because he is proud. Doesn't like it when his system is criticized.

The “weak link” of this psychotype: does not tolerate situations in which it is necessary to establish informal emotional contacts, and the violent invasion of strangers into his inner world.

Features of communication and friendship. Very selective, he basically does not notice people, as well as many things in the material world. But still he needs communication, which should be deep and meaningful. The circle of people with whom he communicates is very limited; as a rule, these people are older than him.

He is characterized by self-sufficiency in the sphere of relationships; he can be content with communicating with himself or with one person.

His friend can be a person who understands his characteristics well and is able to ignore his oddities, isolation and other negative character traits.

Attitude to study and work. He can be very capable and even talented, but he requires an individual approach, since he is distinguished by a special vision of the world, his own point of view on ordinary phenomena and objects, unlike anything else. He can study a lot, but not systematically, since it is difficult for him to fulfill generally accepted requirements, and even according to schemes not invented by himself.

Therefore, if he sees that the teacher evaluates the result of his work, and not formal compliance with mandatory rules, then he can show all his talent and all his abilities. If the teacher (and parents) require children of this psychotype, for example, to solve problems in a strictly defined way (after all, this is how they explained it in class), then such a teenager may be lagging behind, despite the fact that he is quite capable of solving the same problems with several original ones. ways. This applies not only to mathematics, but to everything else academic subjects.

He is most often a scientific worker, for example a theoretical mathematician or theoretical physicist.

Scale 6. Psychasthenoid

In childhood, along with some timidity and timidity, such children display a tendency to reason and “intellectual interests” that are beyond their age. At the same age, various phobias arise - fear of strangers, new objects, darkness, fear of being alone at home, etc.

Dominant traitscharacter: uncertainty and anxious suspiciousness, fear for one’s future and those of one’s loved ones.

Attractive Featurescharacter: accuracy, seriousness, conscientiousness, prudence, self-criticism, even mood, loyalty to promises, reliability.

Repulsive featurescharacter: indecisiveness, a certain formalism, a tendency to long discussions, soul-searching. Various fears are possible, which are mainly addressed to a possible event, even an unlikely one in the future, according to the principle “no matter what happens” (what if a dog bites me or my family, or I get sick or get a bad grade, etc.).

That’s why a representative of this psychotype believes so much in omens: he puts on shoes only on the right foot; if he stumbles with his left foot, he will definitely spit three times over his right shoulder, etc., considering them a panacea for all ills.

Another form of protection against constant fears is conscious formalism and pedantry, which are based on the idea that if everything is carefully thought out in advance, foreseen and then acted without deviating a single step from the planned plan, then nothing bad will happen, everything will work out.

It is very difficult for such teenagers to make almost any decision; they always doubt whether they have taken into account all the circumstances and possible consequences. But if a decision is nevertheless made, then he begins to act immediately, because he is afraid of himself - “I’ll suddenly change my mind.”

"Weak Link"this psychotype: fear of responsibility for oneself and for others.

Features of communication and friendship. Shy, timid, does not like to make new contacts. In relationships with old friends, he values ​​deep personal contact; he has few friends, but this friendship is “forever.” He remembers the smallest details of relationships and is sincerely grateful for the attention to himself.

Attitude to study and work. He is able to study without raising his head, showing unusual determination, perseverance and perseverance, for a long time, because he is afraid of upsetting his loved ones and teachers with unsatisfactory grades. For a long time he checks the result obtained against reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, calls a friend, asks him, etc.

He is, as a rule, a subordinate who will complete any work carefully, accurately and on time, if the task is specific and the instructions received clearly regulate the procedure for its implementation. Such people like quiet, neat, calm work, for example, the work of a librarian, accountant, laboratory assistant, or home work.

Scale 7. Sensitive

From the first childhood, the child is fearful, afraid of loneliness, darkness, animals, especially dogs. Avoids active and noisy peers. But he is quite sociable with those he is already used to, loves to play with kids, feeling confident and calm with them.

He is very attached to his family and friends, he is a “home child”: he tries to leave the house as little as possible, does not like to visit, much less travel somewhere far away, for example to another city, even if his beloved grandmother lives there.

Dominant traitscharacter: hypersensitivity, impressionability.

They are timid and shy, especially among strangers and in unusual surroundings. They see many shortcomings in themselves, especially in the moral, ethical and volitional spheres.

Attractive Featurescharacter: kindness, calmness, attentiveness to people, sense of duty, high internal discipline, responsibility, conscientiousness, self-criticism, increased demands on oneself. He strives to overcome his weaknesses.

Repulsive featurescharacter: suspiciousness, fearfulness, isolation, a tendency to self-flagellation and self-humiliation, confusion in difficult situations, increased sensitivity and conflict on this basis.

"Weak Link"this psychotype: does not tolerate ridicule or suspicion of others of unseemly actions, unkind attention.

Attitude to study and work. They learn out of a reluctance to upset their families and teachers. They are embarrassed to answer at the board so as not to be branded as an upstart. But with a friendly attitude from teachers, they can show excellent results. Work for them is something secondary, and the main thing is warm and kind relationships with colleagues, the attitude of the manager. Therefore, he can be an executive and dedicated secretary-assistant, typist, assistant, etc.

Scale 8. Hypothym

In childhood, such a child almost always does not show much joy. He is offended by everyone, and especially by his parents. There is often an expression of dissatisfaction on the face, frustration due to the fact that they did not do it the way he wanted.

Dominant traitscharacter: constantly low mood. His mood is constantly changing, but almost always bad.

Attractive Featurescharacter: conscientiousness and a sharp critical view of the world. Strives to be at home more often, creating comfort and warmth, and thereby avoid unnecessary worries.

Repulsive featurescharacter: touchiness, vulnerability, constant despondency, a tendency to look for manifestations of ailments, various diseases, an almost complete lack of interests and hobbies.

Low energy results in rapid fatigue.

"Weak Link"this psychotype: open disagreement with him in the perception of reality.

Features of communication and friendship. Often and for a long time he can be offended by others and his friends. But at the same time, he urgently needs communication, so that he has the opportunity to complain about his life, about the fact that he was not understood, not appreciated. He likes to tell others about the difficult circumstances in which he found himself. In response to all the advice from the interlocutor, he will give a lot of arguments why the current situation cannot be changed, and it will only get worse for him if he starts to do anything.

It is difficult to be friends with him, primarily because he sees in any person at first a possible reason for the deterioration of his mood.

Attitude to study and work. They can prove themselves by memorizing the material well and completing assignments carefully, but they are not particularly interested in the content itself. They do this out of fear of a bad grade. Citing illness, they may miss classes, most often in physical education, labor training and in those subjects whose teachers do not make allowances for their bad mood.

It happens that he complains about people, about circumstances and asks to give him another task. But the picture repeats itself, as he sees shortcomings, negative aspects in the organization of production or in those around him. It is difficult for him to constantly do one thing.

Scale 9. Conformal type

This type of character is quite common. The child agrees with everything that his immediate environment offers him, but as soon as he comes under the influence of another group, he changes his attitude towards the same things to the opposite. Such a teenager seems to lose his personal attitude towards the world; his judgments and assessments of the world around him completely coincide with the opinions of those people with whom he communicates at the moment. Moreover, he does not stand out, does not impose his personal opinion, but simply represents the “masses” who agree with the leader.

Dominant traitscharacter: excessive adaptability to his immediate environment, almost complete dependence on the small group (family, company) to which he is currently a member.

Life goes by the motto: “Think like everyone else, do like everyone else, and have everything be like everyone else.” This extends to clothing style, behavior, and views on the most important issues.

These teenagers become attached to their peer group and unconditionally accept its value system without any criticism.

Attractive Featurescharacter: friendliness, diligence, discipline, flexibility. In the group they are not a source of conflict or discord.

They listen to the guys’ stories about “exploits”, agree with the proposals that come from the leaders, willingly participate in “adventures”, but then they may repent. Their own courage and determination to offer something is often not enough.

Repulsive featurescharacter: lack of independence, almost complete lack of criticality both in relation to oneself and one’s immediate environment.

But if the group that is significant for a teenager at the moment has a positive orientation, then he can achieve serious success, for example, by studying in some section.

"Weak Link"This psychotype: does not tolerate drastic changes, breaking the life stereotype.

Features of communication and friendship. Easily establishes contacts with people, while imitating those whom he considers leaders. But friendships are fickle and depend on the current situation. Such teenagers do not strive to excel among friends and do not show interest in making new acquaintances.

Attitude to study and work. In studies, the conformist type manifests itself in the same way as in everything else. If the environment, the group he is part of, studies well, then he will make an effort to keep up with his friends.

He approaches work depending on the mood of the group: he can be very hardworking and efficient, creatively and inventively carry out everything that is entrusted to him. But he can also shirk work and do it formally. It all depends on the environment.

Scale 10. Unstable type

From childhood they are disobedient, restless, climb everywhere, but at the same time they are afraid of punishment and easily obey other children. Dominant character trait: complete inconstancy of manifestations. He depends not on the group of people around him, but on any person who happens to be next to him at that moment. He is easily influenced.

Attractive Featurescharacter: sociability, openness, helpfulness, goodwill, speed of switching in business and communication.

Often, outwardly, such teenagers are obedient, ready to sincerely fulfill the request of adults, but their desires quickly disappear, and after a while (sometimes a very short period) they either forget about what they promised, or are lazy and come up with a lot of reasons explaining the impossibility of fulfilling what they promised.

Repulsive featuresCharacter: Craving for empty pastime and entertainment, talkativeness, agreement, irresponsibility.

"Weak Link"this psychotype: neglect, lack of control.

Features of communication and friendship. Teenagers of this type try to avoid conflicts. Contacts are generally pointless. They can be part of several groups at once, and they actually adopt the rules and style of behavior of each group.

He tends to live for today, he can watch TV or videos for hours, listen to music, without doing anything. Once in peer groups, they serve as assistants to the leaders. Sometimes there is disinhibition. For example, if such a teenager ran to the school cafeteria and could not buy anything to eat (there is nothing suitable), he can easily run to a nearby store, even if he is late for the next lesson.

Attitude to study and work. Under the influence of another hobby, they may begin to study well or abandon their studies. In the latter case, they have large gaps in knowledge and further assimilation of new material (even if there is a great desire to learn) is complicated.

During lessons, attention is unstable; students are often distracted from work for a long time. Homework is completed reluctantly, and their knowledge is unsystematic.

Scale 11. Asthenic

Since childhood, poor sleep, poor appetite, the child is often capricious, cries, and is afraid of everything. He is very sensitive to loud sounds, bright light, he is quickly tired of even a small number of people, so he strives for solitude.

Dominant traitscharacter: increased fatigue, irritability.

Attractive Featurescharacter: neatness, discipline, modesty, complaisance, diligence, friendliness, forbearance.

Repulsive featurescharacter: capriciousness, self-doubt, lethargy, forgetfulness.

Such teenagers are timid, shy, with low self-esteem, and cannot stand up for themselves if necessary. They experience great anxiety if external circumstances change, stereotypes are broken, since one of the psychological defense mechanisms is getting used to the same things and way of life.

"Weak Link"this psychotype: sudden affective outbursts due to severe fatigue and irritability.

Features of communication and friendship. He does not strive for close relationships because of his insecurity, and does not show initiative. The circle of friends is limited.

Attitude to study and work. He is often hampered by low self-esteem, especially if the teacher makes higher demands, because he knows that this child can study better. But constant doubts, a feeling of anxiety and fear of a possible mistake prevent him from working normally in class, for example, answering at the blackboard, even when the material is well known.

His work sometimes tires him and does not bring a feeling of joy or relief. Hard and stressful work causes irritation. Therefore, he needs periodic rest or alternation different types activities.

Scale 12. Labile type

In childhood, they usually do not differ from their peers, but they often catch colds. They are able to plunge into a sad mood because of an unflattering word, an unfriendly look, or a broken toy. Pleasant words, a new suit or book, good news can lift your spirits and give a cheerful tone to the conversation, but only until the next “trouble” ruins everything.

Dominant traitcharacter: extreme variability of mood, which changes too often and too sharply for insignificant (imperceptible to others) reasons. Almost everything depends on your mental state at the moment: appetite, sleep, general well-being, desire to communicate, performance, desire to learn, etc.

Attractive Featurescharacter: sociability, good nature, sensitivity and affection, sincerity and responsiveness (during periods of high spirits). A teenager is distinguished by deep feelings, sincere affection for those with whom he is on good terms, whom he loves and cares about. Moreover, this attachment remains, despite the variability of his mood.

Repulsive featurescharacter: irritability, short temper, pugnacity, weakened self-control. During a simple conversation, he may flare up, tears well up, and he is ready to say something impudent and offensive.

"Weak Link"of this psychotype: emotional rejection from the outside significant people, loss of loved ones or separation from those to whom one is attached.

Features of communication and friendship. It all depends on my mood. If he is happy and satisfied with life, then he establishes contacts with great desire; if you are upset and dissatisfied with life, then contacts are sharply reduced.

The mood often changes from the most insignificant remark of someone with whom he is friends.

He has a well-developed intuition towards people and can quite easily determine a “good” and a “bad” person when choosing a friend. He prefers to be friends with those who are able to distract him during periods of low mood, console him, lift his spirits, tell him something interesting, protect and cover him when others attack him, and, in moments of emotional upsurge, share wild joy and fun. He is capable of loyal friendship.

Scale 13.Cycloid

In childhood, he is not much different from his peers, but from time to time he can be unusually noisy, mischievous, constantly doing something, and then again becomes a calm and manageable child. During adolescence, periodic phases of mood changes occur, the duration of which can be from several days to a week or more.

Dominant traitnature: cyclical changes in the emotional background (periods of high mood are replaced by phases of emotional decline).

Attractive Featurescharacter: initiative, cheerfulness, sociability (during periods of high spirits); sadness, thoughtfulness, lethargy, loss of strength - everything falls out of hand; what was easy to do yesterday, today does not work out at all or requires incredible effort (during periods of low mood).

Repulsive featurescharacter: inconsistency, imbalance, indifference, outbursts of irritability, excessive touchiness and pickiness towards others. During a recession, it becomes more difficult to live, study, and communicate. Companies begin to irritate, risk and adventure, entertainment and contacts lose their former attractiveness. The teenager becomes a “homebody” for a while.

Mistakes and minor troubles that happen during this period due to poor health are very difficult for him, especially since he has something to compare with. After all, just a day or two ago everything was working out great, for example, in sports, but today the game is not going on, and the coach is unhappy, and the teenager himself does not know what to do. And this depresses him, he does not recognize himself, his body, he cannot understand his irritation, his reluctance to see even close people.

He responds to remarks and comments with dissatisfaction, although in the depths of his soul he is very worried about these sudden changes for him. But there is no feeling of hopelessness, since he understands that a certain time will pass and everything will be fine again, everything will work out as before. You just need to wait out this period of decline.

"Weak Link"of this psychotype: emotional rejection by people significant to him and a radical breakdown of life stereotypes.

Features of communication and friendship. Relationships with people are cyclical: the craving for communication, new acquaintances, reckless prowess are replaced by isolation, reluctance to communicate even with the closest friends (“I’m tired of all of you”). He prefers to truly be friends with those who well understand the inevitability of changes in relationships for some time and are not offended by this, and forgive outbursts of irritability and resentment.

Attitude to study and work. The situation is the same in school: periods of active work in class and at home are replaced by stages when the teenager becomes completely indifferent to academic subjects and homework.

In work, every task is successful and successful, but as long as it is interesting, he is dissatisfied with any work offered.