Abstracts Statements Story

Krasnoyarsk College of Radio Electronics, Economics and Management. Krasnoyarsk College of Radio Electronics, Economics and Management Krasnoyarsk College of Radio Electronics and Information Technologies

Regional state budgetary professional educational institution " Krasnoyarsk College radio electronics and information technologies»

College majors

▪ Banking specialist, full-time, based on 9 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes
▪ Banking specialist, full-time, based on 11 classes, 1 year 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes

▪ Accountant, full-time, based on 11 classes, 1 year 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no
▪ Accountant, part-time, based on 11 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes
▪ Accountant, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no

▪ Information systems technician, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes
▪ Information systems technician, full-time, based on 11 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no
▪ Information systems technician, part-time, based on 11 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes

▪ Database administrator, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no
▪ Programmer, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no
▪ Database administrator, full-time, based on 11 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no

▪ Computer network technician, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes

▪ Computer systems technician, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no

▪ Technician, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no

▪ Programming technician, full-time, based on 11 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: yes

▪ Technician - programmer, part-time, based on 11 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes

▪ Radio technician, full-time, based on 9 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no

▪ Technician, full-time, based on 11 classes, 2 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no
▪ Technician, part-time, based on 11 classes, 3 years 10 months, budget: no, paid: yes

▪ Process technician, full-time, based on 9 classes, 4 years 10 months, budget: yes, paid: no

Nearby colleges

KRASNOYARSK AGRARIAN TECHNIQUE is one of the oldest educational institutions of secondary vocational education Krasnoyarsk Territory (founded in 1947). The annual admission to the technical school is about 350 people, of which 230 are on a budgetary basis. In addition to their main specialty, students can acquire one or more working professions during their studies. The material and technical base of the college has specialized laboratories, classrooms, production workshops, a library, sports and gyms.

Krasnoyarsk College of Industrial Technologies and Entrepreneurship is one of the oldest educational institutions in the region. The history of the college dates back to 1947. Today the college trains mid-level specialists in a range of educational programs.

Krasnoyarsk College of Radio Electronics, Economics and Management. Source: official website of the Krasnoyarsk College of Radio Electronics, Economics and Management, www.radioeconom.ru

Krasnoyarsk Radiovacuum College (1954), Krasnoyarsk Radiotechnical College (1965), Krasnoyarsk College of Radioelectronic Instrumentation (1985), Krasnoyarsk College of Radioelectronic Instrumentation (1991), Krasnoyarsk College of Radioelectronics, Economics and Management (from 2003 to the present).

Krasnoyarsk College of Radio Electronics, Economics and Management is a regional state budgetary educational institution secondary vocational education. The technical school trains students in the following specialties: “maintenance and repair of electronic equipment”, “programming in computer systems”, “computer networks”, “mechanical engineering technology”, “banking”, “economics and accounting”, “fire safety”, “postal communications”, “commodity research and examination of the quality of consumer goods”, “technical maintenance of computer equipment and computer networks”, “software for computer technology and automated systems”. Training is conducted on the basis of grades nine and eleven, full-time and part-time. Students undergo practical training and internships at enterprises in the city of Krasnoyarsk and the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The college was organized on July 20, 1954 by order No. 171 of the USSR Ministry of Radio Engineering Industry and was called the Krasnoyarsk Radio Vacuum College. The main task of the new educational institution was to train specialists for production shops and departments of two Krasnoyarsk factories - the Krasnoyarsk Television Plant and the Radio Engineering Plant. In the first years, the technical school trained specialists in one specialty - “radio equipment engineering”.

In 1965, the technical school was renamed the Krasnoyarsk Radio Engineering College, and in 1966 a new specialty was opened - “metal cutting”. In 1974, the specialty “repair and maintenance of household radio-electronic equipment” was opened. In 1985, the educational institution was renamed the Krasnoyarsk College of Radio-Electronic Instrumentation, and in 1991 it was reorganized into a higher vocational school. In 2003, the college was reorganized into an institution of secondary vocational education.

Machine and laboratory equipment is concentrated in training workshops, laboratories and a locksmith workshop. Educational process The college is organized in two academic buildings. There are sports and gymnasiums for sports activities. There is a library at the college. Nonresident students are provided with a dormitory.

In total, more than 800 people study at the college. Over the years of its operation, the college has graduated more than 17 thousand specialists who work at many enterprises in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

The teaching staff of the college includes about 100 teachers, 13 of them have the highest qualification category. College employees were awarded certificates of honor from the Ministry of Education and Science and the Krasnoyarsk city administration.

Badge “Honorary Worker of Secondary Vocational Education” Russian Federation» Three teachers were awarded the A. S. Makarenko medal, the highest national award in the field of education, two teachers. There are five labor veterans working at the college. Lectures and practical classes in educational institution Also conducted by teachers from Krasnoyarsk universities.

Krasnoyarsk College of Radio Electronics, Economics and Management is located at: 660028, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Krasnoyarsk, Svobodny Ave., 67. Official website: http://kraskrit.ru.

Information taken from open sources. If you want to become a page moderator

Full-time, Part-time

Form of study:

State diploma of secondary vocational education

Certificate of completion:

Series RO, No. 044103, registration No. 6890-l, dated April 25, 2012, unlimited


Series 24A01, No. 0000141, registration No. 3603, from 06/17/2013 to 06/22/2017.


general information

Krasnoyarsk College of Radio Electronics, Economics and Management (hereinafter referred to as the college) is a regional state budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education, which implements basic professional programs of secondary vocational education at basic and advanced levels.
The college is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which is its founder.

Over the years of its existence, the college has graduated more than 17 thousand specialists. Its graduates are competitive in conditions market economy, have high level special knowledge and are invited for employment in small and medium-sized businesses. College students undergo industrial (professional) practice and internship at enterprises in the city of Krasnoyarsk, the Krasnoyarsk Territory and beyond.
The structure of the college includes full-time and correspondence departments, an educational unit, training and production workshops, cyclic methodological commissions, a library, accounting, personnel department, dormitory and other necessary administrative and management units.
The college has a close-knit, creative teaching team that introduces new educational and information technologies into the educational process: modular, case technologies, student-oriented, information and communication, health-saving, to improve the quality of education, implement PC and OC, provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard.
Out of 60 teaching staff 13 colleges have the highest qualification category, 18 have the first qualification category, and one candidate of sciences. College employees were awarded diplomas and badges from the Ministry of Education and Science, and diplomas from the Administration of the Oktyabrsky District of Krasnoyarsk. Next to veterans, young and talented teachers boldly master modern pedagogical innovative technologies.

See all photos

Student's day

1 of

Full-time specialties:
230111 - “Computer networks” ;
230115 - “Programming in computer systems” (on a budget and contract basis);
(on a budget and contract basis);
151901 - “Mechanical Engineering Technology” (on a budget basis);
080110 - “Banking” (on a budget and contract basis);
080114 - “Economics and accounting (by industry)” (on a budget and contract basis);
210801 - “Postal communication” (on a budget basis);
280703 - “Fire safety” (on a budget and contract basis);
(on a contract basis).

Specialties correspondence department:
210414 - “Maintenance and repair of radio-electronic equipment (by industry)”
(on a budget and contract basis);
100801 - “Commodity research and examination of the quality of consumer goods” (on a contract basis);

Admission conditions

citizen of the Russian Federation presents:

  • A document proving his identity, citizenship and a photocopy of it.
  • The original state document on education or its duly certified copy.
  • A copy of the document confirming your relationship to military service.
  • 8 photographs measuring 3x4 cm.
  • A copy of the medical policy.
  • 3 files.

Orphans, persons without parental care and disabled children must submit documents and copies of these documents confirming their status.

When applying for admission foreigne citizense, stateless persons, including compatriots, those living abroad present :

A copy of his identity document, or an identity document of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation in accordance with Article 10 of the RF Law of July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ “On legal status foreign citizens in the Russian Federation."

An original state-issued document on education (or a duly certified copy of it), or an original document of a foreign state on the level of education and (or) qualifications recognized in the Russian Federation at the level of a state-issued document (or a duly certified copy of it) , as well as in the case provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, a copy of the certificate of recognition of this document.

A duly certified translation into Russian of a document from a foreign state on the level of education and (or) qualifications and its annexes.

Copies of documents or other evidence confirming that a compatriot living abroad belongs to the groups provided for in Article 17 of the Law of the Russian Federation of May 24, 1999 No. 99-FZ “On public policy of the Russian Federation in relation to compatriots abroad.”

Certificate of Unified State Examination results.

8 photographs measuring 3x4 cm.

Medical certificate of the established form No. 086/у

A copy of the certificate or a statement of preventive vaccinations.

A copy of the medical policy.

Folder for papers (formation of a personal file).

10 postal envelopes (with Russian stamps).

All translations into Russian must be made in the name and surname indicated in the identity document of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation.

Additional education:
Accounting courses in the following areas:
. accounting under a simplified taxation scheme;
. 1C Accounting 8.2.
Computer courses in the following areas:
. computer graphics: Web design, Corel Draw, Photoshop;
. programming in Visual Basic environment;
. programming in C++;
. Java programming;
. SQL programming;
. Web page development, HTML basics;
. for beginners: office programs MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, Internet, Email, social media.
Applied courses:
.basics of entrepreneurship - small business;
. diagnostics and repair of radio-electronic equipment;
. management and personnel records management;
. personnel records management. HR management, 1C salarypay and personnel;
. sales floor manager;
. cashier - operator.

Department: full-time/correspondence

Student(s) of group P-24______________________________________


Krasnoyarsk, 2016


Graduation qualifying work admitted to defense

Deputy director for sustainable development

_________/YU. V. Odegova/





Standard control _________________________________/___________/

Department: full-time/correspondence

Student(s) of group P-24__________________________________________


Krasnoyarsk, 2016







specialty 080110 “Banking”

Topic: Development of a software system “Automated accounting of PCs and office equipment” for MKU “Krasnoyarskgortrans”


Krasnoyarsk, 2016



Example of content design

1 Terms of reference
1.1 Problem statement
1.2 Program requirements
1.2.1 Requirements functional characteristics
1.2.2 Reliability requirements
1.2.3 Requirements for operating conditions
1.3 Requirements for composition and parameters technical means
1.4 Information support
2 Working part
2.1 Algorithm for solving the problem
2.2 Description of the program
2.3 Test case
2.4 Operator's manual
3 Calculation of the cost of program development
3.1 Cost calculations for basic salary
3.2 Calculation of additional wages (3 additional 3)
3.3 Calculation of costs for the regional coefficient
3.4 Calculation of costs charged to wages
3.5 Costs of basic materials
3.6 Costs of maintaining and operating computer equipment
3.7 Calculation of salaries for overhead costs
4 Safety precautions when working on a PC
4.1 Safety requirements during operation
4.2 Safety requirements emergency situations
4.3 Safety requirements after completion of work
List of abbreviations
List of sources used
Appendix A “Input documents”
Appendix B "Output documents"
Appendix B “Block diagram of the algorithm for solving the problem”

Appendix G


An example of a text document without a frame

Continuation of table 4 -…

In millimeters

Figure 3.1 - Executing a table with continuation on another sheet

Table …

Figure H.2


Figure H.3

Appendix I


Examples of bibliographic descriptions

1. Kalygin, V.G. Industrial ecology: textbook. manual for universities / V.G. Kalygin. – M.: Academy, 2004. – 431 p.

1. Tyurin, Yu.N. Statistical analysis of data on a computer / Yu.N. Tyurin, A.A. Makarov. – M., 1998. – 528 p. – ISBN 5-86225-662-8.

1. Kirichek, A.V. Technology of equipment for static-pulse processing by surface plastic deformation: scientific. ed. / A.V. Kirichek, D.L. Soloviev, A.G. Lazutkin. – M.: Mashinostroenie, 2004. – 287 p.: ill. - (Bib-ka technol.). – Bibliography: pp. 282 – 287.

1. Economy: tutorial/ V.B. Dulepova, I.I. Zyryanova, L.N. Pfanenstiel, I.A. Sokolova; Ed. L.N. Pfanenstiel; Krasnoyarsk state tech. univ. – Krasnoyarsk: IPC KSTU, 2004. – 129 p.

1. Introduction to the specialty of programmers: textbook for universities / V.L. Agosteva, V.P. Melnikov, E.E. Rumyantseva, I.N. Popov et al. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006. – 378 p.

Digest of articles:

1. Contemporary issues Radioelectronics: collection. scientific tr. / ed. A.V. Sarafanov, ed. A.I. Gromyko. – Krasnoyarsk: IPC KSTU, 2005. – 728 p.

Bibliographic record of the multi-volume edition:

1. Makarov, E.F. Handbook on electrical networks in 6 volumes. T.2 / E.F.

2. Makarov; ed.: I.T. Goryunov, A.A. Lyubimov. – M.: Papyrus Pro, 2003. – 622 p.: ill. – Bibliography: p.618.

Article from the magazine:

1. Kuzmin, A.M. Theory of solving inventive problems / A.M. Kuzmin // Methods of quality management – ​​2005. – No. 1. – P.31.

1. Medvedev, V.I. Ecological consciousness / V.I. Medvedev, A.A. Aldasheva // Human Ecology. – 2001. – No. 3. – P.17-20; No. 4. – P.20-22.

Article in serial publication:

1. Ivanov, I.I. Study of flow processes / I.I. Ivanov, A.A. Petrov, I.V. Sidorov // Publishing house. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Ser."E". – 1982. - No. 2. – P.71 – 77.

2. Rudakov, L.N. Teaching of humanities / L.I. Rudakov // Vestn. Moscow un-ta. Ser. Z, Philosophy. – 2004. – No. 7. – P.12 – 17.

Article from a book or collection:

1. Zaitsev, V.I. Destruction of plastics // Strength: textbook/ A.V. Petrov, I.I. Sidorov, V.A. Sukhov. – M., 1983. – P.155 – 156.

2. Study of relaxation processes / I.I. Ivanov, E.I. Zaitsev // Mechanics of deformation: collection. scientific tr. IPM. – M., 1983. – Issue. 3 – P.94 – 96.

Chapter from the book:

1. Alekseeva, A.I. Strategic planning // A.I. Alekseeva. Planning the company's activities. – M., 1998. – Chapter 4. – P.65-84.

1. Velenteenko, A.M. Aluminum induction stirrer

melts in ladles: dis. ...cand. tech. Sciences: 05.09.03 / A.M. Velenteenko; hands works by R.M. Khristinich; Krasnoyarsk state tech. univ. – Protected 06/18/2004. – Krasnoyarsk: [b.i.], 2004. – 196 p.

2. Sobochinsky, I.L. Software for simulation of the process of functioning of the storage buffer: abstract of thesis. ...cand. tech. Sciences: 05.13.11 / I.L. Sobochinsky; Krasnoyarsk state tech. University; hands works by V.I. Bykov. – Krasnoyarsk: [b.i.], 2003. – 21 p.

1. Mathematical modeling: programs / Central Research Institute; E.K. Zaitsev. – Inv. No. 3445. – M., 1978. – 25 p. – Ref. in the bulletin Algorithms and CAD programs. – 1980. – No. 19. – P.44-45.

2. Calculation of the premium: program / NPO "El"; A.V. Kedrov. – Inv. No. 488834. – Perm, 1980. – 21 p. – Dep. at the Central Research Institute; OFAP CAD 06.06.80; Reg. No. 789; Inv. No. 48003 DO. – Ref. in the bulletin Algorithms and CAD programs. – 1981. – No. 20. – P.13.

Bibliographic record with a title containing the name of the organization:

1. Institute of Russian History (Moscow). Institute reports Russian history RAS, 1995 – 1996 / Ross. acad. Sci. – M.: IRI, 1997. – 250 p.; 20 cm. – B. ts., 250 copies.

2. Russian Federation. President (1991 - B.N. Yeltsin). On the next stage of preliminary compensation of deposits of individual citizens of the Russian Federation in the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation, depreciated in 1992 - 1995: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation // Ros.gaz. – 1997. – December 3. – P.4.

A bibliographic record with a title containing a uniform title:

1. The story of the Shemyakin trial. Shemyakin court // Russian word. – 1997. - No. 10. – P. 5-28.

2. Bible N.T. Gospel of Mark. Gospel of John. Epistle to the Romans. Apocalypse: Trans. / Slavs. Bible Foundation. – St. Petersburg: B. i., 1997. – 159 p., 22 cm. – ISBN 5-85733-081-1 (in translation): B. ts.

Bibliographic records of collections of electronic resources without a common title:

Main entry

1. Confrontation [Electronic resource]; Scorched snow / DOKA Company. - Electron. Dan. and prog. – M.: DOKA, 1998. – 2 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM) + 1 brochure (27cm). – (Our games). – System. requirements: from 486 DX 2; 66 MHz; video card 1 MB (VESA); sound SB-compatible board; DOS 6.2 or higher; Windows 95. – Cap. from disc labels. - © state registration 0329800240, 1000 copies.

Additional recording for the second piece

2. Scorched snow. Confrontation [Electronic resource]; Scorched snow/DOKA Company. - Electron. Dan. and prog. – M.: DOKA, 1998. – 2 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM).

Main entry

1. English for businessmen [Electronic resource]; English technical; English for reading newspapers and magazines: [to Sat. in general]: course of foreign studies. language Intel. - Electron. Dan. and prog. – M.: rubbish. Quant, 1994-1997. - 1 electron. wholesale disc (CD-ROM): sound, color. – (25th frame). – System. requirements: IBM PC AT386; 4 MB RAM; MS Windows 3.1 and higher; 2-speed CD-ROM; VGA video card (or higher); sound map; mouse. - Cap. from the disc label.

Additional entries for the second work and third work

2. English technical. English for businessmen [Electronic resource]; English technical; English for reading newspapers and magazines: [to Sat. in general]: foreign study course. language Intel. - Electron. Dan. and prog. – M.: rubbish. Quant, 1994-1997. - 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM).

3. English for reading newspapers and magazines. English for businessmen[Electronic resource]; English technical;

4. English for reading newspapers and magazines: [to Sat. in general]: foreign study course. language Intel. - Electron. Dan. and prog. – M.: rubbish. Quant, 1994-1997. - 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM).

Consolidated bibliographic records of electronic resources, consisting of several separate parts (issues):

1. Great automobile encyclopedia [Electronic resource]. - Electron. Dan. – M.: Xelana Media Group, 1998. – System. requirements: Pentium 90 MHz; RAM 8 MB; Windows 95; SVGA High Color; CD-drive 8x. - Cap. from the container.

1) Part 1: Elite cars of the world. - 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM). -© state registration 0329800025, 3000 copies.

2) Part 2: Born to win. - 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM) + adj. (2 pp.). - © state registration 0329800026, 3000 copies.

3) Part 3: Supercars and prototypes. - 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM) + adj. (2 pp.). - © state registration 0329800027, 3000 copies.

2. Learn to speak French. Module 1, Beginner level. – Cleveland (Ohio): Polyglot Media, cop. 1994. – 1 electronic optical disc (CD-ROM):

1) Sd., col.; 12 cm. – System reguirements: IBM-compatible PC; DOS 5.0 or higher; 1MB RAM; hard disk with 10 MB free space; CD-ROM player. – Title from disc label.

2) Learn to speak French. Module 1, Beginner level / Greg Clifton. – New York: Hyperglot publichers, . – 128 p.: ill; 28 cm.

Bibliographic record of a component of an electronic resource:

1. Scorched snow // Confrontation [Electronic resource]; Scorched snow / DOKA Company. - Electron. Dan. and prog. – M.: DOKA, 1998. – 2 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM) + 1 brochure (27cm). – (Our games). – System. requirements: from 486 DX 2; 66 MHz; video card 1 MB (VESA); sound SB-compatible board; DOS 6.2 or higher; Windows 95. – Cap. from disc labels. - © state registration 0329800240, 1000 copies.

Bibliographic records of electronic resources:

1. Baburina, Nina Ivanovna. 1917. Poster in the revolution - revolution in the poster [Electronic resource]: from the history of Russian. and owls poster early XX century : multimed. computer. course / Nina Baburina, Klaus Waschik, Konstantin Kharin; Ross. state humanitarian University and Moscow. scientific center for culture and information. technologies, Institute of Rus. and owls culture named after Yu.M. Lotman (Bochum, Germany) - Electron. Dan. – M.: RSUH, coll. 1999. – 1 electron. wholesale disc (CD-ROM): sound, color, 12 cm. – System. requirements: IBM PC 486 (Pentium or higher recommended); Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 (Russian version recommended); 20 MB; video card and monitor supporting 800x600 mode, 65 thousand colors; mouse or similar device; sound card compatible with Microsoft Windows. - Cap. from the disc label.

Under the title

1. Alexander and Napoleon [Electronic resource]: The story of two emperors / Panorama Museum<Бородинская битва>, Intersoft. - Electron. Dan. – M.: Intersoft, coll. 1997. - 1 electron. wholesale disc (CD-ROM): sound, color, 12 cm. – System. requirements: PC with 486 DX 2-66 processor; 8 MB RAM; Microsoft Windows 3.1 or Windows 95; 2-speed CD-ROM drive; SVGA 256 color video card; sound 16-bit MPC standard card; stereo speakers or headphones. - Cap. from the disc label.

Remote Access Resources

1. Russian State Library [Electronic resource] / Center for Information Technologies of the Russian State Library; ed. Vlasenko T.V. – Access mode: http://www.rsl.ru, free.

2. Sberbank of Russia [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://www.sberbank.ru, free. - Cap. from the screen.



Example title page application consisting of a separate document

  • Kirov State College of Construction, Economics and Law
  • A 15-year-old teenager undergoing a medical examination for admission to college was prescribed a marker diagnosis by his local doctor.