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Institute of Correctional Pedagogy. Institute of Correctional Pedagogy The IV All-Russian Congress of Preschool Education Workers is being held in Krasnogorsk

On October 24, 2016, the next Congress of Workers was held in the city of Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region. preschool education, which brought together more than 1000 teachers and educators preschool institutions, representatives of the scientific, pedagogical and parental community, as well as regional education authorities.

The plenary session was opened by the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia O.Yu. Golodets and governor of the Moscow region A.Yu. Vorobiev

« Over three years, more than 1.36 million places in preschool institutions have been created", reminded O.Yu. Golodets. According to the Deputy Prime Minister, the absolute number of preschoolers is also growing, so, “ over the year it increased by almost 200 thousand children across the country».

Minister of Education and Science Russian Federation O.Yu. Vasilyeva In her speech, she spoke about the accessibility of kindergartens, preschool education, equipment for kindergartens, as well as the federal state educational standard for preschool education adopted in 2013.

« It is very important to us how parents accepted the transition to a new educational standard for preschool institutions. Today the statistics are quite impressive: 89% of Russian parents accepted this transition very positively and speak positively about the start of the standard", noted the Minister.

In addition, the head of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science presented data on the creation of preschool groups at universities. "U We have regions where preschool institutions are open at universities, and there are 27 such universities", O.Yu. clarified. Vasilyeva.

The head of the department recalled that the federal law “On Education in the Russian Federation” allows the opening of preschool groups at various educational organizations, including universities, and, according to the Minister, this is a positive experience that needs to be analyzed and continued. Thus, the Russian Ministry of Education and Science sent to the regions guidelines with explanations on how to create preschool groups at higher educational institutions.

Deputy Chairman of the All-Russian Trade Union of Education M.V. Avdeenko in his speech noted that “the holding of such congresses was preceded by the first All-Russian forum of preschool education workers, organized in 2009 with the active participation of the Trade Union. It was then that we proposed those approaches to regulating the payment system for preschool workers, which then formed the basis of the “May decrees" of the President of the Russian Federation and the new Federal Law“On education in the Russian Federation.”

In addition to the plenary session, the participants exchanged experiences and discussed the most pressing issues of preschool education at four sections of the Congress. Educators and teachers reviewed approaches to organizing preschool education for children with disabilities disabilities health, maintenance, increasing the accessibility and quality of preschool education, training and advanced training of teaching staff in accordance with the Professional Standard of a teacher, as well as the development of the non-state sector of preschool education.

Representatives of executive authorities of the constituent entities of Russia will take part in the work of the Congress, carrying out public administration in the field of education; representatives of local government bodies in the field of education, managers, specialists and teachers (educators) of preschool educational organizations, as well as representatives of the scientific, pedagogical and parental community.

Participants will discuss the most pressing issues of preschool education, identify priority areas of educational policy in this area, and also present the best practices in preschool education.

Deputy Chairman of the Government of Russia O.Yu. will deliver welcoming remarks to teachers and educators. Golodets, Governor of the Moscow Region A. Yu. Vorobyov, reports will be presented by the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation O. Yu. Vasilyeva, Minister of Education of the Moscow Region M.B. Zakharova.

The President will also take part in the Congress Russian Academy Education L.A. Verbitskaya, Russian State Duma deputy L.N. Antonova, Deputy Chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee on Education A.I. Arshinova and others.

The congress will include 4 thematic sections (11.00-13.30):

  • Current approaches to organizing preschool education for children with disabilities. Approximate adapted basic educational programs preschool education as a means of implementing the main provisions of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” and the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education
  • Main directions of development of preschool education as the first level of the system general education in the Russian Federation: updating content, increasing accessibility and quality, introducing new technologies
  • Training, retraining and advanced training of teaching staff in accordance with the Professional Standard of a Teacher
  • Current issues of family support and development of the non-state sector of preschool education
Welcome words and speeches (15.00-16.20):
  • Olga Yurievna Golodets, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation
  • Fursenko Andrey Aleksandrovich, Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation
  • Vorobiev Andrey Yurievich, Governor of the Moscow Region
  • Verbitskaya Lyudmila Alekseevna, President of the Russian Academy of Education
  • Antonova Lidiya Nikolaevna, deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
  • Arshinova Alena Igorevna, deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
  • Nikonov Vyacheslav Alekseevich, deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
  • Dukhanina Lyubov Nikolaevna, deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
  • Dragunkina Zinaida Fedorovna, Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Science, Education and Culture
  • Zemtsov Nikolay Georgievich, deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
The following will make presentations at the congress (16.20-17.00):
  • Vasilyeva Olga Yurievna, Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation,“State policy in the field of preschool education: problems and prospects”
  • Zakharova Marina Borisovna, Minister of Education of the Moscow Region,"Regional aspect of implementation public policy in the field of preschool education"

United Publishing Group "DROFA" -"VENTANA-GRAF" will take part in the exhibition, which will be held as part of the congress. At the stand of the united publishing group it will be possible to familiarize yourself with the products and receive detailed information about publications bypreschool education .

Venue: Government House of the Moscow Region, Stroiteley Boulevard, 1, Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region.

Illustration: Ministry of Education and Science.rf

October 24-25, 2016 The Moscow region hospitably received participants of the IV Congress of Preschool Education Workers, initiated by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Delegations from 84 constituent entities of the Russian Federation took part in the congress. Heads of education authorities, representatives of government structures supervising the education sector, system employees vocational education, managers and specialists of preschool organizations and representatives of the parent community gathered to discuss the problems and prospects for the development of preschool education.
In addition to the plenary session and sectional work, the extensive program of the congress also included practical acquaintance of delegates with the preschool education system of the Moscow region. To hold the meeting within the framework of the congress program, along with other territories of the Moscow region, the Odintsovo district was chosen - one of the most promising areas in which the construction of new preschool institutions is being successfully carried out, modern conditions for quality education and upbringing of preschool children.
To organize a professional meeting of colleagues, the district Department of Education, managers and teachers of preschool institutions did a lot of organizational work: an interesting visit program was developed with a visit to two municipal kindergartens and a non-state preschool educational institution, working within the framework of a public-private partnership project.
The delegation of 12 specialists was led by Natalya Fanilovna Savchuk , Deputy Head of the Department of General Education for Students with Disabilities in the Directorate of General Education of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region. Among the delegates were representatives of the scientific school, specialists from regional educational authorities, as well as heads of preschool education institutions from different parts of Russia: the Republic of Adygea, the cities of Yaroslavl, Maykop, Tver, Sevastopol, Samara, Tolyatti, as well as our colleagues from the Vlasikha urban district "

The official visit of the delegation began in kindergarten No. 23 (head Olga Gennadievna Vorobyova) with a sightseeing tour of the territory and building of the institution, and then the guests were greeted by the deputy head of the administration of the Odintsovo municipal district Vitaly Viktorovich Savilov , who wished his colleagues from the regions constructive and fruitful work.

Head of Education Department Olga Ivanovna Lyapistova informed the Congress delegates about the development of the preschool education system in the Odintsovo region and thanked them for the opportunity to cooperate in the educational field. Of particular interest to the meeting participants was the video report on the results of the activities of the district education system in 2015-2016 academic year “Municipal education system: every day matters!”

The visit program also included a visit by the guests to municipal kindergarten No. 68 (head Anna Viktorovna Manaenkova), where they became active participants in an exciting master class “Using mind maps to develop memory, thinking, imagination” from Olga Nikolaevna Kramina, teacher of kindergarten No. 31, winner of the competition "Teacher of the Moscow Region - 2016" in nomination "Teacher of the Year" The innovative forms and methods of work proposed by the teacher during the lesson received the encouragement of colleagues and the desire to apply them in their teaching activities.

A hospitable welcome awaited the participants of the Congress in the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “School-kindergarten complex “World of Education”. The guests got acquainted with the possibilities of the kindergarten in the implementation of modern preschool education,
with practical experience of the institution within the framework of public-private partnership, which was presented to the delegates by the founder of the kindergarten Olga Gennadievna Legasova.

At the end of the meeting, the guests thanked their colleagues from Odintsovo for the warm, eventful welcome and expressed a desire to develop mutual cooperation.

Isaac Adizes , one of the world's leading experts in the field of partnerships once said: “ Trust arises when people are convinced that their cooperation will be mutually beneficial in the long term.” We hope that the meeting of professionals in the field of preschool education, which took place in Odintsovo, will increase the degree of mutual trust in achieving educational goals, will create a basis for further cooperation, expanding the area of ​​partnerships in solving time-dictated tasks facing the Russian education system.

Department of Education
Odintsovo municipal district,

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Principles for selecting pediatric cases for demonstrating phonetic disorders to speech therapy students

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Development of actions with objects in blind children of the first years of life

Ayvazyan E.B., Kudrina T.P. Development of actions with objects in blind children of the first years of life // Defectology. 2019. No. 3. P.41-50.

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Formation of individual affective experience of a child with autism

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Intellectual activity in children after severe traumatic brain injury at the early stage of rehabilitation

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Methodological and theoretical foundations of the domestic scientific school of typhlosurdopedagogy

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Initiating speech in a deaf child

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((Abstracts of reports|author=Sataeva A.I.|title=Starting speech in a deaf child|edition=Current problems of psychology and pedagogy in the modern world: a collection of scientific papers of participants of the IV interuniversity scientific and practical conference. RUDN University, April 4, 2019 / under the general editorship of N.B. Karabuschenko, N.L. Salgunova.|year=2019))

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Initiating speech in a non-speaking child

Kitik E.E. Triggering speech in a non-speaking child. Moscow: Current problems of psychology and pedagogy in the modern world: a collection of scientific works of participants of the IV interuniversity scientific and practical conference. RUDN University, April 4, 2019 / edited by. ed. N.B. Karabuschenko, N.L. Salgunova., 2019. 359 p.

((Abstracts of reports|author=Kitik E.E.|title=Initiation of speech in a non-speaking child|edition=Current problems of psychology and pedagogy in the modern world: a collection of scientific papers of participants of the IV interuniversity scientific and practical conference. RUDN University, April 4, 2019 / under the general editorship of N.B. Karabuschenko, N.L. Salgunova.|year=2019))

Strebeleva E.A., Kinash E.A.
Pedagogical aspects of counseling families and children with disabilities

Strebeleva E.A., Kinash E.A. Pedagogical aspects of counseling families and children with disabilities. Moscow: Current problems of psychology and pedagogy in the modern world: a collection of scientific works of participants of the IV interuniversity scientific and practical conference. RUDN University, April 4, 2019 / edited by. ed. N.B. Karabuschenko, N.L. Salgunova., 2019. 359 p.

((Abstracts of reports | author = Strebeleva E.A., Kinash E.A. | title = Pedagogical aspects of counseling families and children with disabilities | publication = Current problems of psychology and pedagogy in the modern world: collection of scientific works of participants of the IV interuniversity scientific-practical conference, RUDN University, April 4, 2019 / under the general editorship of N.B. Karabuschenko, N.L. Salgunova.|year=2019))


The IV All-Russian Congress of Preschool Education Workers is taking place in Krasnogorsk

On October 24 and 25, 2016, the IV All-Russian Congress preschool education workers. The congress is traditionally attended by heads of regional and municipal education authorities, heads and teachers of preschool educational organizations in the country, parents and representatives of publishing houses that produce literature for preschoolers.

More than a thousand delegates from 73 regions of Russia worked within four thematic sections:

Current approaches to organizing preschool education for children with disabilities;

The main directions for the development of preschool education as the first level of the general education system in the Russian Federation: updating the content, increasing accessibility and quality, introducing new technologies;

Training, retraining and advanced training of teaching staff in accordance with the Professional Standard of a Teacher;

Current issues of family support and development of the non-state sector of preschool education.

An exhibition of educational and developmental literature from the country's leading publishing houses was also organized for the participants of the congress. Publishing house " Russian word» presented teachers not only with a wide range of educational and teaching aids for teachers and children, but also with a specially developed educational subject-spatial environment for kindergartens.

At the end of the sections, a meeting was held with the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva. In her speech, she touched on the main problems, challenges and breakthroughs of the preschool education system, for example, she spoke about the existence of interesting alternatives to the usual kindergarten. The main task of the system today is the transition from the accessibility of preschool education to a radical improvement in the quality of education of children.

Also during the plenary session, the moderators of the four working sections presented a summary of the discussions that took place in the first half of the day and voiced proposals made by the congress participants on the main issues.

The work of the congress will continue on October 25, the participants of the congress will visit the best preschool organizations Moscow region, where they can exchange experiences with colleagues.

Rating: 3.3