Biology Story Abstracts

Electronegativity oxidation state and valency. Electronegativity

Electronegativity is the property of a chemical element to attract electrons to its atom from the atoms of other elements with which this element forms a chemical bond in compounds.

At education chemical bond between atoms of different elements, the common electron cloud shifts to a more electronegative atom, due to which the bond becomes covalently polar, and with a large difference in electronegativity - ionic.

Electronegativity is taken into account when writing chemical formulas: in binary compounds, the symbol of the most electronegative element is written behind.

Electronegativity increases from left to right for elements of each period and decreases from top to bottom for elements of the same PS group.

Valency An element is called the property of its atoms to combine with a certain number of other atoms.

There are stoichiometric, electronic valency and coordination number. We will consider only the stoichiometric valency.

Stoichiometric valence shows how many atoms of another element attaches an atom of this element. The valence of hydrogen is taken as a unit of valence, because hydrogen is always monovalent. For example, in the compounds HCl, H 2 O, NH 3 (the correct spelling of ammonia H 3 N is already used in modern manuals), CH 4 chlorine is monovalent, oxygen is divalent, nitrogen is trivalent and carbon is tetravalent.

The stoichiometric valence of oxygen is usually 2. Since almost all elements form compounds with oxygen, it is convenient to use it as a standard for determining the valency of another element. For example, in the compounds Na 2 O, CoO, Fe 2 O 3, SO 3, sodium is monovalent, cobalt is bivalent, iron is trivalent, and sulfur is hexavalent.

In redox reactions, it will be important for us to determine the oxidation states of elements.

oxidation state element in a substance is called its stoichiometric valency, taken with a plus or minus sign.

Chemical elements are subdivided into elements of constant valence elements of variable valency.

1.3.3. Substances of molecular and non-molecular structure. Type of crystal lattice. The dependence of the properties of substances on their composition and structure.

Depending on the state in which compounds are in nature, they are divided into molecular and non-molecular. In molecular substances, the smallest structural particles are molecules. These substances have a molecular crystal lattice. In nonmolecular substances, the smallest structural particles are atoms or ions. Their crystal lattice is atomic, ionic or metallic.

The type of crystal lattice largely determines the properties of substances. For example, metals that have metal crystal lattice type, different from all other elements high plasticity, electrical and thermal conductivity. These properties, as well as many others - malleability, metallic luster, etc. due to a special type of bond between metal atoms - metallic bond. It should be noted that the properties inherent in metals appear only in the condensed state. For example, silver in the gaseous state does not have the physical properties of metals.

A special type of bond in metals - metallic - is due to a shortage of valence electrons, so they are common to the entire structure of the metal. The simplest model of the structure of metals assumed that the crystal lattice of metals consists of positive ions surrounded by free electrons, the movement of electrons occurs randomly, like gas molecules. However, such a model, while qualitatively explaining many properties of metals, turns out to be insufficient in quantitative verification. Further development of the theory of the metallic state led to the creation band theory of metals, which is based on the concepts of quantum mechanics.

At the nodes of the crystal lattice there are cations and metal atoms, and electrons move freely along the crystal lattice.

A characteristic mechanical property of metals is plastic, due to the peculiarities of the internal structure of their crystals. Plasticity is understood as the ability of bodies under the action of external forces to undergo deformation, which remains after the cessation of external influence. This property of metals allows them to be given various shapes during forging, rolled metal into sheets or drawn into wire.

The plasticity of metals is due to the fact that under external action, the layers of ions that form the crystal lattice are shifted relative to each other without breaking. This occurs as a result of the fact that the moved electrons, due to free redistribution, continue to carry out the connection between the ionic layers. Under mechanical action on solid with the atomic lattice, its individual layers are displaced and the cohesion between them is broken due to the breaking of covalent bonds.

ions, then these substances form ionic type of crystal lattice.

These are salts, as well as oxides and hydroxides of typical metals. These are hard, brittle substances, but their main quality : solutions and melts of these compounds conduct electricity .

If the nodes of the crystal lattice are atoms, then these substances form atomic type of crystal lattice(diamond, boron, silicon oxides of aluminum and silicon). By properties very hard and refractory, insoluble in water.

If the nodes of the crystal lattice are molecules, then these substances form (under normal conditions, gases and liquids: O 2, HCl; I 2 organic matter).

It is interesting to note the gallium metal, which melts at a temperature of 30 ° C. This anomaly is explained by the fact that Ga 2 molecules are located at the nodes of the crystal lattice and its properties become similar to substances that have a molecular crystal lattice.

Example. All non-metals of the group have a non-molecular structure:

1) carbon, boron, silicon; 2) fluorine, bromine, iodine;

3) oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen; 4) chlorine, phosphorus, selenium.

In nonmolecular substances, the smallest structural particles are atoms or ions. Their crystal lattice is atomic, ionic or metallic

At decision This question is easier to go from the contrary. If the nodes of the crystal lattice are molecules, then these substances form molecular type of crystal lattice(under normal conditions, gases and liquids: O 2, HCl; also I 2, rhombic sulfur S 8, white phosphorus P 4, organic substances). By properties, these are fragile low-melting compounds.

In the second answer there is fluorine gas, in the third - oxygen, nitrogen gases, in the fourth - chlorine gas. This means that these substances have a molecular crystal lattice and a molecular structure.

AT first answer, all substances are solid compounds under normal conditions and form an atomic lattice, which means they have a non-molecular structure.

Correct answer:1) carbon, boron, silicon

08. Electronegativity, oxidation state, oxidation and reduction

Let's discuss the meaning of extremely interesting concepts that exist in chemistry, and, as is often the case in science, quite confusing and used upside down. We will talk about "electronegativity", "oxidation states" and "redox reactions".

What does it mean - the concept is used upside down?

We will try to gradually talk about it.

Electronegativity shows us the redox properties of a chemical element. That is, its ability to take or give away free photons. And also whether this element is a source or absorber of energy (ether). Yang or Yin.

Oxidation state is a concept analogous to the concept of "electronegativity". It also characterizes the redox properties of the element. But there is a difference between them.

Electronegativity characterizes a single element. By itself, without being in the composition of any chemical compound. While the degree of oxidation characterizes its redox abilities precisely when the element is part of a molecule.

Let's talk a little about what is the ability to oxidize, and what is the ability to reduce.

Oxidation is the process of transferring free photons (electrons) to another element. Oxidation is not at all the removal of electrons, as it is now considered in science. . When an element oxidizes another element, it acts like an acid or oxygen (hence the name "oxidation"). To oxidize means to contribute to the destruction, decay, combustion of elements. . The ability to oxidize is the ability to cause the destruction of molecules by the energy transferred to them (free photons). Remember that energy always destroys matter.

It's amazing how long there are contradictions in logic in science that no one notices.

Here, for example: “Now we know that an oxidizing agent is a substance that acquires electrons, and a reducing agent is a substance that gives them away” (Encyclopedia of a young chemist, article “Redox reactions)”.

And then, two paragraphs below: “The strongest oxidizing agent is an electric current (a stream of negatively charged electrons)” (ibid.).

Those. the first quote says that an oxidizing agent is something that accepts electrons, and the second quote says that an oxidizing agent is something that gives it away.

And such erroneous, contradictory conclusions are forced to memorize in schools and institutes!

It is known that the best oxidizing agents are non-metals. Moreover, the smaller the period number and the larger the group number, the more pronounced the properties of the oxidizing agent. This is not surprising. We analyzed the reasons for this in the article devoted to the analysis of the periodic system, in the second part, where we talked about the color of nucleons. From group 1 to 8, the color of nucleons in the elements gradually changes from violet to red (if we also take into account the blue color of the d- and f-elements). The combination of yellow and red particles facilitates the return of accumulated free photons. Yellow ones accumulate, but hold weakly. And the reds contribute to the return. Giving off photons is the process of oxidation. But when some are red, there are no particles capable of accumulating photons. That is why the elements of group 8, the noble gases, are not oxidizing agents, unlike their neighbors, the halogens.

Recovery is a process opposite to oxidation. Now, in science, it is believed that when a chemical element receives electrons, it is restored. This point of view is quite understandable (but not accepted). When studying the structure chemical elements, they were found to emit electrons. They concluded that electrons are part of the elements. This means that the transfer of electrons to an element is, in a way, the restoration of its lost structure.

However, in reality, everything is not so.

Electrons are free photons. They are not nucleons. They are not part of the element's body. They are attracted, coming from outside, and accumulate on the surface of nucleons and between them. But their accumulation does not at all lead to the restoration of the structure of the element or molecule. On the contrary, these photons, emitted by their ether (energy), weaken and destroy bonds between elements. And this is an oxidation process, but not reduction.

Restoring a molecule is really taking energy (in this case, free photons) from it, not imparting it. Selecting photons, the reducing element compacts the substance - restores it.

The best reducing agents are metals. This property naturally follows from their qualitative and quantitative composition - their Fields of Attraction are the largest and there are necessarily many or enough particles on the surface of blue color.

One can even derive the following definition of metals.

Metal - This is a chemical element, in the composition of the surface layers of which there are necessarily blue particles.

BUT non-metal - this is an element in the composition of the surface layers of which there are no or almost no blue photons, and there are always red ones.

Metals are excellent at taking electrons with their strong attraction. And so they are restorers.

Let's give a definition of the concepts of "electronegativity", "oxidation state", "redox reactions", which can be found in textbooks on chemistry.

« Oxidation state is the conditional charge of an atom in a compound, calculated on the assumption that it consists only of ions. When defining this concept, it is conditionally assumed that the binding (valence) electrons pass to more electronegative atoms, and therefore the compounds consist, as it were, of positively and negatively charged ions. The oxidation state can have zero, negative, and positive values, which are usually placed above the element symbol at the top.

The zero value of the oxidation state is attributed to the atoms of the elements that are in the free state ... The negative value of the oxidation state is given to those atoms towards which the binding electron cloud (electron pair) is displaced. For fluorine in all its compounds, it is -1. Atoms that donate valence electrons to other atoms have a positive oxidation state. For example, for alkali and alkaline earth metals, it is respectively +1 and +2. In simple ions, it is equal to the charge of the ion. In most compounds, the oxidation state of hydrogen atoms is +1, but in metal hydrides (their compounds with hydrogen) and others, it is -1. For oxygen, the oxidation state is -2, but, for example, in combination with fluorine it will be +2, and in peroxide compounds -1. …

The algebraic sum of the oxidation states of atoms in a compound is zero, and in a complex ion it is the charge of the ion. …

The highest oxidation state is its highest positive value. For most elements, it is equal to the group number in periodic system and is an important quantitative characteristic of an element in its compounds. The lowest value of the oxidation state of an element that occurs in its compounds is commonly called the lowest oxidation state; all the rest are intermediate” (Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Chemist, article “Oxidation State”).

Here is the basic information about this concept. It is closely related to another term - "electronegativity".

« Electronegativity is the ability of an atom in a molecule to attract electrons involved in the formation of a chemical bond to itself ”(Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Chemist, article“ Electronegativity ”).

“Redox reactions are accompanied by a change in the oxidation state of the atoms that make up the reactants as a result of the movement of electrons from an atom of one of the reagents (reductant) to an atom of another. In redox reactions, oxidation (electron donation) and reduction (electron addition) occur simultaneously” (Chemical Encyclopedic Dictionary ed. I.L. Knunyants, article "Oxidation-reduction reactions").

In our opinion, there are many errors hidden in these three concepts.

Firstly , we believe that the formation of a chemical bond between two elements is not at all the process of sharing their electrons. A chemical bond is a gravitational bond. The electrons allegedly flying around the nucleus are free photons that accumulate on the surface of nucleons in the composition of the body of the element and between them. In order for two elements to bond, their free photons do not need to travel between the elements. This is not happening. In fact, a heavier element removes (attracts) free photons from a lighter one, and leaves them on itself (more precisely, on itself). And the zone of the lighter element, from which these photons were taken, is more or less exposed. Because of what, the attraction in this zone is manifested to a greater extent. And the lighter element is attracted to the heavier one. This is how a chemical bond occurs.

Secondly , modern chemistry sees the ability of elements to attract electrons to themselves distorted - inverted. It is believed that the greater the electronegativity of an element, the more it is able to attract electrons to itself. And fluorine and oxygen allegedly do this best of all - they attract foreign electrons to themselves. As well as other elements of the 6th and 7th groups.

In fact, this opinion is nothing more than a delusion. It is based on the misconception that the larger the group number, the heavier the elements. And also, the greater the positive charge of the nucleus. This is bullshit. Scientists still do not even bother to explain what, from their point of view, is a “charge”. Simply, as in numerology, they counted all the elements in order, and put down the amount of charge in accordance with the number. Great hike!

It is clear even to a child that gas is lighter than dense metal. How is it that in chemistry it is believed that gases are better at attracting electrons to themselves?

Dense metals, of course, they are better at attracting electrons.

Chemical scientists, of course, can keep the concept of "electronegativity" in use, since it is so commonly used. However, they will have to change its meaning to the exact opposite.

Electronegativity is the ability of a chemical element in a molecule to attract electrons to itself. And, of course, this ability is better expressed in metals than in non-metals.

As for the electric poles in the molecule, then, indeed, negative pole - these are non-metal elements that donate electrons, with smaller Attractive Fields. BUT positive are always elements with more pronounced metallic properties, with large fields of attraction.

Let's smile together.

Electronegativity - this is another, another attempt to describe the quality of a chemical element, along with the already existing mass and charge. As often happens, scientists from another field of science, in this case, chemistry, seem to distrust their fellow physicists, but rather simply because any person, making discoveries, goes his own way, and not just exploring the experience of others.

So it happened this time.

Mass and charge did not help chemists in any way to understand what happens in atoms when they interact with each other - and electronegativity was introduced - the ability of an element to attract electrons involved in the formation of a chemical bond. It should be recognized that the idea of ​​this concept is very true. With the only amendment that it reflects reality upside down. As we have already said, metals, and not non-metals, attract electrons best of all - due to the color features of surface nucleons. Metals are the best reducing agents. Nonmetals are oxidizers. Metals are taken, non-metals are given away. Metals are Yin, non-metals are Yang.

Esotericism comes to the aid of science in matters of comprehending the secrets of Nature.

Concerning oxidation states , then this is a good attempt to understand how the distribution of free electrons occurs within a chemical compound - a molecule.

If a chemical compound is homogeneous - that is, it is simple, its structure consists of elements of the same type - then everything is correct, indeed the oxidation state of any element in the compound is zero. Since there are no oxidizing agents and no reducing agents in this compound. And all elements are equal in quality. No one takes electrons, no one gives. Whether it is a dense substance, or a liquid, or a gas, it does not matter.

The oxidation state, like electronegativity, shows the quality of a chemical element - only within the framework of a chemical element. The oxidation state is designed to compare the quality of the chemical elements in the compound. In our opinion, the idea is good, but its implementation is not entirely satisfactory.

We are categorically against the whole theory and concept of the structure of chemical elements and the bonds between them. Well, at least because the number of groups, according to our ideas, should be more than 8. This means that the whole system is collapsing. And not only that. In general, counting the number of electrons in atoms “on the fingers” is somehow not serious.

In accordance with the current concept, it turns out that the smallest conditional charges are assigned to the strongest oxidizing agents - fluorine has a charge of -1 in all compounds, oxygen almost everywhere -2. And for very active metals - alkali and alkaline earth - these charges are +1 and +2, respectively. After all, this is completely illogical. Although, again, we understand very well the general scheme in accordance with which this was done - all for the sake of 8 groups in the table and 8 electrons in the outer energy level.

Already, at a minimum, the value of these charges for halogens and oxygen should have been the largest with a minus sign. And for alkali and alkaline earth metals, it is also large, only with a plus sign.

In any chemical compound there are elements that donate electrons - oxidizing agents, non-metals, a negative charge, and elements that take away electrons - reducing agents, metals, a positive charge. It is in this way that elements are compared, correlated with each other, and they try to determine their oxidation state.

However, to find out the degree of oxidation in this way, in our opinion, does not accurately reflect reality. It would be more correct to compare the electronegativity of elements in a molecule. After all, electronegativity is almost the same as the degree of oxidation (it characterizes the quality of only a single element).

You can take the scale of electronegativity and put down its values ​​in the formula for each element. And then it will be immediately clear which elements donate electrons and which ones take away. The element with the highest electronegativity in the compound, the negative pole, donates electrons. And the one whose electronegativity is the smallest - the positive pole - takes electrons.

If there are, say, 3 or 4 elements in a molecule, nothing changes. We also set the electronegativity values ​​and compare.

Although you should not forget to draw a model of the structure of the molecule. Indeed, in any compound, if it is not simple, that is, it does not consist of one type of elements, metals and non-metals are connected with each other, first of all. Metals take electrons from non-metals and bond with them. And from one non-metal element, 2 or more elements with more pronounced metallic properties can simultaneously take away electrons. So there is a complex, complex molecule. But this does not mean that in such a molecule the metal elements will enter into a strong bond with each other. Perhaps they will be located on opposite sides of each other. If nearby, they will be attracted. But a strong bond is formed only if one element is more metallic than the other. It is imperative that one element selects electrons - removes them. Otherwise, there will be no exposure of the element - liberation from free photons on the surface. The Field of Attraction will not fully manifest, and there will be no strong connection. This is a complex topic - the formation of chemical bonds, and we will not go into detail about this in this article.

We believe that we have covered in sufficient detail the topic devoted to the analysis of the concepts of "electronegativity", "oxidation state", "oxidation" and "reduction", and provided you with a lot of interesting information.

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7.5. The Degree of Awareness of Evil As explained in the article “The Giving of the Torah”, pleasure and bliss are determined by the degree of similarity to the Creator in terms of properties, while suffering and impatience are determined by the degree of difference from the Creator. Accordingly, selfishness is disgusting and unbearably painful for us,

I.Valence (repetition)

Valence is the ability of atoms to attach a certain number of other atoms to themselves.

Rules for determining valence
elements in connections

1. Valency hydrogen take for I(unit). Then, in accordance with the formula of water H 2 O, two hydrogen atoms are attached to one oxygen atom.

2. Oxygen in its compounds always exhibits valence II. Therefore, carbon in the CO 2 compound (carbon dioxide) has a valence of IV.

3. Highest valency is equal to group number .

4. lower valency equals the difference between the number 8 (the number of groups in the table) and the number of the group in which this element is located, i.e. 8 - N groups .

5. For metals in the "A" subgroups, the valence is equal to the group number.

6. In non-metals, two valences are mainly manifested: higher and lower.

For example: sulfur has a higher valence VI and a lower one (8 - 6) equal to II; phosphorus exhibits valencies V and III.

7. Valency can be constant or variable.

The valency of elements must be known in order to compose the chemical formulas of compounds.


Features of compiling chemical formulas of compounds.

1) The element that is in the Mendeleev table to the right and above shows the lowest valence, and the element located to the left and below shows the highest valence.

For example, in combination with oxygen, sulfur exhibits a higher valency VI, and oxygen a lower II. So the formula for sulfur oxide would be SO 3.

In the combination of silicon with carbon, the first exhibits a higher valence IV, and the second - a lower IV. So the formula– SiC. It is silicon carbide, the basis of refractory and abrasive materials.

2) The metal atom comes first in the formula.

2) In the formulas of compounds, the non-metal atom, which exhibits the lowest valency, always comes in second place, and the name of such a compound ends in "id".

For example, CaO - calcium oxide, NaCl - sodium chloride, PbS - lead sulfide.

Now you yourself can write the formulas of any compounds of metals with non-metals.

3) The metal atom is put in the first place in the formula.

II. Oxidation state (new material)

Oxidation state- this is the conditional charge that the atom receives as a result of the complete return (acceptance) of electrons, based on the condition that all bonds in the compound are ionic.

Consider the structure of fluorine and sodium atoms:

F +9)2)7


- What can be said about the completeness of the external level of fluorine and sodium atoms?

- Which atom is easier to accept, and which is easier to give valence electrons in order to complete the external level?

Do both atoms have an incomplete outer level?

It is easier for the sodium atom to donate electrons, for fluorine to accept electrons before the completion of the external level.

F 0 + 1ē → F -1 (a neutral atom accepts one negative electron and acquires an oxidation state of "-1", turning into negatively charged ion - anion )

Na 0 – 1ē → Na +1 (a neutral atom donates one negative electron and acquires an oxidation state of "+1", turning into positively charged ion - cation )

How to determine the oxidation state of an atom in PSCE D.I. Mendeleev?

Definition rules oxidation states of an atom in PSCE D.I. Mendeleev:

1. Hydrogen usually exhibits an oxidation state (CO) +1 (exception, compounds with metals (hydrides) - hydrogen has CO equal to (-1) Me + n H n -1)

2. Oxygen usually exhibits CO -2 (exceptions: O +2 F 2, H 2 O 2 -1 - hydrogen peroxide)

3. Metals only show + n positive CO

4. Fluorine always shows CO equal -1 (F-1)

5. For elements main subgroups:

Higher CO (+) = group number N groups

Inferior CO (-) = N groups 8

Rules for determining the oxidation state of an atom in a compound:

I. Oxidation state free atoms and atoms in molecules simple substances is equal to zero - Na 0 , P 4 0 , O 2 0

II. AT complex substance the algebraic sum of CO of all atoms, taking into account their indices, is equal to zero = 0 , and in complex ion its charge.

For example, H +1 N +5 O 3 -2 : (+1)*1+(+5)*1+(-2)*3 = 0

2- : (+6)*1+(-2)*4 = -2

Exercise 1 - determine the oxidation states of all atoms in the formula of sulfuric acid H 2 SO 4?

1. Let's put down the known oxidation states of hydrogen and oxygen, and take the CO of sulfur as "x"

H +1 S x O 4 -2


X \u003d 6 or (+6), therefore, sulfur has C O +6, i.e. S+6

Task 2 - determine the oxidation states of all atoms in the formula of phosphoric acid H 3 PO 4?

1. Let's put down the known oxidation states of hydrogen and oxygen, and take the CO of phosphorus as "x"

H 3 +1 P x O 4 -2

2. Compose and solve the equation, according to the rule (II):


X \u003d 5 or (+5), therefore, phosphorus has C O +5, i.e. P+5

Task 3 - determine the oxidation states of all atoms in the formula of the ammonium ion (NH 4) + ?

1. Let's put down the known oxidation state of hydrogen, and take the CO of nitrogen as "x"

(N x H 4 +1) +

2. Compose and solve the equation, according to the rule (II):


X \u003d -3, therefore, nitrogen has C O -3, i.e. N-3

form a certain number with atoms of other elements.

    The valency of fluorine atoms is always equal to I

    Li, Na, K, F,H, Rb, Cs- monovalent;

    Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Cd, Zn,O, Ra- have a valency equal to II;

    Al, BGa, In- trivalent.

    The maximum valence for the atoms of a given element coincides with the number of the group in which it is located in the Periodic system. For example, for Sa it isII, for sulfur -VI, for chlorine -VII. Exceptions a lot of this rule too:

ElementVIgroup, O, has valence II (in H 3 O+ - III);
- monovalent F (instead of
- usually bi- and trivalent iron, an element of group VIII;
- N can hold only 4 atoms near itself, and not 5, as follows from the group number;
- one- and two-valent copper, located in group I.

    The minimum valence value for elements in which it is variable is determined by the formula: group number in PS - 8. So, the lowest valence of sulfur 8 - 6 \u003d 2, fluorine and other halogens - (8 - 7) \u003d 1, nitrogen and phosphorus - (8 - 5)= 3 and so on.

    In a compound, the sum of valency units of atoms of one element must correspond to the total valence of another (or the total number of valences of one chemical element is equal to the total number of valences of atoms of another chemical element). So, in a water molecule H-O-H valency H is equal to I, there are 2 such atoms, which means that there are 2 valency units in hydrogen (1 × 2 = 2). The same value has the valency of oxygen.

    When metals are combined with non-metals, the latter show a lower valence

    In a compound consisting of atoms of two types, the element located in second place has the lowest valence. So, when connecting non-metals to each other, the element that is located in Mendeleev's PSCE to the right and above, and the highest, respectively, to the left and below, exhibits the lowest valency.

    The valence of the acid residue coincides with the number of H atoms in the acid formula, the valency of the OH group is I.

    In a compound formed by the atoms of three elements, the atom that is in the middle of the formula is called the central one. The O atoms are directly connected to it, and the rest of the atoms form bonds with oxygen.

Rules for determining the degree of oxidation of chemical elements.

The oxidation state is the conditional charge of the atoms of a chemical element in a compound, calculated from the assumption that the compounds are composed only of ions. The oxidation states can have a positive, negative or zero value, and the sign is placed before the number: -1, -2, +3, in contrast to the charge of the ion, where the sign is placed after the number.
The oxidation states of metals in compounds are always positive, the highest oxidation state corresponds to the group number of the periodic system where this element is located (excluding some elements: gold Au
+3 (I group), Cu +2 (II), from group VIII, only osmium Os and ruthenium Ru can have an oxidation state of +8.
The degrees of non-metals can be both positive and negative, depending on which atom it is connected to: if with a metal atom, then it is always negative, if with a non-metal, then it can be both + and -. When determining oxidation states, the following rules must be used:

    The oxidation state of any element in a simple substance is 0.

    The sum of the oxidation states of all the atoms that make up the particle (molecules, ions, etc.) is equal to the charge of this particle.

    The sum of the oxidation states of all atoms in a neutral molecule is 0.

    If the compound is formed by two elements, then the element with a higher electronegativity has an oxidation state less than zero, and the element with a lower electronegativity has an oxidation state greater than zero.

    The maximum positive oxidation state of any element is equal to the group number in the Periodic Table of Elements, and the minimum negative oxidation state is N-8, where N is the group number.

    The oxidation state of fluorine in compounds is -1.

    Oxidation state alkali metals(lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium) is +1.

    The oxidation state of metals of the main subgroup of group II of the periodic system (magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium) is +2.

    The oxidation state of aluminum is +3.

    The oxidation state of hydrogen in compounds is +1 (with the exception of compounds with metals NaH, CaH 2 , in these compounds the oxidation state of hydrogen is -1).

    The oxidation state of oxygen is –2 (exceptions are peroxides H 2 O 2 , Na 2 O 2 , BaO 2 in them, the oxidation state of oxygen is -1, and in combination with fluorine - +2).

    In molecules, the algebraic sum of the oxidation states of elements, taking into account the number of their atoms, is 0.

Example. Determine the oxidation states in compound K 2 Cr 2 O 7 .
The two chemical elements potassium and oxygen have constant oxidation states and are equal to +1 and -2, respectively. The number of oxidation states for oxygen is (-2) 7=(-14), for potassium (+1) 2=(+2). The number of positive oxidation states is equal to the number of negative ones. Therefore (-14)+(+2)=(-12). This means that the number of positive degrees of the chromium atom is 12, but there are 2 atoms, which means that there are (+12):2=(+6) per atom, we write down the oxidation states over the elements
To + 2 Cr +6 2 O -2 7


The ability of an atom of a chemical element to attach or replace a certain number of atoms of another element with the formation of a chemical bond is called element valency.

Valency is expressed as a positive integer ranging from I to VIII. There is no valency equal to 0 or more than VIII. Permanent valency is shown by hydrogen (I), oxygen (II), alkali metals - elements of the first group of the main subgroup (I), alkaline earth elements - elements of the second group of the main subgroup (II). Atoms of other chemical elements exhibit variable valency. So, transition metals - elements of all side subgroups - show from I to III. For example, iron in compounds can be divalent or trivalent, copper can be monovalent or divalent. Atoms of other elements can show in compounds a valence equal to the group number and intermediate valences. For example, the highest valency of sulfur is IV, the lowest is II, and the intermediate ones are I, III and IV.

Valence is equal to the number of chemical bonds by which an atom of a chemical element is connected to the atoms of other elements in a chemical compound. A chemical bond is indicated by a dash (–). Formulas that show the order of connection of atoms in a molecule and the valency of each element are called graphic.

Oxidation state is the conditional charge of an atom in a molecule, calculated on the assumption that all bonds are ionic in nature. This means that a more electronegative atom, by displacing one electron pair completely towards itself, acquires a charge of 1–. non-polar covalent bond between like atoms does not contribute to the oxidation state.

To calculate the oxidation state of an element in a compound, one should proceed from the following provisions:

1) the oxidation state of elements in simple substances taken equal to zero (Na 0; O 2 0);

2) the algebraic sum of the oxidation states of all atoms that make up the molecule is equal to zero, and in a complex ion this sum is equal to the charge of the ion;

3) atoms have a constant oxidation state: alkali metals (+1), alkaline earth metals, zinc, cadmium (+2);

4) the degree of oxidation of hydrogen in compounds +1, except for metal hydrides (NaH, etc.), where the degree of oxidation of hydrogen is –1;

5) the degree of oxidation of oxygen in compounds -2, except for peroxides (-1) and oxygen fluoride OF 2 (+2).

The maximum positive oxidation state of an element usually matches its group number in the periodic table. The maximum negative oxidation state of an element is equal to the maximum positive oxidation state minus eight.

The exceptions are fluorine, oxygen, iron: their highest oxidation state is expressed by a number whose value is lower than the number of the group to which they belong. For elements of the copper subgroup, on the contrary, the highest oxidation state is greater than one, although they belong to group I.

Atoms of chemical elements (except for noble gases) can interact with each other or with atoms of other elements forming b.m. complex particles - molecules, molecular ions and free radicals. The chemical bond is due electrostatic forces between atoms , those. forces of interaction of electrons and atomic nuclei. In the formation of a chemical bond between atoms, the main role is played by valence electrons, i.e. electrons in the outer shell.