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Edu by primary school. Primary School

Primary School– second stage of continuing education at the Samson private school.

You are interested in quality education. You want your child's learning to be based on their interests and needs. You want to educate and raise an intelligent person with knowledge and skills that will allow him to make an informed choice after graduating from secondary school.

Then we invite you to the Samson School of Health Education Center.

In 2011–2012, the elementary school switched to working according to new Federal State Educational Standards, which put forward new requirements for Russian education. Working in innovation mode since 1991, the primary school of the Samson Education Center is ready to fulfill new government tasks.

The main tasks of primary school:

  1. Provide children high level education, allowing you to continue studying in educational institutions any type.
  2. Create conditions for:
    • formation of high motivation of students to understand the world;
    • developing the ability to learn, the ability to self-organize;
    • identification and disclosure of individual interests, intellectual and creative abilities;
    • organizing work with students in a differentiated manner, in accordance with their interests, psychological capabilities and abilities;
    • continuing the formation of the child’s personality based on the best traditions of national culture and education.

Distinctive features of the primary school of the Samson Education Center:

  1. The maximum number of students in a class is 12 people. This allows you to optimize and intensify all types of educational, cognitive and developmental activities of students.
  2. Studying the first foreign language (English) from the 1st grade in level groups of 6-8 people, communicating with a native speaker, immersion learning.
  3. Studying a second foreign language (optional) from the 4th grade. Internship in the countries of the target language (immersion training).
  4. Introduction of a subject-based education system in primary school ( the world, artistic work, ICT, foreign languages, choreography, swimming, psychology).
  5. Inclusion of younger schoolchildren in design and research activities, starting from the 1st grade.
  6. Participation in olympiads and competitions at the district, city and federal levels.
  7. Providing a wide range additional education(subject studios, clubs, sports sections), organized on the basis of a full-day school.
  8. Carrying out all types of student activities in the school community for a full day under the guidance of qualified teachers and specialists.
  9. Partial transfer of family functions to school (students receive three nutritious meals a day, visit museums, exhibitions, theaters, relax, and do homework at school). The school implements a program of excursion and museum support.
  10. Work of speech therapist, defectologist, development fine motor skills, intellectual activity.
  11. Daily medical observation, vaccination calendar, preventive anti-epidemic measures, vitamin prophylaxis, immunization, annual medical examination by 6 specialists, dental sanitation, kinesiological observation.
  12. The educational process takes place in a health-saving educational environment.
  13. Daily aeration (active walks in the air), daily sports hour (fulfillment of the requirements of the World Health Organization program for physical activity - 5 hours of physical education per week.

I want to please the teacher

Get carried away with music forever

First steps are always difficult

Difficult task solved

After the competition you can relax

A few moves to victory

The school has all the necessary components to provide quality education:

  1. Favorable conditions for the education of students and the work of teachers (the educational and methodological base of the school meets all modern requirements);
  2. High professionalism of teachers and specialists;
  3. Educational and methodological kits, health-saving technologies (primary schools operate according to educational and methodological kits"Perspective" and "Harmony");
  4. Rational system of additional education;
  5. Constructive cooperation with parents.

A well-designed regime allows children to remain highly active during the day when performing various types of activities, and most importantly, to avoid overload. The day at the Samson Education Center begins with morning exercises; The schedule of junior schoolchildren includes daily walks, five physical education lessons, swimming, sports sections and hobby studios. Created and tested on the basis of the Center innovation program in physical education (author, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.R. Virabova).

Subject: Mathematics

The series of simulators fully complies with federal educational standard(second generation) for primary school. The simulator is designed for the formation and development of important mathematical skills third graders. Its main goal is to develop the skills of quickly and accurately counting within 1000. A system of various tasks will help children learn practical techniques for adding and subtracting numbers within 1000, multiplication and division. The simulator can be used by teachers and additional education teachers in their work. For parents of students, these simulators will help organize independent work for successful mastery of the mathematics course program in the 3rd grade. This simulator provides 16 examples for repetition on the designated topic.

Subject: Mathematics

The series of simulators fully complies with the federal educational standard (second generation) for primary school. The simulator is designed for the formation and development of important mathematical skills of fourth-graders. The main goal is to develop quick and error-free counting skills when working with multi-digit numbers. A system of various tasks will help children master practical techniques of addition and subtraction, multiplication and division. The simulators can be used in the classroom, at various stages of the lesson for individual and frontal work with students. For parents of students, this series of manuals will help them organize independent work for their children to successfully master the 4th grade curriculum.

Subject: Mathematics

Target audience: for 4th grade

When working with a presentation, move to the next slide with a mouse click

Subject: Mathematics

Target audience: for 3rd grade

The series of simulators fully complies with the federal educational standard (second generation) for primary school. The simulator is designed for the formation and development of important mathematical skills of fourth-graders. The main goal is to develop quick and error-free counting skills when working with multi-digit numbers. A system of various tasks will help children master practical techniques of addition and subtraction, multiplication and division. The simulators can be used in the classroom, at various stages of the lesson for individual and frontal work with students. For parents of students, this series of manuals will help them organize independent work for their children to successfully master the 4th grade curriculum.

Subject: Mathematics

Target audience: for 4th grade

The series of simulators fully complies with the federal educational standard (second generation) for primary school. The simulator is designed to form and develop important mathematical skills of third-graders. Its main goal is to develop the skills of quickly and accurately counting within 1000. A system of various tasks will help children learn practical techniques for adding and subtracting numbers within 1000, multiplication and division. The simulator can be used by teachers and additional education teachers in their work. For parents of students, these simulators will help organize independent work for successful mastery of the mathematics course program in the 3rd grade. This simulator presents 10 examples for repetition on the designated topic.
When working with a presentation, move to the next slide with a mouse click

Subject: Mathematics

Target audience: for 3rd grade

Continuation of the series of simulators for 2nd grade. The resource is intended for the formation and development of important mathematical skills of second-graders. Its main goal is to develop the skills of quick and error-free counting within 100. The simulator contains 10 examples on the designated topic of addition. The resource is intended for frontal work in the classroom, independent work 2nd grade students, can be used for distance learning.. When showing a presentation, move to the next slide with a mouse click

Subject: Mathematics

Subject: Mathematics

Target audience: for 4th grade

The series of simulators fully complies with the federal educational standard (second generation) for primary school. The simulator is designed to form and develop important mathematical skills of third-graders. Its main goal is to develop the skills of quickly and accurately counting within 1000. A system of various tasks will help children learn practical techniques for adding and subtracting numbers within 1000, multiplication and division. The simulator can be used by teachers and additional education teachers in their work. For parents of students, these simulators will help organize independent work for successful mastery of the mathematics course program in the 3rd grade. This simulator provides 15 examples for repetition on the designated topic.
When working with a presentation, move to the next slide with a mouse click

Subject: Mathematics

Target audience: for 3rd grade

Subject: Mathematics

Target audience: for 2nd grade

The series of simulators fully complies with the federal educational standard (second generation) for primary school. The simulator is designed for the formation and development of important mathematical skills of fourth-graders. The main goal is to develop quick and error-free counting skills when working with multi-digit numbers. A system of various tasks will help children master practical techniques of addition and subtraction, multiplication and division. The simulators can be used in the classroom, at various stages of the lesson for individual and frontal work with students. For parents of students, this series of manuals will help them organize their children’s independent work to successfully master the 4th grade curriculum.

Subject: Mathematics

Target audience: for 4th grade

When working with a presentation, move to the next slide with a mouse click

Subject: Mathematics

Target audience: for 3rd grade

Continuation of the series of simulators for 2nd grade. The resource is intended for the formation and development of important mathematical skills of second-graders. Its main goal is to develop the skills of quick and error-free counting within 100. The simulator contains 10 examples on the designated subtraction topic. The resource is intended for frontal work in the lesson, independent work of 2nd grade students, can be used for distance learning. When showing a presentation, go to the next slide with a mouse click

Subject: Mathematics

Target audience: for 2nd grade

Continuation of the series of simulators for 2nd grade. The resource is intended for the formation and development of important mathematical skills of second-graders. Its main goal is to develop the skills of quick and error-free counting within 100. The simulator contains 10 examples on the designated topic of addition.. The resource is intended for front-line work in the lesson, independent work of 2nd grade students, and can be used for distance learning.. When showing a presentation, transition click to next slide

Subject: Mathematics

Target audience: for 2nd grade

The collection of simulators fully complies with the federal educational standard (second generation) for primary school. The simulator is designed to form and develop important mathematical skills of third-graders. Its main goal is to develop the skills of quickly and accurately counting within 1000. A system of various tasks will help children learn practical techniques for adding and subtracting numbers within 1000, multiplication and division. The simulator can be used by teachers and additional education teachers in their work. For parents of students, these simulators will help organize independent work for successful mastery of the mathematics course program in the 3rd grade. This simulator provides 15 examples for repetition on the designated topic.
When working with a presentation, move to the next slide with a mouse click

Subject: Mathematics

Target audience: for 3rd grade

The collection of simulators fully complies with the federal educational standard (second generation) for primary school. The simulator is designed to form and develop important mathematical skills of third-graders. Its main goal is to develop the skills of quickly and accurately counting within 1000. A system of various tasks will help children learn practical techniques for adding and subtracting numbers within 1000, multiplication and division. The simulator can be used by teachers and additional education teachers in their work. For parents of students, these simulators will help organize independent work for successful mastery of the mathematics course program in the 3rd grade. This simulator provides 15 examples for repetition on the designated topic.
When working with a presentation, move to the next slide with a mouse click

Subject: Mathematics

Target audience: for 3rd grade

Continuation of the series of simulators for 2nd grade. The resource is intended for the formation and development of important mathematical skills of second-graders. Its main goal is to develop the skills of quick and error-free counting within 100. The simulator contains 10 examples on the designated topic. The resource is intended for frontal work in the lesson, independent work of 2nd grade students, can be used for distance learning. When showing a presentation, go to the next slide with a mouse click

Subject: Mathematics

Target audience: for 2nd grade

The collection of simulators fully complies with the federal educational standard (second generation) for primary school. The simulator is designed to form and develop important mathematical skills of third-graders. Its main goal is to develop the skills of quickly and accurately counting within 1000. A system of various tasks will help children learn practical techniques for adding and subtracting numbers within 1000, multiplication and division. The simulator can be used by teachers and additional education teachers in their work. For parents of students, these simulators will help organize independent work for successful mastery of the mathematics course program in the 3rd grade. This simulator provides 15 examples for repetition on the designated topic.
When working with a presentation, move to the next slide with a mouse click

Subject: Mathematics

Target audience: for 3rd grade

Continuation of the series of simulators for 2nd grade. The resource is intended for the formation and development of important mathematical skills of second-graders. Its main goal is to develop the skills of quick and error-free counting within 100. The simulator contains 10 examples on the designated topic for comparison. The resource is intended for frontal work in the lesson, independent work of 2nd grade students, can be used for distance learning. When showing a presentation, go to the next slide with a mouse click

Subject: Mathematics

Target audience: for 2nd grade

Dear teachers!

Website editorswww.1-4. byannounces

You are you working V school?

You use modern technologies in your work educational technologies?

You carry out classes With using electronic funds training?

You themselves are developing educational Events With multimedia support?

Teachers can take part in the competition primary classes, teachers of extended day groups, speech pathologists, speech therapists working in general secondary and special education, regardless of work experience, qualification category and age; final year students and graduate students, as well as teachers of pedagogical and other universities.

The competition is aimed at supporting innovation activity teachers in the use of modern educational technologies in the educational process.

Dear teachers!

Your work will be evaluated by a competent jury, as well as visitors to the 1-4.by website. according to the following nominations:

1. lesson in primary school (learning to read and write, Russian language, literary reading, learned grammar, Belarusian language, literary reading, mathematics, “Man and the world”, “May Radzima - Belarus”, foreign language(English, French, German, Spanish), labor training, art, music; integrated lessons; extracurricular activities in subjects);

2. scenario of extracurricular / extracurricular activities;

3. ready-to-use developments - prototypes of didactic games (including board and interactive ones) and / or scripts for them, ready-to-use computer simulators and / or descriptions for them .

The winners and runners-up of the competition in each category will be awarded valuable prizes, diplomas, as well as letters of gratitude to the educational institution they represent.

Allcompetition materials will be posted on the website.

Competition calendar :

Information about the winners of the competition will be posted on the website

If you have taught or are planning to teach such a lesson, elective or extracurricular activity, if you yourself created an interactive pedagogical game or wrote a script for it, if you developed computer simulator for obtaining, practicing and consolidating training skills your students or you can describe the principle of operation of such a simulator, then send your materials to the competition, and you will definitely become the winner of the First Professional on- linecompetition« Modern educational technologies in the works of a primary school teacher» .

Good luck!