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Is it possible to teleport a person in space? This is a complete shock! They hide from us that teleportation is possible! Tesla and Einstein teleportation experiment

Hi all! I continue to publish a series of articles in the “Amazing Discoveries” section, which I began with a story in February 2015. Today our topic is: “Human teleportation”

1. What is teleportation

If you have read at least one of my stories, you probably realized that I am not making anything up. The reason is simple - I just don’t know how to do it. All the events I describe actually happened. Everything is tied to time and place. Individual stories, like a mosaic, add up to a larger picture called “Notes of an Old-Timer.”

In this story I will continue this tradition, although I am sure that there will be skeptics who will argue that human teleportation is a fiction, like everything stated below, because this phenomenon is a figment of human imagination. That I could not witness this phenomenon because this could never happen. Judge for yourself.


I'll start with the definition from Wikipedia.

Teleportation (Greek τήλε - far, into the distance and Lat. portare - to carry) is a hypothetical change in the coordinates of an object (movement), in which the trajectory of the object cannot be described mathematically by a continuous function of time.

It's a bit complicated. Now in Russian:

Teleportation is the instantaneous movement of living and inanimate objects to any distance in space, regardless of any barriers or screens, one of the forms of psychokinesis. (The term was coined by Charles Fort.)

Let me remind you that there have been similar cases in history. I will give the most famous:

2. Teleportation of the philosopher Apollonius

The Roman emperor Domitian (1st century AD) put the famous philosopher Apollonius on trial. After the verdict was announced, the unfortunate man said: “No one, not even the Emperor of Rome, can keep me in captivity.” There was a flash of light, and the defendant, in front of the eyes of the assessors and the emperor himself, disappeared from the courtroom and found himself several days' journey from Rome.

This is not a mystical story, but a historical fact.

Philosopher Apollonius

3. Teleportation of the Atta Ant Queen

There is also a scientifically proven fact of teleportation of the queen of Atta ants:

If you open the side of the concrete chamber where the queen lives and mark it with paint, at first nothing happens. But if you close the camera for a few minutes, the uterus will disappear. It, marked with paint, can be found several tens of meters away in another chamber. The effect shocked the scientific community.

Atta ant queen

All this is denied by Newtonian mechanics. It says that atoms do not simply move in motion, without the influence of a second force, and do not disappear or reappear in another place. However, according to the theory of quantum mechanics, such things are quite possible. Considering the properties of atoms, scientists have discovered that an electron behaves like a wave and can make quantum jumps while rotating around the nucleus of an atom.

For me the question is: “Is teleportation possible? It’s not worth it!” As proof, I cite a story that happened to me these days. .

4. Teleporting a person with your own eyes

4.1 Arrival in St. Petersburg

On December 27, 2013, Giuseppe Verdi’s opera “Il Trovatore” was staged at the Mariinsky Theater, where the role of Leonora was to be performed by Anna Netrebko. It was impossible for my wife to miss such an event. Tickets for the performance were booked several months before the start of the performance, and for the train – a month in advance.

I had no choice but to join, although neither Ian Gillan nor Klaus Meine were among the characters.

On Wednesday, December 25, the Sapsan train safely delivered me and my wife to the city of Great October. We settled in a private hotel near the Moskovsky railway station. We went on an excursion to Tsarskoe Selo.

Tsarskoye Selo

4.2 Chance meetings at the Mariinsky Theater

And on Friday, December 27, as planned, at 18:30 we entered the foyer of the Mariinsky Theater. In the stalls of the theater, where we sat comfortably in our seats, Tatyana, our old friend from Moscow, called out to us. She was a fan of classical music, worse than my wife.

Our chance meetings were commonplace. In Moscow, Tatyana and I constantly met at the Conservatory on Herzen Street and in the Tchaikovsky Hall on Mayakovka. We even collided once at Sheremetyevo airport, returning from Greece, although this place has nothing to do with music.

During a lively conversation, my attention was attracted by a man in a light suit who was sitting in the first row of the amphitheater, 3 rows behind us.

“Some familiar face...” noted Tatyana, who caught the direction of my gaze.

“Yuri Aksyuta is the head of the music directorate of Channel One TV,” I remembered.

Everyone turned their heads together, looked at Aksyuta, nodded their heads in agreement... and forgot.

Yuri Aksyuta

4.3 “Troubadour” and Netrebko

The performance was a success. All the participants sang superbly, but when it was Netrebko’s turn, the hall literally froze.

Firstly, Leonora is one of the most romantic characters in the history of opera.

Secondly, Netrebko’s vocal and artistic abilities were an order of magnitude higher than other performers. Her voice grabbed hold of you and didn’t let go until the last note. There was some kind of magic in it.

Anna Netrebko as Leonora in G. Verdi's opera “Il Trovatore”

The performance lasted 2 hours 45 minutes with one intermission.

4.4 Teleportation of Aksyuta to “The Voice”

At 23:00 we left the Mariinsky Theater building and boarded a trolleybus. After 40 minutes we were already entering our room. The impression of what we saw and heard was so great that we decided to continue the evening. We made tea and turned on the TV. The final of the Second Season of the music show “The Voice” was broadcast on Channel One.

Imagine our surprise when, at about 12 at night, Yuri Aksyuta, dressed in blue faded jeans, a gray shirt and a black jacket, went up on stage to award the winners. The first thought was: “This can’t be! An hour ago we sat with him at the performance. It’s simply not realistic to be in St. Petersburg at Troubadour at 23 o’clock and in Moscow at Golos at 24 o’clock!” However, facts are stubborn things.

Here is a case of human teleportation, which I myself witnessed!


Who wants to develop these abilities in themselves, now know: for training we need to go to Yuri Aksyuta.

5. Reasonable explanations for what happened

P.S. In response to my story, two counterarguments are given:

“Aksyuta left after the first act of the performance.” - I don’t agree. It’s still impossible to get from the Mariinsky Theater to Ostankino in two and a half hours.

Firstly, the winner of the competition was chosen by direct voting of television viewers.

Secondly, I think journalist Olga Romanova called the studio during the final and asked the time. She was answered correctly!

I wanted to end the article with a video from the award ceremony for the winner of the 2013 “Voice” competition, where Yuri Aksyuta presents Sergei Volchkov with the first prize, but for some reason it was removed from YOUTUBE.COM. Even photographs. If you help me, or I find it myself, I will fill this gap.

In the meantime, let’s look at the video “This story shocked the whole world! A person has teleported from another space and time!”:

In this article, you learned about a case of human teleportation that I witnessed in December 2013. If you liked the story and want to read my other articles, subscribe to the blog site and recommend that your friends do so at in social networks and not only.

Yours Alexey Frolov

What is teleportation? The word is formed by a mixture of the Greek tele (-far) and the Latin portare (-carry).

I like the movie "Teleport". I haven't reviewed it for a long time. Usually this kind of spatial movement is called teleportation. Is teleportation possible in this form?

In academic science there is only one term associated with teleportation - quantum teleportation. Of course, scientists and philosophers are considering theories about wormholes, parallel worlds and spaces, etc. But I am only interested in theories that have experimental confirmation, or a good theoretical justification, which can become a real basis for technical implementation.

Quantum teleportation

The essence of the phenomenon of quantum teleportation (in short, further CT) is that we do not transfer energy or matter over a distance. There is only a transfer of information. And this does not contradict any hitherto known principles.

It remains to be seen how the ability to teleport information is combined with the principle of locality, according to which the state of an object can only be influenced by its immediate environment.

Transmission of information using CT requires the transportation of quantum objects (one of a pair of quantum entangled particles) and additional transmission of information through conventional communication channels.

Therefore, CT now does not even pretend to be an instant communication channel (null transmitter).

Data transmission in space

Problems with communication with satellites distant in space are well known. Signals travel at the speed of light, so communication delays even with the Moon are several seconds (at a minimum, the signal must reach the Moon and then return with a response).

And if we take Mars, for which various missions are now being prepared, then the travel time of the signal from the Earth will depend on the relative positions of the planets and can reach tens of minutes.

In this regard, in our time, autonomous spacecraft must make decisions on the spot.

Perhaps one day the use of CT for null communication will become a reality. Theoretically, the device can fly away with a “reserve” of bound particles, which it will consume as needed. And there will be some way to replenish them.

I will return to this topic (zero connection) later.


So far, physicists do not see any possibilities for teleportation. Why? If only for the simple reason that there are no prerequisites for making changes to the principle of conservation of energy. The principle was introduced empirically, therefore, perhaps, physicists are still missing something :), and the law may not be observed under some conditions. Who knows?

We cannot “delete” an object at one point in space and insert it somewhere else. All “transformations” of an object must be smoothly related to one another. A transmission channel is required.


Let's look at what alternatives there are. The first idea, which is also present in fiction, is copying.


The teleportation object is scanned at the point A, and at the point B its complete copy is created. What to do with the prototype? Apparently, the prototype will have to be scrapped.

Imagine a kind of bio-printer with a shredder :).

The task of scanning and copying is very difficult. It can be simplified by taking into account that some parts of the object require more accurate reproduction, and some do not. For example, copying lunch that is digested inside your gastrointestinal tract is an unaffordable luxury. And copying pathologies, acquired mutations, defects is generally stupid. The subject's brain needs to be copied, the rest just needs to be reconstructed.

Consciousness and container

What are our sensations of presence at a given point, here and now? This is just a set of impulses from our “biological sensors” to the processing center of these sensors - the brain.

Our consciousness is formed by the brain, the rest of the body is a container, a shell for our nerve center. If it is possible to separate the functioning brain from the shell, and then create a mechanism for remote “connection” to the synthetic shell, then switching between media will be perceived as “teleportation of consciousness.”

Returning to earth

Returning from “heaven to earth,” it is interesting to look at the stage at which the required technologies are at to create alternative teleportation.

Null connection

As for the null connection, which is required for fast data transmission over cosmic distances, fundamental physics says that this is possible.

Bio scanner, printer, shredder

Subatomic scanning particle by particle and creating a copy is not yet a feasible task. In general, this is a subject for a separate flight of fancy.

There are several difficulties here, and not only technical ones. I’ve already mentioned at least one - the “prototype problem” - where to put it then? The second problem is determining the scanning speed. How quickly do you need to analyze a prototype so that the vital activity of the object does not affect this process? Given the subatomic nature of this process, times can be in the pico and even femto second range.

But compared to the subsequent task of making a copy, scanning is child's play.

Perhaps I’m overcomplicating the task, and it’s enough to just scan the positions of the body’s cells. How the brain works is not completely clear. How much detail does it need to be “photographed” to make it possible to copy the personality imprinted in it?

Cyber ​​container

Imagine a bunker where the brain is stored. Nothing extra - just the brain, without the usual biological container. And the containers that are remotely controlled by the brain are located somewhere far away.

Modern cases of human teleportation

During his stay in Tibet, traveler Alexander David-Neal encountered another amazing incident. The abbot of the monastery, having invited a certain hermit to the celebration, sent a luxurious closed litter with an escort for him. The hermit, by his position, should have avoided such signs of attention in every possible way, but in front of everyone he went inside and closed the door. However, he approached the monastery on foot under the scorching sun; The porters who arrived later were surprised to find that there was no one inside their stretcher...

At the beginning of May 1958 (the date 1968 was also mentioned in the press), American lawyer Gerardo (Geral) Vidal and his wife followed the car of their friends from the city of Chascomus to Mayza (270 km in Argentina). Soon, acquaintances noticed the disappearance of the Vidals’ car, turned back, but found nothing on the road. Only two days later there was a call from the missing from... Mexico City, located 6400 km from Argentina!.. The Vidal couple lost consciousness soon after they drove into a suddenly dense fog. They woke up less than two hours later (they could not be more precise - their watch had stopped) in a car scorched as if by a blowtorch on an unfamiliar road, they turned to the first passers-by they came across, and then to the Argentine consul. This is how the lawyer described what happened: “As soon as we left the junction on the road to the city, a thick darkness suddenly descended on us. We both immediately lost consciousness. When we woke up, our car was in a completely unfamiliar place. The engine was running, only the varnish that covered the car became transparent, as if someone had passed the flame of a welding machine over it.”

On May 9, 1969, Jose Antonio da Silva woke up in a state of shock near the city of Victoria, although he remembered that he had previously walked in Bebedora (Brazil) 900 km from this place [Clark, Coleman “Unknown”]...

Thanks to the efforts of newspapers, a description of a strange incident, which in summary looks like this: a mother and daughter drove up to their house, the daughter ran without keys to the closed front door and... disappeared in front of the amazed mother and neighbors, and then a few moments later left the rooms on the balcony... And here, in this modern history there is, as we see, nothing new.

On October 22, 2002, a hungry and dehydrated Brazilian man, 24-year-old Marivaldo Amorinho Souza, who said he lived in Bahia (Northeast Brazil), was found in the middle of the Atacama Desert in Northern Chile. The Brazilian could not explain how he ended up in the desert - a place 1800 km away from the capital of Chile, Santiago; he could only remember that he had been walking through the desert for a week without food or water. Local police were shocked after hearing this story; it is unclear how the Brazilian even survived in the most terrible desert on the planet. .

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Types of teleport

The term “teleportation” refers to the instantaneous movement of a material object in space from one place to another without sequentially passing through all intermediate positions. The teleported object seems to disappear in one place and instantly appear in another.

Today there are two camps - corresponding to two types of teleportation.


The first method - more or less realistic - is called quantum. Its essence lies in the fact that a certain channel is created (for now called quantum), through which object A transfers its properties and shape to object A1, and A1 duplicates A in its parameters. Then A is destroyed, and its absolute double continues to exist in the one chosen for transfer place.

Scientists at Aarhus University (Denmark) in 2001, using the example of gas clouds, proved the possibility of quantum teleportation. And at the same time they found out that quantum teleportation itself occurs in four stages. First, scanning takes place, reading the original, after which, at the second stage, “disassembly” occurs - splitting and transferring information about the object into a certain code, and at the third, transfer of the code to the selected location for assembly, and at the end, reconstruction at the final point, at the place of movement .

However, this method was performed over inanimate gas clouds; it is considered impossible to move a person in this way. There are a number of reasons for this. The first is that the process of encrypting and processing data is already taking too long and how long the connection between the “disassembly point” and the “assembly point” will remain is still difficult to say. Indeed, in Danish experiments with gas clouds, the connection was maintained for only thousandths of a second. It seems unlikely that the model and structure of the recreated object will retain the order and very organic nature of the original. How will the structures associated with the neurons of the brain and spinal cord behave? And accordingly consciousness. With such a transition, will the impulsive connections in the body, the direction of blood flow in the vessels, etc. be preserved exactly? Or will the output be formless biomass?


The second method at first glance looks fantastic and was invented for humans. The method involves the presence of so-called null transitions, which serve as transition doors that are either detected or created. Such mythological gaps are mentioned by most mystics and have a connection with other dimensions, but are inaccessible to ordinary human perception. Sometimes smells and voices are heard from null junctions, which are also invisible to visual perception.

Such teleportation, called hole teleportation, can happen spontaneously and consciously provoked.

This method is more acceptable and safe for humans, since there is no “disassembly” of the body and its integrity and structure are preserved. The biggest disadvantage of hole teleportation is the uncertainty of the location of movement and materialization.

Historical facts

For centuries, stories about teleporter people have been passed down from mouth to mouth, but judge for yourself whether they are true.

The Case of the Macedonian Warriors

One of the earliest cases of teleportation occurred with the soldiers of Alexander the Great. This happened in Egypt with a small reconnaissance detachment of horsemen sent by Alexander on reconnaissance. The detachment did not have time to hide behind a distant dune, having separated from the main army, when it suddenly disappeared before the eyes of the entire army. The great commander sent another group of soldiers to search for the missing detachment, in front of the entire army. However, they found no one and not even any traces, except for the hoof marks, which also ended suddenly in one place. This place was thoroughly examined for the presence of any voids or caves where scouts could fall through. But in vain, the scouts disappeared without a trace. The incident almost caused a revolt among the troops. The warriors did not want to go further, believing that this episode could not have happened without the magic of the Egyptian priests.

Case in Turkey

This happened in Turkey in 1915. The Norfolk Regiment of several hundred British soldiers was marching. Suddenly a white cloud of fog descended on the regiment, which then rose, after which the soldiers disappeared into the unknown. The search did not lead to any results; moreover, the Turkish military leaders also had no idea where the missing people had gone.

The experiment was conducted at the Philadelphia naval port on October 28, 1943. When conducting it was supposed to generate huge electromagnetic areas that, if configured correctly, would cause light and radio waves to bend around the destroyer, thereby making it invisible to radar. However, during an experiment with the disappearance of the greenish fog that appeared before, the entire ship disappeared, leaving only one trace occupied by the ship.

Some time later, the destroyer reappeared, but something stunning happened; after the ship disappeared in Philadelphia, it moved to the docks of the port of Norfolk (Virginia), and then moved back to Philadelphia. As a result of the experiment, most of the sailors became mentally ill, some people disappeared altogether and never appeared again, but the most terrible and mysterious thing was that five people were “fused” into the metal plating of the ship! People claimed that they found themselves in another world and observed unknown creatures.

Of course, American services mostly deny everything, but there are also supporters.

There are plenty of such cases in the past and now. However, in these cases it is unknown where they originated. However, cases of movement in space and time are known.

Sister Mary's Mission

The Venerable Maria, born in 1602, spent her entire life in the Convent of Jesus in the Spanish town of Agreda. According to available official documents, Sister Maria made more than five hundred trips to America in 11 years from 1620 to 1631, converting the Yuma Indians in New Mexico to Christianity. During the height of the Inquisition, cautious Catholic hierarchs, who had previously encountered fantastic visions of fanatics more than once, did not immediately accept Mary’s stories; moreover, they tried to force her to renounce her claims that she made her transatlantic flights. But you cannot argue against the testimony of missionaries who visited the Indians of Mexico more than once, and therefore they were forced to admit that the flights actually took place.

One of the confirmations in 1622 came from Father Alonso de Benavides from the Isolito mission in New Mexico in a letter to Pope Urban VIII and Philip IV of Spain, reporting one incident and asking to explain who could have converted the Yuma Indians to Christianity before him. The Indians stated that they were introduced to Christianity by the “woman in blue” - a European nun who left them crosses, rosaries and other attributes. Among them was a chalice* belonging to the monastery in Agreda.

Phone call

Wellesley black magic specialist Tudor Pole, in his book The Silent Road, spoke about a teleportation incident that happened to him personally: “In December 1952, I got off the train at a commuter station about a mile and a half from my home in Sussex. The train arrived from London late and the bus had already left, but there was no taxi. The rain poured incessantly. It was five hours and fifty minutes in the afternoon. At six o'clock I was supposed to receive a call from abroad, and the call was very important. And what was really bad was that the telephone at the station did not work, because there was some kind of damage on the line and I could not use it.

In desperation, I sat down on a bench in the waiting room and began to compare the time on my watch and the station one. Considering that the clocks at the station are always a couple of minutes ahead, I decided that the exact time was 17 hours 57 minutes, that is, in other words, there were still three minutes left until 18:00. I can’t say what happened next. When I came to, I was standing in the hallway of my house, which was a good twenty minutes' walk away. At this time the clock began to strike six o'clock. Minute to minute the phone rang. After the end of the conversation, I realized that something very strange had happened, and then, to my surprise, I saw that my shoes were dry, there was no dirt on them, and my clothes were also dry.”

AWOL Prisoner

Fort Leavenworth is one of the harshest prisons in the United States. This prison housed the prisoner Hadad, who had previously studied at Oxford and had a respectable appearance, and even good manners.

So this same prisoner more than once caused the prison administration to worry by disappearing from a locked cell or a carefully guarded closed prison car. However, since every time Hadad himself soon appeared at the prison gates with apologies and explanations, asking to be let in, the administration accepted such disappearances and did not raise the alarm.

However, even more amazing events happened next. So, one day the prisoner disappeared from his cell to attend a concert in nearby Kansas City. The director was already tired of this and decided to punish him with two weeks in solitary confinement. After a week in solitary confinement, Hadad was found hanging from a noose made from a belt worn by guards. Two doctors examined the body and declared death, after which the body was moved to the morgue. After a while, the same doctors and two more came to the morgue to perform an autopsy. And when one of the doctors raised his hand with a scalpel, Hadad suddenly stood up and said: “Gentlemen, I would prefer that you not do this.”

Portal New Zealand – Russia

In New Zealand, near the town of Greymouth, in a place where there was recently a Russian settlement, there is a rusty german tank"Tiger" T-U1 from the Second World War. Local rangers are left wondering what story may have preceded this - how did it end up among the tree ferns at that time?

Scientific research on teleportation

The Zhang Baosheng Phenomenon

In the 80s, a study was carried out on the phenomenal abilities of Zhang Baosheng, who possessed extrasensory psychokinetic abilities, which he repeatedly demonstrated when an object disappeared from one place and appeared in another, or in the same one. This Chinese phenomenon was studied more thoroughly in December 1982 and May 1983 by a group of 19 researchers led by a professor at the Beijing Physics Department. pedagogical institute Lin Shuhuang.

The observation was carried out on top level. During the observation, video recording equipment was used, including high-speed filming at a speed of 400 frames per second, radio transceivers, X-ray equipment, various chemical marks, etc. In such harsh conditions, under close supervision, Zhang Baosheng’s ability to “extract” from some sealed containers and “transfer” to other various, pre-labeled, small objects: watches, photographic film, sheets of writing paper, chemically active substances and even live insects! And sometimes these objects disappeared for a while - from several minutes to an hour or more - after which they reappeared in the same place or in a completely different place.

Research has shown that during “transfer” the photographic materials did not become illuminated. The progress of the mechanical clock did not change during the entire time of the disappearance (30 minutes 43 seconds), while the electronic clock fell behind by 7.5 minutes during the 9 minutes of the disappearance. Living organisms, fruit flies, after disappearing for a period of 11 to 73 minutes, remained alive over the next few days.

The researchers obtained the most interesting results from a series of 15 observations of the disappearance and reappearance of a small, matchbox-sized, self-powered radio transmitter broadcasting in the range from 1 to 193 MHz. The range of his disappearance time was from 24 to 88 minutes. Everything that happened was recorded using a video camera; the transmitter in working condition was determined by special equipment. So, during the visual disappearance of the transmitter, the radio signal itself disappeared. It is noteworthy that after the appearance of the batteries, they were almost discharged.

The teleportation of electrons is also known, which quite naturally move from one nucleus of an atom to another atom and begins to rotate around that nucleus.

Mysteries of ant teleportation

Ants of the atta species, which are found in the American tropics, have extraordinary abilities. These ants, living in communities in underground “megacities” measuring up to 15 meters in diameter and 6 meters in length, among their other abilities, have the most amazing ability - if necessary, instantly move objects in space, through walls...

To discover this phenomenon we need to take a little look at their lives. Reproduction of the population in an anthill is occupied by one, more often two, or at best several queens. Which are huge compared to working ants. Any queen is several thousand times larger than the largest worker ant. From such a uterus, eggs come in a continuous stream. The queens, under the supervision of “nurses,” are on a strict diet. And to protect them, the worker ants build a strong “concrete” chamber, so strong that a heavy crowbar is required to destroy this structure. The chamber surrounds the uterus on all sides and only at the bottom there are small openings for the entry and exit of food carriers, channels for the removal of excrement, and also for the passage of “midwives” monitoring the eggs. And an egg chute.

This is where the teleportation session takes place. If you carefully reach and cut off the side of the chamber in which the queen, which occupies the entire chamber of the insect, is located, it is marked with a thin stream of paint from a spray bottle. So while the chamber is open to prying eyes, nothing changes, the queen either dies or is transferred with great effort to another place by worker ants. But if you close the chamber, then after a few minutes the uterus will disappear from the chamber.

After so many examples of what happened to different people and in different parts of the world teleportation itself remains a mystery. Science, like many paranormal phenomena, cannot yet explain how this action occurs, nor how to prove or disprove the possibility of teleportation. However, what is beyond the modern scientific picture world does not mean that it cannot exist. We cannot touch, see or hear many things, but they exist, their impact on our lives is obvious. How much is still unknown?

Chalice*(from ancient Greek ποτήρ, “chalice, goblet”) - a vessel for Christian worship, used when consecrating wine and taking communion. As a rule, a chalice is a bowl with a long stem and a round base, large in diameter, sometimes made of valuable materials (gold, silver), bronze, finishing stones. The first bowls were made of wood; glass chalices appeared around the 3rd century. Since the 4th century, gold and silver chalices became widespread.