Abstracts Statements Story

Quiz is going to school soon for the preparatory group. Scenario of an intellectual quiz in pre-school groups Topic: “Soon to school

Goryachkina Ekaterina Vladimirovna

teacher speech therapist

MADO No. 8 "Ogonyok" Surgut

1. Correctional and educational:

Expand active and passive vocabulary;

Develop the ability to select words that have opposite meanings (words are enemies).

Develop the ability to compose sentences from data words in a broken sequence.

Form letter gnosis.

Develop the ability to select words that are accurate in meaning.

2. Corrective and developmental:

Reinforce the concept of “vowel” and “consonant” sound.

Develop phonemic hearing, phonemic perception, sound analysis and word synthesis skills.

Practice forming nouns

Develop higher mental functions: attention, memory, thinking.

3. Correctional and educational:

Develop self-control, speech activity, in the process of speech activity;

Foster a culture of communication and a friendly attitude towards peers;

Equipment: emblems, letters.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizational part.

L: – Hello dear adults and children! Today there is an unusual competition in the club of cheerful and resourceful guys. Two teams will take part in our game: “Knowledgeables” (Motto: “Knowledge is power”) and “Wise Guys” (Motto: They don’t write with a pen, but with their minds). Let's welcome the participants.

I am glad to introduce you to our jury. For each correct answer, teams will receive points. Whichever team gets the most points becomes the winner of our game.

Dear teams, I remind you of the rules of the game:

Don't interrupt each other; if you want to answer, raise your hand.

If one of the teams cannot give an answer, the other team comes to the rescue and earns an extra point. Well, the fans will unanimously support their comrades.

2. Main part.

1. Competition. Warm-up “Sounds and letters”

Guys, you are already getting ready to go to school. Tell me, what are the children doing at school? (read, write, count). Now we’ll check if you’re ready to go to school. Today is a fun train to the land of “Knowledge”. Making stops at stations, we will test your knowledge and find out if you are ready to go to school.

First station "Sounds and letters".

  • How do sounds differ from letters? (we hear and pronounce sounds, but we see, write and read letters)
  • What sounds do you know? (vowels and consonants)
  • How do vowels differ from consonants? When pronouncing vowel sounds, the air flows freely through the mouth and does not encounter obstacles. When pronouncing consonant sounds, air exits through the mouth and meets the barrier of the lips, teeth, tongue)
  • What are the vowel and consonant sounds?

I suggest you play the game "Make a word from sounds." Look at the pictures. Name the first sound in words and make a new word from them.

2. Competition. Game "Sound Houses"

Our train rushed us to the Sound Houses. The sounds “S” and “Z” live in these houses. What can we tell you about these sounds? "S" - consonant, hard, voiceless. "Z" - consonant, hard, sonorous. Look at the pictures, find the given sound in the word and place the picture in the desired house.

Words: sock, nose, bridge, owl, samovar, scythe, nails, sausage, teeth, snake, bunny, winter, goat, castle.

3. Competition. Game "Find the mistake"

The next station is "Error". Many boys and girls do not notice that they speak incorrectly. Let's fix them.

"The dog barks at his scythe." "The butterfly sits on a flower." "The ship floats on the mole." "The fisherman cast his fishing rod." "The bumblebee hisses at the shlon." "The girl is needles in the wrinkle." "Zayas swims through the forest." "Chamolyo flies into the sky."

4. Competition Game “Collect a proposal”

We go to the “Collect offer” station. Before we go, I will ask each of you to come up with a sentence and tell us the number of words in the sentence. Pictures will help you with this (pictures depicting actions familiar to children from their experience: playing, drawing, watering, washing, dancing, rolling, feeding, jumping).

Words: Car, go, road, along. Airplane, sky, flies, high, in. A big ship, the waves are floating on. The highway, the car, is rushing. The store, near the motorcycle, stopped. The path, along, the cyclist, rides.

5. Captains competition. Game "Why Chick's Questions"

The last station, “Why Chick Questions,” will show which team is the friendliest. Listen carefully to the question. You will be given 15 seconds to discuss the correct answer. The correct answer is announced by the team captain.

  1. Why do birds fly south?
  2. Why does winter come?
  3. Why is it dark at night?
  4. Why can't you swim in the river in winter?
  5. Why is it hot in summer?
  6. Why does a bear sleep in winter?
  7. Why is the hare white in winter?
  8. Why can't you play with a ball at home?
  9. Why is there smoke coming from the chimney?
  10. Why are there windows in the house?
  11. Why do leaves appear on trees in spring?

Our quiz is over. And now it’s clear that you guys learned a lot in kindergarten and are now ready to go to school. Goodbye friends!

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MADO CRR D/s No. 110


intellectual quiz in pre-school groups

Topic: “Soon to school”

Educator: Kozlova T.A.


Purpose of the lesson: teaching children to work together as a team in a competitive environment.


    bring children joy and pleasure from educational games.

    maintain interest in intellectual activity, desire to play, show persistence, determination, mutual assistance;

    teach methods of self-control (the ability to listen to an opponent, work according to oral instructions)

    consolidate children's knowledgeV educational fields“Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Communicative development”

Quiz progress:

Children enter the hall to the music “What They Teach at School” and sit down on chairs.

Leading Children, it won’t be long before you are in first grade. Today we decided to give you a little test - an intellectual quiz to find out if you are ready for school. And now I invite the captains to introduce their teams. Let's welcome them!

Team "Knowledge"

Motto: “To know a lot, a lot,

Team "Why"

Motto: “We are inquisitive minds,

We are asking questions on a first-name basis.

"Why?" - favorite question -

Helps us grow!

Team "Wise Men"

Motto: “We are almost like sages,

We read a lot.

Smart guys and smart girls

We want to know a lot!”

(Malvina enters)

Malvina: Hello! What are you doing here?

(We will play and compete)

Malvina: Are you having fun starts?

Leading: No, our children will go to school soon. Children from three preparatory groups gathered here. These are three teams that will compete with each other. We also have a jury that will evaluate the participants of each team.

Malvina: Yes, your children are not ready to go to school!

Leading: Why?

Malvina: Because to go to school, you need to know and be able to do a lot. And you probably don’t know and can’t do a lot.

Leading: Guys, are you ready to prove to Malvina that you are friendly, skillful and inquisitive.

At this time Pinocchio runs in, to the music of “Bu-ra-ti-no”

Pinocchio: Salute, Malvina!

Malvina: Dear Buratino! How many times have I said that when meeting you should say “Hello!”, and not “Salute!”

Pinocchio: It's all girly stuff! I don't care about them!

Malvina (shaking his head reproachfully): Ay-ay-ay, how bad! What a rude person you are, Pinocchio!

Malvina: How ill-mannered you are, Pinocchio! First you need to say hello to the guys.

(Shakes hands with each guest.) Hello! Hello! Hello, my friend!

Malvina (addresses Buratino ): If you shake hands with everyone, then our quiz will start only in the spring...

Pinocchio: And it's true! There are many guests, but I am alone... (Addresses Malvina.) What to do? What should I do? Tell me, Malvina.

Malvina: Everything is very simple. I'm showing you. You need to go to the middle of the hall and say loudly: “Hello, dear guests! Hello, kids! That's all.

Pinocchio (with disbelief): Is that all right? Is it really that simple? I’ll try now... (He goes out to the middle of the hall and says hello loudly.)

Hello, dear guests! Salute, kids! (Addresses Malvina.) Well, how? Happened? Did he say everything correctly?

Malvina: No, that's wrong! I got everything mixed up! You cannot say “Hello” and “Salute” to strangers. You need to say “Hello.” Understood? Try again!

Pinocchio: So, friends, second attempt!(Bows low.) Hello, dear guests! Hello, kids!(Looks at Malvina and waits for her approval.)

Hello boys! Hello girls! Hello everyone who is sitting on the bench!

Malvina: Now everything is correct. Well done!

Pinocchio (feigns embarrassment): If I’m great, then they should give me away for this... what?

Malvina: Mustard?

Pinocchio: Ugh, what disgusting! No, not mustard!

Malvina: Then soap!

Pinocchio: Wrong answer! And why do I need soap?

Malvina: Probably a bouquet of flowers?

Pinocchio: The answer is wrong again! I'm not a girl! I don't need bouquets! I suggest: by-...?

Malvina: Cover?

Pinocchio: No! Yeah-...?

Malvina (thinks): Po-da... What is “poda”? Don't know.(Addresses the children.) Guys, did you guess? Tell me what Pinocchio wants to get!

Children: Present!

Malvina: I have prepared gifts for you, children, and for you, Pinocchio, in these backpacks. But we can open them with a magic key at the end of the quiz if you complete all the tasks. After each competition, I will give you one element from my envelope. And at the end of the game you will have to collect the whole picture and guess the encrypted letter.

Malvina: In order to start the game, we need to warm up. After all, “Better than mental exercise

Not available for adults or children.

Who plays with us?

He's getting smarter!

Questions for the Znayki team:

1.What is the name of the month that ends the year and begins winter?

2.Who was the cow as a child?

3.Who or what might be hot?

Questions for the “Why” team:

1.What is the name of the last day of the week?

2.Who was the chicken as a child?

3.Who or what can be prickly?

Questions for the “Wise Men” team:

1.Which month opens spring?

2.Who was the dog as a child?

3.Who or what can be cold?

Pinocchio: And for you guys, I also have riddles, but they are not simple, but with answers. You need to listen to the answers carefully, because there may be mistakes in them.

In the thicket, he raises his head and howls with hunger... giraffe (wolf)

Who knows a lot about raspberries? Clubfoot, brown... wolf (Bear)

Daughters and sons are taught to grunt... by an ant (Pig)

The fastest person to run from fear is... the tortoise (hare)

In his warm puddle, Barmaley (Frog) croaked loudly

From the palm tree - down, onto the palm tree again deftly jumps... a cow (monkey)

So, the warm-up is over!

Let's start our quiz!

Competition "Erudite"

1 task. Game "Fourth wheel".

(Each team has 2 cards. Children highlight the extra item and explain their choice).

Task 2. "Find the missing item"

(Teams are given tables. Children work together to find the missing item.)

Task 3 Game "Tangram"

(Children lay out a hare, a heron, a dog according to the diagram)

4 task “Find objects of the desired shape”

(Each team has 2 cards with geometric shapes and a set of small cards depicting objects different shapes. Children select objects of the desired shape)

Task 5 Game “What first, what then?”

( Children have a set of cards. Children lay out cards in a certain sequence and explain their choice).

Physical exercise "Aerobics with Pinocchio"

Riddle: “It can be affectionate,

Can be rude

It can be loud

Or maybe quiet.

It may offend

Might make you laugh.

It can be said

Or you can take it and write,

But for this you need to know the letters!

What it is? (Word)

Task 6 “Encrypted word”.

(Children have cards with pictures. Children use the first letters of the pictures to form a word).

Task 7 “Word Auction”

(Each team is given a certain syllable. Children name words with this syllable. You need to select as many words as possible).

At the end of the game, children use the parts received for the tasks to create a picture with a letter.

Leading: We're at the quiz today

We had a great time.

And now we ask the jury,

To sum up the results.

(The jury sums up the results).

Malvina: You collected the letters, what did you notice? These are the first letters of your team names. So our golden key will open the backpacks.

Malvina gives backpacks with gifts (notebooks) to the team captains and Pinocchio to loud applause and music.

Malvina (addresses Pinocchio)

Learn, Pinocchio, from children,

Don't hesitate and hurry up

Take charge, work hard, try hard

And gain knowledge at school!

The time has come, friends, to say goodbye,
We need to return to the fairy tale again.
But we will come to you,
Bring assignments with you,
And we will meet more than once at school!
Happy journey to first grade!


The competition is over, the meeting is over,

The hour of parting has come

We were all a little tired, but they kept us warm

Smiles and sparkle in your eyes!

Kristina Trubacheva
Quiz in the preparatory group “Soon to school”

Program content:

Bring up positive traits Children have the ability to listen to each other and find a common solution.

Form an idea about school; consolidate knowledge preschoolers about the subjects necessary for a first grader.

Develop logical thinking, attention, coherent speech.

Equipment: Two pictures with differences.

Q: Guys, what’s behind me? (Briefcase)

Where do you think I was going to go? (IN school)

Do you know what you need to take with you when you go school? (Diary, pencil case, pen, notebook, books, etc.)

And I took toys with me. (I take toys out of my briefcase)

Guys, what do you think? school needs to prepare? How? (buy everything you need for schools)

And I sleep until lunch, watch cartoons, hang out with friends. Do you think I'm ready for school? Why? (Children's answers)

And you will help me get ready for school? (Children's answers)

Then guess the riddles with which you will help me collect all the essentials in school.

I love directness

and itself is straight.

Make a straight line

I help everyone. (Ruler)

I look like a box

You put your hands on me.

Schoolboy, Did you recognize me?

Well, of course I am. (Pencil case)

Now I'm in a cage, now I'm in a line.

Be able to write about them! (Notebook)

Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn,

Not a person, but talking. (Book)

They live in a wonderful house

Cheerful friends,

They are all called by name

From the letter A to Z.

And if you don’t know them,

Knock quickly on a friendly home! (Primer)

We write homework assignments in it -

They put marks next to us,

If the grades are good,

Please: “Mom, sign it!” (Diary)

V.: Well done, guys! Helped me pack my briefcase. Yesterday I was in school and they gave me homework. The teacher told me to find the differences in the picture, but it seems to me that they are the same. Will you help me? (Children find the differences in the picture).

V.: Guys, thank you very much! You didn’t leave me in trouble and helped me a lot! Now I won’t get a bad grade for my homework and I also know what to put in my briefcase and will always be ready for lessons.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of OOD in the preparatory group “Soon to school!”“Soon to school!” Target: Psychological preparation children to school. Objectives: 1. Development fine motor skills; 2. Development of cognitive abilities;.

Summary of the parent meeting in the preparatory group “Soon to school” Summary of the parent meeting in the preparatory group “Soon to school” Goal: to create conditions for the inclusion of parents of future first-graders.

Notes in the preparatory school group “We will go to school soon” Notes in the preparatory group for school “We will go to school soon” Program content: Formation of emotionally positive.

Lesson summary for the school preparatory group “Soon to school” Goal: development of sensorimotor skills through didactic games. Objectives: - develop concentration and creative activity; - continue.

Direct educational activities in the preparatory group “Soon to school” Progress of GCD Educator: - Guys, many guests came to our group today. Let's say hello to them. Children: - Hello. Educator:.

Open integrated lesson in the preparatory group “Soon to school” Program content: 1) Strengthen children's ability to navigate on a sheet of paper 2) Strengthen the skills of forward and backward counting within limits.

Scenario for the graduation party “GOING TO SCHOOL SOON” in the preparatory group Prepared and conducted by: Teachers of the 1st qualification category: Gordeeva.

Original name: Quiz “Back to school soon!”
Year of issue: 2008
Genre: Education, children's
Developer: New Disk
Publisher: New Disk
Language: Russian

About the program: This is a fun educational program for children. With its help, your child will learn many interesting things about the world around him, learn to think logically, be attentive and smart. And you can check if he is ready for school. The quiz is conducted by Pasha and Dasha. By answering questions, program participants will help the residents of the fairy-tale island, the jumpers Topa and Shlepa, get to school. During the game, children will get acquainted with letters, sounds, words and basic arithmetic, learn a lot of interesting and useful information about wild and domestic animals, flora and fauna, human structure and much more.

- General erudition (colors; professions; types of transport; seasons, months, days of the week; seven notes; clothes, shoes, hats; rules of behavior on the roads; personal hygiene; sports; edible - inedible; animate - inanimate; working tools ; musical instruments; words of politeness and rules of behavior in society; school supplies and etc.)
- Magic ABC (letters; sounds: vowels - consonants, soft - hard, hissing; syllables; words; stress; poetry - prose)
- Basic biology (fauna: domestic animals and their young, wild animals (fish, birds, animals, insects); flora: fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, berries, trees, shrubs; humans: body parts)
- Basic arithmetic (digits, numbers, addition, subtraction, geometric figures, more - less, problems); logics; memorics (memory and classification skills training)
- Natural history (poles, cardinal directions; seasons; natural phenomena; sky, Sun, planets solar system; ground surface; bodies of water; natural materials; ecology, etc.)
- Also in the program you will find 33 cartoon hints: if your child answers a question incorrectly, an educational cartoon hint will help him understand a complex topic.
- Play together with your baby! Our program will allow you to plunge headlong into the world of childhood, forget about all your problems and become a true friend for your child.
- The program is intended for children from 4 years old.

Click to close spoiler: Contents


Compliance of the quiz questions with the basic requirements of the methods of famous Russian psychologists and teachers, specialists in preparing children for school.
- Possibility to play alone or together.
- 300 questions in five sections: “Why”, “Squiggles”, “Rastuski”, “Problems”, “Volcanoes”.
- 33 cartoon hints (total duration 74 minutes).
- Ability to run the program on a TV with a DVD player and on a computer.

Click to close spoiler: Features


To play on a computer, you need a multimedia player that supports DVD viewing. For recording, I recommend using the IMGBurn program; you need to burn it to a DVD9 disc.

Click to close spoiler: Installation

Intellectual quiz for children preparatory group"Peace Labor may!"

Target: continue to develop interest in intellectual activity, promote the development of cognitive activity, attention, and thinking; bring children joy and pleasure from educational games; to cultivate in children the ability to take initiative in order to gain new knowledge, to show perseverance, resourcefulness, determination, ingenuity, to develop imagination and speech; develop the ability to work in a team, show mutual assistance to a friend.
Psychologist: Good afternoon, dear guests! We are glad to see you at our intellectual quiz for children of the preparatory group. Very soon our students will become first graders, and today we will check what they learned in kindergarten and how ready they are for school!
And on our street
Well, no one frowns!
Everyone in the world is having fun,
Adults and children are happy,
Squares and houses are happy,
Rada the street itself!

There is such a wonderful Spring and Labor Festival. There is growth everywhere, spring blossoms everywhere, a festive mood and peaceful tranquility! Spring Festival. Holiday of Peace. And also Labor. After all, work is the basis of life. It's May Day! And today our quiz is called PEACE, LABOR, MAY!
Two teams participate in our quiz:
Team "WHY"
"We are inquisitive minds,
We're asking first-name questions.

"Our motto is not to lose heart!
Go through everything and find out everything!”

Psychologist: A competent and impartial jury was selected for an objective assessment:
These are our teachers!
Our quiz consists of several competitions.
1 Competition "Patriot" It consists of questions for each team member.

You have to answer the questions one by one, and whoever has the checkbox answers.
1 What city do you live in?
2 Who was the first to fly into space?
3 Title kindergarten?
4 What republic do you live in?
5 Victory Day?
6 When is Defender of the Fatherland Day celebrated?

1. Kindergarten number?
2. Name the capital of our republic?
3. What is the symbol of Victory Day?
4. Any city in the DPR?
5. Main colors of the flag of the republic?
6. Birthday of our republic?
7. When did Yuri Gagarin fly into space?
2 Competition “Coat of Arms - Flag” This is a team task. It is necessary to connect the coat of arms of the city, country or republic with the flag with a line.

Word game “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends”
- Listen carefully to the question, and if you agree that this applies to you, then answer: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.” If you don’t agree, then say it’s not WE!”

- How many of you keep your books, pens and notebooks in order?

Who scores a goal through the windows when playing volleyball?
- Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
- Which of you, brothers, forgets to wash?
- Which of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
- Which of you, I want to know, will study for five?
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
- Well done, you are real friends!
Psychologist: Now, guys, guess the riddle to move on to the next competition.
I open my buds
In green leaves.
I dress the trees, water the crops,
There's a lot of movement, they're calling me...


3 Captains Competition
1. name the first month of spring
2. the first flower from under the snow
3. first migratory birds
4. first spring holiday
5. first sign of spring
6. Which tree do cats appear on?

1. which animal wakes up in the spring
2. which spring flower is listed in the Red Book
3. what do people do in spring
4. On which tree do catkins appear in spring?
5. what is the name of the starling house?
6. what month of spring is it now?

4 Competition “Complete a spring crossword puzzle”
I suggest identifying the first sounds in words and writing down the word.

Finger gymnastics “We’ll be going to school soon”
We'll go to school soon (two fingers walk across the palm)
And we’ll take the briefcase with us (show the square with their hands)
Book, pen, pencil (bend your fingers)
We'll put ours in the briefcase. (Show the square with their hands)
We will read, write (show palms to ourselves, imitate writing)
And everyone gets an A+ (raises their hands, showing five fingers)
5 Competition Game “Encrypted Word”
Listen to the task: look carefully at the pictures and write the first letter in the empty cells under the picture.

Game "Live Numbers"
One, two, three, four, five, we invite you to play: stand in a semicircle (each child is given one of the numbers from the set from 0 to 9; children run in all directions, and at the leader’s command they line up in order).
Game "Be careful!"(team)
1 let the number sit down, which indicates how many eyes the traffic light has; (3)
2 let the thinnest number sit; (1)
3 let the number sit down, which tells you how many legs the kid has; (4)
4 let the number that looks like a poker sit down; (7)
5 let the number sit down, which consists of two bagels; (8)
6 let the number that comes after 5 sit down; (6)
7 let a number sit that can turn into the number 6. (9)
8 let the number sit that is the best grade in school (5)
9 let the number that looks like a swan sit (2)
10 let the number sit, which consists of two units (11)
11 let the number sit that we did not name (10)
12 let the number sit that knows the number of months in the year (12)
13 let the number to be afraid of on Friday sit down (13)
14 let the number sit down, which indicates the quantity
quiz participants (14)
6 Competition Game “Examples for first-graders”

Psychologist: Here's a new riddle for you:
On this side and on this side
There are horses and elephants in cages.
In the cells on the right, in the cells on the left
Kings and queens.
But they can't resist
So as not to fight with each other.
What kind of game is this?
Psychologist: That's right, it's chess!
Game "Chess cube".
- Cube - Roll the cube and show yourself to the guys. This is not a simple cube, it is designed to be played with you. Shall we play?

Roll the dice and one figure will appear. It needs to be found and placed correctly on the chessboard.
7 Competition "CHESS"
Listen to the task: look carefully at the line consisting of chess pieces and cross out the repeating figures, only one will remain, circle it!

Well done, guys, you know a lot and did a great job!
Psychologist: Who knows proverbs about work?
You can’t even take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.
Patience and a little effort.
If you don’t work hard, no bread will be born (you won’t achieve it).
We played very friendly
But there is no need to be sad now!
Ahead is the road to school,
Many happy days await her,
New knowledge and discoveries,
Wonderful events!

The jury gives the floor to sum up the results!
Psychologist: Well done to our future first-graders who completed all the tasks and earned sweet prizes and a good mood!