Abstracts Statements Story

Requirements for the technology room. Methodological filling of the technology room

Considered at the meeting

district methodological council

11/29/2012 Protocol No. 3


by order of the head of department

education dated January 16, 2013 No. 12

Requirements for the technology room

1. Sanitary and hygienic requirements

1.1. Natural and artificial lighting of the office must be provided in accordance with the requirement of SanPiN for natural and artificial lighting.

1.2. The orientation of the windows of classrooms should be towards the south, east or south-east of the horizon.

1.3. The room should have side left-side lighting. For double-sided lighting and an office room depth of more than 6 m, it is necessary to install right-side lighting, the height of which must be at least 2.2 m from the floor

1.4. It is prohibited to obstruct light openings (from the inside and outside) with equipment or other objects. The light openings of the office should be equipped with adjustable sun-protection devices such as blinds, fabric curtains in light colors that match the color of the walls and furniture.

1.5. The illumination level of the office should correspond to the norm from 300 to 500 lux.

1.6. A blackboard that does not have its own glow is equipped with local lighting - spotlights designed to illuminate blackboards. Lamps should be placed 0.3 m above the top edge of the board and 0.6 m towards the classroom in front of the board

1.7. The coloring of the room, depending on the orientation, should be done in warm or cold tones of low saturation. Rooms facing south are painted in cool colors (blue, gray, green), and north-facing rooms are painted in warm colors (yellow, pink). Painting in white, dark and contrasting colors (brown, bright blue, lilac, black, red, crimson) is not recommended.

1.8. The floors must be free of cracks and covered with planks, parquet or linoleum on an insulated base.

1.9. The walls of the office should be smooth, allowing them to be cleaned using a wet method. Window frames and doors are painted in White color. The light reflection coefficient of the walls should be in the range of 0.5-0.6, the ceiling - 0.7-0.8, the floor - 0.3-0.5.

1.10. Natural ventilation should be carried out using transoms or vents with an area of ​​at least 1/50 of the floor area and providing three times the exchange of air. Transoms and vents must be equipped with devices that are convenient for closing and opening.

1.11. The power supply to the office must be in accordance with the requirements of GOST 28139-89 and PUE.

For educational field“Technology” it is necessary to allocate the following premises:

- art room (grades 1-IV);

- metal processing workshop (workshop for processing structural materials);

- wood processing workshop (workshop for processing structural materials);

- fabric processing workshop;

- food processing workshop;

- technical graphics office.

If space is available, it is possible to create an office “Electroradiotechnology”. It is allowed to organize combined workshops “a workshop for processing fabric and food products”, as well as a “workshop for processing structural materials”, in which electrical and radio engineering work is carried out with the allocation of different work areas in these workshops according to areas.

2. Requirements for classrooms and workshops in the educational field “Technology”

2.1. The number of workshops, their variety and area in each school are taken depending on the number and occupancy of classes (class sets) taking into account the “Nomenclature of types of buildings, composition and area of ​​premises of secondary schools”.

2.2. The area of ​​working premises must correspond to the ratio - 4 sq. m per student in the art classroom, 4.5 m² per student in metal and wood processing workshops, 5.4 m² for a combined workshop and 4.5 m² for fabric processing workshops and 4.5 m² for cooking room in accordance with departmental building standards VSN 50-86 “Comprehensive schools and boarding schools. Design standards". The area of ​​classrooms and workshops in the educational field “Technology” should allow furniture and technological equipment to be placed in it in compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

2.3. The volume of the working room for each worker is at least 15 m³ The height of the premises is at least 3.2 m. If more than 15 people are working in the booths, the door width should be 0.9 m.

2.4. Metal and woodworking workshops should be located on the ground floor. It is not allowed to place workshops in semi-basements and basements.

2.5. An additional, insulated exit must be provided from workshops for processing metal, wood and structural materials.

2.6. Special premises (tool room, storage room for storing raw materials and finished products) provided in the workshops should be used for storing tools, devices, blanks, materials, unfinished student work, educational visual aids, and performing procurement work. These premises must be adjacent to the workshop premises. The instrumental room should have two exits, one in the corridor, the other in the workshop.

2.7. The tool room should occupy from 16 to 32 m², and the pantry for storing raw materials and finished products should occupy from 12 to 16 m², depending on the capacity of the classroom kits.

2.8. In specially designated metal and wood processing workshops, containers for waste, shavings, debris, and cleaning materials should be placed.

2.9. The location and geometry of the storage room must ensure the possibility of cutting long (up to 6 m) lumber on a circular saw.

2.10. Food processing workshops are not permitted to be located under toilets or to use basements or walk-through rooms.

2.11. In a food processing technology workshop, two zones should be allocated: a “kitchen-laboratory” and an area for theoretical training.

2.12. In a food processing technology workshop, there should be designated areas for primary processing of products, areas for thermal processing of products and work areas for the team.

2.13. The fabric workshop should have a mirrored wall for fittings.

2.14. To store materials and unfinished student work, the fabric processing workshop must have a laboratory room with an area of ​​at least 18 m²

2.15. It is recommended to allocate a room on the second floor and above for a technical graphics office.

2.16. The technical graphics room should be located in a bright room measuring from 60 to 81 m², depending on the type of school.

2.17. If the area of ​​the technical graphics office is less than 60 m², there must also be a laboratory room.

2.18. Student drawing tables can be arranged in three or four rows, depending on the classroom configuration.

2.19. In classrooms and workshops, the distance from the blackboard to the demonstration table must be at least 1.00 m, and from the demonstration table to the first row of student tables - 0.9 m.

2.20. The distance between tables in a row is 0.6 m, between the rows of tables and the side walls of the room - 0.5-0.7 m, from the first tables to the front wall - about 2.6-2.7 m. The greatest distance from the last place of the student from the blackboard - 8.6 m.

2.21. A chalkboard should be placed on the front wall of the office.

2.22. In the technical graphics room, a demonstration drawing device of the “Kulman” type is allowed on the front wall.

2.23. A combined sectional cabinet for storing educational equipment from 8 to 18 sections, depending on the area of ​​the room, should be installed along the back wall.

2.24. The side wall (opposite the windows) is used for permanent and temporary exhibition.

3. Requirements for a set of furniture in workshops and classrooms in the educational field “Technology”

3.1. Classrooms and workshops in the educational field "Technology" must be equipped with furniture and blackboards that meet the requirements of the standards GOST 22046-89, GOST 20064-86.

3.2. Classrooms and workshops in the educational field "Technology" must be equipped with the following furniture (based on a class size of 15 students for grades 5-9 and 25 students for grades 1-4):

- tables and chairs for teachers (GOST 18313-93) for classrooms and workshops in the educational field “Technology”;

- student tables for the art classroom (grades 1-4), food processing classroom;

- single student tables for drawing (GOST 19549) of different height groups in the technical graphics classroom;

- universal work tables with a built-in sewing machine for a fabric processing room;

- student chairs and stools (GOST 11016-93);

- metalworking, carpentry, combined workbenches (OST 79-1-02-84);

- stands for technical training aids (GOST 22361-95); demonstration tables (GOST 18607-86),

- cabinets for teaching aids, storage of materials and products (GOST 18666-95);

- blackboards (GOST 20064-86);

- ironing tables or boards.

3.3. Furniture must have a hygiene certificate and a certificate of conformity.

3.4. The height of tables and chairs must correspond to the height groups of students. Depending on the height of the students, tables and chairs should be marked with a number and color.

In one-room and two-room schools, when students in grades 5-11 study in one classroom, there should be a predominance of middle groups of furniture - NN 4.5.

3.5. In the art room, the height of tables at collective workstations should correspond to height groups 4-6.

3.6. The office must have at least two special stands for installing projection equipment, made in accordance with GOST 22361-95.

3.7. The chalkboard must be equipped with devices for attaching and displaying tables.

4. Requirements for the organization of workplaces for teachers and students

4.1. Training workshops are equipped with individual and collective student work places and a teacher workstation. The design and organization of workplaces must ensure the ability to perform work in full accordance with training programs, and also take into account differences in the anthropometric data of students, ergonomic requirements, scientific organization labor and technical aesthetics.

4.2. The number of jobs in the workshops is determined by the class size, taking into account the division of U-1X classes into subgroups. The subgroup should be no more than 15 people.

4.3. The teacher's workplace in the workshop should be equipped with a table with a container for equipment (GOST 18313-93, type P), a workbench with a set of necessary tools and devices for metal and wood processing to demonstrate how to perform work, a blackboard with a set of classroom tools.

4.4. For an office, it is recommended to use a chalkboard with five working surfaces, consisting of a main board and two folding ones. Size of the main panel: 1500×1000 mm, folding panels: 750×1000 mm. These boards must have a magnetic surface.

4.5. The student's workplace for individual use is a workbench or a special table with a folding, side or pull-out seat. The workplace is equipped with constantly used tools and devices, which are placed in units of various designs.

4.6. For the processing of structural materials, as well as for various activities outside of school hours, the office should be equipped with 4-6 workstations for collective use.

4.7. Workplaces for collective use in the workshops include machine tools, a muffle furnace, a stamping press, universal devices for rolling and bending sheet metal, wire, and other additional equipment for the socially useful work of students.

4.8. Machine workstations are equipped with cabinets or stacks for placing measuring and cutting tools, workpieces, finished products and documentation. Lathes are additionally equipped with hooks for removing chips.

4.9. Spray painting of products in workshops should be carried out in a fume hood specially equipped for this purpose.

4.10. If the workshops do not have a combined power supply kit (KES), the workstations can be supplied with a power supply with a voltage of no higher than 42 V to perform electrical and radio engineering work.

4.11. To immediately turn off electrical units, teachers install a push-button device on the table that controls the magnetic starter of the power line, as well as a remote control for projection equipment and dimming.

4.12. When soldering and burning in workshops, sets of special equipment with air suction are used. In the absence of such a soldering kit, special workplaces are equipped with the mandatory installation of local ventilation suction units.

4.13. In fabric processing workshops, individual workstations should be equipped with universal work tables with a built-in sewing machine with manual and electric drive.

4.14. Fabric processing workshops should have workplaces for wet-heat treatment of garments, for fitting, and for processing cuts.

4.15. Students' workplaces should be equipped with containers for collecting fabric scraps and other waste.

4.16. The teacher's workplace in the textile processing room is a demonstration table for the physics room from 2 sections (total length - 2400) and a teacher's table with a chair.

4.17. Workplaces in the office must be equipped with individual and local lighting installations.

4.18. The student's workplace in the technical graphics classroom is equipped with a specialized single student drawing table and a chair.

4.19. In classrooms designed for 24 students, there may be tables of the following height groups: N 4 - 6 pieces, N 5 - 18 pieces, student chairs of the same height groups.

4.20. The student’s individual workplace in the art room should be equipped with a universal work table, equipped with removable storage units that contain sets of hand tools, as well as marking stencils and simple pencils.

5. Requirements for equipping the classroom and workshops of the educational field “Technology” with equipment and devices

5.1. A computer with speakers and a multimedia projector should be permanently placed in the office.

5.2. To connect projection equipment and other technical teaching aids, at least 3 plug sockets must be provided in the classroom: one at the blackboard, another on the wall opposite the blackboard, and a third on the wall opposite the windows.

5.3. A screen is needed to project banners, experiments, and models.

5.4. To connect equipment and other technical teaching aids, at least 3 plug sockets must be provided in the office: one - near the blackboard, another - on the wall of the office opposite the board, the third - on the wall opposite the windows.

5.5. When demonstrating filmstrips and transparencies (with a screen width of 1.2 - 1.4 m), the distance from the screen to the first tables of students should be at least 2.7 m, and the height of the lower edge of the screen from the podium or floor should not be less than 0.9 m.

6. Requirements for equipping classrooms and workshops in the educational field “Technology” with educational equipment, and the necessary documentation

6.1. The composition of educational equipment in classrooms and workshops in the educational field “Technology” is recommended to be determined according to the current “Lists of educational equipment in the educational field “Technology” for general educational institutions Russia”, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

6.2. The workshop equipment includes a stretcher and a universal first aid kit (TU 64-7-51-72) (the address and telephone number of the nearest medical institution are indicated next to the first aid kit), as well as fire-fighting equipment, including a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher.

6.3. Equipment not provided for in the Lists, including home-made equipment, is installed in workshops with the permission of the technical inspection of the sanitary and epidemiological station, which is documented in the relevant acts.

6.4. In the classroom and workshops of the educational field “Technology” there should be tools and materials intended for the repair of educational visual aids and the production of teaching aids by students (scissors, glue, paper, ink, felt-tip pens, folios, etc.).

6.5. There should be files of reference literature in the office, methodological literature for the teacher, for students, a card index of teaching aids, systematized by class, by topic, a card index of teacher preparation for the lesson, a thematic card index containing individual and group assignments for students.

6.6. The office must have an inventory book listing the available equipment, furniture, fixtures and indicating their inventory number.

7. Requirements for placement and storage of equipment

7.1. The system for placement and storage of educational equipment should provide:

- safety of teaching aids;

- a permanent place convenient for removing and returning the product; assigning a place to a given type of educational equipment based on the frequency of use in lessons;

- rapid accounting and control to replace failed products with new ones.

The basic principle of placement and storage of educational equipment is by type of educational equipment, taking into account the frequency of use of this educational equipment and safety rules.

7.2. Educational equipment and manuals should be stored in sectional cabinets located along the back wall and having adjustable shelves and half-shelves.

7.3. The lower sections of cabinets should have blind doors, the upper sections should have glazed doors, and the upper mezzanine sections should have blind doors.

7.4. All screen, sound and screen-sound aids must be located away from the heating system.

7.5. Tables should be stored in large-format folders or glued to cardboard and placed in table boxes located under the chalkboard or installed separately.

7.6. Tables are placed in sections and boxes by class, topic, indicating the list and number of tables.

7.7. Tools and devices are stored in special storage at students’ workplaces.

7.8. The tool should be stored in such a way as to exclude the possibility of injury from careless touching: chisels, chisels, awls, compasses are stored in a vertical position in special nests with the cutting and stabbing ends down; the knives of planes, sherhebels, jointers and other similar tools jam flush with the sole; drills are inserted into the sockets of a wooden stand with their working ends down; bow saws are hung behind the bow stand with the teeth turned inward, and hacksaws are inserted into special sockets so that the cutting part is closed; small tools are stored in a special arrangement with sockets of different diameters.

8. Requirements for interior design of offices and workshops

8.1. The interior of classrooms and workshops must correspond to the characteristics of teaching the subject.

8.2. Classrooms should display materials that are used on a daily basis or across a number of lessons. There are materials for permanent and removable exposure.

8.3. The materials of the permanent exhibition consist of stands, tables and posters for permanent use, including those on occupational safety and industrial sanitation, materials science, vocational guidance.

8.4. The rotating exhibition includes instructional materials and tables explaining how to perform individual operations.

8.5. To place the exhibition, special exhibition boards are used, which are fixed on the side wall opposite the wall with window openings.

8.6. In classrooms and workshops there should be permanent exhibitions of products made by students, indicating who made the exhibits and when.

9. Fire safety rules

9.1. The placement of furniture and equipment in classrooms, offices, workshops, canteens and other premises should not interfere with the evacuation of people and access to fire extinguishing equipment, and the availability of fire safety instructions.

9.2. It is not allowed to install permanent metal bars on windows, or to obstruct or block window openings with bricks.


9 .3. Use non-standard (homemade) heating devices for heating purposes;

9.4. Use electric stoves, boilers, electric kettles, gas stoves, etc. for cooking and labor training(except for specially equipped premises);

9.5.Leave calculating and typewriters, personal computers, radios, televisions and other electrical appliances connected to the network unattended.

10. When operating ventilation and air conditioning systems, it is prohibited:

10. 1..Close exhaust ducts, openings and grilles.

11. When operating electrical installations, it is prohibited:

11.1. Use sockets, switches, and other electrical installations that are damaged;

11.2. Wrap electric lamps and lamps with paper, cloth and other flammable materials, as well as operate lamps with removed caps (diffusers) provided for by the design of the lamp;

11.3. Use electric irons, electric stoves, electric kettles and other electric heating devices that do not have thermal protection devices, as well as in the absence or malfunction of thermostats provided by the design;

11.4. Use non-standard (homemade) electric heating devices;

11.5. Leave electric heating devices, as well as other household electrical appliances, unattended, connected to the electrical network, including those in standby mode, with the exception of electrical appliances that can and (or) must be in 24-hour operating mode in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions;

11.6. Use temporary electrical wiring, as well as extension cords to power electrical appliances not intended for emergency or other temporary work.

Combined educational workshops are created in secondary schools:

Metal and wood processing for boys, students in grades 5-9;

For processing fabrics and working with food products for girls.

Training workshops are equipped with machine tools and other equipment, tools, devices, educational visual aids, technical teaching aids in accordance with the current standard lists of educational visual aids and educational equipment, as well as didactic materials, technical and technological documentation.

Equipment not provided for in the Standard Lists, including home-made equipment, is installed in workshops with the permission of the technical labor inspectorate and is documented in the relevant acts.

Educational workshops are equipped with individual and collective student workstations and a teacher workstation. The design and organization of workplaces must ensure the ability to perform work in full accordance with the curriculum, and also take into account differences in anthropometric data of students, ergonomic requirements, scientific organization of work and technical aesthetics. The layout of workshops and the placement of workstations, equipment and furniture in them should ensure the ability to control the actions of each student.

Student's workplace for individual use - a workbench or a special table with a folding side or pull-out seat. The design of the workbench (table) should allow it to be adjusted in accordance with the height of the students or allow the use of footrests. The workplace is equipped with constantly used tools and devices, which are placed in units of various designs.

The number of jobs in the workshops is determined by the number of classes.

Teacher's workplace in the workshop it should be located on a raised podium.

It is equipped with:

· table;

· chalkboard with a set of classroom tools;

· a device for emergency de-energization of student workplaces.

The teacher's workplace in wood and metal processing workshops is additionally equipped with a workbench for demonstrating work techniques.

Each educational workshop must be equipped with washbasins with brushes and soap in the amount of 20% of the number of students, as well as electric hand dryers or towels (washbasins can be placed in the recreation area adjacent to the workshop).

Containers for waste, shavings, garbage, and cleaning materials are placed in specially designated areas. The workshop equipment includes a stretcher and a universal first aid kit; the address and telephone number of the nearest medical facility, as well as fire-fighting equipment, including a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, are indicated next to the first aid kit.

The workshop premises are decorated with stands, tables and posters for permanent use, including those on labor safety, materials science, vocational guidance and others. The workshops organize permanent exhibitions of products made by students, indicating who made the exhibits and when.

In accordance with the order of the USSR Ministry of Health dated April 10, 1981 No. 387, schoolchildren who have passed a medical examination and do not have relevant contraindications are allowed to study (work) in educational workshops. The teacher receives information about students who are not allowed to work in educational workshops from the medical personnel assigned to the school. Students perform all work in the workshops in overalls (robe, beret, apron, headscarf). The use of protective clothing must be strictly individual.

Students are allowed to perform each new type of work only after instruction on labor safety.

A conclusion on the suitability of workshops for conducting classes is given annually by the commission for admission to the school for the academic year and

is formalized by an act.

Once every five years, labor training teachers are required to undergo retraining courses on labor protection and certification, knowledge of the rules for the technical operation of electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, used in training workshops, with the assignment of a qualification group of at least 3.

Fabric and cooking workshops Workshops for textile processing and cooking can be separate or combined. In the latter case, a special zone (20-25% of the area) is allocated for work with food products.

Workplaces for individual use These workshops are universal work tables with built-in sewing machines, equipped with manual and electric drives, with tablets for instructions and stacks of tools.

It is allowed to equip individual work places with single tables with a light surface made of water-repellent material with sewing machines installed on them.

Workplaces for collective use include overlockers, ironing boards, a fitting room, electric (gas) stoves, cutting and dining tables, as well as additional equipment. In the absence of universal work tables, a table or removable board for cutting fabric is installed in a fabric processing workshop.

Places for wet-heat treatment should be located in close proximity to the teacher’s workplace.

Hot and cold water is supplied to the sinks in the workshops.

The teacher's workplace in the fabric processing workshop is additionally equipped with a mannequin with a set of drawings of the basics of sewing products.

Equipment of the "Tissue Processing" block.

Samples of fabrics of different textures and colors:



¨ mixed fabrics.

Tools, devices, devices:

¨ scissors - 10-15 pcs.;

¨ zigzag scissors - 2 pcs.;

¨ long rulers (75-100 cm) - 5-10 pcs.;

¨ flexible centimeter - 5-10 pcs.;

¨ pattern - 5-10 pcs.;

¨ irons - 3 pcs.;

¨ ironing boards - 2 pcs.:

¨ pins for chopping fabric - 1 box;

¨ scale paper - 1 roll.
The “Home Economics” block should have:

¨ safety and labor protection instructions;

¨ 2 electric stoves;


¨ waste tank with pedal and lid;

¨ enameled bucket;

¨ enameled basin - 3 pcs.;

¨ dish dryer - 2 pcs.;

¨ 3-4 teapots;

¨ sieve - 2 pcs.;

¨ rolling pin - 6 pcs.;

¨ cloth tablecloth with napkins - 2 pcs.;

¨ brush for washing the sink - 2 pcs.;

¨ set of pans;

¨ set of frying pans;

¨ 3 tea sets;

Conducting technology classes within the framework of general educational process will be effective and exciting only in a specially equipped office - a school workshop. In most modern educational institutions there is a single technology room at school combines two zones in which girls learn the basics of cooking and textile processing, and boys learn wood, plastic and metal processing skills.

How technology is taught in schools: classroom equipment

Technology room for girls The school is equipped in accordance with the basic safety requirements established by regulatory regulations. In accordance with the requirements of educational standards, the technology course in high school is aimed at teaching children special practical skills that will be useful to children in everyday life or in the selection process future profession. The set of equipment for furnishing the office includes:

  • Furniture for comfortable learning.
  • Working tools for learning the basics of sewing, carpentry, plumbing.
  • Technological equipment.
  • Printed educational materials with presentation of materials in the form of tables and diagrams.
  • Demonstrations and multimedia tutorials.

Thematic room of technology for boys At school, he combines traditional and visual teaching methods, which allows him to achieve good results in the future. When choosing equipment and furniture for your technology office, you should not limit yourself solely to working tools, since multimedia and visual aids will be no less useful.


1. Availability of an office passport, issued with an indication of the functional purpose of the equipment, devices, technical means, visual aids, teaching materials, etc.

2. Availability of a work plan for the classroom academic year and perspective.

3. Compliance with safety rules, labor protection and sanitary standards in the classroom.

4. Compliance with aesthetic requirements for the design of the classroom: the presence of permanent and replaceable educational and information stands, etc. (according to the work plan of the classroom).

5. The classroom is equipped with educational equipment, educational and methodological complex training tools needed to perform educational program schools.

6. Compliance of the educational and methodological complex and the set of teaching aids with the profile of the classroom, the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and educational programs.

7. Availability of a complex of didactic materials, standard tasks, tests, independent and tests and other materials for diagnosing the quality of teaching and the educational process (according to the classroom profile).

8. Provision of textbooks, teaching materials, handouts in accordance with the educational program.

9. Open and visible presentation to students of the minimum required educational content and. requirements for the level of compulsory training (education standard).

10. Open and visual presentation to students of samples of measuring instruments for meeting the requirements of the mandatory standard.

11. Providing students with a set of standard assignments, tests, tests, etc. to diagnose compliance with basic and advanced level requirements educational standard.

12. Availability of poster material for the classroom: recommendations for students on designing their educational activities, on the implementation of the UUD development program, on preparation for various forms of educational and cognitive activities (workshop, seminar, laboratory work, research, work with sources of information, conference, testing, test, interview, exam, etc.).

13. Availability of a schedule for the study room for the compulsory program, elective classes, program additional education, individual lessons with students, consultations, preparation for Olympiads, etc.

To implement these requirements, it is necessary to be guided by a certain regulatory framework; it is necessary to have the appropriate documentation in the office.


1. Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

2. Federal State Educational Standards on the subject.

3. Classroom passport.

4. Certificate of acceptance of the classroom.

5. Certificate of permission to carry out work in the office.

6. Inventory sheet for existing equipment.

7. Instructions for safety and labor protection when working in the classroom and outside it (on an excursion or training and experimental site).

8. Journal or card index of visual aids, handouts.

9. Journal of student instruction.

10. Rules of conduct for students in the classroom.

11. Classroom work schedule.

12. Office work plan for the academic year.

13. Long-term plan office development (retrofit plan).

All documentation of the technology room is maintained by the head of the room, the teacher regularly and in accordance with established standards. methodological requirements and deadlines.

It should be organized and stored in numbered folders with appropriate names.

Lesson development, teaching materials, media materials can be stored electronically (structured or in the form of databases, etc.).

Other material related to the teaching of a given subject is also accumulated in folders (boxes, drawers).

Here are the approximate names of folders for storing materials in the technology room:

1. Technology room (documentation)

2. Regulatory documents

3. Occupational safety

4. Modern educational technologies

5. Programs and teacher planning

6. Working with gifted children

7. Indicators and measures of education quality

8. Master class

9. Creative project

10. Materials science

11. Mechanical engineering

12. Construction

13. Simulation

14. Hand stitches

15. Machine seams

16. Nodal processing

17. Embroidery

18. Application

19. Cooking

20. Interior of a residential building

21. Russian folk costume

22. National costumes of the peoples of Russia

23. History of the creation of things

24. Extracurricular work on technology

Etc. at the discretion of the teacher

Folder "technology office"

Cabinet passport

(approximate version, being developed at the OS)

1. Title page:

Cabinet ___________

OU address_____________________________________________

Last name, first name, patronymic of the head of the office: _______________________________________

Purpose ______________________________________________________________________________

2. Characteristics of the office premises:

a) office plan;

b) power supply of premises;

c) ventilation of premises;

d) gas supply to the office;

e) water supply, sewerage;

e) lighting.

3. The equipment of the office in points according to the main indicators of the certification sheet

Diagnostic map of the classroom (technology).

Full name of the OS in accordance with the statutory documents _____________

Type of school ________________________________________________________________________________

Head office:__________________________________________________________________________



1. Office passport ___________________________________

2. Rules of conduct for students in the technology room ___________________________________

3. Safety instructions for students _____________________________________

4. Office schedule (lessons according to schedule, schedule of extracurricular activities) _______________________________________________

5. Office work plan for the academic year _____________________________________________

6. Long-term work plan for the office _____________________________________________

7. Administrative control over the activities of the cabinet, control over

fulfillment of the requirements for the office by the Ministry of Defense ___________________________________

Office decoration

1. State symbols ______________________________

2. Materials of the educational standard (regulatory documents, work programs, calendar- thematic planning etc.) ________________


3. Standard meters _____________________________________________________

5. Students’ works (abstracts, creative works students, exhibitions, etc.) _______________________

6. Effectiveness of the office and its design:


turnover ________________________________________________________________

7. Aesthetic design _________________________________________________

Ensuring the activities of the office

1. Sanitary and hygienic condition __________________________________________

2. Safety of school furniture _____________________________________________

3. Availability of modern educational and methodological kits, didactic materials ___________________________________________________________________________

4. Availability of teaching aids for teachers, subject newspapers and magazines _____________________________

5. Availability of handouts, its systematization and storage _______________________________________

6. Availability of additional literature on the subject ___________________________________

7. Providing the TSO office_________________________________________________

Certificate of readiness of the office for the school year.

Act of permission to conduct classes in the technology room.

Office work plan for the year.

The plan is drawn up by the subject teacher responsible for the classroom according to its profile and functional purpose.

Part 1: analysis of the work of the office in the last academic year.

2nd part: tasks for the new academic year, which reflect thematic planning, updating didactic material, drawing up reference notes, diagnostic cards, diagrams, purchasing videos, tables of educational and methodological material according to the profile of the classroom, according to the standard of education and the educational program of the school; maintaining the material and technical base of the office.

3rd part: methodological work.

Part 4: working with students.

Long-term office work plan (additional equipment plan).

Inventory sheet for technical means training.

Job description of the head of the technology room.

Folder "occupational safety"

It must contain the following documents:

1. Occupational safety instructions for technology rooms.

2. Occupational safety instructions for students in the technology room, developed on the basis of instructions from the safety rules.

3. Instructions for conducting training and instructions on labor protection.

4. Providing first aid.

5. List of supplies and medicines for the first aid kit of the technology room.

6. Approximate fire extinguishing plan in the technology room.

7. Information about the special properties and storage groups of substances from the Standard List for educational institutions.

8. Journal of student instruction during extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

9. Information about the nearest medical institutions (children's clinic, children's hospital, adult clinic and adult hospital, children's and adult trauma centers: name, address, telephone).

The classroom should have an occupational safety corner where rules of conduct in the technology room, safety instructions, a memo on first-aid for victims of accidents, a sample fire extinguishing plan, and drawings depicting safe working practices in the technology room are posted.

Folder "regulatory documents"

Includes the main governing documents of the Ministry of Education (laws, regulations, instructions, instructions and methodological letters, etc.):

1. Law on Education of the Russian Federation.

2. Law on education of Moscow.

2. Federal State Educational Standard.

3. Work programs for institutions providing general secondary education. Technology, grades 5–8. Basic and advanced levels.

Folder “modern educational technologies”

Folder “work programs and teacher work planning”

It contains the following material:

1. Work programs according to which the subject is taught at this educational institution.

2. Work plans (can be in separate folders by sections or topics).

4. Work programs for electives, electives, clubs, elective courses (name, class, topic and dates of classes are required).

Folder “working with gifted children”

Contains Olympiad tasks different levels, reports on their conduct, materials for preparing for the Olympiads, etc.

Folder “indicators and measures of education quality”

In essence, this is a classifier of materials for testing students’ knowledge, skills and abilities, which can be presented in the form of tables. For example:

Similar: tests, practical work, laboratory experiments, cards for independent work and so on. You should indicate where certain works are located (in which thematic folder or separately, on which shelf, in which cabinet).

The office must have a card index of available literature. It can be formatted as follows.

Card index of educational, methodological and reference literature

1. Textbooks and teaching aids.

2. Directories, collections of problems.

3. Methodological manuals.

4. Additional literature on the subject.

5. Magazines and newspapers.

Literature should be stored in the office according to this card file in in a certain order so that you can easily find it and use it conveniently.

The following sections can be suggested:

1. Textbooks.

2. Methods of teaching technology.

3. Collections of tests.

4. Entertaining cooking.

Didactic material

Visual aids contribute to students’ successful learning educational material, significantly expand the information field of the topics being studied, facilitate understanding and make it possible to achieve better results in the work process. Visual aids can be permanent.

1. Natural (natural) objects: collections of cotton, flax, wool, etc.

2. Samples of hand and machine seams.

3. Unit processing of the product.

4. Sample (standard) of products in full size (apron, skirt, nightgown, robe, shorts, trousers, blouse, etc.).

5. Tables.

6. Media - visual aids.

7. Handouts (worksheets, technological maps for laboratory work, instruction cards for practical work etc.).

They also need to be classified:

– technological maps:

Media library:

Folders “Master class” and “Extracurricular and extracurricular activities on technology"

They can store material for lessons and extracurricular activities, as well as extracurricular activities, both developed by the teacher himself and taken from the literature.

It is very convenient to have thematic folders with lesson developments, materials for work in the lesson, technological maps for laboratory work and so on. In the same folders, you can gradually compile a list of additional literature on this topic, articles from periodicals, methodological journals and manuals, and collect the developments of competitive lessons from colleagues.

All folders must have a table of contents with a list of materials available there for ease of search and use.

Technology in the classroom must be equipped "Corner creative project" , where the following materials can be posted:

1. Regulations on student project in the subject "Technology".

2. Sample program section "Technologies of creative and experimental activities".

3. Topics of projects in the subject "Technology" ("bank of projects" - list of possible project assignments for students of specific years of study).

4. Samples of project implementation (portfolio preparation, explanatory note, the product itself, made by students).

5. Educational, methodological and reference literature.


  1. The classroom must be open 15 minutes before the start of classes and closed by the teacher teaching the last lesson in the classroom.
  2. Extracurricular activities in the office are organized according to a plan approved by the school director. All extracurricular activities, club activities, and electives are allowed in the afternoon until 18.30.
  3. Students are in the classroom only wearing removable shoes.
  4. Students should be in the classroom only in the presence of a teacher.
  5. The office must be ventilated every break.
  6. The head of the office controls the cleaning of the office at the end of classes.