Abstracts Statements Story

Types of UFOs and their appearance. Types of UFOs by origin All types of UFOs

Solid objects

« Solid objects Western ufologists often call UFOs that look like solids, that is, in appearance consisting of matter. Some of these objects may even appear to be metal. According to J. Keel, emphatically “hard” objects (“Trojan horses”) are not a real form of UFO, but exist solely to distract people’s attention from the actions of “soft” objects.

Below are the most commonly reported types of "solid" unidentified flying objects. Nevertheless, the possible forms and types of UFOs described in the press, of course, are not limited to them.

1. Disc-shaped objects. Disc-shaped objects can have different sizes. The disks could have something like antennas, stabilizers or windows. The discs could glow brightly or shine like metal. In some cases, disc-shaped UFOs could appear to be made of "metal plates." The most common types:

« Adamski plate» -- UFO allegedly observed by J. Adamski;

A flat disk with a segment of a sphere (the so-called “dome”) on top, positioned so that the entire object is radially symmetrical, and the radius of the flat disk exceeds the radius of the maximum section of the segment, which is shaped like a circle;

"plate" in the shape of Saturn, consisting of a ball and a flat disk so that the flat disk lies together with the great circle of this ball in the same plane (the radius of the disk is much larger than the radius of the great circle of the ball; in general, the object is radially symmetric);

a disk with a truncated cone at the top or at the top and bottom, so that the radius of the larger base of this cone, being less than the radius of the disk, is in the same plane with it and is inferior to it in size - radially symmetrical (in the case of two cones, it is also symmetrical with respect to disk) an object with a smaller base radius much greater than the height of the entire object;

"mushroom-shaped» objects - “plates” thinning towards the bottom with a relatively long thick cylinder or truncated cone with a generatrix, almost equal height, in the lower part, and radial symmetry is maintained.

  • 2. Triangular objects. The most famous triangular UFOs are the so-called “Belgian triangles” - objects capable of abruptly changing the speed and direction of flight, observed in Belgium in 1989 - 1990 and the observation of triangular and boomerang-like objects with lights over highways and over nuclear power plants in Hudson Valley ( State of New York) (it was suggested that the UFO was a hoax perpetrated by pilots from Stromfield Airfield, located in the same state)
  • 3. Fusiform objects-- UFO in the form of two cones with a common base. Such objects were reported to fly with the axis of symmetry perpendicular to the ground, and the presence of certain “wires” was sometimes noted at the top.
  • 4. Egg-shaped objects
  • 5. Aircrafts. In some cases, sightings of unidentified "aircraft" such as airplanes (e.g., "ghost planes"), black helicopters (see "The Case of Cash and Landrums"), airships ("airships"), missiles ("missiles") are reported -ghosts"), either without identification marks, or endowed with properties uncharacteristic of aircraft known to science. For example, on the morning of February 25, 1942, unknown “planes” appeared over Los Angeles, on which the US air defense opened fire from anti-aircraft guns, firing about 1,430 shells at them. One of the objects, according to eyewitnesses, hovered motionless despite shells exploding near it, then moved along the coast between Santa Monica and Long Beach at a speed of about 6 miles per hour. Three people died, not counting the victims of heart attacks.
  • 6. Augers(from the English “shank”, although English name"Flying rod" phenomena - rod-shaped objects from several centimeters to several tens of meters. As a rule, they move along their axis silently and at high speeds - which is why they are inaccessible to human perception, but are quite easily recorded by photo and video equipment. In many cases, augers have a blade-like structure around the rod, like a brace. The flight of certain types of flying insects, birds, rockets, optical effects, etc. is often mistaken for augers. Some details about augers can be found in the article “Rods flew across the sky.” Many examples of this type of objects are presented in documentary film"UFO in Russia. The most convincing evidence" (Russia, 2004: scriptwriter Yulia Korobko, directors Konstantin Murashev and Vladimir Andrienkov). The theory that augers are biological species unknown to science is in vogue.

« Soft" objects

« Soft“Soft objects” are UFOs that do not give the impression of being made of matter, in particular, a mysterious glow, fog with unusual properties, lights. In the book “UFO: Operation Troyan Horse” J. Keel concludes that unidentified flying objects are of an electromagnetic nature, and their appearance in the form of bunches of light is most consistent with their true appearance. Glowing silhouettes and objects make UFOs and their “inhabitants” related to angels and ghosts materialized in spiritualistic seances, and contacts with UFOs are related to religious visions and mediumistic trance.

A comprehensive study of the properties of the “behavior” and size of UFOs, regardless of their shape, allows us to conditionally divide them into four main types.

First: Very small objects, which are balls or disks with a diameter of 20-100 cm, which fly at low altitudes, sometimes fly out of larger objects and return to them. There is a known case that took place in October 1948 in the area of ​​the Fargo airbase (North Dakota), when the pilot Gormon unsuccessfully pursued a round luminous object with a diameter of 30 cm, which very skillfully maneuvered, evading pursuit, and sometimes itself quickly moved towards the plane, forcing Hormon to avoid the collision.

Second: Small UFOs, which are egg-shaped and disk-shaped and have a diameter of 2-3 m. They usually fly at low altitude and most often land. Small UFOs have also been repeatedly seen detaching from and returning to the main objects.

Third: Main UFOs, most often disks with a diameter of 9-40 m, the height of which in the central part is 1/5-1/10 of their diameter. The main UFOs fly independently in any layer of the atmosphere and sometimes land. Smaller objects can be separated from them.

Fourth: Large UFOs, usually shaped like cigars or cylinders, 100-800 meters or more in length. They appear.mainly.in the upper layers of the atmosphere, do not perform complex maneuvers, and sometimes hover on high altitude. There have been no recorded cases of them landing on the ground, but small objects have been observed repeatedly being separated from them. There is speculation that large UFOs can fly in space. There are also isolated cases of observation of giant disks with a diameter of 100-200 m.

Such an object was observed during a test flight of the French Concorde aircraft at an altitude of 17,000 m above the Republic of Chad during a solar eclipse on June 30, 1973. The crew and a group of scientists on the plane filmed a movie and took a series of color photographs of a luminous object in the shape of a mushroom cap with a diameter of 200 m and a height of 80 m, which followed an intersecting course. At the same time, the contours of the object were unclear, since it was apparently surrounded by an ionized plasma cloud. On February 2, 1974, the film was shown on French television. The results of the study of this object were not published.

Commonly encountered forms of UFOs have variations. For example, disks with one or two convex sides, spheres with or without rings surrounding them, as well as oblate and elongated spheres were observed. Objects of rectangular and triangular shape are much less common. According to the French group for the study of aerospace phenomena, approximately 80% of all observed UFOs were round in the shape of disks, balls or spheres, and only 20% were elongated in the shape of cigars or cylinders. UFOs in the form of discs, spheres and cigars have been observed in most countries on all continents. Examples of rarely seen UFOs are given below. For example, UFOs with rings surrounding them, similar to the planet Saturn, were recorded in 1954 over Essex County (England) and over the city of Cincinnati (Ohio), in 1955 in Venezuela and in 1976 over the Canary Islands .

A UFO in the shape of a parallelepiped was observed in July 1977 in the Tatar Strait by members of the crew of the motor ship Nikolai Ostrovsky. This object flew next to the ship for 30 minutes at an altitude of 300-400 m, and then disappeared.

Since the end of 1989, triangular-shaped UFOs began to systematically appear over Belgium. According to the description of many eyewitnesses, their dimensions were approximately 30 by 40 m, with three or four luminous circles located on their lower part. The objects moved completely silently, hovered and took off at enormous speeds. On March 31, 1990, southeast of Brussels, three credible eyewitnesses observed how such a triangular-shaped object, six times larger than the visible disk of the moon, silently flew over their heads at an altitude of 300-400 m. Four luminous circles were clearly visible on the underside of the object.

On the same day, engineer Alferlan filmed such an object flying over Brussels with a video camera for two minutes. Before Alferlan's eyes, the object made a turn and three luminous circles and a red light between them became visible on its lower part. At the top of the object, Alferlan noticed a glowing lattice dome. This video was shown on central television on April 15, 1990.

Along with the main forms of UFOs, there are many more different varieties. The table, shown at a meeting of the US Congress Committee on Science and Astronautics in 1968, depicted 52 UFOs of different shapes.

According to the international ufological organization "Contact international", the following forms of UFOs have been observed:

1) round: disc-shaped (with and without domes); in the form of an inverted plate, bowl, saucer or rugby ball (with or without a dome); in the form of two plates folded together (with and without two bulges); hat-shaped (with and without domes); bell-like; in the shape of a sphere or ball (with or without a dome); similar to the planet Saturn; ovoid or pear-shaped; barrel-shaped; similar to an onion or a top;

2) oblong: rocket-like (with and without stabilizers); torpedo-shaped; cigar-shaped (without domes, with one or two domes); cylindrical; rod-shaped; fusiform;

3) pointed: pyramidal; in the shape of a regular or truncated cone; funnel-like; arrow-shaped; in the form of a flat triangle (with and without a dome); diamond-shaped;

4) rectangular: bar-like; in the shape of a cube or parallelepiped; in the shape of a flat square and rectangle;

5) unusual: mushroom-shaped, toroidal with a hole in the center, wheel-shaped (with and without spokes), cross-shaped, deltoid, V-shaped.

Generalized NIKAP data on observations of UFOs of various shapes in the USA for 1942-1963. are given in the following table:

Shape of objects, Number of cases / Percentage of total case

1. Disc-shaped 149 / 26
2. Spheres, ovals, ellipses 173 / 30
3. Type of rockets or cigars 46/8
4. Triangular 11/2
5. Luminous points 140 / 25
6. Others 33 / 6
7. Radar (non-visual) observations 19 / 3

Total 571 / 100


1. Objects, by their nature classified in this list as spheres, ovals and ellipses, may in fact be disks inclined at an angle to the horizon.

2. The luminous points in this list include small brightly luminous objects, the shape of which could not be determined due to the great distance.

It should be borne in mind that in many cases, observers' readings may not reflect the true shape of objects, since a disk-shaped object may look like a ball from below, like an ellipse from below, and like a spindle or mushroom cap from the side; an object shaped like a cigar or an elongated sphere may appear like a ball from the front and back; a cylindrical object may look like a parallelepiped from below and from the side, and like a ball from the front and back. In turn, an object in the shape of a parallelepiped from the front and back may look like a cube.

Data on the linear dimensions of a UFO reported by eyewitnesses are in some cases very relative, since with visual observation only the angular dimensions of the object can be determined with sufficient accuracy.

Linear dimensions can only be determined if the distance from the observer to the object is known. But determining the distance in itself presents great difficulties, because human eyes, due to stereoscopic vision, can correctly determine the distance only within a range of up to 100 m. Therefore, the linear dimensions of a UFO can only be determined very approximately.

UFOs usually look like metallic bodies of silver-aluminum or light pearl color. Sometimes they are shrouded in a cloud, as a result of which their contours seem to be blurred.

The surface of the UFO is usually shiny, as if polished, and no seams or rivets are visible on it. The top side of an object is usually light, and the bottom is dark. Some UFOs have domes that are sometimes transparent.

UFOs with domes were observed, in particular, in 1957 over New York, in 1963 in the state of Victoria (Australia), and in our country in 1975 near Borisoglebsk and in 1978 in Beskudnikovo.

In some cases, one or two rows of rectangular “windows” or round “portholes” were visible in the middle of the objects. An oblong object with such “portholes” was observed in 1965 by members of the crew of the Norwegian ship Yavesta over the Atlantic.

In our country, UFOs with “portholes” were observed in 1976 in the village of Sosenki near Moscow, in 1981 near Michurinsk, in 1985 near Geok-Tepe in the Ashgabat region. On some UFOs, rods similar to antennas or periscopes were clearly visible.

In February 1963, in the state of Victoria (Australia), a disk 8 m in diameter with a rod similar to an antenna hovered at an altitude of 300 m above a tree.

In July 1978, members of the crew of the motor ship Yargora, sailing along the Mediterranean Sea, observed a spherical object flying over North Africa, in the lower part of which three antenna-like structures were visible.

There have also been cases when these rods moved or rotated. Below are two such examples. In August 1976, Muscovite A.M. Troitsky and six other witnesses saw a silvery metal object over the Pirogovsky reservoir, 8 times the size of the lunar disk, slowly moving at an altitude of several tens of meters. Two rotating stripes were visible on its side surface. When the object was above the witnesses, a black hatch opened in its lower part, from which a thin cylinder extended. The lower part of this cylinder began to describe circles, while the upper part remained attached to the object. In July 1978, passengers on the Sevastopol-Leningrad train near Kharkov watched for several minutes as a rod with three brightly luminous points emerged from the top of a motionlessly hanging elliptical UFO. This rod was deflected to the right three times and returned to its previous position. Then a rod with one luminous point extended from the bottom of the UFO.

UFO Info. Types of UFOs and their appearance

Inside the lower part of the UFO there are sometimes three or four landing legs, which extend during landing and retract inward during takeoff. Here are three examples of such observations.

In November 1957, Senior Lieutenant N., returning from Stead Air Force Base (Las Vegas), saw four disk-shaped UFOs with a diameter of 15 m on the field, each of which stood on three landing legs. As they took off, these supports retracted inward before his eyes.

In July 1970, a young Frenchman, Erien J., near the village of Jabrelles-les-Bords, clearly saw four metal supports ending in rectangles gradually retracting into the air of a round UFO with a diameter of 6 m that had taken off.

In the USSR, in June 1979, in the city of Zolochev, Kharkov region, witness Starchenko observed how a UFO in the shape of an overturned saucer with a row of portholes and a dome landed 50 m from him. When the object dropped to a height of 5-6 m, three landing supports about 1 m long, ending in the likeness of blades, telescopically extended from its bottom. After standing on the ground for about 20 minutes, the object took off, and it was visible how the supports were retracted into its body. At night, UFOs usually glow, sometimes their color and intensity of the glow change with changes in speed. When flying rapidly, they have a color similar to that produced by arc welding; at a slower rate - a bluish color.

When falling or braking, they turn red or orange. But it happens that objects hovering motionless glow with bright light, although it is possible that it is not the objects themselves that glow, but the air around them under the influence of some radiation emanating from these objects. Sometimes some lights are visible on a UFO: on elongated objects - on the bow and stern, and on disks - on the periphery and on the bottom. There are also reports of rotating objects with red, white or green lights.

In October 1989, in Cheboksary, six UFOs in the form of two saucers folded together hovered over the territory of the Industrial Tractor Plant production association. Then a seventh object joined them. On each of them yellow, green and red lights were visible. Objects rotated and moved up and down. Half an hour later, six objects soared up at great speed and disappeared, but one remained for some time. Sometimes these lights come on and off in a specific sequence.

In September 1965, two police officers in Exeter (New York) observed the flight of a UFO with a diameter of about 27 m, on which there were five red lights that flashed on and off in the sequence: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st. The duration of each cycle was 2 seconds.

A similar incident occurred in July 1967 in Newton, New Hampshire, where two former radar operators observed through a telescope a luminous object with a series of lights flashing on and off in the same sequence as at the Exeter site.

The most important characteristic feature UFOs are the manifestation of unusual properties not found in anything known to us natural phenomena, neither have technical means created by man. Moreover, it seems that certain properties of these objects clearly contradict the laws of physics known to us.

Over many years of observations, eyewitnesses have left numerous descriptions of UFOs. Flying saucers differ from each other in shape, color, size, flight speed and even smell. Ufologists are unable to identify any patterns in the appearance of UFOs. Unidentified objects are unpredictable. Even with simple calculations of which UFOs are observed more often, scientists always get different numbers. Approximate statistics are:

Ball. Balls (spheres) make up the lion's share (approximately 32%) of the cases recorded in my database. As a rule, they are light or luminous; witnesses even used the word “shining”. Fire, red, orange, and silver balls are very common. Diameter - from 15 cm to 500 m. They can change shape, size, color. Humanoid creatures also appeared from the balls.

Attention! Cases have been described when the effects of spherical UFOs disabled power supply systems, on-board equipment and aircraft control systems, caused significant harm to human health or led to his death! There is also an attempt to abduct a person by a spherical UFO. To a greater extent, this applies to small balls (up to several meters in diameter), and to the greatest extent to formations with sizes ranging from an orange to a soccer ball. (We are not talking about ball lightning - this is a topic for a separate discussion).

Disk. The share of recorded disk observations is about 9%. The color scheme is the same as that of the balls. The dimensions indicated by eyewitnesses in the descriptions are units and tens of meters. Can carry various lights. Can change shape. They were noticed during various disasters or before them. There is a known case when a small fiery disk easily dragged a train behind it.

"Cigar". The share of cigar-shaped UFOs is slightly less than discs - 8%. Most often they are silver in color, but orange, green, and black cigars are also mentioned. Dimensions from several meters to (there is also such a case) 3 km (!). Sometimes cigars release smaller objects. Once an attempt was made to fire rockets at a two-hundred-meter cigar. The missiles disappeared along with the fighter that fired them.

Ellipse. About 7% of UFOs have an elliptical shape. Sizes from 12 to 150 m.

"Plate". Classic, as many believe, for a UFO shape. Indeed, it looks like it’s upside down, or like two plates put together. Mostly silver, “metallic” color. Dimensions from tens to hundreds of meters. “Plates” make up about 5% of all observations.

Triangle. There is also a variety - a triangle with cut off vertices. The color is mainly black. Dimensions - from 3 to 140 meters. Observed in 3% of cases.

Cylinder. Like triangles, there are about 3% of them. Color - silver, luminous. Can release smaller objects.

Sickle. 2% of unidentified objects have a crescent shape. Dimensions - about 30 meters. When flying, it can leave a foggy trail - a trail. However, the trail was also observed in objects of other forms, including those of the forms described above. It is believed that many sightings of sickle-shaped UFOs are associated with tests of a partial orbital bombing system.

Analysis of many observations, properties of “behavior” and size of UFOs, regardless of their shape, allows us to conditionally divide them into four main types.

First: very small objects, which are balls or disks with a diameter of 20 cm to 1 meter, which fly at low altitudes, sometimes they fly out of larger objects and return to them. There is a known case that took place in October 1948 in the area of ​​Fargo Air Base (North Dakota, USA), when pilot Gorman unsuccessfully pursued a round luminous object with a diameter of 30 cm, which maneuvered, evading pursuit, and sometimes itself quickly moved towards the plane, forcing Gorman to avoid the collision.

Second: an egg-shaped and disk-shaped UFO with a diameter of 2 - 3 m. They usually fly at low altitude and land more often than other types of UFOs. Small UFOs have been repeatedly seen detaching from the main objects and returning back.

Third: the main UFOs, most often disks with a diameter of 9 - 40 m, the height of which in the central part is 1/5 -1/10 of their diameter. Such UFOs fly independently in any layer of the atmosphere and sometimes land. Smaller objects can also be separated from them.

Fourth: large UFOs, most often in the shape of cigars or cylinders with a length of 100 - 800 meters or more. They appear mainly in the upper layers of the atmosphere, but do not perform complex maneuvers, and sometimes hover at high altitudes. So far there have been no recorded cases of them landing on the ground, but many times it was observed how smaller objects were separated from them. There is speculation that large UFOs can fly in space. There are also isolated cases of observation of giant disks with a diameter of 100 - 350, in some cases more than meters. Ufologists suggest that such large UFOs are “mother ships”, carrying smaller UFOs on board, and sending “UFO reconnaissance” to different parts of our planet.

Commonly encountered forms of UFOs have variations. For example, disks with one or two convex sides, spheres with or without rings encircling them, oblate and elongated spheres were observed. The least common objects are rectangular and triangular in shape. According to the French group for the study of aerospace phenomena, approximately 80% of all observed UFOs were round in the shape of disks, balls or spheres, and only 20% were elongated in the shape of cigars or cylinders. UFOs in the form of discs, spheres and cigars have been observed in most countries on all continents. Examples of rarely seen UFOs are given below. For example, UFOs with rings surrounding them, similar to the planet Saturn, were recorded in 1954 over Essex County (England) and over the city of Cincinnati (Ohio), in 1955 in Venezuela (7) and in 1976 - over the Canary Islands.

A UFO in the shape of a parallelepiped was observed in July 1977 in the Tatar Strait by members of the crew of the motor ship Nikolai Ostrovsky. This object flew next to the ship for 30 minutes at an altitude of 300-400 m, and then disappeared.

Since the end of 1989, triangular-shaped UFOs began to systematically appear over Belgium. And then all over the world. According to the description of many eyewitnesses, their dimensions were approximately 30 by 40 m, with three or four luminous circles located on their lower part. The objects moved completely silently, hovered and took off at enormous speeds.

The surface of the UFO is usually shiny, as if polished, and no seams or rivets are visible on it. The top side of an object is usually light, and the bottom is dark. Some UFOs have domes that are sometimes transparent.

UFOs with domes were observed, in particular, in 1957 over New York, in 1963 in the state of Victoria (Australia), and in our country in 1975 near Borisoglebsk and in 1978 in Beskudnikovo.

In some cases, one or two rows of rectangular “windows” or round “portholes” were visible in the middle of the objects. An oblong object with such “portholes” was observed in 1965 by members of the crew of the Norwegian ship Yavesta over the Atlantic.

UFOs with “portholes” were also observed in 1976 in the village of Sosenki near Moscow, in 1981 near Michurinsk, and in 1985 near Geok-Tepe in the Ashgabat region. On some UFOs, rods similar to antennas or periscopes were clearly visible.


UFO sightings may be accompanied by odors. Electrical discharges from UFOs generate nitrogen dioxide. It reacts with atmospheric gases to form, for example, nitrobenzene, a toxic oily substance with a strong odor of bitter almonds.

According to observers, UFOs may have: a pungent, acrid odor; the smell of burning gasoline; the smell of ether mixed with the smell of sulfur; nauseating odor; smell of nitrobenzene; sulfurous smell; strong smell of balm; strong unpleasant odor; the smell of burnt gasoline; smell of hydrogen sulfide or rotten eggs; the smell of sulfur; smell of burnt electrical wiring; strong smell of molten iron.

Sounds and noises

Although UFOs usually make sounds and noises, they are often inaudible because they are on the edge or even beyond the receptivity of the human ear.
Loud noises. The messages include references to two types of loud noises: an immediate explosive sound (like a shock wave) and a loud, sustained noise. Such noises were heard when "the UFO touched the ground", "after rising from a small initial altitude", "within 30 seconds before departure" and when "departing with a roar and a series of impacts."
Buzz. It covers low-intensity noises that are not audible over long distances. The mention of a noise resembling the humming of bees is important in this case because it will provide a basis for assessing the frequency or tone of such noise. The hum of a flying bee is caused by its wings, which vibrate at a frequency of about 270 hertz.
Gusts of air. This type of noise is fairly well identified, but there is no indication of its source. With the current level of knowledge, one can only guess whether this noise arises from the excitation of molecules due to ionization on the surfaces of the UFO. At night, when observing a corona discharge on high-voltage transmission lines, you can notice a glow that becomes audible - a “hissing” noise. The noise, such as gusts of air, may be due to electrical discharge phenomena.
Coded signals. Among the 447 reports of close encounters with UFOs, there are seven that talk about strange signal-like sounds. Most often they are referred to as “beep-beep” signals (three messages out of seven).
A ten-year-old boy noticed a bright, silver-colored object on four supports in a field. He heard sounds like “beep-beep” until the moment when the object moved from its place and moved upward. There is no mention of any radio in the report, and it is unlikely that this guy in the field had any kind of receiver.

UFO rays

Among the numerous UFO sightings, quite a large part of them are UFO sightings, when unusual lights or pillars emanating from the UFO were noticed. Light rays from UFOs resemble spotlights and are most often directed towards the ground.
In December 1978 in Moscow, near the Varshavskaya metro station, a silver-colored ball with an apparent size slightly smaller than the sun was observed hanging in the dark sky, and eight light rays of length equal to its diameter diverged symmetrically in all directions from it.
There have also been cases where rays emitted by a UFO periodically appeared and went out.
On the evening of December 17, 1989, a number of eyewitnesses in different cities observed an unknown luminous object in the shape of a ball, which successively flew over the cities of Surgut, Nefteyugansk, Omsk and above Altai Territory. At the same time, eyewitnesses in Surgut and Omsk claimed that four bright rays emanated from the object, which before their eyes “turned off” and “turned on” again.

In the cases below, the rays emitted by the UFO ended in luminous balls.

One of them is described in an information sheet compiled by senior navigators of the Ashgabat air squad Sinashov and Glushchenko. It states that in October 1985, in the Geok Tepe region of the Ashgabat region, a large cigar-shaped object was observed, with five blue rays fanning out from its nose, ending in spheres of the same color.
These rays can slowly extend out of the UFO, and then also gradually retract back. The slow extension of a beam with a blunt end from a hovering unknown object was observed in 1968 over the city of Nevyansk, Sverdlovsk region, and in 1981 in the Vyborg region, and according to Prokhorov, in 1975, a consistent slow extension of even three such beams was observed in Valdai.

According to Hering, the speed of extension and retraction of these rays is 3.5-7 m/s.

The third feature of the propagation of these rays is that they are apparently capable of bending at different angles, even straight. Such cases have also been observed both in Russia and abroad.

In September 1978, while flying between the Afrikanda airfield (Murmansk region) and Kemyu at an altitude of about 9 km, members of the crew of the TU-134 aircraft of the Leningrad air squad (crew commander V.N. Gorba) saw an elongated object hanging ahead of them at an altitude of about 20 km with clear outlines. This object vibrated, and two curved beams, similar to pincers, began to move out from its front part towards each other. Then the ends of these rays connected, and in this place a bright luminous ball flashed, which after 3-4 minutes disappeared along with the rays.

In March 1978, a UFO was observed near Zhitomir, from which 16 rays with pointed ends were extending in all directions, resembling a blossoming flower.

These rays are sometimes intermittent or dotted, breaking up into luminous and dark areas, similar to illuminated advertising.

One of these messages came from witness Nesterenko. It said that in October 1978, near the village of Shonosha, Arkhangelsk Region, Nesterenko and people traveling with him on the bus observed an object flying across the sky, which then hovered motionless. 15-20 intermittent rays appeared from it, symmetrically directed in all directions. Each beam consisted of identical light pulses and dark spaces between them, and these pulses ran from the object at enormous speed, as in illuminated advertising, and disappeared after 3-4 seconds.

Some rays can easily pass through various obstacles and illuminate the space behind them. This was the case, in particular, in Trancas, where the beam, having passed through the solid fence of the farm and the walls of the house, was restored again.

Also known whole line messages when rays from a UFO, passing through barriers, made them transparent.

In April 1967, a school principal from Jefferson City (USA), returning home, saw that an airship-like object was hovering above his car, emitting a strange light that was not stopped at all by the roof of the car and made it transparent. The driver saw the engine through the instrument panel, and, jumping out of the car, saw its interior through the body. After the disappearance of the beam, everything returned to its previous form.
Cases have also been recorded when the rays released by UFOs did not illuminate the surrounding area or the rooms into which they penetrated. In other cases, on the contrary, they illuminated the surrounding area in some special way, without forming shadows.
Considering the properties of the strange rays emitted by UFOs, French researchers Scornio and Pian indicate that these are apparently not ordinary light rays, if only because the speed of their extension and retraction has nothing to do with the speed of light. Most likely, we can assume that this is a stream of ionizing particles that make the air they encounter glow. In this case, their passage through the partitions becomes understandable. These particles can be deflected by an electromagnetic field, which explains the existence of curved beams. The flow of these particles can be intermittent - hence the dotted rays...

"Angel Hair"

Often, while observing UFOs or after their flight, eyewitnesses discover the finest threads of unknown origin and composition on the ground. They usually have a silvery color, sometimes glow, are very thin and light, and slightly radioactive. They are gelatinous to the touch and quickly evaporate in the air.

Ufologists first started talking about them in 1954. On October 27 of that year, two people - Gennaro Lucetti and Pietro Lastrucci, standing on the terrace of a hotel in St. Mark's Square in Venice, saw two flying "luminous spindles" in the sky, which left a fiery white trail behind them. Both objects were flying at great speed at a short distance from each other. Then the object flying behind rose to the same height as the leader; turning around, the UFOs disappeared in the direction of Florence.

A few minutes later there was a dramatic break in the football match at the Florence stadium. 10 thousand surprised spectators, players and referees stood up and gazed at two objects flying over the stadium. In nine minutes - from 14.20 to 14.29 - this pair flew over the city three times. Strange hair-like fibers fell onto the football field...

The substance melted in his hands, and only student Alfredo Jacopozzi managed to collect several fibers in a sealed sterile tube. Soon the test tube reached the director of the Institute chemical analysis University of Florence to Professor Giovanni Canneri. His colleague, Professor Danilo Gozzi, carried out analyzes of the mysterious substance and said: “It is a fibrous material that has significant tensile and torsional resistance. When exposed to heat, it darkens and evaporates, leaving a melting, clear residue. Analysis of the sediment showed the content of boron, silicon, calcium and magnesium. Hypothetically, this substance could be something like boron-silicon glass."

American ufologist Charles Maney suggested that this is “excess materialized UFO energy.” By dissolving, the fibers “return back to their dimension or another space-time continuum.” According to another ufologist, Englishman Brinsley Le-Poer Trench, “hair” is something like ectoplasm released during spiritualistic séances!

Impact on equipment

A wide variety of types of UFO impacts on different kinds techniques: from the harmless rotation of compass needles to the destruction of aircraft.

The force fields created by these objects can temporarily disrupt the operation of electrical and mechanical clocks, the operation of radios, weapons control systems, and even the power supply of entire cities, cause internal combustion engines to stop, and, finally, attract heavy objects to objects.

The impact of UFOs on the compasses of ships and airplanes was expressed in the fact that their arrows sometimes followed the objects, as if attracted by them, or continuously rotated.

In 1958, in Kazakhstan, a large disk flew over a group of students sitting around a fire at a height of 3 m, after which everyone’s watches stopped.

In November 1957, at an altitude of 2-3 km above the city of Baskatong (Canada), a UFO hovered, from which a beam of light emanated. All the shortwave receivers in the city immediately stopped working, but some of them could hear a signal resembling Morse code. When the object disappeared, all receivers started working again.

In our country in October 1977, 260 km from Ryazan, when an unknown ellipsoidal object approached three military aircraft, ultrashort-wave radio communication between the aircraft with each other and with the ground completely stopped, and with the removal of the object it was restored again.

In Russia in 1981, a fireball flew over the territory of a military unit located in the Gorky region, which suddenly changed its direction of movement to the opposite direction and hovered for 10 minutes. At the same moment, all the spotlights located along the perimeter of the fence went out, and the telephone network stopped working. And when the object was removed, all systems started working again. A thorough investigation of this phenomenon showed that it was not caused by normal problems, and its true cause could not be determined.

However, there were also cases of power supply disruptions during UFO flights, when light bulbs in cities continued to smolder, that is, the operation of power plants did not stop, and the relays did not turn off, which indicates some kind of special impact from the UFO.

It is also noted that when a UFO appears at low altitude, the gasoline engines of cars that find themselves in close proximity to these objects usually stall, the car headlights dim or go out at night, and the radios turn off.

According to MUFON, more than 400 cases of car engines stopping during encounters with UFOs have been recorded in the United States. In February 1989, from a large UFO hovering over the city of Progress (Guatemala), a wide beam was directed toward the ground, under the influence of which the engines of hundreds of cars stopping along the highway connecting Progress with the capital of Guatemala, which bears the same name, stopped. Similar cases are known in our country. But it happens that the car turns off either only the engine, or only the lighting, or only the radio, or two of these components.

There are also examples when, under the influence of a UFO, the engines of flying aircraft stopped or began to work intermittently.

An interesting incident occurred in September 1959 in the Newfoundland area, where an unknown object in the shape of a saucer 30 meters in diameter with a rotating dome approached an airliner flying from New York to Paris and continued to fly next to the plane at a distance of 600 m. Then it instantly approached the aircraft at a distance of 15 m from the left wing, after which interruptions began in the operation of the left wing engines. When the plane turned sharply to the right and took off about 2000m from the object, the engines began to work normally again. But the UFO again followed the plane and now took a position at a distance of 10-15 m from its right wing, after which the right engines began to work intermittently. The crew's attempts to contact Earth by radio were unsuccessful, as the radio communication did not work. The total duration of the UFO's stay near the plane was 7 minutes, after which it developed colossal acceleration and disappeared, turning into a shining point. Radio communication was immediately restored.

In Russia, there were two crashes of MIG-21 aircraft in the Borisoglebsk area, when radars detected some unknown objects near them.

Physical effects on people and animals

Physical effects on animals and people. (Fragments of the article).

The impact of UFOs on animals is manifested primarily in the fact that they sometimes sense the approach of these objects in advance. It happens that a few minutes before the appearance of a UFO, dogs begin to bark, and all animals show extreme anxiety. The very appearance of a UFO often causes great fear in animals. Cows and sheep start to stampede. Horses begin to fight in the stables or rear up. The dogs howl, crawling on their bellies and trembling violently. Cats hide under beds, hissing and snorting, their hair standing on end. Here are some examples: In February 1963, in the Moe region (Australia), farmer Brew and his son saw a disk with a diameter of 7 m with a dome, which approached their farm and dropped over the cattle pen to a height of 20-30 m. And at the same moment the horses in the corral began to rear up, and the cows broke down the fences and rolled on the ground. After this, they could not be driven into this pen for several days.

The Blue Book describes an incident that occurred in February 1968 near Graveton, Missouri, where an eyewitness saw a herd of cows crowded around a circular object 30 m in diameter, hovering 6 m above the ground. At the same time, the frightened cows first roared, and then, raising their tails, rushed into the barn.

The English ufologist Le Poer Trench (Lord Clancarty) suggests that the reason for the extreme excitement of animals when UFOs appear may be the high-frequency sound sometimes emitted by these objects, which is not perceived by people, but very irritates animals.

At the same time, there are cases when animals did not react in any way to the appearance of these objects.

During the Delphos incident described in the first section of this chapter, the dogs and sheep behaved calmly as the UFO approached. There are also a number of cases where UFOs, using their rays, caused temporary paralysis in animals.

In September 1963, in Trancas, Argentina, three dogs and about twenty poultry in a yard were paralyzed for 40 minutes by a red-violet beam directed at the yard from one of 6 UFOs that landed nearby.

In another case, which took place in August 1977 in the village of Pelham (Georgia), over a pasture where 40 cows were grazing, some strange round object hovered at a low altitude, under the influence of which not only all the cows, but also those nearby two dogs and their owner were temporarily paralyzed.

The physical impact of UFOs on people appears only when these objects fly or hover at low altitude or when eyewitnesses approach the objects that landed.

For example, individual cases have been recorded when objects flying or hovering at low altitude with their fields or rays caused temporary paralysis of a special kind in people, in which they stood rooted to the spot and could not move while fully maintaining consciousness and all sensations, that is, their central nervous system remained unaffected. Sometimes before paralysis, eyewitnesses felt something like an electric shock. 2-3 minutes after the UFO flew or took off, the paralysis quickly passed

One of these cases occurred in March 1967 in the city of Leominster (USA), where the Wallace couple saw a shining object in the shape of a flattened egg hovering over the cemetery. Getting out of the car, Wallace extended his hand towards the object and immediately felt a kind of electric shock and was paralyzed. At the same time, the car engine stopped, the headlights went out and the receiver stopped working. After 40 seconds, the object flew away, the headlights came on, the receiver started working, and Wallace regained the ability to move.

There have been recorded cases where close encounters with UFOs caused people to immediately lose consciousness.

In March 1965, in Everglade (Florida), farmer Flynn saw a cone-shaped luminous object with a diameter of 25 m and a height of 10 m with four rows of windows, hovering at a height of 0.5 m from the ground. Having approached the object within 2 m, Flynn raised his hand, but from the lower porthole a thin beam of light was directed directly at his forehead, under the influence of which he fell and lost consciousness for a day.

There are cases where heat waves or rays emitted by low-flying UFOs have caused people's clothing to catch fire and cause severe burns. One November night in 1957, a brilliant disc-shaped UFO hovered at an altitude of 60 m above the Brazilian Fort Itaipu, located on the Atlantic coast. A buzzing sound was heard from inside, which then turned into a piercing howl, and a wave of scorching heat hit the fort. The two guards outside fell and screamed in pain and horror. The fort's electric lights went out, the emergency lighting failed, and telephone communications failed. At the same time, sirens started blaring. The awakened soldiers of the garrison, mad with fear, rushed in the darkness along the corridors in search of an invisible enemy. Then the light suddenly turned on, and through the windows a brightly glowing orange object was visible moving across the sky. Both sentries suffered first-degree burns and were sent to a hospital in Rio de Janeiro. The fort was placed under a state of siege and the Brazilian army was ordered to keep the incident secret.

More severe consequences are also known.

In 1946, in the state of Sao Paulo (Brazil), 40-year-old farmer Prestos was stunned and thrown to the ground by a beam of light from a UFO. No burns were visible on Prestos's body, but within an hour, in front of witnesses, his soft tissue began to fall away from his bones, his teeth and bones were exposed, and he died 6 hours later (Flying Saucers Review. 1973. 4).

The listed cases, and many more could be cited, indicate that the unexpected approach of people to UFOs on the ground can be unsafe.
To be fair, it should be noted that rays from UFOs did not always cause injuries, but sometimes, on the contrary, had a healing effect on people.
Most interesting case their treatment with UFO rays occurred in November 1968 in the French Alps with Dr. X., who, after a mine explosion in Algeria, had partial paralysis of his right arm and leg for 10 years. In addition, three days before the UFO encounter, he injured his left leg. On the night of November 2, Dr. X. was illuminated by a wide bright beam from a disk-shaped UFO hovering 200 m from his house, of such intensity that he was forced to close his eyes. Soon the doctor heard a sound and the disk disappeared. After this meeting with a UFO, X. was surprised to discover that not only had the wound on his left leg completely healed, but also all the consequences of the wound in Algeria had disappeared without a trace.

A comprehensive study of the properties of the “behavior” and size of UFOs, regardless of their shape, allows us to conditionally divide them into four main types.

1. Very small objects, which are balls or disks with a diameter of 20-100 cm, which fly at low altitudes, sometimes fly out of larger objects and return to them. There is a known case that took place in October 1948 in the area of ​​the Fargo airbase (North Dakota), when the pilot Gormon unsuccessfully pursued a round luminous object with a diameter of 30 cm, which very skillfully maneuvered, evading pursuit, and sometimes itself quickly moved towards the plane, forcing Hormon to avoid the collision.

2. Small UFOs, having an egg-shaped and disc-shaped shape and a diameter of 2-3 m. They usually fly at low altitude and most often land. Small UFOs have also been repeatedly seen detaching from and returning to the main objects.

3. The main UFOs, most often disks with a diameter of 9-40 m, the height of which in the central part is 1/5-1/10 of their diameter. The main UFOs fly independently in any layer of the atmosphere and sometimes land. Smaller objects can be separated from them.

4. Large UFOs, usually shaped like cigars or cylinders, 100-800 meters or more in length. They appear. mainly. in the upper layers of the atmosphere, do not perform complex maneuvers, and sometimes hover at high altitudes. There have been no recorded cases of them landing on the ground, but small objects have been observed repeatedly being separated from them. There is speculation that large UFOs can fly in space. There are also isolated cases of observation of giant disks with a diameter of 100-200 m.

Such an object was observed during a test flight of the French Concorde aircraft at an altitude of 17,000 m above the Republic of Chad during a solar eclipse on June 30, 1973. The crew and a group of scientists on the plane filmed a movie and took a number of color photographs of a luminous object in the shape of a mushroom cap with a diameter of 200 m and a height of 80 m, which followed an intersecting course. At the same time, the contours of the object were unclear, since it was apparently surrounded by an ionized plasma cloud. On February 2, 1974, the film was shown on French television. The results of the study of this object were not published.

Commonly encountered forms of UFOs have variations. For example, disks with one or two convex sides, spheres with or without rings surrounding them, as well as oblate and elongated spheres were observed. Objects of rectangular and triangular shape are much less common. According to the French group for the study of aerospace phenomena, approximately 80% of all observed UFOs were round in the shape of disks, balls or spheres, and only 20% were elongated in the shape of cigars or cylinders. UFOs in the form of discs, spheres and cigars have been observed in most countries on all continents. Examples of rarely seen UFOs are given below. For example, UFOs with rings surrounding them, similar to the planet Saturn, were recorded in 1954 over Essex County (England) and over the city of Cincinnati (Ohio), in 1955 in Venezuela and in 1976 over the Canary Islands .

A UFO in the shape of a parallelepiped was observed in July 1977 in the Tatar Strait by members of the crew of the motor ship Nikolai Ostrovsky. This object flew next to the ship for 30 minutes at an altitude of 300-400 m, and then disappeared.

Since the end of 1989, triangular-shaped UFOs began to systematically appear over Belgium. According to the description of many eyewitnesses, their dimensions were approximately 30 by 40 m, with three or four luminous circles located on their lower part. The objects moved completely silently, hovered and took off at enormous speeds. On March 31, 1990, southeast of Brussels, three credible eyewitnesses observed how such a triangular-shaped object, six times larger than the visible disk of the moon, silently flew over their heads at an altitude of 300-400 m. Four luminous circles were clearly visible on the underside of the object.

On the same day, engineer Alferlan filmed such an object flying over Brussels with a video camera for two minutes. Before Alferlan's eyes, the object made a turn and three luminous circles and a red light between them became visible on its lower part. At the top of the object, Alferlan noticed a glowing lattice dome. This video was shown on central television on April 15, 1990. Along with the main forms of UFOs, there are many more different varieties. The table, shown at a meeting of the US Congress Committee on Science and Astronautics in 1968, depicted 52 UFOs of different shapes.

According to the international ufological organization “Contact international”, the following forms of UFOs have been observed:

1) round: disc-shaped (with and without domes); in the form of an inverted plate, bowl, saucer or rugby ball (with or without a dome); in the form of two plates folded together (with and without two bulges); hat-shaped (with and without domes); bell-like; in the shape of a sphere or ball (with or without a dome); similar to the planet Saturn; ovoid or pear-shaped; barrel-shaped; similar to an onion or a top;

2) oblong: rocket-like (with and without stabilizers); torpedo-shaped; cigar-shaped (without domes, with one or two domes); cylindrical; rod-shaped; fusiform;

3) pointed: pyramidal; in the shape of a regular or truncated cone; funnel-like; arrow-shaped; in the form of a flat triangle (with and without a dome); diamond-shaped;

4) rectangular: bar-like; in the shape of a cube or parallelepiped; in the shape of a flat square and rectangle;

5) unusual: mushroom-shaped, toroidal with a hole in the center, wheel-shaped (with and without spokes), cross-shaped, deltoid, V-shaped.

Classification of UFOs by type:

If you mean UFO spaceship humanoid civilization, then it is better to classify them as the ECs themselves do. Ships are divided into five types.

1. 1st order ship or Matka. Base station in the Galactic sector. Range: Galaxy. Volume from thousands to tens of thousands of cubic meters. The length is measured in kilometers. Includes all kinds of technical structures, energy reserves and basing facilities for thousands of humanoids. The form is the most varied. Inside itself it can carry 7-10 ships of the 2nd order.

2. 2nd tier ship or Base. Radius - Star system. Volume up to several thousand cubic meters. The length is several kilometers. Carries an average of 5 ships of the 3rd order. Cases where giant flying cities were observed and there are sightings of UFOs of this class. Designed for several hundred humanoids.

3. Ship of the 3rd order (see photo.). Radius of action planet. Volume from several tens to one hundred or more cubic meters. Some of them can carry ships of the 4th and 5th order, others cannot. This UFO can be piloted by both humanoids and biorobots.

4. Ship of the 4th order. The size is several tens of cubic meters. Performs tasks according to its specialization, just like we have communication satellites, for weather observation, television satellites, etc. Piloted by biorobots.

5. Ship of the 5th order. Size from several cubic meters to a dozen or more. Designed for two or three biorobots. Performs the functions of an autonomous module with a specific task. Often, in case of crisis situations, biorobots are programmed to self-destruct along with the ship.

Some UFOs like to hide among the clouds. Others use psi-field radiation. This radiation, due to the repolarization of air molecules, creates a psi-field around the object, blocking the radiation of information outward from the ship. Thus, it becomes invisible to human consciousness, which perceives the object as an insignificant detail of the landscape and therefore does not fix it in consciousness. But the camera doesn’t care and it records all the photons of light falling on its film. Hence the well-known cases of UFO manifestations on photographic film that the photographer did not see.