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Tabor - Tábor. Tabor - Tábor G milin tabor Czech Republic map

Tabor (Czech Republic) - the most detailed information about the city with photos. The main attractions of Tabor with descriptions, guides and maps.

City of Tabor (Czech Republic)

Tabor - small old City in Southern Bohemia, located on the right bank of the Luznice River. It was founded by one of the greatest commanders of the Czech Republic, one of the leaders of the Hussites and their radical Taborite movement - Jan Žižka in 1420. It is believed that the Hussites contributed to the strengthening of the national spirit and the Czech language. Therefore, Tabor is considered one of the main historical cities of the Czech Republic.

This town is one of the most interesting and beautiful in South Bohemia. Here you can feel the wonderful historical atmosphere, stroll among the interweaving of narrow cobbled streets, admire the ancient architecture in the Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque styles. The historical center of Tabora is very beautiful, so the city is definitely worth a visit.

Geography and climate

Tabor is located on a rocky hill on the right bank of the Lužnice River. The surrounding area is a rolling plain with forests and farmland.

The climate is temperate with warm summers and mild winters.

Practical information

  1. Population: about 35 thousand inhabitants.
  2. Area more than 500 km​​​​2
  3. Official language- Czech.
  4. Currency - Czech crown.
  5. Time is Central European UTC +1.


It is believed that Tabor was founded in 1420 by one of the Hussite leaders, Jan Žižka, as a stronghold and an ideal city. The city was named after a mountain located on the outskirts of Nazareth in Israel. Now the name of the city can be translated as “fortified camp.” The city was fortified with walls, and the narrow and winding streets were supposed to create inconvenience for the enemies during the assault.

Tabora Center

In 1436 Tabor received the rights of a royal city. At the end of the 15th century it was captured by the ruler of the Czech Republic, who belonged to the wing of the moderate Hussites.

The city was captured and destroyed during the Thirty Years' War.


The historical center of Tabora has preserved several interesting sights and architectural monuments to this day. In the old town you can find many ancient buildings in Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque styles. Since the history of Tabor is closely connected with the Hussites and Jan Žižka, you can find their mentions on almost every corner.

The central square of the city is Jan Zizka Square, where his statue and the statue of another famous Hussite, Jan Hus, are installed. Interestingly, the old part of the city is riddled with a network of underground tunnels that connect many old buildings. Some of them are open to the public.

One of the most interesting buildings of Žižkov Square is the late Gothic town hall, built in the 16th century. The building houses the Hussite Museum.

Another iconic structure of the main Tabor square is the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord on Mount Tabor. This ancient religious building was built in the first half of the 16th century in the Bohemian Revival style.

A famous attraction is the Kotnov Castle and the ancient Bechyny Gate from the 15th century. The medieval Tabor was surrounded by a wall. Elements of the city fortifications can still be found in the old part of the city.

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Tabor - online map with satellite view: streets, houses, areas and other objects.

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Why go

Tabor is a city with 37 thousand inhabitants in the South Bohemian Region. This is the center of the Hussite movement, the center of the Czech church reformation. It is unlikely that there will be another city that was formed on the site of a military camp. He grew up on a high picturesque hill. It was surrounded from the south by the Luzhnitsa River, and from the north and west by the Tismenitsky stream located in a deep valley.

In the Middle Ages, the city was protected by impressive defensive walls. They have survived to this day. A walk along the city fortifications will bring you an unforgettable experience. Here you can truly understand why this Hussite fortress was never taken by the enemy. Opens from the walls interesting view to the man-made Lake Jordan, a waterfall on the river, and the development of the opposite bank.

The narrow, crooked streets of Tabor seem to be specially laid out so as not to let the enemy through. Some houses still look like camp tents (although in reality their walls are supported by miniature buttresses).

Near the station you will be greeted by the wonderfully expressive monument to Jan Hus. And the main square, of course, bears the name of Jan Zizka. On the square stands one of the best Czech examples of late Gothic architecture - the old town hall. There is now a wonderful Hussite Museum and the entrance to the Tabor medieval dungeon.

Here is the main temple of the city - the Gothic Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. The square is surrounded by exceptionally beautiful houses in the late Gothic and Renaissance styles, some with later reconstructions.

From the former Gradište fortress, on the ruins of which Tabor was built, only the Kotnov Tower and the Behinj Gate remain. Other buildings either collapsed or were rebuilt into a brewery.

The camp can be explored during the day. It is worth going to the pilgrimage monastery of Klokota and see the Church of the Ascension of the Virgin Mary there. Nearby is the resort of Bechyne, the cities of Pisek, Pelhřimov, Benesový Ceske Budejovice.


The city is safe for tourists, there are no police visible on the streets.

Money and currency exchange

ATMs, which operate 24 hours a day, are available at the station, on main streets and in the center. Banks are open Monday to Friday, usually from 9:00 to 17:00. List of exchange offices:


You will find free internet in the information center, hotels, guesthouses, cafes and restaurants.

Urban transport. Buses.

On the next page, the top diagram combines urban and suburban transport: http://www.comettplus.cz/main_cz.php?main=3&sub=1

There are two city buses #60 and 61 running around Tabor

Bus traffic diagram: to get it, you need to click on the second diagram. Below is a list of stops. You can click on each of them and see the schedule. And on this page you can click on any bus number and open its schedule from this stop. http://www.comettplus.cz/main_cz.php?main=3&sub=1

Ticket prices:

4 minutes - 10 CZK

8 minutes - 12 CZK

18 minutes - 14 CZK

60 minutes - 16 CZK


Car rental: http://www.firmy.cz/Auto-moto/Auto-moto-sluzby/Autopujcovny/kraj-jihocesky/tabor






Bicycle rental at the railway station. Tabor is seventh on the list. http://www.cd.cz/volny-cas/pujcovny-kol-cd/jihocesky-kraj/-5948/



How to park your car: http://www.taborcz.eu/vismo/dokumenty2.asp?id_org=16470&id=1092

Parking scheme: http://www.taborcz.eu/VismoOnline_ActionScripts/File.ashx?id_org=16470&id_dokumenty=24320

How to get to and from Tabor

Tabor is located on the railway line that connects Prague and Ceske Budejovice and continues further into Austria (to Linz). Local railways connect Tabor with a large number of neighboring towns.

Near Tabor there is the D3 (E55) expressway, connecting Prague and Ceske Budejovice. Further south, the E55 crosses the border with Austria. To the north of Prague, the E55 road crosses the border with Germany and goes through Dresden and Berlin. The Pilsen - Pisek - Tabor - Pelhřimov - Brno highway runs from west to east through Tabor. From Tábor you can travel by road to almost any city in the Czech Republic.

The nearest airport is in Prague.


Prague - travel time 1:30, ticket price 145 CZK.

Ceske Budejovice - travel time 1 hour, ticket price 96 CZK.

Linz (Austria) - travel time 3:21.

Bechyne - travel time 49 minutes, ticket price 31 CZK.

Jihlava - only with a transfer to Gornji Cherekev, travel time is a little more than two hours, ticket price is 140 CZK.


Czech railways: http://www.cd.cz/default.htm


The most popular destinations from Tabor:

Prague - travel time 1:30 minutes, ticket price about 90 CZK.

Ceske Budejovice - travel time 1:00 - 1:30 ticket price 73 - 96 CZK.

Cesky Krumlov - only with a transfer in Cesky Budejovice, travel time is about two hours.

Pelhřimov - travel time 50 minutes, ticket price 46 CZK.

Bechyne - travel time 40 - 50 minutes, ticket price 32 - 42 CZK.

Jihlava - travel time 1:25, ticket price 80 CZK.

The schedule can be found here: http://jizdnirady.idnes.cz/vlakyautobusy/spojeni/

On the right bank of the most popular river for water tourism in the Czech Republic - Lusatia - there is a city with a very interesting and rich history. One version says that the name of the city, Tabor, is a modified name for Mount Tabor, located in Israel, Northern Galilee, where the Transfiguration of the Lord is believed to have taken place. Another says that national hero In the Czech Republic, Jan Zizka, at the very beginning of the Hussite wars, issued an order to build a city near the river. The order stated that everyone should build their house exactly as they would place a tent in a military camp. The result is many narrow, crooked streets in which it is very easy to get lost. This was done so that if the enemy captured the city, it could easily be destroyed by breaking it up in parts. Translated from Czech, “Tabor” means “fortified camp.”

From Prague to Tabor

The easiest way to do this is by bus; it is better to buy tickets in advance.

Bus tickets

Departure city

Arrival city

Travel date Exact date +2 days +/-3 days +6 days

City `s history

From 1420, from the moment of its founding, Tabor began to play the role of the capital of the Hussites; one might say, it became a separate state within the country. He had his own economy and did business with foreign countries, and the Hussite army terrified supporters of royal power and the Catholic Church.

The confrontation between supporters of Jan Hus and Catholics lasted for 15 long years. As many as 5 crusades were convened by the Pope to suppress the uprising, but they all failed to achieve their goal. And only in May 1434, near the village of Lipany near Prague, the Hussite army was defeated, and the Protestants were forced to make concessions to the king and the Pope.

But the Hussite wars bore fruit: church tithes were abolished and dues were reduced. And church services began to be held on Czech language and the Bible came into use native language, translated by Jan Hus.

King Sigmund in 1437, by decree, awarded Tábor the status of a royal city and granted it significant privileges. We must pay tribute to the wisdom of the ruler: the former rebels took up trade and crafts, began to rebuild the city, new buildings appeared in the Baroque style, and in 1440 the Town Hall was erected. The city grew rich and developed. But in 1452 it was captured by King George of Poděbrad. It stopped further development cities. From that time to the present day, Tabor has remained an ordinary small town.

Architectural monuments

The main attraction, pride local residents- these are the monuments to Jan Hus and Jan Zizka, installed on central square cities.

The cathedral was built on the site of a former wooden church. Construction of a new worthy sanctuary began in the 15th century. The church changed its appearance several times during reconstructions and only at the end of the 19th century took on its current appearance. The bell tower of the church is the highest point not only of the city, but of the entire Southern Bohemia. Its height is 77.8 m, and to get to the observation deck of the tower, you need to climb 250 steps.

Unlike Prague cathedrals, the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Tabor is much less magnificent, but the interior decoration still makes an impression: there are paintings and mosaics on the walls, ancient icons, patterned vaults, the central altar is decorated with diamonds.
Temple opening hours: May-August: Mon-Sun – 10.00 – 17.00

Ticket price

  • Adults – 30 CZK;
  • Students under 26 years old – 25 CZK;
  • Children from 5 to 15 years old, pensioners – 10 CZK;
  • Children under 5 years old are free.

The most impressive building in Tabor, and, perhaps, in the entire Czech state. Its construction lasted more than 80 years, in the XV-XVI centuries. At that time, there were residential buildings in its place, but they were demolished for the construction of the building. The last reconstruction in the 19th century gave the Town Hall a Gothic appearance. Massive multifaceted columns with reliefs support the vault of the central hall, and on one of the internal arches of the Town Hall there is a rather racy image of a man with bare buttocks. According to legend, this is how the artist who worked on the interior of the building took revenge on the city authorities because his work was not sufficiently appreciated and he was underpaid.

The clock on the town hall tower is very noticeable - it does not have a minute hand.

Now located in the Town Hall

Hussite Museum

It was created in the 2nd half of the 19th century thanks to a small group of enthusiastic historians who began searching for and collecting historical exhibits, conducting history seminars in schools and universities, and restoring the chronology historical events. The collection created in one of the Tabor gymnasiums became the basis of the future museum, which was opened in 1884.

The history of the Hussite movement is fully revealed in the 10 halls of the museum. In 2010, comic panels for children were added, and visitors can watch an interactive film telling and showing the history of the city. Among the exhibits are frescoes, weapons, clothing, a huge collection of Hussite hymns, a banner, a symbol of the Hussite uprising - the Bowl and a model of the ancient Tabor.

On the ground floor of the Museum there is an entrance to the famous

Dungeons of Tabor

Since the founding of the city, all houses were connected to each other by tunnels. They stored food and beer there, and sheltered from fires and enemy raids. These passages formed labyrinths more than 20 km long. Currently, only 800 m are available for inspection.

Gothic hall

The size of the room is simply amazing. The Gothic hall is the second largest of its kind in the country. It features reconstructions of Hussite battles, sculptures by Jan Hus and Jan Zizka.

Opening hours:

  • July-August: Mon-Sun – 9.00 – 18.00 (entrance until 17.30);
  • April-June, September: Mon-Sun – 9.00 – 17.00 (entrance until 16.30);
  • October-March: Wed-Sat – 9.00 – 17.00 (entrance until 16.30).

Ticket price:

  • Main exhibition - 40 CZK;
  • Underground tunnels – 30 CZK;
  • Gothic Hall – 10 CZK;
  • General ticket – 60 CZK;
  • Family ticket for 5 people (maximum 3 children) – 230 CZK.

The oldest architectural monument in Tabor is Kotnov Castle, or rather its remains. The surviving towers of the castle are visible from afar. The earliest mention of the castle dates back to 1370. Until the 17th century, the castle served a defensive function, and later it housed a brewery. The castle houses an archaeological exhibition from the late Middle Ages, which presents the life and social environment of cities, villages, nobility and the church. The only surviving tower has an observation deck.

Opening hours:

  • May-September: Mon-Sun – 09.00 – 17.00
  • April-October: Sat, Sun – 13.00 – 17.00

Ticket price:

  • Main exhibition – 20 CZK;
  • Observation tower – 10 CZK;
  • General ticket – 20 CZK;
  • Family ticket – 50 CZK (tower); 100 CZK (two objects)

Works in the castle exhibition-exhibition “Treasures of Tabor”, in it you can see more than 4,000 silver coins from different time periods.

Opening hours:

  • May-September: Mon-Sun – 9.00 – 12.00; 13.00 – 17.00;
  • October – April: Mon-Sat – 10.00 – 12.00; 13.00 – 16.00.

Ticket price:

  • Adult – 20 CZK;
  • Children from 6 to 15 years old, students up to 26 years old, pensioners and disabled people - 10 CZK;
  • Children under 6 years old are free.


Natural attractions of Tabor include:

  • Botanical Garden;
  • Zoo;
  • Pond Jordan;
  • Gusov Park;
  • Garnet rock.

And beer lovers will be delighted by the annual Beer Seal festival, which has been held in Tabor in January-February for more than 20 years.
Also, the city has a local discount card “Taborcard”. Using it, you can save a lot on visiting museums and restaurants in Tabora.
Tabor, unfortunately, is not the most popular city for tourists. But the rich history, architectural monuments, and magnificent nature attract more and more visitors every year. And it is possible that in the near future Tabor will rightfully take its rightful place among the cities that you must visit if you want to really know what the Czech Republic is.

Detailed map of Tabor in Russian. Satellite map Tabor in the Czech Republic. Where is Tabor on the map:

Study the schematic map or switch to the satellite map in the lower left corner. Schematic map– city plan with street names and house numbers in Russian. The schematic map shows attractions and tourist sites, the location of train stations, shops, restaurants and shopping centers, and a map of the city's roads. Satellite map will allow you to view satellite photographs of the city thanks to images from the Google Maps service.

You can zoom in on the online map, scaling it to streets and house numbers. To change the scale, use the “+” (zoom in) and “-” (zoom out) icons located in the lower right corner of the map. You can also zoom in or out on the map using the mouse wheel. The left mouse button zooms in on the map, the right mouse button zooms out. You can move it with the mouse interactive map in all directions by using the left mouse button to grab any place on the map.

Interactive map is a very convenient and modern guide for exploring the city, its districts and attractions, hotels, places of recreation and entertainment. Online map on the site the site can become an indispensable assistant for you in your independent travel. Interactive map provided by Google Maps.