Abstracts Statements Story

Multiplication table for number 5. Motivation for learning activities

Lesson “Multiplication and division tables with the number 5”

Goals: create a multiplication and division table with the number 5 and work on memorizing it; consolidate knowledge of the multiplication and division tables with numbers 2, 3, 4; develop the ability to work independently and in pairs.

Planned results: Students will learn to create and use multiplication and division tables; understand the educational task of the lesson and strive to fulfill it; correlate the result of your activities with the goal and evaluate it; express and argue your point of view.

During the classes

I. Organizing time

II. Updating knowledge

1. Individual work

(Two students work at the blackboard.)

Indicate the procedure and calculate the values ​​of the expressions.

6 * 4 - 3 * 5 18: 9 – 6: 3

36: 4 + 3 * 7 20: (14: 7) + 32

4 * 8 - (33 - 28) 24: (15 - 7)+ 59

Compare. Put signs >,< или =.

1 dm O 12 cm 1 m O 9 dm

2 dm O 19 cm 88 cm O 1 m

1 dm 4 cm O 41 cm 4 cm O 50 mm

2. Oral counting

Double the sum of numbers 35 and 15. (100.)

How much more is 38 than 19? (On 19.)

Increase the product of numbers 8 and 4 by 28 (60.)

Multiply the quotient of 28 and 4 by 3 (21.)

What number is 9 times less than 36? (4.)

Subtract 5 from the sum of numbers 25 and 38. (58.)

What number must be subtracted from 43 to get 28? (71.)

Divide the quotient of 20 and 2 by 5. (2.)

(Checking individual work at the board.)

III. Self-determination for activity


2 * 5 5 * 2

3 * 5 5 * 3

4 * 5 5 * 4

What helped you perform calculations quickly? (Knowledge of multiplication tables with numbers 2, 3, 4.)

What rule did you use when calculating the answers in the examples in the second column? ( .)

What example will be next? (5 * 5.)

What do you need to know to quickly calculate the answer in this example? (Multiplication table with number 5 .)

Formulate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson

Working from the textbook

Open with. 40 and look at the first column of the table. How did you calculate the value of the product 5 * 5? (5 + 5 + 5 + + 5 + 5 or 20 + 5 .)

How much longer will each subsequent piece be? (At 5 .)

Write the multiplication table by 5 in your notebook.

Make up your own multiplication table for the number 5.


Rearranging the factors does not change the product .)

Look at the meanings of the works. What interesting things did you notice? (All answers end in 0 or 5 .)

What examples of division can be made from the product 5 * 5? (25: 5 = 5.)

What rule did you use? (If you divide the product by one of the factors, you get another factor .)

Make your own division table with the number 5


1 (p. 40).

(Independent completion. Check. Students name the numbers in chorus; 5, 10. 15, 20; 4, 8, 12, 16, 20.)

3 (p. 40).

Read the problem.

How many meters of fabric were there? (24 m.)

Did all the fabric go into the coat? (No, 10 m was cut off for costumes .)

How many meters of fabric did you use on the coat? (24 m - 10 m.)

Fill the table.

Fabric consumption per

one coat



Total consumption


7 pcs.

24 m. – 10 m.

How many steps are there to solve a problem? (Two .)

What will you learn in the first activity? (Total fabric consumption .)

What will you learn in the second act? (Fabric consumption per coat .)

Write down the solution and answer to the problem.


V. Physical education minute

VI. Reinforcing the material learned

Working from the textbook

4 (p. 40).

(Independent execution. Check.)

What rule did you use to solve the problem? (To find out how much one number is greater or less than another, you need to subtract the smaller number from the larger number. .)

5 (p. 40).

(Independent execution. Check using the sample.)

Fill in the magic square in the fields.


Give the sum of the square. (78.)

Read the numbers in the middle line. (24, 26, 28.)

Read the numbers on the top line. (25, 30, 23.)

VII. Reflection

(“Test yourself” (textbook, p. 40). Independent performance. Check. Answers are written on the board: 40, 6, 9, 52.)

VIII. Summing up the lesson

What did you learn in the lesson?

Who and for what would you like to say thank you today?


Textbook: No. 2, 6 (p. 40).

Math lesson in 2nd grade (program “Perspective”)

Compiled by Vyatkina Kristina Vladimirovna,

teacher primary classes

Topic: “Multiplication and division tables by 5”

Goal: create a table of multiplication and division by 5, learn to use it and work on memorizing it.

Planned results: Students will learn to use the multiplication and division tables by five, apply the acquired knowledge in practice, learn how to do control and mutual control.

Formation of universal educational activities– UUD

Cognitive : compose and use tables of multiplication and division by 5; construct mathematical statements correctly and meaningfully; analyze objects and establish relationships.

Regulatory: plan your action in accordance with the task; evaluate the correctness of the action at the level of adequate assessment; make necessary adjustments to the activity after its completion based on its evaluation and taking into account the nature of the errors made.

Communication : participate in dialogue, formulate your own position, listen and understand others; cooperate when working in pairs, control the actions of the partner.

Personal : to form educational and cognitive interest in new things educational material; express your own opinions and give reasons for them; master basic objective methods of self-assessment of performance results.

Basic concepts: multiplication table, relationship between the components of multiplication and division, properties of multiplication.

Resources: presentation for the lesson, task cards, math notebook, route and assessment sheets for each student.

Routing lesson. Outline

Teacher activities





1.Motivation to educational activities

Target: Inclusion of students in the educational process

Let's think and reason

And help each other

Students read the motto together with the teacher from the slide.

Self-regulation to learning activities (R)

Awareness of attitude towards the educational process (L)

2. Updating knowledge.


Today we will help one fairy tale hero who is in a difficult situation. You are ready?


You guessed it (slide 4): this is bun.

Remember how his journey through the forest ended? - To avoid such a sad end, we will direct his curiosity in the other direction.

Everyone he meets will give him different tasks, and our task is to help him cope. (slide 5,6)

Meeting with a hare

Meeting with a wolf. (slide 7) Little Red Riding Hood brought 8 pies with apples and 6 pies with berries to her grandmother. On the way she ate 4. How many pies are left? Let's check (slide 7)

Meeting with a bear. (slide 8)

I have 24 raspberries in my basket, and three bear cubs. How many raspberries should I give to each of my teddy bears so that there is an equal amount?

Let's check (slide 8)

5) Meeting with the fox equally

Let's check (slide 9)

Kolobok is grateful to you for your help and he doesn’t mind learning from you what you know. (slide 10)

Don’t forget to evaluate yourself for your participation in the fate of the kolobok, and how you managed to cope with the tasks

Individual work of students using cards

60 -35∙0 (b) 40 + 5 ∙4 (o)

The resulting word is:

Work on the score sheet.

He was eaten by a fox

It turns out 15

You can solve the problem in different ways, count the carrots of 2 (3 by 2) hares, then by 3 (3 by 3), then add them up. Or you can count all the hares (2+3), and then multiply 3 by the sum.

Little Red Riding Hood brought only 10 pies. You can calculate it like this: 8+6-4=10

The number 12 is suitable, it is divisible by 3 and 4

Checking answers

Work according to the score sheet, for activity and correct answers

Actualization of mental operations, comparison, choice of letters. (P)

Justify their answers. (L)

Participate in dialogue (K)

Performance Evaluation(P)

Collaboration in work with the teacher and other students (.K)

Finding a solution and choosing a more rational solution (P) Ability to work in a team, express and prove your opinion. (TO)

Finding a solution and choosing a more rational solution, comparison with the standard (P)

Collaboration in work(K)

Updating and summarizing knowledge on the material covered, control and correction (R)

Organization of mental operations: choice of decision method, comparison with the standard. (P)

Ability to give an objective assessment of one’s activities (L)

3. Problem situation and setting the lesson goal.

Target :


Prepare the itinerary sheets that are needed for further travel with the kolobok; if we fill them out correctly, then we are ready to travel further with the kolobok.

( slide 11,) dictation

Check that you have filled it out correctly (slide 12 ).

What goal will we set for today's lesson?

Yes, I agree with your goal, this is how we will voice it ( slide 14)

Let's make a table of multiplication and division by 5 and work on memorizing it

Individual work in route sheets.

Mathematical dictation: 2∙6 4∙ 7 4 ∙ 3 24:3 10: 2 4∙8 9∙ 5 35:5 children fill out the card. Standard check: 12,28,12,8,5,24,45,7

It was difficult (or a mistake)

in the last two, because we don’t know the table for 5 yet

Work on score sheets

Our goal for today's lesson is to create a table of multiplication and division by 5 and remember it.

Organization of a trial action. Repetition of what has been covered. (P)

Correction and control of knowledge (R)

Proposing a hypothesis, formulating a problem (P),

Performance evaluation (P&P)

Independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal (P) formation of educational and cognitive interest in new educational material

4. Constructing a project for getting out of a problem

Target: find a way out of the difficulty and build a lesson plan.

Let's make a plan for our work in the lesson, for this we remember similar lessons on working with the multiplication and division tables.

Let's remember what properties of multiplication we will need when working

Why don't the answers change?

What knowledge do we need when compiling a division table?

What will we do when we create the table?

Based on your answers, here is the work plan (Slide 15)

First we will make a multiplication table. To do this, we will count by 5 and write down the answers, they will help us not to make mistakes, and then we will swap the factors and the answers will be the same.

We know that rearranging the factors does not change the product.

When doing division, we remember that division is related to multiplication.

And then we will apply it, solve examples and problems and memorize the table.

Planning your actions in accordance with the task (P)

Planning educational cooperation with the teacher, correctly expressing your thoughts (K)

Correctly constructs mathematical statements, establish relationships (P)

Expressing judgments and justifying them(L)

Apply knowledge acquired earlier and compare it with new ones (P)

5.Project implementation.


Practical work

Let's start working according to plan. Let's repeat counting in fives

Now based on this number series, make a multiplication table 1 column

What will we take into account when compiling column 2? .

Count in unison and write numbers multiples of 5 on the board: 5,10,15,20...50

Independent work students in printed notebooks. Drawing up a table, collectively.. page 22 – The product does not change from rearranging the factors; independent work of students when filling out 2 columns

Division is the inverse action of multiplication.

Independently filling out 3 and 4 columns per division.

Educational and cognitive interest in a new educational activity is formed (R)

Learn to independently compose multiplication and division tables by 5. (P)

Learn to use the multiplication table, establish analogies (P)

Performance evaluation (P&P)

6. Physical exercise.(slide16)

We've done a good job, we can rest.

We shared an orange.

There are many of us, he is alone

This is a slice for a hedgehog

This is a slice for a swift,

This is a slice for ducklings

This is a slice for kittens.

This is a beaver slice

Well, the wolf's skin.

He's evil, oh my bad!

They ran away in all directions!

perform movements in accordance with the text and pronounce the text in chorus

Health care(L)

Managing your behavior, self-regulation (R), cooperation in a team (C)

7.Primary consolidation


Primary performance of the task with pronunciation.

Work in pairs for mutual checking

1) Who is the most attentive

What if it's 15? what if 25?40? And if 18 then it will be divided equally? Why?

Now let’s try to solve the examples themselves using the knowledge we have received.

2Task 2 p. 23;

We will pronounce columns 1 and 2, and

3 we will carry out independently with mutual verification

By 5 (list animals)

By 3 (15:3=25); by 5 (25:5=5), by 8 (40:5=8)

18 is not divisible by 5, which means it won’t be equal.

children take turns completing the task, saying the answers, checking the table

Assessment on the score sheet

Ability to apply your knowledge in a non-standard form (P)

Primary application of acquired knowledge, (P).

Situation analysis(R)

Application of acquired knowledge in practice (P)

Conduct mutual verification (R) and evaluate their activities

8. Inclusion in the knowledge system.


Solving equations (No. 3 p. 23).

the standard is given individually, because the pace of solving is different for children

Solving problems No. 5

Work in pairs

When solving equations, we need to remember the names of the components and their relationships.

In which equation will you search by multiplication? And in what division?

If we remember how to solve equations, it will not be difficult to solve them.

Now let's move on to solving problems. Read task No. 5 and complete the diagram with data.

Let's create a diagram for the problem:

Red green


We often encountered such tasks, test your strength and work in pairs. Whose pair finishes first will demonstrate their solution on the board

And you can write this decision as an expression. Who will help?

When multiplying: factors, and the result is a product. When dividing: dividend, divisor, result-quotient. The multiplier is found by dividing the product by a known factor. Divisor too

we find by division, and we find the dividend by multiplication.

Independent work.

Checking the assessment on the score sheet

Read the problem.

Drawing up a diagram on the board, checking the correctness of filling,

decide in pairs

The solution is shown by the first pair at the board explaining:

Repeat the names of the components and their relationship (P) include new knowledge with previously learned

Justification for choosing your solution method(L)

Inclusion in the knowledge system (P)

Correct the acquired knowledge (R) and evaluate

Repeat and apply previously acquired knowledge (P)

cooperate when working in pairs, control the actions of the partner (K).

9. Reflection


What was our goal for the lesson?

Have you achieved this goal?

Our lesson is over,

The plan has been completed.

Thanks guys,

Huge to you!

For being persistent

worked hard

Make a table for 5 and remember it. Apply it.

We think we did it6 solved examples, equations.

Work on score sheets

Explanations of the choice of assessment for work in the lesson.

Participating in dialogue, formulating one’s own position, listening and understanding others (K)

Assessing the correctness of the action in the lesson; making the necessary adjustments based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made. (R)

Provide justification for evaluating your activities (L)

Lesson plan.

    Motivation for learning activities.

Target: Inclusion of students in the educational process.

Let's read the motto of our lesson. (Lesson presentation; slide 2)

Let's think and reason

And help each other. (Children read in chorus with the teacher).

    Updating knowledge.

Target: Preparation for the perception of new material. Repetition of what has been covered.

Today we will help one fairy tale hero who is in a difficult situation. You are ready?

1)Guess- the name of this fairy tale hero (slide 3, each student has individual cards)

    30 + 15: 2 (l) 36 – 24 ∙ 1 (k)

    60 -35∙0 (b) 40 + 5 ∙4 (o)

You guessed it (slide 4): this is bun.

Each of you has a score sheet, after each stage you will evaluate yourself and at the end you will be able to say how you did.

Remember how his journey through the forest ended? (children's answers)

To avoid such a sad end, we will direct his curiosity in the other direction.

Everyone he meets will give him different tasks, and our task is to help him cope. (slide 5,6)

2) Meeting with a hare. Three neighbors galloped up to the two bunnies at lunchtime. Together everyone sat in a circle and ate 3 carrots. Guess, if you're smart, how many carrots did you eat? (children solve the problem orally, say the answer and explain the solution).

- Indeed, there are two ways to solve this problem: (slide 6)

3) Meeting with a wolf. (slide 7)

Little Red Riding Hood brought 8 pies with apples and 6 pies with berries to grandma. On the way she ate 4. How many pies are left

Let's check (slide 7)

4) Meeting with a bear. (slide 8)

I have 24 raspberries in my basket, and three bear cubs. How many raspberries should I give to each of my bear cubs so that there is an equal amount? ?(children give answers and explanation).

Let's check (slide 8)

5) Meeting with the fox. (slide 9) I have several peas in my hand. I can them equally Divide between 3 or 4 foxes. How many peas do I have? ?(children give answers and explanation).

Let's check (slide 9)

Kolobok is grateful to you for your help and he doesn’t mind learning from you what you know. Don't forget to evaluate yourself. (children evaluate themselves using a score sheet).

3. Problem situation and setting the lesson goal.

Target : Organizing the implementation of a trial action and approaching the problem to set the goal of the lesson.

Prepare route maps. We will now fill them out and see if we are ready to continue our journey with the kolobok. (Slide 10)

Mathematical dictation: 2∙6 4∙ 7 4 ∙ 3 24:3 10: 2 4∙8 9∙ 5 35:5 (children fill out the card and check it against the standard ( slide 11,12 )).

When did you experience difficulty and why? (slide 13).

Target: identifying the location and causes of the difficulty and reaching out to the topic of the lesson and its goals. (in the last two, because we don’t know the table for 5 yet)

What goal will we set for today's lesson? ( Let's make a table of multiplication and division by 5 and work on memorizing it).( slide 14)

    Building a project to get out of a problem

Target: find a way out of the current situation and build a lesson plan.

Let's draw up a plan for our work and remember what knowledge we will use. ( children answer)

This is what the work plan turned out to be (Slide 15)

2) fill out the multiplication table by 5, knowledge: the next is 5 more than the previous one,

Rearranging the factors does not change the product.

When creating a table of division by 5: division is the inverse operation of multiplication.

3) apply this table in solving examples and problems.

    Project implementation.

Target: Organization of work on filling out the table for 5

Let's start working according to plan. Let's repeat counting in fives ( children count 5, 10, 15......50)

Now, based on this number series, make a multiplication table 1 column ( Independent work of students in printed notebooks. Drawing up a table, collectively.. page 22).
-What will we take into account when drawing up column 2? –( Rearranging the factors does not change the product; independent work of students.

- What will we take into account when compiling column 3? (children’s answers, independent work, peer review)

6. Physical exercise.(slide16) (perform the movement in accordance with the text)

We shared an orange.

There are many of us, he is alone

This is a slice for a hedgehog

This is a slice for a swift,

This is a slice for ducklings

This is a slice for kittens.

This is a slice for the beaver.

Well, the wolf's skin.

He's evil, oh my bad!

They ran away in all directions!

    Primary consolidation

Target: organize initial assimilation of the topic with commenting and speaking, work in groups.

1) Who is the most attentive:

How many animals were the orange slices divided into? (At 5)

If there were 10 slices in an orange, how many would each person get? (2 slices each).

What if it's 15? what if 25?40? And if 18 then it will be divided equally? (no) Why? (18 is not divisible by 5).

2.) Completing the task according to new topic.

Task 2 p. 23; With commentary on columns 1 and 2, (children take turns completing the task, pronouncing the answers), and

3 are performed independently with mutual verification.

8. Inclusion in the knowledge system.

Target: Organizing assignments using multiplication and division tables.

- Solving equations with mutual verification. (No. 3 p. 23). Preparing for work.

Let's remember the names of the components in multiplication and division, their relationship? (children answer and explain how they find an unknown component and how to find it)

In which equation will you search by multiplication? And in what division ?(children's answers)

Independent work:

Solving problems No. 5 ( Drawing up a diagram on the board, and decide independently in pairs with mutual checking).

Red green


32: 4 + 32 = 40 (s)

9. Reflection

Target: organization of analysis of educational activities and evaluation of one’s own work.

What was our goal for the lesson?

Have you achieved this goal?

What do you already remember from the table? When do we multiply the numbers 35, 40, 25, 30.45?

Our lesson is over,

The plan has been completed.

Thanks guys,

Huge to you!

For being persistent

worked hard

And your knowledge was useful to us.

With the best free game you learn very quickly. Check it out for yourself!

Learn multiplication tables - game

Try our educational e-game. Using it, tomorrow you will be able to solve mathematical problems in class at the blackboard without answers, without resorting to a tablet to multiply numbers. You just have to start playing, and within 40 minutes you will have an excellent result. And to consolidate the results, train several times, not forgetting about breaks. Ideally, every day (save the page so as not to lose it). The game form of the simulator is suitable for both boys and girls.

See the full cheat sheet below.

Multiplication directly on the site (online)

Multiplication table (numbers from 1 to 20)
× 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
3 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48 51 54 57 60
4 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80
5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
6 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 102 108 114 120
7 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 91 98 105 112 119 126 133 140
8 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 112 120 128 136 144 152 160
9 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81 90 99 108 117 126 135 144 153 162 171 180
10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
11 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 110 121 132 143 154 165 176 187 198 209 220
12 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 156 168 180 192 204 216 228 240
13 13 26 39 52 65 78 91 104 117 130 143 156 169 182 195 208 221 234 247 260
14 14 28 42 56 70 84 98 112 126 140 154 168 182 196 210 224 238 252 266 280
15 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 300
16 16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240 256 272 288 304 320
17 17 34 51 68 85 102 119 136 153 170 187 204 221 238 255 272 289 306 323 340
18 18 36 54 72 90 108 126 144 162 180 198 216 234 252 270 288 306 324 342 360
19 19 38 57 76 95 114 133 152 171 190 209 228 247 266 285 304 323 342 361 380
20 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400

How to multiply numbers in a column (mathematics video)

To practice and learn quickly, you can also try multiplying numbers by column.

Math lesson in 3rd grade on the topic "Multiplication and division table with the number 5" (UMK "School of Russia").

Goals: 1. Make a multiplication and division table with the number 5 and work on memorizing it;

2. Consolidate knowledge of the multiplication and division tables with numbers 2, 3, 4;

3. develop the ability to work independently and in pairs.

Planned results: 1. Students will learn to create and use multiplication and division tables;

2. Understand the educational objective of the lesson and strive to fulfill it;

3. Correlate the result of your activities with the goal and evaluate it;

4. Express and argue your point of view.



Lesson “Multiplication and division tables with the number 5”

Goals: create a multiplication and division table with the number 5 and work on memorizing it; consolidate knowledge of the multiplication and division tables with numbers 2, 3, 4; develop the ability to work independently and in pairs.

Planned results:Students will learn to create and use multiplication and division tables; understand the educational task of the lesson and strive to fulfill it; correlate the result of your activities with the goal and evaluate it; express and argue your point of view.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Updating knowledge

1. Individual work

(Two students work at the blackboard.)

Indicate the procedure and calculate the values ​​of the expressions.

6 * 4 - 3 * 5 18: 9 – 6: 3

36: 4 + 3 * 7 20: (14: 7) + 32

4 * 8 - (33 - 28) 24: (15 - 7)+ 59

Compare. Put signs >,

1 dm O 12 cm 1 m O 9 dm

2 dm O 19 cm 88 cm O 1 m

1 dm 4 cm O 41 cm 4 cm O 50 mm

2. Oral counting

Double the sum of numbers 35 and 15. (100.)

How much more is 38 than 19? (On 19.)

Increase the product of numbers 8 and 4 by 28 (60.)

Multiply the quotient of 28 and 4 by 3 (21.)

What number is 9 times less than 36? (4.)

Subtract 5 from the sum of numbers 25 and 38. (58.)

What number must be subtracted from 43 to get 28? (71.)

Divide the quotient of 20 and 2 by 5. (2.)

(Checking individual work at the board.)

III. Self-determination for activity


2 * 5 5 * 2

3 * 5 5 * 3

4 * 5 5 * 4

What helped you perform calculations quickly? (Knowledge of multiplication tables with numbers 2, 3, 4.)

What rule did you use when calculating the answers in the examples in the second column? (.)

What example will be next? (5 * 5.)

What do you need to know to quickly calculate the answer in this example? (Multiplication table with number 5.)

Formulate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson

Working from the textbook

Open with. 40 and look at the first column of the table. How did you calculate the value of the product 5 * 5? (5 + 5 + 5 + + 5 + 5 or 20 + 5.)

How much longer will each subsequent piece be? ( At 5.)

Write the multiplication table by 5 in your notebook.

Make up your own multiplication table for the number 5.


Rearranging the factors does not change the product.)

Look at the meanings of the works. What interesting things did you notice? (All answers end in 0 or 5.)

What examples of division can be made from the product 5 * 5? (25: 5 = 5.)

What rule did you use? (If you divide the product by one of the factors, you get another factor.)

Make your own division table with the number 5


No. 1 (p. 40).

(Independent completion. Check. Students name the numbers in chorus; 5, 10. 15, 20; 4, 8, 12, 16, 20.)

No. 3 (p. 40).

Read the problem.

How many meters of fabric were there? (24 m.)

Did all the fabric go into the coat? (No, 10 m was cut off for costumes.)

How many meters of fabric did you use on the coat? (24 m - 10 m.)

Fill the table.

How many steps are there to solve a problem? ( Two .)

What will you learn in the first activity? (Total fabric consumption.)

What will you learn in the second act? (Fabric consumption per coat.)

Write down the solution and answer to the problem.


V. Physical education minute

VI. Reinforcing the material learned

Working from the textbook

No. 4 (p. 40).

(Independent execution. Check.)

What rule did you use to solve the problem? (To find out how much one number is greater or less than another, you need to subtract the smaller number from the larger number..)

No. 5 (p. 40).

(Independent execution. Check using the sample.)

Fill in the magic square in the fields.


Give the sum of the square. (78.)

Read the numbers in the middle line. (24, 26, 28.)

Read the numbers on the top line. (25, 30, 23.)

VII. Reflection

(“Test yourself” (textbook, p. 40). Independent performance. Check. Answers are written on the board: 40, 6, 9, 52.)

VIII. Summing up the lesson

What did you learn in the lesson?

Who and for what would you like to say thank you today?


4 Slide title - Subtract 5 from the sum of numbers 25 and 38. - From what number should you subtract 43 to get 28? - Divide the quotient of 20 and 2 by 5.

5 Slide title “Check yourself” 100, 19, 60, 21, 4, 58, 71, 2

6 Slide title 2 5 = 5 2 = 3 5 = 5 3 = 4 5 = 5 4 =

7 Slide title Fabric consumption per coat Number of coats Total fabric consumption? 7 pcs. 24 m. – 10 m.

8 Slide title “Test yourself” 40, 6, 9, 52

9 Slide title

Lesson summary for 3rd grade

Lesson topic: Multiplication and division tables with the number 5

Goals: Create a multiplication and division table with the number 5 and work on memorizing it;

consolidate knowledge of multiplication and division tables with numbers 2, 3, 4;

develop the ability to work independently and in pairs;

develop a love for exact sciences;

develop the ability to express and argue your point of view.

Equipment: multiplication table

Literature: textbook Moro M.I., Bantova M.A., Beltyukova G.V., Volkova S.I., Stepanova S.V., Mathematics 3rd grade. Tutorial for educational institutions. At 2 o'clock M.: Enlightenment.

During the classes:

    Organizing time

I wish you to work well today and learn something new for yourself. We will work together and complete tasks together. Open your notebooks and write down the date.

    Checking homework

    Graphic dictation by cells

    Exercise for fingers

Girls and boys

They raise their fingers.

They clap loudly

Every finger is touched.

You, big boy, don’t get tired,

Oh, little finger, help!

Nameless, show yourself!

Middle finger, rise up!

These are the fingers

For girls and boys!

Guys, let's remember the components of multiplication (multiplier, multiplier, product)

Division components? (dividend, divisor, quotient)

    Updating knowledge

    Individual work. Verbal counting.




    Individual work. Two students are working at the blackboard.

Indicate the procedure and calculate the values ​​of the expressions.

6 * 4 - 3 * 5 18: 9 – 6: 3

36: 4 + 3 * 7 20: (14: 7) + 32

4 * 8 - (33 - 28) 24: (15 - 7)+ 59

Compare. Put up signs

1 dm O 12 cm 1 m O 9 dm

2 dm O 19 cm 88 cm O 1 m

1 dm 4 cm O 41 cm 4 cm O 50 mm

    Self-determination for activity


Guys, what helped you quickly perform calculations? (Knowledge of multiplication tables with numbers 2, 3, 4.)

What rule did you use when calculating the answers in the examples in the second column? ( Rearranging the factors does not change the product.)

What example will be next? (5 * 5.)

What do you need to know to quickly calculate the answer in this example? ( Multiplication table with number 5.)

Let's formulate together the topic and objectives of our lesson.

    Work on the topic of the lesson

    Working from the textbook

Guys, who can tell me how to find a number that is several times smaller than a given one? (by division)

Read task 1. What do you think “3 times less” means? (number divided by 3)

Read task 2. What does “3 times less” mean? (Subtract 3 from the number)

    Working on a task (one student working at the board)

Igor has 18 candies, and Sasha has three times less. How many candies does Sasha have?

Solution: 18: 3 = 6(k.) Sasha had

Answer: Sasha has 6 candies

    Physical education minute

One - get up, pull yourself up.

Two - bend over, pull up.

Three - clap 3 hands.

By four – your arms are wider.

Five - wave your arms.

Six - sit quietly at your desk.

    Problems in verse. Children write answers in notebooks

8 couples dance the polka

How many dancers are there? (16)

Grandma baked for us

Delicious pancakes.

There are 27 pancakes in total.

3 was enough for us all.

Which one of the guys will answer?

How many grandchildren were there? (9)

Admire it for yourself:

If there are threes, there are eight. (24)

The hedgehog gave the ducklings

8 leather boots.

How many little ducklings are there?

They thank the hedgehog? (4)

The cats were dressed up on the fence,

They fluffed their long tails.

And there were 8 tails,

How many paws?

Who should we ask? (32)

    Learning new material. Compiling multiplication and division tables with the number 5.

The board is divided into 4 parts. Invite 4 students to the board, the teacher gives each a task.

– Today in class we must make multiplication and division tables with the number 5.

1st column: Multiplication table for the number 5.

2nd column: Using the commutative property of the multiplication action, create a multiplication table for the number 5.

3rd column: Using the multiplication table for the number 5, write down how to get the first factor.

4th column: Write down how to get the second factor.

Checking and analyzing the table.

In a product, the units place is 0 or 5.

If we multiply 5 by an even number, we get a round number.

If we multiply 5 by an odd number, then the last digit of the product is 5.

If we multiply 5 by an even number, then the number of tens is equal to half of the second factor.

If 5 is multiplied by an odd number, then the number of tens is equal to half the number preceding the second factor.

    Consolidating multiplication and division tables with the number 5

    Game “Eye - photographer”.

– In this game we will check who has an eye like a camera, i.e. who can take a picture of the table (remember it). Then those who wish will go to the board, all other children will ask questions on the table.

    The solution of the problem. Fill the table.

How many steps are there to solve a problem? (Two.)

What will you learn in the first activity? (Total fabric consumption.)

What will you learn in the second act? (Fabric consumption per coat.)

Write down the solution and answer to the problem. (Examination.)

    Working from the textbook

(Independent execution. Check.)

What rule did you use to solve the problem? (To find out how much one number is greater or less than another, you need to subtract the smaller number from the larger number.)

(Independent execution. Check using the sample.)

Fill in the magic square in the fields.


Give the sum of the square. (78.)

Read the numbers in the middle line. (24, 26, 28.)

Read the numbers on the top line. (25, 30, 23.)


    Game “I’m going to visit.”

Children are divided into guests and hosts. The owners sit at their desks, they have sorbon cards on which examples of table multiplication and division are written, and with reverse side answer. Guests approach any host, who gives them a card. If the guest correctly names the answer, then he takes this card with him and goes to another owner. Whoever has the most cards wins.

The game starts and ends at a signal.

    Game “Class Record”.

– Write down 15 equalities for table multiplication and division with the number 4; whoever writes it down first goes to the board.

    Summing up the lesson

What new things did you learn in the lesson?

What was easy in the lesson and what was difficult?
