Abstracts Statements Story

Articles about the education of children with disabilities. Providing correction and assistance to students with disabilities

The procedure for interaction of the Moscow Center for Medical Education and Training with educational organizations

Donichenko O.G., Director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution OTsPMSS TsOUO DOGM

Moscow, 2015

Psychological and pedagogical assistance is provided to: - children/students experiencing difficulties in mastering basic educational programs, development and social adaptation; - children/students with disabilities health (an individual who has deficiencies in physical and (or) psychological development, confirmed by a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission and preventing them from receiving education without the creation of special conditions); - children/students, disabled students

Article 2, paragraph 16, Article 42, paragraph 1 Federal Law No. 273 - Federal Law of December 29, 2012 "On education in Russian Federation»

Model of providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to public services (works) provided (performed) government organizations, administered by the Moscow Department of Education

Departmental list

The psychological and pedagogical council is the basis for the activities of psychological and pedagogical support at the level of the educational organization
  • implementation of psychological and pedagogical support according to unified regulations;
  • organization of psychological and pedagogical support for children at risk;
  • monitoring the effectiveness of the implementation of the educational route and psychological and pedagogical support;
  • implementation of educational routes for children with disabilities and disabled children;
  • development and implementation of adapted educational programs;
  • organization of psychological education of teachers to improve professional competencies.

Composition of the psychological and pedagogical council of the educational organization

  • representative of the administration of the educational organization;
  • teacher and/or educator;
  • Psychological and pedagogical support service specialists: educational psychologist, speech therapist teacher, speech pathologist teacher.
The procedure for providing psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance students experiencing difficulties in mastering basic general education programs, their development and social adaptation

Educational organization

Psychological and pedagogical assistance is provided at the PPMS center

Psychological and pedagogical assistance is provided in an educational organization

Goes through the examination procedure at the PP-consilium of the educational organization

Undergoing an examination procedure at the PP consultation of the PPMS center

PPMS center

State services (works) provided (performed) by state organizations under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Department of Education

Departmental list

Special conditions for obtaining education by students with disabilities

  • Educational programs and methods of training and education
  • Textbooks, teaching aids and teaching materials
  • Technical training aids for collective and individual use
  • Providing assistant (assistant) services
  • Conducting corrective classes
  • Providing access to organizational buildings

Adapted basic general education program (preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general) Art. 79 FZ-273:

  • for the deaf, hard of hearing, late-deafened
  • for the blind, visually impaired
  • for children with severe speech impairments,
  • for children with musculoskeletal disorders
  • for children with mental retardation,
  • for children with mental retardation,
  • for children with autism spectrum disorders,
  • for children with complex disabilities
Central Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission of the City of Moscow Composition of the Center for Medical Education and Training of the City of Moscow The procedure for providing special conditions of education to students with disabilities in educational organizations of the city of Moscow

Educational organization

Provides special educational conditions for students with disabilities (without individual and group correctional classes)

Provides special educational conditions for students with disabilities (including individual and group correctional classes)

Specialists of the PPMS Center implement correctional and developmental classes on the basis of the public organization


Agreement with the PPMS center

The procedure for providing special educational conditions to students with disabilities in educational organizations in Moscow

Child not attending PO

Is undergoing an examination procedure at the Central Medical Pedagogical Center in Moscow


Provides the original report from the Moscow Center for Medical and Clinical Practice

Provides correctional and developmental assistance on the basis of the PPMS center in accordance with the conclusion of the Moscow Center for Medical and Clinical Practice

PPMS center

Psychological and pedagogical assistance in district centers of psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance

Comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support

Psychological and pedagogical assistance to students experiencing difficulties in mastering basic general education programs, their development and social adaptation

PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL CONSILIUM of an educational organization or primary care center

TsPMPC Moscow

Volumes of correctional and developmental assistance in an educational organization or primary care center

Name of public service (work)

Quantity teaching staff

Teaching worker

Total amount of assistance

Providing special educational conditions for students with disabilities

Children studying with disabilities/disabilities (general disease profile) who need AOP, taking into account the psychophysical characteristics and individual capabilities of the child

Educational psychologist

Teacher speech therapist


Children with disabilities,

those in need of AOOP:

TNR, mental retardation, disability, autism spectrum disorder, deaf/hard of hearing/late-deafened, visually impaired

Educational psychologist

Teacher speech therapist


Children with disabilities,

those in need of AOOP:

ODA, SD, blind

Educational psychologist

At the end of 2012, the Federal Law “On Education” was radically updated. It was discussed for about two years; the responses were often the exact opposite; Only the lazy did not criticize him as a whole or his individual provisions.

Three months passed, passions subsided. The law will come into force on September 1, 2013. Let's try to find out the opinion of a lawyer from the legal group of the Center for Curative Pedagogy about what the new law promises for children with disabilities. Is there “light at the end of the tunnel”?..

Material taken from the site “Special Childhood”: http://www.osoboedetstvo.ru/fs/archives/109-.html

Briefly about the main innovations of the Federal Law “On Education”

(adopted in 2012, effective from 09/01/2013)

Compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

According to Article 24 of the Convention (paragraphs 1, 2), when implementing the right of a person with disabilities to education, states parties ensure that:

A) disabled people were not excluded from the system due to disability general education, and disabled children - from the system of free and compulsory primary education or secondary education;

b) people with disabilities had equal access to inclusive, quality and free primary education and secondary education in their places of residence;

c) reasonable accommodations are provided to suit individual needs;

d) persons with disabilities receive the required support within the general education system to facilitate their effective learning;

e) in an environment that is maximally conducive to learning and social development, in accordance with the goal of full coverage, effective measures were taken to organize individualized support.

In general, these requirements of the Convention are reflected in the new law.

The previous (currently valid) law also did not contain any prohibitions in this regard; but the state policy was different, the existing norms were not implemented. In the new law, the provisions of the Convention are formalized to a greater extent, and thereby enshrined.

Main innovations

Specification of definitions

– Student with disabilities (HH) –an individual who has deficiencies in physical and (or) psychological development, confirmed by a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission and preventing them from receiving education without the creation of special conditions.

A status has been introduced that is confirmed by psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions (PMPC) and requires the creation of special conditions for receiving education.

Inclusive education— ensuring equal access to education for all students, taking into account the diversity of special needs educational needs and individual capabilities.

The law contains state guarantee to ensure the education of any child, including those with special educational needs.

Adapted educational programan educational program adapted for training persons with disabilities, taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and, if necessary, providing correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation the specified persons.

Innovations in essence

1. Separately introduced state guarantees for the provision of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance. It is organized by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and is provided both by centers of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance (CPMSC), and by specialists educational organizations.

TsPPMSP created for consulting both children and parents and educational organizations (OO). On them may also be assigned the function of PMPK; therefore, PMPK will not be divorced from the place where the child is observed and is being helped (the current situation is the opposite). Some rules about PMPK have appeared (although a reference is still made to the Regulations, a lot depends on it).

2. Whole article 79 dedicated to the education of persons with disabilities.

They are trained according to an adapted educational program (AEP), which provides for the creation of special conditions, including the use of special educational programs and methods training and education, special textbooks, teaching aids and didactic materials, special technical teaching aids for collective and individual use, provision of services assistant (assistant) providing students with the necessary technical assistance, conducting group and individual correctional classes, ensuring access to the buildings of organizations carrying out educational activities, and other conditions without which it is impossible or difficult to master educational programs students with disabilities.

A child with disabilities can study both together with ordinary peers and in separate organizations (groups, classes). Special (correctional) institutions should be gradually renamed general education institutions. At the same time, we are not talking about the liquidation of special (correctional) educational organizations. The general thrust of the new law: special education does not necessarily have to be institutionalized through the creation of special schools. Organization special education(Are there separate schools that will teach adapted programs, or separate classes in a regular school, otherwise) - depends on the characteristics of the region.

The Ministry of Education should develop standard provisions of institutions for different “types” of children with disabilities. Added "types" to existing "types" with autism spectrum disorders, with complex defects and other students with disabilities."

3. Financing

The funding standard (per capita) is established taking into account special conditions for the education of a child with disabilities. Application varies by region.

In Moscow For a disabled child with cerebral palsy, a coefficient of 3 is set, for other children with disabilities - 2. To create full-fledged special learning conditions, this is extremely insufficient!

4. State provides training for teaching staff to work with children with disabilities And " promotes the attraction of such workers into organizations».

On the organization of the pedagogical process

– Entered disciplinary action against students, up to and including expulsion from school and transfer. Does not apply only to preschoolers and students primary school, children with mental retardation and mental retardation. Consequently, there is a non-zero danger of applying disciplinary sanctions to children with moderate emotional-volitional, behavioral, and other disorders.

If the child has academic debt(fails in 1 or more subjects): he is given a year (continues to study with the class), during which he has the opportunity to recertify 2 times. If it is not possible to pass recertification, then it is possible: a) repeated training (“second year”); b) transfer to study according to an adapted educational program (AEP); c) training according to an individual curriculum (IEP), which includes, among other things, stretching the duration of training in certain subjects. As a result, a child who is not doing well in individual subjects has the opportunity not to change the team.

For school graduates "VIII type"– without basic secondary education – upon completion of education, is issued certificate according to the established model(currently only a certificate is issued). It reflects learning outcomes in individual subjects compared to conventional programmes. Serves guide for further vocational training .

– Schools are creating dispute settlement commissions(for parents).

– Pinned parents' right:

Ÿ – « receive information about all types of planned examinations(psychological, psychological and pedagogical) students, give consent to conduct such examinations or participate in such examinations, refuse to conduct them or participate in them, receive information about results surveys of students" ;

Ÿ – attend PMPK examination, discuss, express an opinion on recommendations.

final examination

Persons who have completed the curriculum and do not have academic debt are admitted - unless otherwise established by the rules of certification for the educational program in which they are studying.

Education of orphans and children without parental care in boarding schools: priority training is organized outside the boarding school. If there is no opportunity (educational infrastructure), then in institutions. Aimed at the socialization and integration of children into orphanages and the realization of their right to education.

– In OO the supervision and care function is separated from education itself. Consequently, “extended hours” at school, as well as “supervision and care” in kindergartens can become paid. Benefits (free of charge) will remain for: disabled children, orphans and children without parental care, children with tuberculosis intoxication.

School entry age

It was: beginning of education from 6.5 to 8 years. Will become: Start of studies after 8 years is possible by decision of the founder. This may lead to the fact that in such cases it is necessary to take the conclusion of the PMPC and convince the founder to listen to it.

Become 2. Basic concepts used in this Federal Law

16) a student with disabilities - an individual who has deficiencies in physical and (or) psychological development, confirmed by a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission and preventing them from receiving education without the creation of special conditions;

27) inclusive education - ensuring equal access to education for all students, taking into account the diversity of special educational needs and individual capabilities;

28) adapted educational program - an educational program adapted for training persons with disabilities, taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and, if necessary, providing correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation of these persons;

Article 11. Federal state educational standards and federal state requirements. Educational standards

6. In order to ensure the realization of the right to education of students with disabilities, federal state educational standards for the education of these persons are established or special requirements are included in the federal state educational standards.

Article 5. Right to education. State guarantees of the realization of the right to education in the Russian Federation

1) the necessary conditions are created for persons with disabilities to receive, without discrimination, quality education, for the correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation, for the provision of early correctional assistance based on special pedagogical approaches and the most suitable languages, methods and means of communication and conditions for these persons, in contributing to the maximum extent to obtaining an education of a certain level and a certain direction, as well as the social development of these persons, including through the organization of inclusive education of persons with disabilities;

Article 43. Duties and responsibilities of students

5. Disciplinary measures are not applied to students in educational programs of preschool, primary general education, as well as to students with disabilities (with mental retardation and various forms of mental retardation).

Article 79. Organization of education for students with disabilities

2. General education of students with disabilities is carried out in organizations that carry out educational activities according to adapted basic general education programs. In such organizations, special conditions are created for these students to receive education.

3. Under special conditions for obtaining education by students with disabilities in this Federal Law are understood the conditions for the training, education and development of such students, including the use of special educational programs and methods of teaching and upbringing, special textbooks, teaching aids and didactic materials, special technical teaching aids for collective and individual use, provision of the services of an assistant (assistant) providing students with the necessary technical assistance, conducting group and individual correctional classes, providing access to the buildings of organizations carrying out educational activities, and other conditions without which the development of educational programs is impossible or difficult students with disabilities.

4. The education of students with disabilities can be organized both together with other students, and in separate classes, groups or in separate organizations carrying out educational activities.

5. Separate organizations carrying out educational activities according to adapted basic general educational programs are created by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the deaf, hard of hearing, late-deafened, blind, visually impaired, with severe speech impairments, with musculoskeletal disorders, with mental retardation, with mental retardation, with autism spectrum disorders, with complex disabilities and other students with disabilities.

6. Features of the organization educational activities for students with disabilities are determined by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing public policy and legal regulation in the field of education, together with the federal executive body, which carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of social protection of the population.

7. Students with disabilities living in an organization carrying out educational activities are fully supported by the state and are provided with food, clothing, shoes, soft and hard equipment. Other students with disabilities are provided with two free meals a day.

8. Vocational training and vocational education of students with disabilities is carried out on the basis of educational programs, adapted, if necessary, for the training of these students.

9. State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation ensure that students with disabilities (with various forms of mental retardation) who do not have basic general or secondary general education receive vocational training.

10. Professional educational organizations and educational organizations higher education, as well as organizations carrying out educational activities in basic vocational training programs, special conditions must be created for students with disabilities to receive education.

11. When receiving education, students with disabilities are provided with special textbooks and teaching aids free of charge, other educational literature, as well as the services of sign language interpreters and sign language interpreters. The specified measure of social support is an expenditure obligation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in relation to such students, with the exception of those studying at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget. For disabled people studying at the expense of federal budget allocations, the provision of these social support measures is an expenditure obligation of the Russian Federation.

12. The state, represented by the state authorities of the Russian Federation and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation authorized by it, ensures the training of teaching staff who are proficient in special pedagogical approaches and methods of training and education of students with disabilities, and facilitates the involvement of such workers in organizations engaged in educational activities .

This Federal Law is being adopted in order to create a legislative framework to meet the needs of persons with disabilities in obtaining education, adaptation and integration of these persons into society.


Article 1. Basic terms

For the purposes of this Federal Law, the main terms have the following meaning:

Special education - preschool, general and vocational education, for which special conditions are created for persons with disabilities to receive education;

A person with disabilities is a person who has physical and (or) mental disabilities that prevent the development of educational programs without creating special conditions for receiving education;

Child - a person under the age of eighteen;

Adult - a person who has reached the age of eighteen;

Disadvantage - a physical or mental disability, confirmed by a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission in relation to a child and a medical and social expert commission in relation to an adult, as well as in those established by this Federal law cases of repeated examination;

Physical disability - a temporary or permanent deficiency in the development and (or) functioning of a human organ(s), confirmed in the established manner, or a chronic somatic or infectious disease;

Mental disability is a duly confirmed temporary or permanent deficiency in a person’s mental development, including speech impairment, emotional-volitional disorders, including autism, a consequence of brain damage, as well as mental development disorders, including mental retardation, mental retardation, creating learning difficulties;

Complex disability is a combination of physical and (or) mental disabilities confirmed in the prescribed manner;

Severe disability is a physical or mental disability confirmed in the prescribed manner, expressed to such an extent that education in accordance with state educational standards (including special ones) is inaccessible and learning opportunities are limited to obtaining basic knowledge about the world around us, acquiring self-service skills and acquiring basic labor skills or receiving basic vocational training;

Special conditions for obtaining education - conditions of training (upbringing), including special ones educational programs and teaching methods, individual technical teaching aids and living environment, as well as pedagogical, medical, social and other services, without which it is impossible (difficult) for persons with disabilities to master general education and professional educational programs;

Integrated education - joint education of persons with disabilities and persons without such limitations, through the creation of special conditions for persons with disabilities to receive education;

General purpose educational institution - an educational institution created to train persons who do not have health restrictions to receive education;

Special educational institution - an educational institution created for the education of persons with disabilities; special educational unit - a structural unit of a general purpose educational institution created for the education of persons with disabilities;

An educational institution of integrated learning is a general-purpose educational institution in which special conditions have been created for persons with disabilities to receive education together with persons who do not have such limitations;

Studying at home - mastering general education and vocational educational programs by a person who, for health reasons, temporarily or permanently does not attend an educational institution, in which training is carried out at home by teaching staff of the relevant educational institutions, including using distance learning tools;

State registered educational obligation - a registered document establishing the obligation of state authorities of the Russian Federation or state authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to carry out, in accordance with special standards, financing the education of persons with disabilities when training them in educational institutions of all types and types, regardless of the forms of development of educational programs;

Full state support - providing persons with disabilities studying in state, municipal special educational institutions - boarding schools and special educational units - boarding schools of state, municipal educational institutions of general purpose, with food, clothing, shoes, soft equipment, necessary equipment and individual technical means . Article 2. Participants in relations regulated by this Federal Law

This Federal Law regulates the relations of individuals and legal entities involved in the implementation of special education:

Persons with disabilities who are citizens of the Russian Federation;

Parents (other legal representatives) of children with disabilities, as well as legal representatives or duly authorized representatives of adults with disabilities;

Pedagogical, medical and other workers involved in the implementation of special education, as well as teaching workers from among persons with disabilities;

State bodies, local governments, state, municipal, non-governmental organizations, their officials, as well as persons involved in the implementation of special education. Article 3. Goals of special education

1. Special education ensures that persons with disabilities receive an education in accordance with their abilities and capabilities in a learning environment adequate to their health for the purpose of adaptation and integration (reintegration) of these persons into society, including the acquisition of self-service skills, preparing them for work. and family life.

2. If a person with disabilities is recognized as disabled, special education is included in the individual rehabilitation program for the disabled person in accordance with the legislation on social protection of disabled people. Article 4. Legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education of persons with disabilities

1. The legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education of persons with disabilities includes the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", this Federal Law, other laws adopted in accordance with them and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of education of persons with disabilities.

2. When regulating legal relations in the field of education of persons with disabilities, generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation are applied. If an international treaty of the Russian Federation establishes rules other than those provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education of persons with disabilities, the rules of the international treaty apply. Article 5. State policy in the field of special education

1. The state provides conditions for persons with disabilities to receive free education in accordance with their abilities and capabilities, including promoting the development of integrated education.

2. The implementation of state policy in the field of special education is carried out on the basis of the federal target program for the development of special education, which is an integral part of the federal program for the development of education. The federal target program for the development of special education is being developed with the involvement of public associations of persons with disabilities, public associations of parents (other legal representatives) of these persons and other public associations.

3. The Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation provide, in accordance with the legislation, tax, customs and other benefits to organizations providing special education. Article 6. Issues of special education within the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation

1. In the field of special education, the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation is subject to:

1) establishment of federal components of special state educational standards for preschool education and general education;

2) determination of the legal status of sign language, the Braille system, and other special means of communication, receiving and transmitting information;

3) determination of uniform principles and standards for creating special conditions for persons with disabilities to receive education and principles for the final certification of these persons;

4) approval of standard regulations on special educational institutions of relevant types and types; determining the specifics of the creation, reorganization and liquidation of special educational institutions, licensing of their educational activities, as well as the specifics of certification and state accreditation of special educational institutions;

5) establishing the specifics of financing and financing standards in accordance with the state registered educational obligation;

6) establishment of benefits provided for by federal law for persons working in the field of special education;

7) organization of research activities in the field of special education;

8) organization of state control over the quality of special education and state supervision and control over the implementation of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of special education of persons with disabilities; creating conditions for the participation of public associations in resolving issues in the field of special education.


Article 7. Rights of citizens in the field of special education

1. Citizens have the right to examination for the purpose of obtaining special education and state registered educational obligation.

2. Persons with disabilities have the right to:

1) free examination by a psychological, medical, pedagogical commission or a medical and social expert commission;

2) free medical, psychological and pedagogical correction of physical and (or) mental disabilities from the moment of their discovery, regardless of the degree of their severity in accordance with the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission;

3) free preschool education, primary general and basic general education from the age of six to eight years in accordance with the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission and the individual curriculum. the time frame for mastering basic general education programs of primary general and basic general education is determined by standard regulations on educational institutions of the relevant types and types and cannot be less than nine years;

4) obtaining free education in a special educational institution, educational institution of integrated learning, special educational unit or in a general educational institution in accordance with psychological, pedagogical and medical indications (contraindications);

5) free education in an educational institution, regardless of its organizational and legal form, in accordance with state educational standards (including special ones), regardless of the form of education, guaranteed by the state registered educational obligation;

6) provision, in accordance with social or medical indications, with vehicles for delivery to the nearest appropriate educational institution. The procedure for providing vehicles is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Article 8. Rights of parents (other legal representatives) of persons with disabilities

1. Parents (other legal representatives) of a child with disabilities have the right:

1) be present during the examination of the child

Psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, discuss the results of the examination, challenge the conclusion of this commission in the manner established by paragraph 5 of Article 23 of this Federal Law;

2) participate in the development and implementation of individual curricula;

3) attend classes for free, with the permission of the head of the educational institution, in state and municipal educational institutions of secondary vocational and higher education vocational education, in order to obtain special knowledge for more effective upbringing and development of the child;

4) for reimbursement of the costs of educating a child in a family according to an individual curriculum in the amount of costs of educating a child at the appropriate stage of education in a state or municipal special educational institution, determined by state funding standards, including funds allocated from the state personal educational obligation, provided implementation of an individual training program;

5) receive consultations on special education issues from the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.

2. The rights specified in subparagraphs 1 and 2 of paragraph 1 of this article are also granted to other legal representatives of persons with disabilities. The provisions of subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of this article apply to legal representatives of adults with disabilities, taking into account the provisions of paragraph 7 of Article 23 of this Federal Law. Article 9. State support for persons with disabilities

Persons with disabilities are fully provided by the state in state, municipal special educational boarding institutions and special educational units - boarding schools of state, municipal educational institutions of general purpose:

Deaf and hard of hearing;

Blind and visually impaired;

With severe speech impairments;

With dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system;

Mentally retarded;

With pronounced (deep) disturbances of the emotional-volitional sphere and behavior;

Having learning difficulties due to mental retardation;

With complex flaws.


Article 10. Forms of receiving special education

Persons with disabilities can receive special education in special educational institutions, special educational units, educational institutions of integrated learning, general educational institutions in the forms provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

Article 11. Homeschooling

1. For persons who, due to health reasons, do not temporarily or permanently attend educational institutions, the relevant educational authorities are obliged to organize home education.

The list of diseases, the presence of which gives the right to study at home, is established in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. Education at home is carried out by an educational institution in which the persons specified in paragraph 1 of this article are constantly studying, or by the appropriate educational institution closest to their place of residence that has state accreditation, on the basis of the conclusion of a medical institution in relation to children suffering from somatic diseases, or on the basis of a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission or a medical-social expert commission in other cases. Studying at home is carried out on the basis of an agreement between the educational authority, the educational institution, the student and (or) his legal representatives.

The form of the home study agreement is approved by the federal government agency education management.

3. Home education is financed in accordance with Article 29 of this Federal Law. Article 12. Training in an inpatient medical institution

1. In order to realize the right of citizens to education, create conditions for receiving it, educational authorities and health authorities are obliged to organize the education of children with disabilities who are undergoing long-term (more than twenty-one days) treatment in inpatient medical institutions, in accordance with general educational standards. programs.

2. General educational institution at the location of the inpatient medical institution, provides education to children in various forms. Organizational issues of training are regulated by an agreement between an inpatient medical institution and a general educational institution.

The form of the agreement on the organization of training in an inpatient medical institution is approved by the relevant federal executive authorities, whose competence includes issues of education and health care.

3. Training in an inpatient medical institution is financed in accordance with Article 29 of this Federal Law. Article 13. Training in a general educational institution

1. Persons with disabilities have the right to study in a general educational institution in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” if they have the appropriate conclusion of a psychological, medical, pedagogical commission or a medical and social expert commission.

2. Persons with disabilities studying in a general educational institution have the right to use the services of an assistant during classes if there is a corresponding recommendation in the conclusion of the commissions specified in paragraph one of this article.

The rights and responsibilities of an assistant may be established by local regulations of the educational institution. Article 14. Integrated learning

1. Integrated education is organized for persons with disabilities in accordance with psychological, pedagogical and medical indications (contraindications), if the educational institution of integrated education has the necessary special conditions for receiving education. An educational institution of integrated education does not have the right to refuse admission to such persons for training due to the presence of physical and (or) mental disabilities in the absence of contraindications to training and (or) vocational education and restrictions for work in a specific profession (specialty).

In an educational institution of integrated learning, the number of persons with disabilities should not be more than twenty percent total number students, pupils.

An educational institution of integrated education, from the day a person with disabilities is enrolled in it, has the right to be financed from the federal budget and (or) budget funds of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the amount established by the state registered educational obligation.

2. Joint training and education of persons with mental or complex disabilities and persons who do not have such disabilities should not adversely affect the educational results of persons who do not have such disabilities. persons with mental or complex disabilities who successfully master the educational program of an educational institution of integrated education may be expelled from this educational institution due to the impossibility of joint education based on a decision of the board of the educational institution in agreement with the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission. At the same time, the executive authorities, whose competence includes issues of education, take measures within a month to ensure that these individuals continue their education in a form adequate for them. Article 15. Special educational institutions

1. In the Russian Federation, special educational institutions are created and operate, the types and types of which are determined in accordance with the educational programs they implement, rehabilitation activities and the age of students.

2. In the Russian Federation, special educational institutions may be created and operate for persons:

1) with speech impairments - severe speech impairments, phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech and impaired pronunciation of individual sounds;

2) with hearing impairment - deaf, hard of hearing and late-deafened;

3) with visual impairments - blind, visually impaired and late-blind people, with strabismus and amblyopia;

4) with mental disorders - delayed mental development, mentally retarded, with profound mental retardation;

5) with dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system;

6) with complex disabilities, including deaf-blindness;

7) with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere and behavior;

8) susceptible to chronic somatic or infectious diseases.

Special educational institutions may be created for the joint education of persons with various physical and (or) mental disabilities, if this does not interfere with the successful development of educational programs and there are no medical contraindications for such training. Article 16. Speech therapy service

1. To provide assistance to children with various speech disorders and studying in general educational institutions, a speech therapy service is organized.

Based on the number of children in need of speech therapy assistance, this assistance can be provided through:

Introduction of a speech therapist position into the staff of a general educational institution;

Creation of a speech therapy room within the structure of the education management body;

Creation of a speech therapy center - an institution with the rights of a legal entity.

2. The standard regulations on speech therapy services are approved by the federal executive body whose competence includes issues of education. Article 17. Rehabilitation centers

1. For the purpose of training and (or) education of persons with complex and (or) severe disabilities, rehabilitation centers of various profiles are created. State rehabilitation centers (at least one in each subject of the Russian Federation) are created by the federal executive body.

2. The objectives of rehabilitation centers are the formation of communication and self-service skills, basic work skills and the organization of classes according to individual educational programs.

Classes in rehabilitation centers are organized according to individual and (or) group training programs with the number of students in a group of no more than ten people, and with a complex defect - no more than six people.

3. The rehabilitation center is a legal entity. The standard regulations on the rehabilitation center are approved in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Article 18. Peculiarities of admission to educational institutions of persons with disabilities

Admission to educational institutions of persons with disabilities is carried out in the manner established by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", and on the basis of the conclusion of a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission or a medical and social expert commission. Article 19. Transfer of persons with disabilities from special educational institutions to other educational institutions

1. The transfer of persons with disabilities from special educational institutions of one type or type to special educational institutions of another type or type, to educational institutions of integrated education or to educational institutions of general purpose is carried out on the basis of the conclusion of a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission or a medical-social expert commission and with the consent of parents (other legal representatives) of minor children.

The issue of transfer is considered, as a rule, after a year has passed from the date of admission to a special educational institution, if an earlier date for re-examination does not correspond to the interests of the student or pupil.

2. In the event of reorganization or liquidation of a special educational institution, the educational management body under which this institution is subordinate, ensures the transfer of students, pupils, with their consent or with the consent of parents (other legal representatives) to other special educational institutions or to relevant educational institutions of integrated education. Article 20. Closed special educational institutions. Special educational units of educational institutions created at institutions performing

Criminal penalties in the form of imprisonment

1. For children who have physical and (or) mental disabilities, who have committed socially dangerous acts, who have reached the age of eleven years and are recognized by the courts as socially dangerous, special closed educational institutions are created, the founders of which can only be federal executive authorities and executive authorities authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The referral of such children to special closed educational institutions is carried out by court decision, taking into account the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission in the manner established by federal law.

2. In educational institutions created at institutions executing criminal penalties in the form of imprisonment, special educational units are created for convicted persons with disabilities. Article 21. Special state educational standards

1. For persons with disabilities, whose education in accordance with state educational standards is impossible due to the characteristics of their physical and (or) mental disabilities, special state educational standards are established. Special state educational standards for vocational education are not established.

2. The procedure for the development, approval and introduction of special state educational standards is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. Article 22. Features of the final certification of persons with disabilities.

1. The final certification of persons with physical disabilities and who have completed educational programs of the appropriate level is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

2. The final certification of persons with mental or complex disabilities and who have completed educational programs for special educational institutions is carried out in the manner established by the federal executive body whose competence includes issues of education. Article 23. Psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions, medical and social expert commissions

1. Diagnosis of physical and (or) mental disabilities of children, establishment of their rights to special education and the creation of special conditions for receiving education, as well as consultation of parents (other legal representatives) on all issues regarding physical and (or) mental disabilities of children are carried out by permanent interdepartmental psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions.

Psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions are created at the rate of an average of one commission per ten thousand children living in a given territory, but no less than one psychological, medical and pedagogical commission on the territory of each subject of the Russian Federation.

For the purpose of scientific and methodological service

Psychological-medical-pedagogical commission and resolution of conflicts between the commission and parents (other legal representatives) of children with disabilities, federal psychological-medical-pedagogical centers are created at the rate of one center for ten commissions, but no more than one psychological-medical-pedagogical center on the territory of each subject of the Russian Federation. If the number of commissions is less than ten in one constituent entity of the Russian Federation, one federal psychological, medical, and pedagogical center is created for several constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The creation of federal psychological, medical and pedagogical centers is carried out in agreement with the state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on whose territory it is created.

The procedure for creating psychological-medical-pedagogical commissions and federal psychological-medical-pedagogical centers and standard regulations on them are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. The main functions of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission are:

1) conducting a free psychological, medical and pedagogical examination of children as early as possible, identifying the characteristics of their development in order to establish a diagnosis and determine adequate special conditions for receiving education;

2) certification of the rights of a child with disabilities to special education, drawing up an appropriate conclusion;

4) confirmation, clarification and change of a previously established diagnosis;

5) consulting parents (other legal representatives) of children with disabilities;

6) consulting pedagogical, medical and social workers on issues related to special conditions for children to receive education, their rights and the rights of parents (other legal representatives);

7) formation of a data bank about children with disabilities, childhood pathology (inadequacy) and provision of the collected information to the relevant educational authorities, health authorities and social protection authorities.

3. The psychological, medical and pedagogical commission must include:


Doctors - psychiatrist, neurologist, orthopedist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, therapist (pediatrician), physiotherapist;

Specialists in the field of special education - speech therapist, oligophrenopedagogist, teacher of the deaf, typhlopedagogist, social teacher;

Representatives of the relevant educational authorities, health authorities and social protection authorities take part in the work of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.

4. Referral of children to a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission is carried out upon the application of parents (other legal representatives), a court decision, as well as with the consent of parents (other legal representatives) on the initiative of the relevant educational authorities, health authorities, social protection authorities, educational institutions, health care institutions, social protection of the population or public associations dealing, in accordance with their constituent documents, with issues of protecting the rights of persons with disabilities. When sending children for examination by court decision, the consent of parents (other legal representatives) is not required.

Health care institutions are required to refer a child to a psychological, medical, and pedagogical commission within ten days if they identify clear signs of physical and (or) mental disabilities in order to determine special conditions for their education.

5. The results of the examination of the child are reflected in the conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, which is the basis for sending the child, with the consent of the parents (other legal representatives), to a special educational institution, for organizing education at home or for sending him to educational institutions of integrated education. Members of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission are obliged to maintain professional secrets, including maintaining the confidentiality of the conclusion.

If parents (other legal representatives) disagree with the conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, within a month from the date they submit the application, the relevant psychological-medical-pedagogical center conducts a second examination.

The conclusion of the re-examination may be appealed to the court. 6. Psychological-medical-pedagogical commission and

Psychological, medical and pedagogical center are legal entities.

7. The functions of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission in relation to adults are performed by medical and social expert commissions.

Appeals against the conclusions of medical and social expert commissions are carried out in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Article 24. Documents certifying the right to receive special education

1. The right to receive special education is certified by a document issued to the child (his legal representative) by the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission or to the adult (his legal representative) by the medical-social expert commission. The form of the document is established in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. Special conditions for obtaining education are determined on the basis of the conclusion of a psychological, medical, pedagogical commission or a medical and social expert commission.

3. Based on the documents specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article, the executive body whose competence includes issues of financing education issues a state registered educational obligation to a person with disabilities (his legal representative). A state registered educational obligation cannot be the subject of civil circulation, including purchase and sale and pledge, about which a corresponding entry is made in the state registered educational obligation.

The form of the state registered educational obligation, the procedure for calculating its price and the procedure for obtaining this obligation are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

4. Officials of psychological, medical, pedagogical commissions and medical and social expert commissions, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in the documents specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article. Persons guilty of issuing a deliberately incorrect conclusion by a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission or a medical-social expert commission, or illegally issuing documents specified in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this article, bear disciplinary, administrative, property and criminal liability established by the legislation of the Russian Federation .


Article 25. Special education authorities

1. Management of special education in the Russian Federation is carried out by the federal executive body whose competence includes issues of education, and by the relevant executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2. Executive authorities, whose competence includes issues of education, adopt and implement joint programs and carry out joint activities aimed at protecting the health of citizens, preventing disability, social adaptation of persons with disabilities, crime prevention, medical and social rehabilitation of persons with disabilities health opportunities. To coordinate these activities, exchange information and experience on special education issues, interdepartmental commissions can be created.

The executive authorities, whose competence includes issues of education, inform the psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions, the psychological, medical and pedagogical center and medical and social expert commissions about their decisions in the field of special education. Article 26. Features of the reorganization and liquidation of special educational institutions. The reorganization and liquidation of state and municipal special educational institutions can be carried out if students and pupils are guaranteed continued education in adequate special conditions for obtaining an education. During the reorganization and liquidation of non-state special educational institutions, students and pupils are guaranteed the realization of their rights to education in state and municipal educational institutions of the relevant types and types. Article 27. Features of licensing educational activities of special educational institutions, their certification and state accreditation

1. Licensing of educational activities of special educational institutions is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, taking into account the following conditions:

1) a license for the right to conduct educational activities is issued to educational institutions of vocational education, special educational institutions by the federal state educational authority, with the exception of special preschool educational institutions, special educational institutions for children with mental retardation and (or) mentally retarded children.

2) special subject examination is the availability of special conditions for obtaining education, for non-state special educational institutions also the possibility of their financing in accordance with established standards.

2. Certification and state accreditation of a special educational institution are carried out in the manner established by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, subject to the following conditions:

1) certification of a special educational institution is carried out if the final certification result of at least half of the graduates in the past academic year is positive;

2) state accreditation of a special educational institution is carried out only by the federal state educational authority. Article 28. Control over activities in the field of special education

1. Control over activities in the field of special education is carried out by the relevant executive authorities and local government bodies within the limits of their competence in the forms provided for by laws and other regulations legal acts.

Control over the activities of state and municipal educational institutions in which persons with disabilities study is carried out by their founders.

2. Public control over activities in the field of special education is carried out by public associations dealing, in accordance with their constituent documents, with issues of protecting the rights of persons with disabilities.

3. Supervision over the implementation of legislation on special education is carried out by the prosecutor's office.


Article 29. Financing of special education

1. Financing of an educational institution in which a person with disabilities studies is carried out by the founder, as well as from the federal budget or the budget of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the amount established by the state registered educational obligation.

2. Financing of special education is carried out in the amount of the federal funding standard established for general purpose educational institutions of the relevant types and types in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

At the expense of state registered educational obligations, the costs of creating special conditions for obtaining education by persons with disabilities, providing these persons with textbooks, teaching aids, individual technical training aids and vehicles are paid.

3. Expenses are made at the expense of the federal budget to ensure state registered educational obligations of persons with disabilities studying in educational institutions of vocational education, as well as in special educational institutions, with the exception of special preschool educational institutions, special educational institutions for children with mental retardation development and (or) mentally retarded children.

4. The standards for financing state registered educational obligations from the federal budget are established in the manner determined by the law of the Russian Federation “On Education” for financing state and municipal educational institutions.

5. The state personal educational obligation is fulfilled when a person (his legal representative) transfers the documents provided for in Article 24 of this Federal Law to the administration of the educational institution to which this person has been admitted for study.

6. Persons with disabilities studying in general educational institutions that do not have special educational units are not issued state registered educational obligations.

If, according to the conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission or medical-social expert commission, the training of persons with disabilities is impossible without an assistant, then the costs of remunerating the student’s assistant and the cost of individual technical training aids are reimbursed in the manner determined for the state nominal educational obligation and in amounts not exceeding the size of the state nominal educational obligation.

7. Financing of the speech therapy service is provided by its founders.

8. The home education of persons with somatic diseases, carried out at the conclusion of the treatment institution, as well as their education during their stay in an inpatient medical institution, is financed by the educational institution in which these persons are constantly studying. Home education of persons with disabilities, carried out according to the conclusion of a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission or a medical-social expert commission, is financed by state registered educational obligations.

9. Creation necessary conditions for the teaching activities of a specialist with disabilities is carried out at the expense of the founder of the relevant educational institution. Article 30. Material and technical base of special educational institutions, educational institutions of integrated education and special educational units.

1. For a special educational institution, an educational institution of integrated learning and a special educational unit, in order to ensure the activities provided for by their charters, the founder (founders) or a body authorized by the owner assigns objects of ownership in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. The material and technical base of such educational institutions or educational units, depending on their types and types, includes premises, structures necessary for students, pupils, as well as equipment and individual technical means of training for persons with disabilities, including for organizing correctional and rehabilitation rooms, organizing sports and public events, catering, providing medical care, recreational and therapeutic measures, household and sanitary services, performing other functions provided for by the charter of the relevant educational institution or educational unit. Article 31. Scientific and methodological support for special educational institutions, educational institutions of integrated training and special educational units 1. The publication of textbooks and teaching aids for special educational institutions, educational institutions of integrated training and special educational units is carried out at the expense of the federal budget.

2. The Government of the Russian Federation provides scientific and methodological support to special educational institutions, educational institutions of integrated learning and special educational units through bodies and institutions authorized by it.

3. When developing and approving the federal budget, expenses for Scientific research in Special Education.


Article 32. Training of specialists in the field of special education.

1. Training of specialists in the field of special education is carried out in specialized educational institutions of secondary vocational and higher vocational education, in educational institutions of postgraduate vocational education, as well as in special faculties and courses of educational institutions of secondary vocational and higher vocational education.

2. Mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs of secondary pedagogical and higher education teacher education, established by the federal component of the corresponding state educational standard, includes the study of the fundamentals of defectology and correctional pedagogy. Article 33. Social guarantees and benefits for employees involved in the implementation of special education.

1. Employees involved in the implementation of special education, in addition to the rights and benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for employees of educational institutions, are given the right to be paid at tariff rates (salaries) increased by 15-30 percent, depending on the types and types of educational institutions, as well as the complexity of the work performed.

The list of relevant positions and works is approved in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. In the event of an increase, by decision of the founder, in the number of students, pupils in classes (groups) in excess of the standard number established for an educational institution of the corresponding type or type, the tariff rates (salaries) of employees specified in paragraph 1 of this article are increased by one percent for each percentage of excess of the standard number of students, pupils.

3. A blind teaching employee of the relevant educational institution has the right to have a secretary, whose work is paid from the funds of the founder.


Article 34. International activities of the Russian Federation in the field of special education.

1. The Russian Federation carries out international activities in the field of special education and promotes the development of the international community in the field of special education, including on the basis of international treaties of the Russian Federation.

2. Bodies, institutions, state and non-state organizations related to special education, interested individuals have the right to participate in international programs and projects in the field of special education, including the training of specialists.

3. Bodies, institutions, state and non-state organizations related to special education have the right, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation:

1) establish connections with foreign and international organizations of special education, including conducting joint research, exchange of specialists, technologies, programs, students, pupils;

2) create special educational institutions with the participation of foreigners, as well as organizations to support their activities;

3) independently carry out foreign economic activities. CHAPTER VIII. FINAL AND TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS

Article 35. The procedure for enacting this Federal Law.

This Federal Law comes into force from the date of its official publication, with the exception of paragraph 2 of Article 37, paragraphs of the first and third paragraphs of Article 37, paragraph 2 of Article 38 of this Federal Law. Subclause 6 of clause 2 of Article 7 of this Federal Law comes into force on September 1, 2001. Article 36. Application of previously adopted laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of special education.

Laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of special education that were in force on the territory of the Russian Federation before the entry into force of this Federal Law are applied to the extent that does not contradict this Federal Law, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation issued on its basis, laws and other regulatory legal acts acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Article 37. The procedure for implementing certain provisions of this Federal Law.

1. The costs of putting into effect the provisions of this Federal Law are financed from the federal budget, unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law or an agreement between the Russian Federation and the subject (subjects) of the Russian Federation.

2. The creation of special conditions for obtaining education in state educational institutions is carried out at the expense of the founders and must be completed before September 1, 2001.

3. The creation of psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions at the rate of one commission for no more than one hundred thousand children living in a given territory, but no less than one psychological, medical and pedagogical commission on the territory of each subject of the Russian Federation must be completed before January 1, 2000 year, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 23 of this Federal Law - until September 1, 2005.

The Russian Federation provides subsidies to constituent entities of the Russian Federation if they lack funds to finance psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions.

The creation of federal psychological, medical and pedagogical centers must be completed before January 1, 2000. Targeted admission of students to educational institutions of higher professional education is planned taking into account the provision of psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions, psychological, medical and pedagogical centers and medical and social expert commissions with relevant specialists. Article 38. On bringing regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation into conformity with this Federal Law.

1. To propose to the President of the Russian Federation to instruct the Government of the Russian Federation to bring its legal acts into compliance with this Federal Law.

2. The normative legal acts provided for by this Federal Law must be issued before January 1, 2000.


(as amended as of December 14, 2016)

On the education of persons with disabilities in the city of Moscow


On the education of persons with disabilities in the city of Moscow

Document with changes made:
(Official website of the Moscow City Duma www.duma.mos.ru, 07/07/2014);
(Official website of the Moscow City Duma www.duma.mos.ru, 12/26/2016).

This Law regulates relations related to the implementation of the right of persons with disabilities to education of any level and focus in accordance with their abilities and capabilities, for the purpose of social integration of these persons, including their acquisition of self-service skills, preparation for work, including professional, activities and family life.

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Scope of this Law

This Law applies to:

1) disabled children, other persons not recognized in the established order as disabled children, but having temporary or permanent health limitations and needing the creation of special learning (upbringing) conditions, as well as disabled people and other persons with disabilities over the age of 18 years old, studying in basic professional educational programs of primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education;

2) parents (legal representatives) of the persons specified in paragraph 1 of this article;

3) teaching and other workers involved in the education and training of persons with disabilities, as well as teaching workers from among persons with disabilities;

4) executive authorities of the city of Moscow, state educational institutions of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as state educational institutions) and non-state educational organizations, relevant officials and managers, as well as associations of legal entities, public and state-public associations operating in the field of education.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law dated June 25, 2014 N 37.

Article 2. Basic concepts

For the purposes of this Law, the following basic concepts are applied:

1) limitation of health capabilities - any loss of a mental, physiological or anatomical structure or function or deviation from them, entailing a complete or partial limitation of the ability or ability to carry out household, social, professional or other activities in a manner and to an extent that are considered normal for a person, otherwise equal age, social and other factors. Depending on the degree of possibility of compensation or restoration, the limitation of health capabilities may be temporary or permanent;

2) special conditions of education (upbringing) - special educational programs and teaching methods, textbooks, teaching aids, didactic and visual materials, technical teaching aids for collective and individual use (including special ones), means of communication and communication, sign language translation in the implementation of educational programs, adaptation educational institutions and adjacent territories for free access of all categories of persons with disabilities, as well as pedagogical, psychological-pedagogical, medical, social and other services that provide an adaptive educational environment and a barrier-free living environment, without which the development of educational programs by persons with disabilities health capabilities is impossible (difficult);

3) inclusive education - joint learning (upbringing), including the organization of joint training sessions, leisure, various types additional education, persons with disabilities and persons without such limitations;

4) early help - family-oriented comprehensive psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance to children of infancy and early childhood who have been identified with disturbances in the development of various functions or deviations from them, as well as the risks of their occurrence at an older age, and who are in crisis situations for families raising such children.

Article 3. Ensuring state guarantees of the right of persons with disabilities to receive education

1. The executive authorities of the city of Moscow create conditions for persons with disabilities to receive education at any level in state educational institutions in accordance with federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow by:
Law of the city of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37.

1) conducting a free examination by a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission;

2) implementation of free qualified psychological, medical and pedagogical correction of health limitations (hereinafter referred to as correction of health limitations) from the moment they are identified, regardless of the degree of severity in accordance with the medical report and (or) the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission;

3) creation in state educational institutions of special conditions of training (upbringing) for persons with disabilities in accordance with psychological, pedagogical and medical indications (contraindications), medical report and (or) conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission;

4) creating conditions for the rehabilitation and habilitation of persons with disabilities using methods of physical culture and sports in accordance with federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow based on the recommendations of an individual rehabilitation or habilitation program or a medical report;
Law of the city of Moscow dated December 14, 2016 N 47.

5) providing the opportunity, taking into account medical recommendations and (or) recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, to receive education in state educational institutions of any type and type in the forms provided for by federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow;

6) providing for disabled people, including disabled children, computer equipment, communications and software when receiving education at home using distance learning educational technologies;

7) providing disabled people, including disabled children, in accordance with medical and social indications with transport services for the period of receiving education to visit state educational institutions;

8) providing the opportunity to use the services of sign language interpreters, assistants based on the recommendations of an individual rehabilitation or habilitation program or a medical report;
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 6, 2017 by Moscow City Law No. 47 dated December 14, 2016.

9) providing the opportunity to study in additional educational programs and receive additional educational correctional services;

10) providing the opportunity to master basic and additional professional educational programs, taking into account individual psychophysical characteristics and capabilities based on the choice of work profile;

11) ensuring employment upon completion of training in accordance with the education and (or) professional training received in the manner established by federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow;

12) ensuring other rights and guarantees in accordance with federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow.

2. The executive authorities of the city of Moscow ensure the organization of information and educational work with citizens in order to form positive ideas about persons with disabilities and prevent discrimination against them in all spheres of life.
Law of the city of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37.

3. Executive authorities of the city of Moscow implement joint programs and activities aimed at protecting the health of citizens, preventing disability, improving the education and training of persons with disabilities, their social adaptation on the basis of an individual rehabilitation or habilitation program or a medical report, ensuring unhindered access for persons with disabilities to the objects of social, transport and engineering infrastructures of the city of Moscow. Interdepartmental commissions may be created to coordinate these activities and exchange information and experience.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Moscow City Law of June 25, 2014 N 37, by the Moscow City Law of December 14, 2016 N 47.

4. The organizational basis of the policy of the city of Moscow to ensure state guarantees of the right of persons with disabilities to receive education are state programs of the city of Moscow.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

Article 4. Participation of parents (legal representatives) in the upbringing and training of persons with disabilities

The executive authorities of the city of Moscow create conditions that provide the opportunity for parents (legal representatives) of persons with disabilities:
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

1) choose an educational institution (taking into account the medical report and (or) the conclusion (recommendations) of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission);

2) choose forms of education (taking into account the medical report and (or) the conclusion (recommendations) of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission);

3) be present when the child is examined by a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, discuss the results of the examination, get acquainted with the conclusion and challenge it in the central (city) psychological-medical-pedagogical commission and in court;

4) participate in the development and implementation of an individual curriculum, individual educational and training programs;

5) attend, in agreement with the administration of the educational institution, classes at the relevant educational institution in order to participate in the process of education and training of a person with disabilities;

6) receive consultations on issues of raising and educating a child with disabilities at the place where he received his education, as well as in psychological, medical, pedagogical commissions and institutions providing psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance;

7) participate in the management of an educational institution;

8) receive compensation for the costs of educating a child in a family in amounts determined by the standards of financial costs per student in a state educational institution of the appropriate type and type;

9) enjoy other rights and guarantees in accordance with federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow.

Chapter 2. Organization of education and training of persons with disabilities

Article 5. Forms of organizing the educational process for persons with disabilities studying in basic and additional general education programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education

1. The executive authorities of the city of Moscow create conditions in state educational institutions for inclusive education of persons with disabilities.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

2. For persons with disabilities who do not have the opportunity to receive an inclusive education, compensatory education classes (groups) and special (correctional) classes (groups) are opened in state educational institutions.

3. For persons with disabilities who do not have the opportunity to study full-time, conditions are created for receiving education in other forms, including using distance educational technologies.

4. Organization of activities of classes (groups) for persons with disabilities for the implementation of educational programs, including determination of admission rules, maximum occupancy of classes (groups), requirements for the content of education and organization educational process, the provision of rights, social guarantees and social support measures to students and employees is carried out in accordance with federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow.

5. In order to overcome health limitations by students, such limitations are corrected.

6. Correction of health limitations is carried out directly by the state educational institution, if the number of persons with disabilities studying full-time is more than six people. If the number of such students is less than six people, correction of health limitations is carried out on the basis of an agreement between the state educational institution in which persons with disabilities study, with a state educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance, or special (correctional) educational institution. The approximate form of the agreement is approved by the executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized by the Moscow Government.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

Article 6. Preschool educational institutions providing correction of health limitations, and special (correctional) educational institutions

1. The executive authorities of the city of Moscow create preschool educational institutions for persons with disabilities that provide correction for disabilities, as well as special (correctional) educational institutions.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

2. Preschool educational institutions that provide correction of health limitations are created for persons with:

1) hearing impairment - deaf, hard of hearing and late-deafened;

2) visual impairments - blind, partially sighted and late-blind people, with strabismus and amblyopia;

3) speech disorders - general underdevelopment of speech of various etiologies, underdevelopment of the phonetic-phonemic aspect of speech, stuttering and other speech disorders;

4) disorders of the musculoskeletal system;

5) mental retardation of various origins;

6) mental retardation, including severe mental retardation;

7) complex defects, including deaf-blindness;

8) disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere and behavior;

9) other developmental disorders.

3. Special (correctional) educational institutions are created for deaf, hard of hearing and late-deafened, blind, visually impaired and late-blind children, children with severe speech impairments, musculoskeletal disorders, mental retardation, for mentally retarded children and children with other health limitations .

4. Preschool educational institutions that provide correction for health limitations, as well as special (correctional) educational institutions can be created for joint education of persons with various health disabilities, if such training does not interfere with the successful development of educational programs and there are no corresponding medical contraindications.

5. In preschool educational institutions that carry out the correction of health limitations, as well as in special (correctional) educational institutions, targeted work is carried out to correct the health limitations of students, pupils and their social integration in the implementation of basic and additional general education programs, additional educational programs and programs pre-professional training.

6. In preschool educational institutions that carry out the correction of health limitations, as well as in special (correctional) educational institutions, short-stay groups may be opened or special educational units may be created to carry out the correction of health limitations and social integration of persons with disabilities according to the profile of the institution, students studying in other educational institutions, in a medical organization providing medical care in an inpatient setting, at home, as well as receiving education in other forms (except full-time).
Law of the city of Moscow dated December 14, 2016 N 47.

7. Specialists from preschool educational institutions that provide correction for disabilities and special (correctional) educational institutions provide consulting assistance to teaching staff of other educational institutions and parents (legal representatives) of persons with disabilities on issues of their upbringing and education. The procedure for providing such assistance is determined by the executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized by the Moscow Government.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

Article 7. Homeschooling

1. For persons who, due to health reasons, temporarily or permanently do not attend educational institutions, with the consent of their parents (legal representatives), the executive authorities of the city of Moscow create conditions for studying at home.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

2. Home education is carried out by educational institutions on the basis of a medical report. The list of diseases, the presence of which gives the right to study at home, is determined in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

3. Studying at home is organized on the basis of an agreement between the executive authorities of the city of Moscow that carry out management in the field of education, the educational institution, the student and (or) his parents (legal representatives). The approximate form of an agreement on home education is approved by the executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized by the Moscow Government.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

4. Persons studying at home using distance learning technologies are provided with computer equipment, communications equipment and software at the expense of the Moscow city budget for the period of receiving education.

5. Correction of health limitations of persons studying at home is carried out on the basis of an agreement with a state educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance, or a special (correctional) educational institution. The approximate form of the agreement is approved by the executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized by the Moscow Government.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

Article 8. Training and education in a medical organization providing medical care in inpatient settings

(Part as amended, put into effect on January 6, 2017 by Moscow City Law No. 47 dated December 14, 2016.

1. The executive authorities of the city of Moscow create conditions for training and education for persons with disabilities who are undergoing long-term (more than 21 days) treatment in medical organizations providing medical care in a hospital setting in accordance with educational programs of the appropriate level.
(Part as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow dated 14 December 2016 N 47.

2. Organizational issues of training and education provided for in this article are regulated by an agreement between a medical organization providing medical care in a hospital setting and a state educational institution that implements educational programs at the appropriate level and is located, as a rule, in close proximity to this medical organization.
(Part as amended, put into effect on January 6, 2017 by Moscow City Law No. 47 dated December 14, 2016.

3. An approximate form of an agreement on the organization of training and education in a medical organization providing medical care in inpatient conditions is approved by the executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized by the Moscow Government.
(Part as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow dated 14 December 2016 N 47.

4. Correction of health limitations of persons studying in a medical organization providing medical care in a hospital setting is carried out on the basis of an agreement with a state educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance, or a special (correctional) educational institution .
(Part as amended, put into effect on January 6, 2017 by Moscow City Law No. 47 dated December 14, 2016.

5. An approximate form of an agreement with a state educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance, or a special (correctional) educational institution is approved by the executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized by the Moscow Government.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

Article 9. Training of persons with disabilities living in inpatient social service organizations

(The title as amended, put into effect on January 6, 2017 by Moscow City Law No. 47 dated December 14, 2016.

1. In order to implement comprehensive medical, social and professional rehabilitation of persons with disabilities living in inpatient social service organizations, structural divisions and (or) special classes (groups) are created within their structure by decision of the executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized by the Moscow Government. , implementing educational programs of the appropriate level, and labor training workshops in the manner established by federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow.
(Part as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow dated 14 December 2016 N 47.

2. The organization of inpatient social services carries out the correction of health limitations of persons living there, provides advisory, diagnostic and methodological assistance their parents (legal representatives) on medical, social, legal and other issues, develops individually differentiated educational programs, implemented by him independently or with the involvement of state educational institutions that implement educational programs at the appropriate level.
(Part as amended, put into effect on January 6, 2017 by Moscow City Law No. 47 dated December 14, 2016.

3. The approximate form of an agreement on the organization of training in the context of the organization of inpatient social services is approved by the executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized by the Moscow Government.
(Part as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow dated 14 December 2016 N 47.

4. Taking into account the needs of persons with disabilities, permanent, five-day and full-time forms of stay are organized in inpatient social service organizations.
(Part as amended, put into effect on January 6, 2017 by Moscow City Law No. 47 dated December 14, 2016.

Article 10. Vocational education and employment of persons with disabilities

1. The executive authorities of the city of Moscow create conditions for persons with disabilities to receive primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher vocational, additional vocational education, and vocational training in state educational institutions in accordance with the level of their general educational or professional training through the formation of state assignments to train personnel and provide the educational process with adequate material, technical, didactic and methodological teaching aids, taking into account the specific limitations of the health capabilities of these individuals and medical indications for training and work.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

2. State educational institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education carry out psychological, medical and pedagogical correction of students’ health limitations, aimed at restoring or compensating for impaired functions.

3. When mastering basic and additional professional educational programs using distance educational technologies, disabled people, including disabled children studying in basic professional educational programs of primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education, are provided with computer equipment and communications equipment for the period of receiving education and software at the expense of the Moscow city budget.

4. Executive authorities of the city of Moscow take measures for the employment of persons with disabilities upon completion of training in accordance with the education and (or) professional training received in the manner established by federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow, by providing services for vocational guidance and adaptation, creation of additional jobs for people with disabilities and specialized organizations that employ disabled people, reservation and quotas of jobs for disabled people, taking into account options for the labor forecast of people with disabilities, providing subsidies to enterprises and organizations that employ disabled people.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

Article 11. Psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions

1. In order to identify children with disabilities and (or) behavioral deviations, conduct a comprehensive examination of them and prepare recommendations for providing them with psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance and organize their upbringing and training, a central executive authority authorized by the Moscow Government is created (city) and territorial (district) psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

2. The procedure for organizing and the main areas of activity of psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions are determined in accordance with federal legislation.

3. Recommendations for the creation (change) of special conditions of education (upbringing), contained in the conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, are mandatory for implementation by state educational institutions and non-state educational organizations in which persons with disabilities study.

Article 12. Comprehensive psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance

State educational institutions for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance, special (correctional) educational institutions and pre-school educational institutions that correct disabilities provide persons with disabilities and their parents (legal representatives) with comprehensive psychological and pedagogical and medical-social assistance aimed at:

1) identification, psychological, medical and pedagogical diagnosis and correction of health limitations;

2) development of individual training programs and organization of individual and (or) group classes aimed at developing self-care skills, communication, and basic work skills in persons with complex and (or) severe disabilities;

3) providing psychological and pedagogical support to persons with disabilities and their parents (legal representatives);

4) advisory, diagnostic and methodological assistance to parents (legal representatives) of persons with disabilities on medical, social, legal and other issues;

5) informational and methodological support teaching and other employees of educational institutions where people with disabilities study;

6) implementation of a comprehensive system of measures for social adaptation and vocational guidance of persons with disabilities.

Article 13. Early assistance service

1. In order to provide comprehensive psychological, pedagogical and medical-social assistance to persons with disabilities in infancy and early childhood from the moment they are diagnosed with developmental disorders of various functions or the risk of their occurrence at an older age in state educational institutions in which necessary conditions, an early assistance service can be created.

2. The main activities of the early assistance service are:

1) conducting a psychological, medical and pedagogical examination of children in infancy and early childhood;

2) provision of comprehensive correctional and developmental assistance to children of infancy and early childhood;

3) providing advisory assistance to parents (legal representatives) on issues of raising and educating children and organizing psychological and pedagogical support for the family of a child with disabilities in infancy and early childhood.

3. The executive authorities of the city of Moscow authorized by the Moscow Government inform the population about early assistance services and the services they provide.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

Article 14. Features of admission of persons with disabilities to state educational institutions

1. Admission of persons with disabilities to state educational institutions is carried out in accordance with the general procedure established by federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow for the admission of citizens to state educational institutions, taking into account the specifics established by this Law.

2. A state educational institution does not have the right to refuse admission to persons with disabilities due to the presence of such restrictions, except in cases established by federal legislation and the laws of the city of Moscow.

3. A refusal to admit a person with disabilities to a state educational institution may be appealed in the manner established by federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow.

Article 15. Procedure for transferring and changing the form of education for persons with disabilities

1. A person with disabilities is transferred to another educational institution or to another form of education on the basis of the conclusion of a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission and with the consent of the parents (legal representatives) of a minor child if he has not mastered the educational program in the chosen educational institution and in the chosen form. The issue of transfer is considered, as a rule, after school year, if an earlier date does not correspond to the interests of the student or pupil.

2. Joint education and training of persons with disabilities and persons without such limitations should not negatively affect the educational results of the latter. If the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission determines the impossibility of joint education of persons with disabilities who are successfully mastering educational programs, and persons who do not have such restrictions, based on a decision of the self-government body of the educational institution, the executive body of the city of Moscow that carries out management in the field of education, in agreement with the parents (legal representatives) of minor children and taking into account the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, takes measures to ensure that persons with disabilities continue their education in another educational institution or in another form of education.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

Article 16. Final certification of persons with disabilities

1. The final certification of persons with disabilities is carried out in accordance with federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow in an environment that excludes the influence of negative factors on the health status of such persons, and is organized taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development and individual capabilities.

2. In order to realize the right of persons with disabilities to receive secondary vocational and higher professional education, the executive authorities of the city of Moscow authorized by the Moscow Government provide students with disabilities, upon their written application, the opportunity to participate in a unified state exam, conducted in the manner established by the federal legislation, and create organizational and technological conditions for them, taking into account their psychophysiological characteristics and recommendations of the federal executive body exercising control and supervision functions in the field of education.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

3. Persons with disabilities who studied individually curriculum and those who have not mastered the educational program of general education or educational programs for students, pupils with disabilities, including educational programs of special (correctional) educational institutions, are issued a certificate of completion of the educational institution, which indicates academic subjects by years of study whose programs have been completed. The categories of students and pupils who are issued a certificate of completion of an educational institution, and the procedure for issuing the certificate are determined by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

Article 17. Interaction of executive authorities of the city of Moscow, state educational institutions, non-state educational organizations, other organizations, associations of legal entities, public and state-public associations in creating conditions for the education and training of persons with disabilities

(The name as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37.

The interaction of executive authorities of the city of Moscow with organizations in the field of education of persons with disabilities is carried out on the basis of the principles:
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

1) ensuring the full and equal participation of persons with disabilities in education, social development and employment in accordance with their abilities and capabilities;

2) attraction public organizations disabled people and organizations employing the work of disabled people, to making decisions in the field of education and training of people with disabilities, developing program documentation, using enhancing and alternative methods, methods and formats of communication, educational methods and materials to provide support to people with disabilities in high-quality mastery of educational material;

3) creation of an effective system of education and professional training of teaching staff involved in the education (education) of persons with disabilities in the field of correctional pedagogy, special psychology, features of the psychophysical development of persons with disabilities, methods and technologies for organizing the educational and rehabilitation process for such persons;

4) stimulating the participation of organizations, associations of legal entities, public and state-public associations in providing material and technical conditions for the educational process of persons with disabilities, producing for them specialized educational, rehabilitation, medical equipment, technical training aids, creating jobs and targeted employment of persons with disabilities.

Chapter 3. Financial and logistical support for the education of persons with disabilities

Article 18. Financing the education of persons with disabilities

1. Financing of state educational institutions in which persons with disabilities study is carried out from the budget of the city of Moscow on the basis of an individual staffing table in accordance with financial cost standards approved by the Moscow Government for the next fiscal year. The financial cost standards include the costs of creating special conditions for the education (education) of persons with disabilities.

2. Expenses for providing disabled people, including disabled children, with transport services during the period of receiving education to attend state educational institutions are reimbursed in the manner determined by the Moscow Government.

3. Compensation for costs to parents (legal representatives) for independent education of a child with disabilities at home in accordance with an individual education program is carried out in the manner established by regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow, in the amount of costs for training (raising) a child in a state educational institution at corresponding level of education.

4. Compensation for costs to parents (legal representatives) for training a person with disabilities in a non-state educational institution (organization) is carried out in the amount of costs for his training in a state educational institution in the manner determined by regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow.

Article 19. Logistics and technical support for special conditions of training (upbringing)

1. The executive authorities of the city of Moscow create in state educational institutions that provide education for persons with disabilities, conditions that provide the opportunity for unhindered access of such persons to the buildings and premises of the educational institution, organization of their stay and training in this institution: visual, sound and tactile media, handrails, ramps, special elevators, specially equipped training places, specialized educational, rehabilitation, medical equipment, as well as equipment and technical means of training for individual and collective use, including for organizing correctional and rehabilitation rooms, organizing training using distance educational technologies, organization of sports and public events, nutrition, provision of medical care, health and treatment and preventive measures, household and sanitary services, performance of other functions necessary for the full training (education) of persons with disabilities and implementation correction of health limitations.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

2. The publication of textbooks and teaching aids, including digital educational resources, didactic and visual materials necessary for the education (education) of persons with disabilities, is carried out at the expense of the Moscow city budget, regardless of the circulation.

Article 20. Social support measures for teaching and other workers involved in the training (education) of persons with disabilities

1. The executive authorities of the city of Moscow create conditions for special training of pedagogical and other workers involved in the training (education) of persons with disabilities, in the field of correctional pedagogy, special psychology, characteristics of the psychophysical development of children with disabilities, methods and technologies of organization educational and rehabilitation process for such children.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

2. Additional payments are established for pedagogical and other employees of state educational institutions involved in the training (education) of persons with disabilities in the manner determined by the Moscow Government.

3. Teaching staff teaching people with disabilities using distance learning technologies are provided with computer equipment, communications and software.

4. A teaching worker with disabilities, if there is an appropriate conclusion from a medical and social examination institution, has the right to have an assistant.

5. The creation of the necessary conditions for the teaching activities of a teacher with disabilities is carried out in the manner established by federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow.

Chapter 4. Final and transitional provisions

Article 21. Liability for violation of the requirements of this Law

Persons guilty of violating the requirements of this Law are liable in accordance with the legislation of the city of Moscow.

Article 22. Entry into force of this Law

1. This Law comes into force 10 days after its official publication, with the exception of Part 3 of Article 10, Parts 2-4 of Article 18, Part 3 of Article 20 of this Law.

2. Part 3 of Article 20 of this Law comes into force 10 days after its official publication in relation to teaching staff teaching persons with disabilities using distance learning technologies in basic and additional general education programs, and from January 1, 2011 - in in relation to teaching staff teaching people with disabilities using distance learning technologies in basic and additional professional educational programs.

3. Part 3 of Article 10 and parts 2-4 of Article 18 of this Law come into force on January 1, 2011.

Article 23. Transitional provisions

1. Before the creation in state educational institutions of the conditions provided for in Part 1 of Article 19 of this Law, for the purpose of organizing an inclusive education system, the executive authorities of the city of Moscow that manage the field of education, in accordance with the needs of the population in providing appropriate educational services, determine a state educational institution (institutions) on the territory of the administrative district (district) of the city of Moscow, the conditions for the implementation of the educational and rehabilitation process in which are closest to those defined by this Law.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

2. When implementing inclusive education, before the creation in a state educational institution of the conditions provided for in Part 1 of Article 19 of this Law, in order to ensure a balance of interests of students with disabilities and students who do not have such restrictions, as well as conditions for the successful work of teaching staff by decision of the executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized by the Government of Moscow, taking into account the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, a smaller occupancy rate in the class (group) may be established, and the ratio in the class (group) of persons with disabilities and persons without such limitations, students for full-time education, is determined in such a way that joint training does not interfere with their successful development of educational programs.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

3. The provision of subsidies provided for in Part 4 of Article 10 of this Law is carried out in the manner established by regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow in accordance with the law of the city of Moscow on the budget of the city of Moscow for the corresponding financial year and planning period.

4. Before the entry into force of Part 2 of Article 18 of this Law, the executive authorities of the city of Moscow create conditions for transport services for disabled people, including disabled children, for the period of education in order to ensure the possibility of their delivery to state educational institutions before the start of classes and to place of residence upon completion of studies.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by Moscow City Law No. 37 dated June 25, 2014.

5. Providing students and teaching staff with disabilities with the services of assistants and sign language interpreters is carried out in accordance with the individual staffing schedules of state educational institutions within the limits of funds for supporting core activities.

Mayor of Moscow

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"