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Project of the satellite city “Yuzhny. Satellite city "Yuzhny" Add to favorites Where the city of Yuzhny will be located

Satellite city "Yuzhny" is a project of the START Development company, implemented in the southern part of St. Petersburg, on the border of the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

Satellite city "Yuzhny" will be built on an area of ​​about 2 thousand hectares located in the southern part of St. Petersburg.

"Yuzhny" is one of the largest investment housing construction projects in Russia. About 4.3 million square meters will be built here. m of housing.

Housing construction will be accompanied by large-scale development of public services and engineering infrastructure.

The total investment volume will be 176 billion rubles.

The future satellite city is located in the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg on both sides of the M20 federal highway (Kyiv highway).

The project is based on the principles of “green development”, which involve creating favorable conditions for people’s life, leisure and work with minimal impact on nature.

A single, environmentally friendly space, soft undulating terrain, extensive parks and open spaces, a street network complemented by parks and green stripes will create a comfortable place for life and recreation for residents of the satellite city.

What is a satellite city?

A satellite city is usually understood as a settlement located near another metropolis.

According to the logic of the name, satellites are a single whole with the object that they “accompany”, they are located within its administrative boundaries, but at the same time they can exist independently of it.

The formation of satellite cities is an almost inevitable future for any large city, which sooner or later will run out of land for residential development and territories on which new production facilities could be located. further development urban economy. In the case of the Yuzhny project, the initial plan arose based on these factors.

The development of the southern territories of St. Petersburg was included in the “Start Development” strategy, since it is here that it is possible to create the main product for the company - the development of land for comfortable and affordable housing.

In 2009, based on the results of market monitoring, a plot suitable for these purposes was acquired - a large area (2012 hectares), without encumbrances, without the need to destroy or wash anything, near St. Petersburg, on the road to Moscow and close to developing industrial sites.

Now the investor is going through one of the important stages of implementing the plan - public hearings on changes to the General Development Plan of the city, as a result of which adjustments will be made to this document and the “portrait” of the satellite city will become finally clear.

We will tell you in more detail about what satellite cities are, who will build roads and utility networks on a vast territory and with what money, as well as what is the opinion of experts - real estate specialists, urbanists - about the prospects of this plan, what they see as its advantages and potential pain points.

« Southern" in numbers:

Land area - 2012 hectares

Housing area - 4.9 million square meters. m

area of ​​commercial and industrial real estate - 1.5 million square meters.

number of inhabitants - 134 thousand people

number of jobs - about 21 thousand.

The volume of investments is 176 billion rubles.

Implementation period - 19 years

About the project of the satellite city "Yuzhny"

Companies from the USA (Urban Design Associates) and Scotland (Gillespies) were involved in the execution of the project.

Project implementation period: 2010 - 2028. Work will begin in 2014. Today, more thorough preparation of the project, work to coordinate the project, and research work are underway.

According to the project plans, at least 300 thousand square meters will be commissioned annually. m. of area.

The Yuzhny satellite city project includes:

  • residential buildings
  • children's preschool institutions(at least 60)
  • general educational institutions (at least 30)
  • medical centers for the whole family (at least 10);
  • sport complexes
  • shopping and entertainment complexes

The number of social and commercial infrastructure is very approximate, because According to START Development plans, the satellite city will be constantly completed and developed.

The number of houses has also not yet been approved. But it is already known that this will not be a multi-storey development of the territory.

Mainly low-rise (no more than 3-4 floors) houses will be built, as well as cottages, duplexes and townhouses.

Transport accessibility of Yuzhny

The population of the satellite city is expected to be at least 170 thousand people.

The development company will do everything in its power to ensure that the residents of Yuzhny are provided with everything within this territory.

Although the development is being carried out between two federal highways M10 and M20, and the road to the Ring Road will take no more than 10 minutes, the existing transport routes will not be able to cope with the new flow of cars.

Without traffic jams, the journey to St. Petersburg will take less than an hour.

The only way out is to develop transport networks along with the development of the area.

Social orientation of the project

It is expected that this area will provide high-quality and comfortable housing to the middle class. The cost per square meter will be from 40 thousand rubles. The price limit remains at 60 thousand rubles for now. per square meter.

Do not forget that the housing area in low-rise buildings is larger than in multi-apartment high-rise buildings. Therefore, the final price will be at the level of ordinary apartments in new buildings in St. Petersburg.

Who will build the satellite city “Yuzhny”?

The general developer of the territory will be the owner of the land - the management company "Start Development" .

Having sufficient experience in the real estate sector, in this project the company will be responsible for preparing the concept of the satellite city, coordinating it with the authorities (including amendments to the General Plan), and developing infrastructure.

Other development companies will directly conduct development on the territory - they will receive already prepared engineering land plots for the implementation of their projects under a single concept, but it is possible that up to 30% of the total area will be developed by Start Development independently.

Information about the developer:

Start Development Management Company has been operating in the real estate market since 2007.

The project portfolio includes the low-rise Golden Keys district, plots for summer cottage construction in the Tayberry project, land plots in the Gatchina district of the Leningrad region and the Pushkinsky district of the city for housing construction, the Doni-Verevo industrial park project and other commercial real estate objects.

The total volume of the company's land bank is more than 40 million square meters. m.

Where does Yuzhny have water, electricity and roads?

In accordance with the agreement that Start Development signed with the administration of St. Petersburg in June last year, issues of providing the territory with infrastructure will be resolved jointly.

The investor will be responsible for the creation of water supply, sewerage, heat and electricity networks, as well as streets and roads of local importance, and the city will cost the main citywide and regional roads and social infrastructure facilities.

In Yuzhny it is planned to build 37 kindergartens, 16 schools, 21 sports and leisure centers, 9 medical centers).

The total cost of infrastructure is estimated at approximately 30 billion rubles. For example, it is planned to expand the Kievskoye highway and repair the Starogatchina highway.

One of the issues related to water supply and sewerage has been resolved by Start Development. In August 2011, Start Development became the owner of 75% minus 1 share of the Leningrad Regional Utility Systems (LOKS) company and in just over a year carried out work to restructure the company and bring it out of the crisis.

Now, having prepared the contractual basis for Yuzhny, the developer has put LOX up for auction in order to find a specialized company that will continue to operate the networks.

It is possible that a number of projects for the construction of infrastructure facilities will be solved in Yuzhny on the basis of public-private partnership.

The reconstruction of the M-20 highway in the section from the road to Pushkin to the Don, as well as the M-10 highway in the section from the Ring Road to the village, has been completed. Yam-Izhora within the administrative boundaries of the city

A promising highway is the planned ring highway KAD-2.

It is planned to build a latitudinal highway in the direction Volkhonskoe Highway - Petrozavodskoe Highway, as well as the first stage of construction of the extension of Vitebsky Avenue.

The General Plan of St. Petersburg provides for the construction of a light rail line from the station. metro station "Zvezdnaya" along Pulkovskoye and Kievskoye highways to the satellite city "Yuzhny".

Is low-rise or multi-storey development planned for Yuzhny?

Cottage, low-rise and mid-rise buildings are planned for the project area.

In the central part of the site there will mainly be buildings up to 30 meters high, in the outer zone - up to 15 meters.

The developer will offer construction companies different options for plots: from 10 hectares, which may be of interest to large construction companies, to 1-5 hectares for medium and small developers.

Who will live and work in Yuzhny?

On the territory of Yuzhny, 126 hectares are provided for the location of production facilities.

About the same amount is located on the territory of the Leningrad region, adjacent to Yuzhny from the village of Doni.

Several large telecommunications and radio electronics companies, as well as automakers, are considering the possibility of locating their facilities in Yuzhny.

The main thing that should attract production to a satellite is the presence of prepared sites in a good location (close to the airport, main highways, port). Potential home buyers in Yuzhny will include residents of St. Petersburg who want to improve their living conditions, as well as buyers from the regions.

The government of St. Petersburg has created a working group to attract industrial enterprises to the South.

Negotiations are underway with RosNano about the creation of Nanograd.

Expert opinions

Director of the Urbanika Institute of Territorial Planning Anton Finogenov:

The main risk for the project is the state’s failure to fulfill its infrastructure obligations

What conditions are important to take into account in order for the Yuzhny satellite city project to be implemented successfully?

In my opinion, the project developer realizes that for the successful implementation of the Yuzhny satellite city, he will need to turn the existing restrictions on the construction of the city into opportunities for its dynamic development.

Firstly, there are currently few points of attraction in the project area - there are practically no places of employment, no large settlements.

The developer is preparing to create such attractors independently - not only through the developing Doni-Verevo industrial zone, but also through the targeted invitation of a number of large innovative companies to the territory.

Secondly, the development of Yuzhny will have to set a new territorial trend for large-scale development in the St. Petersburg agglomeration, since the project is located to the south of the already existing mass construction zones.

Thirdly, the engineering infrastructure in the territory is, of course, insufficiently developed, and the developer will have to solve many issues from scratch - laying networks, roads, while simultaneously providing not only his own needs, but also the needs of neighboring towns and villages.

Certainly. Thus, some distance from the ring road creates a more favorable environmental situation.

The presence of a railway line and two stations on the project territory already makes it possible to get to the center of St. Petersburg - the Baltic Station - in less than 30 minutes.

In addition, about 800 thousand people live within 15-20 km from Yuzhny - and it is they who can create the primary demand for housing and become users of all those objects of attraction that will be created in Yuzhny.

Accordingly, in order for the advantages to “play out”, it is necessary to competently deal with the existing disadvantages and, not in words, but in deeds, create places of employment, a high-quality living environment, public service facilities, and public transport.

What are the main risks for the implementation of the project?

The main risk for the project's implementation may be the same factor that has turned many other satellite city projects into just more areas of mass residential development - the state's failure to fulfill its obligations to create basic transport and engineering infrastructure.

Nowhere in the world are there successful projects of not only mass, but also high-quality residential construction, where the developer will solve absolutely all the issues independently.

Director of the Center for Applied Research of the European University in St. Petersburg, researcher at the Center for Independent Sociological Research, sociologist and urbanist Oleg Pachenkov:

The experience of unsuccessful projects of satellite cities in Russia and abroad will help to avoid similar mistakes

What do you see as the main dangers when implementing such a large project?

It is important to understand that the project will be implemented in the long term. The lack of successful experience of similar projects (satellite cities) in Russia is, yes, potentially a problem.

On the other hand, the experience of unsuccessful or relatively successful projects with us allows us to understand what mistakes should not be made and what we should strive for. The experience of such projects implemented abroad will also help - also with varying degrees of success.

I see the main dangers for the project as follows. For example, if the state promises support and abandons the project.

We see analogues in other projects in Russia and even in St. Petersburg, for example, unfulfilled promises on transport infrastructure greatly let down the satellite city “Academic” in Yekaterinburg and the “Baltic Pearl” project in St. Petersburg, reducing their quality and creating problems for investors.

It is also dangerous if the concept of a satellite city is left to chance and is not respected during implementation - before the project begins to function and reproduce itself.

The danger also lies in the situation if any of the key aspects of the development and growth of the satellite city (employment, infrastructure and environment) are sacrificed and implemented in poor quality.

As the experience of satellite city projects in Russia and in the world shows, this will lead to the degradation of other aspects and gradually the entire project as a whole: low-quality employment will have a bad impact on the environment, poor urban environment or infrastructure, including transport, will push away potential high-quality workers and prestigious jobs, will not allow the city to be actively populated, which will lead to its financial failure, and so on.

It is extremely important that the project of the satellite city is focused on the needs and potential of St. Petersburg and the agglomeration, on their concept and strategy - and in fact there are none. And if they are not created, if the city itself does not clearly fix its priorities, then the authors of the satellite city will not be blamed for the fact that the satellite city does not work for the development of areas that are strategically important for the city...

Head of the project direction of the Foundation "Center for Strategic Research "North-West" Dmitry Sanatov:

The main thing is that the developer’s plans are implemented in strict accordance with the existing concept

What is the main problem that a developer might encounter when implementing a project on such a large territory?

The main problem that the project may encounter is the quality of implementation of the plans.

The fact is that the project has been developed with dignity in its conceptual part. There are solutions to possible transport problems, an industrial park project is being implemented in which residents of Yuzhny will be able to work, solutions have been announced in the field of green and energy-efficient technologies, and much more.

But we must understand that the implementation of many of these solutions is beyond the competence of the developer company.

Much depends on the policies of city authorities. It is likely that for successful implementation the company will have to decide difficult questions searching for effective contractors and organizing control over their activities.

It will be necessary to keep the project within the outline of the initially stated goals, even if market conditions change. There are substantive questions about the innovations of the Yuzhny project themselves.

For example, the Doni-Verevo industrial park located nearby - what level of wages can be offered there so that residents of the area can pay for housing using “green technologies”?

Or light rail transport - will there be funds in the city budget for this project? The announced construction of Ring Road-2, which should be a serious help in solving the city’s probable transport problems - will it be implemented by 2025, when Yuzhny reaches full capacity?

Is there road map entering social objects or full set the declared social facilities will be created only by 2025?

The strength of the project is the financial security of the developer company, and also, despite all the criticism, it is a good attempt to implement the project comprehensively in the full sense of the word.

For example, there is a job creation solution that comes before housing construction. It is important that the project does not grow spontaneously and does not contribute to the sprawl of the city.

So that long-outdated Soviet standard layouts and monotonous architectural solutions are not reproduced, turning life in other construction complexes in St. Petersburg into a dull existence.

The dullness and monotony of complex projects can not only scare off future residents (given a housing shortage, demand will certainly be high), but rather set a trend for the emergence of a number of social problems in the future, which is what all large-scale construction projects face. It is important that this does not happen.

The Yuzhny satellite city project in 2013

October 15, 2013 The developers of the concept of the satellite city "Yuzhny" took the initiative to create A public expert council to support the project throughout the entire development period of the territory, designed for 19 years.

The first meeting of the council was chaired by the General Director of the State Hermitage, Mikhail Piotrovsky.

The result is a resolution in support of the Yuzhny satellite city project, sent to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg.

The Public Expert Council included representatives of scientific, cultural, public organizations and the Russian Orthodox Church, business associations, architects, developers, political scientists, as well as representatives of the administration of St. Petersburg and Pushkin. Each of them, during the council’s activities, will be able to make comments and suggestions on the development of the satellite city “Yuzhny”.

“We want to implement one of the most ambitious urban development projects in the country,” noted Zakhar Smushkin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of START Development Management Company.

The creation of a new district in the south of St. Petersburg, in addition to engineering and economic calculations, will require the adoption of non-standard decisions related to the cultural, educational and spiritual life of the city.

We believe that the Public Expert Council will become not only a guarantor of making the right decisions, but also a platform that will help balance the interests of the city, the legislative branch, society and business.

Our Council included the heads of the Tsarskoe Selo and Pavlovsk museum-reserves, as well as representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church and leading universities of the city.

Their opinion will play an important role in discussing issues of maintaining environmental balance and preserving historical heritage.

We have chosen a responsible public engagement approach for this project and would like to recommend that the government of St. Petersburg take into account the recommendations of the Council, in particular, on our project, and also consider the possibility of introducing the practice of Public Councils in general.”

The very first meeting of the Public Expert Council became a platform for proposing new ideas for Yuzhny.

Advisor to the Governor of St. Petersburg Vyacheslav Semenenko urged the developer to take a creative approach to the issue of placing social facilities on the territory of the satellite city.

“Modern innovative enterprises should be located in Yuzhny, which will attract residents of the appropriate level. This is a European practice; our neighbors, the Finns, also have training centers and high-tech production facilities on the outskirts.

But for the residents and workers of Yuzhny it will be necessary to create an appropriate urban environment. For example, build schools using non-standard designs, which can significantly affect the level of knowledge acquired there,” he said.

Representative of the Guild of Managers and Developers Boris Yushenkov proposed that in each microdistrict of the satellite city a small plot should be left, the fate of which its residents could control, as is sometimes done in Western urban planning practice.

Director of the Research Center for the General Plan of St. Petersburg Yuri Bakei stated that projects such as “Yuzhny” help the city authorities implement the global task of increasing the standard of housing for St. Petersburg residents.

“This norm can get closer to European indicators - 35 sq.m per person - only through the development of new territories.

Another thing is that for now it is possible to allow the construction of a self-sufficient city only in this project. But what is especially important is that the project reflects the development prospects of neighboring territories and is unique for St. Petersburg in terms of density and height of development.

We included in the project indicators according to new regional standards, more stringent than those in force today. As a result, the building density of Yuzhny is 2.5 times lower than in the existing residential areas of the city,” he said.

For the first time in St. Petersburg, a project is planned in which initial stage the construction of everything necessary is envisaged - jobs, schools, kindergartens, clinics, etc.

Head of the Pushkinsky District Administration Nikolai Bondarenko noted:

“Yuzhny has no analogues in terms of green space - 25% of its territory is given over to green areas and recreation. But the main thing that captivates is that the investor openly discusses the problems existing in the area and is ready to provide real support in solving them.”

First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture of the Government of St. Petersburg Yuri Mityurev:

“The project of the satellite city “Yuzhny” initially included a balance between who will live there and who will work there. The developer has already done a colossal amount of work regarding functional zoning, security obligations, high-rise construction, infrastructure development, etc.

In order for this work to be completed, it is necessary to develop a project for the planning of the territory, which should reflect in its content the function that will dominate in this place,” he concluded.

Director of the Tsarskoye Selo State Museum Olga Taratynova raised the issue of reconstruction during the construction of the “Southern” Taitsky water pipeline, which historically fed ponds and supplied water to the population of Tsarskoe Selo.

Chairman of the Public Expert Council of the satellite city "Yuzhny" Mikhail Piotrovsky noted that the issue of full and partial reconstruction of the Taitsky water pipeline will be discussed during the next meetings of the council.

“I really like this project. This is an interesting urban planning initiative that could be a serious step towards solving the problems of compact development, overcrowding in the historical part of St. Petersburg and the development of industry outside the city.

A truly comprehensive approach to the development of the territory is presented for consideration, taking into account modern views on demography, urbanism and sociology.

I am also pleased that the developers are sincerely interested in the public success of Yuzhny.

The practice of creating a Public Expert Council is unique and very important for the city.

We realized that we were interested and that we were ready to continue working with this project. Discussions will continue in the World Club of St. Petersburgers, of which I am the chairman, and in the European University, and in the Union of Architects in order to comply with modern global standards, while at the same time preserving the uniqueness and originality of the most European city in Russia.”

In conclusion, members of the Public Expert Council signed a resolution in support of the Yuzhny satellite city project and the draft law “On Amendments and Amendments to the Law of St. Petersburg “On the Master Plan of St. Petersburg,” which will be sent to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg.

Mikhail Piotrovsky, Chairman of the Public Expert Council, General Director of the Federal government agency culture "State Hermitage";

Yuri Bakei, Director of the St. Petersburg State Government Institution “Research and Design Center for the Master Plan of St. Petersburg”;

Nikolay Bondarenko, Head of the Administration of the Pushkinsky District of St. Petersburg;

Vadim Larionov, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg;

Olga Taratynova, Director of the State Museum-Reserve “Tsarskoye Selo”;

Vera Dementieva, Director of the State Museum-Reserve "Pavlovsk";

Vladimir Vasiliev, rector of St. Petersburg National research university information technologies, mechanics and optics;

Dmitry Gavra, head of the department of St. Petersburg state university, professor, doctor of sociological sciences;

Mikhail Osipov, Vice-Rector for Development of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance;

Andrey Rudskoy, Rector of St. Petersburg Polytechnic University;

Evgeniy Podgorno c, head of the architectural workshop "Intercolumnium";

Boris Yushenkov, independent expert, representative of the Guild of Managers and Developers;

Gennady Zverev, rector of the St. Sophia Church of Tsarskoye Selo;

Dmitry Sinochkin, editor-in-chief of the magazine “Prigorod”, chief editor of the weekly “Real Estate and Construction of St. Petersburg”;

Igor Sklyar, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

The following also took part in the discussion of the project:

Yuri Mityurev, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture of the Administration of St. Petersburg:

Vyacheslav Semenenko, Advisor to the Governor of St. Petersburg

Anton Finogenov, head of the Urbanika Institute

Zakhar Smushkin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Management Company "START Development"

Andrey Nazarov, General Director of Management Company "START Development".


year 2009 - acquisition by Start Development of a land plot for the Yuzhny project

April 7, 2011 - the Yuzhny project received the status of a strategic project of St. Petersburg

February 7, 2012- the Yuzhny project was included in the list of priority investment projects approved by the Russian government

July 25, 2012- an agreement was signed between “Start Development” and the administration of St. Petersburg on the implementation of the strategic investment project for the creation of the satellite city “Yuzhny”

October 18, 2012- the commission on amendments to the General Development Plan of St. Petersburg approved proposals to make adjustments to the document in connection with the implementation of the Yuzhny satellite city project and recommended them for submission to public hearings

March 28 - April 2, 2013 - Public hearings were held in all districts of St. Petersburg on amendments to the General Plan of St. Petersburg related to the implementation of the Yuzhny satellite city project

June 26, 2013 - The first hearings were held in the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. Deputies passed the bill in the first reading. There is time until October 7 to make amendments. Consideration of the bill at the plenary session will take place on October 23, 2013

July 2013 - creation of a working group under the Government of St. Petersburg to attract industrial enterprises to locate on the territory of the satellite city “Yuzhny”

The new satellite of St. Petersburg, the city of Yuzhny, should become the largest development project in Russia and one of the alternative centers of St. Petersburg, capable of providing work for more than 100 thousand citizens. The concept of its development was presented on June 13 by a strategic investor, the Start Development company of Zakhara Smushkin. The implementation of the project is expected to cost about 180 billion rubles and take 15 years. The plan will succeed if the administration of St. Petersburg can create reasonable rules of the game for developers and ensure timely investments in infrastructure. As it turned out, the investor will not control the progress of construction - the engineered areas will be put up for sale.

The new satellite of St. Petersburg, the city of Yuzhny, should become the largest development project in Russia and one of the alternative centers of St. Petersburg, capable of providing work for more than 100 thousand citizens. The concept of its development was presented on June 13 by a strategic investor, the Start Development company of Zakhara Smushkin. The implementation of the project is expected to cost about 180 billion rubles and take 15 years. The plan will succeed if the administration of St. Petersburg can create reasonable rules of the game for developers and ensure timely investments in infrastructure. As it turned out, the investor will not control the progress of construction - the engineered areas will be put up for sale.

UK Start Development LLC presented the concept for the development of the satellite city Yuzhny, which should appear on the border of the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region by 2028. Document developed working group experts from the Center for Applied Research of the European University. The new settlement should extend to the south, where on the border of the city and the region there are territories suitable for integrated development, part of the functions of the historical center of St. Petersburg and become an agglomeration center along with the Lakhta Center, Pulkovo-3 and the Expoforum project. The satellite city should add 0.4% to the gross regional product for the metropolis, added Andrey Nazarov, CEO of Start Development.

The population of the satellite with an area of ​​1910 hectares will be 134 thousand people. For comparison: about 140 thousand live in neighboring Gatchina, and about 220 thousand live in Pushkin and Pavlovsk. About 180 billion rubles will be invested in the implementation of the investment project, which has found support at the federal level, of which approximately 150 billion are investments from the Start Development company, banks and developers. Regional and federal investments are tentatively estimated at 33 billion rubles. They will be used to create the necessary transport and social infrastructure not only for the satellite city, but also for the entire southern suburb. The corresponding investment agreement between St. Petersburg and Management Company Start Development was signed last July.

To work from St. Petersburg to Yuzhny

The development concept for the South is based on the idea of ​​“jobs first, housing second.” This model has already shown effectiveness in creating satellite cities in England, the USA, South Korea and other countries. According to the plan of the European University, about 116 thousand jobs should be created in the city, which will employ almost 29 thousand residents of the South, or 45% of the working population of the satellite city. The remaining 87 thousand jobs will be filled by residents of the south of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. However, the process of pendulum migration from the new settlement to St. Petersburg and back is inevitable, says Oleg Pachenkov. According to his calculations, 35.5 thousand people living in the satellite city will commute to work in the metropolis.

The second point is the quality of the jobs created. In accordance with the directive of Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, it is planned to develop innovative, research enterprises and pilot production on the territory of the satellite city. More than half of the jobs must be designed for highly skilled labor. According to Andrei Nazarov, negotiations on attracting the first employers are already close to the final stage, and the first contracts may soon be announced.

The “southerners” will also work in the Doni-Verevo industrial zone with an area of ​​183 hectares, which is also being developed by Start Development. It is planned to locate warehouses and low-hazard production facilities there: assembly, manufacturing enterprises, enterprises in the pharmaceutical industry, the food industry, and the production of building materials. The company is currently working on engineering support for the territory. Its layout project has already been approved, said Andrei Nazarov.

In total, 56% of the areas under construction, or 4.1 million square meters, will be allocated for housing. m of building. The remaining 3.1 million sq. m - commercial real estate. The lion's share, 1.3 million square meters, will be taken up by parking lots. The area of ​​office real estate and technology parks will be 475 thousand square meters. m, retail - 200 thousand sq. m. m. A theme park will be located on 10 hectares of the Kondakopsha forest. Hotels, sports facilities and catering infrastructure are also planned in the satellite city.

Responsibility will fall on the city

They intend to begin construction of both the infrastructure and the buildings themselves in Yuzhny in mid-2015, said Andrei Nazarov. Before this time, all permitting documents must be ready - amendments to the General Plan and Land Use and Development Rules must be approved by the Legislative Law. The company is currently developing outlines for these documents.

The first to be developed, according to Nazarov, is an area of ​​209 hectares. According to the authors of the concept, the one-time commissioning of real estate should be at least about 150 - 200 thousand square meters. m of housing designed to accommodate 5 - 7 thousand people, and 200 - 300 thousand sq. m. m of non-residential space, including enterprise buildings that create jobs, retail real estate, entertainment and guest infrastructure.

Construct the entire volume of planned development - 7.2 million square meters. The company does not intend to do this on its own. The land will be sold to developers in accordance with their “appetites”. The investor expects to attract not only large construction holdings, most of which have already formed their own land banks, but also medium-sized and even small companies. How exactly the plots will be put up for sale is still unknown.

The architectural appearance, as well as the frequency of commissioning of housing, business development, commercial space and all necessary infrastructure should be regulated by the city and the market. Similar mechanisms now control development in Shushary, in the south of the city and in the Primorsky district. As practice shows, the construction of social and transport infrastructure in these areas lags significantly behind the pace of housing construction, and the quality of the urban environment and the appearance of the neighborhoods often leave much to be desired.

The creation of a transport connection between Yuzhny and St. Petersburg also depends on the city. If the existing infrastructure is not developed, not only home buyers in the new city, but also residents from Gatchina, Pushkin and Pavlovsk will get stuck in traffic jams on the Kievskoye and Pulkovskoye highways. The city will inevitably develop transport infrastructure in the southern direction in connection with the development of large projects in Gatchina, Andrei Nazarov hopes.

Plans for the development of public transport from St. Petersburg and Pushkin to Yuzhny are also just being developed. “The cheapest option is to run a high-speed bus along a dedicated lane to Pulkovo, from where you can get to the city by metro or Aeroexpress,” said Oleg Pachenkov. However, he considers the optimal option to extend the Aeroexpress line to Yuzhny and Gatchina.

Local residents expressed concern about the future of the Kondakopsha forest. Start Development owns about 130 hectares of green space, of which about 30 hectares are planned to be developed with low-rise buildings. In response to the claims, the investor company says that green areas occupy about a quarter of the satellite city’s area - more than 500 hectares. In addition, there are no plans for mass deforestation - the cottages will be built right in the forest, at a distance from each other.

In a similar controversy surrounding the impact of the project on the future of the Kuzminka River, which feeds the ponds of the Pushkin and Pavlovsk parks, and regarding the preservation of the Taitsky and Orlovsky water pipelines, the company claims to preserve water bodies.

As for the part of the project located in the Leningrad region, which is about 1.5 thousand hectares, the company does not yet have plans for its development. “It’s too early to talk about housing development in this part of the territory,” said Andrei Nazarov. The head of “Start Development” limited himself to saying that the solution to infrastructure, engineering issues and the creation of development plans must be coordinated between regions.

The project is interesting, thoughtful, functional. The city will be built from scratch, and this will allow us to avoid possible miscalculations and do everything as it should ideally be. This is an absolute plus for residents. I am glad that the developer does not plan to build entirely multi-storey buildings, leaving space for the usual low-rise buildings.

In our opinion, the biggest risk of this project is the danger of untimely completion (or failure at all) of a number of urgent tasks, without which the new city will not take place. Moreover, the solution to these problems depends not only on the company "Start Development" which will build Southern. Roads, engineering infrastructure, construction of social facilities - a developer cannot do all this without the state. The authorities of St. Petersburg said yes, but who can look into the future and give an absolute guarantee that at some point budget funds will not be redistributed in favor of some other, more important object at that time? Maybe? Maybe. Will this affect fate? Southern? Certainly.

Take the same transport component. The emergence of a new city will aggravate the situation on the Kiev Highway, which is already unable to cope with the flow of cars. This is one of the reasons why construction is against Southern Some residents of Pushkin and Pavlovsk speak out. The problem could be solved by an alternative new route to St. Petersburg. Will she? Depends on the city administration. Transport problems of residents Southern could be solved by a ground express, the route of which, according to the project, enters the future satellite city. But the situation with the ground express was stuck during the global economic crisis in 2009 and has not yet been clarified.

It is impossible to solve social issues without the state. The new city needs new infrastructure, the creation of which should be financed by the authorities of St. Petersburg. Moreover, it must be built in stages, along with the construction of houses. Otherwise residents Southern will become an additional burden for the social sphere of the neighboring Pushkin.

Another question: jobs for future residents of the satellite city. It is expected that a number of large industrial companies will open their sites here, providing people with work and income. Let's hope that there will be no problems with this, although the economic situation may change and the city will be missing some potential employers.

The environmental component of the project remains open. Building a city requires cutting down trees. It is obvious that landscaping and planting of trees and shrubs will be carried out in the city. But, of course, it will not be possible to completely restore what was lost. Moreover, given the considerable period that construction will require Southern, the new settlers will have to live for a long time in not the best conditions.

It is too early to discuss house designs, apartment layouts and the like, since the developer does not disclose specific information. In the company's sales department "Start Development" It is reported that sales will begin no earlier than 2016. Construction of houses in South hasn't started yet. Of the new projects that are currently being implemented in close proximity to the future satellite city Southern, you can call it a low-rise residential complex, this is an expensive object (townhouses from 11 million rubles). There is no point in focusing on it based on price. Apartments in South, given the scale of construction, will, of course, be more affordable.

Low and mid-rise construction 4 7 Creation of parks and squares, city square 5 7 All necessary infrastructure will be inside the city 5 8 Construction will take 19 years 2 10 Satellite city "Yuzhny" is an investment project for the integrated development of the territory of the Pushkinsky district, located on both sides of the Kyiv highway in the south of St. Petersburg. Previously, these lands had agricultural purposes, until in 2009 the management company "START Development" did not buy them for large-scale development. Currently, three companies have announced their intentions to develop the territory: Inteko, Su-155 and UNISTO Petrostal. The participation shares of these companies in the project are still unknown.

The construction of the satellite city "Yuzhny" is based on the principle of green development - the formation of a full-fledged living space, creation of parks and places for comfortable leisure activities.

The territory of “Yuzhny” was conventionally divided into three microdistricts: north, center and south. In the North, various types of housing will be built, from private households to apartments in mid-rise buildings. The microdistrict will be adjacent to a large park. The Center contains commercial areas, presented here in the form of shops, cafes and entertainment centers. A special feature of this part of the city will be the square - a place for future residents of Yuzhny to meet and walk. The Gatchina Highway will run through the Yug microdistrict, which will serve as its central street, along which the city’s social infrastructure will be concentrated.

Well-known bureaus from the United States of America and England - Urban Design Associates and Gellespies - worked on the architecture of the satellite city. In addition to housing, Yuzhny will house the Innograd of Science and Technology - scientific and technical centers, laboratories, educational buildings, dormitories and residential buildings for specialists.

The developer plans to implement the project within 19 years.


Proximity to highway 4 4

The satellite city "Yuzhny" will be located in the Pushkinsky district. Most of the mini-city will be located in St. Petersburg, part - in the Leningrad region.

There are no harmful industrial enterprises here. But it is worth paying attention to the proximity to major highways - the Kyiv and Gatchina highways, as well as the St. Petersburg-Pskov railway line, which negatively affect the environment and background noise. However, we should not forget that the developer plans to create many parks and squares in the city, which may partially compensate for this problem.

Infrastructure and transport accessibility

Communication with St. Petersburg is provided by Kievskoye Highway, as well as Railway. In the future of the development of transport links, it is planned to extend the Nadzemny Express route from the Zvezdnaya metro station by 10 km, which will run parallel to the St. Petersburg-Pskov railway line. They plan to reconstruct the highway to Pskov, expanding it by several more lanes. The Ring Road interchange is about 18 km along the Kievskoye Highway, but traffic on the highway is hampered by traffic jams. The Moskovskaya and Zvezdnaya metro stations are 23 km away; excluding traffic jams, they can be reached in 20-25 minutes by personal transport.

St. PETERSBURG, November 13 – RIA Novosti. The project of the satellite city "Yuzhny" in the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg is almost at the start - on Wednesday the city parliament, in the third reading, approved changes to the General Plan, which allow construction to begin. However, the project is assessed ambiguously by experts, and discussions about the future of the city continue.

Construction of the Yuzhny satellite city, which will take about 13 years, is scheduled to begin in mid-2015. New town, designed to accommodate 134 thousand people, is planned to be built in the Pushkinsky district on both sides of the M20 federal highway (Kyiv highway). The total investment in the project, which is being implemented by the Start Development company, will amount to about 176 billion rubles.

During the entire period of development of the territory, the implementation of the project will be monitored by a public expert council, which includes, among others, the director of the Hermitage Mikhail Piotrovsky, the director of the research and design center of the General Plan of St. Petersburg, Yuri Bakey.

The public fears for the Kondakopsha forest

The Parliament of St. Petersburg approved the construction of the satellite city "Yuzhny"The Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg in the first reading adopted changes to the general plan of the city, which will subsequently allow the construction of the satellite city "Yuzhny".

Of particular concern to experts and residents of the Pushkinsky district is the impact of the project on the ecology of the area where construction is planned. They fear that the Kondakopsha forest will be cut down in this territory, the Taitsky water pipeline will be destroyed, and the Kuzminka River may dry up.

According to the director of the Ekom Center of Expertise, Alexander Karpov, the future city will occupy a significant part of the Kondakopsha forest. At the same time, not only gardens and parks will appear in its place, but also residential buildings, hotels and sports facilities. “All together will lead to the destruction of the swamp, from which the Kuzminka and Popovka rivers still flow. Accordingly, they will be destroyed as natural objects, which will seriously worsen the landscape and recreational properties of both the Pushkin and Pavlovsky parks,” he believes.

The south of St. Petersburg will be developed regardless of the decision on YuzhnyThe current master plan of St. Petersburg provides for the development of the southern part of the city, regardless of the decision to build the satellite city Yuzhny, Vice-Governor Sergei Vyazalov told deputies of the legislative assembly of the northern capital on Monday.

General Director of the Start Development company Andrei Nazarov assures that these claims are greatly exaggerated. “That part of the forest that is complete will be preserved. The part of the forest where construction is possible will be built up with cottages and townhouses located at a considerable distance from each other, and not high-rise buildings,” he noted, adding that in the northern, southern and the central part of the satellite city "Yuzhny" it is planned to create boulevards with views of parks and the lake.

According to Nazarov, the Kuzminka River, for whose fate the public fears, is fenced with protective zones, and in the future a special examination will be carried out to study the influence of the satellite city on the water environment. The Taitsky and Orlovsky water pipelines are also designated as protected zones.

Infrastructure needs to be thought through

Experts predict traffic jams at the entrances to the satellite city of YuzhnyThe emergence of satellite cities is a characteristic stage in the development of a metropolis. But if the majority of the population of Yuzhny commutes to work in St. Petersburg, they will have to face traffic jams.

The infrastructure of the future satellite city also causes a lot of controversy. According to experts, Yuzhny may encounter transport problems, and this issue needs additional study.

“Despite the expansion and reconstruction of the Kievskoye highway, the construction of an interchange on the Pulkovskoye and Petersburgskoye highways, the presence of a backup highway through Shushary, the transport system is not yet sufficiently developed. The satellite city will most likely encounter such a phenomenon as a “pendulum” in the migration of the population to work and back, since it is unlikely that the entire population of the region will work at those enterprises that will be built here according to the investor’s plans. This means that a thorough study of public transport, including the metro, is necessary,” says the head of the research department of Colliers International in St. Petersburg Veronica Lezhneva.

Construction of the Yuzhny satellite city may begin in mid-2015The construction of the satellite city "Yuzhny" in the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg is planned to begin in mid-2015, Andrei Nazarov, general director of the START Development company, which is implementing the project, told reporters.

There are also fears that Yuzhny will turn into just a densely populated residential area. Director of the investment sales department of NAI Becar in St. Petersburg, Andrey Boykov, advocates “thinning out” the development. "This area has a large number of benefits. For example, it is located near the city and the airport, but, nevertheless, is located in an environmentally friendly place - near parks. The launch of the project will entail the development of the area in terms of infrastructure. The main thing is that the developer can avoid dense development when constructing a new area,” he noted.

Igor Kokorev, head of the strategic consulting department at Knight Frank SPb, is confident that the satellite city needs large commercial and socio-cultural facilities. At the same time, according to his assessment, the satellite city project as a whole will avoid excessive centralization of St. Petersburg. "The city potentially needs settlements in the immediate environment, relatively autonomous, but connected to their center. This will enhance the decentralization of the city,” the expert said.

Search engines are examining the site where the Yuzhny satellite city will be built.Work to search for possible unregistered military graves of the Great Patriotic War begin in the Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg, where it is planned to build the Yuzhny satellite city, says a statement from the Start Development company, which is implementing the project.

According to Lezhneva, creating jobs in the satellite city requires a systemic solution. Moreover, developers will have to decide how to attract to the satellite city exactly those residents who will be in demand at the enterprises built here. “If we manage to gradually implement at least a few high-tech enterprises, then the likelihood that residents of the satellite city will work there will increase. However, even here a skillful balance of different components will be required: the quality and price of housing, the quality of the population, the presence of social infrastructure and the availability of actual jobs ", - she said.

Director of the Center for Sociological Research Oleg Pachenkov believes that the creation of polycentric centers, one of which could be “Yuzhny,” lays claim to the basic model for the development of St. Petersburg. “Yuzhny” is turning from a private project of a developer into an instrument for the development of the city and agglomeration and creates a model of a new approach to the development of territories and cities on a national scale,” he notes.