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Transition to a new quantum level. What is a quantum transition? What does the future hold for us? See what “quantum transition” is in other dictionaries

Calm down, People, - All happened:
And End Sveta And Start ...

In connection with the supposedly non-occurring End of the World and with the great excitement of the masses, as well as the huge disappointment among those who have long been expecting a “grand universal show with thunder and lightning,” I consider it appropriate to make some clarifications on this issue...

  • firstly: there will be no “doomsday”, because it was not expected; and if someone managed to buy tickets for it, then they were simply deceived by scammers;
  • secondly: it’s time for humanity to become at least a little more mature - to remove its childish and New Year’s expectations from the Universe, for example, about finite “fireworks” and similar external tinsel - the Universe does not owe him anything, and will not indulge his sweet human stupidities ;
  • thirdly: to those who, in spite of everything, still insist on the need to hold some kind of “spectacular events” regarding the End of the World, a convincing request: please calm down and wait for the New Year Holidays - there will be many opportunities there - watch other people’s shows and, if desired, organize your own.
For those who have finally become interested in the “problem of the end of the world”, or it seems to him that the end of the world did not happen... or perhaps it did happen, but somehow “not quite like that” - I suggest you familiarize yourself with a large, quite a comprehensive, well-written article on this issue, excerpts from which I quote below:

12/21/2012 The day that many have been waiting for has arrived. They waited, some with joy, some with fear. Welcome to the holiday of Light and Transfiguration, to the celebration of Mother Earth! In the name of the Human Spirit and Love!

As a result, 99% of the population really know almost nothing about the ongoing 2012 process and do not feel the beauty and grandeur of the current moment - the so-called Quantum Transition (read more about what it is below). ...

To be honest, today is actually the end of the era of Darkness, and tomorrow is the beginning of the era of Light. This is conditional. Because such a process does not have a single date. This is a gradual, smooth transition from one state of the system to another. Today is simply a holiday, a day to honor such a transition! December 21, 2012 - celebration of the end of the large ~26,000-year cosmic cycle (precession)! Celebrating the end of a long era of unfreedom and barbarism - the era of Pisces! And tomorrow, December 22, is also a holiday. The entire Earth is celebrating the onset of a new ~26,000-year cosmic cycle and the beginning of a new era of Aquarius, an era of freedom and prosperity. On these two days all over the Earth, millions of people of Light involved in the Quantum Transition rejoice and purposefully meditate. ...

What is the Quantum Transition?

The expression "quantum transition"- scientific, from quantum physics. However, do not rush to make final conclusions right away. Not everything here is as simple and unambiguous as it might seem at first superficial glance. This is due, firstly, to the extreme complexity of the phenomenon under consideration and, secondly, to the fact that science itself still does not know much about it. For example, what is singularity , multidimensionality And emptiness , why quantum effects occur exactly this way. That is, we are dealing with a very complex world, the scale, structure and functioning of which goes far beyond the limits of our current scientific knowledge and layman’s understanding. “Don’t think you understand, because you don’t understand. And you don’t understand because no one understands. It’s like quantum mechanics, no one understands it. We know how to use it. We know how to predict it. But it nobody understands." (Leni Susking, professor, theoretical physicist)

Quantum transition, or more precisely, quantum leap - This jump transition quantum system (atom, molecule, atomic nucleus, solid) from one state to another, from one energy level to another. The concept was introduced by Niels Bohr and represents a characteristic difference between quantum mechanics and classical mechanics, where any transitions are smooth. Thus, one can say “leap quantum transition” or simply “quantum transition”, which will mean the same thing.

However, the concept of "Quantum Transition" in esotericism is understood more broadly than in physics. In this case it's more metaphorical saying than scientific. It involves invisible complex changes in basic level matter and consciousness, which apparently manifest themselves in the material world, primarily in the emergence and strengthening of unusual human abilities. We can say that we have witnessed the birth of an expanded understanding and interpretation of the term. The term "Quantum Transition" is beautiful, poetic and mystical in its sound. By visualizing, something cosmically large-scale, mesmerizing, transcendental, poetic, romantic appears in my mind, which captures and carries away somewhere into the infinite... The term has already become so firmly in use among esotericists that there is no turning back. This is unusual for physicists and subconsciously, as a first reaction, causes protest and rejection. ...

How (with physics positions ) does a quantum leap occur in the microcosm, at the atomic level? An electron, rotating around a nucleus, does not move to another orbit of motion gradually, as ordinary objects do in the macrocosm, but jumps instantly. That is, it simply disappears from one orbit and appears (materializes) in another, dividing it without a motion vector, without crossing the space between orbits. If an electron jumps to a lower orbit, it loses energy and, accordingly, emits a quantum of light - a photon of fixed energy with a fixed wavelength. By eye, we distinguish photons of different energies by color - a copper wire heated on a fire glows blue, and a sodium lamp street lighting- yellow. To move to a higher orbit, the electron must, accordingly, absorb a photon. It is impossible to determine exactly where the electron will appear or when it will make a jump. The most that can be done is to indicate the probability of the electron's new location. Thus, material objects at the micro level behave otherwise than material objects at the macro level, sometimes their behavior cannot be explained at all from the standpoint modern science and conventional logic.

Thus, if quantum changes occur to one atom, we speak of quantum changes to the atom. If these changes affect all atoms of a particular system (for example, a piece solid, volume of liquid or gas), we are talking about a quantum transition of the entire system. Implying an instant transition. But what if the atoms of the system make a quantum leap not all at the same time, but sequentially, over a certain period of time? In this case, we observe the final change of the system, its transition to a new quality, perhaps missing the beginning of this transition and the process itself. It is this (second) that, as I see it, has to do with the Quantum Transition in relation to the modern transitional stage in the evolution of human civilization.

Science is gradually moving towards recognizing consciousness as a special type of matter (fine-wave field), which is also subject to the laws of quantum. In addition, if you ask the question where all matter came from (i.e., what is a singularity?), then you will have to admit the existence of another, more global, multidimensional world, in which the laws of quantumness should also manifest themselves. In this case, it is permissible and legitimate to talk about the possibility of some general global change basic parameters of matter of our 3D world in comparison and under the influence of another world. All this is also directly related to the current Quantum Transition.

1. According to the theory, The Quantum Transition of 2012 is a phase transition of the consciousness of humanity, the consciousness of planet Earth and everything on it to the next round of the spiral of evolution in the conditions of the so-called galactic alignment. This is the transition of the accumulated amount of energy into a new quality. It is stated that the Earth and humanity are now moving from a four-dimensional consciousness to a five-dimensional consciousness (which exists beyond the limitations of time and space as you understand it). This is a transition to higher vibrations of consciousness. In the process, tension arises between the old and the new world, between the old and the new energy. 2012 is the conditional center of this transition process.

The transition of consciousness to another state (another dimension) is accompanied by the spiritual awakening of people, especially old souls. The phrase expansion of consciousness is also used. This is a transition from the limited perception of only 3D material reality to the perception of the multidimensional reality of the universe. Purely 3D linear thinking changes to conceptual thinking, when you see the whole picture as a whole, both in time and space, as well as your place and role in all of this. A person begins to perceive and feel himself not as a body and mind, but as something more - as a soul, as an eternal particle of Existence. This is truly thinking on a cosmic scale. This is a transition from the consciousness of Darkness to the consciousness of spiritual Light.

Changes in people's consciousness, its transition to a higher vibrational level, when feelings of love and compassion appear brighter and stronger, lead to changes in the multidimensional crystal lattice of planet Earth. The grid is rebuilt, adjusted and resonates with the consciousness of people. In this process, the planet's magnetic grid also changes. All this ultimately leads to changes in the multidimensional quantum field of human DNA and catalyzes the further process of changing consciousness, manifested in the unity of man and the Earth. It's clean internal process .

There is also outer side of this process. It manifests itself in changes at the cellular and DNA levels. They begin to function somewhat differently. Which in turn affects the physiology of the body. As a result, opportunities for health and healing are increased.

Its transition to a high-vibration level of consciousness leads to the phenomenon of the so-called “softening” of matter. This means that the barriers of human consciousness (imprint), thanks to which spiritual memory is closed after birth and almost insurmountable obstacles to direct contact with the Spiritual world, with one’s Higher Self, are created, are weakened. As a result, a person receives greater opportunities to look behind the “veil” and communicate with the “beyond.”

In the end, everything interacts with everything. Therefore, changes in a person occur holistically. It is believed that today DNA operates at 30% of its potential. Due to changes in the multidimensional quantum field of DNA, its efficiency in the near future may increase to 35 and even 40%. It is believed that a person in a waking state uses from 5 to 15% of his brain capacity. Increased awareness and a meditative state increase the functionality of the brain. Which also leads to positive changes in a person’s perception of the world, mental health and self-awareness. Ultimately, this promotes the development and releases hidden parapsychological abilities - hypnosis, clairvoyance, telepathy, channeling, etc.

2. There are even more radical statements, purely along the lines of esoteric knowledge. As a result of the Quantum Transition, the Earth from a planet of 3rd density (dimensions) will become a planet of 4th density (dimensions). The further fate of people will presumably be divided depending on their compliance or non-compliance with these changes. Why are safety options and scenarios for their transition being prepared? Due to the uncertainty and insufficient evidence of such a scenario, I consider it inappropriate to describe it in more detail here.

There is a point of view based on channeled information that in connection with the Quantum Transition, all the basic constants of matter, space and time of our 3D world change synchronously, as a result of which its energetic “vibration” increases. However, being inside it, it is impossible to determine this, since all instruments and measuring instruments are correspondingly recalibrated at the same elementary level. This can only be determined by an external observer from outside the 3D world. Due to the uncertainty and difficulty of argumentation, more detailed description I also consider this phenomenon to be inappropriate here for now.

However, I would like to suggest video " How worlds arise and a quantum leap occurs" (4 min.). It shows how matter takes on and complicates forms depending on the frequency of sound vibrations. Taking this as an analogy, we can imagine what was just described above.

3. Another rather radical forecast - Ascension. Ascension is the transformation of a person’s material body into a subtle-wave “light” body, as a result of which a person “dissolves” in light and disappears from the material world. The ascension event is described in the Bible when prophet Elijah ascended to heaven in the presence of the prophet Elisha, who accompanied him. I also came across information that the great Teachers and yogis of the East also ascended. The ascension process is supposed to be easier after the Quantum Shift. This is what many people expect. However, as it seems to me, the most reliable information is that no one really knows anything and most of them fantasize on their own. Only the future will show how it will be and whether there will be changes at all.

One thing is more or less clear - during this period, certain changes at the energy-informational level of the soul will occur in the period between dying and a new birth (incarnation) on Earth. This phenomenon is already manifesting itself and has received its name - indigo children. These children are programmed to higher vibrational frequencies of consciousness, and many are born with special psychological and creative abilities. It is expected that after 2012 more and more of these children will be born. And after 2 generations (in 50 years) or a little later they will come to govern states and nations.

In this regard, I suggest you look video " About the quantum leap" (19 min.). In it, Vyacheslav Gubanov talks about changes in vibration frequencies in environment, restructuring of consciousness and the birth of new children with new rhythms of brain function.

Quantum Transition is not a one-time process, tied to a specific date, in particular, to December 21, 2012. It is extended in time and changes will occur gradually over a certain period of time. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that the human consciousness and body will not withstand the sudden changes described above without serious negative consequences. On the other hand, collective consciousness is, in principle, slow to change. This requires the internal work of a large number of people on themselves, as well as a change of generations, the emergence of carriers of new knowledge and consciousness. We are talking about an approximately 36-year period - the window of the Quantum Transition (information from Kryon messages). It began around 1994 with changes in parameters in the multidimensional crystalline and magnetic lattices of the Earth. This period will end around 2030, when the main parameters of change will be stabilized. Thus, 2012 is a conditional middle time in the slow process of the Quantum Transition. In general, significant changes in the consciousness of all humanity will occur only after 50 years or later, when at least two generations of people have changed, when today’s babies become the leaders of societies and nations.

The Quantum Transition implies historically drastic, significant, revolutionary changes and transformations in our world. Spiritually awakened people will have a different attitude towards many things, it will be easier to distinguish between truth and lies. The world they will create will not be a world of survival, as it is now, but a world of harmonious relationships based on love, compassion, mutual understanding, mutual assistance, cooperation and progress. These will be global changes. And many signs of this are already visible today. The world is changing before our eyes. He becomes one. Much has already been done. But more remains to be done. ...

and who will meet us in the 4th Dimension...


In the process of the Quantum Transition, the Earth and humanity will undergo a process of transmutation, i.e. a forced, external transfer of the vibration of the atoms of the body to a higher frequency level. The united psychic energy of Humanity will send a signal about the processes occurring with it into the space of its Universe.

This energy will cause waves of vibration that will be received by the thinking beings of the Universe and effect a shift in their consciousness. The experience of evolution, freedom of consciousness of the Earth should be positive!

Purification by Fire Flame: The subtler the energy, the more powerful and effective the effect it has. Psychic energy is equated to Living Fire. In the process of the Quantum Transition, the Earth will be pierced by a wave of high spiritual energy - Living Fire, as it is allegorically called in various religious sources. This will be a test for every person. Anyone who passes through this kind of filter will move into the Fourth and then into the Fifth Dimension. This test does not frighten spiritual people. What in orthodox religions is called the Last Judgment, and there will be a passage through the Gate of Spirituality. This will be a test of each Soul in terms of filling its Matrix with positive or negative psychic energy.

There will be a shift in the Dimensions of Reality of our manifested world of the 3rd major overtone towards the Fourth Dimension, the fourth octave. With the Ascension of Earth's humanity to the highest levels of Consciousness, all lower overtones than our 3rd major overtone will also begin to ascend with us. This means that the “lower worlds”, which lie in the frequency range below our world, will be able to begin the transition to the 4th Dimension. And, probably, we will all meet there, although perhaps we will also find ourselves there in different overtones of the 4th Dimension and will not see the inhabitants who now exist with us on Earth - the Mayans, Aztecs, Incas and others - but in a lower overtone than our world.

Over the coming years, the new frequency of vibrations will be so prevalent on Earth that the Rose of Reality of our manifested - for the eyes of a simple, mortal man - world from the general Book of Genesis of the Earth, its various versions of the development of events will be shifted to the New cycle of existence, and another version The Earth, our three-dimensional world, will come to its complete self-purification from the consequences of our technogenic civilization!

During Ascension, a person, without dying physically, in his dense body moves from the 3rd major overtone of the 3rd octave (Reality of the Third Dimension) to the 3rd major overtone of the 4th octave (Reality of the Fourth Dimension), i.e. forced shift by one whole octave. This will become possible during the quantum transition, when an external disturbing influence - the photon front of the Shining Light, high spiritual energy - approaches the Earth and begins to pass through all Realities on all its planes of Existence.

This event will be combined with another one - the fall of electro magnetic field Earth. These two factors will lead to the fact that almost all elements of Mendeleev’s periodic table, which make up our physical, manifested world, will begin to accelerate their vibration. Therefore, and chemical composition the physical bodies of people, animals and plants will begin to change, transmutation will occur - atoms will adjust, synchronize to a higher frequency of the photon front.

Not everyone will be affected by this process in the same way. Spiritually pure people will easily begin to adapt to the high frequency of the photon front; their bodies will adapt and modify the chemical composition of their elements. Then they will Ascend in full Consciousness or in partial oblivion, but Consciousness will return to them after crossing the Great Emptiness (the boundary between the overtones of the Realities of Dimensions).

Some people, not completely sinners, failing to synchronize with the new frequency, will die physically, their Consciousness will fall asleep and wake up already in the 3rd major overtone of the 4th Dimension. There they will be met by those people who have passed the path of Ascension, preserving their physical bodies, and Souls who have long since passed away, but who deserved their past life the opportunity of this meeting and were waiting for this hour “in the next world.” The souls of these people will begin to incarnate into the bodies of Indigo children, who will be born in a new world of the 4th Dimension for a person of the Aryan, the former Fifth Race. These will be children of the transitional stage from the Aryan Race to the Divine-Human Race. But the children of the Indigo children will already be the rightful masters of this new world of the 6th Race.

People with severe spiritual pathology, morally dark or even soulless, hopeless sinners will not be able to adapt to the high-frequency vibrations of the Radiant Light surrounding them and will probably simply die physically. After undergoing purification processes, their Souls will either be dismantled altogether, or transferred to the path of further reincarnation and life in another Galaxy, on another three-dimensional planet similar to Earth, but, probably, their appearance there will be somewhat different, and life will still be difficult and full of problems survival.

How is the Resurrection different from the Ascension?

A person physically dies, but if his Consciousness lives and the MerKaBa is activated, then the Consciousness moves to the 10th, 11th or 12th major overtone of the 4th octave (Fourth Dimensional Reality). Here the body recreates a new one, thinner, less dense, it is airy, having a different chemical composition of elements. At the Ascension to modern man you are given the opportunity, while maintaining your current physical body, to transfer it one octave to a higher frequency range. During this transition, the atoms of the body undergo a process of accelerating their frequency characteristics, while maintaining their original shape. But what is very important is that the body’s functioning parameters are updated, it becomes healthier, past illnesses are healed, new teeth may grow, vision improves, and overall life expectancy increases.

There, in the world of the Fourth Dimension, an Ascended “old man” of fifty years old is given the opportunity to live up to 150 years! His body will be renewed and healthier. Then this “old man,” of course, will die with quiet sadness, but will immediately be reborn in the family of his children - the Indigo children, and will live happily for thousands of years. Thus, the Resurrection is the re-creation of a new body by moving more than one octave higher and eternal life. Ascension is the preservation of the old body while moving no more than one octave higher, its modification, transmutation and continuation of life further for some time.

When crossing the boundary between the octaves - the Realities of the Worlds of the 3rd and 4th Dimensions - there will be three and a half days of darkness and emptiness. These 3-4 days correspond to the passage by the Earth and everything on it of the Photon Front. At the same time, all planes of the Earth’s Existence begin to work synchronously with the frequency of the Shining Light. This period will be preceded by several more days. The outer edges of the Photon Front belt are very dense, they are determined by the structure of this energy. Therefore, particles of this energy will close Sun rays fully. Complete darkness will cover the Earth. First there will be darkness, then complete darkness, then a faint dawn and then the brilliant, dazzling light of the New World! This New World will be illuminated 24 hours a day.

Along with the general darkening, cold will come, which, when complete darkness sets in, will turn into freezing cold. Impenetrable darkness will cause people to experience a state of endless Emptiness of everything. Photon energy will begin to transform the atoms of the human and animal body, increasing their vibration. Breathing air saturated with Photon Energy will fill the body with energy similar to eating healthy food with vitamins. That is, people will not acutely feel the need for food. Drinking modified water will also fill the body with additional energy. In the future, humanity will generally refuse to accept animal food, and will satisfy its food needs by eating only plant foods.

How to behave in this whole situation?

The most important condition for a successful transition to the New World is calm and clarity of thought. Gather people close to you around you and explain current and upcoming events.

Meditation is something that can help connect your true Self with those Mentors, Guides, Supreme Beings who will be around. Meditation will help you to be noticed by them and to be constant communication with them. Mentors and Supreme Beings will be able to give you instructions, following which you will behave correctly and help your loved ones. That communication channel that, let’s say, you tried to build without much success before the Quantum Transition, will be successfully built on the eve and during the Ascension. Be still and contemplate within yourself and you will see new world and its representatives. They are next to you! Tune in to the technique of opening the Third, Spiritual Eye. And you will open it, you will see what is invisible to others! Establish contact with Mentors.

Yoga rhythmic breathing technique and further transition to spherical breathing. Spherical breathing allows a person to inhale prana through the Higher Head Center, which enters through the central tube from above and below, enters the Solar Plexus Center and then fills the human Body of Light - the energy frame of the physical body. With this type of breathing, your physical body becomes lighter and lighter, healing from many ailments. One of the important features of this period is that in meditation, perhaps some will begin to understand the thoughts of animals. Meditation together with increased mental clarity, as well as establishing contact with your higher self. If you have not practiced meditation before, then reading prayers is recommended.

The entire process of the Earth passing through the Photon Belt will take about 7-10 days. Moreover, after three days of complete darkness arrive, the very process of restructuring the matter of the Three-Dimensional Dimension of the Earth and everything that exists on it into the matter of the Fourth Dimension will begin.

Already several months before the onset of these significant days, on Earth, in its public society, economic and political storms will rage. The governments of many countries will have difficulty keeping the population of their countries from mass strikes, demonstrations, street brawls, etc. World governments will not understand the reasons for the “general insanity” of the population. More frequent earthquakes, even in places where they have never happened, hurricane tornadoes or prolonged rains and other weather anomalies will lead many people, even those far from studying esoteric literature, to a sense of impending changes in their usual way of life. The migration of people to places that are calmer, in their opinion, will take on a massive, uncontrollable character. Human society will be seething.

And somewhere around the approach of the Photon Front, many people will feel a feeling of complete confusion from the changes that have come. The Earth of the 3rd Dimension will begin to shake especially frequently everywhere. This will characterize the beginning of its synchronization with new, high-frequency energies and its adjustment to new settings. The social world will fall into complete mass confusion everywhere under the rumble of the Earth.

If you have the opportunity, leave the big cities and go to the countryside. What is happening around will force even people who do not believe in anything to reconsider their views. It is appropriate to celebrate this event in a one-story rural house, which is built only from natural materials: wood, stone. Why? The process of Quantum Transition will be marked by the disintegration of artificially created matter. This means that plastic, aluminum and other materials of modern industrial production will disintegrate into the primary elements that make up the primary world of Mother Earth. Many ancient peoples: Indians, aborigines of Africa and Australia - convey in their legends about the onset of these Last Days.

Constant shaking will not allow movement on the surface of the Earth. DO NOT PANIC! This is part of the Divine Plan for the modification of the Earth. The appearance of twilight during the day, a drop in solar illumination and temperature will herald the beginning of a radical transformation of the Earth.

If you have had experience in meditative practices, then these days your vision and communication with the creatures and phenomena of the world of the 4th Dimension, which is already on the threshold of your home, will appear. You can start communicating with the souls of deceased people, close relatives. Don’t be alarmed, because you are prepared and fully in control of the situation, you are an example and a Teacher for those around you! Try to keep your Consciousness in the Light and in contact with the Higher Essences. Darkening and cooling will occur for the first two days. On the third day, the Photon Belt will completely engulf the Earth. There will be total darkness for three or four days.

When the Earth passes through the zone of the Photon Front of Light, the World of the 3rd Dimension and the World of the 4th and 5th Dimensions are synchronized. Our World of the 3rd Dimension is forcibly drawn into the frequency of the Higher Worlds, and everything that exists on Earth also begins to adjust its vibration frequency to the frequency of the World of the 4th Dimension. At the same time, the World of the 3rd Dimension goes through the stage of purification from matter of low-frequency vibrations. All artificial, synthetic matter will disintegrate into the primary elements of the Earth’s Nature, which vibrate at a high frequency, also being purified. The plant world undergoes vibrational, high-frequency cleaning. In the animal world, those who can move on to life with a higher frequency vibration, those who cannot due to the stagnation of heavy, dirty, low-frequency cellular matter die and disintegrate.

Thus, after 3-4 days of passing the Photon Front, it is as if a copying from the globe of Reality of the 3rd Dimension of one of its Versions occurs, or rather that part of it that was able to adapt to the higher vibrations of the 4th Dimension, to the globe of Reality 4- th Measurements. Another Version of the Reality of our world, the one where matter (mineral, plant and animal) could not rearrange its frequencies, remained in the World of Reality of the 3rd Dimension, a lower frequency level. The rebuilt Version to higher vibrational parameters of its Existence smoothly passed (recopied) into the World of the 4th Dimension and became invisible to the eyes of creatures of the 3rd Dimension.

But matter will become invisible at the end of the period of the Quantum Transition to a new vibrational level. While three days of darkness continue, all portals and passages between the Worlds are open to everyone who can use them. That is why the Supreme Beings of alien Intelligence and our ancestors Lemurians, Atlanteans from the Worlds of the 5th and 4th Dimensions, as well as those Ascended from the human community who have previously walked this Path on their own, will come to our aid. Taking advantage of the favorable moment, the community of the Mayans, Aztecs and Incas will finally be able to emerge from the labyrinths of the minor overtone of the 3rd octave, and also move into the light of the World of the 4th Dimension, and, if their frequency characteristics allow, head further into the Reality of the Celestial World 5th Dimension.

Don't be alarmed by the cold outside. Everything in the world of the 3rd Dimension has already begun to raise its vibrations, and your body too, unless, of course, you simply have already died at this moment, from a lack of understanding of what is happening and the fear that has consumed you. Increasing the vibration of the atoms of the body being reconstructed will lead to the fact that the freezing cold will not be felt so much. What about hunger? Hunger will also not be acutely felt. Those useful substances that you have stored in the cells of your three-dimensional body, probably with plenty of food and drink, throughout your entire previous life, when the cells of the body are reorganized, will be enough not only for three days! And when it’s all over, your body will no longer require barbecue and lightly salted salmon with vodka. The lightness of the newly reconstructed body will be such that many will even soar into the air, and the body will at most ask for a little plant food, such as carrots, cabbage or apples. And there will probably be no more thoughts about barbecue in the 4th Dimension. The Creator thought out the conditions for carrying out the Quantum Transition in such a way that the existence of the animal world and humans will be protected!

Many people, upon the onset of these three days of darkness, will simply fall asleep and wake up in their already renewed body, in a new fairy tale world. For them, this world will seem like a waking dream. Three days of darkness, this is the state of the world of the Reality of the Third Dimension, with a very high percentage of probability it coincides with the beginning of movement North Pole Earth to its new geographical point and, in connection with this, with the beginning of the fall of the Earth's electromagnetic field to a value equal to zero. Changing the position of the Earth's poles will lead to the movement of huge bodies of water in the oceans.

The fall of the Earth's electromagnetic fields will cause the memory of a mere mortal person to be erased from his “hard drive” - the cerebral cortex. Everything that has been accumulated by a person over the years last life in the Reality of the Third Dimension world on planet Earth, will be erased from memory. A simple, ordinary person will either fall asleep for three to four days, or will simply sit without thinking, and maybe some will even begin to “go crazy”, they, as they say, will “go crazy” from the pictures of those visions that begin appear before their eyes. The phenomena and patterns of the various overtones of the Third and Fourth Dimensions will begin to combine and manifest during this transition period.

That rare person who engaged in meditation practices and managed, while still living in the ordinary Three-Dimensional world, to activate the field of his MerKaBa, and maintain it in a working, untwisted state of rotation of the fields at a speed equal to the speed of light, 300,000 km/s, will be able to preserve his Mind , your memory and Consciousness during this transition period from the Third to the Fourth Dimension. But such “lucky” ones will be only a few out of six billion people. The artificially created gravity of the activated electromagnetic field of the MerKaBa is that life-saving means of protecting a person’s memory from its erasure, which can already be developed today through simple practices that are accessible to every person.

After passing through the terrible, painful three or four days of darkness and fear, the dawn will come and the long-awaited Light of the New World will appear - the world of the third major overtone of the Fourth Dimension, with those who were waiting for it happy moment its inhabitants and transit passengers of the Earth of the World of the Third Dimension, remaining forever somewhere there, in the distance of the third major overtone of our sad and forever abandoned by the inhabitants of the Earth of Three-Dimensional Reality. But these new people who have arrived in the rainbow world of the 4th Dimension will be like newborn children, with a head clear of all thoughts and an enlightened Consciousness. Everything from scratch, again through kindergarten new world to realize your place in it!

The dispersal of darkness will continue for several more days, but the sun of the New World will inevitably gain brightness. When you leave your home and take your first step, you can suddenly fly into the air, like an astronaut on the moon, and even hover for a while. The body will be so filled with new energy that this state will be unusual, but nevertheless joyful and new. It will seem that your whole body is filled with youthful strength. But the body itself will already be rebuilt. You won’t really want to eat, because quite quickly you will learn the method of breathing prana through the crown chakra, which will supply the body with the energy it needs for the first time. You will want to eat mainly fruits and vegetables that will grow in this new, bright and warm world.

Alexander Zubarev.

Basic information
Change of materiality
Man in the Quantum Transition
Quantum Transition Safety
Transition deadlines
Those who have and have not completed the Transition
Turn to the Golden Age
Sixth Race

Until now, life on Earth has been far from the truth, and you will be delighted and surprised to know your true potential as a Galactic Being. You will leave behind the world of sleep, which was a nightmare compared to what you will experience as you rise from the lower vibrations. According to many Sources, earthlings are making the Transition into the Sixth Race.

Race is not the color of skin, but the level of spiritual and moral state of people. Currently, most earthlings according to this condition belong to the Fifth Race. The time has come for the transition to a higher one - the Sixth Race. People of this race are distinguished by a sense of unity, unconditional love to their surroundings and high awareness - they understand that their life depends, first of all, on their feelings and thoughts. This review of information about the Transition is based on a number of works.

The concept of the Transition. The transition to the Sixth Race that has begun is called quantum. Quantum is minimal amount, by which it can change physical phenomenon. The Quantum Transition is an abrupt transition of the matter of the planet and its population to a qualitatively new and minimal step towards the spiritual world. Matter will take on a refined state, and space will be four-dimensional.

The transition is due to an increase in the frequency of vibration of the magnetic and other fields of the planet with its entire population. The frequency of vibration will increase by the amount that will ensure the Transition to the nearest - densified Astral world. The Quantum Transition is an objective phenomenon caused by the need to continue the evolution of humanity, its transition to a higher level and a unique combination of astronomical conditions - the now completed three cycles:
1. The solar system completes a 26,000-year rotation within its local star cluster in the Milky Way galaxy
.2. The solar system completes a revolution of about 230 million years around the center of our Milky Way galaxy.

Thus, the Quantum Transition is a natural phenomenon, and at the same time, it is completely controlled from above.
Change of materiality. The main result of the Transition will be a change in the materiality of the Earth and human bodies. The Earth and people will become more refined: “The Quantum Transition... will make people translucent Essences of high vibrations, capable of feeling and seeing the Subtle Worlds and their future.”

The central feature of human life will be: “connection to the external Galactic energy supply system,” that is, the current earthly food will be done away with. A change in space and time will be a consequence of this change in matter.

If an object in 3-dimensional space is fixed in three coordinates, then in 4-dimensional space it is fixed in four coordinates. It is difficult to imagine a 4-dimensional world here on Earth. There are two known signs of such a space. There is no horizon, what you pay attention to becomes closer. Space is inexhaustible, it never happens that something doesn’t fit, or there’s nowhere to put it.

There will be no time, but there will be peace of eternal motion - a sequence of events. Along with the present, it will be possible to observe the past and foresee the future. Most people will move into the fourth-dimensional world, and the most spiritually developed will move into the fifth-dimensional world.

On the other side of infinity

Change of consciousness. As a result of the Transition, earthlings will change not only physically, but also spiritually - “The Quantum Transition, which, of course, is Divine Providence, but on a Planetary scale, is the transfer of people to a higher level of morality, ethics, to a new level of Spirituality and purity of people’s thoughts.”

Changing people's consciousness in better side is already happening due to their own work, as well as due to the purely physical impact of the subtle energies entering the planet: “The quantum transition is gaining strength, and the frequency of your vibrational field is constantly increasing, which means that the process of cleansing your Consciousness, your inner "I". If the current Fifth Race of earthlings is characterized by individualism, mutual struggle, violence, aggression, then the Sixth Race is characterized by collectivism, co-creativity, mutual love. According to estimates from above, earthlings are successfully developing, making positive adjustments to the Transition project: “In our opinion, all the conditions for changing people exist.”

Until now, life on Earth has been far from the truth, and you will be delighted and surprised to know your true potential as a Galactic Being. You will leave behind the three-dimensional dream world, which was a nightmare compared to what you will experience as you rise from the lower vibrations.” The Purpose of the Transition. The transition on Earth is inevitable because it is only an element of a grandiose cosmic process covering the entire Solar System and other planets of the Galaxy. The transition turned out to be opportune due to the fact that the evolution of humanity was slow, and it needed to be accelerated. Crime, wars, obsession with material well-being and much more slow down the ascent of earthlings. Transition is effective method salvation of humanity: “The quantum transition is the border between the dark past and the Bright future.

The Great Cosmos cannot allow the loss of your civilization, and its purification, but not destruction, is a reality.” Participants of the Quantum Transition. It is clear that the energies entering the Earth irradiate the entire planet and all its inhabitants. This means that all earthlings are participants in the Transition process: the “doors” of the Transition to the New Space are still open to all people...” At the same time, it is assumed that people who do not want to make the Transition will be given the opportunity, after the end of their earthly life, to move to another planet with earthly living conditions of an “improved format”.

Help from above. From beginning to end, the Transition is carried out under control from above. Many specialists – our Curators – help earthlings make the Transition. They are already on Earth and in its near space. Those UFOs that earthlings have observed many thousands of times are aliens from whom help is coming.

Great responsibility lies with 144 thousand spiritually advanced earthlings, long-time natives of Venus. All of them are embodied to be at the forefront of the Transition. This vanguard of earthlings is not limited to this number; the larger it is, the better. Assistance in the Transition is also provided by about 325 thousand aliens living among earthlings in their own, but modified bodies.

However, the success of the Transition depends, first of all, on ordinary earthlings. There is a need for approximately 2% of the population who are well prepared and will be the first to make the Transition: “You must understand that 2 percent is the necessary minimum designated by Me for those people who not only have their own position, but will also undergo the Quantum Transition first from your People. Therefore, the more people of Russia rise to their level, the better it will be!” For Russia, this minimum is 3 million people.
As of September 1, 2012, the number of Russians sufficiently prepared for the Transition was already 5%, that is, about 7 million people. External security of the Transition. The main source of external danger is powerful energies coming to Earth from the center of the Galaxy, from its Central Sun and from other sources.” It (Light) pours onto the Earth from many sources, many of which are outside the Solar System.

You are in the midst of a Galactic shift of incredible power, and by now you are beginning to feel the changes." The Earth is already protected from these energies by a cocoon that was made around it by the Most High. It's like a battery that takes in energy and then releases it little by little to the Earth. “By creating an external defense of the Earth’s Planetary Zone, it will be possible to minimize the likelihood global catastrophe on the planet". Nevertheless, exposure of earthlings to streams of cosmic energies remains the main danger, the consequence of which are all other dangers. Internal security. The internal danger comes from the earthlings themselves - this is negative thinking, feelings and increased psycho-emotional tension of people.

Internal problems are solved through: - informing people about the upcoming events of the Quantum Transition;
- given the right to choose whether to participate or not in the Transition;
- providing practical assistance to people who have decided to participate in the Quantum Transition;
- providing assistance to people who decide not to participate in the Transition.

The main burden on humans comes from the increasing frequency of vibration of the Earth's magnetic field. The Earthling will significantly alleviate his condition and protect himself during the Transition through: vegetarian food; giving up alcohol, drugs, smoking; from pressure negative information on consciousness (horror and violence films); heavy rock music; unfavorable spiritual and moral atmosphere in society and family - and other things like that. Spiritual practice in the form of prayers and meditation on the heart will also help improve a person’s condition. There are different opinions about the duration of the Transition.

There is a statement that it should have happened simultaneously, on December 21. 2012. Others believe that the Transition will be completed within 25 years. The designers of the Transition plan for a much longer period - 500-1000 years. And all this is true in its own way.

The first peak of the Transition occurred in December 2012, this is a turning point.

Russia and its neighboring countries are affected by this peak. Then, with an interval of 5 years, there will be two more peaks that will cover the remaining areas of the planet. And then, over the course of hundreds of years, the consciousness of earthlings will be polished - to the level of people of the Sixth Race.

First stage (2008 - 2016). The transition began in 2008. The beginning of the transformation of people is December 21, 2012. The body of the Earth and the bodies of people, under the influence of high-frequency vibration from the outside, will begin to become thinner. The bodies of spiritually developed people will become completely refined. This will be a densified astral body. It has already been tested in Shambhala and allows you to live in a four-dimensional densified Astral world.

The dense bodies of other earthlings will be transformed into a densified astral body to one degree or another.

Second stage (2016 - 2024). There will be many people who have already made the Transition, many who are at one or another stage of transformation, and many who are not going to make the transition: “After the first stage of the Transition, your World will receive even greater diversity, because at the same time the “past” and “future” will be nearby “, therefore, the “present” will represent the Chaos of manifestations, from which the Sixth Race will then crystallize.” The third stage (2024 - 2033).

By the end of the third stage, the Transition will be completed. All of us and all of our surroundings will become subtle-material, and will already relate to the densified Astral world. This means that we ourselves and the things around us will be in their places, but by the end of the Transition they will become subtle.

People who have not made the Transition, that is, remaining in their dense bodies, will go to another planet - they will not be able to live on Earth in these bodies. The Earth will completely become a densified Astral world. Its entire population will reside in densified astral bodies. Life will begin in the Sixth Race. And now: “It is inappropriate to focus attention in advance on the phenomena of the future; it is more important to focus on the current Moment, to live here and now, to live with dignity and quality, to know why you are living.” Nostradamus: “The Golden Age in Russia will finally come in 2035.”


In connection with the Quantum Transition, the concept is used - the ascension of humanity, which can be misleading. Most earthlings in the upcoming Transition to the 4-dimensional world will take only one small step on the way to Heaven - they will move to the nearest one, as close as possible to Earth, according to their properties, the densified Astral world.

The minority of earthlings, that is, spiritually developed people, will move higher into the fifth-dimensional world. “The conditions for the transition to the 4th level of Consciousness density (that is, to the Sixth Race) are such that a person remains on Earth, but at the same time the structure of his material carrier changes, that is, the individual manifests the Body of Transition (the dense body is transformed into a dense astral body). The individual does not go to some other World. He continues to live on Earth, showing his life example, what is the Transition to the 4th level of Consciousness density and what benefits does participation in this Process provide to an individual?

That is, he has a real opportunity to help his loved ones get involved in the Ascension Processes.” Ascension of the Earth. The transformation of man takes place against the background of that of the Earth. In the general case, until the Earth transforms, that is, goes into a 4-dimensional state, most people will not be able to do this. Only individual, spiritually advanced people will be able to make the Transition before the planet is transformed. The earth began to transform after December 21, 2012.

For some time, the dense Earth and the thin Earth will exist in parallel. New Earth- Maldena. The transformation of people began in an ever-increasing stream after this date.

Transformation of the human body. The physical essence of the Quantum Transition is the transformation (transmutation) of the current dense body into a subtle-material (densified astral): The transformation will be accompanied by external changes in the bodies, people will become significantly younger and will finally change their energy diet. Forms of the Transition. In universal practice, there are two forms of Transition – catastrophic and evolutionary.

The first is through rebirth. Humanity dies as a result of a global catastrophe, and then is born in a refined body on a refined planet in a higher race.
The second is through transformation, when the body of the planet and the bodies of people gradually move from a dense state to a subtle one. As a result of a satisfactory level of spiritual development of earthlings, the evolutionary path of Transition was chosen for them and the planet - through gradual transformation, transfiguration. All the forces of the Highest and the spiritual aspiration of earthlings are aimed at the implementation of the second path - a gradual Transition.
This is already a guarantee that the Transition will be as soft as possible.

1. A person in a relatively strong body, and such are the majority, will carry out transformation in his earthly body. It will gradually change towards the subtle material and, at some point, will begin to correspond to the densified Astral world. The transition is complete!2. People who are very sick and old will make the Transition through ordinary, natural death or through instant death with immediate rebirth in a densified astral body.
3. The ideal form of Transition is in a dream. A person falls asleep in a still dense body, and wakes up in a denser astral body. Signs of the Transition. There are many signs of a person’s transition to the 4-dimensional world. Let's show just a few that you can observe for yourself:
- slight swelling of individual parts of the body or the whole body;
- periodic pain in different parts of the body, various ailments;
- increased psychological tension;
- gradual abandonment of heavy, dirty and vulgar television and radio programs, and reading material;
- withdrawal from eating meat and fish;
- reducing the amount of food consumed until the transition to space power supply;
- some weight loss;
- slight decrease in body temperature;
- signs of rejuvenation and healing of the body;
- a feeling of time speeding up;
- and finally: “When you notice increased mental clarity and your emotions become clearer and more balanced, and your body feels vibrant and youthful – then you will know that you have reached the point of complete Ascension.”

The new is the forgotten old. When the Transition process is over, everyone will be comfortable: “you will move from the biological form of manifestation in the Dense Plane to the Astral Plane.” And this should not be feared, since life in an astral body in the Astral World is not new for the inhabitants of the Earth. They have already been in such a body and in such an environment many times - in their previous lives in this world. Falling asleep, every night they leave their earthly body and live in the Astral World in their astral body. “Your job now is to follow your inner guidance, continue to work on yourself, let go of all fears, all destructiveness, look within yourself for all the strength, love and wisdom, be in tune with your higher aspects, open your heart and keep up with changes without getting stuck in the past and creating your new truly wonderful life, which you call Heaven on Earth.”

One of the quantum transition scenarios
You shouldn't take this too seriously, but it's worth thinking about...
From the events currently happening on Earth- this is the beginning of a huge leap for most of humanity into higher spheres being. The Earth and everyone living on it have reached the completion phase of the planetary cycle, and the time has come to take the exam for the maturity of the Soul. That is why such close attention is now paid to our planet from various space civilizations. The preparatory stage of the Quantum Transition ended in August 2002. Now it's coming The final stage, which is characterized by an increase in the number of natural and social disasters.

The most difficult stage for people began in March 2009. It depends on each individual whether the energy flow will be beneficial for his body and mind or destructive. The most reliable medicine is to cleanse your thoughts, feelings and bodies. And almost everyone knows how to do this, but, unfortunately, they don’t do it... As soon as a third of humanity reaches harmonious vibrations, the Quantum transition will begin.

What are the symptoms of the Quantum transition? As you move to new frequencies, you may experience depression, dizziness, ringing in the ears, common mistakes memory, palpitations (“jumping heart”), fever, pain in bones and joints (especially the right shoulder), vibration of the physical body, muscle cramps (below the knees, upper back), tingling in the arms, legs and feet. You may experience weight gain and faster hair and nail growth. Small red spots are found in many places on the body. Fatigue and a desire to sleep more are felt more often, as the body needs to integrate changes occurring at the cellular level.

These are just some of the symptoms, there are many more. Physical symptoms will decrease and then disappear as imbalances in the physical body are corrected and emotional and mental problems are overcome. Therefore, everything must be taken calmly, sleep more often, drink more water, eat chicken, fish, plant products, eliminating alcohol from the diet. Salt baths, massage, fresh air outside the city limits are very useful.

It is also necessary to take into account that on the eve of the transition, the manifestation of negative emotions (evil, hatred, greed, resentment, fear, depression, etc.) will increase, the mortality rate of both adults and children will increase sharply, as well as the birth of children with disabilities. Disability will increase among all segments of the population. The collapse of long-cherished life plans will become common.

Signs of the Quantum Transition - acceleration of time and development of the animal and flora, an increase in the speed of river flows and the volume of water mass on the planet, a decrease in temperature stability, an unexpected change in climate during the year, etc.

It is necessary to realize that the time of logic is gone forever. Now we need to learn to accept events that do not correspond to the established worldview. During the transition period, you should respect Mother Earth so that she does not reject you. The Earth is a living Being that unites all forms of intelligence and sensitivity on the planet. Therefore it is important keep in your heart joy and love for all things, including yourself. You should be attentive to everyone, do not forget to ask forgiveness for misdeeds and mistakes from living and “non-living” people. You need to get used to observing the Law of Unity with all Cosmic Space, planets and stars, so you should look at the sky more often, and not isolate yourself in your tiny little world.

It is important to observe the law of Love, as it is the highest wisdom of the Universe. He obliges everyone to have compassion. Everything that happens is the existence of the Being, including everyone and everyone together. The formula for survival should be the following: Love + Peace + Acceptance of everything, no matter what happens. You should not take responsibility for other people, except for children with disabilities, seriously ill people and children under 14 years of age. Each person has his own purpose and his own specific mission. We are not competent to give advice, decrees, criticize, condemn others.

How does the Quantum Transition develop in general? We can cite a generalized experience of transitions on other planets of our Galaxy. Typically, the transition begins with a drop in the magnetic field strength, which then becomes unstable (the Earth's magnetic field strength has been decreasing all the time for two thousand years, especially in the last 500 years). As we approach the moment of transition, the magnetic field generally “goes crazy” (since the 70s of the last century, changes in the structure of magnetic field lines have been noted on Earth, which primarily affected migratory birds). Eventually, the planet's magnetic field may flip and the poles will switch places, or the field will regain the same pole configuration but have a completely different axis.

The last stage before the transition usually lasts no more than two years. During this period, all systems that supported the existence of civilization disintegrate. This is a period when civilization is still in the third dimension, but is ready to make the leap into a new dimension. Thanks to the assistance provided by the godbrothers of other civilizations, as well as due to the significant increase in general consciousness, it is possible to mitigate the dangers of this period and shorten it to three months.

It is quite possible that on Earth this period will be very short and will lead to almost no destruction. Most likely, the number of warning signals will be minimal and we will only learn about the transition the day before. It may be that one morning we wake up as usual, and in the evening we find ourselves as babies in another world!

Immediately before Quantum Leap (5-6 hours) A strange time is coming when the fourth dimension begins to penetrate the world of the third dimension. For people this is a dangerous stage. At this time, it is advisable to enter a shelter made of natural materials, not look out the window, but pray. If you look out of the window, you can give in to fear, and this is not at all necessary. You can suddenly see the inexplicable, observe color effects that have never happened before. But these are all natural phenomena. The main thing is not to touch any of these objects. If you do this, you will be instantly drawn into the fourth dimension. It's better not to move so fast. During this period, all things made from synthetic materials, including modern houses, will be destroyed to one degree or another. Therefore, if your home is not made of natural materials, it is still better to be in nature.

When the Quantum Leap actually begins, there will be no doubt. Specific color changes will occur that do not fit into human consciousness. It's better to sit down and not move. Think about your Mer-Ka-Ba (of course, if you tried to activate it!). Start breathing consciously. Relax into the flow of energy flowing through your body. An active Mer-Ka-Ba will create a feeling of warmth and security. Soon a red glowing mist will fill the space and it will seem to have its own light source. Unusual sensations will take over your body. The mist will then successively change color to orange, yellow, green, blue, violet and finally ultraviolet. Your consciousness will be illuminated by a powerful flash of bright white light, and it will seem to you that you are this light. This feeling will last for a long time.

Slowly the white light will become transparent and the area where you are sitting will be revealed. Everything except your body will take on a metallic gold sheen. Imperceptibly, the metallic reality will become transparent, like golden glass. Gradually, the golden reality will begin to disappear, and, in the end, everything will be covered by blackness. In the enveloping darkness, the old world will disappear forever. You will not be able to see anything, but you will be aware that you are firmly on your feet and at the same time, as if flying. It is you who have entered the Void between the third and fourth dimensions. There is a complete absence of any sensory sensations here. All that remains is to wait. You can fall asleep. This is fine. Otherwise, it will seem like time is dragging on forever, but in reality it will take about three days. Then, in an instant, a blinding white light will pierce everything. Consider that the birth has taken place and you are in a new world!

From this moment you begin to grow. Men in the fourth dimension are 4.2-4.8 m tall, and women are 3-3.6 m tall. A baby in the new world is far from a helpless creature. This is a powerful Soul, capable of controlling reality with the help of thoughts. Whatever you think about, it will happen instantly! Illuminated by this knowledge, people usually begin to improve themselves, achieving the physical ideal that they have always dreamed of.

Extremely important realize your new capabilities as quickly as possible, since your survival in the new world depends on it. When a window into the fourth dimension opens, anyone can pass through it, but not everyone can stay there. People can be divided into three types. The first group includes those who have prepared for a new life: they have learned to control their thoughts and transmuted their fears into Love. In contrast, people of the second type are completely unprepared for life in new conditions, as they are full of fear. They will inevitably be pushed back into the third dimension, although not to Earth.

The third group consists of those who are only partially ready for new experiences. They have enough potential to move into the fourth dimension, but not enough to stay there, since they brought with them their fears and complexes. In a strange new world, all their anxieties begin to really manifest themselves. For example, they see long-dead people, events from their past. The mind tries to restore order and at some point decides that it is necessary to defend itself with weapons. The thought is immediately followed by its implementation: enemies instantly appear and are “killed” on the spot!

If you came to the new world with thoughts of Love and Harmony, trust in the Creator and yourself, then this is exactly what will manifest itself around you. Your meekness will allow you to remain in high world and survive in it... If you allow Love to guide you, a time will come full of great joy.

The above diagram briefly lists the processes of a typical Quantum transition, but since the Earth belongs to the class of experimental planets in the Galaxy, our transition will most likely be something unusual. However, in any case, the development of events on Earth primarily depends on the degree of our love for each other. Remember this!


A huge number of awakened and enlightened people were given the Sign to openly disseminate this information about the Quantum Transition, as the highest value in the present, through all information channels, with the aim of maximizing the preparation of people’s Consciousness for the upcoming global events.
Everyone can ignore this information and live as before ( although everyone sees and feels that it will never be the same as before), or responsibly prepare as much as possible for this event, and move to a qualitatively new level of life “supplementation and unity.”

Read it carefully for yourself and pass it on, whoever is warned will avoid a lot of internal and external problems and make the most of this unique opportunity, which has been trumpeted on Earth from all sides for the second millennium, from aboriginal tribes to the great scientists of ancient and modern times. What is this? Whose joke is it? Randomness or Pattern?

Or maybe this is a Chance that happens once every 26,000 years, and all this time we have been accumulating experience and preparing for it, consciously or unconsciously, in order to emerge from the “illusion of separation” into a new dimension, a new reality, a new world, and finally live in harmony and prosperity, with yourself and the world around you.

Synchronizing with the 4th dimension

Based on quantum physics, and various changes occurring on Earth, and recorded by scientists, we are inevitably approaching the zeroing point of the 3rd dimension, and the point of absolute synchronization with the 4th dimension. The folding of the 3rd dimension creates a 4th dimensional plasma state of light from which the 5th dimension unfolds.
During these events, the process of changing space and time accelerates. The space literally begins to come to life before our eyes and quickly change to suit the state of each person.
Let us also recall the Soviet film “Stalker”, which showed an anomalous Zone that changed before a person’s eyes, based on his thoughts and state; now the entire planet is entering such a Zone.
Be vigilant and attentive, practice managing your condition.

There are many predictions about various cataclysms, some of which have already come true, some of which continue to happen in different places on the planet in different ways. We don’t know exactly what else will happen from the cataclysms, but we know for sure that in order to move to a new level of life, everyone will live through all their fears, and all the fears of the collective consciousness. And the one who can accept his fears and rise above them will undergo a profound reassessment of values, remember himself as True and Holistic, remember the main Goal of his life, and realize the Single Goal of Development, the Single Image of the Future, the Single Plan for its manifestation on Earth, and will become full-fledged representative of a new race on Earth.

What awaits us at the moment of transition

We strongly recommend that everyone concentrate as much as possible in the present, on preparing for the Transition to another dimension of their Consciousness and body, which will free us from the “illusion of separation”, reveal our limitless potential, and enormous opportunities for consciousness and body. Focus on this Goal, as much as possible, all your resources, all your time, as we get closer we will give more details valuable information concerning preparation for the Great Transition.

Believe me, this transition will affect everyone, for we are all inhabitants of planet Earth, which changes together with our dreams, and we with it.

So, what awaits us:

1 - Precession of the Equinoxes will occur. The Earth has completed a 26,000-year rotation on its axis, which is usually accompanied by a pole shift.

2 - the Sun completes its next Cycle (4 revolutions of 26,000 years each, a total of 104,000 years)

3 - all constellations of the Zodiac, in the circle of which our Solar system is located, have completed their full Cycle of rotations and Transformations and are moving to another location, taking new Program for a new Cycle of Evolution.

5 - The Wave Module of Cosmic Creation is 13.7 billion years. We are now living through the culmination of this process of Solar Life and will soon enter the next Cycle of 13.7 billion years, which is the Cycle of RETURN to the Original Source of Life.

Most people cannot grasp in their minds the Great Cycles, the planetary influences, the Great Change of Ages, simply because it has not been part of popular belief for such a long time - we simply have not been tuned in to understand it all. But many ancient and indigenous peoples know what lies ahead. They always assumed that the Universe had Supreme Intelligence. They know that the Universe is subject to the same Laws as its components. It also follows rhythmic patterns and predictable, repeating cycles. For this is the Cosmic Order, which includes all Orders.

The ancient Mayan civilization understood exactly where they were relative to the center of the Galaxy at any given time. They were well versed in astronomy long before Galileo's discovery of the Earth's rotation around the Sun, for they had been tracking the 104,000-year Cycles of the Sun, as evidenced by writings on stone steles discovered in the jungles of Mexico.

Their astronomical calculations of the movements of stars and planets exceed the calculations of modern science, and the twenty-fold calculation in many ways surpasses all the calculations of modern civilization. In addition, through the Galactic Symbols and Codes of the Sacred Calendar, they were able to tune their minds to the Program of the Galactic Ray, and make their calculations and forecasts thousands of years ahead or back - accurate to the day!

Living in Harmony with the Higher Order

According to Cosmology, or the Law of Time, at the end of the Cycle of Evolution, civilization certainly enters the Cycle of Awareness. She emerges from the State of Consciousness of the cosmic unconscious and realizes that there is a Higher Order, which she is ready to Accept, Realize and Live in Harmony with it, which opens up the possibility of communication with other civilizations, about which much is already known, but officially ignoring artifacts is called this is fantastic.

We see that the World has become different, and it is becoming more and more difficult to survive in it. Irreversible climate change has made us forget about “quiet times” and confidence in the future. Cosmic frequencies change, the activity of the Sun changes, the purity of the Earth’s vibration rises, irreversible changes occur not only in the body of the Earth, but also in the Earth itself. solar system and in the Galaxy. We are entering a time of Chaos and unpredictable change. We are talking about the rupture of times, the maturation of a new civilization, a new humanity, a new dimension and a new reality. There is no need to be afraid of chaos; you need to understand that this is a natural process during transition, when the old system of life is destroyed and a new one is structured.

No one can avoid changes: neither poor countries nor rich ones, neither smart people nor stupid ones. We are immersed in a rapid stream of changes that will inevitably affect the whole world as a whole.

The Dawn of a New Time is Coming

We have entered the End of the Old Times, and are approaching the meeting of the Dawn of the New Time, and before the Dawn, as is known, the darkest time.

The culmination of the Transition from the planetary Mind to the galactic Mind is underway. Synchronization with the Galactic Consciousness – this is the essence of the Transition.
WE are the next stage of Evolution, a new Cosmic Race!

Who hasn't predicted the End of the World, who hasn't predicted it! There were so many “prophecies” that people simply stopped believing them.

In order to understand what awaits us, we need to understand the difference between the third and fourth dimensions. The third dimension is the dimension of Space, and the fourth dimension is the dimension of Time. If Space has its limits and limitations (extent from point A to point B), then Time is the Space of the ETHER, it is the frequency and it is the NOOOSPHERE (“noos” - thought). We, as a civilization of the three-dimensional world, have come to the point in Time when we have hit a wall - there is no further Movement, the experience of the 3rd dimension has been exhausted, and the time allotted for this has come to an end. There is only access to the next Level, to another dimension, from linear thinking to multidimensional.

Transition to the era of Spiritual Power

The next Level is the Quantum transition from the biosphere to the noosphere - the era of the Power of Spirit.
A necessary condition for entering a new era of humanity was the technogenic factor, thanks to which we accelerated in our development and realized the essence of processes and phenomena, technology, how everything is arranged and interconnected.
The technogenic factor allows the Mind of civilization to rapidly reach the maximum Level of planetary Mind with the subsequent entry into the Solar Era of Galactic Consciousness.

The civilization of the Earth is entering the era of Noosphere Man, a biosolar telepath, which reveals new abilities and capabilities of our consciousness and body. For a successful transition to another dimension, we evolutionarily need to master knowledge of the Structure of our Unified Consciousness.

Any natural or cosmic phenomenon has its own extent, and any phenomenon certainly moves to the next Level of Transformation. Just as Spring comes after Winter, so at the end of one cosmic Cycle comes the next Cycle, more high order. This is the Law of Cyclicity, the Law of Time. For everything is in the dynamics of development and transitions from one dimension to another, everything changes every moment, in the multidimensionality of the Cosmic Mind.

The period of the Great Transition is always accompanied by chaos, during which the old system of worldview and life of society is destroyed, and a New worldview, a New model of society, is born, in a more optimal order, synchronized with the Laws of Nature and the Order of the Cosmos.
The way for us to awaken and win is to meet the pure dawn of the race.

I wish you favorable transformations

With sincere love,