Abstracts Statements Story

Should homework be cancelled? Is it necessary to cancel a court order on a loan? Is it necessary to cancel the Unified State Examination?

A Swedish school has temporarily banned homework, tests and exams throughout April. This caused a new wave of discussion in Russia: should schools abolish homework and tests?

A school in northern Sweden has temporarily banned homework, tests and exams for the entire month of April for children in grades 7 to 9. The Unified National Exam will not be cancelled. The reason is concern for the health of students due to stress caused by workload and study. It became known after testing that the children were in a state of stress. If this measure shows a positive result, then Swedish schools are ready to give up tests and homework for another two months after the summer holidays.

A year ago it was reported that the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan would cancel homework for schoolchildren on holidays and vacations and reduce the hours of homework by a third. First graders are asked not to assign homework at all. No more than fifty minutes a day are allocated for homework for second grade students. Seventy minutes - third or fourth. Ninety minutes past five or six. One hundred and ten minutes from seven to nine. And one hundred and thirty minutes in tenths and elevenths.

In Russian schools, March and April are the busiest months. Students write final tests, all-Russian test papers, take the Unified State Exam early, and participate in many Olympiads.

The idea of ​​reducing homework is not new. But this measure is good when the children succeed in everything in the lesson and master the material at least to a C level. Unfortunately, not all schools have such capable teachers and talented children. In addition, classes are overcrowded due to compaction and consolidation. In Russia there is per capita financing: the more children in classes, the more money the school has. As a result, according to HSE experts, 25 percent of our students are unsuccessful.

According to online surveys, only 25% of parents of schoolchildren said that their children spend on homework 1 hour Almost 29% admitted that the child sits for lessons 4 hours a day or more, 11% - 3 hours and 35% - 2 hours a day.

According to a survey on the RG website “Should tests and homework be canceled due to stress among schoolchildren?”, 37% chose the option “Yes, definitely, children’s health is most important”, 19% - “You can refuse homework, but not tests.” 20% - “You can make decisions only after research and tests.” 18% did not agree with the cancellation: 13% - “No, there is no stress. On the contrary, children have a lot of free time,” 5% — “No, our schoolchildren are constantly under stress, they’re used to it.”

Take note

In Russian schools, in 1st grade there should be no assignments or assessments, in 2-3rd grades they account for 1.5 hours, in 4-5th grades - 2 hours, in 6-8th grades - 2, 5 hours, and from 9th to 11th grade the average student should not spend more than 3.5 hours a day on homework. At the same time difficult educational subjects, which are usually given a lot of assignments at school, should not be on the schedule on the same day.

Comment by Anton Kolokolov, director of school No. 9, Petrozavodsk:

- The idea is good and correct. I believe that children should work at school and relax at home, since school is an image of future work, a game of work... For this, it is necessary that extracurricular activities, for which the creators of the new Federal State Educational Standards are fighting so hard, must be fully introduced into secondary education. Accordingly, the length of the student day must be increased so that all the main elements of education, integrated into a single educational system, have an effect. If in simple words, then the knowledge and competencies that are studied or developed at home must be developed at school.

However, a contradiction arises: the opportunity is there, but the funding is insufficient. How will teachers be paid for their work? Solution: paid services, but not all parents are willing to pay, and education in the country seems to be free. Our education system, built on the vertical Germanic (strict hierarchy), presupposes a strict framework. Class-lesson system, the need to form a strict set of knowledge, abilities, skills, certain competencies or, as it is correctly called now, universal ones educational activities, which, by the way, haven’t figured out how to evaluate. This system is politically advantageous, it is cheap and simple, everyone obeys all the strict rules that are prescribed in laws, Federal State Educational Standards and other documents. One teacher can teach from 25 to infinity children, and the salary does not depend on the number of trained.

All attempts to introduce tutoring, individualization, an individual approach to each child in public schools, without which it is simply impossible to implement the idea under discussion, a horizontal system of education, etc., end only in attempts and beautiful replies. Unfortunately, the state benefits from such a system. There are altruists who work and are not afraid to try new things, but there are so few of us... And it’s too late to break the system that has developed over the years, unless within the framework of a private organization.

There is a way out - homework should be given in the main subjects and children should not be overwhelmed with assignments in art, MHC, labor, local history, music, and physical education.

The problem of education is now in first place. And it does not lie in the system, because in the USSR there was excellent education, children also did their homework, the programs did not change much and even became easier. The problem is staffing and attitude to work. Many now are not following their vocation, but because they have a long vacation, they took home lessons... People cannot be kicked out of school, but they don’t want to work for the idea, as before, because it is not their vocation... A vicious circle in which to free the school, class, a particular child due to stress from completing a test, independent work It's simply impossible. Therefore, children get sick, miss school, and sometimes simply cannot cope with the workload due to fatigue.

An article about whether there is a need to abolish the “Spikes” sign: current rules, chronology of events, whether the sign needs to be put up. At the end of the article there is a video about the “Sh” sign.

Contents of the article:

Means mass media became interested in the issue of monitoring the installation of the “Spikes” sign on cars. The draft government resolution on the abolition of the “Ш” sign on vehicles with studded tires has now been approved by all relevant departments and submitted to the Russian government, where the final decision on the adoption of the official document must be made.

Let us emphasize right away: the current rules traffic indicate the need to attach a special sign “Ш” to the car.

The purpose of installing the sign is to notify drivers of surrounding cars that this car has studded tires. The requirements for the sticker sign are as follows:

  • the sign is attached to the rear part of the vehicle - the car rear window (the side of the glass is not important), on the lid or trunk door, on the surface of the bumper, awning, on the surface of the rear body cover;
  • the sticker must be made in the shape of a triangle with equal sides, with the apex facing up;
  • the minimum size of the triangle (minus the border) is not less than 20 cm;
  • the white triangle should be surrounded by a red border with a thickness of 1/10 of the side of the white triangle;
  • inside the sign on a white background is the letter “Ш” in black, the font is straight standard;
  • the sign must not have unnecessary inscriptions and must not overlap or be covered by other stickers.
On April 4, 2017, the official list of faults was changed, the presence of which prohibits the operation of the car. The list of unacceptable violations and malfunctions includes the fact that this identification mark is missing.

The requirement for car owners with studded tires to have a “Ш” sign on the rear window of the car was prescribed in the traffic rules of Soviet times. In those days, not all car enthusiasts had the opportunity to purchase studded tires, and cars could have different dynamic characteristics depending on whether they had studded or regular tires.

Until last year, there was no monetary fine for not having a “Ш” sign on a car. But at the same time, the absence of a sign on a car with studded tires could lead to unpleasant consequences.

If a traffic accident occurred as a result of which another car crashed into a car from behind, and the front car had studded tires and there was no warning sign, formally the lawyer had every opportunity to convince the court and the traffic police that the front car was to blame for the accident .

The reason is simple: without the presence of the “Ш” sign, the driver of the crashed vehicle allegedly cannot correctly calculate the braking distance of the front car. Undoubtedly, the argument is controversial, but there have been precedents that are not quite like this in court!

In April last year, an administrative fine was legalized for the absence of a sign. The fine is small, but nevertheless it exists: 500 rubles. Predictably, car enthusiasts, who previously had not been too burdened by the need to purchase and install the “Ш” sign, became preoccupied with purchasing it, which caused an increase in demand for the sticker.

At the same time, a wave of criticism of the adopted rule change arose. Opponents of the sign’s installation pointed out its irrelevance and called for the fine imposed to be cancelled.

A year later, in May 2018, the Ministry of Internal Affairs proposed a draft law that would abolish the requirement to install the sign. At the end of the month, the discussion of the project was completed, the information leaked to the press and began to be actively circulated.

More and more materials began to appear in the media indicating that the bill had already passed most of its path of becoming a legal document, and, most likely, it would be finally adopted by the fall. Considering that there are no special complex issues was not contained in the bill, the public took it for granted that the law would come into force by the fall of 2018.

However, it turned out that the development of the situation has stopped: the project still has the status of “under consideration”, and the Cabinet of Ministers is in no hurry to deal with it.

The reasons for the appearance of the bill were commented on by auto expert, vice-president of the “Committee for the Protection of the Rights of Car Owners” A. Kholodov. When studded tires appeared in the USSR, it may have made sense to distinguish such cars on the roads, since not everyone had “studs”. At the moment, winter tires in our country are usually studded.

Moreover, now the dynamic characteristics technical means determined by other factors. The dynamics of a car largely depend on the operation of electronic braking modules that stabilize the movement of the car, on its design, and studded tires here do not play such a significant role as before, noted Kholodov.

The auto expert also advised to pay attention to the experience of European countries. There is no “Spikes” sign in Europe, while road accident rates in Europe are lower than in Russia. Statistics do not demonstrate in any way the impact of installing this sign on the emergency situation on the roads.

Finally, one should not discount the fact that, by and large, ignorance of the braking distance of a particular car cannot be considered a reason affecting traffic safety, since every driver must maintain a safe distance while driving.

Thus, the best solution is to finally legalize the abolition of the sign, especially since, being irrelevant, the sticker applied to the rear window reduces visibility, which does not contribute to increasing safety while driving.

Based on the words of experts, we can conclude that the “Ш” sign has become obsolete, and there is no point in installing it on a car for a long time. But the opinion of experts is one thing, and the letter of the law is another. The Cabinet of Ministers, which was delayed in approving or rejecting the bill, gave rise to questions and misunderstandings of the situation among motorists. Things got to the point that the State Duma became interested in the fate of the bill to abolish the symbol “Ш”.

Deputies representing the United Russia party in the Duma turned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs with an official question, in which they asked to know the real time frame for canceling the rule on sticking the “Sh” sign and the abolition of the provision according to which a fine can be charged to the car owner for its absence.

In fact, it’s probably time for the Cabinet of Ministers to turn their attention to the “stalled” bill and finally make some decision: the winter season is rapidly approaching, and car owners would like clarity on this issue.

Until the bill to abolish the “Ш” sign is approved, the car owner can only follow the letter of the current law, and we can give a number of tips for those who, while awaiting the decision of domestic legislators, are forced to worry about installing this sign on their car.

Triangle “W” can be bought or made with your own hands. When purchasing (or making) this sign, it is important to pay close attention to the dimensions. On sale you can often find signs that are too small. The car owner must understand that such signs, being attached to the car, still “do not count” and will lead to the need to pay a fine. This is a case where size matters!

If you are planning to print the sign yourself, please note that a triangle with a side of 20 cm will just fit on an A4 sheet 21 cm wide. It is better to print the sign on photo paper with a density of at least 120 g per square centimeter, otherwise it will turn out to be short-lived.

When printing on a black and white printer, the edge of the sign can be painted over with a felt-tip pen, observing the proportions specified by the rules.

Attaching a sign to the rear window of a car with tape is not a good idea. After removing such a sign, a mark will certainly remain on the glass, which is quite difficult to remove. The optimal fastening is “suction cups”.

To summarize, it is worth noting that in the Requirements for technical inspection - 2019, there is no mention of the “Spikes” sign. This means that the operator does not have to check for its presence. On the other hand, it is now quite possible to receive a fine for his absence. The conclusion is simple: for now the sign needs to be attached to the car, but you shouldn’t forget to monitor changes in legislation - most likely, a law repealing this clearly outdated sign is just around the corner!

Video about the “Spikes” sign:

Cancellation of concerts: Censorship of the authorities or demand of society?

Many already know that throughout Russia there is a wave of requests from parents demanding that the concert of this or that “famous rap artist” be canceled. In most cases, regional authorities, having become familiar with the lyrics of songs containing obscene language and drug propaganda, meet public demands and either introduce age limit“18+”, or the artist’s performance is cancelled.

It all started in Dagestan, where citizens sharply criticized the performers of the Black Star label, in particular Yegor Creed. The citizens were supported by many famous athletes, including mixed martial arts fighter Khabib Nurmagomedov, and as a result, Creed's concert, and then Eljay's performance, were cancelled. This process has attracted widespread interest in all other regions. Initiative through awareness and active position many parent movements spread across the country. As of the beginning of December, more than 30 concerts were prevented in most major cities, and the intensity of the process continues to increase, because an increasing part of society is asking obvious questions: “Why are we worse than Dagestan?”, “Why do we need concerts at home by those performers whose music corrupts the youth?

Of course, this non-standard situation, when society, in fact, began to voice its demands to show business, which is accustomed to being untouchable, worries many now. First of all, those who receive income from rappers’ concerts and those who participated in their promotion began to fuss. After all, it is obvious that every musical “star” in modern conditions is the result of the work of one or several production centers that closely cooperate with dozens of major media outlets.

All these participants in the process, most of them well versed in the use of PR technologies and working with public opinion, began to pump up discontent in the fan community as much as possible, trying to scare the authorities and force them from above to somehow influence the situation. A whole wave of criticism unfolded in the press against those who spoke out in defense of children and youth from destructive propaganda. On the pages of major newspapers and on television screens, accusations are voiced of prohibiting freedom of speech and self-expression, of limiting creativity, recall Soviet years with their rigid vertical control of the cultural sphere. But most often the following arguments are heard: “Can some song influence anything? Am I really going to listen to Eljay’s track and go buy myself drugs because of this? Or after Oxymoron’s recitative, will I go kill people?”

And, indeed, I would like to understand this issue, since it is very important to understand how information can influence our behavior, how with the help of a “harmless” song you can direct a person to certain actions. Is this even possible? Doesn't man have freedom of choice?

Looking ahead, I would like to immediately say that, yes, a person has freedom of choice, but we are pushed to certain actions by the cultural and information environment with which we are surrounded. Below, using the example of rap music, we will demonstrate how this happens.

Modeling adolescent behavior

When designing certain structures and various machines, engineers often resort to a method such as modeling. After all, initially it is often unclear how this or that device will behave, whether it will be reliable and durable, and whether it will provide stable operation with the parameters that are necessary. Building models allows you to get answers to these and other questions.

Let us simulate the situation and see how a “harmless song” can affect a person’s life.

So, what will be the object of our research? Of course, man. Let's say it's a teenager, about fifteen years old, a boy.

It is no secret that at about fifteen years of age (some earlier, some later) puberty begins. Hormones begin to work at full strength: the boy’s voice breaks, intensive body growth occurs, some learn for the first time what a razor is, and so on. And at the same time, attraction to the opposite sex appears. Please note, not just the interest that was previously, but a real physical attraction.

Naturally, now the boy wants to please girls, wants them to pay attention to him. And it is quite normal that a teenager strives to appear more courageous, stronger, more authoritative in the eyes of those girls who look at him. Where can he get examples of this male behavior? Where can you find those you need to look up to? And it so happened that the guy is growing up without a father. After all, we have enough single mothers now, right? According to statistics, 50% of marriages in Russia break up. Who do children usually stay with? Our teenager has no older brothers or uncles. Where will he get his role models? Most likely, he will take them from the media environment in which he is immersed, plus he will look up to the authoritative, in his opinion, peers from his environment. And now such and such a rap artist is popular. It’s hard not to stumble upon him, since television and music channels are literally saturated with his videos and songs. He is played on the radio, he occupies the top lines of the charts, and appears in commercials. And the teenager begins to be interested in questions from the series “what is it and what is it eaten with.” He begins to listen to his songs and delve into his creativity. And those teenagers with whom he communicates in his everyday life, they listen to exactly the same thing - there’s really nowhere to go. They shouldn’t listen to Vysotsky, after all.

Let's say a boy is actively immersed in the work of Eldzhey or Guf. And what does he hear? In almost every track of his, the same Guf mentions how he “got high with the boys in the neighborhood, how he hung out at the clubs with the girls, how he snorted coke, how he hid doses from the police in the hood,” etc. As Ruslan Bely joked about him in one of his speeches: “Guf’s songs tell more about grass than Wikipedia.” It’s a joke, but, as you know, in every joke... And for some reason it’s not funny...

“But this isn’t a call to smoke weed?” - some will say. “Will a teenager immediately run to buy drugs after the song?” Of course not. Let's move on.

This boy reads about Guf on the Internet. He watches his videos in which he sees real guys: brutal guys with daring readings, strong, short-haired, in tattoos, gold chains, rings, in fashionable sunglasses, in hoods, with money, in expensive cars, around them beautiful girls of model appearance . What teenager wouldn't be hooked by this? These are real men, real masters of their lives. “Yeah, they smoke weed and whatever, I'm not going to do it because I know it's bad, but otherwise they're cool guys. I want to be the same,” are standard thinking algorithms instilled by these images.

A poster of his favorite rap artist appears in the teenager’s room, where he is depicted with a dissatisfied squint on his face, which once again emphasizes his brutality. Gradually, the teenager begins to imitate his idol in clothes. Starts wearing hoodies and wide pants. If my mother allows, she gets her first tattoo. His classmates are shocked, the girls are actively interested in him and pay attention. Perhaps he starts dating some girl. What else does a fifteen year old teenager need? And most importantly, this behavior model works. Maybe the boy does not become the most authoritative “person” in the area or at school, but he occupies a worthy niche - and this is already an achievement, isn’t it?!

And, as you know, fourteen to fifteen years is the age when you especially want to feel like an adult. But no one explained to him that being an adult means, first of all, being responsible. None of our neighbors showed that becoming independent does not mean drinking, smoking and having sex, that this has nothing to do with adulthood as such. But our guy is not like that, he still understands that this is bad. Or rather, it’s not that he understands, he seems to know about it, he heard something, they talked about it at school somewhere, he read it on a poster somewhere. But at the same time he listens to Guf, who is regularly killed by all kinds of poison and feels good, they even show him on TV and give interviews.

And now this teenager finds himself in a new company. This often happens, since among young people the level of communication is higher than in adult life. And in this company, some guys smoke weed. And now we come to the climax of our story. One fine day at some party, let's say, at the apartment of one of his friends, where there are girls, boys, music, fun and alcohol, one of his new comrades, who, oddly enough, also listens to Guf, suggests he try drugs . He expertly takes a puff and, squinting through the smoke, says: “Well, what are you going to do? With us, with the boys? And now the main question, because of which, in fact, this story was told: “What is the probability that, under all the circumstances and conditions described above, our teenager will say “no”?” Or we can formulate it differently: “Will the whole environment in which a teenager finds himself (rap guy, Guf, short haircut, texts about weed and parties, clothes, tattoos, a poster on the wall of his house) somehow influence his choice? Which way?"

Okay, let’s say even this time he says: “No, I won’t.” But in a year, this teenager will listen not only to Guf, there will be a number of other performers who read their lyrics in approximately the same vein: Husky, GONE.Fludd, Eldzhey and so on. And situations with an offer to smoke will be repeated with enviable regularity. Will he really not have a keen interest in this phenomenon, which is always somewhere nearby, somewhere nearby? His entire playlist on VK is simply teeming with tracks where all this is mentioned repeatedly in a positive context.

Unfortunately, it is very easy to stumble. It's very easy to make the wrong choice. And our teenager will do it. Sooner or later he will still say: “Come on!” And then, like all of us adults, he will begin to look for excuses for his actions: “Come on, I just tried. One or more times won't do anything. You have to smoke it every day to feel the effects, to become addicted. Vaughn Guf and his “homies” have gotten high on cigarettes so many times, but they’re still alive, healthy, and successful.”

At the same time, he will feel something else: this is a certain feeling of unity with those guys with whom he crossed the line of what is permitted; a feeling of unity with your favorite rap artist, since now he spends his time exactly as Guf describes in his songs; a sense of unity that permeates the entire subculture in which he finds himself. Now he is part of this subculture, part of something big, much larger than himself; now he is at its very epicenter, and here he feels good and comfortable. Oh yes, this is a feeling that you want to cherish at any age. Will he refuse this? Will he need anything else? Something completely different?

Different model - different result

Now let's look at another model: actually initial stage Let's change our role model. Let's say our teenager accidentally stumbled upon an interview with, for example, Khabib Nurmagomedov or Alexander Povetkin, Fedor Emelianenko or even Alexei Voevoda. These strong and resilient guys are examples of real warriors, with a tempered will and self-discipline. And they voice completely different things. They say that alcohol, tobacco, drugs, debauchery, an idle lifestyle in general are all for the weak; that you need to play sports, they encourage you to take up martial arts in order to be able to stand up for yourself, for your family and loved ones; about the need to be restrained and protect the weak; that true masculinity is the ability to take responsibility for oneself, for one’s life and for one’s family; that a man is one who stands firmly on his feet and one who can be relied on in difficult times; that alcohol and other intoxicating substances and debauchery destroy male character and make a man a weak-willed hostage to his lowest desires.

This boy has completely different posters appearing in his room. Instead of going to apartments and drinking, he signs up for the gym. By playing sports, he gets stronger before our eyes, and girls also look at him. And these girls see before them a truly good, strong and responsible guy, someone who can really be a support and support, the master of their life, someone who can achieve everything he wants. At sixteen, he is much stronger than many of his peers; he increasingly takes leadership positions in sports games and competitions. Yes, girls pay attention to this.

And our teenager is not a prude. Sometimes he goes to parties to socialize with friends, but does not drink alcohol or smoke there. He has his own special attitude towards such things. And now the key question: “What is the likelihood that he will even be among those who smoke weed, and, moreover, will agree to smoke it?” Agree, the probability is much less than in the first case. Yes, it exists too, and out of a hundred people, probably a few will agree, but the probability is several times less. Moreover, the likelihood that he will find himself in bad company is much lower, since he has a completely different environment, and he despises those who drink and smoke, not considering them either authorities or real men. He has real living examples of real men, and these men look, live and act completely differently.

To summarize all of the above, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in the formulation of the questions “will he try or not,” “will he refuse or agree,” the word “probability” appears. It is far from accidental that it is there. Unstructured management, management with the help of information, is carried out on the basis of statistical predetermination and probabilities. There will be no commands from above, there will be no direct calls, but statistically predetermined, the majority will do what is right for the one who controls. Perhaps in the first model there will be two or three teenagers out of a hundred who will answer “no” to temptation, and they will be the first to shout at the top of their lungs that music has no effect on their lives. But these two or three teenagers are not the majority, but only a very, very small part.

If you carefully read the texts of the performers whose concerts are being canceled today, or watch their videos, asking the question “what are they teaching?”, and finally, pay attention to what your children listen to, you will understand that this media content creates a completely understandable predetermination of choice - wrong choice. And choice, as you know, determines our lives...

Is it worth canceling a court order on a loan?


Hello dear friends! Cancellation of a court order is a very important step written into your line of defense. However, many debtors do not fully understand the significance of this step.

Many people ask us:

  • Should the court order be canceled or not?
  • Why is it necessary to cancel the court order?
  • What do we gain by canceling the court order?

In this regard, our company decided to write this article in which we will answer all your questions related to the motivation for canceling the court order. Cancellation of a court order A lot has been said on the Internet about the cancellation of a court order.

Our company has prepared for you two practical guidelines for action, after studying which you will undoubtedly achieve results and cancel any court order. The first is our book - How to cancel a court order? The book gives step-by-step instructions.

Draw up and submit a statement of claim to the court from the owners of the seized property. We have several claims, since the seized property includes the property of the mother, the property of the father, and the property of the spouse.


That turns out to be three different claims. Thus, it turns out that it is necessary to conduct several trials simultaneously, and it is not known at this stage- what decision will the court make: will it satisfy our demands for the release of property or not. In addition, the bailiff's demand hangs over the debtor, for failure to comply with which the debtor will be held to additional financial responsibility in the form of paying a fine.

In such a situation, it is easier to cancel the court order. Cancellation of a court order is the basis for termination of enforcement proceedings.

Cancellation of a court order: why do we need this?

Moreover, by this moment the period for canceling the order may have expired, and if it does, it is not sufficient to prepare and send an application for cancellation to the magistrate. As soon as the court order comes into effect, that is, after a 10-day period has passed after its receipt by the debtor and in the absence of the latter’s application for cancellation, a second copy of the order is immediately sent to the recoverer (bank) and, at the latter’s request, to the bailiffs for enforcement.
Of course, you can appeal an order to a higher authority, but this will not suspend its effect, and the time frame for appealing will be much longer than when issuing an order or canceling it. To avoid possible problems with filing an application to cancel an order due to a violation of the deadline, you should monitor the situation with the debt extremely carefully.

How to cancel a court order to collect a loan debt?

The key area of ​​distribution of court orders is consumer lending, and since it is the most common in credit legal relations, court orders have become quite in demand among banks. Taking into account the simplified procedure for resolving cases through writ proceedings, a similar procedure is provided for the cancellation of court orders.
If, within 10 days from the date of receipt of the order, the defendant (debtor) applies to the judge who issued the order with a request to cancel it, such a decision will be made regardless of the grounds for cancellation indicated by the defendant. The only condition is to comply with the deadlines and procedure for canceling the order, and also provide a reasonable reason for disagreement with it in the application for cancellation of the order.

Cancellation of a court order on a loan

  • The debtor does not always understand the status of the court order and the nature of its action, and therefore simply does not take measures to cancel it.
  • Many doubt whether it is worth canceling the order if the existence of the debt, as well as the obligation to repay it, is not disputed.
  • Often, debtors are faced with the problem of missing the deadline for canceling an order and do not know how to restore it, or are not even aware of this possibility.
  • Many questions also arise regarding the preparation of an application to cancel the order.
  • The status of the court order and the features of its action From the point of view of civil procedure and the legislation governing it, writ proceedings are fully applicable to the collection of debt on a loan, and it is enough that the requirement under the loan agreement not properly fulfilled amounts to an amount of up to 50 thousand rubles.

Is it possible to cancel a court order to collect a loan debt?

Therefore, as a rule, when the order is cancelled, the debtor has time to resolve the problem without additional difficulties in the form of visits by bailiffs, seizure of property, accounts and other restrictions.

  • After the order is canceled, the debtor has the opportunity to negotiate with the bank on debt restructuring. Many people tend to put off resolving the problem until the last minute, and banks often use the order of debt collection as nothing more than a means of influencing the debtor who ignores late payments on the loan.
  • Canceling the order provides a kind of reprieve from repaying the debt, at least in terms of forced collection.

Cancellation of a court order


If you did not meet the 10 days, this period can be restored if you document that you received the notice too late (stamps on the envelope) or were out of town (tickets). The cancellation of the court order does not mean that you are freed from paying the debt, not at all, but you will get additional time to peacefully resolve your relationship with the bank and find ways to solve the problem with the loan without involving representatives of the executive branch.

If you want to know how to get a loan without refusal? Then follow this link. If you have a bad credit history and banks refuse you, then you definitely need to read this article.

If you just want to get a loan on favorable terms, then click here. If you want to get a credit card, then follow this link. Find other posts on this topic here.

Is it possible to cancel a court order on a loan?

When canceling a court order, there are some nuances that you need to know about in advance, especially if you missed 10 days from the date of receipt. That is why I created a mini course for a nominal fee, which contains the entire algorithm for canceling an order with all sample documents.

390 rub. Cancel joint venture COMPETENTLY When to cancel

  • If the penalty is too high. It is clear that canceling the order itself will not relieve you of the debt itself, because almost all banks and some microfinance organizations, after cancellation, go to court with a statement of claim.

    The question here is the final amount that the court will award you.

  • If the order contains a small penalty or no penalty at all, then of course the order may not be cancelled. Although this happens rarely (no penalty).

Cancel a court order on a loan

Attention It is possible that the seriousness of the debt collector’s intentions will make him more accommodating, and it will be possible to find a mutually beneficial solution to repay the debt. Important If a compromise is found, it is necessary to draw up a written agreement and have it notarized.

Is it necessary to cancel a court order on a loan?

Termination of enforcement proceedings will entail the termination of the seizure and the return of the seized property. Do you want to keep up to date with events? Subscribe! While the creditor goes to court and proves his rights to the declared amount, we, knowing what property the bailiffs are interested in, will be able to find the relevant documents, thereby saving third parties from possible lawsuits in the future. Thus, we gained time. Firstly, they freed themselves from numerous lawsuits, and secondly, they freed third parties from the same processes, protecting their legal property. Advantages of canceling a court order When answering the question - why cancel a court order - it is necessary to consider the advantages of such an important action as canceling a court order. Then the specified question is “Why?” will go away on its own.

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10. Should old songs be cancelled?

No way!!! For one simple reason: they really appeal to many sincere Christians. The point is that we should never judge Christian music in terms of right and wrong. We operate with these concepts when we talk about the content of a particular work. Only the content, not the music, can be right or wrong. Music can't be right or wrong, you may or may not like her. I don't like marching songs (like "Christian, Bring the Fire..."), but I will never disparage that brother who has tears in his eyes when he sings this song. This music touches him, and

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