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Summer school for physics teachers "subject competence of a physics teacher in a modern school." Summer schools for teachers System of voluntary distributed computing in the browser

« Summer school» - an annual event of interdisciplinary socio-educational focus, which has been held since 2004 in the format of a field educational camp for Russian schoolchildren, students and everyone, everyone, everyone.

The tradition of holding such schools has existed since the late 80s, when the Summer Ecological School (LESS) was formed at the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University. In 2003, the “Researcher” Summer School separated from it.


Summer school includes. Among the profiles: ecology, IT, design, philosophy, medicine, geography, natural sciences for schoolchildren, social sciences for schoolchildren, psychology, documentary filmmaking, scientific, social, reporting, travel and photo journalism.

In 2014, during the school, about ~1200 people visited it, about 1000 seminars, lectures, master classes, round tables, practical projects and research were held.

The event takes place over 4-5 weeks in July-August. It consists of a tent camp and permanent, well-equipped premises for educational and project work. The main part of the day at the Summer School is devoted to lectures, seminars, field work and work on projects. Round tables and excursions are also held in scientific institutes, teleconferences (for example, with CERN). In addition to workshop lectures, there are “golden lectures” for the entire school without differentiation into workshops.

Besides curriculum There is also a cultural one: the School hosts holidays, concerts, photo exhibitions, film screenings and open presentations of workshop work.


The Scientific Council includes many scientists, including two corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, an academician of the Russian Academy of Education, professors and teachers of leading Russian universities and scientific institutions (JINR, FIAN, MSU, HSE, NSU, REU, MSGU, MSUPU, etc.) .

Lecturers at the Summer School are famous researchers, scientists, journalists, designers, and teachers from leading universities in Russia.

Below are some of them:

Vladimir Surdin is an astronomer and popularizer of science, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, senior researcher at the State Astronomical Institute named after. P.K. Sternberg Moscow State University, specialist in stellar dynamics.

Vitaly Leibin

- journalist, editor-in-chief of the Russian Reporter magazine.

Yuri Kozyrev

- Russian photojournalist, six-time winner of the World Press Photo award, winner of the Overseas Press Club Oliver Rebbot award, ICP Infinity award, Frontline Club award, Visa d'or News award, Trophee award and Public Prize as part of the Prix Bayeux-Calvado. He has been a member of the World Press Photo jury three times. Over the past 25 years, Yuri Kozyrev has covered all major military conflicts in the former Soviet Union, as well as in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, etc. Contract photographer for Time magazine.

Sergey Maximishin

- photojournalist, multiple winner of the Russian Press Photo and World Press Photo competitions. Collaborates with publications “Izvestia”, “ Russian newspaper", "Time", "Geo", "The Washington Post", "The Times", "The Wall Street Journal", "Newsweek".

Alexander Barulin

- specialist in the field of the theory of linguistics, semiotics and their branches - the theory of glotogenesis, the theory of morphology. Founder and first dean of the Faculty of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics of the Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU - 1991-2000), co-author of the state educational standard majoring in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics.

Anton Krotov

- traveler, writer, founder and president of the Academy of Free Travel.

Hasan Mirzoev

- public figure, president of the Guild of Russian Lawyers.

Mikhail Gelfand

- bioinformatician, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (biophysics), Professor of the Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics of Moscow State University, Member of the European Academy, Deputy Director of the Institute of Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper “Troitsky Variant - Science”.

There is no formal division between students and teachers at the School. School participants can act in different roles, performing different tasks. When selecting participants, there are no restrictions on age or level of education. Recruitment is carried out on the basis of a questionnaire and a selection task from the workshop. Enrollment criteria vary for each academic area.

Project Features

Volunteering- the school is held every year by volunteers; the organizers and teachers do not receive salaries or fees.

Coverage- representatives of almost all regions of Russia and the near abroad participate in the work of the Summer School.

Interdisciplinary nature- The school unites more than two dozen areas. Interdisciplinarity is achieved by involving participants from different workshops in common projects, a diverse lecture program, round tables, etc.

Academicism- The school is focused on academic science. Teachers represent such universities as: Moscow State University, Higher School of Economics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Novosibirsk State University, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, St. Petersburg State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, MISiS, MMA, RUDN University, Russian State University for the Humanities, Southern Federal University, MEPhI, Siberian Federal University, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Institute of Problems of Applied Mathematics RAS, FIAN, IKI RAS, etc. From the press “Russian Reporter”, “Science and Life”, “Trinity Option”, “Science in Focus”, “Science and Technology in Russia”, “Theater Magazine”, etc. are presented.

Self management- the school is created by the hands of its participants, sometimes they gather in groups. The oldest groups - and the organizing committee of the School. We are always looking for new people to join both groups.


The Summer School is a finalist of the II All-Russian Prize of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “For Fidelity to Science.”

According to the results of the “Innovation through the eyes of journalists” competition, which is held by the Russian Venture Company, first place was awarded to “Russian Reporter” for the NANO24 project. Almost two hundred young journalists broadcast news related to the life of modern technologies throughout the day. A significant part of the project participants are students who completed training at the Summer School, as well as at the Media Polygon and City-24 projects.

A joint project of the scientific journalism workshop and the UrFU student television studio “TViST”. Young scientists and future scientists tell why science is interesting and what is unique about it, became the winner of the “Art of Science” festival.

Dear colleagues!

  • Participation in summer schools is free. All summer school participants are issued a certificate of participation.
  • To be able to register for summer schools, you must and fill out the required fields of the listener questionnaire. Please note that registering on the site and filling out the student form when registering on the site is not an application for a specific summer school!
  • We draw your attention to the need to fill out required fields (marked with a red asterisk) in your student profile (menu "Listener" - "My profile" - "Edit") before applying for summer school(except for the summer school for physics teachers). To enroll in the summer school you are interested in, after filling out the student form, you must then return to this page.
  • To register for the summer school you are interested in, you need to click on the “Sign up for a school” button opposite the corresponding school, and then on the page that opens, click the “Apply for a school for teachers” button.
  • If the buttons " Sign up for school " are not displayed although you Online registered, required again, and then return to this page.
  • If instead of the “Sign up for school” buttons the message “You must fill in the required fields of the student form” is displayed, you have not filled in the required fields of the student form. You need to follow this link to your listener profile (menu “Listener” - “My profile” - “Edit”) and enter the necessary information. After this, you can return to this page and apply for the summer school that interests you.
  • Please note that filling out the student application form does not constitute an application for a specific summer school!
  • You can view submitted applications in the menu “Listener” - “My events” (except for applications for the summer school for physics teachers). The latest information about the summer school for physics teachers is published on the page: http://distant.msu.ru/course/view.php?id=89
  • Nonresident summer school participants may be provided with a place in a dormitory. Please note that filling out the registration form and confirmation of acceptance of the application does not mean automatic provision of a place to live for the duration of the school due to the limited number of places in the hostel . You can find out about the status of the issue of providing a hostel in the "Listener" menu - " My events."
  • If, when applying for a summer school, there is no question on the need for a dormitory in the registration form, this means that further registration for this school is ongoingwithout the possibility of providing a place in a hostel.
  • Detailed information about each school can be obtained on the page of the corresponding school (to go to it, you need to click on the name of the school you are interested in).
  • For all questions, you can contact the faculties of Moscow State University, on the basis of which summer schools are organized. Their contacts are listed on the school pages.
  • In addition, you can contact the "MSU - School" department of the Department of Educational and Methodological Activities and additional education MSU by mail

29.08.2018 947

On August 27-28, 2018, the history and philosophy departments of Moscow State University held an annual interdisciplinary summer school for teachers of history and social studies at Moscow University." Modernity in historical and social science education: problems and features of teaching", which was attended by more than 250 listeners from all over Russia.

It was devoted to the consideration of current issues in teaching history and social studies at the level of secondary education. Particular attention in the school program was paid to controversial and difficult-to-understand topics: the modern religious situation, modern political discourse, the history of Russia in the 20th-21st centuries, as well as preparation for the Olympiads. In history classes, an analysis of the most pressing and relevant topics related to the key stages of the development of our country over the last hundred years was carried out - the Revolution of 1917, Civil War, Perestroika, the formation of domestic policy and the peculiarities of foreign policy.

The tasks of the school and the forms of interaction between Moscow State University and the teaching community were told to the participants by: Vice-Rector - Head of the Department of Educational and Methodological Activities and Continuing Education of Moscow State University, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor K.V.Minr-Beloruchev E.V.Bryzgalina, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, corresponding member. RAS, professor V.V. Mironov, Deputy Dean for scientific work Faculty of History, Moscow State University, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor D.A.Andreev .

On the first day, employees of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University spoke to the teachers. Lecture by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History Russia XIX century - early 20th century F.A.Guides was dedicated to the topic: “The centenary of the 1917 revolution in Russia. A view from the 21st century.” Then candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the department of new and modern history A.V. Lazareva, spoke about a modern view of the study of the Reformation and religious wars in Europe and how these stories can be studied in school. Ph.D. Associate Professor of the Department of Modern and Contemporary History, scientific supervisor educational program "Modern history and the modern political process" Yu.N. Rogulev I invited my colleagues to listen to my thoughts on the topic “Trump’s America and the modern world order.” The historical program ended with a lecture by Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Church History G.M.Zapalsky"The Council of the Russian Church 1917-1918 as the Council of New Martyrs."

The second day of the school was devoted to social science issues. The series of lectures at the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University was opened by Ph.D., Head. Department of Philosophy of Education, Associate Professor E.V.Bryzgalina, who spoke on the topic: “Navigating the trends of science of the 21st century: social scientific meanings.” The teachers heard lectures by Ph.D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Theory of World Culture I.L. Krupnik"Modern religious practices" and Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy of Politics and Law K.Yu.Alasania"Modern political discourse".

On the same day, within the framework of the school, a round table“Olympiads in social science and history: specifics of content and preparation”, in which members of the methodological commissions and jury of the Olympiads in the profile “History” and “Social Science” took part:

  • Ph.D. Associate Professor of the Department of Russian History of the 19th century - early 20th century, Faculty of History, Moscow State University L.V.Zhigaltsova,
  • Ph.D. senior researcher at the Department of Russian History of the 19th century - early 20th century, Faculty of History, Moscow State University D.A. Tsygankov,
  • Ph.D. Associate Professor, Department of Source Studies, Faculty of History, Moscow State University O.S.Petrova,
  • Ph.D. Associate Professor of the Department of Russian History of the XX-XXI centuries. Faculty of History, Moscow State University A.Yu.Shadrin,
  • Ph.D., Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy for educational work, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Science S.A.Bushev,
  • Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of the Department of Ontology and Theory of Knowledge, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University S.M.Gavrilenko,
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Deputy Head of the Department of Philosophy of Politics and Law, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University, Head of the educational program "Political Science" O.Yu.Boitsova,
  • Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy of Politics and Law, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University K.Yu.Alasania,
  • Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Methodology of Science, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University A.M. Zhelnova.

The events ended with the ceremonial presentation of certificates to teachers certifying the successful completion of the summer school. The listeners were congratulated by: Vice-Rector - Head of the Department of Educational and Methodological Activities and Continuing Education of Moscow State University, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor K.V.Minr-Beloruchev, Head of the Summer School, Head of the Department of Philosophy of Education, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University, Ph.D., Associate Professor E.V.Bryzgalina, Dean of the Faculty of History, Moscow State University, Doctor of Law, Professor I.I.Tuchkov .

The teachers warmly said goodbye to the departments of philosophy and history, expressing hope for further meetings and long-term fruitful cooperation within the framework of the “MSU - School” program.

    All-Russian Summer School for Physics Teachers 2019

    Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov invites you to take part in the work of the ninth All-Russian

    “Subject competence of a physics teacher in a modern school”,

    which will take place from June 24 to June 29, 2019.

    Dear summer school participants!

    If you arrived at the Faculty of Physics before departure to Krasnovidovo, you can go to the Faculty of Physics and leave your things in the auditorium. Ts-41. The lists of school participants are kept by security. Entrance upon presentation of your passport from 8 am.


    The school will be held at the MSU boarding house "Krasnovidovo" (http://krasnovydovo.msu.ru).

    By the decision of the organizing committee and sponsors of the Summer School for Physics Teachers, as well as based on the confirmation of those registered to participate in the Summer School

    The following list of Summer School participants has been formed:

    This year the school program includes a round table "Use of modern information technologies in the research work of schoolchildren" to organize the exchange of experience in conducting research work (mainly in grades 9-11) and the use of modern information and telecommunication technologies and devices in it (for example, such as Cell phones). Your short speech (3-5 minutes) with a small presentation or handouts is welcome. Please inform the Organizing Committee in advance about the topic of your speech, a brief summary (a few sentences), the need to display the presentation and print handouts.

    Draft Program

    IXsummer school for physics teachers

    “Subject competence of a physics teacher in modern school»

    16.00 – 21.00. Arrival and accommodation of school participants at the boarding house "Krasnovidovo". Dinner. Registration.

    9.00-10.00 Breakfast

    10. 15 . Opening of the summer school.

    10.45-11.45 “Neutrino physics – the cutting edge of science” Associate Professor Evgeniy Vadimovich Shirokov

    11.50-12.50 “Tsunami forecast as a problem of physics” Professor Mikhail Aleksandrovich Nosov.

    13.00- 14.00 “Quantum technologies: what they are and the problems of personnel training” Professor Kulik Sergey Pavlovich

    14.00-15.00 Lunch

    16.30-17.45 "New encounters with nonlinear physics" Professor Sergey Sergeevich Krotov, senior researcher Shuteev Sergey Alexandrovich.

    18.00-18.50 Master classes: solving problems of Olympiads and DVI at the physics department (associate professors Alexander Vasilievich Grachev, Ekaterina Vikentievna Lukasheva), graphics in the school physics course (senior teacher Tatyana Andreevna Bushina)

    19.00-20.00 Dinner

    20.30-21.30. Round table Shirokov E.V. “Physics of the microworld – (not) a mandatory part of the school physics course?” leading associate professor Evgeniy Vadimovich Shirokov.

    9.00-10.00 Breakfast

    10.15-11.15 « Optics of metamaterials” Associate Professor Kolmychek Irina Alekseevna

    11.30-13.00 “Features of assessing tasks with a detailed answer for the Unified State Examination in Physics” Associate Professor Anton Iosifovich Gigolo

    14.00-15.00 Lunch

    16.00-17.00 “New problems of physics in biology” Professor Tverdislov Vsevolod Aleksandrovich

    17.15-18.00 Master classes: examination of tasks with a detailed answer to the Unified State Examination in Physics” (Associate Professor Anton Iosifovich Gigolo), graphs in the school physics course (senior teacher Tatyana Andreevna Bushina), solving DVI problems at the physics department (Associate Professor Alexander Vasilyevich Grachev).

    18.15-19.00 Master classes: examination of tasks with a detailed answer to the Unified State Examination in Physics” (Associate Professor Anton Iosifovich Gigolo), solving problems of Olympiads and DVI at the Faculty of Physics (Assistant Professors Ekaterina Vikentievna Lukasheva, Pavel Yurievich Bokov).

    19.00-20.00 Dinner

    20.30-21.30. Round table "Use of modern information technologies in the research work of schoolchildren." leading senior lecturer Seliverstov Alexey Valentinovich.

    9.00-10.00 Breakfast

    10.30-11.30 . “On distance learning built into a competitive test” senior teacher. Bushina Tatyana Andreevna.

    11.45-12.45 . “Method of analogies in the study of electric and gravitational fields” Associate Professor Grachev Alexander Vasilievich.

    14.00-15.00 Lunch

    16.00-16.45 “Physical quantities in nature and technology: scales and records” senior lecturer. Seliverstov Alexey Valentinovich.

    17.00-18.00 “Fire flickering in a vessel (modern ideas about the structure of matter)” Associate Professor Parfenov Konstantin Vladimirovich.

    18.15-19.00 Master classes: graphs in the school physics course (senior teacher Tatyana Andreevna Bushina), optics problems in the project activities of schoolchildren (associate professor Sergei Borisovich Ryzhikov), solving problems of Olympiads and DVI at the physics department (associate professor Pavel Yuryevich Bokov)

    19.00-20.00 Dinner

    20.30-21.30 Master class: problems in optics in the project activities of schoolchildren (Associate Professor Sergey Borisovich Ryzhikov)

    9.00-10.00 Breakfast

    10.30-11.30 “The path to nanotechnology “Persons and Devices”” Associate Professor Ryzhikov Sergey Borisovich

    11.45-12.45. « Why does medicine need physics? Academician Vladislav Yakovlevich Panchenko, Associate Professor Alexander Mikhailovich Makurenkov .

    13.00-14.00 Closing of school, issuance of certificates of participation

    14.00-15.00 Lunch

    16.00 Departure for Moscow, upon arrival check-in into a hostel (for those on the list for accommodation).

    All-Russian Summer School for Physics Teachers 2018

    Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov invites you to take part in the Eighth All-Russian Summer School of Physics Teachers “Subject Competence of a Physics Teacher”, which will be held

    from June 26 to June 29, 2018.

    Materials from past summer schools are available on the website of the Department of General Physics of the Faculty of Physics at

    This year the format of the summer school has been changed. The school will be held at the Krasnovidovo boarding house (http://krasnovydovo.rt.center).

    By the decision of the organizing committee and sponsors of the Summer School for Physics Teachers, as well as based on the confirmation of those registered to participate in the Summer School, the following list of participants was formed
    Summer school:

    Surname Name Surname
    Akimova Marina Nikolaevna
    Aleshina Anastasia Sergeevna
    Allin Alexander Olegovych
    Andreeva Olga Ivanovna
    Antonchik Svetlana Vyacheslavovna
    Arslanova Rimma Gabdulkhakovna
    Arkhipova Olga Alexandrovna
    Afinogenov Alexei Nikolaevich
    Baranova Elena Lvovna
    Baranova Catherine Petrovna
    Baranova Elena Vasilevna
    Belolipetsky Sergey Nikolaevich
    Belousova Elena Valentinovna
    Bokova Alexandra Sergeevna
    Bolshakova Love Alexandrovna
    Borisova Natalia Timofeevna
    Bortnikov Michael Vladimirovich
    Burkova Elena Gennadievna
    Vasina Julia Vladimirovna
    Vinogradova Svetlana Yuryevna
    Volkova Love Anatolievna
    Volokhov Alexander Yulievich
    Volkhina Hope Victorovna
    Galikhanov Alfia Zaitunyevna
    Goncharenko Elena Alexandrovna
    Gracheva Irina Nikolaevna
    Gusarova Valentina Ivanovna
    Daminova Lily Flusovna
    Danilova Svetlana Nikolaevna
    Didenko Catherine Victorovna
    Debtors Maksim Alexeyevich
    Dudykina Olga Vladimirovna
    Emelina Galina Gennadievna
    Zaimiroga Alla Victorovna
    Zakharov Vladimir Aleksandrovich
    Zakharova Irina Valentinovna
    Zverev Nina Vyacheslavovna
    Ziganshina Gulnaz Ilgizovna
    Zinchenko Galina Anatolievna
    Ivanova Natalia Yakovlevna
    Ishkina Aliya Shamilyevna
    Kazakova Julia Vladimirovna
    Kalugina Natalia Nikolaevna
    Karpushina Svetlana Nikolaevna
    Kovtunets Larisa Nikolaevna
    Kozyreva Larisa Leonidovna
    Kolomytsev Denis Aleksandrovich
    Kopteva Hope Vasilevna
    Korobova Elena Borisovna
    Korotova Irina Alekseevna
    Kosolapova Olga Vasilevna
    Kryazheva Catherine Mikhailovna
    Kulinenkova Anastasia Nikolaevna
    Kunash Marina Anatolievna
    Kurova Faina Alexandrovna
    Lazarev Tatiana Tarasovna
    Levykina Irina Pavlovna
    Leontyev Igor Sergeevich
    Loboda Natalia Vladilenovna
    Lukashevich Margarita Nikolaevna
    Mazina Elvira Vladimirovna
    Matveeva Svetlana Petrovna
    Mechenov Svetlana Yuryevna
    Meshcheryakova Lyudmila Petrovna
    Migranov Milyausha Midkhatovna
    Miheiko Elena Sergeevna
    Muranov Vadim Aleksandrovich
    Mucharaeva Nina Petrovna
    Nikitina Natalia Mikhailovna
    Nilova Tatiana Vladimirovna
    Nosova Elena Pavlovna
    Obidina Faith Alexandrovna
    Osipenkova Irina Gennadievna
    Parshkina Elena Vladimirovna
    Parshkova Irina Vladimirovna
    Perminov Andrey Olegovych
    Petrova Olga Vladimirovna
    Piskovaya Svetlana Gennadievna
    Pozdeeva Natalia Stepanovna
    Polesskaya Yana Nikolaevna
    Poroshina Svetlana Borisovna
    Praskovina Irina Anatolievna
    Prokofiev Olga Yuryevna
    Rakova Margarita Konstantinovna
    Rogova Daria Valerievna
    Rozanov Andrey Anatolevich
    Rossinskaya Svetlana Alexandrovna
    Rumyantseva Marina Victorovna
    Rybalchenko Inna Gennadievna
    Savchenkova Svetlana Fedorovna
    Sadovnikova Larisa Alexandrovna
    Salei Elena Vladimirovna
    Sayapina Lyudmila Yuryevna
    Semenov Tatiana Victorovna
    Sergeeva Tatiana Victorovna
    Sizikova Elena Vasilevna
    Skrabtsov Radium Yurievich
    Solukova Oksana Anatolievna
    Sukharev Natalia Anatolievna
    Tarasevich Love Victorovna
    Tebekina Natalia Nikolaevna
    Tegleva Svetlana Valentinovna
    Teploukhova Elena Alexandrovna
    Tikhonova Irina Vladimirovna
    Tishkina Olga Valentinovna
    Tolpina Maria Yuryevna
    Tulina Nina Nikolaevna
    Tulyupa Iraida Borisovna
    Tumanova Diana Marselevna
    Fedorov Tatiana Vladimirovna
    Filimonov Alexander Sergeevich
    Frolova Zhanna Valerievna
    Khovalyg Bogdan Vyacheslavovich
    Tsvetsinskaya Tatiana Stanislavovna
    Chashechkin Denis Evgenyevich
    Chernova Marina Dmitrievna
    Chernysheva Mayan Vilyamovna
    Chernyshova Svetlana Anatolievna
    Chibizova Elena Victorovna
    Chistyakova Natalia Vitalievna
    Chugaeva Svetlana Petrovna
    Shavgulidze Irina Victorovna
    Sharkevich Nina Vyacheslavovna
    Shvareva Hope Alexandrovna
    Shvetsova Tatiana Gennadievna
    Shestakova Natalia Pavlovna
    Shkatova Tamara Alexandrovna
    Shchegolev Alexander Fedorovich
    Yakovlev Robert Vitalievich

    Summer School participants are given the opportunity to attend all school events, receive a certificate of participation, a place in the Krasnovidovo boarding house, and three meals a day (paid for by sponsors). Persons not included in the presented list cannot take part in the Summer School for Physics Teachers 2018.

    Departure of school participants to the boarding house "Krasovidovo" on Monday, June 25 at 15.30 - 16.00 from the Student House on Vernadsky Avenue (DSV) ().

    The cost of the transfer Moscow – Krasnovidovo – Moscow is 1000 rubles (paid by the participant when boarding the bus in Moscow).

    There are many more people wishing to participate in the Summer School than there are places available. Respect your colleagues who could become participants in the Summer School; notify the organizing committee in a timely manner if you are unable to participate!!!

    This year the school program includes a round table "Do-it-yourself educational experiment." On it we plan to discuss with you the equipment for demonstration experiments or laboratory work, which can be assembled independently by the teacher or students from available materials: construction sets, educational games, repair tools, household goods or kitchen utensils. To participate and perform, please register in advance. If you are planning a performance, please include it in your application. summary in the amount of several sentences. Please indicate separately whether you plan to bring with you a sample of the equipment you want to talk about.
    Applications should be sent to: [email protected]

    Project Program

    VIIIsummer school for physics teachers

    2 5 June, Monday

    16.00 – 21.00. Arrival and accommodation of school participants at the boarding house "Krasnovidovo". Dinner. Registration.

    9.00-10.00 Breakfast

    10. 15 . Opening of the summer school.

    10.45-11.35 “Powerful microwave electronics” Professor Alexander Ivanovich Slepkov.

    11.45-12.45 “Space as a physical laboratory” Professor Anatoly Vladimirovich Zasov.

    12.55-13.45 “Molecular physics: Linking school and university courses” Associate Professor Vitaly Arkadievich Gribov.

    14.00-15.00 Lunch

    16.30-17.30 "Features of mechanics solid in experimental examples” Professor Sergey Sergeevich Krotov.


    19.00-20.00 Dinner

    20.30-21.30. Round table "Do-it-yourself educational experiment." Leading senior lecturer Seliverstov Alexey Valentinovich.

    9.00-10.00 Breakfast

    10.30-11.30 “The Unusual in the Ordinary” senior lecturer. Seliverstov Alexey Valentinovich.

    11.45-12.45 “Theoretical questions in preparation for the Unified State Exam” Associate Professor Vitaly Arkadievich Gribov.

    14.00-15.00 Lunch

    16.00-17.00 "Project of a universal educational complex SINP MSU” associate professor Evgeniy Vadimovich Shirokov.

    17.15-18.00 Master classes on solving problems in preparation for the Unified State Exam and DVI at the physics department. Associate professors Grachev Alexander Vasilievich, Lukasheva Ekaterina Vikentievna, Bokov Pavel Yurievich.


    19.00-20.00 Dinner

    20.30-21.30. Round table on schoolchildren's research work. Leading associate professor Ryzhikov Sergey Borisovich.

    9.00-10.00 Breakfast

    10.30-11.30 " Prospects for research in the physics of the microworld” Associate Professor Evgeniy Vadimovich Shirokov.

    11.45-12.45 “Interdisciplinary training: optical illusions as a combination of physics, biology and psychology” Associate Professor Ryzhikov Sergey Borisovich.

    14.00-15.00 Lunch

    16.00-16.45 « Distance learning schoolchildren at the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University" senior teacher. Bushina Tatyana Andreevna.

    17.00-17.50 " New trends in the Moscow State University Olympiads in Physics” Associate Professor Konstantin Vladimirovich Parfenov.

    18.00-19.00 Master classes on solutions Unified State Exam problems in astronomy (senior teacher Aleksey Valentinovich Seliverstov) and preparing schoolchildren for Olympiads (assistant Yuri Vladimirovich Starokurov).

    19.00-20.00 Dinner

    20.30-21.30. Round table “Problems of preparing schoolchildren for Olympiads.” Leading Associate Professor Parfenov Konstantin Vladimirovich

    9.00-10.00 Breakfast

    10.30-11.30 “Birth, life and death of Universes” Associate Professor Parfenov Konstantin Vladimirovich.

    11.45-12.45. "Basic methodological principles construction of a school physics course” Associate Professor Grachev Alexander Vasilievich.

    13.00-14.00 Closing of school, issuance of certificates of participation

    14.00-15.00 Lunch

    17.00 Departure for Moscow, upon arrival check-in into a hostel (for those on the list for accommodation).

    Departure of non-resident participants

    All-Russian Summer School for Physics Teachers 2017

    Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov invites you to take part in the Seventh All-Russian Summer School of Physics Teachers “Subject Competence of a Physics Teacher”, which will be held

    from June 26 to June 30, 2017.

    To participate in the Summer School, you must fill out the registration form.

    Registration of participants is completed.

    Dear participants of the Summer School!

    Access to the Faculty of Physics through the central entrance (number 1 on the map) is closed for technical reasons. Currently, access to the faculty is through the northern gate (number 2 on the map).


    Dear Summer School participants who have been given a place in the dormitory!
    To move into a dormitory, you need to contact the Dormitory Administration (Zone B of the Main Rear Office of Moscow State University):
    during working hours (10:00 – 17:30) – office 10. Lunch from 13:00 to 14:00
    during non-working hours – office 1.

    To the attention of the following Summer School participants who have been provided with a place in the dormitory:






































    You will be given a place in a new building - the Student House on Lomonosovsky (DSL). To settle, you must contact the address: Lomonosovsky Prospekt, building 27, building 11.


    1. From the University metro station: cross Lomonosovsky Prospekt via the underground passage. Next take buses 111, 187, 260, 447, trolleybus 34 to the stop “Ulitsa Mendeleeva”. Then cross Lomonosovsky Prospekt and go straight along the University territory to DSL.

    2. From the University metro station on foot (about 20 minutes)

    3. From the Lomonosovsky Prospekt metro station on foot (about 15 minutes).



    VIIsummer school for physics teachers

    “Subject Competence of a Physics Teacher in a Modern School”

    17-00 – 19.00 Practical classes in the laboratories of the general physics workshop. Conducted by: associate professors Mitin I.V., Kirov S.A. senior teacher Kharabadze D.E.

    10.30 – 11.00. Opening of the Summer School. Welcoming speech by the Dean of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University, Professor Nikolai Nikolaevich Sysoev (room CFA)

    11.00 – 12.00 "Fiber light guides" Corresponding member RAS Bufetov Igor Alekseevich (CFA)

    12.20 – 13.20. “Physics of the microworld at school” Associate Professor Shirokov Evgeniy Vadimovich (CFA)

    13.20 – 14.20. "Medical physics: looking beyond the horizon"

    Professor Panteleev Mikhail Aleksandrovich (CFA)

    15.20 – 16.20. " Modernization of teaching materials in physics for grade 8 in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard» Associate Professor Bokov Pavel Yurievich (CFA)

    16.20 – 17.20. « Research works schoolchildren in physics: frontality and depth" Associate Professor Ryzhikov Sergey Borisovich (CFA)

    17.30 – 19.00. Additional classes on solving problems given in previous years upon admission to the Faculty of Physics.

    Conducted by Associate Professor Lukasheva E.V., Associate Professor Bokov P.Yu., Associate Professor Grachev A.V. (DFA)

    -Kurchatov Institute- one of the leading scientific centers in the world, an interdisciplinary national laboratory, a system-forming element of the innovation complex of Russia. Meeting with the management of the institute, tours of the laboratories.

    – Russia’s leading scientific center for modern problems quantum electronics, optics and laser physics, radiophysics, acoustics, condensed matter physics, plasma physics and electronics. Excursions to laboratories, seminars.

    -Big Planetarium of Moscow – the largest Russian center for the popularization of natural science knowledge. The topic of the excursion will be announced upon registration.

    -Botanical Garden of Moscow State University in the Lenin Hills

    17.00 – 19.00. Excursion to the operational space monitoring center.

    –Modern physics in the laboratories of the Department of Wave Processes and the International Laser Center.

    10.00 – 11.00. "Mathematics and physics are allies in knowledge"

    Professor Bogolyubov Alexander Nikolaevich (SFA)

    11.00 – 12.00. " Thermodynamics: what a school teacher should know"

    Associate Professor Vitaly Arkadievich Gribov (SFA)

    12.00 – 12.20. Coffee break. (4-28)

    12.20 – 13.20. « Features of preparing schoolchildren for experimental rounds of physics olympiads» Associate Professor Yakuta Alexey Alexandrovich, Tikhonov Pavel Sergeevich (SFA)

    13.20 – 14.20. « Methodology for solving problems in the electromagnetism section"

    Associate Professor Grachev Alexander Vasilievich (SFA)

    14.20 – 15.20. Lunch break

    15.20 – 16.20. "Biophysics and synergetics"

    Professor Vsevolod Aleksandrovich Tverdislov (SFA)

    16.20 – 17.50 "The extraordinary physics of ordinary things" senior teacher Aleksey Valentinovich Seliverstov (SFA)

    18.00 – 19.00. Additional classes on solving problems given in previous years upon admission to the Faculty of Physics.

    10.00 – 11.00. “Advanced carbon materials”

    Professor Obraztsov Alexander Nikolaevich (SFA)

    11.00 – 12.00. "Astronomy goes back to school"

    associate professor, senior n.s. SAI Vladimir Georgievich Surdin . (SFA).

    12.00 – 12.20. Coffee break. (4-28)

    12.20 – 13.05. “Unity of approaches to solving problems of oscillations”

    Associate Professor Grachev Alexander Vasilievich (SFA)

    13.05 – 14.00. Additional classes on solving problems given in previous years upon admission to the Faculty of Physics.

    Conducted by Associate Professor Lukasheva E.V., Associate Professor Bokov P.Yu., Associate Professor Grachev A.V. (SFA)

    14.00 – 14.30. Photo for memory at the monument to M.V. Lomonosov

    14.30 – 15.15. Lunch break

    15.15 – 15.30. Ceremonial closing of the Summer School (SFA)

    15.30 – 16.00. Issuance of documents on participation in school (4-28)

    Departure of non-resident participants

  • All-Russian Summer School for Physics Teachers 2016

    Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov invites you to take part in the Sixth All-Russian Summer School for Physics Teachers “Subject Competence of a Physics Teacher”, which will take place June 27-July 1, 2016.

    An archive of presentations and photographs of the Summer School is available at: http://genphys.phys.msu.ru/rus/school/

    Registration for Summer School participants has ended.

    By decision of the Summer School organizing committee, some nonresident participants will be PERSONALLY provided with places in the Moscow State University dormitory. The number of places in the dormitory is limited. Replacement of persons who have been PERSONALLY allocated a place in the dormitory by other participants by decision of the Organizing Committee is unacceptable.

    Attention to non-resident participants:

    Layout of MSU buildings on the Lenin Hills: http://www.msu.ru/info/map/lengori.html

    During working hours (from 9 to 18) contact office 10 of the settlement department, sector B, during non-working hours (from 18 to 9) to office 1.

    You must have your passport with you.

    Payment for the hostel is made at the expense of the residents.

    Check-in to the dormitory is possible only for participants included in the list for accommodation; replacement of participants is IMPOSSIBLE.

    Updated information on the duration of stay in the hostel: check-in - June 26 after 12.00; check-out - July 2, until 12.00.

    The cost of living at the moment is about 50 rubles per day.

    Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov


    VIsummer school for physics teachers

    “Subject Competence of a Physics Teacher in a Modern School”

    2 7 June, Monday

    16.00 – 20.00. Arrival and accommodation of school participants. Registration (room 4-28)

    17.00-19.00 Excursions to the mechanics and optics laboratories of the general physics workshop. 4th floor of the Faculty of Physics. Excursions are conducted by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor S.B. Ryzhikov and Ph.D., Art. Rev. A.V. Seliverstov.

    8.30 – 10.30. Registration of school participants (4-28)

    10.30 – 11.00. Opening of the Summer School. Welcoming speech by the Dean of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University, Professor Nikolai Nikolaevich Sysoev (room CFA)

    11.00 – 12.00 "Advanced photonic technologies." Professor Andrey Anatolyevich Fedyanin (CFA)

    12.00 – 12.20. Coffee break. (4-28)

    12.20 – 13.20. " Modern neutrino physics". Associate Professor Evgeny Vadimovich Shirokov (DFA)

    13.20 – 14.20. "First direct detection of gravitational waves". Professor Valery Pavlovich Mitrofanov (CFA)

    14.20 – 15.20. Lunch break

    15.20 – 16.20. " Basic principles of constructing a physics course in a modern school». Associate Professor Alexander Vasilievich Grachev (CFA)

    16.20 – 17.20. " Modernization of the physics classroom using accessible instruments.” Senior Lecturer Alexey Valentinovich Seliverstov (CFA)

    9.00 – 16.00. Excursion and educational program. Excursions of the choice of school participants (registration is carried out upon registration)

    -Kurchatov Institute- one of the leading scientific centers in the world, an interdisciplinary national laboratory, a system-forming element of the innovation complex of Russia. Meeting with the management of the institute

    -Institute of General Physics named after. A.M. Prokhorov RAS– the leading scientific center in Russia on modern problems of radiophysics and acoustics, optics, laser physics, condensed matter physics, plasma physics and electronics. Excursions to laboratories, seminars. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vyacheslav Vasilievich Osiko. “To the 100th anniversary of the birth of Academician A.M. Prokhorov. History of laser creation"

    -Big Planetarium of Moscow – the largest Russian center for the popularization of natural science knowledge. The topic of the excursion will be announced upon registration

    -Museum of Geography of Moscow State University- a unique collection of exhibits on the “high” floors of the Moscow State University building

    17.00 – 18.30. Excursion to the laboratories of the Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University (electron accelerator park)

    Excursion to the museum of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University

    10.00 – 11.00. "Mysteries of Cosmology" Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valery Anatolyevich Rubakov (DFA)

    11.00 – 12.00. " Unified State Exam 2017: Features, prospects.” Deputy Chairman of the Commission for the Development of the KIM Unified State Examination in Physics Associate Professor Vitaly Arkadyevich Gribov (DFA)

    12.00 – 12.20. Coffee break. (4-28)

    12.20 – 13.20. “Physics Olympiads and preparation for them.” Associate Professor Alexey Aleksandrovich Yakuta (CFA)

    13.20 – 14.20. « Methodology for solving problems of capacitor recharging" Associate Professor Pavel Yurievich Bokov (CFA)

    14.20 – 15.20. Lunch break

    15.20 – 17.00. "Lasers and nonlinear optics" Associate Professor Ilya Vladimirovich Golovnin (CFA)

Faculty - school teacher

The Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies takes part in the comprehensive program of the Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov to expand interaction with the secondary education system dedicated to the Year of the Teacher in Russia. The activities of the “MSU for School Teacher” program are aimed at creating a comprehensive dialogue between specialists in the field of education.

As part of the “MSU for School Teacher” program, the faculty has annually held Summer Schools for teachers since 2010.

Conduct report

Summer schools for teachers

As part of the “MSU for School Teacher” program, on August 28-29, 2018, the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies organized Summer Schools for secondary school teachers for 16 academic hours.

140 teachers from more than 70 schools, lyceums and gymnasiums in Moscow (63 participants), the Moscow region (31 participants), the Republic of Bashkortostan (5 participants), the Republic of Korelia (2 participants), the Republic of Mari El (1 participant), took part in the Summer Schools. Republic of Tatarstan (5 participants), Altai region(1 participant) Astrakhan (2 participants), Bryansk (1 participant), Vladimir (3 participants), Kaluga (1 participant), Krasnoyarsk Territory (1 participant), Kursk (3 participants), Leningrad (2 participants), Orienburg (1 participant), Oryol (4 participants), Penza (1 participant), Rostov (1 participant), Samara (6 participants), Sverdlovsk (1 participant), Tver (3 participants), Tula (1 participant) and Yaroslavl (4 participants) regions.

The Summer School classes were held in the form of interactive lectures and master classes. Professors addressed the participants: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Titova S.V. " Digital technologies for preparing for the Unified State Exam", Ph.D. Gorodetskaya L.A. "Preparation for All-Russian Olympiads And international exams ", Ph.D. Safonova V.V. " Methodological strategies for preparing for oral parts of the Unified State Exam”, and also took part Ph.D., Art. Rev. Korenev A.A. " Using game teaching methods in preparation for standardized control", Ph.D., senior lecturer. Mishieva E.M. " Modern textbook in English for high school", Rev. Fursova A.A. “Olympiad as an alternative to the Unified State Exam: preparation strategies,” teacher. Kharlamenko I.V. " Designing WebJobs to prepare for the section “Grammar and Vocabulary”» parts of the Unified State Exam foreign languages", Rev. Staroverova M. V. “Interactive online space in foreign language teaching", head of the center for advanced training of MMA teachers Usachev E.V. " Online use resources for preparing students for the Unified State Exam in English.”

At this event, an online broadcast was held for the first time, for which more than 400 people registered.

Link to online broadcast of the summer school

Spring schoolat the FYAR for English language teachers: modern teaching methods

14 April 2018, at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, a “Spring School” was held - a series of lectures and practical seminars for English teachers, which was organized by the Department of Linguistics and Information Technology.

It was attended by teachers and lecturers from schools and higher education institutions. educational institutions Moscow and Moscow region, the Republic of Dagestan, as well as program graduatesprofessional retraining“Theoretical and pragmatic foundations of teaching foreign languages: modern approaches”, editions of 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017, which is also conducted by the Department of Linguistics and Information Technologies.

Participants were introduced to modern trends, methods and approaches in teaching foreign languages.Head Department of Linguistics and IT, Professor Nazarenko A.L. opened the meeting of the “Spring School 2018”. She thanked those present for their interest in the event and spoke about the general situation with the informatization of linguistic education in Russia and the world and about new trends in this area. In particular, the issues of introducing blended learning, the “flipped classroom” technology, new to Russia, and the use of social services to create an educational environment in which it is possible to apply such techniques as creating a learning community, collaborative learning, project activities, etc., were touched upon. Scientists and teachers of the LiIT department use it successfully.

Lecturer at the Department of Linguistics and Information Technologies Khvan M.V. presentedthe concept of lifelong learning, spoke about its role in society and its importance for a teacher. Maria Vladimirovna also dwelt in detail on the issue of existing educational portals and reviewed some of the largest and most useful educational platforms and massive open online courses (MOOCs) for language teachers.

Fadeeva V. A. (Ph.D., senior lecturer of the LiIT department) devoted her speech very important topic: “The new role of the teacher in the educational process and its impact on the formation of a new learning culture.” She paid special attentionreview modern society in a global context, traditional and new views on the learning process, changing educational paradigms. V.A. Fadeeva analyzed in detail the characteristics of the new learning environment, placing emphasis on changing the roles of teacher and student in the educational process. The audience's attention was drawn tostrategic factors that determine the successful preparation of a teacher for his new role andaccreditation standards for teacher training programs with specialization in ICT.

Teacher of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Ph.D. Amiralieva Razia Zeidulakhovna, who defended her defense at the department of LiIT,in her report she considered issues related to the problem of developing academic English writing skills among students of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. Formation of this skill on initial stage is based on the ability to write short scientific texts of a secondary genre in English, which is one of the components of professional and general professional competencies. The lecturer focused on a problem familiar to all teachers of foreign languages ​​at non-linguistic universities: the requirement of standards to train specialists with developed competence in scientific writing and the lack of practically basic knowledge and skills in this area among students. Valuable guidelines on a selection of certain scientific texts of secondary genres to develop writing skills in a sequential order, information about the didactic capabilities of information and communication technologies, with the help of which the learning process can be optimized. It was also suggested possible variant structures of an online course on academic writing and examples of practical tasks that build professional competencies.

One of the most active organizers, a teacher at the Department of Linguistics and Information Technologies, Victoria Aleksandrovna Skakunova, also spoke at the Spring School. She shared her experience of using information and communication technologies in developing students' writing skills. Victoria Aleksandrovna spoke about some useful services for developing writing skills, and also showed clearly how an English teacher and teacher can use them in their professional practice. The lecturer also shared practical examples of using such services.

P Lecturer at the Faculty of Fundamental Physical and Chemical Engineering Liliya Finadovna Shaykhlislamova, a graduate of the LiIT department, spoke about the Microsoft Sway service for creating presentations and online training courses. She also showed examples of using the online service Voicethread to monitor the oral speech skills of students in a foreign language. The lecturer shared her own experience of using video fragments to develop speaking skills in a foreign language. Thus, examples of tasks for dubbing popular science films for development and control were demonstrated oral speech students in English as part of professionally oriented training.

The event was scientific and methodological in nature and had an obvious pragmatic orientation. Its goal was to introduce practicing linguists to the latest achievements of linguodidactic science, which they can actually use in their teaching practice foreign language

The organizers thank all the participants of the Spring School for their support, expressed in genuine interest,cooperation and high appreciation of the usefulness of the event.

“Many thanks to the organizers of the Spring School 2018” for English teachers. The event was held in a warm, friendly atmosphere and, of course, became another step towards improving the professional skills of the participants. I would especially like to note the speeches of Moscow State University teachers R.Z. Amiraelieva, V.A. Skakunova and M.V. Hwang are succinct and concise, but behind the brevity of the presentation one can see a lot of work and genuine interest in teaching English and finding new forms of teaching it.” AfanasyevaA.G.

Thank you very much for organizing this event! It was interesting to hear about modern technologies. I especially liked the information about open educational resources. Presence today makes it possible to draw new information, which is relevant for educational process Today. Thank you for helping us stay on topic." Suslenkova S.E.

Spring school at FYAR English teachers 2017

Modern methods training

On March 18, 2017, the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies of Moscow State University hosted a series of practical seminars (“Spring School”) for English teachers, which was organized by the Department of Linguistics and Information Technology.

Teachers and instructors from schools and higher educational institutions in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as program graduates, took part in the seminars professional retraining “Theoretical and pragmatic foundations of teaching foreign languages: modern approaches” in 2014, 2015 and 2016, which is also conducted by the Department of Linguistics and Information Technology.

As part of the Spring School, participants heard several reports on modern trends, methods and means of teaching foreign languages. The head of the Department of Linguistics and Information Technologies, Professor Alla Leonidovna Nazarenko opened the Spring School for English teachers with a welcoming speech and a report on the use of a form of blended learning as an opportunity to expand the educational environment of a full-time lecture course through a distance component. In particular, she introduced listeners to didactic principles, which formed the basis of the author’s course “The World of Britain” and showed how to structure independent work students and their regular work with educational materials lecture course using modern technologies.

Maria Vladimirovna Khvan, a teacher at the Department of Linguistics and Information Technologies, spoke about the use of Internet services for the formation and development of lexical skills. She introduced various ways formation of lexical skills when teaching foreign languages, focusing especially on the development of the systemlexical exercises at the level of words and phrases, demonstrated work with various Internet services ( Flashcards, WordSearchPuzzle, Crossword, WordScramble) , allowing you to create a variety of lexical exercises and aimed at practicing spelling, understanding definitions and activating the target vocabulary.

A professor from the Department of Theory of Teaching Foreign Languages ​​and a representative of the publishing house also spoke at the seminar Cambridge University Press Gorodetskaya Lyudmila Aleksandrovna. Her message was dedicatedcognitive, cultural and technological features of a modern English textbook. Gorodetskaya L.A. presented various ways of working with a modern interactive textbook, using the example of a textbook Think , having considered, in particular, its didactic possibilities for the development of productive and receptive types of speech activity of students.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, senior lecturer of the Department of Linguistics and Information Technologies Victoria Aleksandrovna Fadeeva spoke about the use of web products Google in teaching a foreign language. She introduced the main characteristics of modern web services belonging to the Web 2.0 generation, focusing on Special attention two web products from the line Google: Google. Docs and Google. Forms . The author dwelled in detail not only on the technical functionality, but also on the didactic capabilities of each of them. Examples of tasks created using the presented web products that can be used in a foreign language lesson were demonstrated; special emphasis was placed on the methodologically justified inclusion of ICT in the educational process.

The seminar was concluded by one of its most active organizers, a teacher at the Department of Linguistics and Information Technologies, Victoria Aleksandrovna Skakunova, who shared her experience of creating and maintaining an ICT-rich environment in the process of teaching students English using the example of the author’s course posted on the Internet platform HaikuLearning . She demonstrated the main properties and benefits of creating an ICT-rich environment, and (importantly!) explained how potential technical and organizational problems can be avoided when using this learning environment for students.

The organizers thank all participants of the Winter School for their support, expressed in true interest, cooperation and high appreciation of the usefulness of the event. Below are reviews from participants in the Spring School for English Language Teachers 2017:

Was the Spring School very useful for you? Why?

The school is very useful for practicing teachers. The information presented in the form of lectures is relevant and interesting .(Ilyukhina Anna Sergeevna, Naro-Fominsk, secondary school No. 3)

Yes. I learned about new resources that will be convenient to use in the future. (Suspenkova Svetlana Evgenievna, “International Linguistic School” ( ENS)

Yes, information about the learning environment is useful. Would love to use something like this in the future. (Alexandra Vladimirovna Bashkirova, private teacher)

Spring school was useful for me because... I learned a lot of interesting and new things. (Zhukovina Alexandra Sergeevna)

Yes! Lots of interesting and useful information(especially on the use of websites).

What do you think was most helpful?

Creation of websites for independent or mixed work of students. (Sharshakova Anna Nikolaevna, State Budgetary Educational Institution “College of Small Business No. 4”)

It’s good that the focus was on the practical side, there were a lot of useful tips. (Borisova Marina Markovna)

How to organize an online course, how to develop vocabulary skills, modern textbooks, use of web resources Google, how to create an ICT environment. (Alina Albertovna Tarasova, GBOU School No. 1352)

I liked everything very much. Creating an ICT-rich environment during the learning process is inspiring. (Afanasyeva Alena Grigorievna)

Summer school for teachers 2016

As part of the “MSU for School Teacher” program, on August 29-30, 2016, the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies organized Summer Schools for secondary school teachers for 16 academic hours.

115 teachers from more than 90 schools, lyceums and gymnasiums took part in the Summer Schools

Moscow (62 participants),

Moscow region (17 participants), Republic of Bashkortostan (2 participants),

Republic of Tatarstan (1 participant), Bryansk (1 participant),

Vologda (1 participant), Voronezh (1 participant), Kaliningrad (5 participants), Kaluga (2 participants), Leningrad (1 participant), Lipetsk (1 participant), Nizhny Novgorod (3 participants), Oryol (1 participant),

Samara (6 participants), Saratov (1 participant), Sverdlovsk (1 participant),

Tver (2 participants), Tula (3 participants) and Yaroslavl (4 participants) regions.

The Summer School classes were held in the form of interactive lectures and master classes. The following professors addressed the participants:

Ph.D. Titova S.V. « Interactive technologies for organizing project activities», « »;

Doctor of Philology Gorodetskaya L.A.. « The use of interdisciplinary connections in a foreign language textbook for the development of cognitive, communicative and sociocultural knowledge and skills of students»;

Doctor of Philology Bubnova G.I. « ».

Also took part Ph.D., Art. Rev. Korenev A.A. « »; Ph.D., coordinator of the Lomonosov Olympiad in Foreign Languages ​​Avramenko A.P. « Schoolchildren's Olympiads: preparation of students, task formats, procedure (using the example of the Lomonosov Olympiad)», « Presentation of advanced training and professional retraining courses at the Faculty of Nuclear Research and Development of Moscow State University»; Ph.D., Art. Rev. Fadeeva V.A. « Wiki - technology for collaborative learning»; Ph.D., General Director of ATBE Ilyinsky A.S. « Online program ROSETTA STONE in teaching foreign languages: didactic opportunities, ways of integration into the educational process».

When summing up the results of the Summer School, the participants gave the highest marks to both the program of classes and their organization, it was noted highest level lectures, their practical orientation and great significance for the pedagogical practice of school teachers, and also expressed wishes to continue this work.

Summer school for teachers 2016

August 29-30, 2016 at the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, within the framework of the “MSU School” project and with the support of the Moscow Department of Education, the Moscow State University Summer School for teachers and teachers of foreign languages ​​will be held “ Interactive technologies in teaching foreign languages" Master classes and presentations by leading professors of Moscow University await you! Come, we are waiting for you!

Register The Summer School can be accessed on the website using the link.

Summer school program 2016




9.00- 10 .00

Registration of participants

10. 00-11.30

Interactive lecture

Teaching foreign languages ​​as a way to overcome language and cultural barriers

Prof., Doctor of Philology

Ter-Minasova S.G.


Interactive lecture

Digital technologies for monitoring and assessment in the language classroom

prof., doctor of pedagogical sciences

Titova S.V.




Master Class

Online program ROSETTA STONE in teaching foreign languages: didactic in possibilities, ways of integration into the educational process

Ph.D., General Director of ATBE

Ilyinsky A.S.


Master Class

Schoolchildren's Olympiads: preparation students , task formats, procedure (using the example of the Lomonosov Olympiad)

Ph.D., coordinator of the Lomonosov Olympiad in Foreign Languages

Avramenko A.P.


Presentationadvanced training courses and professional retraining FYAR MSU

prof., doctor of pedagogical sciences

Titova S.V.

Ph.D., Art. Rev.

Avramenko A.P.


Master Class

The use of interdisciplinary connections in a foreign language textbook for the development of cognitive, communicative and sociocultural skills knowledge and student skills

Prof., Doctor of Philology

Gorodetskaya L.A.


Master Class

Preparation for the oral part of the Unified State Exam

Prof., Doctor of Philology

Bubnova G.I.




Master Class

Wiki - technology for collaborative learning

Prof., Doctor of Philology

Nazarenko A.L.


Master Class

Assessing written work: techniques, strategies, criteria

Ph.D., Art. Rev.

Korenev A.A.


Closing of the Summer School.

Ceremonial presentation of certificates