Abstracts Statements Story

Treasures. Where and how to look for treasure in Ufa

Bashkiria is full of romantic enthusiasts who want to find the treasure hidden by the legendary rebel Emelyan Pugachev. Some say that the fugitive Cossack hid the convoy with silver and gold at the bottom of the lake, others are sure that Pugachev’s money is kept in the mountains, in a cave. However, there are many other treasures in the republic: among the treasures found were, for example, a bronze cannon, two dishes with a thousand-year history, and a cylinder with gold chervonets.
For several generations now, brave treasure hunters have been trying to find the legendary train of Emelyan Pugachev himself, a fugitive Cossack who started an uprising throughout the country. On his way, he mercilessly plundered cities and landowners' estates. And since it was inconvenient to carry carts of silver and gold with him, he hid the loot. Pugachev hid one of these golden convoys not far from the Bashkir town of Beloretsk, in the mountainous part of the republic. A couple of centuries ago there were a lot of copper mining plants there - excellent prey for a robber.

According to local legends, Pugachev hid the loot in one of the many lakes near the city. They say that even professional divers came, but so far to no avail. Others are looking for Pugachev's gold in a completely different part of Bashkiria - in a cave near the village of Nagaibakovo, Bakalinsky district, where the rebel was hiding from persecution.
Of course, this is the dream of any treasure hunter, but finding it is almost impossible and very expensive. The equipment is expensive, the technology is expensive, and they are hidden in lakes and dense forests, where you just can’t get to them. In total, about 200-300 people in Bashkiria are interested in treasure digging, and they have already found all the main treasures. One of the best treasure hunters, Don Alexei, once found a bronze cannon from the 16th century. To do this I had to dig one and a half meters.
Rustem Yanzafarov, treasure hunter, SmartNews

But Pugachev’s gold is not the only treasure of Bashkiria.
In 1989, in the Alsheevsky district of the republic, excavation workers found a real treasure with a thousand-year history. Scientists especially highlight two dishes, one of which is decorated with an engraved image of a king on horseback, killing a boar with a spear. The second dish depicts a flying mountain goat with a flowing scarf around its neck - an image of the Iranian god of luck. According to archaeologists, the find is at least a thousand years old. Part of the treasure (after its location it was called Avryuztamak) was safely lost, the other was transferred to the fund of the Sterlitamak Museum of History and Local Lore.
Among the missing things from this treasure were figures (heads, legs) of camels; a camel was depicted on the golden kumgan. The items from the Avryuztamak treasure were of Central Asian origin. Items from this treasure are direct archaeological evidence of the existence of the camel cult in the early Middle Ages on the territory of Bashkortostan.
Shamil Isyangulov, historian, from the materials of the V All-Russian scientific-practical conference young scientists

Albert Enikeev
Director of the legal bureau "Enikeev and Partners"

- No, it won’t work. According to the Civil Code, the treasure must be equally divided between the one who found it and the owner of the land. You will have to give the find back in any case - you will be paid part of the cost for it, and no tax will be taken from it. If the owner of the site is the state, then it will take 25 or 30%. By the way, if you searched and found a treasure without the permission of the owner of the site, then he will receive the full reward.

At the end of the 60s of the last century, finding treasure in Ufa was not uncommon - the city was then being actively developed and some stashes of wealthy people were often found in the foundations of old merchant houses. But the Soviet press could not ignore one case.
Several vocational school students helped dig a trench on Kirov Street and found a large black cylinder containing many gold chervonets with a portrait of Emperor Nicholas II. So no one would have known about the find, but one of the guys accidentally let it slip or boasted to a friend. Everyone was eventually arrested, and a noisy process began in the city with the branding of “those who hid the people’s property.”
This story ended well: the treasure was taken away from the guys, and they themselves were released.
Almost 10 years later, another “silent man” came across in Ufa, who found royal gold somewhere and did not give it to his beloved homeland. He fell into the tenacious hands of KGB officers due to his own oversight - he sold part of the gold to dentists, and they made crowns of “too high standard.” The doctors were interrogated and they found the treasure hunter very quickly. Nothing is known about his further fate.

TREASURES - TREASURES (archaeological).
The earliest stones in Bashkortostan are from the Bronze Age, consisting of tools and weapons. K., found on Mount Kushtau near the city of Sterlitamak, consisted of bronze. arrowheads, spears, javelins, bronzes. adze chisels, awls and harpoons.
In K. ser. 2nd millennium BC, discovered near the village of Ibrakaevo, Sterlibashevsky district, and Milovka near Ufa, included mowing sickles (11 and 6, respectively); one bronze each ax and adze.

In K., near the village of Bakhchi, Sterlibashevsky district, 10 bronzes were discovered. mowing sickles and adzes. The earliest K. is angry. jewelry (4th-3rd centuries BC) was found in 1965 during excavations of the Okhlebininsky settlement at the mouth of the Sim River. It contained a hryvnia welded from 6 bronzes superimposed on each other. rings overlaid with gold leaf, 7 gold. vorwork, 30 frames and 10 glasses. beads
The famous Kuganaksky K., consisting of cast bronze, is synchronous with it. objects clearly of cult purpose: figurines, round bronzes. plaques and compositions depicting two people in high headdresses standing under the “tree of life”.
K. era of the early Middle Ages (7-8 centuries AD), consisting of silver. vessels of Iranian origin were found in the center. districts of Bashkortostan.
On the territory K. from silver was discovered in Ufa. bowls decorated with the figure of an eagle with a doe in its claws, silver. dishes depicting the royal hunt for wild goats and copper. vessel with a lid.
Rich K. silver. vessels was found in the vicinity of the village of Avryuztamak, Alsheevsky district (see Avryuztamak treasure).
K. eras of the developed Middle Ages consist mainly. from coins of the Golden Horde khans.
Naib. cr. is Petrovsky K. (Tuymazinsky district of the Republic of Belarus), containing 345 silver coins of the khans of Uzbek, Janibek and Tokhta, as well as wives. jewelry (rings and earrings).
Coin coins, 14th century. found near the village of Yakty-Kul in the Dyurtyulinsky district, Brik-Alga in the Belebeevsky district and Kyzyl-Yar on the Ufa river.
Two K. silver. 14th century coin bars found in the vicinity of the village of Verkh. Kalmash Chekmagushevsky district.
During the era of the Golden Horde in the territory. Bashkortostan were widespread K. zhel. of things.
This is K. the farmer. tools near the village of Nizhne-Khozyatovo, Chishminsky district (axes, hoes, sickle, ploughshare, plow cutter, two scythes) and tools (stirrups, sickles, scythes) near the village of Spasskoye, Sterlitamak district, Bolshe-Abishevo, Abzelilovsky district -on and on the Turnalinsky settlement in the Salavat region.

A resident of Bashkiria found a treasure of silver rubles

A resident of Bashkiria, in an interview with the Ufa-Press media holding, reported that last year, in the fall, while carrying out agricultural work in his own garden, he discovered a treasure trove of silver coins. It consisted of rubles minted under Peter the Great, Catherine the Second and Ivan Antonovich.

At the same time, the lucky man said that he was having difficulty selling his find, since recently a fraudulent scheme has become widespread in the republic, in which scammers sell counterfeit rubles of this type instead of counterfeit ones.

According to information received by the publishing house from numismatist experts, the cost of one such ruble, if authentic, can range from 5 to 10 thousand dollars, and in total the find is worth about 50,000 dollars.

A resident of Bashkiria found a treasure weighing 102 kilograms underground. The owner of the find was a resident of Sterlitamak. He posted a photo of the treasure on social networks.
The find is a relatively small plastic container containing coins from the times Soviet Union. A resident of Sterdlitamak is keeping the find to himself for now. He writes on social media that he is aware of the lack of actual value of these coins, but it was still nice to find them.
Note that other commentators have already calculated the possible proceeds from the treasure: if you sell all the coins, it will be approximately three thousand rubles. Information: According to the law of the Russian Federation on treasures, the find becomes the property of the person who found the treasure and the owner of the site where it was found, in equal shares.
If the treasure was found without the consent of the land owner, it is transferred to the owner in full. If the land is not owned by the state, the treasure hunter owns it completely. However, if things related to historical or cultural monuments are discovered, they will be transferred to state ownership. Historical value is determined by experts, usually museum employees.

Just 25 kilometers from Meleuz is the village of Voskresenskoye. It also remembers Emelyan Pugachev and his broken gang, who with joy and cheerful whooping hanged landowners and robbed their family estates. At this place, Pugachev ordered the construction of a factory that cast cannons for his troops.

Years have passed, the plant is now completely destroyed, only a few walls remain. Driving by, I always wonder why the local authorities don’t restore the plant to its original form? Why don’t they make a kind of mecca here for historians of all ranks and stripes? You can develop an entire historical complex and call it, for example, “Through Pugachev’s places” or “Pugachev and his associates: Salavat Yulaev and Kinzya Arslanov - a phased reconstruction of events.” Who's stopping?

Driving here one day, I noticed the many hills that rose here and there. They were even in the middle of sown fields. That is, imagine - a huge field planted with, say, rye, and in the middle of it is a hefty untouched hill.

- What is this? — I once asked my guides. “Why aren’t these hills simply leveled with tractors?”

They explained to me that the hills are the burial places of the Pugachevites. And since ancient times, there has been a tradition of not touching these burials. It’s only surprising (at least, it’s not clear to me due to my upbringing) how they still manage to plant grain near these burial grounds. It's like there's no more room.

Treasures have been found here for the third century. The dashing henchmen of the self-proclaimed Peter III buried their bloody gold here, hoping to return someday, but they never returned. But real treasures are, of course, rare. But royal coins, bayonets, and daggers are a very common occurrence. Almost every resident of Voskresensky found Catherine’s nickels, blackened by time.

It’s strange that few residents of Bashkiria know that there is a wonderful museum in this village. It houses works by artists who were evacuated from Moscow during the Great Patriotic War. They organized an art school in the village, which still exists today. Perhaps by famous names in the world of painting, only Nesterovsky in Ufa can compete with this museum. Another trick for the authorities of the Meleuzovsky district to attract tourists! But for some reason no one is itching, no one needs anything.

I started this column with nature and will end with it. Now, in the fall, there are no mushrooms in the local forests. Get tired of salting. Animals here are not even afraid of humans. Several times, for example, during haymaking... a moose came out to me. Without being afraid or frightened (I got cold feet, of course - such a giant).

Do you know what I thought? Still, there are no fools in Meleuz. They are doing the right thing in not attracting tourists here. They’ll come and mess everything up, destroy it, break it, level it...

Ancient copper mines are located on the territory of Bashkiria in the valleys of the Dema, Tyater, Kidash rivers, between settlements Sterlibashevo and Kirgiz-Miyaki, in the vicinity of the village of Voznesenskoye and in some other places. Cuprous sandstones are common in all these areas, differing in the depth of occurrence and associated rocks. As you can see, these areas are much closer to the factories than the Kargaly mines, which means that transporting ore from these deposits was cheaper. Some mines in Bashkiria, as well as in the Kargalinsky deposit, were founded in the footsteps of the ancient "Chud works". The fact that this region is part of the forest-steppe zone creates more opportunities for ancient metallurgy than in the Kargaly steppes. If we accept the version about the trade of the inhabitants of the Kargaly steppes with ore, and not metal, then the indicated regions of Bashkiria seem preferable in this sense, since they have timber reserves, are nearby and the population had an idea of ​​mining and metallurgy.

During expeditions in 1991-1992, we examined several mine fields on the territory of Bashkiria, namely in the area of ​​the villages of Gulyumovo and Aydarali (Sterlibashevsky district) and the village of Dedovo, Fedorovsky district.

The workings in the area of ​​the village of Gulyumovo are located in a large forest clearing 1.5 km west of the village. The entrance to the mine is a funnel in the place of a collapsed adit. The length of the underground part is 205 m (Figure 3.1). The development consists of two parts. The earlier part was mined through shaft 3, and the later part through an adit, the entrance to which is currently blocked. At the junction of drifts of different times, there is a difference in the levels of the excavation base of ~1 meter. In the preserved part of the adit you can see the remains of wooden supports. The mine area does not exceed 4 hectares. Not far from the indicated place in the area of ​​the village of Bol. Karkaly on the map of V. Kvalen the Klyuchevsky mines are marked, however, according to the description, their field is much larger.

We examined a large field of mines 5 km south of the village of Aidarali. The dumps and craters are currently overgrown with forest, making it difficult to find entrances and estimate the size of the ore field. Its size is ~750x350 meters. We discovered only small fragments of vertical mine shafts and sections of horizontal workings. Perhaps it is these mines that are referred to as Durasovskie.

A significant field of mines with an area of ​​~20 hectares is located in the vicinity of the village of Dedovo, in the Fedorovsky district, on a hill, on the banks of the Ashkadar River. We discovered an entrance - a triangular pit no more than two meters deep. Apparently, the pit was used for ventilation. The main entrance - the adit - is currently almost completely washed away by soil from the surface. The length of the mine is 155 meters (Figure 3.2).


On the territory of Bashkiria there are significant fields of old copper mines. Here, just as in the Kargaly steppe, development was carried out in the footsteps of the "Chud works." In terms of forest resources, this zone is much more suitable for ancient metallurgy. It is possible that this area played a significant role as a zone of independent metallurgical and mining centers, and in the exchange of raw materials with the inhabitants of the Kargaly steppe.

First expeditions Russian Academy Sciences in the 18th century laid the foundation for the search and description of archaeological sites on the territory of Bashkortostan. Archaeologists, participants in the expeditions P.I. Rychkov, P.S. Pallas, I.I. Lepekhin described ancient mounds, settlements and mines in the vicinity of Ufa, Blagoveshchensk, Sterlitamak and other places in the Orenburg province.

In the 2nd half of the 19th century, the Provincial Committee for Museums was created in Ufa. In 1865-1867, committee member R. G. Ignatiev conducted a survey of the Ufa (Chertova), Birsk and Kara-Abyz settlements, as well as excavations of mounds in the Muslim cemetery in Ufa, at the dachas of the Miass gold mines and near the village of Kalchirburan in the modern Aurgazinsky district. on RB.

In 1893-1894, archaeologist Nefedov carried out the first excavations of ancient settlements: Ufa (Chertov), ​​Kara-Abyz, Novo-Medvedevsky (Yuldashevsky - Peter-Tau). At the same time, the funds of the Ufa Provincial Museum received ancient objects from random finds and collections: bronze jewelry from Birsk, a treasure of bronze tools from near the village of Milovka in the Ufa region, things from an early medieval burial found on the territory of the dacha of landowner V. A. Novikov, an amber necklace from a burial on Seminarskaya Hill in Ufa, etc. These collections were described in detail by N. N. Bulychev in 1902 and 1904.

From the end of the 19th century, the study of archaeological monuments of the Belaya River basin began. Archaeologist A. A. Spitsyn studied the Birskoye, Kostarevskoye and Dyurtyulinskoye settlements in the lower reaches of the Belaya River and collected material that made it possible to establish the place of these monuments in the periodization of Kama antiquities that he developed.

In the 20s of the 20th century, G.V. Vakhrushev compiled the first archaeological map of Bashkiria with 17 settlements, 27 mounds, 14 burial grounds without mounds.

Systematic and targeted archaeological work began in the 1950s after the creation of an archeology group at the Institute of History, Language and Literature (IYAL) of the BF of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Systematic research was carried out on monuments of the early Iron Age and the Middle Ages, early nomads in Bashkortostan.

In the 1970s, excavations were carried out at necropolises and nearby settlements of the Early Iron Age near the SS. Shipovo and Okhlebinino, studies of the burial mounds of early nomads in the South Ural steppes (A. Kh. Pshenichnyuk). The following were excavated: Staroyabalaklinsky Bronze Age burial ground on the river. Dema (Yu. A. Morozov, Gorbunov), Yukalikulevskoe settlement on the river. Ai (Gorbunov, Obydennov). New monuments of the nomads of the Southern Urals and Cis-Urals during the Golden Horde period in the territory of Bashkortostan and the Orenburg region were studied.

In the 1980s–1990s, archaeologists from the Institute of Linguistics and Laboratory of the UC RAS ​​participated in the creation of the all-Union Code of Archaeological Monuments. Research was carried out on “drain pipes”. So, when examining a small area near the village. Podolsk (Khaibullinsky district), a large pagan sanctuary was discovered (G.N. Garustovich). In the “Baishevsky microdistrict” (Baymaksky district), the Historical, Archaeological and Landscape Museum-Reserve “Irendyk” was created.

Currently, a new direction has been developed in the archeology of Bashkortostan - ethnoarchaeology. Traditional areas are being developed: the history of weapons and military affairs of the nomads of the early Iron Age and the Middle Ages, problems of socio-economic and ethnocultural history, issues of the beginning of the Turkization of the Southern Urals are being studied.

Mausoleum of Turakhan

Since 2004, archaeological expeditions have been conducted annually to the Shulgan-tash cave (Kapova Cave) under the leadership of Ph.D. V. G. Kotova. As a result, new drawings were found; engraved compositions were discovered for the first time; the ancient age of the drawings has been confirmed.

New questions in the archeology of Bashkortostan arise on the materials of the Bakhmutin culture, Kara-Yakupov culture, Kushnarenkovskaya culture, Mazuninskaya culture and Pyanoborskaya culture.

To date, 547 archaeological sites have been identified and recorded on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, of which more than 300 are mounds and burial grounds, more than 150 are various settlement monuments, 16 grottoes and caves, 7 ground burial grounds, 7 metallurgical complexes, etc.

Of these, 12 stone linings, 11 Muslim burial grounds, stone fences (12) - the remains of “steppe mosques” or places where yurts were installed on summer camps - date back to the late period.

Of the total number of monuments recorded, 40 have been fully explored, 15 have been destroyed, a significant part is located in the zone of influence of reservoirs, or is flooded by them.

On the territory of modern Bashkortostan, traces and monuments of archaeological cultures of the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age have been identified.

Stone Age. In the Mesolithic Stone Age, the Ilmurzin culture and the Yangel culture developed, in the Neolithic the Pribelsk culture and the Tashbulatov culture. In the Eneolithic, the Agidel culture was formed in the Cis-Urals, the Garin culture was formed in the north of Bashkortostan, the Surtanda culture was formed in the Trans-Urals, and the Yamnaya culture was formed in the steppes of the Southern Urals.
Bronze Age. In the Bronze Age, the Abashevskaya culture, the Alakulskaya culture, the Mezhovskaya culture, the Petrovskaya culture, the Sargarinskaya culture, the Sintashta culture, the Srubnaya culture, the Fedorovskaya culture and the Cherkaskul culture developed in the Southern Urals. The monuments of the northern regions of the Republic of Belarus contain materials from the Prikazan culture and the Turbino culture.
Iron Age. In the early Iron Age, the steppe territory of the Republic of Belarus was part of the formation area of ​​the Kurmantau culture, the Sauromatian culture and the Sarmatian culture. At that time, the forest zone was inhabited by tribes of the Ananyin culture, the Kara-Abyz culture, and the Pyanobor culture. In the eastern forest-steppe regions, monuments of the Gamayun culture, Gorokhov culture, Itkul culture, and Sargat culture were discovered.
In the Middle Ages, the Bakhmutinskaya culture, the Imenkovskaya culture, the Kara-Yakupovskaya culture, the Kushnarenkovskaya culture, the Mazuninskaya culture, the Turbaslinskaya culture, and the Chiyalik culture were formed on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

The archaeological sites found include tools, settlements and dwellings, funerary monuments; rock carvings, jewelry, etc. The oldest archaeological sites on the territory of the Republic of Belarus are Aidos, Mysovaya, dating back to 400-100 thousand BC. e.

The most common are settlements and funerary monuments. There are 3 types of settlements: sites, settlements, settlements. The funerary monuments of the Republic of Belarus include burial mounds and ground burial grounds and mausoleums (Keshene). Archaeological monuments include ancient mine workings or quarries for ore extraction (Bakr-Uzyak, Kargaly, Tashkazgan mine), inhabited caves and sanctuaries (Shulgan-Tash, Reserve Sanctuary, Ignatievsky Sanctuary), stone sculptures (Akimbetovsky mounds, Gumarovsky burial ground), treasures (Avryuztamak treasure, Kuganak treasure, Milov treasure), pile buildings, ancient roads, dolmens, menhirs.

Local groups of monuments belonging to the same archaeological culture are divided into archaeological complexes (Arkaim, Biktimirovsky archaeological complex, Gornovsky archaeological complex, Kara-Yakupovsky archaeological complex, Manyaksky archaeological complex, Okhlebininsky archaeological complex, Sintashta, Tash-Elginsky archaeological complex, Tashlinsky archaeological complex , Shipovsky archaeological complex, Yakovlevsky archaeological complex). Groups of monuments belonging to different cultures are divided into archaeological microdistricts (Baishevsky archaeological microdistrict, Beregovsky archaeological microdistrict).

The main elements of the conspiracy were a fence, a lock and a key. They could be either verbal or material (that is, natural fences, locks and keys, often found in treasures). Sharp iron objects are also found there: knives, sickles, swords, scythes, etc. They were also called upon to protect the treasure from strangers.
But the science of “hiding” the treasure was also the science of how to take it.
Later, in Christian times, it was widely believed that demons were the guardians of treasures. Therefore, treasure hunting always involves a very high risk.
In a word, most legends say that it is incredibly difficult to take possession of a charmed treasure. And yet it is possible. You just need to know the secrets of “unlocking” secret treasures:
* In ancient books there is a mention of treasures buried “for the lucky one.” The authors do not explain what it is (apparently, hundreds of years ago it was clear to everyone), but they do explain how to find such a treasure. It is necessary, they say, to meet a black cat and follow it. Where she stops and meows, hit her as hard as you can on the head and exclaim: “Scatter!”, and start digging at the place where the cat died. But it seems that this method is good only for flayers, and it seems sadidistically funny to me.
* Another recipe in a modern book on dowsing. It says that it is enough to take the so-called frame in your hand and ask it the question: “In which direction is the treasure?” And she will point it out. Then ask how far away the treasures are buried, giving numbers in kilometers, hundreds of meters, etc. When the place is found, clarify again: they say, is it here or not - and dig.
* Another ancient way to find and “take” a charmed treasure, again in an old book. Here he is:
“...At the supposed burial site of the treasure, light a candle placed in a walnut candlestick. The closer the treasure is, the
The flame will flicker more strongly. And when it goes out, you have to dig there. But, if there is no firm intention to give a tenth to the poor, the treasure will be hidden in the ground so deep that no strength will be enough to dig it up.” In general, you will have to share.
*The first assistants in finding treasures are herbs:
- “gap-grass” (gap-grass got its name due to the fact that after the fruits ripen, the flaps of the oblong capsule open, twist into a spiral, scattering the seeds. Just press your finger on the ripened fruit - and the plant “shoots” ". This plant belongs to the balsam family);
- “plakun-grass” Image (merlin is a perennial herbaceous plant, 60-120 cm in height, with a straight four-hexagonal stem, covered, like the leaves, with hairs or almost bare. Mentioned in conspiracies as a magical remedy that allows you to command spirits, take possession treasures);
- “obyar” (Obyar is silk fabric with a stream of gold or silver, a decree in the output book, but every silk moiret was and is also called obyar, and without gold);
- “knotweed white-nurse” (A very popular plant that grows in courtyards, on paths, along roads, on pastures, permanent dry pastures, on ramparts, in weedy places near dwellings, etc. It is resistant to trampling. The stems of knotweed spread along the ground, geniculate; bushy plants);
- “Peter’s cross” (scale grass, or lurking grass, or king grass (lat. Lathraéa) - a genus of plants of the Broomrapaceae family. The root of this plant is considered a powerful remedy for overcoming demonic enemy power)
- "Fern flower";
- “hat”;
- “Key grass”;
- “Jump-grass” (magic grass in fairy tales, showing the way to buried treasures and breaking locks and constipations)
Botanists have guesses about what kind of herbs we are talking about, except for one - “jumping grass”. Legends say that Stenka Razin kept its leaves under his nails and therefore luck accompanied him in his robbery business. That's why he left so many treasures along the rivers.
\"Jump-grass\" removes magical power from any Razin treasure. So whoever reveals her secret will... The prospects of life will take your breath away.
*And one last thing. Western magicians believe: to prevent the curse of the enchanted treasure from passing on to the treasure hunter, the following ritual must be performed at the place where it is hidden. Draw a circle with a sharp knife, dipping it into holy water, encircling the place where the wealth is buried. Determine the cardinal directions using a compass and place a candle on each and say, bowing to each candle (starting from the north): “Four apostle-evangelists, keepers of God’s secrets - Matthew, Mark, Luke, John - cleanse this place from the spell placed on it.” . I can imagine how it will look from the outside, and woe to those people (their psyche) who see your eccentricities.
*If the treasure is in the wall, a circle is drawn on it (north is at the top).
Then, having taken out the treasure, they say the following words: “The Lord God is in front, the Guardian Angel is behind, the holy evangelists are on the sides, I will give you glory to the Heavenly Father! Protect me (name) with your strength from the devil’s machinations. Free this treasure from a heavy spell."
It is also recommended to read “Our Father” forty times after this before touching the chest, pot, or whatever else you get your hands on.
*And further:
- if these are some things, sprinkle them with holy water and hold them over the candle flame;
- if these are coins, heat them on fire;
- if precious stones, keep in running water for 24 hours;
- keep in the scorching sun for 24 hours;
- keep in salt water for 24 hours.
All these actions, according to psychics, help cleanse the found treasures of negative energy.
*Yes, one more warning, don’t try to swear when you’re digging for treasure. You never know what happens at work, a dirty word might slip through the cracks. They don’t like hoards of swear words; they go further into the ground.
When you take the treasure you found home, don’t forget to say: “Cheer!” Chur! Holy place. My treasure is shared with God.” Then your treasure will not be stolen, and it will serve your family well.

OBKhSS inspector, police major Mikhail Dudka, went fishing with friends in Kalinniki, and there he heard a conversation about the men of the village of Uguzevo selling gold coins of royal mintage. This aroused increased interest. On the way back, we slowed down a couple of kilometers from Uguzevo.
The village shepherd, after a treat from a flask, wiped his mustache and nodded his head - “There is some gold, only today the Zdrogovs are at the mowing, come the next day.” On Monday, Dudka turned to the head of the OBKhSS department, Vladimir Trofimov.

After listening to the story with the gold coins, the police colonel asked his favorite question - “What is the degree of probability...”? Having heard in response - “Ninety..., ninety-five,” the boss signed the travel allowance to the Birsky district, republic. For the purpose of secrecy, we drove a Moskvich car with civilian license plates. We slowed down on a hill. Under the crowing of roosters, pigs rubbed their sides against the rubble of the Village Council with a red flag.

Crooked fences, huts with dim windows. Kolkhoz goal. Uguzevo was no different from hundreds of other Soviet villages.

And where do the royal gold coins come from? For a minute, Dudka felt annoyed with himself and sadly exchanged glances with his assistant. In the village, the first surprise awaited them: the Zdrogovs live on one street, the Pestovs on the other. We divided the streets and started “work”. Dudka, in a suit and hat slightly pushed back on his head, stopped at the first gate. A woman came out into the yard with a bucket in her hand.

Criminal Bashkiria. Golden treasure
“Good morning, I’m coming to you from Ivan Petrovich, I would like to know about the coins...” - the first thing that came to mind, the OBKhSS inspector began to say. But there was no need to be particularly cunning.

The woman with the bucket - “all sorts of people walk around here” - waved her hand irritably towards the house with open windows. That was enough. Whistling his favorite tune - “The armor is strong and our tanks are fast,” the police major walked forward cheerfully. Two Zdrogov brothers met Dudka at his house. OBHSS inspector introduced himself as a financial inspector. “In any country there is a law on treasures...” - Dudka began the conversation in a kind tone, but the game of “cat and mouse” did not last long. “No, we didn’t find any coins or treasure,” answered the elder brother. And then, he left the house and left the younger one alone with the “financial inspector.”

From that moment it all began.
“Are you really from Ufa?”
“Financial inspector!?”
The young man narrowed his eyes - “Will you leave me one coin...”? Dudka winked his eye and shook his head. This was the beginning of a confidential conversation. And then everything happened, as if in a famous fairy tale. Ivanushka the fool got down from the stove, clapped his hands, and coins began to fall, not just ordinary ones, but gold ones.

Zdrogov Jr., with visible pride, took the poker, put it in the oven and a second later, with a heavy thud, he placed on the table a bag half filled with gold ducats.

Wow, you motherfucker!!!
Dudka couldn't believe his eyes. A fortune, you could build a club in the village or a stone bridge across the river!

The door creaked, the older brother returned and began to walk around the house like an animal in a cage. The younger continued to hold the iron poker in his hand. Dudka measured the distance to the open window with his gaze. But everything turned out peacefully. Emitting long and groaning sighs, as if his teeth were hurting, Zdrogov told where he got such wealth.

As the police found out, two married couples from the village of Uguzevo, the Zdrogovs and the Pestovs, contracted for earthworks in Ufa. A tractor is digging a trench along Kirov Street, and they are leveling it with shovels. We picked up a rusty metal pipe, and something glittered inside. They hit the asphalt and gold coins rolled in different directions in yellow splashes.
Queen of Heaven! Everything is like in a magical dream!
Whoever managed to collect as much as he could, then all the gold was his. One coin was donated to the Rubin store and received 700 rubles in money. We bought vodka and gifts. For the first time in my life, we hired a taxi and went home on the Volga.
Soon the whole village knew about the wealth of the Zdrogovs and Pestovs. Envying the treasure, someone remarked, “Nikolai, now you are the richest man in the world,” to which Zdrogov modestly replied, “No, no..., the richest man is the American Rockefeller.” They sold gold coins to traders, dental technicians, and Rubin, but they didn’t bother anymore, smart people warned that it was dangerous. The Pestovs were detained later, abandoning their entire household, they became completely overwhelmed and traveled around the south, throwing money around without counting.
This story happened in 1979. Of the hundred gold coins of the royal coinage, more than half were returned to state income.
The criminal case was being handled by investigator Ilmira Munirova. “Yes, there is happiness, but there is no intelligence,” says Ilmira Mavlyutovna, sadly and mockingly, as if disappointed. Due to the passage of time, she does not remember exactly what sentence the accused Zdrogovs and Pestovs received. Somewhere from three to five years of imprisonment in a general regime colony.

Dudka Mikhail Trofimovich was born on November 2, 1932 in the Kherson region of Ukraine. After 7 classes, I entered the mining and metallurgical technical school in Kerch. In 1950 he was drafted into the army (GDR), after graduating from the Kharkov school, he served as an officer in tank forces for five years. In 1960, after Khrushchev’s army reduction, he came to his wife’s homeland, Ufa. He worked as a milling machine operator at the 40th plant, and studied in absentia at the Faculty of Law.

Since 1964, inspector of the OBKhSS of the Ordzhonikidze District Department of Internal Affairs in Ufa. From 1970 to 1973, head of the Salavat OBKhSS. He served in the administration of the republic's OBKhSS, since 1979 the head of the OBKhSS of the Ordzhonikidze district. He retired in 1983 from the position of deputy. Head of the OBKhSS Oktyabrsky district of Ufa.
Police Lieutenant Colonel. Awarded medals and badge"Excellent police officer."

The Southern Urals have seen a lot. Archaeologists still never tire of being amazed by their finds here. After the famous royal Filippov burial mounds with gold in the Orenburg region, it seems that no rich treasures can be found. But is it?

Even the Scythians and Sarmatians, who lived in the Urals, amazed the world with an abundance of gold jewelry. Modern science after analyzing them, she proved that the precious metal is of Ural origin. The gold of the Riphean Mountains was described by ancient Greek historians. But all attempts to find its industrial deposits under Peter I yielded nothing. Gold suitable for such development was found after the reformer king. The first gold washing machine appeared in the Urals in 1823. There was so much gold that by 1913 Russia had firmly taken the leading place in the world in its production. There is still no data on how much gold was mined in the entire Urals. We are talking approximately 1200-1500 tons! The gold rush did not bypass the Bashkir Trans-Urals either. The prospectors worked conscientiously. From the declassified data it is clear that during the period of Soviet power alone, over ten tons of gold were mined in the zone annually.
If you carefully study the archives, you will find that nuggets were found quite often in the Trans-Urals. The last such case was noted in the late 80s of the twentieth century, when a machine operator at the Irandyksky state farm in the Baymak region, working in the field, found a nugget the size of a lamb’s head. As provided by law, the gold was transferred to the state. According to various sources, it was possible to determine that in the last century in the Trans-Ural region, nuggets weighing from a kilogram to a pound were found 17 times. There is simply no information about smaller details. Probably, their records were not kept documented. Here it must be especially said that in the old days gold nuggets were in great demand, since they were always of interest to those who boasted of their wealth. Large breeders, like Demidov, even had collections of nuggets.
The countless riches of other Urals people can be judged by the number of legends and traditions about it. It is characteristic that popular rumor connects the origin of the wealth of industrialists exclusively with dishonest means. And, as punishment for this, with the death of the owners. But before going to the next world, the hero manages to hide his ill-gotten gains. So legends and traditions are a kind of guides to treasures. They often provide specific geographical names, people who actually lived are mentioned, there are signs in the area that can supposedly be used to find the treasure. Here is one of the typical plots. I heard a story in several versions that in the vicinity of the village of Irgizly on the Belaya River there is Mount Pugacheva, named after the leader of the peasant uprising. And allegedly it was in it that, fleeing the people’s anger, the manager of the Voznesensky plant buried his gold, escaping from the troops of Emelyan Pugachev. To believe or not to believe?
But the stories provide details. In particular, the fact that the Voznesensky copper smelter, built in 1754 at the mouth of the Irgizla River, worked on imported ore - it was delivered on horses from Tubinsk. The factory clerk Kopeikin (such a person really existed), having learned about the approach of the Pugachevites, drove forced people to the slope of a steep mountain to cut down trees and throw them on the heads of the “robbers”...
In a word, historically this popular rumor is quite reliable. There is no doubt that the breeders fiercely hated Pugachev, who deprived them of their wealth, and tried to hide everything in a safe place ahead of time. In this regard, it should be especially emphasized that Pugachev’s troops were not able to take them by surprise. As a rule, they encountered well-organized defense of factory settlements. Considering that at that time there were strong tensions with the roads in the Urals, the factory owners could not take out their wealth ahead of time, without publicity, when there was popular unrest all around. All that was left was to hide. It is known that Pugachev and his associates also did not take the entire treasury with them - they necessarily hid part of it.

If we trace the topic of treasures in the Southern Urals from available sources (primarily library collections), we will discover an unexpected paradox - a discrepancy between the number of oral folk legends passed down from generation to generation and the number “officially” reflected in literature. In order not to bore the reader with a list of the publications I have studied on this subject, I will refer to only one, but, I think, the most striking example.
Bashkirs are the indigenous inhabitants of the Urals. They have good historical roots, in the traditions of the people oral creativity. From it one can find out with sufficient reliability, without even resorting to special chronicles, many historical events. The matter is greatly facilitated by the fundamental multi-volume collection “Bashkir Folk Art” published in Ufa at the end of the last century.
An entire volume (the second), volume of 572 pages, is devoted to traditions and legends. Some legends and traditions are even given in two or three versions. The volume is supplied with a very useful index of motifs. In it, in the section “Peasant War of 1773-1775” there is “Treasures of Salavat and Pugachev”. Two legends are indicated - in the volume they are numbered 275 and 299: “The Mari in the army of Salavat” and “Salavat and Baltas”. Actually, the treasures are said extremely sparingly, in just a few lines. In the first legend we read: “...I was an eighteen-year-old guy at that time. Very violent riots began. The people rose up and began to destroy the boyars. I also joined the rebels. After some time they merged with Salavat’s army. Through Katav, Uzen, Lakly, Yylanli, Vakir, Karabashshar they came to Kigi. From there they went to Kazan. Three cartloads of silver coins were buried in Karabashshary.” In the second legend: “After the departure of Pugachev’s army in the direction of Kazan, Salavat took command. The treasury also passed into his hands. He ordered to hide government money in the forest, in the hollows of trees, in order to use it later, during new battles.”
Almost every Bashkir family has numerous legends and traditions about treasures. How it happened that in the fundamental code “Bashkir Folk Art” this is essentially a failure - a mystery. Probably, the ideological moment worked. About treasures from the times of Stepan Razin, Emelyan Pugachev in Soviet period Very little was reported publicly (through books, magazines, newspapers), although rumors about them not only among the Bashkirs, but also among the Russians, Tatars, Chuvash, Mari... But even in the Bolshoi Soviet encyclopedia“There is not a word about this. It turns out that everything is at the level of people's memory. Although this is a matter of national importance. It is possible that along with gold and money, documents that could have sensational value for science were also left in the treasures.

The situation with treasures on the global Internet is completely different than in literature (including magazines and newspapers), where gigabytes of information for every taste are devoted to this topic. Just don't be lazy to look. Having a lot of time, I couldn’t track down even a small amount of information here. Even having simplified the task to the limit (searching only in treasures from the time of Emelyan Pugachev and only in the Southern Urals), I received such a volume on the monitor that I could even defend my Ph.D. thesis! There is clearly an increased interest in the electronic world towards hitherto undiscovered treasures in Bashkortostan and its neighboring regions. The Internet also has its own paradox. The point is that with the abundance of information about the possible locations of treasures, the source of the original information is often unclear. By comparing similar texts on different sites, you can still get to the bottom of it. And then unexpected surprises await.
It turns out that the West is very actively looking at undiscovered treasures in Russia. On foreign sites there are even detailed maps! On them, crosses and circles mark places in Russia where treasures may be found. Everything looks very solid. And it seems that the only thing that stops Western treasure diggers is the unpredictability of the behavior of the Russian authorities, where they easily change laws or make so many various amendments to them that the original essence is turned upside down...
Be that as it may, serious structures are not engaged in searching for treasures in Russia. This is the work of rare amateurs. Archaeologists are also on the sidelines, preferring to conduct only scientific work. There are also geologists, but for the second decade in a row they have intractable financial problems. Individual enthusiasts need not be taken into account. Without expensive special treasure hunting equipment, you can only rely on random luck. We need systematic, long-term searches, when the territory is carefully examined square by square. And for example, here are some legends that I “caught” on the Internet (http://metallsearch. chat.ru).
In the early 1840s, two young men, brothers Alexander and Stepan Gusev, traveled from their Gusevsky farm to Orenburg and on the way stopped to spend the night in the village of Sinegorka. When they unharnessed the horses and went into the hut, they saw a blind old woman lying on the stove. She learned from the dialect that the Gusev Mosols (the descendants of the serfs of the breeder Mosolov were called Mosols) and asked:
- Are you from Kananikolsky?
- No, we are from the Gusevsky farm.
- Is it on Little Ik, near the mouth of the Yamashly river?
- Right! How, grandma, do you know?
- When I was young, I went with Pugachev and was his cook. When the Sakmara Cossacks were chasing us on the road to Irgizla, Pugachev ordered gold to be buried on the left bank of the Yamashly, near the mouth. After all, the bar took a lot of gold. It, tea, and now lies in the ground...
As you can see, in this story we can easily recognize modern territories Zilairsky and Kugarchinsky districts of Bashkortostan. By the way, people really have a lot of legends about Pugachev’s treasures. They talk about treasures hidden near the former fortress of Rassypnaya ( Orenburg region), in Dikova Balka, in the vicinity of Tatishchev, in Lake Vanna... Unfortunately, many names in legends have changed over more than two centuries. But this is not the only difficulty. The landscape looks different now. Only comprehensive research can lead to the trail of missing treasures. But will such research ever be undertaken in the Southern Urals? And who will sponsor expensive events? It is clear that it is not our state. What about treasures in the West?
According to the Washington Post newspaper, every year in the United States specially organized expeditions find 20-30 large treasures. In the twentieth century, the total amount of treasures discovered in America was estimated at one and a half billion dollars! In the West, treasure hunting is put on a modern technical basis - industry produces various electronic equipment. Since 1950 (with the massive search for the missing gold of Nazi Germany), about $700 million worth of it has been produced in the United States alone. It turns out that treasure hunting is a whole industry there!

Chandar, a mysterious ancient map

The village itself did not have any historical value until Professor Chuvyrov discovered a mysterious stone slab there in 1999. It is a relief map made by representatives of an unknown highly developed civilization about 50 million years ago.
The plate depicts the area from the Ufa Upland to the present-day city of Salavat. It even depicts the bottom of the rivers of that time. And now Bashkir diggers note that the area is also fraught with some mystical mysteries. According to them, otherworldly voices are periodically heard there and shadows appear out of nowhere.

“They told me that when you come to Chandar, you can’t say that all this is nonsense, otherwise something bad will happen. I didn’t listen and said right there that it was all bullshit and nothing like it existed. When we were leaving the village, fog suddenly began, in which we saw the outlines of a truck that we almost flew into. Unfortunately, from Chandar’s photographs, only the sign indicating the entrance was photographed, since inside the village my camera refused to work for unknown reasons,” writes Ufa resident Vladislav Zubarev.
Where: Nurimanovsky district


Each region, like a person, is unique and inimitable. I was born and raised in Bashkiria and I want to talk about my land, which has a special attractive force, a unique, fascinating nature and still conceals many mysteries. And I hope that once you get to know this land, you will love these places and want to come here again and again.
One of the most beautiful corners of the republic is the northeastern part of the Trans-Urals - Uchalinsky and Abzelilovsky districts. The map shows that this territory lies in the east and the sun begins its daily journey across Bashkiria from here

The region of Bashkortostan is named after the people living on this territory. The word Bashkir comes from the ethnonym Bashkort in the meaning bash - “main, main” and kor (t) - “clan, tribe” (R. G. Kuzeeva). According to 18th-century researchers V.N. Tatishchev, P.I. Rychkov, I.G. Georgi, the word Bashkort means “main wolf.” In 1847, local historian V.S. Yumatov wrote that Bashkort means “beekeeper, owner of bees.” This interpretation of the meaning of the word “Bashkort” is associated with beekeeping (beekeeping) developed in this territory.
Here, every piece of land has its own history, and the nature is pure and pristine. And every person who finds himself in these parts has the opportunity to feel its true spirit, to “hear” first-hand the legends of the old-timers - the larches, whose age reaches 800 years.

"Golden Rivers" and Mirror Lakes

Back in the 19th century, placer (mine) gold was mined in the Trans-Ural region. Mining was carried out along the valleys of the rivers Daryuly, Yrgaida, Orsk, Iremel, Ural and many others. According to an expert in these regions, geologist Basyr Magadeev, grains of the precious metal can be found in almost any mountain river. Gold is everywhere, just be able to see it

D custom of gold by miners (Chalino Museum of History and Local Lore)

There are many legends associated with this natural wealth that exist among the local population. Many people wonder how gold was found here before? It is not given to everyone. Legends tell about a golden mare.
“There lived in a village a young guy - an orphan shepherd. And one day he saw a golden mare at the well. He went out to gather the herd and looked - she was standing there, raising her head. It was just dawn and everything was clearly visible. The shepherd is watching, but is afraid to come closer. She was pure gold, neighed quietly and disappeared. And it was so outlandish that the guy wondered if he had imagined it. I walked around the pasture all day, and the terrain in the Trans-Urals is mountainous. And on the same day, a shepherd found a nugget in a ravine - the size of a fist.

View of the Belaya River from the mountain, Bashkiria

People said that he was not the only one who saw this mare. And always the one who saw it either found the nugget or hit the vein.

In addition to the “golden” rivers, the treasury of the northeastern Trans-Urals contains many lakes, more than sixty of them. Most of them contain healing mud-sapropel in their sludge. It is used in medicine for mud therapy, as soil fertilizer and as mineral additives in livestock feed.

Between the village of Mikhailovskoye and the state farm “Red Bashkiria”, in a small depression lies Lake Muldakkul (Muldak; Bashk. Muldak kul, salt lake). There is practically nothing in it, but its water has a healing effect on the human body.

Lake Kuldybai (at the northern foot of the Kutantau ridge)

The most famous lake of this land is Yaktykul (Yaktykul, Yaktykul, Mauyzzi, Bashk. Yaҡty kul - “bright lake”), also known as “Bannoe”. According to legend, Emelyan Pugachev ordered his troops to “bath” before the battle, that is, to wash themselves in the alkaline water of Yaktykul. Today this lake and its surroundings are a favorite vacation spot. There are sanatoriums and recreation centers here, and there is also a ski center on Mount Bashmak.

Mountain riches of the Trans-Urals

One of the main natural attractions of these places is the Iremel mountain complex, where the second largest peak of the Southern Urals is located. Iremel - “Sacred (mountain)” from the Bashkir-Tatar words yrym - “spell”, “witchcraft”, yrymly - “bewitched”, “bewitched”.

View of Big Iremel from the Avalyak ridge

It is believed that Iremel has unique energy. And the water in the rivers and streams that originate on the mountain gives energy and strength to a person. Locals They believe that the mountain helps to achieve their cherished goals.
Every year a huge number of tourists come here with the cherished goal of climbing the mountain, recharging their energy and dreaming what they want.

The land of the northeast Trans-Urals is rich in manganese, jasper and marble. One could only guess about these riches until deposits of marbled limestone were discovered in the vicinity of the villages of Ryskuzhino, Amangildino and Utyaganovo. There is so much marble here, experts say, that it will last for decades, and its color is completely unique - its analogues can only be found in the depths of the Republic of South Africa.

Bakty Ridge (adjacent to the Iremel mountain range in the east)

Origin of the Bashkirs in the Trans-Urals

The question of the origin of the Bashkirs in the Trans-Urals has long been of interest to scientists. The accumulated archaeological material suggests that the penetration of Bashkir tribes into this land occurred long before our era. In the Uchalinsky district alone, 44 ancient human sites were discovered.

At the beginning of our era, early Bashkirs lived here, about whom legends said that they were immigrants from the Syr Darya, from the ancient homeland of the Bashkirs - the Aral Sea region, Kazakhstan.

In the 13th century AD. e. These lands were conquered by the Mongol-Tatar troops. At the same time, Genghis Khan lost too much “manpower” here and refused to go deeper into the territory.

The main part of Bashkiria joined the Russian state in 1557. But representatives of the Tabyn tribe remained loyal to the Siberian Khan Kusem, refusing to obey the Russian Tsar. Only after half a century of bloody wars, the Bashkirs of Trans-Urals joined the Russian state.

The future of Trans-Urals

Every year interest in these places only increases. This is due both to the development of mining and the natural beauty of the area.

But tourism in these parts is not yet very widely developed, and many people have yet to get acquainted with this wonderful corner of the planet: meet a picturesque sunrise, swim in the cleanest lakes, feast on fresh fish and feel the energy of these places. And these regions have something to surprise and delight guests!

In the Bashkir steppe

What a distance! What space!
In the steppe, as in the sky, the gaze drowns,
And the thought flies after him,
And there is no barrier around her.

There is a green ocean all around.
On it, like a wave, a mound froze,
And everywhere, with the foam of stormy waters,
Silver feather grass blooms.

Sometimes, like the wind,
Bashkir will ride on a horse...
A flock of sheep... A chain of wagon trains...
Aul... And there is still the same steppe,
Still the same breadth, still the same distance,
All the same rivers are living steel...
Here is a kingdom of clear silence,
Here is the bed of northern spring.
(Fedorov A.M.)

The places where ancient treasures are hidden were indicated to Komsomolskaya Pravda by a candidate of geographical sciences, a researcher at the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, one of the authors of the world’s first encyclopedia “Secrets underworld» Yuri Suprunenko [video]

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There are legendary treasures that are sometimes searched for hundreds of years and cannot be found. Although the places where they were kept seem to be well known. They are mentioned in ancient chronicles, their existence is confirmed by legends that people pass on from generation to generation. Kings, princes, and robbers hid their treasures in underground tunnels, caves, quarries, along river banks and on mountain tops. Legends are legends, but it seems that all ancient treasures are “charmed” or as if guarded by evil spirits. At least this is the only way to explain why many of the underground secrets still remain unsolved. Or are there no brave souls? So, the treasures may still be waiting to be discovered...

1. ...on Vagankovsky Hill (Moscow) On Vagankovsky Hill rises the Pashkov House, on the territory of which the oprichnina court of Ivan the Terrible was once located. According to some researchers, not only were secret underground shelters built here, in which the treasury of the Moscow Grand Dukes was kept in case of fires and where the Tsar’s opponents were tortured and killed, but there was also an entrance to the legendary underground Moscow. The first time we came across these galleries was during the construction of the Biblioteka metro station. V. I. Lenin ". The builders opened up a passage lined with ancient bricks. Unfortunately, archaeologists were not allowed to excavate it and the entrance was hastily cemented. Only in the 1980s, at the request of the Moscow Center for Archaeological Research, detailed geophysical research was carried out. And under the building, instruments revealed a strange anomaly. The pits made above it revealed a unique archaeological site - a huge well lined with white stone with a diameter of 8 meters and a depth of about 15 meters. According to geophysical instruments, the total depth of the strange well, along the walls of which the remains of a spiral staircase could be seen, was 25 - 30 meters. It is assumed that, most likely, this is the entrance to the underground systems of ancient Moscow. It seemed that a little more - and the researchers would reach the bottom of the mysterious well, from which underground galleries diverge in all directions, one of which could be the beginning of new discoveries. But... the clearing work was interrupted, and the secret of the well was never revealed. 2. ...in Staritsky quarries (Tver region) The ancient Holy Dormition Monastery is located on the Starchenka River. Local speleologists claim that the quarries located underneath stretch for more than 35 kilometers. And once they were so wide that a team of horses could drive into them, but today they have turned into narrow cracks.

Judging by historical documents, in these catacombs you can find many treasures. The fact is that in the “troubled” XV-XVI centuries, local princes hid their treasury there whenever danger arose. And when Staritsa was surrounded by stone walls, some quarries were connected to the underground hiding places of princely houses. So, for example, according to some information, a fortress cache 53 meters long went from under the Tainitskaya tower to the Volga. And passing under the river, he led to the other bank to the Assumption Monastery. There, according to legend, the valuables of Prince Andrei Ivanovich may be kept, who hid them in 1537 before traveling to Moscow, from where he did not return. In the capital, Ivan the Terrible's mother Elena Glinskaya starved him to death in prison. There may also be the treasury of Prince Vladimir, which he hid in 1569, also before his trip to Moscow, from where he also did not return - Ivan the Terrible poisoned him. Some seekers suggest that Staritsy may also contain part of the library of Ivan the Terrible himself, who often visited these parts. In addition, church treasures may be hidden in the catacombs, hidden from the looting of the monastery after the 1917 revolution. 3. ...on the Khvorostyanka River (near Mozhaisk)“I sent 923 carts from Moscow with various goods to the Kaluga Gate to Mozhaisk...” - this is how the text of the “treasury record” begins, compiled, according to legend, in the Time of Troubles (early 1600s) by the Polish king Sigismund.

The original of this recording, executed on a "copper board" in Latin and Polish, is located in Warsaw. A secretly made list from it, translated into Russian, is distributed among Russian treasure hunters. The fact is that in 1611 the Poles sacked Moscow. And, according to Karamzin, “they robbed the royal treasury, took all the utensils of our ancient crown-bearers, their crowns, wands, vessels, rich clothes, to send to Sigismund... they tore off the frames from the icons, divided the gold, silver, pearls, stones and fabrics precious." It was these “trophies” that made up 923 carts of goods that were buried near Mozhaisk. But, despite the fact that the letter of the Polish king indicates quite clear signs of the buried treasure - “the treasures are hidden 650 meters from the churchyard of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Lapotny, which stands on the Khvorostyanka River at the junction of Mozhaisk and Medyn districts” - they have not yet been found .

4. ...in the estate of Count Rostopchin (Podolsk region) In 1800, Count Governor-General of Moscow Fyodor Rostopchin lived in the Voronovo estate, which was nicknamed “little Versailles” for its wealth.

Marble statues for the park were brought here from Italy. Furniture, antique vases, porcelain, silver, and paintings were brought from Paris, Rome, and London. During the war with Napoleon on September 19, 1812, the Russian army, whose headquarters was located near Voronovo, in the village of Krasnaya Pakhra, retreated. And Rostopchin demonstratively set fire to his palace so as not to leave anything for the French. But after the war, rumors spread that the count’s treasures were safely hidden in the underground labyrinths of the estate. In the 1980s, during renovations at the Voronovo estate, builders actually came across the remains of an underground passage. They tried to walk along them, but the vaults seemed unreliable, and the entrance to the dungeon was blocked with earth. 5. ...in Kudeyarova Gora (Saratov region) Until now, in the Saratov region there are many legends, epics and songs about the dashing robber Kudeyar, who “pampered” in these places. They say that he shed a lot of blood, collected considerable booty and buried it in a treasured place.

The searchers for the robbers' treasures along the Alatyr River raised the whole earth on end. However, most often treasure hunters turn their attention to the cave of Kudeyarova Mountain, not far from the village of Lokh. It is believed that it was in it that the robber hid his treasures. According to another version, to the east of Shatura (Moscow region), in the area of ​​lakes Karasovo, Dolgoye and Velikoye, there is a mysterious place called Voruy-gorodok, where the legendary chieftain could also once hide his treasures.

6. ...at the bottom of Lake Baikal Admiral Alexander Kolchak in the years Civil War was one of the leaders of the White movement. "Kolchak's Gold" - part of the gold reserve Russian Empire, which ended up in Baikal as a result of a train crash in 1919 - the road was blown up. In 2009, they tried to find 200 tons of gold bars using deep-sea vehicles"World". But to no avail.

7. ...in Mount Shapka ( Far East) At the confluence of the Zavitaya River with the Amur there is a mountain, which the local population called Shapka. Previously, at the confluence of these rivers there was a capital ancient state Jurgens. In the 12th century, the Jurgen tribes conquered all the northern and northeastern provinces of China. They robbed and killed everyone indiscriminately. In Beijing they ran the market, trading pearls and gold. But under the pressure of Genghis Khan’s troops, the Jurgens joined the hordes of the Mongols and went to Central Asia and Europe. And, according to legend, they hid their countless treasures in Mount Shapka.

8. ...Rastorguev House (Ekaterinburg) In the center of the city on Voznesenskaya Hill stands the Palace of Children and Youth Creativity. Previously, this was the estate of the famous gold miner Lev Rastorguev. In the mid-19th century, deep dungeons were dug under the house. At first they served as chapels for Old Believers, and then Rastorguev began to store gold there, brought from the mines that belonged to him. He mercilessly killed all the uninitiated who were able to find out where the treasures were kept, and the corpses were walled up in underground labyrinths. In the 1960s, several kids climbed into an old woodshed near the palace and dug up a metal ring in the floor. They pulled it - and a hatch leading to the dungeon opened. When they went downstairs, they saw chained to the wall human skeletons, wrapped in chains. Panic arose, and by decision of the authorities, the entrance to the tunnel was blocked with stones. But Rastorguev’s gold has still not been found.

And near Yekaterinburg, in a cave on the Chusovaya River, Emelyan Pugachev hid the chests in which his personal treasury was located.

9. ...on the island of Matua (Sakhalin) During World War II, Allied aircraft bombed Pacific Ocean everything that belonged to Japan bypassed uninhabited Matua. And when the war ended, President Truman turned to Stalin with an unexpected request - to provide the United States with Matua.

Why was America so attracted to this island located in the center of the Kuril ridge? During the war, the Japanese turned it into an impregnable fortress. And in 1945 it went to the USSR. It was riddled length and breadth with artificial caves. In one of them - the largest - a submarine could easily hide. Numerous pillboxes, hangars, and an airfield were built. But, according to experts, all these striking grandiose structures are only the visible part of the Japanese secret underground fortress. Some researchers suggest that there are secret laboratories there that developed secret weapons that were never used during the war. Others believe that Japan's gold reserves are hidden there. 10. ...in Kladovaya Mountain (Penza region) Near the town Bednodemyanovsk(founded in 1779) there is a low mountain Kladovaya. Inside it, according to rumors from the local population, there are many caves in which robbers at the end of the 18th century hid looted gold. That’s why the mountain was named Kladovaya.

And in the Volga and Moksha rivers (Penza region) and on their banks Stepan Razin hid treasures. FROM THE KP DOSSIER Where else are the treasures hidden? BELARUS. The residence of the Radziwill magnates in Nesvizh was a real fortress with many underground secret passages leading from the palace. In one of the underground vaults, “there was hundreds of pounds worth of gold, a lot of gold jewelry,” as one of her ambassadors reported in a letter to Empress Catherine II. There were even human-sized figures of the twelve apostles, cast in gold and silver. All this disappeared at the beginning of the 19th century during the Napoleonic wars. The Radziwills' treasures are still being sought to this day without success. According to one legend, the princely treasure is located in a huge tunnel more than 35 kilometers long, which in the 17th century connected two Radziwill castles - Nesvizh and Mir. According to another version, the repository is located in Nesvizh under the palace itself or the galleries adjacent to it. UKRAINE . Ukrainian tycoon Prince Jeremiah Vishnevetsky hid his treasures in the city of Lubny (present-day Poltava region in Ukraine) in underground tunnels that lie at a depth of 3 to 7 meters. In addition, at the bottom of the Black Sea, not far from Balaklava Bay, since the time Crimean War lies the ship "Black Prince", stuffed, according to various sources, from 500 thousand to 5 million pounds sterling. GEORGIA. On the slopes of Mount Kazbek at an altitude of 4100 meters there is a hard-to-reach Betlani cave. According to legend, Georgian kings hid their treasures in it. KYRGYZSTAN. The treasures of Genghis Khan are kept at the bottom of Lake Issyk-Kul or in the Kurmentinskaya cave. CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA. Treasure chests are hidden on islands in the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and Skeleton Island near Spyglass Hill. There is information that on the shores of Cuba and the Dominican Republic the treasures of such famous sea robbers as Francis Drake, Henry Morgan, Thomas Baskerville, and Francois Lecrerque are still kept.

FRANCE. The Templars hid gold in secret cellars of their castles. There were 9 thousand of them in 1327. JORDAN. On the coast of the Dead Sea on the Jordanian side, in one of the hills there is a cave where, according to legend, a treasure with 20 tons of gold and silver is kept. SEYCHELLES ISLANDS. The famous “gentlemen of fortune” - Captain Kidd and the pirate La Buse - hid the looted jewelry there.

ACTION "KP" And "Komsomolskaya Pravda" took on the search for Napoleon's treasure! In the fall of 1812, when Napoleon's army left sacked Moscow, it took with it 200 carts of gold. But along the way, the convoy mysteriously disappeared. It was hard to escape from Russian soldiers with 80 tons of treasure. And it was decided to hide the convoy. Where is unknown. Today, historians point to five supposed places for the treasure: near Orsha, Vilnius, in the Berezina River, on Lake Semlyovskoye. Or about 300 kilometers from Moscow, away from the Smolensk road, in the triangle between Yelnya, Kaluga and Smolensk. Soon “Komsomolskaya Pravda” will go to those places on an expedition (see “KP” “It became known where Napoleon’s treasure is buried” and Napoleon’s treasure is hidden in five places?).

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Napoleon's treasure is hidden in five places. Historians confirm: a convoy with gold existed. And he really disappeared. Svetlana KUZINA

21.09.2013 08:00:00

It’s an amazing thing - even in our age of high technology, Skolkovo and spaceships, plowing the expanses of the Universe, there are places where nature remains almost untouched by man.

Just 25 kilometers from Meleuz is the village of Voskresenskoye. It also remembers Emelyan Pugachev and his broken gang, who with joy and cheerful whooping hanged landowners and robbed their family estates. At this place, Pugachev ordered the construction of a factory that cast cannons for his troops.

Years have passed, the plant is now completely destroyed, only a few walls remain. Driving by, I always wonder why the local authorities don’t restore the plant to its original form? Why don’t they make a kind of mecca here for historians of all ranks and stripes? You can develop an entire historical complex and call it, for example, “Through Pugachev’s places” or “Pugachev and his associates: Salavat Yulaev and Kinzya Arslanov - a phased reconstruction of events.” Who's stopping?

Driving here one day, I noticed the many hills that rose here and there. They were even in the middle of sown fields. That is, imagine - a huge field planted with, say, rye, and in the middle of it is a hefty untouched hill.

What is this? - I once asked my guides. - Why aren’t these hills simply leveled with tractors?

They explained to me that the hills are the burial places of the Pugachevites. And since ancient times, there has been a tradition of not touching these burials. It’s only surprising (at least, it’s not clear to me due to my upbringing) how they still manage to plant grain near these burial grounds. It's like there's no more room.

Treasures have been found here for the third century. The dashing henchmen of the self-proclaimed Peter III buried their bloody gold here, hoping to return someday, but they never returned. But real treasures are, of course, rare. But royal coins, bayonets, daggers are a very common occurrence. Almost every resident of Voskresensky found Catherine’s nickels, blackened by time.

It’s strange that few residents of Bashkiria know that there is a wonderful museum in this village. It houses works by artists who were evacuated from Moscow during the Great Patriotic War. They organized an art school in the village, which still exists today. Perhaps, in terms of famous names in the world of painting, only Nesterovsky in Ufa can compete with this museum. Another trick for the authorities of the Meleuzovsky district to attract tourists! But for some reason no one is itching, no one needs anything.

I started this column with nature and will end with it. Now, in the fall, there are no mushrooms in the local forests. Get tired of salting. Animals here are not even afraid of humans. Several times, for example, during haymaking... a moose came out to me. Without being afraid or frightened (I got cold feet, of course - such a huge thing).

Do you know what I thought? Still, there are no fools in Meleuz. They are doing the right thing in not attracting tourists here. They’ll come and mess everything up, destroy it, break it, level it...

No, stay at home!

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